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zu-is-here · 1 year
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make teleshopping great again ♪
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lucidpast · 7 months
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Baby Battle Armor from Wahltoys, 1984
Staircase tested and mother approved!
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yeebertum · 2 months
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i don't know why it's so laggy, but ads!!! (it took 9 hours)
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goshyesvintageads · 8 months
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Kellogg Co, 1953
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moonshynecybin · 6 days
To me, all Taylor swift songs about an age gap are actually about rosquez. Specifically dear John
sorry this doesn’t answer you entirely but i read it back and it got me THINKING. about marc age 20-22 versus marc age now. and again i’m listening to my podcasts having thoughts. as i do. and they’re all talking about how visibly HAPPY marc is this season. like we’ve allll noticed the dancing the twerking the VERY public and endearing goofy clownery. marc voice i am show :3 and all the podcast guys seem to agree it’s the happiest he’s been in a while, but notably NOT since 2019 (when he was at the height of his powers wielding competitive momentum like a fucking broadsword). they say it’s the happiest he’s been since 2014 ! way back ten years ago when the sky was roses ! which. YEAH that was his most dominant season. but. BUTTTTT. i would also wager (yaoi googles on please hold) that kind of happiness preceded the flavor of the sport changing for him pretty dramatically due to his feud with valentino…. post breakup hits different… and now vale’s GONE. marc sees him like five times a year. out of sight out of mind, at least a little. marc maybe doesn’t have to THINK about him every single day that he’s at work two feet away from him in a press conference. so you take that and add that his arm is something resembling a little more functional (still obviously very fucked lmao) and he’s on a good bike and he’s not winning yet but he’s maybe feeling like his old self a bit more. and i imagine that all feels pretty good !!!
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eschergirls · 4 months
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Snakegirls
Teenage Mutant Ninja Snakegirls
Teenage Mutant Ninja Snakegirls
Heroines in a Half Shirt, Booty Power!
(Ad for Jade Warriors, Image Comics, submitted by anonymous)
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bebackthen · 2 months
for a while now i have been greatly inspired by object shows and their community, passion projects from all ends of the spectrum telling stories about characters in a new and fun way! gameshows and competitions and murder mystery! and after months of ruminating i've finally gathered the courage to start my own passion project:
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JUMP: a leap of faith is an object show i will be making alongside my friends @thorninyourside05, @zanethepa1n, @momoinkies and @ultraalittlebitofeverything. it will be handling topics of growth, healing, and general real world issues. including moving on from bad situations and learning to heal and grow from trauma.
im making a post to hopefully attract people who would like to help!! i personally can animate and do character designs/backgrounds, and will be voice acting, but id love people who could also help me and my friends in the grand scheme of things! voice actors, artists, animators, even people who just wanna submit ideas! anyone who wants to join the team will have the chance to add their own oc(s) to the story/background, but of course since this is a passion project, it will not be paid with cash (although, id be willing to do art for anyone on the team!) which is why i want people who are also passionate about this sort of thing and want the chance to try their hand at a show!
we are currently working on cast and plot-line right now, among other behind the scenes things!
if you join you can audition for a multitude of roles!! voice acting, background artist, storyboard artist, animator, writer, script writer, character designer, and more ! if you are interested click the link ive attached !!
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disease · 2 months
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glimmerkey · 10 months
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2000 Hasbro - Pokemon ThinkChip Battle Stadium
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kicktwine · 9 months
alisaie leveilleur girl that you are
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empirearchives · 9 months
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Moreau’s letter to his wife before he died. 1813.
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science70 · 2 years
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Mego Micronauts Battle Cruiser ad, 1978.
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kanataueda · 1 year
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smile-files · 8 months
Just wanted to say I love ur blog sm!!
So happy u like yellow face bfdi too, I can't find any yf fans except me lmao
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i already loved infomercials but he made me love them even more
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purble-turble · 5 months
So I've been scrolling through your various AUs (all very fun!) and I got to the bit where the Oblivion!Red ends up at the Battle Nexus and had an idea. What if there was an area off in one of the side rooms set up with a flatscreen TV that could play a persons "backstory" in music video form (because sometimes it takes too long & brings back too many bad memories to just explain them verbally). Oblivion!Red ends up over by them, goes "oh music, sweet" & proceeds to unknowingly push the button to play his backstory, which plays an extended version of the animatic on the Oblivion fic series (the one by Sashasaurus that's to the tune of "Death, Thrice Drawn"). About half the MKs go "wait Porty Clone could do WHAT" and the other half who either haven't gotten to that particular episode or don't have the cloning ability in the first place go "Well at least this MK has a distinctive look we can keep an eye out for" (and a few are just like "wtf even IS that outfit??")
Oh that's a fun idea! A magic backstory-sharing machine that lets everyone know exactly in what ways that particular version of this character is fucked up lol
For Oblivion Red specifically, this would terrifying almost everyone who saw it and sow some serious distrust between MK and his own clones, especially Porty haha.. also it would get everyone to feel super duper bad for Oblivion Red because that's way messed up, man
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eschergirls · 1 year
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I'm not sure what I expected from the people behind Wartune, but I'm sad they no longer think we're deserving of an orgy today. ):
(Ads for Demon Slayer 3: New Era, 7Road)
Originally published at: https://eschergirls.com/photo/2023/05/11/demons-can-only-hurt-your-arm-apparently
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