#Toa Metru
crystaltoa · 1 day
Humanized Bionicle fanart is usually pretty diverse, but there are a few features that almost everyone interprets certain characters with:.
Toa Vakama’s hair is almost always a shaggy mop. turaga Vakama obviously must have a beard.
Whenua (Toa or Turaga) pretty much always has at least a goatee if not a full beard.
Matau has anime hair, or as close as the artist’s style will allow. Exact style varies a lot. If everyone has anime hair, Matau’s is somehow More Anime than everyone else.
.. Anyone got any more?
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beesgav · 4 months
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them green boys
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palaciosworks · 2 months
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Onewa, Toa of stone
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cha5otic · 3 months
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A less traumatic approach to the Toa Hordika redesign
Oh boy, where to start? Since I had alot going behind the scenes redesigning these. Well lets start with me having an idea to basically having the Rahi be like Power Rangers' helmet motive. So did a research on their Rahi, personality, profession, etc.
So ended up being: Tiger (Vakama), Shark (Nokama), Snake (Matau), Owl (Nuju), Bull (Onewa), and Boar (Whenua) (Was thinking of mole at first but somehow the final design makes it look more like a tapir-ish boar than a mole). Then had an idea to incorporate their Metru masks as their helmets' lower half, which then made me realize that pretty much their Hordika masks are just "Elongated Face, with Horizontal Markings". So had to get a bit creative with that.
Then had to design their silhouettes/bodytypes since, might as well. So scoured their set heights from photos and building instructions. Ended up with having their Turaga forms as the main height reference and then mixed up with their Metru Height.
Also designed custom Hordika chest pieces, which then prompts me to scour every toa team ever (+Bohrok and the Kals, cause why not).
So yes, its a lot of work. I have no idea why I do this to myself.
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zachbiller · 2 months
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2stepadmiral · 2 months
After arriving in Metru Nui, the Turaga began to occasionally call each of the Toa ‘brother’ or ‘sister’, partially an acknowledgment of their past lives, partially to acknowledge the success that the Toa Nuva have earned, and largely as camaraderie in the bond that they share as Toa or former Toa.
Tahu outwardly acts like it’s only right that he’d be addressed as such, trying to make others believe that he accepts it in stride, but inwardly, he is humbled by the acknowledgment. The Turaga see through his bluster and appreciate his humility.
Onua is outwardly quite humble and appreciative when it happens, but inwardly, he doesn’t quite see himself as being worthy of being addressed by such wise beings as the Turaga, who he holds in high esteem, so he usually comes off as a little bashful when he responds in kind.
The Turaga started being reluctant to call Gali ‘sister,’ largely because she reacts to the title, by pushing herself a little too hard to prove that she is worthy of the acknowledgment. She once to stayed up all night for two days while repairing an aqueduct in Ga-Metru, and when she could barely keep awake during a meeting with the Turaga, everyone immediately decided that Nokama should not call Gali sister anymore.
Kopaka typically glances at whoever called him this and slightly nods, sort of a polite acknowledgment, but those who know him best, especially Nuju, know that he is actually quite touched by the endearment, and he has to be stoic to keep up appearances. Whenua, having the best hearing, has multiple times heard Kopaka whisper ‘thank you, brother’ in response to Nuju or Vakama.
Takanuva started out being quite flustered when he was called brother by any of the elders, still being unused to being called brother even by the other Toa, but as he grew used to his powers and his responsibilities, he began to accept it in stride. He still won’t return the title, since he still uncomfortable with the idea of calling any of the Turaga by that term, but he is still moved by the respect they show him.
Lewa was delighted when they started calling him brother, But he’s also somewhat amused, often laughing when they call him that. To Lewa, it’s still difficult to imagine these wise old beings as Toa heroes, so he can’t always keep himself from laughing. Even so, he never fails to respectfully return the honorific.
The Toa Mahri have varying degrees of acceptance of the honorific. Jaller is proud to carry the title, and Hahli is eager to prove herself worthy of the honorific (though not as much as Gali). Kongo is a bit smug about it, Nuparu takes it in stride, and Hewkii tends to get sort of ‘aw, shucks’ about it. All of them are somewhat muted in their response, mostly because Nuju was the first to call them brother and sister. They all understand that Nuju calls them that as much as he does in memory of Matoro, and his regret that he never got to see his friend as a Toa and call him ‘brother’ in person. The Mahri learned the bird speak for Brother and Sister, and they always call Nuju brother right back.
And the Turaga universally agreed never to call Pohatu ‘brother’ again shortly after the first few times. After then, he began exclusively referring to the Turaga as brother or sister, always with extreme enthusiasm that the elders often find exasperating and often demanding fist bumps from any Turaga he encounters for days after. Most of them just quietly stopped calling him that, except for Onewa, who continued occasionally calling him brother when he felt he had earned it, but after Pohatu found out that Turaga Dume had been a Toa, the seven had an official meeting where they unanimously voted not to call Pohatu brother anymore. Matau still occasionally calls him that, though, because he personally thinks it’s fucking hilarious when Pohatu tries to fist bump Nuju.
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bioniclechicken · 1 year
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basingamer · 4 months
(Keep in mind I’m referring to the Great versions of these masks, so they’re at their full potential)
Please reblog and state your reason for your choice. Doesn’t need to be complex, also please name the mask you pick. I can’t see your votes.
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ghost-mantis · 2 months
Every New Toa Ever: I'm so bad at this. I'm the worst Toa ever. My Turaga never had these problems when they were a Toa!
Their Turaga As A Toa: "Oh shiT! oH fUcK! MATA NUI WHY?"
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New Toa: "My Turaga never ran from danger. I'm such a coward.:
Their Turaga as a Toa: "fuck Fuck FUCK FUCK!!!!"
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New Toa: "My Turaga never locked away their problems like I do."
Their Turaga as a Toa: "Get in there you damn piece of shit!"
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New Air Toa: "No Toa has been ever-bad at wind-flying as me!"
Toa Matau Specifically: "OHH! AHHHHH......"
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mugbearerscorner · 8 months
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The Toa Metru
A bunch of re-renders and re-edits of my favorite Bonkle lads. The Metru symbols are courtesy of @Demitsorou.
Posted using PostyBirb
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If there's one bit of information my brain will never overwrite no matter how long it goes unused, it's the names of all the Toa Metru. I will forget the names of actual human people before I forget my boy Matau.
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crystaltoa · 5 months
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Saw this post and thought about Nokama being noticeably taller than Matau in set form (I know she's shorter in the movies shhh)
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beesgav · 7 months
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metru nui's favorite idiot
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jayysnest · 11 months
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Vakama said fuck!!
From this post on @takuas-eyebrows, which is my bonk shitpost chaos containment blog. peruse at ur leisure.
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legend-as-old-as-time · 5 months
I like the idea of a story where, rather than that the turaga are already aware of at least some of Metru Nui's bad things being inherent, the realization proper starts with their return.
It's the ease the matoran keep working. They have regular breaks, can call in sick, socialize, and play, and are all the more productive for it.
The Rahaga and Dume have helped calm down the lingering rahi or put them elsewhere where they could live in peace. The matoran know how to live with them and the ones reintroduced.
So, no more imprisoning rahi in the Archives. Whenua headstarts a mapping of everything before anybody starts to explore and renovate them.
Matoran of the different koros mingle to help with rebuildung. They help rebuild the chute system and the core knots in Le-Metru. Po-Metru gets proper villages with supply lines. They rebuild each metru, every important piece of infrastructure, to safe.
The turaga feel uneasy. Like there's something missing but they can't think of what. This is everything they wanted, isn't it? Isn't it?
This unease only shows at what it is - haircracks in their beliefs - when Jaller demands accountability from them. Demands them to tell the truth. And when they can't to his satisfaction, he calls out a city-wide strike. One that most matoran heed! All six of the Metrus!
The haircracks split open.
Impossible in the old Metru Nui. The six Turaga (Mata Nui)'s minds try to understand, struggling to bridge the gap between what they knew as normal as matoran and what their community is like now.
Nobody would've thought of a strike except if another civil war had been building up. Nobody would've thought of the Metrus working together. Nobody would've dared to speak up against Dume.
Or not openly, not with the threat of the vahki.
But. There are no vahki anymore. There haven't been any vahki in Metru Nui for a millenium.
Metru Nui works. It lives. There is no need for the vahki. The turaga didn't even notice the unusual peace stems from the lack of the robotic enforcers. The matoran don't fear retribution for calling out authority on their mistakes.
There are less accidents because working the conditions are safer. Why weren't they safe before?
Peace and safety without the vahki, because there are none. What a joke.
Yet, here they are. The turaga's world is not tilting anymore. It's breaking. With the fear of Mata Nui dying, they don't have time to think about it. Even less time when Teridax begins his reign. Survival matters more.
Then Metru Nui dies once more, this time apparently for good. The truth about the universe is revealed. Most if not all inhabitants migrate to Spherus Magna. A new sort of peace is established, with new dangers threatening it.
The turaga have now time again to think. They unconsciousness is doing the work of what they've realized even if they refuse to. It's here that their mental breakdown starts.
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zachbiller · 1 month
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Toa Metru using their mask powers
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