#anti netanyahu
nando161mando · 2 days
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UK Labour suspended its Muslim parliamentary candidate for liking a tweet containing a video clip of Jon Stewart talking about Israel
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i-am-aprl · 13 days
International Criminal Court have submitted applications for arrest warrants for Benjamin Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant for Gaza war crimes.
Video: ICC
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sky-daddy-hates-me · 2 months
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These are images from the World Health Organisation (WHO) and its partners, of Al-Shifa Hospital.
Yet people still claim, "it was calculated and targeted", "the IDF did everything they could to avoid civilians".
Does this honestly look like the work of a precise military operation?
I dare you to defend this, I dare you to say this was justified.
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fromgoy2joy · 5 months
“Nearly everything can be antisemitism!”
First of all- If you are constantly being accused of antisemitism, please examine what you are putting out into the world. Seriously- learn the most insidious examples of antisemitism, carefully engineered to fly under the radar and interject itself in movements of social progress.
This does not excuse or explain the actions of the Israeli government. Acknowledging these simple facts does not hurt any activism for Palestinians. Researching these things will help you in your activism so you can bring in more Jewish people and their allies, who might have at one point felt VASTLY uncomfortable in spaces where antisemitism was previously allowed without comment.
Do certain Pro Israel/Netanyahu figureheads “use” antisemitism as a means to discredit and distract genuine advocacy for Palestine? Yes and that is absolutely disgusting. But in order for that usage to be effective, it has to be there in the first place.
Edited to add charities I’ve personally donated to and trust. Please add more in the comments
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seohyun0306 · 7 months
You’re blind, dumb, delusional or a combination of all three if you don’t think these situations are identical. My entire family lived through South African apartheid. My father and his family were subject to constant abuse even though they weren’t black. My family is of Indian descent which means they came to South Africa as indentured labourers. All POC in South Africa (black people, Indian people and coloured people) were subject to absolute horrors. My family suffered unimaginably and still have PTSD to this day and yet their suffering pales in comparison to the suffering of our black brothers and sisters. If anything, Palestinian apartheid is worse. They are being bombed, barricaded and killed en masse. Children are being raised knowing nothing but a life of war and violence. Children are being kept as political prisoners. Hospitals, churches, schools and mosques are being bombed to high heaven. If you think what is happening is self defence you are entitled, privileged and have not known a day of proper suffering in your life. There is a reason most of Israel’s support comes from first world countries and white people. Palestine has the right to fight back. As Nelson Mandela said, if there is no other option, we will use violence.
“The freedom of South Africa remains incomplete without the freedom of Palestine”
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cavalierzee · 1 month
"I Raped A Palestinian Lady"
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These War Criminals are confessing to their crimes every day, yet there are no consequences from the “international community.”
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captain-casual · 2 months
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lol noooooooooooooooo, old man. Nope. Your country is not gonna go to bat for your asshole boyfriend. You can fight that fight solo. ✌️
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witchy-v1xen · 1 month
Please look up this user on Pinterest report and block them they harass people for being Pro-Palestinian. My Pinterest account was banned because , I posted "offensive content" and I only posted videos of aftermath bombings of Palestine and posted a GoFundMe with it from another user.
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nando161mando · 3 days
"If you want to characterize that as a failure, I leave it to you."
The Pentagon spokesperson evokes patriotism when questioned about the Gaza aid pier failure, asserting: " You have men and women out there separated from their families who are putting others first," referring to American personnel supposedly aiding in 'aid entry' by the pier.
However, in reality, they are assisting Israel in maintaining the land blockade, which ultimately exacerbates the starvation crisis for Palestinians in the Strip.
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i-am-aprl · 11 days
“Strike them... not once, but several times, so painfully”.
A leaked video from 2001 is doing its rounds on social media showing Benjamin Netanyahu talk about how Israel intentionally strikes Palestinians “painfully”.
He also brags about how he deceived the United States to break the Oslo Accords and says that Americans will always support Israel if it faces backlash.
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sky-daddy-hates-me · 2 months
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Israel has shown that it will not follow the UN or international law, there can be no denying it now, not after they have openly broken the ceasefire deal.
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maelor321 · 2 months
Is Netanyahu a cunt, an imperialist? Yes!
Is he a traitor to Israel? Also yes.
But God have mercy, don't go supporting the terrorist who specifically hate the lgbtq+ community and women's rights, who's charter specifically declare the intent of genocide against all jews, and who declared many times the intention of jihad to destroy jews in the world, the wretches who kidnapped citizens from other western countries as well and raped them if women, the demons who steal the aid to Palestinians in order to help build their tunnels to be able to attack Israel safely behind civilians.
Does Netanyahu need to be toppled? Yes, Newsflash pro-hamas folks, most in Israel want him gone too.
Does Hamas need to be utterly wiped out? Also yes, and the fact Netanyahu supported Hamas' existence to screw over the Palestinians is one of the main reasons why he need to fall.
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seohyun0306 · 7 months
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This is how ridiculous some of you mfers sound
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cavalierzee · 2 months
The Non-Semites
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Yoav Gallant is Polish.
Satanyahu, whose real name is Mileikowsky, is also Polish.
Benny Gantz is Romanian.
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traumaxprincess · 2 days
the pink heart Israeli flag, this flag is for abused Israeli women
its been in use for a few years now but its especially powerful in the wake of the abuse that Israeli women, and women in general, are facing from Hamas + the abuse that Palestinian women are also facing, both from hamas and Netanyahu's government/military.
Pink is also being used in the anti Netanyahu protests, which we fully support.
get it as a flag here:
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whozui · 24 days
"well biden is telling isntreal not to go into rafah"
bitch the iof is already there, they've been there. even if they weren't already, do you think netanyahu gives a fuck about anything biden says? he's said he doesn't give a shit about hostage deals or any agreements or negotiations. he was going to send the occupation forces in anyway
biden can finger wag all he wants but it's months too late and even if it wasn't netanyah would do whatever the fuck he wants because he wants the genocide to continue
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