#auto racing
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1917 Golden Submarine
“Mercilessly mocked…until it started winning. The 1917 Golden Submarine was Harry Miller's first enclosed race car and was made with a "safety" cage after the death of driver Bob Burman. It won 17 of the 35 races it ran and set every international dirt-track speed record.”
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stone-cold-groove · 4 months
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Dallas Grand Prix poster - 1984.
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dreamsburntdown · 1 month
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Ayrton Senna died 30 years ago, on 1st May 1994. He was not only probably the best Formula One driver ever, but also an icon, and a charismatic, very good person. He will never be forgotten. Rest in peace.
'I had a privileged life. But everything I have was obtained through dedication, perseverance, and a tremendous desire to achieve my goals, and a strong desire for victory, meaning victory in life, not just as a driver.
To all of you that are watching me right now, let me say that whoever you may be in life, whatever your position is, no matter if you are very rich or very poor, you must show great strength and determination, and always do everything with love and a deep faith in God. One day, you will achieve your dream. Somehow you will achieve your dream.'
[Ayrton Senna - Inspiring message about life]
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combinava · 2 months
Mais um dia escrevendo sobre você...
Me desculpa por escrever sobre você novamente sem seu consentimento, mas é a única forma de me conectar com meus sentimentos sem me machucar.
Hoje eu acordei pensando em você e isso é muito complexo.
É difícil entender como alguém em tão pouco tempo, me desconcertou dessa forma. É como se eu estivesse fragmentada e tentando recuperar uma pessoa que um dia eu já fui.
Por muito tempo, eu pensei que sentimentos como este não eram para mim. E eu estava bem mantendo relações superficiais, era minha zona de conforto.
Você chegou de forma tão repentina, e com esse seu jeito me acessou sem esforços e fiquei rendida.
Você me encantou com pequenos detalhes. Com seu jeito único de levar a vida, de ser leviano e sério ao mesmo tempo. Com sua forma de me fazer acreditar em mim mesma e nos meus dias mais tristes me fazia rir das coisas mais bobas possíveis.
É complexo pensar que podíamos ser tudo e ao mesmo tempo não sermos nada!
Eu queria muito me reconstruir de novo, mas depois que te conheci não sou mais mesma. Estou completamente vulnerável!
Olhos castanhos, você realmente sabe como me fazer chorar!
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blackros78 · 9 months
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Pete Hamilton with his #40 Plymouth Superbird that won the Daytona 500 in 1970.
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dougielombax · 2 months
The yassification of NASCAR!
*car wreck explodes violently*
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demoralised · 1 month
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itracing · 1 year
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BMW 320 E21 Turbo (1979)
Image by Emmanuel G. || IG
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cuzikan · 2 months
In the '20s, everyone was enamoured with airplanes and flying. So, it made sense that an aircraft engine manufacturer, Hispano-Suiza, would put one of its powerful engines in a racecar. Built to compete in one race only, this unique car is something to behold. Most of the body is made of tulipwood, to keep weight down. Pontoon fenders for road use, also in tulipwood, were fabricated later by a boat builder..
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Richard Petty and Pete Hamilton at Daytona International Speedway.
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stone-cold-groove · 27 days
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Car Craft magazine - July 1961.
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zwenterprises · 5 months
🇺🇸 Mark Hutchins - Maison Blanche Le Mans 1980
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l-1-z-a · 1 year
Will Wright was passionate about rallying and how it was shown in The Sims 2
While researching the development history of the original The Sims on TCRF, I came across a link to a fan site about Will Wright in the sources:
This is a very interesting site. There's a biography of him. And one of the chapters describes that Will Wright was into rallying and even participated in one of them:
Will Wright also used to be into Rally, before he was into computers. "It's very small in the States. The American version of Rally was in fact a little more hardcore than the European. It wasn't as competitive but they didn't allow pace notes and so when you're going down the road you don't know what's around the corner. I still love following the WRC".
He plotted a route through the southern states that was hundreds of miles longer than the more popular path. It avoided the northern roads likely to attract more contestants and police. He and a partner, the race organizer, zoomed across the country in a Mazda RX-7 outfitted with a souped-up engine, a roll cage, an extra fuel tank, a night-vision scope, two police radar detectors and a prototype of a radar jammer. The team got one speeding ticket near Indianapolis and Mr. Wright talked his way out of two others, once by pretending to be a lost local resident and once he convinced an Indiana state trooper he was a writer for an automobile magazine test-driving a car when he was pulled over for doing 104 mph.He actually won that race with a time of 33 hours, 39 minutes.".
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How it was shown in The Sims 2?
And this hobby of Will Wright was shown in the game. For example, in the form of this collection of objects:
And the tire table was posted by EA for the download as far back as the turn of 2004-2005. But there's also the sports car from the base game.
It was supposed to be an aspiration reward. But it was also, at the same time, a CAREER reward for the career of a "car racer", the costumes for which are available in the base game.
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But it's not that simple. After digging around in the car code, at the level of, I must say, my shabby knowledge, I came to the conclusion that there should be two career rewards for each career. The first is something given out at early career levels, like a punching bag, purely to pump up skills faster. But the SECOND award should have been... cars - and not at all "decorative" or working as a "personal cab", aka house - community lot - other community lot - house with the additional option of going to visit other sims.
Suppose your sim works in the police. At the beginning of his career he can get a scanner, and at later stages he can get his own, real, personal police car. When he selects the "Drive to Work" option in this car, he will not go to the unknown, but, for example, to a community lot where thieves, robbers, pickpockets like the Unsavory Charlatan, drug dealers and pimps will show up. Sim can arrest all these criminals, take them to the police station, and interrogate them "with intensity".
Pretty cool, huh? About the AUTORACING... Take a look at this ancient "kind of mod"...
Swimming competition!!! (Note - part of it, namely the lane dividers in the pools, "went" to Nightlife EP). And the dog competitions are in The Sims Pet Stories! On that basis, then why wouldn't there be car racing in the game as well? Especially since the motion animation is in Nightlife EP.
But everything is not so simple with the racers. Something is missing... Maybe THIS... (helmet)
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Please pay attention to this creator's work in general. If it is something from the game, you get a "good and quality" thing. However, when you start to "unselect", there are problems with textures and with a lot of polygons, which leads to a bad result.
Link to the content:
I also noticed that the helmets matched the colors of the suits. So there had to be a green suit, a yellow suit, and a pink suit.
На русском языке (and how to make races suits available in sport category of clothes):
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blackros78 · 8 months
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