spiralstain · 5 months
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ace attorney sketches from august
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seeminglyranch87 · 8 months
Taylor and Travis Timeline
A relationship timeline of tay tay and killatrav for funsies
October 2016
October 2022
December 2022
February 2023
May 2023
June 2023
July 2023
August 2023
September 2023 - part 1 // part 2
October 2023 - part 1 // part 2 // part 3
November 2023 - part 1 // part 2
December 2023 - part 1 // part 2 // part 3
January 2024 - part 1 // part 2
February 2024 - part 1 // part 2
March 2024 - part 1 // part 2 // part 3
April 2024 - part 1 // part 2 // part 3
May 2024 - part 1 // part 2 // part 3
June 2024 - part 1
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inbarfink · 2 months
On the one hand, I do get why people miss Presenting Profiles in Ace Attorney. They were often fun way to get extra characterization and lore bits of different characters, and sometimes even optional pieces of foreshadowing about the case.
But also… I think people maybe don’t quite remember how frustrating it could be, when the profiles weren’t optional. In JFA and T&T, needing to Present Profiles to get a character to talk about someone (including themselves) as part of Mandatory Story Progression, was just uncommon enough that it was kinda unintuitive for folks to remember. Especially since it felt pretty random when “[person name]” just shows up on the Talk menu and when you needed to Present a Profile to unlock that. 
I’ve watched a lot of AA Let’s Plays, and I’ve seen so many people get stuck in JFA and T&T because they need to progress, and between Presenting evidence, Examining for areas they missed and Moving to see if there’s anyone else with an unfinished Talk option… Presenting a Profile kinda just slipped their minds.
So I think…. I will support bringing back Presenting Profiles but without them being essential for story progression, just let it be a purely optional way to get interesting little pieces of dialogue, please!
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overlordneptune · 3 months
Drew the babygirl himself…
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Love him.
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By the way I am just starting Trials and Tribulations PLEASE no spoilers I beg of you
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oldschoolfrp · 5 months
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Welcome to Rat on a Stick, the dungeon's latest fast casual dining experience (From Rat on a Stick by George R Paczolt, dungeon adventure for Tunnels & Trolls or Monsters! Monsters!, Judges Guild, 1982) Long before Dungeon Meshi / Delicious in Dungeon, there was Rat on a Stick:
The Rat on a Stick dungeon is designed to add a touch of business sense to the usual dungeon adventure. The option of adding a fast food stand gives an easy method for new characters to pick up their first experience points in a purely defensive role as well as giving the party a chance to pick up a few extra GP for new supplies. Feed all the horrible monsters lurking within these pages or defeat them for their treasure. The choice is yours!
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vahanaminor · 6 months
Currently playing bridge to the turnabout and omg im having so much fun playing as edgeworth
This man's inner monologue is so funny to hear. He just trails off randomly while speaking and finishes his thoughts inside his head. Seeing him wear his lil defense attorney pin and take his temporary role as a defense attorney so seriously for the sake of Phoenix is so endearing
In conclusion Miles is blorbo #1 taking up all my current brainspace
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Here's something interesting I would like to present to the court... But,
Before I go off, I would like to remind everyone what the magatama does.
3. It allows the user to see/read people's hearts.
2. It automatically reacts to people who have secrets within their hearts.
And 3. Allows its user to visualize(psyche-locks) how closely kept that secret is and how close they are to finding the truth(shown by the psyche-locks breaking)
There is just... One thing that bothers me.
When Pearl explains how to use the magatama, she says something that... Piques my interest.
"You must be careful, though, Mr. Nick. If you make a mistake, it will hurt you. If you don't think you have the proof you need, you must have the courage to stop."
When you present the wrong evidence, it takes one bar off your "health," and this lines of dialogue appear:
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It seems like it actually hurt Phoenix, huh?
It's even more supported by what he says next:
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What does "hurt" mean? Does it mean hurt physically? Mentally? Spiritually?
Here's what I personally think:
Whenever he makes a mistake, his heart gets hurt. In less cryptic words, mentally.
I mean, he is reading someone else's heart. It's only fair if his heart is vulnerable, too, right?
Of course, I have something that backs up my claim pretty nicely.
I would like to present this line of dialogue that you get if you fail enough times:
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"Your soul will shatter?"
Shatter... I wish Pearls had gone into more detail about what that meant. That's bothering me quite a bit...
What I personally think the meaning of this is...
Well, the best way I can describe it is... An equivalent to dying.
To elaborate, I first need to present a few options of what a soul can mean/be. And it can be quite a few things, such as:
an immaterial essence, animating principle, or actuating cause of an individual life
a spiritual principle embodied in human beings
a person's "total self"
the moral and emotional/sentimental nature of human beings
I personally think, again, starting my sentence with "think" and "personally" because I have no evidence to support this claim—
Pearls refers to the "soul" as the embodiment of someone's emotions and morals.
When it shatters, that person loses all that made them. (A neat fic idea just came to me...)
That would make the most sense. To me, anyway.
Could you imagine? A lawyer trying to get a secret out from you and continuously failing to present evidence that supports his claims. Eventually, that man drops dead. His soul shattered.
I guess that raises the risk and stakes, but...
Sigh. I wish we get to see what a "soul shattering" looks/feels like, but alas, Pearls is always somehow there to stop that from happening. Even when she is not nearby.
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It most definitely has to do with Phoenix's mental state and health. I think this statement Pearls just gave us proves it, yeah?
Y'know, I could also tie this into what I said earlier— about what the "soul" of a person means here— which is the emotions of said person.
I guess I do have evidence to support my claim.
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He seems a little... Panicked? Frustrated here? He's probably leaning more towards frustration.
Well, in any case, afterward, the world fades away and returns to normal.
Going back in straight away starts Phoenix's health at its lowest, and failing again gets you the same dialogue... "Your soul will shatter."
I suppose he needs time to recover. After all, his... Heart? Soul? Sustained a lot of "damage."
...I wonder if "heart" and "soul" are the same thing?
Well, anyway, I wanted more evidence to build my case, so I looked into what Edgeworth says when he fails to break a psyche-lock.
But... It seems like the investigation led me to a dead end. Nothing Edgeworth says implies that he was in pain. Hurt when he presents the wrong evidence.
Failing too many times with Edgeworth gets you the same line shown above, just with a different name— "Mr. Edgeworth...If you push yourself any more, your soul will shatter...Please calm down, collect your thoughts, and try again..."
But a difference response to it. (Blast it...! I've made too many errors...!) However, I don't think I can make any connections with this...
I also looked into other times Phoenix has used the magatama, and again, came back with nothing able to help...
After coming back here with nothing further to add, I had even more questions than before.
Why does this particular line of dialogue stick out like a sore thumb? Did Phoenix just build a pain tolerance after that one? Was this detail forgotten or thrown away?
How does Pearl stop us from going any further? Specifically when she is not nearby... How is her voice still heard?
Are the "magatama sessions" forcefully canceled by her, or did Phoenix and Edgeworth back out on their own after hearing Pearl's words?
(I should note that it is undeniable that Pearls is speaking whenever Phoenix or Edgeworth fails too many times. I also have undeniable proof to back that up, too. "Mr. Nick." There is only one person who calls Phoenix that. Pearls. That is my proof.)
How did she know that Edgeworth had the magatama in his possession(and was currently using it) when Edgeworth had not told her? (Note: See Bridge To The Turnabout)
These are questions I have that I... Cannot answer. Unfortunately. If there are answers to this... I would like to know.
With that, I must end this analysis.
Man... I just don't have enough to go off of...
Oh, well. What do you guys think?
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lawyeryuri · 1 year
In bridge to the turnabout, Edgeworth tells Phoenix that his ex girlfriend's "metabolic processes are a matter of interest only to historicians, so to speak" which, firstly, is an insane phrase to say. SECONDLY, it was also part of a Monty Python sketch preformed on snl in 1997. what the fuck. why is edgeworth referencing that. time and place edgeworth! time and place...
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tennessoui · 1 year
guess the fic 🤭
“I married you,” Anakin murmurs tonelessly, running his thumb over the design in the wood. “That’s what reesnee means. That’s what the necklace meant. I thought you were dead. I loved you so much. I thought I’d never see you again. So I married you.”
“Anakin—” it’s the ghost of a word, which makes sense. Two rotations ago, Anakin had strangled him within an inch of his life—with the very purpose of taking his life.
“Here.” Anakin tosses the snippet onto the bed. It lands in Obi-Wan’s lap. “I don’t know what happened to it. Yoda says sometimes things are…fixed. In place. They have to happen. They repeat over and over again. One long loop with no beginning and no end. Like a necklace chain.” He breaks off, voice failing him for a moment.
“Anakin—” an even weaker whisper. Obi-Wan’s hand reaches out to him, the bones in his wrist mostly healed even though Anakin can still hear the sound of them breaking.
He stands and steps away. “There’s not much of a concept of divorce on Tatooine,” he says. “When you’ve got next to nothing, you hold what you can tight. But that’s what that means. Punyoo. It’s our word for weapon. It’s also our word for wound.”
Tears bead at the edges of Obi-Wan’s eyes. Anakin can’t look at him so he looks at the wall to the left of his head.
“Anakin,” Obi-Wan says, the strongest word yet. Anakin’s hands make fists at his sides, but he cannot look at him. He will not. Obi-Wan doesn’t say anything else, as if he wants Anakin’s eyes on him before he continues. That’s not going to happen. “Anakin…” he says like he’s realized this. “Anakin, chopa wateela.”
The dark laugh bubbles up and out of him before he can stop it, and a second later he’s crying because Obi-Wan wants to give him water, Obi-Wan wants to apologize, Obi-Wan is sorry for lying to him, for making him think he died, for deceiving him, for breaking their bond, for wounding him.
But Anakin is a desert. He does not need Obi-Wan’s water. It will not be enough. He dries his eyes and breathes carefully in through his nose and out through his mouth. He looks at Obi-Wan.
The man looks small and frail in his medical bed. Anakin hates him. Anakin loves him. It will not be enough. And Obi-Wan is staring at him, horrified, like he knows it.
“I’m leaving the Order.”
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thommi-tomate · 5 months
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cas-backwards-tie · 4 months
Chapter Three: Reroute Necessary
COD Men x Reader
Trials & Triumphs | Previous Chapter
Summary: Upon your debrief and explanation to Laswell, a shift in strategy is needed. How your fellow comrades will take that news is unbeknownst to you. Luckily for Laswell, however... you may have an idea or two up your sleeve. Now, it all comes down to a vote.
Words: 2.6k
Warnings: Disappointment, Anger, Humiliation, Embarrassment, Resentment, Passive-Aggressiveness,
Mentions of: Injury, Death, War Crimes, Government, Politics,
A/N: As I continue to delve further into the fandom I've been getting into most recently Johnny, John, and ofc Vlad so now I'm so lost! Ah... oof. Trying not to switch my original idea or add too many things to this. Anyway, this def is not gonna be all actiony every chapter. It'll change route after this for sure! So stay tuned.
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"Explain it. Again," Laswell commands. Attempting to withhold the anger in her blue eyes, her fingers grip the edge of her desk a little tighter as she leans over it.
Pursing your lips together, you take a deep inhale through your nose. It's embarrassing enough you'd had to do this once, now you're just being humiliated. Though you've done your best to ignore his presence, you sneak a glance at the man sitting in the chair on your left. While you might not know Captain John Price well, you can see the empathy in his eyes from the momentary eye contact the two of you shared. A sigh tumbles past your lips as you raise your head again, confronting your superior. Starting over, once again, from the top, you explain.
"To start, we set up things together, formulating a plan..."
Things went according to that plan for the most part. The Captain can't deny that. He listens as you explain to Kate for the second time what'd transpired the other night and how, exactly, you'd let Boris Wagner get away. In truth, it wasn't exactly you who'd let him get away. Yet, it also was... wasn't it? If he's being honest with himself, if you'd had a better handle on your team this wouldn't have happened. You would've cleared the building, secured the area, gathered your spread out team and reconvened with his, coming together to flank what was clearly a trap set up by Wagner. But you didn't. Even once you found out it was a trap, he'd heard that you let that Austrian--König, if he remembers correctly--run off on his own after the Tango and try to finish the mission alone. Sure, there's no man left behind. But if you'd followed after König and radioed someone to go back in after Keegan, both things could've transpired and the mission would've been successful. But you didn't. If he'd been in charge he doesn't think this meeting would be going on. Nevertheless, can't go back and change things, can you?
After Gaz had jumped onto the tank and taken out the Tango in the AFV, he'd been able to send the necessary reinforcements in König's aide, yet it was too late. Wagner got away, and the Austrian was injured. The mission failed, and more people were hurt than needed. Whether or not useful information's come of your leading is yet to be determined. Shifting in his seat, John wiggles his jaw a bit in an attempt to bide the annoyance bubbling beneath the surface. He keeps having to remind himself how young you are. Why Kate picked you to lead the entire operation is beyond him. A team, sure, but the entire operation? She's kidding herself, right? They actually want the Party taken down. So does NATO and practically every other nation on the globe.
He'd already relayed his side. From the moment they'd dropped off, things were fine. Everything went according to plan. Once the enemy arrived, Wagner went inside, his team secured the perimeter, Ghost kept a lookout. Things were clear. It wasn't until they were bombarded by a hangar of soldiers that things went awry. Then to make matters worse, they find over a dozen hostages hidden in a compartment within the building. People were hurt, some people died, but most managed to get away unscathed. While they weren't prepared for a close up firefight, they managed to hold off until what he supposes was when your team got to the basement since things quieted down. Bravo team managed to escort the hostages away from the chaos and down toward the exfil location near where the deployment was, South side.
With Graves already there, it wasn't unreasonable that since he was free he could help out, Horangi still keeping watch. With things clear on both sides, it was only when Ghost notified them of the rogue soldier in the AFV that things began going south again. Another firefight started up. He was busy with Graves and Wilson on hostage duty while Soap, Gaz, and McKay went for the AFV and guards that'd come along with the fleeing Target. König emerged from nowhere, chasing down said Target, but it was only once Ghost informed him that he couldn't get a shot on said Target because the Austrian was too close that it was impossible to get a clear shot, that things were doomed. He should've known at that point to take over. You were nowhere to be seen or heard from and for all he knew you could've been dead.
It's not wise to go dark, and considering this was your first mission altogether as a squad it wasn't bright. Thinking back on it, John knows there are certain things he probably could've done to have adapted, recuperated, and saved the mission. He didn't. That's on him, that's his fault, and he hasn't forgiven himself for it, yet it doesn't change the fact that Laswell hasn't decided what's next.
"What do you think John?" Kate asks. Now upright, she crosses her arms over her chest as both women in the room turn to look at him with curious glances.
He hums in thought. "I... missed that. What was the question?" He speaks candidly.
"I said that 'I don't know', but what do you think about her little plan? it'd be a waiting game for sure. Might take months. You'd have to stake out the city, set up traps, lure them in, get to know these creeps, and might even have to participate in whatever they entail, but... if you think it'll work? Infiltrating the Party?" Laswell cocks a brow in his direction, curious for his thoughts and opinion on the matter.
Lips curling inward, he rubs them together in thought. That's not at all what he'd thought he'd missed! Mentally scolding himself for zoning out, as he's not the type, his gaze shifts between the two of you. He's taken too long to answer, now he looks suspicious. "I think the team needs to decide."
"Fine. We'll put it to a vote. Anonymously, of course."
"We're at a crossroads, I'm afraid. So we've extended the option out to you all, putting the mission's stake up to a vote. You've all got pens and paper, and in a moment you'll either write down a 'yes' or a 'no', before I come around and you put it in the tin. Majority wins, though understandably considering circumstances if anyone insists on backing out, they'll be dismissed."
Her fingers absentmindedly tapping against the emptied cylindrical tin, Kate announces what's about to happen. Scanning around the room, you try not to read into everyone's fairly unsurprised expressions upon the news. Did they know this was coming? Did Price warn his team? Were they planning on backing out? Did... did you really fail that badly?
As questions begin to emerge and cloud your mind, you notice Kate about to step forward when a gruff voice captures everyone's attention, halting everyone's movement. "I thought NATO assigned us to this mission?" Ghost's question lingers in the air for a moment as you shift your gaze to the CIA's Liason, Laswell, in this instance. Arms crossed over your chest, you don't comment as your eyes slowly fall to the floor.
"Yes, though it's been brought to my attention that perhaps some people are more or less enthused to continue working on the mission with as it stands-" At this mention, people start looking around the room at one another. You'd overheard some whispers of people saying you'd messed up in leading the last mission, and while you don't necessarily disagree, you know you can't change what happened. Nevertheless, you're more than determined to not let them down again.
"-And, with the last mission having failed, time constraints are pushed even further, the possibility of being on deployment now extended, and the risks are only higher. While NATO is determined on getting the situation handled one way or another, the only question is whether it'll be the people in this room or not. And that brings us back to the vote."
"Can I say something first?" You ask as Kate takes a step forward, and whether she consciously or unconsciously knew it, she'd been signaling her readiness to start the vote, and you're not ready yet.
The woman glances around the room before seeming to have a brief silent conversation with Captain Price through their eyes. It's only a moment before she shrugs, offering you a casual. "I don't see why not?"
Hands coming up to run down the fronts of your thighs, you attempt to meet each of your soldier's eyes. Whatever impression they'd previously gotten from you, hopefully, it isn't permanently seared into their judgment. "First... and foremost, I think I owe you all an apology." As your eyes land on Keegan he immediately looks elsewhere, refusing to meet your gaze. Despite the sling on his shoulder over his hoodie, you know he's still holding resentment toward you. "I put the life of a teammate over the mission objective, and while I could've organized things better from the get-go, I recognize now how I let you all down." Eyes falling to the floor again, you can't help but kick the tip of your combat boots against the multicolored commercial worn-out carpeting of the debriefing room. "I realize I might not get a chance to lead you all again, but if I do... I promise you that I'll do everything in my power to not let you down again."
A deep breath replaces the sigh you let out as the next topic borders treacherous waters. "And I understand why some of you might want to back out now... but I do have to say that I can't. I won't. This is too important, not only to me, but to every single little kid outside these walls." Eyebrows furrowing, you can't help the way you begin to gesticulate with the rising emotions within. "I don't care how long it takes, but this is something that has to be dealt with, and that's why NATO hired us. They knew we could do it, and while you might not want to, and it might be the hardest thing you'll ever do... I'll be damned if I don't eradicate the Party."
Hands sliding themselves into your pockets, and with a purse of your lips, you turn your back on the team and offer Kate one last look before walking back toward the door you'd come in. Your face falls as you exit the room, unable to bear the agonizing wait that it'll take as the men deliberate not only their fate, but the fate of the team. One which you'd never even gotten around to naming.
You find out their decision and next steps around dinner time through email. An automatic fist pump follows as you knew your speech would manage to do some good. At least, you hope it did. Before you can really revel in the fact that your method of persuading Laswell to give you a second chance and changing approaches toward the Party, the gentle slam of a plastic tray on the metal table beside you garners your attention.
"Looks like someone finally caught up on their emails," Graves jokes, sending Olivia a playful glance as he oddly takes a seat to your left.
"Knew you wouldn't give up that easily," Olivia comments with a reassuring smile as she takes a seat across from him. "Though I do have to say I'm curious about how you're gonna pull off that plan of yours. How do you even have him as a contact for bloody hell's sake?" Her posh accent never fails to elicit a smile from you. With a shake of your head, you shrug, eyes following the movement toward the end of the table. McKay slides her tray down toward your group as she approaches.
"Surprised you're not liftin' at this time o' night," Graves comments in her direction, eyeing the muscular woman as she slings a leg over the bench and slides into her seat beside Olivia, forcing the blonde to scoot over across from you, shifting the lovers to sit diagonally from each other.
Amala only responds with a hum of acknowledgment, her eyes unamused as they set upon you. "You're not serious about this, right? Like you're actually joking. You really think Laswell, not to mention, Price is gonna go through with this?" The brunette asks, all seriousness as she leans against the table, her upper half toppled over it as she attempts to close the space between the four of you. Almost as if what you're discussing is a secret. "You think you're just gonna get information from Makarov without a hitch and that's that? We all go free?"
"I guess we'll see," you retort with a shrug. Considering today's events, you're not really in the mood for arguing, and while the proposed plan isn't exactly foolproof, it still provides a better pay off and a more timely solution than what Laswell had originally offered. "It's already scheduled, so... for now all we can do is what they're asking us to do and then we'll see when we get there. Regardless, we're changing tactics. We're shifting gears."
A huff of exasperation leaves the woman as she sits back and crosses her arms over her chest. The slight shake of her head is only amplified by the motion of the dark curls surrounding her head. "I've gotta say, I'm not lookin' forward to training with those miserable tea-drinkin' grumps over there," Graves states. A tilt of his head indicates who he's talking about, and you can't help but instinctively look.
Oh God, how you wish you hadn't. As soon as you look, you can see that Ghost staring at you, though he's sitting at the end of the table facing you, so that's excusable at least. It's not just him, though, but the addition of Gaz. The brown-eyed man had been talking to Soap who leans his upper-half on the table, his arm bent, head held up against his fist, back facing you. Gaz notices your gaze, and the sour look on his face doesn't disappear, but instead is met with a roll of his eyes before he turns his gaze toward the Captain who sits across him. From where you sit across the room it's impossible to hear what they're talking about, and while you could try and read their lips if you really wanted, you don't have the mental energy to do so. Before you turn back, Soap rotates his head and meets your eyes from where he's propped his head up; immediately turning around, you're sure Gaz had mentioned your attention. Price is surely ignoring you, then, you assume.
"I'm not always a grump!" Olivia argues, a pout on her lips as she teases Graves.
"But you love yer tea," he teases back. Apparently, you'd missed some of their conversation, but you could care less considering the nasty looks your joint TaskForce has been giving you.
"They're really mad... aren't they?" You ask, interrupting whatever stupid lovey-dovey shit your friend and her... acquaintance have going on. Silence envelopes your group for a moment, and Amala doesn't bother to meet your eye as she'd begun eating her food when the topic changed.
"Mm... yeah... I think so," Olivia finally responds, a gentle yet solemn tone to her voice as she attempts to carefully broach the subject. "That doesn't mean you can't win them back though? I think showing them what you're capable of is more than enough. Once they see what you can do, you're set. I know it," she adds on. Extending a hand across the table, the blonde places it atop yours before offering a gentle squeeze. With that, the conversation ends, the lovers going back to whatever meaningless bickering they'd been consumed with before. Meanwhile, you're still ruminating on what the forthcoming weeks will entail.
exfil: where you're extracted, picked up in the field
forever taglist: @ohdamnadam , @safarigirlsp , @jynzandtonic , @moonlightsolo
t&t taglist: @cosychick , @konigsqueen , @cutegor3 ,
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seeminglyranch87 · 15 days
Taylor & Travis Timeline
May 2024 - Part 2
May 16 - According to ET (x)
The duo traveled via boat to have dinner at Locanda La Tirlindana Restaurant. While on their way to the popular eatery, Swift and Kelce were photographed kissing.
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May 17 - Taylor flies to Sweden, Travis flies to KC
ET reveal very interesting article that appears to be warming up the public to the idea that Taylor and Travis are soon to be (or as most swifties believe already are) engaged! (x)
According to ET,
Excitement over a potential engagement between Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce has been brewing and according to ET's source, a proposal might be on the horizon. The source tells ET, "Taylor and Travis are doing amazing, and their loved ones see an engagement coming sooner than later. They make a great match and there's no question about that."
The Eras Tour, Friends Arena, Stockholm, Sweden N1
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I Think He Knows x Gorgeous (Travis' version) (guitar), Peter (piano)
May 18 - Kelce Jam (x) Kansas City.
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The Eras Tour, Friends Arena, Stockholm, Sweden N2
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Guilty as Sin (guitar) & Say Don't Go x Welcome to New York x Clean (piano)
Access Hollywood ask Travis what his favourite era is (x)
 “Oh, I’m a big ‘1989’ era, but I’m not going to lie I might be a little biased towards ‘The Tortured Poets Department,’ just little bit,”
Travis is also asked what Taylor Swift song he'd include in Kelce Jam?
"Oh, that's a good one. Golly, So High School might be the only one that's just jumping into my mind right now. I think everyone could get fired up for that one. There are so many. The Man is my niece's favourite, so we can always go with The Man."
E! online. (x)
After the Kansas City Chiefs tight end enjoyed a romantic trip to Italy with girlfriend Taylor Swift, he couldn't help but rave about the experience—especially when it came to the "unbelievable" food. As he told reporters on the red carpet at his Kelce Jam concert in Kansas on May 18, his favorite meal during the getaway was a butter ravioli dish, which he called "amazing." Taylor and Travis' vacation—which included a sweet boat ride in Lake Como—clearly left an impression on the NFL star, who noted that the locale was "beautiful." He added, "It's the best food and the best views in the world." But as for Travis' favorite part of his entire Europe trip? That would be his experience at Taylor's Eras Tour concert in Paris on May 12 alongside Bradley Cooper and Gigi Hadid.  "Taylor's shows are unbelievable," he told reporters. "If you haven't been to them, you gotta try them." And while Taylor's latest stop in Stockholm, Sweden, meant she wasn't able to attend Kelce Jam, the Grammy winner was able to show her support in other ways, according to Travis. He recalled that she told him to "go out and have fun."  "She wishes she was here, I know that," he shared on the red carpet, "but she's got a lot of people she's performing for."
May 19 - The Eras Tour, Friends Arena, Stockholm, Sweden N3
Message In A Bottle x How You Get The Girl x New Romantics (Max Martin Medley) (guitar) & How Did It End? (piano)
Go to previous update -> May part 1
Go to next update -> May part 3
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Whether you're alive, dead, or somewhere in between, you will never defeat me.
alt crop below the cut / follow for more art
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burstfoot · 1 year
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oldschoolfrp · 1 year
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Scouting the valley of purple mists -- drake-riding fantasy cavalry with some 19th century uniform elements (Stephan Peregrine, Sorcerer’s Apprentice 16, Flying Buffalo/BLADE, 1983)
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NOTHING could've prepared me for this guys. I died dead. We're in an alternate universe, the Matrix has glitched, the simulation has broken, the multiverse has been opened. This is some cinematic shit right here. 2016 me would've fucking laughed if you told me this would ever happen.
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