On not getting eros
I’ve discussed Yuuri not getting eros multiple times, but I never explained what it actually means because this subject seems to be a sensitive and controversial one either way. Yet, it's also an important one for quite a number of reasons I will come back to later.
And that's why we need to discuss it.
First: What is eros? - a very short trip back in time
YOI explains eros as “sexual love”, matching the Ancient Greek definition as “sensual or passionate love” from which the term “erotic” is derived. Classical philosophers described it as a “madness from the gods” that befalls people at the sight of another person with disastrous results (e.g. the story of Paris and Helena). In YOI, this “madness” equates to “what causes you to lose the ability to make normal decisions”.
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(The definition of eros varied a lot over the centuries. Plato defined eros as a general concept of passion that excludes physical attraction and argued that it can be utilised to pursue intellectual interests. Freud insisted that eros is not to be confused with libido, and the Catholic Church’s definition had a huge influence on more modern definitions and not for the better.)
What the ancient Greeks called eros is nowadays known as sexual attraction. Classical philosophers probably didn’t make the distinction towards romantic attraction since the two are often conflated. However, describing eros as a “madness from the gods” points towards a primal instinct that the majority of humans experiences starting from when the body begins to produce sex hormones during puberty.
What this implies for Yuuri
As an adult male of 23, Yuuri is long past puberty. Thus, one would expect him to understand eros on an intuitive level. However, what makes him lose the ability to make normal decisions is not the sight of another human being, not even his celebrity crush parading in front of him like a Greek god—no, it's his favourite food. And there’s only one explanation why that is:
So far, Yuuri has not experienced sexual attraction.
No anxiety disorder, no feelings of inadequacy, no lack of self-esteem, and certainly not an alleged ability to restrain himself can explain this absolute cluelessness about a basic human instinct. It cannot explain why Yuuri is immune to the sight of naked Viktor, i.e. why that doesn't make him want to bent Viktor over the edge of the hot spring and do unspeakable things to him. And this brings us to the critical part of the discussion:
Yuuri is on the asexual spectrum.
Where on that spectrum he could be, I'm going to discuss in a minute.
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Yuuri is well aware that at his age the general populace is able to express eros and that by extension, he is excpected to and should be able to express it, too. In his first attempt at tackling eros, he uses his favourite food as a workaround, but if he had no particular food cravings, literally anything he’s passionate about would work, too (it took me ages to figure that out because, personally, I rather roll with Plato than food metaphors). Yuuri keenly feels that katsudon isn’t it, though. He thus changes the protagonist of the story he made up for his SP because he relates to the woman’s situation more than to the playboy, which works fairly well because it reflects his fears about Viktor leaving and his desire to keep Viktor for himself (see also this meta). However, it takes him until episode 6 to find his eros, and this eros is a very possessive and commanding one (see also this this meta). Essentially, episode 6 is about Yuuri learning that he is indeed capable of seducing Viktor with his skating and this ability comes with a certain power that is reflected in his scores. He doesn't magically experience sexual attraction now—what happens here has all the qualities of a kink with dominance/possessiveness, which Viktor seem to like a lot.
That Yuuri is asexual is essential for the plot of Yuri!!! on Ice to work.
Which asexual microlabels are compatible with canon Yuuri?
Aside from a few subtle hints, this is pretty much open to interpretation. The tie-grab in episode 8 and the strong sexual tension in that scene narrows the list down to demisexual, greysexual, or sex-favourable ace.
A demisexual Yuuri would experience sexual attraction once he has formed a close bond with another person or got to know them intimately enough. Before Viktor, Yuuri struggled to form close relationships of any kind; Viktor is the first he wants to form a bond with and whom he lets into his heart. In this context, episode 6 could be interpreted as the very first time Yuuri experiences sexual attraction.
A greysexual Yuuri would be capable of experiencing sexual attraction sometimes and in certain situations, but again, the point when Yuuri perfects eros defines the earliest instant at which he would experience sexual attraction for the first time.
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The likeliest interpretation that I found, however, is that Yuuri is a sex-favourable ace. It’s not only the tie-grab in episode 8 that besides its obvious kinkiness oozes a sexual tension that implies that he and Viktor did it (and liked it), but also the lyrics of Stammi Vicino describing viktuuri on a meta level:
Le tue mani, le tue gambe, le mie mani, le mie gambe, i battiti del cuore si fondono tra loro. Your hands, your legs, my hands, my legs and the heartbeats are fusing together.
This line expresses a unification on a physical and on a mental level. It implies a strong physical intimacy that can't be explained by Yuuri and Viktor being together and skating together in the gala alone.
The differences between these microlabels are hidden in the nuances, the rest is up to personal preference/experience. If you want your version of Yuuri to be canon-compliant, you can't go wrong with either flavour of aceness, including those I didn't discuss in this because they seem less likely to me. If you came to the conclusion that a sex-repulsed kinky Yuuri would work just as well, my answer to you would be that canon Viktor would be happy with everything his Yuuri is willing to give. If there's a fictional couple who would make a relationship in which one partner in sex-repulsed and the other is allosexual work, it would be viktuuri.
Next some questions I wish someone had explained to me in this context:
Q&A: But why does Yuuri...?
dry-hump Viktor at the Sochi banquet: If the amount of clothes Yuuri wears gives away the timeline of the event, he danced with Viktor before he went off to the pole with Chris. Some of this dancing was quite physically and that can be totally enough to make a sensitive person horny (and Yuuri is very sensitive to touch). Add an unholy amount of alcohol to this and you have Yuuri rubbing his genitals at his idol. (note that libido ≠ sexual attraction)
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say that Viktor could impregnate everyone, including him: Being asexual doesn’t deprive you of the ability to identify sexiness in other people and understanding the meaning of “hot”. Viktor demonstrating Eros right in front of Yuuri would instantly put Yuuri into a massive swoon, and while it wouldn't make him horny and want to fuck Viktor, he would be be swept away because of how cool and amazing Viktor is.
hastily turns away when Viktor stretches in front of him in the bath: Well, that's an obvious reaction of discomfort. Not everyone would be happy to stare right at someone else's dick (unless you love dicks, obviously).
On a side note, I find it quite ironic that Morooka calls Yuuri “Japan’s ace skater” in the Blu-ray subs, but aside from the fact that things one character says about another should always be taken with a grain of salt, deriving a character’s sexuality from such wording is as far-fetched as deriving it from colour schemes or characters blushing at one another (and in YOI, they blush like all. the. time.). I have no idea if the YOI creators intended an asexual reading of Yuuri. However, the result is an unambiguously ace-coded Yuuri that is needed for the story of Yuri!!! on Ice to work in the way that it does.
Why this discussion is overdue
Good ace representation: Although it's not officially confirmed, Yuuri is a realistic representation of a queer label that is often overlooked and underrepresented in media.
Educational purposes: There are many harmful misconceptopns surrounding asexuality, and while this post doesn't aim at dispelling them, I hope it will make a little difference.
Spreading awareness: Because there is so little awareness about what it means to be asexual—even inside the queer community—the ace-coding is only obvious for people who have educated themselves on the subject. Unfortunately, this makes Yuuri being prone to mischaracterisation.
Helping people figure themselves out: Asexuality is a concept that is very hard to make sense of when you don't even know that you experience things differently. I've seen posts discussing ace-coded characters and they only confused the hell out of me. I hope that this post will be helpful to other people being unaware of or questioning their aceness.
Last but not least: Not being sexually attracted to people doesn't impact or contradict Yuuri's romantic orientation. I will discuss Yuuri's "top-secret" love life in my next meta.
For further reading about Yuuri and his endeavours to tackle eros, please check out these metas:
How skating to eros despite not getting it showcases Yuuri's extreme bravery (episode 3) [X]:
Yuuri finally finding the definition of eros that works for him (episode 6) [X]
The development of On Love: Eros throughout the series, including the a discussion of the workarounds Yuuri uses: [X]
My special thanks goes to cecebeanie for our countless discussions on the subject and patiently answering even my stupidest questions, for proofreading, and for encouraging me to write this post in the first place 💜💙
PS: Of course, you can headcanon Yuuri as you wish. I'm just discussing the likeliest interpretation based on the facts the source material provides.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me!
If you like my metas, please check out my works on AO3.
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viktuuri-week · 1 day
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Mark your calendars, Viktuuri Week is returning in three months!
In celebration of the eighth anniversary of the release of the Yuri on Ice anime, we bring you the second #viktuuri-week! So mark your calendars, and get ready to bring the ice and the fire for our two favorite skaters. They were born to make history ♥️
If you would like to see last year's prompts, you can find them here
Creations of all types are welcome, and will be celebrated! And please spread this far and wide, so that anyone else who adore Victor and Yuuri can take part!
Victuuri Week October 7-13, 2024
Monday, Oct 7 -- Practice Tuesday, Oct 8 -- Gold Wednesday, Oct 9 -- Rivals Thursday, Oct 10 -- Ice Friday, Oct 11 -- Risks Saturday, Oct 12 -- Happiness Sunday, Oct 13 -- Commitment
Please follow this blog for further updates as the event gets closer, and we can't wait for you to celebrate with us!
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music-skill · 17 hours
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yuri-on-ice-action · 23 hours
Hello everyone! As of today, we have raised over $247.25! This is fantastic, and we still have quite a ways to go before the event is over. We have until June 10th to accept more prompts. : ) Let's see how high we can get that number before then!
Check out our donation sheet here to help out!
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court-population · 1 day
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despite-could · 2 days
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okamionice · 2 days
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We call everything on the ice love.
This cosplay is my love letter to Yuri!!! On Ice. 💜⛸️❄️
I am a newer YOI fan (December 2023), but wow I fell so deeply in love with these 12 episodes. I relate to Yuuri so much as a character, and I'm happy there is an art form, some way I am able to pay tribute to the show. Getting to know these characters helped me get to know myself better.
There were literal blood, sweat, and tears that went into finishing this Eros costume for Fanime 2024. It is by no means in its final iteration, and I can't wait to see what else I can do to perfect and improve it.
It was so wonderful to see everyone's reactions at the convention, the genuine joy and elation to see YOI cosplayers in 2024, the commiserating about the movie cancellation. 🥹
I'm so grateful I was able to cosplay with this group of wonderful friends to pay homage to a show we all love so dearly, and I can't wait to do it again.
Yuuri Katsuki - okidokiokami Victor Nikiforov - koreydoescosplay Christophe Giacometti - dariengostas Yuri Plisetsky - jo (link coming soon)
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yourstrulyriley · 3 days
anyways guys remember that time we waited for a movie for 7 years just for it to get canceled yeah lol that was crazy anyways gonna go cry now that ive remembered that
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kimdokjas · 1 month
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though the movie might be cancelled, yuri on ice will live forever in our hearts. thank you yoi fandom, it's been real ♡
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hinamie · 2 months
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surprise it's yuri!!!in 2024
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wcheelle · 7 months
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it's missing viktuuri hours
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crimson-chains · 1 month
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I promise I was drawing this before the news came out, lol! Ah, I was just thinking about how much I love them again ;; Sad about the movie, but, the fandom will continue! Anyway, this will be a gold foil standee and I'll hopefully have it available in a few months! <3
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ankle-beez · 1 month
> be mappa
> creates the single most popular original anime ip of the decade which launches your studio into the stratosphere
> announces a movie after the first season takes the world by storm
> puts it in development hell while you make 4000 other shows
> refuses to do anything with the ip but also refuses to sell it so somebody else can do something with it
> cans the movie
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rikichie · 1 month
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The beginning and the ending.
This story is already full of everything I need.
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blended-ice · 1 month
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we never got to hear his story.
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jercythesiscrying · 1 month
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via suwabe junichi (victor's jpn VA)
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