#My recent obsessions
rboooks · 1 year
Do you have any good DCxDP fic recs?
I just wanted to let you know that I only read fics on Ao3 now, so all my recs on on that website.
Below the read-more are the links and the fics summaries, and in the parentheses are, in my own words, what the fic is about.
A Second Life by Die_Erlkonigin6083
Summary: He wakes up with no memories. He knows things, but he doesn’t know why. Who is he? And how did he get here?
(Danny wakes up without memories and is found in a CANVAS lab. He is de-age, with various DNA mixed into him. The majority of his DNA donor? Dick Grayson. Naturally, Dick takes Danny in as his son)
2. The Curse of Sight by PorcelanaRota
Summary: When Wes Weston meets Tim Drake-Wayne, the dots start connecting. And those dots form a Bat.
(Wes Weston (a fandom-made character who is the only person that realizes Danny and Phantom are the same people.) goes to Gotham to spend the summer with his mom. He ends up as a Wayne Intern, meets Tim, and clocks him for the bat he is on sight. It's a Wes/Tim fic!)
3. The Misadventures of Cosplay Man by Shynnohwen
Summary: After accidentally getting launched through a natural rift and stuck in an alternate universe, Danny decides to help the local heroes while waiting to get picked up. But he doesn’t do it as Phantom or Fenton, oh no. He doesn’t want either of his identities to get mixed up in all this nonsense and traced back to him. So what does he do? Crappy cosplay.
(Danny gets stranded in an alternate universe, so he chooses to have fun and save local heroes as cosplay versions of them. He goes out of his way to make the cosplay as terrible as possible. Each hero he saves makes different terrible conclusions based on the worrying stuff he says. They all want to adopt him)
4. The curious case of D. Grayson by brothebro
Summary: Dick Grayson gets a job in Wayne Industries as an electrical engineer, or so is the word. Except it's not Dick who gets the job but Danny Grayson, half ghost and professional disaster. Of course, because nothing is ever easy for Danny, the world mistakes him for the prolific first child of Bruce Wayne and therefore rumors start Dick Grayson got married in secret.
What could possibly go wrong, am I right?
(Danny, Sam, and Tucker are married and move to Gotham to escape the GIW. Danny changes his name from Fenton to his biological name before his adoption- Grayson. He looks exactly like Dick, too. So many people see him out and about, thinking he's Dick. Misunderstandings ensure)
5. those who serve. by aryelee
Summary: Running away from Amity Park—from his entire dimension—Danny takes refuge in the streets of Gotham. It's hard, suddenly being a homeless teenager in such a crime-ridden city, but it's better than dying a second time.
Enter Alfred Pennyworth, a kind old man who works as a butler and, for some reason, has decided to befriend Danny.
His future is still up in the air, but he's hopeful that things will work out. After all, Alfred isn't getting any younger and someone needs to help him with his butler duties. Danny's just the right person for the job.
Or: Alfred Pennyworth sees a homeless teen who looks like he'd fit right into the Wayne family and decides to take matters into his own hands. It's not like he's just going to leave this very sad, possibly meta teenager alone when there's more than enough space in the Manor to house one more child in need.
( Basically, homeless Danny, with no other options, saves Alfred from a mugging. Alfred repays him by offering him a place in Wayne Manor- but Danny doesn't want to be a Wayne. He wants to be an Alfred- so he becomes Alfred's butler apprentice )
6. Wait, I'm a what? by Atiya_Blackcharm
Danny would like to say for the record that it was not his fault.
In fact, Danny would say that it was entirely Clockwork's fault. After all, he wouldn't even be in this situation if it wasn't for that cryptic time god.
But what was his fault was the fact that he kept helping.
He kept taking the cash from the assholes (and damn there were a lot of assholes near where he lived) messing with the residents who lived in the area. He kept accepting their offers of food. So because of this new routine that kept him able to afford to rent out his shitty (and possibly illegal) apartment and the hunger pangs sufficiently satisfied, rumors grew.
tldr; after Clockwork dropped of Danny in Gotham he tries to make the best out of the situation which includes helping out some people. Except along the way that led to rumors that he was an up-and-coming crime boss. A rumor he was largely unaware of.
(Danny lands in Gotham and sets out to help his new neighborhood. Unknown to him, he does it in a manner that makes everyone think he's a new crime boss. He just isn't aware they think he is one)
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ionomycin · 1 year
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Shore of bones
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stuckinapril · 4 months
megan thee stallion is the perfect example of unbothered energy. nicki has repeatedly vagueposted about her, gone on unhinged rants about her, gone so far as to mention her dead mother (such a classless low blow), threatened her on live, and has now released the tackiest diss track in history. and what has megan done? literally nothing. she straight up ignored her, aside from that one ig story where she posted herself laughing (which was perfect btw). she is the epitome of “i will not dignify that w a response.” i love it.
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three-fold-symmetry · 10 months
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Day 4 of @codywanweek with the prompt 'Light and Dark'.
This is the last thing I've prepared for this week, so I'd like to thank @codywanweek here for organising this amazing event! There's so much amazing art and fic to enjoy right now, it's so much fun.
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stealth-black-leg · 9 months
Crocodile really is The Character of all time.
He's first introduced as a terrifying villain in the shadows who's killing an entire country of thirst and orchestrating a civil war while posing as their hero. He runs a vast criminal organization while having immunity from the government. He's viciously cunning and dreadfully powerful. The first time Luffy fights him, he never even touches him and very nearly gets killed. It takes him THREE times to finally beat him, and hardly. Just by the events in the Arabasta saga, Crocodile would've gone down as an amazing character and villain.
But then.
But then, like eight arcs after Arabasta, Luffy breaks into Impel Down, where Crocodile happens to be imprisoned. And he just. First he says HISASHIBURI DANA MUGIWARA in an incredibly deep and sexy voice that has me giggling and twirling my hair. Then he gets blackmailed by IVANKOV who knows A PERSONAL SECRET OF HIS and we're all looking at him like
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AND THEN Crocodile joins Luffy to break out of prison and go to war, but not before taking a detour through Newkama Land because god forbid Crocodile showed up at Marineford wearing dirty prisoner rags. On their way out they meet Blackbeard, who starts rambling about his evil plan and Crocodile is like "who" and Blackbeard says "me" and Crocodile replies "no, who asked you" and moves on because he really couldn't care less about that mf.
And then. And then.
They arrive at Marineford. And Crocodile PEAKS at Marineford.
He shows up in this huge battlefield and he hates EVERY SINGLE PERSON on it. Fuck you, Whitebeard. Fuck you, Doflamingo. Fuck you, Sengoku. Fuck you, Mihawk. Fuck you, Akainu. He's completely unhinged. An agent of chaos. And if he ends up picking a side, he does it because FUCK COPS THAT'S WHY and isn't that the noblest of reasons.
And then he comes back over a decade of publication later to create a bdsm gay polycule with a sex dungeon along with a misanthropic swordsman and a clown.
Not to mention he's also Luffy's mother
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keefyrchik · 2 months
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idk whos this horse killer guy but hes kinda hot
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shripscapi · 8 months
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I don’t like my old dany art anymore so it was time for a new one… this time featuring her dragons <3 if they look bad I’m sorry I literally haven’t drawn a dragon since following step-by-steps in elementary school
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psrj · 10 months
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the imperial accountant baru cormorant, and the duchess of vultjag
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Are you more of FNAF or Jojo? (Ofc you will then say, I can be both-)
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Why pick when they are so similar/hj
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Lackadaisy Enrichment
#in our enclosures!!#video linked as source; which i'm glad to see already has a million views and is trending. That's Right#lackadaisy#WHICH i have been reading since at least '07 when i was thirteen my god b/c this animation is based on the ongoing webcomic#like does its influence show up Directly in some Discrete way i can point to in my art? not very easily probably. And Yet.#the inspiration....i wasn't able to be Regularly Only for at least another year / art done Nonprofessionally Online was novel to me#like wow ppl can make & post fanart of w/e they love huh....didn't know webcomics were a thing & i never really read that many since but.#good god the quality of Lackadaisy at its onset is like this is superb?? this person putting in all their talent and effort???#and Then you get years & years more art and i don't even know what superlatives to throw out abt its quality as it evolves. obsessed w/it..#if i see a new lackadaisy comic page i Will be acting out. obviously this animation is a delight & also stunning. and fascinating to also#juxtapose as a Translation / Interpretation of the comic in a different medium & standalone snippet of Story#and that we're not even quite there in the comic timeline; Taking Notes abt character info we get distilledly here....genuinely love like#take it back to '07 i'm like oh boy can't wait for the dream team to assemble. then a decade later when it did? Oh Boy. that is payoff lol#namely hooray for stitches and mudbug at the field office for every passing gangster. killing one marigold associate but not the other#which seems like a promising start to shootouts w/the other dream team triumvirate. i adore that in canon so far mordecai freckle & rocky#have met but only over a nice brunch. re: all intentions anyways. anyways i'm like Gifs Must Be Made while i'm also so riled afresh abt the#comic that i've been sooo hype for for over fifteen yrs now babeyyy Deservedly. i've done a couple of rereads & ought to do another....#For Interest it'd probably take a few sittings to catch up from the start but there is much to be engaged over....this ongoing story that's#historical fiction prohibition bootlegging cats with plenty of focus on characters & several Mysteries. which i'm better at parsing now lol#like one of the more recent rereads like Oh Of Course x (probably) accidentally killed his y & z took the fall & that's a binding secret...#Not [oh of course] abt the circumstances surrounding a's death & how b & c were involved. nor the ''what's marigold's damage'' mystery#which is great. love to not know things. love that we can readily follow all the emergent drama everyone's wading in nowadays. hell yeah#anyways admire my organized approach to gifs here. four shots each Expressions Atmosphere Action Groupshots#sure might've muddled through gifmaking for this anyways but fr being a huge lackadaisy comic enjoyer for now most of my life helps#and its very Overall Inspiration like. just really getting the [you can really just draw stuff out here] going. fr the art's detail & skill#and that enrichment like i'm gonna have a great time following this. And I Have#you don't expect a crowdfunded indie animation in the mix back then but hell yeah fellas#SIGH ok removing a 4th gif that's broken / not displayed despite reuploading then entirely remaking it. if it's a bug i'll try again later
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chococrystal · 8 months
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Scrybe (+ some others) sketches
Silly card game has dominated my mind as of late
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marggri · 10 months
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New obsession dropped
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katsumiiii · 1 year
hobie brown x gn! reader
um hobie definitely would love for his s/o to paint his nails. like I don’t think he would go out of his way to beg for you to do so, but if you offered he would def be like “sure, don’t see why not.” even let’s you pick out wtv color you want, like it doesn’t have to be black, it could be a cutesy yellow or blue (I feel like he’s secure within himself enough to not be one of those men that would fuss about it yk?? like he’s in touch with his feminine and honestly couldn’t give a shit what smb else would have to say abt it).
like let’s say you just got some new polish from the beauty supply store, a cute vibrant blue and a mute sage greenish, and ever since you purchased them you’d been thinking about painting hobie’s nails. you’d come up with this whole plan about how to ask, and even thought about begging a bit if he refused, maybe a cute little pout to guilt him into it, but to your surprise he didn’t even put up a fight ??? just told you to get out whatever color you wanted and start painting.
“hobieeeeee!” you drawled on, crawling on the  mattress below you, wiggling your hips once you reached hobie’s lap. peaking out from behind his phone, he raised an eyebrow in curiosity, allowing you to take his fingers and pry them from his device.
“yeah? wha’ you what?” he quirked his head to the side, eyes trailing the slight lift of your shirt, revealing the dangling belly piercing he gave you about 3 weeks ago.
“I was wonderinggg if you would let me..” you inched closer to his face, pouting your bottom lip.
“get on wit’ it love, don’t got all day.” hobie watched as you inspected his cuticles, growing impatient at your stalling (and partially because he wanted a kiss, but you were too busy ogling at his fingertips to notice).
“can I please paint your nails?” you asked, playfully batting your eyelashes.
“eh? that’s all you wanted?” hobie rolled his eyes, shifting his hips to scooch you closer to his abdomen, “wha’ color are you thinkin’?”
“wait really? all I had to do was ask..?”
“yeah? I don’t care bout none of that stuff, long as you like the color.” he trailed circles on your palm, gaze lingering at your glossy lips, licking his own at the sight.
you squealed in delight, intertwining your fingers with his own, “so I was thinking this cute navy blue I got! I don’t think sage would suit you as well, but I kind of want to match too because that would be so cute!!” you droned, listing out the possibilities.
“mhm.” hobie hummed.
“but maybe…because I have this dark red in my nail cabinet that I think would look good! just screams you.” you continued.
“mhm.” hobie tightened his grip on your hips.
“bee? you listening?” you leaned your head to the side, blinking at his gleaming gaze.
“yeah yeah, jus’ come gimme a kiss.” he mumbled, pinching your chin, dragging your face closer to his.
“did you hear anything I said?”
“yes babe, now please, ‘m dying here.”
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orchiro · 25 days
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you bewitched me.
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sillyfairygarden · 4 months
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ocean princess
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cuepickle · 1 year
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Camp Skull Rock: The Campers
Can’t stop thinking about summer camp AU
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