debian-official · 2 days
Transbian (person who transitioned from arch to debian)
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never-obsolete · 2 days
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screenshot from the KDE website, 2004
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webdiggerxxx · 1 day
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ubuntu-official · 1 day
Happy pride month to all the lgbt people out there! Consider installing Ubuntu! It can perfectly replicate the sensations of what hell is like just through normal, everyday use. Might as well get used to the sensation, faggot!
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nixcraft · 6 months
A boy can dream, can't he?
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fabricdragondesigns · 2 months
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alatar-and-pallando · 7 months
So, my spouse has been exploring his gender lately; he also just built himself a new laptop. Today he told me that he in an attempt to process some genderfeels through metaphor, he made a post on a trans forum along the lines of: "I'm a lifelong Windows user and I think I'm pretty good at it. I want to find out what Linux has to offer but I'm afraid I wouldn't be any good at it. And how do you choose the right Linux distro, anyway? Do you have to try them all?"
The responses, he said, were a mix of useful advice about feeling out your gender and useful advice about choosing a Linux distro.
I love trans people so much
Edit 4/8, in case you don't see the reblogged additions -- my wife is now going by Eve!
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tardigrade-gaming · 28 days
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real, rb if you're a d&d enthusiast or sex pervert (or both like a True Linux User)
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from a classic:
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debian-official · 2 days
we will not be making rainbow logo now b/c we're queer as fuck every single day of the year babeyyyyyyyy
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thotfulness · 24 days
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rinidisc · 5 months
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never-obsolete · 11 months
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Maximum Linux - October 1999 Penguin Computing
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mohammedhilles · 22 days
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This the where my family stay right now they are staying in a school without any kind of privacy or any comfortable accommodation.kindly asking your help small things can help us in this situation
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abbiistabbii · 6 months
I don't think people realize how absolutely wild Linux is.
Here we have an Operating system that now has 100 different varieties, all of them with their own little features and markets that are also so customizable that you can literally choose what desktop environment you want. Alongside that it is the OS of choice for Supercomputers, most Web servers, and even tiny little toy computers that hackers and gadget makers use. It is the Operating System running on most of the world's smartphones. That's right. Android is a version of Linux.
It can run on literally anything up to and including a potato, and as of now desktop Linux Distros like Ubuntu and Mint are so easily to use and user friendly that technological novices can use them. This Operating system has had App stores since the 90s.
Oh, and what's more, this operating system was fuckin' built by volunteers and users alongside businesses and universities because they needed an all purpose operating system so they built one themselves and released it for free. If you know how to, you can add to this.
Oh, and it's founder wasn't some corporate hotshot. It's an introverted Swedish-speaking Finn who, while he was a student, started making his own Operating system after playing around with someone else's OS. He was going to call it Freax but the guy he got server space from named the folder of his project "Linux" (Linus Unix) and the name stuck. He operates this project from his Home office which is painted in a colour used in asylums. Man's so fucking introverted he developed the world's biggest code repo, Git, so he didn't have to deal with drama and email.
Steam adopted it meaning a LOT of games now natively run in Linux and what cannot be run natively can be adapted to run. It's now the OS used on their consoles (Steam Deck) and to this, a lot of people have found games run better on Linux than on Windows. More computers run Steam on Linux than MacOS.
On top of that the Arctic World Archive (basically the Svalbard Seed bank, but for Data) have this OS saved in their databanks so if the world ends the survivors are going to be using it.
On top of this? It's Free! No "Freemium" bullshit, no "pay to unlock" shit, no licenses, no tracking or data harvesting. If you have an old laptop that still works and a 16GB USB drive, you can go get it and install it and have a functioning computer because it uses less fucking resources than Windows. Got a shit PC? Linux Mint XFCE or Xubuntu is lightweight af. This shit is stopping eWaste.
What's more, it doesn't even scrimp on style. KDE, XFCE, Gnome, Cinnamon, all look pretty and are functional and there's even a load of people who try make their installs look pretty AF as a hobby called "ricing" with a subreddit (/r/unixporn) dedicated to it.
Linux is fucking wild.
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