#allen munson
spectrum-spectre · 8 months
thinking about unknowingly-related Eddie & Nancy
tw: unplanned pregnancy, abortion mention, emotional abuse/manipulation of a teenage girl
Karen Wheeler (born Karen Childress) had a sister two years older than her, Lisa Ann Childress. When Lisa was 17, she started hanging out with that no-good Munson boy--Albert or something. Karen couldn't be bothered to actually remember his name. She thought his presence was just due to her sister having a little rebellious phase, and that he would disappear once Lisa got her head back on straight. Unfortunately, condoms break sometimes.
Their father gave Lisa an ultimatum: get an abortion and never talk to that trailer park trash again, and she gets to stay in their nice house with her family and meet a (carefully selected) good little Christian boy to settle down with someday. OR, she can slum it up with those heathens, and be disowned.
Lisa chose option number two, and one Shotgun Wedding later, Karen became an only child. Nancy grew up believing that she didn't have any aunts, uncles, or cousins. Imagine her surprise when she flips through her dad's old Hawkins High yearbooks and thinks she spots her mother, only to realize it's a different woman with the same maiden name.
She has a few questions for mommy dearest.
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overthinkiwinky · 15 days
Daisy Edgar Jones is perfect to be Eddie's Mom, Beth Munson.
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steviesbicrisis · 8 months
Hey um… quick question, have you seen THIS?
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✨Eddie's dad✨
I know your question was supposed to be quick but the rabbit hole you just sent me to??? NOT QUICK AT ALL!!! First of all, I had to check where this was coming from. I thought it was some fan cast about the book but it's not!! This is the Stranger Things play in London AAAAAH!!!! (anyone who's going to this, I'm so jealous of you!!)
I had no idea Eddie's dad would be one of the characters and now I'm more curious than EVER!!
second of all, I had to see who this actor is. So I googled it and Google was like "he was in Everybody's Talking About Jamie" and I was like "wow cool" and then Google was like "he played Jamie" and I was like "WHAT???" Not only did I not recognize him at all, I think it's a very interesting choice considering he's not very... queer friendly in most fan canons ahahah
And lastly, I know this is just a play and actors can look very different but I had to look for any resemblance with Eddie!! I think the poster does a great job giving you some similarities (curly hair!!!) but also I've found these
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And like, okay I see it!!
(Also, now I kinda want to make an edit with all the play actors and make it look like their yearbook... mhh...)
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queenimmadolla · 8 months
I have a feeling that occasion Eddie referred to about having been to The War Zone once was when his dad took younger Eddie there to get guns he needed :(
Allen Munson, you’re lucky those correctional officers are keeping you safe from me, you bitch.
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madelynraemunson · 9 months
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panicatthediaz · 8 months
Ladies and gentlemen, wolves and ghouls, it's October now! How wild is that? This is my entry for Day 1 of @eddiemonth. Fic's titled after the song prompt for the day, Runaway by Sword, that is in no real way in the fic. So, without further ado... werewolves :D
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Warnings: Parent death. Not described in detail, but fairly obvious, at the very end. Wordcount: 1941
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Eddie was itchy. So, so itchy.
His Ma said it was normal, and laughed a little at the face he made at that. The laughter was a lot louder when he tackled her into a hug, but she didn't stumble much, just swiftly picked him up for a quick squeeze.
He wondered if he’d be as strong as her, some day; his mother was the strongest wolf Eddie had ever met.
(He had been ten years old when he first wondered about Lauren Munson’s strength. His opinion hadn’t changed, even after everything that had happened later.)
“You two ready to go?” Wayne asked, poking his head inside the kitchen. Wayne had joined his Ma on full moon runs years ago, before Eddie even knew they were all werewolves.
To his nine-year-old self, that had been the coolest revelation. His parents had spent the last year teaching him everything he needed to know for his first shift. But neither of his parents warned him it would itch so much!
Wayne laughed when he told him that, ruffling his hair. “It does suck,” he agreed. “I think I was itchy that whole week, when I first shifted. Very restless, too”
Eddie looked up at his uncle, horrified. He thought that if he’d had to deal with this for anything more than a day, he would have gone insane.
His Ma laughed softly, shaking her head at the two of them. “You’ll get used to it in no time, Eddie,” she reassured. “Shouldn’t be itchin’ much after tonight.”
He looked at Wayne, who nodded seriously.
They were out of the door after his mom grabbed the bag of extra clothes. His dad was in the car, looking at them with a smile. He always looked a little happier during the full moon.
“I’ll see y’all in the park,” Wayne told them as he walked to his own truck.
There was no one out on the street, but Eddie still looked around carefully; he understood pretty quickly the importance of being careful after many horror stories, real and fairy tales alike.
Once he figured it was safe, Eddie ran to the car and clambered into the backseat, making his dad laugh as he stumbled slightly.
“Hey, kiddo,” he greeted, turning on his seat to face Eddie. “Feeling itchy yet?”
“So much!” he groaned, dramatically falling sideways until he was lying down. His mom entered the car at that moment. “Can’t wait to shift!”
She laughed lightly. Eddie knew she worried about how he’d fare when the full moon actually came, but he maintained that it was one of the coolest things about them all.
Well. Eddie knew it wasn’t gonna be painless. Everyone told him that the first shift is hard. But he was already exhausted, and he’d just shifted. He still had a run to get through!
He felt a nose poking his back, heard a nearby huff of amusement, but he didn’t move, not yet. He was left alone for another few minutes as the aches in his body subsided.
Now that he was getting used to the new shape, it wasn’t so bad. He flexed a hand — paw? — and knew it wouldn’t go unnoticed. He flexed the other paw, slowly working on getting all his limbs under him so he could stand up.
It was a little weird, this difference in… everything. In a move that felt very natural, Eddie shook his entire body as he stood, feeling a little more settled.
He blinked his eyes open slowly, adjusting to his surroundings. The full moon illuminated the woods well, but there was a sharpness to everything around him that he knew for a fact he didn’t have as a human.
It was kind of cool.
The first wolf he saw was a black one, lying down a few feet away from him in the middle of bright snow. He recognized his dad almost immediately. Once Eddie managed to focus on his face, his brown eyes looked proud, and he tapped one paw on the ground, calling him over.
Eddie moved on unsteady legs, slowly trying to gain confidence. His dad nosed at him once he got close enough — checking in — and grumbled something that Eddie registered as a question.
He tilted his head, unsure how to respond. They hadn’t actually talked about what would come after the shift yet. He had time to figure it out, though; as soon as he figured out how to move around on snow without stumbling.
The full moons that followed were easier. He still ached and felt sore all over, but it wasn't as disorienting anymore.
The four of them had just returned from a run. Wayne had already shifted back and left to get the car, probably for Eddie’s benefit; he’d run a lot, feeling free in a way he hadn’t expected. They are in the same park, the same four wolves spending even more time together.
(Pack runs had always been his favorite way to spend the full moons, even when the pack was reduced to two people. It took a good few years for it to properly grow once more, but it was a happy, united one. Eddie couldn’t complain.)
Despite the freedom, though, tonight he was exhausted. There was something about spring that seemed to have energized him in the beginning of the evening, but whatever it was, it was long gone.
He grumbled something meaningless, moving closer to his mom. She was still in wolf form, her dark brown coat almost disappearing into the night.
Using her side as a pillow wasn’t exactly soft, but it was warm and brought him comfort anyway — it was his mom, there was no comfort like his mom’s.
She nipped at his neck, causing him to shift around trying to escape her. He leaped away from her, growling tiredly, and earning a huff for his troubles.
His mom grumbled in response, glancing at his dad a few steps away from them. Nap with him, then. His dad — pretty much invisible at the moment if he hadn’t known he was there — was always the first to fall asleep after runs, and Eddie was always the one to wake him up when Wayne arrived with the car. But he didn’t want his dad right now, and he wasn’t above whining about it, not here.
She huffed, amused, but let him rest next to her all the same, in one of the best naps he’d ever had.
Eddie knew a few things about being a werewolf so far.
Eddie knew he had the size of a normal, near-adult wolf; knew that the actual adults, especially his mom, were much bigger than him.
He knew that being able to run with his parents and his uncle was the best part of it all.
It hadn’t taken him long, two or three moons, to get the hang of moving and communicating as a wolf; a lot of it came naturally.
What wasn’t coming as naturally was the control needed. It had been months since he first shifted, and, so far, he’d only been able to do it during the full moon.
And he understood it was early, it hadn’t anywhere near a year, but… he wanted the practice.
So, here he was, in the middle of the woods with his uncle.
Which, in retrospect, might not have been the best idea.
“Sorry, kid, I don’t know how else to explain it.”
He groaned, flopping backwards onto the ground. “This is hard,” he drawled.
At least it was summer, so if anyone showed up, the fact that Eddie was wearing nothing but shorts wouldn’t raise too many questions.
“I think you’re stressin’ about it,” Wayne declared a moment later. “It takes time, Eddie, you gotta let your body get used to it all.”
“I know,” he mumbled, staring at the sky. The late afternoon always had the prettiest colors during the summer. “It’ll come naturally when the time is right,” he quoted, with an honest attempt at imitating his father. It got a snort of laughter out of Wayne, at least. “I just…”
He trailed off. Wayne let the silence be only for a beat before he made a questioning noise. Eddie sighed.
“I don’t know,” he grumbled and closed his eyes with a sigh. “You guys are like, cool.” He raised a hand as if to wave his comment away. “The coolest people I know!” Eddie sat up once more and shrugged, not raising his eyes to meet Wayne’s. “I just… wanna be like you guys.”
He did look up when Wayne approached him, kneeling in front of him and ruffling his hair gently. Eddie grumbled halfhearted complaints about the curls becoming messy.
“Don’t think that’s possible, Eddie,” Wayne replied just as gently. “You’re probably the best part of us all, combined. Your own cool person.”
“Yeah?” Eddie straightened, trying not to smile too wide; given the way Wayne smiled in return, he probably failed.
“Definitely,” he reached out and patted his head. “Now come on.” Wayne stood up and helped Eddie up. “Let’s get some lemonade, yeah?”
It wasn’t even a full moon. It wasn’t even night, yet. Eddie had just wanted to help his aunt Mara gather some plants and flowers before fall truly set in, before their runs were closer to home because they couldn’t really justify not being bothered by the cold.
It was supposed to be the first step of his favorite part of the year.
But he’d heard the heavy steps, the distant growl. He saw his mom tense, noticed the scent that didn’t belong in early fall. He froze, clutching the jasmines in his hands and breathing deeply like his dad had taught him to.
Eddie heard the soft whimper, and looked up at his Ma. Whatever she saw in his face was enough to get her moving, taking his hand and walking briskly to a denser part of the woods.
They walked until they reached an old den made by the wolves in the territory, now abandoned.
“Shift,” his mom whispered, “and get in there.”
He would’ve complained about his clothes, but there was a stranger in the territory, and aunt Mara might have been hurt; he knew not to question his mom.
He wished he could celebrate, though; this was the fastest he’d been able to shift outside of a full moon so far, but other than a faint smile from his mom, there was no acknowledgment. There was no time for one.
She walked further into the woods, leaving Eddie to burrow into the den. But he couldn't stay, refused to.
Until he hit his growth spurt, he would look like a normal wolf, which there were plenty of in the surrounding area of his mom's pack; he could sneak back into the house and get help.
He crawled out of the den, listening for any approaching sounds, but everything was distant. Even the birds seemed to have momentarily stopped singing.
And so, he ran.
A pained howl echoed throughout the woods, closer than he’d expected — halfway to the house. He turned, seeing a flash of brown-black fur to his left, just in time to see his mom hunch over and almost fall into a growing pool of blood.
She was hurt. The whimper that escaped him was drowned out by her warning howl.
It was cut short by the sound of a gun.
Eddie was running back to the house before the hunter could overcome his surprise at his presence.
He knew, in a distant way, that she was gone. And without Lauren Munson, everything was about to change.
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beep-beep-robin · 9 months
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hey ummmm guys can we talk about this please?? eddie‘s dad maybe?
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aemiron-main · 6 months
And also, re: TFS, is it not a little weird that we have Allen Munson present, but not Wayne Munson? Especially with Claudia and Walter Henderson seemingly being siblings at first vs Claudia’s last name being changed to Yount/them not being siblings anymore vs Allen’s sibling, Wayne, being mysteriously absent?? Especially with Wayne being the person who remembers the Creel murders in the show??
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will80sbyers · 7 months
In addition, Dustin's mother's maiden name is changed to 'Yount', so she is being referred to as Claudia Yount now. Dustin's father is likely 'Walter Henderson'. Some people theorized he and Claudia might be siblings before but now with the change of their surnames it seems like they are basically Dustin's parents.
Apparently for some reason Bob's father was changed from being pastor to the school principal. Not sure how they will connect that to the whole religious thing, or will there even be a ''pastor'' at all. Honestly i thought it would be hilarious if they made Eddie's father as the school principal instead considering Eddie's failure as a student and him dying. It'd be ironic.🧐
Oh god you're right... Ngl this looks messy 💀 is it normal to be changing the play while they are doing it???? Now even Allen Munson is called Alan ???
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They also have 3 actresses for Alice, maybe because the child actors can't work more than a certain amount of hours? Or idk maybe it's normal in theatre I'm not really informed on this
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voldiscute · 9 months
I guess you can say Eddie has learnt his theatrics from his father
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(gif from: Everybody's talking about Jamie)
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wheelercore · 7 months
I like tfs Alan/Allen Munson because his actor is just
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satellitespeirs · 7 months
eddie's dad being a greaser theatre kid makes so much sense to me
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miss-celestial-being · 8 months
all i need is for the duffer brothers to cast skeet ulrich as eddie munsons father, then i can die happy
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getyouanearthygirl · 1 year
Some rockstar for you to thirst over who aren’t (to my knowledge) horrible people
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Bc I’m tried of seeing people obsess over Tommy Lee. He doesn’t deserve it and you deserve better. I included lesser known guys and different genres to accommodate your thirsting needs.
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madelynraemunson · 7 months
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lukas-dusk · 6 months
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What do you think?
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