#alt subculture
spookysalem13 · 11 hours
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Spooky 👻 will forever be my lifestyle ✨️ forever that dark aesthetic babe 🖤
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kindinb00 · 2 months
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alcorian · 11 months
fyi punk should be diy. if any of my followers wanna dress punk but feel like they cant because its expensive, here's the secret: a good punk look can and should be made out of literal junk. old bottle caps, safety pins. i recently asked my sister if she'd give me some spare key rings so i could join them up with mine and make a longer chain (its attached to my favorite pair of pants rn). if something doesnt feel shiny and pointy and punk enough, stab it with some safety pins. make your own patches out of spare fabric scraps. cut the logos and patterns off of shirts and turn them into patches. pick up some cheap basic embroidery stuff (thread, needle, bamboo ring, thats all you need--hell you dont even need the ring its just helpful) to sew your patches on & make some of your own. or just embroider right on your clothes! it doesnt have to look good. most real punk patches are self-made with wonky lettering. you can get a good leather jacket, denim jacket, vest, etc at your local thrift store. you can try chains like savers and you can try non-chain shops. (btw thrift shops arent just for clothes, theyre lifesavers in general. i got my favorite table for $15 at savers. its old and ornate with carved designs and shit. please shop at thrift stores theyre the best thing ever.) also, when i was younger i remember i made my own spiky bracelets out of studded ribbon (cheap, get it at joanns or some other fabric or crafts store) and safety pins to hold it together. dont waste money on fucking hot topic. you can make your own shit. thats what punk is all about. i promise anyone judging you for having handmade punk clothes and accessories is a fucking poser.
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melyasssy · 2 months
Scene Kid and Kandi Stimboard ✫✬✪
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macabresque · 5 months
goth dancing is so fucking fun and if you say otherwise might i suggest trying to experience joy magic and fun?
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girlishguitarist · 10 months
I always feel so weird when I see companies making mega expensive “punk” and “goth” clothes. I used to know this other person who kept on wanting to get into the goth scene, and another one of my friends literally was so willing to help her and get her started out with like music recs and clothing tips and she’d constantly tell us. “Oh, but dressing goth isn’t accessible for me. I don’t have the money.”
Which y’know makes sense, not everybody has the money to drop on getting goth clothes. Especially when your priorities are literally keeping a roof over your head and paying bills. We’re all from working class families here. But then we just kind of realised she was referring to the shit you’d find on like… Killstar or Dollskill and everything made a lot more sense. It’s been making me think. Ever since alternative subcultures such as goth, such as punk, even grunge tbf have made their way into mainstream fashion trends on the internet it’s made people believe that the only way you’re able to get clothes to “dress the part” is to fork out shite tonnes of money to these ridiculously overpriced online clothing stores. (You don’t even have to dress goth for example to be goth because it’s a music based subculture but that’s a whole other thing.)
The way trends are today with this whole, “aesthetic” thing along with the consumerist HELL that is fast fashion sparks a wave people just buying swathes of overpriced clothing to hop onto a clothing trend that is actually ripped from a subculture they don’t really understand? Like part of the whole core of these subcultures is that we are anti-consumerist and anti-capitalist. You are a fucking joke.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not talking negatively about people who truly want to get into these subcultures. There is nothing wrong with that at all, of course there isn’t. I’m talking about people who will see a fashion trend and just hop onto it and really have no idea what they’re doing. (This is part of the reason why I believe it’s unlikely we’ll ever have a new subculture as big as previous ones ever again because of just how everything is a trend now.)
Fashion that has been born from these subcultures has always been DIY. Making your own battle jackets, thrifting pieces of clothing and tweaking them to be how you want. Like… I don’t know about you babes but I don’t think goths in the 80’s were getting their clothes from fucking Hot Topic.
The fact that companies are now and have been making ridiculously priced pieces of clothing to capitalise off of: 1.) People who want to hop on trends because they don’t want to make the clothes they just want the style now, and 2.) People who want to genuinely get into subcultures such as punk and goth but may be misguided as to where to get clothing just makes me so fucking mad because it makes getting into the fashion within these subcultures seem inaccessible and consumerist-ridden when they’re absolutely not meant to be.
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xxviviennevincentxx · 11 months
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atomicraft · 5 months
Do you like kandi? Are you looking to get into making kandi?
hi !!! my name is atomic, and I’ve been a Certified Kandi Kid for about 4 or 5 years now and it’s one of my favourite communities, so as a little gift to give back to all the lovely folks who have listened to me infodump about my silly bracelets I’ve made a comprehensive presentation on kandi :D
this presentation includes:
What kandi is
The history of kandi
How to trade kandi
Types of kandi (including tutorials !)
How to get into the kandi community
Feel free to share this around !!!
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vamprvomit · 7 months
I hope people start mixing subcultures and styles up a bit more. Trying to make these sorts of things clearly defined does more harm than good. Maybe the trend cycle will get so short that different alternative trends start to merge. I want to see trad goth makeup with egl outfits with menhara accessories; just mix and match it all. Come up with something new. Young people of the scene, please stop looking backwards.
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meadowmousey · 2 months
Modern aesthetic is based on consumerism
Seriously. If you look up like fairycore or Whimsigoth (using these as examples bc i love that vibe) all you will see are items to purchase. Which is what capitalism and consumerism have done to us as a society. We base our identities not off of what we are, but rather what we have. We create profiles for ourselves irl to look like the kind of person that does xyz. It’s made subculture feel hollow and vapid.
I am sososososo sick of this. Let’s not walk the walk, let’s talk the talk too. I want to hear your fairycore playlists. I want to know the activities that make someone that. I want to know what books are whimsigoth. Let’s create an *actual* subculture rather than a fashion trend that will have us throwing our items away in a year.
I’m gonna rb this later with how I’m gonna start defining these particular aesthetics. I want to belong to an actual community of people with a shared interest, not just a shared wardrobe. It should be about so much more than just what we look like! It’s about shared values and thinking. Let’s actually have a philosophy behind this.
*before anyone comes for me, yes clothes and overall look are valid things to have an interest and passion for, and are a big part of aesthetic/subculture, and I love my wardrobe but I want to see more than JUST items! I love fashion but I want to partake in something deeper than simply a micro fashion trend and I feel like subculture lately is really lacking in anything BUT items, but I’m not trying to gatekeep nor tell anyone that they’re not good enough/doing it right! Let’s all be kind to each other plz*
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spookysalem13 · 13 days
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If this was a real show, this would be the type of real housewives I would sit down to watch.
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kindinb00 · 2 months
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aeggiie · 3 months
I want to be a vampire so goddamn bad. same as how i wanna be a zombie. or a ghost. or mothman. or whatever allows me to be asexual and people be ok with it because it makes sense.
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manic-pixie-sceneboy · 11 months
More alternative styled cats to use as icons/pfps
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I might draw some of these
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pinockv · 8 months
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