#birth certificate
shewhoworshipscarlin · 5 months
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Birth certificate, 1794-1800, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
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“Editing Archie's birth certificate.”
When Archie was born, the birth certificate identified his father as His Royal Highness Henry Charles Albert David Duke of Sussex and his mother was identified as Rachel Meghan Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Sussex, as shown below:
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Identifying Meghan this way (with her first and middle name) follows the then-Cambridges' birth certificates, where Kate was identified as Catherine Elizabeth Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge.
On 6 June 2019, Archie's birth certificate was amended. Harry's name was corrected to "His Royal Highness Prince Harry Charles Albert David Duke of Sussex and Meghan's name was corrected to Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Sussex.
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Identifying Meghan this way follows William's and Harry's birth certificates, where Diana was identified as Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales.
The updates to the birth certificate were not made public/known until January 2021 (hence why, in the image above, it's dated 1/21/2021 - someone requested a copy of the birth certificate and the copy was certified on 1/21/2021.
When this first leaked in public by The Sun, chasing a scoop by Lady C, everyone assumed the Sussexes made the change but Meghan hit back pretty hard insisting it was the palace that made the changes. Which I believe...partially.
The palace absolutely would've insisted on an amendment to change Harry's name so that he's properly identified as Prince, which had been left out. That's something they're all over.
I don't believe that the palace demanded changing Meghan's name on the birth certificate because they had no issue with Kate having her names identified. I think that particular request came from the Sussexes, specifically to give homage to and link to Diana.
The Sun's article:
Archived Link
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"By now, you should know that one of the hidden roles of the doctor/dock-ore is to de-liver babies & turn them into "products" of a ship/vessel to be sold in commerce using the birth certificate as the certificate of manifest
Metaphorically speaking, the word ore in the word doctor/dock-ore is you (the baby). You represent the ore because you are the battery" that is being used as energy to power the artificial matrix of the Dark Forces. So, when you were de-livered from the body/vessel/ship onto the dock, you (the ore) was delivered & put onto the dock.
Hence, the word doctor/dock-ore. This is why the person. who delivers babies in a hospital is called doctor. The doctor's/doc's ("dock") role is to deliver the baby/ore or "dock" the "ore" onto the shore, so it can be sold & used as energy"
Know The Law🤔
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himitsutsubasa · 3 days
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fieriframes · 19 days
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[Where have all the riots gone. As your city's model gets pulverized? What's in love is now in debt. On your birth certificate. So strike the fucking match to light this fuse.]
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bones-ivy-breath · 3 months
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Birth Certificate by Diana Anphimiadi (tr. Natalia Bukia-Peters, Brown Girls Write)
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angelic-transsexual · 5 months
bottom surgery should not be a fucking requirement to be able to change the sex on your birth certificate.
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skepticalarrie · 1 year
i know you don’t want to talk about bbg anymore but i'm the birth certificate anon again. i looked thru your tag but I didn’t found a photo of the birth certificate. do you know anyone who has maybe the photo?
You can just google and it will come up. I couldn't find the TMZ article, but here's the DM one:
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callmeanxietygirl · 6 months
En el Estado de Tabasco,México ; se expide la primer acta de nacimiento en Braille.
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taintthesaint · 4 months
Elton John ain’t even British he’s from fucking Detroit show me the fucking birth certificate, Elton.
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shewhoworshipscarlin · 6 months
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Birth certificate for Valentin Beyerle, 1790, Maryland.
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“Allegedly Meghan doesn't have Archie's real birth certificate because the palace is holding it hostage and she couldn't enroll him in school without it to verify his age.” You’re right, this is bunk. Even for legit nursery school/ daycare centers in the U.S., you have to provide a record of birth which I’m sure England has and would provide upon request. During The Cut interview she goes to pick him up from school so he goes somewhere. Also, they’d need to provide vaccination records which would also have his real birth date on it. Her lying really is pathological.
Also, I’ve always wondered what happened to the OB/GYN that closed without notice right after Lil Sam’s birth? The timing and circumstances were really odd.
I think people are misunderstanding the story about the school needing the birth certificate.
So to register kids for school here in the US, parents need to provide the school with the birth certificate that validates the child is who the parents say they are and their age so they can check vaccination records. Perfectly normal.
Meghan has claimed that when she went to register Archie for a school, she was told that Archie could not be registered because the school needed the original birth certificate and Meghan had only a copy.
A copy. A facsimile. A put-the-document-on-the-glass-scanner-and-press-the-green-button-to-duplicate copy. No watermarks, no raised edges, no bumpy ink from pen signature, no seals, no "if you hold this document at an angle, you should see X" lettering. Not an original copy of the birth certificate, a plain ol' printed on computer paper copy.
Because, as Meghan's PR claimed, the royal family had the original birth certificate and kept it under lock and key at Buckingham Palace and wouldn't let her have it. (The same way she claimed to Oprah that Buckingham Palace confiscated her car keys and passport after the wedding.) That there was some restriction or palace order that prevented her from possessing her own son's legal identification paperwork or requesting an authorized copy of the birth certificate.
If the Sussexes had an original copy of the birth certificate, there really isn't an issue, because it's a verified, authorized, certified, registered document.
But the fact that there was an issue with the Sussexes having a copy of the birth certificate, that suggests they didn't have the right copy, just a copy and a copy was deemed insufficient. Rather than taking accountability for a mistake (an easy one to make if it's your first child so no one honestly would've cared), Meghan blamed the BRF because that's what she does.
Which is problematic for three reasons:
She's the best mother to ever mother, and she's such a mama bear when it comes to her kids, but she can't 'mama bear up' to demand the BRF stop withholding her (and her son's) own legal documentation? Sure, ok Jan.
It's a mistake that's easily fixed by calling the registrar's office or Clarence House and asking for help. But instead she told a friend, and had the friend leak it, that the big bad BRF is withholding Archie's paperwork. She'd rather perpetuate drama for another media cycle than let things go.
It brings up all the original drama about Archie's birth and birth certificate, and the original questions about his legitimacy in the Line of Succession. And if we're discussing the issues with Archie's birth, might as well discuss the concerns about Lili's birth too, like how suddenly the doctor closed up practice and left town - just like this anon did with their ask.
So bringing up Archie's birth and birth certificate is really an own goal at this point.
(And anon who asked what happened with the original birth certificate, I still have your ask. It's buried somewhere in the inbox. I'll see if I can hunt it down this week.)
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whats-in-a-sentence · 2 months
Unmarried women were forced into giving up their babies and bullied and belittled. Maternal benefits, food stamps and birth certificates were taken from unmarried mothers, and social workers lied to single mothers, saying that babies were 'on trial' with foster families, when they had been permanently placed. Mothers were declared unfit or confused and their babies taken away.
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Pat King was a 15-year-old schoolgirl in Whitchurch, Shropshire, when the head teacher at her school told her parents that she believed the girl was hiding her pregnancy. Only three weeks later, Pat gave birth to a boy, and after two weeks of caring for him, she was ordered to hand him over to a social worker. 'My dad was there, quite firmly making sure I didn't make too much fuss. It's one of those things you never forget, just like it was yesterday.'
"Normal Women: 900 Years of Making History" - Philippa Gregory
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ukftm · 1 year
If a trans man and a cis man have a biological baby, and the trans man has a grc… what gets put on the baby’s birth certificate? is it still mother for the trans man? or is there a special one or something. I was expecting but unfortunately didn’t make it far enough to start asking around - was lowkey surprised though at how many nurses and doctors were respectful of my gender and didn’t misgender me despite me obvs having to access “womens” resources and departments, so a+ for that!
Hi Anon,
I’m sorry to hear about you situation.
Unfortunately, when it comes to transmen conceiving, the UK law only allows you to be put as ‘mother’ on the birth certificate.
This was challenged in 2019 by Freddy McConnell but he was also refused by the courts to be registered as anything other than mother on his childs birth certificate.
This is something that is unlikely to change anytime soon unfortunately, as the UK government, like many is geared towards a cis gendered, straight society.
It’s good to hear some positive news about nurses and doctors though, which is encouraging.
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i tried searching your blog with tag birth certificate ... only got one post which was just "A" and tag #the birth certificate is real. i think you probably have posts discussing the certificate? and maybe you can direct me to them? from you or any of your mutuals etc. Thanks Daisy.
Hi dear,
I'm pretty sure I have stuff under these tags:
birth certificate
If you look at my blog on a computer, you'll see I have a whole section of tags on the main page dedicated to babygate topics!
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bones-ivy-breath · 3 months
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Birth Certificate by Diana Anphimiadi (tr. Natalia Bukia-Peters, Brown Girls Write)
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