#aiden hss
cadybear420 · 5 months
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Big thanks to @hydn-jpg for this lovely piece of Aiden and my OG HSS MC Evie, and to @lilyoffandoms for commissioning it for me! My blorbos look so perfect here! Grinning and kicking my feet rn 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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hydn-jpg · 6 months
4A for Aiden Zhou (HSS)?
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he angy
from this expression meme!
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playchoicesconfessions · 10 months
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Sent by @cadybear420
‘I miss Aiden Zhou. I miss how shy and blushy he gets. I miss his passion for music. I miss that whole scene where you can listen to him play and talk about his passion for music and how human and authentic that whole scene felt. I miss being able to help him when he feels like a failure. I miss how they slowly become closer. I miss when he composes a whole ass song just to ask MC to homecoming with. I miss the little moments when he and MC cuddle or when he starts humming a new tune. I miss when he shares his family's peppermint tea with MC. I miss when MC asks him to go on a carriage ride and he's so stunned that he drops his hot chocolate. I miss when he says he wants to plan more stuff for MC even though he composed a whole ass song for MC just to ask them to homecoming with. I miss getting to comfort him when Isa and his parents treat him unfairly. I miss when MC could defend his honor when Isa tries to kick him out of the basketball game. I miss when he says he'll do everything in his power to make sure MC wouldn't get expelled. I miss getting to become official with him and how he jumps up and cheers when you agree to be his partner. I miss getting to dance with him to a Singin in the Rain song at the Golden Griddle. I miss when he gives you a jade necklace as a good luck charm before your tryouts. I miss when he comforts you after you're accused of sabotage. I miss his promposal and that lovely CG with it. I miss that entire post-promposal scene. I miss when he says "I love you" to MC at prom and how earned it feels. How authentic and genuine and earned their whole relationship feels. I miss getting to lift him up on the balcony when they sneak away at prom. I miss him so much. I MISS HIM.’
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Gonna start just busting these out lmao.
Some little convos during the monopoly session: ↓
*ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──*ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚
Solrin: MICH PLEASE- I'll be out here in the streets if you make me pay up rent!
Michael: sorry, rules are rules though.
Solrin: what if I just, sit on your lap for the entire game?
Michael: ... [YES-] no.
Solrin: FUCK.
Morgan: if you were my gf, I wouldn't have done that to you-
*cue Michael looking at Morgan with a death stare, while Morgan just cracks up*
*ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──*ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚
Caleb: you know I'm feeling pretty good!
Myra: but you shouldn't! You stole MY dog piece!
Sydney: no, it was going to be my piece!
Myra: I own the board.
Sydney: and I'm a house guest.
Caleb: well I already have it, early bird gets the worm I guess!
*cue Sydney & Myra ganging up on him during the entire game*
*ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──*ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚
Maria: I'm surprised you're still in jail Morgan.
Morgan: I don't really have a choice, I only have 10$ and nobody is landing on any of my property.
Maria: you don't even wanna try double rolling?
Morgan: hell nah.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──*ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Emma: I'm worried I'm gonna go bankrupt! I only have 240$ left!
Solrin: don't worry, since you're my bestie you get 1/2 off of my rent!
Caleb: excuse me?
Solrin: what?
Maria: Solrin, you own an entire lane and each of your properties now have hotels on them...
Solrin: what's the deal?
Myra: you aren't giving us any of this treatment!
Solrin: because YOU GUYS don't deSERVE it!
*cue gasps*
Michael: not even me?!
Solrin: especially you BITC-
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──*ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Michael: "you were found stealing money, give the person next to you 4$."
Aiden: *sitting next to Michael, his hand out*
Michael: ... *currently has 5$ after landing on Solrin's property*
*cue the flipping of the table*
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pulpitude · 2 months
manba gyaru aiden ✦ edit of an edit 🌺
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all credits go to @cadybear420 for the original pool party outfit edit, makeup & hair edits done by me ♡
i know i just said i kinda suck at edits BUT HOLY SHIT I AM SO PROUD OF THIS 😭😭😭 i didn't expect it to turn out as good as it did i'm genuinely shocked. i love him
thank u for giving me permission! even though you still have better editing skills than me i still liked the result. omw to turn every single other character i like into a gal hehehahe
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queerchoicespb · 1 year
brain rotting over finishing hss and hss:ca after not having played choices forever ago and thinking about what they'd all do in the long run (main characters/lis for now bc listing everyone would be a lot)
hss mc - took me forever to figure out what they could possibly do but when i thought of this idea, it just clicked. hss mc is a pr specialist. whether for solo clients or big companies, with the jack of all trades personality, natural charm and charisma, and their penchant for falling into drama, this mc would make a GREAT pr person.
maria flores - while a politician might be the typical choice, i actually think maria would hate politics. she's too straightforward for that shit. for maria, i think she might go into a mix of law and social work or law that leans towards helping communities.
emma hawkins - what with her involvement in the yearbook and love for fanfic, i think emma might lean towards a writing job. maybe it's as a copywriter, a game writer, a novelist, or a magazine journalist, no matter her choice, she'd definitely be able to adapt to whatever her environment is
michael harrison - film bro. but not in the douchey way, i'm p sure. michael would def lean more towards filming docuseries like emerald's show or something attenborough-esque. he's also more the type to learn through experience over school (i don't think he'd spend on a film degree if he doesn't think he has to)
caleb mitchell - a coach. a coach for what? beats me! if he gets a football scholarship and manages to go pro, then he'd probably be like a college coach or something, if he doesn't get a scholarship, then i think he'd still end up becoming a coach but for high school/grade school phys ed. i don't think he'd want to stay pro tho bc the environment is A Lot and caleb is a p chill dude
aiden zhou - pbviously a composer. he'd def get snatched up by an orchestra and sometimes get hired to compose for films and video games. he's also my bet for Most Likely To Be Busy All The Fucking Time
hss:ca mc - television and stage actress. i don't think the hss:ca mc would enjoy the never-ending spotlight of being a movie star. as dramatic as they are, they'd def be the type to want more stability in their life, which is why choosing an acting career that spans months and, oftentimes, years, is exactly their pace of work
rory silva - stage and film actor/actress. while rory might say they're loyal to the stage, they'd also be the type to want more of a platform. not necessarily because they have a huge ego (their ego is slightly above passable size), but because they're the type to have Things to fight for (their mom's cancer, the toxic masculinity their dad grew up with that affected their family, more scholarship/funding opportunities for students, etc.)
skye crandall - businesswoman. skye would be Super Against It at first, but when she learns of all the things she can do as a businesswoman, then she starts leaning into it. she very much aims to be HBIC and maybe she pulls it off at work! but she is still v much the softie skye outside of work
ajay bhandari - stage director. ajay would focus mostly on off-broadway shows but every now and then he'd direct a mind-blowing broadway and sometimes even west end show. he would prefer off-broadway bc of more creative liberty but he would also like it bc it's a better place to find surprising talent
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aria-ashryver · 2 months
I just had this random idea in my head about Aiden and Luca going shopping together to try out various outfits (crop tops)
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i see it, i see the vision (the vision is fucking GLORIOUS) 💖💖💖
ok no but Luca would have so much fun prodding Aiden into salty rants about stuff while they went shopping lmao, I feel like he'd love Aiden's snark when it finally sneaks out 😆 but they'd also be the biggest hype guy for all the fits he tries on!!!
Do you think if they paid him back with his favourite snacks, Aiden would help Luca choose (compose?!) an awesome classical piece for their next contemporary/ballet performance?
sdfsldkjf i loveeeee the idea of them shopping for crop tops. hell yeah
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I commissioned @hydn-jpg fanart of my HSS!MC Joseph and Aiden together, and the result is an adorable picture of them kissing. This is cute beyond words! Thank you so much for this! 😍🥰
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tonython2079 · 1 year
Anyone got any Gender of Choice stories to recommend?
Stories I've already played: Crimes of passion(so excited for book 2!), Foreign Affairs, Blades of Light and Shadow (Mal I'll see you again one day stink.😩❤️), High school story(all three books, Aiden was my Love interest, I accidentally kissed Michael once in book 2 and that was a funny moment lol), It lives in the woods, it lives beneath.
Currently playing: The elementalists book one, murder at homecoming(romancing Tyler).
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broke-n-choiceless · 2 years
For anyone who still reads/writes/gives a fuxk about HSS
You know how in friend groups there’s always those people who are closer to each other? Or in opposition there are some who aren’t actually that close or don’t spend as much time with each other unless the whole group comes together?
Well regardless of those dynamics there are moments where everyone is there for each other:
Despite their pledge to stay friends, there is still an awkwardness lingering between Emma and Caleb that doesn’t really go away until they both start dating other people and when it finally does go away Emma is the one who gets Caleb to start liking Lookout and Valiant and even teaches him the ropes
Aiden and Michael don’t really have much in common. In the early days of the friend group, Aiden thought Michael was lazy and aloof and Michael didn’t really care. There just wasn’t a lot of common ground. Until Michael introduces Aiden to music that isn’t from a hundred or more years ago and Aiden finds himself actually enjoying it. They don’t bond or spend hours together like the others do but every once in a while at lunch you catch wind of them exchanging playlists and youtube links.
Another rare sight was seeing Emma and Maria spend time together when MC wasn’t around for some kind of committee or when Maria wasn’t running around doing surveys for an upcoming school event. All it took was one day of volunteering to help Maria with passing out flyers for a bake sale and Emma got a glimpse of a work ethic she’d never thought humanly possible. Both afraid and amazed, she and Maria would spend the late hours before exams and project weeks together at the library, maria keeping them on a tight schedule and Emma reminding that every once in a while slowing down to breathe wasn’t a bad thing.
Everyone knew the power that was a Maria-Michael teamup but nobody could’ve predicted how much more powerful, how much more chaotic it became when Myra joined the fray for a valentines day event at Berry. Aiden swear he hadn’t seen that kind of motivation out her since she was assigned to lead the brass section. There were so many matches made that day that the site Michael set up for feedback actually crashed but at that point Maria had enough data to determine the event was a success.
When Emma finds herself wanting to learn how to play piano so she can learn the OST to her favorite game who else was she to go to except the music maestro of Berry himself. Aiden is more than ready to teach Emma and while normally his frustrations can get the better of him; it’s Emma, one little pout and his anger melts away and whatever admonition he might have had turns into simple yet solid advice.
These were just some headcanons of mine about how the group might get closer to each other outside of orbiting MC
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miengu-png · 2 years
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Aiden Zhou on a Morning Run or something like it
Ever wondered what Aiden does outside his musical prowess? I imagined him running tracks every morning before school. He does so to somewhat escape every time he’s in a rut. Well, he’s a musical genius, there’s no denying that, but everyone experience a decline. For him, it’s when his composition doesn’t feel or sound right.
Here’s some zoomed in details of the illustration. I hope you guys like it💙✨
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cadybear420 · 2 months
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A: "Get a load of this echo! It's so loud and clear!" E: "It's the CIRCLE of LIIIIIIFE!!!" The two of you grin as your voice reverberates through the night air. A: "Lion King? Really?" E: "And it moves us allll." A: "Now all you need is a newborn to raise up in your arms." E: "I'll lift you!" A: "Wait, what?" You wrap your arms tight around Aiden and lift him into the air. A: "You're strong!" You pull him close for a kiss and set him back down. Both of you dissolve into giggles.
Yes, MC getting to lift up Aiden is a real scene that can happen in HSS Book 3! No lie, I was squealing and rolling around in my bed when I got to that scene.
And I'm extra elated to see that scene brought to life by @callmebeem with this wonderful artwork!!! The scene and my blorbos and the whole mood were captured so perfectly here! 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹Thank you so much for drawing this, and thank you to @jerzwriter for commissioning it for me for the recent giveaway! <3 <3 <3
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wasabilobstar · 1 year
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High School Story dorks doing that meme (except they have different priorities)
MCs- Akemi Yang (low-key dating Caleb), Iris Sanders (high-key dating Maria), Tony Lee (pining really really hard over Michael)
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Sent by @cadybear420
‘That premium scene where we can listen to Aiden play piano was my "point of no return" for heading on the Aiden romance route. The interactions MC and Aiden could have just felt so uniquely raw and human to me. Nearly all of his scenes were tbh, but especially this one.’
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After the Break In at Hearst.
I genuinely can't think of anyone who was on the mission that'd screech at being confronted sadly.
Solrin has a flare gun locked and loaded ready to use
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pulpitude · 1 month
evie, aiden, darlene & giselle ✦ colored by me
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i kept my promise of making this silly squad go on a double date together ~ @cadybear420 <3
fun fact: the text at the top means "the suspicious four" and i don't know why but i found that really funny so i had to put it in there. also because yeah they're definitely all sus
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