#Meraki OC
merakimagic · 8 months
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Commission by @cupcakeslushie
I love this💜 it’s so beautiful💫✨
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meraki-sunset · 7 months
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Guess what guys, today's my birthday and to celebrate my 27th year on this rock, i'm updating my trollsona, Meraki's dessign, to match a little more my current appearance (It's actually just long hair and the colors of the clothing are sawped)
🌻🌻Hope you like it, and also the blog's new look🌻🌻
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petrichormeraki · 6 months
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listen I know it's ooc but I just think Django deserves to go ape shit one good time
(Django belongs to @feeferden, Peachy belongs to @mushroomminded!)
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agentplutonium · 18 days
WIP Wednesday
I got tagged by @romirola *checks notes* over a month ago, but never late then never, right! ,,, right?
ANYWAY I’ve been very slow on some of my writing recently (burn out from school is a BITCH) but here’s a small snippet of a Milo/Sweetheart fight fic and mayhaps a little snippet of original work I’ve been chipping away at:
(No pressure) tags to: @pinksparkl @zozo-01 @angelicaether @lovelylonerliterature and anyone else who wants to join! I’m really bad at tagging people ngl
I was really captivated by the idea of Sweetheart snapping at Milo for constantly bashing their job, no matter how correct he is, so I ran with it. Here’s the beginning of that:
It was always a strain on their relationship. Milo knew that. He just didn’t think it could ever come to this.
Sweetheart came home with a limp. A limp that was not there when they left, and one that was certainly unwelcome in their typically confident gait. Milo was onto it immediately.
“What’s wrong, Sweetheart?”
“Nothing,” they said hurriedly. “Fell at work today.”
“You didn’t get it checked out?” Milo asked.
“It’s nothing, Milo. I’ll be fine in the morning.”
Milo paused what he was doing, turning to look at Sweetheart fully. They weren’t facing him, set on emptying and putting their things away. They never took that tone with him, and it concerned Milo. Did he do something? Were they mad at him?
“Are you okay?” Milo asked, standing.
“I told you I’m fine!” Sweetheart snapped. “Stop looking into it.”
“Okay,” Milo said, tone hardening, “you don’t get to talk to me like that when I’m just trying to make sure you’re okay.”
Sweetheart let their bag slump to the ground, taking a deep breath. When they turned to face him, their eyes were closed. They opened them a moment later, saying, “I’m sorry. You’re right. I’ve just had a hard day at work. That’s all.”
Milo eyebrows furrowed, one corner of his mouth turning down. “Do you need anything? I can—“
“No,” Sweetheart said quickly. They realised how that came off and back tracked, “no, Love, I just want to go lay down for a bit. Is that alright?”
“Of course that’s all right,” Milo said. “I can come get you once dinner is ready.”
“Thank you,” Sweetheart sighed, kissing Milo’s cheek. They stalked off toward their bedroom, catching the attention of Aggro who followed them.
Milo didn’t like how that went. Sweetheart was hiding something from him. But, he trusted them to bring it up later, maybe after they decompressed after today. They wouldn't keep secrets from him.
And now for a small snippet of my boys (gn); Terra and Caelus. I just really wanted to write something for them so I can share them with more than just me and PK. ANYWAY:
The night was young, the drinks were flowing, the band playing joyously in the corner, and Terra was having a very good time.
She never got to have nights like these, where time slowed and she was able to conjugate with her humans. She loved watching how they interacted with each other. She loved watching the dances that they’ve come up with, and how the translated to group settings like this. They were very creative creatures, that was for sure. Terra liked to take credit for that part.
Terra could feel magic warp behind her, bending and expanding, leaving a tingling sensation on the back of her neck. She smiled, recognizing the figure that appeared behind her.
“How does anyone have any fun at these things?” Caelus’ voice vibrated within her.
“They find their ways,” Terra hummed. “You can’t fault them for that.”
“All it is just stuffy dances in stuffy clothes,” Caelus complained.
“Don’t you see what I’m seeing?” Terra asked, turning her head to look at him.
Caelus hummed, stepping closer, “What do you see?”
Terra took Caelus’ jaw in her hand, turning his head toward two young people chatting away on the edge of the room. “Love.”
“That’s love?”
“The beginning of it,” Terra hummed, “and it’s always so beautiful watching them fall in love. Not to mention,” she redirected Caelus’ gaze to the band, “that’s love, too.”
“How is that love?” Caelus questioned.
Terra chuckled, letting go. “Look at how they play, look at how they are so encapsulated by the sound that they are making. You can’t tell me that someone who plays an instrument is not in love.”
“That’s one way to put it,” Caelus said.
“And the musicians would agree with me,” Terra defended.
“You say that about everything,” Caelus muttered half-heartedly.
Terra sighed, expecting this answer from Caelus. He never understood, despite Terra feeling the innate curiosity burning within him. To see how their creations interact with one another. She knows that, fundamentally, that same desire to love and protect what he creates is in him. It was in all of them. A base functionality to their existence. However, for some reason, Caelus’ love, and hers, are two completely different things. He sees love as a neat and tidy thing. Not conditional, by any means, but there is always a cause and an effect. A means to an end. A list of tasks that must be done, and the meticulous upkeep of said results. He doesn’t like restarting a process unless it is inevitable. Terra, on the other hand, doesn’t have a process. Until something is finalized—with a consciousness—she does not feel like she is stuck with one design. However, even if a design has it flaws, Terra will often let it live anyway. She couldn’t bring herself to destroy something she created just because it didn’t go to plan. It was cruel. She could always build off of the prototypes, and evolve them into what she wanted them to be.
They were two sides of one coin. Perfection in different forms.
Terra got an idea, turning to Caelus. “Come see the celebrations in the town,” she insisted.
“What for?” Caelus asked her.
“I want to show you something.”
Thank you for reading !
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meraki-yao · 2 days
Mermay 🧜🏻‍♀️
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It takes me a while to remember that I also should post my art here 😅But yeah I drew this for Mermay at the very last minute lol, bought myself a cheap set of acrylic markers to play around with, pretty happy with how this turned out!!!
Unedited version under the cut
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twstrhythm · 2 months
14. with a broken arm/leg
And to determine who, I threw everyone into a randomizer.
The winner is Alexis.
It wasn't like he intended for this to happen. He hadn't tried to get into a fight to begin with, but this was not something he could easily take care of himself. So Alexis goes to the one place he could think of at the moment. He stops outside the door to Kore's room and knocks with his uninjured hand. When the door opens he smiles weakly. "Um... can you help me, please?"
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troyowo · 4 months
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The Goddess of Atlas Aka a redraw of a drawing I made last year of Dream! :)
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azuresasha · 2 years
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[OC] Carmina
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merakisercet · 2 months
Summer outfit for Jezebel..
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I might render it later <3
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merakiui · 2 years
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as you can see, scaramouche is coping just fine. :D
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strixling · 1 year
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Meraki's uncle has always encouraged her to feel her feelings - which she does. Very much so. Her fiery temper is something else! 🔥
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merakimagic · 6 months
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Oh look at my baby! Hehe, She’s getting ready to shut that adorable gremlin up😋💫
Commission by @dianagj-art , Thank you so much! <3
[ Separated Leo AU ]
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meraki-sunset · 2 months
If you don’t mind me asking, what software/app do you use to animate/edit your animation? im IN LOVE with the “Two hearts” video !!
Aw thank you! Sure, i use Paint Tool Sai for drawing
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then i make the pieces of the drawing in diferent layers and make them png files separate
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and then i use After Effects to compose the thing and make it move
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And voilá
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Hope that helps👍
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petrichormeraki · 4 months
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let's be real we all knew she would win
(Ira belongs to @mushroomminded, Mars belongs to @feeferden!)
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agentplutonium · 28 days
For the prompt post: Terra/Caelus in a modern/no magic/human AU 👀 just them being them in a different font
Jumping ahead in the cue a bit because I'm trying to write a separate thing for them and I need to work on their characterizations.
For those who don't know who Terra/Caelus are, they are my two god characters in the universe that I am building. Where this is a human/no magic AU I'm not gonna talk about the facts that I have about them to catch people up to speed (but I WILL give them if someone asks, I will tell you so much if you ask I can't shut up about them) and we'll see where this goes.
Anyway, moving on, and I'm not paying attention to anything specific this time around so it will be under the cut ^^
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
"Love," Caelus said quietly, poking his head into the room. "Are you awake?"
"No," Terra grumbled, turning away from the door.
"Oh, okay," Caelus said. "Guess I'm going to the farmers market by myself today. That's fine, you need your rest--"
Terra was turned back around in a heartbeat, making Caelus chuckle. "We're going to the farmer's market?" She asked.
"That's what we agreed on last night, yes," Caelus confirmed.
"Who's gonna be there?"
"Well, there's no way to know for sure, but I heard through the grapevine that the smoothie maker you love so much--"
That got Terra out of bed, squeaking in excitement. She rushed around the room, clamouring to get ready. Caelus openly laughed this time, the sound reverberating in his chest.
"I'll get our bags ready," Caelus said, dipping back out of the room.
By the time he was ready, Terra came tearing out of the room. "Come on, let's go," she said.
"Shoes," Caelus said.
"Right, that would be important." She bent to grab her sandals, and Caelus raised an eyebrow.
"You sure you want to wear those?" He asked. "You know how much walking we have to do."
"It goes with the outfit, I'll be fine," Terra said. Caelus just sighed, a small smile spread across his face. He already packed her sneakers, just in case.
When Terra straightened again, Caelus held out a granola bar. "I'm not even hungry," Terra countered.
"You will be in about five minutes. It takes fifteen until we're there, and then probably another ten before we get any kind of food in our hands," Caelus said. Terra took the granola bar with a huff, rolling her eyes.
Caelus kissed her cheek before opening the door. Terra flounced through, smiling. As he was closing the door, she spun back around.
"My bag--"
Caelus held it out to her.
"Oh. Well, thank you. What about--"
"It's all in there. And I have the keys," Caelus answered.
"I really can take care of myself," Terra said.
"You can, but you were busy and excited, and I know that you get forgetful when you're like that," Caelus reasoned, turning to lock the door. "Besides, it's you. I don't mind taking care of you."
"Well, thank you anyway," Terra said. Caelus didn't have to look to see she was flustered. He could hear it in her voice.
"You'd do the same for me," Caelus reminded. He turned back to her, reaching his hand out, "Come on, let's get going before it gets too busy."
Terra took his hand, smiling. There wasn't much conversation between the two of them on the walk down, but that was fine by Caelus' means. He got to watch Terra take in the scenery, munching on the granola bar that he gave her. She was as handsome as ever like that, early sunlight making her glow. There would be a few things along their walk that would spark dialogue between them, usually in the form of Terra remembering a fact that she told him about certain landmarks or ones that were tangentially related to whatever train of thought she had in her head. It was always something new with her.
For example, they were passing by a construction site that had been there for ages, and Terra gasped.
"Did you know that this is gonna be the new Playhouse?" Terra asked. "Cause I did not until I was looking it up a few days ago."
"I actually did not know that," Caelus hummed. "I had never thought about where it was moving, just that it was."
"I also found out that a lot of people were upset they're moving the old one," Terra said. "Which, I get, but also that building is so old. They're building a new one because it's getting unsafe to be in there. Not to mention the new one is gonna have, like, three different-sized theatres, so it actually allows for more events to happen."
"Interesting," Caelus mused. He was never sure what ever prompted Terra to look up this information, but it was entertaining.
Once they got to the farmers market, Terra bolted for a food truck, tugging Caelus along. It didn't take as long as usual to get some food, and they were sitting at their usual picnic table in no time. A few of their friends found them, and they joined as well. Caelus hadn't seen the three in a while, it was a nice surprise.
"We've been out of town on a contract," was the explanation given by Ases.
"Can't separate the three of you, huh?" Terra teased.
"We're just that good," Amos said, slinging his arm around Ditia, the third in their group, who rolled their eyes.
"Oh!" Ases said, drumming against the table briefly, "Terra! Did you see the new mugs?!"
"New mugs?" Terra questioned. "Where?"
"I have to show you, come on," Ases said, as she reached across the table to grab Terra's hand.
"I'll be right back," Terra said hurridly to Caelus, just managing to kiss him on the cheek before being pulled off. Amos shouted after them, jumping up to follow.
Ditia sighed, resting their elbow on the table so they could put their head in their hand. "Never a dull moment with them, huh?"
"Never," Caelus agreed, smiling. "Wouldn't change it though, would you?"
"Never," Ditia parroted, giving a smile of their own.
"They're gonna come back with so many mugs," Caelus murmured, before going to take a sip of his smoothie.
"So many mugs," Ditia agreed, laughing. "five bucks says they come back with matching couple mugs."
"Yours or mine?" Caelus asked.
"Both," Ditia said.
"You know what? I'll take you on that one," Caelus said, reaching out his hand. Ditia shook it firmly.
"Brave, knowing our partners."
"Just Terra or just double A, maybe. But it's unlikely that they all come back with the same idea," Caelus said.
"We'll see about that," Ditia said, sipping their coffee.
It was fifteen minutes before Caelus saw Terra again. It was clear that the group went to more than just the mug stand, and Caelus chuckled. However, when he saw two mugs in her hand, two in Amos', and one in Ases, he groaned.
Ditia laughed, "hand it over, big guy," they said, holding out their hand.
"How'd you even know?" Caelus asked, fishing out a five-dollar bill.
"They were talking about it when we saw the stand earlier," Ditia said, pocketing the money. "I knew they'd convince Terra if she found the right set."
"That's cheating."
"That's gambling, my friend," Ditia said.
"Caelus!" Terra called out now that she was close enough. "Look! They had matching mugs!"
"I see that," Caelus said.
"They have cats on them!" Terra said, placing them down in front of him. They did in fact have cats on them, one sporting a black cat and one an orange cat. "I think they fit us perfectly."
"I think they do too, Love," Caelus said, tone soft.
"It was really Double A's idea, they were getting matching mugs for them, and they said that I should look too," Terra said.
Caelus glanced at Ditia, who winked. "You don't say."
"Look at what else I got," Terra said, starting to unload the tote bag she no doubt also bought.
Caelus smiled, settling in for the explanations that were going to accompany each item. He really couldn't go to the farmers market without this situation. However, he wasn't about to tell Terra no. He'd listen to her ramble for ages.
He wouldn't change this for the world.
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kit-the-dreamer · 2 years
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by a little dream...
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