#Shut UP Shima. Sorry I needed to be annoying for two seconds.
shima-draws · 5 months
Catch me being super emotional and sappy on this Monday morning. Anyway I'm so so so glad I got into One Piece, I don't regret it for a single second, I'm so mad that it took me this long to finally sit down and watch it bc now it's been what. 3 months? And I'm 400+ episodes in. I've never watched 400 episodes of anything before (except maybe Pokeani) and I thought it would feel like a chore but now I'm SO fucking addicted I can't get enough. The story is so good the pacing is so good the characters are SO good I can't help but get attached and scream and jump for joy and cry my heart out (and worry my roommates downstairs with all my yelling but. You know) because it's just EVERYTHING. The found family, the power one goofy kid has to topple kingdoms, to make friends with anyone and everyone he meets, to completely destroy anybody who hurts his nakama, to rid his crew of all their burdens and chains that bind them to their traumatic pasts. I'm going to fucking explode I love One Piece so much. And maybe I'm 20 years too late to the party but I'm here and this series has its claws in me so deep that I couldn't leave even if I wanted to. And there's people here who have been fans for years and years and YEARS at this point who are OP Veterans and you've all been so sweet and kind and nice and it makes me want to cry. GOD DAMMIT. Banging my head against the wall all these emotions ARE going to make me blow up. I love you Monkey D Luffy I love you One Piece
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Writing Commission - Where I Want To Be - Chapter Nine (END)
Summary: Yamada Hizashi, better known as the Voice Hero Present Mic, is a busy man. He has classes and students to teach English to, an agency that always seemed to be in the middle of a disaster to help deal with, and a radio station that was one bad show away from being cancelled to run. He doesn’t have time for a bad day triggered by nightmares and fears and anxieties that just never seem to stop.
Luckily for him, his partners are Aizawa Shouta and Yagi Toshinori and neither of those two are very good at leaving Hizashi to suffer alone.
Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia    
Relationship: Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic/Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic/Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yagi Toshinori | All Might
Characters: Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yagi Toshinori | All Might
Rating: Teen Audiences
Word Count: 29,323
Transaction Amount: $200 (USD)
WARNINGS FOR: Past childhood abuse (both emotional and physical) and anxiety attacks verging on panic to PTSD episodes. Please read with caution if needed.
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                                      Chapter Index
 <<1>> <<2>> <<3>> <<4>> <<5>> <<6>> <<7>> <<8>> <<9>>
Hizashi gave a soft sigh, stomach pleasantly full and thoughts cloudy and murky as he felt sleepiness tug at him from all sides. It was hard to resist the urge to just give in considering he was curled up on the couch between an equally sleepy Toshinori and Shouta, all three of them curled under blankets. Their bowls and cups were empty on the table, dinner long since done, and Hizashi felt like he could give in and purr like their cats at how warm and content he felt. 
Toshinori was the first one to shift, looking up at Hizashi with bleary, but worried eyes, “How are you feeling, sweetheart?” If Hizashi thought his partners had been worried at the start of the day, it was nothing as to when he had finally gotten home and had been smothered in love and attention for the rest of the night. 
“Honestly? Like I could sleep for a couple of years, at least,” Hizashi said, smothering a yawn against Shouta’s shoulder, who gave a quiet chuckle. “Sorry you had to deal with all of that today, Toshi-”
“No apologies,” Toshinori cut off, giving him a stern look. “We all have our bad days, and I know you would do the same as I did today.” The man paused, face twitching towards amusement. “Actually, knowing you, you would go overboard with it.”
“He would and he will,” Shouta snorted, easily betraying Hizashi and the years of trust and love they had. Shouta at least softened the blow by moving to wrap an arm low around his waist, kissing at the edge of his jaw. “It always helps, though.”
The three lapsed back into silence, Hizashi closing his eyes for a moment as he listened to the soft sounds of their shifting and breathing. It felt like both a second and an eternity before he tilted his head towards Toshinori, resting against him with a soft sigh before he spoke, “It happened when I was a kid, but it was stopped by the time I got to U.A.” 
Shouta was still and quiet, but Hizashi felt Toshinori twitch against him before he was speaking, “You don’t have to explain anything to me, sweetheart, but I’ll gladly listen if you want to share.” God, Hizashi had gotten so fucking lucky when it came to the men he loved. 
“I know I don’t have to explain anything,” Hizashi said quietly, eyes fluttering shut and staying that way. Curled up between the two men he loved, he didn’t see the memories he loathed when he closed his eyes. He saw just them, warm and content and curled up together on the couch. “Besides, I don’t think I have to explain much to you. You probably already have most of it figured out, but to make a long story short… I had a villain’s quirk.”
“You had what they called a villains quirk,” Shouta said firmly, hugging Hizashi closer. “You’ve never had a villain’s quirk, ‘Zashi, because you’d never be a villain.” 
“Hey, now, I think I’d make a pretty decent villain,” Hizashi pouted, letting himself be tugged away from his memories as Shouta gave a sharp snort of laughter. “Hey, hey, I could be evil! I could be terrifying!”
“You’d start bar fights and still try to get cats out of trees,” Shouta shot back and, well… Hizashi wished he could say the man was wrong, but he probably would be like that as a ‘villain.’ “A nuisance at worst, but never evil.”
Hizashi grumbled before opening his eyes and turning back to look at Toshinori, who was looking at him with a soft smile. Hizashi couldn’t resist the urge to lean up and give him a soft kiss before he continued, “Right. Before Shouta so rudely interrupted, I had a quirk that they were afraid of. You’ve probably heard the stories, by now, yeah? Blew out the hearing of everyone in the delivery room when I was first born?”
“You’ve had your quirk since birth?” Toshinori blinked, looking surprised. “Huh. I’m afraid to say that I didn’t know that. Has your quirk always been this powerful, then?”
“Oh- Well.” Hizashi sat up, already recalling what he could remember about quirk theory and everything he had learned and looked up. “It’s actually pretty interesting! You see-”
“Off track,” Shouta interrupted, and, right. Hizashi could geek out about quirks and quirk theory later. Toshinori was stuck with them, after all, so it wasn’t like he could easily escape even if he wanted to.
“Right, right. Okay, so I had a quirk they were scared of that was pretty powerful, and, well…” Hizashi trailed off, giving a nervous shrug and a smile to match it. “What kid can perfectly control their quirk when they’re that young?”
Toshinori sighed, something old and deep as he hugged Hizashi closer, lips pressing against his cheek, “And so they forced control upon you themselves.”
“That’s the short of it,” Hizashi agreed, curling in closer and smiling when he felt one of Shouta’s hands lace their fingers together. “Kid with a voice quirk that’s activated by opening his mouth. I think it’s pretty obvious what happened from there.” It made him think of Shinsou and how the kid knew sign language so fluently all while having a voice-activated quirk that could control someone’s mind. He’d have to remember to see if he couldn’t find out more about the kid’s home life; just to be safe. “They made sure my mouth didn’t open.”
Toshinori nodded grimly, Hizashi sighing and continuing, “It’s not… When I have a bad day, like I did today, it’s usually not too bad these days. It’s phantom sensations for the first half of the day and then, when that’s over, it’s just words and memories that don’t matter anymore.” 
“If they still hurt you, then they matter,” Toshinori said softly, reaching a hand up to brush against Hizashi’s cheek. “They matter a hell of a lot. Is there any way to prevent these days from being too hard on you?” 
“Nah.” Hizashi shook his head, settling back in and reaching the perfect position for the utmost comfort. “These kinds of days don’t really… build, you know? They just sort of happen.” He wished there was build up and signs that let him know when to prepare for a day of hell, but, as of yet, there hadn’t been much way to tell until he woke up panting from a nightmare. The best they could figure was that stress could make them more frequent, and that wasn’t much to go on. “They’re sure as hell not easy, but I’ve learned to deal with them.”
“There is that, at least,” Toshinori laughed softly, relaxing more against him with a soft sigh, content to just rest in the quiet the three of them had made.
It was a quiet that Hizashi was all too happy to rest in, peeking his eyes open to see Shouta looked to have already fallen asleep. The man was slumped against the couch, body limp and mouth cracked open as he made soft snuffling sounds in his sleep. It was adorable enough that Hizashi didn’t bother fighting against the urge to take a couple of pictures once he dug his phone out, only stopping when he noticed he had messages waiting for him.
The most recent was from Nemuri, a quick, ‘Hey, we’re going out drinking this weekend. Don’t tell Shouta so we can kidnap him.’ The messages before were her typical check-ins and picture spams all designed to make him, if not at least feel better, than distract him from his thoughts.
The next messages were from Tensei, his typical nightly check-ins to make sure Hizashi wasn’t dead after a busy day. ‘Hey it’s 3-job day. Text me later so I know you lived. Oh, and Nemuri says we’re going out drinking this weekend. Bring All Might so I can threaten him into treating you two right.’ ‘I also need to make jokes before Nemuri can.’ ‘I at least show mercy and know when to quit.’
After that it was Tenya, a simple message that was dated for not long before the curfew of the dorms, ‘I hope you are resting well and doing better, Hizashi-nii-san. Please take care of yourself!’ Damn, the kid was so fucking sweet. Hizashi couldn’t wait until he graduated and dropped the stupid ‘Yamada-sensei’ bullshit he had been doing since he had been accepted into U.A..
The messages were shorter after that, but they were still all there. A picture from Shinsou that showed a cat high off catnip, a message from Shima that was just her being annoying as hell, a reminder from Ito to get his shit together and rest, and even a check-in from Suzuki that wavered between telling him he was going to die of stress in less than five years and giving him detailed updates on everything that was happening in the studio.
It was… They were all just… Hizashi didn’t know how to explain what he felt, but he knew he fucking loved every single person in his life who had his back.
“You know,” Toshinori spoke up, voice soft and sleepy, “You don’t have to deal with these kinds of days on your own.” He really, really didn’t. “I don’t know if it was different when you were younger, but you’re not on your own. You don’t have to deal with this yourself.” And Toshinori was… right.
This wasn’t back when he was a teenager who had just gotten into U.A. and was still frightened of anyone moving too fast or getting too close to him. This wasn’t back when his ‘bad days’ would end up with him screaming and crying to the point of seeing hallucinations, a teenage Shouta clutching onto him and keeping his quirk erased for hours at a time so he didn’t tear the whole block down.
“That so, huh?” Hizashi turned his head back towards Toshinori, looking up at him and feeling nothing but warm fuzziness filling him up from one end to the other. “Because you’re here?”
Toshinori barked a laugh at the tease, tugging Hizashi into a soft kiss before parting just enough to whisper a soft, “Because we are here.” As if in agreement, Shouta gave a loud snore, Hizashi burying his face to try and contain the wild burst of laughter that almost flew out of him. “Think you’ll be able to remember that sweetheart?”
“Trust me, Toshi, I don’t think I’ll be forgetting that anytime soon.” Because every single one of them had been there, in some way, to try and make his day better. It had been a bad day, and a hard one at that, but Hizashi had gotten through it just like he had all the ones before -- and all the ones he knew would come after.
Letting his eyes fall shut, Hizashi settled down in the warmth and quiet of the room, hearing nothing but his Toshinori’s soft breathing and Shouta’s sleepy mumbles and mutters; no whispers or words to be heard. It was just the three of them, home and safe and where they belonged. 
It was exactly where Hizashi wanted to be. 
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den-of-ocs · 6 years
{The New Transfer Student}
Just a little a drabble I wrote when I was bored. This is the first piece of writing I’ve have ever shared on here, so I’m a bit nervous. Hope you like it, of you want more, please let me know. Or interested in my OCs just let me know. Thank you! 💕
(Also Bebe is @beauty-and-the-demon aka @i-piss-excellence OC.)
During study hall, Shima ran up to Rin who was struggling to stay awake while studying.
“Hey man! Have ya heard there’s a hot new exchange student in class 1A. That’s Yukio’s and Bon’s class! Rumors are that she’s a smokin’ red head and from Germany. Wanna go over and take sneak a peek at her?”
Rin perked up and looked at him with sparkles in his eyes, “Hell Yeah!”
The two of them rushed over and peeked into class 1A. Shima scanned the room and spotted her. “Look there she is, wow she is hot!” He pointed and whispered.
Rin eyes widen “Oh wow, she is really pretty. She’s from Germany?”
“Yeah that’s what everyone is saying. Gah! What’s Bon talking to her for! Lucky bastard!”
Bon sat next to her and handed her a book. “Here ya go Evie, I know you’re still learning to read and write in Japanese so if you come across something you don’t understand or need help with anything you can ask me.”
Evie took the book, “Thank Ryu. You’re so kind.” She smiled and Bon blushed a little bit.
“Are you watching this?!” Shima’s eye twitched. “That sly dog thinks he’s just going to swoop in and woo her before anyone gets a chance?! Not on my watch!” He straightened up and puffed out his chest. Rin just sat back and watched, knowing that this probably wasn’t going to end well.
Shima walked right up to them. “Hey~ Bon! What’s up man, just wanted to stop by and see what’s new.”
Bon knew exactly why Shima was there. He let out a annoyed sigh, “Hey Shima, we are just-“
Shima cut him off, “Oh excuse me Miss! We haven’t met, how rude of me! I’m Renzo Shima!” He bowed. Bon scoffed and rolled his eyes.
Evie looked up at him. “Oh hello, I’m Evelyn Roth. I’m new here at True Cross, I just transferred in from Germany. Nice to meet you.” She reached out her hand to shake his.
Shima grabbed and was going to kiss it when Bon got up and grabbed him by the collar.
“Excuse us, Evie. I need to have a little chat with Shima here, I’ll be back in a minute.”
Evie looked a bit confused but nodded her head. “Oh okay, it was nice meeting you Renzo Shima.” She waved.
Bon drug Shima out into the hall where he saw Rin too. “What are you doing here? And you,” he poked Shima in the chest, “What the hell was that? Barging in our class like that!”
Shima shrugged his shoulders, “Hey man calm down, we just wanted to check out the new transfer student. The rumors were right, she is hot! That red hair and those green eyes,” Shima hugged himself, “ and not to mention her perky boobs!!” Shima stared off into pace and drooled.
Shima saying that pissed off Bon. He balled up his fist and punched him in the shoulder. “Don’t talk about Evie that way you pervert!” He huffed.
“Ow what the hell!” He rubbed his shoulder. “Oh, Evie ay? Damn Bon you work fast.” He wiggled his eyebrows at him teasingly.
“I’m not working anything! She’s Lewin’s new apprentice and he asked if I’d help her to get to know the school and settle in that’s all.”
Rin chimed in to the conversation, “Wait a minute! Lewin took on another apprentice?! Whoa! That’s cool, she must be something special for him to take her on too, yeah? Where did you guys find her?”
Bon rubbed the back of his head and blushed a bit. “Yeah she’s pretty cool, we met a few weeks ago in Germany. Lewin and I were there to talk to her uncle. Evie was there at his house when we came to visit and Lewin really liked her. I guess so much he offered her a position as his second apprentice and asked if she’d transfer to True Cross.”
Shima pointed and shouted, “You’re blushing! You like her! Dammit! Why are all the pretty girls taken?! First Yukio gets Bebe now you get her! That’s it! I call dibs on the next babe who transfers in!”
Bon’s face turned red,” Will you shut the hell up?!”
“What? She’s hot, you can’t be the only one who doesn’t think that. It’s okay, Bon you can like a girl, it’s not a sin you know!” Shima looked over at Evie and saw some guy walk up to her.
“Hello there, I’m Jiro Yamada. You’re new here, right? What do you say we go out sometime? I can show you around town?” He smiled and leaned on the desk.
Evie leaned back from him, “Uh, that’s very kind of you but I’m sorry can’t...”
He leaned in more, “Oh come on now...”
“Um Bon, you better get back in there, some dude is trying to steal your girl.” Shima pointed.
Bon turned to looked and growled. “Dammit! These guys won’t stop will they?!” He turned back to Rin and Shima, “You two go back to class, we’ll see you in cram school.” He turned and angrily walked back into class.
Evie scooted her chair back more, “ I really can’t go out, I have a pretty busy schedule.”
“You really can’t make time for one little date?” He reached out his hand to touch her face when Bon put his hand on the guy’s shoulder. He turned around to see Bon looking pissed off and scary.
“Hey guy! She said no, now take a hike!” Jiro got up, scoffed, and walked away.
Bon looked down at Evie, “Hey? You okay?”
Evie scooted back up to the table looking relieved. “Ha ha, yes. Thank you for getting rid of him, he was really pushy and starting to scare me a bit.” She looked down at her hands and let out at deep breath. “Uh so, should we get back to our work?” She looked at and smiled at him.
Bon looked down and her, “Ah shit, she’s really cute when she smiles like that!” He thought. He let out a nervous laugh, “Haha yeah, sure.” he sat back down next to her and the got back to studying.
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