#as you may remember she's a lesbian and one lavender marriage was probably enough for her
canisalbus · 2 months
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i've returned for 2 seconds to tell you that they're not leaving my head. (sort of unrelated but i've been thinking as well. what if vasco died before machete ? what would go down)
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hipsofsteel · 7 years
Find Out For Yourself
A RusCan fic written during FemSlash February 2015 (FrUk and eventual AmeBel as well)
Prompt: Person A goes by an alias, to the annoyance of B. The only way B will learn A’s name is to “find that out for yourself.”
Anya Braginsky has been using an underground social site for years to speak to other members of the LGBTQ community. Her best friend is a user named MapleBabe, who was her first friend online. Two years after their first online meeting, they both agree to go to Hetalia University, and MapleBabe challenges Anya to discover who she really is. While trying to figure out the mystery, Anya meets Madeline Bonnefoy, a fellow member of the school's women hockey team, and develops a close friendship, all while still trying to discover and meet MapleBabe. She might be a bit closer than she thinks.
PS This work features Trans Girl America
[Chapter Masterpost Here]
Chapter Five: Hope
When I got to the Bonnefoy-Kirkland house, I opened the door to find Sofia standing in the living room.
“Sofia! What are you doing here?”
“Natalia called and wanted some company, so here I am! You’re just in time for dinner. I made something we could all agree on.”
We ate the meal, and despite my internal worries, I was able to relax a little. Sofia and Natalia laughed with each other and even I had to chuckle a few times.
Finally, we sent Natalia to bed, because she had school tomorrow.
“Hey, you have school too!”
“It’s college. I have a little more naptime than you do. Now go on!”
She complied, and then Sofia and I spoke alone.
“How’s it been going?”
“Okay. The stress has been reduced now that Natalia’s living here instead of at home.”
“Yeah, I think we can both agree that was good for all of us.”
We sipped at tea.
“What happened that night?”
She paused, and then spoke.
“You and Nat were asleep upstairs when he came in. I’d been watching TV. I didn’t have school tomorrow. At first I didn’t think anything off it. Told him mom and dad weren’t home, and he should come back later.”
“He said he wanted to talk to me, and he offered me a drink. I’d watched him take a sip earlier, so I figured it was fine. But there’s a big difference between a sip and the whole glass he poured for me.”
“Next thing I knew, I was trying to push him away, but I couldn’t. Didn’t even use a condom. He just said that I was his now, and that I should just live with that fact.”
“Woke up the next morning to mom and dad over me. Dad said he’d sign the parental consent for marriage, but I told him I wouldn’t marry the guy. He said if I wouldn’t marry him, I couldn’t live there anymore. He gave me a week to decide.”
“In the end, as you know, I got thrown out. That man tried to rape me again in the street about two months later, but I stabbed him and… I ran. And except to talk to you and Nat, I never looked back.”
I sat in the silence before asking. “Did he die?”
“No, but it was enough. He never came after me again. After that, I found some shelters, and met Elizabeta and Roderich. And as you know, I’ve been living with them as well as Ludwig and Feliciano for a while now.”
She stood. “I should probably go home now.”
I nodded, and then we walked out to her car together.
“Hey, Sofia?”
“I’m a lesbian.”
She paused, and then smiled. “I’m glad that you felt you could tell me. I love you, Anya, in every aspect that is you.”
My sister left and I went back inside.
Natalia had came down the steps. I knew she hadn’t been asleep.
“Hey, let’s go sleep.”
After three weeks at the hospital/psych ward, Amelia came home.
I sat and watched her. She looked kinda stunned, and also worried.
Then, in a move that surprised me most of all, Natalia went over and began to talk to Amelia. They talked back and forth, and soon you couldn’t even pull them apart from each other, they were too engrossed in their conversation.
I went into the kitchen. Arthur was talking to Francis in a whisper, and Francis was either listening or correcting him depending on what was needed.
“Where’s Maddie?”
Francis looked up and smiled. “She’s out back under the maple tree.”
I headed out into the backyard and went over to her. She was sitting at the base of the tree, writing in a notebook.
“How’s everything inside?”
“Nat and Amelia are getting along pretty well. Your dads are in the kitchen cooking… well, Francis is cooking, and Arthur is standing nearby.”
“Good. We don’t need a repeat of the last time he cooked.”
I sat next to her. “How is it inside your head?”
“I’m fine. Told Arthur I was a lesbian yesterday. He had an internal freak out, and then hugged me, so I guess it’s cool.”
I nodded, and then leaned over, nestling my head into Maddie’s shoulder.
I felt her pause, and then she turned. “Hey, Anya?”
“I love you.”
I didn’t respond for a moment, and then I looked up at her.  “Madeline, I love you too.”
She smiled a little, in that small quiet way of hers. She set her notebook down and then looking at me, whispered. “I think an apology is long overdue.”
“You don’t need to apologize…” I started, but she put a finger to my lips, and then tilted my head up. I meet her gaze, a deep violet as compared to my light lavender.
She leaned in, and then, only inches from my face, spoke. “May I?”
I nodded.
We kissed under that maple tree, our hearts young, happy, and finally able to rest.
“Natalia, remember to breath!” Amelia shouted as she ran down the hall after Natalia.
I laughed a little. They’d finally decided Natalia needed to be moved to the delivery room, and now Amelia had to rush to keep up.
Maddie came back with a cup of coffee. “Sofia’s on her way, and dad and papa are headed back as well.”
I nodded.
“Oh, and I’m sure papa took the liberty of calling Antonio and Gilbert.”
“Let the parade of insanity begin.”
Amelia and Natalia ended up getting married in the end. Kiku was still Amelia’s best friend, however. And now Natalia was about to give Maddie and me a niece or nephew.
Francis burst into the room in a colored blur. “Where are they? Did we miss it?!”
“They just took her in for delivery, papa. Calm down.”
Arthur came in behind him, panting a little. “Can you restrain him for five minutes? Or else I’m going to be the one in the hospital bed.”
I leaned back in my chair, reading a book. On my hand a gold ring glinted with a dark purple stone. Maddie’s wedding ring was silver with a paler purple stone.
“Maddie, when am I going to get grandchildren from you?”
Madeline picked up a magazine. “When you convince Anya to get pregnant.”
“Not today, Francis.” I responded before he could beg me. “I don’t think flying into space is all that great for pregnant ladies.”
I was supposed to go up in two months to the ISS. Maddie and I had agreed it was an opportunity I shouldn’t miss. But we’d already decided something that would make Francis incredibly happy. When I got back, Maddie and I were going to start looking around for donors.
And the baby was going to be Maddie’s. I might give birth to it, but I wasn’t wanting to pass on the alcoholic genes that were incredibly strong in my family.
Finally Amelia came running in. She was beautiful in her right body now. “It’s a boy!”
Francis stood up grinning, as did Arthur. Maddie smiled, and I grinned.
Half an hour later, we crowded around Natalia’s bed as she looked at the little bassinet. Amelia grinned, the proud father/mother of this child.
“So what’s his name?” Francis asked.
“For now, his name is Nicholas Andrew Jones.” Amelia said, grinning. When she’d changed her name to Amelia, she’d also changed her last name to Jones. Apparently it had been her mother’s maiden name. Arthur didn’t seem too upset by it. Apparently Amelia had always wanted to do it, even when she was still little.
Natalia smiled. “Little Nick.”
“Should we dress him up in red for Christmas?” I asked jokingly.
A sudden shout from outside heralded the arrival of Antonio and Lovino. Lovino rushed into the room. He scowled as he shoved his way through the onlookers, and then cooed. “He’s so fucking cute.”
Well, coming from Lovino, that was a coo.
Antonio joked with Francis about something, and I noticed the glint of metal on Antonio’s hand. Finally…
For the next hour, people arrived to simply look at this new addition. Amelia proudly grinned and Natalia seemed happier than she had been in a long time. Gilbert came in with a lot of awesomes to be said, and then invited the new dad-mom out for a drink. Amelia politely told him that if he ever called her that again, she’d rip his throat out, and then accepted, although at a later date than that night.
Sofia arrived last, and then she pulled something out from a package.
“I left the name section blank. I only put his birthday. One day, when he’s older, he can tell me what his name is and I’ll add it on.”
It was a huge quilt, for when he was older, with animals and plants and more. Natalia smiled. “Once he’s big enough, he’ll sleep with this every night.”
We all looked down at the tiny blue bundle fast asleep, and I felt something well up inside me. Something that I’d never been sure I’d be able to feel around a child.
I whispered it under my breath, and Maddie looked at me. “Huh?”
“You’re blessed, Nicky. You’ve got a family who will let you be whatever you want to be, whether that be boy or girl, gay or straight, we’ll love you just the same.”
Maddie smiled and took my hand. “Let’s go, the room is getting crowded.”
We said goodbye, and before I left, I looked down at Nicholas one last time.
It was a big feeling, with only one name.
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