#aka eclaire
vossn · 10 months
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What is it about sunsets and train rides and re-igniting your sudden will to live
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Masterlist of all my AUs (that continues to grow):
I wanted to make an actual proper list in here that I can keep updated and post properly, mostly for personal reference but also just :)
Please ask me about my AUs, I would love to talk about them <3
Ship-centric au = basically just that ship, no other characters are rlly affected
General au = just a normal au where everyone has a role/each ship has their own backstory/etc.
Plot-focused au = a mix of the two, so there’s plenty characters but the plot itself is very centered around a particular ship
-brand new aus/in the process aus-
Interdimensional Therapy AU - with @laughteronsilverwings (Jeanist crossover au)
Fallen Deities AU (general, plot-focused edgejeanist)
-established aus-
Gods au (general)
Pirate au (plot-focused edgejeanist, ectoloader, erasermic + mirukyubami)
Siren au (general, mostly edgejeanist tho)
Ghost au (edgejeanist)
Haunted au (top 5 centric)
Secret identity au (different ship-centric)
Spy au (edgejeanist)
Regal au (general)
Revenge au (edgejeanist)
Neon souls au (plot-focused edgejeanist)
Childhood friends au (different ship-centric)
College/uni au (general)
Supernatural beings au (general)
Fantasy au (plot-focused edgejeanist, erasermic, ectoloader, mirukyubami)
A Little Mermaid au (different ship-centric, but mostly edgejeanist focus)
Peaceful au (general)
Commission kids au (certain group of characters)
Actor au (general)
Mafia au (general)
Denial au (Edgeshot-centric)
Grief au (Jeanist-centric)
Pirates n mermaids au (general)
Deep sea creatures au (general)
Corrupt Horrors au (general) with a somewhat ectoloader centric plot?)
Dance au (general)
Airport au (general)
Hospital au (general)
Winter olympics au (general)
Beauty and the beast au (ectoloader)
Greatest showman au (ectoloader + edgejeanist centric)
Cinderella au (edgejeanist)
Roleswap au (general)
Personality swap au (general)
Villain au (general, but somewhat has an edgejeanist centric plot)
Superhero/bartender au (ship-centric, but kinda general)
LoTR/Hobbit au (general, but with a group of characters)
Royal/bodyguard au (ship-centric)
Immortal/reincarnation au (edgejeanist)
Single parent/teacher au (ship-centric)
BNHA Celestial bodies au (general)
Rapunzel au (edgejeanist)
Fusions au (top 5-centric)
-these following aus were made initially by the lovely @suoperbvorb, who I’ve shared thoughts with about (go give them some love, they have cool thoughts)-
Lone warrior au (edgejeanist)
Shifter au (edgejeanist, has some other characters)
Fox Shinya au (edgejeanist)
Wolf Tsu au (edgejeanist)
That’s it for now!! I will edit this when I make more :)
(I actually cut quite a few from my normal list, bc some of them were kinda small aus/branch aus I didn’t need to write here)
But pls ask me about my AUs at any time <33
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justablah56 · 2 years
have you ever considered the fact that tea knight cookie and eclair cookie are married?
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blessedshortcake · 2 years
New slice of life fic is on the way because I spent all day so far packing school books and it gave me ideas
Dunno if I should make it with a ship/ships, pining, friends only or sibling bonding
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mrscakeishere · 5 months
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⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Beta reviews!
"Oddly sexy!" "Found this weirdly heartwarming!" "Don't sully that monkey!"
Polychrome (@polychromicron-persei-8) and I are kicking off the Polycakes Rotary International Collaborative Korporation (PRICK) (aka our smut and other goofy collabs) with an Ode to Eclairs (Rated Explicit, 3104 words).
It's our happy NYE weekend gift to you all and our precursor to the @goodomensafterdark smut war coming up January 8th.
Summary and excerpt below! CW: NSFW
An Ode to Eclairs
When Aziraphale and Crowley’s love life gets a little stale, they decide to spice things up with a sexy phone call. Turns out, communication isn’t their strong suit.
Crowley sat next to his phone and thought about Shakespeare. He and the great playwright had been wrong in 1601. While age may not wither Aziraphale, the custom of once-a-week-vanilla-sex-Wednesdays had indeed begun to stale and an infinite variety of intimacy was much needed. He had brought this up to Aziraphale—although not in such eloquent words[1]—and they had agreed to investigate their options and try something new. 
Aziraphale had done all the research, as usual, and after discovering a broad array of kinks and other intimate hijinks, had settled on phone sex. For one thing, it was cheap; there weren't any props to buy, equipment to assemble, or web cameras to set up (or computers to learn for that matter). For another thing, Aziraphale and Crowley had both agreed that it sounded like the simplest activity to try. All it required was talking about sex. No awkward attempts at unusual positions or knowledge about how to appropriately tie a knot. 
What they probably should have considered, however, was that talking—and conversation in general—was not their strong point as a couple. But Crowley wasn’t thinking about that at the moment. He was thinking about what his first words should be, and they had to be good.
[1] In actuality, following several misguided attempts at subtlety, Crowley had simply stated the obvious: “I think we need to have better sex.”
Read on at AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52581016
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absolutebl · 7 days
Tagged by @he-is-lightning-in-a-bottle thanks!
Here's the BL version!
coffee or tea
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early bird or night owl
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chocolate or vanilla
spring or fall
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silver or gold
one silver dangly earring
pop or alternative
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freckles or dimples
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snakes or sharks
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mountains or fields
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thunder or lightning
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egyptian mythology or greek mythology
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ivory or scarlet
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flute or lyre
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opal or diamond
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butterflies or honeybees
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macarons or eclairs
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typewritten or handwritten
secret garden or secret library
rooftop or balcony
spicy or mild
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opera or ballet
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london or paris
vincent van gogh or claude monet
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denim or leather
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potions or spells
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ocean or desert
mermaids or sirens
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masquerade ball or cocktail party
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Here's just me:
Coffee or tea | early bird or night owl | chocolate or vanilla fruit | spring or fall | silver or gold | kpop or alternative| freckles or dimples | snakes or sharks | mountains or fields | thunder or lightning | egyptian mythology or greek mythology | ivory or scarlet | flute or lyre | opal or diamond | butterflies or honeybees | macarons or eclairs | typewritten or handwritten | secret garden or secret library | rooftop or balcony | spicy or mild | opera or ballet | london or paris | vincent van gogh or claude monet | denim or leather | potions or spells | ocean or desert | mermaids or sirens | masquerade ball or cocktail party
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sea-owl · 11 months
Thought this be a cute little prompt featuring dragon!Bridgertons aka how Penelope accidentally courted a dragon. 
Penelope Featherington never got why people feared dragons so much. She lived near a nest of dragons all her life and they never bothered her or her village. 
Also all these knights that keep trying to take and take from the dragons. They all claim the dragons stole, but have they ever thought that maybe trading with the dragons to solve that issue? Or giving them some sort of gift? Penelope got lots of neat stuff when she traded with the dragons like her golden embossed journal. Granted she never seen the dragons when she did her drop off for trades but still! It doesn’t have to be much either. All she left was some food and eight coins from her allowance. Sometimes she would tell stories from the village, some of them seemed to like those too. 
It honestly started out as an accident. A stray wind had caught a then 10 year old Penelope’s bonnet and blown it right into the entrance of the dragons nest. It was made out of a very nice silk and lace, but it was a little older. When young Penelope had found out where her bonnet had flown into she had squeaked that they could keep it and ran off. Later that night Penelope found money for a new bonnet outside her window. 
Now years later Penelope sat down at the entrance when she was dropping off some eclairs. 
“I’m sorry I’ve been away for a while,” Penelope said as she counted her sixteen coins. She thought to bring extra since she has been away for a few months. “Mama sent me to meet with some penpals I’ve been writing to for a while. I believe I’ve told you about them before. Kate and Sophie are so much fun. It’s also funny watching them rein in Simon and Michael too. Oh and Phillip! He’s knows so much about plants! I think he might be my favorite. I’ll have to bring them sometime for the you all to meet. I’ll make sure they bring a gift.” 
Unknown to Penelope another group of knights had climbed up to the entrance of the nest.
“Ms back away from the cave! There lies a dragons nest!”
Penelope rolled her eyes. “I know. The whole village knows and they don’t bother us.” 
The group of knights continued to try to argue with Penelope as she continued to ignore them and make sure she put out the right amount of coins. One knight had caught sight of the gift Penelope was leaving for the dragons and he did not like that.
“Let go of me!” Penelope demanded as the knight roughly grabbed her. 
Hearing a roar from inside the cave Penelope looked down in time to see a blue tail wrap around her waist before it yanked her backwards. The sudden grab had knocked the girl to the ground. Laying on her back she could feel herself being pulled further into the cave. What she saw though was beautiful different colors of fire being blown around and above her. 
All too soon the fire disappeared but now in her line of sight were emerald green draconic eyes. They were rather beautiful in her opinion. Penelope soon realized the tail wrapped around her belonged to this dragon. 
Penelope looked up to see where the sound had come from but all she saw was seven more draconic eyes staring down at her. “Well, this is the first time I’ve seen the inside.”
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dragonawagon · 1 month
What is Dragon a Wagon?
Dragon a Wagon is a podcast @melodyburst started a few years ago! It started as a April Fools Day prank masquerading as an Erotic High Fantasy Actual Play Podcast parodying modern horny Fantasy and TTRPG media, but evolved into a fully unironic podcast featuring characters with stupid names and weird designs.
It features Rebby, a blue kobold woman who is shy, anxious, and a little sarcastic.
Fatfucks, a red kobold woman who is a bit braggadocios and overconfident.
Edible Cunt AKA Eddie AKA Eclair, a blue woman who is aloof and always has her head in the clouds.
And Goblinda, a little green woman who is a bit of a cynical valley girl with a blood-lusty streak.
As of writing this 3 episodes are out! HERE THEY ARE!
I hope you enjoy and perhaps check around this blog! There may be additional content and you can send in asks and perhaps the characters from the podcast will answer in video form! Cheers!
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luminarai · 5 months
hello! Im visiting Copenhagen in January and was wondering if you have any recommendations of things to do or like cafes/stores/etc to visit?
Hi nonnie! So sorry for the delayed answer, I was down with the flu/plague/?? most of december so I've only just gotten back to my inbox.
I've tried to make a compilation of the recommendations for places to see, eat, and shop that aren't just the usual touristy stuff. I hope you enjoy your trip and the weather won't be too Copenhagen-in-January!
Where to eat (especially bakeries)
Sct. Peders Bageri – The oldest bakery in Denmark! They haveCakery a wonderful selection of traditional Danish baked goods but their seasonal varieties are also incredible.
BUKA – They have a few bakeries in town now and some of the best croissants and pastries.
Cakery Copenhagen – The best eclairs in town, hands down. Always a bunch of fun seasonal varieties and mini versions.
Bertels Salon – They do cheesecakes. And they’re amazing. They have 10+ fresh varieties every day (!) and turned me into a cheesecake lover.
La Glace – They do traditional Danish layer cakes and fancy patisseries as well as hot chocolate ad libitum. Very atmospheric and historic. A bit more expensive all in all but not insanely so.
Torvehallerne – Two large greenhouses full of delicious food and other food/drink related stores. Coffee Collective for coffee, Rørt for Danish smørrebrød, Granny’s House for pastries and Ma Poule for their famous duck sandwich.
Broens Gadekøkken – A small street food market right by the bridge across from Nyhavn. Depending on when you’re here, there’s also an ice skating rink set up during winter.
Mahalle - Lebanese fusion kitchen at affordable prices. You might want to book a table just in case.
Jagger - Burgers! Not the most hyggelige surroundings (a bit too industrial chic) but you can't argue with the food. Highly recommend the milkshakes!
What to see
Glyptoteket – Absolutely gorgeous museum. Free entrance on the last Wednesday of the month.
Thorvaldsens Museum – Also stunning, focused on statues. Free entrance all Wednesdays.
Nationalmuseet – Bog bodies! Their seasonal exhibitions are usually very good.
David’s samling – Smaller museum with free entrance. Classical European and Islamic art.
Kronborg – AKA Hamlet’s castle. Technically outside Copenhagen but you can easily take the train the whole way. I highly recommend doing one of the daily guided tours (no additional cost to the entrance fee).
Rundetårn – A fun look into the old astrology tower with a lovely view of the city. The majority of the inside is one big ramp with some narrow stairs at the end so keep that in mind if you have trouble walking.
Assistentens Kirkegård digital guided tour – If the weather is with you, you can go for a digitally guided tour in the old graveyard, located in a park in the middle of the city. Here’s a link for the app.
Other nice parks in case it's not raining the whole time (Danes love going for a walk, what can I say) include the Botanical Garden, Frederiksberg Have (where you can peek into the elephant enclosure in the zoo) and Kongens Have.
To shop
Vintage shopping: There’s a bunch of good quality vintage stores on Studiestræde and Larsbjørnsensstræde. Also worth a mention is Audrey Vintage on Hyskenstræde, run by a woman who handpicks all the items from all around Europe.
Strøget is the place for high street shopping but I definitely recommend having a look around the inner city’s side streets and down Frederiksborggade (check out the home goods store Maduro here) over the lakes to Nørrebro where you’ll also find some more offbeat stores and great bars and restaurants.
The largest bookstore is Arnold Busck on Købmagergade for books in both Danish and English. Fiolstræde close by has the independent book café Brøg that I highly recommend both for books and for a quick cake + coffee. On Fiolstræde you’ll also find some used bookstores with a variety of options and other smaller shops and cafés.
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the immediate team dynamics of jenny eclair + kiell smith-bynoe + mae martin (aka lovely and all different types of mad) and frankie boyle + ivo graham (aka entirely different and full of weird tension) are strokes of genius
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diverbots · 1 year
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I meant to join on the oc train earlier but totally forgot so here we are now!! this is madeleine aka maddie, she's a former trapeze artist along with her twin model eclair (though he's much taller than her at 6'2", since she's only like 5'2") that after awakening parted ways with eclair n the circus and decided to become a freelance writer. she travels a lot to inspire her writing and really likes wearing sundresses! her lights can change color (but she likes lavender best) and also function as ports to attach decorations.
OMG I LOVE HER???? She’s so pretty and cute my god… I love omnic writers/artists you have no idea, it’s always gotten me curious to how they make each of their works and how people interpret them! I’m also curious on what kind of things she writes (blogs, novellas, etc) but yeah, I love her so much waaah 😭😭😭
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agendabymooner · 7 months
do soren tia and elmo know of princess ditty if so do they have playdates with her or is it just me being delulu because AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
they’re not from the same universe :( I’ve tried to separate them because it was getting way too niche!
the ones that the Wolff kids (Soren, Tia, Adelmo) know are their cousins:
- from Lewis (Hammy) and Stevie (Tilly’s sister: Lottie and Leland
- from Max (DU DU DU DU) and Sylvie (also Tilly’s sister): Emilia, Lila, Maximilian (aka Maxim) — HAVE NOT WRITTEN ABOUT THEM EXCEPT FROM MATILDA VOLUME TWO (SMAU)
- from Charles (Eclair) and Aimee (the last sister I promise): Hervé, Jules, Sacha (PJ), Anthoine and Alain! — I wrote more about these kids than I have the rest.
Of course I wrote about the Wolff kids a lot but out of the four sisters, I only write much about them and the Leclerc kids! xx
Princess Ditty is just a standalone series for now! (Nobody calls her princess ditty because not even Albie likes her princess status hehe)
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walnutcookie · 1 year
What’s your take on an AU that expands on why Roguefort has their Pursuit of Lost Time costume?
inhales deeply
(this is very poorly explained im sorry)
okay so . I have made a whole story for pursuit of lost time/search for lost time because i am Neurodivergent and Yeah it probably is the farthest thing from canon but so is the rest of my fanon/hc au
for some brief context, when roquefort (aka roguefort outside of their thief persona) was 15 their family mansion (the blue cheese manor) was burned down due to *unknown circumstances. their oldest brother earl grey managed to grab hold of them and their younger brother eclair and tug them out of the burning house, and as they stared at their whole life burn down in front of them, roquefort notices a strange white feather drifting through the wind ,, they still remember that odd detail into adulthood
*originally my oc feather sequin burned it down cause it was funny but ive decided against that
Flash forward to when they are 35 !! aka 1 year before "present time" in my fanon
AUGH it would take too long to explain everything tbat happened before this point but . Long story short roque feels trapped because they have no real friends and their onlu source of human(cookie?) interaction that isnt their cousin cheesecake can only happen when they are phantom bleu . they feel so trapped because they cant be themself and their fans Scare them they are freaked out by the constant admiration and idolization !! also their self image has gone to shit . not that they ever had much confidence but theyve convinced themself they are unlovable unless they put on an act.
then its announced on television. their old family watch was found and auctioned off to an anonymous someone.
(their costume story says "A weathered heirloom of the Blue Cheese manor was auctioned away. Apparently, winding this unadorned watch transported the wearer back in time... Phantom Bleu is desperately in pursuit, going so far as to procure all timepieces in the city. What is your endgame, Roguefort Cookie?")
They snap . suddenly everything they can think about is that watch. that watch could save them, bring them back to a time where they were loved and maybe they could fix all of their past mistakes...
they dont remember how bad their family was to them. they lived in A Very abusive and neglectful household and they were not loved at all their older brother practically raised them but theyre just desperate to be free. the problem is that they Dont know what the watch looks like because it was so long ago so their solution is to just ! steal every watch in parfaedia Thumbs up
(walnuts story: The city is bustling with word of a serial thief who only swipes clocks, watches, and timepieces! With a new magnifying glass in hand, Walnut Cookie is in hot pursuit of Phantom Bleu, who has left a message: "I am pursuing lost time.")
walnut is close behind the whole time, always just barely out of reach though,, if she had been able to catch them she could have prevented A lot of suffering . at this time its not that drastic , clocks are a strange thing to steal and she doesnt know about their origins so she cant really piece together why theyre stealing all of these watches.
then comes timekeeper !
its awfully slow to get around, isnt it ? thats why she steps in and offers to help roguefort (in a Totally non-malicious totally helpful way !!!!). they havent had any luck stealing every single clock in parfaedia, so she proposes a new idea,, timelines/time travel
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Infinite timelines means infinite watches!! theyll have all the opportunities in the WORLD to find their watch. or alternatively they could go back in time and just get the watch before its auctioned off , Right ??? yeaah timekeeper doesnt make it that easy she thinks its fun to watch them suffer so shes going to make it as hard as possible <33
she lends them an airship from the tbd which allows them to travel through time and basically just . Sits back and watches as they hoard hundreds of watches from different universes
walnut comes across this person named croissant (im.not sure how) and they realize Hey wait a mimiye . You're chasing after the person accompanying the one IM chasing after (croi wants to stop tk from fucking with the timelines im not that educayed abt tje tbd sorry) and thwy team up Wooo !! they are riding crois timecraft together and following tk and rogue but again theyre always Just barely behind them </3
timekeeper then ditches the airship and just Carries them through timespace to different universes and shows them The Horrors (trippy shit and everyon they love being subjected to death and torrutture Themself being subjected to that etc) and fucks with them by throwing rhem into random time rifts without caring if theyll hit the floor too hard . Yea ‼️‼️walnut Also sees some of this as theyre following the pther two but croi tries to shield her eyes
and then . Finally timekeeper is like "What if we just go back to when your family manor still existed and get the watch there ? :)" and then after watching through the windows for a bit they realize . they will not be loved here
they just did all of that for nothing. theyre fucking exhausted and running on nothing but adrenaline and they get nothing for it. and now theyre just pissed that their family was ever like that because they could have had a better life
Andthen timekeeper hands them . gasoline and a match. and theyre blinded by rage at this point they dont really think about what theyre doing. and looking at the flames growing doesnt feel any better. they just feel so hurt but they just sit a distance away watching it
and then they hear screaming. They see their brother dragging them and eclair out of the house.
and they see a white feather from their costume fly off of their outfit, flying in front of their past selfs face .
and now they realize what theyve just done. They werent thinking about what would happen after they lit it on fire. they thought of it as a simulation or something but they have just caused the event that first destroyed their life in the first place. theyve just caused suffering to themself, their brothers, their cousin, theyve killed a dozen different people including the ones who had never hurt them like their sister palmier . They just killed their fucking family Time loop babyyy
croi and walnut dont find them until this point, and theyre a little ,,, confused by the scene ?
walnut has Never heard of the blue cheese manor before. but she can see roguefort on their knees sobbing hysterically (which is WILDLY out of character for them SHE HAS NEVER EVEN SEEN THEM FROWN BEFORE !!!!) and she knows that this has something to do with their past.
unfortunately evej though this was a big hint to their true identity She did not have the resources to figure out much about it and it turned into a dead end </3 she was able to find the name of the house and the location and a name or two but she couldnt find the names of the kids . there was no listed cause for the fire (she would never guess that it was roguefort themself) so she couldnt really get anywhere with it . It was very surreal seeing phantom bleu like that though because,, at the time she was 11 and She didnt really. see rogue as a normal cookie?? like it was hard to believe someone so mysterious and flawless on the outside would have been through such a traumatic incident. she was SO hyperfixated on this she was so sure she would finally figurw out who tjey were
little does she know her history teacher could give her all the information she needs LOL
on rogueforts side they are just . Holy fuck girl they feel so insanely guilty they cant get themself to tell cheesecake . they cant admit to her that they were the one who ruined everyones life. they get home and they try to sleep and they just hear their clock ticking in their room and before they know it their hand is cut and bloody and theres glass shards on the floor (thye pumched the clock they have Clock trauma thye cannot stand that ticking noise it fills them with so much dread cheesecake cannot have clocks in that house anymore that arent digital)
also for the people who know who bleu is . Rogue shoved it in a box before they went on their watch stealing spree because it kept trying to stop them and so it wasnt there to stop them or help them during the whole thing.
Rogue has so many nightmares aftwr the whole thing Mostly of the screams they heard as they watched the flames eat up their childhood home and everyone inside
again this is Very far from canon i understand that like . if you look at a lot of the quotes it doesnt rlly make sense in this context but oh well i like my version i tjink rogue ahould be a murderer As a treat (i promise i dont suppoet murder)
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quibbs126 · 7 months
Actually you know what, I may as well just do a part 2 of fankids I would like help with
These’ll mostly be concepts instead of names
Some may repeat from last time, especially since I don’t remember every one I asked about. I’ll try not to repeat though, except for the ones I want to
Eclair/Cream Unicorn: I’m calling the kid Rainbow Cookie (after actual rainbow cookies), but that’s all I got
Mont Blanc/Madeleine: I think I’ve finally settled on a name, that being Marron Madeleine (of course I could end up changing it yet again), but I’ve focused so much on the name I haven’t thought about the character themselves
Twizzly Gummy/Currant Cream: I’m calling this one Gooseberry (based on the red ones specifically), but yet again no clue
Clotted Cream/Caramel Arrow: Either Caramel Cream or Creme Caramel (aka flan), but I don’t know what to do for their concept
Black Raisin/Clotted Cream: I recently came up with the name Scotch Bun, and I like it and want to work on them, but I’m stuck with no clue for the concept
Oyster/Captain Caviar: Well I do have the name Zebra Mussel, but I’m not sure about it and I’m open to changing it, though I don’t know what to. And also no concept idea
Also fun fact, when I first got the request, I put Abalone as one idea, only then months later we got actual Abalone Cookie. But I forgot to delete that, so it gave me some confusion when I saw it recently. It has been deleted now
Anyways moving on
Cherry Blossom/Werewolf: I have the name Pepper Flower, but the only thing I have is that she has relatively short white hair, nothing else
Dark Cacao/Affogato: Okay, I know I’ve already asked about Dark Mocha, but I am again asking
Earl Grey/Rose: I’m calling them Rose Tea (originally I had RT as a girl, but now I’m wondering if I should change that). I had attempted Rose Tea before but didn’t like it, so I’m asking now
Spinach/Blueberry Pie: the name I’m using is Rhubarb Pie, but I don’t know what to do for her. All I have to go on is that apparently she’s the sister of Strawberry Cookie
Eclair/Latte: this is one I actually don’t have a name for, but also I don’t have concepts either
Black Raisin/Cherry Blossom: I have the name Grape Vine, but nothing else
Dark Choco/Milk: again, I’ve said Choco Milk and Milk Choco, but I still want help. Also I’m willing to change their genders
Milk/Purple Yam: and once more, I’ve asked about Taro Milk, I just want to do this one but have no ideas
Almond/Captain Ice: I have the name Tortoni Cookie, but nothing else
Dark Cacao/Pure Vanilla: I have her concept down pretty well, my one thing is that I’m not sure about the name. Currently her name is Choco Wafer after KitKats, and while I will be using them in her design, I don’t think I want that to be her name. I mean Dark Choco isn’t named after Oreos
Strawberry Crepe/Cream Puff: I think I’ve landed on a name, that being Strawberry Cannoli, though I’m unsure if it’ll stick. But yeah, another one I don’t know what to do
Rockstar/Kiwi: I have the name Key Lime, but I don’t have anything else other than they have light green hair
Clotted Cream/Bumbleberry: tentatively the name is Bumbleberry Jam, but I don’t know what else to do
All right, I should probably stop now. I basically just listed a very large chunk of the ones I’m having trouble with. But yeah, any of these would be good
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Chocolate joy at Prime dry fruits and nuts in Karwar.
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Hey there, If you've ever found yourself reaching for a square of chocolate during a tough day or celebrating life's little victories with a sweet treat, you're not alone. Chocolate has a magical way of brightening our mood and lifting our spirits. Join me as we explore the science behind why chocolates make us happy and discover how you can experience that joy with a visit to Prime Dry Fruits and Nuts in Karwar.
Unveiling the Joyful Chemistry: Ever wondered why chocolate makes us feel so darn good? It's all about the science, folks! Chocolate contains compounds like phenylethylamine and anandamide, which trigger the release of feel-good neurotransmitters in our brains. So when you bite into that rich, velvety goodness, you're not just treating your taste buds – you're giving your brain a little happiness boost too!
Savoring the Sweet Antioxidants: But wait, there's more to chocolate than just happiness in a wrapper. It's also packed with antioxidants that do wonders for our bodies. Think of them as tiny superheroes fighting off the bad guys (aka free radicals) and keeping us feeling youthful and vibrant. And when you choose high-quality chocolate from Prime Dry Fruits and Nuts, you're not just indulging – you're nourishing your body with a dose of delicious goodness.
Embracing the Comforting Vibes: Let's talk about the emotional side of chocolate, shall we? There's something undeniably comforting about curling up with a mug of hot cocoa or sharing a box of chocolates with friends. It's like a warm hug for your soul, reminding you that everything is going to be okay, even on the toughest days. So go ahead, treat yourself to a little chocolatey goodness – you deserve it!
A Journey to Chocolate Paradise: Ready to embark on a chocolate-filled adventure? Head on over to Prime Dry Fruits and Nuts in Karwar and immerse yourself in a world of sweetness and joy. From decadent truffles to all kinds of toffees, there's something for every chocolate lover to enjoy. Whether you're looking for birthday distribution chocolates like eclairs and truffles or single individual chocolates from Cadbury dairy milk, Snickers, Bounty, Toblerone, Ferrero Rocher, KitKat, or other variety of gift chocolates to gift someone, we've got you covered. And if you're searching for the perfect customized gift chocolate hamper for all occasions, our team is here to help you create a memorable and indulgent gift that will delight your loved ones.
Conclusion: Chocolate isn't just a treat – it's a mood-lifter, a comforter, and a source of pure joy. So why not indulge in a little happiness today? Whether you're browsing through Tumblr or strolling through the streets of Karwar, let chocolate be your guide to a brighter, sweeter world. After all, life is too short not to savor every delicious moment!
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Main market, Near Siddhivinayak temple, beside janta bazaar, Karwar, Karnataka 581301
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carrowqueen · 1 year
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On that day, Carrow became a double ranged cookie.
Also I finally 3 star 16-30 story mode: aka by brute forcing it with Caramel Arrow.
Basically the comp I used was Carrow, Dark Cacao, the absolute icon (girlboss, gaslight and gatekeeper) Financier, a BTS cookie and grandpa vanilla.
The tip is keep her up with BTS, Financier and GV, Cacao is there as emotional support 💕
If it makes you feel better, I managed to finally 3 starred 16-18 SM without her: I ran Sherbo, Choo Choo child, GV, Squink and Eclair. Just barely but it worked and that’s what is important.
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