holdingforexo · 2 days
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holding for jongin: day 388 of 641 ~ holding for sehun: day 164 of 639
↳ EXO for HEAR ME OUT | June 2023
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kimbappykidding · 2 days
Imagine your kpop group and Ateez uniting to try and get you and Jongho together
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Your group had been telling you that you were perfect for Jongho for ages and Ateez had been doing the same for him. They claimed you were both incredibly similar and had lots of similar interests. You didn't doubt them but you were stubborn and so the more they pushed the more they resisted...and so did Jongho. Your groups worked for the same company and got to see each other a lot so the teasing happened often. Basically, anytime your groups got together it would come up like tonight. Your groups were going a summer collaboration and today was the official pitch from the staff. Your groups were let into the room at the same time and you went to take a seat when Seongkwa paused "wait, shouldn't the babies sit together?". "Yeah so they have someone to talk to!" your member echoed. You and Jongho immediately started pouting but they pushed you both together and San burst out laughing "oh my god they're even dressed the same and you realised you were. You were both wearing a black shirt, black jeans, boots and an aviator jacket. Your members were practically rolling around on the floor while you both sighed. Sometimes you did think it was far too easy for them. Not only were you and Jongho the same age, but you were also both the maknaes in your group and were strong and mature for your age. Like Jongho you could also break fruit with your hands and went on a show with Everglow's Aisha and Dreamcatcher's Siyeon to showcase your talent. You both had quite an impressive cool look and had similar personalities. Not to mention you were powerful vocalists who could sing the house down. So you did get why they teased you so much but that didn't stop it from being annoying. "It's a popular jacket right now" Jongho said crossing his arms and then stopped when he realised you also had your arms crossed which made them all laugh even more. Finally, the management appeared saving you from any further harassment and explained the concept. They basically wanted you to both do a medley of your songs but against one another is a sing-off. So your group would perform one song and Ateez would respond with one of their own songs and it would keep going like that. You realised immediately as the main vocalist of your group, you and Jongho would probably be going head to head a few times and waited for your group to realise that. It took them a while but they did. "Wait so does that mean the vocalists will be the ones interacting?" one of your members asked. The staff misunderstood her "they will be but the dancers and rappers will also get to interact". "But we'll be interacting with the version of us on the other team right?" she asked with a smile and everyone else got it and waited for your manager's response. She nodded "yes that's how it will work" and everyone exploded. "So cute!" Mingi said while one of your members claimed the chemistry and vocals would be amazing. "Oh my god it's going to be a battle between lovers!" San cried. "We're not lovers!" you and Jongho said at the same time which made them all go crazy and even the manager smiled.
The members were all too hyper to make any more decisions so the staff let you finish early and you all headed out to the restaurant across the street. You and Jongho purposefully sat at opposite ends of the table but somehow kept catching each other's eye. You also ordered very similar meals, you picked the crab noodle soup and Jongho selected the crab ramen. You even went to the bathroom at the same time and sighed as you did it. Jongho went to sit back down but you shook your head trying to tell him it was okay and you'd wait but he gestured for you to go. So you went and as you came out of the bathroom whom did you walk into but Jongho? You both winced and Jongho shook his head. "Sorry" you offered but Jongho's eyes widened "no I wasn't shaking my head at you! Just how the universe seems to love throwing us together". You smiled "yeah it does, doesn't it". Jongho nodded "that and our members". "Yeah I'm sorry about mine" you said and Jongho nodded "me too, I keep thinking if we ignore them they'll leave us alone but it's been how long now?". "Nearly 3 years" you said and Jongho's eye widened again. "Wow" he said "and I think this is the longest conversation we've ever had". You went to deny that when you realised he was right "shit yeah...that sucks". Jongho nodded "yeah but what can we do". You nodded unsure what else to say and gestured back through the doorway "I'm gonna head back to the table before they get suspicious". Jongho nodded "good idea" and you parted ways. As it sunk in that was indeed the longest you'd ever spoken to one another it hit you how sad that was. Jongho was nice and from what you'd heard of him a pretty good person. So you pretended you'd forgotten something in the toilet and headed back. You waited for Jongho and he jumped when he saw you "Y/n? Are you okay?". "No, I mean yes I'm fine but I just thought. What if we've been playing this all wrong?". "With our members?" Jongho asked and you nodded "maybe we shouldn't ignore one another and just show them there's nothing going on. That we can be just friends". Jongho nodded "so what we'd talk to one another and interact?". You nodded "and sure they might make a big deal out of it at first but over time they'll see it as normal and stop teasing us". Jongho agreed "okay yeah that sounds like a good idea, so should we walk back to the table together as our first act?". You smiled at how he said that and nodded "yep" and set off together. When you turned the corner so all your members could see you, there was a slight gasp and all the heads turned but you pretended like you didn't notice and chatted about your weekend plans. Then you said bye to Jongho and went back to your seat. You looked up at your members and shrugged "what?". Jongho got a similar response. "Dude! You were with Y/n!" Mingi said and Jongho got the feeling you were totally right about this. Jongho nodded "yes, groundbreaking that we know each other". "But you two never talk" Yunho pointed out and he shrugged "well why not? We're coworkers and can make polite conversation for the minute walk from the bathroom. It's not a big deal so can somebody pass me the sauce?". Yeosang passed it to him and they all realised they weren't going to get the reaction they wanted so changed the subject. Jongho looked up and caught your eye, he smiled. After that, the two of you slowly but surely started interacting more. It was awkward at first because you'd never spoken to one another and there was still a lot of expectation there of course but you managed to overcome it and became friends. Which was good because you really liked Jongho! You were very similar and had lots of shared interests. He was chill and relaxed but could also be cheeky and fun. You liked how easygoing he was but also liked his competitive side. It didn't take long for you to start comparing workout schedules. One of the things you and Jongho bonded over pretty quickly was your love of exercising. You had similar workout routines and dedication to fitness so you started going to the gym together...which brought out your competitiveness. You were both athletes at heart and so began competing with one another. Jongho was stronger than you but you were faster and had better endurance. So you'd casually suggest you go for a run and feel a sense of triumph when he started to cool down after half an hour and you were still going. Similarly, Jongho would ask you to spot him when he was doing weight to show off and you'd up your own weights to try and keep up with him. You both knew what was going on but neither of you mentioned it and pretended there was no competition afoot. It was actually quite fun, you both liked being challenged and the other was pushing you...but an unexpected problem arose. You actually found it quite hot. You loved how Jongho wasn't intimidated by how strong or athletic you were or that you could go toe to toe with him. He actually loved it and found it very attractive about you. So your gym visits had become more and more charged with an increase in flirting and more checking each other out. It was rather annoying because you wanted to beat Jongho so badly but kept getting distracted by how amazing his arms looked or pondering how someone could look wonderful covered in sweat. You were currently watching Jongho wondering if you would call him gleaming or shimmering when he called your name "Y/n how many was that? I feel like I've done tons". You blinked "what?". "How many reps was that". You paused "I erm lost count sorry, my mind wandered". Jongho grinned "to what? You just don't want to admit I just did 30 reps!". "There was no way that was 30!" you cried and the two of you jokingly bickered and you realised you'd never noticed how beautiful Jongho's smile was. Your mind wandered again and you missed what Jongho had said. "Sorry?" you asked and Jongho smirked "wow you really were telling the truth! I actually saw your eyes go all unfocused as you space out, what's been distracting you so much lately". You immediately went pink and began to babble about work but Jongho seemed to get that because he also blushed too. "Should we finish for the day?" he asked and you nodded.
You walked home together because another thing you had in common in you lived in buildings next to one another. On the way home Wooyoung called Jongho. Jongho's volume was quite loud and as they were talking you heard Wooyoung ask where Jongho was. "I'm coming home from the gym" he said and then told you, you'd have to walk another way because the bridge was closed. "Who was that?" Wooyoung asked and Jongho paused "Y/n, we work out together". "Ahhh another gym date!" Wooyoung cried "when are you two just gonna start fu..." he started when Jongho hung up. "Bad connection" Jongho said pretending he'd lost him and you nodded acting like you hadn't heard but once again you were blushing. You parted at your opposite building blocks and Jongho waved goodbye to you, promising to see you in rehearsal tomorrow.
In hindsight, with your growing crush on Jongho, you should've stayed away from him but you didn't want to. Between work, exercising and the occasional socialising you saw Jongho nearly every day and were soon becoming a duo. You got mistaken for a couple a lot and everyone at the gym assumed you were dating and of course, there were the members too. Your plan was kind of working and kind of wasn't. Half of Ateez had backed off figuring there was no more fun teasing you because you were friends, that was Yeosang, Mingi and Seonghwa. However the other half, San, Wooyoung, Yunho and Hongjoong, just amped up their teasing and used your new friendship as more motivation to tease you. When you walked in the next day San waved to you "so how was the gym date with Jongho? Did the two of you get all sweaty together?". You shook your head trying not to blush "stop, we did but not like that". "Yeah you should come with us sometime San. We don't just work out to look good and would cream you" Jongho said coming over. You nodded "yeah pretty boy why don't you join us after work". San smiled "It's so cute that you're now a little duo, like a cuter batman and robin". "Which one's batman?" Seonghwa asked overhearing and at the same time you and Jongho both said "me" making the Ateez members laugh. "You're just too perfect for one another!" San called wrapping an arm around Jongho who shrugged him off easily. With your summer performance on the horizon, you were now getting stuck into the choreography and figuring out how you'd all be situated on stage. It started out pretty separate. Ateez would start and then you'd "crash" their performance. You'd both sing your latest songs to promote them and then start going into your classics. Then you'd start merging more and songs that went well together would be sung at the same time. Your main dancers would face San and Yunho and then the rappers would do the same until it was time for you and Jongho to have a vocal battle. They'd purposefully picked ballads and the idea was for you to just sing to one another. Jongho would do a line of his song then you'd do a line of your song and back to Jongho, continuing until you hit your high notes. Then after that was the fun part where you'd both sing each other's songs before finishing with an Exo song. You and your members were huge Exo fans so you were super excited. "Jongho you will sing Chen's line and Y/n you will sing Baekhyun's line" the manager said and several of your members laughed making the boys pause and you blush. "What?" the Ateez boys asked and you hit them insisting it was nothing. "No what is it?" Yunho asked grinning "Y/n?". "Y/n has a thing for Baekhyun!" your fake maknae cried and you leapt on her. "You traitor!" you cried hitting her and the Ateez guys all laughed...except one. Jongho. "Ohhhh she has a crush on Baekhyun!" Hongjoong said and Wooyoung shrugged "who doesn't?". Seonghwa shrugged "he is extremely talented, all of Exo are". "It's not just that, she thinks he's hot" one of your members explained and the others nodded "she always freaks out if we're anywhere near Exo at award shows". "Stop it!" you cried "it's not that bad! I just had a crush on Baekhyun when I was a trainee and I still get that panicked feeling when I see him sometimes but I'm not still into him". The guys all nodded but didn't stop smiling because you'd pretty much directed that right at Jongho. Jongho looked down when you met his eye but it did put him at ease. He'd had crushes on older idols too so he told himself that was all this was...and then also reminded himself he wasn't meant to care anyway. He wasn't supposed to have a crush on you and he realised he'd well and truly lost that battle. The performance was only a week away so your groups were together pretty much all the time and it was nice because you all got on well. You'd all eat together and started a group chat. You got to know the quieter members like Yeosang and Mingi and truly all got to bond and become friends. You and Jongho spent a lot of time together coordinating and practising the vocals. You'd been nervous at first to sing in front of such a good singer like Jongho but actually came to love it. He was a very good duet partner and it was singing with someone who could match your range. You hit a high note in your song and paused as Jongho stared at you, missing his own cue. "What? Was that not right?" you asked but he shook his head "no it was amazing! So much so I was just a little stunned". You blushed "I...thank you" but Jongho didn't look away "you're welcome. You're very talented Y/n". You were now bright red but met Jongho's eyes "thank you, I'm really glad we're getting the opportunity to perform together". Jongho smiled "me too" and then the track started from the beginning and you both got ready. Before you knew it the night was here and after wishing each other good luck your group and Ateez retreated to their dressing rooms to get ready and then you were on the wings across from one another. Jongho's eyes widened as he saw your outfit and Wooyoung burst out laughing. "You can pretend you don't fancy her all you like but your face cannot lie!" Wooyoung cried and the guys grinned seeing Jongho blush. He was so flustered he didn't know what to do so he just shrugged. "So you admit it?" San asked and Jongho shook his head "I....she just looks really nice". The guys all awed as Jongho blushed even more. "For what it's worth she totally likes you too" Seonghwa said and Jongho looked up "you think?". Yeosang nodded "yeah, I've watched her around you and she totally does". That made Jongho feel on top of the world and he grinned "let's smash this performance!" and ran to get into position. You didn't see Jongho until you were out on stage but you didn't get much time to process how great he looked...or how you'd been dressed in similar styles. Apparently the stylists were in on the running joke or they'd just realised the two of you had similar styles but whatever it was, your outfits matches one another perfectly. On your cue, you strut in the middle of Ateez's performance and "crashed" their song making the fans go wild because this hadn't been leaked at all. Your leaders pretended to start arguing and then your member proposed a battle and all the fans screamed. You kicked it off first with one of your songs and then Ateez jumped in and did their's. Then you jumped back in doing one of your hotter songs and the boys all pretended to be shocked by your saucy choreo. They then retaliated by doing one of their hot songs and you all pretended to not be bothered but watching Jongho in that outfit doing that dance did make you falter. Then it was the dance battles and your girls did amazing. They knew San would explode on the stage so they did and San grinned realising they'd purposefully been toning it down in rehearsal. This might just be for fun but your group were treating it like a battle. The dancing intensity picked up and then it switched to the rappers who engaged in some rapid back and forth until everything went silent and they panned to you and Jongho alone in spotlights beside one another. You began singing first and the stadium was silent. You got goosebumps when Jongho joined you and were amazed at how your voices complimented one another. You couldn't see anything because of the bright lights but it may as well have just been you and Jongho in the room together. You were focused on him and the energy of the place was amazing. You both reached your highest notes and sang them together and the crowd finally all screamed and broke into applause. You both held the notes and at the same time broke away, it went better than it ever had been in rehearsal and Jongho grabbed your arm in the darkness. "That was amazing" he told you and you nodded rushing to get back into your next position. You performed each other's favourite songs before you got to the Exo one. That's when everyone cut loose and all the planning went out the window. Your dancers went crazy performing moves on stage you'd never seen them do. Ateez responded and then even the none dancers got involved. Everyone began doing the Exo choreography and Jongho shot you a look because this wasn't planned. You just grinned and shrugged and joined in. Jongho followed your lead and you sang the chorus together. The final note was meant to be Jongho's but you joined in and he smiled as he realised you were challenging him. You both held it for as long as you could and then you poked Jongho in the side making him break off. Your group all cheered as they determined that made you the winners and everyone was laughing. You ended with another popular Korean song and then all bowed and the stage went dark. Your groups rushed off together and exploded. "That was so good!" Hongjoong cried and your leader nodded "amazing! We've never performed like that". "Us either" Yunho said and you all gushed over one another, compliments flying everywhere. You caught Jongho's eye and smiled "so I think I won". He grinned "you cheated you poked me!". "Guess we'll have to have a rematch then?" you asked and he nodded "definitely". Jongho went to speak again when Hongjoong cried "okay everyone drinks are on me let's go!" and all your members rushed outside to the cars. You and Jongho looked at one another before hurrying after them. When you arrived Wooyoung talked the staff into giving you the best table and Hongjoong paid for the round and opened a tab for you all. So the boys were pretty serious about celebrating but so were you guys. You'd all worked incredibly hard and formed good friendships so it quickly turned into a fun night. This collaboration gave you so much confidence and as you passed other idols they congratulated you all on your performance, complimenting your voice and you smiled back thanking them. "You seem really happy" one of your members remarked and you smiled "I feel happy, tonight was one of the first nights where I went out there and just performed. I didn't think about what the fans or critics might say or what I should or shouldn't do...I just lived and it was so liberating!". "Okay how much has she had to drink?" one of your members joked and you blushed before the others shushed her. "Don't listen to her Y/n I think it's sweet". The others all agreed and one of them smiled "and I know it doesn't matter but for what it's worth the fans all loved it, especially your friendship with Jongho". "They did?" you asked and your member nodded passing you her phone. You scrolled through many posts on Twitter praising the two of you and many people enjoying your interaction. "Y/n and Jongho's friendship gives me life" one person wrote. "So cute seeing Jongho and Y/n together, love it when the maknaes team up". "The way Jongho looked at Y/n when she started singing with him was so cute, anyone smell a romance?". "I don't care if they're just friends or more their relationship is perfect!". You read all the comments and watched the video back of the two of you together and smiled. "That is so cute" you commented and the others nodded. "I have to say...you and Jongho are really good together in whatever way and we're sorry if we ever tried to force anything" your leader said and the girls all echoed that apologising. You shook your head "it's okay! We're friends now and it didn't ruin anything so all is forgiven!". "In that case another round of drinks on Hongjoong!" one of the girls cried and you all began placing your order. When you returned to the table you slipped into your seat between Yunho and San. "Ohh what did you get?" San asked and you told him the beer name. "You could order anything and you order a beer?" San asked. You shrugged "it's what I like to drink, I think it tastes better than cocktails" pointing to San's fancy one and he gasped. Jongho however laughed "you're totally right Y/n!" and you smiled at him. San shook his head "I can't believe you two! I need another cocktail just to process what you said" and he disappeared. Jongho moved up and took his space and when you looked at him he shrugged "what? The chair I'm on isn't comfy" and he joined you on the bench. "So...earlier you said something about a rematch?" Jongho asked and you smiled "yeah, anytime anyplace!". Jongho grinned "okay you free Monday lunchtime?". You nodded "I'm there!" and Jongho smiled. "You know whoever loses should have a punishment". Jongho nodded "of course, what are you thinking?". "How about they have to buy the other person dinner?". "Dinner?" Jongho asked and you nodded trying not to blush "yeah like we can go out to a restaurant and whoever loses has the pay? Or something else if you don't want to do that" but Jongho shook his head. "No dinner is...dinner is fine" he said as his voice broke. "Good" you said smiling and blushing slightly and Jongho smiled back "okay" also blushing. You were both so focused on trying not to blush that you didn't realise who was approaching you until he was right in front of you. You looked up when a shadow passed over you to see Exo's Baekhyun right in front of you. Jongho's eyes immediately went to you and he saw you pause. Your eyes went big and you jumped a little. "Hi" Baekhyun said "I just wanted to say well done to both of you! You killed the song". Jongho smiled and looked at you where for once you were struggling to speak. "Wow you have no idea how much that means to me. I've idolised you since I was a trainee" you said finally re-covering the ability. Baekhyun smiled "aww really? That's so sweet thank you". "She was really excited when she got your lines" Jongho said and Baekhyun chuckled "I'm so flattered, you'll have to let me buy you a drink to say thank you". “Really? Sure” you nodded and asked Jongho if he wanted to come too but he said no. He watched you go with a heavy heart but there was no way he was going to stand in the way of you and your dream guy. 
Jongho couldn’t help but watch the two of you chatting and saw you exchanging numbers passing your phones to one another. He had hoped you might just remain friends with Baekhyun but the man was charismatic and successful and you were talented and gorgeous. It was bound to happen...so that’s why he was so surprised when you returned to your seat beside him half an hour later. 
“Hi” you said popping up next to him and Jongho blinked “I thought you went with Baekhyun?”. “Yeah just for one drink” you smiled. “but I...you like him, he’s your dream guy” Jongho said confused “please don’t feel like you have to be polite and come back to us”. You shook your head “Baekhyun might’ve been my dream guy once but that was a while ago. I know I didn’t have to leave him but I wanted to come back here...with you". Jongho blushed "thank you" and you smiled "you don't have to thank me". Jongho nodded "I know but I'm pleased you want to stay here with me, I enjoy spending time with you". You nodded "I do too, it's kind of annoying in a way because all our members were right" you said looking to the dance floor where a group of them were assembled. "In what way?" Jongho asked carefully and you looked down "in that we're very similar and do get along well. I know originally the plan was to do this just to shut them up but we've accidentally proven them right". Jongho shrugged "yeah but I think I'd rather than then us realising we hate each other and proving the wrong". You nodded "yeah I could never imagine hating you" and Jongho smiled "me either, you're actually the person I talk to most after the guys and that's only because I live with them". You chuckled "yeah you too! I've gotten so much fitter because I'm with you at the gym so much". Jongho shook his head "I can't take credit for that, you were plenty healthy before me". You smiled "true and I am still stronger than you" prompting some outrage from Jongho and you both bickered playfully for a while before calling a ceasefire.
You chatted again about other things before the members pulled you up to dance. You and Jongho weren't huge dancers but stayed for a few songs to appease them. You could see Jongho's dance battery was running out so made a gesture to go outside and he nodded immediately coming over to you. He lightly grabbed your arm and steered you towards the door "just go or they'll never let us leave" and laughing you stepped outside. The night air was so clean and crisp, you inhaled a nice deep breath before lapsing into a comfortable conversation. You'd just finished explaining what you wanted all your pets to be called when silence settled. You figured Jongho found your in-depth naming too tiresome half drunk but you were wrong. "Y/n?" Jongho asked and you turned towards him to see his staring at you. By the look on his face, you guessed what he wanted to do and wanted it to happen so you smiled "yes?". "I think our members were right about everything" he said and kissed you. You kissed him back wrapping your arms around his neck and Jongho pulled you closer. "Yeah I think they were" you agreed before kissing him again. You pulled away a little while later but both stayed close together. "I like you Y/n" he said and you blushed "I like you too Jongho". He beamed before adding "and not just now, I've liked you for a while". "Oh god we really are the same because same!" you cried and Jongho grinned "really?". You nodded "but can I ask, if you liked me, then why did you resist your members pushing us together so much?" you asked. Jongho shrugged "based on your reaction I thought you didn't like me". "I thought that about you!" you cried and Jongho laughed shaking his head "so basically our members tried desperately to get us together and yet are the main reason we're not a couple?". You nodded "yep which is ironic but not unsurprising". "Not at all" Jongho agreed before he paused "so would you like to go out sometime? I was going to wait for you to lose on Monday but want to take you out either way". You shot him a look and gently prodded him "big words and we'll see how true they are on Monday...but yes I'd love to go out with you". Jongho grinned his gorgeous gummy smile and blushed which made you melt. You were both just staring at one another enjoying the moment when your members caught you. "What the fuck?" you heard Hongjoong say and turned to see all your members standing in the doorway. "We're you two just..." one of your members asked when Seonghwa smirked "you were weren't you?". Jongho and yourself hesitated which was all the time in the world they needed to explode and tease you. "I knew it!" San cried while Wooyoung teased the two of you. Mingi smiled bashfully and Yeosang nodded saying quietly "you're cute together". "Okay everyone shut up!" Jongho yelled "Y/n and I don't have to answer any of your questions, leave us alone". "Yeah you do we're not going all night without an answer" Wooyoung said and Jongho looked at you and you got the same idea. "Run!" you called and dragged Jongho away from them. They gave chase but you and jongho were the fittest members of the group and kept going long after the others had stopped. You were holding hands. laughing and feeling like complete idiots but also so invigorated and alive! You stopped and sat down on a bench outside a shop that was closed. Jongho sat close to you and you turned to look at him. "That so so stupid and fun" you smiled and Jongho nodded "it was perfect! I don't want to share this with anyone" he said taking your hand and you melted into one another. "What time is it?" Jongho asked and you told him it was 4 am. "The sun will be up soon, wanna watch it?" he asked and you nodded walking down to the lake which wasn't far away. You stood side by side as the first rays appeared and watched the sunrise in each other's company. The two of you hadn't realised tonight was your first date but it ended up being the best one ever.
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kpop-locks · 1 day
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꒰ ˀˀ ↷ best trio alert !! “♡ᵎ ꒱
like/reblog | @peachy-edits
don’t repost our work or claim it as yours
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exoluxionlove · 1 day
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240601 BAEKHYUN_INB100 Twitter Update
"Thank you, Jakarta ✨ Let's have fun tomorrow, too 🎵"
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baekhyunlooks · 3 days
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pyromanick · 3 days
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— drift | chanbaek
abra a imagem para visualizar com melhor qualidade ♡
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aurelion-solar · 7 months
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HEARTSTEEL - PARANOIA (ft. BAEKHYUN, tobi lou, ØZI, and Cal Scruby)
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bestwitchsam · 7 months
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aermageddon · 2 months
TEMPO BRIDGE IN 2024..... when xiumin said if you can't fucking sing take your broke ass home he had the reasons to back it up!
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baekslight · 2 months
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baekhyun + that cute move during r u ridin'? (part 1/?)
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bu99erfly · 2 months
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BAEKHYUN BAMBI, 240317 Lonsdaleite
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digitalgirls · 3 months
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dojaejung · 11 months
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EXO ♡ hear me out
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yidelia · 2 months
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late night doodle! sebastian from sdv with baekhyun's lip piercing from the monster mv <3
with a cropped square version in case anyone wants to use it as a pfp (pls credit me if you do!)
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zerobaseone · 1 month
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I feel like a fool ❣
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