#Jason: No I want to see more of this this is comedy gold
puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 170
Once again on my Ras & Danny being training rivals thanks to time travel bullshit. 
Look, Danny knows about the league of Assassins, but he almost dies of laughter when he realizes it’s the modern name of the league of Shadows. He’s an adult now, has been for a while, he’s allowed to find the situation he’s found himself in amusing. Hell, his sparring buddy who is somehow still alive is laughing too. 
And no one else knows what’s going on, okay? This random man walked into their secret base, completely ignored the many assassins trying to stop him, and called their illustrious leader a “Little Bitch Man” and they are now fighting?
The fighting is familiar, but why the fuck is Ras cackling and saying things like “Ayreh Feek” back. Practically saying “Fuck you,” while laughing and oh Pit, they’re Bantering this is terrifying, why has Ras not won yet, why has this man not died yet and- bodies aren’t supposed to bend like that what the fuck- 
Ras on the other hand, has One friend, who is immortal like him, actually remembers the shit he complains about, is also down for saving endangered animals, and actually knows how to spar! It’s not a proper spar unless someone loses at least a hand that has to be reattached! And honestly, people nowadays should know that the proper greeting to an old friend is to instantly try to kill the other. 
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xplrvibes · 4 months
lmao babys first yt controversy 😂
yeah idk i feel like they probably shouldve scraped the whole thing. obviously they spent a lot of money on this episode so they obviously want to post it and make some of that money back, but its not worth it. the controversy is too dominating.
i could never watch ghost adventures… It was too much. it was too fake and too obnoxious lol i didnt even like ghost hunters international which is bonkers bc they came to australia lol but i never vibed with it
grant and jason were where it was at 💪🏼 (and then i grew up, got social media, and realised jason was a a-hole)
random q… if snc switched up their content… what do you see them doing? ive been watching a lot of ‘exploring abandon ghost towns/mining towns’ videos and im like… they could do this! like still do haunted but also explore ghost towns… just them… maybe nate and josh… that’d be so cool!
- aussie anon
See, I was one of those people who loved Ghost Adventures, but for all the wrong reasons. I just thought Zak Bagans was pure comedy gold, in that he was the biggest unintentional idiot on earth 🤣.
But if I wanted to actually watch something for the paranormal content, GH was my show for that.
I think they would probably really like to get into more legal abandoned/exploration type videos, i.e., Chernobyl. Sadly, I think they feel like they have to stay in the paranormal game for a while, so I don't see the switch up happening anytime soon. I also don't see them ever going back to doing illegal stuff or true urbex, not at this point in their careers. So, legal stuff like Chernobyl, where they could tell a story...I think they'd enjoy doing that.
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the-slasher-files · 3 years
Ah I'm so glad to see requests are open, I hope this one is alright! May I request Jason, Bo, and Vincent (or just Vincent if you want), with a very physically affectionate s/o? Like, tries to hold their hand often, leans on them, just always tries to be in physical contact.
Yay!! Ok I am back writing for other slashers, but I will say I am very rusty, so this is definitely not my best, but we are getting there. Andrei is slowly easing his jaws on my brain and I’m ready to get back into regular writing! I also added Michael to this list, simply because I miss writing for him... anyway I hope you enjoy🔪💕
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At first he doesn't know what to do with you. Jason has not been touched in like 50 years, so go slow.
Once he gets used to all the touches and he wants to give you equal affection but Jason doesn't really know how.
He will either be extremely gentle or rough when he goes to show you affection, he's only been brutal for so long and tbh man doesn't know how to act.
But he adores your affection. He might jump a little at it but after a while, he will completely lean into it and nuzzle your head with his mask. Once he gets the hang of the affection, Jason is gold. When you lean on Jason he will instantly lean into you as well. If you hug him he will hug you back and stronger.  
A big thing with Jason is physically affection since he cannot talk so this is very very important in the relationship.
Jason’s favourite pastime is just running his broken and scarred fingers along your body and stroking your hair.
There is something so intimate about him just touching someone gently. After years and years of murdering just having someone near him who loves him means the world.
On starry nights Jason would love to take you to the dock and just cuddle watching the twinkling stars and just holding you.
Just go slow and you will earn yourself the best slasher cuddle bug.
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Surprisingly Michael is a huge lover of physical affection, he just doesn't know how to show it properly.
The way he chokes you, holds the blade to your skin and the way he wants your face to twist in fear upon seeing him.. that’s his twisted affection.
You will have to show him proper affection, but on his terms or else you might get a knife to the neck.
Just be very careful with him. It is like dealing with a wild animal, Michael is not something to just be played with, he is unpredictable and always has a dangerous edge behind him.
Go slow in teaching him. Sitting on the couch next to Michael is honestly probably good enough for him but if you suddenly just lay your head in his lap he might jump slightly but he will not remove you... unless you caught him on a bad day, which 80% of the time.
A good way to start is to hold his hand or run your fingers along his thigh when you sit together.
There however will be once in a blue moon when it is late at night and he is curious. Curious for genuine affection, do not take this for granted or do not think that this a normal occurrence because this is rarer than a shooting star.
On that one night Michael will put the knife down, snuggle close, and run his murder hands along your body or in your hair, but in a good way, not a way that sparks fear. Again, go slow and he will let you pet his wavy brown locks and trace his scars. This is when you know Michael loves you.
Basically, you need to do affection on his terms or else he might stab you.
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This is tricky because he loves affection but hates it at the same time. Bo is extremely touched starved and might jump at your small touches or he might think you are trying to do something to him.
For Bo it is no touches or it is sex. There is no in between.
He will think your gentle touches to his arm are supposed to mean you want his dick. Eventually, Bo will settle into just loving the tender kisses or gentle touches for what they are, not sex.
To be honest, he loves the affectionate side of a s/o, it makes him feel so loved and wanted, anything to make his ego or pride swell he is there.
When Bo is working on his truck and you ask to hold his hand he will roll those baby blues but do it anyway. He will never admit to loving the affection but he really does.
He loves when you lean on him or hug him or even kiss his knuckles.
Surprisingly Bo is actually very good at returning the affection. Even though he had very abusive parents he most likely got to see what a real relationship was like and how to treat a woman.
I think he is honestly more needy than his s/o for affection some days. If you are in the kitchen making dinner Bo will place his large oil-stained fingers on your hips and rest his chin on your shoulder.
Bo’s favourite thing however is at the end of the night when he has his beer and is watching some crappy comedy that you come to sit on his lap and run your small fingers through his brown hair. He loves it
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Now Vincent is different from his brother, but the same in a few ways.
He always got the affection from his parents instead of Bo which I think makes his level of touch starved higher because he had it so much then it was suddenly gone, but he won't flinch away or give you a weird look, he will lean into it.
Vincent loves affection but I feel it needs to be in certain areas, like his hands and arms vs his face. He is deeply insecure about his face and it will take you a long long time before you can touch, stroke or kiss it. His arms and hands work constantly and a s/o that kissing them and massages he would absolutely adore.
With his working hands, Vincent has strong and skilled fingers, great for returning your affection. Could be as simple as holding hands to massaging you after a long day.
With Vincent, he will have little no to no problem giving the affection back, just not in front of Bo.
He thinks you are so cute going up to him randomly and sitting on his lap or hugging his back. He really missed the soft gentle affection that was ripped from him.
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cipheramnesia · 3 years
if you have time, I'd love to hear your recs for supernatural/monster horror/thriller. it being in outer space, underwater, or Super Queer are all plusses. (and if you know that it contains assault, that is helpful info too!) thank you!!
I'm half asleep so this should be interesting. Bear in mind a lot of these I haven't watched in years so you're gonna want to use something like doesthedogdie.com to double check for content worries.
Alien and Aliens are pretty much the gold standard of monster horror movies in space. If you haven't seen them for some reason, they still hold up amazingly well today. Alien in particular maintains the kind of deep, visceral terror it held in 1979. There is a scene in Alien which I would say qualifies as assault.
The Europa Report is a lesser known movie. My recollection is that it's not precisely horror, but leans a bit more science fiction. It's been a very long time, years, since I've seen it, but I think it was pretty solid. There's also Apollo 18, a pretty good, tense monster thriller, albeit nothing earth shattering. A Russian horror, Sputnik, is back and forth between Earth and space, with a large amount of looming dread. I think there was some assault there but my memory is lacking. Lastly, not a monster but I'd be remiss if I didn't mention one of my favorite horror comedies, Jason X. Yes that Jason. from the Friday the 13th movies. Listen, if you recognize that Jason X is a self-aware meta horror that also shamelessly loves the franchise and wants to make a fun Scifi Horror movie, this one is a blast. Jason X is a golden retriever, playful and dumb and you'll grin a whole bunch.
Lastly, I'll mention Event Horizon which I find to be a mess, over-dramatic, not very scary, and kinda bland. Horror made by someone who doesn't really get horror. But lots of people like it, so maybe you will too.
On the underwater side, well, how about... Underwater. I've mentioned this one before and I'll mention it again because I think it's great. Technically not queer per se but it's hard not to feel queer of Kristen Stewart in underwater power armor right? There's also Leviathan which is, eh, not so good, but has an extremely excellent monster and enjoyable practical effects. I'll throw The Abyss in here, which I don't see as horror but it is tense at times. Also on the really bad, but great practical effects is Virus, and it's very bad indeed. I'll close out suggesting Sweetheart, which is on Netflix. It's not only a fantastic bit of suspense and survival horror, it has a monster which is absolutely gorgeous.
Alright so let me do a little run through some of the big names in monsters in general, in case you missed some. You can't mention Aliens without Predator. Holds up very well again but consider Predator 2. While it's got some very cringey representation from the era, there's also a remarkably diverse cast of protagonist, including Maria Conchita Alonso playing what I'm fairly sure is a queer character. And then you also got your Pumpkinhead, Gremlins, Critters, Terminator (kinda a monster?), Pinhead, The Fly, The Thing, Killer Klowns - you know these are all kinda out there and pretty fun overall. Any of them is a good time.
But everyone knows those, what about the ones that aren't as popular? Well, I always have to mention Super Hybrid, because I just cannot understand why this group of filmmakers put this much effort into a killer car movie. Why would you do that? I don't know, but it's got layers and themes about gaslighting, and Oded Fehr and a female lead and I can't. It's way better than a killer car movie has a right to be.
I feel like you've got to be aware of The Ritual by now, but if you aren't, it is a magnificent film with a creature that's beautiful and brilliant and has a magnificent layer of character development, tension and suspense, and escalates to the grand revelation in a way that's awe inspiring.
There's also The Monster, which seems to be going for a kinda Babadook "metaphorical monster that is also real" thing, and it doesn't quite accomplish the goal, but I enjoyed it despite the flaws. It strives for emotional intensity via having the characters delivering a lot of their dialog in screams, while crying, and so on. But the monster is hella cool, and it gives me a bit of catharsis.
On the other side, there's Death Machine which is raucous fun. It's a grand guignol tribute to the 80's with several massive, gorgeous practical effect pieces of the titular death machine that make it worth the price of admission (free). Just let yourself be carried away on the absurdity of it all. This one has some assault scenes though.
There's already a lot but I'm gonna get into the queer side of stuff now. My personal favorite queer horror is All Cheerleaders Die, which I've raved about at length, but it's lesbians, it's love, it's zombies. DEFINITELY has got assault scenes though so like be ready for that. Just recently released is Seance, which is not necessarily supernatural but it's got some nice wlw stuff and plus nice, solid murder and revenge plot. If you enjoy Seance, you might want to check out Some Kind of Hate for similar themes but more intensity and supernatural shit (but less queer); and if you enjoy that one, then try out Daniel Isn't Real by the same director which honestly you should watch anyway because it's amaaaaazing.
Now this one is real low budget, but Book of Monsters is pretty fuckin' great because it has monsters, a book, and a lesbian monster hunter which really what else do you want here? There's another low budget one called Super Hot, about a lesbian pizza delivery girl and her slacker friends fighting vampires, which should be great, but it's pretty bleah. It never finds the energy, it's aimless, the jokes don't always land, etc.
Speaking of lesbian vampires, the recent Theresa & Allison is one half a pretty fun, offbeat and quirky vampire movie, and one half the most traumatizing horrific shit I've seen in awhile. Just like full on torture porn. But also... lesbian vampires? So I kind of like it but the last half is a lot. And on the same subject, Bloodthirsty is a truly excellent lesbian werewolf movie. Yeah I'm just overflowing with lesbians here. But honestly it's pretty great, not fast moving, but intense. Kind of all the queerness we deserved to get from Ginger Snaps, like she grew up and finally got it together and started dating women. Assault warning again here.
So let me just spin out the other direction real quick to Spiral from 2020. Not the continuation of the Saw series, but rather a movie about a married gay couple who move to a small town, and it lays on a lot of heavy gaslighting stuff and heavy on the ptsd, and when you combine that with them being an interacial couple the whole thing lays a lot on you and does it pretty well.
The Dinner Party (directed by Miles Doleac, not to be confused with the other movie with the same name and release date) has got some wlw stuff going on that I really like but I can't get too much into it without spoiling some surprises. It's really middling up to a point and then breaks lose and gets very exciting, and I think it's worth sticking it out til then. Assault warning again.
So that's a lot. I'm sure I've forgot a few that should be really obvious and easy to remember and I'm leaving a bunch off because I can't list every single monster movie I know here.
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theliterateape · 3 years
We Killed Jason Todd
By Matt Markman
In 1988 my friends and I killed a kid.
He was just a boy really. We had help it wasn’t just me and my pals. there were adults involved, lots of them. I mean we were young we were just thirteen and really couldn’t comprehend the ramification of our actions, the adults knew what they were doing. I’m painting it to sound way more sinister than it was, and in today’s society, wouldn’t trend on Twitter but maybe in the ’80s, it was probably considered quite ominous.
To set your mind at ease, it was Jason Todd. You know, Batman's sidekick, The Boy Wonder, Robin—well, the second Robin anyways. And I helped kill him.
I was big into comic books but my favorite was, The Dark Knight, The Caped Crusader, The Batman… He donned the best costume, he had all the money and was the most intelligent of all the superheroes. That last trait right there, the fact that he was considered a superhero and he had no actual super powers made him cooler than the other side of the pillow. You know how The Big Bang Theory has convinced the world it’s an Emmy-winning sitcom worth watching? I think it’s the fact that Batman was someone any one of us could actually be. Sure we needed to start with a base coat of genius followed by a splash of handsome billionaire playboy then train overseas in martial arts for several years, but if you had those things you, too, could be a vigilante. You ask me today and I'd stand by the fact that Batman would beat Superman in a fight, say ten out of ten times. This is not debatable because super beings from another planet are not real.
My favorite thing about Batman, though, is his ability to balance out good and evil. He spawned one of the greatest comic book villains and fictional characters ever created, The Joker. They have tried and tried again but in my opinion never got close to the Clown Prince of Crime—maybe Negan from The Walking Dead, he's pretty ruthless. The Joker is what would happen if a stand-up comedian became a criminal mastermind, so basically the plot of the 2019 film Joker.
My love for Joker made sense because growing up I was always more into the bad guys than the good guys. Watching and playing with G.I.Joe, I was always on the side of Cobra Commander, the twins Tomax and Xamot, and Zartan because they were always more glamorous and eye-catching than the boring ass Joes. Just once, I’d like that “knowing is half the battle” part at the end of the cartoon to have been Storm Shadow giving us kids a tip on how to fuck up Shipwreck and his stupid Parrot. Megatron, Skeletor, Shredder, Mumm-ra…
The list goes on, but the antagonists always resonated with me. they had a much better and more intriguing agenda than the good guys did. I know that wasn't the purpose, we were supposed to cheer on the good guys, like the idea of saving the world and all, but the mayhem… It’s like Alfred Pennyworth said, “Some men just want to watch the world burn.” It’s odd because the bad guys in my life were real, the bullies and I didn't like them at all. They tormented me daily unprovoked because I was short and had big ears. Perhaps my love for the dark side stemmed for my desire to be on that side because in real life there was no Superman swooping in to rescue me from the clutches of Lex Luthor. 
There were two sides, and good had a lack of champions looking out for the weaker, smaller good guys. The bad guys in my neighborhood, well, they were real and never really foiled and more importantly, they always got the girl in the end. Fuck the good guys!
My admiration for evildoers achieving their agenda was tested in 1988, Batman was running a four-part series called A Death in the Family. It was your typical Batman arc. Somehow, The Joker was going to get the upper hand on The World’s Greatest Detective only to be bested in the end by Batman. But this time, the third comic decided to do something nobody had never seen in the industry. The writers were going to give the fans the opportunity to decide where they were going to go with the story, only it was an option between two different roads, one quite unconventional. Apparently a few years earlier, one of the writers, Dennis O'Neil, had seen a sketch they did on SNL where Eddie Murphy held up a Lobster—Larry the Lobster—and was asking viewers to decide whether Larry was boiled and eaten or was to be set free. The choices were offered in the form of two phone numbers both costing fifty cents a call. One number was a vote for him to be freed and the other number was a vote for Larry to be murdered, smothered in butter, and devoured by Axel Foley. Ultimately, after nearly 500,000 calls, the people voted for Larry the lovable lobster to be pardoned with a 12,000 call margin. The popularity of this bit intrigued O'Neil and A few years later he decided to implement it in his Death in The Family storyline.
In the third book, The Joker had taken Batman's sidekick, the Boy Wonder, hostage. He’d beaten him bloody with a crowbar leaving a cliffhanger to be wrapped up in the fourth book. The last page of the comic was full page and at the top read in true ’80s Do the Right Thing fashion: “Robin will die because The Joker wants revenge, but you can prevent it with a telephone call!” They even phrased it to steer you down the hero’s path, like you can literally be Batman with one phone call. Underneath the imploring verbiage were two numbers, dial one number; The Joker fails and Robin lives, Batman would once somehow saves the day. However, call this other number and The Joker succeeds and Robin dies. Gruesomely.
Wow! They were going to let the fans decide the fate of Robin, really this was one of my earliest introductions to a reality voting competition type show. In my opinion, it was a bad idea. Robin was always the worst. Go back and read through an adventure or two involving Jason Todd and tell me he wasn't always whiney and bellyaching. He was never going to be iconic or cool like Bruce Wayne or even his predecessor Dick Grayson—the first Robin. See, Dick got pissed off, decided he was tired of being in Batman's shadow, ditched the Robin costume, threw on a black blue and gold costume, moved to another city and became Nightwing. Dick was a go getter, ambitious. Grayson’s Robin was a winner, Todd's Robin was an irritating little bitch; he was not an innocent lobster.
I went to my mother and asked if I could make a call that was going to cost just fifty cents and I would pay her back or she could just take it out of my allowance. She wanted to know what it was for and mostly wanted to confirm it wasn't for an adult sex line, which costs more than fifty cents a minute, but that’s a different story. It was nothing as tawdry as phontercourse, I just wanted to help murder an annoying teenage sidekick. My mother response was “Oh, yeah, that’s fine.”
I think after it was exposed that it wasn't phone sex anything else I said went in one ear and out the other, surely she didn't think I was actually voting for a plucky comic book sidepiece to be murdered by The Joker. So that’s what I did. I cast my vote along with a majority of DC comic book fans that shared my detest for the boy wonder. Ten thousand votes were recorded with a narrow margin going to Robin dying. I think the writers never suspected that fans would go that route.
O’Neal himself voted for Robin’s stay of execution. A man of his word, Batman issue #429 was released and Robin was killed by The Joker in an explosion and we were to blame for it. Sad to say but you give a bunch of comic book nerds the power I think it would go bad every time. That day we were all proud to be The Joker's henchmen. I felt like a soldier at the end of Star Wars cheering madly while The Joker received his metal shouting, “I helped that happen!”
So many shows these days embrace our fascination with the anti-hero with the success of The Sopranos, The Shield, Breaking Bad, hell Narcos had me rooting for Pablo Escobar—Pablo fucking Escobar. I wouldn't say I was a bad person growing up. Quite the contrary, I was a shy nerd with no power to do anything but pick my books up after they were smacked to the ground. What I’m saying is don't give me the power to make important life or death decisions with your franchise because myself and the other dorks will have the bodies of Orko, Snarf, and Jimmy Olson lying in a shallow grave, just tell me what number to dial… or text.
Matt started performing standup comedy in 2004 in Las Vegas and is now a regular at every major comedy club on the Las Vegas strip. He released his first comedy album in 2016 titled Uncut available on iTunes. More about Matt and his upcoming appearances can be found on MattMarkman.com.
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beggars-opera · 3 years
What do you like and dislike about Disney's version of Hunchback?
I love most of the music. LOVE. I can’t think of any other Disney musical where all three main characters get an I Want Song, they’re all good, and two of them specifically exist to call out Catholic Church hypocrisy. The opening number is the most Broadway opening I think they’ve ever produced, that manages to introduce the narrative framework, a decent number of main characters, the main moral theme, the backstory, and all the main musical themes in the span of like six minutes. Hellfire is also one of the best Disney villain songs. Is it catchy like the others? No, but it is all the more chilling for how real it is. Not everyone knows an evil wizard, but everyone knows a conflicted fanatic who justifies their actions through dogma. Frollo’s villainy is so grounded in reality that it’s really terrifying to watch - his crimes seem that much more real. They managed to tackle some really difficult stuff in this movie.
I also don’t care too much about the plot changes - this has been done plenty of times before. But what’s particularly poignant is that, while it’s executed kind of clumsily, this movie makes a point that the protagonist doesn’t always “get” the girl in the end as a trophy, and that can be ok. Quasimodo is the foil to Frollo, and they both see Esmeralda as an archetype: either an angel or a demon. Phoebus didn’t win Esmeralda over because he was hot; he was the only person who learned to see her as an autonomous and strong human being, and was able to respect that.
That said, I just wish that if Disney was so willing to take a risk like this movie, that they just went all out and eliminated the comedy that just doesn’t fit. Not all of the comedy is bad (the old guy who keeps falling into stuff? Gold), it just doesn’t belong in this movie. The weight of an entire city burning down because of one person’s genocidal mania doesn’t need cartoon sound effects and Goofy screams as people are being thrown off the side of a building into a pool of molten lead. They came so close to throwing caution and their brand to the wind and doing something experimental for adults, and they blew it for the sake of marketing it to a family audience.
You don’t even have to take out the gargoyles really, just tone them down. It’s suggested several times that they might just be in Quasimodo’s imagination, and how heartbreakingly dark would that be if it were true? They do this in the stage version and it works a bit better. (I don’t blame Jason Alexander for this - he was hired for a reason and he did what he was told to do in what was probably a really toxic environment where he could have been fired at any second. This movie was being made during the Disney implosion where Jeffrey Katzenburg resigned in a flaming ball of hate and immediately started working on a movie where the villain was named Fuckwad and had Michael Eisner’s face, so...great leadership there guys) 
Also they obviously had an opportunity to fix the Romani representation in the book and they did not go far enough. Our ideas about representation have changed a lot in 25 years though.
On the whole though, when this movie works, it does some really unique and beautiful things that haven’t been tackled since. 
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arsenicpanda · 3 years
Charles for 002 (you can add Chic in there too)
Again, apologies for the lateness!
|002 Charles Smith
How I feel about this character: I love him. Charles is one of the best yanderes I have ever seen, and he’s definitely the best yandere sibling I’ve ever seen. Not a brocon or a siscon, nothing weird there, just a wholesome love for his siblings. Like, all that nefarious action of listening in on Betty and Jughead and arranging to have to rebury the body of the Shady Man, and it wasn’t for any vengeance purpose or anything, it was just a scheme to get them to like him more because he wants them to like him. Honestly, it’s kinda sad? Idk, I want good things for Charles and more family shenanigans, especially if murder is involved.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Just Chic. There isn’t really anyone he’s interacted with that would make me ship otherwise.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Betty and Jughead, his precious siblings <3. Why won’t they love him? Does he need to murder more of their enemies? Because he’ll do it. Also, if he ever finds out about TBK, he will break out of prison and dedicate his life to hunting him down for hurting his baby sister.
My unpopular opinion about this character: The Charles serial killer reveal was fucking amazing. Yeah, it was underwhelming, but it was such a great character beat that you forget how underwhelming it is because it’s just so awesome.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: More interactions with Jughead; I wanted to see more of that relationship, and also more of him and JB, the forgotten sister.
my OTP: I guess Chic? Like, Charles wants to date him, so I guess Charles can date him.
my cross over ship: No crossover ships, but I desperately want him to punch Itachi in the face for being a shitty brother.
a headcanon fact: He was heartbroken when he found out Betty and Jughead broke up because they were so perfect for each other :(((( Also, whenever Betty and Jughead get married, he will break out of jail to go to their wedding, whether they invite him or not, and he will absolutely cry the whole time.
|002 Chic
How I feel about this character: I fucking hated Chic for the longest time because he really overstays his welcome in 2b. But then he was revealed to be dating Charles, who loves his family, including and especially the two siblings who tied Chic up in a basement, beat him up, and then handed him over to a serial killer. Like, Chic has to make nice with these people who he definitely hates, and that is the funniest fucking thing to me. Give me more of Chic trying to make it through interactions with the Cooper family, please. Also, Chic pretended to be Charles to get in with his family for reasons entirely beyond me, and that is the weirdest thing to do in relation to your significant other. Like, how was that supposed to end? Didn’t Charles want to meet them himself? What was the long game? Someone explain, please.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Charles and only Charles because his relationship with Charles is the only reason I like Chic. Like, what delightful murder husbands they are. Tricking your boyfriend’s family into thinking you’re your boyfriend for Reasons? Iconic, fantastic, a perfect ship.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: I need to know more about that time he pretended to be Jason Blossom for Penelope. Like what the actual fuck? How did she pitch that and why did he agree? What has he told Charles about this? I demand answers, Riverdale.
My unpopular opinion about this character: Idk, that he’s funny? I can tolerate him now, is that an unpopular opinion?
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: More of Chic having to deal with the Coopers while Charles is there. Guaranteed comedy gold.
my OTP: Charles, aka the only reason Chic is fun.
my cross over ship: None. Chic is only fun in the context of dating Charles.
a headcanon fact: Chic whiteknuckles it through every interaction and holiday with the Coopers because he loves his murder husband and he will endure, no matter how badly he wants to stab Betty and Jughead with his dinner fork.
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godsofhumanity · 3 years
okay i finished watching Jason & The Argonauts (1963)!! this is actually the second time i’ve watched the film, and it is still just as good as the first time. as always, spoilers under the cut :)
OVERVIEW: Jason, a young man seeking the magical Golden Fleece, sets on a voyage with a few of Greece's best warriors. On their perilous journey, the heroes fight a hydra, a few harpies and a skeleton army.
RATING: 9/10. i freaking love this film!! it’s really well done, and if you want to watch a Greek mythology adaption that paints not only Hera, but Hera x Zeus in a POSITIVE light, this is the film for you <3 the film is mostly accurate i think, with a few small changes, discussed below :)
- POSITIVE HERA PORTRAYAL!!!!!!!!!!! okay this is like, the only film i know that includes Hera, but doesn’t talk, AT ALL, about her getting revenge on Zeus. in the film, Hera has an extremely friendly and cute relationship with Zeus- they are friendly rivals, and a good husband and wife. Hera genuinely cares about Jason in a mentor-student sort of way, and she is so kind, and loving and maternal. not to mention, she is gorgeous- by the far, the most beautiful of all the gods, as she should be.
- Zeus is portrayed positively as well! this is not a film about Zeus’ many affairs, nor is it a film about Zeus trying to protect his mistress from his wife’s wrath. this is Zeus being funny, friendly, wise, and king-like. i LOVE to see it!!!!!!!!
- Jason makes a great protagonist!!! his childhood is rushed in the film, but Jason is such a good leader- he is kind, he is funny, he is generous and witty. he has his doubts about the gods, but once he meets them, his faith is so strong.. he is unbeatable.
- Medea is gorgeous. she hasn’t gone mad yet in the film, but you can really see why Jason falls in love with her, and the audience easily recognises how difficult it is for her to choose between her country and the man she loves :( really liked the scene where she prays to Hecate for guidance about this.. very moving
- costuming!!!!!!! Medea’s head piece, and her gold and purple makeup looked so good!!!!!! Hera’s outfit!!!!!!! aghhhhhhhhhh I LOVE IT!!!!!! zeus + the rest of the gods’ outfits!!!!!!! yes!!! THIS is Olympus!!!!!!!!
- the shipbuilder making a figurehead of Hera and placing her at the back of the boat so that she would look over the Argonauts, but not knowingly exactly why he did it?? i LOVED that!!! so cute and so heart-warming. truly hera appreciation hours.
- also Hera talking through the figurehead of herself, and making the figurehead blink and stuff.. the shipbuilder looking at Jason thinking he’s gone crazy while he talks to the figurehead... comedy gold
- the way Hera would disappear and appear in a puff of smoke.. hera responding to Briseis prayer literally immediately <3
- Hermes being disguised as an old man, and then bringing Jason to see the gods by shrinking Jason (or rather, the gods become massive like giants)
- Hera and Zeus waving their hands over the clouds, which caused ripples to appear and then they could watch over Jason and see where he’s at
- the Talos scene... for a 60s film, the animation was INSANE.. i really liked it.. quite seamless. 
- also Jason throwing the mermaid statue thing into the sea and it turning into this massive old man mermaid who holds up the rocks???? AWESOME!!!! Jason & the boys helping Phineus by fighting off the harpies!! great great great!!!! Jason fighting off the hydra!!!!!!! 
- the way the Golden Fleece looked
- Hercules coming on screen and all the characters are like “woohooo hercules we love you sign my shirt”, and Hercules being such a good sport when Hylas beats Hercules in a discus competition (actually he was lowkey impressed).. Hercules being extremely remorseful when he indirectly causes Hylas’ death, and refusing to leave the island until he recovers the body :(
- S K E L E T O N     A R M Y
- i liked hercules in the film, despite him being portrayed as a somewhat energetic, but ultimately old man.. however, he kinda seemed like he was all brawn and no brains.. i don’t like that interpretation because if hercules was a dumbass, there would be no way he could complete all 12 Labours.. in fact, Hercules makes the ultimate Greek hero because he’s brave, kind, strong, AND intelligent. i do think that’s quite an integral aspect of his personality, and it was erased :/
- GIVE US JASON’S CHILDHOOD BACK STORY!!!!! they didn’t really discuss this in the film, it kinda skipped from Pelias raiding Thessaly to Jason arriving at Pelias’ camp and being like “Hi, I’m Jason, and I’m here to be King!”
- Acastus as the villain who betrays Jason.. i feel like this was more to just make it a little bit more dramatic.
- removing the scene where Medea kills her own brother for Jason :( i understand why they opted to ignore this though,, so no hate
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colorfullyminded · 4 years
My Pinescone Masterpost!!!
I decided to compile a Masterpost of all My Pinescone Fanfiction. I have a fanfiction list already, but this one is specifically for Pinescone, so all of you can find these two nerds easier.
The older ones are mostly on tumblr, while my newer ones are typically posted to ao3. So you might have some links that go here, and other links that go right to ao3. Pardon that; I prefer ao3 now-a-days, and it’s just easier on the eyes for people. But I’ll add a little aside to let you know which link is which.
I’m also adding a category for Pinescone Week/Month specifically, so you might see some repeats . This is because I want my Pinescone Week/Month fics to be together in a completed collection.
Please let me know if there’s any fics you’d like to see me import to Ao3. Please let me know if certain fics should be in other categories. And don’t worry, there will definitely be more entries coming your way. I have a lot of ideas, and a lot more stories I want to write for these two. 
Pinescone is really, very dear to me.
Oh! And Above All Else, Please:
Tumblr media
Our House (Tumblr) [[ Shovel Talk (Tumblr)
Let It Snow  (Tumblr)
Patient is the Night (Tumblr)
Clumsy Couple  (Tumblr)
Holding Hands in The Dark  (Tumblr)
Shelter  (Tumblr) ]]
[[ ]] = Can Find Most of these in a Shorts collection called “Pine Needles and Pinescone”, which I’ve since stopped adding to, cause now I try and post each work individually, but here’s the link if ao3 is easier on the eyes for you: Pine Needles and Pinescones (Ao3)
Close to Gold (Ao3)
Valentine’s Day (AO3)
Drama / (Hurt/Comfort):
Jason Funderburker (AO3 Link)
Birthmark  (Tumblr)
To Have a Tongue Like a Dagger (Ao3)
Lullaby  (Ao3)
Sinking Feelings (Ao3)
Sunrise/Sunset (OTGF Promptober: Souls) (Ao3)
Demons (Hurt/Comfort) (Tw: Self Harm) (Ao3)
The Lights Flicker Out (AO3 Link)
Stay With Me (Mature) (Ao3)
Objection! (Tumblr)
Pixie Picnic (Ao3)
Dance, Loser, Dance! (Ao3)
Rituals (OTGF Promptober: Rituals) (Tumblr) 
Strongman (Mature) (Ao3)
Come Away to the Water (Ao3)
Malt Shop (50′s Au) (Tumblr)
Funnel Cake (50′s Au) (Ao3)
NSFW / Explicit (E):
Take Your Time  (AO3 Link)
The Wheels on the Bus  (Tumblr)
Ribbons and Lace (Tumblr)
Roadside Attractions (Ao3)
Sloppy (Ao3) The Way We Breathe At 2am In the Backseat (Ao3)
Pinescone Week/Month (2019-20??) (Ao3)
Pixie Picnic (Comedy? Fluff? Dramedy?) 2019
Stay With Me (Heavy Angst) (Mature) 2019
To Have a Tongue Like a Dagger (Hurt/Comfort) 2019
Lullaby (Hurt/Comfort) 2019
Sinking Feelings (Hurt/Comfort) 2019
Dance, Loser, Dance! (Comedy/Fluff) 2019
Come Away to the Water (Horror) 2019
Roadside Attractions (NSFW) 2020
Demons (Hurt/Comfort) 2020
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mantra4ia · 4 years
Lucifer 5x01 "Really Sad Devil Guy" Reaction'd w/spoilers
August 22nd 2020.
Mr. Said Out Bitch tradition continues. Lee Garner. I am so glad he gets another episode!!
Fishizzle II and a giant gold turtle, the comedy of this show just keeps rolling in. I bet Lee melted down one of Lucifer's gold bars to plate that tortoise. Great job set dressers.
"What the hell? / Precisely." Time to start my one-liner tally clicker. #1
BTW, I fully approve of fully bearded Lucifer. Well done Tom.
Oh, I suppose Lee Garner is getting a full dedicated episode. Props, the man and his wonderful undergarments deserve it. He put in the work! But how are they going to bring him back for season 6 now that he's dead...hmmmm.
Maze as the "new Lucifer" is a seamless transition.
The Snuggle is Real shirt. Ella's t-shirt game is still fire! B++
It's only been two months, really?! I need a bigger time jump. Charlie needs to be a toddler and Trixie needs to be old enough to drive with Lucifer.
Amenadiel running the club, yes! Checks the desires box. And in a suit no less.
Glimpse of hell - fantastic. I love to see more of how this works. Nice time manipulation element.
How many fun demon names are we going to get this season do you think? And is there just a plain old Greg or Bob somewhere, like the NBC Superstore of demons? Please say yes.
"I learned from the best." Muah, chef's kiss. Still solving cases worlds apart, that's quite poetic.
Kswiss, 8ball, and Dirty Doug, some cheesiness in this dramedy never changes. I swear, Dirty Doug reminds me of one of Jason's friends from The Good Place. That would be a hell of a crossover.
Rachel Harris is a gift. Helicoptering Charlie's education. So cute. Well at least she didn't put him in an angelic onsie.
Dan and essential oils. Such a California west coast thing.
"There was a sign, it was clearly forebidden" Muahaha! Amenadiel...are you delving into Lucifer's line of work? Catching the guilty...are you going to start punishing. Oh, this could be seasonal foreshadowing.
Gold coin marker huh...Pentacosal throwback reference?
Sensible Pantsuit and Bond Girl duo accomplished, I can take that off the list of things that I desired. Chloe doesn't mess around, and she is right. Maze's dress and that thigh slit leave no room for error. Kudos to her for running in it and simultaneously punching two potential perps.
Demon messenger from hell. Yaaaaaaaaaaaasssss, laughing so hard. The thumbs up really had me. I would have snorted if the thumb had been broken, bloody and disjointed like the rest of the criminal corpse. I swear this show is combining all my favorite situational comedy elements. Santa Clarita Diet anyone?
"Clever, manipulative bastard." Also nice throwback to "cruel, manipulative bastard" circa season 1.
Trixie!!!!!!!!! My all-star. Making goofy faces, girl after my own heart.
DAN: "we all think our kids can walk on water" LINDA: "Hadn't thought of that. Cancel swimming lessons." One line clicker #2
Ella's "I love science" shirt with an arrow through the brain, solid: B.
Of course he's a teen skittles dealer. Oh Amenadiel.
Awwwwwwwwww...Mazikeen my angel demon you are breaking my heart. Girl needs some happiness.
"Excuses, they're like assholes, everybody has one and nobody wants to hear it." Never was there a more Lucifer thing to say. One line clicker #3.
OMG, Lee's storyline is a whole metaphor for Lucifer's fall and I am crying! "You know it's just a matter of time before you screw up again" 😭😭😭
"I should have got out of the car and walked through the door. I missed my chance, what about you?" <Called it, It is a little bit of Lucifer's own hell loop.
Excellent firefight Detective. I fully approve of heads through plaster.
"I thought you could use a hand but it seems someone beat me to it." One line click #4
Oh nooooooooo, not the iconic piano, all that history! It never stood a chance. Point to Maze.
Ella and Dirty Doug, another point Maze...well well, Ella really does go for the bad and broken boys. I am taking bets now: who wants to bet Ella is a faux-Lucifer-Michael magnet?
And there it is. There's the Michael reveal. Flawlessly executed! Great musical choice to compliment the moment, "so happy together." Impeccable irony.
Grade: 7/10 "DETECTIVES!"
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Survey #420
lol blaze it (i’m funny i swear)
In your opinion, which fast food place has the best fries? Without a doubt, Bojangle's. Good. Shit. Are there hurricanes where you live? Yeah, they're common here. What do you hate the most about yourself? I'd really rather not get into this right about now. What song are you listening to right now? "Beast of Gévaudan" by Powerwolf. What was your first concert? Alice Cooper. Also my only concert. What’s your favorite Johnny Depp movie? Alice In Wonderland. Who did you last say “I love you” to? My sister. Do you like pumpkin pie? Anything pumpkin-flavored is a hell no from me. Do you know anyone named Austin? Knew, rather. Do you know anyone who is having a baby? My friend recently announced she and her husband are having their second child in December. What was the last thing you cried about? Just PTSD. Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk? I like both, but I prefer chocolate. Do you think you are an argumentative person? Definitely not. How many deep dark secrets do you have? Two or so, idk. What was the spiciest thing you’ve ever eaten? Some wings at Buffalo Wild Wings with one of the hottest sauces. Wanted to die. ... Yet I continued to get that one whenever I went for years lmao. Who last called you sexy? I don't know. Would you class yourself as a good role model? In some ways, but in a lot of other ways, no. Are you scared of the dark? No. Do you have a motto? No. Who did you last see on webcam? The doctor that overlooks my TMS progress. Do you need a haircut? I need a trim for sure. How would you react if your mother told you that she was pregnant again? Well, considering 1.) she's way past menopause and especially 2.) she's had a complete hysterectomy, y'know... that's kind of impossible. She also hasn't been with a guy in many years, so she would have to be joking. You log into Facebook and see the red ‘1’ notification next to the message icon. Who do you want it to be? -___- Would you rather exercise alone or with other people? ALONE. You will NOT see me exercise in front of other people. What is the most difficult or involved video game you’ve ever played? The most involved is DEFINITELY World of Warcraft, and I guess you could consider it the hardest too, given some of the much more difficult things I've done in it. It itself isn't a hard game whatsoever, but you can pursue some really hard achievements. Ever watch the show Supernatural? If you have, then what’s your favorite episode? I used to love it, but just stopped watching eventually. My fave episode... Man, it's been too long to remember many. Probably one of the funnier ones. I remember I specifically liked the bit where they were in your everyday comedy show, as well as the one where I THINK Dean kept trying to prevent Sam from dying. I just remember the "Eye of the Tiger" bit that is pure gold. Ever heard of flavored honey? If so, what’s you’re favorite flavor? Oh, no, but that sounds good. Do you remember what your favorite show was when you were little? Yeah, Pokemon. Do you put anything besides cheese on grilled cheese sandwiches? Besides butter, which I think is pretty standard, no. When it comes to books, what do you think is the “perfect” amount of pages? Uh, I dunno. It depends on the book. I don't really care about page numbers. Would you ever be interested in going scuba diving? Yeah. Out of all of your friends/relatives, who would you say has the best vocabulary? Girt, probably. Are any of your fingers or toes deformed? What about the nails? I don't think so? When is the last time you cried? I was sobbing earlier today, fun stuff. Would you ever date somebody that has been divorced more than once? Most likely not. ESPECIALLY at my age. What are some stereotypically nerdy things that you like? Oh god. WoW, M:tG, big glasses, anime (does that count? idk really), video games... a lot of stuff, really. Have you ever attended a wedding that ended where the bride and groom didn’t actually get married? What happened? Y I K E S, no. That would be SO uncomf. What scares you the most about becoming a mother (hypothetically, if you don’t want to have children)? Actually raising it properly, physically and emotionally. Would you ever want a job in fashion? What would you enjoy about that type of job? No. Would you ever be a surrogate mother? No. What do you think would be the best and worst parts about being a twin? It'd be cool to have someone you feel an almost supernatural connection towards, but I'd also feel like I wasn't as "original" as I would be if I was born alone. Do you feel that your childhood was more rough compared to others around you? I mean it wasn't awful at all, but sure, in some ways compared to at least someone. How would you react if you found out today that you were actually adopted? Well today I'm a wreck, so don't tell me. I want to know that I wasn't lied to for 25 years. Have either of your parents ever cheated on one another before, that you know of? How would you react if you found out today that one of them cheated? I'm not entirely clear on this, but I'm 90% sure Dad cheated on Mom with his now-wife. Dad also accused Mom of cheating, but I HIGHLY doubt that's true. Do you like cleaning and organizing? Not really. How would you react if you found out you were infertile? If you don’t plan on having kids to begin with, what is a long-term goal you’d be crushed to find out was impossible to achieve? Fuck having kids. I'd be a terrible mother. So to answer the other question, I'll be pretty, pretty sad if I can't get permission to spread Teddy's ashes at Yellowstone. Would you take your dream job if it were out of the country? Well, obviously not considering my dream job is a meerkat biologist, and I'm not moving to Africa. Have you ever been robbed? No. Is anyone close to you an alcoholic? Not anymore. Dad was, but he's recovered. Have you ever dumped anyone? Yes. What kind of tea do you drink? I hate tea. Do you know anyone in a gang? No, and I hope I never do. What’s the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for you? Risk his fucking sanity and health to try to hold my fucked up self up. What is your orientation? Gay? Straight? Metrosexual? Anything other? Bisexual. I've kinda been questioning pansexual of the late, though. I don't know. Have you ever done anything really dangerous or illegal with friends? Not to my memory. Name three feelings you’re feeling right now: Regret. Hopelessness. Loneliness. And the reasons for these feelings? Take a wild fuckin' guess. How do you feel about your life right now? It's an actual dumpster fire. Is it easy for you to like yourself? Why or why not? Fuck no. Because there's just not very much TO like about me. Even on my good days, I see flaw after flaw in myself. What subjects come naturally to you? English, some aspects of science. What subjects do not? Math, economics, politics, history... Do you read more fiction or more non-fiction books? Definitely fiction. When I read a book, I want an escape from the real world. How has today been for you? BOY HOWDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What did you do? Went to TMS therapy. Sat on the Internet. Cried. :^) Are there any candles lit in the room you’re in? No. Are there any lava lamps near you? No. I want one, though. Do you like cats or dogs better? Cats. Are any of your friends a pothead? Yes. What’s a goal you’re trying to accomplish soon? Start losing weight again. That'd be pretty goddamn grand. Are you a high maintenance person? Definitely not. The last time you yelled as loud as you could, what was the reason? I was having a nightmare. Have you ever been heartbroken? For sure. Who did that to you? First Dad, then Jason. Did you go through an ugly stage as a kid? Boy, did I. The last type of sandwich you made or ate: A pb&j. The last time you spent most of the day in bed: Literally every day. I do just about everything in bed. Pathetic, I know. The last friend or acquaintance you made: Ummmm idk. The last thing you took pictures of: A hydrangea bush. The last time you were scared: Now. The future is terrifying, my friend. The last thing you looked up online: The definition of a word to ensure I was using it correctly. The last thing you disagreed with: So I've been watching John Wolfe's old stream of him playing Alice: Madness Returns, and he went on a total soapbox about smoking being okay essentially because we're all gonna die eventually from something, and I really disagreed with it. Does your house have a separate laundry room? No, just like a closet. Do your parents still help you financially? I'm still entirely dependent on them. Does your car have a backup camera? No. Have either of your parents ever been in trouble with the law? Not to my knowledge. Have you ever had a pet that lived to be really old for its breed/species? REALLY old, no. Teddy was definitely up there, but beagles have lived longer. What was the last strong scent you smelled? Lysol. Have you ever told someone to their face that they were ugly? Christ, no. Is your bed against more than one of your walls? No. Have you ever been attracted to someone’s parent? Don't think so? Have you ever pole danced before? No. Have you ever broken into someone’s house? No. Have you ever seen a live bat? Yes. What is the most amount of money you’ve spent on a meal before? I dunno. Have you ever taken a woodshop class? No. How much time do you spend on Facebook, if you have one? Funny you ask, because as of today I decided to take a break from it for awhile. I've found it's nothing more than a breeding ground for envy and making me feel like a horribly incompetent adult. Has a teacher ever made you hate yourself/your work? I had one photography teacher in college that I was NOT a fan of. He was super, super hard on everyone, like to an unnecessary degree. We were students, not pros. Have you ever been on the barrier or front row at a concert? No. Are your parents supportive of you? Somehow.
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wellthatwasaletdown · 3 years
if holivia breaks up I'll b sad. i don't want him to find someone better. // they are the perfect couple to me, both completely out of touch and a constant source of cringey content. thats really what im looking for in a celeb couple. don't give me that sugar sweet shit. i want pure trash entertainment. i want to see more footage of her faux pegging him while he looks like he may cry in the middle of a dominos. that clip was comedy gold to me. you cant fake that level of awkward and horrifying
*snort* but accurate. Their trashiness is entertaining, it's just unfortunate Jason and two innocent children got caught in the middle.
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caffeinetheory · 4 years
Can I humbly request some fake dating Jasonette?
Okay fair warning I kinda went ham and this is long, it’s like ten pages but for you it was worth it, I hope you enjoy it <3<3<3 now without further adieu:
Jason was in dire need of a date for the upcoming Gala, why you might ask? Well someone wasn’t thinking and said they had a secret girlfriend, which didn’t exist. Now the whole family was happy he had finally found someone. Dick was the most persistent, the hopeless romantic he was. 
 Telling Diana about over lunch a 2 months before the big annual charity gala was either the best decision he made or one he would regret, only time would tell. 
 She laughed in his face at his stupidity, but was willing to help. She sent a text and rolled her eyes when she got a response a few minutes later, “My sister will do it, be prepared to meet her next week at your place,” and that was that. He wasn’t expecting to actually get a date from her but hey, if it worked then he’ll go with it. He had about 2 months to make it believable, but god why did it have to be an Amazon.
 A knock on his apartment door at 3 a.m. was now how Jason would be meeting who ever Diana had convinced to do this “fake date” thing with him, so a 5”6’ women pushing herself into his apartment when the door was opened certainly woke him up.
 “And who might you be?” the door closed behind him with a soft click, the woman was surveying the room with a judgemental look, ‘lovely’. She turned sharply to him, her distaste clear on her face, “Someone who lost a bet so I owe Diana a favor,” she visibly sighed and relaxed slightly, “I’m sorry, my name is Marinette Prince, but you can call me Mari, nice to meet you.” Mari held her hand to the bewildered Jason who hesitantly shook it, “Jason Todd but I'm going to assume you already knew that.”
 And that was the rocky start to their relationship. Mari had been living on Themyscira for the last few years so she needed some time to get used to living in the rest of the world. To say she was ecstatic to be able to wear more modern fashion would be an understatement. Their first ‘date’ was in the fashion district a few days after she made herself at home in his apartment. Six hours after they started Mari was finally satisfied, and Jason could no longer feel his arms. They decided to eat dinner at one of the hole-in-the-walls on their way back to Jason’s place. 
 Neither knew how the conversation had gotten on the different costumes of the various heroes and villains but it had sent Mari off on a rant. Despite himself Jason was enjoying every word she said, every critique and every praise. To be fair there wasn’t as much praise was there was critique, but to say his ego wasn’t inflated when “one of the rare acceptable ones” was the Red Hood would be a straight up lie. It was the first time Mari was acting with little to no filter, and granted they hadn’t known each other long he could tell this was rare for her. He was finding himself proud that he was the one to get her to be open like that, why he couldn’t tell you but it did nonetheless.
The two had fallen into domestic life pretty quickly, maybe to quickly, but that didn’t matter. When Jason came home to a clean apartment and dinner being made by his ‘girlfriend’ he was surprisingly okay with it.
 “How was your day?” Mari was placing two plates of something heavenly on the small table just outside of the kitchen. Was that table always there? “It was decent, yours?” he began to dig in while a drink was placed next to him and Mari took her seat across from him. “It was nice, I finally got around to cleaning this place up,” her hair was put in a pair of double buns as she wore some shorts and a tank top clearly having changed recently. 
 “You know you didn’t have to right?” 
 “I enjoy organizing and consider it a small thanks for helping me with shopping the other day and dealing with my rants,” she had a small smile on her face.
 The rest of the night was spent showing Jason where she put everything. The number of guns didn't faze her but living surrounded by weapons he supposed that made sense. The organized first-aid kit was a god send though, on more ruined towels to stop the bleeding. 
The next date Jason planned was a movie, it was Diana’s idea. He couldn’t figure out why taking Mari to an anniversary replaying of an animated superhero movie from almost ten years ago would be in her words “comedy gold”. That was until Mari saw the opening theme and let out a loud groan.
 An hour and fifteen minutes later the credits start to roll and Mari is practically dragging him out of the theater. “This was Diana’s idea wasn’t it?!” Jason couldn’t help the chuckle escaping him, Diana was right this was golden, the only thing she got this heated about what the costumes but this felt more personal. “I swear to the gods, I hate that movie! Nothing was right, He’s like my brother! And I may have been young but I wasn’t STUPID?!” Mari realizes her misstep and quickly covered her mouth dropping Jason’s wrist making him stumble, “Well, M’Lady,” he got punched for that, “I am inclined to believe the totally historically accurate animated film,” she rolled her eyes at him, “It does explain a lot though, and lets just say you're not the only one with red suits in their past,” a wink and another punch in the arm and they left the theater a laughing mess leaning on each other so they wouldn’t fall over. “Oh you arse,” “You know you love me,” another light punch, this one with very little behind it, “Worth it!”
Their third date was more impulsive than the last one. It had been a tough week. For Jason his family was hounding him for details about his girl and the last case he helped with took more effort than he thought it would. Mari on the other hand had been working all week on commission (how Bruce Wayne found out about her she didn't want to know) sketches, she had to make close to ten outfits for the Gala in a month and a half, sure she could do it but the perfectionist in her meant very little sleep. She still had hers and Jason’s to make, not that he knew that yet. 
 That Saturday they found themselves at a small coffee shop Tim liked to rave about. It was homey place, and they both needed to get out of the house. 
 “You know if the replacement sees us you’re gonna have to talk about how we met-” a finger shushed him, Mari looked more dead than Tim did, she needed her coffee fix, anything else could wait.
“Shhhhh Coffee now, annoying family later,” her words were slightly slurred, she hadn’t slept in two days but she finished the sketches to be approved so that was a positive. 
 Once the once the vanilla and cinnamon coffee hit her system she was her joyful self again. Jason had gotten himself a honey chamomile tea, it always helped with the stress. What was originally supposed to be a quick in and out ended up with them spending most of the morning just chatting. 
 They talked about anything and everything. They had been living together for about 3 weeks now so they were leaning the other’s quirks. She finally told him what she was working on, and laughed as his face scrunched up hearing his adoptive fathers name, she had to admit it was kinda cute. Mari also came clean about needed his measurements so they could have matching outfits, she showed him the designs. Jason had to admit he was impressed, and noticing how they looked like something MDC would make he learned another thing about the girl with him. She sure was full of secrets.
 The rest of the day after their lovely coffee ‘date’ was spent going to fabric stores getting the stuff she needed to make everyone's outfits. Each one had elements that hinted subtly to their alter egos and pasts while still have a consistent color scheme and accents that paired the couples. 
 Jason gained yet another layer of appreciation for the girl, what couldn't she do?
Turns out taking her to the Gotham Botanical Gardens was a way better idea than Jason had originally thought it would be. The plants seemed to grow and perk up as she walked by. Her smile brighten up the whole room; as she twirled in a pale green sundress inspired by the keeper of the gardens Jason couldn’t help but smile as well. She really looked like a goddess in this light. He couldn’t be happier he helped bring that smile and joy to her face, she deserved the world. When he started thinking like that he couldn’t tell you but the idea this would end soon was one he avoided thinking about. Maybe there wouldn’t be an end, but only time would tell wouldn’t it?
 Ivy sensed something was different in her precious gardens and went to investigate, her girlfriend followed to make sure on one got overly hurt. Both of them were shocked to see the plants blooming more than usual and just two people walking the gardens. The girl seemed to be making the pants so happy Ivy just had to talk with her, so she quietly made her was over to the young women hoping to not scare her. Harley made her way over to the former Robin, a little teasing was in order. 
 Yet another surprise from the former Ladybug he probably should have seen coming, Ivy adored the woman, insisting that she come more often to which Mari eagerly agreed complementing Ivy’s botanical knowledge the whole time. Suprisong himself he didn’t deny Harley’s tasing about his feelings for her, she really was something special wasn’t she?
When Mari found out Jason hadn’t seen all of the Star Wars movies she made him sit with her all weekend to watch them, he only agreed if they would watch all of Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit trilogy the next weeked. 
 Their next two weekends were now booked and snack runs were made. Jason made the Living room into a palace of blankets and pillows while Mari prepared snacks and drinks. They wouldn’t be getting up for awhile.
 When episode 3’s credits were rolling Mari made an offhand comment about how hot Anakin was and how she felt bad for his fate, well Jason felt a little envious. Something about misunderstood, dark haired boys was Mari’s type apparently. The subtle hints were lost on him but they enjoyed the rest of the films. They skipped the newer trilogy for time and so they had something to watch in theaters.
 Mari fell asleep on his arm mid way through episode 6 and Jason couldn’t bring himself to wake her, he fell asleep as the end credits rolled. Both had a content smile on their faces as they dreamed of fantasy worlds long ago and far far away.
Mari had a surprise for Jason, “Come on Jay, get out of bed already,” she was pulling him out of bed on a tuesday, TUESDAY! 
 With much prodding and poking Mari was able to get them out of the apartment by 8, she had a surprise for him and refused to tell him what it was. “Just trust me it will be worth it,” she handed him his helmet and got on his bike. He found himself not minding someone else driving his bike for once.
 The wind was blowing fast as they left the center of the city, they were in the outskirts in a more smalltown area of the city. It was like a whole different world like they had gone to a place untouched by the corruption of Gotham propper. They finally slowed down and parked in front of an older building. Secret Cave the sign read, no way, did she really go out of her way to take him here. 
 Taking off her helmet she shook her head to loosen her ponytail, he took this chance to really look at her. She was wearing a red v-neck under one of his older leather jackets and some dark blue jeans. She had a small black bag what went with her combat boots, both had flowers embroidered on them, he had to admit she was beautiful. 
 “Come on Jay, I got a surprise for you,” she was pulling his hand now as they entered the spacious store, books covered every surface and there were rows upon rows of selves. It was almost hard to move, not wanting to disturb the books but they had made it to one of the small sitting areas, “Wait here I’ll be right back.” Jaso found himself obeying and looking at the books in the area, lots of classic literature in fancy leather bound editions and some of the quintessential plays everyone had to read at some point in their original language, this was heaven for a book nerd like him.
 20 Minutes later a hand covered his eyes, “Guess who,” her laugh melted his heart, “I don’t know, maybe… one Mari” he scooped her up in a hug, “I love you so much,” before he could realize what he had said, “I know you big nerd, I love you too.”
 When he finally put her down, the blush was on both of their faces at their confessions, ‘they didn’t really mean that did they’ she gave him a thick parcel. “Open it later big guy, but consider it a thank you for everything.” her blush seemed to get worse but so was his, maybe it was the room, yeah it had to be right? “I should be the one thanking you but okay…” he trailed off not quite knowing where to go with this conversation, there was so many things he wanted to say to her but he couldn’t get the words out of his throat. Unknown to him Mari was in the same boat, after a beat of silence, “Want to go to the café next door than browse some more?” “Absolutely.”
 They left the shop, hand in hand, and spent the rest of the afternoon together exploring the surrounding area and exploring the store, the gift still untouched for now.
 When he would eventually open it a few days later he found red leather bound copies of all his favorites with a J engraved into the cover. These were something he’d treasure for as long as he lived.
It was the last weekend before the Gala, all the outfits were done and fitted so mari had free time, and Jason had cleared the day to spend with his ‘girlfriend’, were the quotes still there? Were they something more now? Hopefully he’d find out tonight.
 It was Roy and Diana’s idea. A dinner at an upscale restaurant, the Ocelot came to mind so he got reservations for the two of them. Diana insisted on covering it, and Roy made sure he had the perfect suit. To say Jason was nervous would be an understatement but it only got worse when Mari stepped out of her room in a floor length dress that made her look like a straight up greek goddess, she was stunning and that felt like an understatement. Her hair was lightly curled and was flowing down her back, a small golden flowers rested atop her head in a crown shape, he was glad Roy had helped him get a suite that made him look mature but he felt he still paled in comparison to her beauty. 
 They had a lovely dinner, they had gotten a table secluded in the back. It started with nervous and awkward conversation that quickly melted away into the easy conversation they usually shared, it was one of the nicest dates they had ever been on. It felt like a real date with no pressures to fake something, somehow this fake relationship had turned into a real true and meaningful one. 
 The ‘couple’ was so engrossed with each other they hadn’t noticed the spying eyes that watched from different areas of the restaurant. There were at least 16 different people watching their date if not more but if they noticed they didn’t care. The only thing on their mind was the person in front of them. 
 As they were leaving the dining room they had eaten in, Jason finally found the courage to ask, “Does this mean-” Mari cut him off with a kiss on the cheek and a tighter grip on his hand, “Absolutely Jay, I wouldn’t trade this for the world.” 
 Small cheers could be heard in the room as they had left, it had been a success!
It was finally the night of the gala, Jason and his official girlfriend Marientte would be making their debut to the public. To say it was stressful would be putting it lightly, all the other outfits had been dropped off at the Wayne Manor the day before so that was at least taken care of. They had two hours before the Gala would start, so just over an hour to get ready. The apartment was a mess, making sure they had everything.
 Jason’s suit was a dark crimson color with a midnight blue tie to tie it in with the rest of his family. The intricate beading and embroidery shined and became seen when the light hit it right, his hair was fluffy as usual but more kept than usual, the white streak pushed to the side with the rest of his hair. He looked like a proper gentleman thanks to his lady. She had a floor length ball gown that made her look like a princess.  The bodice was the same midnight blue as his tie and had off the shoulder sleeves that were see through. The skirt that flowed from her his was made with the same crimson red with balck beading and embroidery in a variety of patterns. The apple blossoms were the most obvious and they traveled up her bodices in a blood red color that was made more clear in the right light, she wore black greek sandless underneath her dress and her hair was pinned to the side, a golden flower crown that Diana insisted she wore atop her head, if she looked like a goddess when they went to dinner, she was simply ethereal now, words could do no justice for how stunning she looked right now. To think she made this all by hand was beyond him.
 Hand in hand they entered the ballroom, all eyes were on them. The camera flashes made them sparkle as they made their way down the carpet. Every reporter wanted to know everything about them and their outfits, this was the first time Jason had been seen at one of these actually looking happy and not coming with his family. It was the talk of everyone there.
 “Thank the gods we finally made it inside,” Mari was already pulling him to a place she could get a drink. “You still need to introduce me properly to your family you know.” 
 “Thanks for reminding me, you know I’m sure you  have met them all already.”
 “That’s not the point Jay!” she hit his arm softly then picked up two glasses of champagne, “Cheers?”
 “Cheers” they clinked their glasses and chugged them down. It was going to be quite the night.
 They had finally made the rounds to  all of his family and the important people of the gala and 2 hours in they had a moment to themselves. 
 “This is why I avoided these for so long.”
 “I know right, to many fake pleasantries if you ask me.” 
 “At least we are in this together,” both said at the same time, causing them to burst into a fit of giggles.
 “God I could kiss you right now.”
 “Then why don’t you,” without giving Jason a chance to backtrack Marientte pulled him down to her and locked their lips in a passionate kiss. It was pure bliss, something they both needed and longed for and finally had. It felt right, like home. “Took you long enough,” Jason had a smirk as they pulled away, the applause didn't reach their ears as they pulled each other into another one this time less needy but soft, they felt whole in each others arms, this was what they had been missing for so long and now that they had it, they wouldn’t give it up for the world.
Asks are still open, don’t hesitate to ask!!
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newagesispage · 3 years
                                                                        MAY                 2021
The Rib Page
George Takei is sweatin’ with the oldies. He stars in a fitness app for gay seniors, Bar Belles. It was his April Fool’s day joke.
Fox will bring us Crime Scene Kitchen on May 26 with host Joel McHale.
Joel Hodgson has launched a new kick starter to create a new independent season of MTS3K, The goal is $2mil.
Bob Odenkirk will release: Comedy, comedy, comedy, drama: A Memoir on Jan. 18 2022
Leslie Jones will host the 2021 MTV Awards.
$3 mil was raised for Next for Autism with help from Conan, Kimmel, Charlize, Chris Rock, Jack Black and Sarah Silverman.
Have ya noticed that Gayle King looks great in yellow.
Some people are not too happy that Elon Musk will host SNL on May 8. Miley Cyrus is the musical guest.** Musk tweeted: Let’s find out just how live SNL really is. Cast member Bowen Yang tweeted back, : What the Fuck does this even mean?
Oh Seth Meyers: Every time I see the sea captain on your show, I miss him so much!!
There is a spotlight on Foxconn which made a big splash for Trump at the start of his presidency. The company has done a lot of nothing but still gets tax cuts. Homes were demolished, roads were widened to nowhere and money was spent. Wisconsinites are upset that this big business is just folly and a big glass orb.
Mike Lindell is a kook but he did try to appear to be a good sport on Kimmel.
When will weed be legal on a federal level? When will drug testing for employment be illegal? We hear so much about personal rights with the gun laws and vaccines and masks. What about the right to do what we want with our bodies when we are not at work. Think of the administrative costs that could be saved if we just removed drug testing. Our experience and work ethic should mean more that what we do with our free time. This is not a problem at all companies. There are places in this country where it is near impossible anywhere in your area to get hired without a drug screening. One joint on a random Saturday night could keep someone from a great opportunity. A person in pain who reaches for an edible might miss out on the job that saves their lives.
NASA sent the first flight to another planet. The Mars flight made history with the 30 sec feat.
What? The Menendez brothers are popular again? From the Ramsey case to the Manson murders or Bundy, it all comes back around again.
The Lizzie Borden house just sold for $2mil to Lance Zaal of U. S. Ghost Adventures.
Quarantine and so much television et al proves one thing, the pharmaceutical and insurance companies have way too much $.
Trump told everyone to boycott Coke and is later seen drinking diet Coke.** Trump sent out a statement about how bad the Oscars are. They threw it right back in his face. ** Federal agents have searched Giuliani’s Manhattan apartment. It stems from the 2 year investigation into activities in Ukraine.
X-VP Pence is said to have pressured the Navy to reinstate former Mo. Gov. Eric Greitens. Greitens was accused of tying up, blindfolding, taking explicit photos of and blackmailing a woman.
There is a crisis in schools with the lack of civics and history being taught.
Hulk Hogan was hit with a chorus of Boo’s at his latest event.
The latest sexual harassment news: Matt Gaetz  is being looked into for sex with a minor and sex trafficking.  Bill Barr opened the investigation.** Tom Reed has been accused of sexual misconduct by former lobbyist, Nicolette Davis.** Marilyn Manson has been sued by Game of Thrones, Esme Bianco for sexual abuse.
What is going on with Bank of America? I am hearing from multiple people that often they do not get their statement in the mail. Is this a bad Postal service? Is this bad business practice? How many late fees had to be paid because of this? Not everybody wants to pay their bills online.
Jack Hanna has revealed that he has dementia.
Tiny Tim : King for a day is a new doc I must see. The film contains footage shot from Warhol’s Factory. There are excerpts from Tim’s diary read by Weird Al Yankovic and the story of how Tiny’s friend, Bob Dylan wanted to make a film with him.
Lindsay Lohan’s Father, Michael has been charged with 5 counts patient brokering and 1 count of attempted patient brokering. This is an apparent scam of steering addicts into rehab for cash.
Aaron Sorkin and Paulina Porizkova are dating. Pete Davidson and Phoebe Dynevor are dating.
JB Smoove has a new podcast brought to you by TeamCoco.
Hey.. People working on the new Law and Order: Organized Crime….. TOO MUCH MELONI!!
Zach Avery, actor, was arrested for his participation in a $690 mil Ponzi scheme.
President Biden has restored aid to the Palestinians.
MLB put up a wall in Georgia but the Masters stayed.
Hank Azaria has brought Brockmire to a new podcast.
Tommy Chong isn’t allowed on FB because of his weed posts but they allow an imposter to use his name to sell weed.
Pennsylvania is trying to push thru 14 voter suppression bills.
Joe Manchin. Ugh!!** Marjorie Taylor- Greene has let go of her America First caucus.** Ted Cruz has allegedly used $154, 000 of his campaign funds to buy up copies of his book to boost sales. This is an old trick but still illegal.
For the first time, The Carter Center became involved in a U.S. election. They published videos and live webcasts as well as deploying observers across Georgia.
Most health programs in Uganda, Nigeria and Ethiopia have resumed after Covid.** Tom Vilsack from the Dept. of Agriculture has announced the USDA will provide assistance to 30 million kids.** It is sad to me that we have to entice people to vaccinate. Football games, Church’s and shot for shot in bars?? Really? Saving the lives of others should be enough. WTF?
Alec Baldwin, Alec Mapa and Kelsey Grammer are shopping around a new comedy that ABC decided to pass on.
Chauvin was found guilty.
Days alert: C’mon Ben, calm the fuck down! Don’t prove how out of control you are like everybody thinks. ** Xander is so funny right now.** How many people will Kristen be and how many times can one person melt down?? **Bring Carrie back!! **Jackee’ seemed a bit nervous in the beginning but she is fitting right in. More!
The SAG awards came and went. With the Trial of the Chicago 7 winning best ensemble, Michael Keaton is the first person to be in 3 best casts for SAG’s.** Other winners include Viola Davis, Chadwick Boseman, Daniel Kaluuta, Youn Yuh-Jung, Mark Ruffalo, Anya Taylor- Joy, Jason Bateman, Catherine O’Hara, Schitt’s Creek and The Crown.
The Oscars were held on April 25. It was a bit of a yawner and why would a show set themselves up for an awkward end?? There was a commercial from P&G right before the broadcast that stated, “ Widen the screen so we can widen our view.” Nice sentiment.  Mank had so many noms and only 2 wins. People looking their best to me were Leslie Odom Jr., Glenn Close, Riz Ahmed, LaKeith Stanfield, Colman Domingo, John Batiste, Mia Neal, Questlove (gold crocs and a mask!), Desmond Roe, Travon Free, Trish Summerville, Marlee Matlin, The Lucas Brothers, Andra Day, Carey Mulligan, Amanda Seyfried, Nicolette Robinson, Regina King and Margot Robbie. Laura Dern looked like Big Bird, there were just too many feathers. Tiara Thomas had feathers but they looked great.  Angela Bassett had some power sleeves and Tyer Perry looked like a little boy.  Hooray for Emerald Fennell for her win for original screenplay but not sure about the dress. And Viola Davis?? Dana Murray?? Ashley Fox?? Hmm?? Winners seemed to have trouble getting to the stage. They often refused the steps or the walkway and sort of climbed up the side. I did love the intimate setting and it did remind me of the old clips of years before. Sound of metal and Ma Rainey both won. Tyler Perry and for the first time, an organization, the motion picture and television fund, took home the humanitarian award. I was thrilled to see My Octopus Teacher win for Doc. I loved Crip Camp too, that was a hard category.  The acting winners went in all directions.  Many critics complained that the films were real downers . Nomadland won best picture. Michael Moore put it best I think. Of the films this year, he said, “They force you to look backward with 2021 eyes.”
Why the Fuck do we need a militarized police force?
R.I.P. victims of the multiple mass shootings, victims of police shootings, the crush in Israel, Cosette Brown, Midwin Charles, DMX, Paul Ritter, Ethel Gabriel, G. Gordon Liddy, Buddy Peppenschmidt,  Prince Philip, Anne Beatts, Diane Adler, Vartan Gregorian, Monte Hellman, Jim Steinman, Michael Collins, Michael wolf Snyder, Johnny Crawford, Eli Broad and Walter Mondale.
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onebadwinter · 3 years
The Joker Tropes
Taken from Here
0% Approval Rating: Apart from Harley (and even then, only when their on-off relationship is "on"), Gaggy and Punchline, no one likes or supports the Joker. In any way, whatsoever. Damn near every other member of Batman's Rogues Gallery hates his guts, mostly because not only is he completely sociopathic and unpredictable, but also they are all scared shitless by him. The only reason why he's even allowed in teams such as the Legion of Doom is because of that fear: if they exclude him from the lineup, then chances are that dead bodies will be lining the streets in their name. Trickster spells it out in "Underworld Unleashed." Trickster: Great going, Neron, bring in the one guy no one wants to be in the same room with. When super-villains want to scare each other, they tell Joker stories.
Abusive Parents: One common tactic for the Joker to garner sympathy is claiming he was ill-treated by his parents. Given his propensity to spew out different and sometimes contradictory backstories, nobody knows if they're true.Harley Quinn: Joker told me things, secret things he never told anyone... Batman: What did he tell you, Harley? Was it the line about the abusive father, or the one about the alcoholic mom? Of course, the runaway orphan story is particularly moving, too. He's gained a lot of sympathy with that one. What was it he told that one parole officer? Oh, yes... 'There was only one time I ever saw dad really happy. He took me to the ice show when I was seven...' Harley: (crying) Circus... He told me it was the circus. Batman: He's got a million of them, Harley.
Acquired Poison Immunity: In many continuities, he's immune to his trademark Joker Venom/Smilex. In a crossover comic with Captain America, he also proves to be immune to Red Skull's "Dust of Death", as their trademark poisons are too similar to each other.
Ambiguous Disorder: He's undeniably insane and Ax-Crazy, but has no official diagnosis. If anything, he can just be diagnosed with "Being the Joker". However, it’s possible he’s perfectly sane and just The Sociopath, and is using his manipulation abilities to continue his reign of terror.
Ambiguous Start of Darkness: Related to his Multiple-Choice Past; the only thing consistent is that he was a low-level crook who got dunked in chemicals to become the Joker. C While some origins (most notably The Killing Joke) have him being forced into crime, others have him as already a sinister criminal beforehand. Batman (1989) and Batman: The Animated Series choose the Evil All Along interpretation.
Appropriated Appellation:
Arch-Enemy: A classic example to the Batman, and not just in the comics - they are pretty much the iconic gold standard when it comes to this trope. The two of them are the page image for a reason.
Attention Whore: A big part of his motivation in various continuities. He even admits as such at one point, while denying he's not behind one particular crime.Joker: Do you really think I would stir up so much trouble and not make sure you knew it was me?
Ax-Crazy: One of his main characteristics is his willingness to psycho on anyone, including his own henchmen.
Bad Boss: Willing to casually kill his own henchmen for any reason, be it part of a plan, for amusement, or simply on a whim.
Bad People Abuse Animals: Defied by The Joker in at least one story (Emperor Joker). Evil Jimmy Olson kills Superman, who has been turned into a dog, by crushing him underneath a fire hydrant. The Joker is simply annoyed, because he doesn't know how to make something as pointless as beating a dumb animal funny. Jimmy Olson is then beaten to death by two giant robots who appear out of nowhere.
Believing Their Own Lies: He sometimes believes his Multiple-Choice Past, Depending on the Writer of course. One issue of the Robin Series had the Joker actually in tears as he told the psychiatrist of his abusive childhood, only for the psychiatrist to coldly point out that it's the seventh story he's told now.
Berserk Button:
Black Comedy: This is one of Joker’s specialties. To normal people, killing would be a terrible thing, but to Joker, it’s hilarious, especially if he does it in a way that amuses him.
Bond Villain Stupidity: In a "Detective Comics" story written by Paul Dini, the Joker (while impersonating a stage magician he had previously murdered) shot Zatanna in the throat so she couldn't recite a spell to save herself, then locked her in a tank of water while strapping Batman in an electric chair. He didn't shoot her in the head because he wanted Batman to watch helplessly as she died. This didn't go so well because first, he's BATMAN! and second, Zatanna was able to write a healing incantation on the lid of the tank using her own blood, which made the spell even more powerful.
Boring Insult: While the Joker has used it a few times on others, he mostly does it to hear the sound of his own voice as the people he usually slings this insult at don't really care whether or not they're boring. On the other hand, this is Joker's Berserk Button when others use it against him. Most notably, he reacts poorly when Terry deliberately exploits this flaw with glee and even rubs it in his face in Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker. After all, the natural enemy of a comedian is The Heckler.
Breakout Villain: The Trope Codifier for comics. DC's initial intention was to kill him off in his second appearance. Fortunately, editor Whitney Ellsworth convinced DC to spare him, a panel was hastily added to show that he'd survived, and the Joker rapidly became not only Batman's Arch-Enemy, but arguably the most iconic example of an Arch-Enemy in all of fiction.
Break the Comedian: A sure way to determined if things have gotten real, even for the Joker, is if he isn't laughing or joking. A famous example involved the Joker being frightened during the events of Alan Moore's Swamp Thing run, when he was horrified by Arcane's actions.
Clear My Name: The Brave and the Bold has him framed for several murders and he must use Batman's help.
Collective Identity: As revealed in Darkseid War and DC Rebirth, the Joker has been used by three people, though Batman: Three Jokers clarified it as this: The Criminal (the original "Golden Age" Joker from the character's debut in Batman #1), The Clown (the "Silver Age" Joker, strongly implied to be the one who killed Jason Todd), and The Comedian (the current "Modern Age" Joker, who kidnapped and tormented Jim Gordon).
Combat Pragmatist : While his fighting prowess varies from remarkably proficient to extremely weak Depending on the Writer, the Joker is a consistently dirty fighter, striking enemies when and where they are most vulnerable. Besides his myriad of gag gadgets, he often carries concealed weapons, gases and acids on his person, and won't hesitate to brandish a wrench or smash a chair over your head in a pinch. He is usually adept with knives and, unlike Batman, rarely has any reservations about firearms. He has no qualms kicking an opponent when they're down, and will employ deception, feigning surrender or defeat to get Batman to lower his guard.
Comic-Book Fantasy Casting:
Confusion Fu: This is often his last line of defense when Batman corners him, especially in the animated television shows. Effectiveness varies.
Cop Killer: Sometimes police officers are among the Joker's victims:
Create Your Own Villain: Most stories posit he was chased by Batman through a factory with No OSHA Compliance, which caused him to be exposed to acid, discoloring his skin and hair and driving him insane when he sees his reflection. Often he claims Batman is responsible for turning him into The Joker.
Creepy High-Pitched Voice: In voiced roles, he usually has a high-pitched voice to contrast Batman's Badass Baritone.
Crossover Villain-in-Chief: In DC's Crisis Crossover events that involve a lot of villains, like Salvation Run and Forever Evil, The Joker usually fills this role along with Lex Luthor.
Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Insanity aside, sometimes the Joker's plans and methods are so out there they just seem stupid. Despite appearances, he's usually very cunning, and always very dangerous. In fact, part and parcel of what makes the Joker's plans devastating is that he knows how to hide the punchline for lack of a better word. The plans are so innocuous, so disheveled and so utterly random that they usually have no sane MO, which makes it hard to see the bigger picture of the plan unless Batman pieces it together quickly.
Critical Psychoanalysis Failure: Happens frequently, though this may be an indication of the competence of the staff at Arkham. One such time was with Dr. Harleen Quinzel, who bought his story hook, line and sinker and declared him sane, then broke him out of Arkham and started dating him (of course, her exact analysis was that he was utilizing Obfuscating Insanity and it's implied that she was actually right, so perhaps she was the only good doctor at Arkham after all...)
Deadly Prank: He generally considers murdering someone for a joke to be morally no different than putting a whoopie cushion on their chair.
Depending on the Artist: His depiction varies a lot between eras and between different artists in the same period. Major differences are whether he can form facial expressions other than a grin, and whether he is average-sized or freakishly tall and thin.
Depending on the Writer: There are many huge variations, the most common and glaring being:
Depraved Homosexual: Not above invoking this deliberately to get under Batman's skin. Whether he means all his flirting and feel-copping varies slightly Depending on the Writer and heavily depending on one's own interpretation.
Diplomatic Impunity: In A Death in the Family, Ayatollah Khomeini appoints him the UN ambassador to Iran, giving him diplomatic immunity. This was later retconned to the fictional Syraq due to reasons of taste.
Dirty Coward: There is a common misconception that Joker has no regard for his own life and doesn't care if he dies or not. In actuality he does care, and the reason he keeps taunting morally good characters into killing him is because he's confident that they don't have the guts to off him. When he comes across someone who is willing to kill him, he shows his true colors as a sniveling little coward where he starts pleading for his life.The Punisher: I got all the therapy you need right here, comedian.The Joker: You're really going to do it.
Disproportionate Retribution: Has been known to try to kill people for minor slights, such as welshing on a bet on a sporting event for trivial stakes.
Domestic Abuse: This characterizes his relationship with his "henchwench" Harley Quinn to a T. Joker frequently yells at her, puts her down, humiliates her, and exposes her to all manner of violence ranging from "merely" slapping or punching her to outright trying to murder her. Such is her Mad Love that she ignored his abuse for most of her existence in comic history, with the two only separating in the late 2010s.
The Dreaded: Easily one of the most feared villains in the entire DC universe. Other villains are afraid of him; it's been said that when criminals want to scare each other, they tell Joker stories.
Driven to Madness: Doing this to others has become part of his MO. What triggered his own insanity and belief in nihilism remains unknown.
Early Installment Weirdness: Just take a gander at his earliest appearances:
Electric Joybuzzer: One of his signature weapons, a lethal variation, most memorably used in Batman (1989). He ended up Hoist by His Own Petard when trying to use it on Static.Static: That was fun. Let me try! (BZZZZT!) (Batman approves.)
Enemy Mine:
Even Evil Has Standards: Oddly enough, this trope does occasionally apply to him.
Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Completely averted with Harley. He physically and emotionally abuses her and tried to kill her on numerous occasions. They eventually break up in the New 52 continuity.
Evil All Along: Some versions, such as the DC Animated Universe and Batman (1989), go with the interpretation that the Joker was evil, if not outright Ax-Crazy, even before his fateful transformation, with the chemicals just making him worse.
Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: The Joker is Nihilism Incarnate: he believes that life is pointless and insane, and the only thing anyone can do is give into the madness. Life is a joke, and once he got the joke he never stopped laughing at it. One of the reasons he's obsessed with Batman is because Batman is The Anti-Nihilist: Batman also thinks, to some degree at least, that life is meaningless. But rather than embrace the madness, Batman fights against it, trying to bring order to chaos through his heroic actions. So Batman got the joke too, but he's not laughing, and the Joker doesn't understand why.
Evil Genius: Though rarely the focus of his character, Joker is usually an extremely gifted chemist, constantly creating new and better versions of his signature laughing gas. He's also (unsurprisingly) a skilled planner on par with Batman himself, in addition to being extremely charismatic and manipulative when he wants to be.
Evil Is Petty: Joker truly sees no difference between throwing cream pies, robbing a museum, and brutal, torturous mass-murder. To him, it's all just part of the joke.
Evil Sounds Deep: Jack Nicholson in Batman (1989) and Kevin Michael Richardson in The Batman both give the Joker a deep, sinister voice, contrasting his usual higher-pitched depictions in other works.
Facial Horror: His iconic "perma-clown" appearance (the green hair, chalk-white skin, and most of the time, red lips) is the result of being submerged in a tank of chemicals. However, there was times this has gotten worse.
Fame Through Infamy: He's practically built a career on crimes designed more to spread his infamy than anything else. Perhaps his true illness is that he is an Attention Whore through and through...
Faux Affably Evil: Often addresses others in a polite and friendly way before he unleashes merry hell on them.
Flanderization: Over the years, his actions have become almost exclusively focused on causing as much carnage and chaos as possible or harassing Batman and his allies rather than performing any non-lethal mischief or practical crime.
Foe Romance Subtext: Sometimes will mess with Batman's mind by calling him by pet names or using innuendo. Or outright groping him. According to later writers, Joker regards their hero/villain dynamic as a very special relationship, and resents anyone or thing that gets in the way of it (like all those family members Bruce enjoys hanging out with), which is disturbingly like a jealous lover.
Foil: To Batman in several ways. If the origin offered in Killing Joke is to be believed, both Batman and Joker had one bad day that put them on very different paths.
For the Evulz: The usual motives of the Joker. Many of his crimes always involve sowing chaos and the schadenfreude of other people's misery.
Freudian Excuse: Even he isn't sure of his own history and will crop up multiple reasons for his insanity. The most accepted version is that he was a thug named the Red Hood who gets disfigured falling into a vat while trying to escape Batman. His backstory still remains a mystery.
Freudian Excuse Is No Excuse: Best displayed in The Killing Joke: Joker's "one bad day" is just an excuse, as he neither knows nor cares if it actually happened that way, and Batman confronts him on how his attempt to similarly break Commissioner Gordon failed.Batman: Despite all your sick, vicious little games, he's as sane as he ever was! So maybe ordinary people don't always crack. Maybe there isn't any need to crawl under a rock with all the other slimey things when trouble hits. Maybe it was just you, all the time!
The Friend Nobody Likes: Often plays this role among villain team-ups. It's implied that the only reason the other DC villains ever invite him to things is because they're terrified of what he'll do to them if he's not. Alexander Luthor Jr.'s death at the end of Infinite Crisis is brought about because, as Lex Luthor puts it:Luthor: You made one big mistake. You didn't let the Joker play.
From Nobody to Nightmare: The key thing about his Multiple-Choice Past is that nobody really knows who he was before he put on the Red Hood and fell into a vat of acid. As such, Joker was literally a nobody... who turned into the DC Universe's scariest villain, and who at times has upstaged even Brainiac or Darkseid.
Frozen Face: Most depictions have his face as such, with his massive rictus grin being something he can't really stop doing.
Gadgeteer Genius: While he seems to be a chemist first and foremost, the Joker has no trouble coming up with a range of tools and weapons of his own design and is easily as smart as Batman in this area. Other stories show that he has a solid enough understanding of such varied fields as engineering, computers and even robotics that he can at least hijack the sophisticated inventions of others and use them for his own ends with no difficulty whatsoever, and he is generally implied (though rarely outright stated) to have had a scientific background prior to becoming the Clown Prince of Crime.
Glasgow Grin: Heath Ledger's portrayal features very noticeable scarring from such wounds and tells two conflicting stories of how he got them. Sometimes, Depending on the Artist, the Joker has one in the comics, usually in out-of-continuity stories.
Gonk: Depending on the Artist, he varies from "disfigured, but still fairly handsome" to "barely passes for human", the latter cases usually feature him with a really long and narrow nose and a huge, exaggerated mouth with a permanent Slasher Smile.
Guest Fighter: After making appearances in the previous crossover and being a major player in NetherRealm's other big series, Joker shows up in Mortal Kombat 11 all on his own, freed from the restrictions of a Teen rating and able to showcase the true depths of his depraved bloodlust.
Handshake of Doom: Often kills unsuspecting victims by offering a handshake. When the other person grabs his hand, their palm is pricked by a device that resembles a joy buzzer, which injects deadly venom into their blood stream.
Hate Sink: Posthumously, his Injustice-verse incarnation is the primary target for audience scorn and gets saddled with this role by everyone in the game, its sequel, and the tie-in comics — the version from the Injustice-verse itself, at least. This is because he tricked Superman into killing his own wife Lois Lane and nuking Metropolis, then pulling a Strike Me Down with All of Your Hatred on the poor guy who that set him on the path to becoming a tyrant, all for the sake of doing it, and because he was tired of losing to Batman, so he decided to go after an easier target. His role as The Corrupter to Harley is explained to make her redemption feel more plausible, as even she has come to despise him for his actions. In particular, while Superman does terrible things, he is portrayed as a Tragic Villain due to the losses he suffered before becoming a bad guy, and as such, his killing of the Joker is always played for maximum pathos. Even villains as despicable as Brainiac, Darkseid and Gorilla Grodd openly despise him. This even continues into his Guest Fighter appearance in Mortal Kombat 11note , where even the likes of Kano, Shang Tsung and Shao Kahn can't stand him.
Human Head on the Wall: There's a rather famous piece of comic book artwork◊ drawn by Brian Bolland featuring The Joker lounging in a chair in front of a trophy wall mounted with the decapitated heads of various DC heroes and villains, all of them painted white and their faces distorted into a smile like the Joker himself. It's even been parodied a bunch of times with other comic supervillains sitting in Joker's place.
Iconic Outfit:
I'm a Humanitarian: There have been a few times when the Joker engaged in cannibalism, such as an issue of Grant Morrison's JLAnote after Day Of Judgment, where upon the reveal that the Martian Manhunter took the League and the now Hal Jordan hosted-Spectre into the Joker's head, the Joker lamented eating a man's tongue raw. Additionally, an infamous bit in Emperor Joker has the Joker eat all of China while he had Mr. Mxyzptlk's powers.
Insane No More: Is cured by Batman forcing unknown pills down his throat in the non-canon Batman: White Knight, causing him go back to his real name, Jack Napier, make a Heel–Face Turn and accuse Batman of being part of the problem (he's also considerably better than the usual Joker, being closer to the earlier trickster personality).
I've Come Too Far: At the end of The Killing Joke, Batman tries to reason with the Joker, insisting that they've got to stop before one of them kills the other and offering to help rehabilitate him. Joker briefly considers the offer before solemnly turning it down.Joker: No. I'm sorry, but... no. It's too late for that. Far too late.
It Amused Me: His raison d'etre. Why kill people in horrific ways, ruin their lives, and generally make the entire universe a worse place than he left it? Because it's funny.
Jekyll & Hyde: Inverted in the case of Batman: White Knight, where taking pills cures Joker of his insanity and brings back his original Jack Napier persona. However, if he fails to take the pills, the Joker resurfaces, which is exactly what happens in Batman: Curse of the White Knight, and he's much worse than before.
Jerkass: Though that is a total understatement, Joker still more or less counts as one. When he isn't killing or torturing people for his own amusement, he's taunting them and trying get under other people's skin.
Joker Immunity: The trope namer. He was originally conceived as a one-off villain but proved too interesting a character to be killed off so quickly, and a last-minute edit had him survive instead. He's so famous for this that most works that kill him off, the audience doesn't buy it, and it serves as an effective twist the rare times when he is Killed Off for Real. But even those rare occasions may continue to feature him in flashbacks or hallucinations as a Posthumous Character.
Knife Nut: In many appearances, knives are his Weapon of Choice, either to disfigure his victims or kill his foes. Often both.The Joker: Do you want to know why I use a knife? Guns are too... quick. You can't savor all the little emotions. You see, in their last moments, people show you who you really are.
Large Ham: Holy shit, yes. He has an enormous sense of showmanship and is seen cracking Black Comedy jokes every minute, and it's a nigh-guarantee that whoever is portraying him will be munching the scenery to the very structure. Most especially the case if it happens to be Mark Hamill.
Laser-Guided Broadcast: In comic books as well in most of the media, when The Joker takes the control of TV and makes one of his menaces to threat and/or destroy Gotham City, good part of his message goes directly to Batman by tempting him to stop his plans, where usually destroy the city is just a secondary plan, getting/trapping/killing Batman as his real main plan.
Legacy Character: The idea of multiple Jokers is used in Gotham. There are two Jokers - Jerome Valeska, and his twin brother Jeremiah Valeska. The former is a deranged mass murderer who spread madness through Gotham. The latter is the actual Joker who becomes Batman's Arch-Enemy, and is even more dangerous than his predecessor.
Lethal Joke Character: In-Universe. Those unfamiliar with him tend to write him off as just some fool dressed as a clown, only to realize very quickly why they should keep their guard up around him. He's still one of the most dangerous characters in the DC Universe, despite existing in a world filled with super-humans and gods.
Master of Disguise: A talent he possesses even in his earliest stories. Joker is an expert with make-up, costumes and impersonations and has posed as everything from police officers to doctors to even Batman himself. He can go to extremely elaborate lengths to pull off his deceptions too, fabricating entire backstories and staying in-character for months at a time to see his plans through.
Mirthless Laughter: The Joker's constantly laughing, either at the pain and misery of others, the pain and misery he inflicts on others, or even his own pain. However, as describe by many and offered by the reader based on his scenes and what he does, there is NEVER any joy in his laughter. Never any real happiness. Just cruelty and mockery of pain and sorrow. If he does indeed have a tragic backstory that caused his madness, then this makes sense as he has chosen to laugh instead of cry. His statement about how the universe should end "so there won't be anymore people like me" during the Emperor Joker storyline lends weight to him being a Sad Clown.
Misanthrope Supreme: While it's not evident given Joker's Laughing Mad demeanor and his penchant for macabre jokes usually at the life and limb expense of someone else, Joker is actually absolutely full of hatred and spite towards basically everyone and the entire world. Several stories have gone into this and it's implied that the Joker finds it so easy to kill everyone around him, not because he feels nothing for them, but in fact because he loathes everyone aside from his twisted relationship with Batman.
Moment of Lucidity: There've been a few times when outside forces have sent him into a fit of temporary sanity over the years.
Monster Clown: One of the classic examples.
Multiple-Choice Past: Practically the poster child and possible trope namer. Even he isn't sure of his own history. The most accepted version introduced in Detective Comic #168 (1951) has him as a thug named the Red Hood who jumps into a vat of chemicals to escape Batman, disfiguring him and inspiring him to adopt the name Joker. Why he went by the name the Red Hood has changed over the years: The Killing Joke claims he was a failed comedian pressured into becoming a criminal to support his pregnant wife. The trauma of his disfigurement from jumping in the acid and his wife's earlier accidental death drove him insane. However, even this backstory is questionable, as the Joker himself calls it "multiple choice".
My God, What Have I Done?: Whenever he is made temporarily sane, most notably by a Lazarus pit after Ra's Al Ghul killed him after a Villain Team-Up and in JLA #15 during the Rock of Ages storyline, Joker usually expresses deep remorse for his crimes. Unfortunately it never lasts.
The Nicknamer: He's prone to giving nicknames to allies and enemies alike. Sometimes affectionate, sometimes snarky, but always undesired. Calling Batman "Batsy" or "Bats" and Robin "boy blunder" are probably his most iconic.
No Celebrities Were Harmed: Some of the Joker's victims fall into this.
No Name Given: The Joker is the only Batman villain who doesn't have an official real identity. However, there are three occasions where names have been used. The Jack Nicholson version used the name "Jack Napier", which was briefly mentioned in the Animated Series episode "Dreams In Darkness" since the series was partially based on the movie, albeit the doctors list it as one of his aliases. The Gotham version played by Cameron Monaghan gives him the name Jeremiah Valeska. The Joaquin Phoenix version used the name "Arthur Fleck", though the movie raises the question that he doesn't know who his father is, so 'Fleck' might not even be his surname. The Telltale series plays with this by 'naming' him 'John Doe' - which is just a stand-in name police/hospitals use when they don't know someone's identity. While he still has no official name to this day, it's general fan consensus that it's either Jack Napier or just Jack.
Not a Mask: Sometimes he pretends to wear makeup, but it ain't makeup. Jack Nicholson's version wore flesh-tone makeup over his pale skin several times after his transformation. Though, this is Depending on the Writer, as Heath Ledger's depiction does wear makeup. It's unclear if this is the case for Caesar Romero's depiction, as Romero's mustache is visible at times (he refused to shave for the part).
Not Me This Time: Though he certainly wouldn't mind committing them, he's been framed for murders he didn't commit several times, such as by James Gordon Jr.
Obfuscating Insanity: Zig Zagged Trope / Depending on the Writer. Some stories claims The Joker is actually sane, but pretends to be otherwise to avoid the death penalty. Others says he is genuinely crazy. It must be noted that Joker, like other Batman villains, was only identified as insane from the 70s onwards by various writers.note
Offscreen Villain Dark Matter: Despite the Joker's infamous reputation and violent instability he never has any issues finding new henchmen for his schemes nor does he ever has any issues finding the resources needed to pull off his often convoluted plans and he's often able to do it all without attracting the attention of Batman or the authorities until he's ready for them.
OOC Is Serious Business: A general rule of thumb: If the Joker isn't smiling, something very bad is about to happen.
The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: Pretty much sums up his feelings towards Batman. He often flies into a rage whenever someone else attempts to kill Batman when in his company, and whenever Batman (seemingly) dies he has a tendency to completely snap and turn sane. This actually goes the other direction as well: the Joker feels that Batman is the only one allowed to defeat him, and it's shown he's terrified of someone else doing him in in some continuities.
Outside-Context Problem: A recurring theme of Joker's "first appearance" stories in various adaptations is that nobody in Gotham is prepared for a guy who's only in it For the Evulz. Also, the Joker himself likes to find these, and exploit them.
Phrase Catcher: Back in his prankster phase during the Silver Age, whenever one of Joker's capers got foiled, someone would inevitably trot out the line "The joke's on you, Joker!" For obvious reasons, his current Monster Clown incarnation doesn't get this nearly as often.
Pimp Duds: He sometimes accessorizes his purple suit with a very wide-brimmed hat, which makes the ensemble look like a stereotypical pimp costume. Jared Leto's turn in Suicide Squad (2016) runs with this in his dynamic with Harley Quinn.
Pre-Insanity Reveal: The Joker, depending on the version, may have been an ordinary comedian before he went crazy and became a super-villain.
Purple Is Powerful: Purple is one of Joker's three colors (along with white and green) and he is powerful.
Psychopathic Manchild: For starters, when Batman is telling Joker to stay away from the Gordons after he apparently hurt Gordon's wife (it was actually his son, Gordon Jr. who did the deed), Joker commented that he didn't do anything to "the old bitch", and starts commenting to Batman that he misses the old Batman, and commented that he "doesn't want to go to bed yet" and that he "wants to play."
Redemption Rejection: In The Killing Joke, Batman defeats the Joker once again and then desparately pleads with him to accept help recovering from his madness before they eventually kill each other. In one of his rare, completely serious moments, the Joker sincerely apologizes and tells Batman that it's far too late for that.
The Resenter: Joker has often shown resentment towards people in many ways in different stories. The best example is him being resentful of anyone who garners more attention from Batman than him and anyone he sees as "stealing his act", i.e. being a laughing mad, jokey maniac cramping his style (The Creeper in Batman TAS). Regardless, many of his crimes and attitudes often carry an undercurrent or resentment be it towards to Bat-family because he resents sharing Batman with anyone or normal people for living their mundane lives free of care. Given how much spite seems to fuel his rampages, Joker's probably got a mountain of resentment inside of him.
Restoration of Sanity: On occasion, Joker's sanity will suddenly return to him, usually in stories where Batman retires or is believed to have died. His reactions tend to vary - sometimes we don't see how he reacts to what he did, but other times he actually shows genuine regret for his actions. Of course, these never tend to stick.
The Reveal: When Batman sat in Metron's chair in Darkseid War, one of the questions he asked was who the Joker was and the answer freaked him out. In DC Rebirth, it's revealed why:  The Joker is a Legacy Character: the Joker responsible for Death of the Family and Batman: Endgame is not the same man who crippled Barbara Gordon—and neither of them are the original Joker.
Riddle for the Ages: Being the Trope Namer for Multiple-Choice Past, it's unknown who he was before falling into an acid tank and whether he was nuts even before being dunked. He even believes his origins, Depending on the Writer of course.Joker: They throw me out, and I had a wife and an unborn child… or it was two cows and a goat? Sometimes it's so confusing…
Rule of Funny: One of his primary themes (alongside insanity), as explained in Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader?: "Kid. I'm the Joker. I don't just randomly kill people. I kill people when it's funny. What would conceivably be funny about killing you?"
Secret Identity Apathy: In most continuities, he simply doesn't care about Batman's Secret Identity, understanding that Batman is the true face and not the man behind the mask. It's shown sometimes that the Joker will actually be upset if someone outs Batman's identity to him, usually because it spoils their dynamic in some way. When Scarecrow pulls off Bruce's mask in Harley Quinn, it practically triggers a Villainous Breakdown.Joker: Half the fun of our relationship was the mystery! Now I know Batman is just some boring, rich asshole with parental issues!
Self-Made Orphan: In The Brave and the Bold #31, Atom reads his mind and sees The Joker burning his parents alive after they catch him killing animals.
Slasher Smile: He wears one almost by default. Reportedly, it was inspired by this photo◊ of Conrad Veidt in character as Gwynplaine (a man with a disfigured face, causing him to have a perpetual grin) in The Man Who Laughs by Victor Hugo.
The Sociopath: A skilled and gleeful manipulator, a vicious butcher who brutally tortures and murders others simply because he thinks it’s funny, extraordinarily impulsive given that he’s prone to turning his murderous urges on his own men on a whim or because one upset him in some way, shape or form, and has not even the vaguest notion of empathy, neither for his men or his victims.
The Spook: His backstory is an eternal Riddle for the Ages. DC Comics refuses to take an official stance on this.
Start of Darkness: Detective Comics #168 posits he was a laboratory worker who becomes the Red Hood in order to steal a million dollars from his employers and retire. In The Killing Joke he quits his job to become a comedian, but fails and is coerced by mobsters to commit a robbery, becoming the Red Hood. His disfigurement and (in The Killing Joke) his wife's death earlier in the story destroy what little was left of his sanity and he becomes The Joker. Maybe.
Stealing the Handicapped Spot: He doesn't do this. Rather, he hates it when other people do it and finds it hilarious to horrifically cripple them so they can legitimately park in handicapped spots.
Straw Nihilist: Provides the trope image and is the poster child for this. He claims that everything in life is just "one big joke" and death is the ultimate punchline. Joker also believes that "a bad day" is more than enough for anyone to turn out like him. This is shown notably in Injustice: Gods Among Us, The Killing Joke, and The Dark Knight. The Red Lantern Atrocitus even wonders what drove Joker to nihilism during an intro banter with the clown in Injustice 2.
Strong as They Need to Be: His fighting skills fluctuate wildly. Sometimes, Joker is an excellent fighter who can actually defeat Batman in a straight-up fight, whereas most writers prefer to present him as so weak that he can be knocked out cold with one punch.
Stupid Evil: Depending on the writer, The Joker can sometimes fall under this, where his cruelty and sadism tend to lead to his own death at the hands of all the people he's wronged.
To Create a Playground for Evil: His motivation in stories like Emperor Joker.
Too Kinky to Torture: The Joker has shown a proclivity for this over the years. At one point, the Joker berated a man who'd captured him for only hitting him in the face and The Dark Knight similarly sees the Joker berate Batman during the the latter's beating of him. He also enjoyed his and Bruce's final fight in The Dark Knight Returns. Salvation Run had established the Joker's been in constant pain since he took his fateful dive into the vat of chemicals that altered his appearance and not only had gotten used to it, but grew to enjoy it. This quote from The Dark Knight sums it up perfectly: Stephens: I can tell the difference between punks who need a little lesson in manners, and the freaks like you who would just enjoy it.
Tombstone Teeth: He is often drawn with too many too-long teeth as part of his trademark rictus grin, highlighting his nature as a psychotic and sadistic killer.
Troll: Most incarnations of the Joker dress themselves as being a lethal one of these. The best example is his DC Animated Universe version, who tailored each of his schemes as a joke or a prank, and sometimes even lectured his underlings on the importance of proper buildup and delivery when telling a joke. Batman in particular is the Joker's preferred victim, and many a Joker has refused to kill or unmask a Batman dead to rights, simply because it would spoil the fun of trolling him. But when others upstage or taunt him, he really goes nuts, as it's one of his Berserk Buttons.
Unreliable Narrator: Even he isn't sure of his own history, so anything he claims is suspect at best.
Villain Has a Point: Given his devotion to Rule of Funny, he's quite knowledgeable on what makes successful comedy, as seen with the featured image on Don't Explain the Joke.
Villain Song: There's no other villain who has belted out as many memorable music moments, not even the Music Meister. Three of them incidentally were sung by Mark Hamill behind the mic:
Villainous Aromantic Asexual: He is shown to be more interested in his schemes and mayhem rather than sex. He has had sex with Harley, but it is implied that it's more for her rather than his own enjoyment. He has actively ignored her when he simply wants to work on his schemes, even when she's in the translucent red night dress.
Villainous Friendship: No matter how bad things turned out last time, Lex Luthor and Joker will always work together again. Played With, as it isn’t just because of friendship. As Luthor himself notes in the ending of Infinite Crisis, you always "let the Joker play," lest he come after you for revenge later on for leaving him out.
Villainous Harlequin: He was this during the Silver Age. He is also this in Batman (1966) and Batman: The Brave and the Bold.
Villainous Rescue: In Dark Nights: Metal, The Joker pulls this off by teaming up with Batman to defeat the Batman Who Laughs, Batman knowing that a jokerized Batman would have the upper hand teams up with the Joker. It is so unexpected that the Batman Who Laughs, who is still prepared for anything Batman would conceivably think of, is unable to counter it let alone even consider it a possibility.
Villain Protagonist: He was the star of his own nine issue self-titled series from 1975 to 1976. In order to adhere to the Comics Code Authority, The Bad Guy Wins was never in effect - while he usually managed to get one over on other villains, each issue would end the Joker being apprehended for his crimes. He also got his own movie in which Batman didn't even exist yet, delving deep into what someone would have to go through to become the Joker.
Weapon of Choice: The acid-spitting flower, Smilex/Joker Venom... and simple crowbars, established by how he killed Jason Todd.
You Gotta Have Blue Hair: He has neon green hair caused by the chemicals he fell into.
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Ducktales Reviews: The Trickening!
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Halloween Havoc continues! Louie’s greed and lack of concern for his brother’s feelings or well thought out schedule leads them to a real life haunted house with vampire clowns, dummies, a scary well lady and a gelatinous cube. Because there’s’es always room for gelatinous cube. Meanwhile Della wants to use Launchpad’s dangerous misconceptions about halloween to traumatize children for funzies and Donald had a problem with that for some reason. Also Scrooge is kind of an asshole on Halloween it turns out. No one is suprised. Ghosts, goblins, and full review with spoilers under the cut. 
Happy halloween month everybody! Halloween Havoc, aka my spate of halloween reviews continues as I roll into my first actual halloween episode review of the season! Yeah weird but so far we’ve covered demons getting exorcisims, little girls thinking they can raise the dead, and a horrifying plauge guided by the human incarnation of all that is evil, but not the actual holliday itself. Weird ain’t it? Well that changes with this so as always pitter patter. 
It’s HALLOWEEN here in duckberg, and the mansion kids are planning Trick or Treating. Natural given Huey’s OCD, he has everything planned out a and naturally the kids all have unique and adorable costumes. Huey is gizmoduck, though with a GK instead of  GD, a nice nod to “New Gizmokids on the BLock’ From the original series, an episode I haven’t seen but have heard of so theres that. It’s also because he likely wants to be Fenton’s kid sidekick which.. yeah please do that show. It’d be so fucking adorable. Plus Huey needs to be happy for once without having to go through a gauntlet of misery first. Let my boy be happy. +
Anyways Dewey’s is rather disapointing as it’s a “pirate on vacation” which while hilarious and very dewey, is kind of an anti-climax after months of speculation. Webby is some kind of ancient demon king as apparently in the duckverse the origins of halloween are based on appeasing various monsters, and this is so she can hide from them effectively. And Louie.. is Huey. Which means putting on Huey’s hat and a terribly insulting impression of him. 
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Meanwhile Donald and Della are an angel and a devil, with, which I didn’t realize until a tumblr post, Della’s costume being the one one of the boys wore in the classic disney trick or treat short. So that’s a nice nod. Donald wants to nicely give out candy while Della wants to terrify the children. Both end up disapointed as Scrooge instead boots everyone from the house and locks the mansion gates, as he doesn’t like giving out handouts which.. yeah that tracks. 
As it turns out Scrooge also has his own plans.. which are gloriously ludicrous, sounding like something Glomgold would do: He’s going to go trick or treating himself, as when he was a boy, this was the one time of year a poor lad like him could get treats and he worked his tail off to do so and wants to prove he’s still got it. And as we see later SOMEHOW he still gets candy. It’s like if THIS was actually sucessful. 
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I would genuinely not be suprised if Scrooge too hadn’t tried to get an oil well from an elementary school this way. As for leaving candy out he leaves out an empty take one bowl which is as clever as it is douchey. So in other words Scrooge in a nutshell. So with handing out treats and scares at the house a non-option, Della and Donald go to see what Launchpad’s doing since Beakly.. is.. I have no fucking idea. NO I really don’t, she shows up for the ending, but before that? If they mentioned where she was I clearly missed it because she’s just.. missing for most of the episode and given every other member of the main cast is accounted for this episode, it’s VERY noticable. Give her more to do dangit!
So yeah we get our two plots, which i’ll cover seperately, then cover the ending where they dovetail together. Kay? Kay. 
The Kid’s Plot centers around Huey and Louie.. specifically Louie wanting to go to a real life haunted house while Huey, as mentinoed has heavily established plans for their night. As for why Louie would go into danger, well as usual for when he does that theirs something in it for him: Rumor has it no kid has ever made it out with their candy.. thus leaving decades worth of candy just waiting to be nabbed and thus never having to trick or treat again. One big score for a payoff.. which didn’t make a lot of sense on first thought and my best guest is whatever preservative Gyro used for Oxy Chew, since it was still edible decades later, was probably spread to other candies since there’s no way in hell Scrooge would pass up a zillion dollar invention like that. Either way works.  Huey is outvoted as Dewey naturally wants the excitment and Webby wants to see if her demon costume works on actual demons. However things quicklky go wrong as they ecoounter a dewey dummy and a killer dummy, as well as a monster clown and a gelatonous cube, which yes. I may not play DnD but I love these things. 
The kids escape the house by accident while tryign to escape and Louie, still being a dick about things, finds out Huey DID know abotu the stash btu avoided it and Louie lays into Huey.. a bit much honestly, feeling he was agaisnt it purely because it wasn’t on schedule.. when you know, Louie could’ve asked to put it on schedule or actually given a damn about this, especially since Huey’s planned their trick or treats EVERY YEAR, so he’s had a full year to ask for this insane idea, or even the short time he’s known about it if shorter. Sure huey might of sputtered a bit, but Louie knows his other siblings, Webby and Dewey could convince him to loosen up and include the house. Louie’s just being kind fo a selfish dick here.. however i’ts not so overwhelming as to overpower the episode, as he has been before and while he should know better about risking his family’s lives after “Timephoon!” it is in character for him to protiize a big score like this over other people’s feelings and it’s not even the first time this season he’s done that. So fair enough. 
But we soon get the second best reveal of the episode: As the kids are backed into a corner by monsters.. they grumble theres no candy and it turns out the monsters.. ARE REAL.. but their traditional monsters like frankenstein, dracula, and the bride of frankenstein, just dressed up like this to scare kids. As it turns out the WHOLE THING is an elaborate yearly scooby doo hoax to get kids candy, with the brilliant twist it’s done by actual monsters> As the vampire points out they can’t exactly shop during the day.. or he can’t at least, so this is how they get candy for the year.. at tribute if you will. Also the Gelationous Cube gets a nice hat as you see above. It’s a REALLY clever twist and I absolutely love it. I DID NOT see it coming and even with some spoiler screenshots I thankfully did not have it spoiled for me. REALLY good stuff. 
As for why Huey’s been so obessed with his planning.. it’s actually really clever and really good character stuff: Huey simply got really into it because back when they were with donald this WAS their adventure for the year: the one time he let them cut loose and have fun, and he got a real kick out of it.. and Louie getting candy for life kind of destroys that. And that’s why Louie still works here.. because he instnatly realizes from this that was the problem and apologizes in his own way. It’s a nice bit of character from both: We’ve rarely had their pre-mansion lives factor in and it’s nice to see it for a change, and it’s nice to see Louie isn’t all dick, just like 20% dick. Unforutnately having no candy dosen’t appease the monsters who are pissed and descend on the kids.. until.. well for the until we have to back up a bit.  So onto the adult plot we go! Della and Donald go to Launchpad whose dressed in a jason mask and ash williams/jason coveralls, weilding a power sander and having barricaded his place. After he scares some children, a bit too much, and Della and Donald are reallyd amn confused, he explains.. and we get the best reveal of the episode.. which given the above is saying something but it’s clear like the “blath” gag in “Astro BOYD” and the non-anthro ducks gag last week, this is one of those things Frank has been keeping under his hat all series.  So as a boy Launchpad crashed his tryke into the mansion, ran into the monsters after reading off a candy wrapper.. and now assumes he unleashed a horde of monsters onto the world every halloween.. and tha’ts what he assumes the trick or treaters are. I just .. dont’ have a lto of words. This is pure comedy gold and easily the best gag of the episode and oen fo the best of the series. It’s clever, fresh, and really fits the character. Naturally Della wants to exploit this to terrify children ebcause she has underlying issues to adress while Donald tries to stop her. Thankfully before Della can get launchpad to scar children for life, Scrooge shows up and fights launchpad.. it’s part of why I also find scrooge’s dickery acceptable as launchpad beats the shit out of him.. it’s still an even fight, as not to suspend disbelief, but Scrooge still looses. I mean he gets out of being trapped in his candy bag easily because scrooge btu still, props to launchpad. So Launchpad decides to go face his fears and Donald and Della decide to stop him before he doesd a muder on a child.  Which leads to an AMAZING climax as Launchpad scooby doo chases the scared monsters around as they have no idea what the fuck’s going on and hte monsters end up really enjoying his scar eof htem and bowing to the master. It’s a good way to end it. After Della explains what’s going on, Louie and Huey decide to explain halloween to Launchpad by taking him to the once house he hasn’t been: the Manor. Scrogoe has finally opened it up, with a line of kids no less, the monsters bond with some kids in line. As for why.. as Webby sadly figures out Scrooge is charging admission, thakns to dewey who thought an all night candy store was a good idea which.. yeah it is. So everyone gets a happye ending and the monsters hang a photo of hte night up in the mansion. A really sweet ending, pun uintended but eh it’s welcome. 
Final Thoughts.  Easily one fo the series best. While the characters are a bit exagerated in places, i.e. della, launchpad , scrooge and louie, it works for the plot well enough and the jokes well enough to make it okay. My only real complaint is a lack of even a cameo from Lena and Violet, as it feels weird to not even have htem in the ending, much less trick or treating with their friends. It just feels odd and could’ve used a throaway line. I get WHY not , as Lena even pre-blue would’ve destoryed the tension with the monsters, but it still feeels really weird to not have them. But it’s a minor quibble in an otherwise REALLY funny and creative episode and a fun halloween treat to revist every year from now on. Really good work.  That does it for this week. For more halloween treats, follow this blog throughout october. So far i’ve done reviews of Demonicsim from Star Vs The Forces of Evil for Tomtober, Croaked, the Casagrandes day of the dead Special and the first of Marvel’s mini-series adapting Stephen’ King’s epic novel The Stand. And until next monday, or sooner if you decide to check any of that out, happy halloween!
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