#cause it had been quite a while I sat down to do some shippy shots ;_;
elvenbeard · 2 months
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Glitter and Gold
upcoming masc underwear by winks uwu
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Chapter 3 of this self indulgent shippy thing. Been just a thing in my head for a bit of wanting to do something with these two dorks that I really enjoy.
And that wait seemed to drag on through the week for the both of them. Chie was all giddy about trying out a new place, even if it wasn’t with their full group of friends. Still, that didn’t stop her from talking a bit about it with Yukiko, who joked about it being a date, something that made Chie try to play it off as best she could. It didn’t drag her energy levels down, but it did start to make her think about the whole arrangement further and somewhat confused the poor girl about her own feelings about her friend if this ended up being a ‘date’.
The wait along with seeing Chie excited about it seemed to give Yosuke an extra bit of motivation to work his butt off at Junes, something that ended up not going unrewarded in the long run with a small bonus given to him by his boss/father who handed it over to him with a tease about treating his girlfriend with it. At least it wasn’t out on the floor and instead in his office, so some face was saved as he tried to deny he was dating anyone, even through that knowing look Mr. Hanamura was giving his son.
The day finally arrived. A small time off of school meant they could spend the whole day out if they wanted to, which Yosuke took as much of an advantage of by arriving in the midmorning hours on his scooter. Chie’s parents heard his approach and couldn’t help but tease their daughter about her boyfriend arriving for their date. Quickly pulling on her sleeveless top, snatching her helmet, and rushing out the door, the kung fu enthusiast was red faced as can be after hearing those comments.
“What’s up, Chie? Your face is about as red as Yukiko’s shirt.” He greeted her jokingly, adding a wink before scooting up a little in his seat to make a little extra room for her.
“Sh-shut up and drive.” Chie mumbled as she hopped on, causing the bike to lower just a little bit with her added weight. “It’s just my parents giving me a bit of hell.”
“I know how that feels. Dad was poking fun at why I was working extra hard this week. Ah, better hang on tight.” The warning came right before he revved up his scooter to get them going. Her arms tightened around his waist and he could feel the pudgy core of his friend being pressed against his back.
The ride wasn’t too long out to the city, but it was a little more embarrassing than the both expected it to be. With her clinging on to him like that, it really did give off the image that they were more than they claimed to be, and might incite a few rumours from the townsfolk that saw them on their ride out of Inaba. “Sorry about that, I guess I didn’t think this all the way through.” Which was only a partial truth. He did think about her being pressed up against him, but not entirely about onlookers or the repercussions of them riding through town.
“It’s fine, Yosuke. What’s wrong with two friends hanging out?” Came her reply with a smile, trying to ease some of the tension. Sure, they’ll probably deal with people talking, but that wasn’t super important. If anyone asked, she’d just tell them the truth... once she completely figured out what said truth was. Whatever, today was about this restaurant and hanging out. “C’mon, Yosuke, let’s get going already!” With as chipper mood as she can muster through the muddled thoughts she’s been afflicted with, she’s pulling on his arm to get him moving. Reading the mood, Yosuke’s started walking and takes the lead to the address their grey haired friend had sent him.
Upon arrival, both of their jaws dropped at seeing the sign advertising what type of place the establishment was. “All you can eat buffet! Including our specialty of grilled meats from around the world!” Of course, once it was registered in both of their heads, the pair had a differing set of reactions. Chie’s excitement levels shot through the roof, her love of meat was well known by all of her friends and plenty of people in town. Yosuke on the other hand had a palm on his face while he was sifting through a few thoughts. ‘How in the hell did he know? And which part did he know exactly? Was he expecting me just to bring Chie or to tell everyone about this? Wait, no he said something about bringing a date... Greaaaaat, that either means he knows about my interest in bigger girls, my attraction to Chie... or, knowing my luck and his seemingly infinite knowledge, both’. Being pulled from his torrent of questions, Yosuke comes back to the world with an all to bubbly Chie tugging him inside, a look of joy and ravenous hunger plastered on her face. All that bounciness caused a bit of extra jiggle in her frame that served to entice him just a little further. Yeah, Narukami had to know something, but that’s going to be tucked to the sideline while they’re spending time here.
The doors were opened and the scents of every meat in the house nearly sent Chie into a feeding frenzy. Stars in her eyes and a thin line of drool dripping down her chin, Chie’s struggling to hold herself back. It was something that brought the jovial smile back to Yosuke’s face while he fished for his wallet and paid for the both of them. It turned out to be cheaper than he expected, which was a relief and a half to him. Maybe if she enjoyed it well enough, they could just come here regularly along with seeing a movie at the theater here. “Alright Chie, I paid, go ahead. I’ll find us a table.” And off to the races she went, likely with eyes bigger than her gut for the moment as she’s piling up slabs of meat onto her plate. Beef might be her top favourite, but she still has quite a bit of enjoyment for various others. And it’s not like she’s outright skimping on veggies or rice either, but they’re certainly on the backburner comparatively to the mountain of savoury goods that her carnivorous side needs to tear into. As soon as she had her stack of steaks and such, she turned back towards the tables and found Yosuke waving over to her.
Planting her rear down at the table, she’s all too eager to get started, only stalling for a moment as Yosuke comments. “Man, looks like you really hit the jackpot. By the way, they took a drink order, you don’t mind Dr. Salt NEO, right?” Shaking her head in response, her mouth already too full for her to speak for the moment. It wasn’t quite her favourite soda, but that didn’t mean it was a bad one to her. Besides, even if it were a poor choice, the taste of her food can drown it out. Speaking of which, the mouthful she had now elicited quite the ecstatic groan from the girl. Narukami really knew how to pick the place... but why did he tell Yosuke and not her about it? He knew that she had a love affair with this stuff, but he still set Yosuke up for this instead. Weird... Ah well, think later meat now. And on to consuming she did, only stopping periodically to take a drink from her soda, which only served to rile her gut up just a bit more with the carbonation mixing in with all the grease and sauce from her food, countless calories compiling beneath her chub.
Yosuke sat there and enjoyed a bit of his own plate, sticking a little less to the meat reliance she had but not entirely straying from the path either. Once again, he found himself enraptured by the sight of her crazed feasting, more visible now with her not having a bowl upturned to her face. The little bits of grease sticking to her cheeks and chin, creating a thin layer upon her lips and giving them a little shine in the lighting. Even with the impressive amount she had gathered, she was making quite quick work of it all, her soft tum starting to round out with every bite she gulped down in her hasty hedonism. Heart racing and face ablaze, the boy hardly even noticed the waitress stop by to refill their drinks, only cognizant enough to give her a polite thank you whilst entranced. Noting that her first course was nearing an end, he jumped up and offered to gather her next plate himself while she finished this one off. It took her aback a little, but if it meant she didn’t have to worry, maybe it would be nice if he went ahead and did that. Besides, it’s not like her choices were a secret and maybe less moving would be good for her to relax while she’s working on digesting all of this.
Up with a leap and a spring in his step, Yosuke’s picking out the best looking items that he can think of, from prime cut steaks to well grilled pork, to even finding some sauce slathered chicken, he’s balancing a fair amount onto one plate. Part of him thinks it might be a bit much, but at the same time he knows she can handle it all fairly well. His eyes roam back to his glutted companion, who has her gut steadily starting to peek out from under her shirt and bubble over her tight shorts. Splatters of grease and small chunks of meat coat her cheeks and chin quite nicely, a layer of perspiration at her brow... the poor boy could hear his heart thumping away and ringing in his ears.
Returning to her side, he sets the plate down before her and pushes the now emptied one to the side. There was a gurgling sound coming from her gut, and he could swear something was starting to bubble its way back up her throat. Unable to resist it further, a loud “UUUURRRRRRRRRPPPPPPPPPP” blasted forth from Chie’s lips, and her face lit up in a brilliant shade of scarlet. Yosuke looked at her in awe, eyes wide open and mouth agape as his brain short circuited for a few moments. “ ‘scuse me...” She mumbled before sheepishly getting to her second platter, trying to bury her shame in meat. “It’s fine, Chie! I-I mean, it’s natural...” His voice was shaky at best, peppered with a hint of arousal that he really hoped she hadn’t caught. “Uh... r-right.” Came her reply... oh she noticed and had no clue how to process it. ‘Way to go, Yosuke... had to make it weird.’ He admonished himself as he sat back in his chair.
Halfway into her second plate, Chie looked up at the clumsy boy and had to try to clear the air, at least a little bit. “Hey, Yosuke? Um... are you... do you...” It was rather hard trying to find the right words to say about this subject. Hell, anything like this normally she’s not used to, let alone... well, this. He knew it was coming at this point, and hearing her stumbling in her words made him feel even worse. Leaning in, she lowered her voice to a whisper, bearing a bit of her girth against him in the process. “D-do you enjoy... watching me eat?”
There came the knockout blow to his pride. Seems she figured it out after all. Granted, he knew she wasn’t entirely dumb, and figured she would at some point, but he had hoped it would’ve come a little later. His own face ablaze, he gives her a nod. “Y-yeah... I do. A-and... I like... w-well, this too.” He makes to motion at her engorged gut, but in the process his finger sinks into it slightly, eliciting a surprised, yet slightly pleased sound from Chie. Unfortunately, his brain doesn’t process it and he almost spills out of his chair. “Ah, crap, sorry!” He shouts a little too loudly, drawing attention from some of the other patrons. “N-no, it’s... it’s fine. It... felt kinda nice.” Unable to stop her thoughts, she pressed a little more into him. “I-is it just me you enjoy like this or...?” She left it open, as her mind ran rampant on asking what the hell she was even saying.
“W-well, yes and no? I mean... remember when you caught me at the bookstore? There was a book on... plus sized models in that bag too. B-but lately... I dunno, more of my thoughts have had you in them. Wait, that doesn’t sound good either.” As usual, he ended up putting his foot in his mouth. But this time, he hasn’t found himself on the end of an ass kicking that he expects from her. Instead, she’s shuffling in her chair a little bit. “Wait... do you... not mind I think about you like that?”
“Well, a little bit, but only because I know how much of a perv you can be... but at the same time... I didn’t expect me to be... well, in those kinds of thoughts.” Her emphasis made him wince a little bit. “You kidding? I mean, you’ve always been pretty cute and those legs are amazing!“ Yosuke... no...
“Wha? Y-you mean you’ve thought about me beyond just... well, that stuff too?!” There’s genuine shock in her voice as he sheepishly nods and is still ready to get the crap beat out of him, but the kick never comes. Instead, it’s just the two of them being awkwardly quiet outside of the rumblings coming from Chie’s gut. “Maybe we should head back home and talk about this rather than here in public.“ Yosuke offers and Chie feels inclined to agree to it. It didn’t seem right to discuss this in front of people, even if they didn’t know anyone here. Leaving a tip on the table, the two of them leave, hopping onto Yosuke’s scooter for an all too awkward ride back to Inaba, with her stuffed tum now being pressed into his back.
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in-love-and-jeph · 6 years
💫 and uhhhhh playride and/or ned/conor
this was a bit longer than I wanted it to be also whoops it’s more friendship than actually shippy
Conor/Ned: Handsome Devil (2016)Buying Time: Great Big Sea
ao3 link
Ned woke up in the wee hours of the morning, pissed that he was going to be shuffling through the day like a zombie, when his internal train of complaints were stopped. Conor’s bed was empty. Now, if Ned had woken at a normal time, this wouldn’t be too concerning. Rugby practices often started before Ned got up. But, it was 5:30 in the morning. Conor was never gone this early. A small flash a panic hit him, but he pushed it down, choosing to look around for Conor before immediately turning to the dean. He might’ve just gone to the bathroom! Yeah. The bathroom. Ned’s thoughts slowed down to just a steady stream, and he sat down at his desk, sitting in the chair sideways so he was facing the door. He looked over at Conor’s desk, and noticed a note taped to the blank wall above the desk. He got up and ripped it off the wall. It read, “Couldn’t sleep. Didn’t run off. Don’t worry.” Ned let himself breathe for a minute, before deciding to go look for his friend. Tugging on his boots, he threw on a jacket and checked that his phone was in his back pocket, then left the room. For a minute, he contemplated just calling Conor, but he noticed Conor’s phone was still plugged in on his desk, so it would be fruitless.
It was a chilly morning. Dew was forming on the tips of the deep green grass, and the chill of the winter was only just leaving the air. The rising sun cast a pink and yellow glow on everything it touch, and the birds were only just starting to titter. Ned found Conor on the very edge of the school property, facing the rickety wooden fence and watching the cows on the other side graze. Ned sat down next to him, shelving the thought that his pants would be disgusting by the end of this in the depths of his mind for later. He leaned over and put his head on Conor’s shoulder and they stayed like that for a few minutes, watching the cows and feeling the rising sun beat down gently on their backs. After a while, Ned asked, “You okay?”
Conor took a deep breath in before responding. “I’m… I don’t know. My head is all mixed up. Nothing feels quite right.”
Ned sat upright and looked at Conor. He looked like a bloody disaster, his hair was a mess, limp and everywhere, his eyes were bloodshot and puffy, like he’d been crying, and his jaw was set in the way that Ned could tell meant something was bothering him. “Whatever it is, d’ya wanna talk about it?” Ned asked. Alarm bells went off in his head. He had no idea what to do, it’s not like you’re taught how to deal with emotional turmoil, especially someone else’s, but it wasn’t like he could just leave Conor to deal with it. He was stuck at a weird crossroads, where he wanted to run away as fast as he could, but something inexplicable was keeping him there.
“ Inexplicable? ” The voice in his head jeered. “ Inexplicable, my ass. You know exactly what’s keeping you there. ” But Ned shut it down fast before it could get him to do anything stupid.
Lucky for Ned, Conor just sighed. “No, not right now. I… I think I just want to go back to our room.”
At the words ‘our room’, shivers ran down Ned’s spine. But he ignored it, just chalking it up to the chill in the air. “Good,” he replied, “‘Cause it’s fuckin’ freezin’ out here.”
In the next few days, Ned watched from afar as Conor seemed to disintegrate. But when Conor stopped going to class and practice, Ned took it upon himself to drag the issue out of him so they could at least deal with it. Watching Conor suffer silently like this hurt him more than he liked to admit.
So the next morning, Ned woke up to his alarm blaring at 7 am, and instead of turning it off, he let it scream on. He got up and made sure to be as loud as possible, and yanked open the blinds. Conor woke up, blinking, and obviously upset. “Ned, what the fuck?” He asked incredulously. “Well, Conny-boy, you’ve been sulking for the past week and-” Ned bent down in a squat next to Conor’s bed so they were at eye level. “We need to fix that.”
Conor just glared at him, so he muttered, “Fine,” and tried to pull Conor out of bed. He landed flat on his ass, and Conor was still lying comfortably in bed, although now he was smiling.
“Nice try,” Conor said. “You want to have another go?”
“Aw, fuck you,” was all Ned had to say in response. He glared at Conor, before remembering why he was doing this and softening his stare. “Please, Con. To be quite honest, I’m really worried about you.” He nearly wanted to gag at the words that had just come out of his mouth. That was so sappy! This was really weird. He never acted like this before. The part of his mind he liked to ignore wondered if it was all because of Conor.
Conor shot him an angry glare and rolled over so he was facing the wall.
“Dammit, Conor!” Ned exclaimed. “I’m just tryin’ to help you.”
“Fuck off,” came the mumbled reply.
Ned felt like slamming his head into the wall. He stood up and flung his hands up to his face. “Conor, you’re not making this easy,” he said in a warning tone, “What, is it O’Keefe? That fucker is a dick. Is Weasel acting up again? ‘Cause you can easily put him in his place. You know that, you’ve done it before. Oh—or is it your dad?” Ned knew he was right when Conor buried himself further into his sheets. “Come on, what did he do this time? Whatever it is, you still have to function, you can’t let him get to you, he doesn’t deserve even that-”
“Ned.” Conor cut him off mid-sentence. “Please… just go. I know all this already and I just have to… I just have to think.”
He sounded so defeated that Ned just stalled. “Uh.” he stuttered. “Yeah. Okay.” He turned to leave for breakfast, before remembering something. “One thing—Please remember to eat. Don’t think I haven’t noticed, you haven’t left the dorm at all. This isn’t healthy.”
Conor waiting for the door to shut before flopping onto his back again. Ned was right, and he knew it. He’d been telling himself all the same things since he’d gotten the call but it was like something was broken. He just couldn’t do, well, anything. He felt like shit, he smelled like shit, and he knew he looked like shit. He was putting himself through a hell of his own making, and it felt like there was nothing he could do about it, though he knew logically that he had all the power. “Fuck!” he mumbled, and he squeezed his eyes shut, trying to stop hot, angry tears from falling. His stomach hurt and his mouth was bone dry, and he felt disgusting all around, but he just couldn’t bring himself to get up. He stayed there for about a half hour longer, his pillow damp from the tears, and after the half hour he had made up his mind. He won’t stand for this bullshit. Not his own, not his parents’, not the school’s. And, he was going to take a goddamned shower if it killed him. After about 5 minutes, he had made it to the showers, which were (thankfully) empty since all the students were in class. He took one of the longest showers of his life, standing under the spray until it turned cold and he felt like his legs were going to give out under him. But he did it, he brushed his teeth, and he put on a new set of clothes. He got back to his dorm and he felt triumphant, like he had actually accomplished him. He sat down at his desk, and suddenly felt utterly exhausted, more tired than he had ever been before. His feelings of accomplishment were quickly washed away by the return of the feeling of utter uselessness. Conor felt like he could cry again. He grabbed his phone off the desk and sent a quick text to Ned.
could u bring me like toast or smth
im finally out of bed ud be proud
God, why did everything have to fucking drain him? He just wanted to be back to normal. His phone dinged, as Ned replied.
welcome back to the land of the living
Conor could vividly see the smirk Ned must be wearing. What an arse. Conor smiled softly to himself. Ned might be an arse, but Conor may or may not love it.
Ned returned an hour later, with a muffin and a bottle of water. In the time in between, Conor had stripped his bed for the first time that month.
“Wow, you’re even gonna do laundry?” Ned commented.
“Yeah, it’s gross at this point.”
“No fucking kidding!” Ned leaned over and sniffed Conor’s hair. “Oh, shit, you showered too?”
“Yes,” Conor snapped back, grabbing the muffin and water from Ned’s outstretched hand. “Fuck off, I’m still human.”
“You weren’t acting like it,” Ned mumbled under his breath.
Conor shot Ned an incredulous look. “Did you really think I couldn’t hear that?”
Ned only cocked an eyebrow in a skeptical look as a response. Yeah, Ned was definitely an arse. But for some reason, talking and joking with him like this made Conor feel better than he had in the past few weeks.
“Feelin’ better?” Ned asked in a soft tone, nodding towards the muffin that had a few bites taken out of it.
Conor’s eyes met Ned’s, and he couldn’t help but smile. “Yeah. Yeah, a lot better.”
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dadzawa-adopt-dabi · 3 years
1-35 on fanfic asks
1. From one to five stars, how would you rate your writing? (No downplaying yourself!)
2 stars maybe? Im not great and i forget a lot of things. but no one can stop me from writing and i enjoy it. the more i do it the more i may like my own writing one day
2. Why do you write fanfiction? Fanfiction is everything to me. It was a matter of time until i started writing it seriously for myself.
3. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works?
Literally nothing. I tend to go off with ships and specific things i want represented... but thats it. anyone can write.
4. Are there any writers that inspire you?
Always! so many! the best thing about fanfiction is how it builds upon itself and spreads!
5. What’s the fic you’re most proud of?
Im very proud of Secret Baby/ River run. Its large and a mess and i hate it. But im proud ive done it. A completed one im proud of is "Compress said its his turn on the murder screen" i think i did well with that one and kept the tone I wanted.
6. What element of writing do you find comes easily?
Arguments between characters and having them express themselves other ways.
7. What element of writing do you struggle with most?
It's the making up and posting works i struggle with. Along with editing which is another monster.
8. Which character(s) do you find easiest to write?
I do love the murder boys! Dabi, Itachi, Deidara, Naruto (should have killed everyone), Reno. If theyve got issues i love them!
9. Which character(s) do you find most difficult to write?
happy characters. I just don't know what to do with them. Like a domestic setting with no action? nope not for me!
10. What’s your favorite genre to write for?
Hurt/comfort has always been my jam!
11. Who or what do you find yourself writing about most?
im not entirely sure? I havent been really writing/posting that long.
12. Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about.
Expectations! its a collaboration i'm working on with a friend and a DabiHawks fanfiction again! It's a fic where they fall in bed together before they even like each other. A lot of assumptions are made and not a lot of talking gets done until quite a bit of Damage has been done. Hawks finds out that Dabi's been doing some things he wasnt comfy with just because he didnt know how to tell Hawks and because he was attached to him. It's messy and won't get less so.
interesting to write to say the least because im such a Zero tolerance person.
13. First fandom you ever wrote for?
Naruto lol
14. What’s your favorite fandom to write for?
part of my heart will always belong to naruto. can't leave it. But im enjoying writing for bnha immensely!
15. What’s the weirdest fandom you’ve ever written for?
Food Fantasy! a video game i did a short one shot on last october!
16. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)?
Soulmate au's! Omegaverse! I love tropes! Oh! Hanahaki!
17. A trope you’ll never, ever write for.
18. Wildest fic you’ve ever written?
I wouldn't say ive done anything too wild?
19. Do you prefer canon-compliant, AUs, or something in-between?
get canon away from me! i love au's! any and all!
20. Gen fic or shippy stuff?
21. Favorite pairing to write for? (platonic or romantic!)
currently its DabiHawks! i love my enemies to lovers! (everyone deserves compassion lave and basic decency)
22. Do you listen to anything while you write?
Sometimes! some fics have specific playlists!
23. Do you prefer prompts and challenges, or completely independent ideas?
All of the above! i dont know how to put wips back lol!
24. One-shots or multi-chaptered works?
I like one shots better but the amount of effort for multichapter fics is something else tbh!
25. Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic? Tell us about them!
Yes a few times brought on by comments! What if Hawks ran in to Dabi early on or if Dabi had stayed and talked to Hawks the last night they spent together. None of it ever really goes well? Dabi has no support besides his Significant Other in both of these and i dont like that.
26. Is there anything you’ve wanted to write, but you’ve been too scared to try?
Nope! Ive been getting the hang of NSFW and i feel like that's one of my biggest areas to improve on!
27. What’s the nicest comment you’ve ever received?
any! seriously i love comments! telling me to write more or that i forgot something was done 6 chapters ago or a string of emoji's!
28. How well do you handle criticism when it comes to your writing?
Much better than I used to!
29. Have you ever gone outside of your comfort zone for a fic? How did it turn out?
Every time i post lol. Im pretty comfortable with a variety of things! there's been times in this roleplay i participate in that i was very uncomfortable with how my character was acting but that was the entire point and it turned out well considering the outrage he kept causing!
30. Tooth-rotting fluff or merciless angst?
Best of both! ive also taken a shine to writing things that out of story context are fluff but in context are horrendous angst!
31. Do you have any OCs? Tell us about them!
Nope! I don't really do Oc's!
32. Summarize a random fic of yours in 10 words or less.
Secret Baby/ River Run- Dabi gets pregnant and runs away. Hawks is the father.
33. Is there anything you wish your audience knew about your writing or writing process?
I've had such a kind fantastic audience but i wish they would pay some more attention sometimes to why i have characters do things the way they do. Hawks leaves Dabi alone? theres a reason for that and the awnser is not to stalk him. even for Dabi's saftey.
34. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
Dabi dosen't meet Rumi like expected. He expected to just get taken out by her in a fight one day, if they met at all. Not him cleaning his torn staples in Hawks bathroom after he's been shoved in there, Rumi having interrupted a blowjob and Hawks had roughly shoved him in his bathroom. He couldn't hear much of the conversation going on outside. But what he could made his face burn with embarrassment as he tried to put himself together. The fact that she was also a Hero and Hawks best friend made him nervous. What a great first impression, sucking her best friends dick with a bloody face. -" NOT DATING-" Hawks voice broke through for a moment and then quieted. -"I DON'T GIVE A DAMN IF HE'S A VILLAIN KEIGO, HE WAS JUST GIVING YOU A BLOWJOB THERE IS NO ." There was a loud thump as Rumi was yelling and Dabi let himself flinch here in private. She quieted down soon after she had started yelling. Dabi sat down against the sinks cupboard and rested his head on his knees. Waiting for it to stop and Hawks to kick him out. He wouldn't actually get to meet Rumi as Keigo's, well as Keigo's anything. It was just sex between them on Hawks end anyways. There's stomping towards the door and Dabi scrambles up as he resists the urge to lock the door. To lock himself inside like a child thinking it will save him from Enjis rath. Hawks is.... he's not kind to Dabi, but he's not Enji either. The door opens and Rumi's gaze finds him as he's getting up. He ducks his head and gives a little half hearted wave, not sure what she's doing. Why she's looking at him with a gaze much softer than expected. "Hey. Sorry I walked in on you guys. I'm Rumi. Hawks best friend he's been hiding away from you." "I uh. Um. Dabi? I go by Dabi. I think it's more like I'm just his dirty little secret." He gives a small dry chuckle and a smirk, a tad on the mean side like he did with Keigo. It came out a little to real and he winced. He sounded like a whiny asshole, he thought as he kept his gaze on his bare toes digging into the tile. "Dabi, I doubt Keigo thinks of you like that." Rumi reaches her hand out and Dabi tenses in anticipation of her grabbing him. To harm him maybe? To throw him in cuffs? Out of Keigo's apartment but he has no doubt that he will be there soon enough after Rumi leaves. "Its fine. I'm just a villain he can sleep with ya know?" Rumi gets a determined look in her eye as she draws her hand back, having noticed him tense up. "I'm going to give you my number Dabi. Villains don't any resources and I don't like how Hawks treated you when I walked in. If anything happens, I want you to have a way out. I don't think you've told your friends who your sleeping with. Or you would have teleported out of here." Dabi hands his phone over still in shock to Rumi and she gently takes it. She's still super confident in person but, there's no violence or anger from her. Its... suprising.
35. Ramble about any fic-related thing you want!
Dabi and Hawks can both have issues and have to put in some serious effort to not only see those issues, but work together with them. this has been a PSA.
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