#best modeling schools in NYC
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Best Modeling Schools in NYC
Explore the best modeling schools in NYC with Skylar Modeling. Learn how to choose the right school to kickstart your modeling career. Discover top programs, expert advice, and insider tips for aspiring models. Visit our guide to find the perfect modeling school in New York City today!
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atomicami · 7 months
the perfect fit
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model!abby anderson x fashion designer!reader
- summary: it’s the start of your new job working for armani as a fashion designer, and your first assignment is to design and create a suit for an upcoming runway event. despite the fact that you can’t stand your chosen model, you also can’t help but find her very attractive too.
- content: smut MDNI, no outbreak/modern au, nyc living, reader has a degree in fashion design, reader is a bit of a perfectionist, model!abby, abby’s a little cocky, work sex, fingering & strap usage (r!receiving), abby refers to her strap as her cock, size kink, and i think that’s it but lmk if i missed anything
- author’s note: so i was highly inspired by this abby x model!reader fic that i decided to try to write out a fic of my own with this new pairing!! i hope y’all like it :)
also dedicating this one to my girl @whore4abby ily darling 🤍
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New York City was always known to be the place where one’s dreams were meant to fly as high as the skyscrapers that rose in its urban atmosphere. It was known to be the perfect capital city for all professions, including fashion.
Living in New York had always been the dream for you, and although you were now residing there for school, you weren’t exactly fulfilling your dreams just yet. So when you had called your parents one day to break the bad news to them, you knew that they weren’t going to be on board with your sudden change of plans.
“You’re switching majors? But why?” your dad asked through the phone. “I thought you wanted to study law.”
No, you didn’t. Your parents had been telling everyone they knew in your small town that you were going to major in law after high school and become the best lawyer to walk the streets of New York, and as a result, you couldn’t help but select that major just to please them.
“I don’t, Dad…If you had listened to me in the first place, you would know that I never wanted to do that,” you tell him.
“Well, that’s alright, law school isn’t for everyone now.” your dad told you before continuing. “What are you going to study instead? Medicine? Psychology? Business?”
You took a deep breath before continuing. “Fashion design…” you mutter back to him.
You can already imagine the outburst he was going to have. It was almost as if you could feel the anger bubbling within him through the phone.
“Fashion?! Are you seriously out of your mind?!” your dad exclaimed back at you. His reaction was so uncalled for that you had to take him off of speakerphone.
And after a long lecture from him later, he simply told you that he wasn’t going to pay for your tuition anymore before hanging up the phone.
Even though you were expecting that kind of reaction from your parents, your father more specifically, you still couldn’t help but feel so…discouraged. You’ve been wanting to be a fashion designer ever since you were little, and your parents’ lack of support did nothing but steal your happiness in fulfilling your dreams.
But at the same time…you felt determined to prove them wrong. You wanted to show them that you weren’t making this change just take the easy way out, you were doing it because you’ve been wanting to pursue this career your whole life. You wanted to show them that you were meant to be working in a fashion studio, not a courtroom.
Fast forward to now, and you’ve graduated from Parsons at the top of your class with a fashion degree, only to soon land a job working as a fashion designer at one of Giorgio Armani’s establishments right here in New York City.
Once the first day of your new job came around, you needed to give the best impression there, making sure to arrive before your boss did. After all, if it weren’t for Tess selecting you as one of the potential candidates as a fashion designer for that establishment, you’d probably still be job hunting by now.
You sat at your desk, eyeing the surroundings of the large studio you were in at this moment. All of the fabrics, mannequins, tools, and machines just waiting to be used. It still felt like a fever dream to you.
The sound of the opening doors of the warehouse startles you, causing you to and some of the designers in the studio to turn around, while the others are still chattering.
Tess walks into the studio and stands in the middle of the room before bringing everyone’s attention. “Alright everyone,” she shouts with a loud clap of her hands, causing the rest of the room to quiet down. “I have decided to put you all in charge of creating the looks for Armani’s upcoming winter fashion show. Each of you will be given a model to work on, and you are welcome to create whatever you’d like, as long as it meets the requirements for the show.”
“But, isn’t the winter fashion show only a month from now?” one of the designers asked.
“Yes, Yes it is, actually,” Tess replies with a nod. “So I expect to see the best work done by you all within the time being. I’d like to see how well my designers can work under pressure.”
You let out a sigh in frustration and held your face in your hands. How the hell were you going to have a look ready in just a month?
Tess checks the time on her watch before looking up at the clock for reassurance. “The models should be arriving any minute now, once they get here I’ll be assigning them out to everyone, and we’ll start today off by taking their measurements and sketching out designs. When you are finished, I—“ Her words are cut off by the sound of the warehouse doors opening again.
You look over again with the rest of the designers to see another staff member enter the room with a variety of models trailing behind her in a single file line. She then approaches Tess to talk to her for a brief moment before soon exiting the warehouse by herself. “Alright everyone,” Tess shouts out again, looking down at the clipboard that was in her hands. “When I call out your name to your assigned model, I would like you to stand up from your desk so they know who you are.”
As Tess begins to assign the models, the sound of a chair swiveling over to your left makes you turn your head, and you see that it was Dina scooching closer to you. “See anyone you might like?” she whispers over to you, her eyes still fixed on the line of models in the room.
“I honestly could care less about who Tess puts me with,” you whisper back to her, leaning back against your chair and crossing one of your legs over the other. “As long as they don’t give me a hard time, I should be good.”
Dina nods in response, she opens her mouth to respond but is cut off by the sound of Tess calling out your name. As a result, you rise from your seat and stand behind your desk.
“You’ll be working with Anderson as your model,” she tells you, and you watch as Tess looks over to your model and points at you, indicating her to walk over to where you were.
Intimidation strikes through you as she approaches your desk. You can’t really put your finger on it, but from the first impression, you’re quite convinced it's because of her broad figure that stood out from everyone else. You look over to Dina, to which she looks back at you and simply mouths a ‘good luck’ on your end.
Tess soon does a quick check around the room, making sure each designer has a model to work with. “Alright, now that everyone has an assigned model, you can all get started. Remember now, the winter show is a month from today, so I hope you can all make the best use of your time.” and with that, she exits the studio, leaving you and the rest of the designers to be.
Abby has her side resting against your desk, watching you draw out some looks on your sketchbook. “Just so you know…” she starts, leaning in closer to your right side. “I’m like, the biggest model here, so don’t be surprised when you run out of fabric for that pretty outfit you’ve planned out for me.”
You look over to Abby and roll your eyes before setting your pencil down and opening the side drawer of your desk. “Yeah, I’ll be sure to keep that in mind,” you tell her as you take out the soft tape measure from your drawer and stand up from your seat. “Come on, let me take your measurements now.”
Based on that first interaction alone, you knew that Abby was going to be a distraction for your project, and boy you were right.
This past month has felt like hell for you, and Abby’s cocky, conceited persona wasn’t making it any better for you.
Things were fine at first, at least enough for you to manage. But it wasn’t until the second fitting that she’s been starting to really get on your nerves.
The fitting room in the Armani establishment was spacious, each designer/model pair had their spot to do the fittings and make any adjustments if needed.
Abby walks over to your side of the fitting room fully dressed in her runway outfit. You had beautifully created a navy blue suit that complimented her freckled skin and blue eyes perfectly, and the entire outfit had Swarovski crystals sewn all over the place. It was a timeless and classic look for the show.
It’s a shame that your model has to be so arrogant for the time being.
You look over to her and snap your fingers. “Stand over there,” you tell her, pointing over to the small, round altar that was next to you. Abby simply obliges and stands up on the altar to face you, both of her hands crossed at her front.
You notice this and walk over to her, grabbing at her hands. “I need your hands at your sides, you’re a model, not a security guard.” you tell her sternly, separating her hands so each one is at her side. You then sit down on the stool behind you, bringing yourself down to face her lower half so you can check the fitting of her suit pants.
Starting at the bottom of her pants and making your way up, the pants seem to fit well on her so far. Given Abby’s large build, the fit is as snug as can be, but not too tight to where it would make her uncomfortable when walking. If you had made it any tighter, you’re convinced that the fabric might rip.
However, it wasn’t until you look at the waistline of the pants. For some reason, that area looked unusually tighter than it was compared to the last fitting. The zipper on her pants looked like it was going to burst. It’s almost as if she was hiding something underneath…
You tap the side of her thigh to get her attention, causing her to tilt her head down. ”What’s this?” you ask, pointing at the slight bulge that was sticking out of her pants.
She simply smirks back at you and shakes her head. “Wouldn’t you like to know…” she mumbles out, looking back up.
Your eyes were still fixed on her face, and you grabbed at her crotch, causing her to slightly jerk back. You knew damn well what it was that she had in those pants.
“Jesus,” she says, looking back down at you. “Chill out, will you?”
“Take it off,” you tell her sternly, standing back up from the stool. “I’m not going to have my look completely ruined as a result from one of your little games.”
You were close to having an outburst in the middle of the fitting room since you were starting to get some looks from some of the other designers and models in the room, including Dina. It was a good thing that Tess wasn’t there to see it though.
Abby simply rolls her eyes at you and clears her throat before stepping off of the altar and exiting the fitting room to go change. The two of you were being quite immature about this, but you were seriously in need of your look to be perfect for the show, and Abby was keeping you from doing so.
A couple more weeks pass by and before you know it, the day of the show is just right around the corner from now.
Your shift at the studio had just ended, and people were starting to gather their things to leave, while you still sat by your large mannequin, making adjustments and adding touches to your look.
Dina walks up behind you and taps your shoulder, causing you to pull out one of your headphones from your ear and turn around.
“Hey,” she says. “Some of us are going to head out to Dalton’s for drinks. Wanna come with?”
You shake your head in response. “I can’t, I really have to finish this look in time for the show, I have to make sure everything’s perfect.”
You hear her let out a sigh and nod. “Alright well, just don’t stress yourself out, okay?” she asks, gently squeezing your shoulder. “I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?” she says, and you nod back at her as you watch her put her bag over her shoulder and exit the studio.
Once she leaves, you notice Tess at walking towards you at the corner of your eye. “Hey kid,” she says leaning against your desk with her arms crossed, keys jingling in one of her hands. “You plan on leaving soon?”
You let out a sigh and turned your head to face her. “Just let me stay a little longer, Tess…I promise I’ll be out of here soon.”
She sighs back and hesitates for a moment while rubbing the back of her neck. “Alright, I’ll give you an hour, but that’s it. I don’t want you spending the night here.” She then gets off your desk. “I’ll see you tomorrow, the doors will lock automatically once you leave.”
You nod in response and thank her before watching her walk away from the dim lighting that shined on your side of the studio. You were instantly relieved to be able to have some time for yourself to work on the suit.
However, that doesn’t last long when another set of footsteps enter the studio and begin to approach you from behind once again.
A large hand grabs at your shoulder, this time causing you to jump up and turn around in fear for a moment before realizing who it is. “Jesus, Anderson…you scared the hell out of me,” you say, trying to catch your breath. “What are you even doing here? Your final fitting isn’t until Friday.”
Abby lets out a chuckle at your frightened reaction and shakes her head. “I just came here to get my car keys,” she says, grabbing them off the shelf where she had left them. “I left them last time I was here.”
You rolled your eyes and stood back up to face your desk and away from her. “Well, now that you have your keys, can you go now? I need to keep working.”
As you were about to put your headphones back on, Abby began to speak once again. “What’s your deal?” she asks you.
You let out a huff and set your phone down before looking back at her. “My deal is that I’ve had to deal with your arrogance this past month and it’s been driving me insane. All I want right now is to have this time to myself so I can finish this suit in time for the show.”
The smirk that was growing on Abby’s face right now was so big you could practically see it from your peripheral vision. She then begins to walk around until she’s behind you on your desk. “It seems like you could loosen up a bit, you know…” she tells you as she slightly leans in closer to your ear, trapping you between your desk and her chest. You could already feel a familiar bulge poking at your lower back. It was that same bulge that you were just grabbing at in the fitting room not too long ago.
You roll your eyes at her in response. “Is that so?” you whisper back to her, just enough so she can hear you. “And what might that be, exactly?”
Her hands make their way down to your waist, grabbing you and turning you around so you are now face-to-face with her. “How about I show you, yeah?” she whispers to you, to which you nod desperately.
Despite how much you couldn’t stand her, you really couldn’t help but be into her at the same time, and not only has she also been aware of it, but she felt the same way with you too.
You feel her hands move from your waist down to the buttons of your pants, and you look down at your lap as a result. “Let’s see what we have here now…” she murmurs, slowly undoing your pants and sliding them off your legs and to the ground. Once your pants were fully removed, she helped give you a boost so you could sit up on your desk.
Abby instantly opens your legs the second your ass hits your desk, immediately eyeing the visible wet patch that was seeping through your black underwear. “Well well well, what do we have here…” she mutters out, hooking a finger underneath your underwear and shifting it to the side, causing your wet pussy to be exposed to her and the cold air of the studio. “This all for me?” she asks, looking back up at you.
All you can simply do is bite your lip and nod as you try to resist the cold air hitting against your pussy. “Fuck, yes, Abs…it’s all for you…” you whine out to her.
“That’s what I thought,” she mutters back. Two of her fingers make their way into your cunt without warning, causing you to jerk back and involuntarily close your thighs shut. However, her other hand makes her way into the middle just in time before you do so. “Nuh-uh, don’t get shy on me now, princess,” she says, forcing your legs back open to stand in the middle. “You’ve been so bold with me this past month, so you’re not backing out of this now.”
Her fingers successfully go into your pussy the second time around, causing a moan to escape from your mouth as a result. Abby’s fingers were huge, to say the least, but they managed to stretch your pussy out so well. There’s no way that your pussy can’t take anything bigger than this.
But what Abby was about to pull out next was going to prove you wrong.
As Abby’s fingers continue to pump inside you, she begins to undo her jeans with her free hand, effortlessly getting them open and slightly pushing them down to her thighs. She then digs that same hand into her boxers and pulls out her black strap-on, causing your eyes to widen at the immense size. She was fucking huge.
“A-Abby…” you stammer out to her, quickly shaking your head. “That—That’s not gonna fit…It’s too—“
“Yes it will,” she says, cutting off your words. “My cock’s gonna fit. You’ll see.”
Her fingers quickly slide out of your cunt, leading you to whimper at the loss. With both of her hands now, she rubs her cock against your folds, collecting some of your wetness before sliding it into your tight hole. The stretch of the strap was a bit uncomfortable at first, but after a moment, you were shocked to see how well your pussy was easily taking it from the tip down to the base. It really was the perfect fit.
Abby smirks as she looks down at the piece of silicone that connected your bodies. “See? I told you it’ll fit,” she mutters out, bottoming out completely inside you. “This fucking pussy was made to take my cock.”
You were already starting to feel dizzy over Abby’s cock nestling inside your pussy. You were desperate for some movement.
“A-Abby…” you whine out to her, squeezing her bicep. “N-Need you t-to move…”
“What’s that, princess? You want me to move my cock?” she asks, to which you nod in response. “Need me to thrust my big cock in that desperate little pussy of yours? Don’t worry, baby, I’ll do just that for you.”
And with that, she begins to slowly thrust inside you. You could practically feel it all within her movements, the girth, the veins, hell, even the tip would kiss at your cervix every time she bottomed out into you.
Abby grabs at both of your thighs, slowly starting to speed up her pace. “I think I can go a little faster now, don’t you think? Your pretty pussy’s already doing so well for me, angel…”
“Fuck, y-yes, Abby…f-faster…” you slur out as you throw your head back in pleasure, gripping both of your hands onto your desk while she continues to thrust inside of you.
One of her hands leaves your thigh and grabs at your jaw, tilting it down to face her. “Look at that now, my girl’s getting so cockdrunk for me…I bet it feels good, doesn’t it?”
Abby’s gaze soon brings down to your chest, smirking once she notices your hard nipples poking through your shirt. She then lets go of your jaw and pulls your shirt up to your tits, watching in awe at the mere sight of them. “No bra?” she asks, raising an eyebrow. “I didn’t take you to be such a slut like that…It’s almost as if you were waiting for this to happen.”
At this point, your brain was losing focus, and you couldn’t figure out what Abby was saying to you right now. Once she sped up her pace again, all you could think about now was getting to your release.
Abby now has her gaze focused on the sight of your pussy, watching as it squeezes and contracts around the strap with every thrust. “Looks like you’re getting close, princess. Are you gonna come for me? Gonna be a good girl and cum on my cock?”
“Y-yes, f-fuck! I-I’m getting close…” you whine back to her, leading her to thrust even faster inside of you, your moans soon getting loud enough for them to practically echo inside the whole studio.
It didn’t take long for you to reach your peak. Your cunt pulsed a few more times around Abby’s strap before cumming completely with a loud moan of her name, causing a white ring to form around it.
As you began to catch your breath, Abby slowly pulled herself out of you, groaning as she saw a thick white string of your cum connecting between your pussy and the tip of her strap before soon breaking. She then ran her fingers through her length, collecting all of your release before soon sticking them inside of your mouth while it was still agape.
After sucking her fingers clean, she pulls them out of your mouth and tucks her strap back into her boxers before putting her jeans back on. You watch as she briefly gets down onto her knees and brings her face into your fucked out pussy, gently licking and sucking it clean, savoring each bit of it as she did so.
Once you were all clean, Abby rose back to her feet, helping you with your underwear and with the rest of your clothes as well. Her hands then moved from the button of your pants back down to your hips, guiding you off of your desk and back on your feet. You stumble a little bit into her at the sudden movement.
“Hey, you okay?” she asks softly, catching you in her arms.
“Y-yeah, yeah I’m okay…just a little worn out.” you pant out to her as you gain back your composure to turn around towards your desk and gather up your things to leave.
“Well, at least let me give you a ride back to your place,” she insists, grabbing her keys off your desk. “It’s already late outside, and I don’t think it’s quite safe for you to be walking around out there at this time.”
You hesitate for a moment at first. You’d honestly hate to inconvenience Abby to give you a ride home, but given that she was the one offering, you didn’t seem to mind too much about it. In all fairness, it was already late hours in the city, and given the damage she’d done to your legs, there was no way you were going to last walking for five minutes down the street. So you end up accepting her offer.
“Yeah, sure…I’m not stopping you, honestly…” you tell her with a chuckle as you put your bag over your shoulder, ready to head out.
You then follow along beside Abby as the two of you exit the establishment and make your way to wherever her car is situated. Abby opens the passenger door to let you in first before letting herself in on the other side. She then starts up her car before merging into the city’s busy roads.
The ten-minute drive flew by surprisingly fast, and before you knew it, she was now parked in front of your apartment complex. She leans in to give you a quick kiss before soon pulling away. “So, I’ll see you on Friday, then?” she asks.
You can’t help but smirk back at her, even though you were biting your lip to hide it. “I’ll see you on Friday, Anderson.” you tell her with a nod before opening the door to let yourself out.
But Abby doesn’t leave just yet. Instead, she makes sure that you get into your apartment safe and sound. Once your lights were on, that was her cue to go.
You watch from your apartment window as she drives back into the busy roads, soon disappearing from your view.
And for the first time this month, you have to admit that you’re now actually looking forward to seeing her again.
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a/n: i hope you guys liked this fic!! i might make another part if this goes well?? but aside from that my next fic will be bfm!abby for those who are waiting, i promise 🤞🏼 lmk if you’d like to be tagged for when i post it!!
(also ty for 700, i love you guys 🫶🏻)
2023 © atomicami | all rights reserved. do not copy, modify, or translate any of my works.
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olympeline · 2 months
FrUK FACE family Parent Trap AU, part 7! Part 1
So, Alfred and Matthew made a successful switcheroo and are now living with their other respective dads. The first few days for both of them just pass in a whirlwind of new experiences: new sights, new sounds, new smells, new surroundings. Alfred and Mattie struggle to take it all in, but in a good way. And, of course, at the centre of it all is Francis and Arthur. It’s tricky being around them because the twins want to get to know them so badly but they can’t act like it because that would be weird. Alfred in particular has to dash out of the house to go run around with Mr. Kumajiro a couple of times because the need was getting too much. Francis notices “Mattie” has become more energetic, but accepts Alfred’s excuse that he got really into sports at camp. It’s not such a stretch since Matthew has always been outdoorsy anyway and Francis puts it down to his little boy growing up. Wine, misty eyes, and a long purusing of their family photo album once Alfred has gone to bed that night. Francis may be a suburban dad now with a mortgage and PTA meetings, but he sees no point in life if one can’t be dramatic every once in a while ;)
Then, Summer is over, and the twins have to go back to school. Alfred to Matthew’s fancy private school, and Matthew to Alfred’s normal NYC public school. Alfred puts on his uniform (urgh, monkey suit! Didn’t his dad used to wear something like this?) and is surprised when Francis drives him to school rather than let him walk or get the bus. The school is pretty close, but Francis does it anyway. He’s chill about things like Alfred’s earring, but then pivots and is overprotective about stuff like Matthew getting to school alone. Weird. Meanwhile, Mattie braces himself for the journey on the subway. Arthur is generally stricter than Francis, but he trusts “Alfred” to make his own way to school right through the heart of New York? Weird.
School for both of them goes about as well as it could. Alfred has a lot of friends and Mattie is immediately swept up in their hustle and bustle. Acting up in class pains him, but he has to do it to maintain the illusion. Alfred isn’t a bad kid, but he is a loud and energetic one. Matthew does his best (cringing inside) but his teachers still comment on his good behaviour. Mattie is worried…until he goes home and sees how pleased Arthur is. The teacher messaged him and Arthur couldn’t be prouder “Alfred” is taking school more seriously. Mattie can’t feel too bad about it then. Not after seeing his dad smile. Until Arthur bakes them some cakes to celebrate.
It’s a curse, Mattie thinks to himself as he struggles to chew through the charcoal without his eyes watering. A satanic curse. It must be, eh?
Meanwhile, Alfred does his best to keep up his Mattie act in his new “ooh, la, la” (his words) private school environment. Matthew is a model student, behaviour wise, and warned Alfred that he can’t get in trouble even a little or people will suspect. This is not easy for Alfred. Even less because Matthew is also a loner, so he has noone to help distract him from the boredom. It’s not that the other kids dislike Matthew, rather they just don’t seem to notice him. The teachers appreciate how well behaved he is but they also tend to forget he exists. Again, extremely not easy for extroverted, vivacious Alfred. He can’t keep his exuberance fully under control and it’s a shocker moment for the class when their geography teacher has to tell Matthew Bonnefoy to pay attention for the first time ever(!) Haha, oops. At least they didn’t call Francis. Yet.
The twins have kept in contact and message each other frequently for hints and tips, and (in Alfred’s case) reminders about French vocabulary. They have a long talk about school after the first week and Mattie is irritated and stung when Alfred thoughtlessly comments on his lack of friends. Matthew snipes back about how happy Arthur was when the teacher complimented “Alfred” on his behaviour. Something which gets to Alfred more than he likes to admit. The boys end their talk early that night and both go to bed feeling ruffled.
The next morning when Matthew wakes up, he comes down to breakfast (🥲) as usual. Only to freeze in the kitchen doorway when he sees who’s making it. Arthur is sitting at the table, reading the paper news he still refuses to trade in for an app. At the stove, cooking omlettes that actually smell good, is:
“Buenos días, Al! You want two eggs or three?”
Mattie recognizes the handsone spaniard from the pictures Alfred showed him. His work trip done, Tony is back.
(Life has been busy so here’s a shorter update. Hope you enjoyed! Stay tuned for part 8 (´ε` )♡)
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blues824 · 1 year
This might sound a little too much to ask, but could you do headcanons about Ace, Deuce, Jack, Epel, Ortho and Sebek going to the reader's world (which is real-life Earth), please? I would like to see them explore the countries and cities, taste the unique cuisines (including the ones they had never tried before), buying souvenirs, etc. I would also like to know their favorite singers, songs, movies, food, drinks, countries and cities from the reader's world.
I made myself hungry. Reader is barely mentioned, but kept gender-neutral. They are all aged-up because some characters have alcohol as a favorite beverage (besides Ortho).
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Ace Trappola
Favorite country + city he visits: Los Angeles, United States. He loves the big city, and L.A. has a day-life and a night-life. NYC comes in second place for that same reason.
Favorite cultural cuisine and specific favorite food: It’s stated that he likes cherry pie, so he probably likes food from the U.K. (I looked it up and it said that cherry pie originated from there)
Favorite drink: Strawberry green tea with popping strawberry boba. Riddle’s taste for strawberry has rubbed off on him, and since L.A. has a lot of boba shops, he loves it.
Favorite souvenir: A fancier deck of cards, for obvious reasons
Favorite singers/songs: I have a feeling this man knows his Nicki, so his go-to song is Monster by Jay-Z, Rick Ross, Nicki Minaj, Bon Iver, and Kanye West
Favorite movie: High School Musical, but when you ask he will say something like Silent Hill to seem all bad and cool
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Deuce Spade
Favorite country + city he visits: Probably Tijuana, Mexico. It’s right on the ocean, and therefore it has a beach. He would love to rent a motorcycle and ride with you all over town.
Favorite cultural cuisine and specific favorite food: Mexican food, specifically street tacos. Mexican street food is some of the best I’ve ever had. When you had him try it, he fell in love.
Favorite drink: Horchatas. They’re a popular drink, and he thinks it’s so good (so do I)
Favorite souvenir: A handmade keychain that has ‘T.J.’ engraved on it. 
Favorite singers/songs: I feel like he’d be into Bad Bunny, but more specifically the song ‘Te Bote’. Mans doesn’t know what the lyrics translate to, he just thinks it has a good beat. (Btw, I’m aware Bad Bunny is Puerto Rican)
Favorite movie: La Bamba. He loves it, but it always makes him cry. (😢 RIP Ritchie)
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Jack Howl
Favorite country + city he visits: Madrid, Spain. Beautiful scenery, wonderful sunset skyline, and rooftop bars: all you need in life.
Favorite cultural cuisine and specific favorite food: Bocadillos, any kind as long as it doesn’t have green peppers.
Favorite drink: Sangria. His canonical favorite food is pear compote, so I feel like he would love a fruit-based drink
Favorite souvenir: A pair of Spanish sandals that he got custom-made. He thinks they are comfortable to walk in.
Favorite singers/songs: He loves the local artists that you can find on the streets, playing for flamenco dancers. His favorite song is Ninguna, by Juanes (I know Juanes is Colombian).
Favorite movie: Call of the Wild. It's a sad story that made him tear up the first time he watched it.
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Epel Felmier
Favorite country + city he visits: Marseille, France. He went on a road trip all around France (as much as he could, anyway) and found that this place was at the top of his ‘favorites’ list.
Favorite cultural cuisine and specific favorite food: He does prefer macarons over macaroons, so French cuisine would be his favorite. However, Italian food comes in second.
Favorite drink: He wants to be seen as manly, so he would say his favorite drink is whiskey on the rocks (he does genuinely like it), but his favorite is actually a lighter spirit. He would settle for beer, though.
Favorite souvenir: A very small model of the Eiffel Tower.
Favorite singers/songs: Probably As It Was, by Harry Styles. He is secretly a Harry Styles fan 
Favorite movie: Like Ace, he would say his favorite movie is something like The Conjuring, but it’s the Titanic.
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Ortho Shroud
Favorite country + city he visits: Thessaloniki, Greece… for obvious reasons.
Favorite cultural cuisine and specific favorite food: He doesn’t eat; he’s a robot
Favorite drink: He doesn’t drink; he’s a robot
Favorite souvenir: A chess set, but instead of normal pieces it’s Greek Soldiers
Favorite singers/songs: I feel like he likes older songs, so I will say Ain’t No Mountain High Enough, by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell
Favorite movie: Guardians of the Galaxy
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Sebek Zigvolt
Favorite country + city he visits: Stratford-upon-Avon, England. He likes to read, and this is where Shakespeare was born.
Favorite cultural cuisine and specific favorite food: I have reason to believe he likes Italian food. His favorite food remains salmon carpaccio.
Favorite drink: He doesn’t drink a lot, so his favorite drink is Earl-Grey Tea. However, when he needs to relax, he drinks campari (he probably likes the bitter flavor)
Favorite souvenir: A leather-bound copy of Romeo and Juliet
Favorite singers/songs: Until I Found You, by Stephen Sanchez (probably discovered after he read Romeo and Juliet for the first time)
Favorite movie: He loves the Harry Potter movies, and no one is allowed to argue with me.
364 notes · View notes
eviesaurusrex · 2 years
Harry Styles x Model!Reader | 2
faceclaim: Lily Collins
author’s note: part 2 of my model!reader smau :3 joepark, camilleinlondon, and antoinemoreau are reader’s best friends! We’re gonna cover Harry’s NYC shows, but particularly his 15th show, because I’m so proud of our hard-working man 🥺 This one is long, I guess? Plus, there will be a part 3 with the wedding because I’m a sucker for those.
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voguearabia For our sixth-anniversary issue, we are celebrating with model YN LN as our issue’s cover face.
We talked about the struggling start of her career and how she achieved being noticed by the most established and esteemed fashion houses in the world, highlighting the beginning of her rising fame and popularity, especially amongst a young generation who never had a connection to the old names of the fashion industry. Of course, we also asked about the announced engagement to singer-songwriter and Grammy winner Harry Styles—especially for you, dear Harries.
Model: yourinstagram
Stylist: harry_lambert
Photographer: helenepambrun.photography
Interviewer: noelleflamingo
Liked by harrystyles, annetwist, joepark, gemmastyles and 997,320 others | 441,327 comments
voguearabia “I started my modeling career without any support system—my last blood-related family member died while I graduated from the Paris College of Art, and suddenly, I had been even more alone than I’d already been before. Imagine a young woman with a degree in photography in the midst of Paris, the center of art. […] It was crazy to even think about the possibility I could make it, but it never stopped me from trying. Though I have to admit, I seriously doubted my own sanity from time to time. […] Everything morphed from small photography jobs for aspiring designers, freshly graduated from the same school as I have; we relied on one another because we all knew that no one would make it out there without a team. And one day, a model couldn’t make it in time, and both—the designer and photographer—turned to me, and I didn’t realize their looks because… well, I had made them coffee because I was the photographer’s freaking assistant. […] On this day, I stood in front of the camera for the first time. It was a moment of clarity—and dreadful fear because I knew what hard work I had to invest in everything—again—to make it maybe. But… I jumped into the water without thinking. […]”
liked by harrystyles, jefezoff, joepark, and 5,761 others
hsfan1 I picture this moment vividly: “Can you write something for his fans?”-“And what exactly?”-“I don’t know, something about our engagement maybe. And then you address them directly.”-“This is… brilliant!”
↳ yourfan1 And the money will flow 😅
↳ hsfan1 That is very true. I couldn’t get a hold of one of the magazines bc everything was sold out in my area 😂
hsfan2 And the first person who liked this was, of course, Harry!
↳ hsfan3 He is a very proud fiancé ❤️
joepark What a goddess!
liked by voguearabia, yourinstagram and 1,320 others
annetwist ❤️
↳ gemmastyles ❤️ indeed!
yourinstagram It was such an honor to be your anniversary cover face! As usual: It was a blast working with everyone. It’s always like talking to a friend over a cup of coffee noelleflamingo helenepambrun.photography
↳ helenepambrun.photography I was so happy to see you again! Thanks for making this job as fun as always ❤️
liked by harrystyles, yourinstagram and 121 others
↳ hsfan4 Wait, isn’t she Harry’s photographer???
↳ yourfan2 She is! But they already knew each other before YN even started dating Harry :3
liked by hsfan4, yourinstagram and 79 others
↳ voguearabia We can’t thank you enough, YN!
liked by yourinstagram and 542 others
yn_harry_shipper She is wearing her engagement ring in every single picture 😮‍💨❤️
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harrystyles She.
Liked by joepark, mitchrowland, harry_lambert, annetwist and 782,669 others | 333,724 comments
harry_lambert Another word: Goddess.
↳ hsfan1 I lowkey love what simps these two are for YN ❤️
↳ yourinstagram You need to stop. Both.
liked by harrystyles, harry_lambert, yourfan3 and 222 others
joepark Was this post approved by your supervisor? 👀
↳ jefezoff If not, this post wouldn’t be here 👀
↳ yourinstagram I’m quickly reminding you of that incident two years ago. Do you want to reconsider your statement from above?
liked by joepark, hsfan1, hsfan2, and 324 others
↳ harrystyles I can read this, you know that? You are my fiancée. You should stand on my side x And Joe? Your invitation got withdrawn.
↳ yourinstagram I’m always on your side, mon amour. But sometimes, I have to tease you about certain aspects of your wonderful character and lovely habits ❤️ Joe: It is not.
↳ harrystyles No, it is not x
liked by yourinstagram, joepark, modelfriends4ever and 547 others
↳ hsfan2 Popcorn, anyone? xD
↳ hsfan3 I love how they are together. I love how Harry becomes a bit more open over here🥹
yourfan1 What a sight 😮‍💨
mitchrowland What a simp 👀❤️
liked by pillowpersonpp, yourfan1, hsfan6 and 88 others
↳ annetwist Not a surprise at all 😍
yourfan2 please adopt me thank you
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camilleinlondon I’m not sure what she is trying to do. Either packing or getting packed herself.
Joe already lost it in the back. Antoine isn’t impressed in the slightest and keeps editing his pictures on his phone. And me? I have to keep an eye on the clock, so this crazy chica gets to the airport ON TIME.
Liked by yourinstagram, antoinemoreau, yourfan1, modelfriends4ever, and 101,891 others | 39,882 comments
yourinstagram Thank you for being the responsible adult in this group when my brain can’t do it 👉🏻👈🏻
↳ joepark I love that you two always switch, so I don’t have to do this job lol
↳ camilleinlondon Someone has to do it when half of the group consists of grownup children 👀
↳ antoinemoreau Ouch.
joepark I love how you took the photo when I practically shouted at Antoine to move his lazy af butt and help us 😂
↳ camilleinlondon Call me a✨professional photographer✨
hsfan1 She is going to NYC, I just KNOW it 🥰
↳ hsfan2 Love myself a supportive fiancée ❤️
mitchrowland Our biggest groupie returns! ❤️
modelfriends4ever this group is everything to me.
↳ yourfan1 same bestie, same 😅
yourfan2 Her outfit is ✨chefskiss✨ - as usual 👸🏽
yourinstagram ps: we made it to the airport on time.
liked by yourfan2, hsfan1, hsfan3, harrystyles, and 399 others
↳ pillowpersonpp I’m very glad you made it on time. I couldn’t handle another day of his constant sighing 👀
liked by hsfan8, hsfan5, yourfan3, and 78 others
↳ harrystyles HEY
↳ yourinstagram I miss you too, my love ❤️
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yourinstagram Quick airport selfie because I was obsessed with this wallpaper in one of the cafés here. Oh, and to show off my ring again, sorry 👉🏻👈🏻
Liked by gemmastyles, harrystyles, annetwist, ynfanpage, and 986,582 others | 224,510 comments
yourinstagram I think we need that wallpaper somewhere in the new house harrystyles
↳ harrystyles Maybe the basement? No, I’m just kidding. It’s a pretty wallpaper.
↳ yourinstagram Sir, you’re not being very funny right now 🫢
↳ harrystyles I know 🫣 I love you, though. Does this count for anything?
liked by hsfan1, hsfan2, harrystylesforever, and 101 others
↳ yourinstagram It does 🥰
↳ hsfan1 First of all: their relationship is EVERY-FREAKING-THING. Second: could we talk about the “new house” drop???
liked by hsfan3, harrystylesfanpage, ynfanpage, and 86 others
gemmastyles My sister-in-law is being pretty ❤️
↳ yourinstagram Says the one pretty enough to be Miss UK 😘❤️
↳ yourfan1 I. Love. These. Two. I’m so jealous of Gemma. Or YN. No, both.
liked by yourinstagram, ynforever, modelfriends4ever, and 55 others
harrystyles Have a safe flight, my love x
liked by hsfan4, hsfan5, yn_and_harry, and 979 others
↳ yourinstagram ❤️❤️❤️
↳ yn_and_harry Your honor, I live for these two. ADOPT ME
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yourinstagram Look who I’ve found on my way out of the airport <3
Liked by harrystyles, annetwist, yourfan1, hsfan2, and 202,779 others | 10,328 comments
annetwist My two darlings ❤️
↳ gemmastyles If you wouldn’t have to work, you could’ve been here too! With us!
↳ annetwist I’m joining you soon enough, love ❤️
harrystyles And why was I not invited? 😦
↳ yourinstagram You said you needed to rehearse 😚 But I could bring you something to eat?
↳ harrystyles Is that the place we went to in 2020?
↳ yourinstagram Yup!
↳ harrystyles Gonna text you the order, love, yeah? The band needs a break x
liked by yourinstagram, mitchrowland, hsfan3, and 69 others
mitchrowland Thanks YN!!!
↳ yourinstagram Happy to help out ❤️
↳ pillowpersonpp Harry bragged about this place for far too long, so we need some of those deliciously looking beauties—and the food 👀
liked by mitchrowland, harrystyles, gemmastyles, and 13 others
↳ hsfan1 😂😂😂 Sarah! 😂
yourfan1 I want to be there 🥺
yourfan2 I… I think I’m sitting on the other side of the place 😳
↳ yourfan3 ???????? TELL HER HI!
↳ hsfan2 JEALOUS
↳ yourfan4 I’m not jealous, no. Don’t know what’ya talking about.
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CelebrityNews Singer-songwriter Harry Styles and his fiancée and model YN LN were seen today in Manhattan on their way to their current New Yorker home before heading out again for Styles’ 15th show at Madison Square Garden. Rumors became loud that the couple bought a historic brownstone in Cobble Hill, Brooklyn, to make it their secondary residence beside their primary residence—the 4,500,000£ townhouse at the Royal Crescent in Bath, Somerset, UK.
Liked by hsfan1, hsfan2, yourfan1, harrystylesfanpage, and 2,341 likes | 976 comments
hsfan1 Brooklyn, especially CH, is one of the best neighborhoods for families. They have so many great public schools 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
↳ hsfan2 And it’s where YN grew up 🥺
↳ yourfan1 I think they prepare everything for their future 😭❤️
liked by harryfanpage, hsfan3, hsfan7, and 67 others
yourfan2 They both are SO successful. But it’s what they deserve, and I can’t wait for their future life ❤️
harrystylesfanpage They would live in my neighborhood 😳
↳ yn_and_harry 😨😱
yourfan3 I’m seriously so glad that YN found Harry. He really makes her shine and smile and so, so, so happy 😭 After all she went through with the early loss of almost her entire family, it’s what she earned after the universe had thrown so much in front of her feet 🥹
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rosesarered On my way to MSG after checking out how the first day of the renovations went. I’m still so in love with our new baby 🥹
Liked by pillowpersonpp, joepark, camilleinlondon, and 14 others
joepark You should start a photo diary!
↳ annetwist I told her the same 😊
↳ yourinstagram I actually did take a lot of pictures when we first visited, and today too—to show them to Harry 😚
camilleinlondon You look gorgeous ❤️
pillowpersonpp Can’t wait to have you back in the crowd!!!
harrysworld My wonderful, gorgeous woman ❤️
↳ rosesarered H 🥹❤️
↳ harrysworld I’m waiting for you (and the photos) ❤️
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yourinstagram Entirely in awe of what he is achieving tonight… ❤️
Have fun at his 15th consecutive show at the Garden, people!
Liked by jefezoff, joepark, yourfan1, harrystylesforever, and 2,376,516 others | 460,131 comments
harrystylesforever She is such a simp for him 😌
harrystylesfanpage Can’t wait to be there!!
joepark This will be the best night for sure 🤩
↳ yourinstagram We'll meet at the backstage entrance, oui?
↳ joepark Sure thing, mon amour!
↳ yourfan1 Awww, Joe is with her tonight
jefezoff 🥳🥳🥳
camilleinlondon Get an autograph for me 👀
↳ antoinemoreau You know him. You’re friends. What is wrong with you, woman? 😂❤️
↳ camilleinlondon You can never have enough Harry autographs is my philosophy 🤨
liked by hsfan1, hsfan2, harrystylesforever, and 25 others
mitchrowland He is rambling about how much he hopes to show you the best time of your life. What a simp. 🤭
liked by harrystylesfanpage, ynfanpage, yourfan3, and 87 others
↳ hsfan1 Awwwwwwwww 🥹
↳ hsfan2 Harry is nothing but whipped for this woman.
↳ pillowpersonpp I could now write something inappropriate, but I gonna keep this minor safe.
↳ yourfan1 We all know what Sarah wants to say 😏
ynfanpage Uhm… Is it okay if I say Hi for just a second? 👉🏻👈🏻
liked by yourinstagram, joepark, and 12 others
↳ yourinstagram Of course, lovely! Just come over if you see me ❤️
liked by ynfanpage, yourfan3, hsfan1, and 90 others
↳ yourfan2 Heaven on earth. Kinda jealous tho 🥺
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yourinstagram 😭❤️
Liked by annetwist, yourfan1, yourfan2, hsfan1, hsfan2, and 306,447 others | 99,991 comments
hsfan1 Someone got very excited for their man 😂
hsfan2 I love YN for her undying support ❤️
yourinstagram Sorry, Instagram people. I got carried away.
↳ yourfan1 That's okay, lovie ❤️
↳ hsfan3 We love you for that!
↳ joepark “Carried away” aka my eardrums are irreversibly damaged
liked by hsfan5, yourfan6, modelfriends4ever, and 127 others
annetwist I feel what you are feeling ❤️
antoinemoreau Oooooh. This is today?? I thought he had a few more shows before that. Congrats, mate! harrystyles
hsfan4 !!!!!!!!!
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harrystyles Love On Tour. New York XV. September, 2022.
Thank you MSG. Thank you NYC. Thank you my darling love.
Liked by gemmastyles, annetwist, jefezoff, yourinstagram, and 2,320,878 others | 431,685 comments
hsfan1 His thanks to YN 🥺
jefezoff Congratulations!
annetwist I’m so proud of you, my sweet boy ❤️
↳ gemmastyles ME TOO!!!
hsfan3 Congratulations on 15 nights! Maybe you should check on your fiancée—she kinda lost it over it 🥹❤️
liked by joepark, hsfan8, yourfan2, and 10 others
hsfan4 I’m so proud of you!!
harrystylesfanpage Proud prouder being a harry fan right now
hsfan5 You really lucked out in life ❤️
joepark Congrats, Harry! I just sent your wife on her way 👀
↳ hsfan6 Everyone ships these two hard 🥰
A grin formed on his face after he had stepped out of his dressing room and saw YN in the distance, her back surrounded by three bodyguards, the backstage pass dangling around her neck. She grinned as well as soon as she spotted him, and her feet started to carry her faster over to him—until she ran down the hallway and flew into his arms. Harry had already awaited her, arms widely opened, knees slightly bent, and now wrapped one arm around her back while the other steadied her butt as she wrapped both legs around his waist.
“Hey, love,” he whispered into her cheek and pressed several kisses to the soft skin. “I’m so, so, so proud of you,” Harry could hear her whisper into his neck, feeling her arms hugging his neck and shoulders closer. “Thank you, love.”
He felt his heart flutter and tears of pure joy forming in his eyes. He knew that this would’ve never been possible without her by his side, without her constant support and love, and the way she always built him up again if something didn’t work out. She gave him the strength to do this, to try new things, even though they might could turn into the worst nightmare. She had helped him build his career further and further because she always had his back—during every late homecoming because he needed to finish that one recording in the studio, during every breakdown because he got overwhelmed, during every press or paparazzi storm he had to stand through.
YN had always been there for him, loving expression on her beautiful face and open arms in which he could sink and hide if he needed to. She had been his everything from the first moment on, and now, they shared this too—just like they would share a lot more that was coming their way.
“Pretty girl,” he whispered to coax her face from his neck, and the singer smiled his bright smile as she finally leaned their foreheads together, legs still tightly wrapped around him. “There she is.” YN smiled at his words, and without loosing another second, she dove right into the long-awaited kiss—relished in the feeling of his soft, perfect lips on hers, of his strong, large hand wandering from her back to the back of her head to hold her in place, and in the familiar but nonetheless still exciting taste of his kisses.
The couple parted with labored breaths but leaned their foreheads together again. YN gently let the tip of her nose run along his nose and peppered his handsome face with kisses. “You were great—as usual,” she grinned after they had opened their eyes and Harry had let her stand on the ground again. “Glad you enjoyed it. What about the outfit?” He wiggled his brows, and YN giggled before pulling his face back down to her. “I will show you how much I adored said outfit when we get home,” she mumbled against his lips in a teasing tone, letting a low growl rumble out of his chest and laughing softly into their next kiss. “Can’t wait for that show.” His voice was as deep as it could get, and a delicious chill ran down her spine.
Jeff cleared his throat behind Harry’s back, and YN chuckled again before letting her fiancé go. “Ready to take those pictures, handsome?” She asked, and Harry laced their fingers together and raised her intertwined hands to his lips to kiss it. “With you? Always.”
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harrystyles I am beyond grateful for this milestone in my career. And it’s only possible because I have people who always support, love, and cherish me. Starting with my fans and family and ending with my gorgeous fiancée, who is always there and keeps my compass on track.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart x H.
Liked by gemmastyles, camilleinlondon, hsfan1, mitchrowland, and 2,313,426 others | 348,924 comments
annetwist We are so proud of you, Harry 🥰
gemmastyles ❤️❤️❤️
hsfan2 That’s our man 🥳
camilleinlondon You even got a banner 😦
↳ joepark Of course he got one???
yourinstagram It’s an honor and pleasure to be part of your life, my love. Thank you for letting me love and support you ❤️
liked by harrystyles, annetwist, yourfan1, and 327 others
↳ ynfanpage awwwww 🥺
↳ harrystylesfanpage awwwwww +1 🥺
↳ harrystyles ❤️
pillowpersonpp My main purpose in life is watching and reading how Harry gushes over his woman.
↳ mitchrowland And what’s with our son? Or me??
↳ pillowpersonpp You’re also a part of that 👀
↳ mitchrowland 😦😦😦
↳ hsfan3 gotta love these group 😂
yourfan1 We are all so proud of you!
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yourinstagram I made him laugh. It’s still, even after years with him by my side, the best thing I have ever accomplished and probably will ever accomplish. Je t’aime plus que tout, H (I love you more than anything).
ps: He demanded to take the banner home and take a quick nap under it.
Liked by annetwist, harry_and_yn, hsfan1, and 958,537 others | 119,772 comments
yourinstagram + I’m so proud of you. I can’t say this often enough. You have to live with this now.
liked by harrystyles, gemmastyles, and 200 others
↳ harrystyles I’m already used to you praising me to the heavens, darling x
↳ yourinstagram Good. It’s what you deserve ❤️
↳ yn_and_harry Screaming Crying Lying on the floor. I can’t with these two 😭❤️
annetwist And even after years, I’m still very thankful and grateful that you make my boy the happiest he has ever been ❤️
↳ yourinstagram Thank you, Anne 🥹 I love you all with my entire heart ❤️
↳ gemmastyles And we you, sweets 🥰
liked by harrystyles, hsfan2, yourfan3, yourinstagram, and 137 others
yourfan1 Still can’t comprehend how her life changed after she met Harry
↳ yourfan2 Me too. But she deserves nothing less.
harry_and_YN Thank you for making him happy, YN 👉🏻👈🏻
harrystyles It was a great blanket!
↳ harrystyles And I love you more, darling x
↳ yourinstagram I think that’s not possible, love 🤷🏽‍♀️
↳ harrystyles I think it is, my muse ❤️
liked by yourinstagram, hsfan3, hsfan7, yourfan2, and 1,879 others
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harrysworld Got her to bed safely after she demanded she wasn’t tired while we watched a movie.
Gosh, YN… I love you so fucking much. Thank you for making me the happiest man gracing this freaking planet.
Liked by mitchrowland, joepark, jefezoff, and 13 others | 8 comments
mitchrowland I’m so happy for you, man. Can’t wait for you to spend the rest of your lives together.
jefezoff To use YN’s words: It’s what you deserve, Harry.
joepark Sleepy angel. Thanks for treating her the way you do. If not, I would’ve eliminated you a long time ago 🗡️
↳ pillowpersonpp And I would’ve been your alibi
↳ harrysworld Thank you…? 🫣
gemmastyles Will you guys drive to the house tomorrow before you head to Austin?
↳ harrysworld Yeah. We have an appointment with our construction manager at eleven. Wanna tag along?
↳ gemmastyles That’s the reason why I ask 👀 Mom wants to come as well!
↳ harrysworld Sure. Lunch after that?
↳ joepark Oui 👌🏻
rosesarered Thank you for making me the happiest woman on this planet 👉🏻👈🏻
Hui, this one got even longer than already planned. Ooopsiiii. Hope y’all enjoyed it tho <3 As usual: comments, reblogs, and likes are much appreciated!
taglist: @onecrazydirectioner @nyctophilic0vitnir @grapejuice-rry
368 notes · View notes
sparklingfireflyy · 2 years
Success Stories 2 :
🌸🌸 Appearance : 🌸🌸
Bigger boobs
Changed hair type from 4C to 3C/4A
Desired face and body
Multiple appearance change
Dream body
Multiple appearance change
Getting rid of hairfall
Multiple appearance change
Cleared acne
Swelling and bruises gone
Weight loss
Glow up
Multiple appearance change
Long hair
Multiple appearance change
Multiple appearance change
Weight loss
Desired height and looking more like df
Small nose
🌸🌸 Multiples : 🌸🌸
2 sports car + a mansion with pool + a business + wardrobe full of designer cloths + dream gf + trauma away
Curlier hair + shorter height + hazel eyes + 10 new friends
Being a nepo baby + waking up in a mansion + popularity
Cloths + trip to maldives + desired face + smaller stuff
Weather change + not getting scolded + perfect health
Losing 10 pounds + Angel skull + 5k in bank account
Postponed exam results + constipation gone + controlled weather + clear skin
Desired face + body + personality + penthouse in LA + moving away + photographic memory + skills + millions in account + street wardrobe
Desired face + body + height + money + cars and apartment + a tiny fairy + reaching void everytime
$2000 + revising last name + face and body + raspy voice
Revising grades + dream school + desired car
Desired home + desired job + desired friends + desired appearance + desired personality + supportive family etc.
Looking like Chinese ( her race) + losing 45kg + job + 115k usd + new wardrobe + singing ability + meeting biological parents
Losing 10kgs in 3 days + getting into void evey time + getting all desires overnight
Clear skin + no wrinkles + look younger + job + friends + overall happy life
Dream catcher + holiday homework done by itself + shorter height + chocolates + rain + cup + butterflies etc.
Multiple appearance change + entering void + master manifestor
A new phone + air conditioner + text from sp + crush's break up + cancelling class + puppy + piercings
$700,000 + cloths out of thin air + lost ear buds
Seeing hawks + clear skin + cancelled exams + seeing pink cat + full marks + perfect vision + smooth and thick hair + new laptop etc.
Acceptance in university + self concept + grade increase + appearance change + revision + aura etc.
Straight hair + everything in my favour + good grades + specific food + ideal eyes + part time job
Desired appearance + Wardrobe + dream family + self concept + 5 million dollars + Straight A's + popularities etc.
Woke up with Money + df + db + room decor + apartment in NYC
Grew 4 inches of hair + sp + self concept + being photogenic
Penthouse + increased height from 5'2 to 5'7 + nice figure + tiny falt 11 line abs + nice ass and titts + a dream life
Dream home + ideal appearance + health + high grades + ideal job + good mental health
Df and db + sp and bff + money from mom + athletic skills + extreme luck
Temporary wings + clear skin + going to void + awards + friends + being invisible + gifts + flat belly + revision
Df and db + desired family + desired house + luxurious lifestyle + desired friends group + getting into void + 170 iq
Desired appearance + iq of 200 + photographic memory + perfect self concept + weight loss + hourglass body + entering void + perfect life + endless money + best student
Entire family + good vision + revised age + good grades + wealth + friends
$5 million dollar + $5 million dollar bank account + modelling agency + younger brother + 20/20 vision + long platinum blonde hair + labrador Retriever + gf + friends
Being leo + hourglass body + desired face + getting into void + being everyone's crush
Niece to live with her + forest green eyes + revising grades + piano
Clear skin + singing voice + shifting to DR
Porsche 911 + penthouse + millions in bank + 20/20 vision + several guys to crush over her
Purple eyes + being 4'10 + changing appearance + getting booked for shows + iphone 13
🌸🌸 Illogical : 🌸🌸
Fairies in 3 days
Dog alive again
Fairy wings
Changing age
Shifted to dr
Shifted to Harry Potter world
Shifted to many realities
Shifting to jujutsu
🌸🌸 Void : 🌸🌸
Success story 1
Success story 2
Success story 3
Success story 4
Success story 5
Success story 6
Success story 7
Success story 8
Success story 9
Success story 10
Success story 11
Success story 12
Success story 13
Success story 14
Success story 15
Success story 16
Success story 17
Success story 18
Success story 19
🌸🌸 Others : 🌸🌸
Topped in class
Met biological parents
Perfect Hearing
High grades
Dream life
Knowledge without studying
Lost rings back
Ideal everything
Everything in 1 day
$5 million
Ear infection away
Desired car
Perfect hearing and speech
Getting together with sp
Desired everything
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povofjustme · 1 year
A New Start - Obie Bergman imagine {OC} GGReboot
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Title: A new start
Pairing: Obie Bergman x Black Reader
Author's Note: I don’t know where this is going but hope you like. I didn’t read this through because I wanted to post it
Full Name: Charlotte Jean
Nickname: CJ, Char, Jeans, Lotts
Birthday: August 23, 2005 - 17
Born: New York
Occupation(s): Student, Dancer, Model, Actor
Residence: Upper East Side
Instagram: @CharlotteJeans (300k follower)
Family: Nicolas Jean (father) Jasmine Jean (mother) Frances Jean (Twin Brother)
Romance: Obie Bergman (boyfriend)
Friends: Max Wolfe (best friend) Audrey Hope, Aki Menzie, Luna La, Zoya Lott
Enemies: Julien Calloway (frenemy)
——————————————————————————————This story is about Charlotte
- Charlotte grow up as a dancer
- Her mom and dad wanted there kids to grow up being big
- So when they kids both could walk and talk they got them right in
- Char learned a lot to the point where her name was big in the dancing world. To ballroom, ballet, contemporary, hip hop, tap to jazz and ice skating when she had time
- And there for her twin brother, music and sports
- When she was ten years old, her family had moved to france
- 7 years later, they moved back to NY, but there family had a big name to live up too
- But at the same time, she kept herself to who she truly was. She was a loving person who will buy anyone before her own.
- Since then, she loves to give back to people and animals. Will go out to the protest and talk to the people
- Moving back to new york after the summer of her sophomore year. She met up with her old time best friend ‘Max Wolfes’
- The Wolves and The Jeans were very close friends
- Godien Wolfes is the twins' godfather, so Max and The Twin grow up together. The trio
- So when the twin came back to the upper east side, they knew who to go to.
- The first day there, all eyes on them, but CJ went straight to the table up first to call out Max’s name.
- He saw he and gave her a big hug
“Hey I want you to meet my beautiful things here Charlotte, Charlotte Jeans and Frances Jeans”
“It CJ, call me CJ”
Introducing them to the group, and one person couldn't keep - their eyes off of her.
“And this is Obie”
- Then the bell was ringing and max took you in his hands to take
- Later on, the group knew a lot about CJ, but it was more of Fracces things
- They were all on the stares when Monet asked her
“Hey CJ, when going out tonight for a little get together, we knew Frances in. How about you?”
“Sorry guys, but am volunteering and the NYC animal shelter tonight-”
“Wait tonight at 8” Obie asked
“Yes, actionaly” CJ said laughing it off
“Am was actually looking at that the other night, maybe we could go together?”
“Sure why not”
- That night, they got to know each other very well, Yes Obie that she was just like any other new york girl but he was liking her for then he thought
- After that night of feeding food to the animals and cleaning them and more, they became closer
- Obie would do anything to hang out with her
- They sometimes walked to school together and have study “Date”
- At school they would eat together and just become friends
- He would even show up at Max house when he knew she was going to be over there
- Frances help him out as will
- After a long study “date”, Obie asked her on a real date
- They would go out to more events which catch the media's attentions in a good way and bad
- CJ posted pictures of them and events (with obie permission) her fans thought it was cute but Julies and GG fans didn't like it so much
- They were cute couple
- Obie met CJ parents and loved him
- CJ met Obie mom, She said she loves her already
- They would go to big events together
- Obie would take her to different places in NY
- CJ would give him dance lesson and when it came to any of her dance competitions, he would be there sitting next her family with a handful of flowers
- Sometimes they would have study dates at each others house but Obie likes it better over her because it feels more like home
- They did everything together, and it made them seem like they were in love
- Since she was around Obie more, she was around Aki and Audrey and Max more. Frances would be around alot, made the self a little group
- Around new york, Obie invited you and your brother to the Quaint weekend house
- The whole weekend, Obie and CJ shared the same room
- When the twins walked in, everyone was just getting there
- It was a fun and relaxing
- Everyone got along and had fun, Frances was flirting with Luna and Obie had you mostly to himself
- Julien felt some way but wanted him to be happy. But not with you
- CJ helped around the house, had the grow make cookies and spend time together, Obie was falling more and more in love
- And on new year, they were each other new year kiss
- After that, everyone loved them. Obie was happy
- GG would post things on IG
*It pictures of CJ and Obie*
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Well Well Well, It looks like there's a new couple in town. @Charlotte Jeans and @Obie Bregaens have been hitting off pretty well. Them out on the town helping others and dogs. Let's see where this goes. Charlotte or should I say CJ is the new girl and all around famous dancers with big money to her money. Lets see if Obie will love Julien or CJ? Tell me who you're rooting for?
#Team Julien s or #Team CJ
- CJ didn't really care but it seem to get to Julies head
- Julien was upset that Obie was getting over her and with CJ now
- So she did what she did best, try to break you down
- Julien, Monet ended up finding something and sent it to GG to hurt CJ
- Found out the CJ and Frances are adopted twins
- When GG posted it, It really didn't hurt the twins. Just hated it now that people knew their business more then the should
- Julien didn't like how CJ reacted so she wanted to hurt her more
- But what the found out was not about CJ, but about her twin
- Frances was a Drug addict
- Once GG posted it, know saw the twins for over 3 to 4 weeks
- CJ and Frances were close, not like Grace closes but they were best friends
- Once France was ready to come back to school, So was CJ.
- And CJ had a bad feeling about the group, had a feeling that someone was out for her
“On look who made it back” Monets
“What is that supposed to mean” CJ questioned
“CJ, it meant nothing, after all we just wanted to-” Julien couldn't even finish it all when they all got a ding on there phone
- It was post from GG about all the people who sent thing to GG
- The first things CJ saw was a sent in dm from Julien and Monet about CJ and Her twin
“You sent this about my brother?”
“I- I-”
“What the fuck is wrong with you!” At this point everyone was looking at everyone in the group.
- Know one CJ this mad before. She was always the loving and smiling person
“You sent that in for what? First the adopted and then my brother's addictions. You have to be out of your fucking mind. You have no respect for know but yourself, and it shows”
- Julien couldn't say anything
“This is about Obie” Max spock up
“About a fucking boy, Really!” Getting in Julien face
“ You are a disgusting fucking person”
- CJ walked away pushing the crowd away, Frances, Max, Aki, Audrey and Obie right behind her
Part 2?
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kickedshins · 6 months
where everyone from glee ends up in the beautiful beautiful better canon that exists in my head (ft. help from @girlmeetsghoul)
this got... really long so i'm putting it under a keep reading
rachel — broadway. obviously. does NOT marry jesse but they do date again and perhaps even get engaged and they remain in weird toxic kinda gay love for the rest of their lives on the downlow. she ends up getting married at around 40 to someone else (if young rachel berry knew she wouldn't get married until FOURTY!!!). also on/off dates finn for many years. it is a much more dramatic deal to her than it is to him he's relatively chill about it albeit confused and passionate. she is characteristically a drama queen. ends up in nyc
finn — i do think he ends up an educator in the burbs like they actually were dead on w that one i don't think he'd do glee or anything but teacher fs. realizes he's bisexual at age 32 while married to a woman so it's a revelation that he can't really act on but it gives rachel an existential crisis when she hears abt it which is funny. part of this revelation does come from one of his students being gay and on the football team and finn having a troy bolton moment of realizing you can do both. ends up in a suburb of chicago
kurt  — stanley tucci in devil wears prada. also he expats in berlin for like a year or two. dates an accountant. ends up in nyc
mercedes — canon, absolute worldwide singing star. glee did very few things right when it came to mercedes but having her be a successful singer was correct. ends up w someone famous in their own right but in a Very different way than her like her fans do not know who that person is. ends up in LA
brittana — they don't stay together after high school but they do reconnect a little later after santana has a freakout crisis and drops out of school (canon) but instead of moving to ny and doing all that she moves to LA and ends up as the world's craziest talent agent. and britt runs a dispo and does goat yoga. end up in LA
blaine — okay the first thing you have to know about me is i am a blam truther forever and always. anyway blaine goes to nyu not nyada and most of that drama with kurt happens just to a much lesser extent cuz theyre not at school together so he does end up graduating, maybe takes a gap year in the middle tho. but also blaine starts getting really into local politics and after a few off off off bway roles that don't really lead to anything bigger and a lot of stressful fighting w kurt he decides actually he wants his new goal in life to be becoming a city council member. he and kurt still have the world's best most toxic insane person on/off relationship until theyre like 28 and then a blam romcom ensues. nyc til early/mid 30s, then he and sam move to the burbs (potentially in the state sam grew up in?) to raise a kid
sam — bumpy twisty turny road for him, feels like he should go to college/should want to go to college but does not want to go. wanders around lima for a year or two getting by and trying to find his #purpose and moves to nyc essentially on a whim after a phone call w blaine and is like hi i live in your house now. maybe the modeling thing for a bit? but less weird than in the show. some samcedes for a bit bc i am a fucking sucker for them <3 anyway eventually sam becomes a comix artist. he meets gerard way and doesnt know who he is and tina wants to throttle him about this. nyc til early/mid 30s, then he and blaine move to the burbs (potentially in the state sam grew up in?) to raise a kid
tina — kiki and i have such a beautiful tina in our brains anyway she makes some kind of awful art that sells way better than it should and becomes a trophy wife to a hot lesbian doctor and also once or twice collabs w sam on smth. no one knows what degree she got from brown even she's not entirely sure. stoner. fucks rachel's co-star at some point and it gives rachel 1000000 problems. ends up in nyc
quinn — academia (english) or law. the only ppl she has talked to from hs since graduation are cedes and brittana and she is so happy to not give a single shit about anyone else. i love you quinn go get lesbian married and write a book. i can't get into the one (1) time rachel and quinn see each other post canon cuz that would be a whole other post but trust me i have many thoughts on that. ends up somewhere almost rural in the northeast but not Too far from a city if that makes sense
mike — does the dance thing, i think probably hes on some tours which means blaine and sam have to put up with tina on the phone w him for hours giving him life updates like every single day (theyre not dating anymore obv but they are besties also there's like one year where blamtina are all living together i have an insane amount of headcanon lore dont worry abt it). gets married to the most normal person in the world and sometimes casually drops lore about highschool and his partner is like i dont think the midwest is a real place. ends up right outside of nyc
artie — director ofc. like mike ends up w someone in the same industry who is relatively normal but also like so obviously grew up in santa monica and was a child actor. ends up in LA
puck — travels a bit to ~find himself~, ends up back in lima doing a relatively normal job and settles down w a wife and becomes the most intense guy at the pta. his ass is organizing bake sales up the wazoo. as mentioned ends up back in lima
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dayeongi · 10 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. spread the self-love ❤
ksjlfakjsafas alright alright
My first favorite recently is Sign of the Times -
Canon divergence. it's a 5k two part fic based in a terrible universe where both Temari and Kankurō die in the war and the mismanagement of the grief left behind for Gaara and Shikamaru. Very sad, awful and gut-wrenching.
I specially liked mixing the tenses in the first chapter to show that to Gaara it all feels like it's still happening in real time, even though it's been a while. I don't know if that was the best way to show that but I enjoyed it. Wrote it in two days, sobbed the entire time and it's probably one of the rawest thing I've written in a long time.
My second favorite is Setting Sun (my beloved)
This is going to be a multi-fic series, current word count going at 50k at 11 chapters. Modern High School AU with a royal political intrigue twist. As I've gone on and on often, setting sun was supposed to be a prequel set in high school to a naruhina fic i wrote in early 2017 and discontinued because of negative feedback and personal issues, but I never stopped thinking about it and started working on the worldbuiding to work around the setting. The premise? Princess in hiding meets average dude and they grow by learning to understand each other. I decided they were too young, so I later made it into the current setting. I also changed a lot of what the naruhina fic will be so I only left it up for archival purposes; the current setting sun au only has traces now.
The Rose and the Dare
this is a 6k HTTYD fic that was my incursion to Romantic Horror. Incursion which was largely inspired by The Hofferson House, Est 1850 by @beatricebmorgan
Coming back to her hometown, Astrid is dared to pick a rose from the abandoned churchyard deep in the forest. She finds unexpected help.
This is a 6k shikatema fic (+18!!!) I'm very obsessed with lovers that yearn for each other but can't make it work the first time around. Exes to lovers and all that - one of my favorite works because it's inspired by poetry
And the last one, of course, has to be Riptide. HTTYD
Started writing it in 2018, finished it may this year at 32 chapters, 98k total. I have a complicated relationship with this fic because I went through a lot and grew a lot as a writer and person during that time, but I'm still proud of it just because I poured a lot of myself into it and did my best to make this world come alive. Set in a modern AU in a fictional country, Astrid is a famous NYC model that's spiraling publicly under her mother's control and decides to go to her family for the summer, where she meets Hiccup, a sweet dude that grew up neglected by his parents and is attached to Astrid's aunt by a haunting secret. I can't say whether it's good anymore, but it has a special place in my heart.
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jknerd · 10 months
Oliver Twist in NYC AU: Georgette
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Full Name: Georgette Midler
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Other names: Georgie, Nanny Georgie, Nanny Fatale
Occupations: University Valedictorian (former), Fashion model (retired), Sports champion, Jenny’s (and eventually, Oliver’s) nanny
Residence: Foxworth Residence
Family: Mr. Midler (father), Mrs. Midler (mother) Relationships: Harry Foxworth (employer), Rose Maylie-Foxworth (employer), Agnes Fleming (old friend), Mr. Leeford (acquaintance), Jenny (goddaughter), Oliver (godson; her etiquette student), Tito (lover; eventually, husband), Rita (acquaintance; occasionally, friend), Beatrice (best friend)
Likes: Dressing up Jenny, shopping, polite manners and etiquette, dancing, Oliver (eventually), Tito (love interest)
Dislikes: Oliver adopted to a family (formerly), Oliver’s dysfunctional childhood, kidnappers, Bill Sykes and his men, Edward “Monks” Leeford’s remorseless action on attempt to kill Oliver and Jenny, Mr. Leeford (formerly)
Georgette Midler is a fashionable nanny of Jenny, residing in Foxworth residence, and is an old friend of Agnes Fleming, the biological mother of Oliver. In same university with Jenny’s mother Rose during late teen years, Georgette graduated as valedictorian, winning multiple awards from diverse competitions. Due to her beauty, she debuted as fashion model along with her best friend Agnes until her age 24.She expressed immense dislike towards Agnes’ lover Mr. Leeford and partially blamed him for the death of Agnes. Later, she was hired in Foxworth residence as Jenny’s nanny. At the gathering of rich families, her disdain towards the Leeford family remains and was often annoyed of elitist behavior from Edward “Monks” Leeford and his mother Jill. Through years, Jenny was most likely raised by Georgette and the butler Winston.
Satisfied with her career as Jenny’s nanny, she occasionally dresses her up and participates in a meeting with Rose, Beatrice, and other mothers of students. At one point, she returned home from outing with Beatrice, she was surprised to see Jenny bringing home a boy named Oliver. Initially, she wasn’t up for an idea of orphaned child being part of family. However, witnessing bruises of abuse the boy suffered, he developed sympathy for him and along with Winston, she begins to see how Oliver resembles Agnes. When their suspicion was confirmed, she was seen accompanying the family to go through procession of adopting Oliver. When the boy asked her to teach him polite manners befitting the family, she agreed to do so as long as he promise to never partake in helping the staffs, saying the only duties children must to is go to school, making friends and play, proving that despite her uptight behavior, she has soft spots for Oliver and would scold Winston for feeding him too much sugar. When accompanying Oliver, she was seen smiling as she witness the boy’s act of kindness; helping the old lady by opening a door for her and assisting her in buying groceries. When the kidnapper attempted to take Oliver, she threw a high kick of the kidnapper’s chin and managed to take Oliver home. This scene was watched by Tito, who was immediately attracted to her. At the party held for Oliver in Foxworth residence, she protectively kept Oliver away from Edward and his mother as she noticed Edward’s hostile look towards the boy. 
Days went by, she was alarmed of Oliver not arrived home in time and was informed by the teacher the boy’s “relatives” came to pick him up. Along with Jenny, she went out to look for Oliver, but not before reporting to the police of the child’s disappearance. In the midst of searching, Jenny was kidnapped by Bill Sykes and his men. Convinced they were responsible for disappearance of Oliver as well, she demanded further explanation from Fagin and the gang, horrified to learn that the scheme was concocted by Edward. She then informed the gang the reason of his hatred for Oliver; the boy was his younger half-brother and would do anything to inherit his father’s inheritance, even if it means getting rid of Oliver. Infiltrating in Sykes’ warehouse, she was enraged to see Oliver severely injured by Edward who has already left to threaten Jenny’s parents. Sykes’ men surrounded her, but consumed in protective anger, Georgette singlehandedly defeated all of them, revealing that she was actually 56-times award winner of gymnastics, aerobics, cheerleading, won 14 region of marksmanship, 6-times national champion of martial arts for she was nicknamed “Nanny Fatale”. Taking Oliver and Jenny, she joined the Fagin’s gang to escape and managed to arrive in time to stop Edward from taking over Foxworth business. Georgette was later shocked to see Mr. Leeford—whom she believed to be dead—was alive. After Edward was arrested, Georgette eventually forgave Mr. Leeford and his ex-wife.
Much later, she was seen helping Winston making a birthday cake for Jenny and was also present in the party. Apparently, she reciprocated Tito’s feelings as both decided to date; for she found his short height adorable and sharing same hobby of dancing. When Oliver and Jenny often invited Minerva home, Georgette would chat with Minerva’s mother Beatrice, feeling bad for the girl being shunned most of the time. Then, she offered Beatrice a drink or party for retuning as single, cheering her up. Later, along with Foxworth family and Fagin’s gang, she was clapping when Fagin cut the ribbon in front of Leeford’s mansion that was now used as boarding house for the gang and the orphans from the same underground orphanage Oliver came from.
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indulgnces · 9 months
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☆ –– (caitlin stasey, she/her, cis woman) who is james grey anyways? ew. you don’t know about her, we’ll bet you want to. they’re feeling 30 and crocheting feels like a perfect night to them. rumor has it they’re selfish and fickle because they care, but they’re also passionate and authentic in the best way. she works to make a little money as a(n) radio host they’ve rented on a place on cornelia street in the form of an apartment. august & cardigan is the song they could dance to the beat of forevermore. –– pinterest.
name: james grey
age: 30
birthplace: brooklyn, new york
current residence: cornelia street, nyc
gender: cis woman (she/her)
sexuality: bisexual (w/a preference for women)
occupation: radio host
face: caitlin stasey
positives: authentic, passionate, easygoing, confident, observant
negatives: selfish, fickle, aimless, cynical, irresponsible
character inspo: eddie munson (stranger things), robin buckley (stranger things), hope (booksmart), graham eaton (but I'm a cheerleader), donna pinciotti (that 70s show), steven hyde (that 70s show).
had a relatively normal childhood. grew up in new york as the only child to a seemingly loving couple. but, like most marriages, theirs ended up dissolving around the time james was ten. big bummer.
her time was split between her parents places after her mother ended up moving, generally living with her mother during the school years and with her father during the summers
loves her mother, truly, but she always tended to favor and take after her father
showed great potential in school, but was largely academically unmotivated. think the smartest kid in your on level classes who refused to go up into honors/ap level classes. classes bored her because they were easy, but she had absolutely no motivation to go to the classes that "challenged" her like her teachers recommended, so she just skipped classes lol
the most notable revelations that came out of grade school to james was that she liked girls, and she was capable of being much crueler than she thought (see: folklore love triangle)
also, that she had no idea what the hell she wanted to do in life
went to college because it was the Next Step to do, but ended up dropping out after two years when she still didn't know what to major in
after dropping out, she moved back in with her father in nyc and started a chain of aimless jobs. some of those jobs: barista, receptionist, model, podcaster, etc.
somehow ended up as a radio host for a small satellite radio station, and has been doing this for the last year, and she honestly likes it more than she thought she would.
her father owns a bar in greenwich, and over the years she's also liked playing bartender there from time to time.
she's honestly just trying her best to get by.
jack of all trades, master of none type.
has picked up and dropped hobbies as easily as she does jobs. some past hobbies: skateboarding (in high school, still does it when she's particularly stressed), drumming (had a small stint with a band in college), baking (gave up when she kept burning/undercooking all her treats). she's currently into crochet, and likes to do it when she's on the air or when she's watching movies at home.
thrifts most of her clothes. style leans vintage, fringe, leather, flare/ripped jeans, converse, but with a touch of femininity with flower prints and hair ribbons. (x)
has always found it easy to talk to people, has always been super laid-back and easygoing, but was never the popular type. can't stand crowds or fake people. charismatic loner burnout vibes.
420 friendly baby!!!!
when she was in high school, she got her hands on a tattoo gun kit and did shitty little basic tattoos on her friends and herself. the ones she has have mostly faded, but consist of small little figures/symbols on the insides of her fingers.
bi bi bi! strong preference for women. BIG flirt. lots of rizz. she's giving this tiktok. big top energy.
best gives love through physical touch and quality time. best receives love through words of affirmation.
established connections.
omar ruiz-osman - the mark to her callie
daisy st. james - ex-girlfriend, daisy's gay awakening
charley zhao - queer/musical friends
caroline davis - flirtationship/one night stand
elody maverick - rival
theodore clarke - frequent coworker
lucas duchannes - flirtationship
oliver langham - regular annoyance/friend
juliet eisley - crush
adira ruiz-osman - friendly exes
wanted connections. (page!)
james was born and raised in nyc until she was 10, and then at least spent nearly every summer in the state up until she moved back permanently at 20.
on the main: her best friend & her crush connections (bff pinterest & crush pinterest)
the mark to her callie (vibes): very similar to steve/robin, except sex is in the equation! perhaps they first met as friends and then added fwb into the equation, or maybe they started as a fuck buddy that evolved into a genuine friendship entirely by accident. either way, this calls for a genuine friendship connection where sex is/was a key component of the relationship at one point or another. would be up for this dynamic to be something that is already settled in game (they already Know the ins/outs of their dynamic well), or as something brand new that they're navigating and we write out from the beginning!
relationship inspired by this gifset: a flirtationship, basically! james likes to flirt with your muse, who either plays oblivious or is actually oblivious. james keeps it up to see how long it'll take for your muse to either catch the hint or make a move. (w)
your friendly neighborhood bartender: her father owns a popular dive bar in the area, and over the years, james has taken shifts at the place, playing bartender whenever she is out of a job/needs money/is bored. your muse is one of james' regulars.
friends. very general. james is super chill. she can be a sarcastic ass sometimes, but it’s all in good fun. overall a very easygoing, laidback individual.so she’s bound to have a good group of friends in the city. people she smokes with. queer friends. neighbors at her apartment complex. people she goes bar hopping with to pick up girls. people she thrifts with.
past work connections. between the ages of 20-28, james worked a series of different jobs as she tried to figure out what she wanted to do with her life. and it was through these jobs that she met your muse! maybe they were coworkers, or maybe they were a regular at james work. anything works! the following is an incomplete list of her past jobs (more can be added to fit!): barista (she did this for like two years purely for the vibes), receptionist, model (small stint, usually for her photography friends), nursery home caretaker (liked this more than she thought she would bc old ppl are batshit crazy), podcaster (I like to think she didn’t run her own show, but rather was a super frequent guest host on her friend’s show).
hobby buddies. like jobs, james has cycled through a number of hobbies as well. she tends to hyperfixate on one hobby for a period of time before moving onto something else. maybe your muse was someone she met through these hobbies! here is another incomplete list of her past hobbies: skateboarding (primarily in high school, but when she’s stressed, she takes to skateboarding around the city or central park), drumming (led to her being the drummer with a small garage band in college. nothing serious, very amateur, and dropped it after dropping out, but showed off at house parties over the years if she was drunk/trying to impress a girl), baking (massive fail, if any of her friends tried her creations, they regretted it), bingo (got really into it while working at a nursery home, still goes to a game at least once a month), crocheting (current fixation, really into crocheting clothes right now and small plush).
exes. while james isn't opposed to love, she generally is far too fickle to stay in a relationship for long. while she hasn't been actively looking for anything serious. I'm sure one or two relationship developed into something serious despite her best efforts, but she's single now so it must have ended for some reason or another.
situationships. subsect of the above, because I feel like this is actually more where most of james past romantic/sexual connections lie. lots of flirting, dates, hook ups with absolutely none of the relationship defining! james wasn't stressed about it, but maybe your muse was. the undefined nature of it all could have led to some potentially messy situations. or maybe your muse was just as down for it, and their situationship faded naturally without any hard feelings.
I really want anything and everything in between! these are just general ideas, I'm open to all sorts of plots! &lt;; 3
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skylarmodelingacademy · 4 months
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Best Modeling Schools NYC - Start Your Career | Skylar Modeling
Dive into the world of fashion with Skylar Modeling's comprehensive guide to the best modeling schools NYC. Whether you're aiming for the runway, commercial, or fashion modeling, our expert insights will help you find the perfect school to launch your career. With a focus on top-notch training, professional development, and industry connections, start your journey to becoming a successful model in the heart of New York City.
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rappaccini · 1 month
.... coming to realize that the differences in 616 vs 65 gwens' gender presentation and behavior comes down to gwen's mother, and how and when she leaves gwen's life.
616 gwen's mother died of an unspecified illness when she was in high school. so gwen spent all of her childhood and much of her adolescence with her mother-- who, as a housewife and Person Living In The 60s, would've been the primary parent.
she's preppy and stylish, and was even a beauty queen.... but her looks don't actually come naturally to her: when gwen's first introduced in 1965, she still dresses like it's the late 50s, and it takes the introduction of mj (... a model, and future best friend of gwen) for her to update her hairstyle and start dressing more contemporary. and even then, there's a lot of tacky leopard print and way too much hippie fringe: gwen's trying a little too hard to look trendy. so presumably, her mother was the one dressing her (and sending her to beauty pageants). without her gwen knew enough to dress appropriately (read: feminine) and do her hair and makeup, but couldn't adapt to the times until she had a female friend to guide her.
she has great bedside manner when peter's sick. it probably came from when she was taking care of her sick mother-- her dad's always at the station, so gwen was probably the one looking after her, if not her primary caretaker.
she's probably a practicing christian, given it being the late 60s-early-70s, and that her mother had a christian burial. gwen grew up religious and probably stayed that way.
she's polite, a rule-follower and a star student who won a scholarship to empire state. she's great at science and a future chemistry major. she went to standard prep, despite being the daughter of a police officer and a housewife and therefore not nearly as wealthy as the other kids who went there (like harry son-of-a-billionaire osborn or darius leclerc, whose dad's a famed architect and mom's a doctor)... which suggests she was on a scholarship... and that her mom put in some work at home to make sure gwen became a good student, and socially to get her into the Nice School so she could rub elbows with rich kids.
she's popular enough to run for class president and win. she throws parties where the whole class turns up and she plays hostess. she juggles boys easily and was dating since high school (and pulled the big man on campus who's rich, athletic, nice, smart AND handsome). probably because her mother taught her all her social graces: how to make and keep friends, what kinds of people to surround yourself with, how to respond when boys like you.
so gwen's girlboss tendencies come from her mother: her ambition, her focus, her ability to mingle with just the right people to advance socially, either as a housewife (... it was the 60s; society was what it was) or as a career woman (which is what she would have been). all of it came from her mom.
... given that sam bullit implies gwen's father was a liberal icon in 616's early '70s nyc, yet gwen herself seems much more middle-of-the-aisle... her mom was probably the conservative parent.
also this is more miscellaneous but 616-gwen likes to bake. she probably did it with, and eventually for, her mother. (plus, since baking is basically chemistry, maybe this is how gwen discovers that passion.)
so it follows that gwen-65, whose mother died when she was a baby (according to mcguire) or a young girl (implied by latour), is quite different.
she dresses like she rolled out of bed in ratty, oversized t-shirts, jeans or shorts, and pretty much the only time she ever wears a skirt or dress is when she wants to impress someone. she wears no makeup and has a choppy haircut. and even when her look cleans up a bit later on, it's all bella swan couture: basic t-shirts, leggings and jeans. her cop dad probably never figured out how to dress his daughter, and gwen is simply not a fashionable person.
she's a geek who likes adult fantasy novels, old cop shows, kung-fu movies and rock music. all of which would've likely been introduced to her by her father, who would've had to spend more time with her as he's her only parent.
in her character file, her mother's described as a free spirit and musician (and that gwen gets these qualities from her), so gwen's interest in drumming probably was a hybrid of attempting to feel closer to her via making music, and having a dad who wouldn't enroll her in, say, the typical girl music activities like piano or voice lessons (which mothers, who tend to dictate after-school activities, would probably gravitate towards).
she completely lacks a bedside manner because she never had to take care of her mother when she was ill.
she eats a ton of fast food and never cooks. her mom wasn't around to teach her. (... and if gwen's talent in chemistry was discovered through baking with her mother, she never had that experience. instead, she feels close to her mom through music.)
her mom had a christian burial but the stacys aren't religious-- so without her in the picture, her father stops practicing and gwen's fully out of the faith by high school, if not sooner.
she's a subpar student at midtown high who drops out of college to chase her music passion and takes fun liberal arts blowoff classes when she does re-enroll. so without her mom around to make sure she's studying, gwen never developed those habits (and therefore never found an interest in science). and without her mom to advocate for her, the best her dad could do was send her to public high school.
she has no social graces. she sat in the corner with the outcast kids (interesting that harry's social status depends on gwen's; when she's popular, he's her purse dog. when she's a loser, he's hiding under the bleachers with her), never cared about popularity contests or school spirit, she was ignored by most of the student body and got violent with bullies. she doesn't date and has no clue how to behave when someone likes her (and pulled not one but two fellow losers). because her mother wasn't around to teach her high school socialization or dating politics. and there's no way a cop dad's gonna teach his daughter how to get a boyfriend.
... she's uninterested in dating boys in particular and keeps gravitating towards queer girls. probably in part because without her mother around to enforce compulsory heterosexuality, there was room for gwen to explore something else.
and without her mother to push gwen into girlbossing her way to the top, it's a lot easier for her to disown her white feminist tendencies and become much more radical.
though given that helen-65 was a free spirit... maybe she wouldn't have. maybe the stacy parents' political leanings flipped here. regardless, the absence of her mother pushing her to conform to the way things are, either because she's not around or that's not the kind of person she was, remains important.
gwen-65 specifically takes after 1610 gwen, whose mother is alive-- but abandoned the family to live in chicago with a man she was cheating on george with.
a troubled rocker girl with a violent temper and a lack of interest in school, who sneaks off every night to party and mess around with college boys, pulls knives on bullies and stops living with her dad to move in with peter and may.
she also transfers to midtown right after her parents' divorce.
gwen's rocker attitude isn't political, like spider-gwen's is. it's about rebelling against her parents and specifically lashing out at her mom by becoming something she'd hate out of spite. subconsciously, it's probably an attempt to make her mom so upset that she'd come back to discipline her. and it didn't work.
(... so before the family imploded, she was probably a lot closer to 616-gwen in behavior. the rebellion only works if there's a clear change.)
spiderverse gwen... is even more complicated. spiderverse gwen's mom was around longer than in the comics, given that gwen has a gift from her in her drumset, which implies she decided to keep it (and therefore that gwen was old enough to make that choice; a toddler would not do that, but an elementary or middle schooler would). so there are some interesting ripple effects.
first, the elephant in the room: atsv-gwen is trans-coded, but itsv-gwen really isn't; that intention clearly changed between movies, is not mentioned anywhere in either script, and probably came about much later into production than people think.
(to be thorough-- gwen's involvement in dance, more feminine appearance and need for a relationship with a boy could also be influenced by her transness: she wants to be a girl, so she tries to get there by clinging to things society agrees are reserved for girls [ballet, certain clothes, romances with boys]. her drumming and interests in conventionally masculine hobbies stem from having been socialized as a boy when she was younger. and gwen gravitates towards male friends and keeps the mary janes at arm's length because she's used to socializing with boys, and she's not sure if this specific group of sapphic girls are gonna be cool with her being trans, or if they're That Kind Of Lesbian.)
but since it's still coding and not explicit representation, and since they definitely didn't account for gwen being trans until the second movie, i'm gonna have to assume gwen's upbringing is intended to have been that of a cis girl's. so to expand on that--
gwen's poise and discipline is canonically linked to having been a ballerina (and possibly a gymnast too, if her dad's visions sweatshirt refers to her). via word of god circa itsv's release, gwen's ballet shoes contrasted with her alt hairstyle/piercing are meant to imply a conflict between what her parents want her to be (a dancer) and what she wants to be (a drummer), so dancing came before drumming, and gwen didn't choose to be a ballerina. and spiderverse gwen's mother was probably the one who put her in dance class, which for ballet starts when you're very young.
as for gwen watching cartoons and playing with action figures as a kid... she would've grown up in the 2000s, when that's not exactly discouraged in girls (especially when they're young, like gwen was, and there's an unspoken assumption that they'll 'grow out of it' -- like gwen did). it's not the 60s anymore.
similarly: in the 2010s, it's normal for girls to wear pants. the gender expectations are more subtle: they're more about how 'unisex' clothes are cut, designed and fitted. so though we see gwen wearing shorts, they're tight cutoffs. her t-shirts show off her midriff and bra straps. her sweatshirt's a scoop-neck. she wears leggings. all things that wouldn't be encouraged for boys to wear. it's a middle ground between 616 gwen's preppy but outdated femininity and 65a gwen's grungy androgyny-- which follows if her mother had enough influence in her appearance growing up that it's still lingering, but enough time has passed that gwen's starting to let go of it as she gravitates towards the punk style of her band-- again, gwen's taking cues from an mj.
-> additionally, there are makeup brushes on gwen's vanity, she's wearing some on the night of the dance, and she has painted nails when the spider bites her. since her mom was in her life longer, she probably taught her how to use makeup, or gwen at least grew up watching her do it.
she's supposedly as good a student as miles-- which follows if her mom was around to make sure she developed good study habits when she was little. and gwen might go to visions instead of standard or midtown because her mom had just enough influence on her academics to make her eligible for the gifted kids school lottery, but wasn't around to leverage her into the rich kid prep academy. (... gwen going to a school where she boards on weeknights might have had another purpose too: if her father was unprepared to care for her on his own, she needed somewhere else to stay)
she's much more romantically motivated, which would follow if gwen's mom was around long enough to begin enforcing compulsory heterosexuality. and she still has that clearly-queer female friend group, but seems far less attached to them, and centers her interactions with men and boys. which follows, if she's used to looking for male validation and had just enough leeway from her absent dad to start checking out other girls... but less time to do so because mom was around longer.
gwen says grace at dinner with her dad and the parkers. so it looks like her dad's the religious one this time. and that the parkers are christians and not jewish. weird.
there's concept art of gwen cooking and picking up groceries, and takeout boxes are piled up in the apartment when gwen returns after months with the society: she was the one doing the cooking for her and her father. which follows if her mom was around long enough to cook and grocery shop with her-- and to communicate to gwen that those are chores that would be expected of her.
so the vibe is that spiderverse-gwen was primarily raised by her mother as a child and then at some point in her adolescence she Suddenly Wasn't Anymore.
some of the deeper-ingrained habits stayed--like dance training, being a good student, compulsory heterosexuality
others never arrived at all-- like knowing how to behave when meeting a boyfriend's parents (she's never had that talk).
and some are being traded out now that there's no one around to enforce them anymore (dancing -> drumming. boyfriends and prom dresses -> a queer rock band, an eyebrow piercing and a half- shaved head. still going to the dance with a boy and wearing the prom dress, but only after it's been ripped up and a leather jacket was thrown on top)
her 65a/1610-esque temper and rebellious qualities might stem from gwen either grieving her mother's more recent loss or lashing out at her absence. maybe there was a more drastic shift in her behavior after her mom left the picture.
and her attachment to jess definitely comes from gwen seeing her as a replacement mother figure. she literally says as much when she blurts out that she wants jess to adopt her.
anyway. it seems standard at this point that gwen's curiosity, stubbornness, temper, loyalty and analytical personality-- and her always-initial trust in the police and government-- come from her father. that's been brought up a few times and remains true throughout different continuities because captain stacy always sticks around, therefore his relationship with his daughter is pretty constant. and in continuities where gwen becomes more counterculture, that mirrors her relationship with her dad getting more strained or antagonistic.
gwen's social status, sense of style, hobbies and interests, manners and romantic leanings all come from her mother-- either through direct influence, or through her absence.
.... on that note i REALLY want to see a gwen stacy who grows up with a dead or absent dad and living mom (maybe even with that chicago stepdad-- who is he?! would she have stepsiblings?) and see what changes there.
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opinionsbyaf · 2 months
Family Part 1 Family, what is family? I can no longer answer that question. I don't think I was ever able to answer that question! My family was a complete mess growing up, filled with pain, poverty, infidelity, and physical abuse! I would fantasize about a real father I had that lived in California, that had no idea of my existence. Once he found out, he would fly across the country to rescue me from this horrible life I was living! Alas, that rescue never occurred! I would see friends and family members who were enjoying the kind of family life that I wished I had but was out of my grasp. I was so desperate for a good family life, that I fell in love with an older woman with three small children when I was eighteen, several years later we were married. I did the best I could being a child-parent myself with zero experience and no one as a father figure to model myself after! (My father was a monster!) So the mistakes piled on! I admit I wasn't the best father and husband. I made a shit load of mistakes, but I always took responsibility for my screw-ups. My kids would probably tell you that I was a MONSTER! In reality, I never beat them, I did yell at them and I did punish them when they screwed up. Mainly over poor school habits. I could have been a better husband, I was still a baby when we met and had a lot of growing up to do! I was there for her when it really counted though, and that is by far more important than anything else in our lives together. We had spurts of what a good family life should be, my wife saw to that! She was good at that. At this point in life, I already started to retreat within, so, I was just present. When she died, so did anything resembling a family had died with her, and I was no help at all! I mentally fell apart, and became distant, hooking up with this crazy woman, I believe to punish myself!! Oh boy did I punish myself, we'll leave it at that! Those were some very dark days for me that lasted about six to seven years!! But to my kids, I was just an asshole!! I should have gone to grief counseling in hindsight! I went from the crazy woman to a nine-year failed marriage, to a nine-year failed live-in relationship to where I am now! Still searching for that elusive family life, NOT! The kind of family life that I want no longer exists! Since it no longer exists I'm done trying to find it! Now, I shy away from any prospect of getting involved with a woman with a big or midsized family, for me that just spells, PROBLEMS! I have three stepchildren, whom I've NEVER called stepchildren, one natural son, seven grandchildren and I think by today's count four great-grandchildren! Plus nieces and nephews. I see no one, that's one of the reasons I felt comfortable leaving NYC for Florida! I guess there's always something in life you won't get, for me it was the family life that I desired and yearned for since I was a child! I guess that's why I didn't tell anyone that I left I felt it just didn't matter! CONTINUE.....
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florrentine · 2 months
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RULES: Answer the questions with the Muses that would best fit the answers. Bonus if you give details why. If tagged, copy and paste into a new post – DO NOT REBLOG! ( willow edit : since it's just emilia on here, all answers will be about her / questions will be tweaked when necessary 🩷)
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1) Rank your softest Muse and your toughest Muse. (Personality-wise) - she can be both, which feels a little like a compromise, but it's the truth. she learned to have a very thick skin when she was living in nyc and trying to make a living with her photography, but she's also incredibly empathetic and affectionate with those she's close to & cares about.
2) Which Muse would blow through $1000 quickly? / what would emilia blow $1000 on - camera equipment, and it would be painfully easy to blow the whole 1K not just in one go, but on one piece of tech. lenses are so unfathomly expensive i wonder sometimes how emmy was even able to pay her nyc rent on a regular basis.
3) Do any of them have nicknames? Is there a meaning behind them? - emmy, em, melly are all pretty common. her middle name is rose, so several members of her immediate family would call her rosie. ( which she actually misses, considering who would be the ones to use it. but since her middle name isn't common knowledge / she isn't often asked what her middle name is, there aren't a lot of opportunities for it to come back up. )
....... also please take this as a blanket plea to give her nicknames and i will love you for eternity.
4) Are any of them up-to-speed on the latest trends? Anyone more old school? - social media was never her thing ( which is a shame because her instagram probably would have been lovely ), and she was always a fan of vinyl over cds when it came to listening to music. her cameras of choice for recreational photos tended to be older models while saving digital for her professional work for ease of use with clients. fashion was never a huge deal for her ----- she is/was very much a black & neutral color type. and still loves a good jumper.
5) Who has the best relationship with their siblings? - she had a good relationship with both her brothers ( charlie & thomas ). being the youngest and the only girl meant she had two very protective older brothers watching out for her growing up, but they were both able to let her fight ( sometimes literally ) her own battles when she needed to.
6) Karaoke night! Who is likely to grab the mic first and bust out a tune? - it'll take some convincing, but she'll eventually get up there and sing. yes, she has done a spice girls song, and yes, she would do a spice girls song again if given the chance.
7) Who is least likely to enter a beauty pageant/model? - she did some modeling as a favor for a few classmates while she was at NYU for projects and the like, but never anything serious because absolutely not.
8) If your Muses visited a haunted house where actors scare you, who would panic and who would be unfazed? - she doesn't scare easily, ( especially in settings like this where she knows it's all fake ) and surprisingly, she's typically more of a fight over flight type of girl -- but she's still capable of falling prey to a jump scare like anyone else. she'll probably scream-squeak and drop a substantial line of 'fuck!?!?'s.
9) Are any of your Muses particular about taking certain modes of transportation? - she's taken both the tube in london and the nyc subway in her lifetime so she's certainly seen some things ... that being said, she's not really thrilled about heights, so flying was always a bit tricky for her. at least now that's not something she has to be concerned about.
10) Share a little-known fact about any Muse. - emilia has a very keen sense of smell ( which is .... a lot of fun in a post - apocalyptic setting ), and memories for her can be / will be very scent - forward ( which considering her talent for photography / documenting moments visually, i guess would make her a double threat? ). she will ultimately assign a scent to your muse probably without even realizing she's doing it.
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tagged by: @wexarethewalkingxdead🩷 ( thank you for giving me an excuse to go on and on about emilia it's my favorite thing )
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eviesaurusrex · 2 years
Harry Styles x Model!Reader
Faceclaim: Lily Collins
author’s note: I’ve binge-watched Emily in Paris for the third time and revisited my love for Lily Collins (and Paris), so I had to do this one, even though I fear it’ll flop again, but nevermind. I’m having fun doing these. joepark, camilleinlondon, and antoinemoreau are your best friends! My French sucks (even after 6 years of learning it in school), so please bare with me and my skills in using a translator, thaaaaaanks!
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yourinstagram Someone (👀) told me that photo-dumps are cool again, so here is one! Paris has me back ♥️
[tagged joepark]
Liked by yourfan1, yourfan2, joepark, harrystyles and 878,932 others | 324,777 comments
joepark I never used the word cool, that’s entirely your wrongdoing 👀
↳ yourinstagram Haha. I love you too 😛
↳ modelfriends4ever Joe and YN are reunited 🥰
hsfan1 excuse me, she is in paaaaariiiiiis, and harry will be in Paris soon!
↳ hsfan2 can’t wait for their reunion! I’m pretty sure Harry is super happy to be back on tour and seeing all of us again, but I have the feeling that he always looks a tad… sad? :c
↳ hsfan1 i have the same feeling, but that’s just normal. they’re so long apart, and FaceTiming just isn’t the same *is in a long-distance relationship himself*
liked by hsfan2
yourfan1 YN is the most gorgeous human being gracing this earth.
yourfan2 Can I marry you???? 😩
harrystyles I cannot wait to see you soon, darling x H.
↳ yourinstagram mon amour ♥️ Can’t wait to have you back, even though it’s only for a few days 🥹
liked by harrystyles and 739 others
↳ hsfan3 I love how supportive she is, though it hurts to see them both struggling with the distance 🥺
↳ yourfan3 My thought 😩
↳ harrystyles We will make those days count, my love x
liked by yourinstagram, joepark and 3,425 others
↳ hsfan4 I won’t ever find a guy like him.
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yourinstagram museum date no. 1 with my handsome boyfriend 🥰
(I am so sorry to drag you around even though you’re probably exhausted, mon amour. I love you!)
[tagged harrystyles]
Liked by gemmastyles, harrystyles, joepark and 999,767 others | 425,006 comments
harrystyles Don’t you worry, my love, I am wide awake with you by my side x
↳ yourinstagram 👉🏻👈🏻🥰
liked by harrystyles and 247 others
↳ hsfan1 screaming crying sobbing
↳ yourfan1 Woah. Imagine having a boyfriend like Harry.
joepark Have fun, my two sugars ❤️
gemmastyles Looking good, Haz 💖 Give that lovely photographer a hug and a kiss on the cheek!
↳ yourinstagram He did. I miss you, Gem!!!!
↳ gemmastyles Miss you too, sweets. You’re coming to NYC with him????
↳ yourinstagram I’ll try very hard, but some clients pushed dates around a lot, so… we’ll see 🥺
liked by gemmastyles, yourfan1 and 88 others
hsfan2 Harry looks so much happier
↳ hsfan3 He does 😭❤️
↳ yourfan2 It makes me happy that YN makes him this happy 🥹
hsfan4 this fluffy gentleman is the epitome of handsomeness, and YN is a very lucky woman
liked by yourinstagram
↳ hsfan4 Hi bestiiiiie 🥹💖
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harrystyles My Queen. My Muse. My Love.
[tagged yourinstagram]
Liked by yourinstagram, annetwist, joepark, mitchrowland and 7,609,114 others | 431,060 comments
ynandharry I’m always waiting for these kinds of posts 🤭♥️
hsfan1 Love it when he posts something non-work related
annetwist ❤️
liked by harrystyles, yourinstagram, joepark and 111 others
joepark You’re just the proudest and sweetest boyfriend on this planet, damn, Haz.
↳ harrystyles What should I say? She is the most incredible woman on this planet x H.
liked by ynandharry, yourinstagram, joepark and 4,326 others
↳ joepark That is entirely true
↳ yourfan1 They both love YN so much 😭
↳ yourinstagram Yes hello hi you need to stop thanks bye 🫣
liked by yourfan1, yourfan2, hsfan1, joepark and 34 others
↳ joepark Not gonna happen, sugar 🤭
↳ hsfan2 YN is a mood
yourinstagram Je t'aime tellement, mon amour. C'est un privilège d'avoir le droit de t'aimer.
liked by harrystyles, gemmastyles and 4,354 others
↳ yourfan2 For everyone who doesn’t want to use a translator: “I love you so much, my love. It's a privilege to be allowed to love you.”
liked by hsfan1, hsfan2, yourfan2 and 1,898 others
↳ hsfan1 Thank you for the translation! My translator sucks
liked by yourfan2
↳ gemmastyles I’m bursting into tears even though that’s not even my girlfriend, and the words aren’t for me 😭
↳ yourinstagram Give me a sec, G x
↳ yourfan3 Ooooh, I believe YN is writing her something sweet in private 🥹🤭
↳ harrystyles Je suis le chanceux x
liked by yourinstagram, hsfan2, annetwist and 1,326 others
↳ hsfan2 I love it when Harry speaks French 🥵 (“I am the lucky one.”)
↳ yourinstagram We can discuss this over dinner x
liked by harrystyles, annetwist and 234 others
mitchrowland Tell her that she will get a bear hug!
↳ yourinstagram Miiiiitch! I can’t wait to see you all again ♥️
↳ mitchrowland We can’t wait either. And there is someone who can’t wait for his first auntie's visit 👀
↳ yourfan4 I just love how YN is part of their band family just because she makes Harry so happy 🥰
↳ yourinstagram Mon garçon! 😍
liked by pillowpersonpp, mitchrowland and 67 others
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yourinstagram Harry is doing sound checks for today’s show, so that’s why Joe and I decided to make some Macarons – well, more like I make some Macarons, and she is standing there and thinks she is the funniest person in the room. But Antoine is even worse 👀
[📸 antoinemoreau] [tagged joepark]
Liked by annetwist, joepark, antoinemoreau and 591,132 others | 112,990 comments
antoinemoreau Excusez-moi? Worse??? I’m offended
↳ joepark You ate 10 macarons.
↳ yourinstagram Don’t try to turn this around, Joe! I saw what you did! 👀
↳ camilleinlondon Please send me some, thank youuuuu
↳ modelfriends4ever The trio is back! Only Camille is missing from the quartet 😚
↳ antoinemoreau I ate those who were supposed to be for you, I guess, ooooops 🤷🏼‍♂️
↳ camilleinlondon I hate you.
↳ joepark Nope, you love him. Deeply.
↳ antoinemoreau 😛😚
joepark I had a great time. Did you have a great time? Because I had one 🤭
↳ yourinstagram 🙄😂
yourfan1 You look so happy, YN 💖
annetwist ❤️
↳ yourinstagram ♥️
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yourinstagram He loves you so much, world.
It’s such an honor to see you doing what you love the most, H. My heart is so full of adoration and love and happiness and pride. I may be crying while typing this, so please, if you see me now, standing in a crowd and crying my eyes out: That’s totally normal!
[tagged harrystyles]
Liked by annetwist, gemmastyles, hsfan1 and 455,603 others | 77,341 comments
annetwist You are not alone, dear ❤️
↳ yourinstagram He is just so talented and wonderful, and I can’t thank you enough for raising this man and giving him to me 😭
liked by gemmastyles, annetwist and 99 others
↳ annetwist I can’t thank you enough for making him happy, sweets. You turned my boy into a man, a man pursuing his dreams without fear because he knows that you will always be by his side, supporting him in everything he tries to accomplish.
↳ yourinstagram 🥹😭
↳ gemmastyles You two need to stop right now.
↳ ynandharry I can’t express how grateful we are that you took YN in and gave her the family she deserves after everything 😭
liked by annetwist, yourinstagram and gemmastyles
yourfan1 I’m like two people further to the right. Can I come and give you a hug? Do you need a hug? People say I’m a good hugger ❤️
liked by yourinstagram and 11 others
↳ yourinstagram Are you the lovely human with the light blue sign??
liked by yourfan1
↳ yourfan1 YES! THAT’S ME!
↳ yourinstagram Coming over right now because hugs are great!
liked by yourfan2, hsfan1 and 212 others
↳ yourfan2 Damn yourfan1 is living the dream right now
hsfan1 She is so far in the back 🥺
↳ hsfan2 I talked to her during his NA tour, where she ALWAYS stood pretty far in the back. She said she has a minor case of claustrophobia, so she is more comfortable in the back where people aren’t too close to one another 😊
↳ hsfan1 Ooooh 🥺 Totally get that. But it’s so sweet that she goes to his shows anyway 🥺
joepark Where did you gooooo????
↳ yourinstagram I’m right behind you, idiot. And why are you texting on the gram??? USE MY NUMBER
liked by modelfriends4ever and 391 others
↳ modelfriends4ever how much can one person love individuals he never met? Me: yes.
harrystyles I am reading this while you’re sleeping on my shoulder in the car on our way to the hotel, and I cannot comprehend, for the love of God, how I deserved you. I love you. Thank you for loving me back x
liked by jefezoff, joepark, antoinemoreau and 399,789 others
↳ jefezoff You’re getting an Instagram ban.
liked by hsfan1, hsfan2 and 54 others
↳ mitchrowland Let him be, Jeff. I think this one was on purpose 🤭
↳ pillowpersonpp My thought
↳ antoinemoreau Thank you for loving her, mate
↳ camilleinlondon Oui, merci! She deserves all the happiness in this world, and you’re making her the happiest ❤️
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joepark The moment Harry found YN in the crowd because she waved her sign like a mad woman.
Find yourself a man who grins like him at the sight of his (excited) girl.
[tagged harrystyles and yourinstagram]
Liked by camilleinlondon, hsfan1, hsfan2, yourfan1 and 321,556 others | 45,201 comments
camilleinlondon Still cannot believe how cute and perfect these two are for each other 😩❤️
↳ joepark I knooooooooooow. I may be super jealous because I've been single for an awfully long time by now, but I'm SO happy for these two, I seriously can't get it with my smol brain
↳ camilleinlondon Small brain?? You had an A* in your freaking GCSEs - In. Every. Single. One.
↳ joepark Maybe, but my emotional brain is very smol ☹️
↳ yourinstagram It is not, sugar! Stop talking bullshit!
↳ modelfriends4ever Seriously, get yourself friends like this group. You'll be loved and cherished for life.
yourinstagram He probably just saw a sweet sign and not me or mine
↳ joepark Noooooope. I have video proof!
↳ harrystyles Joe is right. I finished Golden, and then I saw you - jumping and laughing, screaming and with tears in your eyes. Rosy cheeks, the brightest smile on your gorgeous face, and that sign over your head. I definitely saw you, darling, and it made my entire night so much better x
liked by yourinstagram, joepark and 786 others
↳ yourinstagram H 🥰 Gosh, I love you so, so much, more than words could ever describe.
liked by harrystyles and 11 others
↳ joepark Ignore me, I'm gonna sit here and sigh myself to death.
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rosesarered You are a piece of art, mon amour. Happy fourth anniversary. Thank you for making me the happiest woman alive ♥️
A penny for your thoughts 🥰
[tagged harrysworld]
Liked by joepark, antoinemoreau, gemmastyles and 8 others | 10 comments
gemmastyles I can tell you exactly what he is thinking 👀🥰
↳ joepark Me too 🤭
↳ rosesarered Care to enlighten me??
↳ gemmastyles He is looking at you, I suppose? Then the case is easy: He is thinking about you, silly ❤️
liked by harrysworld and joepark
↳ rosesarered 👉🏻👈🏻
antoinemoreau I thought photography was my thing in this group 😦
↳ rosesarered It’s only happening when it’s him 😛
harrysworld You. Always you. You’re the only thing on my mind, day and night, in my waking hours and my dreams. Happy anniversary, my darling love. You are making me the most blessed man x
annetwist You can see the love in his eyes – and that’s the only thing a mother wants to see ❤️ Enjoy your anniversary, my darlings!
↳ rosesarered I try my best 🥹
↳ annetwist You don’t even have to try, sweetheart. He has been head over heels for you ever since the two of you met. And you’ve been going strong ever since 😚
liked by rosesarered and harrysworld
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harrystyles Mrs. Styles.
[tagged yourinstagram]
Liked by annetwist, jefezoff, joepark, hsfan1, ynandharry and 11,326,771 others | 580,652 comments
camilleinlondon NO WAY
hsfan1 Happiest day of my life 😭
jefezoff Now I know the purpose of your little getaway! Congratulations ❤️
mitchrowland Congratulations, H!!!
annetwist You were always a part of the family, sweetheart. Now it’s only official ❤️
liked by gemmastyles, harrystyles and 379 others
ynandharry It. Is. Happening.
hsfan2 crying 😭
yourfan1 🥹😭
yourfan2 🥰😭
yourinstagram It’s a wonder you got a photo without me bursting into tears 🥹 (I’ve been crying ever since he got down on one knee.)
liked by harrystyles and 38 others
↳ yourinstagram My heart is yours. It was always yours. I love you more than anything in this world, H.
liked by gemmastyles, harrystyles and 1,437 others
↳ yourinstagram I’M GONNA BE MRS STYLES
liked by joepark, harrystyles and 4,220 others
↳ yourfan3 I honestly never witnessed a happier YN 🤭
↳ harrystyles ❤️
↳ yourinstagram ❤️
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yourinstagram Becoming Mrs. Harry Styles will be the biggest adventure of my life x
[tagged harrystyles]
Liked by gemmastyles, harrystyles, antoinemoreau and 3,454,627 others | 333,997 comments
annetwist ❤️
gemmastyles Calling you, joepark and camilleinlondon right now so we can discuss dates for the first dress shopping day 🥳
liked by modelfriends4ever, joepark and 99 others
↳ yourfan1 Gemma is SO excited 🥰
↳ hsfan1 She loves YN so so much
liked by gemmastyles and 7 others
↳ hsfan2 They’re like the rolemodel sisters of this planet
liked by gemmastyles and 9 others
antoinemoreau I’m therefore officially applying for wedding photographer.
↳ yourinstagram You don’t want to… party with us?
↳ antoinemoreau I can do both, and you know that 😙
joepark This ring is freaking massive and gorgeous, and I am a tad jealous, BUT MOST OF ALL, I AM SO EXCITED
↳ yourinstagram We’ll find you a handsome, honest, very loving man, sweets, I promise ♥️
liked by camilleinlondon, joepark and 213 others
camilleinlondon How your life has turned… It is amazing, lovely ❤️
harrystyles It is the greatest honor of my life to be there every step of the way. We are a forever kind of love, darling x
liked by yourinstagram, annetwist and 5,525 others
↳ hsfan3 She is definitely his inspiration. Can’t tell me otherwise
↳ yourinstagram I LOVE YOU, H
↳ yourinstagram Could we get ice cream tho? The joy of this day is making me crave sugar 👉🏻👈🏻
liked by yourfan1, yourfan2, harrystyles and 399 others
↳ harrystyles I’m waiting in the lobby, darling x
liked by yourinstagram and 89 others
↳ hsfan4 Awww, they’re still on vacation 🥹 They need this downtime!
↳ yourfan2 Totally! So please, don’t bother them if you happen to see them, world! They need this. They freaking deserve this!
liked by hsfan4, yourfan1 and 76 others
Thank your for reading! As usual comments, reblogs, and likes are very much appreciated! <3
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