#What am I doing with my life?
brookiedaaroacecookie · 3 months
Eternal Dream, Gen-Alpha Parody.
I kept laughing in the middle of it but I’m too lazy to re-record.
I am tired of this cringe
Will it ever become rizz?
I’m not sigma enough to know.
Can you help me become lit?
Let my fit keep you drippy
Let my gyatt make you simp
Can you see me slaying?
Please spill the tea!
Can you help me rizz?
Will you swipe right on me?
Casting me in simps, bury me in rizz
Pop off eternally!
Will you help me be preppy?
Can we griddy again?
Fanum taxing in the dark
I’m falling apart
It’s giving cringe.
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soulfulazrael · 3 months
Why me not likey Stolitz and how I decide to write it
In light of recent news that the Full Moon episode will come in this lifetime and will be most definitely HEAVILY Stolitz centric I decided to make a post about what I do not like about this ship (I know, revolutionary) and how I prefer to write it and how I would prefer for it to be written in the show itself... Okay. I am not 100% honest here. Part of the reason why decided to write cringey post about a ship in a disappointing cartoon is this:
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THE REASON KIDS ARE TOLD TO NOT TO TALK TO STRANGERS IS BECAUSE OF PEOPLE LIKE YOU! (Yes, Filthy Frank reference. I am not in fact saying they are some predator, I just think they are cringey enough to warrant a reference to good old days when you pointed and laughed at this shit. Do not harass them. Fuck you if you do.).
Okay. Let's get to the ship. Careful... This is going to be long. Filled with annoyance and frustartion boiling over due to collective brain damage I get whenever I see Stolitz shippers talk like teenagers in heat. Enjoy this cancer.
Stolitz has LOTS of issues. Mainly, the writing. Which is atrocious on it. And the worst part about the writing? It didn't have to be this way. Because to me all of the issues with it are amplified by how much of a missed opportunity it is. But let's not lose track. Basically the writing on it is pretty much a standard Disney fare of first sight love which already puts us in a very VERY bad position. This Ars Goetia, one of the most powerful immortal demons is all over this one Imp because they saw them once as a child as they tried to make balloon animals and saw them smile on a line. Riveting. The whole childhood thing already kills A LOT of my interest here. It's so transparent what they are doing that this is just embarrassing. It's manipulative as all Hell (yes, yes, I said Hell, get it out of your system) and adds fuck all to this relationship besides the amount of cheese to make everyone in the world lactose intolerant. And you use this kind of plot for an ARS GOETIA from HELL. WHY!? Why do this? I know it is subversive, but it is so goddamn stupid.
And the stupidest part about it is what this garbage takes away. Because, due to this DAMN ship Ars Goetia are not different in ANY way to normal Hellborn. At all. They just have magic and look like furry avian Habsburgs. All of them are almost indistinguishable from normal Hellborn aside from us being told they are royalty and them having magic. They age the same way as Imps, Hounds and Humans do and if you want to give the "HELL YEARS" excuse, let me remind it would mean in a year time in this show we would have to go to sci-fi and there would be constant wall of bodies falling from the sky every day.
Basically this robs Ars Goetia of being truly unique. They have no unique culture, they have barely any different personalities, they are just bird people. And it's a shame because woes of immortality could be explored here in VERY interesting ways and much of that could have been applied to Stolas as well which I will delve into later. All you need to know for now is that this already puts a SOLID hit to worldbuilding of this setting and makes all the more boring.
Which is what this relationship is at this point. BORING. It's boring now because now it is very clear what direction it will all go in as both Blitzo and Stolas are just pushed as this perfect for each other pair where most amount of conflict is simply "Will they? Or Wont they?" Oh Gee! I wonder what the answer is about this relationship with a character you admitted to change because you found the pairing cute. Golly Gee. I am so anxious to find out. It is simply a waste. There is NO meaningful conflict left here besides them just finding out they are perfect for one another and then beating all those meanies that are in their way and the most meaningful conflict will probably be about forcing Octavia to see how GOOD Blitzo is and how it is okay for Stolas to do what he does... I may or may not have some prior knowledges btw, but I wont say anything. All you need to know is that I want to die.
Which brings us to the most insulting in my opinion issue with both Stolas and Blitzo (O is not silent you gremlin). NOTHING is allowed to be their fault. NOTHING. Every time something seems like they fucked up is immediately forgiven, revealed to NOT be their fault or is swept conveniently under the rug under the guise of "it's just a comic relief bit" or "it's just filler". I genuinely hate that. Both Stolas and Blitzo are awful and flawed people and it would be NICE if this show LEANED INTO THAT. Because that is interesting, but instead this show wants you to root for them by making you forget they are flawed, awful people. Where everyone against them is the evil one or a friend that needs to forgive them and see how hurt THEY are. That is infuriating because it makes both of them a goddamn chore to watch as they are facing no consequences or accountability for any action they did. There is no nuance there. They are just nice people who at most have issues with communication and like to swear, have sex and cry (which doesn't make them deep). I must say Blitzo has SOME interesting conflict to him, but it's beaten down by how much this show tries to make him into some ultra cool badass who is never really in the wrong despite him acting like a complete twat. Which makes me feel like the writing team genuinely thinks like Daffy here at the end:
And I know this is set in Hell, but it means Jack when you try to make people believe your "asshole" characters are not them. You do not embrace it. You just try to have a cake and eat it too and Viv, you need to go on a diet with how much it happens in both of your shows.
In this topic I think user named crooked-wasteland made a better case than I ever could about the way this show tries to absolve Blitzo at least. Linke here: https://www.tumblr.com/crooked-wasteland/735943916971524096/the-anti-bojack-anti-intellectualism-and-the?source=share
It's a good read that delves nicely into why Blitzo's conflicts end up being so shallow. Also adding to that post. Think about it. Barbie is made up to be the child killer, drug dealer and someone who *gasp* doesn't forgive little pure Blitzy who just wants to reconcile. It's clear who's side this show wants you to be on. Again. NO nuance. Just telling you what to think.
And then there is the side characters in this "conflict" where most characters are basically just props. Loona? Prop to make Blitzo look better. Octavia? Stolas needs some conflict, let's throw her dumb ass in (HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW STARS APPEAR AT NIGHT!? Your family's entire shtick is astrology!!). Stella? Oh she is just evil and stupid. Andrealphus? He is just evil, but actually smart! (actually no, he is also as dumb as a stump, but he speaks like he is not so I guess he is not supposed to be, but something did not pan out too well). Paimon. Boring shithead we saw a million times already and yet another shitty dad, because relationship issues and daddy issues are two things Viv apparently knows. A good video about it I have below:
TL;DR this ship brings down SO MANY characters down the drain just to make these two look as good as possible. Where nothing is their fault and the most amount of conflict is them realizing how perfect they are for one another and convincing others of that fact I guess. And the worst part is that there has been hints of good writing for it in Season 1 at least in Ozzie's before this series decided to just quickly throw that into the garbage can.
Your best episode and you try to minimize impact it had as much as possible... I am so confused about this direction. Just... WHY!? Now for what I would prefer...
First what I think should have been done. I think this show should have leaned in more into Stolas being an Ars Goetia. An immortal, few hundred years old Ars Goetia. Because that already provides this story with a lot of possibly interesting conflict. Because this one fact would make Stolas all the more complicated as he would already be out of reach in terms of judging him by our own mortal standards. A creature that is few hundred years old that felt empty and bored over so much time of pure stagnancy that finds some semblance of joy and pleasure in the arms of an imp it would not even look at in any other way. A creature that because of it's immortality revels in such new experiences to feel a semblance of anything at all. Where it's purpose is lost to it and instead this demon takes joy in every bit of pleasurable experience that it can latch onto, but in doing so he hurts A LOT of people around him, like his own daughter and while he likes to say he cares for her he still inheritly still wants to feel alive as he is never allowed to.
That already gives Stolas on his own a lot of interesting conflict. He is still understandable in his pursuit of joy and happiness and excitement, but also showing the hedonism and pure selfishness in this pursuit. Where he throws all he has on the wind all for the sake of seeking something good for himself. Is it wrong? Is it correct? No idea. What do you think? That is the thing this series should do. ASK questions. Not answer them! Treat your audience like adults who can make up their own mind which is something this show simply doesn't do which infuriates me on a deep level.
And Blitzo. Lean in, into him being a greedy piece of garbage that gets his just comeuppance when he decides to latch himself onto this noble due to his own greed. Make it his faults that get him into this position and make him stay in it. And maybe if he does start to feel something for this demon as this other one may as well, maybe delve into WHY both of them are attracted to one another. As Blitzo could be attracted to power his position gives him and Stolas to the freedom he receives by being with Blitzo. Both of them loving more the ideas each one allows them to know instead of the people they really are and maybe have the conflict be about first them discovering those growing feelings, but then discovering what they are really pointed towards.
And there is no need to make Stella innocent either as she could be also another extreme adding to the misery, but not because of any inherited evil nature that wants her to hurt Stolas for LOLS, but instead is another victim of the immortality and status all Goetias have. Where it is almost impossible to not be on some level broken in mind.
And in this conflict it could be Octavia who is the anchor for both. A piece of normalcy as she did not live for so long and so is the most human piece in that place.
Some ideas here. And here is how I write it. Because me personally I choose to write it as Blitzo and Stolas both being attracted not to each other, but to what the other gives them. Stolas being forever frustrated about the position he never asked for giving him no freedom where he finds this one Imp that allows him to revel in his deepest and darkest desires and Blitzo being someone who deeply regrets his own decisions, but is too deep to pull out without losing all that he has gained and so pushes Stolas to be worse so he can keep profiting off of him.
Stella in this scenario is not a innocent soul either as in my version she is far more cold, distant and is obsessed with order and subjugation of others in order to elevate the status of her family which she actually cares about, but in a way that feels cruel and demanding. A contrast to Stolas who is a pure hedonist who while seeks joy and happiness where he doesn't have to be afraid is still a monster who's idea of happiness is indulging in most depraved acts without having to care for anyone.
And anchor there being Octavia who both of them care about, but is still hurt by both as both of them find it hard to look at the world in the way that is different from what they were taught and accepted through hundreds of years of their lives. Where many terrible events shaped their lives into those two extremes that have way of existing with one another without the risk of them both destroying one another as Stella wants Stolas gone for tarnishing their reputation and putting their family at risk while Stolas hates Stella for always pulling him with his leash he had to live with all his life. And Octavia through all of this has to find her own way to become someone better. Where she needs to find a path where she can possibly not lose either one and come out of this as someone better.
This is what I would prefer. A conflict where no side is really good, all of them are deeply flawed, complicated and very hard to pin as to which one is good or not. Where it is up to those in the audience as to what to think of this conflict. In another post here I made (like first one and this is second) I linked that fic so I will just say the name.
Song for the Quiet Bird. Stella/Moxxie ship fic. Yeah, I know. If you find it interesting check it out. And no. I do not say Stolitz should be written as I would want it to be. I just say this ship needs more nuance, more interesting characterization, more chemistry and interesting ideas. It needs to be less... cartoony than it is right now because so far it just feels like a dumb telenovela.
Okay... That was... a lot. I definitely did not cover everything I think of Stolitz. I have too much chaos in my head and I feel dizzy after typing all of this shait. Agree with me or not. It doesn't matter. If you read this that means you got very far into my incoherent rambling and I thank you for it no matter what you take from it.
I am just a human disaster with weird goddamn obsessions. Sorry for this being so chaotic. It's a reactionary piece of dumbassery from me. Maybe I will some day post something more coherent. If anyone cares. For now... Take care. Canon Stolitz is shit. At least for me. Disagree? Feel free to! Agreed? Sweet... Leave a comment if you have something to add to this... thing. I always enjoy that. If anyone gets this far.
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legallybrunettedotcom · 11 months
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indigo-scribbles · 4 months
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Look, if Heinrix is our Space Darcy it was natural to paint him with wet shirt. So I did it. Shirt was experiment but it turned ok, I think...
Aaanyway, time to paint Ms Benet RT
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smytherines · 1 month
Let's not think of it as losing hair from Joey Richter, but rather as gaining hair from Curt Mega
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puffitale · 1 month
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Yes, I know the debut & the Xmas EP aren't exact. Unless I can get someone to print out a bootleg of them, I don't care.
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brights-place · 11 months
hii!! Can i request general headcanons with Laughing Jack and Candy Pop? (Creepypasta) thank you <33
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Never ever safe when with us!
Pairings: Laughing Jack, and Candy Pop
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Laughing Jack
- He allows Sally to paint his claws sometimes but gets rid of them before a kill.
- He tries to act sweet with the creepypasta kids but due to his experience with Issac he seems to be creepy. Took the kids awhile to try get to know him more.
- Thrives on pranks
- Bipolar
- gets into some arguments with Kageko on who’s the better dressed in Black and white…
- Jill and ChessMaster always glance at eachother before recording the scene.
- He likes to watch Some creepypasta sleep since He dosen’t need to He finds it weird.
- When you came to the mansion he started to poke you whenever you where sleeping
- LJ takes particular interest to befriend most of the children of the slender mansion trying his best but when it comes to his victims it’s a whole diffrent story.
- like to talk about his victims and how he kills them.
- Very Childish
- He dosen’t understand emotions that well.
- When he’s angered He’s either very creepy or he flips onto the floor and throws a tantrum like a child due to the fact he had been surrounded by kids his whole existence
- These temper tantrums is how he thinks how people should be upset Lora do people get hurt though.
- about 7’3-8’0 Mans Lanky
- Hates being left alone, forgotten or ignored he would throw a huge fit.
- Slender created a rule to never touch the music box until it changes spots.
- LJ use to find it comfortable to be in the box at first when entering the mansion and rarely would come out unless he went out to do his little Adventures.
- Likes to dress up
- He smacks the shit out of anybody who comments on why he wore a dress around the place.
- “You Ugly Brat I look fashionable”
- He dosen’t swear much he uses words such as ‘Butt hole’ and ‘Poop Brain’ as insults unless he’s really pissed then he’s going to start cussing like there’s no tomorrow.
- Enjoy Listening to Classics music or HyperPop music he’s open to any.
- Very sharp teeth
- He has poisoned sweets in his left pocket and Non-poisoned in his right
- He dosen’t know his lefts and rights so sometimes he gives Somebody a poisoned one by accident.
- Doctor smiley hates LJ for the amount of times he gave Toby, Sally, and Zero poisoned candy by accident.
- purposely trips over Candypop once for stealing his sweets.
- Likes to mimic the personality of his new “owners” (aka his victims)
- Very stretchable and can jump super high
- He Likes to Hum to pop goes the weasel multiple times
- You Can Hear him from a mile away because of his humming of the song.
Candy Pop
- Best friends with Nathan the Nobody
- Gossiping King He knows everything going on.
- Likes to torment his victims
- He’s an Incubus, once a genyr before possessed by Night Terrors
- Man’s in his 6000’s
- Loves pranks like LJ but takes them very far
- He Likes to make bets with his sister and Nathan
- Him and Candy Cane like to switch up their outfits sometimes giving each-other little tips.
- Nightmares Whenever
- Cocky Asshole
- Can’t be in the human world physically for a very long time
- Loves every genre of music
- He has 3000 kids yet He dosen’t Care for them though (MF HAS CHILDREN 😭)
- Loves to fuck around with Night Terror
- Loves draining the energy and torturing his victims
- Most do his victims have mental illnesses cause he finds it funny to see their reactions and thinks it’s much easier to toy with them.
- master manipulator
- doesn’t kill the victims himself drives them off the edge if you know what I mean
- Likes to try different styles of clown makeup but always sticks to his usual look
- Has step by step guide for his hair
- he is kind of similar to Slender-man and puppeteer though if he gets enough energy to use in this reality it will bring chaos.
- uses his hammer when he REALLY needs it or deems it Useful for his situation
- found a child too annoying he claimed that “The child had something on him I had to smack it with something!”
- His laughs are psychotic
- Friends with laughing Jack due to the fact both of them could of been created by the same guardian.
- Demi-Boy
- Likes to hangout with Jason sometimes.
- gets pissed very easily
- Can Kill you in dreams or In real life You are not safe.
- He Acts like your bestfriend before it gets too much for you to drive you into madness.
- He pierced his ears.
- On his activities He dosen’t have allies nor help he works alone.
- His candy is filled with Melatonin so his victims sleep quicker
- When you arrived in the mansion he tried to kill you in your sleep… you guys made bracelets in your dream instead.
- Damages anything in his path whenever he is angered
- Large mood swings
- Night Terror always has some problems and he likes to move night terror somewhere else just to Piss him off which always works.
- People in the mansion where informed to never be vulnerable around Candypop.
- dosen’t like to admit that he is amazing at cooking and sewing.
- likes to show off his tricks
- The bells on his collar are loud along with the bells on his wrists and shoes but he can quiet them down in a second when he wants to.
- Get Jump-scared whenever he is around cause he will pop up anywhere anytime
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astrayartist · 5 months
Hi, So I loved your Dragon Donnie HC and I was curious if you could do something similar for Leo or Mikey. Would Leo be flirty with their beloved. Would Mikey be more cuddly with them.
💙Relationship w/ Dragon Leo HeadCannons💙
- He is VERY flirtatious and WILL use his height to his advantage.
- “Hello dearest, yoink.”
- He shows his affection through quality time and acts of service.
- “Need help grabbing that, shorty?” “HEY! But also yes, please help.”
- This man THRIVES off of your attention. Like Ken, he only has a good day if you look at him.
- He will show boat for your attention.
- “Hey! Y/N! Look at this cool trick” *accidentally sets a tree on fire.* “oops.”
- Like Donnie, he is very protective (and territorial.) and will drag you away from anyone he deems a threat.
- Unlike donnie, he has 2 arms and buys large hoodies to accommodate for the wings. He does give you hoodies.
- He is very similar to a dog and will drop random things by you. Rocks, sticks, fake nails, shells, you name it.
- Both him and Donnie love scritches behind the ears, under the chin, and anywhere on his back.
- After a long day of anything he will go to you and use you as a stuffed animal while you do things.
- He acts incredibly confident but is in fact very nervous about doing anything around you.
- He has a notepad of things you like. Favorite shows, color, food, animals, hyper fixations. When he can’t sleep, He will start looking up things from the list and fall down rabbit holes.
- He uses pet names and pick up lines, ALL. THE. TIME. Loves seeing you get flustered.
- When he first meets you he is very flirty and seems like he would just play with your heart. On your first date you get to see he is actually a really sweet and loving guy.
- A big part of your relationship is him trying to get you to laugh.
- *dumb pun* “really leo?” “:(“
- He is awful at cooking, so when it comes to meals at home he will either get something from a restaurant or have Mikey cook.
- On your one year he takes you on a flight around the hidden city and shows you spots of his various adventures.
- He also struggles with setting boundaries and communicating. So if he gets salty or sad just give him some time and ask what you can do better. He does try to communicate, just give him some time to think of what he wants to say.
Leo has 4 wings. Just a fun note! Also ✨I have no clue what I’m doing✨
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ffeatherisffeather · 4 months
How do we go from this:
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To this:
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To this?
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kittythegengarmonarch · 7 months
Out of Context Quote: “Guys like to hear that they’re hot.”
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This video had a HUGE inspiration (no pun intended) for me to draw this. I’m obsessed as fuck with it. I’m really not in the mood to do my damn schoolwork… I’d rather do this…
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brookiedaaroacecookie · 3 months
N’s gender reveal party
Hi everyone! This is the OFFICIAL N gender reveal details + invite!! Click read more for the info!
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(Credits to @mischiefburns for the npreg drawing!) Now how would this even happen? Well, I was thinking either a. We have a discord server and at 3:30 we all just unleash chaos, or b. Tumblr chain. I’m personally opting for a, but both work. That’s why we have this poll!
We also have roles! Currently:
@brookiedaaroacecookie is organizing (me!!)
@electronix-arts is cutting the cake
@idunaflo is flower girl
@mischiefburns is N
if anyone else wants to reserve a role, tell me!
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blue-raeofsunshine · 2 months
here’s a really long analysis of cady’s arc in the mean girls musical because i think my favourite version of cady heron is the version from the stage musical.
while the original movie version is absolutely brilliant of course, there’s something about the way the stage musical portrays cady’s arc. i feel like each of cady’s songs really progresses her arc in a way that isn’t done to the same extent by the movie. obviously i know that’s partially because the writers of the stage musical had time to improve on the original and truly think on how to portray cady’s arc.
in it roars, cady’s dissatisfaction with her life in africa and her initial awkwardness in high school is showed brilliantly. though we do see cady’s awkwardness in the movie, we don’t see her feeling less satisfied with her life in africa and I thought that was a brilliant addition.
stupid with love is such a brilliant song. i didn’t truly appreciate it until i watched the new movie :/ anyway getting her internal monologue on aaron and her history with love is a brilliant insight. and honestly i appreciated her crush on aaron a lot more in the musical because of this song. also i liked the bits like ‘do you have an eraser?’ ‘i would love to’ because they’re hilarious
apex predator is an interesting one. i haven’t watched the musical in a while but i’m pretty sure in the stage version gretchen finds out sbout cady’s crush on aaron in this song. so seeing cady’s realisation that she’s not entirely safe with this new “friend” of hers. i don’t remember getting as much of cady dwelling on this in the original movie but i liked seeing it in the musical.
stupid with love (reprise) is a song i don’t have too much to say about, but i liked cady pretending to be bad at math being more of an accident here. it seems to show cady as a little more sympathetic, but still a bad person because of her keeping up the act
i also don’t have too much to say about revenge party apart from it being a good montage of cady, janis and damien’s plan. and the focus on cady ending up with aaron is interesting, showing how cady’s fixated herself on getting with aaron. cady also only agreeing to crack gretchen because of aaron is interesting. the musical puts a lot of focus on cady trying to use manipulation as a way of getting aaron (the taking down of regina, her pretending to be bad at math and the party scene). and i liked that focus.
fearless. this sows the seeds for cady becoming the new queen bee, with gretchen instantly turning to admire cady. we also see this with regina’s part, in her observation of the ‘new hair, new skirt’ - representative of cady’s personality changing. it also shows a bit of manipulation on cady’s end (i did it for me, sure, but also for you) but mostly i think she’s just happy she won. idk i don’t listen to fearless enough to analyse it
am i the only one who imagined a timeskip between fearless and stop? anyway
stop shows cady’s fixation on aaron; talking about her failing math and damien saying ‘my god girl, he’s just a guy’ showing that damien and janis have started to pick up on cady’s changing. also showing that cady can’t stop herself from fixating on aaron. which again. i think that’s very prominent in the musical
more is better is a song i’m salty about being cut from the new movie. i could soend an eternity analysing ut, like the start when cady stops herself from talking about the animals she observed because she fears it will be cringe. or the slower speed of this song contrasting the faster paced songs she sang at the start of the musical. or the fact tbat she’s adopted regina’s sentiment of ‘more is always better’. the mentions of stars and how cady almost sounds wistful. showing that she doesn’t want to be trapped in the role of queen bee anymore either. and showing that she misses the simplicity of her old life. then her bringing it back to the way she’s started dressing. and then that moment when aaron sees that cady has become a plastic; except i liked it more in the musical because you could see the lead-up to his realisation in the verses samg before. when aaron drops the line ‘i would prefer the girl you were’, i believe cady truly realises that she wants to change. obviously the janis bit adds to that as well, but this moment is very profound. then aaron turns cady’s own words back on cady and cady finishes by repeating his sentiment; that she should have thought everything through properly. i might make a post just about this song tbh.
someone gets hurt (reprise) i mean what do i say. this is the big moment where everything falls apart for cady. where she loses her two best friends. and realises she’s become plastic. this paired with more is always better earlier makes these moments incredibly profound.
do this thing is about cady embracing herself again. its a nerdy song, with kevin’s rapping and cady hyping herself up, telling herself she can do it. this song is cady rebecoming herself. also the fact that she solves the final problem in front of aaron, instead of him being absent like in the original movie makes her win more profound. and her realisation that leads her to her speech in i see stars. when watching clips of that song cady seems so genuinely happy and i think that’s what makes this song brilliant.
i see stars. a brilliant finale to the musical and casy’s arx. her realisation that everyone is beautiful and deserves to be seen. and loved. it’s a beautiful song that i sing to motivate myself. the passion in cady’s voice as she sings it makes me trult happy as well, as you can tell she truly believes her own words. its a brilliant song and the rest of the actors joining in at the end makes it more beautiful; she’s convinced everyone of her words. also the line ‘it’s me and you, not us and her’ makes me so happy; showing that people don’t have to gang up on each other.
in conclusion, i’ve said my piece. cady heron is incredible in the original movie and the stage musical, but the way all her songs show her arc in the musical make me prefer it ever so slightly than the arc in either of the films.
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Audio Drama creating is so hard cos you write the script and it's AMAZING
then you record and go ew no, pls make this sound like a normal human
then you finish recording and it's AMAZING
and then you have to edit and hear it on loop for so long that you are forced to analyse every. single. way you said any word at any given time and you just go
...e w w w w w w w w pls I'm never opening my mouth again
and then apparently you publish the content you slaved over? but that sounds fake to me idk
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marsneedstherapy · 8 months
my brain has melted, I have brainrot, and it'd secret shanghai's fault
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absolutebl · 6 months
Online, cool dice and the majority of cool kitty most of the time.
Very close, still missing one, but yeah.
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brights-place · 10 months
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LJ Headcannons
Warnings: Slight Gore, Fluff, Swearing
A/N: I love LJ so here’s some dumb Headcannons for him!
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- He allows Sally to paint his claws sometimes but gets rid of them before a kill.
- He tries to act sweet with the creepypasta kids but due to his experience with Issac he seems to be creepy. Took the kids awhile to try get to know him more.
- Thrives on pranks and competes with Kagekao and April Fools
- Bipolar
- gets into some arguments with Kagekao on who’s the better dressed in Black and white…
- Jill and ChessMaster always glance at eachother before recording the scene.
- He likes to watch Some creepypasta sleep since He dosen’t need to He finds it weird.
- When you came to the mansion he started to poke you whenever you where sleeping
- LJ takes particular interest to befriend most of the children of the slender mansion trying his best but when it comes to his victims it’s a whole diffrent story.
- like to talk about his victims and how he kills them.
- Very Childish
- He dosen’t understand emotions that well.
- When he’s angered He’s either very creepy or he flips onto the floor and throws a tantrum like a child due to the fact he had been surrounded by kids his whole existence
- These temper tantrums is how he thinks how people should be upset Lora do people get hurt though.
- about 7’3-8’0 Mans Lanky and can tower over yall.
- Hates being left alone, forgotten or ignored he would throw a huge fit.
- Slender created a rule to never touch the music box until it changes spots.
- LJ use to find it comfortable to be in the box at first when entering the mansion and rarely would come out unless he went out to do his little Adventures.
- Likes to dress up whenever he can - Jane caught him wearing her dress once when LJ was bored and was so fucking confused
- He smacks the shit out of anybody who comments on why he wore a dress around the place. - Jeff Was so confused and tried to make fun of LJ but got smacked
- “You Ugly Brat! I look fashionable”
- He dosen’t swear much he uses words such as ‘Butt hole’ and ‘Poop Brain’ as insults unless he’s really pissed then he’s going to start cussing like there’s no tomorrow.
- Enjoy Listening to Classics music or HyperPop music he’s open to any but he likes Classical music and Hyperpop more.
- Very sharp teeth - Two sets of teeth like a shark.
- He has poisoned sweets in his left pocket and Non-poisoned in his right
- He dosen’t know his lefts and rights so sometimes he gives Somebody a poisoned one by accident.
- Doctor smiley hates LJ for the amount of times he gave Toby, Sally, and Zero poisoned candy by accident.
- purposely trips over Candypop once for stealing his sweets.
- Likes to mimic the personality of his new “owners” (aka his victims)
- Very stretchable and can jump super high
- He Likes to Hum to pop goes the weasel multiple times
- You Can Hear him from a mile away because of his humming of the song. - He will throw hands if someone disses on his outfit and style. - Laughing Jill and Laughing Jack glare at eachother before doing hand shake. - Sometimes LJ and Jill decided to swap outfits for some days - LJ watches Sally bake and asks questions sometimes. - LJ absolutely HATES electronics due to him being in the 1800s he hated the new generation. - One of the kids he looked after was a Gen Z... - He was stuck in his box bawling his eyes out. - LJ can waltz dance. He taught sally - Likes to file his claws to make them sharper. - EJ and LJ stare at eachother before walking past - "Jack" "Hm.. Jack" - Every Now and then he likes to steal the toys from his victims or small items as trophies. - He likes to rip every single thing out of his victims chests and body. - Guts them all out. - Lulu and Ej along with other Cannibals complain how LJ and multiple others waste the amount of month worth of meat was wasted. - LJ has a very heavy accent which is hard to hear and understand so it took other CPs awhile to understand him
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