#Or anywhere near today
blackbatcass · 9 months
Not to get back on my soapbox but bruce & cass’s early relationship does make me want to eat drywall. any outsider could tell you bruce is obviously enabling cass’s unhealthy behaviors and yet he 100% completely believes he’s doing the right thing for her because that’s what he thinks he would have needed in that situation. and. that says some real interesting things about bruce as a person. wow, mr. wayne, are you totally sure that what you needed when you were cassandra cain’s age was someone holding you to impossibly high standards, keeping you shut up in a cave all day, training you until your lungs gave out and encouraging vigilantism to consume every aspect of your life? is that really what you think you needed? does this maybe stem from an ultimately twisted view of yourself, bruce?
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dogtoling · 1 year
Hello Splatoon Artist. Do you despise drawing weapons? Do you despise drawing backgrounds? Does it happen that every time you try, you quickly come to find out that there are ZERO references of what exactly you need?
Well do I have the blog for you! I’ve just started a Splatoon reference archive for mostly the kind of references you always end up needing, and NEVER FIND because they don’t exist on the net. Right now, it’s planned to be mostly weapon close-ups and position references, as well as stage and stage backdrops and background objects!
I recommend bookmarking this blog instead of following (of course you are free to follow, but the content bursts will spam your dashboard). Ideas, suggestions and submissions are also welcome through the ask box!
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vellichorom · 1 year
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* smells like autumn...
saw parable cookification becoming a light trend even before i posted these- SOOO ~ now seems like as good a time as any to snuggle into the bandwagon,
( ft @tomi-chuu‘s ever beloved stanley ~ )
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genericpuff · 8 months
the cherry on top-
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There is so much I want to say about this still but there's still stuff being analyzed and picked apart in the ULO community that I want to get as much of a full picture as I can before making a massive compiled theory post, so I'm kinda just posting my thoughts in very scattered parts for now. Obviously this is still all speculation that should be taken with mountains of salt but the evidence towards this being a load of baloney is damning as all hell.
And btw, I do think it's massively fucked up that Rachel is pulling this "Rachel Smythe Presents" shit that's literally word-for-word the same thing as Rick Riordan Presents, but she claims she's "never read PJO" and that LO isn't ripping it off.
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The fucking audacity. With this in addition to the Lynn Buckham "study" (i.e. ripoff) it really begs the question of how much she's been ripping off and passing off as her own since the very beginning.
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rickybaby · 11 months
The Daniel Ricciardo show at Silverstone 2017
Daniel got knocked out in Q1 after suffering a turbo failure in Qualifying. He would start the race in 19th and charge his way through the field to finish 5th.
Ricciardo was putting in the hard miles with the drive of the day in his wake. Not only that but he had to do the job almost twice over. An early charge up the field to 12th was wasted when he went wide and dropped once again back to 18th. He duly set about the task again and pulled off move after move, displaying the commitment and judgment in overtaking that has proved so exciting. Points might have been the target but by the time he dealt with the Force India cars of Esteban Ocon and Sergio Pérez, the Australian had made it clear he was not satisfied with scraping into the top 10. (x)
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poisonpercy · 5 months
I love scrolling through my dash to see everyone freaking out about the pjo show while I still haven’t watched it. Happy for y’all. I’ll watch it eventually. My only understanding is that there was a scene in which Sally was in the rain listening to Olivia Rodrigo? Wtf is up with that? That’s not Sally Jackson at all. Also is now a bad time to say that I don’t like Olivia Rodrigo
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why-the-heck-not · 5 months
20.12.23, wednesday
cleaned my apartment
1.5h of youtube workouts
grocery store
made two truffle bases that I gotta shape & coat tmrw (cranberry-white chocolate and blackcurrant-dark chocolate ones) (for christmas presents)
2h of coding (while listening to Frank Watkinson from youtube; had the chillest time bc of it)
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essektheylyss · 1 year
nothing funnier than moving with a Maine coon mix with Many Opinions
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tthesongofachilless · 1 month
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im not okay
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docresa · 5 months
You know you probably work too much when one of your most senior attendings asks you if you’re homeless…
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oculusxcaro · 3 months
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Khare is not an inherently violent person but she will have violent reactions when it comes to certain situations. These involve jumping her from behind (especially trying to get a bag over her head), coming anywhere near her with a needle or jumping out at her while wearing a bear costume. These are guaranteed to get her kicking and biting.
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sophisticatedswifts · 2 months
When I was in high school and there was an eclipse, I brought eclipse glasses to school so my best friend and I could see it. It was supposed to be right at the beginning of one of our classes and there was a door in that classroom that opened to the outside so we thought we’d ask our teacher if we could go out and see it for a minute. That class might have been the easiest class I’ve ever taken, we studied a variation of the same vocab words every week and spent most of the our classes coloring. Literally every day we drew things with colored pencils (this wasn’t even an art class). And the teacher was nice. But when we asked him if we could go see the eclipse, he said no and then told us a story about how his brother was bitten by a dog during an eclipse when he was a kid and it was so traumatic that he can’t stand to think about eclipses. So we couldn’t go out and see it for that reason. Because his brother was bitten by a dog as a kid. And we had to stay inside and color while the eclipse happened. I think about that every time the subject of an eclipse comes up because it was so absurd. And to top it all off, earlier that day my friend and I had tested out our eclipse glasses and our friend on the yearbook committee took our picture. So there’s a big picture of the two of us in our yearbook looking through our eclipse glasses. Even though we didn’t get to see the eclipse.
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mcmissileproof · 5 months
so one of my cats has been very sick these past two weeks and she's finally regaining her strength and appetite, but I wanted to encourage her to drink a little more so I set out water on a plate (in case the sides of her bowl were aggravating her whiskers) and in a glass (in case Fancy Forbidden Water would be more enticing to her than the normal stuff) and I've been informed she has been dipping her paw in the glass to drink that. sophisticated tastes on this one
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bigassbowlingballhead · 3 months
remember when people were convinced nick and taylor had no chemistry? and then the movie came out?
now people are saying the same thing about nick and anne?
I think i've seen this film before, and it didn't work out too well for you guys did it?
now did it?
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covenofthearticulate · 3 months
god really does give his hardest battles (having writing inspiration) to his toughest soldiers (me, being chained to my work this week)
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nulltune · 11 months
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ART CREDIT! 💖 LYNN FOUND DEAD IN MIAMI OMGG my friend (irl 🫣) commissioned hakuno art 4 meee 🥺🥺😭😭😭🥹🫶🫶🙏💘💞💖💗💓💘 gajfhskfbd it's kind of a long story but PLSS SHE'S SO BEAUTIFUL........ i'm so blessed so moved,,, and i wanna share real quick bc úwù🫶 and as u can see, i'm using the chibi as my dash icon now too ! ✨️but also pls do tell me if the quality is fudged up or sth 😳🙏 am not sure if it looks okie !!
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