#big forehead smooches to you <3
chrollohearttags · 5 months
AU where y/n and producer eren were very much high school sweet hearts, then years later deciding to take their relationship to the next level as in losing their virginity 🙃
ANONNN, why’d you do me like thissss?? This is genius 😫 not even to spoil but this was literally the alternate plot line to reverb LSLFKFJ. Ugh this is just too damn cute so ofc imma talk about it.
content + themes: both reader and eren are virgins, reverb spoilers, lots of sweet stuff, bc I can’t handle angst rn, gentle sex/smut, accidental cream pie, this is SUPERRRRR long bc y’all know I love detail and got 20,000 pages of lore for these two!! Smut is at the end so if ya’ll can’t wait, I’m sorry.
eren left home at what would be considered incredibly young by most standards. At fifteen years old, he found himself frequenting the mall and playing basketball down at the local park in the suburbia of Montclair, New Jersey to being thrust into the fast paced lifestyle of Miami, Florida. The harsh, crime ridden town known as Opa Locka to be exact. A complete contrast by a long shot. Even so, with spite and determination on his heart; fueled only by his desire to win this illustrious battle called the rap game, he toughed it out and persevered. Not only that, to rid himself of the toxic past that had scarred him and a family who betrayed him. Make no mistake, his ‘privileged’ upbringing was nothing more than a mere experience and not a part of his identity. He never tried to pretend that he was ‘hard’ or tough, no need for a facade, he was simply Eren and that was all it took. He also never viewed anyone as different or beneath him because of how he grew up. Most of his friends back home came from very humble beginnings and had less than savory lifestyles. It wasn’t something he did for shock value or to piss of his parents. He just always had a knack for befriending others who may have been cast aside or forgotten about because he knew the feeling quite well. So it came as no surprise when he enrolled in the local high school to finish out his last couple years, he was a rarity in these parts…looking and acting completely different from everyone else. But it didn’t take long for the green eyed brunette with the buttery smooth voice and oblivious charm to assimilate.
“Wassup, EJ?” “Hey, EJ!”
from the classroom to the hallways, he was greeted by his fellow student body, who at first, saw him as an easy target. Alluding to the fact that he must’ve been some rich boy stuck in the middle of the hood to be “taught a lesson” or something of the sort. That it wouldn’t be two weeks because he was tucking tail and getting his ass back on the first bus to Jersey. Little did they know, he was the last person to back down and damn sure the last one to run from anyone! During gym class, there was a scrimmage basketball game, nothing too serious or exerting, just a little fun competition. It was then that not only did Eren catch the eye of the boy’s team head coach and that of (y/n) (l/n). Who had been discreetly seated against the wall after running two miles. You had been quietly observing the game and having grown up around tremendous players; spending afternoons down at the Boys and Girls Club..you recognized talent from a mile away. That also could’ve been attributed to the fact that you were the current co-captain of the majorette team, where you danced during games. Even so, you always stayed to yourself. Never really clinging to one group or another, truthfully only talking to your best friend. Your head in a book and studying was your only focus. That much was apparent by your four point two grade point average. Nonetheless, this new boy couldn’t help but to grab your attention. It was unfortunately for that reason, that his opponents once the game ended, would use that to his advantage.
not exactly keen on the idea of having somebody like him strutting around..besting them in a sport they’d always exceeded at and intriguing the girls who never even so much as paid them attention, they were pissed! So as anyone with stunted emotional maturity would, they decided to try and ambush the new student in the locker room. Granted, he was a little smaller and had just hit six foot one inches. He was fairly tall but still lanky and skinny. So he’d have his work cut out for him. Unsuspecting of the attack, he chopped it up with classmates and laughed on his way back. But not without flashing you a glance first. That ultimately made your heart flutter a little..you didn’t pay attention to boys often and had many speculating that you were possibly gay but no one had ever roused your fancy. In a way, you envied him. As someone from the proverbial ‘other side of the tracks’, who was different from you all in any facet was fitting in just fine! Quickly becoming the talk of the school. Meanwhile, you were a lifelong resident of this city and yet, you never drew any attention on yourself. Outside of your impeccable dancing. Hell, everyone always referred to you as ‘the quiet girl’. A moniker that you were proudly..the less you spoke, the less trouble you could find yourself in.
however, that peaceful life would come to an end when you’d walk towards the girls locker room and find yourself stopped by the gaggle of guys who were planning their ambush for after school whilst he was walking home. They figured he’d be an easy lick but they couldn’t be too relaxed. He mystified them all..acting completely oblivious to his environment, never behaving differently; talking exactly the same and all or even seeming afraid. He was the same person regardless of where he went. So that’s when they’d try to enlist your help. “Aye, (y/n). Lemme talk to you right quick..” waving you over and although you were about to ignore him, you accepted anyway. A tall dread head with a bottom row of golds gleaming from his mouth. Something he wasn’t supposed to have but did anyways. “I seen you looking at jit earlier, you like white boy, don’t you?” Immediately feigning any sort of confirmation. Acting uninterested as always. “That’s what you called me over here for? I gotta go change—“ but before you could coldly turn on your heel, he’d grab your shoulder and request a ‘simple’ favor:
“Help us set his ass up. He ain’t been here a whole month and already actin’ like he run this shit. We’ll even give you a cut.” but again, you didn’t care! Him or any of their petty jealousy was none of your concern. That boy hadn’t said the first word to you or even bothered you in the slightest. The hell did you look like conspiring with these dumbasses to not only bully him but to tarnish your hard work? Smacking your lips, you’d merely brush his hand away and continue to walk by. “As my granny says, you can’t get blood from a turnip. If you wanna risk jail for some stupid shit, do it by yourself. I’m not interested.” truthfully, Eren was no more wealthy than anybody here. Working odd jobs after school and rooming at a boys home on the southside. Hell, he could barely even afford lunch sometimes!
but alas, this only seemed to enrage your peers. See, the ring leader was the current basketball team captain and a shoe-in for first draft to a top college once he graduated. However, there was another side of him..a hothead with a bit of a past. Selling drugs and hanging with bad crowds..a mere product of the environment. But basketball was his ticket out. Hence was, considering that he stayed in trouble, grades were a wreck and he had a bad reputation. It was his exceptional skill that was keeping him in his spot and that alone. The coach overlooked a lot of his antics just to have a star player. Nothing new. However, with Eren on the scene, his position was threatened. Contrary to his belief, it had less to do with his skin and the fact that he was a better player with less of a headache! He had better grades, better manners and a lot more skill. Teachers constantly complained to the coach to kick him off the team so he could focus on his academic studies. Several calls were made home with no answer from parents..it was a crazy situation. Even so, it was no excuse for his behavior. Almost everyone here came from hard circumstances, he just loved acting this way!..especially when it came to preying on the weaker..
“Oh I see, you gon’ take his side but not mine? You green as hell, (y/n). Some ol’ weird ass shit, bruh. You really not tryna’ help me?…” even getting closer, despite your pushback. “Darius, imma tell you one more time. Leave me alone. Ion want no parts of this. It’s not my business.” But before you could do anything else, he’d grab your wrist and pull you back. A cliche if you had ever seen or experienced one. But just as the old time tale went, your knight and shining armor would swoop in to defend your honor.
“I think she said leave her alone.”
a familiar voice, one you hadn’t heard often but enough to recognize. The reason behind this whole ordeal..
“Wasn’t nobody talking to you. Mind your business.” “This is my business. Putting your hands on a girl..I see your sorry ass jump shot ain’t the only thing that’s weak.”
which only pissed him off even further. Long story short, he’d attempt to pick a fight with the ever so sly Eren but to no avail. He wasn’t taking the bait. Not out of fear but because he wasn’t worth the energy. Eren was a bit of a hothead, even admitting so himself. However, he couldn’t afford to screw up right now. Getting into unnecessary fights would only put him in an even worse situation..especially for the people caring for him. He had done that once and wasn’t about to let it happen again. “(Y/N), right? That’s your name?..” answering him with a nod. “Don’t worry about him. You go ahead, beautiful. He won’t do anything..I can promise you that.” Standing toe to toe with the taller bully. His cheeks puffed up and fuming in rage. Meanwhile, Eren wore nothing but a smirk. He could fume all he wanted but as long as he didn’t put his hands on him. If he took it there, then he’d be glad to show him why trying him wasn’t wise..
luckily, the coach noticed the bubbling scuffle and told them to break it up. Fast forward a few days, give or take and you’d see Eren around campus. Always carrying a pair of headphones and a notebook. Two things he’d never be caught without. One thing was for sure, he was an intriguing dude for sure..you’d eventually find yourselves paired up for a project and needless to say, you were incredibly nervous. Mainly because neither of you had spoken since that day in the gym. It wasn’t for a lack of you being thankful, you just didn’t know what to say. That was until you were in the library doing research together and you’d blurt out your gratitude, along with your apology. Which made him laugh! “What are you thanking me for? He only did that because of me. If anything I should apologize to you.” He was so respectful and bashful, qualities you truly admired. Although he remained shrouded in mystery, he was fascinating and you wanted to know more about him and turns out, you’d learn a pretty interesting tidbit of information! “You have a point. I mean, are you really planning to take his spot as captain though—“ which only further fueled his hysterics. He’d double over laughing and all you could do was give him a look of confusion. “Why are you laughing? I ain’t that funny.” “I’m sorry. I just..listen, I don’t know what you were told but I don’t want his spot. Basketball’s fun, it’s sum’ to do but I already know what I want.” And his answer would shock you, truly. See, Eren had always had an affinity for music. Singing, playing all sorts of instruments since he was a little kid and recently, he’d taken to writing his own songs. That infamous notebook he carried? Filled with poems and songs about everything from basic lines to his deepest emotions. Spilling his heart onto the page as he talked about his family, his anger towards his father and even the loss of someone he held dear to him. Sometimes, they weren’t about him at all..they were just vivid portrayals of elusive tales. He obviously had quite the story to tell but he couldn’t do it or even have the time shooting balls into a hoop. He told the coach he’d consider but his true goal?
“You wanna be the drum major?!” “Yeah, why not? I mean, I know it’s prolly lame but it’s one of my favorite instruments. It was the first one I learned..to me, the drum line is the highlight of the game. They make it entertaining.”
but little did he know, he had piqued your interest for sure! You were so flustered you tried to feign it off but he was too freaking cute! Here you were expecting this athletic, cocky playboy who only cared about girls and being popular but he was so much more than you expected! A nerd just like you. And you knew so for the fact that you’d never held a conversation with a man longer than to give them the answer to a question or let them borrow a textbook. He was so captivating. But perhaps, getting to do incredible solos at halftime wasn’t his only motivation to join the school music program. He had other reasons as well..
“Besides..I would actually get to see you perform. I call it a win.” Causing you to scoff, dismissing his seemingly perverted comments.. “Oh, so you just like everybody else.” but the tension was misplaced. He admired your craft and respected it. Seeing you doing your moves while walking past the gym on his way home, how hard you worked and just overall how graceful you looked. Not to mention, you were drop dead gorgeous! The prettiest girl he’d ever laid eyes on.. “..I seen you practicing the other day and you’re really good, (y/n). You’re completely different when you’re dancing. You seem really happy..I mean, you make the dance team from my school back home look like stiff ass robots.” Earning his first giggle out of you. From that day forward, a beautiful friendship blossomed..studying together, eating lunch in the library, walking home with you as his group home wasn’t far away, sneaking into the chorus room so you could hear him playing the piano and singing. A privilege reserved strictly for you. Making you sob when you heard his rendition of Stevie Wonder’s ‘Ribbon In The Sky.’ He was so kind, sweet and it didn’t take long before rumors of you guys dating began to permeate through the school. Hallway whispers of you ‘going with that new boy’. It was all the rave. It didn’t help matters any when at the mention of each other’s names, you’d both freeze up like popsicles! It was adorable, really. A budding crush that would soon bloom into something far more than just a platonic bond. After about six months into his arrival at your school, Eren had undoubtedly made a name for himself for not only his basketball skills but his musical ones as well. He had made good on his promise to join the band and make his first step toward becoming drum major. Because the band and majorette team often performed together, you’d be together at practice also and eventually, became inseparable. Flashing you smiles and watching intently while you performed your solos. Him joining proved to be a great addition to an already powerful band because he was so talented and kept up quite nice. In no time flat, he mastered the quads and studied underneath the current drum major, playing at games. Even when he decided to cave and accept the offer to join the basketball team, he had the pleasure of seeing you dance during intermission and even greeting him after the game with a giant hug. You in your shimmering leotard and him in his drenched basketball uniform.. number nineteen printed on the back.
“You looked good out there, princess.” A name he affectionately called you because your team’s competitive name were the Crowned Royalty as your school mascot were knights. And because you often times outshined the reigning captain, you were dubbed “The Princess.” Besides, it sounded so much better coming from him. “Nah, that was all you, Mr. Star Player.” It didn’t take long before he’d do the one thing everyone had been waiting on and ask you to be his girlfriend! With encouragement from his teammates and homeboys, Connie Springer and Onyakopon. They too treated you like a little sister, always teasing you and making sure you were good in Eren’s absence. “You one of us so we gotta make sure you good.” They all worked together at a local shoe store and stayed only three houses down from one another so they spent a lot of time together. In addition to their shared passion and talent with music. Granted, neither of you had experience with dating or having many friendships for that matter but it felt so natural when you were around each other. His cheeks flushed with red the entire time he held your hand on the way to class. Your entire body trembling when he kissed your forehead because you were too scared to kiss on the lips at the time. Even sitting next to him and his friends at lunch was an experience. Listening to them freestyle and make beats. Your best friend Niesha, right beside you, teasing you about how cute your man was and how you’d gotten lucky. And all you could do was shake your head. Eventually, all five of you became thick as thieves. Hanging out after school, going roller skating on weekends when practice permitted and just stayed in your own little bubble. You loved it so much. It was the first time you’d ever had a friends’ group, a true support system.
your grandmother and sole caretaker since you were a kid was absolutely thrilled to see it. Although you called her your best friend, she was happy to see you coming home excited to tell her about something besides a book or your report card. As proud as she was of her baby, she wanted you to experience life. Often times, she’d invite all of them over and cook you all large meals that were nothing short of heaven! Repayment for the boys coming by to mow the grass or help with repairs. They were more than thrilled to do it. “My future grandson in law is a nice young man, ain’t he?” A statement you’d brush off with a smack of your lips. “Cut it out, granny. Ain’t even like that.” She adored Eren and when she learned that he could sing, knowing a few gospel songs as well..she all but claimed him now! He was family and you were so glad that he was in your life. A likewise feeling because for once, he felt as if he belonged. One night, while meeting at your usual spot in the park, high on top of a jungle gym where you’d gaze under the stars, you’d ask him one thing:
“You ever thought about what you want to do with your life?”
and to him, that answer was simple. “..I wanna change the world.”
a dream he’d held onto for as long as he could remember. He loved music more than anything and he wanted his to transcend any genre, any one archetype. He wanted what he created to someone’s reason for living, someone’s inspiration to keep going even when things got dark. He wanted it to put smiles on the faces of people who listened..he didn’t care about awards or being some mega celebrity, he just wanted to pour his heart into what he made and hoped somebody heard his passion.
“And I want you right beside me…(y/n). I don’t wanna do any of this without you.” Clutching your hand atop the structure. He had never been this vulnerable or open with anyone in his life but now was a good of time as any to start.. “..I know everybody prolly thinks I’m some spoiled rich kid who left home just to piss off my folks. Honestly, their opinions stopped meaning anything to me a long time ago..my mom, I love her so much and I really do miss her. I hope one day I can step to her as a man and apologize for putting her through so much. Making her worry about me…” as he spoke, you could feel the tension in his hand as he squeezed yours. This was the first time he’d spoke in detail as to why he was alone down here in such a dangerous city when he by all accounts lived lavishly back home. “I just couldn’t stay..not when my own old man is a fucking coward. I know it’s a long shot but at least I can stand on it. Him? He’ll sell his soul for a dollar. I could never be under the same roof as someone like that. I will do this and I’ll prove him wrong. I’ll make a way for myself so I never have to depend on anybody ever again.” You couldn’t help but to feel that you were missing part of the story but maybe it was something far too traumatizing to hash out in detail right now so as you’d always done, you’d support him. Cradling your arms around him with a giant hug before kissing his cheek. “I’ll always be here for you, Eren. I promise. I know you’ll make it and I wanna be right there by your side. I love you.” “I love you too, (y/n).” Words that sounded insane from a teenager but you meant it. Meant it more so than anything you’d ever said! Some people would say you were too young to know what you wanted but you both knew that no matter what path you took, as long as you walked it together, you were unstoppable!
soon, graduation was right around the corner. You two attended prom together, even made homecoming king and queen and by all accounts, had an amazing senior year! You guys turned eighteen only a couple months apart and thus, were thrusted into adulthood. Working here and there to provide for yourselves all while chasing your dreams. You’d gotten accepted into the University of Miami on a dance scholarship and even though it was a huge opportunity..your heart was misplaced. You felt like another cog in the wheel and a moving piece on a machine. You’d love to dance your entire life but you wanted something more than this. Stiff eight counts and bland rehearsals. Something refreshing..that’s when you’d begin taking pole classes outside of school! An idea you came up with after seeing a popular dancer on Instagram and she looked so graceful..surrounded by plants with her beautiful afro as she swung around the pole. She looked so free!…you wanted to experience that joy too. It took no time at all for you to master the craft and just like that, your spark was reinvigorated. By this time, Eren was all but halfway to his own goal after going viral for singing in the store he worked at and still very much an important fixture in your life. He managed to catch the eye of one of the industry’s top executives and legendary musician herself, Vivian James. She was one of your grandmother’s favorites, despite being younger than her. This woman had a powerhouse of a voice and needless to say, Eren’s had her intrigued.
“You did it, ‘ren. I’m so proud of you, baby!”
although he hadn’t quite made it yet it was one hell of a start. It wouldn’t be easy but he was willing to put in every bit of the work it took to succeed. Having you there to encourage him would be all the strength he needed to keep going. But he wanted to support your dreams as well! He never wanted this relationship to be one sided. “What about you, princess? Do you really like dancing for the school? Are you happy?” If anyone could see through the facade, it was your boyfriend of almost three years. He saw how amazing you were when you did pole. It didn’t matter which avenue of dance you took, you excelled but he’d never seen you more happy than when you were twirling midair and doing all these crazy stunts. He wanted you to be safe, of course, but he wanted to find joy in something the way he did. “I just..I don’t want to do what everyone else is doing or what they expect of me. I loved majorette but pole is just so different. I have so much fun.” There it was, a glimmer in your eye that couldn’t be sated when you spoke about it. The rush you felt setter coming down from a death drop. Eventually, you’d go on to quit the dance team, forfeiting your scholarship but your grades alone afforded you many other grants and things so you’d do online classes while working for your uncle’s shop and practicing under his wing. Eventually you found the courage to upload yourself online and it wasn’t long before you reached your own bit of notoriety. Captivating thousands with not only your skills but your stunning looks. Eren always called you princess but honestly, you were like a divine being. A goddess and sometimes, not even he could believe you were real.
before either of you knew it, you were nearing twenty and your dreams were falling into place. It seemed as if the hard times and rainy days both of you had gone through were over. You were so ecstatic when he got his own place, after securing and successfully completing an audition with AMG. The biggest talent agency in the country. Along side his two best friends nonetheless and eventually asked you to move in with him. But it wasn’t the only proposal he had. No, there was something else he needed to ask you..so with trembling hands, tearful eyes and in the same empty park where you’d spend countless nights talking about your futures; surrounded by faux candlelight and roses, he’d ask the one thing you never thought you’d hear:
“Will you marry me, (y/n) (l/n)? Will you do this forever with me?”
and it was no question! The answer was yes, a million times over! That night, the two of you exchanged intense, heavy kisses and warm, inviting touches underneath the moonlight of your very first place. A one bedroom apartment but it didn’t matter. It felt like a castle; an unreal fantasy when you had him. You’d let him caress and run his hands along your body. Kissing and licking your neck on the frameless mattress as your nude bodies entangled in the white sheet covering them. Neither of you had ever done anything like this before and although you were nervous as all hell, you were ready. Ready to take this next step. When you were in school, so many other kids were already going the extra mile and some had even fallen pregnant by the time you graduated. But your love was so pure and innocent, sex seemed like a foreign concept. It was the furthest thing from your minds. You enjoyed being around each other. The feeling you derived just from when he grabbed you and pulled you into his chest with a kiss to your forehead. You never felt pressured to lose your virginity because you knew that a moment like this would make it all the more special and that he’d be the only one you’d share it with. So in that moment, Eren moved his tongue down your body, kissing and marking your neck with a trail of sloppy pecks. Your hands trailed up his back that had now been stamped with his first tattoo. His hair..that once tapered brown haired cut was dangling in front of your face as half of it remained tied into a bun. He had often dreamed about what this moment would consist of..how it would feel to be given the flower of his beloved. To ‘pop’ your cherry and have the honor of being your first and vice versa. Would he hurt you? Would he fuck it up? His only true goal was to know that you were feeling good. He didn’t want to sound like a weird degenerate but his only experience was through videos and his hand. And yours? He was scared! So terrified that you had to grab his shoulders and tell him to breathe as he was trembling when he began to touch your sensitive center.
“It’s okay, baby. It’s just us here…take your time. You’re doing so good..”
only backed up when he slowly circulated his fingers around on your clit and watched you writhe in pleasure. Whimpering and crying out his name. It was so slippery and juicy but he assumed that was a good thing from the way you rutted your hips and pushed down on the single digit that he put inside of you. “Oh my God…Eren that feels so good!..” “It does? I’m so glad, baby.. can I keep keep going, like that?” Watching you break into a smile as your eyes squeezed shut was as close to nirvana as he could get. He loved seeing you happy. Breathing heavier and begging for more when you added another and stimulated you even more. You were so incredibly tight that he was sweating bullets, wondering how he’d be able to fit inside of you. How could he top this moment?…carefully examining your body; that gorgeous skin, those perfectly round breasts that had grown exponentially since he’d first met you, dark nipples erect and drenched in his saliva as he kissed them softly and those curves that had only filled out in all the right places. He wanted to adore this beautiful body forever..make love to you until he perfected it. Until he could know every bump, line and curve that made up your frame. So much so that even in absence, you’d crave one another and no one else could ever fill that void. He wanted to love you with his eyes closed. To know every tick, every like, dislike and point that made you explode with pleasure. He wanted to be yours in flesh, mind and spirit until you both left this earth.
eventually, you’d find yourself squirming around in the sheets and with his fingers alone, you’d reach your very first orgasm! The feeling was so indescribable, you couldn’t even speak. Only curse and flail around, which he thought was so cute. Chuckling as he pulled you to his chest with a cooing tone. “Aw, baby. It’s okay. There you go, just let it out.” Embarrassed by the fact that you let out a gentle stream of liquid, thinking you had actually urinated but it was the furthest thing from. “Trust me, that’s not what happened. It’s okay, beautiful.” Neither of you even gave a damn. All you wanted was to experience him in his entirety. You’d look down and see that his cock was stiff. Swollen, thick and glowing red at the tip. You’d never seen one in real life but by comparison, it was huge and you were so scared, your knees pushed together and began to buckle as you swallowed a large gulp, wondering how you were supposed to take all of that inside of you… “..we can go slow. We don’t have to fit it all at once. You just let me know how much you can handle, okay baby?” Seemingly trying to console you when he was all but losing his mind. Slowly but surely, his tip would make place atop your overly sensitive slit. Splitting open your folds with that puffy mushroom tip. Bright red and dripping with cum..he was so ready to make you his. “Eren…” hearing the nervous yet needy quiver in your voice made him twitch on his own but he’d merely chuckle, reaching down to stroke your face. “Don’t worry, I’m gonna take care you, okay princess? Here, hold my hands.” without hesitation, completing devoting yourself to him, you’d intertwine your fingers with his own as he integrated from the top to the inside of your warm center. Both of you broke into a high pitched gasp, never experimenting such a sensation before. It was truly like magic..
“Oh fuck..” the words escaping each of your lips as the same time, so much so, it made you and him break into a giggle. The realization of the moment setting on you both. “We’re actually doing this, huh?” “..yeah, but I wouldn’t want it with anyone else..” with that, he’d lean down and brush the side of your face as he began to buck his hips. “I’m gonna start moving, okay? You just let me know if I need to stop..” acknowledging his question with a nod, he’d persist forth and keep pushing. One slow stroke turned into two and before he knew it, he had established a rhythm. Being as gentle and doting as possible. That tight flesh sucking him in with each thrust but still not giving way..you’d squirm and whimper but all from pleasure. You’d claw at his sides and although your eyes were shut tight, you’d let him know that you were alright. Eventually, that room filled with soft cries and the two of you uttering each others names, along with lewd moans. “It’s..so good! Fuck…” “..please, keep moving..don’t stop, Eren.” Begging for more, despite the fact that his shaft had become coated in a very thin sheath of blood and a few tears trailed down your cheek. Signifying that he had finally unwrapped the gift that you’d waited so long for him to claim. The mattress began to jolt around and the floor underneath creaking from the sounds of your lovemaking. That red liquid soon replaced by a clear mucus and his dick nestled inside of you to the halfway mark. What felt like an eternity was in reality..only five minutes and already, he was about to tap out. Panting and breathing heavily as that pace sped up. His pattern was off kilter but he still had you clawing for the sheets, screaming his name. “Yes, baby! Right there, I can feel it again. I’m gonna—“ but before you could announce your own climatic peak, he’d beat you to the punch and without thinking or warning, he’d let out a loud cry, sobbing even and spouting expletives the entire time as a warm load filled your newly defiled cunt. He was in such shock, it didn’t even dawn on him until he’d look down and see it spilling out of you.
“I—shit. I wasn’t supposed to do that. I’m so sorry, (y/n)!” But it was fine. You trusted him so dearly, the two of you forgot any protection. Luckily, you had long been on birth control for reasons unrelated to sex so you weren’t scared. Besides, in that moment, all you knew was that you wanted more. You didn’t want this moment to cease for anything. “It’s okay, baby..I’m fine. Come here..” beckoning him towards you so you could get another one of those divine kisses. It was the best part. With you both having experienced that high for the first time, you didn’t want to come down so for the entire duration of that night, the two of you made love. Exploring and enjoying each other’s bodies. Laughing, kissing, touching and making blunders..the joy that could only come from true lovers. A long time coming certainly, but a moment nonetheless that was worth the wait. By the time you finished, you were both an emotional wreck. Crying but only out of pure rejoice. Having given yourself to the one man that you’d love for the rest of eternity.
“I love you, Eren..”
“I love you more, (y/n)..”
and this time, there was no question, hesitation or doubt when those words were uttered. You were older now and for a flame that everyone was certain would die out, it was now burning brighter than ever.
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stressed-sock · 5 months
liiiiinn hi! hi lin! poking you how are your characters? I want to ask about aster and such
hi ro!!! giving you a virtual hug!! :D
i saw this ask yesterday, got really excited, immediately got distracted, and then forgot lmao
but that's beside the point - my characters are doing great! aster did get caught in an explosion but he's doing fine dw :3
also came up with some new ocs - i think i shared them in xbfam but some of them include:
bianca - villain oc that has like mother gothel vibes, also elliot's stepmother so there's that
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crescent - shapeshifting weapon with ice abilities (and can also morph their arms into blades weee)
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kai and nico - a porcelain knight and the young prince they swore to protect (i love their dynamic sm <3)
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you can find all of them on my artfight as well (wetsock)!
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transmasc-malleus · 2 years
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My brain is taking turns rotating each of my novel characters around in my mindscape so this week’s brain rot features my daughter, Rue <3
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teddybeartoji · 14 days
omg hello?!?! hi Mickey!!!
thank you for rbing my little brain rot drabble lol. may gladiator toji visit you in the night and give you a big smooch <3
Lily xo @storiesoflilies
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ari!!! i just read your latest suguru fic and it's literally so good!!
like the descriptions that you used are so, so pretty.
the way you conjured the atmosphere? the dark clouds? the rain? the smell of the roses? the cute little frog umbrella that reader forgot?? (also, oh my gosh, that's such a cute detail to include – i love it.)
and then when reader comes back the mirror of the weather and the rain through suguru's side of the story?? and suguru freaking out?? and calling reader his baby??? ugh of course he'd do that <333
and i liked how their argument was solved?? like it wasn't a big end of the world argument but the root of their argument made sense and the resolution made sense, and for suguru to be the first one to say sorry, in my mind, makes sense as he's so mature xx
the ending was so cute xxx
also, also i love how even though suguru immediately went all mama bear and got the fluffy towel and dried off reader there was still a little awkwardness pre-apology that just melted away as soon as they talked about their feelings xxx
and the ending was so goddamn sweet !!! i love it so much
caring suguru is literally my favourite xxx i love him so, so much <333 (also, where are the guys who are like suguru?? hello?? anyone like that around?? i'm in desperate need of one)
this one is a banger as always, ari, and i feel so lucky to have read it xxx literally think you could do writing as a career, i'm not joking xx
OHHHH ANON 🥺🥺🥺 my angel my sweetheart my star in the sky…. this was just. the sweetest thing to wake up to!!!
TYSM FOR READING FIRST OF ALL…. anddd for taking the time to write this out!!! i appreciate it so much!!!! T_T as far as prose goes i don’t think it’s as flowery as my other fics so. i’m really glad you still thought the writing was pretty!! :’3
AND YES . THE FROG UMBRELLA. i’m super glad you noticed all the tiny rainy day details but i’m especially happy abt that pvdkfhdk…. i also think it’s so cute!! i just find it rlly easy to picture sugu w a silly s/o… maybe a little childish….. they like frogs and calico cats and very specific shades of green <3 (blatant self-insert atp but what else is new)….
but!! i really am super happy that you enjoyed the vibe!!!! building up a specific atmosphere is something i always put a lot of thought into, so knowing it brings some kind of result is always so rewarding 🥺🥺 i lovelovelove rain so i really wanted to capture all the good and bad sides…. the nice smell and the wet shoes and the little puddles on the street.
and the argument itself!! yes. i’m really glad you thought the resolution and everything felt grounded!! suguru was 100% in the wrong in this scenario, so that’s mainly why i had him apologize first — reader doesn’t really have anything to apologize for. i might’ve left it kind of vague but they really were just trying to coax him into relaxing and opening up a bit, and then he lashed out :(( which is also one of the few scenarios i can imagine when it comes to suguru being in the wrong at all lmao. i think he’s mature enough to avoid arguments for the most part, but his tendency to sometimes neglect his own health is….. a Problem. lmao. and it worries you!!
but he really is so sweet 🥺🥺 going all mamabear…. you’re his sweet baby and it’s his job to protect you!!! i think that’s how he sees it and it’s also why he’s so ashamed of himself.
anyway anyway, i’m rambling 😭 but i’m sooo overjoyed that you liked it!!! the fluffy ending and everything. sugu is such a caring and mature bf 🥺🥺🥺 pls don’t settle for anything less irl anon!! you deserve nothing but suguru-standard!!!
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oooohno · 1 year
Nana u are gonna make me tear up 😭😭 I appreciate you SO MUCH
Jaaaaas my adoration for you is as endless as the sky, I hope you know that 💗
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noctis-tempore · 2 years
Is this a challenge I’m seeing 👀
I love him the most-
Yeah fuck you, man, I love you <3
“No I’m pretty sure I love you the most my love!”
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taintedtort · 3 months
Hello, I was wondering if you can do a haikyu request where the s/o keeps wiping away their kisses with 3 characters but two of them tendou and iwa?
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summary. their reaction to you wiping their kisses off
characters. iwaizumi, tendou, akaashi
warnings. gn!reader, none!
a/n. omg yayyy haikyuu request!! picked akaashi for the third :)
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☆ he is not playing with you. he decided to be nice and place a sweet peck to your forehead, and you wipe it off? he actually didn’t think anything of it the first time, but then you did it again when he kissed your cheek. that’s twice, but he wanted to make sure you were actually wiping off the kiss, so he placed a peck to your other cheek this time. he scowls when your hand reaches up, and he knows you’re about to wipe that one off too. he snatches up your wrist, though his grip is gentle as he guides your hand back down to your side.
"what? my kisses not good enough for you?"
☆ he sort of took it as a challenge. he’s very affectionate and is always kissing and hugging you, so when you wipe the big smooch he placed on your cheek away, he just does it again. it quickly becomes a game of some sorts, him kissing your skin just for you to wipe it off, and it slowly gets faster and faster. he ends up winning by grabbing your hands and pecking all over your face, causing you to giggle and give up.
"i win! now, it’s my turn for a kiss."
☆ he knew you were messing with him, and messed with you back. he’s very perceptive and quickly picked up on your little prank and the mischievous glint in your eyes. the first kiss he placed to your temple was quickly wiped away, and it made him pause. thought you might’ve been mad or the kiss was too wet, but the he spotted the twitch of your lips as you try not to laugh. to get back at you, he tilted your chin towards him, slowly leaning in to kiss your lips. however, right when his lips ghosted over yours, he stopped and pulled away. he saw your lidded eyes widen and a pout quickly form on your face, and he couldn’t help but chuckle.
"that’s what you get for wiping my kiss off."
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sumiire-creates · 4 months
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𝘎𝘌𝘕𝘙𝘌: fluff.
𝘍𝘛; amber, kaeya, lisa, jean, diluc, venti, albedo, rosaria, eula, mika.
‣ gn!reader [mentions of female anatomy] | slightly suggestive(?) [on kaeya, venti, and albedo] | a ton of kisses | a ton of fluff/a bit of comfort.
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- amber loves to kiss your face.
- amber is so sweet about it too
- like if she has the chance, she’s take your face in her hands and just smother you with kisses until you’re both all giggles
- she enjoys pecking your cheek or nose or forehead
- she ADORES goodnight forehead kisses. like, she gives you one EVERY. NIGHT.
- she’s so gentle with her lil smooches
- she’d kiss you any chance she got
- when you’re cuddling in bed? smooch
- pass by each other when you’re doing your own thing? quick kiss on the cheek
- training? hell yes.
- if you were a fellow knight, she’d spar with you and like get so close just to give you a kiss and hit you so hard you fall to the ground
- but like it's okay
- because if you tell her it isn't, she gets really disappointed and sad and pouts about it for the rest of the day
- you better make it up to her
- like later when y’all are going to sleep, trap her in a hug and return the favor! she’ll cheer right up
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- kaeya loves to kiss your lips.
- flirt.
- tease.
- he’s such an ass with it
- like he knows what he’s doing and he loves to just make you feel those annoying little butterflies that make you happy
- but then like
- he’ll also get super close, and you just wanna kiss him really badly
- and then he pulls away.
- like SIR??? >:(
- i'm not done come back here
- his kisses are soft and loving
- with gentle lips on yours, he’ll kiss you anytime he finds the moment to be perfect
- he’s the definition of romantic
- like your first kiss was probably on starsnatch cliff at sunset and looked so damn perfect
- gentle breeze and everything
- this mf couldn’t have timed it better
- he likes romantic kisses
- he also likes to just peck your lips
- but that's only if he can’t snatch you away and make out with you
- straying a little off topic but
- kaeya fucking LOVES cuddling you at night and making you face him so he can just smooch you right there whenever he wants
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- lisa loves to kiss your hands.
- such a gentlewomen <3
- she’s, like, so fucking sweet
- she’ll take your hands in hers and kiss your knuckles and it's just so soft and UGH
- when handing you books, she’ll snatch your hand and give it a quick kiss before waving you goodbye
- literally just
- i can’t stop saying this but,
- she’s SO SWEET.
- lisa would hold your hand tightly as you two walk down the street, occasionally bringing it up to her mouth as she’d kiss your knuckles and give her a smile
- she’ll never pass up a chance to kiss your pretty hands
- she’ll never pass up a chance to kiss you in general, honestly
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- jean loves to kiss your forehead.
- goodnight kisses on the forehead as she gets in bed beside you >>>
- she’s probably taller than you so its like the most easy to access place for her tbh
- jean is so sweettttt
- so gentle and loving with her partner
- she’d kiss you and give you a small reassuring affirmation afterwards
- “you’re doing great, love, keep it up.”
- “i love you so much, you know that, right?”
- “i’ll never leave your side, even in death.”
- “let me know if you need anything, okay?”
- it’s just
- so goddamn cute
- she’d only do it when she felt like its needed though
- taking her face in her hands as she pulls you in so she can kiss your forehead when you’re stressing out before embracing you and hugging you while gently rubbing you back-
- she even gives you the option to shove her away if you want, and she won’t get offended or upset or anything
- she’s just so comforting with her kisses <3
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- diluc loves to kiss your shoulder.
- first off, this man isn’t too big of a fan of PDA…
- so kissing in public is a no no unless nobody is looking
- then he often slips you a quick peck
- but he much prefers to kiss when he knows you’re alone
- his favorites are when he’s cuddling you in bed and just kinda kisses and sucks on your shoulder bc its soft and feels nice to him
- he’ll trail up your neck, to your lips, and then back down
- he’s super gentle about it AGAIN
- also i imagine that he’s just super duper warm
- he already wears that heavy ass coat
- but the pyro vision automatically makes him warmer to the touch
- he’s fine, i promise, just really warm
- so like imagine being held in his warm, strong arms while he gently gives you shoulder kisses
- its so cuteee
- diluc also likes it when he’s doing paperwork at his desk and you come to pester him. he likes it when you start whining and get in his lap to distract him
- because then he’ll just trap you in his arms
- “is this what you wanted?”
- and then, if nobody else is inside or if the maids have a day off, he’ll probably just kinda slide your shirt off a bit and smother your shoulders and neck in kisses
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- venti loves to kiss your neck.
- its so bad
- especially when he gets tipsy
- he’ll literally just kinda blend bodies with you and his lips never leave your neck
- also he knows where your soft spot/sweet spot is so just be warned, he’s gonna target it
- he’ll hold you from behind and find your favorite spot, sucking and kissing it before slowly trailing off… and then he comes right back to it, 2x the effort.
- he gets really handsy when kissing
- like he’ll probably grab at anything
- so yk
- be warned
- you can also bribe him to give you more kisses
- just promise him a drink and he’ll endlessly kiss you
- but like uphold your promise
- because you’re not getting anymore kisses until he gets that damn wine
- he’ll kiss you in any situation
- he prefers to kiss your neck from behind, but he can do it from the front too
- he also likes the back because he can just bury his face in your hair and it smells good so
- why wouldnt he want to ?
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- albedo loves to kiss your chest.
- “its for science”
- no its not.
- he just likes to kiss your chest.
- he’ll only go as far as your clothes allow
- tbh it's probably because they’re warm
- he isn’t particularly gentle or anything, actually
- he’s more rough with them tbh
- albedo likes to run his tongue along your skin before suckling on it
- then he’ll actually kiss it
- he’s a weirdo
- tbh he probably doesn’t kiss you that often
- it's more like
- spread out
- unless you ask specifically for him to kiss you more
- which he may or may not do
- he may just give you a look because he’s busy
- or he’ll indulge you
- who knows
- tbh i can’t tell with this man
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- rosaria loves to kiss your cheek.
- she definitely doesn’t kiss often
- or like
- at all
- but when she does, she kisses you like a ghost
- as in you almost can't feel it
- she much prefers to kiss your cheek, as its a soft and simple gesture that she can do at any time
- but again, she doesn’t kiss often
- so when you do find this blessing upon you, don’t hope for too much
- she won’t give you the proper kiss to the lips that you may want, because most of the time she’s busy and doesn’t have the time or feel very deserving of sharing such a nice moment with you
- so a peck on the cheek will do and then she’s off again
- tbh she hates the church and protecting mondstadt
- because she doesn’t have the time to kiss you like the wants
- but dw
- she’ll make it up to you
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- eula loves to kiss your knuckles.
- she was raised by aristocrats
- so like
- kissing is a thing
- she won’t do too often
- until you’re married
- because why waste her kisses on someone who’ll break up with her?
- no
- she’ll take her vengeance if you leave her
- so like
- don’t.
- anyways
- eula likes getting down on one knee and kissing your knuckles
- because it's romantic
- and she’s a knight
- isn’t that what the night typically does for his princess?
- as far as she knows, yes, yes it is
- so she’s gonna do it for you
- as a greeting
- and a farewell
- and just because she can
- of course in private she won’t make such a big deal about it
- she’ll just kinda snatch your hand (regardless of what you’re doing), and press her lips to your knuckles
- she really really enjoys doing it because it reminds her of those little stories about a princess and a knight
- you’re her prince/princess and she’s your loyal knight <3
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- mika loves to kiss your nose.
- shy.
- shy.
- shy.
- again, does not kiss you often
- but it's more often than like rosaria or albedo or eula.
- he’s just really really really nervous to kiss you
- like what if he messes up???
- he doesn’t wanna mess up!!
- so instead of kissing your lips
- he kisses your nose
- why?
- because he thinks your nose is cute
- but also because it helps him a little
- concentration wise
- this way he cant mess it up!
- right?
- right..?
- he’s telling himself that
- he just likes to kiss your nose
- mika thinks it's soft and cute but so is your whole face!!
- he’d pepper your face in kisses if he could
- but most attention kissing-wise is given to your nose
thank you for reading !
have a great day/night !
Requests: OPEN
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aclowntiny · 1 year
💎 Seventeen’s Preferred PDA 💎
Just a shortie I couldn’t stop thinking about hehe 😄
S.Coups: He tends to stand with a hand wrapped around your waist, not gripping you tightly but just enough to hold you close and show everyone else you’re his. He likes doing this because he can angle you to look in your eyes or so you’re at the ready to receive a little head smooch.
Jeonghan: Almost always has a hand at the small of your back. He can use it to guide you as you walk, but mostly Jeonghan likes to run his hand up and down your spine, occasionally running his nails down it too to see your reaction.
Joshua: When you get out of the car to walk together, he offers you his arm like a true gentleman, smiling as you link yours with his, your other hand landing on his upper arm. It’s close but classy, nothing that would make people uncomfortable. Would probably give your forehead the occasional smooch too.
Jun: Tries to act normal and cool and not be all over you, but you’re so cute he can’t help it 😔🤙🏻 his favorite is to squish and cup your cheeks, sometimes even making you make funny faces to giggle at when you guys are bored! Then he can peck your silly fish lips too if no one’s watching :3
Hoshi: This man will ALWAYS have a hand on you, just saying. If you two are seated, he’ll have a hand resting on your knee or thigh. If you’re standing, you’ll be holding hands at minimum, trapped in a loving tiger back hug at maximum >:3 he’ll get a little shy afterward, but will kiss you in public hehe
Wonwoo: PDA isn’t really his thing, so he won’t totally kiss you in public or have his hands all over you, but if you do or say something cute he can’t resist pulling you into a hug 🥰 also finds your hands under the table to quickly grip and swing, smiling at you from across the way.
Woozi: Definitely not one to be all over you, but he makes the little moments very intimate. When he drapes his jacket over your shoulders, you’ll see his hands give you a little squeeze. When you go to playfully smack him, he’ll just grab your hand and hold it for a few moments. If the place you walk is unsteady he’ll hold your side or your hand to guide you.
DK: PDA fan big time. But nothing that would make people uncomfortable! Seokmin’s favorite PDA is to surprise you with a sneaky kiss on the cheek when you aren’t expecting it! He also likes playing with your hands when you’re standing or sitting together, lining them up and playing lightly with your fingers.
Mingyu: If you guys are standing around, he absolutely LOVES standing behind you and draping his arms over your shoulders, letting them hang down and hoping you take them in yours. He rests his chin gently on your head, too. You guys won’t stay like that forever, just enough for a quick embrace, unless it’s cold or you’re bored in a long line. He’ll also kiss your cheek 😌
The8: When you guys are sitting next to each other, his hand will gingerly rest over yours. Every now and again, you’ll feel Minghao’s grip tighten just a little bit, giving you a reassuring squeeze.
Seungkwan: He fusses over you a lot, then tops it off with some affection. You’ll just be standing around somewhere and Seungkwan will start straightening your clothes, getting something out of your hair, rubbing your hand between his to warm it back up. Afterwards he’ll give your shirt or jacket a pat that leads to a little kiss, run his hand through your hair, or hold your hand.
Vernon: He’s not the biggest PDA person, not out of disdain but just because he doesn’t think to do it. However, he does have the habit of falling onto you when you’re laughing, his hands playfully shoving you away before they fall into your lap or grip yours. You’re the only person he does that to, so it’s a little sign when you’re hanging out that you guys aren’t just friends.
Dino: He slings his arms over your shoulder in classic hey baby 😏 fashion. It just never fails to make Chan smile when you melt into his touch, and if you really snuggle in 이찬.exe will stop working.
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thepepsislvt · 4 months
nobody asked for this but im gonna give you my top 5 baby girls and their pros and cons
in order even bc im insane
this also turned out to be more of a drabbles so yall still getting fed
number 5: Sanji
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literally such a sweetheart
traumatized just like me
always coming with the best insults
best cuddles cant tell me im wrong
so fucking kind <3
supports my nic addiction
also doesnt smoke around you if you dont like it
probably wouldnt even look at me until i show him my tits (im a trans guy)
probably smokes a pack a day
thinks he can out smoke me when im literally a feind for nic
on the off chance he gets in a relationship with me he still would flirt with other women and i have abandonment issues
Number 4: Ace
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Also very much a sweetheart
hes silly and knows how to always make you laugh
personal heater for the winter
will let you trace his freckles
best kisses ong
make cute little shapes with his flames
probably wont let you wear his hat
will fake punch you like a brother
too damn sexy
also way too hot during the summer like do not cuddle me i will not go to sleep in the heat
Number 3: Bartolomeo
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his hair is green meaning hes gotta be a walking green flag
will let you wear his clothes
especially his jacket
wants to kiss you every chance he can
fanboys over anything
hypes you up for anything you want to do
doesnt clean his piercings so you have to force him
doesnt understand personal space
Number 2: Rosinante
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another man that will let you wear his clothes
theyre gonna be huge since hes 9 foot 7
big friendly giant
when he trips bc hes clumsy he requires your kisses to feel better
will pick you up and carry you around if you let him
lets you help him with his makeup
always makes time for you no matter what hes doing
smile brighter than my future
Number 1: Izou
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bro is damn gorgeous
will ask your opinion on everything when shopping for makeup
will even do your makeup if you want him to
self care king
even when youre not feeling it he will at least help you do the most basic things
very patient with only you
big on protecting you
smooches your forehead or temple a ton
has you help with his nightly routine
has you ALWAYS help with his nightly routine
“oh im too tired can you do it yourself tonight?”
“Thats too damn bad my hair needs to shine brighter than the sun”
always looks more stunning than you (when is it my turn buddy >:( )
doing his makeup last over an hour
(this one is personal but i wanna cosplay him so bad but hes so feminine im scared i might get mad dysphoria)
thats all :)
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maopll · 2 months
Could I request Gepard, Luka, Welt, and Argenti finding their s/o's body pillow of them (the boys)?
#honkai star rail !
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⌗:, a/n : quick work cause I'm honestly getting so busy with this school year. we are rushing like crazy and it's only been 3 days since school started ...
⌗:, pairings : gepard (princess), luka, welt, & argenti w/ gn!reader (separately)
⌗:, note : I too would do this
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— ୨ GEPARD ୧
You look sweet sleeping comfortably in your bed but why ... why do you have him as a body pillow ? Him being flustered would be an understatement. He would be pacing everywhere just seeing you hugging the face of the body pillow close to your chest and one leg hanging over his waist.
He just stares quietly at you for a moment as thoughts flood him. He was thinking that he was away for so long you had to resort to cuddling with a 'gepard pillow' instead of him and he's even more sad. Not because you made him a pillow without his consent but rather that you were so lonely.
He gently removes the pillow and replaces it with him, but taking great care in not throwing it to some corner of the room. He hold you by your waist softly yet firmly and presses a chaste kiss on your lips. He murmurs a soft 'sorry' before also drifting off to sleep with you.
"mmm... wait... Gepard? when did you come? and...Where's the pillow?..." you can find the pillow later it's time to cuddle your baby since that's what you were doing and should be doing now that he's here.
— ୨ LUKA ୧
He's squealing and jumping up and down. You look so cute ! and peaceful sleeping like that. He clicks more than ten pictures and immediately makes them his wallpaper. Oh you're too cute to resist but it's quite unfair that you are cuddling a pillow which can't cuddle you back but now that he's here you can hug 'luka' as much as you want.
"Baby! I'm here now scoot over let me cuddle with you" he looks like a golden retriever who just wants to hog their master's attention and affection all to themselves. It's not that you can actually deny him of his well deserved affection.
"Aw fine fine I'll kiss you and cuddle you, you big baby" you held his face with your hands and smooched him with kisses all over his face.
"That's not enough!" and there he goes tackling you and throwing your body onto the bed. It's gonna be a long time before he's done cuddling with you...
— ୨ WELT ୧
"If you wanted to spend time with me that much, you could have just told me" Welt chuckles as he sees you practically strangling the Welt body pillow that you have as you hold it close to yourself.
"I can't possibly disturb you when you have so may missions to go on! and... I missed you so much.."
The last few words came out as a whisper but loud enough for Welt to understand what you meant and it was true. He went to Xianzhou and then the Penacony's Family called him and the other crew members so he had basically no time to spare for even a few minutes of rest.
"I know love...sorry...I'm here now for a long time so you can spend as much time as you want with me." He pressed a kiss to your forehead and caressed your hair as he shoved the pillow slowly from you hand.
"No need to worry anymore dear... I will kiss you until you fall asleep in my arms"
"Preposterous! Oh Idrila! I cannot fathom this anymore" he screams in a comical fashion.
"Chill Argenti, it's just a pillow... a pillow with your face,"
The most dramatic one because he can't understand why you would have to resort to cuddling with a non living thing when the living thing is right beside you walking, talking and breathing !
"Dearest this is a blasphemous act which a knight of beauty, especially one who is loyal to their oaths, can take! Why, why, pray tell, would you have to cuddle with a pillow?!" he falls to his knees.
You just sigh and drag him by his hand.
"Argenti, I didn't break whatever oath you are talking about and I still love you! I just wanted to make a pillow with you on it so that I wouldn't feel lonely when you're gone...to conduct your knightly duties..." you huff.
You saw how Argenti's shoulders relax and how he let out a content smile.
"Then looks like another one of my knightly duties need to be done hm?" he says so cheekily as he picks you up and carries you to cuddle with him ,"surely you can spare some time for the real deal my dove"
tagging: @fictoculus @poison-demon @mitsvriii @pianopuppygirl @sleepy-waffle
join the taglist !
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cursedpiratestash · 3 months
omg i love your writinggg🫶🏽
how about talon hc’s with a reader who on one occasion dodged their kiss because they were busy doing something else? like cooking, doing paperwork, cleaning, <3
Talon x Reader
“I’m busy” Headcanons
a/n: I wanted each to have their own set up so this leans more towards scenarios i hope that's okay! Thank you for enjoying my work I appreciate it a lot!
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It was a long day for him when he returned to his place beside you. With you in his company he’s hopeful that you could ease his mind from the disaster that was today
In a tired yet powerful stride he moves to hold you close by the small of your back and kiss you on your soft lips to greet you
When you swat him away he is taken aback for just a moment
Fortunately he immediately pinpoints as to why
As fiery as you were he was positive he hadn’t done anything to cause conflict with you in a while
It took one look to notice you were focused on a game on your phone
He only shook his head with a soft laugh through his nose or a half-heartedly snide remark before he patiently waits for you to either win or lose
Regardless of the outcome he pulls the phone away from you and guides your face to his
You’d forgive him for interrupting anyways
All in all probably the calmest about it and plans to get what he wants when you’re available rather than risking a fight by overplaying his dominant role
Not necessarily being the forgiving-type, Reyes narrows his eyes at you when you dodge his affection on his way out
He notices that your movements were frantic as though you were looking for something. When he questions you on this you give him enough of an answer for him to help you
With a roll of his eyes he snatches whatever you were looking for in seconds and presents it to you
He almost scolds you for your forgetfulness as he does so
When you reach for it he is quick to swipe it from your grasp and peers down at you with an expectant look
With a roll of your eyes you grant his wish and give him a smooch before he relinquished the item to you
He milks the moment by pulling you closer to him 
His expression slightly softens for the kiss before he bids you farewell with a pet name and a small peck on your forehead
When it comes down to it he would hold it against you just because he isn’t that big on displays of affection in the first place
Gets over it rather quickly though
With one of her experiments showing great promise Moira begins to feel celebratory. The next time she sees you she greets you with a tender smile and a beckoning hand
However when you raise a hand at her in a “Just a minute” gesture her face melts into an unimpressed expression
She easily closes the distance between you to look over your shoulder
You’re doing some form of paperwork; perhaps filling some report from the latest mission or something
Whatever it was kind of kills the mood for her anyways
‘Just busy work’ she would think to herself before she strokes the side of your face and turns your head towards her with her index finger and thumb gently holding your chin
“Don’t keep me waiting long,” She would finish with a pet name before granting you a lingering kiss and leaving you to your work
By the time she’s gone you well have forgotten what you were even writing
Anyways she's pretty understanding, but it isn’t everyday that she wants to spend an intimate moment with you outside of your home so it's up to you to get in on it before the window closes
Probably had just finished a rather difficult job as she plops down next to you on the couch you shared with her
Almost out of habit she leans over to wrap her arms around you to pull you towards her with your head on her chest to pepper kisses on your face
When you move away she is immediately confused and dejected on a smaller scale
You show her the cleaning supplies you brought out and mention that you were just about to get started
With a quick scan of the room she could tell it wouldn’t take very long
Despite this she gives you a bored look and pulls you back in anyways explaining that you could get started later and that she’ll even help out as well
But for now she really just wants to unwind with you and cuddle while you watch a movie
You knew this meant you two would probably take a nap instead but you allow it as it's usually a good excuse to give Sombra some much needed rest anyways
She isn’t the biggest fan of rejection and usually plans to get what she wants even if it means pulling on a heart string or two
She does it out of love of course
It’s a calm day with nothing but the mundane scheduled ahead of you
After polishing Gunny and Cha-cha, Mauga leisurely makes his way down to the kitchen where you were preparing something sweet and light
He greedily sniffs the air and compliments your skill before leaning down towards you, lips first and eyes closed
When nothing happens he opens his eyes to see your back facing towards him as you offer him nothing more than a “thank you”
There you leave his beautiful lips pouting at nothing
His face turns into a mock hurt expression despite how you don’t notice him waiting behind you
“How about a little sugar my way?” He’d ask with a cheeky grin
If that doesn’t get your attention he would resort to smearing whatever confection you have onto your cheek to get you to stop working 
Honestly by then he usually steals a kiss so good it leaves your head spinning
Out of all the members he’s probably the most immature about it and will always find a way to get you to look at him
Will always charm his way through anything and everything
On the rare occasion that she’s feeling unbearably affectionate is on a beautifully rainy day
She starts by waltzing up behind you as silent as a mouse then proceeding to wrap her arms around your waist, trailing one hand up your throat to push your face towards hers
When you don’t allow her to court you in her arms she scoffs as she is appalled by your rejection
You apologize profusely as she stands back with her arms crossed. What could have your attention so much so that you couldn’t pay her any mind
You explain that you desperately needed to add some finishing touches before she saw anything
“What are you blabbering about.” She raises a brow at you. When you show her the gift you’ve been preparing for her, her cold stare turns into something warmer
She rolls her eyes and accepts the gift before allowing a smile to grace her features. She hides it in your kiss as she pulls you towards her by the back of your neck
She will accept your apology this time, however next time she won’t be as merciful 
That aside she doesn’t take it too personally, but she does find it annoying unless you truly didn’t consent
So expect some empty threats until she gets her smooch
After a long day of testing he floats into your room where he finds you laser focused on the tv screen
His shoulders relax at the sight of you despite how you hardly offer him a greeting as he enters
‘You always did love your shows,’ he chuckles to himself. With that he makes his way towards you to greet you with a proper kiss
Unfortunately he had gotten in the way of the screen with his rather tall frame causing you to quickly dodge to try to catch the ending of your show
Feeling a little embarrassed Sigma seats himself next to you and apologizes silently as to not cause anymore distraction
It doesn’t hit you until the end credits start to play that you had just been unbelievably rude. In your attempt to apologize Sigma raises a hand in defense stating that he didn’t mind one bit as he knew you didn’t mean it
He only chuckles as you snuggle up to him to try to make it up to him. Things only settle down once you give him a darling peck on the cheek
Literally the sweetest guy about it out of the whole team when he's of sound mind
Honestly finds it endearing when you’re deep in thought anyways
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slamminslamminmcgill · 4 months
breeding kink joel is infecting my mind he won’t leave me alone. imagining him slowly rocking into me after filling me up to keep it inside and then we just go to sleep like that. wrruf wrufruf arf:3
warning: breeding kink, daddy kink, squirting, overstimulation
anatomical terms: cunt/pussy
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“Nghhh, shit… So fuckin’ tight, kiddo… Gon’ milk me fuckin’ dry… Yeah, c'mon, boy, give that pussy to your Daddy...”
Joel’s breath was hot against your ear as he rutted into you with all his body weight. He had his arms around your back, keeping your limp body squished up against his in a tight bear hug. You appreciated the extra support, since you’d squirted out about half your brain cells by now. For an old man with self-proclaimed shitty knees, his stamina was impressive. At this rate, you weren’t sure which was coming first: him, or all your bones turning into goo. Your arms and legs were flaccid, barely sticking to his back with all the sweat and body heat between you both. Insightful conversation was long gone for you, and in its place was incoherent babbling. “Oh, fu-u-ahhh, my gah… my god, fuck… D-Daddyyy…”
“That’s right, baby, Daddy’s here… Daddy’s—mmm—Daddy’s right fuckin’ here… All the way deep inside you, boy… Such a good boy… Makin’ Daddy feel so good, pretty boy…” Joel’s softly-spoken, sugary sweet words were the icing on the cake, a cake that you’d overstuffed yourself on, and were now in the midst of a sugar crash.
Even through the onslaught of overstimulation, your hoarse vocal cords croaked out a quiet appreciation. “A-Ah, hah… Tha-... Thank you, Daddy…”
“You’re welcome, baby boy…” Joel speckled kisses on your temple, down your jaw, and along your neck. You felt his hips stutter, a telltale sign of impending climax, and he inhaled sharply. “Ooh, fuck, Daddy’s gonna cum, baby… Got a big load for my special boy… Gon’ fill you up so good—shit! Shit!”
Joel squeezed your body like he was trying to pop you, and came with a feral growl that resonated deep in his chest. His cock throbbed and spilled inside you, his cum filling what little space there was between your skin and his. No matter how smart and self-assured you were in your day-to-day life, Joel Miller could wreck you, leaving you nothing more than a well-used sex doll plugged with his seed.
But he’d never leave you like that. Pulling out of such a nice, warm, not to mention filled-up hole? Blasphemous. He wouldn’t dream of it. Plus, he had to check in on you. “Still with me, baby boy?”
The rush of post-sex endorphins always left you a giggly mess. Smiley and loopy, your limbs flopped onto the mattress below. “Hehehe... yeah! Yeah, I’m—ah!”
You were cut off when Joel thrust his hips just an inch or two forward, just enough to make you squeal like that. It made him laugh. "What? Gotta keep it all in, baby." His scratchy beard nuzzled against your cheek and he sighed. "Comfy?"
“Yeah? I’m not too heavy for ya?”
“Mm-mm…” You yawned. “I like it… Feels like a weighted—" He thrust his hips again, making you squirm and whimper beneath him. "Mm! W-weight... weighted blanket…”
Joel chuckled, "Good. Cause I'm not pullin' out til morning." He swept some of your sweat-drenched hair out of your face, and smooched your glistening forehead.
"G'night, kiddo."
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ovaryacted · 3 months
Listen. Im headfirst on the “Leon is a sub” train. And you got me thinking about toys and Leon.
Leon with a lil vibrator inside of him. You’re controlling it. It started off with a dull easily ignored hum on his prostate. It feels good but not enough to get him going.
Then at random times you spike it. First time you did it, Leon was at home and he dropped his cup. Those spikes of intense vibrations get longer and longer. Leon’s clawing at his desk, trembling because you set the toy to max and where he’s sitting the vibrations are directly on his p-spot. He has to bite his knuckles to stop from moaning out loud.
He gets so close to the edge. So close to orgasm before you cut the toy and it’s back to the dull vibrations he felt before. You do this multiple times throughout the day and by the end of it, Leon is a frazzled mess.
He’s begging you with tears in his pretty eyes to just let him cum. He’ll do anything. He’s sobbing so beautifully.
Or. Hear me out. Leon bouncing on a dildo. It’s just alittle too big to make him have tears in his eyes. But he loves it. His mouth is open, moaning, sobbing and weeping as he rides the toy.
But the kicker, you’re not letting him touch his dick. So he just becomes delirious with pleasure, begging you to let him touch himself. He’s been such a good boy. He starts pleading with you that he’s so desperate to cum. He’s been good, why won’t you let him touch his dick.
He looks so beautiful so fucked out and messy. He’s just…. mwuah <3
-“angsty” anon (it’s me. The one who sends you a flipping thesis every time haha)
Angsty anon…now you know you’re not right for sending me this and thinking I’m gonna be normal about it like…you fucking cooked here, burned the whole kitchen down. Let me give you a smooch on the forehead for the good food MUAH!
But Leon using toys, that would be so fucking fun. In all honesty, I see it starting as a game, where you both try to see who lasts longer than the other. With you, he edges you unexpectedly, usually when you’re running errands versus at work because he wouldn’t take it that far. You’re in the grocery store? He uses the remote-controlled vibrator on you on a whim and makes you clench while you’re ordering cut meats from the butcher. His favorite time to use it is when you’re both going out to dinner, he enjoys watching you squirm as you drink your wine across from him.
It was fun for him when he had that control, but once the roles were reversed he instantly regretted it. When Leon is on the receiving end, it’s nonstop edging that’s borderline torturous.
This game first started when you suggested he try a toy out and let you tease him the way he does when he has the remote. At first, he thinks you’d take it easy on him, that you would give him breaks. Boy was he wrong, underestimating your craving to prove him wrong.
When he’s home, you tell him to use the toy, letting it buzz at the lowest setting so it’s not too much for him to handle. He thinks he’s in the clear and starts doing laundry or other household chores. Until the vibrations instantly go up three levels without a break, it takes him off guard, making him drop whatever he’s doing and lean against the wall for support. He feels lightheaded as his dick twitches in his pants, and he tries so hard not to squeeze himself as his thighs shake. He could feel the need to release growing in his gut, biting his lip to avoid making a sound that would be too loud to come from him.
All of a sudden, the vibrations stop altogether, and Leon huffs out a breath as his heartbeat evens out. This repetitive cycle happens throughout the day, where the vibrating toy would jump towards the more intense levels or you’ll use a pattern that makes him feel like he’s going crazy. Every time the vibrations just stop, he whines and patiently waits to feel it again, his body growing hotter and more sensitive when you click that button.
He pretends like he doesn’t enjoy the game, the constant edging, but you’re not so gentle when teasing your lover in the first place. You do all of this to teach him a lesson, to show him what rewards he will get once he learns how to be disciplined. The worst part about this situation is you ordered him not to touch himself as you did this, leaving his cock aching and sensitive to the touch.
When you finally give him some peace from the teasing, Leon is needy and searching for your touch. The moment your fingers so much as skim his cheek, he’s shivering under you, craving for more. After being edged for so long, practically all day, it doesn’t take long for him to cum the second your hands wrap around his cock, whispering in his ear and praising him for listening to your orders. You reward him by milking him dry for the entire night, pulling every orgasm you can get until he tells you he can’t take anymore and he’s shooting blanks.
But using a dildo? Leon can’t fake his feelings or edge himself with one. Instead of teasing him when he uses one, you let him fuck himself in front of you. You like watching him get dumber every time he lifts himself on his strong knees, just for him to slam his body back down with a loud moan. Words of praise and degradation slip out of your mouth, making Leon’s ears turn red from pleasure and his face flush down to his neck.
He’s pretty like this, probably the prettiest you’ve seen him. Tears ran down his cheek, drool spilling down his lip and his chin, whimpering at the way he felt stretched out around the dildo that rubbed along all of his good spots. His length was spilling the more he moved, bouncing on his pelvis and hard as a rock, tip red and hypersensitive to the damn air.
Leon begs under his breath, not knowing what he was begging for exactly, but just says he needs more. You bring his face in between your legs with a yank of his hair, letting him use his tongue to lap up at your arousal as his eyes roll to the back of his head.
“That’s a good boy”, you’d purr at him, moaning at the way he sucks on your clit, digging his nose into your pussy and sending his senses into overdrive. A single phrase like that will make him cum all over himself, making a mess of his lower stomach and gasping for air. All you can do is admire how fucked out he looks, a pathetic mess for you to love and care for. You wouldn’t have it any other way.
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the-kr8tor · 4 months
Ok, it’s a bit early for this type of request but hobie brown on Valentine’s Day with reader. Even though he hates the capitalist part of it, reader convinces him it’s all about the love and they celebrate together. (They make each other homemade gifts, and if they want something from the store hobie would steal it) <3
Thank you for the adorable request!! Ly 🫶 (uploaded early bc i tend to forget abt valentine's day lol)
Pairing: Hobie Brown x gn! Reader/ Spider-Punk x gn! Reader
Tags: No use of Y/N, No specific physical description of the reader, CW food mentions, FLUFF.
The loud music blares right inside your eardrums, chocolate aroma filtering through the entire flat, there's dried bits of it in your hair, apron and hands. You hum while putting the melted chocolate in its heart shaped molds.
Hobie's initials are freshly painted using icing on the prototypes or what you called ‘the rejected batch’ after you dumped more cocoa powder in it, making it lumpy and in turn making the hearts look wonky.
Stretching your aching neck, you place the tray of chocolate inside the freezer to cool, nodding to yourself at how you've practically perfected the last batch; now you just have to wait for it to freeze over so you could paint his initials and cartoon versions of you two on the chocolate. After that you can finally box them up and gift them to Hobie's as a valentine's gift—
“What's all this then?” A chin plops atop your shoulder, fingers taking off your earbuds for you.
You jump in your skin, back hitting the fridge door in surprise. “Fucking fuck!”
Hobie grins at your reaction, his hand hidden behind his back. “Cute apron. You look bloody fit in it.”
You clutch your imaginary pearls. “You're such an ass.” calming your racing heart, you flick his forehead. “You're early.”
“Time is a construct.”
“I'm not done with your gift.”
“Valentine's day is a sham holiday that capitalists invented so you could buy shit your partner doesn't need.” He raises a brow at you.
You loop your arms around his neck, smile widening at every word he utters. “What's that behind you then?”
“Flowers,” he sighs, revealing a bouquet of flowers from behind, the colorful paper crinkles, a thin red ribbon tying it all together. You're sure you've seen the flowers somewhere. “Before you say anythin’ it's from my garden.”
“You're an absolute sweetheart, Hobie brown.” eyes sparkling, you lean to press numerous kisses on his whole face, he scrunches up, feigning offense at your comment, but the way he subtly chases your lips says otherwise.
“My big punk sweetheart got me flowers!” You can't help but squeeze his cheeks. “From his beloved garden no less!” Pressing kisses in quick succession, he surrenders to you, sighing with every smooch you give him.
You lean away, affection satiated. He looks properly smooched with his face relaxed and lips smiling lopsidedly. His eyes are the same shape as the chocolates you've been making.
“The holiday's still a bloody cash grab.” He huffs, not an annoyed huff but a content one as you wipe the sheen you've left on his skin.
“I know it is.” You chuckle, busying yourself on cleaning his face. Your movements remind him of a cat grooming another cat; tender and soothing for the one they love. “It's about the thought, the love that comes with the gifts. Purchased or made there's love underneath it all.” Voice soft, lashes fluttering, you look at him like you've got the whole world in your hands.
“Or stolen from a multi million store that doesn't pay their employees fairly?” Hobie holds you by your middle, spare hand still clutched around the precious bouquet.
“Oh especially then!” you take his gift, smelling the petals. Your heart is full.
Smiling, you embrace him that he welcomes wholeheartedly. Nose nuzzling the crook of his neck, you leave a soft kiss on his jaw for good measure.
“Based on the chocolates on the walls, 'm guessing you got me a new guitar?” Hobie jokes, voice muffled by your temple that he's currently pecking like a man deprived of kisses. (He isn't)
“Wait a few more hours to get your gift?” You lean away to look at him, he's eyeing the prototypes on the counter.
“Stay with you for the rest of the day, getting snogged by you every second?” You nod, giggling. “Sounds like pants.” Before you could say something witty, he crashes his lips to yours.
Hobie tastes chocolates in your lips, making him kiss you deeper. Hands gliding along your lower back, he finds penchant on your hips, molding the soft skin in his hands.
He leans back, watching your flustered face gawp at him. “Tastes good, love.” His voice is deep and saccharine. You're absolutely melting in his arms, the bouquet almost slipping from your clammy hands.
“Let me get another taste.”
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