#big bug gospel
feral-babe · 15 days
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This card needed a makeover….getting real close to finishing this deck!
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ideas-4-stories · 3 months
Sfw omegaverse anon -
The "omega bestie" thing was smth Shanks probably told Luffy - ((Shanks sees a tiny unscented little pup all alone and went "Oh it's free real estate" /hj.)) In actuality, Makino raised Luffy for a good deal of time, but he is a rambunctious child, and I think he'd pester Shanks for stories and songs and all sorts of things. Shanks is a softie and so absolutely caved. Luffy learned a lot of the pirate's code from Shanks as a very small child and he treated it like GOSPEL, bc Shanks was, is and always will be his hero. So he definitely also got some very silly stories about Shanks' youth, and Buggy starred in more than a few, but never explicitly by name, it was always "my best friend" or "my packmate" or, on really sentimental evenings, "my baby brother".
When Luffy first met Buggy in Orangetown, the few braincells he has left sparked a connection - blue haired, sweet smelling, silly, greedy, trickster clown man? Blue haired, sweet smelling, silly, greedy, trickster omega packmate of his semi-adopted dad? Yes, that math is mathing. Small world. Anyway, gotta beat this clown. His hands are rated E for Everyone.
So yeah Luffy definitely knows Buggy is an omega, and when Buggy mentions "we served on the same crew", it just clicks. It's not really a big deal to him anyway, it feels stupid to care about that kind of stuff. You could not PAY him to care (but if you want to try, it's best to pay in food).
But yeah, Rayleigh and Crocus just both went "Ah, the kids will be fine" and then the kids went and were very much Not Fine At All. But that's a conversation for a different time.
Their parental instincts only kick in when Buggy gets flirted with or when Shanks gets hit on with complete seriousness for followup. It's both obnoxious and also funny.
Shanks gets a heart flutter, and by nightfall his denden is ringing bc Rayleigh is 🤏 close to swimming out there what is going on, red-?
When Crocodile and Mihawk finally get their shit straight and start the whole Courting Thing, the Dad Squad Of Remaining Rogers are in perfect synchrony detecting a Disturbance In The Sanctity Of Their Children.
Crocus calls Rayleigh. Rayleigh talks to Crocus. Neither have Buggy's number. How did that happen? Damn. If only Rayleigh lived with a woman who has an expansive information network where she can check for Buggy's contact information. If only Buggy was part of a widely known business with contact information for business needs. If only they considered this information and just how many options they DO have at hand.
Instead, they call Shanks - Shanks who is having a meltdown because "Bugs is growing up" and "two Alphas, really?!"
This does NOT bode well.
One prospective courtship is one thing. TWO simultaneous courtships are complicated. Those two Alphas enacting the courtship being former warlords, a mafia boss and the world's greatest swordsman, is something else entirely.
Crocus is sharpening his harpoon, debating his options. Rayleigh is seriously debating free swimming to the New World. Things are about to go DOWN and it's chaos all around.
Meanwhile, on Karai Bari, the Cross Guild Poly has finally hit the Holding Hands Stage, because they're stupid, silly and none of them are actually working with anything resembling game. Buggy blushes every time Mihawk pulls out his chair, he melts whenever Crocodile gets the door for him, and he's absolutely LOSING IT every time they ask him to spar.
Fighting has become their love language somehow and every time Buggy lands a hit of some kind, the others damn near swoon, which makes HIM swoon, and the crew and mercenaries are just watching this like the weirdest slow burn soap opera ever conceived.
Anyway yee I'm sleepy so I'm off, byyyeee~~~~
Shanks definitely did a Roger, looking at Luffy asks around who's child this is and proceeds to pick him up to Benn’s dismay (That is not paid enough to deal with his captain’s bullshit) Good thing Makino raising Luffy for a good bit of time. Luffy pestering Shanks for all sorts of things too, that's so Buggy.
Shanks talking about talking about Buggy without saying his name, I wonder why he won't say Buggy’s name to Luffy. Maybe Shanks didn't want Luffy to go and find his packmate, but that didn't matter when Luffy met Buggy. Good thing Luffy has some braincells after all that training Garp put him through. And the ‘Yes, that math is mathing. Small world. Anyway, gotta beat this clown. His hands are rated E for Everyone’ Yeah that's so Luffy, like damn he don't spare anyone.
Not Rayleigh and Crocus thinking that Buggy and Shanks will be fine. Indeed that is a conversation for a different time. I understand that Crocus would of given the kids a few things they would need in life while Rayleigh probably like I taught shit, you are good. And dips into the night without saying goodbye to grieve his captain and be with Shakky (for some reason that seems like he would do that. Its a headcanon)
THEN not their parental instincts kicking when Buggy gets flirted with or when Shanks gets hit on with complete seriousness for fucking followup. OH NOOOOOOOOOOO, that’s not how parental instincts should be (I mean to be fair, neither were planning on having kids probably, but then Roger metting those two happened, but like… dudes that’s not how it’s supposed to work)-(Indeed it’s obnoxious and also kind of funny if you ignore that’s not parental instincts should work…) Shanks getting scolded by Rayleigh when his heart’s fluttering, I wonder who that person is, anyway Mihawk and Crocodile getting their shit together and start trying to court Buggy (you know he’ll first think that they are threahing him, so it takes sometime)
Started laughing at ‘the Dad Squad Of Remaining Rogers are in perfect synchrony detecting a Disturbance In The Sanctity Of Their Children’ I love that, you know it’s not only Rayleigh and Cronus because most of the veteran Roger Pirates helped raised them too (hc/)
Crocus and Rayleigh not having Buggy’s number is so them… but what if it’s the same number he always had and they think it’s the wrong number now? Have they bothered to check? Or if they had, Buggy had openly said it wasn’t Buggy’s number? There could be so much more drama, but anyway yeah if ony Rayleigh lived with a woman that can find people’s numbers because she got that information network, if only Rayleigh knows where his child’s business is, oh no it’s too sad that they can’t find anything…
THEY CALLED SHANKS! Oh no! That’s the last place to call to find Buggy and to check if he’s alright! That man is fucking drunk, crying, ranting and raving about this! Oh dear! RIP to Crocodile and Mihawk, even the littlest teasing bullying their clown will land them in bad graces if those men see it (dear gods what if they found out they beat the shit of Buggy one day, that’s when shit would it the fan. Buggy’s followers will have a fucking telenovela to watch, they just need to be a safe distance away because holy shit someone might fucking died in the crossfire) Truly things are about to go DOWN and it's chaos all around… “Big News” Morgan would having the time of his fucking life with this.
Meanwhile on Karai Bari Island, where nobody knows about what might happened later down the line! Awwwwwwwwww, they are now in the Hand Holding Stage!!! That’s so cute! It took awhile because of so many things, good thing they worked it out.
Mihawk and Crocodile being gentlemen to Buggy is amazing, and them asking to spar is like BIG invalidation for him. Fighting and bullying each other (affectionately) is definitely one of their love language. Truly is like the weirdest slow burn soap opera ever conceived.
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ghouljams · 9 months
Fuck I wanna keep talking about Cowboy!Ghost doing farm stuff. I feel like I neglect his farm boy activities with all the romance.
His horse Dolly is the sweetest horse around, loves him as much as a horse has ever loved anyone. Which makes sense because Goose trained her and any animal Goose trains just loves Ghost without fail. Horses and dogs though, you expect them to love their people. That's not surprising, although it is fun seeing Dolly follow Ghost around without a lead, just plodding along behind him while he pretends she isn't.
No, Ghost is an animal magnet. Every animal on the farm, save Soap's horse, fucking loves him. The pigs all come snuffling up to him as soon as he goes near their paddock and he's the only one that can pick those critters up without them squealing. Even the piglets, he scoops up like they're wiggly potatoes and they don't make a peep aside from some happy snorts. The cows come right up to him if they see him walking along the pasture fence, and he cannot stop from being overrun if he gets off his horse out in the field. Every cow butting its big head against him for a pat.
You cannot tell me that man doesn't love those animals right back. He's not one for the scaly critters, doesn't like bugs, but goddamn you put a chicken in front of him and he's gonna crouch down and offer it some seed from his pocket. He swears up and down that he isn't feeding the barn cats but they follow him around like the second coming, meowing their Ghost Gospel.
And I know he's got a line about putting down a dog in MW2 but Cowboy!Ghost doesn't stand for animal cruelty. If he thinks someone is selling an animal that's been mistreated that thing is coming home with him. He's gotta explain to Goose why they now have a cow that can barely stand, but he couldn't just leave her there! And then again he is always talking to these critters. God forbid he's gotta talk to a human, but a horse? He can talk to Dolly all day.
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brenninthetaylorverse · 5 months
I know most of you probably forgot about it but I haven't and I want to keep my promises so guess what! I'm bearing my soul to you people and today I'll finally be giving all the details of my album, melodramatic.
@dandelions-fly-in-summer-skies I'm gonna @ you in some more of my music like new songs because this is not my best work lol
album cover:
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*the original image isn't mine, I literally got it off the internet and I never plan on releasing this, making an album cover and all of this is for fun*
1. the movement
2. crying in my bed at 3 am on a rainy tuesday
3. gospel
4. places i’ve seen before
5. people lie.
6. take another breath
7. long pause
8. my dreams aren’t real but my demons are
9. honey take your meds
10. is my family ashamed of me?
11. drama queen
the three songs (I had a few that has the same number so I get to choose on those lol PLEASE DO NOT JUDGE MY WRITING)
1. my dreams aren't real but my demons are
Sitting in my room on a regular day, wasting my life away. I think blue light is seeping into my brain. I don’t do anything anymore. I don’t even see my friends. And my room is dirty, I wish my Mom was here to bug me to clean it. And he said “You’ll be fine on your own.” Oh, but he was so wrong. 
My dreams aren’t real. Sitting here wishing I had some kinda physical appeal, even looking in the mirror hurts. What can you do when you're stuck in a body that doesn’t even love you? How did the brain name itself and why is the brain so mean? And why is there a man dressed in all black outside my window, but only on Thursday nights? Because my dreams aren’t real, but my demons are. Getting into college, becoming famous, that’ll never happen but I can count on my sleep paralysis demon to be there when I need him. And it’s so sad because I’ve never hated myself more than I do now and they don’t care.
I can’t help but mope around, waiting for some big circus to roll into town. Maybe then I wouldn’t be the only clown. I get up on big stages, hoping every time will be different, but instead I get booed off. I’m not proud of my past and I hope this version of me doesn’t last. They say all I do is sing about the negative but what do they want me to do? Sing about rainbows and unicorns? I never will because I sing about what I feel.
Cause man, my dreams aren’t real. I can wish all I want for a big fancy house but come on, that’ll never happen. Cleverly hidden lyrics on the back of a cereal box. Whenever I’m at the doctor's office for the 7th time this month, all I do is stare at the clocks. I take 20 medicines a day and nothing can keep my demons away.
2. is my family ashamed of me (I am not suicidal I just want to preface)
They used to call me the good kid. They said to make sure I remember them when I get famous. They wanted some of my success. They wanted me to be somebody. And I can’t imagine dying without being famous. I want people other than my hometown to know my name. I want to be someone. Make a name. Get out of this town. And yet I’d be leaving behind everything I’ve ever known, till eventually I drown. In other words, in the fight for the crown. I’d come back and leave, do it all again and still not know where I want to be. 36, a crazy woman with a broken dream. Do I want that to describe me? 
What happens when you give all the time and never get anything back? Do you run out of gifts? Of things to give? All the birthdays, all the christmases. All the lost time yet I was there. Do they hear the whispers about me? The grocery store, the gas station, in the eyes of the people who saw me grow up. I was gonna do great things but sitting here, I got one question. Is my family ashamed of me?
Would all the problems be fixed if I wasn’t born. If I never existed. Would they be happier, nicer, richer? What would it be? Give me a genie and I’ll waste my wishes and give me all the money in the world and I’ll be gone. Is my family ashamed of me? And it’s not my fault, I’ve been thinking ‘bout death. Can’t help but question this whole big thing, said no when you proposed with your dollar tree ring. I can never ask for help, I’m embarrassed when I see someone I know in public. And I hate driving slow, but I love having somewhere to go.
3. drama queen (this song has a few taylor references, whoever can point them all out gets a cookie)
I wish that you could go and unsay all those things you said that day. I wish I could undo all my actions and the reckless driving I did on the way. I know I’m partly to blame, I know that you always curse when you say my name. I think I know everything, but I’m just a dumb teenage girl trying to make her way. Do you think when I showed up to your party that was when I ruined everything? Do you think that my Mom is too pushy and she needs to stay in her lane? And why did you run away when I said those three words? All you had to do was stay. 
I know you say I’m a drama queen. I know you say I think I know everything. But I thought you cared. I thought you liked it when I did that dare. I thought you were gonna comfort me when I cried, but you left me. If I died, would you attend my wake? Would you care if I threw it all away for the sake of our relationship? What if your future was in the bend, would you leave me then? Are you waiting for the moment to strike when it hurts the worst then leave my life speeding, while I’m forced to slowly follow the hearse? 
I convinced myself that you were a brick wall and I was the sledgehammer. Breaking you down and fixing you back up but like usual, I was wrong. You are my David, I am Michelangelo. You wanted the world and I wanted you, we are not equal. I wanted you so bad that suddenly, I didn’t want you at all. What happens when you’ve been fighting for years but suddenly you lose sight of what you’re fighting for? 
so that's that. also I put most of my lyrics in paragraphs so if you don't read it all, I don't mind lol. enjoy my friends.
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chaos-and-kromer · 2 months
Welcome to my blog :] 🐊
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If you want to request something just send an ask :)
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General Interests- (in no particular order) Inscryption, Little big planet, undertale/deltarune, Hlvrai, Disco Elysium, Smile for me, Gen loss, the outer worlds, Horizon zero dawn, orange box valve games, BUGS, The Midnight Gospel, sweet tooth(netflix), TMA, Cult of the lamb
Current Projects- EW2​, the apartments, antlers and horns
tags- #andys art🐊 #fooling around :) #EW2☢️ #the apartments🏢 #antlers and horns🌙
cool cool guys you should check out- @/gmanwhore @/bats-in-the-snow @/healerelowen @/moookar @/sansfanboy2023 @/bestgoldfishy
Stimboard🧸 Stimboard 🦌 Stimboard 🐛🐜🪲🪳 Stimboard ☀️🌑🪽 Stimboard 🐏🔔🌹 Stimboard 🫂 Stimboard 🪻🌷🌼
some of my art :D (I'll update this every once in a while)
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nonagesimus · 1 year
Birthday Prompt 3 - Damian and Tim reluctant bonding
Prompted by @vvienne
“I can’t believe you hit the wrong button.”
“If you were half as smart as you think you are it wouldn’t have been the wrong button.”
Tim pinched the bridge of his nose and fought back a surge of fury. It had been a long time since Damian's last attempt at actually harming him. They were supposed to be on better terms. It didn't matter how infuriating the kid was, he was not about to start a brawl with a ten-year-old. Even if said ten-year-old had taken Tim's half-aware tirade while he puzzled through the Riddler's latest test as gospel and dove directly for what turned out to be very much the wrong button. It could be worse. It could've been one of those tests that spawned a bunch of robots they had to fight, or one that had started the countdown on a bomb, or one that would've dropped a bucket of paint on them.
Instead they were just stuck in a shipping container together, and so far they hadn't been able to find any indication it was something they could open from the inside, so they'd had to request help on comms.
Steph had laughed for nearly a full minute before saying she was in the middle of planting some bugs in the Iceberg Lounge but she'd be over as soon as she was done.
So, ok, maybe it couldn't get worse.
Tim had sat down in a corner at the far end of the container from where Damian was pacing, giving him as much space as possible. He wasn't sure if it was doing much—He didn't think much was going to help until they had an exit. It was something at least. Damian's hood was up, shadowing his face, and every movement he made was sharp and angry.
"We're fine," he pointed out. "There isn't even a screen in here. If Riddler was planning on doing anything he'd want to brag about it. No screen, no bragging, no trouble.”
"That's not the point," Damian snapped. "We were bested by Nygma. That's simply pathetic."
The sentiment wasn't lost on Tim, but he could admit that was probably ego rather than sense. Riddler was a pain in the ass, but the fact that he was a pain was a point in favour of him actually being pretty good at his job. Regrettable, but true. There was a reason he'd checked in with Steph first when it came to getting a rescue; she'd be able to get through the puzzles faster than most bats, and while she'd make fun of them far longer than would feel appropriate, there wasn't the same burn to failing in front of her that Tim would feel if it were Dick or Jason. Or, God forbid, Bruce.
Or at least it felt that way to Tim. Maybe Damian wouldn't agree.
He watched the kid pace for a few more minutes before he said, "Would you have preferred I call someone other than Batgirl?"
Damian sniffed. "Her skills may be adequate in this area specifically." It was about as big a compliment as Tim had ever heard Damian give. He'd have to tell Steph once they had a moment to themselves. "The other Batgirl, however, would be more discrete."
Ah. That tracked.
"You know what they're like," Tim said. "They tell each other everything."
It was even odds if Cass would've ended up calling in Steph herself anyway. She wasn't bad at puzzles when she tried, but she didn't have much patience for them. Especially wordplay, which Riddler loved.
That made Tim feel like he might've scored a point. Probably not the way he should be thinking about the conversation.
"I figured she was the least likely to tell B," he said, baldly.
Damian's eyes flashed towards him. "You're trying to hide your failure from my father?"
"First of all," Tim said, "The failure is both of ours. Secondly, yeah, I really am."
"You should learn to face your shortcomings directly, Drake," Damian said.
Tim, politely, didn't call him out on the use of his name. "Ok, you can tell him what happened."
Damian's scowl deepened for a long moment before he said, "Have it your way."
He starting pacing again without saying anything else, so Tim just leant back further against the wall, tipping his head to rest against it. Thought about closing his eyes, but dismissed it. Even if it had been a while, that felt like taking being vulnerable in front of Damian to a new, idiotic level. Instead he briefly checked in with Batgirl and just got a double tap that indicated she'd acknowledged his message but couldn't talk. Probably still in the Iceberg Lounge, then. For a lack of anything better to so he dug around in his utility belt until he found a little bag of trail mix so he could at least snack.
When he realised Damian was watching him, he held the bag out.
"Want some?"
Damian did nothing for a moment—apparently giving it the same amount of consideration that Tim had given shutting his eyes—before stomping over and grabbing a couple of dried cranberries.
Tim considered calling him out for only taking the best bits, before ultimately deciding they didn't have the kind of relationship where that would be taken as teasing, and said, "You should sit. We're gonna be here until Batgirl finishes up."
The kid scowled into middle distance for a moment before dropping gracefully into a cross-legged position.
"Do you really think you'll be able to hide this from Father?" he asked, apropos of nothing, several long a silent minutes later.
"Eh," Tim said. "If he looks into it he'll probably figure it out, so the main goal is to keep him from thinking he needs to look into it. But it's not like it'll be the first time I've lied to Batman."
Damian fixed him with an intense gaze, leaned towards him so far he rocked forwards a little, and said, "Tell me how."
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geminiagentgreen · 4 months
This is extremely personal, but nowhere else has the same level of community that tumblr has foe me.
There is so much going on in and around me right now that I can't tell if I'm slightly nauseous from this damned stomach bug or the stress, but:
- on/off again sick with a big that turns food into toiletry turmoil
- my son throwing the worst tantrum of his life thus far
- a newfound but furiously contended zeal to speak within my household of the sin of sexual immorality
- the aforementioned contended being my stupid, awful self who is too cowardly to take a step forward on the gospel for the hope of my wife's salvation
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I know I ask for a lot of prayer requests...but y'all...if you could please...
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adamwatchesmovies · 4 months
Antiviral (2012)
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Writer/director Brandon Cronenberg follows in his father’s body-horror footsteps with Antiviral. Weird and unsettling, you won’t see anything like this one anywhere else.
In the near future, celebrity worship has taken a new form. Avid fans of people like Hannah Geist (Sarah Gadon) want a part of her inside them, want to feel what their idols feel. Some eat cloned celebrity meat. Others get the viruses that make their favorite celebrities sick injected into their bloodstream. At the Lucas Clinic, Syd March (Caleb Landry Jones) sells pathogens to his clients and makes money on the side smuggling these exclusive commodities on the black market. To bypass his work's security measures, he incubates the viruses within himself. When his latest acquisition proves fatal to its host, he must find a cure before it's too late.
The very concept of Antiviral gives you the willies. What’s worse is that it doesn’t seem THAT far-fetched. We live in a world where you can very easily feel like you’re a part of a stranger’s life because you see everything they do. Going to a restaurant so you can eat the replicated flesh of someone you love - even though you’ve never met them - is extreme… but is it more invasive than looking at a leaked sex tape? How many degrees of unhealthiness separate getting a celebrity pathogen from taking a stranger's advice as gospel when it comes to products you should buy, apply on your skin or eat? The people of this world are eating human flesh and making themselves ill because they WANT TO.
Psychologically, the concept gives you the creeps but Antiviral doesn't stop there. Psychologically, it's sick. Physically, it's also sick. Admit it, you get a little squeamish when some medical professional shows you a needle but at least deep down you can feel comfort knowing that this small moment of unpleasantness is for the greater good. You relive that discomfort over and over while watching this film. You see how ill Syd becomes. You can imagine yourself in his shoes thanks to that one time your arm became inflamed after a flu shot. We've all been bedridden with a dreadful cough, thinking we were dying. He's actually dying.
Then there’s the actual plot. What’s worse than willingly giving yourself the same herpes variant some attractive lady contracted? getting some new disease you didn't realize was lethal. Now, this isn’t a pandemic film. We’re not scared that Syd will accidentally cause the end of humanity - this future has measures to prevent diseases from spreading to people who didn't pay. What’s chilling is that this disease might not be natural. Syd was never “meant” to contract this thing that’s in him. More and more, we begin to suspect this bug was manufactured. If it was, for what purpose? In addition to body horror, this is what I’d describe as a "terrify-inc." film; a story that shows how unscrupulous and dangerous big corporations can be when all they care about is money while the government regulations protect them rather than us.
The metaphors in Antiviral are not subtle and some of the characters might be thin but at what it wants to do above all, Antiviral excels. One look at Caleb Landry Jones in those clinically-white rooms and you’re filled with unease. Every shot of a needle penetrating the skin, of blood, mucus, saliva or slime fills you with a new sensation but getting an injection isn’t new… it’s just that something has changed. The ending, in particular, makes you feel a whole lot of “ick!” I mean that in a good way. (On Blu-ray, October 24, 2021)
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the-birth-of-art · 1 year
On the occasion of Pat Robertson's death....
"To a Contemporary Bunkshooter" (aka "To Billy Sunday")
by Carl Sandburg, 1915
YOU come along … tearing your shirt … yelling about Jesus.    
Where do you get that stuff?    
What do you know about Jesus?
Jesus had a way of talking soft and outside of a few bankers and higher-ups among the con men of Jerusalem everybody liked to have this Jesus around because he never made any fake passes and everything he said went and he helped the sick and gave the people hope.  
You come along squirting words at us, shaking your fist and calling us all dam fools so fierce the froth slobbers over your lips… always blabbing we’re all going to hell straight off and you know all about it. 
I’ve read Jesus’ words. I know what he said. You don’t throw any scare into me. I’ve got your number. I know how much you know about Jesus.
He never came near clean people or dirty people but they felt cleaner because he came along. It was your crowd of bankers and business men and lawyers hired the sluggers and murderers who put Jesus out of the running.  
I say the same bunch backing you nailed the nails into the hands of this Jesus of Nazareth. He had lined up against him the same crooks and strong-arm men now lined up with you paying your way.  
This Jesus was good to look at, smelled good, listened good. He threw out something fresh and beautiful from the skin of his body and the touch of his hands wherever he passed along.
You slimy bunkshooter, you put a smut on every human blossom in reach of your rotten breath belching about hell-fire and hiccupping about this Man who lived a clean life in Galilee. 
When are you going to quit making the carpenters build emergency hospitals for women and girls driven crazy with wrecked nerves from your gibberish about Jesus—I put it to you again: Where do you get that stuff; what do you know about Jesus?  
Go ahead and bust all the chairs you want to. Smash a whole wagon load of furniture at every performance. Turn sixty somersaults and stand on your nutty head. If it wasn’t for the way you scare the women and kids I’d feel sorry for you and pass the hat.
I like to watch a good four-flusher work, but not when he starts people puking and calling for the doctors.
I like a man that’s got nerve and can pull off a great original performance, but you—you’re only a bug-house peddler of second-hand gospel—you’re only shoving out a phoney imitation of the goods this Jesus wanted free as air and sunlight.  
You tell people living in shanties Jesus is going to fix it up all right with them by giving them mansions in the skies after they’re dead and the worms have eaten ’em. 
You tell $6 a week department store girls all they need is Jesus; you take a steel trust wop, dead without having lived, gray and shrunken at forty years of age, and you tell him to look at Jesus on the cross and he’ll be all right.
You tell poor people they don���t need any more money on pay day and even if it’s fierce to be out of a job, Jesus’ll fix that up all right, all right—all they gotta do is take Jesus the way you say.
I’m telling you Jesus wouldn’t stand for the stuff you’re handing out. Jesus played it different. The bankers and lawyers of Jerusalem got their sluggers and murderers to go after Jesus just because Jesus wouldn’t play their game. He didn’t sit in with the big thieves.  
I don’t want a lot of gab from a bunkshooter in my religion.
I won’t take my religion from any man who never works except with his mouth and never cherishes any memory except the face of the woman on the American silver dollar.
I ask you to come through and show me where you’re pouring out the blood of your life.  
I’ve been to this suburb of Jerusalem they call Golgotha, where they nailed Him, and I know if the story is straight it was real blood ran from His hands and the nail-holes, and it was real blood spurted in red drops where the spear of the Roman soldier rammed in between the ribs of this Jesus of Nazareth.
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mommycain · 6 months
Ethel Cain
ive been a big fan of Ethel Cain for a while now and it all started in 2020. shortly after discovering her, I began listening to all of the music that she made and it was weird because i've loved rock, metal, electronic, shoe-gaze and indie music and the artists that produce music of those genres, but i've never been so obsessed with someones music, the only ones that came close were deftones, nirvana, linkin park, breaking benjamin, in this moment, Chelsea grin, white chapel, son lux, and lorn. These bands / musicians meant a lot to me and still do, but i was never as in love with them like i am with Ethel Cain.
Growing up poor, gay, and autistic in southern Ohio (Wilmington OH) i was very isolated and ostracized by many. By the time i was a senior in highschool i had enough trauma to make a psychologists head spin, i was personally attacked by children and adults ever since i came out as gay at a very young age, sexually assaulted, abused in every way imaginable by multiple people, recovering from addiction, had multiple suicide attempts, multiple loved ones die, and helped raise my brother all before i was 18, so I really connected with many of the themes and lyrics in her music. I dont mean to come on here and dump all of my trauma on unsuspecting people, i just still cant believe there is someone out there that makes music that i can relate to on such a massive scale. I just want to give her a hug and thank her for existing in the same world as i do. The cliche of people saying "their music literally saved my life" always kind of bugged me, sure, some artists got me out of some dark moments in my life, but Hayden's music really did pull me away from self harm and suicide many times in my adult life. i want to sit down and just talk with her for hours and listen to her life story and thoughts. i know ... trust me i know, i sound kinda crazy, but i,ve just never felt this way about anyone's music except for her's.
Ive annoyed all of my friends relentlessly with how obsessed i am with her music and her as a person, and ive been spreading the gospel of Mother Cain as much as i can, but here are some deep dives into my thoughts about my favorite songs by Ethel Cain.
Earnhardt- 2020 / 2021.
This is the first Ethel Cain song i ever listened to. When i listened to Earnhardt for the first time, I felt seen, understood, and i was so confused as to why she wasnt more popular. This song had me in a chokehold and i still listen to it religiously, but anyways, Earnhardt really spoke to me when i first heard it and i fell in love with her voice and her mind while listening to this song. The betrayal and hopelessness in the lyrics and the theme of wanting things to get better but everything seems out of your control and only finding peace when thinking about your own death, it all spoke to me in ways i never imagined a single song could.
Michelle Pfeiffer- 2021
While i was scrolling on tiktok, i came across a video of Hayden sitting in a diner with her friend and i thought the whole vid seemed like a found footage film and i loved it, i started reading the comments and there were people saying that she was "running from the law" and "she killed someone i think and now shes fleeing her state", while i was confused, i went ahead and looked at her profile and saw that IT WAS HER, the one who made Earnhardt!!! my favorite song!!! so i went ahead and looked at other videos then stumbled upon a promotion for her new song: Michelle Pfeiffer and immediately listened to it. I was hooked ever since.
Ptolemaea- 2022
Yes, the song that puts the fear of god and or satan into the hearts of the mentally sane and cid-het men, as well as being an anthem to those that have been wronged by those same men. The feeling i got from hearing this song for the first time was extremely cathartic. the demonic and haunting voice of hayden at the end of the song is unnerving and devastating, when you hear it, it feels like a looming figure standing over your paralyzed / near lifeless body, and it wants you to let go and submit to it. The symbolism and poetry in Ptolemaea is something i admire to no end.
Hard Times- 2022
This song quickly became one of my best friends favorite songs, and i dont blame her, Hard Times is another devastating song that paints a picture of sorrow, trauma, insecurity, doubt, shame, and longing for stability and peace.
Dog Days- 2019
An almost lullaby about toxic relationships, full of pain and confliction. wanting to keep someone close to you no matter how much they hurt you, allowing them to hurt you because you can still see a glimpse of who they used to be, the person you fell in love with, excusing the abuse because they still show you affection from time to time, even when you know that loving them is only hurting you and you know it would be best to leave, you stay because no matter how hard you try, you cant help but fear the possibility that nobody will love you as much as they do. you know its poison, but youve been drinking it for so long you worry that life wont ever be the same without it. This is another song i relate to immensely.
Alright, ive been awake for over 37 hours now, so im gonna get some shuteye. i hope you found my crazed obsession amusing and or insightful, and i hope i dont look like a total psycho lmao, i just wanted to geek out and fangirl a bit because again ... i dont really feel this strongly about other musicians.
ps: Hayden ... Queen Ethel ... Mommy Cain ... if by some chance you see this, let me know! so i can die out of embarrassment in peace. thanks, love ya!
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amporella · 2 years
STANKY if no one asked for it yet
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STANKY MY BELOVED... and i am sorry for my terrible handwriting I DID THIS ON MY NOTES APP AWJIOPAFJ
Some explanations under the cut:
I think Stan is definitely more prone to using pet names than Kyle, but I don't know if either of them use them super often? I can see them just naturally defaulting back to 'dude' since they've been calling each other that for so long, so it's like their own sweet little (slightly misleading) pet name.
This really is the one I struggled with the most!!! Do not take what I put here as gospel; I think it's too simplistic to accurately measure a character, so I really was kind of in the dark for this one. Both of them are sociable, but Stan's chiller and more tolerant of large groups.
Stan Marshwalker and how he punches his fist when you try and approach Kyle in SOT just screams affection through action to me tbh. He's very protective and that's one of the ways he shows his love; he's a big romantic and obv shows his love through words too, but I always think of him as a big affectionate puppy.
I actually don't think about stanky confessions too often? I think it actually just kind of Happens. There isn't any official confession until after they're done collapsing into each other's arms, so I think Stan is probably the one who does the final push into a relationship? But I can really see it going either way, and I do think Kyle's pining longer.
I kind of took Stan's fear of snakes and ran with it. He doesn't love things with no legs or too many legs. BUT he also doesn't let Kyle squish the bugs; he insists on carrying them outside in a little cup.
I just think Stan would be a really good cook. This is also me pushing my stay at home Dad Stan agenda
Once again; Stan is just a big affectionate puppy and he can't keep his hands off of Kyle!! Kyle rolls his eyes but really loves it, and he's SO smug about having landed him. He loves being the subject of Stan's affection especially in public, and he preens like crazy while Stan's loving on him. They're THAT couple.
Stan Marshwalker... of course Stan would be SO protective over Kyle. And so jealous, tbh. I think both Stan and Kyle have this concept that the other 'belongs' to them in some way, which ties back into both of them having high jealousy. They're both very protective over each other, but Stan is definitely more so; I like Kyle being a little sickly in his adulthood (immunosuppressants), and Stan frets over and loves on him.
Kyle pines after Stan for so long that he doesn't bother trying to date anyone else, and Stan dates Wendy for a long time but doesn't date around. So Stan definitely has more.
I LOVE THESE CHARTS BUT I FEEL LIKE THEY'RE NOT COMPREHENSIVE AT ALL... I have so much more to say about the intricacies of Stanky so I welcome questions/comments??? And I also trust your interp with my life so.
Thank you again <3
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feral-babe · 19 days
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Instead of charging forth with passion and energy, The Knight of Galls moves at a steady and deliberate pace. He approaches life with methodical precision, prioritizing long-term goals over fleeting desires. At the same time, he encourages us to remain focused on our goals even when progress seems slow or obstacles stand in our way.
The northern Caribbean turtle ant is known for its specialized and unique anatomy. Despite lacking the conventional weaponry of stinging ants, they compensate with their extraordinary non-aggressive defensive strategy. Using their disk-shaped heads, they block the entrances to their tunnels, serving as a living door that shields the colony from threats. They are not flashy or aggressive in their approach, but rather rely on ingenuity. This symbolic act mirrors the Knight's commitment to protecting what is valuable and ensuring the safety of their domain.
This card encourages us to adopt a similar mindset in our own lives: approach our responsibilities with a willingness to put in the time and effort required to see them through to completion. While doing so, it warns against the pitfalls of stubbornness and rigidity. Hard work is admirable, but we are cautioned against becoming so fixated on our goals that we lose sight of the bigger picture.
Prints available on Redbubble and Inprnt
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i read a thing a while ago that i lost the link for where some researchers had done some kind of study and found what they viewed as evidence to suggest that in bipolar disorder, the best predictors for depressive episodes & manic episodes were not changes in mood or emotion but changes in physical energy level, which they felt like suggested a theory that what is viewed as a mental illness may be more accurately looked as a disorder of energy regulation. i obviously have NO IDEA of how valid this may or may not be and also their methodology i feel like i remember was weird enough that i (layperson) was like, uh, what? but the concept has kind of stuck in my head and popped in again bc i was listening to maintenance phase (ft. guest appearance by sarah yourewrongabout!!!!!!) and michael paraphrased one of his sources by saying something like "her theory is that during this time this person was depressed, and the fatigue was a symptom of depression, and she didn't know she was depressed because being on methamphetamines masked the fatigue and other symptoms." and it was so interesting to me how like, i find it hard to imagine someone similarly suggesting a theory in which being fatigued made someone depressed. but as someone whose like primary life project for the past few months has been tackling my lifelong burden of sleepiness... i definitely feel like being tired all the fucking time can make you fucking depressed, even if nothing else is going on in your life/brain/body/spirit/whatever that would lead to that (altho fatigue also often does come from external [but not necessarily easy to identify!!!!] factors). it sucks so bad to feel like i cannot get any forward momentum going in my life because i keep losing huge chunks of it to trying to force myself to get out of bed, not because i am sad, but because my body feels like wet paper towels. and it is much harder to resist that kind of melodrama when i am Big Sleepy, and keep getting Big Sleepy - the extent to which i can do it comes basically entirely from years spent training myself to remember that just because i am a big baby does not mean all my thoughts and emotions are gospel truth.
i feel like this has also helped me identify or articulate part of my own particular reaction to like, "stop telling me to address mental illness [something i am persistently identifying as biologically caused] through choices that would impact my biological well-being" discourse, which i am usually actually kind of... i wouldn't say defensive of exactly, but i feel like if you're well enough to clown on it you're maybe well enough to put together the self-awareness it takes to recognize that fighting with mentally ill 19 year olds on the internet is not the best use of your time. and also "stop being so anti-recovery and go outside" posts are even more annoying to me. (i just hate everyone, basically, lmao.) but i think now what bugs me about the way that discourse goes on all sides is exactly the implicit assumption that like... there is no level of feeling bad physically that can produce symptoms diagnosable as certain kinds of mental illness. or that like... that there's a certain level of seriousness and import to Mental Illness that is somehow trivialized by a link to things viewed outside the realm of Mental Illness, like "having a body that feels very bad all the time" is less of a serious or worthy concern (well, really i think what's going on is that it's seen as less forgivable a reason for perceived failings, but anyway). like, even team go outside will usually say something like, "it's not a cure, but it will make you feel better." and to be clear i'm not saying it is a "cure." but like, the idea is still that it's like, potentially ameliorative of symptoms, and not... possibly in some people actually addressing some of the root mechanisms through which this condition has transpired. which to me feels like it kind of trivializes just how bad having a body that feels bad can be. in the interests of full disclosure it is possible i am projecting and this is fully about my unresolved feelings about my mom's fibromyalgia. just putting that out there for transparency.
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wolfwillowisp · 5 months
Hi TristampParty. I haven’t been involved in this event because due to personal reasons I don’t engage in larger fandom spaces. But I’ve wanted to talk about this for a while and now is the perfect time to discuss this. I’m sure you’ve seen discussions of how the symbolism or framing of today’s episode mirror a sexual assault, but there’s a third point here that I haven’t seen anyone bring up: the fact that in biological scientific terms, that scene depicts non consensual sexual reproduction. It’s a rape scene.
Content warnings for sexual assault, incest, and photographs of animal genitals.
Before I begin: a few forewords.
One: I don’t ship Vash/Knives. If you accuse me of “shipping incest” or some other dog water fandom callout you will be blocked immediately for my mental well-being. This kind of drama is why I don’t engage with fandoms.
Two: I’m not a biologist, yet, at least. In fact I’m a high school dropout. But despite my own thinking otherwise speaking to other people both online and off has continually proved to me that I hold a higher than average knowledge of the biological processes. I repeat- I’m not a biologist, just someone with a special interest in biology/ecology who reads and researches in her spare time. Please don’t take my word as gospel, and if anything here interests you, do your own research!
Three: I will be using terms as relating to biosex individuals. This has nothing to do with any specific character’s gender. I will also be using language associated with animals and plants to describe characters with human level intelligence. This is not me being dehumanizing this is me being me. I do this to humans it’s just my style of describing biology stuff as simply as possible.
Unfortunately I still can’t start talking about Trigun yet, because we need to hit some scientific basics before analyzing the episode.
Sexual reproduction is a system of reproduction where two individuals combine their genetic material to create a genetically unique organism(or organisms). A gamete is a sex cell. For the purpose of this essay I will be using sperm(male) and eggs(female) as catch all terms. If an organism produces both sperm and eggs it is a hermaphrodite. A gonad is the organ in the body that produces gametes, male testes and female ovaries. An intromittent organ is an organ used by a male or hermaphrodite to transfer sperm into its partner. The form most familiar to you will be the mammalian penis.
While most systems of reproduction either have one sex, the Hermaphrodite, or two, male and female, rarely, some species of plant or animal have three sexes(male/female/hermaphrodite). This is called Trioecy.
An animals sex organs don’t always have to be placed between the hindmost limbs. Some genera of millipedes have the reproductive organs on the second segment of the body after the head, and a male octopus’s intromittent organ is actually one of his eight legs. (Fun fact: this “penis arm” has a specific name- the hectocotylus)
Okay. Now onto the big one in terms of relevance: insects. Some insects exhibit a kind of behavioral and biological adaptation known as Traumatic Insemination. This may also be called Hypodermic Insemination. Bed bugs in particular are notorious for this because this is the only way that all bed bug species reproduce. This is the only way they mate. Traumatic insemination is when a male uses a sharp, needle like intromittent organ to inject semen into the abdomen of his mate. In a female, the circulatory system carries the sperm to her ovaries where they fertilize her eggs.
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[image ID: a macro photograph of bedbugs mating. The male has turned the female on her side so she cannot fight him off and is using his penis, which resembles a hypodermic needle, to pierce the underside of her abdomen]
Sound familiar?
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[Image ID: a portion of a screenshot from Trigun Stampede. Knives and Vash are suspended in fluid, and a series of bladed tentacles emerge from Knives’ back and have pierced Vash in his back. Vash floats limply in the fluid.]
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[Image ID: Millions Knives, suspended in a fluid. A series of tentacles emerges from his back. The tentacles consist of a cord-like core, a series of blades emerging from the top of the core, and a serrated arrowhead tip.]
From observation it’s clear to me that Knives’ knives, the tentacle/tendril form of them at least, are intromittent organs. From official art work it can be shown that he completely lacks an exposed penis or a sheath in which it is retracted into.
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[Image ID: official art of Millions Knives. A wing and many bladed tentacles emerge from his back. He wears a skintight bodysuit. His crotch is completely flat, lacking any genital structures.]
And from an evolutionary perspective, these tentacles possess adaptations that would assist in securing and inseminating a mate. The “knives” along the organ are curved, and all point the same direction, and would be easier to insert into flesh than to remove; acting both as a serrated cutting edge and as penile spines.
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[Image ID: a diagram showing the serrated edges of a Tyrannosaurus tooth]
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[Image ID: The hemepenes of a diamondback rattlesnake. It is a pale barrel shaped organ with two small openings at the top. Long sharp spines cover the sides and point backwards towards the body.]
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[Image ID: A Screenshot from Trigun Stampede. Knives’ tentacles pierce Vash in the back from behind.]
Vash has similar organs as well, and those too are intromittent organs.
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[Image ID: A Screenshot from Trigun Stampede. Knives’ tentacles are embedded in Vash’s back, and tentacles of his own emerge from his back. Vash’s tentacles are a smooth branching rootlike structure.]
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[Image ID: a Screenshot from Trigun Stampede. Vash, Knives, and many dependent plants float in a large tank. Knives’ tentacles are embedded in Vash’s back and Vash’s tentacles are embedded in the lower abdominal region of the other plants. There are blue flashes along Vash’s tentacles.]
As a quick aside I’m still not sure what’s going on with the blue bioluminescence on Vash’s genitals here. It could be an extension of his markings but given that they only appear after impaling the other plants in the tank I’m guessing it has something to do with fluid transfer? Either his and or knives semen and or blood.
But this IS sex. The endgoal of sexual behavior is reproduction, which is the crux of Knives’ villainous plan. And we see that he successfully reproduces, given that we can see that the inseminated plants are visibly pregnant. And the only thing separating sex from rape is consent: and I don’t think anyone other than Knives really wants to be here.
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[Image ID: two screenshots from Trigun Stampede. On the left: three pregnant dependent plants. They all have visibly pained expressions. On the right: Vash, suspended in liquid, attempting to escape Knives’ tentacles.]
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gege! i want my happy boy back! this is a threat! (insert the tiny kirby holding a knife)
CONTENT: headcanons, itadori x reader (18+), afab, 1,829 words, fluff, sfw + nsfw
gojo version
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oh boy… we all KNOW he is *the* golden retriever boyfriend.
the he fell first AND harder trope.
is completely oblivious that you liked him back, but it was very obvious to everyone around him that he liked you.
looking for your reaction when he makes a joke, listening intently to everything you say, always relating things to you, catching himself staring at you constantly, always tryna be as close as humanly possible to you all the time —this still happens when you’re together too.
like he’s the type of guy to subconsciously insert you into every conversation. “oh y/n loves that movie!” “look at this! i’m sending y/n a photo~” “y/n said that’s bad for you”
takes your word as gospel too. like you could make up the dumbest shit and this mf would be like “wow you’re so smart cutie, ily”.
nobora abuses this power you hold constantly.
he will do anything and everything you ask (and don’t ask) as well, like you best believe if you ask him to grab you a drink he’s grabbing you that and a snack, and whenever you’ve got something in your hand he’s offering to carry it before you can.
when you guys go shopping together he will take the bag of clothes the cashier is handing in your direction and refuse to let you carry it.
nobara’s kicking and screaming bc when SHE threw all her shopping at him he just COMPLAINED—
when you get home he’s expecting a full fashion show to show off all you bought and he is not only hyping you up, but genuinely enjoying watching how happy you are about it.
if he’s not with you he’s expecting a facetime call and you better deliver.
he loves to know how happy you are, especially when it’s something he’s done, so he is helping you with every chore, every task, anything you need help with he’s already started doing.
is his own room clean? absolutely not. is yours clean bc he saw you picking up a few things and helped you? absolutely.
you best believe he’s holding open doors for you too. he definitely does this for regular people anyway, but he goes the extra mile when you two are alone; like expecting you to walk out of the door first or opening the car door for you or pulling out a seat for you.
you should definitely make a huge fuss over bugs, regardless of if you’re scared of them bc he would love to swoop in and kill the spider for you <3
then you gotta rub your hands all over him and dramatically proclaim him as your hero (he’s giggling and kicking his legs n twirling his hair at the thought of being your hero).
another thing that makes him the happiest boy in the world is when you actually engage with his interests.
he respects you so highly so your opinion of things and listening to him talk about things he likes makes his heart swell so much.
you’ll make his heart explode if you remember all his ramblings and bring it up at a later date.
it’ll happen so casually too like “oh weren’t they also in [obscure movie only yuji would know an actor from]?” and before you know it he’s tackled you and is smooshing kisses all over your face.
he does the same thing whenever you compliment him too. he doesn’t know how to handle so much emotion when you call him pretty so he just has to kiss you!
just like the golden retriever he is, he needs to be touching/around you at all times.
he always has his arm wrapped around your shoulder or waist, and whenever he sits down he’s pulling you into his lap and wrapping his arms around you and resting his chin on your shoulder.
he does this adorable thing where he comes up behind you and rests his hands on your waist under your shirt and rubs little circles into your back with his thumbs 🥺
if you weren’t already, he’s holding your hand when you cross the road, and pulling you in so tightly too his side when walking through big crowds.
adores when you wear his jumpers and shirts, it makes him feel like he can be close to you even when he can’t, and you just look so cute swallowed up in his big clothes (because we all know how big this guy would be, he’s buff).
loves that when you finally give them back (when his scent has rubbed off lol) they smell like you.
but also like a golden retriever, he is definitely throwing you around a lot.
like you cannot convince me yuuji isn’t the type to suddenly tackle you on the couch and start play-fighting with you for absolutely no reason.
the type of guy to push his s/o into the water at the beach and roll her down a hill at the park and play an extremely competitive game of slap-taxi.
definitely flops on top of you so you can’t move (especially when you try and get out of bed), his heavy body just smothering you until you agree cuddle time can last a bit longer.
it’s all done with love, but it doesn’t mean it isn’t still hilarious to watch this grown ass man who doesn’t quite understand his own strength throwing you around (with love <3 and he’s careful never to actually hurt you, if he did he’d be sobbing with guilt).
you better fight back tho, cling onto his back and hang off his arms n shit. he can take it, he thinks it’s positively adorable as well.
he is tapping that ass all the time as well.
he’s not gonna slap it in front of people but as soon as their backs are turned he’s smacking your ass. usually it’s all fun and games until you slap his ass back and now it’s slap-taxi all over again.
his excuse is always “but it’s RIGHT THERE look it’s CALLING TO ME—”
whenever you cuddle you best believe he’s grabbing onto your ass as well.
his favourite way to cuddle is with you straddling his waist, nuzzling into his chest and his hands gripping your ass.
he loves (probably equally as much) when he lays his head on your stomach and you play with his hair. 100% he is smooshing his face into your belly or between your boobs and groaning in complete satisfaction.
same with scratching his back. as soon as you start running your nails down his skin? he’s incapacitated, he’s under your control, he’s 9/10 times falling asleep under your touch.
going back a second— just because he’s an ass guy does not mean he isn’t obsessed with boobs.
he loves to squish them in his big hands and push them together absentmindedly while you’re sitting around or even trying to cook or something.
like if you’re standing up doing something he is pressing himself against you, groping your ass and then sliding his hands up and just 🖐️ 🤚 hold onto your titties. most times it’s over your clothes too. he just wants to hold 🖐️ 🤚
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nsfw — mdni!
reacts the exact same way every time you take off your clothes; and that is being a giddy, blushing, heavy-breathing mess.
is in a constant need to jump your bones. like once you guys are comfortable with each other, he’s pouting and giving you puppy dog eyes constantly, which you just know means he “needs” to be inside you.
he tries so hard to be so gentle and take his time savouring you but he just gets so over excited so easily!
no matter how many times he says he “just wants to be inside you! you can totally still keep reading/watching a movie/working on your computer…” he’s always “accidentally” bucking his hips up and biting your shoulder to keep himself for whining (which doesn’t work. he’s whining regardless), and the occasional buck turns to a constant roll of his hips and- oh what the hell, screw whatever you were doing.
still doesn’t understand his strength but he tries to be so gentle!
he’s always holding your hand and caressing it with his thumb and he’s always peppering soft innocent kisses over your skin…
but like i said, he’s easily excited.
he’s doing all this cute stuff while he’s absolutely hammering into you. the juxtaposition of his actions have your mind in a whirl.
“‘m sorry! you’re just too cute!” is heard about umpteen times a day -during sex and outside it.
if he’s feeling horny (okay- more than usual) and he sees you walking about in his clothes? oh lawd… oh lAwd.
can barely contain himself around you, especially when you’re only in his jumper or only in his t-shirt.
fucks you in his t-shirt. his hands are underneath it groping at your breasts and he’s definitely pulling it up occasionally to watch your pretty tits bounce and he thrusts into you, but regardless that t-shirt is staying on.
is so vocal through sex as well. he’s always asking for reassurance that he’s making you feel good and he’s always reassuring you that you’re making him feel good, in between moaning and whining like a bitch in heat.
“so good- so good f’me” and “you’re doing so well!” constantly. you better be praising my boy back too.
he’s not at all expecting it though, no matter how much you do praise him, he never expects it.
especially calling him “good boy”; he is whining and picking up the pace as soon as he hears you utter those words. if you call him good boy outside of the bedroom? goes bright red in an instant.
if you praise him, tell him how good he’s doing while you’re running your fingers through his hair or scratching your nails down his back or biceps? he’s lasting about 0.05 seconds.
this is sort of a detour but- as much as he couldn’t think of ever hurting you, i definitely think there’s a part of him with a hidden obsession with ruined make-up, or even just your fucked-out face. it’s so lewd to him but i just know he secretly craves them.
that combined with getting over excited and his thing for that ass, you just know he’s getting you on all fours as often as possible.
smooshing your face into the mattress and messing up your pretty mascara and eyeliner, while one hand’s attentively holding your hand and caressing your skin, and the other’s grabbing your ass so hard you know it’ll leave marks, but his lips are so softly pressing against your skin, as he’s hitting so deep and so hard, having you scream and moan into the pillow, grasping tightly at the sheets with your free hand, all the time he’s spitting out praise after praise with his shaky fucked-out voice.
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mikijamcf · 6 months
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Happy Birthday to Donna McGhee, professional singer since 1974, Donna's first singing group she joined after singing gospel all of her life, was called "THE FATBACK BAND". Their first album was called Rasing hell, and the hit single off of that LP, was called "BUS STOP". Donna sang with Fatback for over three years, touring with such groups as "Chaka khan", "Frankie Beverly and Maze". "Crown Heights Affair", and "Tedddy Pendergrass". They traveled all over the world. After completing several albums with them, the last LP they recorded with the late great "Phyllis Hyman". In 1977, Donna signed with a company called Red Greg Records, and she worked with the great Producer Patrick Adams. They recorded several hit records at that time. UNIVERSAL ROBOT BAND was created along with BUMBLEE UNLIMITED, which lead to several hits such as, DANCE AND SHAKE YOUR TAMBORINE, and LOVE BUG. Most of the songs recorded were disco hits, and were played at"The Gargage", and Studio 54. While recording with differendt groups, the company signed Donna with an Exclusive Recording contract, and my first solo albumn was created. It was called "MAKE IT LAST FOREVER", traveling from one side of the country to the other, the hit single "It ain't no big thing" was making a huge buzz for Donna McGhee. While the album was being played all over the country, such as Japan, England, France, and other countries and States, In, New York, "The Gargage", "Studio 54", and other great clubs, were jaming the album. Love Bug was up for a Grammy Award, and I was fortunate enough to do the Dick Clark New Years Eve show twice. After Donna's contract was up, Donna signed under Obago Records, where "YOU SHOULD HAVE TOLD ME", written by Phillip Thomas from CROWN HEIGHTS AFFAIRS
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