skimmeh · 7 months
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Cured task ..or something
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cloudybarnes · 9 months
Pretty Boy
Pairing: Harry Potter x reader
Summary: everyone knew you had a thing for the boy who lived, everyone, that is, except for Harry himself.
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: Harry is so soft in this it's insane so take this as your warning
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It wasn't like you were hiding anything.
You prided yourself in being very direct, and very much a go-getter. After transferring from Beauxbatons, you made quick friends at Hogwarts, even with Harry, Hermione, and Ron.
With Harry, you very quickly became fond of the quirky things he would say, and how flustered he would get when you were around.
Some people called you a flirt, but you liked to think you were just really clear about what you wanted.
You just weren't sure if he felt the same way about you.
"So, (Y/N)." Hermione said as you, her, Harry and Ron walked out of potions class. "Did you want to study for the exam with us? I figure I could use as much help to make sure these two know what they're doing."
"Hey!" Ron complained, "I happen to be smart sometimes too, Hermione. You're not the only one with a brain."
"You're right, Ron." Hermione said. "(Y/N) has a brain as well, that's why I've asked her to come study with us."
Ron rolled his eyes with a grumble.
"I think that'd be nice," Harry softly said.
You grinned. "Well if Harry wants me there, of course I'm down."
His cheeks turned pink as he rubbed the back of his neck.
Ron snickered and playfully elbowed Harry a couple of times. Harry swatted him away; the pink on his cheeks growing a darker shade.
Harry sheepishly smiled at you. "O-of course I want you there!" He stuttered.
You smirked at him. "Don't worry, pretty boy, I promise I'll be there."
Harry's mouth fell open slightly, as Ron started laughing. "Harry, close your mouth for Merlin's sake!" Ron teased Harry by pointing at his parted lips.
Harry swatted Ron's hands away from his face with a scowl. "Shut up, Ron," he muttered.
You laughed. "I'm just gonna catch up to you guys later. Bye, Harry." You sent a wink in his direction as you walked away. Ron's cackling laugh boomed through the hallway as you left.
✰  ✰  ✰
"Hey, (Y/N)!"
You had started walking down the hallways to get to the Gryffindor study hall where you were supposed to meet up with the golden trio when Luna stopped you.
"Hey, Luna!" You smiled as she walked towards you. "Where were you today? I didn't see you in herbology today."
Luna had been one of your closest friends outside of Hermione, Ron, and Harry. She was fun to talk to, and pretty much knew everything about you already and vice versa.
"Yeah," she smiled, "I was off in the woods taking a walk. It's very nice out there this time of year, you know that?"
You nodded, "oh yeah, it really is."
"So where are you heading off to?"
"Hermione invited me to help them study for the potions exam we've got coming up."
"Oh!" She grinned, "will Harry be there?"
You giggled, "he will be there. Did I tell you he specifically said he wanted me to come with them! I just about died, Luna, like my heart was fluttering like crazy."
Luna chuckled, "You guys need to get together already! Unless you're keeping it a secret from me," Luna squinted her eyes at you playfully.
You laughed. "No, we're not dating. Not yet at least." You winked at her.
"Ahem," a throat cleared behind you.
Turning around, you saw Harry standing there, a bewildered look on his face, and a red burning in his cheeks.
"Um," he stuttered, "I didn't mean to interrupt, I just wanted to make sure you were still coming to the study hall."
Slowly, you turned back to Luna who gave you a sorry smile.
"Well," she said, "I'm going to leave you two alone. I'll see you later, (Y/N/N)." With that, she walked away, leaving you alone with the boy who basically just heard you telling Luna you wanted to date him.
You looked back to Harry with a soft smile. Even though you laid your flirting on so thick with Harry, that wasn't as scary as this. Flirting was innocent. If he didn't reciprocate your feelings, you could always act like you were just messing around.
Now, though, it was the real deal. Even if you looked composed on the outside, you were freaking out quite a bit on the inside.
"Yeah, I'll be there." You smiled, "I'd never ditch my favorite boy."
Harry choked on a gasp.
"You okay?" You asked, stepping a little closer to him.
Harry gazed up at you with confusion, but also intrigue.
"What are you doing?" He asked softly.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean like-like with me? Why do you say things like that to me?"
Instinctively, you took a step back. "I'm sorry? I didn't know you felt some type of way about how I acted." You felt horrible. Maybe you had done a little too much. Maybe you had flirted too hard and too blatantly that it scared him off.
"No!" He practically shouted. "No, I mean, ahem, I mean I don't feel any type of way about it. I mean, yeah I feel some type of way, but not like- not like a bad way, if that makes sense. I mean more like in a good way, you know? But also, like in a confused way. I'm not sure, I mean, I like when you say things like that to me, but it's also confusing because why would you say things like that to me?" Harry rambled on.
You couldn't help but chuckle a little.
He looked up at you when you laughed, and gave you a sheepish smile. "Too much?" He asked.
You shook your head with a smile. "No, just enough. So you don't think I come off too strong when I flirt with you?"
Harry grinned. "So you are flirting with me!"
You chuckled, "I would hope you consider that flirting. I'm not sure if you know this, but I don't go around calling too many people 'pretty boy' or 'my favorite boy'."
He blushed. "Yeah, that's what Ron said, but I didn't believe him. I just can't believe out of all the guys that like you, you like me instead."
You smiled, "So Ron told you I liked you?"
"Well, he may have mentioned it a time or two or twenty," he chuckled, "I just didn't believe him."
"How could I not like you? You're Harry, you're incredibly sweet, and selfless, and so much more. Anyone with eyes would like you, Harry."
His face turned ten shades of red. "That's how I feel about you, too, (Y/N). But with you, it's just obvious everyone loves you. You walk in a room and every single head turns. You laugh, and the birds start singing. You smile, and the sun quivers from how bright you light the place up."
With every word coming from Harry's lips, you found yourself more and more drawn to him. Your heart beat erratically.
"I didn't realize you thought so highly of me." It was your turn to blush now. You could feel your face getting incredibly hot by the sweet words he spoke. You never thought Harry would like you back, especially not as intensely as he's describing. Frankly, you didn't know he had such a way with words.
"I think you're incredible, (Y/N), and if you would let me, I'd like to take on a-a date sometime?" He suggested.
You grinned at him and grabbed his hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "I'd love to, Harry."
He grinned, and held on tight to your hand.
For a minute there, the two of you just stared at each other, smiling. You started to giggle. "As much as I would love to stay here like this, we promised Hermione we would study with her and Ron."
"Oh yeah, I forgot about that." Harry admitted, sheepishly.
You chuckled, "come on, let's not keep them waiting, pretty boy."
Harry grinned. "I like that nickname."
"I like you."
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ink-through-her-veins · 8 months
Arthur returns and Merlin isn’t there. His armor is as cold and heavy as the stares of the people gawking at him while he struggles to heave his body ashore. No one helps him with the buckles of his armor as he shucks it off, leaving it behind at the water’s edge to start anew.
He’s lost, alone, frightened and shivering in the cold as the sun begins to set. It dips beneath the roofs of buildings. One roof shines with a golden light drawing Arthur in. Emrys’ Natural Remedies.
After centuries the name is vaguely familiar, but the smell is like coming home. The shop smells of herbs and Earth like Gaius’ chambers. Bundles of flowers and leaves hang drying in the window. Arthur pushes open the door. Above him a bell rings.
“Aithusa,” a familiar voice calls out, “if you’re messing with that bell again.”
A ball of white fluff weaves its way through Arthur’s legs, purring for a moment before darting off at the sound of footsteps. A man appears from behind a shelf, expecting a cat and finding a man instead. Arthur would know his eyes anywhere.
“Arthur,” Merlin breathes out shakily.
Somewhere in the maze of shelves, Aithusa uses a paw to knock a jar to the ground.
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pov ur favorite silly little guy just won
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hyunchanz · 8 months
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totally-not-kawaii · 7 months
"and what makes you think...this is the first time we've had this conversation"
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kittponyformer98 · 7 months
I finished it!!! I think it came out pretty close to the reference...
I'm just going to put some finishing touches in it tomorrow before the movie. Gotta cut the whole for the clip and "laminate" it.
(Trying to fade color with Sharpie is hard...)
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Again bamsara made the original design for her FNAF DCA Fic.
(don't know if you'll ever see this but I do mean that your blog and all that you make for this fandom is where I probably get more than half of my sustenance. Tysm for your contribution to feeding us all lol :3)
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symphonypikachu · 10 days
ooo some Damianya angst? maybe like Anya hurt and a worried Damian ?
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"I'll never be good enough for you, Sy-on boy."
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tangerinesgf · 24 days
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Save a horse, ride a space cowboy<3333
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luvrxbunny · 9 months
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so i was thinking about these specific panels and like
so what i see here is peter like coaxing miguel’s wittle claws out right?
we’re gonna get funky under the cut
so what if every time someone does that it’s like a mini orgasm for his hand or something 🫢
okay so they’re sensitive asf and the amount of massaging you need to do on his hand to get them out (let’s say like 5 mins) makes him hard and gives him like a coregasm, a dry orgasm or something
so he gets fucked up on a mission, some odd substance is thrown at him or he ingests something odd and reader is the resident doctor or smthn.
so you’re running all these tests making sure he’s normal and through it he can’t help but get hard asf.
you have to check both of his hands but he keeps flinching away so you have to start over every time he does. so by the time you get even one hand done miguel is on the edge.
you notice but like why would you stop? so you take extra extra care with the other hand, massaging into it harder and his claws pop out as he cums in his pants 🤭
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snakedice · 9 days
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I recreated the stupid concert bereal meme. ft. my busted up burger. oh and farcille ig.
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clowd-009 · 2 months
i like yuri
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tahnnie26 · 11 months
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I'm obsessed with these two 😭🧡🩵
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creteevidence · 6 months
watched wish a few days ago and was underwhelmed with the execution of the cool ideas they went with so i took it into my own hands
first of all i took the star boy concept and made it real
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more under the cutttt
(his pronouns are he/they/star/any btw (self-indulgence))
- they are a shapeshifter, being able to change their form at will. at first, theyre a ball of light/star shape but when they see asha they’re like omgg cool form and use that new humanoid form more often
- the amount of light they give off changes with their emotions/health
- they are mute, communicating through sign language, magic, shapeshifting, or acting things out
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in my story asha is a princess like she should’ve been and is the adopted daughter of magnifico and amaya (who are both evil like in the concepts)
the two have somehow connected rosas and the star kingdom and use the star peoples’ magic/life force to power their own magic. asha, being adopted, struggles to use this magic well but feels immense pressure to make her parents proud. the use of this magic by the king and queen (and asha) is slowly killing the star boys kingdom. it killed his parents, causing star to run away (they have a problem with running away from their problems)
he and asha meet at this time after she wishes. her wish was something along the lines of being good at magic finally or being able to help people/fulfill expectations. he IMMIDIATELY falls in love with her lmao. it takes her much longer. either way they start to help her learn magic, both of them unaware that it’s killing him and his kingdom.
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they grow very close and in loooveeee hee heeee
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at some point asha and him fight, maybe they both find out what ashas magic truly is and star feels betrayed. they run away from her and go to her parents in the castle to try and win them over and be dimplomatic, still not really knowing her parents are the real problem. (it’s at this point he changes his outfit to the one on the far right of the top image as it’s more traditionally accepted in a kingdom like ashas and he wants to make a good impression on her strict parents.)
unfortunately, it doenst matter and he is immediately captured lmao and the king and queen start to drain them of their life force/magic for similar greed reasons to the original movie.
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something something asha has to learn the truth of her kingdom, face her parents, and save him idk i’m bad at writing stuff like this on the spot
ALSO the “This is the Thanks I Get” song is no longer magnifico singing to his subjects but both parents to asha basically guilt tripping her into being better and being on their side. aaanddd “At All Costs” is no longer a weird duet with asha and mag but is with asha to star teehee
this isn’t completely thought out or anything but i thought i might as well share it real quick while the iron is hot or something
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"gather ye rosebuds while ye may"
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crowsnhoes · 2 months
*finally watches snow blind*
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