#boynextdoor imagines
000-pawz · 17 hours
i don't want us to just be friends! (bnd) ˚ · .
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bnd when they have a crush , ot6 headcanons , fluff , pining , nonidol au
more under the cut!
a/n: requested here and here! eeek tysm <3 i also subtly brought their charts into play here too (you guys already know how i roll) >3<
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sungho ˚ ⋆。˚
𐙚₊˚ when sungho has a crush on you, he literally wants to become your superman >< he'll carry your backpack across campus for you, lends you his (very neat) notes if you miss a day in class, and brings you food to your dorm room if you're sick </3 he just wants to do whatever he can to help you
𐙚₊˚ loves studying with you!!! his favorite part is when you go quiet when you're really focused and he can just watch your cute concentrated face <3 he'll nudge you from under the desk when it's time to take a break and convince you to go with him to get food!!! he wants to make sure that you're taking care of yourself always
𐙚₊˚ he's not the type to initiate affection first between you guys, so when you do it, he turns into an absolute mess. if your head falls onto his shoulder while you're laughing, he'll probably act cool on the outside, but on the inside, he's literally screaming, running laps!!!
𐙚₊˚ or if you grab his hand to walk through a crowd together without losing each other, he'll try to suppress his smile as best he can, but ultimately fails because??? your hand fits perfectly in his???? hello????
𐙚₊˚ sungho becomes really cute and soft around you. he shyly smiles when you wave to him across campus!!! or if you're hanging out alone watching a movie, he'll share his blanket with you and shuffle up to your side so your legs are pressing against each other's (and yes it's an excuse to be closer to you!!!)
𐙚₊˚ gets pretty protective over you. if you fall and scrape your knee, he's carrying you to the nurse asap (even if it's just a little cut :<). better yet, he'll take care of you himself, treating you so gently as he bandages up your wound and tells you to be more careful cause you could've gotten really hurt!!
𐙚₊˚ really playful with you! probably lightly teases you about your cute habits, does bunny ears above your head when you take a selfie, pretends to bite you when you tease him back ^___^ just like a giant kitty
𐙚₊˚ sungho is not one to keep secrets and he's pretty straightforward, so i see him confessing to you first >< he'll probably make it really intimate, like bringing you flowers and then taking you to a picnic in the field </3 there are literal sparkles in his eyes when he watches the way the sun hits your skin! just something super sappy where it can just be the two of you and he can confess all of his honest feelings with no interruptions!!!
˚ ⋆。˚ riwoo
𐙚₊˚ riwoo is incredibly shy around his crush!!! he'll probably be the most physically awkward out of all of them lol like if he has to partner up with his crush for a conversation, he'll literally die a little on the inside because he gets so flustered around you, he can barely speak!!!
𐙚₊˚ he definitely keeps his crush on you to himself. for one, he wants to be able to admire you from afar and he's simply happy with just liking you! and for two, he doesn't want his friends to embarrass him around you ><
𐙚₊˚ probably screams into his pillow whenever you text him first >3< or smiles behind his hand because you are texting him!!! he replies back super fast too because he doesn't want you to think he's uninterested!!!
𐙚₊˚ he'll always try his best to make you smile around him, even if it involves him making a fool of himself!!! if you're in the same room, he'll text you something funny and wait to see your reaction from across the room ^___^
𐙚₊˚ worries about you so much :C if you seem extra tired in class, he'll check up on you, asking you if you need anything!!! he'll sneak snacks into your bag, switch seats with you if you get the wobbly chair, and he's just overall very attentive!!! if you don't show up for class out of the blue, he's texting you right away to make sure everything is okay and if you need him to bring you anything!!! <3
𐙚₊˚ very adaptable to you. if you're grabbing lunch together and you mention a specific menu you like, he's ordering the same thing! and if you're studying together in his dorm and you say you're hot, he'll immediately turn on the air conditioning (even if he's shivering </3) he always prioritizes your comfort
𐙚₊˚ loves to have long and deep conversations with you. enjoyed hearing about your plans for the future, and your goals and aspirations!!! he's all for learning what makes you tick so he can cater to your needs better <3 he just loves learning about you as a person because you are so interesting to him and you have a way of scratching his brain just right
𐙚₊˚ riwoo would be so so so nervous to confess. he'd run over what he wants to say multiple times to himself before you even show up to the park he's meeting you at. and when you finally do show up, all of his effort goes straight out of the window and he forgets everything he wanted to say </3 so he just says "y/n. i like you." and you giggle a bit because you already know!!! you were just waiting for him to say something >< and when you tell him so, riwoo gets so blushy and shy before asking if he can take you out tomorrow!! officially :3
jaehyun ˚ ⋆。˚
𐙚₊˚ everyone will already know he has a crush on you before he even knows!!! he finds a way to mention you in every conversation and starts smiling like an idiot whenever someone says your name <3
𐙚₊˚ becomes your very own puppy ^___^ if you weren't already friends before jaehyun starts liking you, then you are now! he'll ask to be your partner whenever he gets the chance, gets excited for you when you share good news with him, does whatever you ask of him
𐙚₊˚ like if you mention you want a certain drink from the store, jaehyun is up and out of his seat in the blink of an eye!!! or if you say that your feet hurt from walking around all day, he'll give you a piggy back ride home!!!
𐙚₊˚ he invites you out to everything like "hey y/n, did you want to go to this party with me tonight", or "hey y/n, are you busy later? maybe we can go to the carnival together", or even "hey y/n, can you come with me to buy toothpaste please"
𐙚₊˚ intense eye contact whenever you have something to say. he does that thing where he cocks his head at you with gentle eyes and nods along to whatever you're saying, reacting to everything and giving you little smiles here and there <3
𐙚₊˚ becomes the loudest, goofiest person ever around you. he's cracking jokes left and right, sharing stories that he knows will entertain you, etc. he literally just goes on autopilot freak mode because he's driven by pure impulse when you're around ><
𐙚₊˚ once you guys are comfortable around each other, he gets pretty touchy!!! he'll give you tight hugs whenever he greets you, brushes hair out of your face if you're focused on your work, gives you random fistbumps and high fives just for an excuse to touch you ><
𐙚₊˚ jaehyun's confession would be so out of the blue, he even surprises himself. he'll be walking you back home after a late-night study session and he'll just get such a big rush of emotion when he looks at you in the moonlight and he'll just blurt out that he likes you!!! he'll quickly cover his mouth with wide eyes and be like "did i say that out loud...?" and you just laugh at him because he's so cute because confessing that you like him too <3
˚ ⋆。˚ taesan
𐙚₊˚ if taesan has a crush on you, you might think that he simply doesn't like you >< he'll avoid eye contact at all cost, walk in the opposite direction if he hears that you're coming, ducks away if you enter the room. he gets so overwhelmed everytime he sees you, his fight or flight kicks in lol
𐙚₊˚ perks up if he ever hears your name mentioned in public. like he'll be totally locked in on his computer or something and as soon as he hears your name in a passing conversation, he'll sit up straighter and look around to see if you're nearby >< he might even listen in on someone's conversation just to hear what they're saying about you
𐙚₊˚ he stresses out so much about whether or not to speak to you first if you're not already friends. he'll pace his room, ask his friends if you're seeing anyone, runs over every possible outcome of him talking to you (and the only thing he's trying to do is introduce himself </3)
𐙚₊˚ when he finally does build up the courage to talk to you, he's a stuttering mess!!! it already took him 32978 hours to even convince himself to finally talk to you, and when he does, he finds himself tripping over his words a lot and stumbling through greetings </3
𐙚₊˚ taesan is the type to buy you your favorite drink from the cafe and then "run" into you and say "hey, uh i just had an extra one of these." and then he quickly gives it to you before running away and you're just like he is so cute (because it's so obvious that he likes you)
𐙚₊˚ once you guys get closer, speaking to you would be like a second nature to him!!! he just needs to break out of his shell a bit >< he'll ask you to meet him at the bench outside of your dorm/house at like 2 am just so you guys can talk alone (and if he "accidentally" had an extra hoodie in his backpack for when you start to get cold, no he didn't >3<)
𐙚₊˚ i said it before and i'll say it again! taesan loves loves loves sharing music with you. he'll make you multiple playlists (all with subtle meanings and confessions hidden in them) and send them to you!!! he might actually malfunction if you do the same as well (and he will read into every lyric of every song you send)
𐙚₊˚ he'd confess when you guys are at a record store together, checking out vinyl. he'll pick a song that perfectly captures everything he wants to say that he can't put into words, and you just look so pretty flicking through all of the albums, and he knows this is his chance!!! so he put the vinyl on the record player and calls you over to place the headphones over your ears and as you listen, you realize what's he's trying to say and you give him the biggest hug ever that makes him stumble back a bit with a big smile, wrapping himself up in you <3
leehan ˚ ⋆。˚
𐙚₊˚ definitely the type to stare at you from across the room with that soft gaze, just watching you exist. observing which hand you write with, your little quirks and habits, the clothes you like to wear. just learning about you from afar. he might even scroll through your social media too :<
𐙚₊˚ his line from serenade when he's like "hey, the weather is nice. want to go for a walk?"!!! he'll stroll with you quietly, making small talk, asking you how your classes are going, and he gets really giggly if your hands accidentally brush each other's <3
𐙚₊˚ leehan will find any way to accommodate you! if you mumble that your head hurts in class, he'll ask the professor to dim the lights for you! and if you're cold, he'll insist you take his jacket!!!
𐙚₊˚ if leehan has a crush on you, he will mentally act like he's married >< if someone else tries to confess to him, he'll respectfully reject them because he only has eyes for you!!!
𐙚₊˚ he laughs at all of your jokes, even if they are terrible >< it's not even forced laughter though!!! he genuinely finds you so endearing that everything you do is cute to him
𐙚₊˚ speaking of cute!!! he calls you cute a lot. you'll do the most mundane thing ever and he'll just watch you with a tiny smile, thinking that you are the cutest thing to ever exist. he might even say it out loud just to see you get flustered <3
𐙚₊˚ loves when you rant/vent to him!!! he thinks it's so special that you see him as a safe place to go when you're stressed, and he'll do anything to ease that stress. he'll reach over and give your hand an encouraging squeeze, listening intently to everything you say, and give you advice if you ask for it!!!
𐙚₊˚ he would probably confess to you after months, or even years of being friends!!! when you guys are alone, probably having a midnight talk about anything and everything when he goes "y/n. i really like you." and it'll catch you so off guard and get you so flustered, but he just couldn't wait any longer!!! and when you breathlessly confess that you like him back, he'll pull you into the tightest hug ever with an airy laugh, relieved that everything worked out <3
˚ ⋆。˚ woonhak
𐙚₊˚ he's in lalaland before he even strikes up conversation with you </3 woonhak will literally daydream about you all the time, zoning out in class just thinking about you for hours!!! he'll probably even imagine scenarios of you guys together to help him fall asleep at night lol
𐙚₊˚ he so obviously likes you, but for him to actually tell you is a whole different story. he just likes you so so so much and he's really scared of his feelings being rejected, so he forces himself to believe that he's okay with just being friends with you <3 he thinks that having you like this is better than not having you at all
𐙚₊˚ that doesn't mean he doesn't show you he likes you though! you are his go-to person for everything. like if he got a new shirt, he's asking you if you think it looks okay (and if you show any hint of disliking it, he's never wearing that shirt again because your opinion is the only one that matters)
𐙚₊˚ facetimes 24/7!!! he'll call you whenever he's bored and you guys will just carry on with your own lives while still on facetime, occasionally falling into conversation before going about your day again
𐙚₊˚ like he'll literally call you just so he can brush his teeth while watching you study! or if he's walking to the store, he'll facetime you to show you how great the weather is (and he'll convince you to meet him at the park so you can have ice cream together <3)
𐙚₊˚ woonhak will be at your side as soon as you need him, no questions asked. if he calls you and can hear in your voice that you were crying, he's rushing over to you asap!! his shoelaces won't even be tied and his jacket will be inside out because he was trying to get to you so fast </3 immediately pulls you into a hug and reassures you that you're never alone as long as he's here
𐙚₊˚ if you ever compliment him, his entire year will be made. i imagine him doing that thing where he smiles so wide, his eyes bunch up and his shoulder reach his ears and he's just a giant ray of sunshine ^___^ he won't waste any time complimenting you back either!!!
𐙚₊˚ he'd confess to you by making you a big basket of gifts n stuff, topped off with a handwritten letter </3. it'll be full of plushies, your favorite snacks, pictures you guys took together in photobooths, cute stickers that he'd think you like, random stuff in your favorite color ^___^ his handwriting will be messy and you can see that he wrote and erased many times, just trying to find the right words to say!!! it's all so personal, sweet, and thoughtful <333
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reblogs are greatly appreciated! thank u...<3
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wonton4rang · 3 days
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i love u 3000 ¡!
pairing: sungho x reader.
warnings: +18, smut, fluff, some angst maybe, kissing.
summary: short scenarios of firsts with sungho.
note: this will be a series!! hope u all enjoy<33 find the others here as i make them (woonhak and sungho done)
first encounter: idk if it would be at a cafe or at the gym but I'll go for the cafe because i feel like he would be too into his workout to actually pay attention to his surroundings and see you. so he'd be thinking what to order, looking up at the menu while he stood in the line, you were in front of him and he didn't even see your face but the way you smelled and the way your voice said "i want a caramel macchiato, please, with no sugar" was enough for him to feel as if the sweetness you opted out surrounded him instead and he melt right into it, following you with his eyes when you left the line and yours meeting his when everyone kept telling him to move forward in the line. he finally came to his senses and you laughed at his little blush due to the shame. you can know for sure he would ask to sit with you and launch a conversation about how he zoned out before, ending with your number in his pocket, wrote down on a paper tissue and a huge smile in his face while he walked down the street.
first time he realises he's in love; honestly he knew from the beginning that he liked you, the way he would look for you in his contact list just to see your profile picture setting him up, even if it was the same one. he would even "mistakenly" call you at least twice a week just so he could hear your voice and ultimately your laugh when you said "was this really a mistake, sungho-ssi" and he just went silent before you added "you can call me if you wanna talk, i don't mind" bet. cause he would call you everyday just to ask how you were doing and if there was anything that you may need so he could get it for you. the first day you guys went out was when he finally realized he kinda liked you a little bit more than he expected, looking at you with such a lover eyes that the old people passing by your side kept saying "he loves you so much, don't break his heart". an indirect confession i guess.
how would he confess; kinda obvious (at least for me) but he is wearing the best clothes on his closet, his hair done perfectly, that soft perfume you loved all over his body and that smile on his face only growing bigger when he handed you the bucket of flowers, "what is this, sungho?" , "i would like to ask you out, if you let me. i promise to make you nothing but happy if you allow me" it sounded like a marriage proposal but that's just how serious he was. you said yes, why would you say no? it was sungho and his pretty foxy eyes waiting for your response, the boy who never had an excuse when you needed him and the one who cared for you the most, y'all already looked like you were dating to begin with so now it was just official!!
officially dating w sungho; something i know for sure is that he is such a domestic boyfriend :(( you could find him helping out with the chores at YOUR apartment, doing the dishes and even the laundry while you slept during the morning. he would hold your hand at any moment, hug you while walking on the streets during winter time even if it was uncomfortable, tell you how grateful he was by having you. he would remember all your anniversaries and bring you flowers each time, every time being a different one just so he could tell you the meaning and how much he loved you and hoped for more anniversaries to come. i think he'd also be the type to introduce you to his friends and his family as he sees your relationship as a long-term one.
first kiss; idk why i feel it'd happen at one of your guy's house, like, you are laying down on bed, just cuddling and talking your day, your head resting on his chest and his arm hugging you, giving you the warmth the weather lacked. you were so comfortable with him that even looking up and being so close was not awkward, that's why you did it when he went silent for a few seconds.
"what are you thinking about?" you would mumble and he lowered his eyes to meet yours, making you blush when he just smiled a little bit before saying:
"i am right here, what were you thinking?"
"about how cute you are, how much i love you and how lucky of man i am to have you and had met you in this life"
"honey... i love you too" you softly giggled and he blushed after saying all that cheesy stuff, you removing the hand from his face and matching his eyes, feeling his breath hitch when his eyes dropped to your lips.
and he really didn't have to ask, he just leaned forward and pressed his lips against yours, you both closing your eyes and shifting in the bed so he was on top of you, between your legs while he softly caressed your cheeks, staying like that for a little while before pulling out and looking into each other's eyes, gosh you guys are so in love :(
first time he wanted to do more than just a peck; it would happen during a movie night, you always got together at your place to wach a movie or a short serie on fridays, buying some junk food when neither you or sungho wanted to cook. you would sit in your couch, your leg between sungho's and one of his hands on your thigh while you payed attention to whatever was playing on the tv, but when you constantly feel him moving below your leg, his hand making some pressure in the uncovered flesh of your thigh, you had to look at him.
"everything good, babe?"
"yes... i'm just... you know"
"no, i don't" you said, pausing the tv and removing your leg from his lap so you could sit properly and look at him. "is something going on?" he just denied with his head but by the way he lowered his head, his cheeks flushed and his hands held that cushion in front of his pants you knew what was going on. "can i kiss you then?" his eyes met yours again. "i wanna kiss you"
but sungho really didn't want to seem like a pervert right now so he would try to say no just to end up with you straddled on his lap, kissing him with hunger and circling your hips on his erection, his tongue would get into your mouth and he'll take control from then on, his hands guiding the pace and movement of your hips by holding down on them. a few moans would escape his lips and tbh he couldn't be more ashamed to be making out w u for the first time due to a boner. but oh well, it was not going to be the last time either.
first time meeting your family; when i say "sungho domestic boyfriend" I mean it!! he would be so excited to finally meet your parents, you met his a few months ago so he couldn't wait to meet the people who gave birth to the love of his life :( he would bring food and help your mom cook it, asking about your childhood and making a few jokes when your mom got too emotional about you being all grown up. i feel like your dad would love him even if they don't have much to talk about, he would see his good intentions and the kind and lovely vibe he gave would make both of your parents love him sm !! i can personally see him calling your mom every mother's day, and your dad too on every father's day, sending them flowers and a present for their birthdays too. he is just such a family boy to me ;(
first time w sungho; when i pictured this i almost got an overdose of sugar fr fr. he would be so loving, so caring, so soft about it, i don't even see him using dirty talk (at least not for the first time). he would worship your body so much that it would make you feel shy yet so good you couldn't explain the mixture of feelings, his kisses would be long and wet, his hips rocking against yours during missionary (because yes, he would fuck you in missionary 99% of the time) and his hands holding your wrists pinned down to the bed on each side of your bed. "you look so pretty, y/n, you feel so good" would be something he would say when he left your lips for a second, looking into your eyes before smiling a little bit about how into you he was (pun intended). he would also be the type to softly moan in your ear and intertwine his fingers with yours while fucking you so good :(( and i also see him using his tongue to make you shiver, could be by kissing you or by playing with your ear.
overall, sungho is a good boy, he is mature and very loving, he seeks honesty and stability so if he ever falls for you, have in mind that he would like to be with you for as long as he can. he is a funny person too, making jokes to enlighten the mood when needed but also knows when to remain silent. his mood wouldn't have huge swings and i don't think he would be one to argue or be jealous. (he could get jealous tho but he'll let you know about it before it gets uncomfortable)
commitment wise he is a 10/10, his full attention is on you when you need him, i think he wouldn't cheat and he is such a lover boy :') but he would expect the same back so if you lack he would feel a little sad too.
so if you are looking for a long-term, marriage oriented and responsible, respectful, honest yet funny relationship, sungho is definitely your pick !!
also, can we talk about those pictures of him???? he looks so pretty, dazzling, cute yet hot asf?? make it make sense, he can't be a gym bro and look that good 😭😭
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hyuanlee · 1 day
Could you write BoyNextDoor “just the tip” smut when their really needy and clingy
ofccc babes tyy for the ask! not proofread!
minors do not interact!
i feel like sungho wouldn’t really be the type to propose a “just the tip” situation. when he makes love, he wants it complete and with both of your satisfaction filled but sometimes he gets needy at the worst times and that calls for a little quickie. he might ask for just the tip, but for some reason the thought of a quickie riles him up alot and eventually he gives in. maybe even going rougher than usual because for him, quickies are the perfect time to be rough.
“baby, i know this is unusual but just the tip, please?” and you agree, knowing damn well it’s not happening.
riwoo maybe likes cockwarming more than anything tip related. atleast with cockwarming he’s fully inside and its the best part but when he gets needy, he isn’t afraid to show it. maybe even begging and because you won’t cooperate, he proposes “babe, just the tip.” with pleading eyes, maybe rubbing your thighs to rile you up. it doesn’t take long for you to give in because his puppy eyes are to die for.
“can i fill you up, please.” he would plead, not being able to handle just doing the tip.
jaehyun is one whiny baby and isn’t afraid to hold back. this isn’t the first time he asks for just the tip and although the first time was lowkey a success? (if you call cumming inside a success), the next times he wants just the tip, you know its not happening. to be fair, he would be so whiny and begging for it that you just ask him to do it.
“hyun, just put it in, please.” you plead. he would smile softly before switching positions so that you could ride him.
with taesan, i don’t see him being that needy to the point of needing just the tip. i don’t really see him as someone too sex-driven in general. he likes to keep it to only when needed but sometimes with his busy schedule it could take weeks before you do anything intimate again and sometimes he is a man, afterall.
“what about just the tip?” he would ask, still driving the car, lowkey catching you by surprise. “oh we are not just doing the tip, baby.” at that point, there was no waiting to go home. he just pulled over.
leehan. oh leehan. he is whiny only when he wants something and has a habit of teasing you, maybe without even noticing. he would be riling you up, the whole day asking for a quickie or if he could finger you, even asking to go into the dressing room for “just the tip” but you would stand your ground, saying no because you wanted to enjoy the day. but he would be a menace and keep touching you up or even whispering dirty things in your ear. funnily enough, when you get home, it’s like he completely forgot he was horny. it’s a sudden switch cus you end up being the one asking for it.
“you rejected me earlier, what a slut asking for it now.” he said with a poker face.
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luv-y0urself · 18 hours
boynextdoor when they have crushes
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boynextdoor x fem!reader genre: fluff, slice of life, mayhaps...? | wc: 2026 words | warnings: all sorts of tropes ahead !! all of the boys are the same age as the reader in the fic, although not mentioned :) 𖤐.thank you to the anon who requested this ! i'm so sorry it took this long to get out... i might've gotten a little carried away (psst... i didn't tell you this, but i might be using this as a small teaser for a future series...!)
boy #1: park sungho
to me, sungho genuinely feels like the type to fall for his childhood best friend. it’s the feeling of comfort that he feels with her that suddenly morphs into something more, y’know? he’s having a casual night out, grabbing a quick drink with his friend for successfully ending the semester in one piece when she shows up dressed with her hair done, makeup immaculate, and a dress that fits her curves perfectly and accentuates all the nice things about her. he can’t help but gape at her form once he lays eyes on her, and is dumbfounded for a few seconds before he’s able to murmur a soft compliment in her direction. she merely laughs it off, telling him that he looked rather dashing that night as well. it was common for them to care for each other in that way; they didn’t think of it much when they were complimenting each other… but on that night, at that moment, sungho meant every word. once sungho is able to fully mull over the situation (and fully realizes that he definitely has a crush on her), sungho would go out of his way to care for her. he’s always sending her texts (much more than usual), usually things like “your class starts soon, are you at school yet?” to things like, “don’t skip lunch even if you’re working.” he strikes me as the type to bring lots of sweets to his gal when mother nature decides to pay her a visit, or for him to cook her some of her favorite broth if she’s feeling under the weather. at one point, i feel like she would realize that sungho has changed a little bit; she asks the other friends in her group about it and her friends can’t help but smack their foreheads at how dense sungho’s crush is, then help sungho set something up for him to actually overcome the fear of losing his friend and confess to her.
boy #2: lee riwoo
to be completely honest, i feel like riwoo is the type to fall for a girl that he met at a dance competition. riwoo would be one of the judges, waiting for the last performance to go on stage and dance their hearts out. he’s beyond tired, having gotten at the site more than six hours ago, and having sat in his chair without moving for four of those six. but once she comes onto stage, riwoo would feel the spinning world stop. all he can see is her, dancing her heart out to the choreographed routine that she and her group mates put together for everybody to see. it’s unprofessional, really — riwoo should be watching the performance for all of the rubric points, but all he could focus on was the way that she moved; the way that she waltzed with the song, her arms elongated and her steps light but strong, hitting each beat with undeniable passion that she must’ve practiced with. riwoo isn’t able to do anything the day of, however — that would be even more unprofessional than how distracted he was during the performance. no, the real time he would be able to do something is when he holds a surprise pop up class with a limited number of students able to attend, and she’s one of them. when checking their form, i feel like riwoo’s eyes would subconsciously stay on her form for a little longer compared to the other students, and if she had a question, he answer it to the best of his ability, and then some. riwoo doesn’t strike me as the impulsive type, but with her in the room, i feel like he would change the choreo that he's teaching to a pair dance, choosing her in the room to dance with.
boy #3: myung jaehyun
god, myungjae would be the loudest guy out there once he has a crush. he definitely strikes me as the type of guy to go shouting in the group chat, saying that he just spotted the “goddess” of their school while walking around. he probably also wouldn’t waste any time beating around the bush; the very next time he spots her, he would probably go up to her and say some cheesy pick up line (“so, aside from taking my breath away, what do you do for a living?”) although the girl would definitely be surprised, and maybe even annoyed at his seemingly insincere ways of telling her, myungjae would do everything he can to regain her trust in him (aka. making her fall for him, according to his boasting). whenever he spots her on campus, myungjae makes sure to make himself known. he often waves at her from hundreds of meters away, running to her from wherever he saw her from (and ditching whoever he was with, which, most of the time, is poor woonhak) just to strike a conversation with her. he asks her about all kinds of things, like what she’s doing today, how she’s feeling, if anything happened to her in the past 16 hours which he hasn’t seen her, anything. (once, she replied back that she was going to go meet a long distance guy friend, and myungjae immediately got sooo jealous. he would ask all kinds of things, like what he looks like, how tall he is, whether she’s ever liked him in the past or if she does now, how long she’s known him for, etc. she would definitely tease him for being jealous before leaving in a flash, purposely mentioning that she needs to “get ready” for her hangout with the said guy. myungjae is absolutely distraught, to her delight.) but, if she’s feeling down, he’s there for her always, giving her a shoulder to cry on if needed. he provides lots of advice for her if she opens up to him in that way, glad that he was able to be of help to his one and only.
boy #4: han taesan
boy oh boy, han taesan. definitely the type to fall for the girl working at the lp shop that he’s a regular at. taesan was just walking around the shop, seeing if there were any albums that were recently added that he hadn’t seen the last time he was there. that’s when he spotted her listening to the legendary nirvana album (in his opinion), bleach (1989), and she was humming the melody to “about a girl” when he couldn’t help but be intrigued about her. the lp shop was old; taesan was close with the owner of the shop, since the old man had cared for taesan like his own son. taesan would definitely ask about her the next time he sees the man (which is very soon), surprised when he mentions that she’s working at the shop now; taesan came to the shop almost everyday following that short encounter, often staying at the shop much longer than necessary when she was around (and leaving the shop quickly when he wasn’t able to see her at her usual spot at the counter), trying to get a better look at what she was doing or if she was listening to anything else that he enjoyed listening to, too.  the first time that taesan would actually make a move is when he catches that she’s sick from the rapidly changing weather. he spots her erupting into small coughing fits, which she suppresses quickly with a quick drink from her practically steaming tumbler. the next day taesan walks into the shop, his pockets are a little heavier than usual; he’s carrying with him some cough medicine and tylenol, packaged nicely in a clear bag, perfected with a clean note inside (which he definitely didn’t take 15 minutes to write two lines of). when she’s not at the counter, cleaning something at a different end of the shop, taesan slips over and places the bag of medicine containing the note next to her tumbler so she can’t miss it, smiling a little as he exits the shop.
boy #5: kim leehan
would it be a surprise if leehan falls for the girl working as a docent at the aquarium? she's all he’s been looking for; an expert on fish that shared the same love for marine life that he did. i feel like leehan would meet her coincidentally at his local aquarium; usually he likes to stay home and just look at his own fish tank, but that day, he felt like going out. it had been too long since he left the house, anyway; the last time he’d left was a few days ago, when he went to go find some new fishies for his fish tank (if leehan has his fish tank and his phone, he could probably stay at home for a whole month without leaving it once).  usually, leehan is the type to walk around the aquarium by himself; he already knew a lot about most of the fish there, and if he didn’t know anything, he was the type to stand in front of the description for a while in order to read everything about the new fish. but, something about her voice stroke a chord in him; her voice was different from the other docents that he had walked by, and he saw himself just trailing the crowd that was following her, listening to her words that were flowing out of her like she was telling the story about the fish for the first time. after the entire tour, when she seems to go on break, leehan would call out to her according to her name that she had mentioned at the end of the tour, letting the people know that she was always happy to talk about fish if they ever spotted her around the aquarium another day. he would then proceed to question her about some of the new species that had recently been added to the aquarium tanks, piquing her interest in him as well. i think they would meet a couple more times at the aquarium itself before leehan would ask if she would like to see his own fish tank at his house ;)
boy #6: kim woonhak
woonhak is the epitome of boyish love. there’s no denying it… he just reminds me so much of the type of guys that would endlessly tease and poke fun at you just because he doesn’t know how else to express himself. i think the person that he would do this to would definitely be a somewhat calm person… like a student volunteer at his school’s library!! he would definitely fall for her when he’s checking out his textbooks at the beginning of the year — he’s never stepped into the textbook room prior to this (since this was all a new system that the school implemented) and woonhak just saw her working hard, interacting cordially with the kids she knew and genuinely looking like she was enjoying her job there. her genuineness sparked something deep inside of him, and after that day, i feel like he would visit the library all the time. he’s going to memorize the days and periods that she’s working at the library and get out of class during those days just to go to the library and try to see her. because he visits her so often, i just know that they would start to talk and that would just make woonhak fall even more for her — she’s such a passionate individual, always working hard for what she wants to achieve in the future. whenever she talks about her ambitions, woonhak just can’t help but be mesmerized about everything around her; her pretty, sparkling eyes, the soft breeze from the window that tickles her hair, being able to easily tune out the bustling of the students around them as if they were alone, and her voice, making him truly wonder if she was born under the extensive care of angels. at one point, though, i feel like she would ask him why he always visits her but never actually looks at any of the books or the library in general. woonhak’s ears would burn a bright shade of red before he clears his throat, finally asking her out on a date (“actually, speaking of which… do you want to, uh, go out this weekend?”)
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reblogs + feedback are greatly appreciated ! © luv-y0urself / 2024
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blissfullsvn · 2 days
boynextdoor x reader, zombie apocalypse!au, 2.6k (0.4k–0.5k each), fluff/angst
warnings: zombies (surprising), violence (towards the zombies; one depiction of bashing a zombie in the head), implied major character death
a/n: in light of bnd's 1st anniv, the new what?door! ep coming soon, & the sudden influx of 좀넥도 content on k-onedoor twt, i hereby present my brainrot to you. enjoy!
p.s. some scenarios are untagged bcs they're not rly fluff... but also not angst...
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archer!sungho x reader, 0.4k
sungho is at archery practice when he hears it; the screams around the school, so incredibly raw that he knows they'll echo in his mind again and again, long after today.
he finds out the reason just a few moments later, far sooner than he can properly digest the disconcerting noises. seeing the glass doors crash and break into a million pieces is a sight, but the true sight comes a second later, when the cause of the destruction hurtles towards them.
and he freezes. it's just for a beat, but a beat too long. he sees the exact movements of the rotten fingers reaching for him, so unmistakable it's as if he's viewing it in slow-motion, then something in him finally clicks. he instantly ducks down, which happens the same time he feels something tug at his wrist, but his scream doesn't get to escape his throat when he hears yours.
“sungho sunbae!” you yell as you maneuver around the onslaught of rotting bodies. you're dragging him towards the staircase leading to the second level of your practice area, because archers will always have the upper hand from longer distances. “what the hell are you doing?”
it's an immediate reality check. he looks around, and it's chaos; there are zombies flowing in from every exit, screams and shouts being heard from within and outside the room, and the distinct sound of arrows being shot. he looks back to you, who's running in front of him and pulling him along to keep him safe. 
you're right. what is he doing? everyone knows that as an archer, agility is one of the essentials, but he had nearly lost himself from a moment of hesitance. he feels even more embarrassed that you, who has always claimed to be his super fan, is saving his ass literally single-handedly by using the back of your bow to shove the zombies away because your other hand is wrapped around his wrist.
at the realisation, he grips his own bow tighter in his hands and promptly turns around despite your protests.
“take care of my back. i’ll handle this,” he says as he walks backwards, aiming his bow at the herd.
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riwoo x reader, 0.4k, angst
warning: implied major character death
riwoo prides himself in staying calm, even in the most extreme situations. but somehow, it shocks even himself that this statement still rings true in a national crisis.
when he hears screams so loud they burst through the music blasting in their dance practice, he doesn't hide the raise of his eyebrows. however, he doesn't mention anything, considering none of his members seem affected.
when the noise doesn't cease, instead growing by the second, he raises a hand to signal a pause in their practice. one of the members runs to turn off the music, and the immediate juxtaposition that occurs is more than unsettling. with the room abruptly falling into pin-drop silence, the flood of screams rattling the walls is even more prominent. that's when the dancers start to grow wary.
despite this, riwoo is calm. he's confused, but not frantic. even when the doors of the practice room burst open and you stagger inside in terrified hurry, he's calm. even when he notices the red patch of fabric on your arm that you're clutching tightly, he's calm. even when you're trudging towards him with a weird gait, he’s calm. even when he's gesturing to the rest of the members to leave the room, knowing he'll be left alone with you, he's calm.
it's weird, he thinks as he watches all of his members run for their lives before his eyes fall back to yours, noting the way the recognition in them is flickering. it’s weird how, instead of following his team, he’s reaching out to thumb at your tears, which only prompts more to flow down.
he thinks so again as he wraps his arms around you, tightening his hold like it's the last time he'll ever get to do this. with you in his arms, he can clearly feel the unusual twitches from your body, and yet he's still calm.
when you cup riwoo’s face with shaky hands, scanning his face as if to engrave it in your memory, he only offers the warmest smile he can. he tries to do the same; to capture this moment to the fullest. so when he sees the exact moment your eyes turn unfamiliar, he lets go of himself as well.
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football player!jaehyun x reader, 0.4k, fluff
if someone told jaehyun that within just a few minutes, he would receive a confession from his nine-month crush before his football match and immediately get thrown into a life or death situation, he'd laugh at them for saying nonsense.
but that's exactly what happened.
“wait, did i hear that correctly?” jaehyun is bewildered, eyes nearly popping out of his sockets. “you… like me?”
you twiddle with your fingers and nod slowly. like this, you look even cuter than usual, and jaehyun is practically melting; it takes everything in him to not squeeze your cheeks. looking at his round eyes that are even rounder from the shock, you ask timidly, “are you going to reject me?”
“reject?!” it comes off louder than intended, but it shows just how much he's in disbelief. “how could i ever reject you?” he lets out softly, directly reflecting the expression on his face.
the way you brighten up immediately is a sight to behold, one jaehyun would like to keep dear to himself forever. this moment is unfortunately cut short when he hears screams from the bleachers.
jaehyun raises an eyebrow. “what? have the others gone out already?” he peeks out of the locker rooms.
at first, he's confused. there's no one on the field, but the screams are increasing by the second. everyone in the audience is scurrying frantically, running and pushing past one another. despite his own apprehension, he senses your tenseness behind him and quickly cracks a joke to ease you first. “don’t tell me they’re this terrified of a mickey mouse?” he laughs, turning to look at you, but his face drops immediately.
you're horrified. you're watching the scene as if you're seeing something from your nightmares come to life, and the look on your face makes him think that maybe you are. he feels himself grow antsy at your drastic reaction, and he understands why when he turns back to the field again.
if there's one thing in the world he’s more terrified of than ghosts, it's the possibility of an infectious virus outbreak that threatens humanity in all aspects.
and he's witnessing it happen right now.
for a football player, his legs are utterly useless now as he wobbles from his own weight. before he can drop to the ground fully, you move next to him and hoist him up.
“jaehyun,” you call, and he's surprised at the firmness of your tone, a complete contrast from the meekness before. “hold onto me tightly, okay?” you interlock your fingers together and take a step forward, standing in front of him. “we're gonna have to run.”
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taesan x reader, 0.5k, fluff
both you and taesan are aware of how terrible this could go.
you're in the music room, surrounded by instruments of all sorts. in normal circumstances, these instruments would be as welcoming as a warm hug, offering the solace you needed after a long day. now, seeing them only makes uneasiness zap through your veins.
you don't have time to ponder your decision again when you hear the inhuman noises you’ve unfortunately grown familiar with. after ensuring the doors are locked well, you stride to your makeshift stage by the windows, where taesan is standing by the keyboard. he nods at the window, where a rope's hanging from the highest floor down to the ground, and you mimic the gesture before slinging your bass over your shoulders.
your fingers immediately find their positions on the instrument from muscle memory, which puts a flash of a smile on your face. you look at taesan, who's already looking at you, and he nods reassuringly.
he smiles, “shall we play for our biggest audience yet?”
for the briefest of moments, you hear a pin-drop silence that you haven't been able to experience since the outbreak. you shut your eyes, taking it in. then, before you realise, the bass is echoing throughout the speakers.
you look at taesan as you play, both to help your nerves from the crowd that you know will be right outside anytime soon, and to live this moment to the fullest. after all, you're not sure whether you'll be able to ever do this again.
taesan shares the same sentiment, because he's soon opening his mouth to yell out the lyrics of your go-to song, the one that's been yours ever since you joined the band together.
you flicker your eyes over to the herd that has arrived outside the room, banging at the doors and windows as they try to enter. despite the situation, looking at taesan and the way he's relishing the music puts a smile on your face, so much that even when you see cracks start to form in the doors, you don't feel an overwhelming sense of despair.
when you notice that the doors are bending more under the weight, you and taesan share a nod; the cue for him to step away from the keyboard and climb onto the rope behind you. it's the final part of the song, the bass solo, which is also nearing the final part of your plan.
the second you hit the last note, you unceremoniously swing the bass towards the door and jump into taesan's arms, just in time for the doors to break down.
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taekwondo athlete!leehan x reader, 0.4k
warning: one depiction of bashing a zombie in the head
the peace of leehan’s nap gets shattered when he hears the thud of the door, immediately followed by irritating growls and a poorly muffled scream. he's ready to ignore it until he hears the cart of balls being pulled away and crashing into something, presumably the zombie itself, which has not only pierced his eardrums but also unveiled his hiding place to sleep in the gym’s storage room.
he sighs. dropping the open book covering his face, he stands up and adjusts the lollipop in his mouth before placing his hands in his pockets. he walks towards the opposite corner of the room, where the source of the disturbance finally comes into view.
you're cowering behind a stack of mats. despite the top of your head clearly peeking out, you don't dare to look at anything beyond the faux shield. he merely spares one glance at you before he turns to the problem itself. then, he notes that it's either the zombie has strength that's off the charts, or you're incredibly bad at pushing and aiming, because the cart is nowhere near the zombie and is by the wall instead. 
he shrugs off the observation when he sees the zombie staggering towards him, and he slowly takes a few steps back. then, in an action as swift as the wind, he twists his body in a semicircular motion and delivers a kick right to the zombie's head, effectively bashing it onto the floor—all the while keeping his hands in his pockets and the lollipop dangling over his lips.
you've since looked up from your hiding spot, and there's a newfound expression on your face. however, when you look back at the twitching body on the floor, the fear returns at once. 
leehan looks over to you, and in the most nonchalant tone, as if he hadn't just casually roundhouse-kicked a zombie, he says, “don't lure them in here. they're so loud.”
you can only offer a shaky nod, and then he’s walking back to his original position. but when he sees you stand up and stumble towards the door, he halts in his steps and turns to face you completely.
“didn’t you hear what i said? you'll lure them in if you open the door. just stay here.”
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woonhak x reader, 0.5k
you've never had a proper interaction with woonhak, but from the bits of information you've unwillingly gathered due to his popularity, your impression of him isn't the best. he's loud, boisterous, and sometimes just rowdy; you can't help but note him as this immature kid in your head.
but your prejudice has been completely shattered today.
when the signs of a virus outbreak first appeared in your school, starting with your classmate who had entered the class with a ghostly pale complexion and nosebleed, all you knew was you had to run. and that's all you've been doing for the past hour, burning your muscles and lungs without stopping to narrowly avoid the grasp of death.
until you found yourself tripping over a stack of tables, and your legs got trapped under all the tables that had toppled over you.
when you tried to pull your legs out, all it did was cause the tables to fall even more, making it harder for you to move at all. the noise had also attracted the zombies roaming endlessly, so when you saw silhouettes dashing towards the room after your futile attempts to get yourself up, you had already resigned yourself to your fate—the mangled jaws right before your eyes, to which you shut your eyes and braced yourself for the inevitable.
then you heard the groans from the herd in front of you, followed by the weight on your legs lessening and the crash of something across the room, and you immediately opened your eyes.
there, standing in front of you, is kim woonhak. he has a table in his hands, the flat surface facing him and the legs outwards, using it to hold back the herd before you with a wince.
you don't know how, but he manages to hold the table in one hand and reach out with his other hand to grab onto another table over your legs, hurling it across the room. 
you watch him do this for a few moments, until it finally clicks that the noise is too loud. you search around the room frantically for something—anything—you could do to help, and your eyes soon land on a baseball bat a short distance away.
“woonhak,” you call.
“yeah?” he grimaces, struggling to use the table as a shield when the crowd seems to grow by the second.
“are you good with a baseball bat?” you ask, holding up the weapon.
he turns to you for a split second, seeing the bat before he faces the front again. he instantly catches what you're insinuating, and his decision is a no-brainer.
“pass it,” he reaches out his hand without looking.
you're surprised, but you don't waste another second before giving it to him. almost immediately, he drops his makeshift shield, and what you see next completely repaints your image of him. by the time you're able to get yourself out, he has already cleared half of them. it seems you're constantly getting surprised today.
before he can pass out, you quickly tap on his shoulder and grab the bat from him without asking. “thanks a lot, woonhak. take a breather; i’ll take care of the rest.”
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a/n: half of this was easy to write, and half was hell. guess which one was which
fyi, i wrote this with them all being high school students in mind, but you don't have to imagine them like this! except for woonhak ofc
anw, don't ask me why i wrote riwoo's part like that bcs i hv no idea either. it just felt right. so enjoy... hopefully...
© blissfullsvn 2024. All Rights Reserved.
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taesancore · 2 days
the playlist i never sent
woonhak x f!reader
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a/n: finally pt.2 is here!!! this took quite some time to post and i apologise for the delay~ pt.3 might be the final one, i hope you enjoy this one and tysm for reading the series until now!!🫶🏻
🍦.ᐟ read part one here❕
🍦.ᐟ genre: f2l (idiots to lovers🤡), little angst
🍦.ᐟ warnings: idiots fr, PININGGG!!! lots of mutual pining and dumb characters, but hey nobody’s perfect :). mentions of TWS’s jihoon, Le Sserafim’s eunchae, NewJeans haerin, zb1’s yujin, IVE’s leeseo and Enhypen’s ni-ki.
wc: 4292, lowercase intended
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“you kissed her?!” jihoon had almost shouted woonhak’s ear off in class. “say it louder won’t you? i don’t think the other building heard it” he snarked as jihoon still stood dumbfounded. “no i- so she kissed you?” the boy questioned further. “i don’t know! what am i gonna do” woonhak groaned into his palms. “did you like the kiss though?” jihoon asked, wiggling his eyebrows this time as woonhak scowled at him.
truth was, he had no idea. technically she had kissed him. but he had kissed back, he had no idea why he kissed back. and a part of him had no idea how he was gonna tell this to y/n, they told eachother everything.
she doesn’t like you anyways, what’s there to worry? rang out a small voice in his head as he sighed.
“are you going to tell y/n?” jihoon questioned hesitantly, he knew how much the boy liked y/n. “no…it’s better if i don’t jihoon” woonhak said softly. yes, she showed zero signs of liking him and probably never will, but a stubborn sliver of hope in him refused to die down. and then suddenly, a bulb lit up in his head.
꒰ 🍵 ꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
you on the other hand were panicking as you should be. you couldn’t stop replaying the night’s events in your mind. somehow your mother had believed your lie of feeling sick during the event and returning home early, so staying at home and “resting” during the weekend gave you time to call eunchae over and spill everything.
“WHAT?!” she had shrieked when you told her everything. “I KNOWW THIS IS BAD” you had wailed. “no this is brilliant!! you can now confess to him!” she cried gleefully as you looked at her in disbelief. “of course not?! did you not hear a thing of what i said?? he likes someone!!” you huffed out loudly, heart sinking at the statement.
“…you seriously can’t be this dumb y/n” your friend said after a beat of silence.
“you’re right i can’t…which is why you won’t be telling him that it was me!” you cried out. ignoring eunchae’s absolutely done expression, you continued, “woonhak would never suspect me, and he did mention that he liked someone that night, so i’ll make it my mission to find out who he likes and make him believe that she was the dove girl!”.
“y/n…why would you do that?? you like him for fucks sake!” eunchae said with frustration.
“you don’t get it chae, if he finds out it was me…everything’s gonna fall apart” you replied lowly. you had already pictured his reaction if he discovered that you were the dove girl, the excitement in his eyes fading away into disappointment. you couldn’t bear the thought of losing him if he found out and your current plan was the best idea.
“besides, he’d probably have no intention of finding the girl from the ball, given the fact that he he likes someone”.
꒰ 🍵 ꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
“y/n, i need your help” was the first thing woonhak had said when they met that day at his house. “sure but with what?” you had replied, puzzled at his solemn face and request. he then proceeded to fill you in about the night at the ball where he ran into the dove girl (you might have tried to hide a little grin at the nickname he gave you) and how she also abruptly left that night.
why he didn’t mention the kiss you had no idea, perhaps he really liked someone else from your class, and maybe the kiss meant nothing to him. as your dejected self let this thought sink in, you almost missed his next words.
“…so i need you to help me find her”
“you WHAT??”
woonhak ignored the way you choked on literal air as he continued to ramble on.
“—i’m thinking we’ll make an account on instagram like one of those cliche reels—“
“why do you want to find the ball girl so badly?” you interrupted him, trying to mask your anxiety. oh this was so not going your way. “because i have something that belongs to her” he said after a moment. what?
“…she dropped this while she left and it’s an important clue—“
your eyes widened to the size of golf balls as woonhak lifted a single pearl earring to show you.
fucking idiot, how did you not realise that you lost it that night?? you continued to silently hurled expletives of all sorts towards yourself as you felt your palms grow sweaty.
“you okay y/n?” woonhak questioned, probably noticing your panicky expression (you hoped he didn’t). “that’s a really expensive earring” you said in a small voice.
technically it was, your dad had bought it for you a year ago before he passed away. you really hoped you could somehow get it back but that seemed impossible as you couldn’t dare to reveal yourself.
“really? that’s the second clue! i knew you’d be good at this” woonhak beamed. “i still don’t get why you’re asking me to help you find her—or why you want to find her” you grumbled as he tsked
“because you’re my best friend?” ouch.
“besides, won’t it be a little fun too? to think of it as a secret mission of some sort!” he made a little ‘woah’ face at you with a huge smile as he flopped down onto his bed.
yeah…for you, you thought helplessly. yet you giggled at his antics as you fell onto the bed by his side, the topic of the ball lay completely forgotten as you two basked in each others presence as usual.
꒰ 🍵 ꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
“kim woonhak likes someone?”
“haven’t you heard? he’s searching for the girl who danced with him in the ball!”
“he even put it up on the school page!”
“oh how i wish it was me…”
“right! wonder why she left though, such a cinderella story”
the words flew past you the minute you entered school the next day. seriously, you undermined how passionate your best friend could be as you took in the sight of multiple girls talking about what colour dresses they wore and what masks they picked. “kim woonhak you little shit” you muttered, musing over the effect he had on the freshman girls who continued to watch the reel he made, explaining the features and characteristics of the dove girl.
“seriously, at this point any of them could end up being his mystery girl” your classmate haerin scoffed as a couple of girls in the next bench looked up the cost of a peach dress online.
too bad they’ll never find the original one, you thought as you thought about your dress that your mom had taylor-maid for you.
the talk of the town, woonhak himself came to take his place behind you, booping your nose as he skipped towards his seat, casually sending butterflies to fly in your stomach. you turned around and glared at him to which he sent a cute little smile as the teacher called out for attention.
“hey, do you think she’ll come out?” came a whisper in your ear while mr. jung droned about the different clauses. “what?” you coughed out, trying your best to sound subtle.
“the dove girl, now that she knows i’m, you know, kim woonhak” he said with a cheeky tone. you sent a dry smile at that. “someone’s full of themself today” you replied as he made a sound of denial.
“woonhak and y/n! silence please” mr. jung barked out as you two fell silent. the class continued in silence as you thought about woonhak’s current plan. what if someone did step out and claim that they were the dove girl? would he believe it? if he did…it would make it easier for you won’t it?
“psst, you know she kind of reminded me of you” the boy behind you whispered again in your ear as you let out a choked noise.
“y/n is everything alright?” came mr. jung’s voice as you continued to cough into your fist. shit the whole class was looking at you.
you muttered an apology after you calmed down and shot your friend a glare, he sent you a confused expression in return. damn it, what did he find familiar?? “and how exactly did she remind you of me?” you hissed back at him as he shrugged.
“don’t know, she’s terrible at walking in heels, just like you” he snorted lightly as you held back an offended expression.
i literally ran down two floors in those heels! was what you wanted to say. obviously you couldn’t so you just rolled your eyes at him. “gee thanks hak—“
“that’s it you two! detention today evening!” mr. jung’s yell cut you off as the two of you winced.
you let out a silent groan as haerin snickered from next to you. great. just great.
꒰ 🍵 ꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
“wait—what makes you think it isn’t y/n?” yujin, one of woonhak’s freshman friend piped up. “pay attention dumbass, she wasn’t at the ball” came hyunseo’s snarky reply as yujin let out an ohhh.
woonhak’s sighed as he sat up from the grass of the football turf. his friends continued to bicker as he packed up his belongings to head to detention. “enjoy detention hyung!” yujin called out as hyunseo giggled. “yeah, with y/n” she teased as woonhak smiled at their antics.
seriously, almost all their friends knew that he liked her, how didn’t she see it?
“what’s up shawty—oh i’m sorry mrs. moon” he mumbled with bright red ears as he scurried away to the seat next to you. mrs. moon let out an amused smile while you tried your best to stifle your laughter. “ah stop alreadyy” he whined as you continued to giggle.
shit your perfumed was so distracting today, it had hit him with its sweet scent today morning when he got them into detention too. he smiled to himself as they got to work with the detention essays.
an hour had passed already as woonhak lied down with his head facing yours, gazing silently at you who was fast asleep on your desk. he smiled to himself as you mumbled something softly in your sleep, rustling a little as some hair fell on your face. god, his hand yearned to move it away from your face but he held back.
“you’re practically shooting heart eyes at her you know” came the voice of mrs. moon as she observed the scene with great interest.
“it’s nothing new mrs. moon…she’s the only one who hasn’t seen them” he said softly, still not taking his eyes off the sleeping girl. his hand ghosted above your face, seriously itching to brush those stray hairs away.
ah young love, mrs. moon thought as she smiled at the scene. “try the back entrance near the turf, mr. lee is taking another detention near the front entrance” was all she said as she got up to pack her bag, shooting woonhak a small wink. his confused expression turned into a huge smile which he sent mrs. moon.
mr. moon truly was the best, he wanted to give her the biggest hug in that moment.
꒰ 🍵 ꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
“psst—hey y/n!”
“detention’s over dumbass”
you woke up to meet woonhak’s face inches away from yours. the last time he was that close to you was when you kissed—
stop. stop thinking about that. stop thinking about his lips—
he stepped back quickly, clearing his throat as you registered your surroundings.
“get up sleeping beauty, we have to escape”
you sat up with bleary eyes as woonhak grabbed your hand, pulling you up. well that definitely had you a little awake as you looked at his nonchalant demeanour as he casually interlinked your fingers. ok, you two were really good friends, this is normal, yeah.
“ok…now we run” woonhak said once you two were near the class door.
you had no time to process as you found yourself dashing across the corridor with a hand in woonhak’s own. the wind whipped across your face as he laughed at your bewildered cry of “why are we running??”
“who’s there!” came a roar from the classroom you ran past. fuck, mr. choi. “shit!” woonhak yelled as he sprinted faster, nearly causing you to trip in the process.
“fuck your never ending spaghetti legs kim woonhak!” you hollered as mr. choi’s shouts faded into the background. the evening glow of the sun was nothing compared to his bright smile as he whooped, he was now running next to you as both of you started laughing at the thrill of it all.
“that was—oh my god!” you giggled as the two of you slowed down while panting and breathing in. his hand was still in yours, you realised, but you didn’t want to tell him that, in the fear of him pulling it away.
“should we get some food?” woonhak murmured, taking in their surrounding area which was the neighbourhood filled with eateries and stores near his house; a popular stop for your classmates who went on dates. you really hoped he didn’t realise that (though a part of you was hoping he brought you here on purpose).
“sure” you said as you led him to the nearest ice cream shop.
her hand is still in mine, whatamisupposedtodo.
woonhak hoped you didn’t notice how sweaty his palm was, how couldn’t it be? he was sure he’d been holding your hand for more than a solid fifteen minutes for now and just how were you so calm about it??? his insides were nearing combustion and here you were happily looking at the different ice cream flavours.
“one cookies and cream and a mint chocolate please!” you chirped as woonhak smiled at himself. you remembered his usual order—
of course you did, you two always had ice cream together, why was he so giddy about this?
“are you guys together? there’s a couple’s discount along with a cake on the house if you are!” the guy behind rhe counter who’s tag read ‘jaehyun’ quipped.
“ah actually—“
“yes we are!”
woonhak’s eyes nearly popped out of his head as he stared at you. you on the other hand squeezed his hand as you turned towards jaehyun with a smile.
“great! please have a seat over there!” he replied cheerfully as he shot you two a grin.
“what was that about??” woonhak said as soon as you sat down, his hand was unfortunately no longer in yours as he sat on the opposite of you.
“hey, you gotta seize the opportunity” you said while taking a bite of your ice cream.
moments like these, where you nonchalantly and so easily made his heart flutter, was the reason he was charmed by you. “you could’ve said that you wanted free cake” he grumbled, trying to hide his flushed cheeks.
“hey! does the idea of being my boyfriend sound that bad” you scoffed, causing his eyes to widen. you really had to applaud your acting skills because you were mentally screaming in your head, for when had you gotten this bold??
“t-that’s not what i meant! stop twisting my words!” woonhak cried dramatically, causing you to laugh. “by the way, how’s the search for your mystery girl going?” you slowly asked.
“i swear to god— the amount of people who obviously aren’t the dove girl are all up in my dms, i know that they aren’t her!” he insisted.
“how do you know they aren’t?”
“i’m telling you, they literally had pics of themselves in different dresses posted and yet they’re trynna tell me they were the dove girl!”
“never mind then” you said.
“but one of them seems suspicious you know”
he said suddenly. your ears perked up at this, this was a positive sign!
“you know seowon right?”
know her? your insides deflated at his question. of course you knew her. woonhak’s dance partner for last year’s yearly festival. she was a trainee from STAR entertainment and honestly? she had always had a thing for woonhak, literally everyone could see it. you were sure he probably did at some point too, given the chemistry they had, maybe he still does-
“y/n?” you jolted as woonhak snapped his fingers in front of your eyes.
“ah seriously how are you sleepy already? you literally snoozed an hour ago!” he complained as you scowled playfully at him.
“as i was saying…seowon had a picture of herself wearing an orange dress on her profile—it isn’t clear enough but it looks…”
“then it could be her!” you said in false excitement.
“i don’t know…it doesn’t feel like it’s her…” he said unsurely.
“tell you what, i’ll spy on her tomorrow” you said seriously. oh you will, you had a clear plan now and couldn’t wait to spill this to eunchae (you were a 100% sure she’d jus call you a dumbass but still!).
“you’re gonna look like a creep” woonhak wrinkled his nose.
“oh shut up hak”.
꒰ 🍵 ꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
“you’re the most dumbest dumbass i’ve ever met y/n y/l/n” eunchae declared the next day as you two drove to school in your car.
“i don’t even know what she did but i agree” came mr. yoon’s voice from the drivers seat as you made a sound of betrayal.
“mr. yoon! how could you?” you cried as he snickered.
“no seriously y/n! you wanna talk to seowon and ask her to be the mystery girl? are you hearing yourself?” eunchae repeated your plan in disbelief.
“he already thinks it’s her chae, it’ll be the best way to close this case” you sighed.
“you could just tell him, that it was you you know, why are you doing this to yourself?”she questioned softly. she really hated seeing you hurting yourself while always placing others before you.
“because i know, he’d never see me in the same way again if i do chae” you said sadly.
“i’d rather be sad while seeing him happy with someone who isn’t me than lose him completely”.
why you put yourself in these kind of places you had no idea. yet here you were, hiding behind a bathroom stall as you ‘spied’ on seowon and her friends who were busy talking two eachother.
“come on! it so was you seowon that night at the ball” one of the girls gave a little squeal.
“yeah! why don’t you fess up to kim woonhak?”
“you two are practically made for eachother you know” another swooned as seowon shyly exclaimed.
“stop it you guys!”
well. they seemed to be fixed on the fact that their friend was the one. no wonder woonhak was a bit suspicious. “but you know, he asked us if you were with us at the ball, and we said you weren’t” another girl replied.
your ears perked up at this, you could weave a story with this one that’ll seem convincing…right?
the bell rang at that moment as you heard the shuffling of their feet while they walked out of the washroom. you stepped out a minute later but stopped due to your phone ringing. oh it’s mom.
“y/n, we have to attend director min’s party next week.”
it’s like she only cared about you when you had to attend events like this. not once did she ever call to check up on you or ask you about your day.
“—so you’ll have enough time to find yourself a date, bring woonhak if you’d like” her voice came through the speakers.
“okay, love you mom” you said.
“hmm”. the line went dead.
you put the phone down, trying to ignore the tears prickling your eyes. seriously why were you acting up today? this was nothing new anyways.
but why did you feel like your heart was being crushed into a million pieces?
“find a date…shit”.
꒰ 🍵 ꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
“put that phone away mr. popular, we have fifteen minutes left!” jihoon chided a busy woonhak, who was currently groaning at the number of dms in his account.
“i don’t get it…they all obviously aren’t the dove girl so why are they—oh?”
“what now?” jihoon said, exasperatedly as he peeked into his friend’s phone.
“kang seowon?” he added, puzzled as he read the dm she sent.
“what…the fuck” a hushed whisper came from him as woonhak stared at the message, expressionless.
꒰ 🍵 ꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
you walked back towards your classroom after lunch, discussing the ‘date’ situation with haerin.
“i’m assuming you’ll ask woonhak then” she said as you pondered. that could work.
“you’re right…i’ll check with him and return, save me a seat!” you called out as you made his way towards his class, did he have math or science in the next period?
“yo woonhak, i—“ you faltered as you saw him in a serious conversation with none other than kang seowon. she was smiling shyly at him while he had a blank expression on him.
“y/n hi!” she chirped at you. “i was just asking woonhak if we could meet next saturday, as a little get-to-know-eachother hangout!”
this was it. you had done all the spying for nothing after all. you should’ve been feeling happy, relieved even. yet, why did you feel like everything was crumbling down?
“r-really? that’s cool! you said with faux enthusiasm, missing the look woonhak gave you. “that’s a really good idea you know—“
“y/n can i talk to you?” woonhak cut you off with a serious expression.
“hak what happened?” you said once he pulled you to the corner near the classroom. you could see seowon peeking at your direction curiously.
“is it really cool? with you? he questioned with the same expression.
“think about it, it’ll make it easier to find out if she’s the dove girl or not!” you explained as his expression morphed into an unreadable one.
“is that really what you think?” he asked.
“yes woonhak” you smiled, ignoring the growing lump in your throat.
his eyes refused to meet yours. he had seen this coming anyways, yet it hurt like a thousand needles every time you sent him reminders like these. reminders that make his remaining hope want to extinguish itself completely.
“i’ll see you next week” seowon said while walking away, with a coy smile which she directed at him. he felt nothing though, just like how he felt nothing when he saw her message where she asked him to meet up. she might be dove girl though woonhak, he told himself, hoping to get some of his optimism back with the possibility. yet he couldn’t bring himself to.
“what were you going to tell me? earlier when you came here” he asked as you faced him.
“huh? oh—nothing really” you muttered, suddenly gazing at the ground beneath you with interest.
“okay then” he said, stepping away with hands in his pockets.
“have fun…next week” you let out, giving him a weak smile.
“thanks” he replied with a dry smile as he walked away to his class.
you stared at the direction where he walked off to with a whirlwind of emotions swirling in your mind. god your head hurt. everything made no sense right now, wasn’t this what you wanted?
yeah. this wasn’t the time to overthink.
you needed a date, and there was no way in hell you were going to ask woonhak now. not when he had a date on the same day.
꒰ 🍵 ꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
you had reached home a little later than usual, mr. yoon was visibly concerned at the change in your usually chatty behaviour after school but decided not to bring it up.
he was however, a hundred percent sure that it involved your best friend woonhak though, seriously everyone was able to see how head over heels you were for him.
your mood indeed was pathetic. all you wanted to go home and do was eat a heavy meal and sleep, to temporarily forget the events that took place today. however you had a terrible surprise waiting for you, as you were greeted by a face you absolutely detested, once you entered your house.
“y/n! it’s great to see you here, you look beautiful as usual” drawled eunbin, who shot you a sleazy smile. yuck.
“eunbin, i wish i could say the same” you deadpanned, ignoring his eyes that roamed over your frame. yuck again.
sung eunbin was the son of your mother’s senior at work, whom you often met at the events you accompanied your mother to. and every single time he attended, he made sure to let you know that he was single and ready to mingle.
seriously, he always managed to give you the ick whenever you met him.
“y/n! get ready and join us for dinner, meanwhile you can show eunbin your room!” your mom called out, further dampening your mood. seriously, today had to be one of the most annoying days ever.
“how’re you feeling about the party next week? i take it that you don’t have a date?” he jeered as he followed you to your room. jeez this guy couldn’t take a hint to save his life.
“it really isn’t any of your business you know” you shot back as you slammed the door to your room shut. if only you could skip dinner and be in here forever.
“seriously though, i don’t get why you never let me be your date” eunbin said the minute you stepped out of your room, dressed in formal attire.
“i mean, i’m practically doing you a favour, given you being single and all…” he smirked cockily at your irked expression.
oh he was really testing your patience today. scratch that, the entire world was testing your patience today.
“who said i was?” you snapped back, without realising the words that came out of your mouth.
“oh?” his eyebrows flew up into his hairline. “do enlighten me”.
“yeah, i’ve got a boyfriend”.
just what did you land yourself into?
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a/n pt.2: im literally posting this at 1:30am rn so i’ll recheck for any errors in the morning! meanwhile do like and reblog if you enjoyed reading this! feel free to comment to be added to the taglist, and stay tuned for pt.3!!
🖇️: @woonagi-lemon @luvhanniex
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taesanluv3r · 23 hours
lost in love songs.
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han taesan x reader
a short, three part, friends to lovers story.
ੈ✩‧₊ hidden love unfolds when taesan's ipod nano accidentally ends up in the hands of his best-friend, yn. a certain playlist catches her eyes, revealing the true feelings kept within the depths of the boy's heart.
part two: about a girl.
reader goes through an overwhelming amount of emotions (shes crying 😿), some cuss words, myung jaehyun (reader's older brother) comforts her <3 lowercase intended, excuse any spelling mistakes / grammatical errors! enjoy :3
wc: 2,009
masterlist 𖦹 part one 𖦹 part three
"damn, can't believe that dork writes songs about my loser sister…i say we give it a little listen and-"
jaehyun's words are interrupted, "get out of my room" yn says sternly, a finger pointing out the opened door and her face dead serious. her brother rolls his eyes, "whatever, i'll leave you to it i guess. weirdo…maybe you two are meant for each other" the girl flips him off, climbing off of her bed to forcefully push her annoying sibling out the door, slamming it shut behind him. she sighs, turning back around and staring intently at the silver device that remained on her white bed-sheets. her stomach hurts as she sits down beside it, her heart pounding straight out of her chest, though she doesn't know why. yn takes a deep breath as she holds her friend's ipod in her hands, the size of it unfamiliar to the girl who was so used to her larger phone. the wired earphones were tangled and grey from how worn out it was, she hesitates for a moment, wondering if it were really a good idea to be listening to the song her friend made a point to keep hidden from her. but it was right there, staring at her with her name written on it, literally. yn scoots, her back making complete contact with her pillows, a fluffy cloud-shaped plush toy sandwiched between her chest and her knees. she sticks an earphone into her left ear, beginning to do the same on the other side when the ping of her phone stops her. turning over to the device, she blinks slowly at the contact name on her screen.
han taesan.
she watches from afar as countless texts and a few missed calls came in, her arm reaching out to grab her phone. yn contemplates for a moment, his urgent warnings forming a sense of hesitance as she falls into a dilemma. once again, she sighs, turning her phone on do not disturb, ignoring the guy's begs and pleas before she averts her attention back to the ipod nano. blocking out all outside noise, the other side of his earphones find place in her right ear, a finger grazing against the white buttons that decorated the silver music player. yn exhales, finally pressuring the tips of her nail, pushing play on the very first track,
'about a girl.'
the name directly stolen from a song by his favourite rock band, the girl fully expects her friend's usually grunge-y sound. however, yn is taken by surprise when a soft guitar acoustic hits the surface of her eardrums instead. the rhythm of the track almost as sweet as the lyrics that he begun to sing. taesan's voice is smooth like butter, matching perfectly with the rather simple strumming pattern of the stringed instrument. being fully produced in his bed-room on a cheap microphone he got at the thrift shop, the girl finds herself smiling slightly at the shuffling sounds she could still hear in the background, breath hitching when she finally processed the words.
i listen to love songs in hopes they come true. i listen intently to conversations with you. my mind turns into mush and i can't seem to speak. in seconds i'm out, the door shuts with a creak. i could talk about her for hours on end, i could talk with her, or maybe not, it depends. cause she drives me insane, and i've got worms for a brain. and i can't get her out of my head.
the girl doesn't know what to think. it just all sounds so…foreign. the taesan she knew never wrote songs like this, or at least none that she knew of. the shy and reserved boy would never be caught dead showing this much emotion in real life, his honey-like voice fades out as the instrumental gets louder, giving the girl a moment to think. a million questions swarm into her head. he wrote this song…for her? she's lost in the music for a moment, her mind racing as she goes through about a billion thoughts per second. her heart fluttering at the very idea of this whole thing- i mean, it was as if all those romantic dreams she's had were finally coming true. a whole song written for her? frankly, the girl was on cloud 9. yet still, yn can't help but doubt herself, does he really feel this way for her? her best-friend since middle school? the ever so introverted han taesan who's never even spoken of love, this is him? as the questions swim through her brain, his soft singing wakes her up again.
this girl that i know, she's a girl that i like. but she won't feel the same, i don't know though, she might. i just can't, and i won't, let her know how i feel. i fear it might slip and it'll all become real. for my mouth only speaks around her, and my mind only thinks about this girl.
after another beat or two, he sings the final words of his love song,
still, you drive me insane. and i've got worms for a brain. think i might like you more than a friend.
with that, the first track in the two-song playlist comes to an end. the room is silent, the only thing she could hear was the quiet sound of her deep breaths. yn's mouth hangs open, her body freezing up like she had just been transported to the arctic without shelter. she doesn't even want to listen to the other song, in fear it'd make her heart beat faster than this one did. unconciously, a single tear begins to run down her cheek. "i know you said to go away but mom's asking what you want for dinner" the sound of her older brother's voice shakes her out of the daze, her eyes blinking rapidly as her head turned towards the door. "are…are you crying?" jaehyun asks, eyes widening as he began to walk over to where she sat on the bed, taking a seat beside her. "i…" she starts but doesn't continue, not really knowing what she was going to or even wanted to say. "so…you listened to that song, huh?" the boy asked, his features softening at the sight of his tearful sister who looked…well, lost.
she nods slightly, "just…just the first one" she mumbles, gulping all too loudly as her hand moves up to wipe at the tears that stained her blushed cheeks. "so? does he like you, or what?" jaehyun's question comes out a bit rushed, like he was impatient to know. "i…i don't know" and before they knew it, the girl had broken down into tears again. she still didn't know why though, the lyrics of her friend's song was nothing but sweet. however, the truth about the feelings he had, the ones he must've been keeping from her this whole time…it made the myung girl overwhelmed, not really knowing how she had to react. "hey, don't cry" her brother coos, a hand stiffly patting against the small of her back as she sobs into her hands. "yn…i know you hate it when i tease you but, don't you think it's obvious he's always liked you?" she lifts up her head, fully looking at her older sibling with confused eyes. "and don't lie, yn. we all know you're a terrible liar. i can tell by the way you smile when you mention him, i can tell by how annoyed you get over silly things about him that you, whether you like it or not, you're just in love as he is" jaehyun lets out a breath after talking too fast, his lips pursed into a line as he hits his sister with the reality of her feelings, and her best-friend's.
"but…" she starts again, stuttering as the salty taste of her own tears managed to seep into her mouth that started to feel a little dry. "but what if it's all a misunderstanding? i mean, what if i got it all wrong? what if this ruins our relationship forever? i shouldn't have…i shouldn't have listened to this. i-" the rambling girl gets cut off, "yn!" jaehyun's voice is louder by a decibel, his hands pressed firmly against his shaking sister's shoulders. "yn, look. there's only one way to find out. and you and i both know that things will only get weird if you don't talk to him about this, right?" the myung girl sighs, nodding at him, a grateful look on her face for her older brother and his big heart- even if he bullied and teased her half the time. "you're right…" another ping grabs their attention away from each other and over to the phone she had tossed to the other side of the bed. "i think that's him…" jaehyun smiles softly at his love-sick little sister, reaching to pass the phone over to her before patting her back lightly. "talk to him, yn. tell him the truth. what's the worst that could happen, right?" he says, earning a half-assed smile in return from the girl.
"besides, he did write love songs dedicated to you- something tells me you two are going to be just fine"
the boy gets off of the bed, "i'll tell mom you're not hungry yet. let me know if you need anything, okay? and if it is all a misunderstanding, which i doubt it is, i'm only a call away and i'll fight the guy for you!" the last part makes the girl giggle, breaking away from her somber state for a moment, rolling her eyes as the older sibling began showing off his non-existent arm muscles. he shot her a quick good luck before he was out the door again. leaving myung yn alone, alone with the thousands of messages and calls from a panicked han taesan.
emo loser (taesan) yn, whatever you do DO NOT touch my ipod. yn answer my calls!!!! yn please. yn, don't do it. it's too late isn't it? yn… i'm sorry.
the girl can't help but feel sick, the guilt of it all making her stomach turn and her heart to swell in pain. she takes a deep breath, the ticks on the bottom right of his messages turning blue, signifying that she had finally read them.
emo loser (taesan) you listened to them, didn't you?
yn's breathing gets heavy and fast, her fingers trembling as she began to type out a response.
i need to talk to you.
she bites her lip, nervously watching as the three dots appear then disappear on his end of the chatroom, like he had started to type but stopped half way through. yn shuts her eyes, opening them to stare at the ipod nano that had turned itself off at some point before. her gaze is turned back to the phone in her hands when he finally texts her back.
emo loser (taesan) meet me at the playground tomorrow? i have so much to say you'll listen right?
yn smiles softly, a sudden feeling of warmth engulfing her previously frozen body. she nods to herself, fingers hovering over the digital keyboard.
tomorrow at 1?
this time, he texts back almost immediately.
emo loser (taesan) i don't think i can wait that long meet me there at 10 unless you're still sleeping, lazy ass.
the boy's teasing joke, after the whirlwind of emotions she had just gone through, comforts her a little. suddenly, the girl feels confident that her brother was right and that they'd be okay after all.
see you at 10 then, weirdo
the conversation ends there. yn hides under her covers that night, her stomach empty though she didn't feel the need to eat, and her body exhausted though she couldn't seem to sleep. she's still in disbelief. the sound of his voice playing over and over again in her head all night. the lyrics tattooed onto her brain as she finds herself lost.
lost in the love song he wrote for her.
first of all tysm for 100 followers !!! HEHEHEHE taesan straying away from his usual emo grunge music to write secret love songs for yn 😿 featuring the lyrics that i wrote myself <3 THOUGHTS??? reblogs n feedbacks are highly appreciated!! send me an ask, let's talk abt this 💭 see u guys in the final part!! love, kona.
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0310s · 3 hours
boynextdoor and their crush on you (riwoo ver.) 𓉞⋆。˚☁︎。⋆
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members: bnd legal line x gender neutral reader
genre: fluff, a bit of angst (just a teeeeny bit, it gets resolved!)
wc: ~1k
a/n: thank you to anon who requested this! will be doing a mini-series for this since it's too long for one post >.<
🍀 is it obvious? 🍀
꩜ let’s be real—you would be the last person to know. because riwoo is already shy and introverted in nature, you wouldn’t consider how he treats you out of the ordinary. 
꩜ he’s close-lipped around his friends about his raging crush on you, but it’s no use. all his friends see how tenderly riwoo looks at you—they know for sure and giggle amongst themselves everytime you both interact, with riwoo begging them to shut up because they’re just too obvious about it!!!
🍀 what they like about you 🍀
꩜ riwoo likes that you accept him for who he is! you give him time to warm up to you and don’t force him to do anything that makes him uncomfortable 
꩜ you’re always conscious of his physical and emotional boundaries! even as friends, you always ask him if it’s alright to lean on him or hug him. these little things warm his heart so much and just make you much more likeable
꩜ when in social situations where he’s too shy to talk, you always notice and take the lead. but you don’t patronize him or see him as any lesser than you because of it!
꩜ he likes that it’s just so easy to talk to you. he can talk about anything and everything to you, and he also loves listening to you ramble on about your favorite things :”) he can spend all night talking to you and won’t feel drained at all.
꩜ he loves how you’re so passionate and sincere about the things you enjoy and do, and it inspires him to be more diligent with his own interests!
🍀 how they act around you 🍀
꩜ riwoo’s heart would be beating so loud inside his chest everytime thinks about you. his palms get so sweaty and he can’t function at all.
꩜ riwoo usually deflects compliments from his friends, but when you praise him for his dance skills or notice how he combines various accessories in his outfits, he hides his face and thanks you in the shiest, sweetest voice ever (i’m melting just thinking about this…)
꩜ he also overthinks every interaction with you and beats himself up everytime he has an awkward moment with you because to him his crush on you feels so obvious!!!
꩜ he doesn’t purposely attempt to spend extra time with you one-on-one, but when he does land in that situation he soaks up your presence and energy as much as he can and just feels an overwhelming amount of affection for you and the person you are </3 
꩜ that being said, when you do initiate physical touch with him, whether that be in the form of hugs or leaning on his shoulder, he doesn’t push you away… in fact he feels safe knowing you are near him ! just hearing your breaths or smelling your perfume is such a source of comfort for him. baby craves your attention but is just too shy to initiate anything :(
꩜ riwoo is also the type to give you lots of little gifts… he always mentally catalogs things you mention offhandedly and makes the effort to look for them. although you don’t know these gifts are from him at all—he asks his friends to pass on the gifts to you because he’s too nervous his crush will seem crazy obvious :”(
🍀 how they confess 🍀
꩜ in riwoo’s mind he’s already resolved that you’d never have a crush on someone like him and that you’d probably prefer someone more outgoing and confident. so he swears to never tell you :(
꩜ he’s never taken you not reciprocating out on you ever. he doesn’t turn a cold shoulder on you and tries his best to interact with you like normal (as much as his introverted, shy self would allow, anyway) but he overthinks like crazy, and his friends see how miserable it’s making him!!!
꩜ so they devise a plan to get you alone… when you’re both forced into a room with the door locked, riwoo panics and almost cries out of sheer embarrassment. but you’re there to comfort him, rubbing his back and holding his hand while whispering soothing words. when riwoo does calm down and you ask him what’s going on, he realizes that there really is no way to escape this—so he ends up confessing apologetically: “i’m sorry… i like you.”
꩜ in his mind he’s already catastrophizing and imagining your friendship breakup and how hard it’s going to hit him… he’s drawing himself away from you but you cling on to his arm and beg for him to look at you straight in the eyes please :( then that’s when you tell him that you’ve liked him this whole time but never made a move because of how he didn’t seem interested in you at all…
꩜ riwoo can’t process this information at first because it seems unreal… he literally could not imagine a world where you liked him back because he felt like there were better people out there for you, people who were more confident and extroverted and everything he isn’t. when he tells you this you just get so mad on his behalf because why can’t you see how amazing you are, riwoo!!! you then enumerate all the things you like about him which progressively makes him more embarrassed >///<
꩜ but you tell him that it’s alright if he’s not ready to be in a relationship and that you’d be willing to wait for him, if that’s something he wants… riwoo is then struck again by how considerate and warm you are. and that this time he wants to be there for you in the same way you’ve always been there for him… romantically this time, even if he sees himself as lacking!
꩜ when he does tell you you ask him if you can give him a hug... and you just stay in each other's arms for a bit, relishing in the warmth and comfort you receive from each other. when you’re finally let out of the room by the rest of the boys you’re holding hands and feel a sense of peace and excitement for what’s to come >.<
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moonseandstars · 1 day
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written by moonseandstars. published: 1 June 2024.
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❀ 1.5k words. taesan x reader. ANGST. no warnings except it’s in 3rd person but if there’s something else that should be here please let me know, i’ll add it in! fancy a different story? જ⁀➴ the library is this way!
❀ authors note — so gross and dramatic and sappy and flowery EWW. was just feeling romantical i guess. didn’t plan to write this, the idea just came to me but i was so excited about it i just had to. might delete it later tho idk if it like it lmao. not proofread. kinda hurt my heart to write this :( happy reading fairies! ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ♡︎ edit: pls let me know if u guys like this writing style & if i should write like more often :) feedback is appreciated <3
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Underneath a starless sky, a girl stands in an empty meadow and waits. The moon is full and bright, a hazy ball behind a thin layer of clouds, washing the field and the many flowers and the girl in a soft, milky glow. Y/N is the girls name. Y/N shifts her weight nervously between legs, her hands tugging on a strand of her hair, a reminder that she’s real and her feet are in fact touching the Earth. Her mind is desperately trying not to think of who she is waiting for. Each time she tries to picture him, her legs swiftly turn wobbly. A flash of black hair hanging over brown eyes, a hand around her waist, a loving gaze, all there to remind her of what she has lost. Part of her hopes luck will be in her favour tonight, and the expected outcome will be seen as a mistake—a hasty decision without much thought. But, with the stars hidden away, as if they couldn’t bear to watch what would take place, it doesn’t seem lady luck will be showing herself tonight.
A boy walks through a dark forest, stomping on sticks and leaves, making no effort to quiet his presence. His name is Taesan. He is afraid and confused, the heart in his chest cracked a million times through. In his mind, he fights to untangle a string of words. He wrote them down on a piece of paper many days ago, looked at them until his eyes burned, then recited them until his voice was foreign to his own ears and the words didn’t sound like words anymore, merely sounds. They stayed etched into his mind perfectly fine for days, until this moment. All of a sudden, they dissipated, as if one decided to untether itself from the little corner it was in and the rest followed in its path. Now, as he trudges through mud, he tries to bring them back together. 
The girl is still waiting. Her legs have grown tired of standing, so she is sitting in the tall grass, near a cluster of poppies, brushing their velvety petals. Another way for her to ground herself, to tether herself to the world beneath her. I am here. I am real. she thinks. Y/N begins to wonder if the boy will not show. If he’ll abandon her there, in the same place they said I love you. But that would be cruel, and Taesan, while sometimes distant and closed-off, was never one to be cruel, at least on purpose. Perhaps he has just lost his way, she thinks. Her mind conjures up a few different scenarios of what he could be doing, or rather, what could be happening to him—Instantly, dread creeps up on her, a sly finger tapping on her shoulder, enticing her to look its way and succumb to the worrying thoughts. Before she can, though, she hears rustling coming from the woods to her right. She looks up and sees Taesan and her heart begins to beat faster, so fast she thinks it might just stop all together. Somehow, it doesn’t, and she has the strength to stand up, albeit a little awkwardly, and walk a few steps to him, so they’d meet in the middle. 
When the Taesan reaches the opening to the meadow, he waits at the edge and watches Y/N. The entire setting before him is a picture of sadness, so different to when they were last there together. All he can think of is that bright Spring day, where everything was green and the air smelled sweet, like honey, and the two of them were lying among the flowers, talking and laughing and sharing secrets like candy. Promises were made and believed in. Little did they know how quickly Time would weaken those promises. Taesan drifts back to reality. He feels sick and dizzy, but he knows he must talk to her, it’s the right thing to do. Leaving doors open, leaving questions unanswered nurturing false hope, that is never fair.
The boy stands in front of the girl, and suddenly, the world is hushed; even the trees stop swaying, as if they’re holding their breaths. They feel like the only two people in this world. Neither of them speak for minutes, it seems. They just stare at one another, then at the grass, or the milky sky, then back to each other– so much more being said in those glances than words could ever tell. After a moment, Taesan speaks, “I don’t know why I chose this place for us to meet. I didn’t think it’d hurt so much.” He tries to laugh but it comes out wrong, breathy and short. 
“I don’t know either. I’m not surprised you thought it wouldn’t hurt. Probably because it never meant much to you. Wasn’t important, you know? I bet nothing between us was important to you”, the words come out of Y/N’s mouth like daggers, her tone sharp and unrelenting, but it’s taking all her strength not to cry. 
Taesan winces and puts his head down, a familiar prick at the back of his eyes. After a moment, he looks up at her. “It was important to me, it really was. Do you know how much I loved you?” 
Loved. The word guts her; at any moment, she thinks her insides will come spilling out. How stupid she was to think he would change his mind, would apologise and say he didn’t know what had gotten into him. 
“I don’t know what happened to me. I tried to figure it out. I really did, I really tried. I was so angry at myself for feeling that way. It scared me so bad. I didn’t want to feel that way, but I did. I do. Am I just supposed to ignore that? You know it wouldn’t be fair to either of us if I kept it to myself. You deserve better than that,” He says, desperately almost, his voice cracking near the end. “Please believe that.”
She does not know what to believe, so she just observes him. Looks at the face of the boy she thought would be her everything, forever. She sees the treasured moments between them, three years worth of I love yous, all that time spent together. With so much history ripped up and forgotten in one night, she had no choice but to question if any of it was real. Tears are spilling out of her eyes already, and the boy looks at her with so much concern and heartbreak, it makes her want to lay down in the grass and let the ground swallow her whole. He has a lingering feeling she won’t speak again, so he continues. 
“I can’t change how I feel” he hesitates, looking up to the sky as if it will help him and speak the terrible words for him, but it does not. He closes his eyes and says, “I’m not in love with you anymore” 
His words echo around her, as if they’ve clung onto the breeze and fixed themselves into it just to suffocate her. A familiar feeling of weightlessness fills the girls heart. The same feeling it felt when she noticed his eyes looking at her blankly or when he stopped kissing her. The same feeling when he stayed out later than usual and ignored her calls. The same feeling when she knew, deep in her bones, that he was slipping through her fingers. At this point, the tears are rushing down her cheeks fast, her breaths turning into heaves. Taesan wonders if he should hug her, comfort her in some way but he knows that’s an action he’s given up permission to do. She is not his, and he is not hers anymore. All there is left to do is leave. So, he goes. 
Y/N and Taesan had both thought Time would heal them. They didn’t know then that Time was the wound. That it hurts instead of helps. They did not know people can grow apart, that feelings aren’t set in stone and can ebb and flow like the tide. There was so much they did not know.
With one last sorrowful look at her, he sniffles and walks towards the forest, back home. Y/N stands in that meadow for what seems like hours. Somehow, as if by magic, she makes it to the path leading to her house. She feels too many things. She is numb and sick and guilty and heartbroken and furious all at once. When she reaches home, almost mechanically, she walks through the door, up the stairs and into her room, carefully getting into bed. She sobs well into the night, cries until her eyes are sore and her head feels like lead and there are no tears left to fall. The words I’m not in love with you anymore in Taesan’s voice sounding in her ears over and over again, until sleep comes and relieves her of her pain.
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starryriize · 2 months
could i request producer!taesan who has been in his studio 24/7 and you miss him so much so you decide to surprise him by visiting his studio and he’s so stressed that he needs to let his frustrations out on you so you two get freaky in his studio and he’s really soft!dòm because he just missed you so much????
pretty melody | taesan
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╰┈ ⋆。˚ 🪼 pairing: producer!taesan and gf!reader
╰┈ ⋆。˚ 🪼 genre/word count: fluffy smut! 953 words!
╰┈ ⋆。˚ 🪼 author’s notes: nonnie, you’re so smart🤭 i’m not sure if this is even that good and i’m sorry that this late :(( i’m so bad at endings … semi-proofread!
🫧laur's taglist: @chiiyuuvv @cherrycolaberry @leehanascent
minors dni!
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smut under the cut!
Taesan couldn’t remember a time when he was this stuck on trying to find the perfect melody. It’d been hours since he sat down in his studio to compose a new song that had popped into his head just this morning. It was now reaching 2am of the next day and the ideas have came to a standstill. He loved the idea, lyrics, genre- everything. Well, everything but the bridge. Staring blankly at the screen, he sighed softly, running his hands through his hair.
The quiet knocks on the studio door snapped him out of his concentration. Taking a sip of his water, he mumbled quietly, “Come in.” You peeked in, holding a takeout bag and drinks to go with the food. “You and I both know that the cure to everything is food,” you declare, a playful smile on your lips.
Hesitantly, you ask, “I didn’t interrupt anything, did I?” He shakes his head, already shutting his laptop to focus fully on you. In fact, he wondered why he didn’t take you with him to his studio sessions before. You were a walking muse with eyes that sparkled like the brightest stars in the sky and a smile that rivaled the sunshine itself. Getting up, he took a seat on the small sofa next to you, reaching for your hand. Letting his head fall forward into the crook of your neck, he whispers against your skin, “You’re really pretty, did you know?” You let out a giggle, finding your boyfriend’s sweet words slightly cliché. “You’ve told me, yes.”
Pulling his head up, his eyes catch yours before he mumbles, “Can I try something with you?” The question itself is innocent enough but there was something about his eyes that made you think it wasn’t so innocent. You know the room is soundproof and he’s fucked you before, but never in his studio. Something about this had you pressing your legs together in pure desire. As he turned around, he smirked at you, gesturing for you to sit on his lap in his producer chair. Quickly pulling you down into his lap, he captures your lips in a gentle yet desperate kiss.
Your kisses escalated as his tongue molded against yours. Breathless sighs escaped your mouth, your mind becoming foggy and getting drunk on the taste of strawberries on his lips. Reaching next to you, he pressed the small button that signaled the mic was now recording.
“Don’t hide your pretty sounds now, love.”
There was something about how pretty you looked as he fucked you faster, how your moans sounded beautiful. Maybe it was the fact that he was recording it all. All he knew was that he would make sure to fill you up like you deserve to be.
Grabbing your hips, he pulls you downward, causing his dick to hit your sweet spot. God, you were so perfect- in every way. But he especially missed how tight your pussy was- the way you gripped and clenched around him had him inwardly groaning, trying not to cum immediately.
“Ah,” he sighs, “I missed you so much.” It was sweet words but a sharp contrast to the slow yet steady thrusts of his hips upward. You were so far gone. Sighing happily, you whisper, “I missed you too.” Not wanting Taesan to do all the work, you roll your hips, causing him to gasp at your sudden boldness. The only girl in the world who could make him lose his mind and be perfectly okay with it. His hands were warm against your exposed waist, gently pulling you down in tandem with each thrust. You looked so beautiful like this. Taesan found himself lost in his thoughts, completely enamored by the sight of you on his lap, in his studio.
Something about the entire situation made him snap. Sneaking his arms beneath your legs, he got up, gesturing for you to jump so he could carry you. With your legs now wrapped around his waist and your arms around his neck, he carried you to the soundboard, placing you down. All the buttons and switches were going off, but neither of you cared about it. Before you could say anything, Taesan cuts you off with a deep kiss. “Mmmph-“ you can barely get out words without him devouring your mouth in desperation.
Too distracted by his kisses, you fail to notice him inserting his dick back into you. The tip of his cock hits your cervix as he buries himself to the hilt. As if mimicking his slow pace from earlier, he pulls out to only the tip and then slams his dick back in causing your eyes to widen. “It feels so…..” Your words are lost as you try to explain- only able to gasp and sigh breathlessly. “Shh. I know. Just be a good girl and let me please you.”
Those words made you smile, knowing that he was telling the truth. He would give the world if you asked and he wouldn’t hesitate to make you feel like the prettiest girl- at any moment. You were an angel come down from heaven, his angel.
“You’re gonna be the most perfect mother.” Your eyes flutter at his words, delirious on the thought of him filling you up with his cum. Making you his, practically marking you on the inside. It had you babbling, muttering a “y-yes please” through broken whines. He’d abandoned his previous rhythm, wanting only to see your face contort in ecstasy. With every one of your moans, he seemed to increase his speed, only slowing down to tease you. Your food was long forgotten and Taesan finally found what was missing from his song: your sinful moans.
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000-pawz · 15 hours
drunk in love (bnd legal line) ˚ · .
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bnd when they're drunk/when you're drunk , bnd x fem!reader , legal line reactions/headcanons , fluff , some suggestive sprinkles here and there , established relationship
more under the cut!
a/n: thank you for the request anonie! <3 this was so fun to write
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sungho ˚ ⋆。˚
when you are drunk
𐙚₊˚ if you call sungho while you're drunk at a friend's house, he'll be there in record time! he's not letting you go home alone or with someone else. he's going to make sure that you get home safe himself
𐙚₊˚ sungho is the best drunk sitter ever </3 he's making sure you are consistently drinking water throughout the night, getting food into your stomach the whole time (and rewarding you with kisses along the way!), and making sure you don't fall off of a roof or something
𐙚₊˚ at parties, he watches your cup the entire time, placing his hand over the top when you lean in to hug a friend, holding it for you while you go to the bathroom and everything!!! like he does not play about your safety at all
𐙚₊˚ if you start to get a little too out of hand, he knows it's time to take you home </3 and if you complain and pout about it, he'll just sigh and try to give you an incentive to cooperate like getting to steal all of his hoodies for a month (and of course, you give in!)
𐙚₊˚ throws you over his shoulder and carries you away when it's time to go and you're too drunk to walk >< pats your butt when you tell him to put you down lol
𐙚₊˚ helps you change into one of his big t-shirts and spoons you to sleep, pressing soft kisses to the crown of your head, whispering 'i love yous' into your ear until you fall asleep <3
when he is drunk
𐙚₊˚ i see sungho as someone with a pretty high tolerance, so it may take him a few drinks to start visibly showing that he's drunk
𐙚₊˚ the first sign would be how he laughs at everything. full on belly laughs, slapping his knee, falling over and it'll simply be because someone pronounced a word wrong or something >< like that is ijbol king
𐙚₊˚ sungho is an extrovert, yes, but he becomes the extrovert's final boss when he's drunk. he pretty much carries the conversation, but he probably is a little volume deaf too, like he gets really loud and hyper (at least he's cute though)
𐙚₊˚ he doesn't really get emotional, but his emotions are more raw for sure!! he might end up in an argument with someone at some point in the night if he's left alone for too long, so please keep an eye on him!!!
𐙚₊˚ he'll probably want to kiss you a lot. like even more than usual, and that's saying something. you'll be talking with a friend and he'll come up from behind you and slip an arm around your waist before pressing a kiss to your cheek and then he disappears again >< or if you two are just drinking alone, he'll peck your lips literally while you are in the middle of a sentence :C his impulse control is nonexistent when he's drunk like partner pretty so he kiss! it's that simple!
𐙚₊˚ getting home with sungho would be a personal podcast in your ear... he's going to be talking the entire time with exaggerated gestures, recapping his entire lift story because his filter completely disappears when he's drunk!!! and getting him to sleep is even harder </3 he'll be silent for a few minutes before asking you yet another question, so you have to kiss his lips and shush him to sedate him <3
˚ ⋆。˚ riwoo
when you are drunk
𐙚₊˚ loves when you're all over him <3 sitting in his lap as you laugh with friends, kissing him all over his face, running your fingers through his hair... it makes him so happy
𐙚₊˚ will gladly take pictures of you if you ask! pretends to be your paparazzi like "miss y/n!!! over here!!!" before snapping a picture all dramatically while you pose like you're on the front cover of vogue <3 just silly and fun
𐙚₊˚ if you're under the influence, he'll want to make sure you have the most carefree, stress-free, most enjoyable experience possible! he'll compliment you the whole night so you never forget how pretty you are, makes sure you don't go past your limit, and piggybacks you while holding your heels <3
𐙚₊˚ smiles at you so fondly when you drunkenly ramble to him <3 he gives you the most cartoonish reactions to everything you're saying, and when you realize he's not actually listening and just admiring how cute you are, he just laughs softly and kisses you, urging you to continue
𐙚₊˚ feeds you throughout the night so you don't feel too sick in the morning!! as soon as you take a break from talking, he's putting a cracker in your mouth and telling you to chew lol
𐙚₊˚ very gentle when he lets you know it's time to go home, waiting patiently for you to finish saying goodbye to all your friends (even if it's the entire room of people) <3 after you surprise him with another kiss attack as soon as you step foot inside the home, he manages to get you into bed, removing your makeup for you once you're asleep, treating you like you're a piece of glass </3 he loves you sm
when he is drunk
𐙚₊˚ riwoo brings sweetheart energy to the function like <3 he's not that talkative when he's tipsy, choosing to just observe the scene with a smile on his face. you'll probably have to pull him up out of his seat to get him to mingle lol
𐙚₊˚ as soon as he hits the dance floor though, it's sooooo over!!! his hands will be on your hips as you guys dance, laughing into your ear, hyping you up as you break it down like!!! he'll be really touchy too, holding you from behind as he whispers into your ear, grinding into you from behind just to tease ><
𐙚₊˚ he'll probably eat a lot before drinking so he doesn't get too drunk, but it honestly never works </3 thankfully, he's able to stay pretty level-headed when he's drunk, so you never have to worry too much
𐙚₊˚ when he's drunk drunk, riwoo probably slurs his words a lot, and gets really giggly, and really corny. he'll crack the worst joke you've ever heard and then laugh at it because he thought it was the funniest thing ever (and please indulge him </3 he's too cute to not fake laugh at his jokes)
𐙚₊˚ i see him as the type to turn into jell-o when he gets really drunk. like he'll be leaning on you the entire time because if you let go, he's going straight to the floor. getting him to bed would be an entire workout because he just goes limp randomly and trips on air every three seconds pls
𐙚₊˚ riwoo definitely likes to be babied when he's drunk ^___^ he'll be giggling the entire time as you help him get his shoes off and change into more comfortable clothes like "riwoo, lift your arms up!" and he's doing it with the widest smile on his face (and if you tell him about it when he's sober, he'll be soooo embarrassed </3)
jaehyun ˚ ⋆。˚
when you are drunk
𐙚₊˚ jaehyun is probably half-concerned/half-entertained the entire time </3 he's laughing whenever you stumble over your own feet, but his hands are quick to steady you to make sure you don't hurt yourself!!!
𐙚₊˚ records you with a big smile on his face when you're dancing on tables, cheering you on the entire time. but if your skirt starts riding up, he's quick to grab you down with his hands around your waist before helping you pull your skirt down <3
𐙚₊˚ taps his cheek whenever he wants a kiss because he knows that you love to kiss him when you're drunk </3 it becomes a game between the two of you during the night, where he taps his cheek randomly and you stop whatever you're doing to kiss him lol
𐙚₊˚ indulges you in all of your drunken activities! if you want to race him down the road barefoot, he's right there with you, his shoes tossed off to the side at the ready mark. or if you want to see who can do the most cartwheels, he wraps his jacket around your waist before the competition starts and then shows off that he can do more than you!
𐙚₊˚ if you're reaching your limit, he gently takes your cup from your hands with a little "alright, that's enough for you" and if you whine, he kisses your nose and goes "how about some water instead, hm?" and you reluctantly agree because he's just so sweet
𐙚₊˚ he's so subtle with the way he cares for you, you barely even notice what's going on. you're too busy having the time of your life to realize that jaehyun has already gotten you home, washed up and changed as you talk his ear off in your drunken haze >< he responds to everything while multi-tasking, making sure you get tucked in on your side just in case before you drift off <3
when he is drunk
𐙚₊˚ jaehyun clingy drunk agenda! he'll always want to have his hands on you in some way, whether it be hugging you from behind, holding your hand, or resting his head on your shoulder!
𐙚₊˚ probably needs to be bodyguarded when he first starts drinking. please do not dare him to do anything because he will do it. and he will prove that he can do it better than anyone has ever seen.
𐙚₊˚ although his energy is usually always at 100%, i think he mellows out a bit when he's really drunk. at first, when he's simply tipsy, he's the life of the party! cracking jokes with everyone, sparking up a conversation with anyone in his vicinity, even he's dancing on tables lol but once he gets really drunk, he gets a little quieter and sticks to your side!! (that's when you know it's time to take him home)
𐙚₊˚ jaehyun can get pretty emotional when he's drunk too. he could probably cry just from thinking about how much he loves you!! you won't even notice that he started to cry until he's sniffling, dabbing at his eyes :< and if you ask him what's wrong, he'll just be like "you're the best thing that's ever happened to me." and you're just like ???<3???<3??? because it'll come out of nowhere lol
𐙚₊˚ if you aren't with him at a party or something, he'll probably text you the entire time. just like paragraphs of how much he misses you, and how he loves you so so so so much, and he'll even send you cute drunk selfies so you know he is safe and having a good time!
𐙚₊˚ jaehyun can get very very needy when he's drunk! you could be chilling at home when he comes back from a friend's house and he'll be all over you, nuzzling his nose into your neck, kissing your shoulder, subtly trying to rub against your leg because he forgets to use his words :<
˚ ⋆。˚ taesan
when you are drunk
𐙚₊˚ #1 instigator. he thinks that you are so funny when you're drunk >< how you'll do and say literally anything without a second thought and he encourages it even. it's cute to him
𐙚₊˚ like if you get into a rap battle with a random busker on the street, he's throwing imaginary money and tossing in random adlibs like he's a soundcloud rapper girlfriend lol
𐙚₊˚ always has an arm over your shoulder, holding you close to his side because you look so good and he doesn't want anyone to think you are single and try to hit on you! keeps you close to him at all times
𐙚₊˚ nothing really fazes him and he's good at keeping calm. like if you start to throw up, he'll simply hold your hair out of your face and rub your back softly before cleaning you up with a tiny smile. or if you suddenly burst out into tears, he's cooing at you, wiping your cheeks with his thumb, placing kissing on your nose <3
𐙚₊˚ but if you're blackout drunk, way past your limit, he gets really serious >< he'll sit you on the kitchen counter and make sure you drink a bunch of water, his eyes on you like a hawk. he'll rub your knee comfortingly to keep you present, praising you every few seconds for doing so well for him
𐙚₊˚ he'll tease you so much once you're sober, recounting all of the crazy thing you did while you were drunk >< and when you start to get embarrassed, he wraps you up in his arms and reassures you that you are still cute to him no matter what <3
when he is drunk
𐙚₊˚ yapper. like. he's going to be talking soooo much!!! just about anything and everything, stumbling and slurring over his words as he recounts how he saw a squirrel earlier that day or something. shares wayyyy too many tmis too
𐙚₊˚ he definitely loosens up more when he's drunk. his composure and attention span goes straight out the window. he's usually pretty composed when he's sober for the most part, but as soon as he gets a few drinks in his system, something in him flips like a switch
𐙚₊˚ please do not let him pick up the karaoke mic oh my... he's going to attempt to have a rap battle with you or try to belt out the highest notes possible. he'll put on an entire show for your whole friend group!!! he might even join in on drinking games and stuff
𐙚₊˚ wanders off easily, so please can an eye on him!! he'll get distracted by every single thing, his feet carrying him away without a second thought >< you might even lose him for an hour, and then find him sitting in the kitchen eating a bag of chips with someone's hat on and a mustache drawn on his face
𐙚₊˚ taesan can get pretty pouty when he's drunk too. especiallyyyy if you're not giving him as much attention as he wants! you could be laughing with some friends and taesan will be sitting next to you with his arms crossed and the biggest kitty pout on his face ever because? why aren't you laughing with him!!!! (pls give him lots of kisses to make up for it!!!)
𐙚₊˚ he definitely has a habit of denying that he's drunk. he'll try to dismiss your help to get him home, or refuse to drink water, and claim that he can do everything by himself. he'll literally be tripping over his own feet as you try to help him into his bed and he'll be like "nooo i'm not drunk! i swear!" and then as soon as he hits the pillow, he's out like a light
leehan ˚ ⋆。˚
when you are drunk
𐙚₊˚ follows you around like a guard dog the entire night! he knows that you like to run off and do reckless stuff when you get drunk, so he's keeping his eye on you
𐙚₊˚ makes all of your drinks himself and never lets you drink out of the punch bowl <3 you like to joke that he's your personal bartender and he takes the title with pride
𐙚₊˚ if you get really drunk and start getting emotional, he's quick to comfort you, even if you won't remember anything he said in the morning. he's cupping your cheeks, kissing your lips and telling you how much he loves you!!! he thinks it's so adorable when you start crying because of how much you love him, and he reminds you that he isn't going anywhere, ever <3
𐙚₊˚ super gentle with you when helping you wind down for the night!!! he'll remove your make up and help you brush your teeth with a quiet "say ahhh", smiling softly because you are just so cute and he's so in love
𐙚₊˚ lets you space out and stare at his fish tank while he makes you food to eat before you go to sleep so you can get something in your stomach! goes to the other side of the tank and makes a funny face through the glass just to see you giggle
𐙚₊˚ already has hangover medicine ready on your side table with water and snacks if you wake up and need something!!! please thank him a bunch in the morning for how well he took care of you <33
when he is drunk
𐙚₊˚ second highest tolerance i think! he definitely gets drunk quicker than sungho, but it still takes him a bit!!! mostly because no one can tell if he's actually drunk or not with the way he's able to keep his composure
𐙚₊˚ i don't see him as the type to chug a bunch of drinks immediately, probably only nursing one drink for a long time. he knows his limits, and tries to stick to them because he hates being hungover the next day!!! he has to feel good so he can take care of you instead <3
𐙚₊˚ he gets sooo flirty, it's unreal. he'll literally try to talk you up even though you guys are already together!! he'll comment on how good you look, his hand rubbing your thigh, leaning in to whisper into your ear and kiss your neck ><
𐙚₊˚ he gets really soft toward the end of the night, his head resting on your shoulder as he spaces out </3 he'll probably play with your fingers while you converse with your friends, laughing quietly every now and then, but his mind is on an entirely different planet. it's okay though because he knows you'll look after him!!!
𐙚₊˚ gets pretty defiant when he's had one too many drinks lol >< like if you tell him it's time to go home, he'll plant his feet into the ground so you physically cannot drag him away with a teasing look on his face. he might even just take a seat on the floor and look up at you with big puppy dogs eyes because he doesn't want to go yet!
𐙚₊˚ he sobers up pretty quickly and is usually fine by the time you guys get home!!! he'd probably want to shower together before cuddling up to you like a big teddy bear, usually asleep within a minutes, surrounded by your warmth <3
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reblogs are greatly appreciated! thank u...<3
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wonton4rang · 3 days
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pairing: bnd legal line x reader.
warnings: +18, smut, rough sex, spitting, and idk lmk if i missed something.
summary: bnd legal line mtl (most to least) to rough sex.
note: this had to be discussed and i can't go to sleep without doing so !!!
sungho; even though it wouldn't be his go to type of sex, he would do it more often than you'd think, taking you from behind while he held your neck with one hand and held your arms in your back with the other, he would moan in your ear, pressing his body more onto yours and making you feel so full while your cheek pressed against the cold wall. he would tell you how good you feel and his hips would be accelerating their pace before he came inside of you, showing some possessiveness he usually didn't have. i also strongly believe he would have a small/ recurrent strength kink.
riwoo; he's a wild card tbh, i can't seem to read him that well when it comes to sex or maybe i am not paying attention, but i do think he could have his days, switching from cowgirl to doggy style, his hand having a grip in your hair and you almost crying out on how hard he was fucking you. it felt good, specially because it was a weird thing to happen during sex w u two, it made you excited and it made him feel bigger when he handled you like that. pulling out to come in your ass is the ultimate thing he would do to show his "dominant" side. and btw, you know about dancer stamina right? cause if you always did two rounds, you'll do at least four of five before he lets you go today.
jaehyun; myungjae has such a whiny voice and a hyper and sweet personality that we all the time see him as a mere sub but oh, let me tell you that he can also be very rough when it comes to fucking you. i feel like he would be drinking with you or just very happy and horny when he tells you about this thing he wants to try, it was basically him overpowering you and yes please!! he would hold your legs open with his hands on your thighs, pressing them down and watching how his dick gets lost each time he pounds into your soaked pussy, i can definitely see him lowering one of his hands so he could play with your clit and maybe even insert his thumb with his cock in your pussy. telling you how dirty you looked taking his dick and finger into your pussy like a slut, dirty talk would be his thing 100%
taesan; i just know he is messy and i don't make the rules!!! he would grab your hair, spit in your mouth with a grin on his lips and fuck you so fast and rough you can barely think straight. he would fuck you in missionary because he needs to see your face, he needs to feel you close and he certainly needs to be able to spit in your mouth after slapping your face once or twice. he ain't much of a talker but he would let smalls "so pretty, so hot" that would give you a hint on how good he is feeling, as if his moans and the way his dick twitched inside of you were not enough. i don't think it'll be a reccurent thing tho, he is probably more into regular sex rather than rough but he has a HUGE size kink that takes over every once in a while.
leehan; and the prize to the messiest mf goes toooooo, hear me ouuuuut. every time he went up to you and told you he was horny and needed to fuck you, you just knew what was coming (asides from u two yk) you regularly got on top of him and ride his dick but when his hands gripped your hips and he dropped you on the bed just so he could straddle in the back of your thighs and fuck you in prone bone??? you were quite literally fucked, he wouldn't show mercy on you, fucking you fast and hard, so deep that it even made you shake each time the tip of his cock hit your cervix. that until he layed you on your back, slapping your pussy after spitting on it, he is so dirty and you can tell he is enjoying it way too much when he smiled at you before slamming his hips against yours once again.
overall, taking into consideration the frequency with the one i think it'd happen, for this one i think I'll go:
leehan. not a surprise.
sungho. he is actually really close to leehan's place tbh. not because he would like rough sex itself but he just likes the dominant part of it, how strong he feels during it.
jaehyun. iykyk, he can be cute but he is a man after all, and he is also a very energetic person so he would fold you a thousand times and come back for more.
taesan. i personally think he would enjoy it A LOT but it's just that his personality doesn't show this eager desire of rough sex :') i've said it before but i don't think he is really into sex in general and he does gives off vibes of being more in a "calm" side so yeah.
riwoo. almost same as taesan's, but i also think it's because he is a submissive person so it wouldn't be something very reccurent.
what do y'all think?
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loserlvrss · 2 months
꒰ 𝐅𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓! ꒱ 김동현
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summary : you’ve been bored of your boyfriends calm demeanor, so you decided to prank him just to see if he’d start a fight — however, it gave you something much better
genre : kinda angsty, suggestive, leehan x afab!reader tws : language, kinda toxic behavior, suggestive content author notes : sorry this took a while i’ve been supah swamped but i hope you enjoyed the direction i took your request in !! word count : 1.4k
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you don’t know why you were doing this. even as you applied the black, green and blue makeup, you couldn’t think of a valid reason. yet, here you were, sat on your couch scrolling through your phone, just awaiting the opportunity to prank your sweet, unsuspecting boyfriend.
maybe he’d gotten too comfortable in your relationship. hell, you used whatever excuse to try and justify it. but, the truth is, you wanted to see if he had it in him to get mad at you. he was so damn peaceful all the time — you loved that about him, really — nonetheless, deep down, your heart raced with the thought; the anticipation when he’d finally catch a glimpse of your artwork that he’d deem someone else’s.
this was fun.
you knew it’d work. you’ve never let leehan purposefully leave marks on your skin, not because it didn’t feel good to have him kiss you, but simply because you’ve always found them tacky and a hassle to cover up. you’d wasted so much makeup in the past trying to do so, so whenever he’d come close to leaving purple patches, you’d tell him to stop. he’d even bargained with leaving them in places only he could see, but you still refused. especially if you couldn’t return the favor.
you knew this was an evil way to push his buttons, that you oh-so-desperately wanted to see pushed. it was selfish, really, however at this moment in time the plan was already set into action. you wanted to start a fight, just to see if he could.
he’s never gotten mad at you. he’s never yelled at you. he’s never dared put a hand on you. and that was a dream, but somewhere deep down, you knew it was also just as boring as it was desirable. you wanted him to yell at you — at least once — manhandle you — consensually, of course — you wanted so much, and maybe this wasn’t the right way to bring it up, but it didn’t matter anymore as his voice broke through the silenced air.
“what’s that?”
“what’s what?” you asked, acting obliviously as you scrolled through twitter and instagram in turns.
he shrugged, and you don’t know if it was the fact that he seemingly didn’t care, or if it was that maybe he just brushed it under the rug as anything else, that began to piss you off.
nonetheless, you decided you were in it for the long run. after all, you wanted to see if he’d start the fight.
and throughout the rest of the afternoon you’d catch leehan staring in your direction, shifting his gaze when you’d make eye-contact. he kept a calm demeanor, never asking again what the purple marks on your neck were. he’d even hugged you before he left for practice, getting all up close and personal with the artwork.
you were finding it hard to believe he hadn’t noticed.
maybe he was gathering his thoughts. maybe he was trying to decided why you didn’t smell like another man — why he knew you wouldn’t do that to him. maybe as much as his buttons were pushed, this was it for his stemmed anger. maybe dance practice was his way to relieve the stress you caused from time-to-time. maybe the cool, calm and collected leehan was the only version of your otherwise, smiley, boyfriend.
maybe you were beginning to feel bad because you had no idea the feelings he had towards this prank. did it upset him? you wouldn’t be none-the-wiser to it if it had. he was good at shielding emotions, and maybe that’s where you needed to draw the line. maybe that’s where your conversation should’ve began, instead of whatever the hell tiktok had inspired you to do.
you kept looking at the clock on your home screen, counting down the minutes until he’d come back to you. and just as you had decided to end the prank, opting for a civil — adult-ish — conversation, a text illuminated your dark screen.
it read: we need to talk.
yet you couldn’t decipher the hidden meaning. of course you knew what it was about, that’s the only thing that’s been wrong throughout the last few months between you two. what else could it be? and why, now that you were finally getting what you wanted, didn’t it feel good?
you didn’t answer him, partially because you didn’t know what to say; it was a prank. i just wanted to see if you’d get mad at me. i’m so bored of this. nothing seemed correct, or frankly, truthful.
you also knew that he wasn’t far. he wouldn’t have texted you otherwise, just to torcher you — though it would’ve been deserved. so, you waited by the door for your boyfriend to get back, the thought of washing away the eyeshadow long gone.
then, it finally opened with the pattern of your key code. the air became thick and you found it hard to swallow with a lump in your throat. were you sorry? yes. did you feel bad for being immature? yes. was a tiny part of you still curious to see how this would play out?
"y/n," was the first, and only, thing he muttered for a couple of excruciatingly long minutes. you watched as he put his bag down, eyed him as he took his shoes off, and almost burst when he ran a hand through his hair. maybe leehan was able to torcher you, even if unintended.
his eyes finally met yours, but then they drifted to your neck, and further to your collar bone. he knew. he's known since the first question left his lips hours and hours ago.
"what's that?" his arms snaked between each other, and you found it wrong to think it was hot, but you very much did.
almost like deja vu, the same feeling crept up from down within you. "what's what?" you reenacted. although this time, he didn't let it go. he approached you quickly, too fast to get away before you were sandwiched between the plaster and his body.
his hands were slow with movements. those oh-so-stupid-fucking-hands that had you, literally, at his fingertips. one forcing your head by your jaw to expose your neck, while the other brushed away the hair that disguised the marks from his view.
you fronted being indifferent, but truth be told, if he wasn't holding you up your knees would have buckled already, leaving you as a mess on the floor in front of him.
"you must think i don't know you," he voiced, holding eye-contact as he pushed his thumb between your lips, gathering just enough saliva to then press the digit to your neck and swipe. and it smudged with enough force, despite being labeled as waterproof. "tell me why you felt the need to paint these on. i couldn't think of one good reason all day, princess."
and the nickname he always called you — innocently and less than — had your heart in absolute shambles; the anticipation was just as good as if he'd raised his voice you thought. maybe your vanilla-scented boyfriend had finally gotten the hint that you wanted more, despite going about it in a less than thoughtful way. and maybe you realized that you didn't hate that he was always nice, no you loved that about him, but sometimes it was okay if he wanted to be a little bit meaner with you. after all, he could always say my ... anything he wanted, and that would still mean that he saw you as his forever only.
"i-i," you couldn't think straight when he attached his lips over the previously (fakely) marked spots. his breath was hot, lips gentle then firm as he sucked against the spots he knew you'd rarely let him have his way with. "i — uh, fuck. leehan,"
his voice was low against the shell of your ear, sending a shiver down your spine and a whimper up your throat, "if you wanted something, you could've just asked me, baby. i'd give you anything."
the eyes that you've grown comfortable with always seemed to be there despite the firm placement he had you in. you knew he loved you more than anything, so you knew his words were true. and his demeanor broke when he kissed your lips, almost giving you whiplash.
his palms laid flat against your cheeks, thumbs rubbing sweetly, "if you wanted everyone to know that you're mine, let me do it myself."
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reblogs, likes and comments are greatly appreciated! thank u!
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byeuijoo · 2 months
am i in love? 𐀔 boynextdoor
genre : fluff ⋆ warnings : very, very cheesy ⋆ word count : 594
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⭒ park sungho
when he realized he loved you as more than just a friend, sungho tried to play it cool. which is funny because, in reality, you soon realized that something had changed : he was trying more to flirt with you and get your attention, while selling his merits by making you understand that he was better than the others. he'd show you a bit more of his muscles, show you his soccer skills.. and even though he tried to be discreet about his feelings, he failed miserably when you asked him directly if he had a crush on you.
⭒ lee riwoo
when he realizes he's fallen in love with you, sanghyeok tends to be more distant with you, but simply out of sheer shyness. but he'll still do his best to get your attention in subtle ways : he delivers flowers at your house with a little card and a hand-written poem, he tries to send you signals on social networks, hoping that miraculously you'll understand that he's talking to you.. he's a discreet admirer whom you've noticed and whom you like to panic by getting a little too close to him, just to see his cheeks redden because of your smile.
⭒ myung jaehyun
he was already clingy, but when he realizes he's developed feelings for you, oh boi, jaehyun is even more clingy. nevertheless, there are some changes that you can easily notice : the tips of his ears get redder when you flirt with him, he's always trying to hold your hand in his, even when you're doing nothing but sitting close to each other, he always tries to get your attention and gets sulky when you talk to other boys.. he's so down for you, he can't help reminding you that he exists all the time.
⭒ han taesan
to have spent so much time by your side, getting to know you and finding out more about you, dongmin realized that his heart was beating faster than normal when his eyes met your smile. he'll become more shy, without giving you radio silence. but let's just say that he laughs more easily at your jokes, that he observes you smiling like an idiot more often, and most of all, he'll share more of his favorite music with you. (he's probably trying to convey his feelings through the lyrics, but you're too blind to see it.)
⭒ kim leehan
to say that donghyun has had a crush on you since first sight would not be a lie — of course, his feelings built up gradually, but you were already running through his mind every day since you met. he's quite calm, and has no trouble keeping his feelings to himself, but he tends to look you in the eye in a different way now. more warmly, more tenderly, with a hint of shyness in his eyes. and he has to admit that your smile makes his heart skip a beat.
⭒ kim woonhak
woonhak is totally vocal about the fact that he loves you. he don't care about other people opinions, he just wants to make sure you know he likes you. so every day, he brings you a carton of his favorite chocolate milk, leaving a note on it, reminding you that he likes you — again. or he'll probably just show up when you least expect it, standing in front of you with the most dazzling smile, and you have to admit that hearing him say those words in person makes you all shy and smiley. even if you need time to make a decision, woonhak remains patient and does everything to keep your full attention on him.
reblogs & feedbacks are highly appreciated !
taglist ౨ৎ @wtfhyuck @florainnie @dazzlingligth @yuma-is-mine @lilriswife4life @leehanascent @wantmatthew
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lunicho · 2 months
head empty just leehan + bulge kink/size kink + breeeeeding
atp idk man im ready to turn into an insatiable slut for him I WANT HIM SO BAD ITSSJSJDHSKGSJCMRSH
send bnd asks to @angeltsan
leehan loves having u feel so small under him, he loves the idea that you're just his cute little doll,, he's fascinated with the sight of his cock filling u up, pressing into u so so slowly so he can see every inch slide into u. he loves filling u up, even if its just with his cock but the breeding kink added oh he's losing it. he'd press down where his cock is, seeing and feeling how full u are and when he finally cums he'd be in heaven. he loves to watch his cum drip out of u, its another fascination of his. i always feel like he'd kinda cum a lot so he's make such a mess out of u and that's just the way he loves it
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flwoie · 4 months
I rly liked the leehan ff you wrote so I wanted to know if I could request bf leehan texts, if not it's okay<3
HI ANON SO SORRY FOR NOT WRITING THIS SOONER 😭😭 I TRIED SO HARD BUT I KEPT GIVING UP. i hope u didnt forget about this i swear i wasnt trying to avoid this 😞
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idol! leehan bf texts !
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🗯️ can u guys tell i love ninjago
[ 🏷️ ] @hanniluvi @giantkeroppi @haruavrse @s00buwu @haknom [ 📻 ] @k-films @kflixnet @k-labels @k-vanity
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