#bow scarves beloved
qwakque · 5 months
checkin out some christmas lights!!! probably from other dorms and such
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long time no draaaaw
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ohnoitstbskyen · 1 year
I don't think it's much of a hot take to say that Porcelain is Kindred's least beloved skin. But for me, the real problem with the skin has nothing to do with the half-mask or the theme of the skin line, it's the technical failure of the design to account for Lamb's model and animations.
Lamb in her base form has a fairly animalistic anatomy, especially her neck is thickened with fur to turn it into a smooth fall into her shoulders and arms, which in turn are quite long and stretchy to accomodate her bow.
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Her animation, similarly, is often quite exaggerated and animalistic, which works with the way she's designed. Above you can see her stretching her neck unnaturally to look around her, but it doesn't look like it's breaking her entire anatomy, unlike the... unfortunate thing that happens to Porcelain Lamb up in the video up there.
Which is where the comparison with Spirit Blossom Lamb comes in - because even though she, too, is a human (or human-ish) version of Lamb, her design incorporates big furry shoulder pieces, scarves and big hair that helps to do the job of smoothing over the things that would make Lamb's animation read as uncanny if they were applied directly to a human anatomy.
Even her robes and suit helps to do this, obscuring how lanky and lengthened Lamb's limbs are just enough for her animation to read... not perfectly, when viewed up close the way we're doing here (remember, all League of Legends animation is designed to be viewed zoomed-out and from above), but well ENOUGH not to sound any Uncanny Valley alarm bells.
Porcelain Lamb's shoulder looks entirely dislocated when she's running fast, because there's nothing to smooth the transition from Lamb's elongated shoulder anatomy into the arms, and it makes her look like a distended rubber doll being deformed weirdly.
Porcelain Lamb was created without appropriate concern for how the skin would read when applied to the model and animations of the actual champion, and it shows. Porcelain is generally disliked for a number of reasons, but because of the way I am as a person, this is the issue that ruins it for me.
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He'd taken hundreds of pictures today. Hundreds of pictures of the Christmas cheer around muggle London, the hustling and bustling, the lights and decorations, people dressed up in their winter scarves and hats, gifts piled in their arms. Wrappings and ribbons, bows and bags, piles and piles of gifts. Santas and children, snow, and ice skating. Lights, and trees, and ornaments, and a thousand other things.
Capturing the "Spirit of Christmas" was meant to be a fun project. It was meant to be something that filled the gaping hole in Harry's chest, that let him feel a little bit of joy. It was meant to be a distraction from all that he was missing.
But the truth was that trying to fill the void wasn't working. He was scuffing his foot in the snow when he stumbled across the phone booths, bright red and framed by the lovely snowfall, cathedral windows and gaily decorated Christmas tree filling in the background.
This was it, this was his spirit of Christmas this year, all of the beautiful things in the world couldn't change the desire to reach out, to reconnect and right wrongs. That in mind, he stepped into the phone booth and picked up the phone, dialing a number that he knew by heart.
The phone rang, rang, rang and then a voice, that dearly beloved voice, answered. "Hello?"
"Draco?" he managed, voice hardly louder than a whisper.
There was a pause, too long, too emotionally charged, and Harry's heart stopped in his chest. Maybe it had been too long, maybe Harry's leaving too unforgivable, maybe there was no fixing it.
"Harry?" he asked, sounding like the word caused him physical pain and Harry couldn't believe he'd been selfish enough to call him.
What had he been thinking? Of course Draco didn't want to talk to him. Of course he'd ruined everything. Draco had probably moved on already, he probably-
"I swear to Merlin, Circe, and Morgana, if that is you Potter, you'd better speak up right the fuck now or I will not be held responsible for my actions."
"It's me," he said softly.
There was another pause and he could hear Draco breathing over the phone, the heavy, wet sound of when he was trying to compose himself when his emotions were too big.
"I'm sorry," he said, as fervently as he could manage, letting every ounce of truth ring in those words. "I was such an arse, Draco. I'm sorry that I left, I'm sorry that I thought I needed to go and find myself without you. I'm sorry that I only left a note sitting on the table and that I couldn't even tell you in person."
He could hear the sound of Draco's quiet sobbing, the sound wrenching his heart, twisting it into something painful and unrecognizable in his chest.
"Please," he whispered, "If you think you could forgive me," he added without any real hope that would be possible, "I want to come home for Christmas. I want to come home."
The phone went still, silent, and Harry felt his own tears choking him, blocking his airway and holding his chest tight.
"Where are you?" Draco whispered, barely loud enough for him to hear.
"Muggle London," Harry managed.
"Come home."
Harry didn't wait for any other words, didn't even hang up the receiver, he just apparated straight from the phone booth to the front door of the little house they'd bought together a eight months ago. A house Harry hadn't seen for almost six weeks.
Before he could decide whether to knock or not, the door flew open and Draco assailed him, fists flying as they connected with Harry's chest and knocked him back off the steps. He kept hitting and shoving at him until Harry fell over into the snow in their yard. And then he was straddling his hips and pressing him into the ground, "How dare you?" he railed, "How dare you leave me with nothing but a note, you obnoxious, self centered arsehole!"
All Harry could do was stare up at him, drinking in the sight. Godric he had missed him. Draco was beautiful, his blonde hair slipping out of the braid it was in, strands framing his face. He was wearing one of Harry's Weasley sweaters, the green one with the white H, and he was wearing leggings and socks; soaking through in the wet, cold snow. Harry loved him with a fierceness that bordered on senseless.
"How could you?" he whispered, all the fight draining out of him as tears started to flow down his cheeks.
And Harry couldn't bear it. He sat up, keeping Draco in his lap, and wrapped his arms around him, holding him tight. "I'm so sorry," he whispered. "I'm sorry, love."
Draco's long fingers cupped Harry's face and his lips pressed messily against Harry's, tears making everything wet and even messier but Harry wouldn't have had it any other way. He held Draco tightly, so tightly he was afraid the other man might have bruises later, but Draco was holding him just as tightly, as if he might never let go again. And Harry certainly wouldn't be complaining about that.
When Draco finally broke away to breathe, Harry cupped his face in his hands, thumbs brushing away his tears. "Can you ever forgive me?" he whispered.
Draco nodded, tears overflowing once more. "Just promise that you'll never leave me again."
"I promise," he said fervently, with the same honesty as when he'd first started apologizing.
"Good. Because if you do," Draco said, voice very serious and eyes deadly calm, "I will not be here when you get back."
Harry swallowed. That had been a very real possibility this time and he wasn't sure how he would have lived through that. "I understand," he said, leaning in to brush a tentative kiss over Draco's lips.
Draco hummed softly, then seemed to give in, kissing Harry back with just as much sweetness and gentleness as the first kiss had contained desperation.
"You're shivering," Harry whispered against Draco's lips, hands rubbing over his arms and back in an attempt to warm him.
"Come inside," he said, phrasing it more like a question than a command.
He nodded, "If it's alright with you?"
Draco huffed a little laugh and pressed him forehead to Harry's, "I may never let you leave again if you do-"
"I'm sorry," he repeated. "I won't leave you again," he promised. "Just for normal things like shopping and work, but I'll always come back," he swore. "Always, love."
He nodded, nose brushing over Harry's. "I believe you."
Harry breathed a sigh of relief, "Let's go in," he said.
Draco nodded.
And neither of them made any move to get up, too caught in the feeling of one another's bodies pressed against their own. "This is silly," Harry said and Draco tensed in his arms. "I don't want to let go either," he assured quickly before apparating them inside and onto the sofa instead.
Draco cast a drying charm over them and Harry quickly stripped out of his jacket and tossed aside his bag and camera so he could wrap Draco back in his arms more tightly.
They laid on the couch together, pressed thigh to thigh, chest to chest, nose to nose, and heart to heart. Staring into each other's eyes, they re-calibrated themselves to the other, silently promising to bind themselves together.
A promise that would be made official, one year later in their own back garden at their wedding.
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icembrace · 2 months
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⊠    ɪᴅ  .  .  .  ʟᴏᴀᴅɪɴɢ    ››    [    pat chayanit    /      32    /    cis  woman    /    she/her    ]   mercy  headquarters  is  pleased  to  officially  introduce  𝐂𝐈𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐀𝐍𝐀 𝐂𝐀𝐎.  they  have  been  apart  of  the  organization  for  twelve years ,  serving  as  𝐀 𝐅𝐈𝐄𝐋𝐃 agent  and  has  been  assigned  the  codename  𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐔𝐋𝐓 it's  worth  noting  that  their  file  indicates  they  have  undergone  the  solaris  treatment  and  host 𝐈𝐂𝐄  𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐏𝐔𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍  according  to  our  dossier,  the  agent  exhibits  a  combination  of  𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐓  and  𝐄𝐋𝐔𝐒𝐈𝐕𝐄  traits,  fitting  for  someone  reminiscent  of  natasha  romanoff & emma  frost.  prior  to  embarking  on  any  mission,  the  find  solace  in  listening  to  the  song  “i don’t wanna be me“  by  𝐓𝐘𝐏𝐄 0 𝐍𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄.  
full name : cipriana lamai cao . nicknames : none, don't try . occupation : field agent . age : thirty - two . place of birth : new york city, new york . gender : cis woman . languages : mandarin chinese, thai, english, russian, polish, lithuanian, japanese, korean & spanish . ethnicity : chinese and thai. religion : tba . date of birth : 30.12.2016 . zodiac : capricorn . chinese zodiac : monkey
height : 169 cm . build : slender . eye colour : brown . hair colour : naturally black , but prone to change depending on her mission. most notably, she used to be blonde . hair style : usually kept long and straight . scars : earned a scar on her neck on her most recent mission and was wearing lots of silk scarves and turtlenecks to cover it up . managed to remove it thanks to a cosmetical procedure. distinguishing features : her lips , more specifically, her cupid's bow . scent : amber, leather & rose clothing style : elegant on most occasions, more practical during missions, in shades of black and predominantly white , with occasional inclusion of other colours.
character parallels : natasha romanoff ( marvel ) , emma frost ( marvel ) , the girl ( a girl walks home alone at night ) , nora ( past lives ) . moral alignment : chaotic neutral . personality type : istp. emotional stability: in need of improvement . element : fire . character tropes : color motif, dark action girl, i don't pay you to think , the paragon, with my hands tied, more than meets the eye .
father : james cao . mother : lauren saengarun . siblings : none. spouse(s) : duncan lawrence ( divorced ) , lev lebedev ( divorced ). children : none. pets : none .
𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐘 . tw: torture.
¹. the caos were wall street royalty of the 80s, 90s and 00s, an entire generation of bankers, loan processors and hedge fund managers — sovereigns, lacking only a gilded crown, who ruled the worldwide market with an iron fist. then, came cipriana, the only child of james cao and his much-beloved wife lauren with pin curls in her head and pearls around her neck, inheriting only half of her mother's beauty but none of her mellow nature. for all his brilliance and adroitness, james cao could never get along with his daughter — she was excessively this, and overly that, and yet never quite enough. so most of her childhood, cipriana had spent in her mother's embrace, lost between continents, raised in new york during winters, but beijing and bangkok during long, sweltering summers.
². boarding schools, well-paid and carefully chosen private tutors and instructors, suitcases in her hands — these are her recollections of her teenhood. she was always leaving. from the age of eight to nearly sixteen, she was enrolled in institut le rosey in switzerald, where she grew only more defiant over the years. her nonpareil academic achievements and artifice, however, did not aid her in reaching the impossibly high standards her father had set for her. james cao could no longer tolerate his daughter, deciding thus to cast her aside and take away her inheritance — and in turn, cipriana promised to give herself the world.
³. despite the sudden severance from her family, cipriana still found herself at princeton, using her eruditeness, excellent records as well as her family name to secure a spot at such a prestigious university. there, she was subsequently discovered and recruited by one of mercy's special agents. at the age of twenty, she officially began her training as a junior agent, graduating a mere two and a half years later. officially a field agent, fresh-faced, and irrevocably determined, she decided to undergo the solaris treatment — but the process did not go without a hitch. it took longer than expected for her power to surface, which only made cipriana overcompensate in other departments, more specifically combat.
⁴. cipriana spent her early and mid-twenties on the field, all across the country while partaking in numerous missions. the agency loved just how easily she could adapt to her new identities and extract information, singing her praises while simultaneously destroying what little identity she had left. at twenty-six, she married for the first time, on a whim, because it felt like the only thing she wanted, desperate for something or someone to return to — but it didn't last. he deserved someone better. someone who could give him more. she filed for divorce within the same year, and a month after her divorce, she was deployed for an overseas mission.
⁵. with a new narrative, her hair bleached and still smelling of ammonium hydroxide and a forged passport in her hands, she made her way to warsaw, poland. she lived under various names,most notably, anielka song, danute garsva, and sunisa shinawatra. she was stationed in poland for half a year and the other half she spent in lithuania. then came russia, an additional two years of covert and clandestine operations. after russia, she was led to thailand, a place that should've been familiar terrain. all was well up until the moment she was caught and captured, and thereupon tortured. they didn't manage to extract any information, but the psychological and physical damage they had done was severe. the lack of access to solaris drug was one of the reasons behind her failure. she was eventually found by her mission partners, and the transgressors were convicted, but to cipriana it felt like a pyrrhic victory. mercy, however, did not agree and labeled her as a 'hero' instead.
⁶. after five years deep undercover, cipriana's finally made her way back to apex city. she passed all her tests — and is still suited for a field agent, but some would beg to disagree for the sake of her health. she conceals her issues well, from struggles with her identity or rather the lack of it, to short-term memory lapses that started after thailand. it's a tale of a girl who's spent her entire life leaving. always leaves first so she isn't left behind. leaving for cipriana is an art.
has only been around for the last couple of months — as she spent five years undercover in eastern europe, baltic countries, and asia. her whereabouts and coordinates were classified as confidential. feels like an utter stranger after living for so long away from apex city.
a former gymnast. unlike most children, she did not partake in regular sports but rather found solace in gymnastics. she won several gold medals when she was younger but ultimately hated competing.
trained and skilled in many forms of martial arts, including: judo, karate, savate, aikido, muay thai and brazilian jiu-jitsu. basically, her skills and combat style are heavily inspired by natasha romanoff.
married for the second time while she was undercover. she met lev in st. petersburg but married him in pattaya city. it was another reckless decision, a byproduct of her loneliness in a foreign country. she divorced him after a year.
'she wore white (shoes)' — a code phrase that was exclusively associated with cipriana. so while she didn't always wear white attires, her shoes were distinctly white.
she learned mandarin from her father and thai from her mother — english was simply the middle ground in their household. she picked up japanese and korean while in boarding school as it was required of her to study at least two foreign languages. she was tutored in spanish at home at the behest of her mother, and she learned russian, polish and lithuanian while at mercy.
has perpetually cold hands and does not shy away from cold weather. catch her out in the snow with just a shirt on.
𝐏𝐋𝐎𝐓𝐒 . i intend to make a proper page with more than just three plots, but for now, here's something.
i. due to the fact that she's been away for a while, cipriana assumes that most don't remember her. this person, however, never forgot about her, and are hoping to rekindle the closeness that they shared. linger in my life for just a little longer - type of deal. do you think if i dye my hair black again we could get our old friendship back? ii. a person who was constantly bested by cipriana while she was still around and considered her a rival. no matter how much they tried, she was always better. when she left, they finally seized their victory. now that she's back, will old fires find a way to burn again?iii. a newfound friendship that's mostly based on them practicing and testing their combat skills together. when she pins them down to the floor, only one question remains — 'are we still friends, yes?'
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sdgdfgs-blog · 5 months
How Do You Tie A Thin Silk Scarf?
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There is an undeniable allure to the delicate and ethereal beauty of a thin silk scarf. With its lightweight and flowing fabric, this timeless accessory has captivated fashion enthusiasts for centuries. Whether draped effortlessly around the neck or tied in an intricate knot, a thin silk scarf instantly adds an air of sophistication and elegance to any outfit. The sheer versatility of a thin silk scarf is what makes it so beloved by fashion connoisseurs. It can be worn in countless ways, allowing individuals to express their unique style and personality. From adding a pop of color to a monochromatic ensemble or providing a touch of luxury to everyday attire, the possibilities are endless. In this guide, we will explore the art of tying a thin silk scarf, unveiling various techniques that will elevate your fashion game effortlessly. Discover how this exquisite accessory can transform your look while exuding grace and refinement.
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Choosing The Right Silk Scarf For Your Outfit Choosing the right silk scarf for your outfit can elevate your style and add a touch of elegance. When selecting a thin silk scarf, consider the color, pattern, and fabric quality. Opt for shades that complement or contrast with your attire to create a harmonious look. For instance, a vibrant colored scarf can bring life to a neutral ensemble, while a subtle pastel shade can enhance a colorful outfit without overpowering it.
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Pay attention to patterns as well; a classic print like polka dots or stripes can add sophistication, while floral or abstract designs lend an artistic flair. Additionally, ensure the fabric quality is smooth and soft to achieve that luxurious feel. Remember that the purpose of wearing a thin silk scarf is not only to keep warm but also to make an elegant fashion statement that enhances your overall appearance. Step-By-Step Guide: Tying A Thin Silk Scarf In The Classic Knot Style Tying a thin silk scarf in the classic knot style adds a touch of elegance to any outfit. Follow these simple steps to achieve a sophisticated look: - Begin by folding the scarf diagonally, creating a triangular shape. 2. Place the folded scarf around your neck, ensuring that one end is longer than the other. 3. Cross the longer end over the shorter one, forming an X-shape at the front of your neck. 4. Take the longer end and loop it under and through the X-shape, creating a loose knot. 5. Gently tighten the knot by pulling both ends simultaneously until it rests comfortably against your neck. 6. Adjust the ends of the scarf until they are symmetrical and hang evenly on either side. 7. Smooth out any wrinkles or twists in the fabric for a polished finish. Remember, practice makes perfect!
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Adding A Little Glamour: Tie A Scarf of Thin Silk in a Bow Nothing complements an outfit more elegantly and charmingly than a thin silk scarf when it comes to accessorising. Tieing it in a bow is one fashionable way to wear it. Start by folding the scarf into a triangle on the diagonal to get this effect. After that, position the folded edge in front of your neck, letting the excess fall down your back. Make a loop on each side by crossing the ends behind your neck and bringing them back to the front. Make sure the loops are securely fastened and symmetrical by carefully tying them into a bow. To get the right tightness, adjust as needed, then place it on your chest. This elegant knotting method gives your attire an extra dash of glitz while radiating charm. Trying Out Various Looks: Draping And Knotting Methods For Minimal Silk Scarves The options are unlimited when it comes to designing a thin silk scarf. Techniques for knotting and drapery can give any ensemble style and sophistication. The "drape and loop" technique is a common technique that involves only draping the scarf around your neck, letting it hang loosely in front, and then using one end to make a single loop and pulling the other end through it. This results in a stylish yet carefree appearance that works for both professional and informal settings. An additional choice is the "knotted choker" look, which entails putting the scarf around your neck like a necklace after folding it in half diagonally and making a knot at the front. This method is very useful for emphasising your neckline or for using thinner scarves.
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A Few Things To Remember When Tying A Thin Silk Scarf There are a few things to remember when tying a thin silk scarf to guarantee an attractive and sophisticated appearance. To begin with, treat the fragile cloth gently to prevent snags or damage. Handle silk scarves gently; they need to be handled that way. Second, pick a knot that goes well with your ensemble and sense of style.
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Thirdly, think about the scarf's length and the way you want it to fall around your shoulders or neck. Try a variety of lengths and styles until you discover the one that works best for you. Finally, don't be scared to use your imagination! Scarves made of thin silk are also elegant accessories that can be tied around handbags or worn as headbands.
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Enhance Your Look With A Gorgeously Knotted Fine Silk Scarf A thin silk scarf is a very adaptable piece of clothing that can easily make any outfit seem better. Discovering different methods to knot it will allow you to incorporate a bit of refinement, playfulness, or elegance into your look. The options are endless: you can wear it around your neck, knot it in a bow, or throw it loosely over your shoulders. A silk scarf that is expertly knotted not only makes you look better overall, but it also gives your outfit more depth and substance. The plush texture of the cloth against your skin adds a touch of sophistication and extravagance. With a thin silk scarf, you may make distinctive fashion statements and show off your sense of style on both professional and informal events. So why not let your creativity run wild and try out some various tying techniques? Read the full article
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avnnetwork · 8 months
Anime Costume Ideas: Dress Up as Your Favorite Characters
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Anime has become a global phenomenon, captivating audiences of all ages with its unique storytelling and vibrant characters. One of the most exciting aspects of being an anime fan is the opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of your favorite shows and manga by dressing up as your beloved characters. Cosplay, short for costume play, is a beloved hobby that allows fans to express their passion and creativity through crafting and wearing anime-inspired costumes. In this guide, we will explore a plethora of anime costume ideas that will help you bring your favorite characters to life.
Classic Choices:
1.1 Naruto Uzumaki from "Naruto":
Naruto's signature orange jumpsuit, headband, and ninja shoes make for an iconic and recognizable costume. Don't forget the spiky blonde wig and kunai props to complete the look.
1.2 Sailor Moon from "Sailor Moon":
Transform into a Sailor Guardian with a sailor suit, tiara, and crescent moon wand. Add colorful ribbons and knee-high boots for an authentic Sailor Moon look.
1.3 Goku from "Dragon Ball":
Achieve the Super Saiyan look with a spiky black wig, orange gi, and a Power Pole accessory. Don't forget to carry a Dragon Ball to complete the transformation. Visit https://www.otakuplan.com/
1.4 Ash Ketchum from "Pokémon":
Get ready to catch 'em all with Ash's outfit: a red and white cap, green jacket, fingerless gloves, and a toy Pikachu perched on your shoulder.
1.5 Luffy from "One Piece":
Emulate Monkey D. Luffy with a straw hat, red vest, denim shorts, and his signature sandals. Carry a rubbery gomu gomu fruit for extra flair.
Iconic Female Characters:
2.1 Sailor Mercury from "Sailor Moon":
Dress in Sailor Mercury's blue and white sailor suit, complete with her iconic visor and water-themed accessories.
2.2 Inuyasha from "Inuyasha":
Embrace the half-demon look with white hair, dog ears, and traditional Japanese clothing. Don't forget to wield a replica Tessaiga sword.
2.3 Mikasa Ackerman from "Attack on Titan":
Channel Mikasa's fierce persona with her Survey Corps uniform, red scarf, and a toy ODM gear to show off your titan-slaying skills.
2.4 Zero Two from "Darling in the Franxx":
Stand out with Zero Two's red horned headband, pilot uniform, and a stuffed animal companion resembling her partner, Hiro.
2.5 Erza Scarlet from "Fairy Tail":
Show off your magic prowess in Erza's armored knight outfit, complete with various swords and her fiery red hair.
Unique and Obscure Choices:
3.1 Spike Spiegel from "Cowboy Bebop":
Become the laid-back bounty hunter with a blue suit, yellow shirt, and a toy gun. Don't forget his signature cigarette.
3.2 Kiki from "Kiki's Delivery Service":
Capture Kiki's charming innocence with a black dress, red bow, and a broomstick for added authenticity.
3.3 Revy from "Black Lagoon":
Emulate Revy's gritty look with torn jeans, a black tank top, dual toy pistols, and a cigarette for that no-nonsense attitude.
3.4 Alphonse Elric from "Fullmetal Alchemist":
Stand out as the suit of armor Alphonse with silver body paint, a red loincloth, and a toy Blood Rune for a touch of alchemy.
3.5 Yuno Gasai from "Future Diary (Mirai Nikki)":
Showcase Yuno's obsession with a pink schoolgirl uniform, a diary prop, and a survival knife.
Group Cosplay Ideas:
4.1 The Straw Hat Pirates from "One Piece":
Gather your friends to become the whole crew, with each member dressed in their unique outfits and weapons.
4.2 The Survey Corps from "Attack on Titan":
Create an impressive group by donning Survey Corps uniforms, 3D maneuver gear, and red scarves for an intense and dramatic ensemble.
4.3 The Sailor Guardians from "Sailor Moon":
Transform into the Sailor Scouts with each member representing a different planet, complete with matching outfits and accessories.
4.4 The Akatsuki from "Naruto":
Assemble a group of rogue ninja with black robes, red clouds, and unique ninja headbands to embody this iconic organization.
4.5 The Gotei 13 from "Bleach":
Form a squad with friends, each adopting the distinct appearance of a Gotei 13 captain or lieutenant, complete with their respective Zanpakuto swords.
Cosplaying as your favorite anime characters is an exciting and creative way to express your love for the medium. Whether you prefer classic choices, iconic female characters, or unique and obscure picks, there's an anime costume idea for everyone. You can even gather your friends for group cosplay adventures that bring entire anime worlds to life. So, pick your favorite character, get crafting, and prepare to dazzle fellow fans at conventions or costume parties. Anime cosplay allows you to step into the shoes of your beloved characters and share your passion for anime with the world, one costume at a time.
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julie-desautels · 9 months
The Elegance and Versatility of Silk Scarves: A Must-Have Accessory for Every Fashionista
silk scarves
Silk scarves have long been revered as a timeless and elegant accessory that adds a touch of sophistication to any outfit. Their versatility allows them to be worn in countless ways, making them a must-have for every fashionista. Whether you're dressing up for a formal event or adding a pop of color to a casual ensemble, silk scarves are the perfect accessory to elevate your style.
The Elegance of Silk Scarves
There is something undeniably luxurious about the feel of silk against your skin. Silk scarves are known for their softness and smoothness, which adds a touch of elegance to any outfit. The way silk drapes and flows effortlessly creates a sense of grace and sophistication. Whether worn around the neck, tied in the hair, or draped over the shoulders, silk scarves instantly elevate the overall look and exude a sense of refinement.
The Versatility of Silk Scarves
One of the most remarkable aspects of silk scarves is their versatility. They can be styled in numerous ways to suit any occasion or personal preference. Here are just a few examples:
1. Neck Scarf
Wearing a silk scarf around the neck is a classic and timeless look. It can be tied in a variety of knots or simply draped loosely for a more relaxed vibe. A silk scarf adds a touch of elegance to a simple blouse or dress, instantly transforming the outfit into something chic and sophisticated.
2. Headscarf
For a bohemian or retro-inspired look, silk scarves can be tied around the head as a headscarf. This style is not only fashionable but also practical, keeping your hair in place on windy days or adding a pop of color to a monochromatic outfit. Whether you choose to tie it in a bow, wrap it turban-style, or create a stylish knot, a silk headscarf is a versatile accessory that adds a unique flair to your look.
3. Belt
Another creative way to wear a silk scarf is as a belt. By simply threading it through the belt loops of your jeans or cinching it around your waist over a dress, you can instantly add a touch of elegance and color to your outfit. This unexpected use of a silk scarf as a belt adds a unique and fashionable twist to any ensemble.
4. Bag Accessory
Transform your handbag or tote into a fashion statement by tying a silk scarf around the handle. This simple addition can completely change the look of your bag, adding a pop of color or a touch of sophistication. It's an easy and affordable way to update your accessories and make a stylish statement.
The Timeless Appeal
Silk scarves have stood the test of time and continue to be a beloved accessory in the fashion world. Their timeless appeal lies in their ability to effortlessly elevate any outfit, whether it's a casual day look or an elegant evening ensemble. The versatility of silk scarves allows them to be passed down through generations, becoming cherished heirlooms that never go out of style.
Investing in a high-quality silk scarf is a wise choice, as it will not only last for years but also remain a fashionable accessory for decades to come. The elegance and versatility of silk scarves make them a must-have for every fashionista's wardrobe.
The elegance and versatility of silk scarves make them an essential accessory for every fashionista. Whether worn as a neck scarf, headscarf, belt, or bag accessory, silk scarves add a touch of sophistication and style to any outfit. Their timeless appeal and ability to be styled in countless ways make them a must-have accessory that can be passed down through generations. So, embrace the elegance and versatility of silk scarves and elevate your fashion game to new heights!
silk scarves
Fashion Magazine - Silk Scarves: A Versatile Accessory
Vogue - The Silk Scarf Trend
Harper's Bazaar - 25 Chic Ways to Wear a Scarf
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fanaticsfashion · 11 months
The Timeless Charm of Minnie Mouse Meets Luxury: The Minnie Louis Vuitton Collaboration
In the world of fashion and iconic characters, few names shine as brightly as Minnie Mouse and Louis Vuitton. Each represents a unique charm and sophistication that has captivated generations of fans worldwide. When these two symbols of style and timeless allure come together, magic happens. In this article, we explore the delightful and enchanting partnership between Minnie Mouse and Louis Vuitton - the Minnie Louis Vuitton collaboration.
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Minnie Mouse: A Timeless Icon
Minnie Mouse, the beloved Disney character, made her debut alongside Mickey Mouse in the animated short "Steamboat Willie" in 1928. Since then, she has captured the hearts of both young and old, becoming a symbol of joy, positivity, and feminine grace. Minnie's signature polka-dotted dress and bow have become emblematic of her timeless appeal, inspiring fashion designers and enthusiasts across the globe.
Louis Vuitton: A Legacy of Luxury
On the other hand, Louis Vuitton stands as a pioneer in the world of luxury fashion. Founded in 1854, the brand has redefined elegance and opulence, becoming synonymous with premium quality, craftsmanship, and sophistication. From its iconic monogram pattern to its extensive range of handbags, luggage, and accessories, Louis Vuitton continues to reign as one of the world's most influential luxury houses.
The Unveiling of the Minnie Louis Vuitton Collaboration
The fashion world was electrified when the collaboration between Minnie Mouse and Louis Vuitton was first announced. The combination of Minnie's endearing charm and Louis Vuitton's exquisite craftsmanship promised to create a collection that would leave fashion enthusiasts and Disney fans in awe.
The Collection: A Perfect Fusion of Styles
The Minnie Louis Vuitton collection is a perfect fusion of Minnie's playful spirit and Louis Vuitton's signature elegance. The designers at Louis Vuitton managed to encapsulate the essence of Minnie Mouse within their renowned luxury products, creating a line that was both whimsical and refined.
The collection features an array of iconic Louis Vuitton products, such as handbags, wallets, scarves, and accessories, all adorned with Minnie's trademark polka dots and her iconic bow. The incorporation of Minnie's design elements into Louis Vuitton's classic patterns was a stroke of genius, resulting in a collection that appeals to both Disney enthusiasts and luxury fashion connoisseurs.
In addition to the design elements, the Minnie Louis Vuitton collection also introduced new color schemes inspired by Minnie's vibrant personality. Bold reds, soft pinks, and striking blacks dominated the palette, further enhancing the playful yet sophisticated aesthetic of the collaboration.
The Impact: A Global Sensation
The Minnie Louis Vuitton collaboration made waves across the globe, captivating the fashion world and Disney enthusiasts alike. The collection quickly became a global sensation, with limited-edition pieces selling out within minutes of their release.
Celebrities, fashion bloggers, and influencers were among the first to showcase the Minnie Louis Vuitton pieces on social media, further fueling the frenzy surrounding the collaboration. The hashtag #MinnieLV trended on various platforms, showcasing the immense popularity and appeal of the collection.
Beyond the immediate success, the collaboration also opened up new avenues for both brands. Disney enthusiasts who were previously unfamiliar with luxury fashion were introduced to the world of Louis Vuitton, while loyal Louis Vuitton customers found a new appreciation for the timeless charm of Minnie Mouse.
The Legacy: Collectibles for Generations
One of the most significant impacts of the Minnie Louis Vuitton collaboration is its legacy as collectibles. The limited-edition nature of the pieces, combined with the enduring appeal of both Minnie Mouse and Louis Vuitton, makes these items highly coveted by collectors.
As time passes, the Minnie Louis Vuitton collection becomes more than just fashion pieces; they transform into cherished artifacts, evoking nostalgia and fond memories of the collaboration's debut. These collectibles hold not only monetary value but also sentimental value, making them treasures passed down through generations.
The Minnie Louis Vuitton collaboration stands as a testament to the power of bringing together timeless icons from different worlds. The partnership between Minnie Mouse and Louis Vuitton united their legacies of charm and luxury, creating a collection that resonates with people of all ages and backgrounds.
The collaboration's success not only showcased the immense appeal of both Minnie Mouse and Louis Vuitton but also expanded the horizons of fashion and luxury enthusiasts. It proved that the magic of creativity knows no bounds, transcending the boundaries of animated characters and high-end fashion.
As we look to the future, the Minnie Louis Vuitton collaboration will continue to inspire designers and fashion enthusiasts, reminding us that the most extraordinary creations often emerge from the most unexpected unions. The enchanting world of Minnie Mouse, gracefully blended with the elegance of Louis Vuitton, will remain a cherished chapter in fashion history, forever celebrated for its timeless charm and lasting legacy.
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perezpanduro8 · 2 years
replica dior scarf 9
Dior Scarf Lovely silk scarf by Christian Dior in pink and orange colours that includes geometric design print. On 1stDibs, discover an exquisite vary of vintage Christian Dior clothing, jewelry, purses and different gadgets. wikipedia scarf Most people wear a scarf or shawl when winters arrive and temperatures start to drop to keep themselves heat. The gorgeous Dior scarves and shawls are beautiful trend accessories which not solely look elegant however attract all attention in the path of the outfit. Dior has no normal designs for scarves and cloths however rather many alternative patterns with quite so much of colours. One such design is recognized as the "Mitza”. This is a silk scarf within the type of a ribbon. Another design, Carré, is a sq. fabric. One of these ways is carrying it as a bow which may be seen commonly on actual trendsetters, trend bloggers and celebrities. The scarf is folded until it is straight. Then the headband is wrapped across the neck and the identical is done with the laces. Voilà, any scarf wearer immediately look trendy. Printed in hues of magenta, blue, white and red- this piece makes a statement! This scarf is flexible with a capital V! Christian Dior navy blue floral-print embroidered element scarf with fringing on the end. Comes in unique Dior presentation field. Christian Dior Beige & Pastel Pink Wool Blend Fringed Scarf - Wool & silk beige scarf that includes pastel pink floral pattern to the centre - Tricolour stripped design to the sting ... 100% genuine Christian Dior spades-clubs-diamonds-hearts and glover knitted scarf in black and pink cashmere (100%). Has been worn and is in excellent condition. When somebody says Dior, folks immediately think of well-liked style and elegance. https://phoenet.tw/replica-scarfs-shawls/replica-christian-dior-silk-scarf.html Most people are additionally unaware of the wealthy history behind the esteemed fashion house. On REBELLE, quite a few brand products are available together with the exquisite Christian Dior gloves. I posted that Christion Dior scarf on Ebay at a starting bid of $48.00 and immediately received plenty of consideration however only one particular person bid on it. I thought that was unusual however wasn't too nervous about it. Christian Dior and Dior are the same. The former refers to the founding designer of his namesake fashion house, Dior. For days when you want your accent to current your style, this Christian Dior stole is perfect. It comes with a display of the model's coveted monogram. Dior’s collection definitively declared that opulence, luxury and femininity were in. His skirts may have 40-meter-circumference hems, and outfits may weigh up to 60 pounds. This is a vintage christian dior scarf in superb condition. Is replica wholesale retailer, We solely supply the very best quality replicas. We have our own factories to make every little thing. It has a hand rolled hem which is still good and it is a fantastic classic silk scarf by christian dior. Beautiful christian dior vintage pure silk scarf . A really good dior scarf , a beautiful merchandise, money on assortment from LONDON please, or can deliver locally for cost of fuel, no PayPal please, money on collection or native supply thank you. Suitable for collectors or as a present. After he pleased his mother and father by finding out to turn into a diplomat, he invested all of his time working in a gallery. Later he was requested to work with a number of well-known style designers however Christian had his personal vision. In 1946, he launched his own label, which to today continues to be beloved by tens of millions.
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hearties-circus · 3 years
Hm. Pink
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ddarker-dreams · 3 years
Christmas Together / Scarlet Ribbons.
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kicking off the christmas season with some highly indulgent hcs ! i’m also planning to write mini scenarios of getting caught under the mistletoe with each bucci gang member ehehe 
[Scarlet Ribbons description]
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Bruno Bucciarati;
It’s likely that Bruno will be the one you spend your first Christmas in Italy with. He’ll do everything that he can to make it a memorable experience for you, from taking you sightseeing to offering to spend the day together. His emphasis is always on the togetherness the season is meant to bring, so he’ll do what he so you never feel lonely or homesick. 
When you’re dating, he’ll ask to take you to his hometown on the sea during the holiday season. Bruno wants to show you, the most important person in his life, where he had made beloved childhood memories. Of course, this includes treating you to meals and a stay in a luxury hotel. Bruno’s overjoyed to share this aspect of himself with you, an innocence that he long thought departed from him. You get to create new memories and reminiscence on old ones together.
The most likely from everyone here to propose during the holiday season. It feels fitting somehow, after sharing this much about himself and his ideals, that you two could eternally be tied together. Should you say yes, Bruno would obviously be elated, holding you so tight without intending to let go for as long as you should indulge him. Afterward, he’d bring you to the area his father is buried, saying that he’s now in good hands with you.
What Bruno would get you: A ring, whether it be an engagement ring or just a token of his love until you’ll have him as your husband. It’d likely cost a small fortune, a gold twist ring with a diamond in the center. 
What Bruno would like from you: Honestly, this man needs a week or so away. Of course with you to sweeten to deal. Promise him a cruise and he’ll be putty in your hands. 
Giorno Giovanna;
Growing up, Giorno never got to truly celebrate Christmas, only learning about it in school. Due to that, he’s knowledgeable about the holiday but doesn’t feel a real connection to it. His newfound enthusiasm would come from getting to watch you enjoy the various activities. He does his best to create more time in his busy schedule as not to miss out on this time meant to be spent with those dearest to him. 
He would honestly melt if you brought him hot chocolate while he’s working in his office. It’s a small but touching gesture that warms his heart, it feels so surreal to him to have someone who loves him as much as you do. Giorno will invite you to stay with him so that the two of you can sit on the couch together, setting his work aside as he by far favors your company. Might get a bit mischievous and dab away the whipped cream you get on your face, leaning in closer than necessary with a sly smile. 
Gold Experience Requiem is something of a sentient Stand, but still closely reflects Giorno’s wishes that he keeps locked away. While the two of you are walking somewhere, his Stand will imbue life into a nearby object, creating mistletoe that hangs above your heads. Giorno would bashfully apologize for his Stand’s behavior, only to be pleasantly surprised when you go on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek. He will be thinking about this moment for the rest of the week, god, your lips are so soft and feel so nice.
What Giorno would get you: Everything . No, but really, Giorno is going to want to spoil you even more than usual. You look at something in a window for .00001 seconds and it’s going to be wrapped up and given to you. Somebody stop this man .
What Giorno would like from you: Poor boy probably hasn’t ever gotten a Christmas present before, so anything would touch his heart. Giorno would love anything handmade or with sentimental value. A scrapbook or photos would be treasured. 
Guido Mista;
Mista has honestly never really thought this time of year is anything special, not that he doesn’t enjoy it. He’s just never been big into holidays and stuff. Experiencing all these things with you changes his tune towards it though, it makes it all the more special. Every cheesy couple activity under the sun is going to be done with him, a goofy grin on his face. He’s so in love and can’t wait to make dumb memories together. 
For some reason, he’s oddly determined to make a gingerbread man house with you. The gingerbread man cookies he decorates look a little off, their proportions funny and icing smeared everywhere. If you can’t hold back your laughter at the nightmarish looking creatures, he’s going to smear icing on your face, so beware. Mista will lick it off before running away from your wrath. 
Sex Pistols get included in the celebration too of course. They’d be over the moon should you make cookies that look like them, though if you look away for a second too long, they’re still going to eat them. Most of your cooking consists of Mista trying to shoo away Pistols while you’re doing a majority of the work lmao. Number Five does his best to help! He’ll turn the recipe book’s pages for you and offer to help decorate. It’s super precious. 
What Mista would get you: Ugly sweaters that he thinks are cool looking and literally everything on your wishlist. He spends all day wrapping your dozens of presents with Pistols pitching in.
What Mista would like from you: Mista is an easygoing guy, so he’d love basically anything. Put a bow on your head and say you’re his gift and it’ll really get him going. ; ) 
Pannacotta Fugo;
Fugo doesn’t associate Christmas with warm and fuzzy memories. He remembers all the dreadful socialite parties his parents would drag him to, how he was forced into uncomfortable tuxedos for hours, pretending like they were a happy family. With you in life his now, he’s willing to give it another go, but would need some encouragement. Fugo would only be doing it for your sake since he’s so whipped for seeing you happy. <3
Would love walking hand in hand with you through Via San Gregorio Armeno, taking in the remarkable craftsmanship of the nativity scenes. Fugo will visibly light up at the chance to impress you with his knowledge. He excitedly goes into rambles about the history of various things, from saints to traditions that were born in Naples. He’ll have a cute flush on his cheeks when he finishes speaking, realizing how you’re able to get him to talk so much. It’s precious. 
Fugo is very insistent that you bundle up during this wintery season. Before you leave to go anywhere, he’s mumbling that you’re going to catch a cold, throwing scarves over you. He would never admit it, but the sight of you all bundled up with cheeks flushed from the cold is literally the cutest thing he’s ever seen in his life. Don’t point out his staring, or he’ll get sulky. 
What Fugo would get you: Fugo would fret over getting a gift you’d like. He’d go somewhat old fashioned, getting you a beautiful necklace that has your birthstone in the middle. 
What Fugo would like from you: Attention. No, but really, he loves learning, get him some books on a topic he recently got interested in and he’ll be over the moon. Especially if you write a little note for him, he’d ascend.  
Narancia Ghirgha;
Narancia is practically vibrating in excitement over getting to spend this time with you. He’ll tell you all the stuff he wants to do, enthusiastically waving his arms around, though it’s unlikely you’ll be able to do everything he wants. Narancia is going to be glued to your hip, ready to experience all the mushy couple stuff he can. He’s a bit clingy during this time, but indulge him, he hasn’t had good Christmas memories since his mom was alive and healthy. 
God bless your soul if it snows . You probably already expect as much from him at this point, but he’s going to be throwing snowballs at you, laughing and running around when you pout at him. Narancia has a competitive streak, so throwing them back will incite a wild snowball fight. It’s all fun and games until he breaks out Aerosmith to attack your snow fort, then you’re having to reprimand him for using his Stand. >:((
He’ll tell you what it was like being in a detention center during Christmas, opening up more about his past. While he doesn’t seem to recount the time with obvious pain, you know him well and can tell when he’s hurting. Narancia would honestly consider proposing to you on the spot when you comfort him, saying that he’ll never have to spend this time of year alone now that he has you. It’s a sweet moment that he’ll literally never forget. 
What Narancia would get you: Narancia would spend days making a custom mixtape, full of songs that you both love!!! He’d accompany the CD with bags of candy, bashfully offering to feed it to you. 
What Narancia would like from you: If you wrote a song for him, he would probably cry from happiness. Narancia would be clapping like a madman when you finished singing it, saying it’s the best thing he’s ever heard in his life, and fully meaning it too.
Leone Abbacchio;
From an outsider’s perspective, one might expect Abbacchio to take a Grinch-like approach towards Christmas, but he’s surprisingly fine with it. Aside from loud caroling. He’ll make his displeasure for that known. It’s kind of always been just another month for him, but for your sake, he’ll make an effort to do whatever you please. Abbacchio grumbles as you drag him from place to place, but he’s literally melting on the inside at your cute enthusiasm. :’)
Abbacchio would forever imprint the sight of you in the snow into his memory. He watches the snowflakes dance around you, falling into your hair and glistening beautifully. While you’re going around trying to catch the snow, he allows himself this single happiness, silently wondering if he deserves it after everything he’s done. Before the negative thoughts can fester, you call him over, asking to make snow angels together. He doesn’t do it, he’ll just watch you having fun lmao.
You actually managed to convince him to wear matching sweaters, but not without a fair share of puppy eyes. Abbacchio is inclined to give in to most of your whims and this time is no different. Of course, he’ll only do it if no one is around, to save his honor. He’d enjoy having an arm wrapped around you by the fireplace, closing his eyes in contemplation. He feels immense gratitude to your presence in his life. 
What Abbacchio would get you: Similar to Fugo, Abbacchio would feel worried about getting a good gift. He knows he can be prickly at times and feels this would be an opportunity to showcase his love for you. Eventually settles on a night out at your favorite restaurant and gifts you a bracelet at the end. 
What Abbacchio would like from you: Your hand in marriage, he’d appreciate simple little things with lots of thought put into them. Making him breakfast, getting him a pair of shoes that goes with one of his outfits, stuff like that. 
Trish Una;
Trish lives for all the cute couple-y stuff that you two can do during this season. Even if she won’t admit it outright, you can sense her excitement, but she’ll pout if you point it out. She’s not much for baking usually but will want to make cookies with you on the weekends as a date. Trish especially likes decorating them and gets super focused on getting the details perfect. 
You two go on so many shopping trips. Trish will be holding your hand, taking you from store to store, trying on clothes together. She loves giving you recommendations based on what would complement your body type, you’ll be dressed to perfection at the end of the day. Trish doesn’t even bother looking at the price tags, she just picks what looks good and keeps going lmao. 
In your downtime together, she’s going to be singing softly to you, running her hands through your hair as you lay down on her lap. Trish lives for intimate moments like this. She remembers how she loved spending Christmas with her mother, and while it hurts she can no longer do that, she’s immensely grateful to be with you. It makes the loneliness she would’ve felt more bearable. If you fall asleep while she sings to you, Trish will place a kiss to your forehead, whispering how she loves you in a way she’d normally be too embarrassed to. 
What Trish would get you: Fashion and makeup baby !! It wouldn’t be exclusive to one day either. Lip gloss, eyeshadow palettes, new shoes, jewelry, bath bombs, the whole works. She gets a bit too into it. 
What Trish would like from you: Matching accessories would make her heart practically beat out of her chest. That, or a charm bracelet, with charms linked to specific memories of your time together. <33
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cendriet · 3 years
Prompt #26: Flight
“Engine output at normal levels! No leakage detected from the pipes!”
“Propellers at optimum rotations. Cooling systems, lighting, all working as expected.”
“All looks top-notch from ‘ere! Oughta be ready for takeoff in a couple clicks!”
She watched from the bow with a cool, dispassionate eye, lips pursed. Calculations had been performed twice, thrice, and yet more times over. Every spot she knew like the back of her hand, blueprints borne to life and etched in memory. In theory, nothing could go wrong. In practise, variables all increased the chances of failure. There was, however small, a very real chance that they would all go up in smoke.
Even so, she was not sure she would pass unhappy. This was, of course,  far from the pinnacle of her ambitions; merely a stepping stone on the road to greatness. Yet it was the furthest step she had taken thus far. Her pride and joy, her beloved handiwork, was about to take flight. For all her stoicness, there was a part of her that wanted to leap for joy, to cheer in triumph - maybe even treat herself to a swig of fine drink if they got through this! Of course, she had to be what the crew expected of her, but in her heart, she knew --
“Oi, Niv! You alright there?”
Speaking of crew. She sighed, her turned back hiding the briefest roll of her eyes before facing the offending speaker.
“Miss Pollard, please. Formal titles during work hours. And you know I dislike being called that.”
“Ack! Sorry, Ni-Captain…” Hand rose behind the woman’s back, a bashful chuckle passing from lips.
Sarah Pollard. She’d personally instructed her at the Manufactory in firearms, and when offered the chance to sail the skies, she’d jumped at the chance. Sometimes a bit too cheery for her tastes; always the nicknames, always suggesting a round of drinks or a celebration after achievements. But that sort of spirit was just what she needed in the face of her fixation on work.
“Still, s’exciting, ain’t it?! Come on, don’t tell me you ain’t excited! Give it a couple moments, and we’re all about to have our socks knocked off an’ straight into the sky!”
“We can save the excitement for if we’re not all incinerated in this. Or come crashing to the ground, or simply fall off…”
“Aw, don’t be such a killjoy! I checked this lot just like you said. We’ll be fine, I’d bet my last gil on it. S’you being all doom and gloom that’ll get us lot dead.”
“...Perhaps.” A sigh. Even if she probably was right. 
“Besides!” A new voice now, baritone calling for attention even above the vessel’s rising roar. “T’would be a poor end to the tale were we to fall before we’d even began. Nymeia is on our side this day, or my name’s not Ulvont!”
Ulvont Paujaire. The dashing, debonair sky pirate, or so he clearly hoped to be. She forbade the last term, but that didn’t stop the attitude. Supposedly grown up around an antiquarian, with a fascination for long-lost treasures, it was small wonder he was drawn to this life. With few prepared for for longer voyages, beggars could not be choosers, and his eye for bargains would serve them well.
“I would think us quite desperate to hope for the Twelve’s aid before looking to our own skill.”
“And you, dear Captain Cendriet, are the most superbly skilled of all!”
“Keep up with that and I’ll have to make punishments for sycophancy.” Even if she smiled just a little from that.
“Pah! A bit of flattery never hurt anybody! If anything, you’ll want to punish Toren. HIs eyes were looking far too carefully around the hold for his own --”
“The hold? I’m right here, you know.”
Toren Alvis. She wasn’t sure what to make of him; a sellsword, though born of Ishgard. He seemed far too polite for one in that line of work, far too honest. He sought coin, new opportunities, and would not turn because it would be poor for reputation. Quieter than most, and smarter than he let on. His skill at arms was unquestionable, though she would be sure to keep a close eye on him.
“Oi, oi! Don’t sneak up on us like that! Gave me a right bloody fright, you did!” Sarah was quick to reward his stealth with a slap on the cheek, if one without too much force. 
“Ow!” A momentary rub at the affected spot, before he’d settle into a shrug. “Sorry, I guess...To be fair, it’s pretty hard to be heard over the engine!”
“A sign of triumph, I should think! Onwards and upwards, to ever greater heights!”
From the captain, only silence. Watching. Waiting. Any moment now.
The engine’s bellow; the blades’ hum. Some flew on but a wing and a prayer. Not those of Aubaine. Her years of learning, careful construction, a dedicated crew. However this turned out, she knew they had all done their very best.
At first, a shudder, a stumble for most. Then, a whir. Higher, higher; the ground below them more distant by the second, the clouds moving to greet them. 
“A hundred yalms...Two hundred yalms...Three hundred…”
Further, so much further to go. It was not enough to achieve mere takeoff. With each passing moment the air grew thinner, the sky closer. Scarves were wrapped tightly around reddening cheeks, what hands remained outdoors keeping a wide berth of even railings.
“One thousand…”
Rain trapped in clouds dampened skin and clothes, eyes shut and goggles on to shield from the dense fog. Was this relinquishment from the chains of land, or passing into the very jaws of death? Soon, she would know.
“...Five thousand yalms! Lift is stable, no signs of altitude loss!” 
Neither wind nor engine could dull the cheer that let loose across the deck. Laughter borne of passing fear and emergent joy, a beaming grin even she could not hold from her lips. Success, at least for now. 
One of many, to be sure. Next came how far it could travel, for how long, how high, all with ever-increasing weight. Then the logistics, the regularity, on top of maintenance and keeping the crew happy as the trials wore on spirits.
She knew it would be far from easy. She knew she played a risky hand; to bet all, unsure of just how much she might win.
But for this, her dream, she knew whatever came of this would be worth it.
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mydearestmonster · 4 years
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Warmer than a Scarf (Drider gf Velour x Reader)
“You really don’t have to go through the trouble.”
“I don’t want you to catch cold.”
“I’ll be fine! It's not like I haven’t survived a winter before” You rested your cheek against your hand as you sunk further into your chair. The warmth of the fireplace reached you from across the room as you gazed outside the frosted window sill. “I have scarves already, anyway.”
“True as that may be, you don’t have one crafted with love and affection by your beloved girlfriend,” Velour smiled, both sets of eyes blinking coyly, “Isn’t that right, dewdrop?” 
The pet name made you smile ever so slightly. Defeated, you rose from your perch in the chair and padded over beside her. She lowered herself a little, low enough for you to reach up to give her a quick kiss on the cheek. Velour giggled, soft and breathy. Her laughs sounded more like whispers than anything else. You watched her deft hands as she returned to her knitting. Not many driders enjoyed knitting as much as she did, but she found creating garments with her own silk yarn more interesting than spinning webs in a cave. 
You leaned against her abdomen as you watched her work. It was cool to the touch, smooth and black as obsidian. She hummed happily as she finally held up the garment. 
“There, all finished.” she mused. 
The purple scarf shimmered where the light caught it, practically sparkling in the glow of the fire. Velour’s silk was unlike any other material you’d ever seen. She looked down at you again, smiling. 
“May I?” 
“Of course.” You returned to the center of the room and bowed your head. The gesture made her laugh again. You know you’re something special when you can make a drider laugh. She slipped the cool fabric around your neck, her long sharp nails tucking a few loose strands of hair behind your ear. The fabric was smooth against your skin. Soft and light, yet still warm. 
“Do you like it?” Velour beamed down at you.
“It's beautiful.” You mused, feeling the fabric between your fingers. She sighed happily and sunk back down beside the fire. A soft glow cast over her pale skin made her cheeks look just a little bit brighter. Driders aren’t very big fans of the cold. You found the winters to be particularly harsh on Velour’s energy as she spent the days nestled beside a fire that was never quite warm enough. It took her a lot of effort for her to bring herself to knit during the winter…
She picked up her knitting needles again.
“Velour-” you laughed, trying to place your hands over hers, “Velour, you’re gonna tire yourself out.”
“You’re going to need more than a scarf to stay warm in this weather!” Though she gave a small sharp smile, one set of eyes blinked droopily. 
“You say that like I’m going to go out in the snow in my underwear.” On your toes, you placed a hand on her cheek. “I love the scarf, I love you, and I’d love it if you didn’t push yourself too hard.”
“Oh, dewdrop..” she sighed, leaning into your warm touch, “Aren’t you quite the persuasive one?”
“I have to be if you’re going to be so stubborn.” Velour whined as you pulled your hand away, already missing the warmth. “Tell you what, I’m gonna go get some more firewood and when I get back I’ll put on some tea. Sounds good?”
“Sounds good.” She repeated softly.
You smiled, and went about collecting your jacket and boots. You could feel her eyes on you as you made for the door. 
“I’ll be fast.” You adjusted the scarf tighter around your neck. A rush of snowy wind forced the door open the moment it was unlocked, making you shiver even under your layers of clothing. Suddenly, you heard a rushed skittering and the door was abruptly shut. Velour stood over you, her hand still on the door. A lingering bite of cold made your shoulders tremble. Velour grinned.
“Too cold. I told you~”
“Yeah, you did.” You sighed, “Ok fine, it's too cold. I guess that means I get to stay here and keep warm with you instead?”
“Mmm, I always preferred that option.” She guided you the nest of pillows and blankets beside the fire she had been cozied up in for the last few hours and settled down into a more easily reachable position. Eye to eyes, you looped your arms around her neck as she pulled you close, relishing in the warmth. You sat like that in silence for a few moments, just taking in the quiet comfort of each other. 
“You’re much warmer than the fire, dewdrop.” she whispered, her face nestled in the crook of your neck. “We should have started the winter like this.”
“You know I’m going to have to leave sooner or later, right?” The way she tightened her hold on you made you chuckle - she obviously didn’t want to lose her favorite heat source any time soon.
“I’d prefer later, then.” Velour mumbled, “Although…”
Suddenly she let go and sat up, grinning. 
“You’d be much more fit to go out into the cold if I made you a sweater!”
“Velour NO-”
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jadeender · 5 years
Back to his Roots
They had awoken the next morning to find Four split, his fragments asleep curled up together where Four has been before. With the storm gone they set out early. Leaving their cave they looked an odd bunch, with their normal clothes dry again the links had adopted an odd fashion sense.
They wore an odd mismatch of their own clothes and their darks. Four’s selves were still wearing their darker colors, Twilight had doned all his own clothes again including his wolf pelt, and Time was redressed in his full armor though a hint of black tunic peaked out from where white normally did.
Legend had chosen to keep Acidics long black under tunic placing his red tunic over it and forgoing wearing either of their caps, it showed off how Legend’s hair had gained some green streaks like those in Acidics. Wind had also gone back to his normal clothes though he didn’t have much to mix and match like the others did.
Hyrule looked like he was going through a goth phase, he had kept all of Callous’s clothes except for replacing the top layer with his own green tunic, likely Callous had made a big fuss about it leading to the current situation. Or so Warriors thought. Wild had returned to his normal clothes in addition to doning a simple black cloak, his clothes were perfectly clean and unwrinkled, his hair brushed and made into a simple ponytail. Sky as well had gone back to his own clothes completely.
Everyone had packed away their darks clothes in case they ever needed them again and headed out.
Warriors himself had gone back to his usual clothes and armor with his and Conqueror’s scarves, it was quite sweltering normally wearing two scarves but the mountains they were currently traveling through were quite cold so he was thankful for the extra layers.
As always Hyrule’s home was full of monsters and these mountains were crawling with axe wielding Diara and wallmasters. By noontime they were all drenched in sweat and tired the fights were near constant and their progress was slow. Not that Warriors minded a good fight occasionally but even he was tired.
Conqueror on the other hand, he lived for this. Everytime their sword decapitated another foe he delighted. His bloodlust was stronger than any Warriors had ever seen. It honestly scared Warriors a little to think that he could ever be consumed by that same kind of desire for blood.
Turning his thoughts back outward Warriors noticed things were changing, a tingling feeling rose on the back of his neck before a feeling like pouring water washed over him. In a moment their surrounding shifted from the mountainous tunnels they had been traversing into an open field in front of a magnificent castle. Warriors knew it in a second, he was home.
The gates of Hyrule Castle opened as the heroes stood there attempting to get their bearings. Once the gate was open the forces of Hyrule marched forth in rows and rows of armed warriors. Dressed simply in blue and white tunics bearing the hyrule crest, light armor, and helms adorned with the hyrule crest as well, they marched out creating a corridor back towards the castle.
“This is a high class welcome.” Legend commented.
“Welcome to my home.” Warriors said flourishing at his castle and his men that surrounded them. “They don't do a welcome like this for anyone, but I’m an exception.”
Warriors started down the corridor his head held high but as he attempted to go three soldiers broke off and made a line keeping him from continuing.
“Ah Warriors, is this normal?” Wild asked from behind them.
“No, its not.” Warriors said eyeing the soldiers in front off him. “Who has been in charge in my absence? I wanted to speak with them.”
“Oh I wouldn’t worry about them darling. They’re a bit tied up at the moment. You’ll be dealing with me today.” The voice of a woman floated from down the line and the boys watched dumbfounded as Veran strood confidently down the corridor towards them.
Immediately Warriors grabbed for his sword and made ready.
“This bitch again. Now’s the perfect time to end her.” Conqueror commented as Warriors sword twitched in his hands and he could feel his dark gearing up to take control for the fight.
“Not now Barbie.” Warriors grunted. “Let them go Veran.”
The woman merely laughed. “But I’ve only just enslaved them, it was rather easy actually. Once I told them off how their hero and beloved leader had turned traitor, consorting with beings of darkness and slaughtering nations, they all willing joined my side.”
Warriors seethed at the accusation, him a traitor? There was nothing on this earth he hated more than traitors, not cia or even ganon himself.
As his anger grew Warriors didn’t even notice Conqueror taking control smoothly he charged at Veran.
“Warriors no!” Someone called out as he went to cut off her head only to have one of his soldiers, his men, to step in front taking the blow meant for her. The man's head toppled to the ground. And he laughed.
Warriors laughed looking at the dead man, he honestly couldn't tell if it was Conqueror’s or his own excitement he was feeling but the prospect of an all out battle, a real battle excited him.
“It seems you will have your work cut out for you men.” Veran called to soldiers. “These men are criminals and traitors the crown, see this ones red eyes? Proof he has given over to the forces of darkness and turned traitor. Destroy them in the name of your princess.”
Veran gave a rallying cry and the soldiers joined in before rushing at the heroes with sword, lance, and bow at the ready.
Warriors shut everyone out completely as he raised his sword and began to swing, his friends could be dead in the ground but all he could think about was getting to Veran and destroying her. For once he didn’t feel the need to resist Conqueror and found their intentions and motivations aligning as they fought.
Raising his shield the man blocked a hail fire of arrows before running forward slicing in a wide arc taking out the first rank of soldiers, as they fell another with locked shields took their place.
“Excellent.” His voice slurred falling in between Warriors and Conquerors tones.
Warriors took out yet another wave as he turned around for the first time his clothes soaked in blood to look at his companions. None of them were fighting, they had their weapons out but were completely unmoving, they appeared disinterested or shocked.
“Traitors all of them.” He whispered, turning back to the battle at hand. Summoning part of his powers the man created several copies of himself each bearing a black image with glowing red eyes. The clones went to work pushing back against the army their might together clearing the way as the man himself strolled up to Veran.
“What power you’ve shown darlin.” The woman complimented. “Are you sure you’re really a hero? You seem rather…. Dark.”
Veran laughed at her own pun as the man readied his sword.
“You’ll pay for doing this to us.” The man grunted out. He slashed down at the witch who disappeared in a flash and reappeared floating in the air.
“Tisk tisk, not yet my dear. You may seek me at the home of my master.” With that Veran disappeared into black smoke.
A scream ripped from Warriors throat as he looked at where she had been not a second ago. The man turned back towards his companions and found the clones gone and the army in ruins, those left were running now that they’d seen what kind of monster their captain had become. Serves them right the traitors for believing the words off that witch.
The man stalked back towards his companions who met him with raised sword.
“What the hell Warriors, or Conqueror or whoever you are right now.” Time bellowed his sword stretched out front.
“C’mon Eternal you love a good blood bath as much as any true dark.” Conqueror said his words slurring against Warriors sarcastic answer of “Whatever I want.”
“You need to stop.” Time continued. “Don’t you see the innocent men that lay dead around you? That you slaughtered?”
“Of course I do, it was fun haven't let loose in awhile. ‘Side Stygian said I’d have a time to be angry, this is it. Even got control of this body while I was at it.” Conqueror said as he cleaned off the blood from their sword with Warriors royal blue scarf.
Hearing those words snapped Warriors back into reality, he found his control slippin away by the second, in anger he’d allowed Conqueror to distract him and take control.
“No.” He gurgled out as Warriors fought to take control again. Time who had been ranted about something stopped seeing the change.
“Fight him Warriors!” Wind yelled. The others joined in a similar vein.
“I won't go back, never again soldier boy.” Conqueror swore. “You better get used to it.”
Conqueror reached and unwound the blue scarf from his neck and dropped it to the ground in an act of finality.
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gildedink · 5 years
Gods of Tenruon'ou - Tsakiri, Goddess of the Moon
The Goddess of the Moon, Tsakiri is both the literal and metaphysical embodiment of the heavenly body within the world of Tenruon’ou. She is one of the first two divine beings to emerge from the ether of The Void and in affiliated with human females. She is also known as the Holy Nurturer, the Protector, the Goddess of Tragedy, Mystery, Misery, Lovers, Repentance, Mercy and Protectress of Women. Commonly referred to as Lady Moon or Lady Tsakiri, she was the one to create the oceans and the Sea Realm. Alone she created the Great Silver Shark, Kural, to rule the watery domains she had made and is thus referred to as The Great Mother by Sea Spirits.
There are several symbols, motifs, plants and animals that are connected to Tsakiri. They are listed below.
Animals: sharks, coral, starfish
Plants: moonflowers, jasmine, lavender
Stones: emeralds, pearls, white marble
Objects: shark teeth, sea shells, sea glass
  Physical Appearance
Within the lore of Vidy'aa, Tsakiri is described as a female figure with three sets of arms and a long, semi-sheer veil that covers her body. In the full version of The Legend of the Sun and Moon, Tsakiri is described thus;
       “With long tresses, dark as the cosmos, she extended her white arms up, down and out to her sides. Delicate fingers grabbed starfoam with which she molded Kural, the Great Silver Shark, first-born of the Great Spirits. The Bright Mother than ripped out the eighth row of her teeth and affixed them to her child’s mouth so that he may use both teeth and tongue as weapon in place of claws. Thus, seven rows of razor sharp teeth remained in the Goddess’s lovely pink mouth.”
Later within the story, her appearance changes as a result of pushing her brother, the Sun God Zoleko, out of their shared Celestial Palace;
       “Thus with a great, furious cry the white Goddess pushed her brother and friend from the tower on high in the cosmos. Noble Zoleko tumbled down, shocked at the betrayal of his sister and friend. When her shadow-lurid rage subsided, Tsakiri recoiled at her actions. With a wail she scratched at her face, furrows deep as her sorrow becoming etched on her cheeks. The marks wept silver as her eyes, her tears falling into the Sky Realm as stars.”
It is due to this event that the Moon Goddess begins veiling herself and creating the phases of the moon humans see today, as well as the stars in the night sky.
Through various legends and stories, a concise description for the Goddess is as follows; long, wavy black hair that melts into the dark night sky or cosmos, silver eyes and pale-white skin. Three sets of arms are on her torso; the top set is studded with the gemstones of the Sea, the middle set is swirled with black characters in a language known only to the Gods, and the bottom set has been completely blackened due to her sin of evicting the Sun God, Zoleko. Within her mouth are seven rows of pointed teeth (previously eight before the Great Silver Shark was created) and clawed marks on her cheeks like tear tracts that weep silver liquid. It is unclear if this liquid is the Goddess’s blood or another manifestation of her remorse.
The following is the family tree of the Goddess Tsakiri.
Mother: Unknown
Father: Unknown
Siblings: Zoleko, God of the Sun; Sheliirpa, The Demon King
Children: Kural, The Great Silver Shark; all Sea Spirits
  Lovers and Offspring
Currently, it is unknown if Tsakiri has ever had any lovers. By creating Kural, it was shown she does not require a male counterpart to create. However, all other Sea Spirits were created by herself and Kural. It is unclear if this union was purely in the crafting sense or in the sexual sense.
Some local retellings of The Legend of the Sun and Moon state that Tsakiri and Zoleko were lovers.
All Sea Spirits are the offspring of the Moon Goddess. Kural, The Great Silver Shark, is the only Spirit she created alone. Humans who are Blessed by Sea Spirits see themselves, by extension, as children of Tsakiri. The most notable family is the Jurai Clan who have been Blessed by Kural for as far back as human records go. Those Blessed by The Great Silver Shark inherit silver eyes that match both Kural and Tsakiri.
  Key Myths
The following are the myths and legends that are integral to Tsakiri either in regards to characterization by the religion, cosmic role or moral lesson.
The Legend of the Sun and Moon
The story of the creation of the universe. It also tells of the awakening of the Goddess Tsakiri and her brother, Zoleko.
The Legend of the Great Silver Shark
The story detailing the creation of the Great Silver Shark by the Goddess. He was created by Tsakiri alone with no other aid.
The Legend of the Great Drowning
The myth of how the second great human city, Hajitanjō, was drowned at the request of the Great Silver Shark Kural by the Goddess Tsakiri. The city was flooded in order to hide the body of a brave warrior from the Demon Prince Xi’hasa who, it is claimed, to have threatened to defile and puppet the body.
The Legend of the Dragon’s Eye
The tale of how a powerful gem called the Dragon’s Eye is made. There have only been two recorded sightings of the gemstone and both times it has been wielded by someone within the Tanaka Clan.
The Legend of the Constellations
The story of how a young woman showed the Goddess how to make pictures with the stars. A touching tale of female friendship that crossed both station and time.
The Legend of the Lanterns
The tale of three pairs of forbidden lovers; a young priest and a male acolyte of his, an elderly maid and an elderly widowed man, and two female prostitutes. The story blends the three tales into one as the six people encourage and influence one another. It is a love story of hope, kindness and joy. Vastly popular with the common people. Not a religious text.
The Legend of the Bow
A story that tells of how the Moon Goddess inspired a blacksmith to create the bow weapon. Because it was inspired by the crescent shape of the Moon, it became a common weapon for female nobility and linked to the Goddess herself, though the Goddess herself does not wield a bow.
The Legend of Many Scarves
The story of how a male dancer captured the eye of the Moon Goddess. In return for his companionship, she taught him the way of silent movement. It some retellings they become lovers. In others the relationship is that of mentor-student.
The Legend of Destruction
A conspiracy story that is at the crux of the Cult of Rebirth. The story claims that when the end of days comes for the Universe, Alohirona will ascend to the Heavens and the Goddess Tsariri shall unhinge her 7-rowed maw and devour the world whole. She will then give birth to the world once again in another dimension of reality, where Alohirona does not exist.
  Known Favor
While Tsakiri is not known to often interact with humanity, some mortals have caught her eye on occasion.
  Javed Sherazi No record exists of this man, but The Legend of Many Scarves claims he was a clerk in service to Lord Prakash of the Bhāharas’ City-States. By night he would be taught by his elder sister, who excelled in the art of ritual dance. Over time, with Javed dancing under the moonlight, he caught the eye of Tsakiri. In some version they became companions of the night with the Goddess whispering secrets to the young man of the cosmos. In other versions he became a lover to the Goddess and laid with her. It in unclear how true this story is.
Jianyi Li The blacksmith of the providence of Sunwen from the destroyed Zhohang Empire. A well-known blacksmith, he is credited with creating the bow during a sleepless. He was inspired by the shape of the Goddess’ mostly-veiled face. In his notes there is line that seems to be either a prayer of a promise to the Goddess; ‘Though you shield your face, I shall make grief a weapon. Your sorrow will protect those of fair form.’
Roshan Terzi A young, Sea Blessed woman from the destroyed Ērsia Kingdom. Legend claims she is the one who created the first constellations by mapping the stars in the sky and noting the pattern of their movements in relation to the earth. All that is known about her comes from The Legend of the Constellations. She may have been a nobleman’s daughter, a favored concubine within the court or simply a fisherman’s daughter depending on the telling.
Himiko Fujita The sculptor of the largest statue of Tsakiri. A flower seller in Hachiiru, it is said she one day awoke with an insatiable need to create the largest image of the Goddess possible. She spent the next several years tirelessly working. The nobility of Mikaizu, moved by her dedication and fierce piety, provided her with gemstones, the finest stone to be mined, sculpting tools, food, water and silver. Though the then head of the Jurai Clan, Ryouta Jurai, offered to send workers to help her, Himiko vehemently refused. When the sculpture was completed, she collapsed on the ground in front of the statue, dead. The statue is enshrined in Haachiiru with an additional small shrine made on the spot Himiko collapsed to honor her. The Smarnians believe she was driven to madness by the Masked Muse.
The Drowned Warrior An unknown warrior whose death caused the flooding and concealment of the rumored second settlement of humanity, Hajitanjō. While no sex is specified by the legend, some scholars speculate them to be Kibou Jurai is the story states that it was at Kural’s request that the city was drowned. Those of the Smarnian Villages believe the drowning occurred due to an offence caused by the people against the Great Shark. The version of the legend told by the Far North Descendants says the warrior was a woman, a virginal maiden who was beloved by Kural but defiled by the demon Xi’hasa. The drowning was a means to purify her soul and allow it to be changed by the Goddess into a shark Spirit so that he may wed her.
Ayako Jurai While there is no record nor rumor that Lady Ayako Jurai has direct favor with the Moon Goddess, it is speculated she is highly favored by her son, Kural. As such, it can be said she is indirectly favored by the Goddess. One of the few female Jurai clan leaders, under her command the region of Mikaizu flourished both economically and socially. Many new temples dedicated to the Goddess were erected, worship of her increased within the region and women were given more freedoms both in possible job occupation and personal health rights. As all women are under Tsakiri’s care, such progressive strides may be seen as worthy of favor by the Goddess.
Kibou Jurai The first human to be Blessed by the Great Shark Spirit, Kural, on record. Kural was the last Great Spirit to Bless humanity and as such, it is surmised that Kibou also received the goddess’ favor.
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hennyjolzen · 5 years
by PAM GROSSMAN May 30, 2019
Pam Grossman is the author of Waking the Witch: Reflections on Women, Magic, and Power.
Witches have always walked among us, populating societies and storyscapes across the globe for thousands of years. From Circe to Hermione, from Morgan le Fay to Marie Laveau, the witch has long existed in the tales we tell about ladies with strange powers that can harm or heal. And although people of all genders have been considered witches, it is a word that is now usually associated with women.
Throughout most of history, she has been someone to fear, an uncanny Other who threatens our safety or manipulates reality for her own mercurial purposes. She’s a pariah, a persona non grata, a bogeywoman to defeat and discard. Though she has often been deemed a destructive entity, in actuality a witchy woman has historically been far more susceptible to attack than an inflictor of violence herself. As with other “terrifying” outsiders, she occupies a paradoxical role in cultural consciousness as both vicious aggressor and vulnerable prey.
Over the past 150 years or so, however, the witch has done another magic trick, by turning from a fright into a figure of inspiration. She is now as likely to be the heroine of your favorite TV show as she is its villain. She might show up in the form of your Wiccan coworker, or the beloved musician who gives off a sorceress vibe in videos or onstage.
There is also a chance that she is you, and that “witch” is an identity you have taken upon yourself for any number of reasons — heartfelt or flippant, public or private.
Today, more women than ever are choosing the way of the witch, whether literally or symbolically. They’re floating down catwalks and sidewalks in gauzy black clothing and adorning themselves with Pinterest-worthy pentagrams and crystals. They’re filling up movie theaters to watch witchy films, and gathering in back rooms and backyards to do rituals, consult tarot cards and set life-altering intentions. They’re marching in the streets with HEX THE PATRIARCHY placards and casting spells each month to try to constrain the commander-in-chief. Year after year, articles keep proclaiming, “It’s the Season of the Witch!” as journalists try to wrap their heads around the mushrooming witch “trend.”
And all of this begs the question: Why?
Why do witches matter? Why are they seemingly everywhere right now? What, exactly, are they? (And why the hell won’t they go away?)
I get asked such things over and over, and you would think that after a lifetime of studying and writing about witches, as well as hosting a witch-themed podcast and being a practitioner of witchcraft myself, my answers would be succinct.
In fact, I find that the more I work with the witch, the more complex she becomes. Hers is a slippery spirit: try to pin her down, and she’ll only recede further into the deep, dark wood.
I do know this for sure though: show me your witches, and I’ll show you your feelings about women. The fact that the resurgence of feminism and the popularity of the witch are ascending at the same time is no coincidence: the two are reflections of each other.
That said, this current Witch Wave is nothing new. I was a teen in the 1990s, the decade that brought us such pop-occulture as Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Charmed and The Craft, not to mention riot grrrls and third-wave feminists who taught me that female power could come in a variety of colors and sexualities. I learned that women could lead a revolution while wearing lipstick and combat boots — and sometimes even a cloak.
But my own witchly awakening came at an even earlier age.
Morganville, New Jersey, where I was raised, was a solidly suburban town, but it retained enough natural land features back then to still feel a little bit scruffy in spots. We had a small patch of woods in our backyard that abutted a horse farm, and the two were separated by a wisp of running water that we could cross via a plank of wood. In one corner of the yard, a giant puddle would form whenever it rained, surrounded by a border of ferns. My older sister, Emily, and I called this spot our Magical Place. That it would vanish and then reappear only added to its mystery. It was a portal to the unknown.
These woods are where I first remember doing magic — entering that state of deep play where imaginative action becomes reality. I would spend hours out there, creating rituals with rocks and sticks, drawing secret symbols in the dirt, losing all track of time. It was a space that felt holy and wild, yet still strangely safe.
As we age, we’re supposed to stop filling our heads with such “nonsense.” Unicorns are to be traded in for Barbie dolls (though both are mythical creatures, to be sure). We lose our tooth fairies, walk away from our wizards. Dragons get slain on the altar of youth.
Most kids grow out of their “magic phase.” I grew further into mine.
My grandma Trudy was a librarian at the West Long Branch Library, which meant I got to spend many an afternoon lurking between the 001.9 and 135 Dewey decimal–sections, reading about Bigfoot and dream interpretation and Nostradamus. I spent countless hours in my room, learning about witches and goddesses, and I loved anything by authors like George MacDonald, Roald Dahl, and Michael Ende — writers fluent in the language of enchantment. Books were my broomstick. They allowed me to fly to other realms where anything was possible.
Though fictional witches were my first guides, I soon discovered that magic was something real people could do. I started frequenting new age shops and experimenting with mass-market paperback spell books from the mall. I was raised Jewish but found myself attracted to belief systems that felt more individualized and mystical and that fully honored the feminine. Eventually I found my way to modern Paganism, a self-directed spiritual path that sustains me to this day. I’m not unique in this trajectory of pivoting away from organized religion and toward something more personal: as of September 2017, more than a quarter of U.S. adults — 27% — now say that they think of themselves as spiritual but not religious, according to Pew Research Center.
Now, I identify both as a witch and with the archetype of the witch overall, and I use the term fluidly. At any given time, I might use the word witch to signify my spiritual beliefs, my supernatural interests or my role as an unapologetically complex, dynamic female in a world that prefers its women to be smiling and still. I use it with equal parts sincerity and salt: with a bow to a rich and often painful history of worldwide witchcraft, and a wink to other members of our not-so-secret society of people who fight from the fringes for the liberty to be our weirdest and most wondrous selves. Magic is made in the margins.
To be clear: you don’t have to practice witchcraft or any other alternative form of spirituality to awaken your own inner witch. You may feel attracted to her symbolism, her style or her stories but are not about to rush out to buy a cauldron or go sing songs to the sky. Maybe you’re more of a nasty woman than a devotee of the Goddess. That’s perfectly fine: the witch belongs to you too.
I remain more convinced than ever that the concept of the witch endures because she transcends literalism and because she has so many dark and sparkling things to teach us. Many people get fixated on the “truth” of the witch, and numerous fine history books attempt to tackle the topic from the angle of so-called factuality. Did people actually believe in magic? They most certainly did and still do. Were the thousands of victims who were killed in the 16th- and 17th-century witch hunts actually witches themselves? Most likely not. Are witches real? Why, yes, you’re reading the words of one. All of these things are true.
But whether or not there were actually women and men who practiced witchcraft in Rome or Lancashire or Salem, say, is less interesting to me than the fact that the idea of witches has remained so evocative and influential and so, well, bewitching in the first place.
In other words, the fact and the fiction of the witch are inextricably linked. Each informs the other and always has. I’m fascinated by how one archetype can encompass so many different facets. The witch is a notorious shape-shifter, and she comes in many guises:
A hag in a pointy hat, cackling madly as she boils a pot of bones.
A scarlet-lipped seductress slipping a potion into the drink of her unsuspecting paramour.
A cross-dressing French revolutionary who hears the voices of angels and saints.
A perfectly coifed suburban housewife, twitching her nose to change her circumstances at will, despite her husband’s protests.
A woman dancing in New York City’s Central Park with her coven to mark the change of the seasons or a new lunar phase.
The witch has a green face and a fleet of flying monkeys. She wears scarves and leather and lace.
She lives in Africa; on the island of Aeaea; in a tower; in a chicken-leg hut; in Peoria, Illinois.
She lurks in the forests of fairy tales, in the gilded frames of paintings, in the plotlines of sitcoms and YA novels, and between the bars of ghostly blues songs.
She is solitary.
She comes in threes.
She’s a member of a coven.
Sometimes she’s a he.
She is stunning, she is hideous, she is insidious, she is ubiquitous.
She is our downfall. She is our deliverance.
Our witches say as much about us as they do about anything else — for better and for worse.
More than anything, though, the witch is a shining and shadowy symbol of female power and a force for subverting the status quo. No matter what form she takes, she remains an electric source of magical agitation that we can all plug into whenever we need a high-voltage charge.
She is also a vessel that contains our conflicting feelings about female power: our fear of it, our desire for it and our hope that it can — and will — grow stronger, despite the flames that are thrown at it.
Whether the witch is depicted as villainous or valorous, she is always a figure of freedom — both its loss and its gain. She is perhaps the only female archetype who is an independent operator. Virgins, whores, daughters, mothers, wives — each of these is defined by whom she is sleeping with or not, the care that she is giving or that is given to her, or some sort of symbiotic debt that she must eventually pay.
The witch owes nothing. That is what makes her dangerous. And that is what makes her divine.
Witches have power on their own terms. They have agency. They create. They praise. They commune with the spiritual realm, freely and free of any mediator.
They metamorphose, and they make things happen. They are change agents whose primary purpose is to transform the world as it is into the world they would like it to be.
This is also why being called a witch and calling oneself a witch are usually two vastly different experiences. In the first case, it’s often an act of degradation, an attack against a perceived threat.
The second is an act of reclamation, an expression of autonomy and pride. Both of these aspects of the archetype are important to keep in mind. They may seem like contradictions, but there is much to glean from their interplay.
The witch is the ultimate feminist icon because she is a fully rounded symbol of female oppression and liberation. She shows us how to tap into our own might and magic, despite the many who try to strip us of our power.
We need her now more than ever.
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