#and live happily together forever
mewklu · 7 months
he's just a butler and she's everything 🌙
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Happy (unofficial) Birthday to our girlboss girlfailure ultimate wifeguy passenger princess CEO short queen Miorine Rembran🍅
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tantaliart · 11 months
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backstage after the show
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jittery-wisp · 14 days
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canisalbus · 6 months
I can imagine their original breakup was due to vasco having to go far away, but overall, it was sad but mutual.
Like how some people break up before going to college or if they are moving far away.
I love the fellows so much, and they remind me of my relationship with my bf and the struggle we went through as gay men.
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unhinged-nymph · 4 months
It’s giving high school rom com
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mishapen-dear · 2 months
au where qbad chose the other way. his other home. finally return to heaven and the embrace of his first family. and his body lay rotting in that field never discovered forever. and pomme knew and dapper knew that he was dead and never coming back and pomme accepted it first, started acknowledging it first, and dapper kept searching for a full month before finally accepting the truth.
and then she gets to work.
she even has some of the theory worked out beforehand. he’d discovered all he’d wanted in this dimension before, and started to research others and how to go there. it’ll take time, and effort, and fieldwork, but Pomme will help, and then it’ll go even faster.
after all. what is heaven but another dimension to explore?
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love-in-the-time · 6 months
“the funny thing is, i fought all those battles all those years, and now I know what for: this. i’ve never been so happy in my life.”
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anilucy · 10 months
Shadowgast actually changed my life.
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ivypond11 · 2 years
what is this?? amphibia art from me that is not sasharcy???
anyways the siblings ever because i miss them so much 😭
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nadja-124 · 5 months
Reasons I think Owen is still alive:
-The Coldest Goodbye is obviously about him, and that song says 'spies are forever' and 'spies never die' (oop, foreshadowing!)
So the reason Owen survived the first time is obviously that he's still a spy and spies never die
But because spies are forever, it's impossible that he's not a spy when Curt kills him, therefore he can't be dead
Conclusion: Once you're a spy you can't stop being one because spies are forever also spies are immortal
Please indulge my delusion that Owen is still alive, I need him to be okay
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pinkyjulien · 1 year
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━━ Ready for Phantom Liberty 💛
Stinkies breaking the 4th wall for this one 😖
SO Excited for tomorrow, but also highkey anxious and sad that CP77 and V's story s'coming to an end with Phantom Liberty 😭 whatever happens to the canon V I will NOT SEE. I SHALL NOT FUCKING SEE.
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thatpurpledudetrey · 7 months
even tho i never liked feyre and hated some of her terrible actions. I feel pity for her bcs her character got stripped away and reduced to revolved around a disgusting, musty, crusty, rusty 0 star man who SA'd her UTM and broke her arm to force her into a bargain and then proceed to brainwashed her into thinking his a good guy (idc what yall say its fucking canon that feyre got brainwashed by rice shit) and trapped in fantasy version of america for the rest of her life. Like i wouldnt wish that upon a girl i dont like bro, that sounds like an absoulete nightmare.
So thats why im neutral feyre instead of anti feyre, we need more ppl who is neutral with feyre!!!!!!!
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helianthusaster · 1 month
I've never seen generations nor do I wish to from what I've heard. In my canon Jim, Bones, and Spock (with the help of power couple Scotty and Uhura) build the RV from Spaceballs and travel the universe, occasionally crossing paths with Sulu and Chekov in the most hilarious, road-trip-y way.
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(The RV for reference)
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tortoisesshells · 1 month
34. stars; for maggie and joe.
Maggie Evans hadn’t asked for much in life, and had let much of what she wanted pass her by: little trinkets she couldn’t afford, friends she had no time for, Joe Haskell, who’d never looked her way, until – Until he had. And then, crushingly, he hadn’t. If there were solace in knowing why Maggie was too far gone to feel it – seeing that thing’s teeth in his neck had made her throat own ache, and heart go light, as though she was scarcely tethered to life at all. Joe said he had to answer the door, after the knock came again – if she could only get him away from here, just as she had thought, those horrible weeks in the Old House, that if she could just run far enough away, she could be free of Barnabas – She took hold of his bedside lamp. Mouthing her silent apologies, thinking desperately of the moon and stars over a balmy sea, of some place in the world where no one had ever even heard of Collinsport – Maggie brought it down on Joe’s head with a dull thud.
send me a number and two (or more) characters, and get a five sentence drabble!
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mihotose · 2 years
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The IT Crowd Manual
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