#Wanda has to resist the urge to fly up and snatch Y/N to get them to stop
cissa-calls · 15 days
Countdown to Agatha: Day 806
Wanda: “Alright team. Before we split up and explore, just remember: here we are just tourists. There’s no mission, no need for dramatics, we are just tourists visiting an old castle to enjoy ourselves and soak in the history and majesty of this site.”
Y/N and Agatha: “Understood”
Wanda: *wanders off by herself*
Agatha: “Hey Y/N-“
Y/N: “-No! We’re not doing this again! I know what you’re about to do. And I refuse. For once, we are not going to create needless trouble for Wanda when she asked us for one normal day. We are capable of being mature, composed adults!”
Agatha: “Whatever. It doesn’t matter, you wouldn’t have been able to do it anyways…”
Y/N: “Do what?”
Agatha: “Climb up that turret and do the Monty Python scene.”
*five minutes later*
Y/N screaming in a terrible French accent from atop a turret down to Agatha in front of tourists and the entire northern hemisphere: “I FART IN YOUR GENERAL DIRECTION!”
Wanda: “What are you doing?!”
Agatha: “Fine Art Wanda. Fine. Art.”
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