#annabel lee nevermore
bel-k03 · 3 days
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kronkrito · 3 days
Beauty and the beast AU
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majosullivan · 3 days
Only Lenore would ‘we’re just very good friends :)’ herself in her own damn marriage proposal
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thhestia · 3 days
So this is why Annabel was so surprised when Lenore was mad at her for "playing games"
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furbyqueen69 · 3 days
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lesbiantoaster · 3 days
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bornanuisance · 2 days
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Please Annabel, everyone can see you're blushing.
Don't pretend you didn't like that idea.
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jockw · 2 days
Military lenore x annabel kisses and cuddles in bed?
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Have anotha
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I hope/suspect in life Lenore was the darker one of the two compared to how they are in the comic now - she was out here burning houses and faking her death and creating an identity no wonder Annabel misses her (also find it interesting how in life Annabel seemed to be the nicer/more positive one who got Lenore to open up compared to the reverse in death)
The more we see of Lenore's backstory, the more Annabel Lee's behavior makes sense.
Lenore burned a house down to be with Annabel Lee, possibly killing dozens in the process, disguised herself as a man, and possibly more that we haven't seen.
...She did bring a gun to her wedding, so, I'm assuming she had to do something to be like, "Oh, yeah, this revolver goes great with my suit," or, she just carries it around everywhere just in case. Both are interesting options.
Remember: Annabel Lee remembers the end of their lives, not the beginning. She remembers the Lenore that risked everything for Annabel Lee — she expected to get that very same person in Nevermore, but for better or for worse, that is not the Lenore that came to her.
I'd be just as confused as Annabel Lee, honestly.
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lina-studen · 3 days
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I'm trying to guess, what gives away annabel's bluffing? that she closes her eyes, that she doesn't look in other person's eyes?
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I've tried to find other cases of annabel lee bluffing in the comic, but there was no such tell. maybe we'll see it more in the future, now that lenore remembered, what it was.
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Hello my dearest friends. Though the time is never specifically stated, through some extremely scientific sleuthing I have determined the likely time period the flashbacks between Annabel and Lenore are taking place.
First off, from the very general vibe of their clothing, we can put them in the late victorian to early edwardian era (roughly 1880s to 1900s). Since we rarely see either of them in bustle dresses, I would assume at least 1890s. While we don't see very many of the iconic 1890s giant puffy sleeves, Annabel's dresses in particular that we see are reminiscent of late 1890s evening wear. For example:
Annabel's dress in episode 67:
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Evening dress from 1898-1900:
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ADDITIONALLY, in episode 90, we see Annabel's wedding dress. While not exact, it is distinctly reminiscent of lace insertion dresses which grew popular during the edwardian period. Though it is not a part of the dress itself, Annabel's necklace is similar to dress collars at this time.
Annabel's wedding dress:
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Wedding dress from 1902:
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Lace insertion dress 1908:
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We also see other dresses from this time period on other characters through episodes 65 and 66.
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(Dress from 1898, [4])
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(Shirtwaist ca. 1900, [5])
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(Shirwaist 1900-1910, image copyrighted: https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/86042 [6])
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This (above) is particularly interesting case because it reflects an earlier time period than much of the other clothing. The character who wears this is Annabel's maid, Nessa. However, this could easily be reflective of the historical precedent for wearing clothes after they were fashionable, since clothing is expensive. The dress she wears here is very similar to dresses from the 1880s.
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(Dress, 1885-88, [7])
Brief hair interlude:
Nessa has exactly Gibson Girl hair, which was popular from the 1910s to about WWI [8].
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Annabel, meanwhile, uses rag curls, a type of heatless wet set.
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(Unfortunately I haven't been able to find historical images of rag curls with reliable sources, though this was one of the more consistent ones, and is purportedly from 1870. Additionally, I could not find any copyright free photos of what setting it looks like, but Annabel's hair in the first image is how you set rag curls, so feel free to look into it yourself!)
Unfortunately, I can't really speak on the menswear, as I don't know enough about it currently to be able to note details that have been translated into art.
I do want to add the caveat that I am not an expert in historical fashion, just a nerd, and while I do have a good amount of background knowledge, there could very well be inaccuracies in this. Additionally, none of this is meant to try and nitpick any historical inaccuracies--the art in the webcomic is gorgeous and I am 100% here for artistic license/artistic interpretation/vibes.
SECONDLY, the most concrete evidence we have for the time period comes from the conversation between Lenore and Annabel's father in episode 67. He says to sail to England on the ship Oceanic on the White Star Line. The RMS Oceanic made her maiden voyage on September 6, 1899 from Liverpool to New York [10]. Upon its launch, it was the largest passenger ship of its time [11]. On September 8, 1914, the ship ran aground [10]. Which is a pretty big time period. BUT, Annabel's father says that she is "The largest and finest ocean liner in the world," which she was, until 1901, when she was surpassed by the RMS Celtic on July 25, when she made her maiden voyage [11, 12].
Thus, the flashbacks (as far as we have seen in episode 105) between Lenore and Annabel Lee must take place before July 25, 1901, and begin after or around 1899!
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f1shd1sh · 3 days
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Annabel thats not very homosexual of you
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thatoneluckybee · 3 days
Was anybody able to catch what Annabel Lee’s “tell” was? In the latest free episode Lenore says Annabel has a tell for her lies but I genuinely CANNOT spot anything
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altlllf · 2 days
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Too bad you think she’s cute
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joseline-woodhouse · 2 days
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Well, if it isn't the consequences of my actions!
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Here is my previous post on how they mirror each other pre and post mortem:
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raven-nerd4life · 1 day
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found this, it's Lenore and annabel and fake rivalry
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