#as you can tell I am enjoying the pixel brush-
c00kietin · 14 days
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what have I created.
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do any of yall have any advice for people wanting to get into sprite editing? (<- sorry if any of yhis is spelled weird i cant really see what i’m writing)
advice, advice… well, gonna be honest here—i haven’t done a sprite edit in a while. and i am poor at giving advice. but i can at least try to give some in the form of a ramble. sorry about the lack of professionalism:
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i started out doing sprite edits for my fantrolls. i didn’t really follow any tutorials and just spent my time editing what was already there. nowadays, however, i tend to sketch out what i want to make while using the sprite as a guideline. this gives me a cleaner slate to work with instead of having to do stuff like this:
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(this is one of my first sprites. please don’t use a pixel brush like i did. unless you’re working on a small canvas or something it will be VERY easy to tell.)
making a sketch also gives you more freedom with your sprite instead of having to follow what the original one has. after the sketch, i just clean up stuff and outline. then, i add color. typically i pick the colors from the original sprite and other sprites to have it blend in with everything.
so, i’d say:
start with stuff you enjoy and are familiar with,
keep it simple. my edits tended to be messy because i immediately began working with tougher stuff. try doing smaller details like adding a jacket or even just coloring stuff and work your way towards making a completely custom sprite.
oh, and make sure to use a art program you’re familiar with or one that’s at least easy to use! i personally use procreate but go with whatever you want.
if you want, i could make one and show my progress since that may be easier than my lackluster explanations. :D
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killemwithkawaii · 2 years
Goretober 2022 'The Staycation 🏡💙' Post-Event Reflection
Some thoughts about how the event went, now that it's concluded, so I can look back and reference them next year ✅
>Introductions to the Mitchs: I was SO HAPPY to FINALLY be able to share all of my selfinsert characters with you guys!! I’ve been slowly developing them and their stories ever since ‘KEWKs Kidnapping,’ but wanted to come up with an interesting way to reveal all of them to you. I’ve wanted to, but held back on making art and fics about them because I wanted to save all of it for The Staycation event. Now that the event is concluded and they’ve all been introduced, I’ll be able to freely talk about and draw them as much as I like! I can already tell they have a few fans, (particularly Mitch(2)/ coworker!Mitch, who just so happens to be my favorite one! c:) so please feel free to ask about them/ their AUs if you’d like to. I may hold mini events where I RP as them and L.S.S. during their original timelines, but for now, I’d like to finally make character sheets for them and maybe write fics for their original AUs :D
>Trying new things: I took this event as an opportunity to try out some different artistic mediums that I don’t usually dabble in- pencil (my go-to before I started drawing digitally), pen/marker, collage, pixel art/ simple animation, digital but with simple lineart and a new brush, and I even threw a poem in there! It was a ton of fun to experiment with all of these, and I found that I really enjoyed all of them and would like to mess around with them more in the future. I particularly liked making the pixel art for videogame!Mitch and the collages for dealer!Mitch, and am very happy I finally figured out how to make simple animated gifs out of my art c:
>Story building: I had SO MUCH fun creating the story for this event, dropping hints to the ending, including throwbacks/references to past goretober events and sprinkling in easter eggs in the art and writing, especially all the references to food/eating, rabbits, and wolves/dogs! (tbh for a minute there, I was worried I was making things too obvious lol) I’ll have to make an ‘in case you missed it’ post pointing out some things that people haven’t mentioned yet…~
>Productivity: I succeeded in creating a total of 41 pieces of art and wrote at least 100 pages of story for this event, with about 90% of it created between October 1st and November 1st! Not too shabby, if I do say so myself UwU Doing this event always shows me that I’m capable of doing way more than I give myself credit for, and while that rapid pace is not at all sustainable long-term, I’m still very proud that I was able to pull off what I did in that short amount of time! It also gets me into the practice of drawing and writing much faster in general, which means my general art and writing will turn out quicker, too (good news for you guys, now that I’m back to my usual shenanigans~)
>Better self-care: While I did not succeed in avoiding all the pitfalls I fell into during the 2021 ‘The Do-Over’ goretober event, I still did a better job at caring for myself during this years event than the last. I managed to make time for a little socializing, did not lose as much weight over the course of the month as I did last year, and managed to avoid having a major breakdown due to the workload (still had a little cry toward the end, but it lasted like 5 minutes so I just consider it business as usual lol).
>Planning does not equal preparing: I did a lot of planning for this event- tons of spreadsheets, notes, ideas and a rough outline for each chapter- but I quickly learned that planning is not a substitute for preparing. I thought it would be much easier to write in real-time this year with so much to pull from in my back pocket, but I still ended up writing and drawing for at least 3-8+ hours every day during the event and often stayed up past 4am to finish the content for each day. Even with all that work, I was unable to fit in A LOT of what I wanted to include, simply because there was not enough time to create it from scratch. 
Out of all the ficlets posted during the event, the only ones that were prewritten were the finalized day zero fic, the rough drafts for Penpal, Coworker, and Neighbors original introductions, and the draft for Penpals original death, and out of all the art posted, only the intro pics for Mitch 1-5 were completed before the 1st . Everything else was created within a few days of being posted, usually the same day. So, it’s safe to say at least 90% of this event, written and drawn, was improv and was therefore not the quality I wanted for it to be, despite all the effort I put into it. 
>Things not going as intended: Despite having so much planned before October, having preset points for the appearances and deaths of each S/I and a definite ending in mind, the inbetween parts went VERY differently than what I’d set out to make them, simply because I had nothing concrete actually written for them and got new ideas mid-event. Still, I hope each chapter is enjoyable for what they turned out to be! (I may end up writing a fic version of this event that goes how I originally intended, or how I wish they turned out after-the-fact…)
>Human limitations: Despite telling myself not to do what I did last year, the pace I set was incredibly demanding, and after putting in so much work for the whole month, I was completely exhausted by the 31st. That day, I was feeling very sick and was having trouble thinking straight, but because it was pretty much the final day of the event and I’d come so far, I wanted to post something and get it over with. The writing posted on that day is not at all what I wanted it to be- it was, after all, supposed to be the climax of the story, but it fell completely flat and I am very, very disappointed with it. I intend to go back and edit it when I’m feeling up to it, but for now, I’m still recovering and trying not to beat myself up over it too bad…
>Lack of interaction: First off, I am incredibly grateful to those of you who sent in asks during The Staycation, with a special shout-out to @meadow-hearthfire and @stormcellarwitch! Your asks played a MAJOR part in the story and really helped to move it along and spark inspiration for me. Thank you so, so, SO much for your participation!! I really hope you enjoyed the ride, and that you’ll join me for next years goretober event as well :D
That being said, I was disheartened by the general lack of interaction during the event, especially after I was told there were a number of people that were excited to participate. I had more asks than I could handle last year and about half the number of followers that I do now, so I was anticipating a big turn-out and am wondering why that didn’t happen. (What made it more confusing was that I actually gained quite a few followers during the event, when I’d expected to lose a bunch due to the shift in content! But otherwise, there was very little activity in my feed…) I do realize I’m not owed interaction from any of you, and that my goretober events are very self-indulgent and different from my usual stuff, but I would still very much appreciate some constructive input as to why people were not interacting as I’d hoped and what I can do next year to motivate participation:
Was it boring? Too repetitive? Too confusing or involved? TL;DR? Were you disappointed because it wasn’t what you expected it to be? Were you confused as to how you could interact, what you were supposed to do, or assume you could not participate for some reason? Did you enjoy and follow the event, but just didn’t feel like participating in it? Are my goretober events just not your thing, and you were simply waiting for when the blog went back to the usual vibe? Or, were you just busy with life and didn’t have time to participate this year? 
Thank you in advance for your input! It’ll be very helpful to me so I can make next year as entertaining and fun as possible for you guys and for myself ^^
Notes to Self for 2023 (that may be useful anyone that wants to do an event like this themselves):
>PREPARE: You DO NOT want this to take over your whole life for the entire month or be unsatisfied with the results because it’s rushed!! Make a goal to have AT LEAST 50% of the writing and art done (ESPECIALLY THE FINALE) before October 1st, and have an outline written for the rest. It is WAY easier to edit things a little during the event than to make it all from scratch the same day you post it!!
>Stick with the plan: Throwing in some things on impulse is fun, but taking a hard left out of nowhere just makes it so you have to improvise even more afterwards. Make a flowchart if choices made by the audience can affect the story progress so that you can stay on track and still get to where you need to go in the end.
>Be interactive, but independent: Include audience participation when/if it's offered, but do not depend on it, because it may not be there when you need it. 
>Be clear: Set guidelines for participation, what the event is about, and make a masterlist/ guide for past events and the AUs within them so newcomers can get up-to-speed with the story so far
>Do some refreshing: Reread your own writing and take notes so you actually remember your own story. It will spark new ideas and help keep things consistent! Also, edit things that are not congruent and fix any plot holes you find.
>Remember this story is for you!: Just because people aren’t participating doesn’t mean your story isn’t worth creating and putting out there. Make it because you love it, and if people like it, that’s great! If not, you have a whole story custom tailored to your tastes, and that’s awesome, too ^^
Thanks for reading! I’m looking forward to getting back to business as usual on the blog and to thoroughly planning AND preparing for next years goretober event. Until then, I hope you all enjoyed this years event and had a great Halloween~ 🤗🎃💖
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dianneking · 1 year
ok >:)
my request is
you and me + your imagination 🙇🏼‍♀️
Well I must say. I thought you were going to ask for a fanfiction, but you have surprised me, little fairy.  That was possibly the weirdest request I've ever received (not necessarily in a bad sense) as I have up until now only received fanfic requests. But also I am an absolute sucker for a challenge, so no way I was going to back down from it. Also, you were reeeeally vague about it – not sure if that was you being coy or just giving me free rein on it, but I’ll roll with it – so hopefully that is something that works for you. Enjoy!
(For everyone else who’s not my fairy anon: I do beg for forgiveness, this is basically 400 words of playground. Read at your own risk.)
It’s you and me and my imagination.
You asked for it, but are you really ready? You threw it out there, a suggestion, a provocation. Did you not think that mommy would respond in kind? Mommy has a way with words, you know? And little fairies who play with fire might start to feel the inevitable build-up of a burning heat within them...
Come along, darling, follow my voice through the lines, as if I’m the flute player and you just a little enchanted mouse-fairy. I’ll show you around this world of words. Come along, don’t tarry. I’ll let you feel everything that words can create.
Can you feel it starting already?
There is something about words, you see? Something inherently powerful. They look innocuous enough, don’t they? Just little squiggles on a screen. What could they possibly do? And yet your mind is ensnared already, and you’re only just starting to realize it.
Ah. Yes.
Are you ready to start the travel? Ready to follow that meandering path made of pixels on your screen? You already are. You asked mommy to sit behind the steering wheel, and now you feel like you are flying beyond the boundaries of space and time.
Relinquish any control. There’s only mommy’s imagination now, words whispered directly into your soul, a secret shared. They are just words, nothing more, and yet your cheeks are now warmer, your face trying to hide its flustered smile. Adorable.
And yet they are just words.
Just words?
They feel like honey on your lips, sweet and sticky and irresistible, and you cannot help but run your tongue on them, tasting them, making them yours – or is it letting them make you their own? You relinquished any control, after all. Your eyes are glued to the screen, unable to do anything but go on reading, heart thrumming in your chest…what are these words doing to you?
You shiver. Is it the effect of the light brush of silken words against your bare skin? Do you feel them running down your spine as a tantalizing caress? Oh, darling, you are so responsive. So good. Almost good enough to make me forget how you baited mommy into writing this for you. Naughty little thing. You were hoping to get something else, maybe? You were hoping for mommy to tell you all of the unspeakable things I could think of?  
And yet, all you got was words.
But your body doesn’t seem to see any difference…
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theprofessor45 · 1 year
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While I was working on the new character designs, I realized that Ira had the same design set for a long time. I thought I might try to add some old details I loved and add some new ones. I also wanted to try different hair styles, so I created these designs.
I am unsure about the abyssal corruption form, but that can be changed later.
I hope you enjoy these design changes for the main character. And please tell me which is your favorite version of her.
[Note]: I accidentally used an 8 pixel brush instead of a 5, so the design is slightly different from the other character designs.
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pythors-pandemic · 2 years
the big list of ninjago quotes
on my most recent rewatch, I wrote down any and all lines I enjoyed and for no reason other than @ninja-go-to-therapy was interested in seeing the list, I’m posting them. side note: a lot of these I wrote down simply because of the voice acting, not necessarily the words themselves. with that, here are 279 ninjago quotes
Season 1
“we’re saving a girl?! is she hot?”
“let’s chop sucky this lemonade stand”
“if i see one girl in here, i’m gonna go ballistic”
“uh.. is that wrecking ball staring at me?”
“this is not the time to be cryptic”
“how am i supposed to strike fear in this?! it’s pink!”
“it’s a magic floating rope”
“great observation, mr roboto”
“zane, like a machine. don’t change a thing”
“perhaps if you try the phrase ‘fire DORK’ maybe it might work”
“oh great. just what i like: fighting armed deadly snakes in a highly combustible environment about to BLOW UP!”
“haha, this is heavy and all, but what ever happened to the FANGBLADE?!”
“i mean at least give me a decent mustache” 
“get ready to get kai’ed!”
“woah grease ball! how about warn us before doing that!”
“ninja recover!”
“what?! you try fighting up here!”
“all that action, it makes you so thirsty”
“we’re so HOOPED!”
Season 2
“i can make a little extra if i do the human piñata” 
“it’s a bad boy thing”
“oh that is just so evil”
“why do i always get tied up?”
“this is bad! this is so bad on SO MANY LEVELS!!”
“it makes me feel young, deal with it”
“hey McNasty, i thought ninja were on your menu”
“this does not compute” *shorts out*
“ I believe a big ut oh is in order”
“and nya will never fall head over heels for jay!”
“easy big guy! maybe this is a sign you need to lose a few pounds!”
“what’s my power?” “uhh. hot air?”
“good riddance vampire fish!”
“jay, how did you ever become a ninja? seriously!”
“wrong again, mr. empty-head”
“zane. no”
Season 3
“my name was clearly on it!” “i didn’t see motor mouth on it!”
“who you callin ‘pedestrian’?” 
“yeah well i’m super hooped and i haven’t brushed my teeth in a week!!”
“it almost hit my mother”
“i know it’s a clue, zap trap”
“these toasters never know when to quit!”
“just testing the rules. first rule: cole’s a crybaby!”
“i can’t do it! i can’t do it! I CANT DO IT!!”
“I’m kind of a.. secret agent. *gasps* oops! guess it’s not a secret anymore”
“relax, when have i ever been careless”
“this car is worth far more than you”
“like all boys, you can be reprogrammed”
“his wisdom takes a while to set in. WE DONT HAVE A WHILE!”
“i can’t wait to see the expressions in the faces of those metal chrome domes” “they’re nindroids nimrod, they don’t have expressions”
“i owe you one” “okay, stay away from nya” “maybe a different one”
“it’s a BUG >:(“
Season 4
“i’m a ninja, and you are wearing makeup”
“fire will melt her icy heart”
“i feel guilt! these are bad feelings”
“see what this island is doing to me?! ITS CORRUPTING ME!”
“jay, would you stopmakingnoise?!”
“you just had to leave me hanging, huh romeo”
“mine are made of rock, what a crock >:(“
“ooo looks like kai’s got the hots for her”
“kai’s heart is on fire! kai’s heart is on fire! kai’s heart is on fire!”
“stop licking your tattoos”
“eat dirt, bluebell!”
“pixel?! you got a girl stuck in your head??”
“aahugh! my leg! get kai off me!!”
“just tell me one thing. was it his idea to make me fall for you, or yours? because it worked”
“you saved me for a reason. and you know i’m far to fetchy to resist ;)”
“curse this fraudulent furniture”
“everything’s a weapon in the big house!” * proceeds to brush enemies teeth*
“when people try to bust out of jail, they do it quietly, not LITERALLY”
“that’s one way to cool off a hot head!”
Season 5
“woah! i think he just broke the sound barrier”
“yeah i know we’re terrible students!”
“woah, lloyds gone through puberty”
“hey! no one calls me pathetic!”
“you hear that kai?! we’re gonna fly!”
“why is it when lloyds gone, we always look to kai? we should be following zane”
“he turned my wolloper into a ghost! no one turns my wolloper into a ghost!!”
“no we don’t pinch! we don’t even have pockets!!”
“sure we can’t understand zane, but could we ever?”
“incase you haven’t noticed, there’s flying weapons trying to slide and dice us!”
“what is it?! what’s down there??? oh wait! don’t tell me! i don’t wanna know!”
“why would you touch the scary picture, jay? “i didn’t know it would do that, cole!”
“well, go face him, jay” “arugh! you go face him!”
“ohh i’m such a dummy”
“be the key, cole. BE THE KEY!”
“you again >:(“ “you say that as if it’s a bad thing”
“you’d fight someone unarmed?” “that’s a good question, yes”
“ hate to spoil what’s next, but just because you’re in my friends body, watch out!”
“*snorts* i’m sorry, he said buttheads”
“i bet that’s what all nindroids say” “if you’re implying that smell came from me-“
“hey guys, guess what?! i get an AWESOME EYEPATCH!”
“all you ninja do is talk, blah blah blah”
“we’re not stalling! we’re thinking! he’s totally right, i’m stalling”
“augh this guy really chaps my hide”
“ughh! i hate unbeatable creatures!”
“let me handle the blowhard”
Season 6
“my hair is sick!”
“my followers have needs too”
“excuse me, which fruit is black?!” “uh, blackberries?” “shut it, jay” >:(
“it wasn’t me, dad! IT WASNT ME!”
“statistically speaking, your witty banter only gets us into more trouble”
“yeah but are you the master of kablewy”
“and we’re shuffling, we’re shuffling”
“working for a crime boss isn’t a very reliable career choice”
“not now, sprocketarm”
“gosh why are you pirates so long winded!”
“i told you to hurry up!” “would you be quiet and run!”
“you have to act as our lightning rod!”
“the only thing i can see is your stupid hand, jay”
“if i get out of here, i’m gonna bite YOU!”
“sorry for the delay, i’ve never had to milk the face of a giant spider before!”
“sorry pal, i don’t know who this lost love of yours is, but she ain’t nya”
“we’ll all be hooped if he has infinite wishes”
“you got what you wished for boulder brain!”
“we really need to start LISTENING TO ME!”
“said from the heart?! hearts don’t talk!”
“the world is falling apart and he’s eating soup!”
Season 7
“self diagnostic indicates negative” *jay hits him* “how about now?” “…no”
“leftie, rightie, nice to meet you. also, DO BETTER!”
“plate! show! clipboard!”
“we have a plan— go kick some butt”
“why am i so good? it’s a curse really”
“you can do this, you can do this. I CANT DO THIS IM TOO FREAKED!”
“you call this stabilizing?!” “i’m trying!” “try harder!!”
“let’s run straight at eachother and see if this will slow us down before we collide!” *all laugh*
“faster, jay!” “you’re so slow, cole!”
“sounds like someone’s earned his blackbelt in being a wet blanket”
“maybe they didn’t hear it!” *a second later* “no, they did”
“bring it on you vermillion doof!”
“yeah! that’s what i’m talking about! vermillion done! workers saved! ninja in the swamp!!”
“no matter how many times you watch those suckers hatch, it’s always gross”
“did you just speak?” “no… okay that time i did”
“not just you you, young you too wu”
Season 8
“i could kiss ya, pix!” “i do not think zane would approve”
“cole, master of earth. and this is jay, master of blabber” “lightning”
“i told you not to introduce yourself as the master of earth, no one knows what that means”
“no you boldhead”
“who likes ice cream? i do!”
“it is nice to have a pooper at the party”
“they’re coles” “they’re BLUE!” “you’re lucky they’re not yellow”
“she’s also creepy” “par for the course in a mystical tea shop, jay”
“what sort of power does the green ninja have?” “it’s some kind of energy or green light. i don’t know, like all our elemental powers rolled into one”
“zane! knock me out! do something!”
“you lied? mystake why would you do that? i thought we were friends :(“
“it’s me zane, cole? or should i say my alias, rocky dangerbuff” 
“what is cole doing?!” “i don’t know but please tell me someone is recording”
“haha! come here you little sucker”
“totally called it!” “you did not” “did to!”
“he did not just!” “he just did!”
“at least cole jr’s fine, so we can give the diapers to jay!”
“who knows! he’s a living fortune cookie. everything he does is a puzzle meant to TORTURE US!”
“i’ve got an itch, you mind coming over here to scratch it ;)”
“this can end one of two ways, either you can hand the mask over peacefully” “i don’t even have to know the rest of the choices, i like that one” “or we’re gonna get all ninja up on you” “what does that even mean?” “i don’t know. i was improvising”
“don’t make me zap you!” *zaps him*
“did you just tell yourself to hold on..?”
“if that’s lord garmadon, i’m lord of the jig” “then you better start jigging”
“and kai knows bad ideas, he’s full of them!”
“to go” “to gooo?” *nodds* “to go”
“i’m sorry, we totally should’ve knocked”
“my brother is coming.” “how do you know?” “i know”
Season 9
“foil, i found foil!!!”
“you not freaking out, is freaking ME OUT” 
“kai baby, it’s much easier coping with life’s problems when you let go of hope!”
“yeah, he’s totally lost it” “no, i’ve totally found it”
“pfft that’s rich, now we’re teaching him lessons he taught us!”
“quit messing with my tunes, man”
“that was a learning experience”
“so, watcha doing, jay?” “it’s my new video game console, i built it myself”
“ooo are we playing hide and seek?”
“who’s diapers are those?” “uh, they’re jay’s— tell them jay” “oh.. i have a weak bladder”
“okie dokie, off we go”
“this isn’t good, jay. this is bad”
“oh boy. i believe jay’s mental state has made him useless to our plight”
“i borrowed it earlier, just like how you borrowed my wisdom”
“can this get any better!” “can you get anymore nuts!”
“and here i thought we were at rock bottom,” *while laughing* “this is so much worse”
“if i’m going out, i’m going out with bells on”
“how do we get out of here alive?!” “the sooner you realize we can’t, the more fun it’ll be”
“i do not believe that is possible…” “i was being scarcastic” 
“we did it! we did it! we did it!”
“then stay at home, tinsil toes”
“tell me you have a plan” “it’s in the works” “he doesn’t have a plan”
“easier to grow a little than to lose a lot”
“a teenager?! now we’re in for it”
“how do we know one of them isn’t already pretending to be ONE OF US?!” “oh zip it, jay”
“you know what you need? confidence” “you mean cocky, like you?”
“haha! we should teach him how to drive next”
“listen to me you silly master of dunce!”
“could you pass a roasted lizard stick up here?! i’m kind of hungry too!”
“did i… did i do that right? a joke?”
“that’s not fair you bullied them!”
“oh my gosh! he just grew a mustache!”
“if you are gonna eat us, eat him first he’s full of cake!” “am not!”
“i know, the commute is terrible”
Season 10
“i find the term ‘freak out’ inadequate and imprecise”
“i can’t believe i have to babysit my own father”
“you gotta just do it, jay! it’s like ripping off an old bandaid, the sooner you get it over with, the better” “uhm did you just compare nya to an old bandage?” “way to go, cole. way to take the romance out of it”
“ha! fat chance”
“i wouldn’t trust you with a… a… a…” “a pillow! what.. it’s the least threatening thing i could think of”
“oh c’mon that was awesome!” “it was adequate!” 
“we thought we lost you, you jerk!”
“we really need to talk about your sense of timing, jay”
Season 11
“get his legs! hold him!” “those are MY legs!!”
“i looked it in the eye!”
“yeah of all the bad ideas i’ve heard, and i’ve heard a few, looking at you kai, this takes the cake”
“guys guys, you’re both to valuable to risk. it should be someone expendable, like jay.”
“cole! you could’ve smashed kai!”
“you say that like i should be totally cool running into a long deceased explorer” 
“i think i swallowed my teeth”
“worst parking spot ever”
“that would save us hours and hours of slow boring back breaking work. oh well, we’ll just have to do it the slow boring back breaking way”
“speaking of slow, where’s kai?”
“fire maker has more miracles”
“you made me go back to the bounty for the travelers tea and it fell of a cliff!”
“pull me up! quick!” “i can’t! you’re too heavy!” “what are you trying to say!?”
“nya, whatever you’re doing DO IT FASTER!”
Season 12
“take that! obsolete file formats!”
“use the VCRs!” “what’s a VCR?”
“yeah, who would know a guy super into stealing things has a lot of stuff”
“not again! cant i go like two seconds without losing my elemental power?!”
“hey guys, do you know who’s totally lame? unagami that’s who!”
“anyone who likes jay that much can’t be normal”
“ninja vs bushes!”
“great! now i can see what i’m looking at, and it’s even worse”
“how do you get a ninja to cross the road? by saying ninja go!”
“that was a terrible joke” “you got a better one?!”
“keep those shoulders back! find your center!”
“lead with your hips!”
“nobody puts cole in the corner!”
“it was time for these two gumshoes to beat feet”
“she had saved my nindroid bacon”
“you are beginning to get on my nerve circuits”
“my heart did not reveal that! every part of me is annoyed!”
“is the mechanic doing your detective thing too? this is just weird!”
“if only this were a pizza joint. pizza would never betray be like this!”
Season 13
“it’s like… like, totally super cool!”
“pfft, that’s gotta be made up” 
“it’s not that we don’t believe you…” “i don’t believe him :)”
“hey buddy! hey there. name’s cole, ninja. i heard there was some jerk down here, chaining people up, making them work. you seen any jerks around?”
“baushau it’s in mouth it’s in mouth babbbuuhwv i think i’m gonna barf”
“we aren’t skeletons! i mean we have skeletons obviously, but there’s so much more to us. like veins and organs and stuff” “i have none of those things”
“my first notion as chancellor is for everyone to stop THROWING STUFF AT ME!”
“oh great! now i’m hanging from a skeleton who’s hanging from a root! and i’m talking to myself again”
“don’t think about how gross this is, don’t think about how gross this is. ohuwha i’m thinking about it. i’m thinking about it!”
“you!” “shall!” “not!” “be granted permission to traverse beyond this point!”
“eat my dust!”
“i’m looking at the skull, it’s not as ugly”
Season 14
“zippy!! let’s call him zippy!”
“how can i be a gift?” “yeah? who would want jay?” “uhm… me?”
“we’re friends remember? i’m just a jay”
“i happen to think i am quite valuable thank you very much!”
“you’re gonna see the inside of a jail cell for this, ronin”
Season 15
“this is somewhat troubling”
“we’re being haunted by the ghost of some butler! probably named ducklesworth or something”
“jay honey, that reminds me. i need to teach you how to bleach your boxer shorts”
“zane, you don’t require a breathing device.” “yes, but i like how it completes my attire”
“The citizens of bubbletubbuleopolis will not be pleased!! this will affect your tourism!”
“your chair does have a seatbelt, jay”
“cake is usually the answer to everything!”
“that is what i just said! why are you repeating me?!”
“yeah! take that you big worm!”
“think, what would zane do? actually no. think, what would kai do?”
so yeah i’m deeply in love with this show
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A full, entire list of headcanons for a day with:
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1. ☼ waking up with him ☼6am-8am
now if THAT doesn’t make you simp, you CONFUSE ME
anyways, so-
if there’s one thing that kirishima chooses to do, it’s to wake up early. i am so sorry to those who enjoy sleeping in, but hey, it’s the price we gotta pay to simp 😔✋
but omfg y’all, is the sweetest baby ever when you wake up with him! kirishima would most likely cuddle you first thing in the morning (…as in like 5 am-) and pull you in closer, planting a kiss on your forehead
“’morning, my beautiful pebble, d’ya sleep well?”
you’ll also probably wake up to an insane amount of talking and chatting with him, and by six o’clock, he makes sure that you’re ready to be on your way
the sun is still rising where you guys are, so it’s actually pretty dark where you guys are
he ruffles your hair as he takes you on walks outside, hand in hand, no matter how tired you are
expect him to piggy back you, saying that it’s manly bc IT ISSSSS
2. ✎ doing online school with eijiro ✎ 8am-12pm, 2pm-4pm
“i think i’ve lost complete and utter trust in everything,” you groan. “i can’t even trust my video and mute button, and i need to trust those!”
kirishima grins at you as he plants a kiss on your forehead. “how ‘bout i buy you something tasty during break, huh?”
“kirishima, we’re literally broke,” you deadpan, half-joking but half speaking realistically.
“so what?” you’ve been working so hard lately, i figured that you at least deserve something as a reward.” he squeezes your shoulders from behind your seat (don’t worry, your video’s off for now :))
you raise an eyebrow. “…something?” ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
“yeah! like maybe we could go for a walk, or-” he stares at your expression before he realizes what you implied. “baby, this is a sfw blog, we’re not allowed to-”
kirishima also most definitely pulls up a chair next to you in class, even though he doesn’t even know what you’re doing. he might not be in that class, but he’ll be right next to you the whole time in case you need help
when you do need help, he peers over your shoulder and helps you solve whatever problem you have right away
the sweetheart also gives constant reassuring reminders to drink water, i LOVE HIM
but when he leaves, he also says, “study and work hard, y/n! i’ll be right here for you during break!”
he promises you a kith and a hug if you keep on striving during online classes 🥺
kirishima likes to come in during class when your video is very much on, and he peeks his head in, waves, and then smiles before heading back out of the frame
“y/n, how do you fight villains, kick butt, literally stand up for an entire school, but you still rehearse how to say here?”
“shhhhh, i’m trying-”
another scenario, “y/n, can you please answer question four?”
“sure. the book that i chose for my report was the fault in our stars by john green, which implies the message that-”
you mute yourself, “DON’T YOU DARE-”
he makes online school almost exciting, and he just makes everything so much more enjoyable
kirishima also takes your hand, squeezing it tightly as he kisses your knuckles. “i’ll start making lunch. good luck baby!”
3. ♨ meals and afternoon walks with eijiro ♨ 12pm-1pm
y’all have seen him in the training camp thing,, right??
kirishima might not be the best at cooking, but you can count on him to take you somewhere!
man knows the best places where you live, and he just about literally gets whatever you want
you guys probably leave for a walk during break at noon, and kirishima makes sure that you feel safe and comfortable around him no matter what
afternoon walks are probably the most interesting part of your day, and the way lets you put your hand in the pocket of his hoodie just- 🥺🥺
i think something that isn’t stressed enough is people who seem less vulnerable being attacked by predators, so if anyone even dares to approach you, kirishima will LITERALLY POP OFF
not like the quirk pop off-
“HEY! that wasn’t very manly of you!”
as you walk along the way, kirishima makes sure to never let go of you and make sure you feel completely safe with him
you two probably stop by a nearby restaurant and get some sort of food to-go before heading back and eating during class, but shh your teacher doesn’t have to know-
he’s such a sweetheart like honestly
kirishima makes every meal taste like 50 times better, and he makes sure that you eat and drink lots of water!
but if you’re honestly having trouble with your appetite, kirishima makes sure not to push you too hard
he holds your hand if you ever get scared, he tells a joke ease your mind a lil’ 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
eijiro makes sure that no matter what happens, he holds your hand and tells you to take it easy, but also encourages you whenever you need it
he’s so sweet, please keep him
4. ◪ crying + evening naps ◪ 5pm-7pm
kirishima knows that crying is just something that’s natural, whether it’s that you’re frustrated or just feel so tired, he understands
and it’s not even like you’re having a full blown panic attack or anything. you just gotta have your daily cries, ya know?
please tell me i’m not the only one who has like scheduled daily cries-
“it’s okay, crying’s healthy for you, anyway! it’s definitely better than keeping it bottled inside you. c’mere.”
he kisses your scalp as he rocks you back and forth, occasionally wiping away a tear
kirishima reminds you that reacting some way to a bad situation is natural
“if someone was in your shoes, they’d most definitely feel that way, too! don’t feel like you’re the only one, baby, because you’re not. i’m here whenever you need me.”
after, he takes your hand and drags you to get a glass of water. “if you ever nee to cry again, you gotta stay hydrated,” he winks
he’s also so caring and soft when he sees you upset, he gives you the best cuddles as he plays with your hair. kirishima occasionally, when you’re crying, whispers in a compliment.
“your eyes are so magical.”
“you have such a beautiful smile.”
“you’re so… beautiful.”
for naps, kirishima omg please jUST BE REAL FOR ONE SECOND
that beautiful, loving, emotional support shark is who i’m in love with and it’s insane
you rest your head on his chest, breathing in his scent as he places his hands around your stomach
(also kirishima would most definitely adore plus-sized people and stretch marks/acne. he loves every insecurity that people growing up may have, and that just gives me SO MUCH HOPE-)
everything is just so insanely peaceful as he has soft music playing in the background, kissing your nose and cuddling in closer with you
the blanket is directly over you, and after a long day at work, you two decide to take a break together
kirishima also most definitely makes sure to wake up earlier for the nap than you so that he could get you a cup of water
he plays with your hair and gently shakes you when you need to get back to work 🥺🥺
5. ☾ going to bed + cuddling headcanons ☽ 10pm-12am
he usually doesn’t mind if you stay up late, but as long as you take care of yourself while you’re at it, that’s completely okay!
kirishima usually likes to make sure that you have a consistent sleep schedule though, even if you look at him in the face and go,
“excuse me? sleep schedule? who’s that?”
eijiro just laughs in such a pure way before he helps you tie your hair or keep it up when you’re brushing/rinsing
while you brush your teeth though, he kinda just wraps his arms around your waist in such a gentle way 🥺🥺
he’s such a gentleman and just wants you to be happy
after, he gets you a cup of water and sits next to you on the mattress
he sometimes likes to play old rom-coms or films while cuddling next to you, or maybe some fancy lil’ disney movies
sometimes he’ll pick horror movies and say “i’m manly enough, i can take it!” and then you’re completely unfazed while kirishima SCREAMS
“b-being vulnerable is manly!”
“oh golly i love you so much.”
something i absolutely adore about kirishima is that he has so much respect for women, enby’s, whatever it is, he just wants them to feel safe and comfortable
he makes sure that it’s okay for him to wrap his arms around you, and makes sure to respect your boundaries
there’s no better place to be than in his arms when he’s wearing a hoodie and your face is rested in the crook of his neck
his chest rises and falls as he turns off the lights, and he might play some light music in the background
kirishima likes to play with your hair and makes raspberry blows into your neck aND I PERSONALLY THINK THAT’S HILARIOUSLY ADORABLE
he’ll make sure that no matter what, you feel safe and comfortable around him
you two sometimes end up having really deep conversations at like 2 am with him
for no apparent reason, you two just start talking away like it’s nothing
he holds your hand and runs his hands through your hair, before whispering comfort into your ear
“you’re so, so beautiful,”
“you have the most beautiful smile,”
“has anyone told you how nice your eyes were?”
“i love you.”
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queenk00k · 4 years
red wine lips part 4 // rafe cameron
warnings: you know the drill, it’s smut baby.
word count: 1.6k
author’s note: this is the final part of the red wine lips series! thank you so much to everyone who has read, supported and loved this series with me. look out for plenty more rafe content to come.
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For two months now, you and Rafe have been enjoying each other’s company in more ways than one. Never one to waste any time, but certainly one to avoid discussing anything remotely serious, you were quick to fall into a rhythm with your best friend/fuck buddy/whatever else he may be. After the incidents at the winery and the tennis club, there was an unspoken agreement between you and the self-professed Kook King that you’ll continue to hang out as friends and sneak off whenever possible to let out that pent up sexual frustration you knew too well.
And, since Rafe seemed to constantly want to get his dick wet, there was rarely an outing or event that went without a sneaky quickie in a hidden corner or locked bathroom.
You recall sneaking up to Topper’s roof during one of his parties, Rafe bending you over the railing that looked over the backyard, answering Rafe’s “wanna fuck u now” texts with a coy smile and raised eyebrow and, more recently, the memory of Rafe pressing you up against the wall in a changing room as you decided on your dress for Midsummers.
What you can’t seem to remember, however, is when your feelings for Rafe extended beyond how much you liked the feeling of his body flush against yours, lips attached to your neck.
Maybe it was when you started talking with one another for longer after having sex instead of just leaving, or maybe that one time when he lifted up your chin with his index finger to kiss you (the cool metal of his ring a stark contrast against your flushed skin), or when seeing him flirting with a Touron made your blood boil.
You’ve found yourself completely and hopelessly falling for Rafe Cameron.
It’s a few hours before the start of Midsummers, a night you’ve been looking forward to for the last few weeks, and yet you can’t seem to get yourself out of bed. You’ve mostly got a handle on your anxiety but on days like this you’re brought right back to square one. It’s a tough job to keep up with Rafe and your extended group of friends and show your face at every event on the Figure 8 social calendar, and right now you can’t think of anything worse than spending hours around other people.
Your stomach twisting in knots, you look at your pale pink tulle gown hanging on your bedroom door (something different, at Rafe’s request) and sigh. Rafe was going to disappointed but there was no way you were going to force yourself to do something you’re completely uncomfortable with.
You roll onto your side and pick up your phone, choosing to ignore the dozen or so text messages from Claire (“where are you? I thought we were pre-gaming? This champagne won’t drink itself!”) and scroll until you find Rafe’s number.
He answers on the second ring. “Y/N, hey! Are you on your way to Topper’s? I don’t want to start without you,” he says.
You gulp before answering him. “Hey Rafe, look, I’m really sorry but I’m not coming to Midsummers-”
“Why not? What’s wrong?”
“I just feel like garbage, I really don’t feel up to partying tonight,” you say.
“Do you need me to come over?” Rafe asks, sounding concerned.
You brush him off. “No, no, it’s okay. You guys go and have fun, I’ll see you later.”
There’s a long pause before Rafe replies. “Okay, if you’re sure.”
“Yeah Rafe, it’s fine. Bye!”
“Bye. Feel better.”
He hangs up and you’re left to stare at your ceiling, feeling deflated, before closing your eyes and falling back asleep.
Not long after, a soft knock on your bedroom door wakes you up. Assuming it’s your mum coming to convince you to come, you don’t bother to raise your head off your plush pillow as you begrudgingly say “come in.”
Rafe Cameron was the last person you expected to walk through your door, much less dressed in grey sweatpants and a black t-shirt instead of his baby blue suit and bowtie.
“Hey, Sleeping Beauty,” he says, smiling fondly. “Feeling a bit better?”
“What are you doing here Rafe?”
He walks across your room and takes a seat gingerly on the edge of your bed, placing his hand on your leg.
“You felt like shit and I wanted to make you feel better. Here I am.”
You’re touched by his sweetness and find yourself at a loss for words.
“Can I get in?”
You nod and Rafe pulls off his t-shirt, before getting into your bed and wrapping his muscled arm around you, pulling you into his chest.
“C’mere,” he says and you snuggle into him, feeling both content and confused.
“I’m sorry,” you mumble against Rafe’s chest.
“For what?”
“I know you wanted to show me off tonight, and we had that plan to sneak off to the locker room-”
Rafe chuckles. “I don’t care about that. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. You’re my best friend first and foremost, Y/N. I gotta look out for you.”
You breathe in shakily. “I know but….you’re not my boyfriend, Rafe. I would have understood if you went to Midsummers and got with Olivia or whoever.”
There’s a painfully long silence and you’re terrified of Rafe’s response.
“I’d like to be,” he finally says quietly.
You lift your head up, heart racing, not entirely sure what you just heard.
Rafe looks down at you. “I’d like to be your boyfriend, if you’d let me.”
You grin.
“Of course, Rafe. Of course I’ll ‘let you be my boyfriend.’”
Rafe smiles sweetly and kisses you on the forehead, then the tip of your nose, before finally brushing his lips against yours.
You hum with contentment and shift your position so you’re facing him, your elbows braced on either side of his head as you continue to kiss, his tongue slipping in your mouth as you move together.
Rafe’s hand rests on your waist as the other sneaks up your t-shirt, cupping your right breast and running his thumb over your quickly hardened nipple.
The pace is slow and languid, syrupy sweet and completely different to what you’re used to. There’s no hasty pushing clothes aside or feverish kisses, the two of you are almost lazy, taking your time and taking it all in.
Soon enough, you’re lifting your arms above your head as Rafe slowly pulls your t-shirt over your head and he’s blinking up at you like you’re the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen, his eyes glazed over with complete adoration.
You’re suddenly acutely aware of the fact that this is the first time Rafe has actually seen you naked like this, and you cross your arms over your stomach instinctively. Rafe shakes his head and pulls your arms down, kissing you passionately.
“You’re beautiful,” he says and you smile into the kiss.
Rafe plays with your nipple with one hand as he finds your clit with the other, pressing gently into your heat as you whimper, the rolling pleasure almost becoming too much as he slips his finger inside.
You whimper, rocking against him, asking him for more and moaning louder as he adds another finger, and then another, before he’s slowly pumping three fingers inside your hot centre and you’re cumming around his fingers with a shudder.
There’s a pause as you catch your breath, and you smirk as you feel how hard he is beneath you.  
“Feel good babe?” Rafe asks you.
You nod.
“You’re severely overdressed,” you say, rolling off Rafe to give him the space to pull off his sweatpants, his underwear coming with it and his hard cock springing out, a bead of pre-cum glimmering at the tip.
You move to get into position on the bed, lifting your ass up, before Rafe tuts and moves you onto your back.
“I want to look at your pretty face,” he says, pumping his cock with some lube he found in your bedside table.
You nod, almost nervous, as Rafe lines up the head of his cock with your entrance. He pushes into you slowly and you feel your walls tighten around his length.
As if he feels your slight nervousness, Rafe kisses you on the forehead once more and asks “are you okay? We can stop.”
“I’m more than okay,” you reply and you grab his ass with both of your hands, pulling him deeper inside you.
Rafe groans and rocks into you, picking up his pace as you both move together, enjoying this new closeness you’d not experienced with one another before. You make sure to pull your new boyfriend in for a deep kiss intermittently, and he makes a point of staring deeply into your eyes as he whimpers.
After some minutes of him pumping his cock inside you, Rafe’s movements start to sputter and become irregular and you can tell he’s close to finishing.
“Baby, I’m going to cum,” he says and you simply wrap your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck, pulling him into a tight embrace as he moans one final time, pushing his cock into you and spilling his cum inside you.
You can’t quite put your finger on why but this time feels so unbelievably different, and better, than all of the other times.
Rafe stays inside you for a few moments, and then presses his slightly sweaty forehead to yours, his eyes fluttering closed.
“You’re incredible,” he says, and you feel happier in that moment than any other time in your life.
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sabababa · 4 years
A Knight’s Heart
Mirio Togata x Fem!Reader
Summary: Mirio and (Y/n) take Eri out to the local playground, and since there is no one around, Eri asks them to play pretend with her. Mirio as the knight, Eri as the princess, and (Y/n) as the dragon guarding the castle.
Warnings: None
Notes: Reader’s quirk allows her to transform into a dragon when heat is applied, she can also be anthropomorphic in that form
Word count: 2k+
(this gif is so amazing I’m a sucker for pixel art)
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     “Okay, Eri, we’ve arrived!” Mirio raised his hands in the air in a grand gesture, showing off the playground they arrived at. It was a decent-sized area, it had multiple slides, plenty of swings, and a plethora of things to climb.
     “This is a playground?” Eri asked as she stared in awe, never before had she seen one.
     “Yep, this is where kids like you like to play!” (Y/n) knelt down next to her, giving her a big grin.
     “Come on, Eri, let’s play!” Mirio grabbed the little girl’s hand and ran up to some stairs that led to a tall, winding slide. (Y/n) sat back on a bench nearby as she watched them. She giggled when Mirio hit his head on a bar, the set was clearly not made for his height, but of course, he laughed it off and brought Eri to the entrance of the slide. They disappeared into the tube and she heard Eri squeal in delight before they reappeared at the end, Mirio fell onto the ground with Eri in his lap, his weight gave them a bit of momentum as they slid down.
     Both laughed as Eri cheered; “Again! Again!”
     (Y/n) laughed from the side-lines, happy to see Eri was enjoying herself, and happy to spend the day with her crush. Mirio was everything any girl wanted in a man and (Y/n) wasn’t blind to his antics, she soon fell for the blonde.
     “(Y/n), you should join us!” Mirio called over as he followed Eri back up the stairs.
     “Nah, it’s fine, three’s a crowd!” She called back, waving her hand dismissively, she wanted Mirio and Eri to enjoy their quality time together, she could tell the small girl liked him more than she did her, which she wasn’t upset about, who couldn’t like Mirio?
     “Come on!” Mirio ran over to her and pulled her up by her wrists. “There’s no kids here, not even adults, no will judge!”
     “I wasn’t worried about being judged,” she laughed as she let him guide her to the same set of stairs he was at moments ago.
     “Then you should totally play with us!” Mirio grinned, now holding her hand.
     (Y/n) noticed that right as he turned he would hit the same bar again. “Wait, Mirio-” she tried to warn him, but was too late as he hit the same bar in the same place.
     “Owww…” He rubbed his head, it must have hurt the second time around.
     “Aww,” she reached her free hand up and rubbed the spot on his head, “poor wittle baby couldn’t watch where he was going.” She said playfully in a tone you would talk to babies in.
     “Maybe you should kiss it better?” He said back in the same tone, leaning his head over for her to kiss.
     “Maybe you should be more aware of your surroundings,” she said in the same tone again but complied to his wish. She placed a quick peck on his forehead and spoke again in her normal tone. “All better?” She smiled sweetly.
     “I feel so much better!” He grinned. “Your kisses are like magic!” He winked. (Y/n) giggled in response and he chuckled with her as they made it over to Eri on the platform. “Let’s all go down at the same time!” He suggested.
     “I think that’s too many people, Mirio,” (Y/n) said.
     “Okay, then how about you and Eri go in the slide and we make it a race? I bet I can beat you guys before you make it down there!”
     “You’re on!” Eri cheered with a look of cute determination.
     (Y/n) laughed lightly. “Okay, we can do that.” She agreed.
     Both girls readied themselves at the entrance of the slide, with Eri between (Y/n)’s legs. “Ready? Set. Go!” Mirio yelled at the end. (Y/n) quickly scooched herself and Eri into the slide and slid down. Eri squealed again at the twisting turns of the tube. (Y/n) saw light filtering at the end, but then saw Mirio appeared at the exit. “Gotcha!” He cheered with his arms open.
     “Mirio, look out!” The older girl yelped as she and the small one practically flew at him. 
     They crashed into him with a big ‘oof’ as he fell over and each girl fell onto different sides of him. They all lifted their heads up to make sure everyone was okay before bursting out into laughter. Mirio got a burst of energy as he sat up and wrapped each arm around them and squeezed them tight to his chest. “I’m so glad I’m spending the day with my two favorite girls!” (Y/n)’s heart soared at his comment. She felt a blush on her cheeks and scales appeared around her eyes from the heat due to her quirk. “Woah, (Y/n), are you okay? You’ve got scales.” Mirio asked concerned as he brushed some hair behind her ear to see the ruby-like scales.
     “Yeah, it’s just hot out, y’know,” she lied and rubbed away the scales with her hands, they turned back into smooth skin.
     “You’re right! I’ll get some water!” Mirio offered with a smile as he lifted them off the ground as he stood. “You two stay here, I’ll be back!” He said as he jogged off down the path to a nearby vending machine.
     “This kinda looks like a castle,” Eri mumbled as she looked at the playground. Then her face showed a big smile as stars filled her eyes with an idea. “We should play pretend!” She turned around to (Y/n). “I’ll be the princess, Mirio can be the knight, and you’ll be the dragon!” She pointed her finger as she named each role.
     (Y/n) smiled down at her. “That’s a great idea, Eri!” Scales began to cover her body again as she felt her body shift slightly. “Let’s steal you away to the castle, princess!” She said as she wiggled her talons at her. Eri let out a loud squeal as the older girl lifted her up over her shoulder and carried her into the castle. She had placed her on a platform near the slide entrance and walked onto a wobbly bridge that connected to a different slide. Her arms were crossed as she stood in a confident pose while she waited for the ‘knight’ to return.
     Mirio had heard Eri’s squeal and it worried him slightly. He knew (Y/n) was there with her, but he quickly ran back over with the bottles in hand. He slowed to a stop once he noticed (Y/n) was using her quirk and had a menacing aura around her. This worried him as he looked around for Eri and then saw her gripping the bars of a platform, a scared expression on her face. Did a villain show up? Were they hiding around here? 
     “Glad you could make it, knight!” (Y/n) yelled down to him at the path.
     “Huh?” Mirio gave her a confused look.
     “Save me, Sir Knight!” Eri jumped up and down as she tried to speak in an elegant tone.
     It easily clicked in Mirio’s head what was going on. He was the knight that had to save Princess Eri from the fearsome dragon (Y/n). He set the water bottles on a bench and picked up a long branch nearby before he pointed it at the mighty dragon. “I am here to save the Princess Eri, Evil Dragon!” He spoke loudly in a royal tone.
     “What will you do to save her, knight?” (Y/n) replied back in a low tone.
     “I will do anything for the princess’ safety! I will fight you even if it means my death!”
     “Glory and death are not what I want,” (Y/n) began, “I am a dragon, we covet things that humans prize and the princess here is a wonderful jewel to add to my collection!” She gestured to the princess before bringing a hand to rest under her snout in thought. “But perhaps we could make a trade?”
     “A trade?” Mirio’s voice wavered as he listened to her words. That wasn’t how the stories went, right?
     “Yes, a trade, what will you give me in return for releasing the princess?” 
     Eri looked confused as she looked between the two. That wasn’t how the stories went.
     Mirio lowered his sword as he looked deep in thought. What could he trade to a dragon who had everything? He was just a knight, he could hardly offer anything that would be worth more than the princess, not even his own life. His eyes then sparkled as he figured out what to trade. He stabbed his sword into the ground, the dragon and princess confused by his actions, and held his arms open as he stared at the marvelous dragon. “I give you my heart!”
     (Y/n) almost choked as she leaned back slightly as the bridge wobbled, his answer shocked her. “Y-your heart?” She stuttered as she tried to look menacing again.
     “I give you my heart in return for the princess’ freedom!” He held his arms open wider, a genuine smile on his face. (Y/n) stood stunned, she didn’t know what to say. She knew she couldn’t take his words seriously, it was just pretend, but she couldn’t help but imagine him actually saying those words to her out of love. 
     Meanwhile, Eri slid down the slide by herself and triumphantly cheered at her great escape. “I escaped the scary dragon!” She said proudly with fists in the air as she ran toward Mirio.
     “Aw, Eri, I was supposed to save you!” Mirio said disappointed as he crouched to her level.
     “Clearly this princess doesn’t need anyone to save her,” (Y/n) said as she flew herself down beside them before her body returned to its original form.
     Mirio stood up again when Eri ran off to play more, a grin plastered on his face. “I liked the twist you pulled, with the dragon, it was amazing!”
     (Y/n) smiled back. “I liked your answer, that honestly surprised me, I didn’t know what you were gonna say.” She laughed at the end, trying to stave off the ache in her heart.
     “Well, I just spoke from my heart.” He answered honestly with a gentle smile. (Y/n) laughed lightly at his answer, thinking he was making a joke back to the answer he made. She shoved his shoulder playfully. “I’m serious.” He spoke again. Her laughter died down as she looked him in his eyes, his beautiful blue eyes. “I meant it when I said I’d give you my heart.” He grabbed her hand and held it over his chest where his heart beat. She felt how fast it pounded against his chest, she tore her eyes away from their hands and looked back up at him. A small blush dusted his cheeks as he stared at her hopefully, waiting for an answer.
     A blush spread across her cheeks and scales soon followed. “W-w-wait- do you mean- you like me?” She stuttered as she tried to form a complete sentence.
     “Yeah, I do,” he replied instantly, “I’ve liked you for a while now, I wanted to tell you the moment I knew, but I had to make it special somehow and well you created that special moment!” He grinned and chuckled.
     (Y/n) couldn’t stop the smile from spreading on her face, she immediately covered it with her hand when she replied. “I like you too!”
     Mirio removed her hand so he could stare at her beautiful smile. “Don’t hide, you’re pretty,” he said as he cupped his hands around her face. They stared into each other’s eyes again, his eyes drifted down to her lips and hers did the same to his. They sealed the distance with a kiss as she rested her own hands on his neck, her heart sped up, butterflies filled her stomach, a tingle went down her spine, and her leg popped up from the sweetness of it all. It was a long and innocent kiss. 
     When they parted they heard someone screech in the distance. “Eww!” Eri yelled at them from atop a platform. They both looked at her and then hugged each other with a laugh.
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atths--twice · 3 years
A Christmas Wedding
It’s Christmas and the year is nearly over. What better way to end it than with the happiness only a wedding can bring? ❤️
From my Family Series stories. God, how I love writing this series. I love creating this little world in which they have continued on after the series. Creating characters and bringing them together just makes my heart so happy.
Today is Skinner and Rachel’s wedding day and only a small group will gather to celebrate, the world being the way it is at the moment.
Hope you enjoy this story. It’s so sweet and fluffy, it nearly gives me a toothache. ❤️❤️
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December 27, 2020
“Hey, can you help me with this?” Mulder asked. Scully turned around and frowned slightly with a smile, setting down her mascara wand and walking over to him.
“Help you with your tie? Something you’ve done on your own for… Mulder, this tie has little Santa Claus’s on it,” she said, holding it in her hand as he adjusted his collar.
“I know.”
“How did I not know that?”
“Because I didn’t tell you?” he said with a cheeky grin and she shook her head. “Is it straight? Does it look alright?”
“It has Santa Claus’s on it,” she said again and he nodded.
“Hey, if he can wear a tie with alien heads on it to our wedding, then I am wearing one with Santas on it to his.” He raised his eyebrows as he fiddled with the knot of it and she laughed softly as she shook her head again and smoothed down the blue tie with tiny pixelated Santas on it.
“It’s a cute tie. I’m sure he’ll appreciate it.”
“You get married during the holiday, at a Christmas tree farm, you’re getting a Santa tie,” he stated, looking in the mirror at the tie and then at his hair, fixing it with a few swipes of his fingers. “You about ready?”
“Yup. Just gotta finish up here and put on my boots.”
“Those boots, Scully,” he said with a growl, and she smiled as she reached for her discarded mascara wand, pushing in front of him to get to the mirror.
“They’re just boots, Mulder,” she stated, laughing as he wrapped his arms around her waist and nuzzled at her neck.
“Boots that go past your knees,” he murmured, nibbling at her earlobe, causing her to moan. “Such sexy boots.” His hands moved down and she let out a shaky breath, her eyes closing.
“Mulder,” she breathed warningly, his fingers beginning to gather the material of her deep burgundy dress, pulling it up her thighs. “Mulder…”
“Mm-hmm?” he hummed as he kissed the side of her neck, his fingers sliding under the dress. “Wha… tights?” He pulled back and looked down, letting go of her waist and shaking his head.
“Yes, tights,” she laughed, smoothing down her dress and pushing him away gently. “It’s cold and we will be outside for hours. Do you want me to freeze?” She turned and stared at him, his eyes on her legs clad in tights, his expression sad. She cleared her throat and he looked up. Her eyebrows raised, she smiled and he sighed.
“We have to be there in a little over an hour. You’re already dressed. I need to finish getting ready. We still need to get Faith dressed as soon as she’s awake.” She set her mascara wand down again and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Did you really think we had extra time for that?”
“It wouldn’t take too long…” he said, locking his arms around her waist, and she laughed.
“Even after this morning?” she asked, and he moaned.
“This morning was…”
“Mm-hmm…” she hummed, knowing that that morning had been exceptionally good and definitely worth being woken up early.
“It was hours ago,” he whined and she laughed, pulling him down for a kiss and then pushing him away, just as they heard Faith waking up with a yawn and calling for him.
“There, see? Your daughter is calling. You go get her ready, let me finish doing the same.” He stared at her and she stepped closer, Faith calling for him or Bella. Scully smiled as she ran her hands down his chest.
“Let me get ready- finish up with my hair and makeup and put on my boots.” He groaned and she smiled. “Then later, you can help me take them off.” She kissed him softly and slowly, knowing it drove him crazy. “The zipper is really long. It could take awhile.”
“Scully,” he moaned, kissing her deeply, his hands on her ass.
“Dada! Help! Help me!” Faith yelled, and Scully laughed against his mouth.
“You better go,” she said, kissing him once more and stepping back, pushing him toward the doorway. “Her dress is laying on the changing table, plus her tights, and the onesie for under. You get her dressed, bring her in here and I’ll fix her hair.”
“Mmm… yeah. I’m going, but I’m gonna hold you to that promise.”
“Hold me to that and a lot more later,” she said to his retreating back, smiling when his step faltered. Shaking his head, not turning around, he mumbled something under his breath and walked out of the bedroom.
Turning back to the mirror, she smiled as she picked up the mascara wand again, and put it into the tube, freshening up the mascara and applying it to her eyes.
Looking in the mirror, she saw Grey sitting on the counter by the tub licking her paw and wiping her face, and she smiled. Closing up the mascara, she traded it for her eyeliner and lightly lined the top and bottom lids, a little darker than usual, especially recently, but she liked it.
“You happy you don’t have to worry about this, girl?” she asked, turning to look at Grey, who paused in her cleaning, raising her blue eyes to Scully’s and blinking before shaking her head and resuming her wash up. Scully laughed quietly and turned around again, picking up her lipstick.
“Mama?” Faith called, walking into the bathroom, and grabbing onto Scully’s leg. “Hi, Mama.” Scully set her lipstick down and picked Faith up, squeezing her tightly.
“Hello, love. You ready to go see Uncle Walter and Auntie Rachel?” She kissed her temple, breathing in her warm sleepy scent.
“Hi, Grey! Mama down. See Grey.” Scully laughed as she set her down and picked up her lipstick again, applying it quickly and placing it back into her makeup bag.
Reaching to let her hair out of the ponytail she had placed it in to apply her makeup, Mulder stopped her as he walked into the bathroom.
“What are you doing?” he asked, and she turned toward him. “Leave it up.”
“Really? Why?” She glanced in the mirror at her rather messy ponytail and looked back at him. “It’s not what I had planned.”
“I like it like that,” he said, coming closer and tucking a stray piece behind her ear. “Feels like you’re going to tell me about the results of an autopsy.” He smiled, his thumb stroking her cheek and she chuckled.
“Will you be able to handle a ponytail and the boots?” she said with a smirk and he narrowed his eyes before kissing her softly.
“I’ll take my chances.” He kissed her again and then swooped Faith up, kissing her cheeks as she laughed and Scully redid her hair, creating a smoother ponytail.
Picking up the basket of Faith’s hair stuff, Mulder set her on their bed, as Scully gave her a toy kept for these moments, and began to brush her hair. With deft fingers, she had her hair divided down the middle and separated into two french braids, continuing into regular braids. Bringing them together, she added a red ribbon clip and gently brushed the unbraided bit of hair.
“There, all done. Good girl. You want to see?”
“Yes, Mama. See.”
She handed her the handheld mirror from the basket and Faith looked at herself with a smile.
“Ohhh. Pitee. So pitee.” She looked at Scully and smiled. “Mama pitee. See, Mama? Pitee.” Scully looked in the mirror with her and nodded.
“We are pretty. And smart and kind. You ready?”
“Yes.” Faith handed the mirror back and turned onto her stomach to slide down the bed. Mulder caught her and lifted her before her feet hit the floor.
“You look beautiful, Faith Mulder. It always amazes me how you do the braids so quickly.” He shook his head as he looked at Faith’s hair and then at Scully. She smiled as she put the stuff back into the basket.
“Surgeons hands,” she said, wiggling her fingers. “Gotta be quick and sure.” She stood up as he laughed and made faces at Faith. “Will you let Bella out one more time and get her shoes on?”
“Bella’s?” he asked cheekily and she smacked him playfully.
“Obviously not,” she answered and rolled her eyes. “I meant Faith’s. I’ll get my boots on and meet you downstairs.” He groaned and nodded, turning toward the door.
“Best to be out of the room when you put those on. Come on, Faithy my love, let’s go downstairs.”
“Grey! Come, Grey!” Faith called and Grey bounded after them with a little chirpy meow. Scully laughed as she put the basket of hair stuff away and walked to the closet, taking out her boots.
Smiling as she sat on the bed and put them on, she had to admit they were rather sexy boots. Something about the height of them, the feel of them around her knees, made her feel sexy.
We’re in for some fun later, she thought, zipping up the last boot and standing up, smoothing down her new dress, loving the length as it just skimmed the tops of the boots. Taking a deep breath, she glanced at the bed with a smile.
“Later,” she promised quietly, turning out the lights and walking out of the room.
Walking down the stairs, she smiled as she looked at Faith. The little black shoes were perfect with the dress Rachel had picked out, sending ideas to Scully and asking for her opinion, as Faith was to be the flower girl at the very intimate wedding.
The dress had a white soft sweater on top, with white embroidered swirled roses. A red satin ribbon was around the waist, the sweater poking through over a full red flowing skirt. White tights, black shoes, and her hair braided… she looked absolutely adorable.
“Okay… everyone ready? Bella in?”
“Not yet. I’m just grabbing her some snacks and her cup.”
“For Bella?” Scully asked, echoing his question and smiling at him as he looked up from loading the backpack.
“Smart ass,” he said under his breath and she laughed. His eyes fell to her shoes and he shook his head, muttering something she did not catch. Choosing to let it go for now, she began to gather their coats.
Turning around, she smiled as she watched him stop by the gift she had given him for Christmas, a small clear jar with a lid shaped like a UFO . He scooped out a handful of sunflower seeds, and dropped it in his suit jacket pocket, replacing the lid and finishing his task of readying the backpack with items for Faith.
“Ready,” he said, zipping up the backpack and smiling at her. She nodded and they headed toward the door.
Bella brought back inside and treats given to both animals, they set off for the wedding. Faith was holding the grey striped stuffed cat she had gotten for Christmas, feeding it with her toy baby bottle. Smiling as she turned around, Scully sighed happily.
“I really hope that cat stays away from the tree while we’re gone,” Mulder said quietly and Scully laughed, thinking about Grey’s interest in the tree from the minute they put it up.
She had been under the tree, pawing at it and at Mulder, as he had pushed the screws into the trunk of the tree, tightening them to secure it in the stand.
“Get away, Grey,” had been a comment said many times over the past few weeks. She had been moved, chased, and threatened with no treats, if she did not get down and leave the tree alone. Ornaments were found on the floor in the morning, even one shiny gold one being left in Mulder’s slipper.
Bella had been interested in it too, but not like Grey had been; batting at the lower ornaments until they had moved them up. Though there had still been the occasional one on the floor the next morning, nothing had been broken, thankfully.
Mulder had woken Scully up early on Christmas, so they could have their own time together before Faith woke up, just like the previous two years. They had sat drinking coffee, with generous amounts of Irish cream, and exchanging gifts. Both had been in stitches as flamingos seemed to be the theme of the holiday, with her giving him red and green lawn flamingos wearing Santa hats and him giving her flamingo pajama pants with a long sleeved black top.
They had also helped Faith make flamingo crafts, separately and without the other knowing. Mulder had created a clear hanging ornament with Faith’s handprints in pink paint which were turned into flamingos, the date written on the bottom. Scully had done something similar, but the handprints were on a large glass picture frame. It created a border around a picture of them taken on one of their many hikes, all of them squished tightly together and smiling happily.
Once Faith had woken up, the morning had gone by in a flash. Wrapping paper had been strewn around the room as Faith ripped open her gifts, leaving the paper and trying to unbox whatever was inside. She had received a baby stroller, cradle, and bag of items to care for her baby doll. Also, a happy, smiling plush set of the solar system, a rocket ship, an alien, a star and a cloud. Mulder had lined them up and began to tell her about each planet when she grabbed Mars, put it in the baby stroller, and walked away.
“So that’s how it is,” he had said as Scully laughed. He had sighed and she rubbed his back gently.
After eating breakfast later than usual, Scully had put away the dishes as she listened to Mulder and Faith playing ‘baby,’ a game of which she recently could not get enough. It involved them pretending to be the baby and Faith would be the one taking care of them. She would bring them toys or a blanket, and rub their faces and heads as she shushed them softly.
It was the cutest goddamn thing and Mulder especially loved to play it with her, his smile one of Scully’s favorites as he stared lovingly at Faith.
The last dish put away, she had walked over to the couch where Mulder was sprawled, Mercury, Saturn, and a toy baby bottle beside him. His eyes closed, a hint of a smile on his face, she had knocked his knee with hers and his eyes had flown open. “Scooch over,” she had said and he grinned, scooting back on the couch as she picked up the planets and the bottle, handing them to Faith. "Here, baby.” “Tank you, Mama,” Faith had said, putting them in the stroller with a nod and pushing it past them. Scully had laid down beside Mulder, cuddling in close, their limbs entwined. She had breathed him in as he kissed her head and they both sighed happily, yet tiredly.
“I’d say she’s had a good Christmas,” he had said softly, his fingers massaging her scalp. She nodded against his neck, her eyes closed with a smile as she listened to Faith doing laps around the couch, the wheels of the little stroller running along the hardwood floors.
Denis and Violet had come over later that afternoon for drinks and cookies on the porch. Denis brought Faith a set of wooden animals he had been working on all summer. Every one of them was painted and not at all according to the true color of the animal. There was a pink elephant with purple polka dots, a black tiger with pink stripes, an orange cow with tiny teal flowers, a purple whale with a white underbelly, a light red rabbit with green hearts, a pale yellow panda with pink ears and paws, and a dark blue hippopotamus with blue eyes and light green feet.
Faith had loved them, carrying them around and setting them down on the porch, talking to them as the adults drank spiked eggnog and ate deliciously rich cream cheese cutout Christmas cookies.
Now, they were on their way back to the Christmas tree farm, two days after Christmas, for a winter evening wedding surrounded by the wonderful scent of pine trees.
Scully smiled, as she crossed her legs and she heard Mulder growl as her dress slipped past her knees, exposing the black tights she wore under her dress.
“You’re going to have to rein it in when we get there. No more growling.”
“I make no promises.” She laughed and reached for his hand, squeezing it and resting their joined hands on the middle console.
Pulling into the tree farm about thirty  minutes later, they got out and put on their coats and masks, Scully laughing at the one Mulder had chosen. Faith stood in the back of the car as Scully put on her coat, buttoning it and shaking her head. She looked back at Mulder and he pumped his eyebrows.
The mask he wore was black and had a red and blue spaceship on it. Santa was highlighted under the yellow light of the tractor beam as he pulled up a Christmas tree.
“Mulder…” she said, trying to appear stern, but giggling at the thought of Skinner’s face when he saw it.
“What? It’s cute, right? You like it, right Faithy?” He got closer to her and she touched his face, smiling up at him.
“Santa. Santa a.. and a tree. And flying. See? Flying.” She touched the spaceship and Scully grinned, watching Mulder’s eyes crinkle, knowing he was smiling under his mask.
“Yes, it’s a flying saucer. A spaceship. One day I will tell you all about them.” He picked her up and squeezed her tightly before setting her back down and looking at Scully. “Don’t worry, this is just for effect. I have a plain black one in my pocket for the ceremony.”
“Smart man.”
“Just a little.”
“Sexy too.”
“Hey now… we had a deal.”
“I am under no obligations, nor did I agree to any such deal.” He stared at her as she smiled at him with her eyes and he shook his head.
“Dada. Down. Me down.” He glanced at Faith and stared Scully down as he lifted Faith from the car and held her to his chest.
“Best behavior from here on out…” he said, and she stared back, grabbing the backpack and closing the door. Pretending to give it a think, she looked down and then up at him. Nodding her head, he turned to head through the white wooden gate.
“No,” she said, just loud enough for him to hear and he turned around, his eyebrows up.
“No. I can’t make that promise while I’m wearing these boots.” She walked past him and heard his sharp intake of breath, smiling as she continued on, knowing his eyes were on her shoes.
“Dada, go. Get Mama,” Faith said and Scully chuckled, turning around to find him standing in the same spot.
“Oh… I will,” he said, walking toward Scully, his eyes dark. “I definitely will.” She hooked her arm through his and laughed as he growled low and said her name, her head leaning against his shoulder.
“Ohhh. So pitee,” Faith said and Scully smiled as she nodded in agreement. It was pretty.
White fairy lights were strung up in a cleared area, a handful of white folding chairs sat under them, staggered and spaced far apart. Six tall portable heaters were placed along the outside of the chairs and the area felt much warmer.
A large dark wooden archway, with white fairy lights and burgundy and white sheer colored drapes wrapped tastefully upon it, was at the end of a long burgundy aisle runner. Two long tables were set close to the building, deep burgundy tablecloths with silver runners covering them.
“Wow… what a difference than when we were here a couple of weeks ago,” Mulder  said and she nodded.
“It looks perfect. Christmasy, but not overly so. It’s beautiful.” Scully smiled and nodded at Betty, who had just come around the corner in a long sleeved emerald green dress, a white apron covering it as she carried a basket.
“Here, let me help you,” Mulder said, handing Faith to Scully and stepping toward her.
“Oh, so kind of you, Fox. I’ve got it, but there are two more just inside the door if you could grab those. They’re blankets, just in case the heaters aren’t enough.” He nodded and headed to the small building to grab the other baskets.
“Hello to you two,” she said, setting down the basket and coming over to Scully and Faith, though she kept her distance. “Don’t you look so pretty, little one.”
“Pitee,” Faith agreed, pointing at the lights above them. “So pitee.” Betty’s eyes crinkled behind her glasses, her smile unseen beneath her mask which matched her dress.
“Thank you, I’m happy you like it,” Betty said, lacing her fingers together, her hands down. “It’s so hard for me to not want to take her from you and squeeze her. It’s all I want to do.”
“I know. I would feel the same if it was me.” Scully held Faith closer and Betty smiled again.
“We have a tent set up for each of them and Rachel asked me to send you over when you arrived. It’s just past the building on the right hand side,” Betty said as Mulder returned with the baskets. “I’ll send Fox over to Walter when he’s done here.”
“Okay,” Scully said, nodding at them and winking at Mulder as she passed.
“Bye, Dada! Bye!” Faith yelled as they walked away and he waved with a laugh.
Pushing open the door to the tent, Scully set Faith and the backpack down and took off their coats, the room warm. Rachel’s laughter came from behind a white curtain and then she was walking from behind it and both Scully and Faith gasped.
“Oh, Raycho. So pitee.” Faith hurried towards her and Rachel bent to pick her up, laughing behind her burgundy mask as she stood up.
“I think you look so pretty, Miss Faith,” she said, hugging her close. She caught Scully’s eye, her own shining. “The dress is perfect. She looks so adorable it makes me ache.” Scully laughed and shook her head.
“Rachel… you look so beautiful.” Rachel dropped her eyes and then looked back at Scully.
“Thank you.”
Her dress was white with thin long sleeves. There was a wide burgundy silk sash around her waist, the ends of it crisscrossed at her back and cascaded down the dress. At the bottom of it, a wide band of burgundy skimmed the tops of her heels in the same color.
Her hair, which had teal colored highlights in it since Scully had met her over two years ago, now had burgundy scattered throughout, and it fell in loose curls down her shoulders.
She was mesmerizing.
“That dress is beautiful and I could not imagine anyone aside from you who could wear it so well. And your hair…” Scully shook her head and smiled. “I love it.”
“I was going to have it be just brown now, no more of the blue hair, but Walter said he didn’t like that idea. He said part of what drew him to me was the blue in my hair. That it was something he would have found silly on anyone else, but on me it was beautiful.” She said it as she looked at Faith, touching the soft sweater of the top of the dress she wore, not meeting Scully’s eyes. Scully grinned and shook her head again.
“I agree, though my statement is not as disgustingly romantic as his,” she teased, and Rachel looked at her. Scully laughed and she joined in, Faith gently touching the small diamond drop earrings she wore.
Putting Faith down, Rachel looked at Scully with a shake of her head.
“Is it weird that I’m nervous? I mean, we drove here together, from the residence we share. What do I have to be nervous about?” Scully laughed softly as she stepped closer to Rachel and took her hands in her own.
“It’s not weird at all. I felt the same way when Mulder and I got married, and not only had we driven to the church together from the home we share, but…” She gestured to Faith, who was touching the bottom of Rachel’s dress and the tips of her shoes. They both laughed and then Rachel sighed.
“My stomach is so nervous, I’ve barely eaten anything the past couple of days. I’ve felt that excited first day of school, going to Disneyland, first kiss, kind of feeling and it would wash over me and I…” She put a hand on her stomach and one at her throat. “I never thought I would be here, getting married. I’d… I’d given up on that as something for me. And now…” Her eyes filled with tears and she shook her head as she smiled. “I’m so happy, Dana.”
“I know you are. I can see it in your eyes.” She rubbed Rachel’s arm and smiled at her. “Now, no more crying or you’ll ruin your makeup.” They both laughed and Rachel nodded, dabbing under her eyes.
The next twenty minutes were a flurry of activity. Scully was introduced to Rachel’s mother Vivian and her friend Leann, who buzzed about getting the last minute preparations done. Betty came in with little snacks and cups of tea with straws to avoid any spills, bringing everyone to a standstill and creating a much needed sense of calm.
Faith was given a small basket and shown how to drop flowers on the ground, but no one really expected it to go according to plan, seeing as she was barely two years old. Rachel shrugged with a smile, beyond caring about anything aside from marrying the man she loved.
Scully left Faith under Betty’s watchful eye and picked up her coat, walking back out into the cold. Making a split second decision, she walked over to the tent Skinner was using.
“Hello?” she said, loud enough to be heard as there was no door on which to knock.
“Come in,” came Skinner’s reply and she stepped inside with a smile. Mulder was not there, only Skinner standing rather nervously in the middle of the room.
“Well, look at you,” she said, shaking her head and walking closer, embracing him quickly.
“God, Dana…” he said, shaking his head with a sigh. “Why in the hell am I nervous?” Scully laughed and squeezed his hands.
“I’d say it’s more excitement than being nervous.” He nodded and she smiled. “You know it’s not too late. We could make a run for it.” He looked at her and laughed, remembering his words to her on her wedding day. He squeezed her hands and then let go of them.
“Far too late for that,” he whispered, and she patted his cheek. “Besides, I think your husband would have something to say about that.”
“About what?” Mulder asked from behind her. She turned around and laughed softly, stepping towards him.
“Nothing. Just wanted to see how well you both clean up. Oh, I like this.” She touched the boutonnière on his lapel, a winter one with small pine cones, holly, and sprigs of cedar all tied together with red twine. “It’s pretty and yet it smells very manly.”
“Shut up. Get outta here, woman.” He smacked her lightly on the ass and she laughed.
“Glad to see you changed your mask,” she said, pulling hers down and lifting his up to kiss him quickly, before fixing both of them. “See you out there.” She waved at Skinner and started humming “These Boots Are Made For Walkin’” as she caught Mulder’s eye. He growled quietly at her and she laughed as she walked out of the tent and made her way to her seat.
Music was playing softly as she sat down and took a deep breath, smiling happily. Within minutes, Skinner and Mulder walked out and stood in the archway, a few feet apart, the pastor behind them. Mulder winked at her and she winked back, watching Skinner taking deep breaths and fiddling with his jacket.
Howard and Betty came out and sat down, both of them exuding happiness. Vivian walked down the aisle and sat in the chair in front of Scully. She nodded at Skinner, and turned to look back down the aisle.
Scully turned and smiled as she saw Faith walking toward them, holding her basket in her hands. She was staring into it as she grabbed a handful of the white rose petals, and then tossed them onto the red runner. Everyone chuckled as she looked up at them with a huge grin.
“Mama!” she said, seeing Scully sitting there. “See? Pie coh!” She reached in the basket again and took out a small pine cone, holding it up for Scully to see. “A pie coh!”
Everyone laughed harder as she put it back and took out the flower petals, tossing more onto the runner. When she reached in again, it was empty and she looked up at Mulder.
“Uh oh, Dada. All gone.” She showed him and he nodded.
“It’s okay, love,” he said and she looked in the basket again.
“Come on, honey,” Scully said softly, standing up and pulling Faith back, setting her onto her lap.
Leann came out next and then everyone stood up as Rachel walked to the end of the walkway and paused. She had taken her mask off and her smile was radiant. Taking a step with her bouquet in hand, similar to the boutonnieres the men wore, she continued down the aisle, her eyes only on Skinner. He had taken off his own mask and his smile matched hers, their happiness undeniable.
As they all sat back down, Faith playing with her pine cone as she sat on Scully’s lap, the pastor began to speak, but Scully found her mind wandering to her own wedding day and how happy she had been. She glanced at Mulder and his eyes locked onto hers, a silent conversation taking place. He looked away and down, and even with his mask on, she could see his smile.
“Walter and Rachel have a few things they wanted to share. Rachel would you like to go first?” the pastor asked and she nodded, wiping at her eyes before taking Skinner’s hands.
“I’ve always wanted to be married. To have a family. I thought… thought that was the pinnacle. But then… life doesn’t always work out the way we’ve planned or imagined. I… it didn’t happen.” She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Not until I met you.” She wiped at her eyes again and Mulder handed her a tissue. She smiled through her tears as she used it.
“It feels cliché to say that, but it’s the truth,” she continued and Skinner smiled at her. “But from the second I met you, I felt it. There was something different. You were… everything I wanted and had no idea I did. I’ve loved you for so long, it feels impossible, but it’s true. That’s all that matters to me. I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” She shrugged and everyone sniffled, Harold asking Betty for a damn tissue, causing everyone to laugh through their tears.
“Walter?” the pastor asked, still chuckling.
“Right,” he said quietly, clearing his throat. “I was married before- years ago. I loved her and it was good until it wasn’t. I was on my own for a long time. Work was my focus and that was fulfilling enough. But…” He shook his head and smiled at her. “I cannot deny that I was incredibly lonely. Coming home to an empty apartment… it was not what I had wanted.” Rachel dabbed at her eyes again and took a deep breath.
“The last few years, that loneliness became greater and I know it made me grumpier-” Mulder snorted beside him and Skinner turned to look at him with a glare. Everyone chuckled again and Mulder put his hands up in apology. “As I was saying…” Rachel laughed and shook her head. “When I met you, you terrified me. You were so sure of yourself and my… game, for lack of a better word, was off. I…”
“Took forever to call me,” she cut in, finishing his sentence.
“Yes, I did. I was an idiot.”
“Hmm,” she said with a shrug and everyone laughed again.
“I was scared, feeling I was too old and not what you truly wanted. But…” He grinned and she raised her eyebrows. “I shouldn’t have worried.”
“No, you shouldn’t have,” she whispered and he nodded.
“This past year… it’s been-”
“Shitty,” Rachel stated. “Completely shitty.” Skinner glanced quickly at the pastor and he nodded in agreement.
“Amen,” he said, and everyone laughed harder than before.
“It’s been a shitty year,” Skinner agreed with a grin. “But the bright spot in all of it has been you. Rachel, I never would have made it through this year without you. Cut off, keeping my distance from people… it would’ve… I don’t want to imagine how my life would have been without you, in any capacity, but especially this past year.” Rachel took another tissue offered by Mulder and wiped at her eyes and nose, shaking her head as she let out a deep breath.
“It might seem like it’s soon to get married so quickly after only just becoming engaged, but… this year being as shitty as it was… it was made livable, bearable, and survivable because of you. 2020 may be a year we look back on with disdain, but it was the year I fell in love with you and knew beyond a doubt that a life without you was not one I wanted, so it had to be the year we got married.”
“Walter,” she whispered and held his face in her hands, kissing him softly.
“Don’t remember reaching that part of the wedding yet,” the pastor teased and everyone laughed, Rachel pulling back smiling, her cheeks flushed.
Scully wiped her eyes as she smiled, her heart full of happiness. She thought of all the times Skinner had protected her, put himself on the line for both of them, but mostly her. How he was there for her when Mulder was missing, caring for her and making sure she was alright. She thought of how he had grumbled at first about holding William, but the look on his face when William had settled and gone to sleep had been priceless.
As Faith shifted on her lap, Scully thought of how much he cared for Faith, how much they both did, seeking her out and spending much of their time playing with her when they saw one another.
Scully wiped her eyes again, sending up a prayer that they would have the opportunity to be parents, however it happened for them. Everyone cheered and Scully realized she had missed the ring exchange, but saw them kissing as the pastor pronounced them married. She cried and wiped her eyes as she cheered and Faith clapped, her pine cone in her lap.
Skinner and Rachel walked down the aisle and try as she might to hold her back, Faith wiggled from Scully’s grasp and ran after them, calling for her “Unco.” Skinner turned around and quickly put his mask on, before he scooped her up, laughing happily as he held her close, Rachel grinning at both of them.
Everyone began to move around when Mulder walked over to Scully, putting out her hand to help her up. She grinned and took off her mask and he did the same, his lips on hers before she could say a word. She hummed and kissed him, hoping to put all she had been feeling during the wedding into her kiss.
“I love you,” he whispered, as he pulled her close. “I want you to know that.”
“Of course I know that,” she whispered back, her arms around his neck. “I’ve always known.” He pulled back and stared at her, his expression serious. She frowned, confused by it.
“I know. But, Scully.” He cupped her cheek and she raised her eyebrows. “Sometimes I feel like I don’t say it enough and I want you to hear it. You have bewitched me body and soul…” 
“Don’t you…” she warned, their recent viewing of Pride and Prejudice fresh in her mind; especially the way he had repeated that line to her before she had climbed into his lap and they had made out on the couch, his touch, as always, making her weak with desire. 
“And I love, I love, I love you.”
“Oh… Mulder,” she whispered, pulling him close, her tongue sliding into his mouth as everyone milled about them. “God, I love you so much.” She kissed him once more and they separated, both of them breathing hard.
“Come on now, it’s not your wedding, Jesus Christ,” Skinner growled and Scully laughed as she turned to him. He rolled his eyes, Faith grinning at them as he held her in his arms, her small pine cone in her hands.
“So sorry, Sir,” she teased and he stared at her with narrowed eyes.
“I’ve seen enough of you two kissing to last a lifetime,” he grumbled and they both laughed.
“Unco… see pie coh?” She showed it to him and he nodded, his eyes crinkling with a smile. Scully reached out for her and he scoffed, walking away holding Faith as she waved at them with a grin. Mulder laughed and they followed him to the tables.
Over the next couple of hours, they ate, talked, and laughed. Skinner and Rachel took to the small dance floor, dancing to a song Scully had never heard, but was so beautiful it made her cry. Mulder stood up and took her hand, bringing both her and Faith to join in the dancing, laughing as they spun around.
Goodbyes were said as they left, holding a half asleep Faith, her pine cone still held lovingly in her hands. They hugged Rachel and Skinner, wishing them well and making plans to see each other soon.
They drove home, both of them quiet and happy. Mulder reached for her hand, his thumb running slowly over and over the top of her hand, the simple gesture making her heart race.
“I’ll get her,” he said a bit later as they pulled up to the house. Looking back, they both smiled at Faith sleeping with her mouth open and holding onto the pine cone. “Glad you changed her into pajamas before we left.”
“You married a smart woman.”
“Don’t I know it.” He leaned in and kissed her, her hands holding his face. “My heart is, and always will be, yours.” She groaned and kissed him again, her fingernails scratching softly along his cheeks.
“You… you better get our daughter inside,” she whispered between kisses, pulling back when she began to feel dizzy with desire. “God, Mulder.”
“Hmm…” he agreed, kissing her once more and leaning back with a smile. She shivered and shook her head.
“Using Jane Austen movies against me…” she said, opening the door as she shook her head. 
"More like in my favor," he said softly as they each opened a back door on opposite sides of the car. She smiled with an eyebrow raised, glancing at him as she took out the backpack and the plate of extra wedding cake. He took Faith from her car seat and carried her to the door, handing Scully the keys to open it. 
As he took Faith upstairs, Scully let Bella out and pet Grey, scratching her under the chin as she put away the cake and Faith’s items from the backpack. 
She heard Faith crying as she opened the door to let Bella back inside and then listened to Mulder singing softly, Faith's cries beginning to subside as she calmed down. Smiling as she locked up, Scully said goodnight to the animals, turned out the lights, and closed the gate at the bottom of the stairs as she went up to bed.
Washing her face in the bathroom and taking her hair from the ponytail, she grinned at her reflection. Quickly, she took off her dress and threw it in the hamper, her boots, tights, and underwear followed. Taking a sexier bra and a pair of underwear from her drawer, she brought them and her boots into the bathroom. Changing quickly, she brushed her teeth, smiling as she glanced down at the song she had downloaded onto her phone. Leaving the bathroom door halfway closed, she waited behind it until she heard Mulder walking in and closing their bedroom door. 
And then she pressed play, her boot clad leg hooked onto the bathroom door.
“Well, I finally got her to sleep and… what…?”
You keep sayin' you got somethin' for me Somethin' you call love but confess You've been a'messin' where you shouldn't've been a'messin' And now someone else is getting all your best
She stepped out and sang along as she stalked towards him, her heels loud on the hardwood, as his mouth dropped open at the sight of her.
These boots are made for walkin' And that's just what they'll do One of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you
Her fingernails ran down his chest, gripping onto his waistband as he stared and made incoherent noises.
She turned around before he could touch her and by the growling sound he made, she knew he had seen exactly which underwear she was wearing: the rather plain looking black ones that were actually a thong, her ass on full display.
She shimmied, not turning around as she sang the next part of the song, listening to his clothes beginning to land somewhere in the room.
You keep lyin' when you oughta be truthin' And you keep losing when you oughta not bet You keep samin' when you oughta be a'changin' Now what's right is right but you ain't been right yet
She bent at the waist to touch the zip on her boot, his low groan causing her to smile.
These boots are made for walkin' And that's just what they'll do One of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you
“Oh, Scully… Jesus Christ,” he breathed as she turned around and found him half dressed, his remaining clothes askew, his erection prominent in his underwear.
She walked towards him, reaching for his tie and tugging it, pulling him to the edge of the bed. Spinning them, he sat down with a grunt, his eyes on hers as she stood between his legs, his hands on her hips.
You keep playin' where you shouldn't be playin' And you keep thinkin' that you'll never get burnt (ha) I just found me a brand new box of matches (yeah) And what he knows you ain't had time to learn
“Oh, fuck,” he murmured as she began pulling his tie loose and tossed it onto the floor. His hands slid down her ass, pulling her closer to him, her breasts in his face. Her hands went to his hair and held his mouth at her chest, his breath warm and moist.
These boots are made for walkin' And that's just what they'll do One of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you
“Who knew this song could be so sexy?” he asked as it ended and he latched onto a nipple through her bra.
“Hmm…” she hummed with a moan, his hands kneading her ass.
Clothes were scattered and as she lay on her back at the edge of the bed with her foot on his chest, he started to unzip her boot, but then paused with a grin. She stared at him as he brought her other leg up to join its mate and she wrapped them around his waist.
“So fucking sexy,” he breathed as he pushed into her, completely naked aside from the boots she wore, and she moaned.
He bent over her, whispering how amazing she felt and how much he loved her boots, the heels of which were now pushing into his ass. Her nails scraped his back, his breath sucking through his teeth at the sensation.
“Oh, that feels so good,” she breathed, digging her nails in harder as he hit the spot that made her toes curl and his name fall repeatedly from her lips. The bed creaked as they set a harsh rhythm, both aching for their release.
“Gotta… fix… that…creak...” he panted, pounding into her, her hands on his muscular upper arms, nails digging into flesh, knowing she was leaving a mark he would show her tomorrow, his eyes dark with lust and his kiss bruising.
“Don’t stop,” she begged and he nipped at her neck as he bent close, his mouth moving to her ear, his teeth biting her lobe. She cried out as she came, shuddering around him.
He groaned, stilling inside of her as she shook and her legs trembled, moaning as she tried to catch her breath. When she too had stilled, he kissed her, pulling out and sliding back in, hissing as he did.
“Scully,” he breathed into her neck and she arched into him, her body feeling like liquid heat.
A few more thrusts and he came, her name breathed repeatedly as she pulled him even closer and he collapsed on top of her, both of them out of breath, her hands running up and down his back.
“God,” he said with a soft chuckle. “I’ll never be able to hear that song again and not think about you walking out of the bathroom. I nearly had a heart attack.”
“No. I knew your heart could take it. I mean I was completely nude this morning and you were just fine.”
“It’s these boots, Scully. They are just… hot as hell.” He reached back and ran a hand down her leg, his fingers sliding into the tops of her boots. “So goddamn hot.” She laughed quietly and soon he was moving and pulling her up with him.
He kissed the tops of her knees as he unzipped the boots and took them off of her. Pulling her once again, he brought her into the bathroom where he turned on the shower and she grinned.
Falling into bed a bit later, their bodies warm, pink, and nude, they cuddled close together under the covers, both of them yawning tiredly.
“You have bewitched me, body and soul,” he murmured once again and she hummed. “And I love, I love, I love you.”
“And I am completely, perfectly, and incandescently happy,” she whispered, kissing his throat and burrowing closer, his fingers trailing lightly across her back, as he hummed a chuckle, and hitched his leg up higher.
A soft rain began to fall, hitting the windows at a steady beat. Together they took a deep breath and within minutes they were asleep, held close by the one they loved most, both of them perfectly and disgustingly happy.
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krreader · 4 years
the wrong victim | chapter 4.
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pairing: jeon jeongguk x reader fandom: bts ; mentions of exo warnings: gang!au ; non idol!au ; language ; blood genre: angst ; fluff word count: 2.3k+ previous: 1 ; 2 ; 3
summary: in which jeongguk accidentally kidnaps the wrong person and begs you to play the part of the one he actually had to kidnap, just so he could become a member of the famous Bangtan Boys. And, well, you were always a sucker for boys with a tragic past.
a/n: I can’t believe it took me nearly two years to update this, I am so fucking sorry, but writing a new part now made me realize how much my writing style developed over the years and I am pleasantly surprised tbh. anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this ♥
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“How is he?” everyone got up when Jin finally walked out with bloody hands that he wiped on a cloth, then brushing the sweat off his forehead with his arm.
“He's stronger than you all give him credit for. He's going to make it.”
Everyone in the room let out a relieved sigh, you plopping back down on the couch and brushing your hands through your hair, shutting your eyes so tight that you began to see stars.
What the hell were you doing?
You just got into a fight and shot someone - that deserved it -, to save the guy that kidnapped you, then afterwards, promising to stay with that same guy, just because you were afraid that it might be the last thing that he'd ever hear.
This was getting out of hand and what started as an action made out of the kindness off your heart had put you in a position that you didn't know how to get out of anymore and that scared you. And not just that, but you weren’t feeling guilty for what you had done. It was like... it had come natural to you. And that surely wasn’t a feeling you should be feeling after having hurt someone.
“By the way,” Jin looked at you, waiting for you to do the same, “He's asking for you. Might be nice for him to see his girl.”
Taehyung started laughing, Yoongi whistled, while the rest just smirked.
You didn't give any of them much attention, simply did what Jin had asked and walked into the room.
He had shut the blinds, one lamp in the corner of the room illuminated it only so much that you could see where you were going and where he was.
He was awake, but his eyelids were heavy. Though, despite all this, he smiled when he saw you.
“Don't you fucking hey, me,” you said angrily, “What the hell were you thinking? These guys were ten times taller than you and you just walk in and get yourself nearly killed?”
Jeongguk blinked at you a few times, then he chuckled, though quickly stopping and furrowing his eyebrows when that hurt his body, “You were worried.”
“Worried for my sake,” you lied, though at that time, you still told yourself that it was the truth and that you were worried merely for selfish purposes, “If you had died, it would be ten times harder to get away from here. And while we're having this discussion..-”
“You said you'd stay,” he interrupted you straight away, looking at you with wide eyes, almost disappointed already that you were thinking about breaking your promise.
“Listen to me,” you let out a heavy sigh and sat down on the bed next to him, “I don't know what kind of fucked up fantasy you have began to develop in your mind about me and you being in this criminal relationship..-”
“..-it's not about that..-”
“..- but it won't happen,” you crossed your arms in front of your chest, trying to act serious for his, but also your sake. It was like you had to tell him, but also yourself, “I said that because I didn't know whether or not you were going to make it. This has gone way too far and you know it,” you shook your head, “You got what you wanted, you're part of this wonderful gang that will definitely get you killed one day. I helped you, now you help me get out of here and get back to my boring life that I miss.”
“But do you actually?” he asked, then carefully sat up when you didn’t reply right away, “Because part of me thought you were actually beginning to enjoy this.”
You snorted, “Don’t flatter yourself.”
But this was the problem, wasn’t it? He could see right through you, despite not knowing you for that long. 
It’s not a life that you ever thought would suit you, but maybe..-
Before you could think about this much further, the door got opened and the rest of his members walked in.
“You two done fucking?”
“I hope that's not what you did, that's surely going to open up the stitches,” Jin said disapprovingly.
You simply gave Jeongguk one last look, then got up and walked out, leaving them alone with him.
“Oh, oh.. trouble in paradise?” Jimin sat down where you had just sat, “Is she mad that you nearly got killed?”
“Yeah.. something like that.”
“By the way, who is (Y/N)?” Hoseok asked with a cocked head, “It's what you called her back at the scene.”
Yeah, of course they wouldn't let that go.
“It's just a nickname,” Jeongguk lied as he shrugged.
“That's... a weird nickname, because it sounds like a normal name.”
“Why is that weird? You guys all picked western names too,” Taehyung crossed his arms in front of his chest, “She's just like the rest of us, so I don't see an issue.”
Taehyung would always come to his rescue and Jeongguk gave him a grateful smile for that.
“Yeah.. like us,” Namjoon repeated as he watched you sit down at the couch outside of Jeongguk’s room with a smile. A proud smile, “Maybe we were wrong about her after all.”
“Whatever. Right now, Jeongguk needs to rest,” Jimin smiled and ruffled his hair, “Sleep, kiddo.”
And even though he was out of danger now, he could not find any rest the entire night. 
Deep down, he knew that he had to get you out of here, rather sooner than later, before this could escalate any further. Because instead of looking at you disapprovingly, Namjoon had actually smiled at you before.. proudly, so. And even if Hoseok had said that he doubted Namjoon had meant it when he had said you were part of the gang now, he might begin to consider it now that you've proven yourself to be a good shot and saved one of his members.
And getting you out then would be ten times harder.
On top of that, there was still the matter of your mother. If you didn't show up eventually, she'd file a missing persons report and then once that reached the cops, it might lead back to them and then they'd all be in deep shit.
Bad enough that the cops had a pixelated picture of you stealing something, but Yoongi would be able to fix that, he always did and led the cops into a different direction.
But once your mother would file that missing persons report... there might not be such an easy way out anymore.
And so reluctantly, Jeongguk pushed aside the covers, keeping pressure on his wound to be able to walk steadily and make his way outside, but stopping when he heard you talk to... Taehyung? Who he was sure you hated?
“Here,” he handed you a glass filled with what Jeongguk assumed was alcohol, “You look like you need it.”
“I never understood why you're so nice to me when I've been nothing but an ass to you.”
“You're nice to Kookie, so I feel like I need to be nice to you,” he shrugged, “That boy has been through a lot, you know? And I know he's labeled as this playboy guy, but you might actually be the first girl that he has real feelings for.”
“Don't be ridiculous,” you snorted into your glass.
“No, I mean it. The way he looks at you and back in the car, it seemed like all that kept him alive was the thought of seeing you again. He didn't have anything or anyone before us, but now he has more to lose than just six gang members.”
“In case you forgot, he kidnapped me.”
“I think YOU are the one that forgets that sometimes,” he got up from the couch, “From what we've heard, you've never quite had the cleanest slate yourself, as much as you'd like to pretend that you did. There is this rumor.. Namjoon never told me anything, but I overheard him talking to Yoongi hyung. EXO wanted you for a reason. They heard about your talents and wanted to recruit you. And not just them. Any rivaling gang had their eyes on you. We just got lucky that we got to you first.”
“You make it sound like you think I'm here for good.”
“Sooner or later you're going to understand that this gang life with us isn't the worst thing that can happen. I heard about the dump you lived in before, but here? You could have everything you want. You could be everything you want to be. And most importantly... you could be with who you want to be. I know that Namjoon won’t keep you here forever if you truly don’t want to be here, so as soon as he’s sure that you won’t tell on us, he’d let you go. But I don’t think that’s going to happen, Soomin.”
And with that, he walked away.
You didn't see him, but Taehyung did and he winked at Jeongguk who had hid behind a wall when he passed by him.
He thought you might yell something like your usual: 'You're full of shit' after him, but you didn't. You just sat there and stared into your glass, before downing it in one go.
Because see, when someone calls you out on the things that you've been lying to yourself about, it was time to reflect.
And you had a lot of that to do.
Because as much as you hated to admit it... shooting the balls of someone that had deserved it, after years of watching the news and seeing what kind of assholes were out there... it made you think that maybe it was time to change sides.
That maybe, you were on the wrong side of the law.
And that maybe, your boring life that you so desperately claimed that you wanted to get back to, was actually just a cover-up for the truth.
That maybe, you did want to be a part of this.
But admitting that to yourself... it made you sick. Because you tried to tell yourself that you weren’t like that. Like them.
But what if you were?
Jeongguk slowly approached you, not wanting to startle you.
“If you want to leave... then I'll get you out of here.”
“What?” you furrowed your eyebrows, turning around to look at him, “So suddenly?”
“I was naive to think that you might actually stay with me and maybe you were right, maybe I really did make up this fantasy in my head,” he sat down next to you, noticing how your hand immediately reached out to help him, but then you pulled it back once you realized what you were doing, “But it just felt like my life was finally complete now. I had my six brothers and then destiny decided to put you into my life and suddenly I went from having nothing to having everything I could have ever wished for.”
You didn't respond to that, simply let out a heavy sigh.
“I'm sorry for everything that happened, (Y/N), truly.”
“Jeongguk. Can you give me my phone?”
“Wh..- What?”
“You guys took it from me when you brought me here. But I'd like to have it back.”
He wasn't sure this was a good idea. In fact, he was sure it was a terrible idea. What if you were going to call the cops now? Would serve them right, but.. could he take that risk?
“Please. Just give it back to me.”
It didn't seem like you were going to elaborate on what you were going to do with it, so after a few more moments of hesitation, he finally got up, walked away and came back a few minutes later with your phone in his hand.
Before letting go of it, though, he said: “Please don't take my family away from me.”
And then he slowly, very slowly, walked back into his room, hoping to hear whatever you were going to do next.
What you did do, however, surprised him.
“Hey mom. I know, I know, yell at me all you want, you have every right to do so. I am still alive, I'm well and I'm sorry I haven't called earlier. I actually have... good news! I got a new job! Yes, I know! It's a little farther away from the city so I had to commute and I was just so stressed and tired and didn't get a chance to just sit down and call and I know I should have but...- no, it's a good job, really! The co-workers are really nice and the boss... well, he's a boss, you know? Can be a bit of an asshole, but oh well. Anyways, I'm not sure if I can stop by on the 23rd like we agreed on, depends on my schedule, but if I can't, I'll definitely call again. Yes, mom. I promise. I won't go as long as I did now without calling. Okay. Yeah. I love you too. Bye.”
And as you ended the call and stared at the screen, you knew that he was still there.
He looked at you with wide eyes and an open mouth, not believing what you had just done.
Then you said: “Here's the new deal. I will stay... for now. I will however not be your maid anymore or whatever the hell that you brought me here for in the first place. I will do what I want to do. I will call my mother whenever I want to and I will be able to go out whenever I want to. I will not be a prisoner here anymore. If you want me to stay, then don't treat me like a kidnapped anymore.”
“Then... what do you want me to treat you like from now on?”
You got up, brushing over your clothes to straighten them out and once you did and stood tall again, you confidently said: “Like a member of your team.”
You just hoped that this was the right decision.. because like Jeongguk, if you decided to go down that path, there was no going back anymore.
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hufflepogue · 4 years
“Your so beautiful.”
Gif not mine
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Warnings: Foreplay Smut, but theres some hella cute fluff too 😉
“You can do it, lovely.” He motivates next to you. Your free hand brushes back the fly aways from your messy bun, and the other clutches at your pencil with a tight grip. You thought hard, swaying your pencil side to side. Pope had a small smile watching you.
You pout looking away from the paper and towards your boyfriend.
“I don’t know what the hell I’m doing.” You groan, “I’m so confused.”
Pope chuckles next to you, and moves the paper closer to him, so he can see the math problems, you’ve working on.
“Can I see your pencil?” He asks, you nod giving it to him.
He erases a couple of lines and fixed some of the equation signs and hands it back to you explaining what you did was wrong. You sigh and groan staring at the eraser shavings on the paper. 
“I am never going to understand this.” You groan, your fist clenching hard on your pencil. Pope laughs beside you, kissing your temple once before moving away to give you space to work.
His lips curve into a smile watching you. Your eyebrows furrowed deep in concentration. Your bottom lip in between your front teeth. You looked absolutely frustrated, but to him you looked stunning.
He watched your movements, his eyes never leaving your body as you worked on your homework. A shit-eating grin was growing bigger on his face. He smiled harder and harder the whole time you worked, occasionally you would speak to ask a question, which would break him out of his trance.
When the question was answered though, he would go right back to watching you with complete awe.
He was obsessed. He was completely head over heels in love with you. You scribble down your last answer, and turn your head at him to see his eyes attached to yours. He looks down awkwardly, noticing he got caught staring, but his smile still never fades, You kiss his lips tenderly and hand over your paper for him to correct and help you.
“Why do you keep staring at me?” You laugh quietly as a faint blush made its way on his face. He shook his head trying to deny it and hands your paper back to you, free of any eraser shavings. 
You smile triumphantly for a second when you saw the paper, but you turned your attention back to him.
“Why baby?” 
The smile on his face grows at the mention of a pet name. His heart quickens, and the palms of his hands tickle with sweat. You notice his nervousness and give him another award winning smile.
“Your just so beautiful.” Pope sighs pushing the textbooks and paper off the bed. A small thud is heard, but it goes ignored. Both of your attentions being on the other. His, being lovestruck by you. The fly aways from your bun gaining all of his attention.
 And your being lovestruck by him. The way his eyes faintly crinkled when he smiles at you.
“Your so fucking beautiful my love” He repeats bringing himself closer to where you sat. 
Okay now its getting a little steamy. **Smut Warning** in next paragraph.
He kisses you gently when he reaches you. You kiss him back just as soft, but feeling both of your lips smiling against each other causes him to deepen the kiss. You moan quietly at the feeling of his tongue grazing your bottom lip. He does it again just to hear the noise. 
His hand leaves his side and makes it way to your hip guiding your body to move so that you would be sitting on his lap. Not breaking the next kiss, you bring yourself onto his body in a straddling position.
 A moan vibrates through your mouth as he bites your bottom lip softly. Pope pulls away for a moment.
“May I?” he asks, his fingers brushing against the fabric of your shirt. You nod telling him it was okay. He lifts the shirt off above your head and stares at your bra in awe. It was white and lacy. 
His finger plays with the lace on the top of the cups speechless. 
“You can take this off too.” You giggle, watching his brown eyes twinkle with admiration. He complies unclipping the straps behind your back with both hands. The bra falls off quickly. His eyes widen at the sight of your bare chest.
Still so beautiful, he thinks. So very beautiful.
He doesn’t hesitate to throw it across the room. His hand grazing your nipple as he kisses your lips again. He breaks away from your lips and move down to your neck. Kissing it softly, and sucking lightly to make a mark. He kisses the mark he left continuing down a trail of kisses to your chest.
 He moves his hand away from your left nipple to make room for his mouth. He sucks and kisses it gently. While doing so, he moves his other hand to play with your other boob, just incase it would feel left out. He doesn’t want that. He wants your whole body to feel his appreciation and admiration, he has for it. 
“So fucking beautiful.” He states, his voice muffled with your nipple around him. You moan at the vibration and he releases it with a popping sound causing a  whimper at the loss of contact.
“I can never get over how fucking beautiful you are, Y/n” he says his hand leaving your chest to move down to your shorts. He pauses, looking up into your eyes. You nod to give him permission, muttering an I love you in a whisper.
His hand unbuckles your shorts stopping to look you sweetly in the eyes.
“I love you” he replies.
You lean upward off his lap, so he could pull your shorts all the way down. Once they are off, he takes the lead and softly pushes you off of him, so that you are now laying on the bed breathless.
He rubs his hand over your clothed clit softly. Hearing your soft moan motivates him to rub faster. He stops to replace his fingers with his lips. He kisses your clit through your underwear
His finger hooks around your underwear to move to the side while he gives it a kiss. He feels your wetness with his finger while he gives your clothed clit another kiss.
“Stop teasing me” You whine at him. He brings his head up, “Mmm, I’m sorry babe” He chuckles and with that he removes your underwear, so that your now all the way naked, where he stays fully clothed. 
He notices your look and undresses himself too. Your eyes never leave his as you watch. His muscles pulsing as he struggles to unbuckle his jeans. Your blush deepens watching him. He was breath taking. He shared the same thought as you. He looks right back at you his brown eyes full of love and lust for you. 
You smile crawling up to where he was, (standing by the foot of the bed). You move away his hands softly and you unbuckle his jeans for him. You do it easily causing him to playfully scoff since it was not as easy for him to do. He helps you by sliding his pants all the way down leaving him in only his boxers, but soon he would pull those down too.
Your eyes widen when he does. His dick pops up hitting below his belly button softly. You giggle just as softly, and take his shaft in your hand. You hold the bottom of his dick with a gentle grip. He smiles at your softness and you take that as your cue to keep going, so you do. You bring your lips to the tip of the cock, kissing and licking it. You swirl your tongue around the head causing a content groan to escape past Pope’s lips. Hearing the groan motivates you, so you open your mouth for allow his dick to pass through your lips. 
He moans at the feeling of your warm mouth surrounding him. His hand moves to grasp your hair, just holding it. He whispers you compliments, 
“You look so fucking beautiful taking my cock in your pretty little mouth. Your so fucking beautiful”
His words motivate you to hollow out your cheeks around him and take him deeper. His hand removes from your hair, and moves under you, holding and squeezing your boobs while you suck his cock in doggy position. 
You moan when his finger moves over your nipple. The vibration of it against his cock causing a shiver to make its way down your boyfriend’s spine. He buckles his hips accidentally causing his dick to go further in the back of your throat. You gag slightly and take him out of your mouth, “As much as I love to have your cock in my mouth, I think it would be even fun-er to have it in my pussy.”
He chuckles at your words and nods, happily to oblige your request.
Tags: @spilledtee @pixelated-pogues​ @beautyandthebleh​
I feel tingly oop. 
Thank You for 100 followers! It means so much to me that that many of you enjoyed my writing. Feel free to inbox me to become friends, advice or anything. I will always be here for any of my mutuals, and readers. Much love to you all 💗
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newcaptainofsquad9 · 4 years
I’m Your One and Only, Right?~Sub! Park Jimin x fem! reader
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Pairing: Jimin x reader
Summary: Jimin acts clingy and a bit jealous during your time out with a friend, forcing you both to go, leaving you a little angry at Jimin’s actions. However, once you return home, you couldn’t stay mad at your boyfriend, at least until he started to beg.
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Romance, Angst
Word Count: 2, 235
Warnings: Smut, don’t read unless you’re 18 and above. Sub Jimin and some of the kinks that come with it.  Author’s Note: More Jimin, yes I know I need to do other members to and they will get done soon. I ya’ll enjoy these sub fics because I would like to write more.
I should have known Jimin was being petty the moment we walked into the Whailen Arcade with Baekhyun, all in a fit of mega watt smiles and giggles. Excluding Jimin, who gives Baekhyun a tiny twitch of the lips before pointing at a skee ball machine. 
“Y/N!” he shouts, “bet I could score a hundred points easily.”
His plump cheeks raise up in that cutsy smile, making my heart skip a beat. I open my hand for him, he takes it, squeezing it rather hard. Hard enough for me to gasp. Jimin’s eyes soften as he lessens his grip. 
“S-sorry jagi,” he whispers. 
“That hurt a little Jimin.”
“I-I didn’t mean to,” he whines, “I just thought-”
“Y/N! I forget this place had Tekken!” Baekhyun bellows from across the arcade, “I can totally beat you in a first to five!”
I shake my head and scoff. 
“Oh you’re on!” I say. 
“But, skee ball,” Jimin says, while rubbing a soothing had down my arm. 
His voice is low and laced with sweetness; a deadly combination with his thick lips in a pout and downcast eyes. I wrap my arms around his waist, lean in and rest my forehead against his, meeting his intense, yet intimidating stare. A stare he usually saves for the intimate bedroom moments. An unwanted shiver crawls up my spine as Jimin’s hands find the tender spots on my sides. 
“A-Are you all rig-”
Jimin ceases my words with a kiss; a tender one that forces my heart to hammer and rattle at my rib cage. I kiss back for a moment, a small peck with a hand on his chest to nudge him back, yet Jimin doesn’t move. My eyes open to see his closed, nose scrunched up in concentration. I apply more pressure onto his chest, finally making him move. What the hell is his problem? 
“Jimin, what. The fuck,” I say, “we’re in public.”
Jimin bites his lip, eyes sweeping from across the room then back to me. 
“I know jagiya, I-I just really want you to play skee ball with me,” he groans. 
I raise an eyebrow. 
“And a makeout was your way of asking?” I say, “children come to this arcade too Jimin.”
His eyes soften, his mouth opens then closes as Baekhyun walks up to us. 
“Are you still down for some Tekken Y/N?” Baekhyun asks, “or was I interrupting a couple thing?”
I turn to him and shake my head.
“No, let’s get some matches in,” I say, “that all right with you, Jimin?”
Jimin narrows his eyes at Baekhyun, but nods anyway.
“I guess we can skee ball after,” Jimin grumbles.
After doesn’t come, I’m too engrossed in the clock running out on Baekhyun and I’s match. We’re tied 2-2, I’m up two rounds and both of our characters are down to their last few pixels of health. Baekhyun’s character, King rushes in for an elbow, luckily I’m able to side step, to deliver a high kick. I miss and tap my thumb back against the joystick, forcing my character, Nina back a few paces. It’s my chance to rush in this time, however I freeze as Jimin wraps his arms around my waist, lips brushing against my ear.
“Y/N,” he whispers, “I wanna play skee ball, please?”
His kisses the area below my ear, leaving me still as Baekhyun jabs my character. 
“Woo hoo!” he cheers, “caught you slipping and won! What a comeback!”
The feeling in my hands manage to return, along with the anger that overwhelms and flushes my skin. I turn around in Jimin’s arms, witnessing his blank stare transform as his brown pupils grow large at my heated expression. 
“Don’t you fucking Jagiya me,” I growl, “you made me lose!”
Jimin scoffs, making my blood boil even more. 
“Y/N I-I-”
He pauses as his lips curling into a frown when his hand comes up to touch my arm. 
“Don’t! I don’t wanna play skee ball anymore!” I declare, “I’m going home!”
Baekhyun frowns. 
“Ah, dude,” he groans, “why’d you ruin the fun Park?”
Jimin grits his teeth at Baekhyun with chest puffed out along with his cheeks. 
“Me? You were the one who-”
Jimin’s mouth closes once I grip his arm tightly and pull him back from Baekhyun. 
“I’m sorry for him, Baekhyun,” I say, “it was a fun time while it lasted.”
Baekhyun only blinks, nods sharply and waves. 
“Jagiya, jagiya, Y/N,” Jimin urges, “please talk to me!”
I continue to ignore Jimin as I push through the threshold of our shared apartment, drop the keys into the tiny bowl on the coffee table and slump down onto the cream colored sofa. Jimin slides right down beside me, suffocating me with his clingy essence. 
“Y/N, could you look at me?”
I groan and push against his chest.
“Space Jimin, please?” 
Jimin whines, but does what he’s told as he scoots over, leaving plenty of room between us. 
“Can I hold your hand?” he asks. 
I roll my eyes and place my hand down in the middle of the space, allowing him to intertwine our hands. 
“Y/N, are you a-all right?” 
I scoff at his question. Do I fucking look all right? Could not pick up the fact that I was having fun and his clingy ass ruined it?
“No, Jimin!” I shout, “I’m not all right! you made me lose the game and fucked up my time with Baekhyun!”
Jimin scowls as his eyes furrow in an intimidating manner. 
“What else would you have done with him if I wasn’t there?” he ponders.
“What the fuck are you suggesting Jimin?”
He hesitates, mouth opening and closing as he slides back over, pressing himself against me. God, I don’t have time. I rise and he predictably follows. My skin flares again as a flood of tears build up. I can’t believe he’d even fathom the thought of me cheating. 
“Y/N I didn’t mean it!”
“Then what did you mean Jimin? Do you really think I’d do that to you? Are you insane?”
Jimin pushes the coffee table back with his foot prior to getting down to his knees while never breaking his grip on my wrist. I try to step away, yet his other hand flies up to my knee. 
“You’re right!” he gasps, “I am insane! For you, Y/N, I love you so much. I-”
He pauses again as my lip quivers and the tears flow down my cheeks. Jimin’s up in an instant, hands cupping my cheeks as his thumbs wipe away the tears. 
“Don’t cry Jagiya, I didn’t mean it,” he whispers. 
“But you still did it Jimin,” I say, “maybe I just need some time away.”
Jimin pouts, his arms wrap around my waist as he leans into me. His chest and forehead press against me. This time I don’t move, feeling him this close soothes me. 
“Please, I know I’ve been a jerk today.”
“No,” I say, “more like an asshole.”
Jimin giggles, his breath hitting my ear as his lips ghost across my neck. 
“I know,” he whines, “can I make it up to you?”
I nod as I lace my fingers through his black locks, eliciting a low groan from him. 
“Of course you will, you’ve been so bratty all day,” I snap, “you were jealous, weren’t you?”
Jimin shuts his eyes as my grip tightens on his hair, not a word coming from his mouth, forcing me to panic. 
“Jimin, this isn’t too much, is it?” I ponder. 
His eyes pop open, brown pupils shrouded in lust.
“No, it just feels so good mommy,” he moans. 
My body jolts at his sudden switch into the pet name. Jimin usually uses the mommy card when he wants to submit fully. This time however, I don’t want to be nurturing, I’ve got something better in mind. 
“No mommy today baby boy,” I say, “try again.”
Jimin gulps and drops back to his knees.   
I don’t even get a chance to nod as Jimin’s fingers scramble on the button and zipper of my jeans, forcing my breath away. 
“I’ll make you feel good mistress, please-”
“No,” I command, “bad boys don’t get to touch, on the couch.”
Jimin freezes, but don’t move, keeping his lips between his teeth while aiming those saddening eyes. Maybe it would have worked if he wasn’t a brat earlier. 
“On the couch baby,” I say.
Jimin hops up before I could repeat. My eyes follow the tent growing in his black jeans as he plops down on the couch. I follow slowly, taking my sweet time to hover over him then straddle him. He growls, it comes deep from his throat once I sit directly on his growing problem, eyes shut as his head lulls back. 
“Jimin, sweetie, eyes on me.”
Jimin tilts his head and squirms as bounce up and down on his lap. 
“God, mo-mistress don’t tease,” he moans. 
I tilt my head in faux confusion as my hand wonders down his toned chest before stopping at his belt. 
“It’s not teasing when you brought this upon yourself sweetie.”
I gasp at how hard he feels under me. 
“J-Just punish me already!” he cries, “I just want to feel you! Please!”
I slide from his lap and down to the floor to make quick work of his belt, tossing it aside to roll his zipper down. His bulge is more prominent in his boxers, I gently palm at it as I bring the boxers down to Jimin’s ankles along with his jeans. His member pops up, it already hard upright and leaking with pre cum. 
“So hard for me already baby,” I say, “I’ve barely touched you yet.”
Jimin stifled a moan as I tapped my fingers against his hard cock.
“Hmm, no. Bad boys don’t get to be silent,” I say, “open your mouth, let me hear you.”
“Ah! Y-Y/N, mmm,” he groans as I slide my fingers around him then pump slowly. 
“Huh? I didn’t quite catch that.”
“Y/N I’m-”
He cuts himself off with a high pitched moan as I speed up, jerking him at a steady pace. The way his eyes roll prior to shutting lights a fire within me, forcing me to close my legs at how wet I’ve gotten. 
“Jimin, tell me,” I say, “tell me what you were going to say and I’ll go as fast as you like.”
Jimin squirms, his hands clutching onto the soft fabric of the couch for dear life. 
“Oh God!” he shouts, “I-I’m sorry, Y/N.”
There it is, exactly what I wanted to hear. I slow my movements just a bit, licking my lips as Jimin bucks into my hand. 
“Continue,” I say.
Jimin blinks. A gleam of sweat slicks down his forehead as he breathes through his mouth. Tears build in his eyes, making my heart sink. 
“Jimin, baby, talk to me, are you all right?”
“Yes, mistress,” he says, “I-I ah, I’m sorry, for today- I just get so worried. I felt like-”
“Like what Jimin?” I ask.
He whines as I let go of his member, stand and sit beside him. His eyes shift over to me expectantly.
“Come here, you can touch me,” I whisper, “you don’t have to call me mistress.”
Jimin scoots over, wrapping his arms around me as his dick presses against my thigh. 
“Can I kiss you?” he asks.
“Over course you can.”
Our lips meet, Jimin hitting me with so much passion that I fall against the couch. His hands travel down to my shirt, reaching down to squeeze my breasts, making me gasp against his mouth. 
“I want you so bad, Y/N,” he says, “can I be inside you?”
As soon as I nod, Jimin’s clawing at my jeans, dragging them down along with my panties. A sigh escapes me as the air hits me, along Jimin’s intense stare. The tears in his eyes still linger as he pushes himself against my warm center. We both moan as he enters fully, his arms clutch onto my sides while I cling onto his shirt. 
“Jimin, tell me what you’re thinking baby,” I breathe, “please, I- ah!”
Jimin pulls out then slowly thrusts back in, sighing against my neck while he steadily moves. 
“I-I’m your one and only, right? Y/N?” he whispers.
I nod through half lidded eyes as his thrusts continue to build until his hips knead into my own at a quick pace. 
“Ah! Fuck yes! Jimin, you’re my one and only, do you understand?”
Jimin grunts as his thrusts start to slow.
“You’re squeezing me so tight,” he groans, “I’m so close, is it ok if I?”
I nod. 
“Go ahead, I want to feel all of you.”
Jimin gives me a few more powerful thrusts before spilling himself inside, groans against my neck as he trembles. I hit my high as well, my feet clenching hard as my chest heaves along with his. 
He cuts me off with a deep kiss, pulling out as he does so. 
“Are you sure you forgive me?” he asks. 
I get lost in his deep, brown pupils before answering. 
“Yes, now could you please?”
I gesture to his mess down my legs and he brightens. 
“Oh! Of course! I’ll be right back, don’t go anywhere!”
I roll my eyes as he kisses my forehead and bolts up stairs.   
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hms-chill · 4 years
Am I too late to request prompts from that list? If not 57 and 67 with firstprince please 😊 thank you if you do it but don't worry if you can't x love ya 😊💕💖
Not at all! Enjoy!
57. “Is that my shirt?”
67. “Stop being so cute.”
Alex is practically vibrating in the car. It’s only been two days, but he feels like he hasn’t seen Henry in forever. They’ve barely even stopped at Kensington when he’s out, taking the steps of the grand staircase two at a time, his weekender thumping against his legs. He just has time to curse Kensington for being so big when he’s getting to the door of Henry’s room. It’s open, golden light spilling out into the dark hallway. Alex kicks off his shoes and comes up quietly, leaning on the door frame
Henry’s there, the lamplight casting warm shadows on his face. He’s reading something, socked feet pulled up beside him on the big armchair, David in his lap and an ‘out of the closet’ mug resting on a coaster beside him. There are rainbow checkout cards on his socks, beagles on his pajama pants, and he’s rinsed the product out of his hair, leaving it a touch wild, but Alex knows it will be soft. He shifts the book to turn a page, and Alex sees a big red “A” that he’d recognize anywhere. Henry’s wearing an Austin High School lacrosse t-shirt. It’s a touch small on him, clinging to his biceps and chest in just the right way, but Alex can’t find it in himself to complain. He can’t find it in himself to do much at all, aside from staring at Henry, trying to take this all in and commit it to memory. A photo would never capture it, and he doesn’t want to get his phone out anyway. He wishes he could paint; this is a scene that needs to be captured in oils, not pixels. 
When he’s stared long enough, when the image of his perfect boyfriend in his natural habitat has etched itself into Alex’s soul, he asks, “is that my shirt?”
Henry looks up, a smile spreading across his lips. He finds a bookmark and sets the book down, then holds out his arms for a hug. “David’s trapping me, but hello, sweetheart. I missed you.”
“I missed you,” Alex says, coming to bend down for an approximation of a hug. He rubs David’s ears, too, and David lets out a little sleep woof. “You two are… just… I love you so much.”
“How was class?”
“Ugh, H. We’re on vacation.” Henry yawns before he can respond, and Alex smiles. “Time for bed?”
“But David,” Henry says. “He’s sleeping; I can’t move him.” He’s turned big blue eyes up to Alex, and Alex is helpless to do anything but kiss him, running his hands through Henry’s hair, which really is as soft as it looked from the doorway. 
“I’ll move him, and I’ll be gentle,” he says, and Henry watches as he carefully lifts David, carrying him to a dog bed next to the chair. They both watch for a bit as David settles in, his paws twitching as he runs in a dream. Then Henry holds his arms up again, and Alex goes to pull him up and into a hug, Henry nuzzling into his hair as Alex presses a kiss to the place where Henry’s shoulder meets his neck. 
“Tired,” Henry says, and Alex chuckles a bit.
“I bet; it’s late. We’ll get you to bed, then I’ll change and be there.”
Henry mumbles his agreement, and Alex half carries him to the bed, where Henry curls up on top of the blankets because “that way if I fall asleep and you’re not here, I’ll wake up and then I can fall asleep with you.”
Alex is surprised he can still lean in and press a kiss to Henry’s forehead, seeing how his heart has exploded. He changes and brushes his teeth as quickly as he can, and then he’s digging a big southwest blanket out of his bag and going to find Henry still somewhat awake on top of the sheets. Alex comes to rest beside him, pulling the new blanket over both of them, and Henry cuddles up in it. The sight of Henry, so cozy in so many trappings of Texas, does something to Alex’s insides.
“Hey, H? Can you do something for me?” Alex whispers, and Henry nods, yawning. “Stop being so cute.”
Henry laughs a bit and just cuddles in closer to Alex, kissing his forehead. “No.”
“You’re a menace,” Alex tells him, and Henry hums, smiling. He has the audacity to run his fingers through Alex’s hair, and the audacity to fall asleep cradling Alex’s head, and with how much Alex’s heart has grown, he’s surprised his lungs have room to breathe as he falls asleep, too.
On AO3
I would like to thank my muse and savior, the OG lesbian, Sappho, for possessing me and writing this tooth-rotting fluff through me.
Want to support the Hannah Makes Art fund? You can tip me in ko-fi here!
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medeafive · 3 years
Blood and Stone - 22
"Where'd your friend go?" Tony asks, grabbing the chips. "Turned around and he was gone."
 "I don't know, I'm not his babysitter," Natasha returns, nibbling on a carrot. "Can I ask you something?"
"You mean, whether it's bad when your boyfriend finds out you're pregnant and disappears without a word?" Tony specifies, licking his fingers. "Yeah, it is."
Natasha snorts. "Fuck off, that's not what happened. Who's Lara Croft?"
Tony snorts, dropping onto the couch. "Oh, great, so you just pretend to be asleep the whole time. Do you actually eat or is that also some magic trick?"
"Answer my question, you coward," she returns, picking up cucumber slices.
Tony sighs. "Well, that's not exactly up your alley but- it was one of the last video games that came out, couple of years ago. Nobody really cared, because of vampires and all, but I think it would have fared much better otherwise. She's an archaeologist, but the cool kind, looking for hidden treasures, fighting mummies and tomb raiders- actually, that was the name of the game. Yeah, and she's animated but- she was always wearing tank tops and shorts and all."
"Oh God," Natasha remarks with amusement. "That is horrible ."
"Was just a joke," Tony defends. "Yeah, and the lady from Resident Evil fights vampires, in similar garments. You get the picture."
"Have you ever seen me in shorts ?" Natasha questions. "That's ridiculous. So you were just hitting on me while I was asleep."
"Not that asleep, apparently," Tony points out wistfully. "Nah, just pointing out the archetype, extra tough sexy badass and all. And, well, looks really cool from a distance, not sure it's as cool when you get closer."
"You were totally attracted to me when I got here," Natasha recalls. "But then you tried to set me up with your best friend and- I don't know, I never took it seriously. Also, you were with Pepper and I'm really not a homewrecker."
"So vampires are cool but taken guys aren't?" Tony prompts. "Also, if you'd let yourself be set up, you wouldn't be in this mess."
"Yep, and I'd also be either dead or a vampire right now," Natasha returns. "Doesn't that sound great."
"I think you're well on your way to being dead but Bobbi seems to disagree, so what do I know." Tony rubs his forehead. "But- Barton ?"
Natasha snorts. "You're really blowing this way out of proportion. And don't give me that shit that he's older than me, you're all older than me except for Sharon, and I already got that from the vampire."
"The fuck does he think he can tell you," Tony remarks. "When he's basically a hundred years old."
"Eh, don't worry about it," Natasha returns, picking up another carrot. "I mean, he went pretty hard to our side. A traitor of all vampirekind or whatever."
"You just enjoy making people do radical stuff, don't you?" Tony grins. "Manipulating people, having that power. Don't think Lara Croft was like that."
"Yeah, maybe stop comparing me to pixel women in shorts," she counters. "Just trying not to get killed, thank you very much."
"Hey guys." Bobbi turns the corner, yawning. "How are you? Don't listen to Tony."
"What'd I do to you?" Tony complains.
Bobbi snorts, crossing her arms. "Is he telling you you can't be a hunter? Cause that's what he used to tell me."
"Not true," Tony objects. "I said you weren't ready to be a hunter. And then you went out anyway and promptly got hurt."
Bobbi shrugs. "Learning by doing. Honestly, Pepper would have started going out much earlier if you hadn't told her it's too dangerous."
Natasha follows the exchange with amusement, nibbling on her carrot. "It is dangerous!" Tony defends. "And I built her the suit, don't act like I wasn't supporting her."
"Y'all can't deal with loss, is what I'm saying," Bobbi returns. "You only built her the suit because she was about ready to break up with you. Different kind of loss."
Tony snorts. "You know what, I really didn't miss that argument."
"You guys seem fun," Natasha throws in. "I'm good, by the way."
"Yeah, I actually came down so we could do some prenatal prep," Bobbi replies. "Because you only got two weeks."
"What the fuck is that?" Natasha asks.
Bobbi grins, gliding her hands into the pockets of her sweatpants. "Pushing and breathing. Not much more. Certain muscles you need. It's pretty awkward, though, so let's better do it downstairs or somewhere else private."
"I thought you'd just do a C-section," Tony suggests.
"Not if I can avoid it," Bobbi replies. "Not sure we have the equipment for that. Risk of infection, risk of strong bleeding, I'd rather try the vaginal route if it's possible."
"...I'm just gonna keep that joke to myself," Tony suggests.
"Thanks," Bobbi replies. "Very generous of you."
  "Tony said you were doing lady stuff," Pepper remarks, putting her helmet down. "And we want in on that."
"What, you also want prenatal prep?" Bobbi asks, spinning in her chair like she was born in it. "How was patrol? Quiet night?"
"Quite the opposite," Sharon replies, hopping onto a table. "Saw three vampires. One got away. All fledglings, they must have come in from outside town."
"Three?" Natasha repeats with worry. "We haven't seen a single one in weeks ."
"Maybe that was your friend's doing," Pepper suggests, pulling off the shoulder plates. "You should ask him. Where is he, by the way?"
"I don't know, guess he left," Natasha admits. "He'll come back sometime."
She hates how vague that sounds, but she really doesn't know. "He ran into Steve, didn't he?" Sharon suggests. "That probably scared him."
Right. Completely harmless explanation. "Oh, but this is great," Pepper remarks, brushing through her hair. "I haven't met so many friends in a long time."
"Yeah, tell me everything!" Bobbi encourages, giggling. "How are things with Tony?"
"Pretty good," Pepper replies, also leaning against the table. "Really good actually. I still have to kick him once in a while but not as often. So I'm pretty happy."
"Kicking him sounds kind of fun, though," Sharon remarks. "Am I wrong?"
Pepper snorts, crossing her legs. "Sometimes. Mostly, it's annoying."
"Still sounds better than when I left," Bobbi insists, crossing her arms. "Honestly, I wouldn't have bet on you two making it. You know, Tony being Tony. Reason enough to dump him."
"He's really improved!" Pepper returns. "Anyway. What about your new guy?"
Bobbi sighs. "Eh, he's fine. Drives me nuts. In the good ways and the bad ways. But it doesn't have to be perfect and it doesn't have to be forever, so it's fine."
Sharon shrugs. "I don't know. Dating someone you hunt with sounds like a hassle."
"Oh yeah, why not date someone you hunt?" Bobbi interrupts. "Like a vampire?"
Sharon giggles. "Oh, come on! No offense, Natasha."
"No problem," Natasha replies, even though this whole situation freaks her out. Like, what is she supposed to say? She's sitting there, stone-faced, just listening and waiting-
"That has to be really weird, though," Pepper states. "Physically weird. Just their body temperature, and everything they smell… and the fangs!"
Bobbi chuckles. "Why not ask? Hey Nat, come on, we want to hear something."
Shit. "Oh, we won't tell," Sharon promises. "Ladies' room promise."
Natasha groans, rubbing her face. "Fine. The… what was it?"
"Body temperature, fangs, weird dick, anything," Bobbi repeats. "The juicier, the better."
Natasha snorts. "His dick's perfectly normal. Though- nah, I'm not sure I wanna tell you that."
Bobbi groans. "You motherfucking tease."
"That bad?" Sharon encourages, smiling way too nicely.
Urgh, fine, she's gonna die sooner rather than later anyway. "Not bad. Just, he always has two orgasms. One with just a little bit of stimulation and then he's still hard, you know, second orgasm a while later, everything normal. But it's always two."
"Oh my God, tell me more." Bobbi swirls in her chair, crunching up her face. "But he ejaculates both times?"
What an ugly word. "Yeah, but not very much. Anyway, I think that's all the vampire stuff."
"But he's cold, isn't he?" Pepper questions.
Natasha sighs, letting her head drop back against the pillow. "Sometimes. Just, when you touch him, he gets warmer? In the beginning, it took a while but now, he's basically always warm around me, even before I touch him. And softer, too, just more human, you know? And it worked on the other black cloak, too, not just on James. I don't know."
"The fuck," Bobbi remarks. "Just around you? No one else? That's creepy."
"I don't think anyone else really touched him," Sharon throws in. "So we don't know. Maybe it's psychological, you know, because he's only attracted to her."
"Yeah, we should test that," Bobbi suggests. "Just hold his hand for a while, see what happens."
Natasha snorts. "Well, ask him. When he comes back."
There's a knock on the door and it takes them all a moment to realize it's not the door to upstairs but the one in the back. Sharon hops off the table. "Is that the room with the ice block?" Bobbi asks. "Is that where you put him?"
"Steve," Sharon replies tensely. Pepper walks to the door. "Yes."
Pepper pulls the door open. It's indeed Steve, steadied against the wall. He doesn't look good but he never really does. "Hello," Pepper starts in her professional secretary voice. "I think Sam is still asleep but maybe we can help you?"
Steve blinks at them slowly. Sharon's knuckles are white against the edge of the table. "Oh, no, I really don't want to bother you, I don't need anything, just- do you mind if I join you?"
"Oh, sure thing." Bobbi gets up and pushes her chair towards him. "Here, sit down. No need to exhaust yourself."
Steve drops heavily into the chair. "Thank you. Uh, you're… you're not Sharon, are you?"
"Nope," Bobbi replies cheerfully, pointing to her right. "That's Sharon. That's Natasha, that's Pepper and I'm Bobbi. You're Steve."
Steve smiles as soon as he sees Sharon. "Oh, hey. I saw you- I don't know how long ago that was. Maybe a few days?"
Yeah, and he talked to Natasha yesterday but maybe he already forgot that. "Hey," Sharon blurts out. "I'm- Grandma is- I'm Peggy's granddaughter. She's my grandma."
Steve just blinks for a while. "I'm sorry, I'm still- oh, the- Peggy? Peggy Carter? From Britain?"
"Yes!" Sharon exclaims. "Sorry. Well, after the war, she got married and had my mom and- well, my mom had me and here we are, I guess."
Steve smiles again. "Oh, I see the- the resemblance now. Is she- How is she?"
Sharon giggles. "Oh, good. I mean, she's getting old but still holding on as always, you know her. I haven't seen her in a while, though, travel is very difficult."
"Oh, I absolutely remember that," Steve replies. "She was so determined and disciplined and smart, of course- oh, but she has to be very old now, the- what year is it again?"
"She's 78," Sharon says. "It's 1999. December 1999."
"Wow." Steve rubs his swollen red face. "That- I won't get used to that anytime soon."
Bobbi chuckles. "Uh, should we let y'all work that out alone or…?"
Steve turns. "Sorry, Ma'am. Are- You sound Southern."
"Georgia," Bobbi confirms. "But I'm not related to anyone. And I don't live here anymore, normally. Transferred to Florence, Italy."
"Oh, and I talked to you- was that yesterday?" Steve turns to her lying on the bed. "Was- It was Natasha, wasn't it?"
"Yep," Natasha replies. "Still very visibly pregnant, so I guess you won't confuse me."
Steve blushes, remembering. "Right. Is- is Bucky here?"
"No, he left," Natasha tells him. "Guess he needed some space, after running into you."
Steve groans. "Right, sorry. Does- wait, he would remember Peggy, too, wouldn't he?"
"James doesn't remember shit," Natasha returns. "Sorry. Not Peggy, not you, not anything before he turned into a vampire. Maybe it'll come back slowly but not right now."
"That's- unfortunate." Steve sighs. "That's probably why he- well, I guess he doesn't want to see me then."
"Natasha is a little harsh," Sharon admonishes. "I'm sure he'll remember eventually and it'll all work out."
"Yeah, after the vampire baby bullshit, nothing surprises me anymore," Bobbi remarks.
Steve blushes again. "Uh, so- what are you guys doing here? You're not from here, are you?"
"Oh, I'm Czech," Pepper replies. "Little village in Southern Bohemia, near the Austrian border. Came to Prague to get a job, ended up at this American company that was just getting started over here- with a really, let's say, eccentric boss- yes, and then the vampires. Let's say it really didn't go the way I planned."
"I'm Russian," Natasha adds. "Or I was."
"British American," Sharon states.
"But-" Steve coughs. "Pepper?"
"Oh, that's not my actual name," Pepper replies. "It's Jindřiška. But none of you can say that, so Tony called me Pepper and that stuck."
"And Tony is the-" Steve prompts.
"You saw him already, he was working on James' arm yesterday," Natasha remarks.
"He used to be my boss," Pepper explains. "He's sort of an engineer, an inventor. His company, the one he inherited from his father, used to produce weapons but he's moved it to energy production, reactors and the like, all of it renewable. Though it feels like he really worked on everything at some point, just like Bruce."
Steve rubs his temples. "Oh man. Who is Bruce again?"
"Our resident doctor," Bobbi replies. "He's brilliant, really. Fury recruited him. He used to study biochemistry somewhere in Sweden but when you break your arm, he'll fix that, too."
"Bobbi is a doctor, too," Pepper points out.
"Yeah, different kind, though." Bobbi shakes her head. "I got a medical degree, too, but I specialize in women's health. That's actually how I got here, because I volunteered in the early nineties when they didn't have enough experts in that around here, a lot of them had emigrated. Well, the thing is, babies tend to get born in the middle of the night, so I had to make spontaneous visits while the vampires are out in the streets. Clint started to accompany me, to convoy me so I could do my job without getting killed and… yeah, I wanted to be a hunter, too. So now I'm both."
"People really have a lot less babies now," Sharon remarks. "Not the world you want your child to grow up in."
Steve coughs, swallows. "Right. Uh, so… what did you do, before, Sharon?"
"Nothing," Sharon replies, smiling. "Just finished school. I've always been a hunter."
"Oh yeah," Natasha agrees. "Me too."
"Oh, but Natasha is probably the best tracker in the world," Sharon points out. "Really. She's been doing this longer than any of us."
How she wishes she hadn't. Maybe then she wouldn't be so tired from it. Steve looks confused once more. "What's a tracker?"
"That's a kind of hunter, someone who's very good at finding vampires," Sharon explains. "In the early days, they traveled, following specific vampires and hunting them down, but these days, there are just too bloody many. It's still useful, though, on patrols. I'm a tracker, too."
"Well, I think now we've got everyone," Pepper remarks. "Except for Clint, he's the one with the bow-"
"The- sorry for interrupting," Steve interjects. "With the bow ?"
Bobbi snorts. "Yeah, the bow. Gotta say, it's efficient because you only need to make the tip of the arrow out of silver, instead of the whole knife. But mostly, he just likes to be special or he'd use a gun. Oh, we used to date, if you didn't notice already."
"And Fury, of course," Pepper adds. "Fury is- well, Fury. You'll know when you see him. Rumor is he was a CIA agent stationed somewhere in the Eastern Bloc, and he just stayed around after. And this is not the first station he's run. But really, we don't know, he's not one to share."
"Could you- tell me about Sam, too?" Steve asks.
"His parents were from Angola," Bobbi tells him. "He came here very young. His dad was- was it agriculture? I don't know, he was some technical expert. They came here as refugees, from the civil war, and his father went through East Berlin to West Berlin to the US, trying to get a green card there. Of course, that took years, so Sam mostly grew up here. Yeah, and then he moved to the US, joined the Airforce, all that. Came back when vampires were starting to become a thing here."
"Oh yes, he said it- there are more here?" Steve states tentatively. "Vampires, I mean."
"Yeah, it started in Russia," Natasha remarks. "And you can thank your buddy for that."
Bobbi snaps around. "Wait, what?!"
"He told me," Natasha admits. "Schmidt sent him and he bit four people in Moscow, four in Saint Petersburg. Eight in total. There were others sent to other countries but those were the first ones."
"That motherfucker. " Bobbi snorts, crossing her arms. "I'm definitely not holding his hand anymore."
Steve blushes. "Uh, were you going to…?"
"Oh, we thought about doing an experiment," Sharon explains. "We were talking about that, actually, before- Well, vampires are usually cold, you know? But Natasha said her friend's not cold when she touches him, so… we just wanted to find out how that works."
Steve blushes even more, probably every time he's reminded his old buddy-new vampire knocked her up. "Oh. Didn't think about that."
"Only eight people?" Pepper repeats. "Really?"
"He thought that was enough," Natasha replies. "And boy it was."
"Wait, just so I get that right," Steve interjects. "Bucky caused a global vampire epidemic?"
Well, calling him Bucky really doesn't help. "Pretty much. He didn't know much about the others. I should mention there's some form of mind control involved, from a vampire to the vampire that bit them, though not in every case. Schmidt bit all of the black cloaks, so…"
"Mind control, too?" Bobbi snorts. "Oh, fuck that. That's bullshit."
All that cursing doesn't appear to be good for Steve, blushing and coughing. "But we don't really know how that works either, do we?" Sharon adds.
Natasha shakes her head. "Well, that's going to be an issue if Schmidt shows up."
"Uh, why would Schmidt- he's the Nazi vampire, right?" Steve asks. "Why would he show up? And what are black cloaks?"
Bobbi groans, rolling her head. "Oh man, we're going to be here for a long time, aren't we?"
  They don't get a lot further until Steve is so overwhelmed and tired he goes straight back to bed. Natasha eats a huge amount of pasta and then falls asleep quickly. She's always so hungry and so tired now, though it got better with the vampire blood. She wakes when someone sits down on her bed. It's dark. She blinks. Oh, right. The warm stone touches her shoulder. She yawns. "Oh, you're back."
He sighs. "Yeah. Sorry I ran. It wasn't about you."
"He was here," she remarks. "Earlier today. And man, you really have to explain that guy everything ."
He chuckles, rubbing his ear. "Yeah. I don't know, I'll figure it out. I mean, I'll have to, whether I want it or not."
"You'll figure it out," she agrees. "And you don't have to become best friends with him at all, just clear the air a little."
He shrugs. "Somehow, yeah. And… I'm sorry, I'm sure you didn't want that reaction from me, about the pregnancy. You must have hoped I would be happier about it."
She sighs. "I don't know. There's no right way to feel about this. I didn't expect you to cheer for something that was really bad for my health."
He takes her hand and rubs it. "You smell better, by the way. Less dead, more vampire. I- I can't smell the baby, I think."
"Maybe that's part of the vampire smell," she suggests. "Look, I thought about what you said, that you can't really do this, and- it's okay. I still want to have it. You're enough as you are. Just love me, and support me. That's all I need."
He smiles, golden streaks flashing in the dark. "Always. I will try to look forward to it, then."
She snorts, placing his hand on her rounded belly. "Oh, yes. I also look forward to when this is over."
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taeslovehandles · 4 years
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STEP 1: Well ofc we gotta find an image that is suitable for editing. The higher the quality of the original image the better - more realistic - it will look. I considered the strawpoll but every member besides jk had the same amount of votes so I decided to take an image with everyone in it! >:3
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STEP 2: Now I look at the details and decide which elements are in the way and need to be taken out. (I won’t go into detail with photoshop tools because it literally would take me hours.)
This is one of the steps that can be considered to take the longest depending on how much stuff I decided to get rid off such as logos, items that will be in the way later etc.
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As you can see the above image shows the original look of the boys clothing and the screenshot underneath my edited version. I got rid of all the disorted puma logos because they will look terrible later on when I stretch each body part out. (more to that later)
I also decided to remove the shoes around namjoon and the one Jin was holding. Simple reason was because you wouldn’t be able to see Jins hand anyway with a bigger body and it saves me time. Namjoons shoes were in the way and they didn’t fit my vision.
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STEP 3: Cutting the members out. In this step it’s important to copy your original layer in case something unexpected happens or you fuck up mid way. You may have noticed that my selection tool alignes perefctly with the boys bodies but not their head. (I use a selection tool, which only really works smooth if the background has a high enough contrast with your foreground objects - the 7 members in this case -! Otherwise I will have to manually go in and re-select, un-select, remove and attach all lines with my mouse and that takes me a lot of time to do - for one member alone -)
To explain it shortly: The original layer will always be seen because we will be using the background of the original (in this case the grey areas etc.) which also still has the original boys on them. Since we will be making them all bigger in size it doesn’t matter later on because we won’t see the slim version of them.
We will only size them up around their faces and ofc their bodies which means the hair won’t be touched. Therefore it’s unnecessary to cut them out properly as we will be using the hair from the original photo in the back and overlay it with this layer (basically the layer underneath)
*pats* I’m trying really hard to explain it in a way that makes sense but if you never used any editing program it’s hard to follow... and I am bad at explaining. xD
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STEP 4: Now we will be cutting out each member individually from each other and put each of them on their own layer to move them around freely. This will help us later paint them all bigger without interrupting the member next to them.
Each filter only interacts with 1 layer which means, 7 layers with 1 member each, 7 times the work without messing up the other members in the process. (you will see what I mean later)
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STEP 5: Now we will be going into the filter. It’s originally a smoothening tool which also works as filter (filter in photoshop basically means an extra window with more options that tool offers.)
We will be using the smoothening tool that works like a brush. Imagine having paint on a paper in front of you and you put your finger on the paint to spread it out and make the splosh larger. You won’t see the white paper at all in the areas you went over with your finger and the different colors mix together and still look natural. That is what this tool does. It used the pixel around your brush (finger) and copies them.
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STEP 6: Now you may have noticed that in the original we only saw Hobis arm infront. If we would use our finger brush tool all we’d do is make his arm way too large. To avoid that I went into the image, picked the white of his shirt as color and painted my own belly in there. I grabbed Hobis dark grey colors and used them like the actual coat as shadow.
In this rough state I used another tool to soften the edges of the shadow to look more like shadows on the shirt. After that I copied some of the fabric from his back and placed it on his belly to make it fitting to the rest.
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As you can see very well here, the smoothening tool only expands or shrinks areas. It is not getting rid of any spaces. You see hobis knee? Yep, looking weird. Which means in order to fix that we have to go in and cut his leg out and put it on an extra layer.
We go back into out smoothing tool and expand the leg without interrupting his other leg and boom.
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STEP 7: After sizing all the boys up with the same steps I showed with Hobi we will now give the boys cute little double chins. Double chins are one of the easiest to do because technically we already got the perfect base.
We make their faces rounder and bigger, now all we have to do is to select their chin copy paste it onto a new layer and move it up. Resize it and make it smaller. We smooth the edges and blend it with his skin and tada, soft chubby chin <3
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You redo these steps with each single layer. I took an inbetween screen to show my progress. Yes, yes it takes long lmao.
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Sometimes the boys angle is really bad for me to go in and make their cheeks on the sides bigger without dragging their eye or mouth with me. Since Hobi had a better angle for his cheeks I copy pasted his and put it on JK. (You wouldn’t even have noticed that without me telling you :D <3)
I also went ahead and cut JK’s head out to drag it down a bit. Basically putting his chin over his arm which most of the time makes a face look bigger especially if we fake a double chin. Fat faces and slim necks are semi okay though.
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It’s not really a “next step” but I do it because in my opinion it helps to make their faces look fuller. I go back in and grab the lightest color on their cheeks and color over their cheeks in a big circle with my selected color. I smoothen the edges and boom, they look fuller don’t they?
Chubby faces are more shiny in general because of all the fat in the skin as well as them sweating more which works perfectly here. Of course the main reason they appear “fuller” is the fact that a round shape does not cast as many shadows. A slim face like the boys have would have multiple skin tones in there.
You might have to squint here it’s a really small detail but it does wonders for the “realness” feeling.
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STEP 8: For the last step we put all our layers in a folder, copy paste it and combine them into one image. I decided that the image was a bit too blue and wanted more of their rosy cheecks showing. I changed the color key for the entire image and made it a bit redder to archieve that.
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and then we are done! I put my watermark on it and save it lmao. I hope you liked this little documentary of my process of editing. This took me 2 hours without writing this humongous post. Hope you enjoyed!
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The finished edit will be posted seperately as well for you <3 I’d love to hear your opinion on this. Was it interesting?, did you think that is how it works?
I’d love to interactwith you all and talk about this :3 <3 *hugs*
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