Their dynamic
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magicaldreamfox1 · 1 month
dreamy drabbles
— prompt: trust
Big can feel Kinn's eyes burrowing into his back from across the room.
"Porsche, this isn't– I mean what about Kinn, what about–"
Porsche's fingers graze the skin above his waistband. He gasps quietly.
"I told you it's fine." Porsche murmurs, leaning closer. "Do you trust me?"
Big doesn't answer, but doesn't back away either, only letting out a shaky exhale.
What a curious thing to want so much.
"Trust me. Please?" Torturously slowly and carefully, Porsche leans in to kiss him.
And despite his instincts telling him that this is wrong, he can't have this, he pulls him closer.
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shubaka · 11 months
Secret relationship, wearing each other’s clothes and bigporsche if you want<3 (is that their shipname? Do they have one??)
AHHH! OKAY. "Relationship" is interpreted loosely here and uhhh listen, I apparently just want to make Big's life a little sadder. Sorry.
The first time it happens is the day after Porsche accidentally interrupts Kinn and his escort, courtesy of Big. 
“I’m not, you know.”
“What?” Porsche stops in his tracks in the middle of the hallway and turns to give Big an unimpressed look. “You’re not what?” 
“I’m not homophobic, or whatever.” Big shifts his weight onto one leg and slides his good hand into his pocket, feigning nonchalance, as if this conversation isn’t worse than getting shot. “You misunderstood yesterday.”
Porsche steps into Big’s space and looks directly into Big’s eyes, clearly searching for something, but what exactly that is, Big doesn’t know. What he does know is that the glow of the hallway lights highlight Porsche’s doe-like brown irises and softens the smooth skin of his cheeks. He’s unbearably pretty, and Big wants to punch something. 
“Hmm,” Porsche crosses his arms and tilts his head to the side, “I don’t believe you.”
Big doesn’t know why he does it, but he slams his mouth against Porsche’s in a truly terrible kiss. 
“Did you just try to headbutt me?” Porsche shoves Big’s shoulder, nearly pushing him off-balance at the unexpected move. 
“No!” This time Big does it because he’s angry and has something to prove. Big brings up his right hand and curls his hand viciously across the back of Porsche’s head and pulls their faces together. Porsche opens his mouth to shout or curse or bitch – Big doesn’t care. And he shoves his tongue into Porsche’s mouth and licks away every one of Porsche’s protests. 
When Big feels Porsche’s jaw go slack and the tension in his body release as he leans pliantly against Big’s own, Big eases the kiss and lets the slow glide of their tongues turn into soft presses of lips and stuttered panting. 
With a final nip at Porsche’s lower lip, Big pulls back and gives him a dark look. “That was a kiss.”
As he walks away, Big hears Porsche slump against the wall and mumble, “He’s not the person I kissed at the docks, was he?”
The next time it happens is the day after the auction and Porsche’s subsequent punishment. 
Ken is up and ready to leave the second Porsche makes it to the end of the training room, giving Big a shit-eating grin and a parting “I’ll leave him to you. I’m sick of looking at him, and you owe me one, man,” as he exits the room.
Big sighs and crouches down to untie Porsche’s hands. 
Once his hands are free, Porsche rolls onto his back and stares at the ceiling for a breath before closing his eyes and banging his fists on the floor with a grunt. 
Big sighs again, “This punishment is for your own good. You have to toughen up. We can’t just let anyone guard Khun Kinn.” 
Porsche says nothing. 
Big sighs again and Porsche hears Big’s footsteps as he walks away. After a moment the footsteps return and something small lands on Porsche’s stomach. 
Porsche reaches for it and holds it up above his head, and soon Big’s head comes into view as he leans over Porsche. 
“It’s ointment.” Big gestures to the red abrasions littered across Porsche’s chest. 
Porsche raises an eyebrow. 
Big raises an eyebrow in response. 
Porsche raises his other eyebrow and gestures to his chest.
“Oh, fuck you. I’m not playing nurse. You can put that on yourself.” 
Porsch cracks a small grin and sits up slowly. “Okay. But can you help me with something else?”
Porsche reaches up and tugs on Big’s tie, causing him to stumble down onto his knees in front of Porsche. Porsche glances at Big’s lips. 
“I just need to test something.” Porsche makes eye contact with Big and waits while Big takes his turn to drop his gaze down to Porsche’s lips and back up.
They both move forward at the same time, but this kiss is unlike their first. 
It’s less angry and more tentative. Big can feel Porsche trembling but there is no passion to it. He pulls back and takes in Porsche’s lost expression. 
“What are you trying to do?” 
“I don’t know.” 
Big uncurls Porsche’s fingers from where they are clenched around his tie and then stands up. There’s a rustle of clothes and Porsche feels Big’s suit jacket envelope him. “We shouldn’t do this. Not while you’re like this. Go to your room. Put on that ointment and get some rest. We still have to report for duty tomorrow.” 
Porsche watches Big leave and he sits and thinks about a hazy kiss by the docks, an enlightening kiss in a hallway, sitting naked and confused in Kinn’s bed, and sitting here, half-naked on the floor, with Big’s jacket draped around his shoulders and a jar of ointment in his hands. 
Sometime after Kinn and Porsche get kidnapped, Big sees the way they look at each other, and he smells Kinn’s cologne on Porsche’s skin, and it doesn’t happen again.
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khunspikesficrecs · 7 months
Title: Chart Topper
Author: gayzuko (@kinnbig)
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Ken/Porsche Kittisawat, Porsche Kittisawat/Pete Saengtham, Big/Porsche Kittisawat, Arm/Porsche Kittisawat, Big/Pete Saengtham, Arm/Pol, Porsche Kittisawat/Pol, Background Arm/Tankhun and Ken/Big
The Theerapanyakul family’s bodyguards seem to find themselves kissing one another with alarming frequency; all for perfectly legitimate, sensible, work-related reasons, of course. There’s even a chart, pinned to the noticeboard in the common area, documenting exactly which bodyguards have made out with which other bodyguards while on the clock. But despite the frankly perplexing number of weird bodyguard kissing combinations, no one has managed to kiss everyone yet. Porsche is determined to be the first.
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somnas-writes · 11 months
What are your fav kinnporsche ships? Any that aren't canon? :)
Oooh!!! I have a lot
Romance wise:
I really like Arm/Pol, I think they’re cutie patooties and deserve to be in love (could include Khun, he deserves two bfs)
I came across Big/Porsche while browsing ao3 and I’m hooked. Rivals to lovers?? Hello??? My pookies
big/Porsche/Kinn is another variant I like the dynamic off, Bodyguard, Bodyguard and Mob boss is really compelling. (Kinn being insanely overprotective when their literal Job is to take bullets for him. It’s crazy)
Kinn/Porsche is my default fav I think. They have really cute moments and a nice dynamic once they get past the conflict and miscommunication (I would rather eat rocks than watch them miscommunicate)
Platonic relationships:
CHAY AND PORSCHE. Siblings in media are so important to me, I love watching family be annoying to each other (it’s my favorite hobby)
Kim and Porsche are another favorite platonic dynamic. Feral cat + Outside cat is so special to me. They both bite in combat too!! Twinsies!!
Pete, Arm and Pol are So Important to me. They’re friends!! It’s Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest!! Even though they are all very smart, combine three smart people and they lose all function. They’re silly and I love them
Pete and Porsche are the superior Bodyguard Friends. Porsche met pete when he was butt ass naked and went “yeah this is my friend” they’re a duo!! Often bough together, do not separate!! Silly and sillier!! Daffy Duck and Bugs Bunny!!
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Ok ok ok
I was talking to @diggity-didge about this, but I wanna discuss a scene in KP ep 5
Big tells Porsche about the punishment. His posture is v dismissive and distant. He barely works up energy to acknowledge Porsche as he walks up.
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We've already established there's no love lost between these two. Big set Porsche up for that embarrassment with the escort and Porsche flaunts his position over Big whenever he can.
But when Porsche asks why he's getting punished...
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Ken immediately jumps in while Big stays back and tightens his stance and clenches his jaw. You can argue this is annoyance, but this next bit is what got me.
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Ken more than anyone should know Porsche wasn't just shit faced on duty again--someone specifically targeted him to drug. Porsche doesn't know about Ken yet, but he obviously gets defensive at the implication that he chose to do this to himself regardless.
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Knowing what we know about them, look at the contrast. Ken responds to Porsche's outburst with gleeful ridicule and getting in his face, crowding him. He's relishing in the pain he's inflicting. Big, however, tightens up again and can't even stand to maintain eye contact. He positions himself back.
Yeah, he really runs Porsche through it, but Kinn ordered it. He probably even enjoyed the actual punishment part because Porsche is always pushing his buttons, so why wouldn't he?
But when it comes down to it, I don't think Big feels comfortable confronting this. He's fine punishing Porsche, but he doesn't want to dwell on the "why" of the punishment. (Add in the further discomfort of knowing that Kinn is the one who inevitably took advantage of Porsche in his drugged state, and there's some REAL mixed feelings there.)
I love these little details that help add depth to the different characters of the show, even those outside of focus.
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kinnbig · 1 year
one thing about Big from KinnPorsche is that he really provides opportunities for some of the worst (best?) ship names out there… some personal favourites:
BigPorsche (just a large car?)
BigPete (sounds like a pirate)
BigArm (💪)
BigTime (rush?)
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I’m absolutely sold on all the KinnPorsche couples and ships but somehow the show makes me go feral about a different one every episode like I’m bouncing in all directions like a little ball in a pinball machine. In episode 10 they shoved me into the BigPorsche rabbithole, in episode 11 it was VegasPete with their 360 and now in episode 12?? KimChay drop-kicking me across the room with Chay’s dye-my-hair-do-reckless-things and Kim’s “I obviously still care about you a lot and will still go feral when someone tries to hurt you but I’ll never confess”. I can’t with this show it’s NOT FAIR
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kissporsche · 1 year
Ships for that ask game: BigPorsche, ChayMacau, VegasKinn (I know! Cousins, but lets say for sake of discussion or in AU).
ANON i'm proposing to you as we speak!! BigPorsche:
SHIP IT. Okay i'm not doing the questions for them because I don't think they're relevent but YES for reason of WHY NOT. It's appealing because they hate each others' guts! Because of Big's terrible self loathing wanting a piece of Kinn however he can get it! Because Big would be both very mean and very pathetic! Also because they really really did have potential to be friends eventually and it makes me so sad that we're never going to get to see that
MY BELOVED KIMCHAY FRIENDS LOOK AWAY Ship it. Okay i'm probably not going to seek out fic for them specifically, but I like them as a side pairing! I think they're very sweet and work surprisingly well post-canon, Macau being able to help Chay navigate the mafia world and Chay helping Macau integrate more into the regular world. I do think it's valid to picture a world where Kim and Chay don't end up together and in that case, Macau makes a lot of sense. I also love platonic MacauChay and will be actually pissed if we don't get that in season 2, they should be besties and I will fight for it to happen
To quote tumblr user @aikinn: "THEY’RE COUSINS?!?!?!?!?! - ……….Is what I would say if I were fucking boring."
I feel like i'm in between states on this one. From Vegas's POV, yes absolutely. Love reading about Vegas's psychosexual obsession with Kinn, that shit is fucked up and awful in the best way. And I do think Vegas would fuck Kinn given the chance, because we know he considers sex as a tool, something he can use to further his aims and, crucially, something he already thinks of as freakish that can be used to intimidate and scare others away. It's just another weapon he can use against Kinn, assuming he can maintain control over the situation, which is absolutely not a given in this scenario. It would be a battle of wills more than anything else. However, I just don't see Kinn going for it. The right author can convince me of it! But in general, probably not.
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hibariisbae · 2 years
NOW will they finally invest in bulletproof vests???? I’ve been half in love with Big (I know he’s been a dick but he’s always been earnest in protecting Kinn from the start) they did him so dirtyyyyyyyy. I wanted a BigPorsche friendship but I got Big riposare in pace[said in Vegas’s voice] instead motherfucking shitballs son of a whoreman
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Pol: maybe you and your boyfriend...
Big: I don't have a boyfriend.
Arm: You don't? I thought you and Porsche were dating...
Big: What-? Wait a minute, how many of you thought I was dating Porsche?
Big: Porsche put your fucking hand down
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magicaldreamfox1 · 7 months
dreamy drabbles
— prompt: hate sex
"Feels good, huh?" Porsche pants on top of him, an infuriatingly smug smirk on his face. "Bet you didn't expect that."
"Fuck you", Big spits out, his efforts immediately made nought by the moan that follows.
God, he's insufferable.
All his power as the head of the minor family really went to his head. It's unattractive.
He leans down to kiss Big's neck in a laughable attempt at imitating care and intimacy. And still, his hand tightens on Porsche's arm.
"Oh god, I hate you."
Porsche just laughs and continues thrusting into him with dizzying precision. "Imagine I'm Kinn then."
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timelessvehicles · 6 years
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#RevivalRoad rocks. Young, talented guys each restoring their particular expertise; be it #Alfa/Etceterini #BigFerrari #Porsche #BigPorsche #BritishCars #gassers #realCobra or who knows... these guys take it seriously, are committed to accuracy. (at Revival Road Co.)
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khunspikesficrecs · 8 months
Title: three kisses (that did, shouldn't have, and didn't happen)
Author: shubaka (@shubaka)
Rating: General Audiences
Pairing: Big/Porsche Kittisawat
prompt fill for scattered_stardust16 fanfic trope combo: secret relationship + wearing each other's clothes for big/porsche sorry, i made it sad.
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rschanfish · 4 years
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White Porsche 928s. Have had this one a long time! Drives like a big Chevy V8! Nothing wrong with that though. Very comfortable ride! #Porsche #Porsche928 #PorscheV8 #GrandIllusionRanch #PorscheLover #BigPorsche #Shark #928 https://www.instagram.com/p/B55Rhe_nBWm/?igshid=1qddiw9fur4r6
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Big: In the best case scenario, I will die doing what I've always wanted to do
Porsche: and what is that?
Big: die
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