#but it’s so funny that I’ve made so many different versions
Having AUs of my AUs is so fun because this point it just feels like I’m a fan of my own creations
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urhoneycombwitch · 1 month
plan b
foreword: thank you to this anon, this was just the right amount of sitcom Spider-man pointing meme-ery that I needed. wrote this with husky!neighbor!Eddie since I thiiiink I’ve established that version of him is modern so hopefully this aligns with my made-up canon. lol.
wc: 1.9k
cw: weight mention (in the context of finding meds, no numbers used), embarrassment on R’s end of kink discussion, frenemies vibes between R and Eddie (they get under each other’s skin but in a hot way <3), Eddie is soft-domming in public, no actual smut but still +18 mdni
DISCLAIMER: Plan B can really fuck your shit up and shouldn’t necessarily be used when introducing new kinks. Please do your research and consult w/ a medical professional before using. Putting the fiction in fic with this one.
Christ, there are too many options.
Your vision is swimming in the Family Planning aisle, fluorescent overheads of the CVS taking up residence in your left temple.
You press your fingertips against the spot, massaging gently as you pull different brands of boxes from the shelf to inspect the instructions.
This one says take within twenty-four hours, that might be- oh, shit, there’s a weight cap. Dammit. And this one’s… twice the price? For fucking why?
Frustrated, you shove the expensive thing back in place. The words on the blue label next in line catches your eye- Pre-Seed Fertility Lubricant- and you snap your hand away, as if scorched. Nope. Opposite of what you need. Christ. Pre-Seed?!
It’s almost giggle-worthy. You take out your phone, glancing up and down the aisle; the store is empty this late at night, just an older woman behind the front registers who had greeted you earlier with bored corporate formality, eyes fixed on her magazine.
Picture of Pre-Seed, taken. Check that one off the list. The only person who you’d want to share a laugh over text about this with is the one person who does not need to know why you’re in the goddamn Family Planning aisle at ten PM. On a Thursday.
At least, not yet. You lock your phone, pocketing it before zeroing in on the purple and green-themed Plan B that boasts One Tablet, One Step.
Although it’s pricier than some of the other morning-after pills, it’s the only one that you feel fully confident about buying. You give the box a little toss, feeling the next-to-nothing weight of it in your palm. Fifty bucks for a tiny pill, one that you may not even end up using- but you’ll be goddamned if you’re caught unprepared.
“Can I help you find anything?”
Your blood flashes cold, then hot, as you realize who the voice belongs to- attention focused elsewhere, you didn’t hear Eddie sidling up the aisle until now.
He’s leaning into his arm on the nearest shelf, grinning wolfishly at his own joke, chocolate eyes lit up at having found you here. He looks obscene- biceps and chest bulging at the stretched fabric of his t-shirt, hair unspooling dark curls from a low bun, black ink tattoos rippling over his bare forearms and peeking out from beneath his collar.
Honestly, you don’t know why he wasn’t stopped at the door by the woman on night shift. He’s bordering public indecency with those fitted Levi’s alone.
Fortunately the shock of hearing Eddie’s low voice is not enough to send the Plan B in your hand flying- too late to reshelve it without him seeing, you cling to it tighter, plastic creaking under your grip as you pray to every god ever that he doesn’t notice.
“Oh! Hey. Hi. Haha, very funny.” Well, that was smooth, but at least you said something comprehensible. “What’re you doing here?”
Eddie doesn’t seem to notice anything amiss, using his free arm to reach for a pack of condoms near your head- “Late night shopping. Stocking up for the weekend. Can’t seem to keep these around, seeing as I’m being fucked out of house and home.”
”Well… apartment,” you correct, heart leaping at the smile lines that jump around Eddie’s eyes. This is good, maybe you can just keep him talking and find a second to shove the Plan B into a random spot or perhaps launch it into the sun-
Nope, too late. Mid-crinkle, Eddie’s eyes drop to the package in your hand, and you watch his face drop as he processes multiple trains of thought at once.
“Oh, shit. Is that… did we…?”
There’s a pinch between his dark brows, likely running through the last few weeks of your hookups (which have all been protected) and trying to do the mental math; you shake your head, trying to stammer through the flush of embarrassment that’s overtaking your system.
“No, it’s not- not from us. Not from you. I mean…” you trail off, shifting uncomfortably from one sneaker to the other as words hit a jam in your throat.
Eddie’s in a full frown now, pushing off the shelf, standing to his full height, confusion and hurt seeping into his expression, voice quiet and pitched deep- “Is it from someone else?”
“Oh my god.” This was a nightmare, right? You’d like to wake up now. “No, no, not from anyone else. It’s-”
A sharp exhale, a shake of your head, and the words loosen all at once- “I was gonna get it for us, for me, for this weekend, if you wanted to give me a reason to use it.”
Eddie goes as still as you’ve ever seen him before, fingers stopped in their usual constant tapping, blinking at the box in your hands.
His face smooths.
Then he smiles.
Your stomach flips.
Eddie slides the condoms back into the wrong spot, not bothering to look as he leans in close enough for you to smell the spice of his cologne as he says in a sex-dipped timbre: “Well if you wanted me to fill you up with my cum, why didn’t you just say so?”
A horrified, awkward squawk escapes before you can bite it back; your head whips down the aisle to make sure no one else was within earshot of his dirty mouth as you blindly shove the Plan B away, deep into a shelf. “Oh my god. Jesus christ.”
”Eddie is just fine,” he responds mildly, the cool demeanor to your rapidly heating one as his grin simmers wicked between dimpled cheeks.
“Forget it,” you start, shaking your head and making to brush past, embarrassment flooding in hot, “Just forget-”
Eddie catches you by the elbow, effectively locking you in place with a single move, but he’s not looking at you; with his free hand, he snaps up the slightly crumpled box and scans the words.
“Y’think one will be enough?”
The flood subsides, gives you pause enough to stutter out, “W-what?”
Eddie’s fingers flex on your arm. He turns the box over in his big hand, rings glinting. “We’d better get two. Just in case.”
Your skin feels the impression of his palm even after he lets go, like a Polaroid in rapid reverse as he grabs a second box, warmth fading fast from your skin. “I don’t think- I mean, that’s not how they work, I should probably find a more permanent sol-”
“Just for the weekend.” His eyes are back on you now, self-satisfied smirk giving way to something darker, more intense. “Yeah?”
A shiver casts goosebumps down the length of your body. He’s goddamn toying with you, in the middle of a fucking CVS. Despite your flare of irritation, you nod, voice nearly a croak as you echo, “Yeah.”
The grin lights up his face again. “Good girl.”
Eddie doesn’t give you time to react to this (verbally, anyways- your cunt is most certainly responding to the praise despite your best efforts to remain unaffected), using one large hand to hold both boxes and another to press at the small of your back, leading you down the aisle.
Truthfully, you’re grateful for the help (regardless of his dominance-based tendencies that don’t usually get you this easy); based on the ringing in your ears, you’re doubtful of your own ability to navigate the maze of aisles.
Eddie walks you both to the front register, and you watch as if outside of your own body while the cashier scans the barcodes and Eddie swipes his card.
He pockets the receipt, slides a finger through the handles of the plastic bag, and holds it out between your bodies. Right in front of the goddamn cashier.
”For you.”
This brings you back to yourself, a bit, mortification giving way to annoyance (a much more useful emotion in this scenario), and you snatch it to your chest. It’s your turn to grab Eddie’s elbow, half-dragging him towards the exit.
“Come again soon,” the cashier calls, still in monotone.
So close. You’re less than a yard away from the sliding glass doors that would have swallowed Eddie’s reply- but as it stands, he gets in one last cheerful wave, an award-winning, dimple-charmed smile to match his bright response.
“She will!”
Damn him. You give a final tug and you’re both out in the parking lot, glass doors closing automatically with a whoosh behind you, cool night air kissing at your cheeks.
”Seriously?” You’re mature enough to recognize that your anger is misplaced, adrenaline-fueled, but that doesn’t stop you from whirling on Eddie, giving his shoulder a sharp shove that (unfortunately, tantalizingly) doesn’t move him an inch. “I can never return to this fucking store. Thanks for that.”
Eddie really doesn’t help his case, grin turned shit-eating as he rustles through his various pockets for his pack of cigarettes- “Careful, sweetheart- you know how hot and bothered I get when you’re mad.”
”Unbelievable.” You turn on a swift heel, slipping the bag loops up your arm to dig for your keys. “You just got me blacklisted from our local drugstore and you don’t even care.”
There’s the snick of a lighter behind you, while your car a few spaces down chirrups and blinks in response to the furious press of your fob’s unlock button.
Eddie chuckles, sardonic and unsympathetic. “Too bad this is the only CVS in the whole world. I think you’ll live, princess.”
Ignoring this, you stomp towards your car, petulant, bag rustling; the door is half-open when Eddie calls, “So, are you coming over tonight, or what?”
The door slams with more force than you intend, sound ricocheting across the lot.
From the respite of your tinted windows, you watch as a streetlamp-haloed Eddie takes a drag from a cigarette, smoke drifting thick around a hazy visage of the hottest man alive. (Maybe you’re a touch biased. But your opinion is based on personal accounts, so fuck the naysayers.)
He tips his head back to look at the stars, pale column of throat illuminated- with a flush of realization, you scoff. He’s putting on a show for you.
Two can play, you think, driving your seatbelt into place with a click. But first I’m gonna have to make a stop at home. Namely for new undies.
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mayhemories · 1 year
reader x Neteyam not established (or Lo’ak) where reader jokes about finding Jake hot and Neteyam changes his hair to look more like his father 🤪 they goofy enough to take it too literally for REAL
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Like Father, Like Son
Ok so, I know this was probs supposed to be goofy, funny, ha-ha (would've been goofy, funny ha-ha if it was Lo'ak vers.) but I can't write Neteyam without it being sweet bc he's just a sweet boy!! Hope this is still okay for you Nonnie <3 Also! I wrote this in the airport waiting for my flight jet lagged af with 2 hours of sleep
Pairing: Neteyam Sully x Reader (James Cameron’s Avatar) 
Requested: Yes | No
Warnings: none, just fluff. Kinda cringe and spicy if you squint
Words: 2.2k
Author’s Notes: 
Neteyam is 21, reader is 21. Lo’ak and Kiri are roughly 20ish. I’m gonna estimate Tuk is 7 or 8?
Please note that the reader utilises she/her pronouns. If you’d prefer male or gender-neutral pronouns in fic I’m more than happy to repost a male or gn version of the story, otherwise include any pronoun preferences in the request box!
Read Below the Cut:
“Hi kids!” Dr Max greeted you all, reaching for a fist pump with Lo’ak and Neteyam. Kiri made her ‘hello’s’ rather quick, as she rushed to Dr Augastine’s canister. Kiri found the time with her mother sacred, which you could understand. You often wished you had something physical of your own mother left, rather than just the Tree of Voices, but you knew Eywa had blessed the Na’vi in giving them that. And, you were happy for your best friend that she could watch her mother’s video logs. Although, sometimes you worried that Kiri would talk back to them, that she pretended to have a conversation with Grace with the same recordings. 
“Lo’ak, Neteyam, check it out, kids!” Norm said as he walked over to the three of you, a screen in his hand. “I’ve dug up some of Jake’s old footage and memories we extracted during the avatar program.”  Lo’ak snatched the screen from Norm’s tiny human hands. Flicking through the photos and videos of Toruk Macto, Olo’eyktan Jake Sully. Some of him in his old Sky Person skin, others in his avatar. Which you supposed is his body now. But he looked so very different, so young and carefree and if you were honest with yourself, pretty. Especially with his hair loose, small braids framing his face, and baby hairs resting around his forehead. 
“Oh, Dad was so sweet looking!” Kiri joked from behind the three of you, the new photos piqued her interest. Norm and Max shared a laugh. 
“Yep! Quite a looker! Had many a lady chasing after him.” Max joked with the kids, small chuckles rippled out of all of Jake’s kids. 
Lo’ak flipped the screen around, facing you, with a smirk he asked: “What do you think (y/n)? Think my dad is super hot?” You knew Lo’ak was only teasing you, only joking. But you could not help the violent, deep blush from rising to your face. Lo’ak laughed right in your face upon noticing it, making the whole thing so much worse for you. “Oh my god! You do!” He exclaimed.
You shook your head trying to divert attention, but the lack of your voice confirmed everyone’s suspicions. Kiri began poking you in the shoulder, “(y/n)! You can’t think of my dad like that!” 
“No, I don’t” You began the fruitless battle of denial. 
“Admit it! Admit it you find this photo of my dad hot!” Lo’ak nearly screamed, thrusting the screen closer to your face. All it did was make you blush more. 
It wasn’t that you found the photos of young Jake hot, per se. Obviously, he was, and still is an attractive male. There was no doubt about that. What had made you so obviously hot and bothered was the resemblance you saw in Neteyam. You always thought of Neteyam taking Neytiri’s features, and Lo’ak being more like Jake. But in this light, with this photo, Neteyam was as ripped, as sweet, and as attractive as this young photo of his father. More so. 
Thoughts of Neteyam made you hot and bothered on the regular, and this connection you had made in your head made it so much worse. 
“Well go on, (y/n), do you think my father was an attractive young man?” Neteyam asked, a slight smile but his teasing was not as cruel as his siblings. With a sigh of defeat and your head hung down, you would do anything Neteyam would tell you to. 
“Obviously I do.” You mumbled, covering your face in your slender hands in embarrassment, wishing you had not accompanied the Sully’s just this once.
The door to the lab flung open, little Tuk ran in, her braids bouncing as she did so, with a big smile the young girl cleaved the tension in the room in half. 
“Kiri! Kiri, Kiri, Kiri and (y/n)! Grandmother is looking for you two!” Tuk grabbed your’s and Kiri’s wrists, pulling you forward, “C’mon, hurry up! She said you guys are late for lessons.” You let Tuk drag you away from the conversation you wanted to wilt from, silently praising Eywa for her interruption. Kiri complained as usual. 
“Ugh, Tuk! Leave us alone!” 
Tuktirey did not leave either of you alone, instead marching you both to the T’sahik, like her little life depended on it. 
“Hey Norm,” Neteyam started as the two boys got up to leave the lab. “Can I take that tablet, with the photos of dad?” 
“Of course kiddo!” Norm said, handing the tablet to Neteyam, smiling as he did so. Norm often felt so lucky to have Jake, like a brother. And in turn, be an uncle to his beautiful kids. 
“C’mon bro, you’re so slow!” Lo’ak nagged on the walk back to the Sully residence. Neteyam walked slowly, which was unlike him. As he flicked through the young photos of his father. He would’ve been not all that much older than Neteyam in these photos. Neteyam felt himself get all hot and cold on the inside, like the acid in his stomach began to burn him. Neteyam was always jealous of Lo’ak for inheriting more of their father’s features. Neteyam knew he looked more like his mother. He also knew that Neytiri was extremely beautiful, as well as strong. And, he certainly did not think he was ugly. But he couldn’t help but wish he looked more like Jake. 
Especially now, knowing that you found these photos of his father…hot. Neteyam wanted to pluck his own eyes out and force them into his ears. He was already insecure when it came to you. He wanted nothing more than to be your lover, your mate, and the father of your children. He just never had the courage to really broach the topic with you. 
“Neteyam, what is wrong my beautiful baby boy?” Neytiri asked, running a hand over his head to cup his cheek. Since returning home from the lab this afternoon, Neteyam’s air was wrong, he was hurting.
“Mother, can you do my hair?” Neteyam asked, looking up at her through his eyelashes. He always did that, Neytiri mused. Since he was a baby, he would only ever ask for things looking up through his lashes. And how could she ever say no? 
“My Neteyam, your hair is already braided, it is already done.” Neytiri decided to push the topic further, there was no way Neteyam was this distressed over such a trivial thing. He has never cared what his hair looked like before. 
“No, not like this mother.” Neteyam reached out for a tablet laying beside him on the floor, firing it up he swiped until he found the young photo of Jake. “Like this.” 
Neytiri smiled, softly. She remembered taking that photo all those years ago. Jake had just taught her how to use the camera. She hated it, she hated most things the Sky People bought here. But she liked the camera, it allowed her to capture all of her loved ones forever. 
Neytiri set to work unbraiding her eldest son’s hair. 
“Anyway, so I definitely saw him talk to her, but I don’t think it was like that. He’s just not game enough.” Kiri was ranting about Neteyam, as the two of you worked grinding herbs into paste, and packing that paste into leaves to save them from spoiling. More specifically, Kiri ranted about how you and Neteyam haven’t gotten together yet, which you constantly had to remind her, will never happen. 
“Kiri, he is allowed to talk to whoever he pleases, whenever he pleases, however he pleases.” You said with a huff. 
“I’m just saying that if the two of you stopped pussyfooting around-” 
“Enough,” Mo’at said, entering the tent. Your stomach dropped as the T’sahik walked past, watching over the work you and Kiri had done. Kiri did not have the same fear of Mo’at as you did, you supposed that was granddaughter privilege. “And, I agree with my granddaughter, (y/n). You would make the perfect T’sahik to Neteyam’s Olo’eyktan.” Mo’at’s words made you blush. But also sweat. Sweat to the point you wanted to vomit to feel some kind of relief. 
This family, you swear to Eywa, will be the death of you.
“Grandmother, I have a question regarding the ceremony-” Neteyam walked in, bow across his shoulders, full warrior dress had been donned. You think Neteyam smiled at you, though you’re not sure, you think he said hello to Kiri and Tuk and the other healers in the tent but you did not hear him. 
You could not. 
Not when he looked like that. 
Neteyam’s hair had been redone, mirroring the photo of Jake you saw a few hours prior. Albeit a little longer than Jake’s had been, but the same style nonetheless. He looked beautiful, he looked just like Jake, but with the finesse of Neytiri’s finer features. 
You were speechless. 
That was not your Neteyam. What had he done with all of his gorgeous braids? One of your favourite things about Neteyam was how his braids swayed when he was angry, or how the beads clinked together when he was laughing. And, that they were Neteyam’s. 
“Your hair…” You stuttered, embarrassed that anything had come out of your mouth at all. Especially in front of Mo’at. 
Neteyam bit his lip nervously, one of his hands finding the back of his neck in anticipation. 
“Do you like it?” Neteyam knew the blood was pooling in his cheeks, causing a lilac tint to run across his nose and ears. 
“Oh, yes. Yes! I do like it, of course!” You said, falling all over your words. His evident blush making your blush more prominent. With all the people in the room, Neteyam had to fucking ask you with all these people in the room! What was he, insane? “But..but do you like it, Neteyam?” Now that you started, you could not stop, all the people in the room faded out of your mind. It was only you and Neteyam. 
“I, uh think it is different and makes me look more like my father,” Neteyam replied, sheepishly. He did not like the hairstyle all that much, but Neteyam knew his fatal flaw was wanting to be as close to Jake as he could. You hummed in agreement, it did make him look like his father.
“I like it better when you look like you, Neteyam.” Your pale eyes caught his bold ones, and you hoped and prayed that he could understand everything you did not say. You broke the eye contact, feeling as if he would undress you with his stare. But with confidence, you pushed through and said: 
“You are much more handsome than your father, Neteyam.” 
The smile that threatened to split Neteyam’s face in half was worth the anxious butterflies that had erupted in your stomach. You came crashing back down from your adrenaline high, and you noticed Mo’at had cleared the room out. It was just the two of you. 
“Thank you, my (y/n). That means a lot considering your flustered state earlier.” He teased you, and you let him. Poking your tongue out as Tuk taught you, as Neteyam made his way over to where you were sitting. He sat closer than what was friendly, but left a whisper of a space between you. Thighs almost touching. Your tail betrayed you, swaying back and forth anxiously.
“Can I tell you a secret, Neteyam?” You whispered as you tried to busy your hands with the mortar and pestle. 
“I would want nothing more.” Neteyam whispered back, trying to catch your eye. 
“I was so embarrassed earlier because I realised how much Jake looks like you. Or, I guess, how much you look like Jake.” You had the tendency to edit your stream of consciousness thoughts when you were nervous. Neteyam chuckled lightly, if it was not for his proximity you would have missed it. And, you decided in that moment, you never wanted to miss it. “I was embarrassed to finally be caught having those thoughts about you, Neteyam.” 
Neteyam felt as if he had been stuck by lightning, all of his blood fried by it, and confidence laid in his veins, instead. “Ugh, fuck it.” Neteyam cursed. He turned quickly, picking you up with ease and setting you down on his lap, your thighs straddling him. Naturally your hands found the hair at the nape of his neck, your thumbs moving to rub circles, massaging his tense jaw. Neteyam rested his forehead on yours, eye to eye, nose to nose. You giggled and the sound inflated Neteyam like no other. 
“Be my T’sahik. My grandmother is right.” Neteyam spoke softly, but it was deep, serious. No joke or trick to even be considered in the spaces between his words.
“I would want nothing more, my Olo’eyktan.” You sealed your promise with a searing kiss, you felt Neteyam’s whole body tense underneath you, as he tried to deepen it. You pulled away, desperate for air. 
“Will you fix my hair?” He asked softly. Despite what the two of you had just done, the position you were in, he felt bashful. No one except his mother has ever touched his hair. 
“Of course, my Neteyam.”
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letstripdotcom · 5 months
cold- matt sturniolo x fem!reader
a/n: i’ve looked at my first fic so many times that i’m starting to hate it so i’m gonna try and change up my style a little bit!
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summary- due to the freezing weather, the triplets have to stay with you until the weather lets up
warnings- smutttt🤷‍♀️ kinda longgg but i rly like a good build up so bare with me
i have known nick matt and chris for as long as i can remember. our parents were best friends all throughout highschool, so growing up we spent every second together. I have a single mother, who raised me and my twin brother nate, so she always said marylou was just another parent for us.
they were there for all my birthday parties, they were there when my parents fought, they were there when i broke my leg for the first time, my first crush, every first day of school, and so much more.
nick was my all time best friend, i told him every detail about my life. he knew every one of my secrets. he knew all of my crushes, all of my fears, he was there when i got my first period, i called him after i had sex for the first time, and he was there when i cried in his arms after getting my heart shattered for the first time.
nick was basically the male version of me, so it was no surprise to him when i told him i had a crush on his triplet brother, matt. “it was obvious when you asked him to teach you how to ride a bike instead of me” he said popping candy into his mouth “nick i was like 9” i laughed. “the truth always unfolds” he says in a singy-songy voice “plus you’re the only person who laughs at his stupid jokes”
nick was right, every time matt would tell a joke it was like everything in the world was so funny. it was always like that around matt. every time i saw him it was like i had no control over my actions. i was just as close with him as i was nick and chris, but it was just different.
i discovered i had feelings for matt the summer before 8th grade. we were all at that age where you’ve just hit puberty and everything changes. we were out by the pool hanging out like the 5 of us always did when matt suddenly came up behind me, picked me up, and jumped in the water. after i got back up he made sure i was okay before laughing at me, and i laughed with him. he looked me in the eyes and tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear. my heart fluttered
matt had always been so sweet to me, but this summer it was different. we spent so much time together. we were attached at the hip for the rest of the summer. that was until school started back, and we didn’t have any classes together so we never had time to talk
one day a new kid came into my class and he was super cute. the teacher sat him in the empty desk next to me and we immediately hit it off. “hey i’m derek” he spoke as he sat down. “y/n!” i replied flashing him a sweet smile. we sat by eachother for the rest of the semester. one day he needed help with the work, so i gave him my number to talk to me after school. that night we stayed up on the phone for hours.
he finally asked me out on valentine’s day. i knew that deep down i still had feelings for matt, but i had to put them aside and focus fully on derek. we dated all the way from eighth grade to the middle of sophomore year. he broke up with me after the homecoming dance, and for a while i thought my world was going to end.
i left the dance early with nate and the triplets, and cried with them by my side for hours. once they went to bed, nick stayed in my room with me and i cried in his arms for hours. the next morning when i went down stairs, there was a basket of all my favorite candies, a blanket, and a card that read “i’m super sorry about the breakup. i love you so big and hope you get better soon. love, matt” i called matt and thanked him for the basket.
fast forward through sophomore and junior year, and now it’s winter break of our senior year. nick and i are still best friends, but me and matt aren’t nearly as close as we used to be. and just to clarify, winter in boston is terrible. it never gets above 20 degrees, and it occasionally gets higher than 10. right now, we were currently in the middle of a snow storm, so we were trapped inside. my days consisted of watching my favorite movies while occasionally being bothered by nate.
it was getting late, so i decided to get in the shower. i grab my usual sleep wear, a small tank top and whatever pajama shorts i have in my drawer. i was home alone, but about 20 minutes into my shower i hear ringing at my doorbell. i hurry up and get dried off and dressed, when the doorbell rings again. “coming!” i yell as i hurry down the steps
i open the door as i’m greeted by a strong gust of cold air, and my 3 favorite faces. “hey guys come in!” i said as i stepped out of the way “our pipes are entirely frozen until the ground defrosts, nate said we could stay here for a bit” nick said explaining the sudden visit. just as matt walked through the door, he leaned down close to my ear and whispered “you must be so cold in that outfit.” i looked down at ny chest, my nipples clearly hard from the cold air. fuck. i quickly ran upstairs to cover myself before coming back downstairs.
“nice hoodie” is all i hear then i look up to see matt staring at me. i look down to see the hoodie i was wearing. it was one matt gave me last winter when i didn’t have anything to wear one night at their house. i smile back at him and say “yeah i got it from this really weird kid on the side of the road once” “he must have good taste” he said matching my energy.
that was the thing about matt. i could go forever without talking to him and still feel like it had only been a day. as the three got settled on the couch. i grabbed blankets from my basket and distributed them. “aww no way you still have that!” chis said referring to my blanket. i looked at it and noticed it was the blanket matt gave me after my breakup. i know it’s old, but it’s always been my favorite blanket. i used it on every occasion, and it’s seen many tears.
as the movie started i couldn’t help but stare at matt when he wasn’t looking. the way the screen lit his face so perfectly in the dark light of the living room. then he opened up his phone and began typing. i few minutes later, i hear my phone go off.
matt: you seemed so cold earlier i’m glad my hoodie and blanket can keep you warm.
me: i’m glad too 😛🥶
matt: i almost forgot how good you looked in my hoodies.
me: matt what?
matt: you know how i feel about you.
just because you changed in 8th grade doesn’t mean i forgot about us.
i put my phone down and ran to my room. all it took was one text from matt and now i’m all hot and bothered. i sat on my bed trying to catch my breath. once i my hands stopped shaking so dramatically, i started typing up a text for nick.
before i could hit send, i heard footsteps coming up my stairs. “nick?” i said my voice obviously trembling. “sorry it’s just me” matt said entering my room. “look y/n i didn’t mean to scare you i jus-“ i cut him off my smashing my lips on to his. after a second i pulled back and immediately felt regret
“matt i’m sorry” i said “don’t apologize” before i had time to speak again he was kissing me hard. eventually the kissing turned into a very heated makeout. he sat down on the bed and i straddled him on his lap. both of us were clearly very needy. our teeth clashed and we groaned into each other’s mouths. i had my hands running through matt’s hair tugging on his brown curls.
he squeezed my ass and pulled me closer to him causing me to moan. i grinded on his lap steadily as we kissed eachother making him groan several times. his hands gripped my waist as my hands trailed up is shirt. i then ran my nails down his sides which caused matt to wince a little.
in one swift motion he let go of my waist and tugged my his hoodie off of my body, leaving me in the tiny tank top and shorts i was in earlier. “you must be freezing” he teased then stuck his hands down my top and cupped my bare breasts causing me to moan. matt saw that as ammunition and continued to massage my boobs.
“fuck matt don’t stop” i begged. i sounded so needy but i didn’t even mind. i had always wanted this moment with matt. he stopped and removed my top leaving my chest exposed. he then attached his mouth to my nipple, swirling his tongue around, then he moved to the other nipple and repeated those motions.
when he got up i ripped his shirt off then he attacked my neck leaving wet sloppy kisses. i dug my nails deep into the skin on his back which made him let out a slight whimper. he moved his hands down my body then he grabbed the waistband of my shorts. he looked at me in the eyes asking my for my permission.
“please matt” i whined almost a little too loud. he pulled my shorts down leaving me in just my panties. he lowered his head down to my waistline, leaving kisses all over. “fuck matt don’t tease” i whined. “just be patient, i’ve had to wait all my life for this” he demanded, his hoarse voice turning me on even more.
i rubbed my legs together hoping for some kind of friction. he gripped my thighs holding them still. he began to massage them as the continued to kiss my waist. the then made his way to my thighs kissing up til he reached my underwear.
he took them off tauntingly slow. the second they were off, he stuck his head between my legs and immediately latched his mouth onto my clit. i bit my lip hard trying to silence my moans. he sucked and licked and nibbled so well sending me into a euphoric state.
he started to finger me with one finger while he ate me out. my back arched so high off the bed i thought i could snap. my stomach tightened and i moaned his name “matt i’m bouta cum don’t stop! pls don’t stop!” all he did was hum, sending vibrations all up my body causing me to release.
he sat up with a corny smile on his face and looked me in the eyes. he grabbed my waist and quickly flipped me onto my stomach causing me to gasp. he lifted me so my ass was in the air “how do you wanna go about this?” he asked.
“fuck me like you mean it” i demanded, needing him right then and there. with that being said he removed his pants and his boxers in a flash, exposing his inches. i winced at the size, but i didn’t let it get to me.
“if you need me to stop just say ‘pink’ okay? it’ll be our safe word” he said. i nodded my head frantically becoming impatient.
suddenly he rammed into me at full speed causing me to almost scream, disregarding the people downstairs. he shoved my head into the pillow muffling my noises as he rammed ruthlessly into me.
this was a completely different side of matt. normally he was so sweet and gentle, but right now he was tearing me apart. not that i’m complaining. he thrusted into me with so much power i swore i could feel him up in my chest.
i screamed into the pillow and arched my back upwards causing him to get a better angle, hitting my g spot repeatedly. “fuck y/n you feel so good” he moaned. my legs shook once again. i clenched around matt causing his jaw to fall open as we both came. he fucked me through our highs never losing pace.
“remeber if you wanna stop now the word is pink” he said signaling he wasn’t ready to stop, but i wasn’t either. no matter how overstimulated i was becoming, i just couldn’t get enough. “please don’t stop matt” i begged.
he flipped me on my back where he can look me into my eyes and fucked into me slowly this time taking in every detail of my face. i had tears running down my eyes, my hair was a mess, and i couldn’t control the muscles in my face. i was an absolute mess under him but i didn’t mind at all.
he thrusted into me slowly as he dropped his head in the crook of my neck. “fuckkk. just like that. oh my g-god you feel amazing. i could do this forever.” he whispered praises in my ear sending me over the edge. i bit down on my swollen lip, causing it to bleed just a little as i released.
matt smirked as he pulled out and released thick white strings of cum all over my chest. he then licked it completely clean and smiled at me. “god you’re so beautiful, i’ve wanted you to be all mine forever” he said looking in your eyes.
“god matt i’ve loved you since we were 14” i admitted. he smiled at me and kissed me sweetly “ i knew you would be mine the second i laid eyes on you” he said “matt we were infants.” i joked “that’s besides the point, y/n. be my girlfriend?” he asked. “of course dummy” i kissed him.
kissing matt was so addictive. i just couldn’t stop once i started. “okay now let’s get you cleaned up and get to bed i’m so tired” he said standing up. he then picked me up bridal style and carried me into the shower.
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imaginedisish · 2 years
Home (Din Djarin x fem!Reader)
A/N: Hey everybody! Here is a new Din Djarin fic! I don’t know if I’ve done this trope already...there’s a good chance I did. I had a version of this fic in my WIPs for a while, and I don’t think it ever made it out of the doc, so here it is. I hope you guys like it! It’s heavily based on “Home” by LCD Soundsystem. 
Summary: Din learns the truth about your past...
Warnings: SMUT, 18+ fingering, unprotected PIV (wrap it up), praise kink for sure, hurt to comfort, friends/idiots to lovers, Jedi!reader (implied conflict/is training Grogu), implied kidnapping (Inquisitors kidnap reader as child), cursing, Crest still exists because I’m lazy, probably grammar mistakes because again, I’m lazy.
Word Count: 3,661
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Your lungs burn painfully as you sprint through the forest, dodging trees, maneuvering through the thicket. You swear Grogu is giggling in his little carrier strapped carefully onto your chest. “This is not funny, little guy,” You mumble in between breaths. Grogu babbles and giggles some more in response.
This was not how this training session with Grogu was supposed to go.
BANG! You flinch a bit to the left as a blaster shot whirls by, smashing violently into a tree, leaving a burning gaping hole in its wake. You make a sharp turn to avoid the tree as it crashes down in front of you. The dark troopers were closing in on you and Grogu; you could feel it. It was only a matter of time until they circled around you, blasters pressing at your back.  
Another. BANG! The tree to your right comes crashing down a few feet away. You turn around for just a split second, searching for Din, for something, for a way out. They were gaining on you, you could see them coming from over the hill.
You press a button on your comlink. “Hey Mando?” You practically shout into it. “Things are getting a little messy over here.” Your words are panicked, jumbled.
“I’m almost there,” He reassures. “What’s going on?”
“Well, they’re-,” BANG! That answers his question.
“Just hold on, okay?”  You can hear the fear in his voice; it wasn’t something you were used to. Din was normally confident, but this time there was a sense of insecurity, as if this time was going to end differently than all the others. As if he was afraid you weren’t going to make it.
You take a deep breath and navigate away from the now burning, fallen over trees. You turn around; the troopers were even closer than they were before. You swear there weren’t this many a few minutes ago. You turn to the left, trying to find another way out, but it’s too late. You were surrounded. You weren’t fast enough. Maybe this was the end.
“I am not getting killed by a bunch of droids,” You huff, raising your hands above your head. But the troopers don’t stop, they continue to creep closer towards you and Grogu, raising their blasters, readying to shoot, aiming to kill. “We are not going down like this kid,” You whisper, Grogu’s ears picking up as the words slip from your tongue.
The troopers finally stop, their metal joints freezing in place. Their blasters are still pointed towards you and Grogu. You swallow harshly, staring at your reflection in the metallic armor of the dark trooper directly in front of you. You watch closely as their robotic fingers hover over the trigger. You had one shot, one chance to get this right. You shut your eyes, waiting for it.
All at once. CLICK. BANG.
Your hands extend out. You can feel the energy pulsing through you. It’s controlled and stable. You slowly open your eyes, and hovering in the air are at least twenty violently shivering blaster rays, threatening to finish the job if you let go. You can feel the rays dancing under your fingertips, struggling against your grasp. You shut your eyes again, the tension of each one growing. You couldn’t hold this forever.
A new feeling abruptly shocks your system. It’s a certain power you haven’t felt in years. It rattles your bones, sending shockwaves throughout every inch of your body. There’s something delicious about it, tempting even. It’s powerful, yet intrusive, quickly invading your senses and taking over. You allow it to course through you fully. You can almost hear something calling out to you. Let go.
And so you do.
With a swift motion, you release the energy building up inside of you. It’s a radical feeling, but still somehow familiar. The shocks flow through the palms of your hands and out of your fingers. There’s a slight sting. It’s almost painful. And that’s when you remember exactly what this feeling is. Your eyes open wide, and you watch as electricity, and the blaster rays, shoot out towards the dark troopers, decimating them immediately.
Fire consumes the trees around you, embers quickly filling the air. You’re not sure if the electricity you just shot out of your hands caused this, or the blaster shots, or the dark troopers themselves. Most likely, it was some sort of messy combination of all three, which meant that you were in part to blame.
And Din saw the whole thing.
He’s standing just a few feet away from you. You can see the flames and carnage reflecting against his armor, and in the center of it all is you. This wasn’t a side of yourself that you wanted him to see, or even know about in the first place.
But it was too late for that now. “Din, I can expl-,”
He cuts you off, curt, emotionless. “We need to go.” You nod, taking slow strides towards the ramp of the Crest. You pass Din along the way. You want him to say something, to look at you, to move at the very least. But he doesn’t. He’s motionless, frozen in the aftermath of what you had done, of the secret you had tried so very hard to cover up.
You reluctantly step into the Crest, taking Grogu and his carrier off your shoulders, placing him in his crib. You throw the carrier to the ground. He gurgles something entirely unintelligible. There’s a tiredness in his grumblings. Good, you think to yourself. At least he’ll be asleep when you and Din have it out.
Din’s steps echo against the walls of the Crest. You know he’s disappointed. You can feel it. You should’ve told him the truth, told him who you were, told him that person isn’t who you are anymore. It’s certainly not the person you are with him. Din makes your past seem like some non-existent, intangible, fictional far-off tale. It was like he made you forget. No. He changed you, altered your brain chemistry, made you feel like you mattered. And not because he had to, but because he wanted to.
You needed him, and it scared you. You were almost afraid of the connection, of the dependency.
But he needs you too, you just don’t know it yet.
You wait a minute, trembling a bit in the hull, watching as Grogu’s eyes struggle to stay open. Within a few seconds, they’re closed. Din’s figure finally appears in the doorway. He’s apprehensive, tentative, as if he hasn’t made up his mind about coming inside. Your stomach knots, twinging as he finally steps all the way inside, pressing a button as the ramp shuts behind him.
He looks over at Grogu, fast asleep in his crib. A modulated breath escapes from under his helmet. It’s a sigh of defeat, of dejection. You build up the courage to stare into his visor, half expecting to get an indication of how he’s feeling. But there’s nothing, no sign of life save the shallow breaths slipping through his vocoder.
“Din, just let me explain.” It’s a plea, a solicitation for forgiveness.
But he isn’t buying it. “Did you lie to me?” There’s no anger in his voice, no agitation, not even an ounce of annoyance. It’s hurt, pain, possibly even betrayal, and that feels far worse than any vexation or outrage ever could. “Last time I checked, Jedi don’t use the force like that.”
You swallow the lump in your throat, your eyes breaking away from his glare. You know he’s staring at you under his helmet, searching for answers, trying to convince himself that what had just happened was a figment of his imagination. But it wasn’t. It was you. The past had caught up with your present, and now they’d fight for control.
“No, they don’t,” You pause, breathing deeply before continuing. “The Inquisitors kidnapped me when I was a kid. I was saved just a few months after the first Death Star was destroyed.” There’s a moment of relief before the fear of waiting for his response kicks in. You had told him the truth, and he wasn’t running away. Din was still in front of you, listening to every word you had to say.
He takes a few steps toward you, slowly closing the distance between you and him. “You could’ve told me that,” He whispers. “You should’ve told me.” He’s more assertive the second time around.
“I didn’t want you to think that I-I was still like that.” You can feel tears prickling at the corners of your eyes, begging to be blinked away. “I d-didn’t want you to t-think I was some monster.”
“What are you talking about?” He finds himself being drawn even closer towards you, his gloved hands gravitating to yours, his fingertips brushing against your wrists as he presses his palms into your own. Home. The word flashes in your mind in big bright lights, your hands fitting perfectly into his. “How could you think I’d ever see you like that?”
“I could tell you were scared, when you saw what I did…” You trail off, your heart beating wildly out of your chest. “Maybe I shouldn’t be training the kid. Maybe I’m not…” Din shakes his head. “Not what?”
“Not good enough,” You mumble, fighting back sobs. “If I can’t let go of my past, let go of those feelings…”
“No.” There’s no hesitance in his statement, no question, no consideration. Din means it. “Don’t think like that, mesh’la. You’re more than enough, more than the kid and I could’ve ever asked for.”
“But I-,”
He cuts you off again. “You protected Grogu. You protected me.”
“I lied to you, Din,” Your voice is soft, quiet, timid. “I did something I’d promise myself I’d never do again.” You blink a few times, letting the inevitable tears stream down your cheeks.
Din squeezes your hands lightly and lets go. Before you can internally grieve the loss of contact, he pulls you into his chest, his arms wrapping around you. He had never been so gentle with you, so kind, so soft. This was so unlike him.
You sob into his beskar covered chest. The cold metal feels good against your burning cheeks. “I-I’m sorry.” You croak out, your voice reverberating through his armor.
“It’s alright,” He mutters, the top of his helmet coming down to rest on your head. “I’ve got you, it’s gonna be okay.” You sniffle as he whispers sweet reassurances in your ears, reminding you that you’re good enough, that he’s right next to you, that nothing bad is going to happen. “You should get some rest.”
You nod, and Din pulls you from his chest, stepping away from you and into the cockpit. You wish he was still next to you, his body pressed against yours. The closer you get to Din, the more dangerous things become. Luke and Ahsoka had told you the dangers of maintaining connections, building relationships. Ahsoka had been more forgiving, given that she believed in a more balanced way than the Jedi did. But Luke…Luke had been warning you for years.
Honestly, you didn’t care anymore. You wanted to forget Luke’s grating voice, to dispel each ideal he forced into your head. You wanted Din, needed Din. He was all that mattered now.
Forget your past This is your last chance now And we can break the rules Like nothing will last
Luke’s warnings fade away as you search through your clothes for something more comfortable to wear. Naturally, there’s nothing clean, nothing that Grogu hadn’t spit up on.
There’s one shirt of Din’s that you had borrowed a few nights ago when he was out on a hunt by himself. It still smells like him, feels like him too. You like how you look in it, the way it hangs too long on you. You like that it’s his and not yours. You slip it on and walk out into the hull and towards the cockpit as the Crest takes off.
You can’t see it, but his eyes settle on your reflection in the viewport. He turns around to get a better look. His shirt is massive on you, falling just above your knees. He hadn’t expected to see you in his clothes, but fuck did you look good. He couldn’t hold back anymore, not after today, not after you had sobbed in his arms.
He needed to remind you of who you are. He needed to tell you what you meant to him. Maker, he needed you to know everything, how he wants every inch of you, how much he cares about you, how much he loves you.
You can tell he’s looking at you now. You’re suddenly incredibly self-conscious. “I-I’m sorry,” You stutter. “I took i-it the other day without asking…should’ve told you I had it.”
He clutches his fists as the Crest comes out of the planet’s atmosphere. He presses a button, putting the ship on autopilot. “You need to stop apologizing,” He says, pushing his palms into the arms of the pilot’s chair and standing up.
You tilt your head to the side, confused and somehow even more apologetic than you were before. “I-I didn’t mean to offend you-,” “You’re not offending me, you never could.” He closes the gap between the two of you with one small step. “So stop saying sorry.” There’s an urgency in his voice, and an undeniable sense of certainty, like he had thought hard about what he was going to say, as if he had wanted to say this for an incredibly long time.
“Sorr-,” You cut yourself off, a smirk spreading across your face.
Din’s hands hover over your waist, softly settling down, waiting for you to protest. But you don’t. “Is this alright?” He asks.
“Y-yes,” You stutter. Din’s grip becomes firm against your hips. You hum at the contact, slowly pushing your body closer to his until your chests are flush against one another’s.
The tension is palpable. This is no longer him simply trying to comfort you; this is much, much more than that.
He makes the first move, taking a step in between your spread-out legs so that your back presses into the wall behind you. You can feel a pulse of heat shoot down to your core. “You need to know what you mean to me,” He whispers, his knee pressing lightly into your clothed cunt. You hold yourself back from grinding against him. “Need to show you how I feel about you, how you make me feel…” He trails off, letting himself get lost in the moment
Your hands snake up to the base of his neck, where his flight suit and his helmet meet. Your fingers slip under the fabric, exploring the exposed skin there. You’ve always wanted to feel him, to let him feel you. But this was never the deal, this was never something you expected. These were uncharted waters, a feeling that was so far shoved to the back of your head that you were positive this would never happen.
But this is happening.
He tugs the shirt up so that his hands can slip underneath. “Take off your gloves.” Your voice is breathy as the plea slips out. “Wanna feel you.” Din nods, quickly pulling them off before gluing his palms back to your skin. His calloused fingertips graze over your stomach, sending chills down your spine. “Din,” You whisper as he trails towards your bra, dipping underneath. His thumb brushes over your peaked nipple. You shut your eyes, letting your head fall back against the wall.
“What is it, pretty girl?” He asks, teasing you, his fingers pinching your nipple lightly. “Tell me what you want, need to hear you.”
He was going to be the death of you. “I-I want you to f-fuck me,” You beg, shamelessly grinding against his knee, searching for some sort of relief. You can feel your wetness pooling in between your legs. “N-need you to touch me Din, please.”
Din nods, his hands slipping out from under your shirt and down to the waistline of your panties. He drops to his knees as he slips them down your legs, practically tearing them off of you in the process. His fingers glide up your inner thigh as he stands. His palm finally settles against your cunt, the heel of his hand pushing into your clit, his fingers teasing at your opening.
“Fuck, you’re so wet, such a good girl,” He praises, moving a bit so that his fingers find their way to your clit. You moan out at the sudden pressure. “You like that? Like my fingers there?”
You hum a yes, unable to pull any sort of coherent thought together as Din’s fingers swirl around your clit. “N-need more,” You mumble. “W-wanna feel you, please.” You can feel his erection against your leg, throbbing in his flight suit. But Din doesn’t stop, his fingers continue their unrelenting circles at your core.
He moves his hand ever so slightly, shifting the angle so that his thumb brushes against your clit, and his fingers begin to tease your folds. Your head falls against his shoulder at the feeling. His fingers suddenly thrust into you, pumping in and out.
“You’re so perfect,” His honeyed, modulated voice rasps. He watches as your chest heaves against his shirt, your back limp against the wall of his ship, your head pressed against his shoulder. Fuck you looked so good like this, taking him, letting him make you his. And Maker, you felt good doing it. Nothing would ever compare to this, to the feeling of having him this close to you. “Doing so good for me.”
“Din,” You whimper. “I-I’m so close.”
He smirks under his helmet. He was going to make you come on his fingers. You clench around him, his fingers hitting the spot you need him in most every time. “That’s it sweet girl, just like that,” Din whispers, his thumb mercilessly toying with your core. You can feel yourself coming undone around him, like a wire snapping in two, heat spreading fervently across every inch of your body.
“D-Din,” You stutter, pulling him against you, his fingers still buried inside you, his thumb still drawing gentle circles. You needed more, you needed him closer than humanly possible. You bring a hand down to his erection, jerking him off through his pants. “N-need you inside me, Din.”
He doesn’t waste any time undoing his belt, shoving his pants off. He’s so fast you’re not even sure any of it happened in the first place. He lines himself up with your entrance. “Are you sure you want this?” He asks.
There’s no question. “I’ve always wanted this, Din, always wanted you.”
He rests his forehead against yours. “…‘always wanted you too, mesh’la.” You gasp as he buries himself inside of you with one thrust, splitting you open. “So fucking tight, so perfect,” He praises you again, your eyes rolling to the back of your head at his words. He gives you a minute to adjust to him before pulling out and shoving himself back in. You’ve never felt so full, so whole, like he’s tearing you apart just to put you back together.
“Feels s’good,” You murmur as Din sets his pace. It starts slow, his hips rolling against yours with each thrust. He’s taking his time, exploring every inch of you. His thumb finds your clit again. The sensation is almost overwhelming. You’re already on the borderline of being fucked out.
You can feel your core pulsing as he works at you, toying with you. His thrusts become quicker, needier. “So perfect for me,” He soothes, his hand coming up to cradle your cheek, brushing away a tear you didn’t know had escaped your eye. “Taking me so well, wanted to do this for so long.”
You were already practically there. Every pump, every praise, every swirl pushes you closer to the edge, threatening to throw you over, to split you in two, and Maker, you wanted it.
“Din I-I-,” You can’t even get the words out.
“I know, pretty girl, I’ve got you,” He coos, fucking you into the wall, his thumb still beating away at your heat, his other hand still holding your cheek. Your legs are hooked around his waist, your fingers digging into the beskar that dawns his shoulders.
Your walls flutter around him, and you can feel yourself falling apart around his cock. Searing white heat floods your vision. You can feel a few cool tears against your hot cheeks. You look into his visor as you come. You want him to see you, to know how he makes you feel. “F-fuck, Din, I-I love you.” The confession doesn’t bother you as it slips out. It’s natural, like you had said it countless times before.  
And you’ll say it countless times after.
It’s what sends Din over the edge. “S-shit,” His voice is shaky, breathy, broken, his cock twitching inside of you. You can feel him fill you up, pumping in and out a few more times before stopping, still buried deep inside you. His forehead rests on yours, your body limp against his. “I love you,” He confesses back. “So fucking much.” You shut your eyes, letting yourself melt around him. “Can we stay like this, for just a little while? Don’t wanna leave you yet.” You hum a soft yes in response. You didn’t want him to go anywhere either.
His arms wrap around you, pulling you in, keeping you held against his chest. There it is, that same feeling from before, the one you felt the very second you joined this little clan of three.
If you're afraid of what you need If you're afraid of what you need Look around you, you're surrounded It won't get any better
And so, goodnight
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mun-2996 · 6 months
In every other dimension
A teensy weensy bit of stalking here, sad feelings, Miguel O'Hara and fem!reader
Was no braining it the whole time I wrote this tbh
It wasn't fair.
None of it was.
As it seemed, in every universe, you were bound to fall for him.
In each universe with him, there was a you.
Miguel spent hours watching you meet up with him, but it was always in a different universe.
Never his.
You were so utterly perfect. Beautiful, kind, funny. Everything you did, Miguel absolutely adored.
Yet, in some other universes. His variants had the audacity to reject.
To turn you down, to break your heart.
Miguel would be different, he promised himself that.
He promised himself that he'd never willingly put a frown on your face.
The worst part? His version of you had never interacted with him.
So what does he do instead? He watches.
He watched you, and it seems that even in his own universe, all you do is get heartbroken.
He watched as your boyfriend- now your ex, walked out on you.
He watched as you cried, wishing he could rush into your apartment and comfort you.
But he couldn't.
He couldn't take the risk of disrupting a canon.
What if in this universe, you two were never supposed to meet? What if in this universe, you were meant for someone else? What if he was meant for someone else?
So he watched.
He watched you go out on dates. Some good, some bad.
He never forgave himself for just watching as you cried when a date ditched you.
It wasn't fair.
So many pathetic men had been given the opportunity to be yours. To be loved by you.
And all they did was break your heart to bits and pieces.
Miguel got worried when you stopped going out on dates.
Had you given up? Has love failed you one too many times?
It wasn't until that day at a coffee shop.
Miguel had actually spent so many days pent up in his lab that Lyla had to put the lab on full lockdown to prevent him from working his ass off.
So for the first time, he walked the streets of Nueva York, not as Spider-Man, but as Miguel O’Hara.
He walked into a cafe, instantly regretting it because it was completely crowded. He couldn't even get out because the moment he got in, more people came into the shop, leaving him no room to make an escape.
Another thing to add to his misfortune, tables had to be shared due to the absurd crowd.
Once he finally got his coffee, which took about 10? 20? Minutes? I’ve honestly lost count. He sat down at the closest table. The moment he sat down he started gulping down his coffee, not even bothering to look up at the person sat in front of him. Not until he heard a familiar voice.
“That's a pretty cool watch you've got there.” Your voice rang in his ears and his head jerked up to see your face, those gorgeous eyes, those plump lips, that adorable nose, right in front of his eyes. It took a while for him to process what you said. Shock. He forgot to take his watch off. “Yeah, made it myself.” He replied, his voice came out a little breathlessly, probably because he was gulping down piping hot coffee, and also the fact that he was too busy staring at you to fix his voice. “You’ve sure got a talent for drinking hot drinks.” you chuckled, seeing the half empty cup with steam still flying out. Miguel blinked for a bit before noticing how hot the drink was and setting the cup down, still amazed by how you were literally in front of his eyes. “Didn't notice.” he mumbled. You let out another chuckle. “Sorry, didn't catch your name. You are?” Your voice was ever so sweet to him, he could've sworn he forgot his name the moment you asked. “Miguel. Miguel O’hara. And you?” You gave him your name, which quickly led to a whole introduction. And to Miguel’s luck, a number exchange.
The two of you were happily chatting until you got a buzz from your phone. You picked it up and checked your screen, letting out a groan. “Sorry, work calls.” You let out a sigh as you got up from your seat. “Can I see you again sometime?” Miguel could've sworn there was confetti bursting from his heart. He quickly cleared his throat “I’ll call you later and we could talk about it I suppose.” He got up from his chair, his eyes never leaving yours. You flashed him that gorgeous smile of yours. “Y-you’re really fun to talk to, y’know?” with that, you gave him a nod and left the store. And just like that, Miguel had become a happier man.
Was thinking of this song while I was writing
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cheemscakecat · 4 months
Red team built different? [Surprise, it’s Dadspy lore]
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Meanwhile RED Scout:
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I’m just now realizing that BLU Hoovy would have been low health if he was eating his sandvich, but still.
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Whether Hoovy had lower health or not, RED Scout still seized an opportunity in battle, which is one of his strengths. And if he’s knocked out, that’s one less danger to the rest of RED.
It’s just funny to me that BLU Hoovy is such a threat in Emesis Blue, getting bigger and coming back over and over, meanwhile RED team just kills him like everyone else.
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This is your friendly reminder that RED Spy killed BLU Soldier and BLU Heavy on his own.
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And took Joey Murders’ makeshift knife out of his burly hand and stabbed him dead in one hit. In a matter of seconds.
Another thing that’s relevant:
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*Gets private moment with the missus ruined by teammates invading their space*
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“May I make a suggestion?”
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Ya notice how Soldier and Medic -two of the most insane, unpredictable RED mercs- ran away in fear? From RED Spy holding a golf trophy like Scout with a baseball bat? It is made of metal… but so is Scout’s grey bat, so like…
This is why I’ve been saying Spy put his stats into upper body strength, and Scout put his stats into speed. [It’s also not like Scout got a good chance to slow down and learn to hit harder with his brother situation].
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Scout’s legs are thicker, especially in the thighs. It’s harder to tell with the baggy pants, but if you look closer, all the loose folds are below his knees. Jeremy’s muscle is concentrated in his thighs, that’s why they fill out his pants like that. Maybe that’s the real reason why we haven’t gotten a shorts cosmetic for him that isn’t just femscout legs or on top of his pants.
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Femscou legs [the skin tone doesn’t match]
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It’s even harder to tell where Spy’s muscle mass is since his clothes are tailored with that in mind, but Valve made a model for Meet the Spy, and someone created a more polished cosmetic.
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The Valve version is way less polished, but he still had abs and more muscle up top. While also not skipping leg day.
One of the reasons why Scout is weaker despite working at RED for so many years is because of his diet.
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Bonk is radioactive, and if Medic didn’t keep healing Scout on the regular he’d probably end up with the same horrible health problems as the Radon girls. [BLU Medic has probably shown pictures of them to BLU Scout, to try to convince him to quit].
But on the off chance that Jeremy was willing to listen to Spy’s advice, he could get better quality food and start gaining upper body muscle. They are both skinny legends though, so it would take longer than he’d like. Little bro is not patient.
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thoseboysinblue · 1 year
Part 1
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Christian Pulisic x reader, Enemies to Lovers
You are best friends with Christian’s childhood friend, however, you and Christian cannot seem to get along with one another. 
Word count: 4600+
Warnings: Smut, fluff, swearing, angst throughout the entire series
Christian Pulisic.
Hate is a strong word, and you don't think you hate him, but you are quite certain he hates you.
Your college roommate and best friend, Emily, also happens to be best friends with Christian. They grew up together, kind of. Her parents and his parents are close. Naturally, they spent time together when they were younger, vacations, Christmas, traveling to watch Christian play as he exploded through the youth ranks in the US and then overseas. She doesn't have many childhood memories that don't include him.
You've met him, and his family when Emily invited you to tag along on a summer trip to Florida. His family were so inviting and nice, but Christian, he seemed to have a chip on his shoulder when it came to you. Typical sports star with an ego you thought.
You couldn't exactly put your finger on why he disliked you, but you somehow always ended up bickering when you were around each other, especially if it was just you and him and Emily.
He never really gave you a chance, he didn't seem to want to get to know you at all. You felt like he just silently, and sometimes not so silently, judged you and Emily for being typical girls your age, enjoying parties, drinking too much on occasion, and the attention two young, pretty girls seemed to garner from members of the opposite sex.
What he didn't know, was that most of the time you were the responsible one, making sure Emily made it home safely, and avoiding the random hookups she seemed to enjoy.
You and Emily had been out with Christian and some of his friends in Miami on occasion. You'd noticed the way girls seemed to throw themselves at him and his friends, no doubt hoping for their fifteen minutes of fame.
You hated it, cringing whenever photos would inevitably come out linking you and Emily to him, some people taking things to the extreme and claiming you were his girlfriend. Emily never got linked as his girlfriend because it was well established that they were close friends from childhood, you on the other hand, not so much.
But Emily loved Christian, and you loved Emily, so you tried to tolerate him for her sake.
"Why do we have to stay with him again?" you question her as you are finalizing plans for a trip to London.
"Why can't the two of you just get along?" she fires back at you.
"It's not me, I've tried, Em. He hates me and I don't know why."
"Funny, he says the same thing," she rolls her eyes at you.
"You realize you are practically male and female versions of the same person, right? That's why I love you both so much" she laughs.
"Highly doubt that, we have absolutely nothing in common, except for you, Em."
"We are staying with him because he invited us. His house is plenty big for us to crash there, and we won't even see him that much I'm sure. The last few times I've been to London, I rarely saw him, he's busy training and traveling. He does have some hot friends though. Fit, I mean, English lads are fit," she giggles, fanning her face and pretending she might faint.
"He invited you to stay with him. He only found out I was coming after the fact, and it would have been rude for him to rescind at that point," you answer her.
"See, he's being nice, y/n" she smirks at you flicking on the TV and turning on the US match he happens to be playing in right now. "Dee and I agree that you are just alike and whatever hatred you have for one another is sexual tension and there is only one way to fix that."
"There's a difference between not being rude and being nice, and I'm not even going comment on that last bit" you huff as you see him flash across the screen, tugging a captain’s arm band up his arm as he shoves into an opposing player mouthing something that looked far from innocent.
Your eyes widen slightly, and you feel something light inside of you. Not today, Satan you think to yourself, quickly burying any thoughts your brain is trying to force on you.
"Fuck, Christian just like that" you moan loudly as he curls two fingers against your g-spot, thumb pressing against your clit.
"Shhh, baby, can't have everyone hearing you moaning for me, what would they think, huh?" he smirks, tugging his captain's armband up from your neck and into your mouth to act as a gag before sinking his face back between your legs.
Fuck he's better at that than he should be you think to yourself as you feel yourself clench around his fingers hearing him moan quietly as he continues devouring you.
You bring your hand between your legs to tug on his curls causing him to moan again, the vibrations driving you mad.
"Come on baby, I know you've got another one in you." He pants between flicking his tongue, sucking, and kissing over your clit quickly brining you to your second orgasm of the night.
Your orgasm surges through you, your back arching as you grip the sheets with one hand, Christian's hair with the other. He slows his movements slightly helping you through it before kissing along your thighs and stomach, finally bringing his hand up to pull the armband from your mouth before smashing his lips to yours. He pushes his tongue into your mouth, forcing you to taste yourself with a hungry and needy kiss.
You sit up, "Jesus Christ, get it together, y/n." You bring you hand to your lips, running your fingers over them still able to feel his lips on yours, his beard scratching you lightly, then noticing how aroused you are, dripping for him, your pussy clenching around absolutely nothing but the dream you'd just had. Flopping yourself back down onto the bed, you cover your face with a pillow and groan "this cannot be happening."
Private Conversation between Christian and Emily
“Christian, try and be nice to y/n when we visit. She’s already anxious about staying in your house, and she’s had a rough few months. Take it easy on her, ok? She’s cut off all communication with her family at this point, gone through a rough break-up, and is literally making life-changing decisions completely alone.”
“She might actually have to speak to me, you know?” Christian snaps back at her.
“Look, I think everything about you overwhelms her, especially when she gets hammered with speculation about dating you.”
“I didn’t know she was dating anyone, though,” he replies, his tone a little softer.
“Yeah, they dated for a while, apparently he never got the memo that dating someone means you stop sleeping around though” she answers.
“Sounds like she needs to pick better then” he scoffs.
“What, like you?” Emily returns with a grin.
“No, not like me, you know how my life is, I can’t give anyone a relationship they deserve right now, especially if we aren’t even in the same country, Em” he shakes his head at his friend’s suggestion.
London. A city you've dreamed of visiting as long as you can remember emerges through the clouds as your plane descends.
As soon as you land at Heathrow, Emily checks her phone, letting out a little cheer.
"Chelsea won today, Christian and his fit friends are meeting us to celebrate later. Apparently they have the next few days off" she grins at you.
You roll your eyes at her "great, forced fun with a guy that hates me for no reason and a bunch of people I don't know, sounds amazing"
"Don't be like that, it will be fun, y/n, I promise."
You follow Emily as she guides you through the crowd at the airport, getting you settled on a train and trying to begin explaining the different modes of transportation that will help you to navigate London without really needing a car that often.
You arrive at Christian's after getting an Uber from the train station suddenly nervous that you are at his house. "He's not here" Emily bumps your hip with hers, sensing that you had tensed up, "he's meeting us at the nightclub, they are going to grab some dinner to give us time to get ready. He says there are some things we can snack on in his fridge if we are hungry."
"That was thoughtful of him" you say not really meaning to compliment him, but it just slipped out.
"See, he's trying to be nice," she smiles back at you.
She leads you up the stairs to his house, pointing down one hallway "his room is down that way along with his gaming room and cinema room, ours are this way" she drags you in the opposite direction.
Emily shows you into your room turning on the light, "he always has flowers waiting for me, looks like he's done the same for you," she smiles, "see n-i-c-e," she spells out for you as you huff and drop your bags.
"Now freshen up and put on something sexy, we've got footballers to impress" she says swatting you on the ass.
You wander around the room, taking everything in, pictures of him and his family, him on his boat, him and Emily, and team celebration photos scattered around the room. But one picture in particular caught your eye, there on the night stand, next to the flowers, a picture of Christian, Emily, and YOU.
You feel your stomach flip, warmth spreading through your body as you pick the picture up. You remember this night, you and Christian had actually gotten along fairly well, probably due to large quantities of alcohol and the fact that you'd avoided each other most of the day.
After a late night swim, Emily begged the two of you to take a picture with her. You both gave in, knowing there was absolutely no point in fighting her. Emily wrapped her arms around Christian's waist, him slinging one arm around her shoulders. He slid his other arm around your waist, hand resting on your hip as he pulled you into his side as you leaned your head against his shoulder. After the picture was snapped Emily let go of him and went to inspect the picture his hand lingering on your hip a little longer, giving it a slight squeeze before he let go of you.
A game of truth or dare had followed, it being obvious everyone in the room had made it their mission to get you and Christian into as many compromising situations as possible.
It started with Nick daring you to give Christian a lap dance. You'd obliged, playing along, straddling him and pressing your tits close to his face before turning around and grinding your hips down over his lap, rolling them along with the music as his hands came up flank your hips. Emily dared you to take body shots off each other. And finally, Alex dared Christian to kiss you.
He'd brought his face close to yours, his breath fanning over your face, a mixture of whiskey and mint hitting you as his eyes flick between your eyes and lips before he dipped his head and placed a kiss to your cheek that lingered a little too long to be considered friendly.
"Boring" the group shouted in unison before you got up and left the room, done with the night. You went outside and sat at the edge of the pool, dangling your feet into the water as you stared off into the distance.
"See, we can get along" you hear him drawl as he sits down next to you dropping his feet into the water and sliding a hand around your waist.
"Yeah, I guess we can when you’re not being a pri..." he cuts you off as you turn to face him, sliding his other hand up to cup your jaw as he presses a kiss to your lips.
Before you even have time to realize what's happening, your body reacts to his, your hands slipping into the back of his hair as you pull him closer to you deepening the kiss. He moans softly into your mouth before pulling away, pecking you one more time on the lips as he bumps his nose against yours "night, y/n" is all he says before hopping up and disappearing into the house, leaving you wondering what the hell just happened. But one thing you were sure of, you'd never been kissed like that.
The next day, things returned to normal, the two of you barely acknowledging each other, but both wondering if the other even remembered the events from the night before.
Putting the picture down, you finally decide you should start getting ready, you throw open your suitcase, calling down the hallway to Emily "are you wearing a dress or jeans?"
"Dress, skirt, definitely something with easy access," she says poking her head around the door with a mischievous grin.
"Wear that one" she says pointing to the blue dress you are holding in your hands "it makes your ass look good" she shrugs.
You both finish getting ready, having a few snacks and a pre-drink while waiting on the car Christian sent for you to arrive.
You make your way into central London, finally arriving at the nightclub where Christian is waiting at the door for you so that he can take you to the VIP section they've reserved and you won't have to stand in line waiting to get in.
He pulls Emily into a hug, lifting her off her feet and spinning her around, finally sitting her back down and turning his attention to you. "Hey, y/n, you look nice" he says eyeing you up and down.
"Thanks, so do you, and thanks for letting us stay with you for a few days" you offer him a smile.
"See guys, that wasn't so hard was it?" Emily grins looking back and forth between the two of you.
"Now, Chris, take me to your hottie friends, oooh, is Ben here?" she smiles at him and flutters her eyelashes.
"Yeah, he is," he shakes his head at her before turning and taking her hand pulling her into the club.
She turns and grabs your hand pulling you behind her mouthing "he's so hot" to you as you shake your head at her.
You arrive at the section they are in Christian introducing you, "I think you all know Emily and this is y/n. Y/n, this is Mason, Ben, Reece, Kai, and Sophia" You wave and shyly say hi, hating that everyone is staring at you. Emily greets everyone since she already knows them and squeezes her way around to sit down next to Ben.
God I wish I had an ounce of her confidence you think to yourself. You watch as Christian plops back down in what you presumed was his previous seat next to Sophia, as you stand there a bit awkwardly glancing around to figure out where to sit.
Mason shifts over a bit nodding his head indicating you can sit next to him. You sit beside him uttering your thanks and offering him a smile.
"So you're the infamous, y/n?" Mason grins at you, a brilliant smile, sparkling eyes, and charming personality that he's clearly learned to use to his advantage.
"My reputation proceeds me, I see" you chuckle, reaching for a shot glass full of what you presumed was tequila.
You turn to offer him a shot as well to find him looking your ass over. When he notices he's been caught, he smiles sheepishly. You slide the shot glass towards him, grabbing the salt and limes as well, sitting back down in your previous spot.
"I was checking to see if you have a tail", he quips.
You narrow your eyes at him, not quite sure you understand what he's talking about.
"Figured you'd have a tail and horns, from the things I've heard."
"Oh" you laugh, finally catching on, "from him I presume?" you tilt your head towards Christian never taking your eyes off Mason.
"Yeah, but you don't seem that bad to me" he winks at you.
Oh, he's good at this little game, you think to yourself.
"I would guess that most of what he's told you is far from the truth" you smile back at him, "he barely knows me."
You hand him the lime, watching him balancing it between his fingers as you lick a stripe on his wrist, covering it with salt. You place the salt back on the table, pulling Mason's wrist towards your mouth, licking the salt off him, quickly downing the shot and sucking the lime between his fingers.
"That didn't take long" Emily murmurs to Ben as she glances over to see Christian watching the whole scene play out in front of him.
Mason repeats the same actions, placing salt on your wrist and taking the lime from between your fingers just as you'd done.
You weren't sure why exactly you were flirting with Mason Mount, he was not quite your type, and you could tell you were about a million miles away from being his type. But he was easy to talk to, not afraid to embarrass himself a bit, and very affectionate, even towards someone he'd just met, and let's face it, you were touch starved at this point, so you went with it.
And there was a tiny part of you, even though you didn't want to admit it, that wanted to push Christian's buttons, you wanted to make him jealous for some reason you couldn’t understand.
"You drink anything besides tequila shots?" he questions you after another shot. "Yeah, vodka and soda" you answer him as he places a drink order for another round for the table. "Good, because if I keep doing shots at this rate, things will get ugly."
"Well, someone will eventually have to end up taking care of Em later, and that usually ends up being me, so I tend to not go overboard either."
"I think, Em is in good hands" he nods over to where she's now sitting in Ben's lap, "they hooked up the last time she visited."
"Of course, they did" you murmur taking a sip of water as you wait for your drink.
"What do you do for work y/n?" Sophia asks trying to include you in the group's conversation.
"I'm a legal consultant for an international shipping company" you answer her with a smile, appreciative of the effort.
"All I can gather from all of that is that you are a hell of a lot smarter than any of us" Mason chuckles beside you.
You drop your chin to your chest and shake your head, blushing slightly, "I wouldn't say that" you shrug.
"Yeah and she's got a fancy pants new job" Emily blurts out before you can stop her.
"Em, no one wants to hear about my boring job" you widen your eyes at her, pleading silently for her to keep her mouth shut.
Thankfully, she catches on and shifts the topic of conversation to something else as your drinks arrive.
You continue making small talk with Mason sipping on the vodka and soda he got you along with a second one, eventually having enough liquid courage in you to drag him to the dance floor followed closely by Kai and Sophia, Ben and Emily.
You dance for a bit, grinding your ass into him while he grips onto your hips, spinning you around and dipping his head to tell you something that makes throw your head back in laughter.
"They seem to be getting along" Reece speaks to Christian, nodding his head to where you and Mason currently occupy the dance floor.
"Yep" is all Christian answers taking a swig of his drink.
The others return to the table, you and Mason deciding to do another shot, you keeping things the same as before, him deciding to be a bit bolder, sprinkling salt over your exposed collar bone and placing the lime between your lips.
You probably should have been thrilled to have someone like Mason licking salt off you and pulling a lime from between your lips, but all you can think about is the person you watch disappear from the table after seeing more than he cared to see for one night.
"Anybody else get the feeling those two need to be locked in a bathroom to either fuck or fight to the death?" Reece asks waving his hand between where you were now being pulled back to the dance floor by Mason, and Christian dodging people in search of a bathroom.
"Been saying that for years" Emily taps her glass to his "they are both too stubborn for their own good though."
"Should we tell Mase, or just let him figure it out on his own?" Ben asks.
"I can promise you, y/n, already knows she's not his type, Mason will figure it out soon enough." Emily laughs.
Christian returns to the table around the same time you and Mason return, all of you resuming your previous seats, Mason slinging his arm around your shoulders.
"Shall we play a game of Never Have I Ever?" Emily asks the group. Everyone nodding in agreement.
"No German you three" Ben raises his eyebrows at Kai, Sophia, and Christian, "they like to cheat at a game you can't even win" he chuckles.
"Ok, so drinking for the things we've done, right?" Sophia asks as you nod back at her.
"I'll go first" Reece says "starting off tame, Never have I ever kissed someone at this table."
Ben, Emily, Kai, Sophia, and Christian drink.
"Chris we were 12, surely that doesn't count anymore" Emily laughs.
"Did my lips touch your lips?" he counters as she rolls her eyes "then we've kissed" he says his eyes burning into yours as his jaw clenches.
"You're too honest for this game" she chuckles.
"Ok, I'll spice it up" Emily smiles wickedly. "Never have I ever thought about fucking someone sitting at this table."
Everyone but Reece drinks.
"Aww Reece, such a gentleman" you smile at him.
"Well, she's spoken for,” he says pointing at Sophia, “and both of you seem pretty off limits so..." he trails off with a shrug of his shoulders.
"Christian, 14 year old wet dreams don't count either" Emily smiles at him "unless" she trails her eyes over to you and then back to him.
"One of us would have to be blindfolded, maybe gagged," he scoffs "how do you know I'm not talking about Soph?"
"Because Kai would snap you like a twig" Emily smirks.
"Yes, yes he would." Kai raises an eyebrow at him.
You feel your face flush, tears threatening to spill at Christian's comments obviously pointed towards you.
You excuse yourself, trying to escape to the terrace to attempt to calm yourself down.
Christian and Mason both stand at the same time to follow you.
"What's your problem, Chris?" Mason narrows his eyes at him.
"Yeah, that was a bit harsh, man." Ben chimes in.
"I, I, fuck I don't know, I should go apologize." Christian stammers.
"No, you should let Mason go, you've done enough, Christian" Emily orders him to sit back down.
Christian sits back down, Mason making his way to the door that leads to the terrace.
Y/N? He breathes out when he finally spots you leaning against the railing slipping off his jacket and handing it to you, watching as you slip it over your arms.
Mason wraps his arm around your waist, hand settling over your hip.
"You ok?" he asks quietly, you nodding in response.
"I don't think he meant that the way it came out," he offers, trying to help.
"Doesn't matter, Mason" you shake your head.
"I think I'm tired, and just need to go home" you sigh, leaning your head against his shoulder.
"Can I ask you something?" He says drawing circles on your hip with his thumb.
"Do you like him?"
"Who? Christian?" you scoff "at the moment, no, not at all."
"Maybe not right this minute, but in general, you like him, don't you?" he presses.
You drop your face into your hands and groan still not willing to say it out loud.
"He likes you, too. I can tell by the way he's been burning holes into me all night long with his death glare. He probably just doesn't know how to admit it, kind of like you" he nudges you. "And I know you like him because you were constantly watching him to make sure he was watching you with me" he winks at you.
"I'm sorry, Mason. You are so fun to be around, but.." you trail off.
"It's fine, Y/N, you're easier to be around than you give yourself credit for. I don't mind at all, really, tonight has been fun. And maybe we can hang out some more to try to give him a nudge" he grins at you.
"I feel bad doing that to you, Mason" you say turning to face him.
"Don't feel bad" he says placing a kiss on your forehead "we aren't each other’s type are we?" he says as you shake your head at him.
"So who is it that you've thought about fucking then?" you question him "Em?"
"Nope, had a dream about Sophia once" he shakes his head, rubbing his fingers through his beard, but you can't tell anyone, because Kai would seriously murder me" he chuckles.
"One thing you should know about me, Mason, I'm excellent at keeping secrets" you smile back at him "I'll never tell a soul, I promise."
"Somehow, I actually believe that" he smiles back at you.
"Do you need anything from inside?" he asks as you shake your head pulling out your phone.
"I'm just going to get an Uber back to Christian's" you sigh.
"If you think for one second, I'm going back in there to face the others and tell them that I stuck you in an Uber, alone, at this hour, you are insane. You have two choices, we take an Uber to my place, and you can sleep in my guest room, or my room, I'm an excellent cuddler by the way, or we can take an Uber to Christian's and then I'll get them to take me home as well" he rambles smiling at you.
"We can just go to Christian's. I don't even know his fucking address so I'm not sure how I thought I'd get there" you shake your head "I'm tired and not thinking clearly, obviously."
"Come on then" he intertwines his fingers with yours, "we can go out this way so that we don't have to go back inside, I'll get a car on the way and will text the others letting them know we are leaving, you text Emily."
Y/N: Mason is taking me home.
Emily: you ok?
Y/N: yeah, I'm just tired
Emily: ok, I'm going to Ben's when we leave here. Coffee in the morning?
Y/N: Sure.
You arrive at Christian's, Mason walking you to the door as you dig for the key Emily had given you earlier. You unlock the door and start to take Mason's jacket off before he stops you. "Keep it" he smiles, "I'll get it back later."
"Thanks, Mase. Sorry, Mason," you stutter before kissing him on the cheek.
"You can call me, Mase" he grins at you.
"We're going to make this work, y/n" he says before kissing you on the cheek and turning to go back to the car.
Part 2
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flovvrish · 2 years
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PAIRING: alhaitham x reader , GENRE: fluff, frenemies, platonic, romantic if you squint, gn!reader, WORDS: 970
WARNINGS: spoilers for 3.2
a/n: just a little idea i wrote down instead of going to bed <3
Part 2
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“Sometimes I wonder which one is the real you.”
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You didn’t know how you got yourself in this situation…truly. You were an academic scholar, your conviction alone enough to mirror that of a whole blockade if faced with problems surrounding the mysteries hidden beneath the many ruins that litter the lands.
…So how? How did this pompous and arrogant man have you trapped behind wine crates within Port Ormos?
Lean, muscular arms caged you in from both sides of your head, his breath practically brushing against your skin with how heavily his breaths escaped his lips.
“What do you think you’re doing, Scribe?“ You hissed, not bothering to hide your irritation at the bold act…and the traitorous thumping of your heart against your chest. Curses …
You could throw all the insults you wanted at that man, insults he undoubtedly deserved, yet you couldn’t deny the fact that he was at least…visually appealing. Not that you would ever say such a thing to his face. He didn’t need an even bigger ego than he already had.
A couple of seconds passed as the man before you seemed to catch his breath, yet there was no attempt to lower the arms caging you in.
“Me? Oh, just the usual stroll around town…you know.”
The look of indifference upon your face must have properly told the male exactly how little you believed his excuse.
“Oh yes, a normal afternoon stroll around Port Ormos always ends with you trapping your fellow Akademia Scholars against a wooden crate. Of course.”
Clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth, Alhaitham released a subtle huff.
“And this is why no one likes you, Y/N. You truly are no fun.”
As his hands retreated to his side, you reflexively crossed your arms over your chest in a defensive position. Eyes narrowed.
“As if your overinflated ego has done you any good. Lesser Lord Kusanali must be praying to Irminsul for pity on your behalf.”
“Your sunny demeanor never fails to amuse me. So tell me, does the life within the Akademiya suit your fancy? Hm?”
A brow raised at the sudden question, his demeanor far from the lazy and almost childlike air he’d held just a few moments earlier. So was that what this was all about?
“It’s definitely…different.” You began slowly, averting your gaze to the passersbys crossing your way. “The scholars I’m surrounded by are definitely gifted in their own rights. It’s an honor to work beside them…yet it isn’t home.”
That final statement was undoubtedly a little selfish of you to say, however telling him sugar-coated lies wouldn’t do you much better.
His head nodded slowly, as if properly analyzing the few words you had spoken down to the very letter.
“I see.” He nodded, “I hope over time we can change that. And I’m not just saying this as the temporary stand-in for the Grand Sage, but as a friend.”
You were taken aback by how soft his gaze had become as he said that final statement. It was almost like he was a completely different person…the many masks he wore throughout the day just about made your head spin.
The thought allowed you to release a small chuckle, your head shaking.
A silver brow rose in sudden confusion. It was an odd response to something he thought was fairly straight forward. It was hard for him to imagine anything funny about what he’d just said.
Seeing the confusion written across his face, you couldn’t help but laugh, the act only furthering his displeasure.
“Don’t go getting yourself worked up Scribe. It’s nothing major.” You hummed, raising a small hand of dismissal. “It’s just, within the span of a few minutes I’ve seen so many versions of you. One minute you’re an egotistical jerk that doesn’t seem to get a hint, the next you’re some serious leader of the Akademiya…albeit temporary, and then you’re just so —-“
You couldn’t dare bring yourself to finish that last statement, literally biting your tongue to bring your rambling to a halt.
You did think highly of Alhaitham…it was only reasonable seeing as he was the reason you joined the Akademiya in the first place. Initially you were reluctant to have anything to do with them due to rumors floating around about their shady projects, but after he, the traveler, cyno, and other odd ducks banded together to take down its original build, you’d finally decided to give it a chance.
Alhaitham and you met during his time searching for answers surrounding the Akadmiya and their plans. You were never close, but you respected his work. His work ethic was a different story. Nonetheless …
“Sometimes I wonder which one is the real you.”
A face of indifference was all that you were greeted with in response, however if you were to look deep within the scholar’s turquoise eyes…you could see his surprise. He hid it well.
“Well, it seems there’s only one way for you to figure that out.”
Raising a brow in question, you laughed. “Oh yeah? And what might that be?”
“Isn’t it obvious? And here I thought you were supposed to be smart.”
Once again, an arrogant smirk was sent your way. It seems that the Alhaitham that basked in your suffering has once again returned. Oh how tempted you were to simply make it disappear.
“How about you figure it out, scholar. Once you do, maybe you’ll be in for a surprise. Only time will tell.”
A finger teasingly waved your way before the silver haired man began his journey back to the Akademiya. Though it was a long trek back you knew he would be just fine…if anything it was your own well-being that you were worried about.
More so your sanity. Because you were the one accompanying him back.
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what-gs-watching · 3 months
"If that's a joke, I love it. If not, can't wait to unpack that with you later."
So, here’s a thing - winter makes me sad. I mean, it makes a lot of people sad, but also me. When I was younger I used to just cause a whole bunch of drama to get it out of my system but I’m an adult now and I’m still mostly fruitlessly job searching and I can’t really just go around starting fights anymore so I’m just sitting in my ennui, feeling unmoored. 
Which made me realize: I need Ted Lasso. Desperately.
Wherein, a low level American football coach moves to England to coach actual football (aka soccer) and ends up creating something so beautiful it’ll make you laugh and cry until you just can’t anymore.
If you’ve never seen Ted Lasso, first of all - how dare you? And secondly, start it now. Like, literally right now. It’s everything you didn’t know you needed. 
I will admit I didn’t get into it until my husband watched it and encouraged me into it because of my love for Jason Sudeikis. I tend to pick up unnatural obsessions for SNL alumni, I just want all of them to succeed, so I gave in and instantly lost my mind over it. I couldn’t get enough.
During the second season run, I literally had a standing weekly fifteen minute meeting with my engineers to talk about the latest episode and our theories on what would happen next, or what our favorite joke had been. There were MANY heated debates.
Before the third season came out, I made my family binge the first two seasons while we were on vacation. I remember my mom calling me after she and my dad had watched the series finale so we could talk about it - she’d never bought into a show like that before.  
Ted Lasso just brings people together, and I find it absolutely ridiculous that this poignant, wonderful, life affirming show came out of a bit that Sudeikis wrote in 2013 for an NBC Sports commercial. It’s mind boggling. 
You guys know, it’s all about the relationships for me, and that’s the entire show, really. Ted is unrelentingly positive and charming and understanding and the reason he likes coaching is because he wants to help his players be the best versions of themselves and wooooph throughout the show, you get that, for every single character, even Ted himself. It’s about loving each other and loving yourself and also somewhat about football and it’s just so fucking…delightful. 
And I’m obsessed with all of the different dynamics. Ted and Beard, and Roy and Ted and Beard, and Roy and Jamie, and Roy and Keeley, and fucking Keeley and Rebecca! If you need to see a perfect incredible WONDERFUL female friendship, it’s Rebecca and Keeley fucking Jones. Someone needs to write a long-winded essay about these two, because dear lord, I want a best friend like that. Everyone wants a best friend like that. Like, I just can’t with all of the messy, hilarious, beautiful relationships. I want to be part of them all.
Also,  it’s funny. Like, properly funny. Laugh-out-loud-no-matter-how-many-times-you’ve-seen-it funny. The bits are layered. And you’ll get something different out of them every single time. Nuance, gang. It’s all so nuanced. 
The first season is absolutely perfect. You get to know all of the characters and you get a general sense of what’s up. Everyone is kind of charming and you’re immediately annoyed with Rebecca and charmed by Roy even though he tries his best to be threatening, and you think that Nathan is adorable and you’re pulled into Ted’s unwavering enthusiasm and Beard’s silliness indulgence and straight-man stoicism and Keeley’s adorableness. And it’s WONDERFUL! I’ve seen season one at least four or five times, likely more. It’s everything.
There are so many good moments. At one point, Ted says he’s having salads for lunch with Higgins who is communications director or something and as Ted goes to leave Higgins says “Cesar you later!” and Ted BURSTS back in through the door and just yells “YES!” and it’s hilarious every time. 
When Ted and Beard realize that Roy is a bristling motherfucker who wants to hate everything, Ted says something like “wait til we win him over”, with Beard announcing “He’s. Going to be. Furious.” (And he was.)
It’s the little things in the first season that really endear you to Ted Lasso. It just wraps you up and makes you feel warm and appreciated, like there are people out there that are pure and good and they can make you feel pure and good too. 
And then you get into season two and you start to see behind the curtain. Ted’s really not okay with his divorce (which, I still think is because his wife couldn’t deal with his optimism? Which is so insane to me and I can’t even, I never forgave her like, what the fuck is that) and in general and they tackle a lot of mental health issues and social issues and it’s a bit hard to get through.
But at the same time, season two has some of my favorite bits? Which is confusing??! The scene where Sam asks Isaac for a haircut - everyone gets a single cut from the captain once a season - and the entire team watches and whoops and freaks out and it’s like, an intricate performance and everyone is just so fucking thrilled to be witnessing it? It’s weirdly beautiful. 
Ted and Beard teaching the entire team the choreography to NSYNC’s Bye Bye Bye so they can send off the team shrink in a ridiculous way? Incredible. When they finally get the dance right, they lose their fucking minds. It’s so JOYFUL.
The episode where Roy finally realizes he wants to join the coaching staff and he makes a dramatic trek to the stadium while “She’s a Rainbow” blares? The theme of that one was believing in rom-communism - to rouse the team Ted tells them “Fairy tales do not start nor do they end in the dark forest” and yo that’s so TRUE - and when Roy finally showed up on the pitch he said, “You had me at ‘coach’.” I cry every single time I see that one. I literally watched it twice in a week when getting the family into the show and I cried both times. Hard. 
I think part of the reason this show is so resonating is because dark shit happens, but a lot of really sweet things happen too. There’s an episode wherein Rebecca’s dad dies and they’re all attending the funeral but it still is somehow achingly funny too, even though you learn some terrible things about Ted and Rebecca both in that one. They really ride the line of darkness and light and it’s messy and that’s life.
And then season three is hard.  So much happens. And you know that you’re barreling toward the finale. There’s only 34 episodes in the entire series and it’s not nearly enough but they do try to make the most of their time. 
Watching the finale season in real time was really interesting though, I’ll say, because the fandom was so nuts at the time. So many random theories and outrage over some of the story points. And at the time I did kind of agree, but seeing it all back to back now in my first true binge, it all makes sense. Everyone had their own journey and some of them were ridiculous and maybe we just wanted things to stay the same because that’s how we fell in love with the characters but that’s not the point, gang. Shit is forever changing.
I’ll never get over the moment when Roy finally relents to the diamond dogs. Or Jamie teaching him how to ride a fucking bike in Amsterdam. Or when the team comes together to help Sam put his restaurant back together after it’s completely vandalized. Or Beard explaining to Nate his background with Ted, and offering his forgiveness to Nate as a way to honor everything Ted has done. Or Rebecca calling Roy out on his shit, saying that instead of helping himself he’d rather “eat shit soup and then complain about the portions”. 
There are so many little beautiful pieces. So many things that will pull at your heart strings and make you realize things that maybe have been niggling around in your brain but refusing to come forward because you were scared of them. Ted Lasso helps you be less scared of them. Ted Lasso helps you be less scared of everything, because it encourages you to accept yourself as you are.
In the final episode, Higgins says “Human beings are never gonna be perfect. The best we can do is to keep asking for help and accepting it when you can. And if you keep on doing that, you'll always be moving towards better.” 
And that’s what all of us need to understand. This show will ingrain that thought into you, and it’ll buoy you, and you won’t even realize it. 
So maybe now I’m feeling less ennui. Because I’m still laughing at the hijinx and basking in the wholesomeness and the amazingly perfect relationships  and the belief. Ted Lasso makes you fucking believe.
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cocogum · 1 month
how long have you been watching wakfu
Hey moth ✨✨
I’ve actually been watching Wakfu since 2012.
The first time I heard about it was when I used to have Netflix and even then, that was back when the streaming platform didn’t have Season 2 yet lol
What drew me into watching it was mainly cuz of the cover. This one specifically 👇
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It used to only show Yugo opening a portal and because of the style, it made me wonder what the story could be about (at the time I used to think Yugo looked pretty cute so that was also another reason lol).
I remember how my first instinct was switch the language to English when I first watched it. THAT WAS THE BIGGEST MISTAKE OF MY LIFE. The reason why I switched it for english tho was because netflix was primarily English so I thought that the French language of Wakfu wasn’t the main one (and I thought it sucked without even taking a second to listen to it 💀 ) Thankfully, as soon as I heard Alibert and Ruel talking, I IMMEDIATELY went back to the settings cuz I knew I fucked up. I ain’t listening to this trash again lol
So I switched it to French and i realized it was a thousand times BETTER than the English version. That’s when I realized Wakfu was french.
I loved the places and the people. It was something I’ve never seen before. The French dubbing was so smooth and funny I loved it so much. The “fillers”, which let’s be honest weren’t actual fillers, were also so fun to see with the whole gang.
Even at the time, I used to believe there would eventually be something between Amalia and Yugo lol cuz ain’t no way you guys constantly hug like this for the dumbest reasons.
When Season 1 ended, I really hoped they weren’t gonna do us like that because I really wanted a season season. At the time I didn’t think ankama already did Season 2 (since 2011 💀) cuz I thought Netflix was always on time so it took me some time to wait for it but a year passed by and it finally got here!! I was so happy that day you had no idea. I had to wait for a whole year before it dropped so my ass was pretty much traumatized after seeing Dally die for the first time I legit thought that he was gonna come back cuz of Nox’s machine but nope 💀 I remember being so sad when I first saw that ending. I really didn’t want it to end, I got too attached to these guys (Amalia was still my favorite back then cuz she was too relatable)
So i watched Season 2 in 2013 AND I LOVED IT. Again, they couldn’t disappoint me. It just got better from that day on.
That’s when I slowly started to dig deeper into Wakfu because there were so many references to things that Yugo and the others were saying that I didn’t even understand. I then learned that Wakfu was based on an MMORPG with the same name,Wakfu, and that there was a prequel to it, Dofus. I also saw how they even had a side story called “Mini Wakfu” which were just shorts from Season 1. I watched that mini series on youtube back then.
Because of Season 2, I was now sure that there will be more to it because so much has been said and yet so little has been explored. So I waited, bought myself some time by watching other shows.
That’s when the ovas happened.
And oh my god I was not ready for it.
The ovas released in 2016 on Netflix but had already been a thing since 2014. Blame Netflix.
And again, there were so much more references that made me feel so confused like who Otomaï was, Ogrest (who was only a giant mention in Season 1 to me), Maskemane, Echo, Sipho, Harebourg, etc.
I was confused but so intrigued because it made me learn that the Krosmoz was A LOT BIGGER than what I thought it would be. And that’s what I like. I love how a story has multiple timelines, has complex strange plot holes in certain places that makes you want to become a theorizer, has so many diverse characters and relationships. Things like those are why I fell in love with the legend of Zelda and fnaf franchises.
That’s how I learned about the mangas, comics, different games (Dofus, Wakfu, Krosmaga, Dofus touch, minor Dofus games on the App Store, etc.) as well as cancelled games (Islands of Wakfu, Wakfu: Les Gardiens, etc). I even started learning more about the Dofus era by going through Dofus shows like “Dofus : Kerub’s Bazaar”.
Right after the ovas, I watched Goultard’s special episode, Ogrest’s special episode, and Nox’s special episode. Then, I saw the Dofus movie featuring Joris and his mom before watching the show. After, I read the wakfu manga that was supposed to situate itself between Season 2 and the ovas. At the time, there were only four volumes so I binge read them all on a google drive that someone was kind enough to share publicly (that google drive doesn’t exist anymore). All of this happened in 2016 btw.
After that, I waited for more news of Wakfu but my dumbass got sidetracked because of binge watching other shows while waiting. I was joining multiplie fandoms while unconsciously waiting for more of Ankama. And that’s how I missed Season 3 that came out in 2017 💀💀 I’m so dumb my god all I had to do was wait another year but noooo youtube had to show me the new season trailer in 2018 instead!
I went back to Netflix, freaking the hell out, binge watched the whole season, got emotional, loved Oropo for kissing Amalia cuz I knew there’d be drama, absolutely adored the whole percedal family being a family, trying not to laugh at Adamaï’s look for the first time, expecting Ruel to get hard over money, and LOVED the drama between Yugo and Amalia. I WAS A FAN OF THEIR SHIP SINCE SEASON 1 FOR CRYING OUT LOUD which is why I was so happy that we finally got to see so much more of their problems being addressed.
After that, I knew I needed more so I went back to reading comics. I bought the actual volumes 1 to 4 of the wakfu manga (because I wanted to have a physical copy of them even though I already read the story) and then waited for the fifth one. As soon as volume 5 released in 2019 (July 4), I TOOK IT FROM AMAZON’S HANDS CUZ VOLUME 4 WAS KILLING ME WITH IT’S ENDING- (I’ve been waiting since 2016, I wasn’t gonna wait any longer).
In 2020, I joined the best wakfu amino on the amino app, and then mainly went looking for Ankama related things like their anime Radiant (I started reading the manga first and ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT FOR ITS ORIGINALITY. But I still can’t believe that it got released back in 2013 tho…) and then watched the anime that came out for it (the opening song was good but I hate how the anime changed some things to the story. The manga is better but the anime gets its fair share of popularity so I guess that’s good).
In 2021-2022 I think that’s where I heard about the kickstarter for Wakfu Season 4 and I was mind blown when I saw the trailer for it.
In 2023, I bought Ogrest’s volumes 1 to 4 because I’ve been waiting to read and know more about Ogrest and what was the deal with the Sadida dolls since I heard about those from some people. My god the manga was so good!! I’m still waiting for that volume 5 but I’m extremely certain that it will come very soon now since Mig, the illustrator for the Ogrest manga, has been giving small sneak peeks here and there lately. It was also in the same year that I learned about the One More Gate game and watched Oropo’s special episode.
Then came 2024. And that’s where I went ape shit. Now you know everything ✨
The latest thing I bought from Ankama shop in 2024 now was the standard version of the Amalia figurine, the vinyl disc pack containing Krosmoz osts, and the Wakfu S3 artbook (tho the artbook was actually not something that you can find in the Ankama shop. I had to dig deep on Amazon and find a seller willing to give it away).
So yeah my history with Wakfu is a pretty messy one and has always been all over the place mainly because I was so slow back then to realize when the releases were happening and how the lore was actually constructed lol
Like it took me so much time to understand that Wakfu was only one piece of a bigger puzzle set and being unaware of so many things back then is still something I tend to regret. I understand that it was because I was still a snotty kid back then who didn’t know much about the internet but I can’t help myself to think how easy it was to keep up the pace 💀
At least I won’t have to think I’m late anymore because I’ve got a better idea of how it all works now.
Wakfu has been playing a huge part in my life because it’s always been at the back of my mind no matter what fandom I was in at the time. Sure, it was at the back burner but I never had the intention of forgetting about it. It holds way too many memories of the simpler times and has a lot of great ideas I think I’ve never seen other shows have.
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rottenbrainstuff · 2 months
BG3 playthrough - House of Hope
Man I’m getting legit sad I’m getting so close to being done.
Unpopular (?) opinion - I have read people explaining up and down and back and forth about how pressed they are that Haarlep says Raphael is bad in bed, how Haarlep is unreliable because he hates Raphael, how he’s an incubus so his standards must be very high, how Raphael is probably purposefully doing this or that because Haarlep is a spy keeping an eye on him for daddy so of course he’s not going to appear vulnerable in any way, even how sad and conflicted Raphael must be, being a cambian…
Honestly - I have zero trouble taking Haarlep at his literal word. 100%. Raphael’s house is literally full of paintings and statues of himself. He wrote an entire book that’s nothing but descriptions of different scenarios of him being crowned with the crown of Karsus. His diary entries are absolutely insufferable. He is the textbook definition of hubris and vanity. I have zero problem believing Haarlep literally. And I say all this affectionately, by the way: Raphael is one of my favourite characters in the entire game. But it’s kind of like how everyone wants to soften out all the rough edges on Astarion - I like him like this. I think it’s hilarious that he’s so vain. His hubris is so funny. His opinion of himself is so high and his confidence in his victory is so complete, but his personal incubus is sitting here lounging in his bed absolutely roasting his ass to complete strangers with very little prompting. I think he’s a great devil character and I don’t want to make up excuses for his behaviour in order to humanize him. I definitely do love complicated antagonists who have more to them than it first appears, but honestly I just do not get that vibe from him. And I love him for it.
Haarlep was so funny btw. I just love it when actors are having fun. That must have been so funny to come in and voice the character, like, ok so for today, you’re doing the same voice as before, except make it slutty and bitchy this time. It makes sense I guess that Haarlep can change into a female form if you want, of course he can, and I think it’s funny that even when Raphael wants to shake things up a bit, it’s still with a version of himself, but myeh, that whole thing felt to me like a “hey don’t worry if you’re icked out, we have a girl option too that we can totally switch to if you want.” Maybe I’ve just read too many forum arguments about how there’s too many gay people in this game and people are crying to have a toggle to turn it off, and it makes me hostile to anything that smacks of trying to soothe people’s hurt heterosexuality. (because like, theoretically there could be lesbians who object to the scene as well?) Oh well. Still funny in the end. I was going to go through with just sleeping with Haarlep to avoid a fight, because that’s the direction my tav generally likes to go, but then Astarion got very concerned and made me feel bad, so I changed my mind.
Well this whole area was fun. I loved Raphael’s house. I loved all the details. I loved the debtors, the tacky ostentatious bullshit in every corner, I loved the rotten banquet. Is that its natural state and he charmed it to look fresh when I arrived? (disgusting, I love it) Or has he just been so pissy about whatever went wrong with the skeleton folks at the table that he’s never bothered to have it cleared and has left it there in a temper tantrum as a lesson? (ridiculous, I also love it) I love how absolutely, singularly obsessed Raphael is with my party. I know it’s because we are the means by which he thinks he is going to get that crown, but it also feels personal and weird and uncomfortable. I love that my contract has this place of honour in his archive. It’s almost touching, if it wasn’t my fucking soul. I love how absolutely self-assured Raphael is, how confident he is that his plan is going to work, how the possibility of a failure or a trick, like, he doesn’t even have the capacity to consider that a possibility. It SO GODAMNED FUNNY to kick his ego-inflated ass when he was SO FUCKING SURE that he would win. Raphael you are such an insufferable idiot. I love him. I’m so glad the VA won a Bafta.
The Raphael fight is tricky, but honestly, half of the trick is that before you even get there, you have to fight your way to the foyer past the most annoying enemies. I guess Hope’s divine intervention which can restore your spells and HP helps to balance that out though.
It was surprising to see I was able to get Yurgir to side with me in the fight - I had assumed he’d be SO fucking pissed after I tricked him in the Shar gauntlet. Now I have an additional ally in the big brain fight! …except he really wasn’t all that helpful in the Raphael fight, not at all. He’d go invisible, pop out of invisibility, knife someone for maybe 7 HP, then pop invisible again. I guess every little bit helps but…? Come on dude. At least stay visible so you can soak some hits.
Apparently it’s possible to make Korilla survive the fight? I was… NOT able to do that. You get some extra dialogue if you do, but the fight is hard enough to win even without trying to manage a hostile NPC who is usually the first one Yurgir targets. Sorry Hope, sorry Korilla. How come you can cast Otto’s Irresistible Dance on Raphael, and it will incapacitate him, but it won’t make him actually boogie? I was so excited to see him dance, and then he didn’t, he just stands there.
It doesn’t even need to be said - Raphael’s fight song is of course amazing, chef’s kiss, perfection.
Anyway, bard vs bard fight, very fun, when you kill him Raphael crumples dramatically to the ground, I love the big boss fights in this game.
Coming back, I got a stupid lecture from the Emperor about how naughty naughty I was being. Sure asshole, lecture me about trust, that’s really rich coming from the guy who didn’t trust ME with anything, and I had to pry the truth out, unwillingly, in stages. I can’t fucking wait to doublecross that guy.
If you attack Helsik, Raphael’s boss song also plays? That was… a little bit strange! I wanted to see what was in her basement, but the fight with all the gilded imps and Minotaurs and whatnot was such a pain I didn’t bother. Apparently you can access the basement through Dammon’s basement anyways, if you really want to see it, so. I DID make sure to pickpocket those gauntlets back off her cause I want them.
Mannnn. I’m almost done the game. WTF. All I have left to do is go give Mol her contract, talk to Voss in the undercity and piss off the Emperor, get my poop in a group and… that’s it. I’m off to fight the brain. I’ve been playing this playthrough for six months, and I’m almost done.
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spriteenjoy3r · 10 months
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The Mischaracterization Of Miguel O’Hara In ATSV
( ignore the header i just find it funny . )
OKAY. Before I say anything and actually start these topics ( many topics ) I just want to say Miguel was NOT in the right throughout this movie. I’m just trying to explain how he was not the villain. Thank you 🙏
As someone who has read Miguel’s comics he is.. definitely a lot of things. But, a villain is NOT one of them. Even in the movies, if you look it up, they call him an antagonist or a misunderstood hero.
Was he the antagonist of the movie? Yes. A villain? No.
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Antagonists are plot devices that create new scenarios and problems for the protagonist. Villains are evil characters who’s only intent is to do terrible things.
— see the difference ?
Miguel is Spider-Man. Spider-Man is NOT a villain. ( we’ll come back to this topic . )
Miguel’s “ origin ” in ATSV is that he found a world where he was happy, with a daughter. Whenever the version of him was killed, he took over that world because he too wanted to be happy. He thought it would be harmless but it turned to the worst and created an anomaly. Destroying that entire Earth and EVERYONE in it besides Miguel.
— That’s why he made The Spider Society, to stop other anomalies so others won’t have to experience the same fate he did.
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We all know the story, Spot was going to kill Miles’ father and when Miles found that out he planned to stop it from happening. Firstly, Miguel explained to Miles why he CANNOT do that and told Miles his story on how he knows what will happen first hand. Miles does not agree with what Miguel was saying ( because who would ) so he ran off. THIS made Miguel snap.
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He freaked out and attacked Miles, trying to stop him from going home. There’s that famous train scene where Miguel slams Miles to the ground and yells at him. While he’s yelling he says a lot of terrible things. Saying how Miles doesn’t belong and how he was a mistake.
THEN, after Miles escaped him and tried to leave through the machine thing.. ( i forgot what it was called ) and Miguel jumped onto it and tried clawing through the barrier.. it was obvious he had NEVER acted like that before. You can tell by how everyone looks back in shock that he has never been like that before.
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That’s because it was a trauma response. Miguel panicked because he knew that if Miles went to save his father not only would it destroy Miles’ Earth, but it would destroy his father anyways.
— At least that’s what Miguel believes, of course we don’t know if his theory on the canon events are 100% accurate.
That’s why he freaked out like that. He didn’t want Miles to have to go through the same guilt and agony and self hate that he had to bare. He knew how it felt FIRST HAND. And he didn’t want Miles to experience the same thing.
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— In other words .. good intentions, terrible execution.
More interesting things I’ve noticed about Miguel ( with the help of others on tiktok ) is that he acts certain ways for reasons.
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That funny scene with Mayday climbing on him for example, what if that scene was deeper than it seemed? He didn’t look Mayday at all, he looked forward and went stiff. That was a trauma response depicted by his own daughter, Gabriella. No matter how uncomfortable he genuinely was in this scene because of his trauma, he was still so gentle with her.
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Another thing is him being Spider-Man at all is completely different from the other Spiders. When Miles said “ are you sure you’re even spider-man? ” there was more meaning to that than it seemed.
Let me explain.
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Miguel O’Hara’s origin story, for those who didn’t know is very different from other Spider-Men. He wasn’t bitten by a radioactive spider, he didn’t have an Uncle Ben or anything like that, he didn’t have an MJ or a police chief. He doesn’t even have Spider-Senses. He differs SO MUCH from the other Spider-Men which is another important part of his character. Not only that, but he hates being Spider-Man. He himself said “ Being Spider-Man is a sacrifice. ” That’s another reason why he took the place of the other Miguel, Miguel wasn’t Spider-Man in that universe. He was normal, he was happy, as Miguel put it.
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There’s a lot more things I can go over in more depth but I have to get ready for school .. LMAO. If anyone has any questions or anything else they want me to go over I can try and do so. Miguel’s character just has SO MUCH DEPTH to it in general and they made that depth deeper ( i’m so smart ) in the movies. I’m so tired of people calling him a villain. Yes he was terrible to Miles, he was super annoying as well. But, calling him a villain is far.
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paracosmicat · 9 months
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PLEASE talk about your Sentibug
In my AU, the way she is able to be brought back is through the Peacock Miraculous. I personally think Adrien’s interest, now that he is free, should be Miraculous lore because it’s a natural side step given how much freedom and happiness his Miraculous has brought him and it would give Chat Noir a much bigger role to play in their hero business. (Also it makes more sense for him than for Marinette, because the Miraculous has been a chain, the opposite of what it has been for Adrien) And where does his research take him? Exploring the Kwagatama and uncovering that Sentibeings lives and memories are stored within the Miraculous, able to be brought back so long as they are willing.
That was my very long winded way of saying, Adrien had never really gotten over her death so he works with Félix to bring her back.
Given that Adrien was the one to fight for her, he takes it upon himself to make sure she has a place in the world. He introduces himself to her as Chat Noir, but offering her a place to stay at his house does require that he reveals his identity. (Which, gives Adrien someone in his corner, which I love)
Figuring out her identity is something they work together on. Adrien nicknames her Coccinelle, French for Ladybug, as a temporary nickname and a way to differentiate their hero forms. I think she continues to use this for her hero form name as she helps them when needed, same with the other heroes.
Speaking of hero forms, I think it would be really funny if she could still do Lucky Charms but they were always insanely oversized weapons.
The insanely talented @belowthesurface drew my vision of her civilian form!! And I will be using this art to make my next points and because oh my god did I mention how talented Moonie is???
I think Adrien finds it important to find her a name that she likes, so he researches it with her. They eventually come across Mireille, which means miracle/miraculous. As @ninadove pointed out, it’s also a bit older of a name which is suiting for her vibe given that a lot of it is a reflection of Nathalie’s touch!
As you can see their facial structures are similar but different. I would describe her features as Nathalie “filling in the blanks” much the same as when you see someone wearing a face mask.
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As for style, I’ve made this joke so many times but I feel like her style is Nathalie’s “what are the teens wearing these days?” Very formal and business casual while still looking really really good.
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And you know who would love her??? Félix!!! A Sentibeing who went against orders and paid the price but ended up making it in the end? A representation of his cousin making decisions for himself and refusing to repeat the awful patterns of the people before him? He would be ecstatic.
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Her personality would be very sweet, shy, and lovey. It would be easy to say she had Ladybug’s leadership and determination, but she immediately agreed to doing “whatever you say, Ladybug” and she did not quip back at Chat Noir when Ladybug did. She was designed to be a sweeter softer version of her, one that Chat Noir would fall for, I think her personality follows suit!
Btw, anyone is welcomed to create content with her, if you so please. I love her I want more of her.
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randomnumbers751650 · 10 months
My favorite fairy tale is The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter. It’s not because of “Story, Japan”, but because I think it’s a really creative one, that took advantage of its context.
I mean, if you’re in this site, you probably heard of at least one character that is an entire reference to it. Scholars date it from the Heian period, 9th-10th century, but what I feel what attracts me to it is how it’s such a unique story for its time.
Bamboo cutter discovers moon princess Kaguya in a bamboo grove and gets rich because the Lunarians are paying him. She grows pretty and famous and that’s where the famous five impossible requests come from, because those five guys wanted to marry her. Even the emperor tries to get her hand, but not even him, who has power all over Japan, attracted Kaguya’s affections. In the end, even if the emperor tries to oppose, nothing can stop the Lunarians to collect their princess and make her forget them, because she was fundamentally different from them.
I’ve read the oldest version in a masters’ dissertation and some things that stand out is how the bamboo cutter, her caretaker, is more of an accomplice to her schemes to get rid of the five guys. This makes her portrayal in Touhou 8 actually closer to the oldest source, ironically – in Imperishable Night, it’s said that Kaguya already had the five treasures with her, so she sent those five guys in a pointless quest (and then the fandom treats her solely as a NEET). Plus the emperor takes his rejection gracefully and develop a friendship with her, expressed in the time’s custom of exchanging poems. It was an actually cute moment and the reason he mobilized his army to defend her was to protect a friend.
The tale is titled “Tale of the Bamboo Cutter”, so it’s more of a story not about her directly, but the people about her. This takes me to Studio Ghibli’s adaptation of The Tale of Princess Kaguya, making a story directly about her. And, boy, it’s really sad. Kaguya’s life is suffering there, and growing up is a pain. I know that themes of innocence and its loss are big in Japanese culture, but it hits like a truck there. I have to admit I didn’t understand at first the scene where she imagines herself flying with her childhood crush (the guy was an adult and married), but now I realize that she was trying to escape her oppressive adulthood imagining a life in which everything would be so simple. And then her speech in the end was heartbreaking.
After that I even read a child’s version that had many elements tone down and added comedy – like the fifth treasure guy, instead of dying by falling, just fall unconscious and forgets completely who Kaguya is. But even in this version, they didn’t remove the element that makes this story unique, and that’s in all adaptations is how she has to leave for the moon. This shows that Kaguya is fundamentally different from the other people. The Lunarian doesn’t even bother with the emperor’s army, they don’t even hurt them and go straight for Kaguya. Not only that, but the moment she dons the Lunarian regalia, she forgets her time on Earth. She essentially stops being human.
From what I know, Lunarians are suppose to represent beings from a perfect realm, where there is no change, there is no impurity. All the things that made Kaguya Kaguya on Earth must be vanquished so that she can return to the moon. And, due to her nature as a Lunarian, she has no choice but to fulfill her destiny. It’s funny how in most stories Lunarians tend to be antagonists, but I feel this is because of the fundamentally incompatible nature between Humans and Lunarians.
And that’s what allows us to reflect in our humanity. It must be reminded that the story was likely first written for an audience of nobles and the upper crust of the Heian court. Maybe it was circulating before that, but this is kind of lost to the fog of history. But imagine that you’re a writer and your audience is the freaking emperor, a man who’s considered to be a descendant of the Sun, therefore essentially a god. And yet, you still have the gall to write a story in which you basically tell the emperor: “REMEMBER THAT YOU ARE HUMAN!”
Because Kaguya wasn’t. But still, I like to imagine that, deep inside, she was still glad for her moments on Earth, both good and bad.
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rata2ouillegame · 2 years
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You’re probably wondering, “what the hell?” Honestly so am I, as not even I can fully process what I’ve done. Rata2ouille: The Perfect Dish (AKA Funny Ratgame) is a satirical, freeware indie platformer, social simulation, full length role-playing hybrid game. Following the events of Ratatouille for Wii and its sequel Ratatouille PSP, a new adventure unfolds after a series of events leads to the protagonist discovering a mysterious world known as the Food Network. Partnering up with an odd naked mole rat named Twinkles, the protagonist forms the Rodent Risers, braving the Food Network to find the mythical Perfect Ingredients and defeat the brutally evil rat Knox. Along the way, the player will have to develop Companion Syncs with both coworkers and customers, craft and obtain Persona to wield in combat, manage their restaurant, cook food that will assist them on their journey, and more.
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itch.io page: Click Here
Google Drive: Download Link
Archive.org: Download Link
Please feel free to upload and share with your friends wherever you feel like if they have trouble with either of these links!!!
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Unravel a grandiose conspiracy involving the amnesiac Twinkles, the evil rat Knox, the mysterious Food Network, the labyrinthine Hyperstream, fast food delivery apps, and an impending visit from the food critic Guy Fieri that could make-or-break your restaurant!
Fight intense battles with Shadows that you can also wield as Persona. Use them to best your enemies and rivals, like Ratatoing!
Form various Companion Syncs to deepen your bond with important figures in your life to unlock skills and gameplay perks!
Date various cute boyfriends! Only one girlfriend included.
Over 100 characters from various different media properties appear as customers in your restaurant, including... Sans Undertale, Peter Griffin, Yu Narukami, Kazuma Kiryu, Joseph Joestar, Bayonetta, and many, many, many more!
Customize your hero! Set pronouns and unlock over thirty unique costumes that appear both in cutscenes and gameplay!
Obtain all seven of the legendary Chaos Emeralds by succeeding in target breaking minigames hidden throughout the Food Network!
Difficulty adjustments and options, such as the “Skip Battles” pog item that can be equipped to skip all battles and focus purely on the story! Perfect for players that do not care for combat.
Create your own “My Food Network” where you can set your own favorite song to play, choose your color palette, create a food exhibit, and set posters that can be unlocked using points earned from in-game achievements!
Super cool players that 100% the game can view a Secret Ending that plays upon clearing the epilogue or talking to a certain friend in My Food Network...
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This game is in no way, shape, or form an actual Disney, Pixar, or Atlus product. It is an independently developed satirical game. It is parody and no profit is being made from it.
Check out more down below for a little Q&A
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Q: Is this really a full length Persona style RPG? A: Yes. I’m sorry, I don’t know why. It’s about 60 Hours long.
Q: How long did this take to make? A: About two and a half years, though I took many breaks from working on it due to being a full time college student (after some gap years) and having other projects I’ve been working on.
Q: Who made this? What kind of person makes this? Can you tell us about yourself because I need to know what’s wrong with you??? A: I’m very sorry to tell you that a very hot goth artsy nonbinary femboy made this game. I hope that makes the game more intimidatingly powerful.
Q: If this is a heavily Persona inspired game will it be re-released with a single new dungeon in a few years with a new marketable character tacked on? A: Buddy if enough people find this funny and enjoy playing it, you know it! That and if enough people would like to help me add full blown voice acting in a re-release, which would be one of my major focuses for an enhanced version.
Q: Why did you make this? A: I was really bored during the pandemic. Originally this was a small crude gag game I was making years and years and years ago that I scrapped, but I completely revamped it into something much more elaborate and surreal as a little distraction to keep me busy while quarantining. It sort-of functioned as a low stakes testing ground for less facetious games I plan on releasing in the near future. There’s also an underlying commentary on how obnoxious and outlandish unnecessary sequels to self-contained and subdued stories are, which can be seen in how ridiculously unhinged the game is with constantly recontextualizing various minute-details of the original movie and retconning things as if it was all deep foreshadowing.
Q: Why are you acting like Ratatouille is some kind of game series? A: In the past, in the really early beginnings of making this game, I had this whole elaborate ARG thing I would often joke about with friends where I would insist the movie was just a really bad faithless adaption of a video game series developed by Platinum Games and published by Atlus. There were jokes about the name “Remy” being a “dumb movie adaption thing” and that Ratatouille is in fact the proper name. The implication was that the “Disney movie adaption” was so bad it killed off the game series until this sequel came out well over a decade later due to “vocal fan support.” This eventually died down a bit, but some of the ironic ARG stuff has lingered. One part of the ARG was originally going to be that there were two people working on this game instead of one and that they’d have a messy public falling out on the game’s tumblr blog, but this was scrapped because it felt too explosive lol.
Q: What do you mean by this being a sequel to Ratatouille for Wii and Ratatouille PSP? Aren’t those the same game? A:  While the Ratatouille tie-in game on most consoles was just a movie adaption, the PSP version was one of those weird tie-in games that takes place after the movie. I never beat the game but the plot entails Chef Skinner stealing all the recipe cards from the new restaurant around the time of their grand opening, and Rem- Ratatouille having to retrieve them. This is recited as some sort of major, melodramatic event in Rata2ouille. Ratatouille PSP has a lot of scrapped side-characters from the movie appear (such as rats named Celine, Dodo, Twitchy all of whom were meant to appear in the movie and were in the official art book) in addition to very odd new characters such as Teen Rat, who is seemingly a Sonic the Hedgehog pastiche that challenges Remy to races. These game-exclusive characters are all treated as if they’re established characters from the movie that we should know and recognize so when I discovered they exist halfway through development, I retroactively added a bunch of them into this game and treated them exactly the same here. I did a lot of deep diving into the production of the movie and its tie-in material while making this game and referenced a lot of niche stuff -- in order to be as bizarre as possible, I also needed to be as “authentic” as possible.
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