#bkdk positivity
fangirlneverlie · 2 years
I really really hope bones don't fuck up the bkdk scene once they're made I'm praying to any god out there that it doesn't look like shit
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bakudekublogblog · 15 days
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i’m sorry but izuku offering another gay blond man his hand and kacchan going wide-eyed is so funny
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chandralia · 3 months
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this actually means everything to me idc
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[At a Pro-Hero meet and greet]
Deku: nice Dynamight hoodie, he's your favorite?
Fan: Yes! I'm his biggest fan!
Deku: what's his favourite place to stop for a midnight snack?
Fan: what
Deku: what temperature does he set his shower. which side of the bed does he prefer to sleep on. what color are his socks right now.
Deku: that's what i thought. now get out.
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thehauntedmarionnette · 5 months
Bkdk incorrect quotes part five; in celebration of chp 412 and endgame QL Izuku canon(?)
Izuku: Cause you're pretty and you're smart, and you're ignoring me so you're obviously my type. Kachann , who was distracted: Hah- what were you saying? Izuku: Perfect. Izuku, throwing their head into Kachann 's lap: Tell me I'm pretty! Kachann , lovingly stroking their hair: You're pretty fucking annoying, that's what you are. Izuku, sweating: Kachann , there’s something I need to ask you- Kachann : Finally! You’re proposing! Izuku: How’d you know? Kachann : Izuku, you’ve dropped the ring five times during dinner. Kachann : I even picked it up once. Kachann : I want to kiss you. Izuku, not paying attention: What? Kachann : I said if you die, I wont miss you. Izuku: I think I'm falling for you. Kachann : Then get up. Kachann : If I'm extra sarcastic with you it probably means I'm flirting with you or you really annoy me and I can't handle your crap… have fun figuring out which one. Katsuki walking into the kitchen and seeing all their limes peeled: Izuku , I love you but, what the h-e-double FUCK. Izuku , sipping coffee happily: I love you too :) Izuku: Wait, but if you're not gay, why're you always kissing me and holding my hand and calling me your boyfriend? Katsuki: It's... satire Izuku: i don't think that what sati-
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tumblasha · 5 months
i hate the misunderstanding trope but boy does bkdk have a grip on me
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red-high-tops · 1 year
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darkcircles4lyfe · 2 hours
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Translating Katsuki’s confession with “for the rest of our lives” instead of “forever” was a really based decision, like… the way that conveys so much better to an English audience the gravity of what he is saying. Forever is abstract and general, like you thoughtlessly took someone for granted. For the rest of our lives is like saying I have daydreamed detailed fantasies about us being together at every stage.
This brings us closer to how the Japanese side of the fandom is reacting to it, legitimately interpreting it like a proposal and throwing “delusional” to the wind.
The thing that brings me so much joy and hope is how this chapter speaks of a new beginning for them rather than a resolution. For months and months I was imagining and reimagining ways for them to have their Big Moment that changes their relationship during the war. Now I feel relieved that they get to take their time to figure it out instead.
I think we all expected a lot from the war, on multiple fronts. We expected epiphany to come from the final showdown. But you know, now that I think about it, I greatly appreciate the sentiment that war is not capable of producing truth, justice or peace. You’ve heard that you can’t see the forest for the trees. How about the forest for the fire?
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A story doesn’t end when everything is burned to ashes, and nothing will grow until the rain comes.
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seagreenstardust · 10 months
I’m gonna say something that’s probably not going to be well received in certain circles so let me start by saying this: I believe, with only a few rare exceptions, that you should be able to ship whatever speaks to you the most. And just because I don’t ship something doesn’t mean it’s wrong for anyone else to ship it, and the same for things I do ship, no one else has to ship it too. Who you do or don’t ship will never be a reason I pass judgment on you, ever. Live your best life.
That being said, I want to talk about Horikoshi and straight ships.
(And bakudeku.)
Here’s the thing: Hori has written straight ships into MHA and he’s done it so masterfully that it’s made me ship them without even realizing it. I don’t know if we can call them canon because as far as I know no ship is actually canon yet, but what is canon is the care Hori put into building these relationships.
Kirimina. Hori wrote in a backstory that parallels bkdk that I just adore. There is something about Kiri looking up to Mina and being so inspired by her bravery that it shapes the hero he becomes that is such good content. They’ve had multiple mid-battle moments of protecting and helping each other. I ship Kirimina so hard because of the canon Hori gave us.
I am a low key Denki/Hitoshi shipper but season six kinda hit me in the face with whatever we’re calling Kyouka/Denki these days and now I guess I’m a multi-shipper???? That is how hard Hori hit me with the Kyouka/Denki feels. And he did it the same way as Kirimina, because we have years of content of Kyouka teasing Denki mercilessly, plus the cultural festival band, so when they’re separated in Season 6 and Denki has this intense moment of realization that she’s who he needs to be brave for and it actually works??? I’m a goner.
Heck, I ship todomomo too you guys though I can’t blame Hori for that one, that’s just me being me. The point is that I ship it because the characters Hori gave me struck a chord inside.
But there is one straight ship Hori never once made me ship.
Every time izu*cha showed up I just kinda endured it? It just wasn’t for me. I didn’t see two kids with chemistry, I saw two kids who didn’t know who they were or what they wanted fumbling their way through a will they/won’t they without either of them seeming all that invested in it.
In six seasons and nearly 400 chapters and multiple times revisiting the story I have never once felt any inclination to ship izu*cha
Hori can write straight ships. Hori made me ship his secondary straight ships nearly effortlessly. So if izu*cha was meant to be canon why have I never once felt the chemistry?
You know who has the chemistry? Bakudeku. But here’s the thing: I wasn’t thinking about Katsuki as a possible love interest for Izuku the first time I watched the entire story. I honestly wasn’t paying much attention to him at all, he was everything I didn’t like on the surface so I more or less ignored him despite Izuku holding onto him for dear life. Katsuki never once colored my opinion of izu*cha, they did that all on their own.
It wasn’t until after my first watch through, when I was hungry for more and trolling around tumblr, that I realized people shipped Katsuki and Izuku and it was literally like something out of alignment popped into place in my head.
Oh. Duh. That’s the ship.
I went from zero to a million in a handful of seconds because the chemistry was there, the backstory was there, and boy are Izuku and Katsuki loud about how obsessed they are with each other. Just like Kirimina, just like Denki and Kyouka, Hori planted the seeds throughout the entire series so that when it was brought to my attention everything about the narrative and character development supported it.
And I have to take a moment to explain my dislike of Katsuki at first: I honestly fell for the surface-level interpretation of his character and then kinda wrote him off without much more thought. Which is insane to think about because you can’t really understand MHA without Katsuki, he is so integral to the story as a whole that any version of it without him is skewed so far out of alignment that it’s not even the same story anymore. But I just saw angry boy who yells for no reason and put Katsuki in a box and left it at that.
It wasn’t until I was willing to give his character a second look that I started understanding him, and more importantly, his relationship with Izuku. And it helped that when bkdk was presented to me as a ship that my brain understood immediately why it worked. The canon source material supports bkdk at every possible moment.
I really don’t think it does the same for izu*cha.
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fangirlneverlie · 2 years
I think hori needs to make bkdk hug I think the homsexauls need it
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bakudekublogblog · 3 days
ok where do I even fucking begin with all that!!!!!!!
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chandralia · 4 days
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Deku: I challenge you to an arm-wrestling competition!
Bakugou: You're on!
Bakugou: we're just holding hands?
Deku: yeah :)
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bkdk-and-extras · 2 years
Fanfic is just such a fucking blessing. Thats it. End post.
But seriously. The amount of dedication and time people put into things like fanfic, fanart, hell, fancontent will never cease to astound me. I participate in this, and yet i still just. It blows my mind. Its wonderful in every way, even if i find something a little too cursed for my taste and have to backflip away like a mentally scarred raccoon at 3am in the morning
Ive been living among it, breathing it, feeling it, and yet i will never stop being amazed by human passion.
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dinodeku · 2 years
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theyre bfs your honour
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nightmarebunnyking · 1 year
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Deku can move like thing (from the addams family)
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