fyanimaldiversity · 7 months
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Albino harbor seal (Phoca vitulina)
@ René Pop
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autistrix · 5 days
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[https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/50335435] American Robin || Turdus migratorius Observed in United States Least Concern in location of observation
Fully albino robin!
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dumberme · 1 year
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Colombia confirmed the first case of an albino ocelot, after carrying out genetic tests on a feline with white fur and red eyes. 
The ocelot was found as a kitten, weighing just 440 grams, in the rural zone of Amalfi and was first thought to be a puma jaguarundi.
Medellin's Conservation Park undertook genetic testing on the animal, concluding it was actually a leopardus pardalis, a native species of ocelot that is found all across the Americas.
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cannedpeachess · 2 months
No because the way I get so VISCERALLY angry when someone refers to an animal as albino when they’re actually leucistic, erythristic, or xanthochromatic is both deeply irrational and greatly unhealthy
Total loss of melanin in the body, i.e. skin, hair/fur/feathers, and eyes (the eyes look pink/red because the lack of melanin in the eye exposes the blood vessels within it to light, which then reflects their red hue)
Partial loss of melanin in the body; the pattern of melanin distribution is unique in each case, so some people or animals with this condition may have patches of typically-colored skin/hair/fur in addition to pigmented eyes, while others may only have the aforementioned ocular pigmentation
Abnormal prevalence of reddish pigment in the skin/hair/fur/feathers of an animal; concentration of this pigment varies case by case, so humans/animals with the condition can present anywhere from only slightly pink to intensely red in color; to my knowledge, the condition does not affect the eyes
Abnormal prevalence of yellow pigment in the skin/hair/fur/feathers of an animal; similar to erythrism, color intensity can vary from light golden hues to deep yellows; again, to my knowledge, the condition does not affect the eyes
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk
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pol-ski · 1 month
Unique albino from Polish zoo named international penguin of the year
/© Gdansk Zoo, © Notes from Poland
An albino penguin born in a zoo in the Polish city of Gdańsk – the only one of its kind kept in captivity in the world – has been chosen as penguin of the year in an international contest.
Five-year-old female African penguin Kokosanka won almost 83% of public votes cast in the final round of March Of The Penguin Madness, an annual contest organised by Penguins International, an organisation committed to preserving and protecting penguins.
As a reward for her success, Kokosanka was presented by staff at her zoo with a cake made from herring caught in the nearby Baltic Sea, her favourite snack.
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When Kokosanka hatched in Gdańsk in December 2018, her birth was initially kept a secret. Her carers feared that her albinism would mean she had poor health or that she would be rejected by her parents and other penguins.
Although Kokosanka was indeed initially rejected by her parents, with the support of her keepers she has grown into a healthy adult, well integrated with the other 84 penguins living at the zoo on Poland’s northern Baltic coast.
She has also become an informal face of Gdańsk Zoo, which offers Kokosanka-themed merchandise to its visitors.
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jemrising · 4 months
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Made new banners for all my shops ;u; And FINALLY made graphics to use in my signature
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catboydivorce · 8 months
I'd like to remind everyone that when talking about a person (or character), it's "person with albinism," not "albino."
I've mentioned before how deeply traumatic that word is for many of us. It carries a stigma that exists just as strongly as it did when we were featured in circus freakshows (which I've seen billboards for in my lifetime), because that's where people know us from and there hasn't been a movement to change that. We're still portrayed in media as freaks and villains, using our appearance to shock you. You're supposed to see us as evil, abusive, manipulative, and never worthy of redemption, because they don't expect for you to see those characters as human. If you can't think of any examples, check out the TV tropes article for Albinos are freaks.
I've experienced endless bullying and harassment, adults calling me disgusting and a freak, physical violence, and had my sunglasses and hat taken on multiple occasions (both are necessary for me to be able to see outside, essentially blinding me and leaving me downtown somewhere). I've been discriminated against so many times I can no longer remember each detail. This is what albino means to me: being subhuman.
I will never see albino as a positive word, even when people mean well. Getting people to care about us is like pulling teeth; I'm not saying this is a slur and you're a bad person if you ever say it. I'm asking for some common respect, and for you to learn about us before you talk about us and make your OCs based on more than just looks.
There's a lot more I could cover but ultimately I'd really like the word albino to fade out of our lexicon. I don't really care what you call animals, although albinistic is the scientific term.
Of course i don't speak for everyone with albinism. For more on that, here's a very short article about our various feelings on the word.
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dozydawn · 5 months
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“Ustupo Island has a particularly high percentage of albino children. They are known here as hijos/hijas de la luna: children of the moon.”
Photographed by Mark Eveleigh, 2008.
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heartwarminganimals · 6 months
White Tanuki
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fyanimaldiversity · 11 months
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Albino greater dog like bat (Peropteryx kappleri)
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sullyfortress · 28 days
I don’t usually share practice sketches but I saw this gorgeous woman on Pinterest and then thought about my recent drawing of an albino na’vi and thought I’d try and see what this woman might look like if she had albinism.
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birdblues · 1 year
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Albino Turkey Vulture
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antiqueanimals · 3 months
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Florida Wildlife; vol. 10, no. 10. March, 1957. Illustration by Wallace Hughes.
Internet Archive
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Clarisse La Rue x Albino!Fem!Reader
A/N:More hc's on the way!Luke fics are also wip!
I feel like she would constantly tease you about your eyes twitching in the sun, but she'd also low-key make sure you have sunglasses all the time. Like, "Here, put these on,pretty girl. Don't want you going blind or something."
I feel like she would grumble about having to deal with sunscreen, but secretly she enjoys applying it to your pale skin, all protective and stuff. "Stay still,snowflake.Don't want you getting burnt." because she knows how much it hurts given how sensitive your skin is.
She LOVES stealing your hoodies because she says it's like wearing a cloud. "Softest hoodie in camp, hands down.Almost as soft as you."
I feel like she would totally get jealous if anyone else tries to tease you about your unique traits. She's like, "Back off, she's mine to tease."
Imagine her trying to braid your hair, but she's all gruff about it. "Stop moving,pretty thing.I'm not good at this, but it's better than your hair getting tangled." especially if you had longer hair.
So I feel like she would totally have a secret collection of sun hats for you. "Just wear one,snowflake.It's not that hard."
I feel like she would get protective if anyone makes fun of you.She's ready to throw down. "You got a problem with how they look? Say it to my face."
She LOVES bragging about your beauty to her friends, but she does it in a very smug way. "Yeah,my girlfriend here is a vision. Deal with it."
She deff calls you "Casper" sometimes as a joke.
She loves the moments when you let her be the big spoon. "Yeah, that's right,pretty girl.I'm the tough one, remember?" But you both know she secretly loves it.
If someone ever makes a comment about your appearance, she's quick to jump in and shut them down.Clarisse is fiercely protective of you.
She loves planning late-night stargazing sessions because the lack of harsh sunlight makes you more comfortable. She won't admit it's for you, though; she just insists she likes the stars.
During capture the flag, she's always got your back. It's like having your own personal bodyguard, and she'd get all defensive if anyone even looks at you funny.
When it's super sunny, and you can't avoid being outside, she'll grumble but end up walking with you to keep you her shadow.
If someone asks about your haie,eyes or skin or anything else, she's quick to snap at them, shutting down any insensitive comments. She doesn't tolerate anyone messing with you if it's not her - and she never even means the half-assed jokes she makes half of the time.
She's not the biggest fan of PDA, but she'll subtly hold your hand or wrap her arm around you when she thinks no one is looking.
If someone challenges her or disrespects you, Clarisse is ready to throw down. She's not afraid to assert herself,proving she's got your back.
On the rare occasions when you catch her being extra sweet,she brushes it off like it's nothing. But you can see it in her eyes - she's head over heels for you,even if she won't say it out loud.
A/N:I'll probably make a fic like this soon instead of hc's.I just gotta get an idea on what to write tbh.
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diioonysus · 2 years
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vintage beauty: albinism
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dragoncuspid · 13 days
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An albino squirrel was on my porch today ❤️ I feel so lucky
(Edit: It’s leucistic, not albino!)
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