#Kiss Me You Animal
rebelliousstories · 1 month
My Thriller Scandal
Kiss Me You Animal
Relationship: Cooper “The Ghoul” Howard x Zylia “The Freak” Shelley
Fandom: Fallout
Request: No
Warnings: Fluff, Strong Language, Mentions of Death and Killing
Word Count: 715
Main Masterlist: Here
Fallout Masterlist: Here
Previous Chapter// Next Chapter
Kiss Me You Animal Masterlist: Here
Summary: He has decided that he is equally impressed and pissed at Zylia as she proves to be a formidable opponent.
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Zylia ducked and swerved around to find a bullet lodged in the ground next to her feet. When Cooper took aim again, she ran and ducked behind a cart.
The cart was blown to bits as she managed to move just in the nick of time. Unwinding a stretch of rope from her belt, she attached her dagger to it, and threw it at the feet of the ghoul attacking her.
“What the fuck is goin’ on here?” He tried to step on the rope as she drew it back, it was unsuccessful. Zylia wound up, and this time, charged straight at Cooper who was not using his gun. Her rope wrapped around his hand and pulled the gun from it as she took the length of it to tie around his neck. But Cooper was not known to go down easy. His left hand grabbed the gun, and with less than stellar accuracy he fired in the general direction of Zylia.
She ducked out of the way, and managed to kick his side hard. When she tried to do it again, Cooper grabbed her foot and yanked. Zylia fell to the ground with a hard thud, while The Ghoul wormed his way out of the rope. He switched the gun to his other hand and fired again.
Zylia rolled out of the way and stabbed her dagger into the side of Cooper’s legs. He howled in pain, but fired again.
She just kept rolling her way out of his line of fire, waiting for him to, inevitably, fire again.
Bang! Click. Click. Click.
When Cooper tried to fire a seventh time, he found that he was empty. And Zylia would not allow him time to reload. She tightened the rope that she had been weaving around his ankles tight, and watched the man fall. Straddling The Ghoul, Zylia used the remaining length of rope to tie around his wrist, before pressing her blade to his neck.
“Was that worth two hundred caps?” She growled, panting hard from the fight that had just occurred. Before Cooper could respond, a dull bang made its way through the open air.
“Hey! You two! Get lost, freaks. Take your fight somewhere else!” An angry shopkeep shouted at the duo who was lying in the sand and dirt. While her head was turned, giving the newcomer her attention, Cooper managed to wriggle out of his wrist restraints, and secure them around Zylia instead. She turned back a moment too late as he was already working on the ankle restraints.
Cooper used her own rope to hog tie her. With her bound, The Ghoul picked the woman up to face him on his level.
“That was worth two hundred caps.” He growled, taking the woman with him as he picked up his gun from the ground. Making their way out of the town limits, Cooper proceeded to pat her down to find where she kept her caps.
“Hey! Hey! Stop touching me!” Zylia screamed as Cooper’s hands roamed all over her pouches and bags. Eventually he found a bag that felt like it might house caps becaus it felt heavy, but when he juggled it around he heard sloshing. Curious, Cooper dug in to see what the bag held and was confused when he saw packages of blood. They were all sealed and were still fresh.
“The hell is this?” He questioned, holding up the blood for the woman to see. She just turned her face away from it and found silence. When Cooper realized he was not getting an answer, he continued his search for the caps. When he did find them, he was disappointed. There may have only been a hundred caps maximum in the pouch.
“Now I was expectin’ to get my two hundred. How come your pouch is so light?” He drawled, rising to his full height with her cap pouch in hand. Again, she remained silent instead of answering which was driving Cooper insane. Grabbing hold of her bindings, he gave her a jostle.
“How come it is so light? You had no time to already spend at least a hundred caps in that little place.” He was confused and pissed.
“I struck a deal.” Zylia finally spoke up. It took The Ghoul a few minutes to put together the pieces, but once he did, it clicked.
“Less caps for blood,” he whispered his findings and watched her nod in conformation. “Well, the sweetheart. We have ourselves a little predicament.”
“What do you mean? Just take the caps, but leave the blood. Please.” She whimpered, trying to rub the rope burns, she was inevitably going to get, out.
“See, I expected to be paid two hundred for that bounty. So you’re gonna stay with me till I get that.” Her face whipped up to his in shock and disbelief.
“You’re kidnapping me? I could get you the extra hundred in one job that we could find in that town but you’re kidnapping me?” Zylia yelled again, feeling anger fill up her body.
“Ain’t kidnappin’. More like indentured servitude.” Cooper drawled, loosening the restraints around her ankles so she could walk.
“Let’s get goin’.” And with that, they started to walk to the next bounty.
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wisdomshoes · 6 months
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credits to @aspisera for making the crowd and saving me probably hours of my life, while it took them like 20 minutes
so coming from my prolonged and objectively correct deduction: noelle is a fan of my chemical romance. i mean think of the evidence: the biggest computer nerd is internet illiterate, noelle plays nintendogs, noelle's blog is very obviously at least HEAVILY INSPIRED by very early internet blogs, noelle is confirmed to listen to music (very early 2000s of her). AND WOULDNT YOU KNOW IT. MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE just happened to be most prominent in early 2000s to 2010s AT IT JUUUST HAPPENED to be popular for Teenagers and younglings alike. and noelle JUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUST HAPPENED to be one of those. in that time. at that moment. in time. meaning she's alive at the perfect time to have at least HEARD of mcr. and if she's half as intelligent as she's portrayed to be (or more intelligent than a dirt worm) she'd listen to 5 seconds of mcr and fall in love with it forever. AND AND and AAAAND if dess is HALF as cool as noelle says she'd introduce her to them.
also she has a crush on frank and/or ships frerard
also her favorite album is the black parade
fuck you in advance if you disagree with anything i just said because its all true i asked toby and he said its true and that i have beautiful hair and beautiful lips and i said "i know" and did a kickflip over the horizon into the sunset.
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of-faery-descent · 2 years
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Have this piece, inspired by Kiss Me You Animal by Burn the Ballroom. One day I’ll learn to colour and render my art digitally, but right now I just really enjoy sketching.
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kaeoticneutral · 3 months
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Ten thousand candles couldn't light all the darkness in your heart God, it's crazy how I need your friction My thriller scandal, take a bite, girl, you know my favorite part I'm so desperate for your sweet affliction
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devildom-doll · 6 months
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Then… DO IT 💖
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one-winged-dreams · 6 days
*robbie rotten voice* show us number 1 :)
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I love him. I love him so fucking much.
We started by me irritating the living shit out of him by running into him over and over again in my stupid tiny little ganmen. He didn't kill me because he was heart eyes the moment he saw my big brown doe eyes and soft prettyboy uwu face. But goddamn was he tsundere.
AND THEN AFTER THE TIMESKIP WE WERE SOOO in love, he dropped the tsundere act and turned into a flustered mess lmfao.
And then after the series we got mawwiiiied and now we're so domestic.
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nekodani · 1 year
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megaweapon · 7 days
"But everybody knows That home is where your teeth sink, love."
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theygender · 2 years
The curse of being a Tumblr veteran is knowing that this really cool and sexy vampire-themed love song is at least partially inspired by a Twilight shitpost from this website
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20thcenturyfoxx · 2 years
Its just so fucking good HANDS DOWN
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baronvonriktenstein · 2 years
Ten thousand candles couldn't light all the darkness in your heart God, it's crazy how I need your friction My thriller scandal, take a bite, girl, you know my favorite part I'm so desperate for your sweet affliction
“Kiss Me You Animal” by Burn the Ballroom
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rebelliousstories · 24 days
Take A Bite
Kiss Me You Animal
Relationship: Cooper “The Ghoul” Howard x Zylia “The Freak” Shelley
Fandom: Fallout
Request: No
Warnings: Fluff, Strong Language, Mentions of Death and Killing, Vague Cannibalism
Word Count: 1,027
Main Masterlist: Here
Fallout Masterlist: Here
Previous Chapter// Next Chapter
Kiss Me You Animal Masterlist: Here
Summary: When it comes to his cold, undead, somehow beating heart, Cooper goes back and forth on whether or not to use it on Zylia.
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There was something almost comical about the way they walked with each other. Cooper kept Zylia on a tight leash, literally. Her hands were bound, her ankles less so. She struggled the entire way out of town, but The Ghoul just tugged on her rope to get her to settle down.
Zylia had no idea where they were going, but she hated every moment. Everything was going well up until she left with her payment for the bounty. Now she was tied up, hungry, and pissed off. All she could hope for was that he would not drain any of her more liquid assets. That would just be a kick in the teeth.
“You gon’ tell me why you’re bein’ paid in blood, rather than all caps, darlin’?” Cooper called from behind her, maintaining a safe distance. The bound woman did not even bother to turn her face to acknowledge that the man had said anything.
“Alright. Keep your secrets. Lookin’ mighty delicious though.” His off handed comment finally spurred a reaction from the woman before him. She whipped around and got right in his face as soon as his hand touched the pouch on her bag with the blood bags.
“You touch those and I’ll fuckin’ kill you.” Zylia growled. Her words spitting themselves onto Cooper’s face.
“Well,” he drawled while dragging a hand over his face to remove the fluid. “Why’s so goddamn important to you?”
“None of your damn business, ghoul.” She retorted, but the aforementioned ghoul just smirked at her.
“You’re the one that’s tied up with no place to go. And I’m the one with your bag, that has your blood. Now you wouldn’t trade caps for blood unless you truly needed it more. So why the hell you interested in that blood more than your own caps?” He laid it all out there.
“I told you, it’s none of your damn business why I value my blood more than my caps. I’ve got my reasons.” Zylia refused to back down from the man, as she was still standing in his face.
“Now, I’d like to hear those reasons.” Cooper teased, reaching his hand towards the pouch. Zylia responded by diving her head down to snap at his fingers which sent his fingers away in a heartbeat.
“You are just full of piss and vinegar, ain’t cha?” He chuckled as Zylia righted herself to look him in the eyes once more.
“Do not take that blood. I need it.” She pleaded, skin starting to bead with sweat, and her lips being moistened by her tongue.
“I needed those caps that you stole from my bounty. Looks like we’re both in a pickle sweetheart.” Cooper’s hand reached up as fast as lightning to grab the ropes by her neck and hands.
“So here’s what’s gonna happen; Imma keep you with me until I get those two hundred caps that I deserved, then and only then, will I let you go.” His voice was dangerous as he growled in her face. Zylia made her face as neutral as stone, refusing to let him see that she was terrified. Terrified about what was going to happen if she did not have access to those blood bags.
“Keep moving.” He shoved the woman away, and they began to walk once more. The more they moved, the weaker both of them could tell Zylia was getting. But she kept moving anyways. They neared an abandoned house that Cooper seemed to know his way around, and made their way in. Bodies were strewn about, and there seemed to be a kitchen area that Cooper strategically slid into.
Zylia was pulled with him, and that when she saw it. Fresher bodies were right smack dab in the middle. These may have only been about a day or two old, but they were still plenty fresh. Howard made his way around, looting the bodies and their bags all around the room, while the woman kept her eyes on the body.
When Cooper began to take what he needed from the bodies, slicing and filleting, he noticed that she was watching him intently. No, not him; the meat in his hands, but it was not a look of disgust. He held her gaze and ate another bite, while watching her eyes drop. The Ghoul kept going even after he had satiated his urge, but this was for drying to keep with him on the path. His eyes caught her swaying a bit as he continued his task. Poking his head up, Cooper caught her eyes just before the woman collapsed.
Making his way to her at a leisurely pace, his head cocked to the side as he watched the woman on the ground. She was full blown sweating, with her pale skin somehow looking even paler. There was genuinely no color left in her. Zylia kept gasping and trying to wet her lips, but she had no more moisture left in her. As she writhed on the floor, she kept trying to make her way to her bag but was unable to open the pouch she needed.
Out of curiosity, Cooper opened the pouch she was trying to access and found her blood. With a furrowed brow, he took out one of the bags, and held it up above her. He watched her trying desperately to reach it, yet unable to with the ropes around her body, and her energy slowly dropping. The Ghoul wrestled with his thoughts for a minute, crouched down on his knees. If he helped her, he could follow through on his promise. If he did not, however, that was one less person that would steal his bounties, and probably more food for him.
Zylia kept writhing, but it dwindled down from before. Her eyes were unfocused as she mouthed open air. The sweating and the colorlessness of it all freaked Cooper out just a little bit. After all this time, he had never seen anything like this. He watched her for a moment more, holding the bag of blood in one hand.
“What to do about you?” He drawled, watching the woman in front of him. There was something almost comical about the way they walked with each other. Cooper kept Zylia on a tight leash, literally. Her hands were bound, her ankles less so. She struggled the entire way out of town, but The Ghoul just tugged on her rope to get her to settle down.
Zylia had no idea where they were going, but she hated every moment. Everything was going well up until she left with her payment for the bounty. Now she was tied up, hungry, and pissed off. All she could hope for was that he would not drain any of her more liquid assets. That would just be a kick in the teeth.
“You gon’ tell me why you’re bein’ paid in blood, rather than all caps, darlin’?” Cooper called from behind her, maintaining a safe distance. The bound woman did not even bother to turn her face to acknowledge that the man had said anything.
“Alright. Keep your secrets. Lookin’ mighty delicious though.” His off handed comment finally spurred a reaction from the woman before him. She whipped around and got right in his face as soon as his hand touched the pouch on her bag with the blood bags.
“You touch those and I’ll fuckin’ kill you.” Zylia growled. Her words spitting themselves onto Cooper’s face.
“Well,” he drawled while dragging a hand over his face to remove the fluid. “Why’s so goddamn important to you?”
“None of your damn business, ghoul.” She retorted, but the aforementioned ghoul just smirked at her.
“You’re the one that’s tied up with no place to go. And I’m the one with your bag, that has your blood. Now you wouldn’t trade caps for blood unless you truly needed it more. So why the hell you interested in that blood more than your own caps?” He laid it all out there.
“I told you, it’s none of your damn business why I value my blood more than my caps. I’ve got my reasons.” Zylia refused to back down from the man, as she was still standing in his face.
“Now, I’d like to hear those reasons.” Cooper teased, reaching his hand towards the pouch. Zylia responded by diving her head down to snap at his fingers which sent his fingers away in a heartbeat.
“You are just full of piss and vinegar, ain’t cha?” He chuckled as Zylia righted herself to look him in the eyes once more.
“Do not take that blood. I need it.” She pleaded, skin starting to bead with sweat, and her lips being moistened by her tongue.
“I needed those caps that you stole from my bounty. Looks like we’re both in a pickle sweetheart.” Cooper’s hand reached up as fast as lightning to grab the ropes by her neck and hands.
“So here’s what’s gonna happen; Imma keep you with me until I get those two hundred caps that I deserved, then and only then, will I let you go.” His voice was dangerous as he growled in her face. Zylia made her face as neutral as stone, refusing to let him see that she was terrified. Terrified about what was going to happen if she did not have access to those blood bags.
“Keep moving.” He shoved the woman away, and they began to walk once more. The more they moved, the weaker both of them could tell Zylia was getting. But she kept moving anyways. They neared an abandoned house that Cooper seemed to know his way around, and made their way in. Bodies were strewn about, and there seemed to be a kitchen area that Cooper strategically slid into.
Zylia was pulled with him, and that when she saw it. Fresher bodies were right smack dab in the middle. These may have only been about a day or two old, but they were still plenty fresh. Howard made his way around, looting the bodies and their bags all around the room, while the woman kept her eyes on the body.
When Cooper began to take what he needed from the bodies, slicing and filleting, he noticed that she was watching him intently. No, not him; the meat in his hands, but it was not a look of disgust. He held her gaze and ate another bite, while watching her eyes drop. The Ghoul kept going even after he had satiated his urge, but this was for drying to keep with him on the path. His eyes caught her swaying a bit as he continued his task. Poking his head up, Cooper caught her eyes just before the woman collapsed.
Making his way to her at a leisurely pace, his head cocked to the side as he watched the woman on the ground. She was full blown sweating, with her pale skin somehow looking even paler. There was genuinely no color left in her. Zylia kept gasping and trying to wet her lips, but she had no more moisture left in her. As she writhed on the floor, she kept trying to make her way to her bag but was unable to open the pouch she needed.
Out of curiosity, Cooper opened the pouch she was trying to access and found her blood. With a furrowed brow, he took out one of the bags, and held it up above her. He watched her trying desperately to reach it, yet unable to with the ropes around her body, and her energy slowly dropping. The Ghoul wrestled with his thoughts for a minute, crouched down on his knees. If he helped her, he could follow through on his promise. If he did not, however, that was one less person that would steal his bounties, and probably more food for him.
Zylia kept writhing, but it dwindled down from before. Her eyes were unfocused as she mouthed open air. The sweating and the colorlessness of it all freaked Cooper out just a little bit. After all this time, he had never seen anything like this. He watched her for a moment more, holding the bag of blood in one hand.
“What to do about you?” He drawled, watching the woman in front of him.
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killjoynumber27 · 2 years
na na na
I went feral and created some art of my favorite line in the song so here’s this + phone sized ones if anyone wants it as a background
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laromp3 · 28 days
Kiss Me You Animal - Burn The Ballroom
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kaeoticneutral · 3 months
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Kiss me you animal I need to take you in real slow Cause dying on your lips Is how I wanna go
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one-winged-dreams · 10 months
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-clenches fist-
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