#KD asks
kenandeliza · 4 months
Hey I'm doing a thing. Could you give me your favorite Billy design made by you or in a comic please. :]
my favorite billy design I made would be Billy with dot-eyes
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This was an attempt for me to imitate the golden-age Billy (still couldn't get the hair right but meh XD)
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ando666detonao · 1 year
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dont let his fruity looks fool you. he WILL hit you w a crowbar first chance he got
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softinkhaven · 1 year
ms luthor really does breast boobily, huh 🥺
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so true anon <3
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koneko-dreams · 1 day
How fucking dare you.
I heard that you’ve been calling MY son your son. I don’t think you have the power to give birth to an egg or that you have the magical power (or enough of it) to hatch said egg.
Tell me, who gave you permission to do that?
I only see him as my son. I see everyone as my child- Nonetheless, your said son has also called me "mother" so I don't see the problem
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has anyone sent in the cindy crawford photoshoot as propaganda for kd lang yet bcs every single person alive needs to see that
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Ohhh yes
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asktheremnantsaskblog · 7 months
Too anyone really
Soooooo do you guys actually wear clothes, all things considered you look like colorful naked people
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(They did indeed look like that and I wanted to change it because of how it looked and I... I didn't see this ask. Ur so right tho.)
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vldkeith · 8 months
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happy happy three years!!! i can't believe we've been besties for this long omg. ren, i adore your writing so much and im always excited to read all of your lovely fics (i especially can't wait to read your upcoming celebrity fic). juno, everytime you post art, it's like a happiness explosion to me and your klance text posts are always the sweetest things ever. and also your cosplay videos are very much out of this world!!! (<- space reference) (<- indirect voltron reference) i feel so lucky to call you my friends and i want to thank you both for always supporting me and my art since the beginning. love you both forever and ever!! 🩷🩷🩷🩷
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BRINGING OUT THE 2020–2021 REACTION IMAGES THANK U KD!!!!!!! crazy we’ve survived in the voltron fandom this long. i’m so glad to see you growing as an artist and person; i know great things are ahead for you in your life. thank you for getting to know us as well!!!
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thefirstknife · 1 year
Does the whining about SBMM ever stop?? The complaining about "I shouldn't have to give 200% every match and still lose sometimes, it's not fair to expect that!" from the players who insist that casuals do that forever and not see the hypocrisy in their whining?????
Apparently it doesn't. Saw some stuff about it recently as well on Twitter (derogatory).
That line of thinking is really bizarre to me. "I'm a pro player and I have to sweat in every game because I only play other pro players." I mean. Casual players used to have to play against pro players.
Like, for me, every match was a sweat fest. In every game I entered, I was getting mauled by people with 3 kd. On the rare occasion I could actually survive being spawned, I would have to fight for my life and play the best I possibly can just to be relatively on par with others. Every game. I have NEVER entered any Crucible mode relaxed and I never had a "casual" experience in any of them either. I see these people bitching about how quick play should not be sweaty and I'm just standing here like "you guys had a non-sweaty quick play experiences until now?"
Pros never had that experience before because in most matches they just played casuals. To them, matches were shooting fish in a barrel. So obviously now that they have to fight people their own size, it feels like the experience is ruined for them. What they don't care about is how they've been ruining the experience for others for years.
So I have zero sympathy for them. You have to sweat every match now? Okay, welcome to the experience of everyone else in the game, I guess. Like, that's news? There were people who didn't have to sweat before? Because I had to sweat every game trying to get my weekly pinnacle. That's just normal Crucible to me. I go in, I have to sweat or suffer through a 15 loss streak where I'm not finishing my bounties that I need for xp and loot.
And even with SBMM, matchmaking can still be super weird even now. I do hope they keep working on matchmaking because there's legitimate issues with it for sure, but complaining because they're not in a lobby against 0.5 kds honestly just makes them sound like assholes and then they cry for being called assholes. Like, I'm sorry but if you're 4.5 kd, you should play other 4.5 kds, not me.
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kenandeliza · 3 months
ah, I'm not used to sending art requests, but ;o; if you're up for it, I'd love to request my OC Khalan? (you'll find a lot of images of him on my art blog, @pekoeboo, if you need reference)
I know bald people are kinda hard to draw tho, so if he's a bit too difficult, my other precious boy Antony would be really nice to see in your style :'0 I really like your "simple doodle" style option in particular!
no pressure, though! it's totally up to you! <3
here it is :D! If you want me to draw your other oc instead, lmk
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seagull-scribbles · 2 years
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that cliffhanger huh?….
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thepavementsings · 8 months
may i contribute my favorite kd tweet...https://twitter.com/KDTrey5/status/19970390110?lang=en
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Freshly legal Kevin Durant on his first team USA trip slipping the guy at the gay bar he "accidentally" walked into a $100 bill to switch the porn on the screen to the history channel.
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the club saga of 2010 is certainly a highlight.
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yanderepuck · 1 year
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Your fate is to snip that rat tail off
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koneko-dreams · 2 months
My, can't we both be his wives?
A man like that deserves so much more, doesn't he?
I'm fine with being the second wife.
I just want to see him smile and laugh in the same room as him, always.
Even if I'm not the one making him smile, even when he only sees me as a stranger.
I truly love him.
As long as he is happy, I will be fine.
So, I don't mind being the second wife at all.
So, how about it?
I appreciate the fact that you truly love my beloved, but, as I have seen, you asked to start off as friends?
@sillyfatherof3 what in hell is your take in this-
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starishsky · 7 months
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valo rat
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the lesbian swagger of both kd lang & jarvis cocker
two queens
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