#cedric k ros
ignotarts · 1 month
"Phantomhive Family"
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liusia-piu · 11 months
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abybweisse · 1 year
Why I think Undertaker has to be Cedric, revisited
At this point in the series, I'm a bit surprised how many in the fandom not just don't see him as Cedric K. Ros-- but actually rail against the idea.
So, here's a long, somewhat thorough overview of the situational and physical clues that he's Cedric, the father of Vincent and Francis/Frances.
Situational hints
How he cries over the details of Vincent's death. Not just that he died but what became of his remains. I'd cry over my dead son, too, especially if I had the ability to reanimate corpses but his body was destroyed by fire so that I couldn't do that. Let alone the fact his cinematic records were destroyed, so I not only couldn't make a bizarre doll of him, but I couldn't even review his memories to see what happened right before he died. This ties in with what he later says about not wanting to lose any more Phantomhives. But it strongly suggests that whoever set the fire did so specifically to thwart the efforts of a grim reaper. Whoever did that either knew Undertaker was a reaper or was at least following the instructions of someone who knew.
The whole not wanting to lose more Phantomhives thing. Claudia/Cloudia is gone, and so is Vincent. Reanimating real Ciel is the best he can do to not let the older twin go. He tried to destroy Sebastian to release our earl "Ciel" from their demon contract and might try again. Makes you wonder just how many Phantomhives he's really lost already. As well as where others might still be alive. What exactly was his business in France? 🤔
Even his odd comment to our earl (before the attack) that he wasn't sure which twin this was... but that it didn't matter because they were both Phantomhives. Instead of seeing an heir and a spare, he saw them equally. At least he did then. I suspect he now sees our earl as a spare soul... or conversely sees real Ciel as a spare body. I guess both could be true, making them still essentially equal in his eyes. Again, this could be another attempt to save our earl from Sebastian. By putting our earl's soul into the unmarked body of real Ciel, that might void the contract... unless the seal on our earl's eye also somehow affected his soul. 🤔 Anyway. I digress, since that gets into a separate theory discussion.
Standing in to help young Mr. Pitt take a photo of the twins. That's right after telling our earl it doesn't matter which twin he is. Then the other twin and Mr. Pitt arrive, the latter holding a new camera. It's odd that Mr. Pitt would ask a non-relative of the kids (besides a nanny) to help stage the photo, though Pitt is perhaps the non-traditionalist anyway. Undertaker seems like he's shocked to be asked, but he also seems amused. Mr. Pitt likely doesn't even suspect Undertaker is the twins' paternal grandfather, otherwise he might have seen it as a scoop, á la "LOWLY UNDERTAKER IS SIRE TO PROMINENT NOBLE FAMILY" or something equally scandalous. Because undertakers were considered low class citizens. So, Undertaker acts shocked but complies with giddy delight. By asking Undertaker to help stage the photo, he has likely, unwittingly asked a relative of the boys, which would be considered completely appropriate for the time period.
How he treats the Midfords. He recognizes Lizzie's talents and skill with a sword, otherwise he wouldn't have wanted her at Sphere Music Hall as a protector of the lords of the stars, while he kept them and Blavat hidden away. So he probably had Blavat bring her into the cult. Undertaker might see some of himself in Lizzie, but he definitely sees it in Frances/Francis, and I don't just mean physically. Both women fight in a similar manner as he does: highly skillful and graceful. Idk what he thinks of Edward, but I know he got a great laugh from watching the Phantom Five (including Edward) perform onstage. He doesn't interact much, if at all, with Alexis, who isn't a Phantomhive.
What he says to Francis/Frances, as well as how she responds. Again, he hardly acknowledges Alexis' existence, but Undertaker speaks directly with "Lady Phantomhive". That's really important because she's married into the Midford family and hasn't gone by her maiden name in many years. As long as Edward is old plus at least a bit longer, since she strikes me as too proper for a shotgun wedding, even if she weren't a noble. So, he sets her apart from her husband because she was born a Phantomhive. He doesn't want to lose her, either, because she is her mother's daughter. Then, when she nervously states he hasn't changed in roughly four years, he pokes fun at the fact he hasn't changed in a much longer time frame. He says her birth, over 30 years ago, seems like just yesterday. She's sweating bullets, and it's not just his creepy vibes. She knows he means it -- that 30-some-odd years is nothing to him... and that he very specifically recalls her birth. I'm pretty sure she knows he's her father, and she's horribly embarrassed by the fact. Alexis doesn't have a clue about it, and she'd rather keep it that way. But what he says strongly implies that he was present at her birth. Maybe down the hall, like Vincent was when his sons were born, but there... and just as anxious and excited and proud.
How the years for Cedric's birth and death dates are hidden by a speech bubble. Cloudia/Claudia's dates are fully shown because she's a regular human being. Well... a human, anyway. But if Undertaker is Cedric, then the birth and death dates for him would be from when he was a human, before he committed suicide and was sentenced to serve out his punishment as a reaper. That death date could be decades or even centuries before Cloudia/Claudia was even born. Remember that this family tree isn't one prepared by humans; it's part of the dossier that the German reapers have for our earl. The focus is purely biological ancestry, not marriages. Cloudia/Claudia and Cedric don't have to be married to be on this family tree; he is biologically the father of both Vincent and Francis/Frances.
Physical hints
He looks a lot like Francis/Frances and Edward. And Yana-san tweeted years ago that Francis and Edward look like Cedric. Here's a comparison between Edward and Undertaker. Here's one between Francis/Frances and Undertaker.
The place on his right where his hair has a long braid seems to match up with Lizzie's and Francis/Frances' right side locks that tend to stick out. He's got it tucked behind his right ear, but the braid might originate from the same spot. If Lizzie and her mother pushed those locks back, behind their right ears, the placement would be the same as Undertaker's braid.
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He has the exact same baby hairs at the nape of his neck as Lizzie and Francis/Frances. They might be a bit shorter, but they are definitely there. Here's an old post about it. Edward possibly does, too, and we could tell if his hair was grown out and pulled up, but his hair is short and a bit shaggy on the nape of his neck, so we can't be sure.
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bibyshitsuji24k · 1 year
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Undertaker cosplaying Undertaker [wwe]
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amethystroselily · 1 month
Ok the Undertaker being Vincent’s dad theory is really funny to me, so here’s how I think it could possibly work.
Undertaker was a reaper 70 years ago and seems properly obsessed with the phantomhive family as a whole, and met Vincent later on in his life, so I really don’t think he was married to Claudia. Plus Claudia and Vincent’s father didn’t have the same last name, so whoever he was I doubt they were married (perhaps having to do with Claudia trying to keep her title or something). So I think he had some deep attachment to a previous Phatomhive lord (perhaps he was a servant), but then the earl died or something, and then he killed himself, becoming a reaper. Then maybe he was monitoring the family for years and they kept dying so he snapped and went rogue, maybe his experiments kept failing, so then he was like woah maybe as a reaper I should see what mixing my dna in would do (probably a rule about not fraternizing with humans to avoid this), and around then the current Phatomhive family head is a woman so like great time to test it out, then maybe the relationship fell apart because of some sort of respectability she had to maintain or they were busy or something and she didn’t want him around her kids anymore, then years later undertaker gets back to stalking the phatomhives once his son is the new earl.
Maybe he wanted to use Vincent’s body because he had a higher concentration of reaperness, but then he lost the corpse (maybe bc fire, maybe bc Vincent isn’t actually dead) so he’s using ciel instead.
Also I’ve seen the theory Francis was involved in Vincent’s death, and maybe that’s why he doesn’t seem particularly invested in her side of the family. Perhaps sibling feuds are a long tradition in the Phantomhive family and it makes him think of a previous one and that’s why he keeps getting so involved.
The way Othello talked about Undertaker made him sound like he was a lot like Francis when he was younger, and I think the idea of Francis looking down on this random strange man who worked with her brother and him turning out to be her father whom she takes after in both looks and personality is so interesting.
Also I personally think he like stole some of Othello’s research on resurrection on his way out and that’s where all the tension is coming from. Because obviously Othello can’t tell Grell that, so he has to skirt around it, but there’s obviously something more going on between him and undertaker.
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biby-24k · 1 year
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Undertaker cosplaying Undertaker
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adhd-mess · 1 year
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If the UT being Cedric K. Ros— is correct this is how I picture the Francis flashback(if she gets one & if the theory is correct)
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plague-of-insomnia · 9 months
Just wanted to pop in & say you’re a big reason I’m still in this fandom and I think your awesome ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I also wanted to ask if you think Frances and Vincent are full siblings? I’m on the fence since they do look very similar but Frances has a totally different hair colour & mannerisms..
Hi, anon. Thank you…! The fandom seems so quiet lately, but maybe it’s just bc I’ve been a bit inactive bc of not feeling good/having low spoons.
I had never thought about whether or not Francis and Vincent aren’t full siblings…. Frances does seem like she takes after Undertaker potentially, and we don’t know what Claudia looked like since we only have one shot of her and it’s from behind.
It’s possible that Vince took after her and Frances after their dad (undertaker??).
Frances does seem to have some kind of a …. sense for things that seems to run in the Phantomhive blood (like how Ciel can see shinigami when they’re supposed to be hidden from mortals), but she could have gotten that from Claudia, assuming both of them have the same mother.
I do think Frances is an often overlooked character. That interaction she had with Undertaker was…. Odd, and I suspect when we get more info later we’ll look back and it’ll make a lot more sense.
It is looking more and more like Ut may be involved in the Phantomhive tree somehow. If he’s not Cedric K Ros— then he could be (one of my personal completely unsupported headcanons) the very first Phantomhive. But I’m not sure who Cedric could be if it’s not UT, since generally Yana is good about introducing important characters early-ish.
Thanks for the ask. I’m sorry if it’s not what you were hoping for, lol. But it’s certainly an interesting thought!
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midnight-in-town · 13 days
About Kuro 2024 episode 6 : Ed's genius ability
(Companion post to this one)
I was looking forward to this episode and I'm so glad they kept Edward's pivotal moment...
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...totally uncut. It's especially striking when a few other manga scenes didn't make it into the episode.
I know fans like to joke that Ed is too much of a good guy (and also gay), which is how he managed to reproduce Cheslock's cricket move, but that's not it :
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Like Liz, Ed is a genius, even if he doesn't realize it yet. And I'm glad that Editor K commented on this anime bit with this :
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"There's one person in all boys' manga who has the ability to copy. This special skill is explained in the cricket episode, but in other words, Edward has the potential to become super strong in battle"
(by google translate)
According to Yana, Ed takes after Frances who takes after her dad, Cedric K. Ros--, so this means Ed takes after Cedric as well.
But according to several fans, including me, there is a good probability that Cedric K. Ros-- is one of the Undertaker's many identities over his existence and he's currently the strongest character of the series, who put even Seb in difficulty twice.
According to Editor K above, Ed's ability makes him likely to become super strong in battle (by the way, it's also an ability that allowed him to put on a flawless leader of a boys' band act, just like UT acted perfectly as Weston's principal, just saying).
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I think we don't need more to put 2 and 2 together : Ed is going to be a very important ally on our!Ciel's side against real!Ciel's.
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Cedric K. Ros
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riahlynn101 · 11 months
"A Facade of Indifference."
Summary: Undertaker has had many identities, but Cedric K. Ros will forever be his favorite.
Trigger warnings: nothing is super explicit, but there are mentions of canonical character deaths. One of which includes a child.
A/N: For this story - O!Ciel = Fenian, R!Ciel = Ciel
In his long life, Undertaker has gone by many names. 
His original name, lost to time and memories he’d do anything not to recall. 
136649, the number assigned to him by the higher ups. 
Silver fox, by his coworker. 
But truly, his favorite name, the only name that has ever mattered to him, was Cedric K. Ross. 
He’d introduced himself as such to Claudia Phantomhive, flustered by her beauty and wit. The name was less a clever pun on his end, and more a scramble to tell the beautiful debutante something, anything so she didn’t think him daft. 
It had been-at that point-close to twenty years since he had destroyed Shinigami headquarters. Occasionally he’d catch a glimpse of a death scythe, and he’d have to stop what he was doing to duck into a shop. Quite annoying, but headquarters hadn’t really made an effort to come collect him. If he knew better, Cedric might have said that they were scared of him. 
But, still, it didn’t hurt to keep a low profile.
Getting married to a noble was the exact opposite of that. The queen’s watchdog, at that. His hatred for the hag knows no bounds. Ironically, her audacity also knows no bounds. So, maybe it balances out. Somehow. 
Marrying into the Phantomhive family is akin to signing your own death certificate. It’s dangerous and deadly, and Claudia tells him over and over that she won’t resent him for leaving. That she would forgive him everything if he didn’t want to risk his life. 
But Cedric never cared much for living anyway. 
They wed, and barely a year later, Vincent was born.
Holding his son for the first time (and really all the times after that) was an experience he looks back on with a gentle sort of fondness. And that fondness only grew tenfold as his boy grew older. 
And then, two years later, in the middle of January, his daughter was born. Francis took more after him in looks than her mother, but she was still undeniably Claudia’s daughter. From the time she could speak, she was ordering her brother to behave. Her strength and courage, which grew day by day, made his heart swell with pride. He did everything in his power to encourage her, including giving her fencing lessons (which his dear wife had not been entirely pleased with).
There’s no words to describe how much he loved his family. 
And that, that love, made him worry.
Love is a weakness his higher-ups might use against him. The idea of his clever, beautiful Claudia, and their two (still young) children being harmed, made panic well up inside him. He couldn’t let that happen. 
He wouldn’t allow that to happen. 
So, he left them. 
Claudia was the sole breadwinner anyway, and the children had Tanaka to tend to them. He left only a note behind, making a vague excuse as to why he had to leave them. 
He left England behind, choosing to travel the world. Cedric fights the urge to return to his family, to check in on them. He celebrates each of their birthdays and his and Claudia’s anniversary with a baked good. 
Life wasn’t great then, he missed his family so much it physically hurt, but it was for the best he stayed away. 
And then, while in the middle of a trip to France, he got news of Claudia’s death. 
Cedric had known loss long before that moment. Before becoming a grim reaper and long after. It was hard coded into his very being, the knowledge of life and death.
But it wasn’t until that moment that he understood the grief that comes with that very same loss. That all encompassing, suffocating feeling of heaviness. Of loneliness. 
Of the hard, cold truth, that his decision to leave his family might have, in the end, been the very thing to damn them. 
He returned to England, but not as Cedric, father of Vincent and Francis Phantomhive. No, that wouldn’t do. How could he call himself their father when he was the very reason their mother was dead. 
Cedric kept to the shadows, tinkering with life and death itself. He watched with an aching heart, as his son became earl. The Queen’s Watchdog just like his mother before him.
But Cedric has never been one to be content with simply watching, so he crafted an identity. One that fit his morbid curiosity with all things death. 
The Undertaker. 
His hair-which he neglected in the months following Claudia’s death-hide his face, his identity. He works his way into his son’s graces by offering up information, and soon Cedric Undertaker found himself among the Phantomhives’ closest associates. 
His children didn’t recognize him, or at least were excellent at pretending they didn’t. It hurt, a little, but he was content with finally seeing them in-person. Alive and well.
Francis married first. Thankfully out of the Phantomhive line, but still under the queen’s immediate demand. Alexis-for all his faults-seemed nice enough, and he was hopelessly in love with her. And she-in return-was just as in love with him.
And, while it was hard watching his daughter get married, the pure happiness she radiated put his wary mind at ease. 
Her happiness only grew when she gave birth to Edward. His first grandchild, though he wasn’t allowed to share in the joy of the new arrival. Not because Francis didn’t trust him, no not at all. He….just couldn’t bring himself to hold something so precious and small and-
Elizabeth was born a few years later, just as small, just as precious as her brother before.
Vincent married second, to a beautiful but sickly young woman, Rachel. By then, Undertaker was used to his new identity. He grew close to his son, but maintained just enough distance for plausible deniability. 
When Rachel fell pregnant, his son shared his worries with him. His usual cocky, confident persona fell away, showing all the hurt Cedric left behind. 
It seemed, even with Tanaka and Claudia, his son (and most probably his daughter) needed him. He vowed to be a better father, a better grandfather even if it was from the shadows, under a different name. 
The twins were born a few months later. Both somehow even tinier than their cousins. This time, though, he pushed all his worries aside to hold one of the twins. 
Ciel and Fenian. One and the same. But Ciel-older than his brother by a mere five minutes-was announced the heir to the Phantomhive name. 
Meanwhile, Fenian-who didn’t seem to cry as loud as his brother-was pushed into his arms. His pathetic attempts at crying out instantly ceased. Big blue eyes, just like Lady Rachel’s, stared up at him. 
Then and there, he made another vow, a promise. To protect his grandchildren no matter what. To preserve their innocence and curiosity.
His grandchildren grew quickly. The twins-mirror images of one another-became harder and harder to tell apart. At least, for most people. 
For him, though, it was extremely easy to pick apart who was who. 
Ciel reminded him of Vincent - sharp features that he would no doubt grow into, a silver tongue, and an intelligence that rivaled most adults. He embodied what an heir of Phantomhive should be. 
And little Fenian. All soft features and big eyes. He took more after his mother's side, particularly her red haired sister (Angeline, if he remembered correctly). He inherited his mother’s sickness, and his aunt’s painful shyness and bookishness. Only his love for chess and his physical appearance being so similar to his brother’s denoted him as a Phantomhive. 
But the character he crafted shouldn’t care that the twins are two separate people. The Phantomhive family is a blob of faceless members, all tied together by either blood, a last name, or both.
He kept up the facade of indifference, not caring to differentiate between the twins out loud. But, in his head, while reading them a book, or holding the blanket in place so they could have their photo taken, he couldn’t help but refer to each of them by name. 
And then, the massacre happened. 
He wept for hours, over the broken, ruined remains of the estate. His son and daughter-in-law were nothing but ash by the time he could rummage through the wreckage. The twins were gone too, though most likely still alive. 
He didn’t know if that was a good thing. 
He packed his wagon with all the bodies that weren’t horrifically burnt. A project he’d been working on needed more test subjects.
Undertaker spends the next few weeks working day and night to find the twins. Reports of children’s bodies being dumped on the sides of roads come flooding in, but
no one does a single thing.
The queen, with her bleeding heart, that she just loved to wax poetic about, does nothing. 
He traced the reports back to a cathedral. The building was old and worn, likely abandoned by the church years ago. Shinigami stand around, watching the building. They chat idly among themselves, as if the most depraved actions aren’t being done to the children inside. 
That apathy, the disconnect from the pain and suffering, was one thing Undertaker would never miss from his days in retrieval. 
But them being there meant he couldn’t burst in and save them. If even one recognized him, then it would be game over. No one else would be coming to save the twins. The police refused to act, even with the amount of evidence Undertaker sent them (under a different name, of course), and their family was in shambles. 
Unfortunately, by the time he could sneak past, it was already too late. 
Ciel was dead, soul gone. And Fenian’s soul was damned, signed over to the leeches of leeches, a demon. 
He saved his grandson’s body, carrying him from the burning wreckage of the cathedral. Blood and grime clinging to him like a second skin. 
Fenian became Ciel, and was crowned earl of the house of Phantomhive. Her majesty either not noticing or caring enough, made the traumatized ten-and-a-half-year-old her watchdog. 
The only thing Undertaker hated more than her, was the demon slowly eating away at his grandson’s soul. Not his physical soul, of course, that bit would come later. But his spirit, his kindness and generosity. The hope and child-like spark in his one uncovered eye. 
It pained him, but he had a character to play and a plan to see through. If all went well, the demon wouldn’t be bothering Fenian for long. 
He offered up information when prompted, though he never made it easy. It’s surprisingly easy to annoy the little earl, but it’s a necessary evil to ensure neither the demon, nor his grandson suspect him of anything. 
It worked. Maybe a little too well, because the look his grandson sent him could only be described as betrayed. 
 His heart clenched painfully in his chest. How much trust had the little Phantomhive put in him? 
Too much, was the answer. And somehow, not enough.
His plan went awry. Everything became jumbled, snowballing until he’s watching Fenian plummet thirty feet downwards. His mourning chain, the one containing the last remaining piece of his Claudia (of his friends murdered in cold blood by her royal highness). Through the chaos the little earl and he made eye contact.
For a singular moment, he was back in the nursery, holding his grandson. Little Fenian, who was never supposed to amount to much. Tiny and sickly and a pale comparison to his already more lively older brother. Eyes of bright blue that once held hope and promise. 
Eyes that now stare up at him in fear, yes, but also in acute curiosity, locked on his mourning chain. 
He allows the little Phantomhive to take it. It’s his greatest treasure, but he’s sure his grandson will take excellent care of it. Besides, isn’t passing things down what a grandparent’s supposed to do? And he isn’t much worried about losing it anyway, after all, he’s quite certain that they’ll be meeting again very soon.
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abybweisse · 9 months
Wat r ur undertaker x claudia headcanons? Feel free to rant abt it lmao I love ur kuroshitsuji posts btw!! Ive binged ur posts and esp love ur undie is cedric, undertakerxclaudia n mother 3 posts! Thanks for being indepth with the analysis :D
UTxClaudia headcanons
Permission to rant appreciated!
However, idk if I have any new headcanons for them. 🤔 I guess I can restate some of them and go into a bit more detail here and there.
She was a willful, take charge kind of person and knew that getting involved with Undertaker could prove to be problematic.
He is actually a very serious person, but her humor got to him, and now that's why he craves laughter. It temporarily alleviates his sense of loss.
He was more worried about possible consequences than she was, and he kept giving her warnings... much like we've seen him warn our earl about protecting his soul. Like Vincent, she probably just did whatever she was going to do... and tried to plan/prepare for her own demise. Our earl has also largely been ignoring Undertaker's advice, but it's hard to take advice to protect your soul... when you already have a contract with a demon, and when you are already living on borrowed time.
She probably named the children, just like Rachel does. I suspect she chose those names as a subtle "giving the finger" to the crown. Rachel doesn't want "tedious" English names, but she could be making a political statement. Could be a similar situation for Claudia.
She and Undertaker could have had children as an "eff you" to the crown. Some way of fighting the system from within.
I doubt she and Undertaker/Cedric were ever married, so that would make their kids bastards, children born out of wedlock. Then to give them French names about being victorious and free? Oof 😅
Maybe they hoped to remove the Phantomhive family from service to the monarchy. But she fails when Vincent steps up to fill the vacancy. We still don't know how all that went down.
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bibyshitsuji24k · 1 year
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2018 // 2023
Undertaker might have become my iloveandhateyou character (at least he wants Smile alive... Right?)
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aquarianights · 16 days
like in my mind claudia phantomhive x undertaker (cedric k ros) are THE love story of the century, I've deluded myself so bad over the last 6 years now if they turn out to NOT be canon it's gonna be soooo awkward....
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blxxdingstars · 10 months
Is Frances Midford (home name Phantomhive) an albino?
It's not canon since Frances colours are from the anime (Book of Atlantic), but I believe her hair and eyes colors were somehow confirmed by Yana.
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Hair without any pigment and violet/pink eyes in the real world means an albino.
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If this would be canon in the manga too and the theory about Undertaker being the father (and Yana confirmed that women in the Phantomhive family take after their fathers) would be also true, it fits that Undertaker was also an albino when he was alive and had then violet/pink eyes.
@abybweisse (because I don't want you to miss this idea)
Additionally if the celtic theory would be true:
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Undertaker (or rather Cedric K. Ros) with his natural white hair could be a natural leader among Celts.
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phxntomhives · 1 month
I was trying to make a more conscious decision on whether I believe Undertaker is Cedric K. Ros- and I just wanted to share this info that I didn't saw shared too much (but maybe I'm just out of the loop).
And well, you how there was a Shinigami rivolution (or something similar) in 1819. Well what fun. It's also the year in which Ivanhoe was written. And in this opera the name Cedric appears for the first time (apparently, I saw many sources saying the same). What a nice coincidence. Such weird timing haha.
No I am not going anywhere with this, sorry to disappoint. I'm sleepy. But maybe it does mean something. Let me finish my rereading first.
Many probably already knew but I'm slow and it takes me a while ok.
Maybe I'll write something more elaborate but idk, there are a lot and I don't think this adds much.
Anyway goodnight, hopefully now my mind is free and I can sleep lol
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