#bts friends to lovers
httpknjoon · 7 days
a summer fashion choice | jjk
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plot | This summer heat got you and your friends to enjoy your day at Blaire's beach house in the ocean. While everyone suits in their swimwear, your friends wonder why Jungkook your secret boyfriend is wearing a high-neck shirt.
words | 2.7k+
genres | fluff, crack,  secret relationship au, established relationship au, friends to lovers au
pairing | jungkook x reader
note | they are just getting sloppier and sloppier atp 🥴 anyway, enjoy reading!! let me know ur thoughts 🫶
main masterlist  |  drabble series masterlist
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“Look at him, all focused on his laptop and work.”
Jenny rested her elbows on the white sand while turning her head to the beach house. Specifically on its porch, where your secret boyfriend types eagerly on his keyboard while answering a call through his Airpod. His eyes were focused on his screen and you swore you could see the gears in his head turning at a rapid pace. You thought he could enjoy this weekend but he got a call after you had breakfast with everyone this morning. You sighed, shaking your head.
“I heard he is working for a possible promotion.”
“Yeah, but we are on vacation right now,” Dara replied while putting on some sunscreen on her arms.
Your two friends shifted their conversation to other things. But your gaze remained on Jungkook. You watch Blaire approach him after his call, softly patting his back. She points out to the ocean while talking to him. Jungkook chuckles and shakes his head. Blaire walked away, also shaking her head with a smile. Even though she wore dark aviator sunglasses that matched her lace cover-up, you felt like she was looking at you. You confirmed it when she sat beside you.
“That guy cannot stop working after we had breakfast. Next time that I’m bringing you all here at the beach house, I am confiscating your gadgets,” she spoke out.
“Geez! Mom, relax.” Jenny exhaled exaggeratedly like a teenager, making you and Dara giggle. “You should check on your other kid though.”
She pulled down her sunglasses and pointed her finger to the other side of the beach. Wooshik, whose body is buried underneath a large amount of sand, has been shooing Bam away, who is licking his face.
“Who the hell spread peanut butter on his face?!” Blaire laughed.
Dara raised her hand, “It was my idea. But we all smeared it on his face.”
You nodded, remembering that you were also the one who called Bam to first smell your friend’s face. The sand was too heavy on his body that Wooshik could not even raise his hand to push Bam away. By the time he was able to get off the sand, his face was already shiny clean with your dog’s drool.
You all stood up to run when Wooshik threw sand directed at your area. Bam ran behind you and your friends, laughing and playing on the seashore. You don’t know who ran towards the ocean first but you, Blaire, Dara, and Jenny worked all together to splash water against Wooshik. It did not last long as your arms got tired and you asked for a truce.
“Oh, no. Bam, baby, stay there!”
You quickly ran from the salt water when you noticed your dog running in your direction. Thankfully, you met him halfway, just when he was about to take a step into the waters. That was when you decided to sit with him on the sand. You two watched your friends playing in the water. You were smiling until you remembered your boyfriend who was wasting this day with his laptop. That’s when you pick up your sheer white wrap skirt and tie it around your hips. You also attached Bam’s leash to him again, just to make sure he won’t run away from you.
“Let’s go, Bam.”
Barefoot, you strolled on the warm sand on your way. Even though it was close to the afternoon, you still find the heat endurable to enjoy the beach.
“Hey…” you softly smiled at him.
“Hey.” he was typing on his laptop when he responded.
You pulled one of the vacant seats around the small table and sat on it. You noticed a little thick compilation of papers on the table. You wondered if he planned to do his job here today since he had all of these back in his car.
“Babe…” you called him with a careful tone.
He threw a short glance at you before reading something on the paper, “Yes, princess?”
“You know that today is Saturday, right?” you told him while Bam sniffed your resting hand.
“Yes. But I forgot that I was supposed to do this last night and I didn’t because we drove here.” he reasoned. “And I need to pass this–”
“When is the deadline?” you cut him off, knowing that he is just doing this all for a reason.
“It’s…” he paused, looking back at you while biting his inner cheek. He knows that you know why he was doing this. So, he cannot tell lies even if he wants to. “It’s two weeks from now.”
You leaned back in the chair while crossing your arms, “You know what I am going to say, right?”
He nods his head, “But they will announce the promotion soon and if I pass this report earlier than others, I might–”
“You might end up really tired and overworked.” you cut him off again. This time, sounding more serious. “You have a deadline for a reason. Plus, we came here to enjoy this weekend. You still have time to do that when we get back to the city.”
“But I want to pass this report as soon as possible.” he firmly said, undeterred.
“Okay, whatever you say.” You gave up, getting up.
The moment you said that Jungkook instantly felt the shift in the air. Your back is already turned to him as you walk back to the house. His chest tightened and it’s like something is stuck in his throat. Before he can even call your name again to talk, Bam barked next to him. As if he knows his dad did something wrong.
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Might as well go read a book or watch something, you thought.
Admittedly, you were annoyed that Jungkook is firm about doing that report here, especially when he said that it’s still due in the next week. Usually, you understand him being this workaholic since he has been aiming for that promotion. But it’s not like you will get to go here again next weekend.
You searched around the room for that book you brought with you. Under the bed, under the sheets, and even your luggage. Surely, you brought it with you. You remembered reading it before Jungkook sneaked into your room last night. While looking on the bed again, you heard a couple of knocks on your door.
Busy, you only said, “It’s unlocked.”
That’s when Jungkook steps into your room. He noticed your scrunched eyebrows when you looked at him after looking under a pillow. His heartbeats fastened as he slowly closed the door behind him. You were busy searching for something and he was about to ask but then your expression changed after looking under the other pillow. Finally, you looked at him, holding the book to your chest.
“Where’s Bam?”
“I left him with Blaire. She took him with her on the sand.” Jungkook took a step closer.
You acted naive, walking to the other side of the room where your luggage was left open. You began cleaning up the mess you made while looking for the book.
“Are you done with your report?” you asked without even looking at him.
You didn’t say anything and neither did he. So after zipping up your stuff, you have already decided to leave and read outside. But you wanted to freshen up first. You looked at yourself in front of the mirror, ignoring your boyfriend who sat quietly on the bed but obviously watching you. You meet his eyes through the mirror.
“Then, what are you still doing here, Jungkook?”
No babe? Or even Kook? Jungkook frowned, getting up behind you. He wrapped his arms around your waist before resting his chin on your shoulder.
“Princess…” his tone was pleading. “I’m sorry.”
With how close his warm breath on your ear, it sends shivers all over your body. You wonder how did the temperature get high gradually, almost matching the heat outside. You tried to keep your composure, not breaking any expression on your face while you asked him again.
“For what?”
Gently, Jungkook turns you around to directly face him. His hands were still on your waist and the space between you two was almost nonexistent. You looked straight into his eyes while clenching your jaw.
“I’m sorry that I’m working during the weekends and I pissed you off when you just want me to enjoy this day,” he said, almost a whisper.
At that point, you already lost yourself. Your gaze went from his eyes down to his lips when he began speaking. After you realized what were you doing, you looked at him.
“I’ll accept that apology if you tell me you won’t be doing any work for the rest of our time here.”
He raised his left hand and stood like a true follower, “I promise that I will not do any reports while we’re here.”
Jungkook waited for you to say something but you simply ran your hands through his hair. You softly massage his scalp with your fingertips just like what you usually do when you know he’s tired or when you two shower together. You figured he was enjoying your thing when his eyes closed as his hold on your waist tightened. Your eyebrow raised before tugging on his hair, causing Jungkook to groan.
“Just… enjoy,” you mumbled.
Jungkook nods, slowly opening his eyes, and the first thing he sees is that little smirk on your lips. He smiled while wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him. You were the first one to lean in and make your lips meet. But as you were about to pull away, Jungkook held you firmer, deepening the kiss. You once again tugged on his hair. He responded with a soft moan. The kiss became more passionate. You two moved in sync, moving closer to the bed, without breaking the kiss. You straddle him. The next thing you know, your lips were tracing kisses on his jawline down to his neck. Lost in the moment, Jungkook tilts his head back. You move your hips slightly, earning another groan from him.
“Everyone’s outside?” you asked in between kisses.
“Mhm…” he hummed “Princess…”
You mindlessly began sucking the skin just below his jawline. He gasped, his hand squeezing your thigh gently.  You did it a couple of times more before you pulled away and were about to reach and untie your top from the back when you noticed the dark bruise forming on his neck.
“Oh, shit,” you murmured.
Jungkook opened his eyes, “Why?”
You look at him with a look of guilt on your face. You were trying not to smile, pursing your lips. He tried to stop you from getting up from him but you pulled him to the mirror.
“What– Fuck.” Jungkook cursed while tracing the hickeys you left on his neck. “That’s a lot, Princess.”
You were trying so hard not to laugh, “I’m sorry.”
Jungkook was about to speak when you heard knocks on your door. Your eyes widened.
“Come out, lovebirds. We’re having barbecues outside for lunch.” Blaire spoke.
You and your boyfriend looked at each other, silently asking each other what to do with the obvious bruises on his neck.
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“Tell me, why the fuck is your boyfriend wearing a turtleneck in this burning weather?”
After having lunch, you and your friends went back to the beach to play volleyball. You take turns cooking the remaining barbecues and playing. You and Blaire were sitting on the side when she asked you that question. Her tone was not even asking, just genuinely curious and you understand. Because it is really weird why someone would wear a turtleneck shirt on the beach. Worse, it’s not even the swimwear type. It’s cotton material.
Unfortunately, that’s the only remedy you and Jungkook can think of earlier. You cannot really think of any answer so you were relieved when Dara sat next to you guys. You tapped Blaire, asking her to keep her lips sealed.
“I hate playing with those competitive players,” Dara said, referring to Jenny, Wooshik, and Jungkook.
You and Blaire laughed, offering her a drink instead. Jenny was playing alone against the two guys. Her competitive nature naturally takes on every time the ball is served to her side. You and the others just cheered for her on the side, chanting her name. You all cheered louder when Jenny got another win.
“See? I told you, you can’t move properly with that shirt.” Wooshik grunted at his best friend.
Jungkook fought back, “I am literally the MVP of this team. Four out of five points came from me.”
You laughed at their immatureness whenever they were together. Jenny asked for time out and you gave her a glass of iced tea. The guys followed, getting their barbecue and drink.
“Why are you even wearing that? We’re on a beach.” Dara asked.
Jungkook took a glance at you before replying, “I… I got bad insect bites.”
Wooshik, who quietly caught that, asked, “Where? On your neck?”
“Oh, I brought a cream for that!” Dara began searching through her beach bag. “Here!”
Jungkook awkwardly accepted the small tube Dara handed him, “Thanks.”
“You should put it now. It relieves the bite almost instantly,” she added.
“Oh, okay. I’ll put it later when I’m back in my room.” he reasoned.
“Why not now?” Wooshik squinted his eyes.
It didn’t help that your other friends also encouraged him to put it now. You remained quiet, gulping your drink until there was nothing left.. Jungkook can tell that you ran out of ideas too.
“Well, okay…”  he sighed. Fuck it.
He removed his shirt and his friends almost had the same reaction as soon as he got his shirt over his head.
“Oh… Oh.”
Dara has her eyes wide open, staring at the insect bites. Her lips were formed into a small o. Jenny was confused, lines forming between her brows as she scanned his neck. Wooshik choked on something and was coughing for a good ten seconds. Blaire was covering her lips, obviously hiding a smile on her face. And the insect herself, you, looked away when you met his eyes.
“What?” Jungkook broke the silence. “It’s bad, I know.”
Jenny cleared her throat, “What… what insect bit you again?”
“I-I don’t know. I just saw them after I finished doing my workloads earlier.” he lied.
“I’m sorry but why does it look like hickeys?” Dara giggled.
“Dara!” Blaire scolded her.
Then, Wooshik joined, asking, “But is it though?”
“It’s not!” Jungkook exclaimed. “I-It’s actually kinda itchy.”
“It looks bad…” you awkwardly commented, just to break off your personal silence.
You feel bad seeing him cornered like this but embarrassed at the same time with your artwork on his neck. Jungkook turned his head to you with his eyes narrowing.
“I know, YN. That’s what I said.”
His tone seems a little annoyed and you totally understand why. Although this isn’t the first time you gave him love bites, you managed to hide it before.
“Then, you should totally put that cream Dara gave you.” you remind him about the said cream in his hand.
“After you put that, let’s go back to playing,” Wooshik told everyone. He then turned to his best friend, “And you keep your shirt off. The hickeys– I mean, those bites are gonna be fine.”
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The sun was already setting when your friends decided to go back to the house. You decided to stay for a little longer on the shore to take pictures of Bam. Jungkook got back the house too to get his camera.
“Bam, look at here!” you tried to get Bam’s attention.
You were so focused on taking pictures that you didn’t notice Wooshik returning to look for his slippers.
“Do you want me to take pictures of you and Bam?” he asked.
You turned around, “Oh, it’s fine. Just Bam.”
He nods before turning his back, “Okay, Princess.”
You paused, confused, “What did you call me?”
“Princess?” Wooshik faced you and the first thing you noticed was that stupid smile on his face. “Oh, I thought you like being called that.”
Speechless, you just shook your head. Wooshik chuckled at your answer. A mix of confusion and surprise was painted all over your face.
“Okay, don’t stay out here for too long. You might get insect bites. Just like Jungkook.” he reminded you before running back to the house.
You rolled your eyes, whispering, “He knows.”
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TAGLIST (closed)
@hobiuwusunshine @alinerl @bbangtanlove95 @daydreamiies @craftymoonchaos @awseokjin @yoonabeo @luvrsofbts @bloopkook @chvngbiin @takochelle @wildarmy @cuddlysoftbear @luv-minhyun-world @shydestinyyouth @bbtsficrecs @fan-ati--c @rjsmochii @jkbabiey @hopeworldjimin @chieftoadturkeynickel @ppeachyttae @tannies-luv @loomipee @sanctify-mp3 @stuffy1985 @di0rgguk @tswisal1 @amara-mars @jksgirlhere @callmejimmeo @rapmonie2047 @daemontargaryenwhore @juju-227592
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yoonbroom · 9 months
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a list of BTS fics I really enjoyed! pls go and show these amazing authors some love <3 if there wasn't a summary I just included a little blurb from the fics! and anything with * are my own thoughts. now onto the recs ↓
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TURN BACK TIME - @raplinesmoon
oneshot, fluff, angst, smut
After total humiliation at his middle school baseball try outs, Kim Seokjin wants nothing more than for his awkward years to fade away until he’s thirty. Cue a magic baseball glove, and his wish is finally granted. Seokjin suddenly wakes up seventeen years later, now the star pitcher of the team he’d always dreamed of playing for. Confused and overwhelmed at the prospect of the new life waiting for him, he turns to the only person who seems to understand him — you. Will Seokjin learn what it truly means to be thirty, flirty, and thriving? Or will he find himself wishing he could turn back time?
WITH YOU - @yoonpobs
oneshot, fluff, angst, smut, ceo, marriage, divorce, parent
marrying your childhood best friend was not the love story that most painted it to be. you knew that better than anyone else.
UNTITLED - @eoieopda
drabble, fluff, est relationship, parent
"I loved the dad joon and dad yoongs drabble 🥹 it's freaking cuteeee omg jade 😭😭 *whisper* can you do dad-to-be or dad seokjin too please...? I'm on a seokjin missing hour 🥹 thank you ❤️❤️"
LONG TERM COUPLE - @taetaespeaches
series, fluff, angst, idol au, strangers to lovers
long term couple masterlist *the whole long term couple series is honestly one of my faves😭*
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LONG TERM COUPLE - @/taetaespeaches
series, fluff, angst, smut, idol au, strangers to lovers
long term couple masterlist
NO MORE - @gyukult
series (two-shot), angst, smut, fluff, unrequited love, college, secret relationship
yoongi doesn’t like your consistent pining, and one day, after finally coming to terms that he will never reciprocate any feelings back, you give up. yet, for some reason, yoongi is the one who can’t come to terms with the consequences of when he says ‘no more.’
series, fluff, angst, smut, arranged marriage, est relationship
You’ve been in your arranged marriage with Yoongi for five years, and he’s never once retaliated for anything you’ve done to him. One day you realise you’ve lost your appetite for provoking him, and you set about trying to win his heart instead.
CARE FOR YOU - @archivedkookie
oneshot, fluff, est relationship, marriage, doctor au
Yoongi will always care for you, no matter what.
BABY, YOU CAN DRIVE MY CAR PT.2- @jungshookz
oneshot, fluff, angst, smut, mechanic au
welcome to min mechanics - what can i do for you today, doll?
THE TROPHY WIFE - @taeyohonic
oneshot, fluff, angst, est relationship, idol au
the proposal doesn’t go as planned
BACK-BURNER - @/yoonpobs
series, angst, fluff, smut, sisters best friend, friends to lovers
sometimes you felt like you were the back-burner of a two-decade-long friendship. how could you ever compete?
VEGAS BABY - @chimivx
series, fluff, angst, smut, idol au, parent au
A peek into the life of an Idol and his soulmate tackling the obstacles that come with having a surprise in the whirlwind of a world they live in. { This link takes you to the full collection of works. }
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LONG TERM COUPLE - @/taetaespeaches
series, fluff, angst, smut, strangers to lovers, idol au
long term couple masterlist
ONE NIGHT LIGHT - @bts-reveries
series, fluff, angst, smau, parent
Hoseok has been living his very own version of a perfect life. Unlike some of his best friends, this doesn’t include a happy marriage, adorable kids, or even a stable relationship. All he would ever need was music, dancing, and of course, the parties. Now what happens when he gets a wake up call from reality when the door rings approximately six years after his last one night stand?
AT THE CONCERT - @katnisspeetaprim
oneshot, fluff, est relationship, idol au
Hoseok was quite insistent that you come to this show in particular...
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LONG TERM COUPLE - @/taetaespeaches
series, fluff, angst, smut, strangers to lovers, idol au
long term couple masterlist
UNTITLED - @/eoieopda
drabble, fluff, est relationship, parent au
ALONE ON YOUR BIRTHDAY - @monimonimoon
drabble, angst, est relationship
Namjoon promised he would be there on your birthday, he wouldn't be working, he certainly wouldn't work late. Sometimes, increasingly frequently, he broke his promises.
ME AND YOUR MAMA - @joonberriess
oneshot, smut, fluff, est relationship
you like to remember both what life before the little one was and after with your loving boyfriend namjoon.
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ROCK BOTTOM - @jkbabiey
oneshot, angst, fluff, smut, marriage, idol au
When, in a four-year marriage, you get to the point where you question its worth, you know that’s your rock bottom. How many I’m sorry’s will you handle? How many times are too many times?
MASK ON - @herherteartear
series, fluff, angst, smau, single dad au
blind dates are never the move.. unless your best friend is vouching for the person you're going on a date with. it couldn't be that bad, right? wrong. now you're in love with a man who has a big secret. a big secret with chubby cheeks and pig tails.
LONG TERM COUPLE - @/taetaespeaches
series, fluff, angst, smut, friends to lovers, idol au
long term couple masterlist
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MINI ME - @bts-reveries
series, fluff, angst, smau, strangers to lovers, parent au, artist au
Unlike his best friends, Taehyung was young, wild, and free. No relationship, no babies, no responsibilities. Well he had his puppy, but that was it. Taehyung watched his nieces and nephews grow up and it was no secret that he too wanted to have one of his own someday. So what will happen when he finally finds someone that matches his personality (and himself) well?
oneshot, fluff, idol au, strangers to lovers
"He’s been watching your videos for quite some time now, ever since your channel started rising. Art was one of his major interests and he absolutely adored the way you made your videos with the calming, ASMR-like sound of mixing paint and how you skillfully glided the brush across the canvas. On days when he found himself tired and in need of a quick way to relax, he’d subconsciously find himself binge watching videos on your channel— even repeating several videos since you were only starting. He found it fascinating, but also because he found you interesting."
ONE OF THE BOYS - @littlemisskookie
oneshot, fluff, angst, smut, childhood friends, best friends to lovers, high school
All your life you wanted only one thing- for Kim Taehyung to like you. You did everything you could to make this happen, from picking up his hobbies and rejecting anything feminine. But who do you start to become when you stop trying to impress him?
LONG TERM COUPLE - @/taetaespeaches
series, fluff, angst, smut, (best)friends to lovers, idol au
long term couple masterlist
oneshot, angst, idol au
"pls do 12 and 27 with tae (angst)"
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UNTITLED - @onlyswan
oneshot, fluff, angst, est relationship, idol au
in which you make jungkook’s world spin and you tend to… make him a little too dizzy.
ME AND MY HUSBAND - @gashinabts
oneshot, fluff, angst, smut, est relationship, parent au
You don’t want to brag but you have the world’s greatest husband. Jungkook packs your lunch everyday, and makes cute shapes with the fruit. There’s even a little note, ‘ Have a good day at work, Baby! <3’. Smiling to yourself you place the note down, and eat your food with content.
17 GOING ON 27 - @hansolmates
oneshot, fluff, angst, photographer au
one second, you’re sobbing at prom because the most popular guy in school dumps you due to your relationship being a little prank to break your heart. the next? you’re a creative editor at Ego, the hottest young adult fashion magazine. as you try to figure out what’s the deal with this sudden time skip into adulthood, you come across relationships and friendships that are made to be cherished and made to be broken.
HOME - @bonny-kookoo
oneshot, fluff, smut, idol au
Singing about love without having experienced it properly before, Jungkook felt a little foolish- as if he didn’t quite have the rights to the words he’d put out there for others to listen to. But Jungkook also loved to learn new things; and loving you was one of them.
LONG TERM COUPLE - @/taetaespeaches
series, fluff, angst, smut, strangers to lovers, idol au
long term couple masterlist
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want recs for other groups? check out my navigation → here!
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muniimyg · 5 months
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3: the favourite snacks // series m.list
note: ohhh... it's kinda cute here ;) how are we liking them? lmk ur thoughts! oc's moment to shine is coming soon !!!
taglist request: send a request with the title of this fic “aao” // DO NOT comment here or on the masterlist . it gets confusing and i prefer answering and tagging through asks !!!
🏷️ permanent taglist: @joonsjuice @taetaecatboy @pb-n-juju @miss-rainy-days @firesighgirl @whoa-jo @vantxx95 @pamzn @kakixaku @casspirit0705 @tae165 @defzcl @sopebubbles @leefics @ggukkieland @bebebutbetter @yoongimentita7 @boraength @era-genius @4ksj @vampcharxter @miss-jupiter @floweryjeons @taegijns @jeonqkooks-main @ellesalazar @jkslvsnella @parkinglot-nights @kissyfacekoo
fic taglist: @seagulljk @peterstarkchrishiddleston @thekookiecorner @kyjjk @bbtsficrecs @rainypainting @skzthinker @lachimolalajeon @wildflower98 @bluesoulsoul @loumin908 @jk-190811 @survivalistghost
As usual, Jungkook interrupts your reading time. Before, it didn’t mean much. Before, he would quietly sit beside you and mind his own business until he got out of his mind bored. Then, he would bug you and you would have no choice but to put your book down. You didn't mind it before. Before, it was whatever.
However, the scene is different today.
Today, he ran to the library after his lecture and couldn’t find you. Disappointed, Jungkook turned his heels to head home… But as fate would have it; he found you along the way.
At the sight of you, right then and there, Jungkook decided that this was his favourite season. 
The season of you.
How could it not be when this… You… Are just so beautiful? As you sit on the grass, leaning against the tree trunk, the wind gently blows cherry blossom petals around you. It’s beautiful. It looks magical.. Like it was fake. I mean, it had to be right? You look so perfect. It looks like those made-up scenes in movies. Jungkook rubs his eyes to make sure it isn’t. This is real life. 
This is you. 
However, his dream-like state of mind is shaken awake when he approaches you, and you refuse to give him the time of day.
First, he stands in front of you and greets you warmly. You ignore him. Then, he sits down beside you and nudges you. Even though your body moves to his push, you still remain silent. Now, this is his last attempt before he loses his mind. 
Jungkook inches closer to you. You sit still, doing your best not to move away. You have to stay put. You have to stand your ground! But life gets 10 times more difficult because he smells so good. As he leans forward, he fixes your hair, and you're awestruck. He tucks your hair behind your ear, sending chills down your spine. You swear it’s just the cool breeze, but you know in your heart it’s him. 
He makes your heart race. 
He smells good.
He looks good, too.
It's no wonder your body betrays you. You squirm from his touch, unable to hold yourself still. It’s gentle and light—but it’s just so ticklish! As you react, Jungkook offers a smug smile. In return, you push his hand away and huff at him. 
“I’m not talking to you.”
Jungkook’s smile drops. 
“What? Why?” His mind spins with confusion. Meanwhile, you keep a straight face and go back to reading. “What did I do?”
Keeping your book up, you answer him without really answering him.
“You know what you did.”
Jungkook thinks for a moment. What could he have done? The last time he saw you was a few days ago. You two met up to have a quick study session together. It was the same routine! What could he have done wrong since then? Rather, what did he do wrong then?
“... I’m not really sure what I did wrong… Can I have a hint or something?” His tone is genuine and curious, making it harder for you to dish-out your anger.
So, you don’t respond.
Impatient and annoyed at your pettiness, he grabs your book and lowers it to see your face. 
Infuriated, you whine. “Hey! I’m reading—”
“—And I’m trying to talk to you.” Jungkook snaps. "Come on, ___. What's going on? Talk to me, please."
You glare at him, completely baffled at his audacity. Does he seriously think that he can play dumb? He can't. You won't let him.
“Well, I’m not talking to you.”
With an eyebrow raised, he speaks out his thoughts. “Why not? I don’t think I did anything wrong—”
“You lied to me!” You blurt. “You lied to me, and you know it. I looked so stupid!”
Jungkook’s throat feels dry. 
Lied to you?
About what?
He tries to run everything he has ever said to you back. He tries to remember everything from the moment you two first met to this very moment now… Every story he has ever said and every tiny side comment—yet, he can’t think of a time he was dishonest. He had no reason to lie to you! Talking to you is so easy because you’re such a good listener. If anything, talking to you has compelled him to be more honest… Jungkook reflects and concludes: no. He is not a liar. Besides, it’s not like he was hiding anything—
“You can skate,” you reveal. 
Jungkook blinks.
“Who told you?”
Fed up, you shove your book to Jungkook's chest. He lets it hit him and drop before reaching for your hands. Quickly, you swipe them away from him. No way is he holding your hand! Not after all the crap he just pulled.
Crossing your arms, you begin to confront him. “Yoongi and Jin were drinking last night. They called me and teased me about how dumb I was… How naive I was because you knew how to skate the entire time! I took the time to teach you how to skate because you kept falling—a-and to what? Find out you were pretending the entire time? W-why would you do that? Why would you lie to me?” 
Oh, it’s bad. 
It’s pathetically horrible how Jungkook is so into you right now.
It melts his heart how you could be this serious and hurt over this little fib. This has to be the cutest thing you could ever do… Be mad at him for wanting to hold your hand just because he was mischievous about it. 
He wants to laugh. He wants to tell you that you’re cute and the entire thing was just a stupid boy-coded play… But, considering how bruise-hearted you’re acting… Jungkook thinks twice about it. 
Then, he decides to give in and abide by your needs. 
You want answers and answers is what he’ll give you. 
“First of all: you’re not dumb,” Jungkook reassures you. You make a sour face and shake your head at him.
Groaning, you tell him: “Yes, I am! I looked like a total idiot trying to teach you how to skate when you’re literally a hockey player—”
“Second, I’m not a hockey player,” he chuckles. 
With a half smile, you return: “Right… You’re just a liar.”
… He deserved that. 
Jungkook doesn’t know what to say or do… Honestly, what are you supposed to say or do? The issue is ridiculous but at the same time, he understands you feel deceived. So… now what? 
“Okay… I admit it,” Jungkook sighs, accepting his defeat. “I lied to you about not knowing how to skate. I’m a liar. I’m sorry—”
“Ah ha!” you point your finger at him. Then, you poke his chest. “That's why I’m not talking to you—”
“But I’m apologizing—”
You shush him. “Doesn’t matter. At least, not right now. Like... Oh my goodness, Jungkook! I’m so embarrassed! It’s bad enough that—”
“—That I like you?” Jungkook interrupts you. You’re tongue-tied, unable to find words to deny or confirm. With shaky eyes, he does his best to look at you with the sincerest gaze. “I refuse to apologize for my feelings."
"It's not about your feelings—"
Jungkook plays smart. He's all in anyways. "Okay. Fine, it's not about my feelings. It's about yours, okay? ___, I’m sorry, okay? I just wanted to hold your hand… Is it that bad? Am I that awful for wanting to hold your hand?”
Slowly, you shake your head. You didn't meant to make him feel bad about his feelings for you! That wasn't the point. The point was... Well..
Oh, god.
What was the point again?
Your words beat your thoughts. “N-no… I just… I don’t understand why you didn’t just tell me.”
Jungkook looks at you softly, and it makes your heart stumble. Booping your nose, his lips curve into a smirk.
“It’s called flirting, dummy.”
“Hmph,” you pout, turning your face away from him. Under your breath, you mutter, “... So you’re calling me dumb too, huh?”
Jungkook panics. “W-what? No! That’s not what I—”
Without much thought, he grabs your hand and squeezes it. You turn to him, eyeing the way he’s holding your hand. You send him a look, and immediately, he drops your hand and puts it up in surrender. Then, he reaches for his backpack and unzips it. 
“Look! I know my apology doesn’t mean much to you right now, but it’s true. I am so sooo sorry, ___. I’ll deal with the guys. I’ll tell them to shut up and drop it. You’re not dumb—okay?” Jungkook digs inside his backpack and pulls out a plastic bag filled with various items. “Snacks! I was at the convenience store... Then, I suddenly thought of you. So, I bought your favourite snacks. Then I headed to the library but then you weren’t there… And now I’m here—a-and there’s so many! So many snacks, ___! There’s banana milk, some Yakult, and oh, I even bought that cup with the fancy ice—”
“... Is that pocky?” You shift, taking a small peek.
Jungkook’s eyes light up. He nods, shaking the bag in front of you. “Almond crush… Cos I have a crush on you—” You sit up and send him a warning look. Jungkook leans his body back and laughs. “Okay, okay, okay! Sorry! Almond crush is for me… The strawberry pocky is for you… Your favourite, cutie.”
Biting your bottom lip, you give in.
Your heart can refuse Jungkook, but it remains powerless against strawberry pocky. Jungkook takes out your strawberry pocky first. You’re drooling at this point… Before you can hold your hand out and ask for the pocky, Jungkook already opens it for you. When he successfully gets through the box and rips the wrapper, he offers the pocky to you as a peace offering. 
Unspoken, he knows he’s forgiven the minute you take it from his hands. 
Yet, he plays it safe. He waits for you to get a few bites in and for the smile on your face to appear. Once it does, he smiles cheekily at you. 
“Still mad at me?”
Between chews, you reply, “Let me think..."
"Whatever you need to do, my smart girl."
You shove a few more pieces of pocky in your mouth. After you chew and he laughs at you, you voice your decision.
"Nope... Not mad at you anymore. We’re good.”
Jungkook rolls his eyes as he reaches for the top of your head. He ruffles your hair and continues to laugh to himself… Perhaps, it wasn’t just about the lie. You were hangry. Mentally, he notes to always keep strawberry pocky in his bag. In case of future screw-ups or of hangry ___ moments. 
When he’s sure your mood has improved completely, he opens his pocky. 
You watch as he does so. Jungkook takes a bite out of his pocky stick and moans in approval. As he eats, he takes a moment to look out at the view of the rest of the field. Jungkook takes it all in. Other students are sitting on the grass, under the other cherry blossom trees, and even playing. It's a calm late afternoon, and he can't help but think about how much he likes this moment.
How the raspberry lemonade sky is peering over the horizon. How you're beside him. How cool the spring breeze is... It just feels so good to be with you.
“This is a nice spot!" He tells you. "I like the view. I like you—"
"You're ruining my peace," you complain. Shutting your eyes, you focus on the pocky. "But yeah, it's a nice spot. I found it while I had that whole week of avoiding you."
Jungkook laughs. "So I found your new hideout? Sorry, not sorry."
You shrug and point at the Yakult inside the bag. He digs in the bag and takes it out. Like the pocky, he prepares it before giving it to you. When he hands you the drink, you take a sip.
"Can this be our spot?"
You choke.
Jungkook's shoulders drop, finding it hilarious and also a little offending at the same time. Was it really this hard to flirt with you? Are you this childish? He never noticed.
It's annoying that his feelings only grow even more.
"Oh my god," he moves closer to you and pats your back. You take another sip to help relieve your throat. As you recover, he lectures you. "Fine. You can have this damn spot."
When he moves back to his spot, you sit and stare at him. Jungkook continues to eat his pocky. Moving on, he pushes the conversation forward.
"Ahh, I forgot how good this is. Almond is the best.” 
You tilt your head at him, wondering what it’s like to be completely wrong about a simple thing. It's like all your pressing thoughts dismissed themselves.
“Strawberry is better,” you claim. You say it rather simply. You say it honestly.
Jungkook copies your head tilt. 
“Strawberry is overhyped,” he argues with you. “Almond is more expensive. The ingredients are more worth it. It’s not just a fruit-flavored cream—”
You huff at him. “Strawberry is not overhyped! Just because it’s cheaper doesn’t mean it’s worth less—”
“Actually… It does.”
The anger that you had earlier? The one that went away? Yeah… It’s back. 
Fuming, you begin your rant. “Strawberry is classic. Almond was made because people got bored of chocolate, so they added almonds to trick people into thinking it was completely different… It's the same thing! Strawberry is an original flavour like—” As you explain, you put another stick in between your lips and suck on the cream. “Mhmm! It’s the best—”
Your words cut off. 
Not because Jungkook retaliates. 
Not because you’re chewing your pocky. 
It’s because Jungkook dips his head low and takes a bite out of the other end of your pocky stick. He pulls away rather quickly, but it happens… 
It happened. 
His lips brushed against yours. 
Oh my god. 
Jeon Jungkook kissed you! 
Wide-eyed, you pause for a second. Then, you panic. “W-what—”
“Mhmm.. I guess it’s okay,” Jungkook swallows his bite. “I think I still like—”
“Y-you kissed me!” you exclaim, bringing your hands to your lips. 
Jungkook blinks at you.
“No, I didn’t.”
“J-Jungkook," you breathe, “are you gaslighting me? You literally just kissed me!”
Your mind is spinning.
How the heck did that just happen? One second you’re defending strawberry pocky with your life, and the next… You feel more alive than ever. Jungkook has always been sneaky, but you never expected this. It was so innocent yet so mischievous—you have no words!
Perhaps, your inability to explain how you truly feel is what frustrates you and causes you to sound so naggy. 
On the other hand, Jungkook knew exactly what he was doing. He has no issues facing the repercussions. In his heart, he knows he’s just following it… So, why does it matter? This is him taking a chance. This is him… Winning. 
This is you folding. 
“___, that was not a kiss.” Jungkook reasons with you. “Why? Are you upset because you wanted it to be?"
No words. 
"It's okay to be disappointed," he adds. "I'm disappointed you don't want to share this spot with me. The library is boring as fuck so I don't really want it to be our spot, you know—"
“Y-you’ve got to be k-kidding me!” you cry. “Leave the library alone, you hater."
"... Okay?" Jungkook snickers. "You're greedy today. Do you always have to be right? Is that a thing I should know about you, future girlfriend?"
"Future what?" your eyes bulge. "O-okay, fine. Fine! You win. It wasn’t a kiss. It was horrible anyway. I expected more—”
Jungkook squints at you. “We didn’t even kiss, and you’re already accusing me of being a bad kisser? Damn, at least let me prove you wrong.”
Shaking your head profusely. “T-that’s not what I’m saying! I’m sure you’re an excellent kisser—in fact, I should brace myself, right? B-because you’re probably going to kiss me one of these day, and I’ll—”
“Do you want me to kiss you?”
You pause. 
“You heard the question,” Jungkook inches closer to you. In your mind, your body stiffens… In reality, you’re melting. Your body slightly leans in towards him and Jungkook has to bite his lip to stop himself from smiling. “Do you want me to kiss you?”
“Y-you already did.”
“You said it wasn't a kiss... Who's the liar now?"
You stay silent. Partly because you have no words and partly because you're afraid of what will happen if you don't speak.
Jungkook presses on. "You’re not answering my question…”
Then, as he speaks again, you realize you're stuck either way… You’re too shy to actually say the words, but he will take your silence, and find the truth. Or... You can say it for yourself. So, okay.
You give in.
“Y-you can do what you want. I just… I thought you already kissed me.”
Jungkook rolls his eyes at you for the second time this afternoon. “No, silly… If I kissed you, it would’ve been like this—”
Before you know it, it happens. 
It really happens. 
Soft, slow, and sweetly—Jeon Jungkook kisses you.
He kisses you under the cherry blossom tree with the raspberry lemonade sky above, and the spring breeze. He kisses you until you can't breathe, and your heart falls for him. Jungkook kisses you in your spot.
The spot.
Yours and his.
745 notes · View notes
bbsantc · 11 months
my favorite bts fics so far (hyung!line)
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hello lovely readers, i hope all of you are doing great. i've been wanting to make this post for a while now. i really want to share the amazing work and talent that many authors have on this app. as a literature fan and hopeless romantic myself, i made sure to pick out all the fics that i think are beautiful and amazing :)
some of these fics contain nsfw content (minors dni), or some heavy themes, i am yoongi biased so excuse me if the fic ratio compared to the other members is waaayy bigger (like by a lot i am so so sorry), also this post is insanely long heh (once again, i am so so sorry :p), all pictures are from pinterest!
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fluff- ♾️
angst- Ω
smut- ☻
crack/humor- ☼
i would sell my liver to read this again for the first time- ¶
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Kim Seokjin
Turn Back Time- @raplinesmoon ♾️☼Ω☻
''pairing: baseball player!Seokjin x doctor!reader (based on the movie 13 Going On 30) genres/au/rating: fluff, humour, angst, smut, time travel au, 18+ summary: After total humiliation at his middle school baseball try outs, Kim Seokjin wants nothing more than for his awkward years to fade away until he’s thirty. Cue a magic baseball glove, and his wish is finally granted. Seokjin suddenly wakes up seventeen years later, now the star pitcher of the team he’d always dreamed of playing for. Confused and overwhelmed at the prospect of the new life waiting for him, he turns to the only person who seems to understand him — you. Will Seokjin learn what it truly means to be thirty, flirty, and thriving? Or will he find himself wishing he could turn back time?''
Every Year- @another-army-spot ♾️Ω☻
''Pairing: Jin x Reader, some implied Yoongi x reader and Namjoon x reader
Word: 15.6K
Genre: friends-to-lovers!au, richkids!au, chef!Jin, bookworm!oc, hard fluff, smut angst?
Summary:  As the daughter of the Kim’s closest friends, you’ve attended their extravagant annual New Year’s party since the year you were born.  No matter what you always spend time with your favorite childhood friend, Jin, who has always been there for you.  Here are the highlights of you and Jin realizing just how important you two are to each other.''
Let's get married as a joke- @burningupp Ω♾️
''Genre: angst, fluff
Pairing: Kim Seokjin x reader
Wordcount: 8210 (I’m so sorry)
Summary: Your best friend Jin has always had a talent of getting you into trouble. Maybe that’s why you’re not surprised that he asks you to marry him as a joke - or that you agree.''
friends get married all the time- @hobipost♾️
''The silly promise you made ten years ago comes back to bite your asses, and you’re both too weak to pretend it never happened
pairing: seokjin x f. reader
genres/tropes: friends to lovers, fluff
words: 2k+''
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Min Yoongi
The Truth Between Us- @jimlingss @gukyi ♾️Ω ☼ ¶
“⇒ summary: a book deal should be the most exciting time of your life, but there seems to be a constant and omnipresent damper on your mood in the form of a certain min yoongi, who you would just cut out from your life, if he weren’t your editor. but then, the world shifts beneath your feet, and you begin to wonder if maybe you’ve always been looking at life from the wrong angle.
⇒ enemies to lovers au with various other au’s thrown in there
⇒ word count: 14k (first chapter)
⇒ genre: fluff, angst, drama”
Dating advice- @taleasnewastime ♾️Ω☻
''Summary: It’s been months – ok, it’s been years – since you last went on a date. And you’re sick of it. Sick of seeing couples kissing and holding hands in the street. Sick of your friends settling down. Sick of everyone buying houses and having families. You’re going to do something about it. You’re going to snap up a man, you’re going to tie someone down, you’re going to finally commit, you’re going to – you’re going to need a bit of advice.
Pairing: Yoongi x reader
Genre: fluff; angst; smut
Word count: 54k
Status: Complete''
unexpected lovers- @jjkeverlast ♾️Ω☻
''-> pairing artist!yoongi x female reader
-> genre fake dating!au, romantic comedy
-> summary what happens when you meet min yoongi at the club, or well accidentally use him as your pawn to not get hit on. not knowing your cousins friend overhears and suddenly your whole family knows.
-> word count 19.8k''
Only Yesterday- @borathae ♾️☻Ω ¶
'' “Your life in a small countryside village was nothing of the extraordinary, you owned a quaint little teashop, enjoyed warm evenings in your garden and liked taking walks by the river. One day a handsome stranger moves in the abandoned cottage opposite side of the river and it is not long that he becomes a source of comfort in your life.”
Pairing: Yoongi x f.Reader
Genre: s2l!AU, Neighbours!AU, Teashop!AU, Slice of Life!AU, Romance, Fluff, Smut
Warnings: This is a very feel good story, meant to comfort the soul and warm the heart. However it contains talks about car accidents and memory loss, as well as sexually explicit scenes. If you are sensitive to such topics I advise you read with care. 
Wordcount: 78.620''
Signed in Black- @yoon-kooks♾️☻
''Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Soulmate!AU, BadBoy!AU, FLUFF, Smut [in future chapters]
Summary: Min Yoongi. That was the name magically tattooed to your skin. You were told he was your lover by fate. And as cute as it would be to have a soulmate, Yoongi was the last person you ever wanted to be bound to. But thankfully, there was a way to remove the tattoo. All you had to do was convince six Bulletproof Fairies that the two of you were in love.
Word Count: 3.3k'' (first chapter)
neon signs- @pantoneyoongi ♾️¶
''title ; neon signs [ drabble series ]  pairing ; campus crush!yoongi x campus crush!you 
description ; namjoon doesn’t think it can get any clearer outside of yoongi building a giant neon sign saying i have the absolute biggest crush on you but apparently, book smarts don’t exactly translate when it comes to you and your massive crush on min yoongi.
(alternatively: namjoon and hoseok try for three years straight to get you and yoongi together.)''
Reflection of You- @agustdakasuga ♾️Ω ¶
''Genre: Historical!AU, Timetraveller!AU/ Different Dimension, Romance
Pairing: SUGA x Reader, Yoongi x Reader
Characters: Normal!Reader, Idol!Suga, King!Yoongi, Guard!Seokjin, Guard!Jungkook, RoyalAdvisor!Namjoon, Servant!Jimin, Servant!Hoseok, Prince!Taehyung
Summary: Confirming you were dating the famous Min Suga of BTS, you knew you were bound to make some enemies. But what you didn’t expect was to be cursed, leading you to meet a cold-hearted, arrogant king that shares the same face as your rapper lover. ''
your universe- @muniimyg ♾️☻Ω ☼
''in which min yoongi refuses to lose you
regretting rejecting oc, min yoongi goes through a circus load of gestures and tasks in attempt to be loved again
basketball captain // tsundere yoongi + sunshine // preschool edu major oc
friends to lovers 
uni au
one sided pining / rejection / redemption / a sad excuse of a slow burn
smut, crack, angst
social media au + written
implied + actual smut
angst (oc is heartbroken and trying to move on from being initially rejected)
name calling, love/hate friendships, big egos, overprotective friends, childish social culture, and a burnt out era &lt;;3 
ongoing ( ongoing/25 )''
andante cantabile- @kkulfm-2 ♾️☻¶
''pairing: myg x f!reader
genre: historical / regency au, fluff, smut
wc: 30.6k + 3.8k smutty bonus
summary: You are convinced Mr. Min is nothing but a rude and gloomy man after he leaves a horrible first impression on you. His friends' attempts to convince you otherwise are met with mixed success.''
Man of The Year- @raplinesmoon ♾️¶
''pairing: single dad!Yoongi x gn!reader genre(s): pure fluff, very minor angst au(s): graduation au word count: 2.7k warnings: some swearing, Yoongi is a little nervous, Yoongi is bad at flirting, this is so cute I could cry
rating: PG
summary: For the longest time, it’s always been Yoongi and his daughter, celebrating every milestone of life together. But today, that could change.''
Shut Eye- @alpacaparkaseok ♾️
''pairing/genre: idol!Yoongi x reader, fluff
premise: In a world where every night you meet your soulmate in your dreams only to forget their face and voice when you wake up, you’re now more desperate than ever to find them.
word count: 2.6k''
gold- @aquagustd Ω♾️☻
''↣ you’re in love with Min Yoongi, yes, you are, but why do you keep thinking of the boy who broke your heart into a million pieces when you should be focusing on the one who’s mending it.
pairing: yoongi x reader (past jungkook x reader)
genre: angst, fluff, smut, bff2l
word count: 17K''
stood up. -@parkdatjimin Ω☻♾️
''Three years after dumping your toxic boyfriend, you decide it's finally time to try the dating scene again. What you don't expect is for a handsome and confident CEO to come to your rescue after being stood up.
"Just play along. My name is Yoongi and whoever stood you up is a douche."
Pairings: CEO!yoongi x fem!reader
Genre: HEAVY angst, smut, lil fluff, slice of life, mutual pining, non-idol!au''
First-Date BAIT!- @jimlingss ♾️
''Words: 11.3k
Genre: Fluff
First dates are embarrassing. First dates are awkward. I’ve been through countless ones, sitting across from people who bored the living daylights out of me. It was less exciting than watching paint dry. Some dates were so utterly rude - I think you and I both know what it’s like to be on the receiving end on that. But now we both don’t have to waste our time anymore!
With First Date Bait they went out for me! Afterwards, they informed me if it was recommended to go out on a second date. It’s amazing with a 99.99% accuracy rate! That’s how I ended up meeting my husband!
First Date Bait. Why waste your time with awkward first dates?''
DreamCatcher- @jimlingss ♾️Ω
''Words: 13k (oops)
Genre: Fluff & Angst
Summary: When your dreams are more or less nightmares, monsters inside your head that eat you alive, it seems like the only person who can help you is Min Yoongi, professional dream chaser.''
Purr-haps I like you- @taleasnewastime ♾️
''Summary: You have a no pets policy where you live, but when you find a tiny kitten in a box on the side of the road, what can you do but bring it home with you? The only problem? The landlord who made the no pets rule, also happens to be your flatmate.
Pairing: Yoongi x reader
Genre: pure fluff; Flatmates au
Word count: 11.6k''
Wild Strawberries- @yoonia ♾️☻
''➤ Character / Genre: Min Yoongi x reader/female OC (told through Yoongi’s POV) | Lucid Dream!au, fluff, smut''
first love- @jungnoir Ω♾️
''⇢ summary:  yoongi meets you, seated next to him at a familiar brown piano, and he steals you away hours before your wedding day, seated next to him at a familiar brown piano + yoongi’s been in love with you since childhood and he only has the courage to tell you when you’re about to marry someone else.
⇢ relationship: min yoongi/reader.
⇢ genre: best friend!au, angst, romance. 
⇢ words: 5.6k''
strike a chord- @snackhobi ♾️☻¶
''pairing: yoongi x reader // word count: 15.8k // genre: smut
summary: your idea of a good night certainly doesn't involve being stood up by yet another blind date and finding yourself alone in a fancy bar; fortunately for you, there's an attractive man playing the piano to keep you busy, instead.''
Anyone But The Groom- @yoonjinkooked ♾️Ω☻
''❅ Summary: After a meet-cute that brings all the romcoms to shame, you realize that for once in your life, the stars have finally aligned and presented you a guy that might be able to make you believe in love at first sight. Only to find out that you’re in charge of planning his Christmas Eve Wedding.
❅ Pairing: Yoongi x female reader
❅ AU: Wedding Planner reader x Arranged Marriage groom Yoongi
❅ Genre: fluff, angst, smut, slow burn, will-they-won’t-they type of relationship
❅ Word Count: 36.5k (I AM SO SORRY)''
Not Even a Mouse- @softyoongiionly ♾️☻¶
''Summary:  The week before Christmas, you are tasked with delivering some paperwork to your father’s former business partner in order to secure your ownership of their legendary toy store. However, things don’t go as planned and a sudden blizzard keeps you cooped up inside the tiniest town you’ve ever seen, Snow Falls. You keep telling yourself that it’s the weather that’s keeping you here, but after a visit to Min’s Mini Mart, you aren’t so sure anymore…
Pairing: Single Dad! Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Romance, FLUFF, Smut (18+ only please)''
All I Want for Christmas (ft. Yoongi)- @hayjeon ♾️Ω
''→ singledad, CEO!yoongi x secretary!reader→ 13k words''
ceo!yoongi- @jungshookz ♾️☻☼ ¶
''→ pairing: min yoongi x reader 
→ genre: ceo!au, clumsy!y/n because that’s always nice, jimin is ur best friend, floofy fluff, a touch of nsfw aka office sex
→ wordcount: 21k+ so u should probably read this using ur laptop and not ur phone''
first love | myg- @lavienjin ☻Ω
''synopsis: After an incredibly long day, Yoongi found you crying in the copy room. Though he doesn’t talk much, you’ve always found his presence comforting, and it didn’t surprise you when he stayed and listen to you vent. However, while you sought comfort in his embrace, he proposed a special offer to reduce your stress with the magic of his hands. The only catch to your arrangement? You couldn’t fall in love.
But wouldn’t you know it, just as your friendship deepens into something more, you find an old notebook sitting on his bookshelf, and in it, a collection of poems. The last entry has you reeling because it’s addressed to you. And in that page, a single line is written: Without you, I am nothing
pairing: yoongi x reader
wc: 11.3k
genre/rating/au: 18+ | fwb, coworkers, f2l au | smut, angst
warnings: unprotected sex, fingering, semi public sex, multiple smut scenes, multiple orgasms, oral (m. & f. receiving), masturbation, exhibition, lots of feelings. like a lot of feelings :(''
A Boy Like You | Yoongi- @cinnaminsvga ♾️¶
''→ summary: for whenever you are feeling low, always remember that there is a boy you know who would lift the sky for you.
{or alternatively: Min Yoongi loves you, though he never says it. He’s always been a firm believer in that actions speak louder than any words ever could.}
→ genre: coworker!au, f2l, fluff''
when the stars align- @itskimtaehyung ♾️Ω
''Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader
Genre: FakeDating!AU with a hint of roommates (well actually more like apartment-mates but roommates is catchier), College!AU, fluff, angst
Word count: 10.5k
Content/Warnings: Mentions of heavy drinking, drug usage, strong language, but also cute things like adopting a dog together
Summary: With cuffing season approaching its end, you thought you had escaped the pressures of finding a boyfriend for the holidays. That is, until your friends set you up on a blind date that goes horribly wrong. This prompts you to enlist the help of your roommate, Yoongi, to fake a relationship so your friends will stop meddling in your love life. And it turns out Yoongi is a lot better at this romance thing than you originally thought…''
p.o.v | myg- @jtrbluv ♾️Ω
''summary: you were eight when you first met your soulmate. then you were eighteen when you realized that the boy who just got hired at the local record store next door, is also your soulmate. the issue at hand: you are the only one that knows.
pairing: yoongi x reader (fem)
genre: fluff, angst, soulmate!au, redstringoffate!au, college!au, high school!au
word count: 17.9k''
Yoongi is a Rock- @yoongsisbae ♾️Ω ¶
''rock!Yoongi x reader :D fluff a bit of angst a lot of silliness
Word Count 1.3k''
android!yoongi- @jungshookz♾️Ω☻☼ ¶
''→ pairing: min yoongi x reader
→ genre: android!au becauSe for some reason android aus are popping up everywhere, the usual heaping serving of fluff and comedy, N S F W like reALLY nsfw i poPPED OFF this time i don’t know even know what happened,,, forgive me god for i have sinned, a n g s t, i definitely teared up a little writing this because i was listening to kim bum soo’s i miss you and it made me 100x more emo
→ trigger warnings: this does get a little intense! beware!! 
→ wordcount: 24k like that bruno mars song''
you’re so concerned about the ending that you don’t even know the plot- @joonsgalaxy ♾️☼
''° yoongi x reader x taehyung
° 1.9 k words ° fluff/humour
🌟 you bring your broken laptop to Tae—the IT specialist—who you have a crush on. you drag your bff Yoongi along with you, who—you’re certain—has a crush on Tae too. what a mess, right? well, the thing is, you never even considered the possibility of your assumptions being totally wrong.''
better place- @cupofteaguk ♾️
''summary: you might be in love with childhood best friend Min Yoongi, and he might be in love with you—and everyone seems to know it. except for the two of you.
pairing: yoongi x fem!reader
genre: hogwarts au, friends to lovers au | fluff
warnings: slow burn, alcohol consumption, truly lowkey an idiots to lovers au word count: 14k''
something to hold on to- @fantasybangtan ♾️Ω ¶
''❦ word count. 17.7k ❦ genre. parent fic, fluff, angst, a bit of boob action ❦ warnings. illness, mention of hospitalisation, mention of minor character death, yoongi is kind of a dick sometimes, accidental(?) flashing ❦ summary. it’s not that you don’t like your job. on the contrary, reading bedtime stories to a certified little princess is something you still can’t believe you get paid to do. it’s just that between all the school runs, snow days and secret second hot chocolates before bed, you may fallen a little too hard for those dimpled cheeks and gummy smiles…. worse still, you’ve fallen for her father too.''
the proposal- @dreamescapeswriting ♾️Ω☻
''WORD COUNT: 35K (No its not missing a decimal point)
PAIRING: CEO!Yoongi x Assistant!Reader
GENRE: Smut, enemies to lovers, CEO x Assistant, fake marriage, angst, movie inspired, slow burn''
basketballcaptain!yoongi- @jungshookz ♾️☻☼ ¶
''→ pairing: min yoongi x reader
→ genre: basketball captain x water girl, cheesy cheesy stuff, the FLUFFIEST fluff, jungoo is an idiot, humour, nSFW = smut, cocky yoongi, spoiler alert yoongi does a body shot off of u it just be like that sometimes
→ wordcount: 18.4k this will definitely make the app crash as per usual don’t come for me''
Hug-o-gram- @cinnaminsvga ♾️☼ ¶
''→ summary: 
“This is probably the dumbest idea you’ve ever had,” Yoongi hisses, but it’s kind of hard for Seokjin to take him seriously when he’s wearing a cardboard sign around his neck that says ‘Huggie Wuggie Machine!’ in bubble font. 
“Like, even worse than when we DIY’d your car into a convertible by sawing the top off?” Seokjin asks, genuinely curious. 
“Worse,” Yoongi admits, trying his best to stay out of your line of sight. His cheeks redden, matching the gaudy pink kitten ears he was forced into wearing.
{or alternatively: Seokjin is a terrible wingman. He also runs a profitable business by sending hugs to people’s crushes for a fee. Mix them together and you have a recipe for Min Yoongi’s worst nightmare.}
→ genre: college!au, hugging booth!au,fluff, humor → warnings: yoongi is so smitten that he’s a walking disaster, so much shy!yoongi to the point where you’ll want to scream, seokjin just tryna get his homie some y/n love coochie bro ;o; → words: 13.3K''
I Wanna Hold Your Hand- @minisugakoobies ♾️
''Pairing: Yoongi x Reader (Gender Neutral)
Genre: friends to lovers, idiots to lovers, fluff, Roommates!AU
Rating: T
Warnings: pining, a lil’ smooching, Yoongi is very persuasive, reader is easily duped, it’s as fluffy as freshly fallen snow
Word Count: 1.4K
Disclaimers: None, other than obviously I don’t own BTS - they simply inspire me
Summary: It’s hand-holding season, according to your roommate.''
subtle- @joonary ♾️Ω
''↳ summary: just another memory added to the long list of drunk memories that you’ll forget but wish you’d remember, while yoongi will remember but wish he could forget. 
↳ genre: fluff; light angst; friends (?) to lovers (?); min yoongi x reader
↳ rating: pg-13
↳ warnings: swearing, alcohol consumption, and yoongi’s soft spots being exposed to the light of day. yknow, just another joonary fic.
↳ word count: 3.5k''
Hobi's Girl- @jjungkookislife Ω☻
''↬ pairing: f. reader x Hoseok, f. reader x Yoongi
↬ genre: smut [18+], angst
↬ summary: Yoongi had a wonderful night with you… but you’re Hobi’s girl.
↬ wc: 4.8k''
The King Isn’t Dead- @another-army-spot ♾️Ω☻
''Pairing: Yoongi x oc (fem)
Rating:  M
Word: 19.7k~ (my finger slipped?)
Genre:  historical fic, smut, romance, fluff, angst, political upheaval shit
Summary:  After the invasion and the King’s miraculous survival, the nation aims to secure stability and his position of power through the prospect of marriage and continuing the Min line.  As a promise to your brother on the battlefield, the King promises to consider you as his potential wife - to love and to protect.  Or maybe it’ll be the other way around?''
the landlord- @ppersonna ☻
''↳ summary- your air conditioner breaks right at the height of a recordbreaking heat wave.  good thing your hot landlord, yoongi, knows how to attend to any needs you may have.
↳ rating- explicit / 18+
↳ word count- 4.3k
↳ pairing- yoongi x reader
↳ genre- smut, light crack, PWP''
CYBERSEX- @gimmethatagustd ♾️☻☼
''The whole point of being a phone sex hotline operator is that you’ll never have to meet your clients. So what are you supposed to do when you find out your favorite client is your brother’s best friend? 
» pairing: yoongi x fem!reader 
» wc/date: 14.6k | July 2022
» genre: BTS | 18+ | brother’s best friend | smut | fluff | humor
» warnings: alcohol | blowjob | car sex | creampie | dirty talk | fingering | masturbation | pet names | phone sex | pussy slapping | sex work | unprotected vaginal sex''
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Jung Hoseok
hot rod- @kinktae ♾️☻
''a 1950′s inspired fic where greaser Hoseok can’t keep his eyes, or hands, off the new waitress at his and his boys’ favorite diner.
pairing: greaser!hoseok x reader
word count: 10k
genre: 1950s au, smut, fluff''
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Kim Namjoon
The Bodyguard- @rmnamjoons ♾️☻Ω
''➳ summary: You’re the daughter of the ambassador to a small, peaceful, barely-on-the-map country in Western Europe, working as a diplomat to help your mother with her endless meetings and politics. After a kidnapping attempt gone wrong, you and your protective bodyguard Namjoon are on the run across Europe, jumping from trains, stealing cars, and pretending to be a couple on your honeymoon to stay hidden. As the would-be kidnappers close in, Namjoon promises you that he’s going to keep you safe, no matter the cost.
➳ pairing: bodyguard!Namjoon x reader
➳ genre: bodyguard au, romance, smut, fake dating/fake marriage, road trip (kinda), very slight angst
➳ word count: 62.9k – this is a complete, VERY long oneshot''
Show Me How- @imaginationofacrazyfangirl ☻ ¶
''Summary:You swiped right on a nerd, instead you got a Greek God. Or tired of your virginity, you decide to throw caution to the wind and find a hook up on tinder.
— PAIRING: Namjoon x f!reader
— GENRE: smut. 18+ minors dni.''
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I'll continue in a pt.2
(tumblr doesn't let me write more lmao)
994 notes · View notes
7brownsuga7 · 1 year
Masterlist ꨄ
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Total works: 53
13/05/24 The God who answers after dark - Jungkook series (intro)
23/03/24 BTS x idol!gf headcanons request
12/03/24 BTS when jealous headcanon
10/03/24 For me - Toji drabble
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
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BTS smut, fics, imagines, headcanons, reactions & drabbles:
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
• Namjoon -
ꨄ Missionary ꨄ Knowledge drabble ꨄ Art drabble ꨄ
Namjoon headcanon (freaky edition) submission ꨄ Namjoon boyfriend headcanon ꨄ
• Jin -
ꨄ Jin boyfriend headcanon ꨄ Headcanon (freaky edition) ꨄ
• Yoongi -
ꨄ Headcanon (freaky edition)ꨄ Boyfriend headcanon ꨄ
• Hobi -
ꨄ Headcanon (freaky edition) ꨄ Boyfriend headcanon ꨄ
• Jimin -
ꨄ Boyfriend headcanon ꨄ Headcanon (freaky edition) ꨄ Angel series: * midnight snack
• Taehyung -
ꨄ Short drabble ꨄ Yandere submission (father-in-law) ꨄ
ꨄ Yandere pt.2 (father-in-law) ꨄ Sleep tight (stepdad submission) ꨄ Taehyung headcanon (freaky edition) ꨄ Boyfriend headcanon ꨄ ꨄ Principal request ꨄ
• Jungkook -
ꨄ Disruptions ꨄ Stupid black dress ꨄJealousy ꨄ
ꨄ Makeup sex ꨄ FaceTime ꨄ Ghostface killer ꨄ
ꨄ Ghost face killer pt.2 ꨄ Yandere submission (father-in-law) ꨄ
ꨄ Jungkook imagine ꨄ Elevator ꨄ Piercing drabble ꨄ
ꨄ Yandere pt.2 (father-in-law) ꨄ Touch me ꨄ
ꨄ Sub Jungkook x sub fem reader (submission) ꨄ
ꨄ Jungkook headcanon (freaky edition) ꨄ
ꨄ Jungkook boyfriend headcanon ꨄ
ꨄ The God who answers after dark series masterlist ꨄ
• OT7 -
ꨄ Cockwarming with boyfriend ꨄ BTS crushing headcanon ꨄ BTS when jealous headcanon ꨄ BTS x idol!gf headcanons request ꨄ
• Requests -
ꨄ Yandere (father-in-law) KTH|JJK ꨄ Sleep tight (stepdad) KTH ꨄFlower crown date reaction OT7 ꨄ
ꨄ Jealous over crush playing with their dog OT7 ꨄ
ꨄ Sub Jungkook x sub fem reader JJK ꨄ
ꨄ Headcanon (freaky edition) KNJ ꨄ
ꨄ Headcanon (freaky edition) PJM ꨄ BTS crushing headcanon ꨄ ꨄ Principal Taehyung request KTH ꨄ BTS when jealous headcanon
ꨄ BTS x idol!gf headcanons ꨄ
• Short drabbles -
ꨄ Namjoon knowledge drabble ꨄ
ꨄ 1k followers special - sub Jungkook drabble ꨄ Needy drabble ꨄ
ꨄ Overthinker ꨄ Jungkook piercing drabble ꨄ Namjoon art drabble ꨄ International women’s day drabble ꨄ
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
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AOT smut, fics, imagines, headcanons & drabbles:
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
• Eren -
ꨄ Jealousy ꨄ
• Armin -
• Connie -
• Jean -
• Erwin -
• Levi -
• Reiner -
• Short drabbles -
ꨄ Needy drabble ꨄ Overthinker ꨄ International women’s day drabble ꨄ
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
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JJK smut, fics, imagines, reactions, headcanons & drabbles:
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
• Geto -
ꨄ Hold on tight ꨄ
• Gojo-
• Choso -
ꨄJealousy ꨄ Boyfriend Choso funfair ꨄ Touch me ꨄ
• Toji-
ꨄ Fright night ꨄ For me ꨄ
• Hiromi -
• Nanami -
• Sukuna -
• Requests -
ꨄ Hold on tight Geto ꨄ
• Short drabbles -
ꨄ Boyfriend Choso funfair ꨄ Needy drabble ꨄ Overthinker ꨄ ꨄ International women’s day drabble ꨄ Toji | For me ꨄ
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
629 notes · View notes
csanflower · 11 months
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“you drew stars around my scars”
pairing: experimented on! jungkook x experimented on! reader
powers au!, childhood besties au!, patients au!
genre: angst, fluff, sfw
wc: 5.9k
synopsis: meeting jungkook was like gazing up at the brightest star in the sky as you lay helpless on the cold ground in the dark night. you both found comfort in one another. you healed each other as you suffered through painful experiments together. the pain was bearable, with him by your side. whenever he was around, your smiles were brighter, your shoulders were lighter, and all your worries just seemed to disappear in an instant. good things don’t last though. you learned that the hard way.
jungkook and y/n meet in the hospital both trying to be cured of their ‘disease’ (they have powers :O) and form memories along the way <3
tw: experiments on human (not detailed though), scars, gun
*inspired by ‘cardigan’ by taylor swift: “you drew stars around my scars” pls listen to it while u read this 🥹🥹(A/N: GONNA BE FIGHTING HARD FOR TICKETS TO ERAS TOUR THIS WEEK SO I WROTE THIS HOPING TO MANIFEST SOME TICKETS😭🙏🙏)
13 june, 2005
You monitored the pale, white room around you. White bed. White cupboard. White walls. You sighed in frustration. Your rainbow obsessed 7 year old brain screamed at you to add some colour to the walls. Note to self: Bring crayons to colour walls next time.
“Please…I will take care of her… don’t do this…”
Hearing the small familiar voice of your mother, your eyes lit up, and you climbed onto your white bed, propping your elbows onto the tiny window frame in the small room, peeking your small head out as you stared curiously into the other room. Your mother talking to a man in a white coat. They were having a serious conversation, and your mother seemed like she was about to cry. Why is mommy crying? Is she hurt? You thought to yourself, immediately jumping off the bed and running to the room next door to find your mother and comfort her.
The moment you entered the room your mother was in, you noticed she instantly wiped her tears away, trying to hide her tears from you.
“Hey sweetie, you like the room?” She plastered a smile on her face as she looked endearingly at you.
“It was alright. It could have more colour though. Next time I should bring my crayons and draw Bibi on it!” You let out a huge smile at the thought of Bibi, showing off your missing front tooth. Bibi was your imaginary friend. Picture a golden retriever, but covered in rainbows. Making friends were not exactly your specialty. For some reason, everyone called you a freak and did not want to talk to you, all because you were able to move things with your mind. And so you found comfort in your imaginary friend Bibi instead. He was the only one who understood you.
“Hey sweetheart, you’ll be staying here for a while, ok? It’s to make you better. Don’t worry, mommy will come back to visit when I can.” You could tell your mother was holding back her tears. It was the same face she made when daddy screamed at her and left us, or when she received a call that grandma died.
“W-why can’t mommy stay with me?” You felt tears brimming at your eyes as a sinking feeling appeared in your heart. You could feel that something bad was happening.
“Y/n, you are a danger to your mother. You need to stay here to get better-“ The doctor in the coat was cut off as I screamed out loud.
“NO! I WANT MY MOMMY! IM NOT GOING TO STAY HERE!” Your tears were overwhelming you as more people stomped into the room, grabbing your mother’s arms as she tried to grab you into her embrace. She had released her tears by now, sobbing uncontrollably. The people who stomped into the room grabbed her arms harshly, dragging her away from me and out of the door.
You felt your arms being pulled back by the doctor as you tried reaching out for your mother. You let out a frustrated scream, as your emotions ran rampage. The room around you started to shake and you unintentionally slammed everyone in the room against the hard wall — including your mother. Everyone except you fell hard to the ground as they hit the wall, all groaning in pain. You looked at your mother apologetically, then looked at your own hands in disgust. What have I done?
Your mother looks at you with one last glance, glossy eyes as she mouths to you ‘It’s ok, i love you’ The security people, as if unphased from the hit, immediately got up, containing their job as they dragged your mother forcefully out of the room. You didn’t dare to stop them. Not after what you did. You knew you were a monster.
“Do you see now, y/n? You’re a danger to everyone. If you want to be fixed, you will do the wise choice of cooperating with us so you can see your mother again.” The doctor got up slowly, looking at you with a cunning smile.
You gulped. You were scared. So, so scared and lonely. But you knew you had to do this. You had to get better. You had to make your mom proud. So you bravely nodded, agreeing to stay at the facility to get help.
You never saw your mother again after that incident. You were unsure if she chose not to see you again because she thought you were a monster or if she was not allowed to visit you, but you sure hoped it was the latter.
You grew accustomed to the lifestyle. Everyday, your morning would be filled with ‘recreational activities’ like playing chess, but having to move the pieces with your mind, or doing basic commands with your powers that the doctors made you do. Afternoons were the worst. They would strap you into the terrifying pink chair in the ‘rainbow room’ and conduct experiments on your brain. For a room called ‘rainbow room’, it was certainly not full of rainbows. You would have to sit through hours of excruciating pain as the voices in your head overwhelmed you. There were so many needles, blood. But there was nothing you could do. None of the doctors cared for you. You had no one.
As time passed, you started getting used to the lifestyle. The food wasn’t bad, you had a chef that would make what you wanted, and servants that would get you what want. The only issue was the loneliness. You realised you were the only patient at the facility. Nobody ever talked to you. The guards, doctors and servants were not allowed to form a relationship with you. You had no one to talk to — except Bibi. But you knew Bibi wasn’t real. You weren’t a kid anymore - you had matured quickly from having to face the bitter reality. Bibi was merely your coping mechanism from the horrors of your daily life.
That was until he came along.
On 13 June, 2006, Jeon Jungkook, a 9 year old boy, was admitted into your facility exactly a year after your admittance. You were excited when you heard the news. You would finally have someone to talk to, someone to share your pain and to hang out with — a friend. Sadly, you did not hit it off as well as you expected it to. Jungkook was a shy, frightened boy, slightly shorter than you, eyes red and puffy probably from the amount of times he cried after being separated from his family. You felt for him. You were in the exact same situation as him a year ago, and you understood that he needed some private time to heal himself. He was definitely not in the mood for making friends. So you kept your distance for a while, not wanting to seem too desperate.
Until the night of his first experience in the ‘rainbow room’. You laid on your bed, reading the same book for the thousandth time as you sighed in boredom. Until you heard a sniffle in the hallway.
Curious, you stepped out of your room, not shocked to see Jungkook crouching into a little ball in the hallway outside his room, crying quietly. You could see the deep scars left on his left arm, the same ones you get daily from the experiments. You crouch down beside him softly, hesitantly patting his back as you tried to comfort him wordlessly. At first, he looked tense and uncomfortable at your touch, but he slowly eased into it as he saw the same scars on your arms. You inched closer to him, giving him a warm embrace as you cried together with him.
After that night, the two of you became closer. He realised that you were just like him. That he was not alone in his painful journey. And so started your friendship with Jungkook.
You soon realised Jungkook was more than a shy, frightened boy. He could be playful and kind at times, and he quickly became your close friend — more like only friend.
He painted your bleak childhood colourful with memories and fun moments. The two of you would make inside jokes about the staff there, laughing at how they always wore the same clothes and probably didn’t wash them, and joke over stupid things like whose powers were stronger or who was taller.
Yet despite all the jokes, the two of you placed deep trust in one another, comforting each other when the experiments got too harsh and painful, convincing each other that it would end some day. Mornings and afternoons of playfulness and fun ended in late nights of cuddling and crying together. This lifestyle became a norm for the two of you. But still it was tolerable, because you had each other.
“Y/n, look what I found!” Jungkook ran into your room with a big, smug toothy grin on his face, hiding something behind his back.
“Did you finally find out where your room actually is? Because I’m starting to think you don’t know that since you’re always in my room.” You rolled your eyes playfully as you pretended not to be interested in what he actually brought.
His smile faltered for a second, processing your words, before he faked an angry frown, and pounced onto your bed that you were laying on, tickling you as revenge.
“Ok stop,” you giggled, “I was just kidding, tell me what you brought.” He finally stopped tickling you, pulling something from under his shirt behind his back, as he excitedly presented it to you.
You jaw dropped in shock as you immediately snatched it from his hand, staring at it in disbelief.
“That’s right! A full set of rainbow coloured crayons just for you!” Jungkook beamed with pride.
It was only the previous night that you admitted your obsession with rainbows to him, telling him stories about Bibi, and sharing about how you wished you could colour your room walls. You’ve been begging the workers for some sort of colour since you’ve arrived, but they never met your requests, saying that it was too “childish”. You couldn’t help but wonder how Jungkook managed to get it.
“I bet Bibi could have never gotten this for you, it just proved I’m a much better friend than him!”
You laughed at Jungkook’s statement. After telling him about Bibi, he had been so jealous that you had another friend other than him, even though you repeatedly told him numerous times that Bibi was an imaginary friend. However, you didn’t admit that you hadn’t talked to Bibi in a long time since you’d made friends with Jungkook. That would make his pride swell too much.
“How did you get it? The workers never ever let me get anything like this!” You were still in disbelief.
“Well, doctor choi has been wanting to do the new form of experiment on me since a few weeks back, and he said he would reward me with anything I wanted if I did it! So since I’m the bravest and coolest person ever, I did it today!” Jungkook said with a smug smile.
You frowned when you heard what he said. For the past few weeks, Jungkook had opposed greatly to doing the new format of experiments, since it was on a much larger scale than the previous experiments we had done. Our previous experiments usually ended in scars on our arms, but this new experiment was performed on the whole body. Jungkook had protested against it, because he was too afraid of needles. He had always been less receptive to pain than you. But why did he suddenly agree to do it today?
You looked down on Jungkook’s body, noticing new scars that were on his legs. He quickly tried covering them, saying, “It’s no big deal! It wasn’t even painful!”
You knew it had to be painful. The size of the scarring were just much larger than the usual. You pouted in guilt, hugging Jungkook tightly, “You didn’t have to do that! I bet it hurt so bad!”
“It’s fine, I just wanted to do something for you after all you’ve done for me…” He looked at you, face blushing slightly from your close proximity.
That night, the two of you didn’t sleep, colouring the plain walls with the crayons until dawn broke.
“Pfff. What is that supposed to be?” Jungkook muffled his laughter when he turned to see what you were drawing.
Frowning, you exclaimed, “It’s the galaxy! These are all the planets and all my beautiful stars!”
“Those are supposed to be stars?! They’re so ugly!” Jungkook joked with you.
You threw one of the crayons in his face, ignoring his comments. You didn’t care how ugly your drawing was, you loved seeing the sky and stars shining. Especially the stars. Stars were your favourite thing. Before you came here, you and your mother went stargazing every week, staring into the beautiful sky. Even though you probably would never be able to see them again since you weren’t allowed out of the building, you still held on to the hope that maybe one day you could have that chance again.
You stared at your galaxy for a while before turning over to Jungkook’s side to see what he was drawing.
You were shocked to realise that he was a much better artist than you. You inched closer to his side, smiling when you realised what he drew. A portrait of you and him together, on a lush green field, staring up into a sky full of stars. Although you never told him directly about your love for stars, you realised he must have guessed it from all the times you talked about them and tried drawing them. Your felt your heart beat a little bit faster at the thought of Jungkook being so attentive to your likes.
Your eyes trailed down to below the beautiful drawing to see a small writing below.
‘Y/n and Jungkook together forever!’
As the years ticked by quickly, Jungkook started growing from a boy into a man. Once he hit puberty, he shot up like a tree and grew muscles. His featured became more defined and he grew out of his baby fat. You noticed that as Jungkook turned into a teenager, he had also turned more rebellious towards the workers, always unwilling to follow through their instructions and ending up getting punished. Yet he still stayed kind and sweet towards you, acting like the same 10 year old boy when he’s around you.
“One more time and we will not tolerate this anymore! You got it?”
Hearing the faint voice of doctor choi, you quietly get up from your bed and run to your door, peeking out softly, looking in the hallway.
Doctor Choi stood outside of Jungkook’s room in anger, scolding him. You could barely see Jungkook from your angle, only seeing half of his body.
“Ya, ya whatever. I won’t do it again.” Jungkook rolled his eyes and then slammed the door in Doctor Choi’s face, resulting in Doctor Choi stomping away in anger.
When you were sure Doctor Choi was out of sight, you quietly tip toed to Jungkook’s room, knocking on his door impatiently.
“What more do you want? I-“ Jungkook opened the door, annoyed.
When he saw you, he paused and his eyes softened.
“What did you do again? I was so worried when I couldn’t find you this morning! You have to start being more careful! These people have power over our entire lives! You can’t just act recklessly like this!” You immediately pushed past him and entered his room, sitting on his bed, as you looked at him angrily.
He carried a childishly guilty look, nervously scratching the back of his neck.
“I didn’t do anything bad! I just kind of sneaked out…”
“What!?? You tried sneaking out again?? Are you crazy? You could get into serious trouble-“
“I didn’t try, I did sneak out. I succeeded.” He said with a smug smirk on his face.
You paused your words in shock.
“Wait what? You sneaked out? Whats outside? Did you see the sky? How did you sneak out?” You bombarded him with questions.
He chickled slightly, sitting beside you in the bed.
“Chill, it’s mostly just greenery. But I found a really nice spot. I’ll take you there tonight.” He smiled gently at you.
You don’t know why you agreed with Jungkook’s ridiculous rebellious plan, but the thought of even a chance of being able to see the night sky again was just too tempting.
So now you and Jungkook were currently hiding in the vents, waiting for the right time to sneak out when nobody was looking. You sat rolled up in a circle beside Jungkook who looked noticeably more uncomfortable than you due to his size. The two of you were inches away from each other and you could feel your face heating up at the close proximity.
“This is really uncomfortable.” You muttered in the awkwardness.
He chuckled stating that it would be worth it.
Sure enough, he was right, as he usually was. When the workers were not looking, he quickly dragged you out of the vent as the two of you ran as quickly and quietly as you could to the spot he was talking about.
“Don’t open your eyes!” Jungkook placed his large hands over your eyes excitedly as he led you quietly to the spot.
You followed him blindly, placing your trust in him.
“OK! Open your eyes now!” You could hear the smile in his voice, excitedly opening your eyes.
When you peeled your eyes open, you stayed silent, in awe at the view you saw. The sky was pitch black, but the bright stars around twinkled in the dark. You felt like crying. You’ve been longing for this view for years. And now that you could see it in real life you didn’t know how to feel.
“I-It’s not the best view but I thought you would like it.” Jungkook said with a shy smile.
“It’s beautiful, Jungkook! I love it so much.” You were on the verge of tears, throwing yourself onto him as you embraced him tightly in gratitude.
You could feel him sigh in relief, hugging you back just as tightly.
“I’m glad you love it.”
The two of you sat on the field in silence, staring at the sky in awe. From your peripheral view, you noticed that Jungkook was looking at you the whole time.
“You should take a picture, it’ll last longer.” You joked with him as you turned to him momentarily.
“I really wish I could.” He replied.
You kept quietly, not expecting that response. The two of you stayed quiet for a while before you broke the silence.
“My mom used to bring me out to star gaze every week… I miss her so much.”
Jungkook looked at you in slight shock, not knowing how to reply. Though the two of you shared everything with each other, parents were not a topic you commonly discussed as it was pretty sensitive.
As silence engulfed the two of you again, you asked Jungkook, “Do you want a family when you grow up?”
“Yes, but only with the woman I love.” He stared intensely at you.
You looked back into his eyes, not knowing how to reply.
“Y/n, you are the one I lo-“
You cut him off quickly, pressing your finger onto his lips.
“Please don’t, I don’t think I can handle that.” You say apologetically, “I don’t deserve to be loved. My scars, they’re too ugly. I- I’m ugly. I don’t deserve love.” Your tears fumbled your words.
Jungkook’s eyebrows fumbled, his strong arms grabbing your arms gently, relentlessly pulling it towards him even as you tried your best to pull it away. He gently looked at your scars, rubbing onto them as he pulled them to his lips and kissed them gently.
“They’re beautiful y/n, everything about you is beautiful.”
Your tears started pouring as Jungkook looked at you with so much love and affection, kissing your ugly scars with so much care as if they were the most beautiful thing in the world.
“No they’re not, I can’t even look at them. It hurts, Jungkook. I hate everything about myself.” You leaned your head on his shoulders as you cried harder.
Jungkook hesitated for a moment, before grabbing something out from his pocket.
You almost laughed amidst your tears when you saw what he took out. A pink crayon. You remember giving that to him because you refused to use that colour in your drawings, stating that you hated that colour. (mostly because it was the colour of the chair in the rainbow room) As years passed and your crayons were used up, you never knew he had kept that crayon until this day, keeping it in his pocket like that.
You kept quiet as you watched him curiously. He grabbed your arms gently, drawing cute little stars around them.
“Look, now your arm is a cute little galaxy. It’s even more beautiful than the sky up there.” He smiled gently at you.
Looking at your arm now, you chuckled slightly as it did slightly resemble the universe above you. Jungkook used his fingers to wipe away the tears below your eyes.
“Since I kissed your scars, don’t you think you should kiss mine too?” He smirked.
You laughed, tears dissipating as you bent down and kissed the scars on his arm as well. You grabbed the pink crayon, drawing stars around his scars as well. You frowned when you realise his little universe didn’t look nearly as nice as yours.
“Wow you’re trying to make my scars uglier with your ugly stars.” He teased you.
This time, instead of throwing the crayon into his faces, you smiled endearingly as you leaned your head onto his chest, savouring as much as you could of this sweet moment.
“Jungkook… sorry for cutting you off just now. In fact, I-I actually love-“
Just as you were about to confess, you were suddenly interrupted.
“Jeon Jungkook! I told you no more sneaking out! This is it! You will be punished! Grab her!”
You felt yourself being pulled away from Jungkook’s side as two strong men grabbed both sides of your arms.
“Let go of me!” You tried pushing yourself off and using your powers but you were too weak after the experiments this week.
“Stop! Let go of her now!”
You’ve never seen Jungkook this mad before. Jungkook used his powers, twisting the heads of the two men holding you, making them crumble on the floor with blood gushing out of their eyes. You looked at Jungkook in shock.
Before you could run away, more men appeared, grabbing you once again, other men grabbing onto Jungkook.
At this point, you were a sobbing mess and the both of you were unable to escape since Jungkook’s powers were too weak from attacking the two men.
Jungkook was fuming, struggling in the grip of the two men, as he repeatedly shouted, “Don’t hurt her! Please! Let her go!”
You could feel yourself getting weaker as the men holding you placed a device onto your arm, draining your energy.
“This is your punishment, Jungkook. You’ll never see her again.”
That was the last thing you heard before you blacked out.
You barely saw Jungkook again after that. They moved his room into another wing, and held his experiments elsewhere. You were back to 2005, lonely and depressed.
The only times you heard of Jungkook were through overhearing gossips from the workers.
“He caused a ruckus again, asking to see y/n. “
Your heart ached, longing to see him once again as well, and also concerned that he would be punished for being uncooperative.
You started focusing more on following the doctor’s instructions, with the hope that you could rid of your powers quickly so you could be released together with Jungkook. You were starting to see hope, everyday your powers were slightly diminishing and becoming weaker as you focused diligently during your experiments. Although as your powers grew weaker, you noticed you were becoming weaker as well. You’d lost a bit of weight and strength. But that didn’t falter you. You were too determined on losing your powers and escaping the facility.
Every morning, you would wake up to the fading drawing of you and Jungkook together watching the sky, bringing you back to the memory of that cursed night. Nights ended with you daydreaming on what could have been if you guys weren’t separated. You just wished you could have seen him one more time.
You didn’t know that your wish would have came true so soon.
It was 2am at night. You were lying on your bed, staring at the stars you had drawn on your ceiling with the crayons Jungkook gave years back. When someone entered your room quietly.
“Y/n, I have no time to explain. You have to come with me now.”
You looked up, shocked at the familiar voice. Sure enough, it was Jungkook in the flesh. He had an anxious look on his face, as if he was in a rush.
“W-what? How?” You didn’t know how to react after seeing him for the first time in so long. He looked the same from the last time you met him, except he grew buffer and more handsome. You looked at his arms, realising he still had pink stars that looked like the ones you drew around his scars. You assumed that he had traced over the stars when they started to fade so that they would stay intact. You let out a small smile at that.
He grabbed your wrist tightly, dragging you out of your room in a rush as he kept looking around for workers. You were still in a state of shock, unable to say a word as you followed him. When he was sure no one was in the hallway, he dragged you into the janitors room, closing the door.
He turned to you, glossy eyes looking at you as if you were the only thing that mattered in his life.
“I missed you so much.”
“Me too.”
The two of you stood in silence for a few seconds until Jungkook remembered why he came to find you.
“Look, y/n, we have a chance to escape. No, we need to escape. I found out something about the facility here. They have no plans to actually cure us, they can’t. They plan to have us stay here forever, to contain us and weaken us so we can’t escape. They’re afraid of us, y/n. And they can kill us at any time. They couldn’t kill us previously because the government did not allow it with the public watching. But with time passing, I overheard them saying that the public is forgetting and the government gave them the green light to kill us anytime we prove we’re a threat. We need to go, y/n.”
You knew this time it wasn’t a joke. Jungkook had never put on such a serious face before, and you could only nod at whatever he was saying. It was weird, the way you trusted him so easily. But he was the only person in your life who ever truly understood you and supported you. Maybe that was why you agreed to easily to whatever he said.
“W-when do we leave?” Your mind was still confused at how fast things were escalating. A moment ago you were just about to fall asleep, and now you were about to escape from the only place you’ve been in for the past few years of your life.
You followed him quietly as the two of you entered the vent you’d once been in. Memories of that horrible day came into your mind, but you pushed them away. Despite having an inkling that something about his plan could go wrong, you tried ignoring that thought, hoping it would be a success and that the two of you could actually leave together.
The two of you crawled through the vent, going a different route from the previous time. When he stopped abruptly, you stopped as well, waiting for his instructions. Looking down from the vent through the tiny holes, you realised you were above the main entrance of the building, the same entrance you and your mother had walked through the first time you entered.
You held your breath at the memory of that day. You hadn’t seen this door since that day in 2005 since it was always blocked off by guards and lots of protection. You felt heartbeat increase, maybe there really was hope at an escape.
“Ok on my signal you follow me and jump down, alright?” Jungkook turned around to look at you as he whispered. You nodded determinedly in response.
When Jungkook mouthed the word ‘now’ to you, he kicked off an opening on the vent and jumped down onto the floor as you followed along. As you jumped down, you stumbled slightly, but Jungkook caught you, steadying you with his arms.
“Hey! What do you think you’re doing?” The guards, who had been on break took notice of us and ran after us from a few meters away.
Jungkook grabbed your arm tightly, pulling you along with him as the two of you ran for your lives out of the building.
As you ran, you started panicking as all you could see around you were greenery. But then hope came again when you could see a town with people and buildings in the far distance. There was a chance the two of you could make it.
You ran harder, locking hands with Jungkook as you both ran towards the town.
The sound of the gunshot resonated through the forest. You didn’t feel any pain. But that made you feel worse. Because you knew it was Jungkook that had been shot.
“Shit…” Jungkook groaned in pain as he grabbed onto his stomach, blood gushing out.
Despite the pain, he didn’t give up, dragging you to a blind spot in the forest behind a tree where no one could see the two of you.
You placed him gently on the floor as tears flowed down your eyes uncontrollably.
“No…no, please…” You muttered as you tried putting pressure on the wound.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. Go. Go without me.” He said with little energy.
“No! No… I’m not leaving you here.” At this point you could barely see anything, everything blurred from your tears.
“You have to go now y/n… please… I love you so much…” He said with tears.
“Sorry, y/n, I didn’t want to show you my new power this way, but I have no choice.” He said weakly.
You were confused for a moment, until he grabbed onto your arm and said, “You will run as fast as you can to the town there and not look back once. And you will never ever return to this place.”
Instantaneously after his command, your legs stood up without your will and ran towards the town.
“W-wait! Jungkook! I love you! Stop this now! Please! I’m begging you!”
Your words were no use, your legs following Jungkook’s command as you couldn’t even look back to give a final glance at him.
When you reached the town, you broke down on the street immediately, wanting to run back to help him, but you physically couldn’t.
Healing was hard. Especially without Jungkook. But eventually you moved on, like you always do. After escaping, you found a small job as a cashier at a convenience store, becoming close friends with the old grandma who owned the store. Your income was not a lot, but it was enough for three meals a day and rent for a small apartment. You went on that way for about 2 years, until realising you were too lonely and needed a new companion. And so you adopted an 8 year old golden retriever who had previously been used for animal testing. The moment you saw the scars on his frail little body, you broke down and sobbed at the adoption drive in front of dozens of people. You knew at that moment that he was yours. You named him Jeon Bibi.
13 June, 2020
“Jeon Bibi! The park is this way, where are you bringing me to?” You chuckled at your dog’s cute behaviour as he excitedly dragged you away to the opposite direction of the park you usually walked to.
“Ok, ok you’re the boss, i’ll follow you.” You smile affectionally at him as you trail behind him, curious to find out where he was bringing you to.
When Bibi came to an abrupt stop, you realised that he stopped behind the tall silhouette of a man’s back. You looked up curiously at the man, wondering why Bibi brought you to him. The man whipped around when he felt Bibi sniffing his hands.
You felt your breath hitch as the familiar man turned around, staring deeply into your eyes. For a moment, time stopped. Your eyes turned glossy as years of memories flashed passed your mind in an instant, the walls you’ve built around your heart demolishing in a split second. Your eyes trailed from his slightly longer, curlier black hair down to his large brown doe eyes, and to his pink lips, adorning a new lip piercing. You brought your eyes down to his body, noticing he became even buffer and taller. Then your eyes reached his arms and you felt your heart stop, looking at the scars that you once rubbed, kissed, newly decorated by familiar stars that were now permanently inked onto his skin.
He seemed equally shocked as he stared at you, tears brimming his widened eyes.
You both didn’t move an inch, staring into each other’s eyes. You were the first to break the silence.
“I thought you said my stars were ugly.”
He broke into laughter amidst his tears at the fact that that was your first comment after meeting him. You could feel your heart squeeze at his laughter. God, you missed him so, so much. You found yourself laughing along to his contagious laughter. For a moment, it felt like the two of you were 10 again, laughing without any worries.
“Y/n, everything about you is beautiful, even your ugly stars.” He ceased his laughter, small smile on his face as he looked at you intensely, years of memories hidden behind those eyes.
He paused for a second, hesitating before confessing.
“Y/n, I love yo-“
Before he could finish, you cut him off by taking a step closer to him and smashing your lips against his. He instantly melted into the kiss, grabbing you tightly, scared you would be separated again. You hugged him back tighter, reassuring him that the two of you would stay together forever.
After all, he was your star, your salvation, the one who made you love your scars, the one taught you acceptance and love, the one who made living worth it.
A/N: I LOVE THIS STORY SO MUCH😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭Ifeel so attached to them i cant do this rn i’m so sad. if u don’t understand the last part basically he REMEMBERED THE SHAPE OF HER STARS AND GOT A TATTOO OF THEM EVEN THOUGH HE HATES NEEDLES OK 😭😭😭😭ok but actually this piece was a bit of a rush since i wanted to quickly post it before my great war so it may be a bit incomplete at parts ANYWAYS PRAY FOR MY GREAT TICKETING WAR TMR🙏🙏THANKS LOVELIES FOR READING and do give comments if u can because i love reading feedback <3
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colormepurplex2 · 1 year
Chasing Shadows | JJK
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▻ Chasing Shadows ↳  Jungkook x f.Reader ⤜ Modern Day Sherlock Holmes AU ⤜ Best Friends Brother/Lovers ⤜ Rating: MA 🔞 ⤜ WC: 21,511 ⤜ Summary: Your job gets you into trouble sometimes. Who would have thought crime journalism would put so many targets on your back? But, it’s happening again, someone’s threatening you. Only, this time, it’s not just you that’s in the crosshairs. Your best friend, Enola, is out on assignment and can’t help like she usually does. So, what does she do instead? She sends her brother, Jungkook, armed with a magic bag, a charming smile, and deductive reasoning skills that prove his worth as one of the best PIs around.
With more at stake than ever before, what lengths will you go to in order to connect the dots and catch the bad guy?
⚠️ Death threats, breaking and entering, descriptions of violence, stalker behavior, talk of crime/criminals, oral f receiving, vaginal fingering, protected sex, nipple play, dirty talk, imagery that reflects choking but isn’t, guns, lots of foul language, scare tactics, talk of car accident from drunk driving, minor injury, mention of blood/wound, allusion to mild depression/self-reflection
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Chapter 1: Cat & Mouse
Chapter 2: Hide & Seek
Chapter 3: Pause & Relax
Chapter 4: Crime & Punishment
This story is complete.
Part of the Bangtan Writers HQ 2022 “Christmas Love” Secret Santa Writing Event. Written for @hisunshiine 💜 A special thank you to @downbad4yoongi & @jessikahathaway​ for beta’ing, keeping me on track, and helping make this come to life \(0^◇^0)/
Can also be found on: Ao3 | Wattpad
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◅ Back to Master List ©️      2022    ColorMePurplex2  
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eoieopda · 1 year
What about a morning-after drabble for Stay? 👈🏻👈🏻 (finger guns)
oh damn, do you have a permit for those?? 👀
also tysm for this request! i loved thinking about what would’ve happened next if i’d kept writing! ✨ this is in jungkook’s pov since “stay” was in reader’s!
anon is referring to this one-shot.
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Jungkook had pinched himself four separate times.
There was a red mark, likely to bruise, where the knuckle of his index finger trapped that poor bit of forearm against the side of his thumb. No matter how many times he did it, no matter how angry his skin got, he wasn’t convinced.
He had to be dreaming. He had to be; it was the only logical explanation. His subconscious had projected this scene onto the screen behind his eyes a thousand times: waking up next to you, feeling the warmth emanating from your body so near to his. And as soon as he reached out to pull you closer, it would be over. He’d wake up wishing he hadn’t.
The waking world didn’t work this way, not for him. His friends believed him to be outgoing, but Jungkook was shy. Painfully so. Whoever had driven to your house in the wee hours of the morning - without an invitation, unannounced - wasn’t the Jungkook he knew.
That person - the one who pinned you against your bedroom door, teased you, confessed to you, carried you to bed, put his lips and his tongue and his hands everywhere on your lithe body - was a stranger.
The real Jungkook - the one who pined after you consistently from kindergarten to present - spent the better part of two decades on the sidelines. The real Jungkook had fumbled the moment so many times, he’d ejected himself from the game.
Whoever he’d been the night before - well, shit, Jungkook owed him a beer.
Reinforcing his self-proclaimed status as a coward, he nearly jumped through the ceiling he’d been staring at when your startled yelp hit his ear. Heart in his throat, he cranked his neck to the side. He expected there to be a spider in the bed - you hated those - or perhaps a ghost on the other side of the room - you loved those - but your wide eyes were fixated solely on him.
Your eyebrows shot up on your forehead, though they were heavily obscured by the messy waves falling with a mind of their own. Fuck - did you wake up this beautiful every day?
“You!” Your gasp barely made it out of your mouth with how kiss-bitten your lips still seemed to be.
To get your message across, you punctuated that shocked sound with your hand, reaching out and gently placing it over his face. You picked it up just to move it elsewhere, as if you were studying his features and would be quizzed on them later. Or maybe you were charting a topographic map and simultaneously committing every plane to memory.
He couldn’t help but chuckle, though his words were muffled against your soft touch, “Do I have something on my face?”
Quickly, you retracted your arm. Your hand curled inward and came to rest against your sternum, “Just me, apparently. Sorry, I just - I had to check.”
Your cheeks turned their signature pink. As that blush crept across your cheekbones, you bit your bottom lip the way you always did when you got embarrassed. He tried so hard to fight off a grin, but his failure tugged the corners of his mouth upward.
“What, that I wasn’t replaced by a body double?” He snickered, “A wax figure?”
Your brows furrowed as your rose petal lips poked out. Oh, god, not the pout! He was far too weak a man to withstand it. His heart had just barely survived your little jump scare. But then you hid your face where his bare shoulder met your sheets and you nestled in until your shyness was securely out of view.
If he had been standing, he would’ve dropped to his knees.
Nuzzled so close to his bicep, that soft little whine was all but inaudible: “No, and it’s too early to make fun of me. These are soft hours!”
“Fine, fine,” he sighed with a fond smile as he lifted his hands in defeat. You, of course, couldn’t see the white flag waving from where you were buried. “Then what were you checking?”
“That I’m awake.”
Oh, his stupid, stupid heart. It was sprinting a marathon, and the finish line was nowhere in sight. He’d simply never recover from you and your soft hours.
He glanced down where your face might have been. Your eyes cracked open just in time to lock with his, and they were twinkling. Fairy lights, delicate and warm. He only looked away to draw your attention to his other arm, which he lifted from his side and held in view.
Gently, you reached out. The tip of your index finger was a whisper against his screaming skin, and he would’ve believed it without question if that stopped his bruise from forming. He answered before you could ask: “I spent the last fifteen minutes pinching myself.”
“And? What’s your conclusion?” You asked, resetting your sleepy sights on his face.
Brave, for once, he interlocked his fingers with yours. A perfect fit - if only it hadn’t taken him so goddamn long to test his hypothesis. He sighed thoughtfully and directed his admission more to himself than to you, “Most awake I’ve ever been, I think.”
It was feather-light, your chaste kiss on his shoulder, but it packed a punch nonetheless. Instinctively, his head tilted so that he could rest his cheek against the top of your head. From there, he mumbled:
“Dreaming or not, I’m staying in this bed with you all damn day.”
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euphoricfilter · 1 year
hii!! i saw that you take requests? i was wondering if i could get a taehyung fluff where they celebrate their birthday! my birthday is Dec 31 and since his is Dec 30th i wanted something along the lines of like celebrating together alone bc my bdays have always been shitty and this year was the same so i want all the fluff you can give me please <3 if your requests r closed then that’s totally fine!!! i also wanted to say ur an amazing writer and i luv ur content so much!!
𝐢𝐧 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐦:
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pairing: kim taehyung x f! reader
genre: fluff || non-idol au || best friends to lovers au
summary: it was no secret that you had never been fond of your birthday, and taehyung hated that you always seemed to celebrate alone— your birthdays won’t be the only celebration each year now that taehyung’s flower has finally bloomed.
word count: 3.6k
tags/ warnings: fluff, nothing crazy, mild birthday slander, reader is an over-thinker, he calls her baby way too many times, tearful confessions
notes: I FOOKIN FINISHED ON MY BIRTHDAY LETS GO! this is my gift to all of you, my lovely readers!!
✿ ✿ ✿
Taehyung’s feeling for you were akin to a flower.
The day the two of you met, planting the seed of his budding feelings. Where you acted as the sunlight he needed to grow; wherever you were, he would follow—growing in whichever direction you were. The first signs of his seedling pushing past the surface of the soil had been months into your friendship.
Minutes after midnight and you’d been stood at his front door, cheeks washed red from the bitter winter air, almost hunched over as you catch your breath; clearly having ran, even as the clock struck 12 and a new day began. You hadn’t wavered from your mission, silently hoping that Taehyung was still awake, because even if it technically wasn’t his birthday anymore, you refused to let the magic fizzle out just yet.
“These are for you” you’d thrusted the bouquet into his chest, pretty little white narcissuses and prickly holly wrapped up in brown paper, tied ever so delicately with a white satin ribbon, where the little red berries rivalled the colour of your cheeks. Perhaps just as round, temping enough that Taehyung had to stop himself from asking to sink his teeth into your supple looking flesh.
“I looked online and it’s your birth flower” you’d told him, standing up a little taller, a little more confident when you see his blooming smile.
“You did this for me?” he asks, bearing the brunt the frigid December cold as he pulls his door open wider, fingers gentle as they close around your wrist, tugging you into the warmth of his apartment.
You nod, hands cupping around your cheeks to try and warm your face up a little. Radiator in the hall sending waves of mellowed heat your way until you could feel the tips of your toes and fingers, nose no longer icy.
Taehyung couldn’t help but smile, and you couldn’t help but think he had the prettiest smile you’d ever seen.
Always so radiant, always so expressive, always so Taehyung, that you couldn’t help but think your efforts were worth it when he looked down at you like that. The miniscule pain of scouring the city for a flower shop willing to help you late into the night, and winds that had almost knocked you over, it didn’t matter because Taehyung was smiling at you like that. Pretty-pretty Taehyung and his pretty-pretty smile.
“Thank you” he’d laughed, “Thank you so much. How about some hot chocolate to warm you up?” he’d offered, and you’d agreed, how could you not?
The stem of Taehyung’s flower had grown fast, with every free weekend the two of you spent together, the little spark of developing love had burst into rapid flames.
Taehyung didn’t mind, revelled in the fact he felt something so raw about another person, never having felt anything like this before. He’d been unsure, fumbling over himself until he found his footing, worked out what you liked and what you didn’t. A little clumsy with his growing adoration until he sat back and realised the feelings he had for you were very real. A shadow in his mind weighing the consequences of acting on his emotions, because why would he fuck this up if he already had you? Maybe not in the exact way he wanted, but it was better than not having you in his life at all.
He wasn’t above dating, had milled around in high school, experimenting with whoever he pleased but nothing would ever be able to compare to what he had for you. An inexplainable warmth that blossomed throughout his body, where delicate vines weaved around his heart and the most beautiful flowers had started to bloom. Where the more Tae learnt about you, the faster he was falling.
He’d never been a fan of the term ‘falling in love’ something a little too melodramatic for his tastes, the very thought of falling for another person less romantic than it had been painted out to be. Because if his life were to be art, then he never wanted it to be the soppy kind, where you know the end is never good and the characters of the play seemed to always live in impending doom. Where only one will come out on top and get what they want while the rest suffer.  
He’d learnt falling didn’t have to be bad, falling—where you’re cushioned by clouds crafted with passion to break the fall. Where kisses taste sweeter and bare skin on skin felt electrifying. Where your mind bubbles over with thoughts of that person until you can’t help the smile that threatens to tug at your lips, and you want to make sure they’re stood by your side. Because as long as you were near, then that’s all he needed.
Taehyung’s favourite type of falling is when you work up the courage to look into his eyes. Always shying away from eye-contact, always a little fidgety when you notice him looking at you for longer than deemed proper for just a friend. He liked your eyes because you’d always been expressive, ever so easy to read, and ever so pretty.
Your outer beauty had only ever been a bonus to Taehyung, and if he had to compare your beauty to any of his favourite things, then surely, he would compare you to a freshly bloomed flower.
✿ ✿ ✿
It was no secret to Taehyung that you hated your birthday.
You’d always seemed to withdraw yourself from everyone the week before the big day, and he’d asked once, why you held so much disdain towards it, and you’d simply shrugged. Telling him you never understood the hype and never felt the need to make it a big event out of it. You never minded celebrating your friends’ birthdays, always going to family parties with well-thought-out gifts and a little skip in your step, but never held the same when it came to you.
“What are you doing here?” you open the door wider when you see its only him, fingers fiddling with handle out of nervous habit— and he watches as you rock back and forth on your heels. Clearly not expecting his arrival, and he would have called, if he didn’t already know you were home.
It’s a little out of character for him to show up to your apartment unannounced, knowing you preferred when he told you at least a few hours in advance that he was coming over, or he wanted to take you out. And as much as you hated the niggling habit of overthinking, it had never put him off, simply moulding his life around your needs as if they were his own.
Because as long as you were happy, so was Taehyung. Another strange side effect of being in love with someone he supposes.
“Can you come with me?” his hands fall out the pockets of his coat, corners of his lips tugging up into a soft smile.
You blink up at him, eyebrows furrowing, “Like— right now?”
“Yeah” he nods, feeble guilt itching under his skin. Like an invisible rash that he couldn’t get rid of, irritable in a way he wants to pull his hair out.
His palm lays flat against your door, pushing it open wider to let himself in. You don’t seem all that worried as you close the door behind him as he slips his shoes off, coat slung over the arm of your couch before he’s making himself comfortable, running a hand through his windswept hair.
He turns to you, “Go get ready, I’ll wait here”
“Where are we going?” you call over your shoulder as you wander into your bedroom, uncaring as you leave the door open.
“My place” he bends forward, trying to catch sight of you as you scuttle around your room. Always fascinated by the way you move, often painfully unaware of your surroundings. Though he doesn’t mind all that much, tips of his fingers tingling each time his hands fall over your shoulders or holding you by the waist has he help guide you, your hand held in his, so you won’t get lost in a crowd, or simply just for the sake of holding you. Your skin like a magnet, drawing him closer whenever he was near, your very existence fascinating to him that he can never seem to get enough.
“Huh?” you pause in the doorway, head tilting, and Taehyung can’t help the smile that stretches onto his face, fondness blossoming around his heart, “Why didn’t you just call me over then?”
“I have a surprise for you” he waves you off, watching as you nod, hesitant, but a small part of his heart swells at the fact you trust him enough to play into his plan even if he can see you itching to ask a million other questions. Questions he would be more than happy to answer, though he doesn’t push. Simply lets you stew in your own thoughts, trusting that you’ll kept your faith in him, stepping forward if you truly needed anything.
“But why?” you throw another sweater over your shoulder, “What should I wear?”
Taehyung pushes himself up off the couch, wandering towards your bedroom—more than equipped in knowing your home, often acting like it was his own.
“Whatever you’re comfortable with, baby”
You flinch, not having expected him to be there when you had turned around, “What are we doing?”
“I told you it’s a surprise” he croons, picking up the clothes strewn across the floor.
He folds them into neat piles at the end of your bed— ready for you to put away later as you continue your search for something to wear. Knowing that if he weren’t to do it, they would be left blanketing your floor until you worked up the motivation to finally clean up. At least this way he’d gotten your least favourite part out of the way.
“But what if I’m overdressed, worse, what if I’m underdressed?” you turn back to look at him, fingers fiddling with the hem of your shirt as Taehyung simply stares; never one to back away from prolonged eye-contact.
“Baby, I told you to wear whatever you’re comfortable with. We’re only going to my place, nowhere else if you don’t want to” he soothes, beckoning you over with a hand. And you follow, always so good for him.
You stand between his legs, looking down at Taehyung where he sits on the edge of your bed, “No matter what you wear, you’re pretty, yeah?”
Taking your hands into his own, fingers laced, Taehyung watches as your mouth opens at the gentle contact, closing abruptly when you can’t seem to find the right words to say. Mind whirring behind your eyes, and he worries he’d pushed you too far.
Hesitantly you nod, “Okay” you whisper, swallowing thickly as his thumb runs over the back of your hand.
“Well done” he squeezes your fingers before he’s nudging you back towards your closet.
He watches as you peek over your shoulder, not very subtle as you try and match what he’s wearing.
“How about we match today?” he suggests, watching the lingering anxiety leave your body as your shoulders deflate, eyes lighting up.
“Really?” you ask, grey sweatpants already held tightly in your hands and Taehyung smiles.
“Of course, baby”
✿ ✿ ✿
“Are your eyes still closed?” Taehyung asks, as he bends down, helping you slip your shoes off.
You hum, hands falling onto his shoulders to keep balance. And he suddenly becomes hyper aware of how close the two of you are, hands gentle as he holds onto your ankle, your warm skin under his fingertips electric as his heartrate picks up.
Your hands slide down his arms when he stands at full height, fingers loosely gripping onto his wrists as he pulls you further into his apartment; careful to tug you around the toys his dog had left strewn across the floor of the living room.
Your feet sink into Taehyung’s plush carpet, pitter patter of Yeontan running into the room at the sound of your giggles, warming Taehyung’s heart. Simple domesticity of the situation maybe something Taehyung had been craving; because when he had you like this, no semi high-end dining, no unobtainable expectations from the eyes of others. Simply you and him, where the world beyond his apartment meant nothing, because it didn’t matter where he was as long as he was with you.
“Here we go” Taehyung pulls his wrists from your hands, picking Tannie up, “Open your eyes, baby”
Taehyung watches as your eyes flutter open. You blink down at his coffee table, head tilting in confusion before you’re turning to him.
“What’s all this?” you ask, eyebrows furrowed.
It hadn’t been much, nothing like he would have truly planned if he didn’t know you had what could only be described as a weird hatred towards your birthday. He’d made sure to get your favourite cake, balloons taped to the walls, all those of your favourite colour—handpicked out of each pack. You eye the platter of sandwiches, and he has to hold onto Yeontan a little tighter as the dog spots whatever other of your favourite snacks he’s picked up that morning. All laid out in little bowls, where confetti had been scattered over the table like the petals of a rose.
“It’s your birthday” he urges, smile still tugging at his lips.
You nod, “I know that but, why—” you gesture to the cake, to the small giftbox, utterly overwhelmed by what you see, and Taehyung wonders briefly if he’d rocked your brain into overdrive.
“I thought we could celebrate together, I know you don’t really like your birthday, but I thought for once I’d do something for you, like you’ve done for me”
“You did all this, for me?”
And although this isn’t his best work, nice restaurant in the middle of the city ready to be called for a late reservation if you hadn’t liked what he’d prepared for you. Wallet tucked away in the pocket of his coat just in case he took you for a walk around the park where he would buy you all the treats your heart desired until your bellies were full, sleepy on the way home; and maybe he would offer to carry you.
“Of course” he nods, letting Yeontan hop onto the couch before he’s tugging you to sit at the coffee table. Knees pressed against one another as you sit adjacent to Taehyung.  
You peek into the cake box, “Shut up, you didn’t buy one of those really pretty lunchbox cakes” your look up at Taehyung, eyes wide and he only grins. You stare at it in awe, purple iced flowers climbing the sides of the cake, blooming in shades of lavender and violet in gradient. Where fondant leaves weaved through bunches of flowers like wild vines.
“This is for you” he pushes the wrapped box across the table towards you. Brown paper tied off with a pretty white ribbon—little white daisy pin stuck in the centre of the bow.
He watches as you shake it. Fingers delicate as you pull the ribbon apart, dropped in a small pile beside the box of your cake, and he only expects you plan to save it for later. Scraps of long forgotten art supplies hidden in the depths of your closet for when you really needed it. Always a little bit of a hoarder, though you like to blame it on sentiment.  
The tips of your fingers skim over the velvety box, a deep red with little golden stars embroidered into the fabric, “What is it?”
“Open it” his back falls against the couch, fingers thrumming across his thigh, anxious of your reaction.
You lift the lid of the box, bottom lip tucked between your teeth.
“It’s so pretty” you murmur, head lifting to meet Taehyung’s gaze.
You watch him lift his hand; matching ring sat snug on his finger. Your gaze flickers down towards the ring in the box, “They’re matching?”
The corners of your lips tug up into a smile, “You’re cute” you giggle, gentle as you pull the ring out of the box, sliding it onto your finger, the same one Taehyung had his on.
“You think so?” he leans forwards, eyebrows raising in question, and he watches as you swallow thickly, “Come on, don’t be shy now” his smile is lazy, a little cocky and you can’t seem to help the heat that tickles your cheeks red.
He watches you debate whether to stay silent or not, “Yes” you breathe, tongue slipping past your lips to wet them.
“Yes what?” he urges, revelling in the way you fidget in your spot—fingers itching to pull you closer into him, moulding the two of you into one being until he doesn’t know where you end, and he starts.
“I think you’re cute”
“I think you’re cute too” he smiles, deft fingers tucking his hair behind his ear.
“You what?” you splutter, “That’s not funny, Tae”
“It wasn’t meant to be” you watch as he sits up straight, careful as he takes your hands into his own, “Why would you think I’d joke about that?”
His eyebrows crease as you let out a long sigh, “Because well, you’re—you’re you and I’m just me”
“There’s nothing wrong with you” he shakes his head.
“I’m not perfect like you, Tae” you try to pull your hands from his, no real force behind the gesture, fingers barely slipping from his grasp.
“I’m not perfect” he laughs, leaning forwards like he wanted to tell you a secret, “You are though”
You blink, “I’m not” he watches as tears glaze over your eyes.
“Come on, baby, why’re you crying” he coos, gentle as he pushes your hair out of your face.
“Because I really like you, and I feel stupid” you admit, one hand still held in Taehyung’s as the other comes to wipe your face of the tears that cascade down your cheeks.
“I really like you too” Taehyung stands, manoeuvring his way around the table, falling to his knees beside you.
“No—not that kind of like. I like like you” you cover your face with your hands.
“Hey” he calls, “listen to me”
You snivel, daring peek out from behind your hands, a new wave of fresh tears glazing your cheeks shiny as he smiles, always so soft, always so reassuring.
“I like like you too, my baby” he laughs, barely there, but the puff of breath deflates his chest, “Haven’t I made it obvious enough?”
You shake your head, “Now I feel really stupid” you cry.
“No no no” he shakes his head, cupping your cheeks, “I clearly didn’t realise either”
You hiccup, “I’m sorry”
“What for?” his eyes flit between your own.
You frown, “Crying”
“Don’t apologize for that” his eyebrows crease, fond smile pulling at the corners of his lips, “Can I kiss you?”
He watches as your eyes widen a fraction, “Yes”
His thumb brushes away a lone tear when you close your eyes, watching as a sliver of peace washes over your face. And he understands, of course he does. All the built-up tension, nights of wondering if your feelings were to ever be reciprocated, if this budding love was one sided, if it could be more than friendship—all that doubt had evaporated. Exasperated whispers of how this would never work out, suddenly silent, mind and heart free. Pure unadulterated love soaring the skies like a dove let out of a cage with no plan of ever returning, the feeling of freedom, the freedom to love you, too addicting.  
Taehyung feels you smile into the kiss as his lips press against your own. Ever so soft, neither of you rushing.
Your arms slink around his shoulders, pulling his body closer to you as he tilts his head to deepen the kiss. Your lips part, gentle gasp dripping off your tongue, tacky and sweet as his hands skim down your body, pulling you in between his legs.
Albeit reluctant, Taehyung pulls away, chest heaving for air as his heart hammers against his ribcage. Your fingers skim over your bottom lip.
“One more” you whisper, hands falling from Taehyung’s shoulders to cup his cheeks like he had your own.
“Okay” he nods, hands still firmly holding onto your hips as you press your chests together, head tilting. Your thumb brushes over his jaw when your lips meet, both a little surer, a little more confident in yourselves, Taehyung teasing as his tongue prods the seam of your lips.
You grant him access, embarrassed whine following a moan as his tongue slips into your mouth—any qualms about you not sharing his feelings bubbling into a fizzy confidence.
“Does this mean you’ll say yes to being my girlfriend?” he smiles down at you, lips a little kiss swollen and shiny.
“If that’s okay with you” you nod, eyes falling onto the ring on his finger, your own glinting in the light of the setting sun that spills through the window.
Taehyung’s feelings for you were akin to a flower.
A flower that had been in the budding stage for years, love disguised as vibrance, hidden away from your eyes as to not scare you away, attracting you like a bee only hoping you’d be happy with that he had to offer. A flower that was now in bloom, because really what it was missing was you. Just wholly you who adores Taehyung as much as he does you. Two flowers blooming in the same flower field where your stems intertwine, growth from here on out together rather than alone. Because even if your petals were the same as the rest of the flowers that grew around you, what you had was special; something none of the other flowers had—each other.  
“Guess this means we have a reason to celebrate your birthday every year” he leans forward, soft kiss pressed to your forehead.
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permanent tag list: @m1sss1mp @supernoonanyc
288 notes · View notes
bts-hyperfixation · 8 months
Tempting Tutelage
A Taehyung x Reader Fanfiction
Summer Madness 9/32 When you begin to fall behind in one of your university courses, you enlist the help of your childhood friend, Kim Taehyung, to help you pass the semester.
Please note the course mentioned is entirely made up and therefore complete and utter bullshit and I entirely lost the plot while writing about it...
“Ooooh Taae Taae.” You sing song.
You catch the man walking out of the university music rooms after band practice. You watch as he glances around for who could possibly be calling like that until his eyes settle on you. He looks completely confused to find you are the owner of the cheerful call, but not unhappy.
“Y/N-ah, you haven’t called me that since we were kids. To what do I owe the pleasure?” He asks, strolling away from his band friends towards you.
It’s true, you stopped calling him TaeTae when you were both eleven. You decided he was too old for that nickname now and he had finally grown into his full name. It had been almost a decade since then. You also hadn’t been quite so close since then, drifting apart into separate social circles as you grew older, pulling you away from one another as is natural with kids. It’s a small miracle that neither of you ended up adjusting your life plans and heading to the same university, although that had more to do with the courses they had on offer than ending up together.
“I need a teensy weency favour.” You say batting your eyelashes.
“How teensy weency?” He asks, eyebrow raised in suspicion.
The last time you had called in a favour involved a first-year party and way too many jello shots.
Although technically your mom had called in that favour when she received a phone call from one of
your coursemates asking for your address. She had sent Taehyung to fetch you. That had been the
first time you had spoken to him since graduation.
You hold your fingers out demonstrating a pinch to show how small the favour was.
“Does it involve holding your hair back or sleeping on the floor in any way?”
You cringe as he teases. He had ended up staying with you all night just to make sure you didn’t choke. You had offered him your bed, you were too attached to the toilet anyway, but he refused. Instead, he kept you company on the bathroom floor, dragging your pillows in to protect you from the cold tile. You thanked every star that night that you forked out for the ensuite.
“It definitely does not.” You confirm.
"Great! Let's go get food and you can tell me more. Your treat of course.”
“Of course.”
“So what do you need me for exactly?” Taehyung asks, muffled slightly by his food
He has always talked with his mouth full. He shoves more of the burger into his mouth as he
waits for you to explain.
“I’m taking ‘Contemporary Music and its Influence on today’s media landscape’ this semester. And I’m flunking hard. But I happen to know you got one of the highest scores when you took it last semester.”
“I did!” He says proudly. “So you want my notes?”
“No, I want you to tutor me. Just reading the information isn’t helping it to sink in. I think I need someone who is actually interested in the topic, professor Dodd is possibly the least inspiring man I have ever heard.”
“That sounds like more than a small favour.” He points out. “Like multiple hours a week worth of a
“I’ll make it worth your while Tae Tae, pretty pretty pretty please help me.”
You fix him with your best puppy dog eyes you can muster, the kind that used to get him to give you the last piece of his candy. Being older there is a chance it looks a lot more desperate than cute, but that can’t be hurting your case.
He deliberates for a while, dramatically umming and ahhing while he finishes his meal. He drags his last fry through the ketchup on his plate and then savours every last chew. You tap your fingers annoyed on the tabletop. At this point his only answer could be yes, he just likes to milk the attention, as always: Band geek/drama nerd/debate club extraordinaire, any club with a spotlight. Any club you never had an interest in.
“Okay, when and where?” He asks, putting you out of your misery.
“My place? Thursday nights?”
“Works for me.”
The first session is difficult. It is immediately apparent to Taehyung why you are failing. You lack any semblance of focus. Every time he looks down to check his notes your mind has wandered off. You just don’t seem to want to connect with the material at all. You’re either gazing out of the window or trying to change the topic entirely.
The third time he catches you watching the university football team out of the window he hits you around the head with his notepad. Not enough to hurt, just enough to bring your attention back to him. He stands and huffily closes the curtain.
“Why am I even here?” He grumbles, hands on his hips.
It’s rare to see Taehyung annoyed. He still looks the same as when you were kids, pouting more than scolding. It makes you want to laugh but you somewhat successfully stifle it with what you hope is a remorseful look. Judging by the way his nostrils flair, it’s not remorseful enough. 
“Seriously Y/N, I’m only here because you said you wanted help, I have much better things to be
doing with my time.”
“I know Tae, I’m really sorry. I just don’t get it. I thought it would be more based on modern music, you know the 00’s and 10’s, not the whole of the last century. It’s just so dull...” You whine.
“Now you’re trying to insult me on purpose, I’m sure of it.” He grasps at imaginary pearls, scandalised. “I don’t think I can teach you.”
“It’s not as if I find all music from before we were born unlistenable, just the stuff Professor Dodd choses.” You say, trying to rescue yourself.
Taehyung looks unconvinced like you are clutching at straws just to save face.
“Right, let me think about it over the weekend, I will find some new music you can use to relate to the course and try to salvage your grade.”
“You’re an angel.” You squeak, leaping up to hug him.
He blushes, the tips of his ears going red and hastily pushes you away.
"Yeah, yeah. whatever. What’s for dinner?" He asks changing the subject.
The following session provides a little more promise. Although it feels a lot more like hanging out and listening to music than it does studying... 
Taehyung insisted that each of his carefully crafted music choices was to be listened to in the most authentic way possible. And so your evening began with the two of you laying side by side on his bed listening to a mixtape of his favourite early eighties tracks using a Walkman that looked like it had certainly seen better days. 
You each took a headphone and he talked you through each song that played and how it revolutionised music. Admittedly you were more interested in the passion with which he conveyed his thoughts than the music itself, but it did seem to be working. Every few songs (When a cassette side ended and he had to pause and switch) he would quiz you on the information he had just relayed and you were getting a solid 70%.
You found yourselves drifting closer together until your arms were pressed up against each other. You tried not to focus too much on that. Instead, you immerse yourself in the music, and it really starts to feel like you can understand where Taehyung is coming from when he speaks. He hasn’t told you the title of this song yet, but it feels a lot like the drum is beating in time to your heart and it makes your brain go a little fuzzy.
“Y/N?” Taehyung asks, staring at you.
It is clear in the furrow of his brow that he had tried more than once to get your attention. Misconstruing your concentration for daydreaming, he huffs and pulls the earbud away from you.
“Right, when did I lose you?” He asks putting the cassette player back in the drawer in his bedside table.
"You didn’t this time I promise.” You protest.
He just shakes his head, clearly not believing you.
“It doesn’t matter, I think we were lying down for too long anyway.”
He crosses his small dorm and switches on an old record player. The song that starts playing is pretty, something you might hear during a dance scene in a movie like Grease. It doesn’t capture you the
same way the cassette had, but Taehyung does. He starts to sway to the beat, flourishing his arms and clicking in time to the music. He bites his lips and closes his eyes completely taken over by the music as it plays. He carries on until the song begins to blend into the next.
Then his eyes fall open and find you, his hand extended in invitation.
“Care to dance?”
He doesn’t really give you a chance to answer, taking your arm and dragging you to him. He holds you close and starts to sway again, turning you in circles together.
You relax into his hold, slotting yourself into him like a puzzle piece. Your head fits perfectly in the crook of his neck. You would admit, if he were to ask you anything about the songs as they play through you would not be able to answer a single question. You really can’t recall a single thing he has said since he pulled you into his arms.
“Y/N-ah?” his voice is uncharacteristically calm.
You pull back and look into his eyes, a timid blush has spread across his cheeks, one you are sure is mirrored on your own features.
“Yeah?” You ask, pressing against him a little more.
“I... I don’t think I’m really teaching anymore.”
He coughs to break the tension and lets you out of his arms. He hurries back to the record player and almost scratches the disc with how fast he turns it off.
“I think that’s enough for tonight.” He says, gathering your things for you.
You nod a little disappointed. Although he is definitely right, it feels like your brain might explode if you take in any more information. You take your things from his arms and walk out of his room as he opens the door for you.
“What did you want to get for dinner today?” You ask.
“You know what? I’m not that hungry... Rain check?”
“You’ve always been a terrible liar...” His stomach growls as you speak as if to prove your point.
“I just don’t feel like going out for dinner today.” He shrugs. “But bring your wallet next week, I’ll go all out to make up for this week.”
He grins as wide as he can and you decide not to push the issue. 
The following week proves to be far less intimate as you sit on Taehyung’s bed with him across the room messing around with a boom box you could’ve sworn he didn’t own last time.
When he finally has it working he still doesn’t join you on the bed, opting for the rather uncomfortable-looking desk chair. You write notes as he talks you through different cultural impacts.
It feels like he is watching you but every time you glance up he is conveniently looking anywhere but at you. This goes on for almost an hour before you huff impatiently. You find yourself becoming frustrated with the materials again, struggling to make connections between Taehyung’s words and the textbook contents.
He finally meets your gaze, questioning your little outburst.
“I can’t concentrate.” You complain.
“I can see that.”
He gestures down at your notepad where your last few notes were just an incoherent scribble rather than useful information.
“Let's try and make it more interesting...” Taehyung thinks for a moment.
He bites his bottom lip as his brain works through a possible plan. You find your own mind wandering back in time as you watch him nibble on his lip, not unlike how he looked dancing on his own.
Just as your mind is about to venture off into thinking about how attractive Taehyung has grown up to become, he has an aha moment. His face lights up like someone had actually held a lightbulb above his head.
“Let’s play 20 questions! I’ll play a couple of songs, quiz you on them, and then for every answer you get right you can ask me absolutely anything.” He suggests.
“What makes you think I want to know things about you? I already know all about you.” You point out.
“You know a lot about eleven-year-old me, that’s a lot of missing years... Plus I never said they had to be about me. I’m good friends with the football guys you so admire watching out of your window."
You were surprised he brought up the football guys. Mostly because you had completely forgotten about watching their practice instead of listening to Tae, it was mostly just to give you something else to focus on. You are also intrigued by the fact that Taehyung thinks you don’t know that much about him.
“Okay, you’re on.”
He presses play on the boom box again and you try hard to listen to what he is telling you. He asks you five questions. You answer two with what he deems to be a satisfactory answer.
"Okay hit me.” He says.
You think about it for a moment. There are very few things you can think of to ask him. You don’t know what you don’t know after all. You think really hard, but the only thing that comes to mind is prom and you are fairly certain you know what happened there... still it’s a starting point.
“Where were you at the end of prom when your award was announced?”
His eyes widen as if he never thought you’d ask about something so long ago. You were curious though, you had seen him flirting with his date and then they both disappeared, except she came back, but he never did. When his date reappeared she looked a bit dishevelled and people just assumed Taehyung and her had made it somewhere in the school. But that didn’t explain why he never came back if she did.
“You don’t know? I thought my date told the entire school all about that...” He seems genuinely surprised.
You shake your head.
“We had been dating for a couple of months, and we were getting off after prom... I told her some... things... I would like to try in bed and she slapped me and walked away. Decided not to return with the red handprint etched on my face.”
“She hit you?”
This time he shrugged.
“I guess she really wasn’t into what I was in to.”
“What were you in to?” You ask, hanging off the bed, intrigued.
“Nope, that’s question number three, a question you have yet to earn.”
You grumble a little but then let him continue with his lesson. This time you pay better attention, earning yourself three out of five questions.
“So... what were you in to?”
“Wow, don’t even want to start with a filler question? Lead up to that one? No... Okay. Back then I wasn’t into anything that weird I liked to spank my partners, maybe fuck their mouths a little bit. Nothing huge.”
“That seems like a lot for an eighteen-year-old.” You point out but he just shrugs.
“I was a bad judge of what was normal, a lot of weird shit went down at that drama summer camp I did."
“So I take it that wasn’t your first time then?”
“No, no it was not.” He nods.
“But it was hers?”
“Yes, yes it was.” He confirms again.
You open your mouth to ask another question but he holds a hand up to silence you and presses play again. He allows you bonus points on these questions. Racking your total up to six. You really think about it, determined not to waste these questions like you did the last two.
“You said those things in past tense like you aren’t in to them any more. Did you move on to more normal sex or weirder kinks?”
“Well, that really depends on what you think of as weird.”
His answer avoids the question, and he knows it. You’ve wasted another question and he wants you to be more specific.
“What are your kinks Taehyung?” You ask point blank.
“I’m not sure you’re ready for that answer.” He counters.
“That didn’t answer my question.” You pout.
“It did, it just wasn’t the answer you were looking for.” He smiles like he has won the game.
You just pout back, no longer interested in playing his question game if that's how he wants to play.
“Fine, fine. Answer a question for me, that's not about the course material and I will answer your question properly.”
“I promise... and that counts as a question. You are down to three... Well three and a half I guess.”
“Just ask your question.” You grumble.
“Do you have any kinks?” You search for the joke in his eyes, but all mirth has disappeared as he waits for your answer.
“I... I don’t know.”
“How can you not know?” He asks, shocked.
“You said I had to answer one question and I did. Your turn.”
You stick your tongue out as you beat him at his own game.
“Fine... I have a lot of kinks. Some of my favourites? Praise, spitting, oh and breath control... Can you tell me how you don’t know now?”
“I’ve never really looked into it my last boyfriend was very interested in only carrying out the missionary position and I guess I wasn’t really invested enough to look into other things. The sex was fine, I just thought that’s what sex is supposed to be.”
“Tell me you’re joking...”
“I’m not.”
"Well, that's exceedingly depressing to hear Y/N-ah" His eyes fill with pity.
He finally moves from the desk, sliding on the bed next to you and taking your hands.
You glance down at where he is rubbing his thumbs over your knuckles. Everything suddenly feels a little too hot. You've not even been into detail about your lack of a sex life with your closest friends. 
"Maybe we should get back to studying." You say trying to change the topic.
You tug at your hands but Taehyung doesn't release them.
"I can help you with this too... if you want." He says.
You expect him to laugh, to pull away, to show some sign that he is joking. But it never comes. 
"You can't be serious. you aren't serious... Are you?"
"I've never been more serious in my life. And you have two questions left."
But he doesn't let you ask another one.
His lips are pressed up against yours, his hand relinquishing your own in favour of winding around your waist. He pushes against you forcing you to lie back on the bed. His tongue flicks against your lips and you allow him past. He explores a little before growing impatient and starting to kiss along your chin and down your throat.
His teeth graze along the column of your throat and his tongue dips into any crevices it finds.
"Taehyung.. shouldn't we talk about this?" 
"We will talk about this. In a minute." mumbles against your skin.
He pulls at the collar of your T-shirt to allow himself better access to your skin. He sucks a trail of purpling hickies from your collarbone to your shoulder. He makes a point of biting harder as he reaches the end, leaving you with a distinctive imprint of his teeth. 
"Are you going to be a good girl and let me show you how good sex can actually feel?" He makes firm eye contact as he waits for your answer.
The way his personality switches makes you shiver, the little praise making your legs twitch together.
"And how are you going to show me?" 
Instead of coming out strong and rebellious like you had hoped, your voice is breathy as if he had literally taken the air from your lungs. You grimace at your attempt making him chuckle. He reaches up to push your hair out of your face, leaving his palm on your cheek.
"I am going to take care of you in a way that's going to have you feeling like a princess while treating you like a whore."
He kisses you again with bruising force, teeth nibbling along your bottom lip. His hand slides from your face to the base of your throat, applying just a little pressure.
"Is this okay?" He asks.
You nod causing his hand to tighten slightly, and again your body tingles under his touch.
"Great, my hand is going to keep getting tighter. It will always be safe but if you want to stop you need to tap on my body three times. You can tap anywhere just do it firmly. Can you do that for me?"
Again you nod.
"Prove it to me, show me you can follow instructions."
You roll your eyes and he taps his hand against your chest as a small punishment. So you oblige, tapping his bicep hard three times in quick succession.
"That's perfect, angel." He squeezes tightly and then removes his hand completely.
He sits up and drags you with him so he can remove your shirt, he discards his own in the process. He kisses you once more and then slips off the bed and onto the floor. You lift your hips as he tugs at your sweats, taking your panties with them. 
He licks stripes along each of your thighs stopping an inch shy of your centre.
"Put your hands on my shoulders and squeeze when I do something you like. Don't be afraid to dig your nails in, I like it when it hurts." He winks.
And then his head disappears between your thighs.
His tongue delves deep into your folds, lapping at your hole until it's dripping. Only then does he shuffle his attention up to your clit. In the meantime, your nails bore into his shoulders leaving painful little half-moons behind to match the teeth marks on your own.
The tip of his tongue digs into the centre of your clit, he wiggles it back and forth making your toes curl into his rug. A finger soon joins his endeavour, pushing deep inside before forming come hither motions that turn you to jelly. Still, you keep your hands firmly planted on his shoulders like he said.
"You taste so good, always knew you would." He mumbles into your pussy.
The deep timber of his voice vibrates through you. Tipping you over the edge. Your head falls back and your mouth opens, whines spilling free as he continues to pleasure you through your orgasm.
He eventually pulls away as tears start to form in your eyes. He grabs a condom from his bedside table, shimmying quickly out of his slacks so he can roll the latex on. You lay back onto the bed properly as you wait for him. 
When he is ready, he slips in between your legs lining his hips up to yours. He uses one arm to balance leaning on his elbow next to your head as his free hand finds its way back to your throat, squeezing just tight enough to make you gasp.
"Do you remember what I said?" He questions.
You tap his arm three times and he releases your throat.
"That's my good girl, I knew I could get you to learn with the right incentive." He practically purrs. "I'm going to put my hand back now. The further into you I slide my dick, the tighter my hand is going to get okay?"
"Okay." You agree.
He leans in to kiss you, pushing his tongue past your lips as he rubs his hard length along your sensitive folds. The tip nudges against your clit make you cringe from the oversensitivity that still lingered. And then without much warning, he begins to slide in, his hand tightening in unison as promised. 
Your head starts to swim as he bottoms out. But the feeling doesn't scare you like maybe it should. You trust Taehyung. The pressure releases as he pulls back, his hand squeezes in time with each thrust, giving you just enough time to draw breath before he cuts you off each time.
"Your pussy squeezes so deliciously whenever I do this." He emphasises by pressing tighter on your windpipe.
You manage a strangled moan in response and his hand pulls away. You whimper at the loss but he just chuckles.
"I want to hear you now angel, we can have more fun with breath control another day." 
With both hands available to keep his balance, he thrusts harder, going deeper with each motion. He moans in your ear as he leans in closer letting you know exactly how you're making him feel. As his pace becomes more erratic he becomes more vocal.
"You make me so hard baby." He cries, hips stuttering a little. "You're so wet. Touch yourself for me."
You do as you're told, sliding a hand in between the two of you. He siver as your knuckles brush against his happy trail. You draw sloppy figures of eights around your clit, struggling to keep a steady motion as Taehyung whines, nearing his own end. 
You clamp down around him as you tip into a second orgasm, taking him over the edge with you. He rolls over to avoid putting his weight and brings you into his arms instead.
"I've waited forever for this." He sighs, kissing the top of your head.
"No, you have not." You shake your head, assuming it's just another of his exaggerations.
"Yes, I have. It's always been you... I really thought I had missed my chance a long time ago." He confessed.
You sit with the new information for a while. Taehyung seems completely content to sit there holding you, not really caring for a response but you give one anyway.
"I always thought you'd be my first you know... back when we were 14 just before we drifted apart..." You whisper, more into the air at him.
"I was just starting to give up on my crush around then.." His chuckle is humourless.
"I think this has worked out better. We've had time to become our own people." You muse.
"Yeah, maybe you're right. But now that I've had you, I have no intention of letting you go again."
He pulls you tighter into his embrace and you return the affection wrapping your ars around him too.
This request asked for a spit kink but sadly I couldn't quite fit it in with the theme. Also, they asked for a shy Tae and apparently my brain says no, no shy Taes... Sorry
Ask Box - Please send me thirsty/funny/angsty bts thoughts
Summer Madness Masterlist
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httpknjoon · 19 days
the truth, the lie, and the surprise | jjk
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plot | After Wooshik receives the surprise meant for your boyfriend, Jungkook is put in an interrogation situation to talk about his undisclosed relationship with a certain 'Princess'.
words | 1.6k+
genres | fluff, crack,  secret relationship au, established relationship au, friends to lovers au
pairing | jungkook x reader
note | this one's long overdue! the end is coming for this series. enjoy reading.
main masterlist  |  drabble series masterlist
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“I really feel like I’m not your friend anymore.”
Jungkook rolled his eyes at his friend’s dramatics. His eyes have traveled everywhere in the diner except to Wooshik, who’s sitting in front of him. Jungkook looks down at his chocolate milkshake, playing with the straw while listening to his friend. 
This all began with the surprise flower arrangement you sent for him– which he loved by the way. It was special for him, especially since you included tiger lilies, his favorite flower, in the center of the arrangement. It was his first time receiving one and he would have loved indulging in the fleeting feeling of having flowers sent to him. But, just less than an hour ago, Wooshik received the said delivery sent by you meant for him. At that point, Jungkook knew he had to reveal his relationship status because how else would you explain someone sending his flowers a day before Valentine’s? 
At first, his stomach dropped when Wooshik asked him who Princess was. But now, sitting here in the diner near the bowling alley they initially talked about going to, he just keeps on biting his inner cheek to stop himself from smiling or even chuckling at how dramatic Wooshik is.
Wooshik continued after taking a sip from his ice-cold soda, “You know? I feel like you’re keeping secrets from me. I’m your best friend, Kook. Why are you hiding stuff from me? I never hide anything from you.”
That’s when Jungkook had to interfere, “Freshman year, 2015. You didn’t tell me you got to go out with Grace Lee for not just one– or two– or three dates with her. You two went out for like a month. You knew that–”
“Okay. maybe that. But that was one time and she came on to me in Bryan’s house party.” Wooshik defended himself, maintaining the same narrative he told him years ago when Jungkook found out about him and the girl he had his eyes on in the first couple of months of their freshman year.
“Okay. Then, this is my one time too,” Jungkook replied, leaning back to the vibrant red faux leather of the diner booth.
“Yeah, but this one’s pretty serious. I mean, she sent you flowers! And everything is starting to make sense now.” 
Wooshik recalled how his best friend gradually stayed lowkey every time they would go out. He was beginning to wonder why Jungkook stopped entertaining women who would come up to him at bars or any other place they went to. Plus, in Wooshik’s knowledge before this, Jungkook has been single for too long. It is unusual not just to him, but to everyone in your friend group. Jungkook used to be the subject of teasing by everyone because of how he struggled to commit to a relationship.
“Did you not tell about this because we bet on your relationships a long time ago?” he asked, recollecting when he, Jenny, Blaire, and occasionally Dara would take bets on how long his relationship would last. You always just laugh at them doing that but never join.
“Maybe,” Jungkook answered shortly. It is one of the factors you and him decided to stay private about your growing relationship.
“Why keep her a secret? Does she know you’re keeping her a secret?” Wooshik began throwing rapid-fire questions.
Jungkook remained calm, “Yes, she knows. It’s a decision we made. We’re not totally a secret, we’re just private.”
“What?” his best friend mumbled, confusion written all over his face. “What’s the difference— Has she met your mom?!”
“Yes, a thousand times.” 
“And she never told me about it?!” he exclaimed.
Being friends for almost half of their lives now, Wooshik is basically Jungkook’s adoptive brother. He is close to his parents, especially to his mom, who treats him as her own. They would call each other at times like a real mother and son. But knowing these two people in his life, Jungkook knows that there was probably a time when his mom probably slipped on telling Wooshik about you. But he probably missed it.
“Okay, just ask anything right now. I’ll answer anything I can.” 
“Is Princess her name? Or it’s just some kind of nickname?” Wooshik asked.
“A nickname.”
“How long have you been together?”
There was this weird tension in the air when Wooshik asked him these questions. Jungkook finds it funny that he feels like a criminal being interrogated by an officer, who is just his friend being naive and curious at the same time.
“More than two years,” Jungkook replied, looking straight into his friend’s eyes. That’s when he sees Wooshik’s eyes get bigger as more realizations set in his head.
“Two years?! Have I met her before?” he asked so loudly that the couple from the table next to them looked in their direction.
His tone was almost accusatory. Out of context, if you’re a stranger listening to these two men, you would assume that they are a couple and that Jungkook cheated on Wooshik. Jungkook turned his head to the couple and slightly bowed his head to offer a silent apology for the bother. Then, he looked back at his friend.
“Yes, you already did.” 
Wooshik’s jaw dropped to the diner’s checkered floor. He was left with no words while trying to recall every woman he met around Jungkook. He tried to trace back every woman he met because of him. But with him having a brain like a sieve, it’s hopeless. And as if Wooshik’s jaw can get lower, Jungkook continued.
“A lot of times already actually.”
Is it rude that Jungkook is enjoying this? At this point, he is just teasing his best friend for his reactions. Feeling his mouth run dry, Wooshik closed his mouth.
“Am I… the only one who didn’t know about this?” he asked slowly, admittedly feeling a little dumb with not realizing this secret Jungkook had been keeping.
“Will it make you less offended about this whole thing if I tell you you're the first to know in our friend group?”
Wooshik nods his head slowly, “Maybe.”
“Okay.” Jungkook nods. “You are the only one who knows.”
He smiled even wider, knowing full damn well that he is lying.
An hour after they arrived there, the two ended up walking back home after finishing their drinks at the diner. The plans of going to the bowling alley next door were all gone when Wooshik remembered that he had lesson plans and school activities needed to prepare for the upcoming week.
“So, Princess. Two years. I met her before. I’m the first one to know.” Wooshik recited every vital information he learned today.
“Yup.” Jungkook nods.
As soon as they got back in his house, Jungkook was asked of another question.
“Will you ever introduce her to me and everyone?” 
And without even pausing for a second, he replied, “Of course. We already talked about that.”
Because you two did. A few times before and after you drunkenly revealed your relationship to Blaire. But there is still no crystal clear plan for it. Just discussions that sometime this year, you will tell your friends about everything.
“When? When are we gonna meet her?”
“I don’t know. Maybe we’ll just surprise you.” Jungkook laughed.
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Later that day, Jungkook went to your place. You just got home from your Galentine’s Day celebration with your friends. You gave him a small box of vanilla cupcakes you baked on your own during the baking class you, Jennie, Blaire, and Dara took that day. Your boyfriend also took notice of your newly dyed hair, complimenting you on the color you chose. He then thanked you for the flowers and what escalated after receiving them. You two exchange stories about your equally eventful day while Bam sleeps on his soft bed in the corner of your living room. 
“And what did he say when he learned about how long we’ve been together?” you excitedly asked with a grin already forming on your face.
Instead of answering your question, Jungkook acted out Wooshik’s reaction. It was exactly like what was in your head. You laughed, softly slapping his arm. He smiled before turning his head again back again to his sketch pad, that you bought some time ago at a dollar store. He has been sketching since you handed him that pad minutes ago.
“He didn’t overreact, did he?” you asked, a little worry can be heard in your tone.
Jungkook looks up, sensing the tone. He smiled while reaching for your hand, “It’s Wooshik. Of course, he overreacts.”
Unexpecting that, the tightness in your chest cleared off and was instantly forgotten as you laughed. Jungkook chuckled too.
“Anyway, what do you think about this? Do you think this is something you would love to have on your skin forever?” He then turned his sketch pad to you, showing you what he’s been working on.
You gasped, “Babe, I love it!” 
You reached for the pad and looked at the different pieces he drew. Since you brought up the idea of getting matching tattoos during your recent picnic date, you also asked him to draw the tattoo you two would get to make it more special. You would draw it yourself but you knew Jungkook is much better of an artist than you.
You snapped a picture of the drawing, “I’ll send these to the artist and maybe we can get it tattooed tomorrow.”
“Are you getting them all?!” he asked as he drew three separate objects that symbolize something from each other.
“Yeah, I know I cannot just choose one from any of them.”
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TAGLIST (closed)
@hobiuwusunshine @alinerl @bbangtanlove95 @daydreamiies @craftymoonchaos @awseokjin @yoonabeo @luvrsofbts @bloopkook @chvngbiin @takochelle @wildarmy @cuddlysoftbear @luv-minhyun-world @shydestinyyouth @bbtsficrecs @fan-ati--c @rjsmochii @jkbabiey @hopeworldjimin @chieftoadturkeynickel @ppeachyttae @tannies-luv @loomipee @sanctify-mp3 @stuffy16 @di0rgguk @tswisal1 @amara-mars @jksgirlhere @callmejimmeo @rapmonie2047 @petalsofink @daemontargaryenwhore @juju-227592
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bangtanstanst · 2 years
double trouble | mlist
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COLLAB; @bangtanstanst & @jooneos GENRE; smut, fluff, humour, a dash of angst RATING; explicit PAIRING; jeon jungkook/f!reader, christian yu/f!reader, christian yu/jeon jungkook/f!reader, christian yu/jeon jungkook WORDCOUNT; currently 59k AU; tattoo parlour/flower shop!au, roommate!au, friends2lovers WARNINGS; explicit sex, porn with plot, swearing, light dom/sub themes, bicurious!jungkook, switch!jungkook, soft dom!christian, sub!reader, tequila is drunk, consensual tipsy sex, polyamory, unprotected but safe sex, brat!reader, bisexual!christian, hung!christian yu, jealousy, dirty talk, threesome (m/m/f), grinding, oral sex, fingering, double penetration (more warnings in individual chapters)
› SYNOPSIS; a bet with your roommate jungkook gets you in a world of trouble, though you’re not exactly complaining. after all, who wouldn’t love trouble when it comes in the form of the man, the myth, the legend; the tattoo artist across the street, christian motherfucking yu? › NOTE; this started with us just thirsting over christian yu and devolved into a smut collab. we regret nothing. also if you don’t know who christian yu is, my friend, go google him right now. › PLAYLIST › MASTERLISTS; jooneos | bangtanstanst 
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— CHAPTER FOUR › coming soon.
— CHAPTER FIVE › coming soon.
— EPILOGUE › coming soon.
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let us know if you want to be tagged to know as soon as it goes up! :)
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viornefni · 3 months
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You're in my head
I had plans for the weekend
But wound up with you instead
Back here again
Got me deep in my feelings
When i should be in your bed
You and i go back to like '09 it's like forever
And you were there my lonely nights, yeah, keeping me together
So wouldn't it make sense if I was yours and you could call me your baby
But we say we're just, say we're just
Just for now
Yeah but friends don't say words that
Make friends feel like more than just
Just for now
Now I'm over pretending
So let's put the "end" in friends
Just for now
Yeah but friends don't say words that
Make friends feel like more than just
Friends are not supposed to get too close
And feel emotions that we're feeling now, now, now
We ain't slowing down, down, down
But once we cross the line, there's no denying you and I can never turn around, round, round
Know we'll never be the same
You and I go back to like '09 it's like forever
And you were there my lonely nights, yeah, keeping me together
So wouldn't it make sense if I was yours and you could call me your baby
But we say we're just, say we're just
Just for now
Yeah but friends don't say words that
Make friends feel like more than just
Just for now
Now I'm over pretending
So let's put the "end" in friends
V 'FRI(END)S' Release
🎧 Listen now: https://ingrv.es/friends​
Director: Samuel Bradley
Production Company: Iconoclast TV
EP: Maeva Tenneroni, Jean Mougin, Guy Rolfe
Head of Production: Kate Sharpe
Producer: Martha Mcguirk
Directors Agent: Yoni Yosef
Casting: Road Casting
Casting Director: Coralie Rose
Casting Assist: Luis Torrecilla, Laura Meredith
Love Interest: Ruby Sear
Production Manager: Chanel Parkinson
Production Co-ord: Alice Hayes
Artist Liason: Jo Thompson
Cast Co-ord: Beth Rubery
Production Assistant: Callum Anderson
Production Runner: Mia Tessema
Intimacy Coordinator: Stella Moss
Movement Director: Yagamoto
Location Manager: Ryan Colaco
Location Assistant: Eser Savrin, Lois Constantinou
1st AD: Ben Gill
2nd AD: Gabriel O’Donohoe
3rd AD: Kitty Rajakulasingham, Aloha Kulieshova
Runner: Kai Rajakulasingham, Joe Heap, Danny Zanre, Anna Kovalevska, Grace Goodworth, Kwesi Mcleod, Darren Sintes, Tyson Douglas, Tiger Brewers
DOP: Jake Gabbay
A CAM Focus Puller: Rozemarijn Stokkel
A CAM 2nd AC: Ania Bahadrian
Trainee: Guillem Zamora
B CAM Operator Day 1: Juanjo Salazar
B CAM Operator Day 2: Jomar O’Meally
B CAM 1st AC - Alex Rawson
B CAM Trainee: Ollie Wesley
Camera Car: Davide Viera
Key Grip: Darren Quinn
Crane Tech: Henry Stone
Grip Trainee: James Quinn
Gaffer: Kieran Brown
Electrician: Shuan Clark, Ed Irvine, John Joe Besagni, Akeel Fleary, Cieran Nash, Amarjeet Singh, Laurent Arnaud
Master Rigger: Lee Doran
Rigger: Joe Parrott, Jamie Brindle, Ryan Ross, Alfie Berry, Scott Allen, Joe Knight
Video Playback: Liam Coles
Playback Assistant: Elvis Mcgovern
DIT: Lilly Palmer
Production Designer: Staci Lee Hindley
Art Director: Nia Samuel
Prop Master: Ezra Piers Mantell
Prop Buyer: Jessa Thorpe, Shopie-Mai Wigans
Art Assistant: Harry Beedle, Camilla Byles, Tom Hope, George Mein, Freya Wentworth, Alice Moles
Home Economist: Olivia Somary
Action Vehicle Driver (Car): Dan Chester
Action Vehicle Driver (Bus): Tom Burnage
SFX; Sean Harland
SFX Technician: Danny Matters
Stunt Coordinator: Jim Dowdall
Stylist: Justin Hamilton
Stylist Assistant: Samela Gjozi, Colleen Finnerty, Lorna Lane, Chris Atkins, Vania Monteiro, Katherine Somavia, Anna Menshykova, Mel Lyse
Hair Stylist: Simon Izard
Hair Assistant: Julie West, Aaron Dorn, Natasha Rose, Natasha Lawes
Makeup Assistant: Sophie Gia Moore, Marta Wozniak
Makeup Trainee: Rebecca Robinson
Medic: Alex Gardner, Richard Drakesford
Paramedic: Lynsey Shewring
Mini Winnego Driver: Phil Rainer
Honeywagon Driver: John Suttion
Production Sprinter: Jos Benschop
Minibus Driver: Rob Higgs, Gavin Baker, Granger Goodey, Dean Cumbers
Label Vehicle: Blerim Morina, Othman Abashikh, Peter Tarling, Steven Smith
Artist Trailer: Paul Haddock
Artist Wardrobe: David Czekalski
Honeywagon Driver: Martin Dean
Wardrobe Truck: Warren Smart
Hmu Truck: Wally Smart
Dining Bus: Andy Byrne
Location Security: Randal Berbick, Billy Bridger, Alan Laney, Kerri Mccann, Malakai Mars, Angelo Evangelou, Richard Johnson, Mathew Richards
Edit House: Assembly Rooms
Editor: Jack Williams
Edit Producer: Phoebe Armstrong-Beaver
Edit Assist: Bruna Manfredi, Tamara Ishida
Post Production: Cheat
Grade: Toby Tomkins
Post Producer: Joanna Dawson, Jen Saunders
Post Sound House: Soundtree Music
Sound Designer: Jack Patterson
Sound Producer: Neil Athale
BIGHIT MUSIC. Rights are reserved selectively in the video. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws. Manufactured by BIGHIT MUSIC, Seoul, Korea.
Connect with BTS:
   / bts_bighit  ​
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sweetestofchaos · 1 year
Standing Right Here Ch 1 | M.YG
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Pairing: Business Management Major!Yoongi x Business Management Major!Reader Warnings: NSFW, Fluff, Kissing, Use of Alcohol, Body Shots, Hidden Relationship, Rich Boy!Yoongi, Interracial Realationship Genre: College AU, Friends to Lovers, Fluff, Angst Rating: 16+ Word Count: 2.9K Summary: One look, that’s all it took for Nashiea to get on Min Yoongi’s radar.
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​a/n 1: The wonderful banner above was made by the extremally talented @outromoni​
a/n 2: Written for the Composition of the Century Collab 
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‘Cause honestly you’re so desperately trying to fit in. You don’t even know who you are. you can’t compromise when there’s nothing left inside. - you’ll find in somewhere, just not here by aristo
It was raining hard. The sky was dark with heavy clouds and Yoongi was very thankful that the college decided to cancel classes for the rest of the day. The courtyard was already starting to flood, and Yoongi made a run for it, his backpack clutched tightly to his chest as he booked it to his car. Unlocking it from a good distance away, Yoongi quickly jumped into the car and groaned as he slammed the door. He was wet, not soaked but he wasn’t damp either. It was uncomfortable and Yoongi just wanted to get home to change into a pair of sweats. If his professors were cool enough and didn’t assign any self-study, Yoongi would use the free time to make a few new beats on his laptop.
On his way home, Yoongi passes by a playground that has a stop sign at the corner. He comes to a rolling stop and looks out his window, surprised to see someone sitting in the rain. Yoongi laughs to himself and shakes his head as he nibbles on the skin of his thumb. Is that person okay? It’s a stupid thought to have. Yoongi doesn’t know the person and it’s really none of his business, but he can’t help but wonder if they are okay. Sighing, Yoongi pulls over and puts his hazers on before he gets out of his car.
“Hey!” Yoongi shouts over the rain and the person can’t hear him. “Hey, you!” Yoongi cups his hands over his mouth as he shouts, the rain drowning out his voice and body. Sucking his teeth, Yoongi jogs over to the person that is hidden away in the large grey tunnel. “Hey, you, okay?” Yoongi reaches out and taps the person on their shoulder making the person jump with a choked scream. “Sorry! Sorry, my bat!” Yoongi holds his hands up as the person pulls their headphones from their ears and stares up at him with wide eyes.
“Nashiea?” Yoongi stares at the girl from his business class in shock. “What are you doing out in this weather?”
“Me? What about you?” Nashiea frowns and pulls Yoongi to sit in the tunnel with her, out of the rain. “Are you trying to get yourself killed?”
“I saw you from the corner and just wanted to make sure you were okay.” Yoongi pushes his wet hair from his face and wipes the rain from his eyes. “Why aren’t you inside?”
Nashiea pulls her knees up to her chest and wraps her arms around herself as she rests her chin on her knees. “I like the rain.”
Yoongi frowns as he stares at Nashiea taking in her soaked clothing. “You’re going to get sick if you stay out here like this. I can give you a ride home.”
Nashiea turns her head slightly to look at Yoongi and squints her eyes. The mint green twists in her hair fall from behind her ears and cover her face. “Five more minutes?” Nashiea’s voice is soft, vulnerable with a tone that Yoongi has never heard from her before and without a second through Yoongi finds himself agreeing to stay outside for a little while longer. The two sit in silence just staring out at the rain until Nashiea finally speaks up. “I’m thinking of switching my major. I don’t really enjoy business.”
Yoongi folds his legs like a pretzel and leans back on his hands, “What would you switch to?”
“Children’s psychology. It’s what I always wanted to do but I let my mom talk me into business…you know it’s something that will always be around.” Nashiea shrugs her shoulders and Yoongi raises an eyebrow. Nashiea laughs pitifully. “My mom doesn’t believe in psychology. She doesn’t think children have problems other than scraped knees and attitudes.”
Yoongi snorts, “You mom would get along great with mine.”
“You think?” Nashiea turns her body so that she is leaning back against the tunnel, keeping her knees close to her chest. “Did you also want to be a businessman?” Yoongi doesn’t answer and Nashiea bites her lips. “Sorry. You don’t have to answer.”
Yoongi licks his lips and pushes himself up to a sitting position before he stands up and offers Nashiea his hand. “Come on. My car is still running.”
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Over the next few weeks, Nashiea and Yoongi get closer as friends. They sit in class together and work on assignments together, usually at the library on campus, the little café that’s in between their apartments or at Nashiea’s apartment. Nashiea doesn’t really mind that she’s never been to Yoongi’s place, she’s heard the rumors on campus. Yoongi is from a very wealthy family, and he keeps his private life just that, private. Nashiea has learned a little about Yoongi, she knows that he’s the baby of his family, he likes sweets, and he has a soft spot for animals. She also found out that Yoongi loves music, and he has a pretty decent voice.
The night before class, Nashiea gets a text from Yoongi letting her know that his car is in the shop, and she will have to get a ride to school. Nashiea tells Yoongi not to worry and the two continue to talk a little past one in the morning before they decide to sleep. In the morning, Nashiea catches a ride with her friend Hoseok from the psychology department and the whole ride to school Hoseok goes on and on about his current hookup, the campus flirt Kim Taehyung. Hoseok pulls into the parking lot and Nashiea gets out of the car, slinging her backpack over her left shoulder, before she fixes her orange sundress that has small white daisies on it. The mint green twists have been replaced by her natural black hair, coiled tightly as the strands defy gravity and frame her face and ears.
“Text me and let me know if Yoongi-ah will be joining us for lunch. Taehyungie got us a table at the new café that opened.” Hoseok pulls Nashiea into a tight hug and kisses her cheek before he hurries off to the first class of the day. Nashiea rolls her eyes at her hyper friend and pulls her phone from the hidden pocket of her dress. She doesn’t see any texts from Yoongi and frowns. She hopes that he made it to school okay. Shooting Yoongi, a quick text to check on him, Nashiea makes her way to her first class and prays that she will see Yoongi before lunch.
Lunch time rolls around, and Nashiea hasn’t seen any sign of Yoongi. Walking towards the courtyard to meet up with Hoseok and Taehyung, Nashiea is surprised when she sees Yoongi sitting at the fountain laughing at something some tall guy with wide shoulders is saying. Yoongi sees Nashiea coming and he jumps to his feet, “Nashiea! Took you long enough.” Yoongi throws his arm around Nashiea’s shoulders and introduces her to the stranger. “Nashiea Wise, this is Kim Seokjin. Seokjin hyung, this is my friend, Nashiea Wise.”
Nashiea and Seokjin shake hands before Nashiea turns her attention to Yoongi. “Where were you all day?”
“I’ll tell you about it later. Come on, Hyung is gonna join us at the café.” Yoongi slides his arm from around her shoulders and grabs hold of Nashiea’s hand making heat attack her face. Yoongi has never been this open with his affection and it’s making Nashiea’s heart pound harshly in her chest. Letting Yoongi pull her along, Nashiea gets into the backseat of Seokjin’s car, and she stares out the window as he drives to the new café. Once there, Yoongi opens the door for Nashiea and helps her out of the car, placing his hand in front of the metal so that she won’t bump her head getting out.
The three of them step into the café and Seokjin points out where Hoseok and Taehyung are sitting. Hoseok sees Nashiea and waves her over before he scoots in closer to his boyfriend. Everyone exchanges greetings and Nashiea is shocked to see that Seokjin knows her friends. Yoongi sits beside her and leans in while everyone is looking over the menu.
“What are you going to get?” Yoongi asks and Nashiea glances over at him. She really stares at him, and she can see that something is different, his eyes aren’t as dark as they once were, and his face isn’t as dull. “Something on my face?” Yoongi lifts his hand to wipe at his face, but she shakes her head.
“No, you look-” Nashiea thinks of the word she wants to use and shakes her head. “You look alive.”
Yoongi’s lips stretch into a smile and Nashiea can feel her heart skip a beat, she has never seen such a pretty gummy smile from Yoongi before.
“I feel alive…for once in my life I finally feel free.” Yoongi’s eyes are bright as he speaks, and Nashiea just stares unsure of what he means. She opens her mouth to ask, but Yoongi speaks before she can. “What are you going to eat?”
“I’m a little short on funds this month, so the chicken wrap is fine with me.”
Yoongi shakes his head, “What do you want? My treat today, so pick whatever.”
“Me too, Hyung?” Taehyung begs with wide eyes and Yoongi rolls his eyes but nods his head, nonetheless.
“Yeah. Lunch is on me, go wild.”
Lunch is amazing, the food is delicious and so fresh. It easily blows the school cafés food out of the water. After lunch, everyone heads back to campus and Nashiea can feel all eyes on her as Yoongi and her walk to class hand in hand.
“Humm?” Yoongi doesn’t notice everyone looking, honestly, he is so used to being watched that he learned to just ignore everyone.
“Can I have my hand back?”
Yoongi glances down at Nashiea’s hand and laces their fingers together, “Nope.” Yoongi tugs her closer to him and bumps her hip with his. “I want to tell you something and you can’t freak out, promise?” Nashiea nods her head as the two of them come to the front of the lecture hall. “I dropped business.”
Nashiea sees the way Yoongi’s lips move but no. No, there is no way Yoongi just said what she thinks she heard. “Come again?” Nashiea stares at Yoongi and he chuckles, reaching for her other hand and lacing their fingers together again.
“I dropped business. I dropped it over the weekend, that’s why I wasn’t in class today.” Yoongi keeps his voice soft as he speaks. “Spending time with you, getting to know you more and sharing my life with you,” Yoongi licks his lips as he smiles. “It made me see just how miserable I really was. I hate business and I don’t want to be anything like my father.”
“I joined the music program.” Nashiea’s mouth drops at Yoongi’s words and Yoongi laughs, the pure excitement of his freedom seeping into her skin. “We’re having a show at the end of the semester, and I want you to be there…in the front row.” Yoongi reaches up and cups the side of Nashiea’s face, his thumb brushing against the apple of her cheek as he smiles. “Nashiea?” Yoongi’s smile starts to fall as she just stares at him and his grip on her hand loosens. “Hey, what’s wrong? I thought you would be happy for me.”
Nashiea throws her arms around Yoongi and hugs him tightly. “You asshat! I am happy for you…but who is gonna keep me from falling asleep in class now?”
Yoongi sighs deeply, his body relaxing in Nashiea’s hold as he wraps his arms around her waist to hug her back. “I think you should switch majors too. You shouldn’t be doing business just to make your mother happy. It’s your life, not hers.”
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“To Nashiea!”
Yoongi’s apartment is filled with loud music and laughter as everyone celebrates Nashiea’s successful transition into a double major with child psychology under her belt. The workload is crazy, but the way Nashiea sees it she will be able to open her own clinic with Hoseok and not have to worry about anyone else coming in trying to scam them. Nashiea downs the shot in her hand and her face twists up in disgust at the burn from the tequila.
“Who’s doing body shots?!” Some freshmen named Jimin comes into the living room with a bottle of liquor in his hand followed by an equally excited Kihyun. Everyone pushes Nashiea towards the pair and Jimin grins wickedly. “Ohhh noona! This is gonna be fun!”
Nashiea is a little past tipsy, so she easily agrees to do the body shot pulling her shirt over her head making everyone hoot and holler at her exposed lacey yellow bra. From his spot against the wall, Yoongi spits out his drink at the sight of Nashiea’s bare skin and he grinds his teeth seeing Kihyun helping her get all set up on the coffee table while Jimin licks his lips hungrily.
“Wow, you might want to hurry over and claim your girl before Jiminie takes her Hyung. I heard the ladies love his tongue.” Kim Namjoon, another one of Yoongi’s classmates’ states as he eyes the scene unfolding in front of him. Yoongi shoves his cup into Namjoon’s hand and storms over to the small crowd that is gathered, pushing Jimin out of the way just as the younger male was about to step forward.
“Oh! Yoongi-ah you’re gonna take the shot?” Hoseok teases from his spot in Taehyung’s lap and Yoongi just grunts as he settles himself between Nashiea’s legs. The two lock eyes for a moment and Nashiea grins as she takes the lime between her lips that Kihyun holds for her.
“Ready, Hyung?” Kihyun giggles and Yoongi nods his head. Kihyun sprinkles a little bit of salt in the dip of Nashiea’s collarbone and slowly pours the shot of tequila into her navel before he tells Yoongi to start. Yoongi places light kisses starting from the waistband of Nashiea’s jeans up to her navel and he slurps up the liquor before he trails his nose up the length of her torso, feeling the goosebumps rise on her skin as he goes. Yoongi’s tongue laps at the salt on Nashiea’s collarbone, and Nashiea moans softly when Yoongi nips at the delicate skin before he hovers over her mouth and smashes his lips into hers. The lime wedge cleverly peeled so that the final act of the body shot can turn hot and heavy quickly.
Everyone cheers when Yoongi and Nashiea start to make out, Yoongi’s hands easily pulling her into his arms while she quickly straddles his lap on the coffee table. Jimin pouts and walks away looking for someone else to play with and Hoseok laughs. ‘Fucking finally!’ He thinks to himself and Taehyung smiles, now they can go on double dates.
The courtyard is starting to flood with how hard the downpour is coming. The college canceled classes midday, advising all students and staff to leave before the inclement weather gets any worse. Having just left her marking class, Nashiea stares at the flooded courtyard and curses under her breath, she isn’t not wearing the right shoes for this nor did she bring an umbrella. Nashiea groans, she’s going to ruin her new sneakers that Yoongi got her. Hyping herself up to make a run for it, Nashiea hears someone shout her name from behind. Turning around confused, she smiles when she sees her boyfriend, Yoongi jogging her way with a large umbrella over his head.
Once Yoongi is within reaching distance, Nashiea throws herself into his arms and buries her face in his neck. Yoongi chuckles and wraps his free arm around her waist, “Come on, I’ll give you a ride home.”
“I thought your car was still in the shop.”
Yoongi nods his head at Nashiea’s words, “It is…m-my driver can drop you off.” Nashiea raises an eyebrow at Yoongi, and he fiddles with the charm on her backpack. “It will be fine. Promise.” Nashiea sighs and Yoongi kisses the middle of her forehead before he cups her cheek, “Come on. I’ll give you a lift home.” Nodding her head, Nashiea steps away from Yoongi as he drops his hands to his side and together under the umbrella, they walk to a sleek black car waiting at the front of the campus.
The driver gets out of the car and stays silent as he opens the back door for Nashiea and Yoongi. Yoongi lets her get in first and he turns his attention to the driver, “Drop my friend off first and then we’ll head to my parent’s.” The driver nods his head and Yoongi closes the large umbrella and tosses it onto the floor before he jumps in. In the car, Yoongi ignores the need to hold Nashiea’s hand and he glances at the driver, noticing that the partition is down. Wanting to put it up, but knowing that will give himself away, Yoongi clenches his fists and stares out the window.
Nashiea leans back in her seat and sighs, choosing to look out the window and watch the world go by in silence. Yoongi speaks up, giving the driver Nashiea’s address and soon after they arrive in front of her apartment building. The driver moves to unbuckle his seatbelt, but Yoongi stops him. Yoongi hands Nashiea the large umbrella and smiles, “I’ll text you later, okay?”
Nashiea nods her head and thanks the driver before Yoongi opens the car door and lets her out. Yoongi watches her rush into the apartment building, and it isn’t until the front door shuts that he tells the driver to leave.
“Young master-”
“I know, Wooyoung. I know.”
“I am happy for you. She seems like a lovely young woman.”
Yoongi nods his head with a small smile. “I just hope my parents feel the same.”
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