#I'm glad I finally sought it out
Funnily enough I started reading The Psychopath Test yesterday and I was also surprised by the beginning... I read up to Ronson attending the Hare seminar, and so far I like it, even though I haven't learned as much as I thought I would. Anyway, I didn't even think about the chance of Louis not having read the book and just showing it to 'send a message'. It seems right up his alley. Harry reading Ronson's book on being shamed publically and talking about it is much more interesting to me.
Anon 2: Pleeeaaase Ralph do share the messages that you think could resonate with Louis or 1D situation (about the book). It looks super interesting, I might end up reading it
Anon 3:
I'm listening to it on audiobook, so I haven't got very far. I'm part the way through the second chapter and my thoughts are mostly about the first chapter.
I was really surprised by the first chapter, which isn't really to do with psychopaths at all. It starts with neuroscientists receiving very odd packages with a book called 'being and nothingness. They're convinced they're a puzzle that they have to figure out. Then a student posts on Facebook that he'd found some of these books, dropped them off at Douglas Hoftstadter's house (a famous thinker who is referenced in the book) and the house was full of sexy French women that he was hooking up with. One of the original scientists starts doing an anagram of this students name to prove that he's fake - and that they're actually being sent by Douglas Hoftstadter himself to demonstrate something to the people who receive them. Then the student turns up and swears he's real. Then Douglas Hoftstadter is like 'sure I received them from this guy, but my house is not an orgy, it was probably my daughter getting French lessons'. And then it becomes clear that there is no answer to the puzzle, and the guy who sent them was a German guy who was quite disconnected from reality and that's why they were the way they were.
And listening to all that I thought - wow a lot of the dynamics here are what you see in fandom. People seeing patterns in coincidences, people convinced they're the audience for events that are actually about something else entirely, people missing information and so telling stories of their own that completely miss what's going on, and people trying to make meaning from something, while missing the reason it doesn't make sense.
The idea that Louis had read that chapter, and what he would have made of it fascinated me. Whatever the truth is, he's someone who has been the object of a lot of that sort of logic and sometimes it must have touched on something real, and sometimes been very wide of the mark.
At the time, I thought the key word was 'Psychopath' and it was a comment on the situation he was in. But what if he'd just read the book and it resonated with him? What if I was doing exactly the thing about this book that was happening in the first chapter.
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Glad You Broke Up || Bucky Barnes - Chp 2
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Character: Bucky × Reader
Summary: On New Year's Eve, Y/N, dealing with a recent breakup, finds herself in an unexpected situation.
Warning: Smuts, there's a s*x scene. Minors do not enter.
Chapters: Chap 1, Chapt 2 , Chap 3 , Chapt 4 , -
Main Masterlist || support: Ko-fi
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As Y/N's memory of the previous night flooded back, she couldn't shake the realization that she had sought solace in the arms of Bucky.
Conflicted emotions tugged at her heart, questioning the blurred lines between a momentary escape and a genuine connection.
As Bucky stirred, his eyes met hers with a sleepy yet inviting gaze. His low and seductive voice resonated in the room as he called her name sweetly, causing a shiver to run down her spine.
"Morning," Bucky said, his lips curving into a charming smile as he propped himself on one elbow. The warmth of his presence wrapped around her, creating a cocoon of intimacy.
Y/N, feeling a mix of embarrassment and uncertainty, murmured an apology. "I can't believe I let last night happen, Bucky. I'm sorry."
As Bucky leaned in, his lips brushed against hers in a tender kiss. The softness and warmth of the gesture took Y/N by surprise, momentarily distracting her from the whirlwind of emotions within.
Breaking the kiss, Bucky spoke softly, his breath caressing her lips. 
Bucky brushed off her apology with a gentle laugh. "No need to apologize, Y/N. Besides, you're not using me; we found comfort in each other's company."
The sunlight streamed through the curtains, casting a soft glow on their entwined figures. Y/N couldn't help but be captivated by the vulnerability and sincerity in Bucky's expression.
Y/N's phone pierced through the quiet morning with its insistent ringtone.
She fumbled to retrieve it from the bedside table, her heart racing as the familiar sound returned memories from the night before.
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On New Year's Eve
Y/N's hands trembled as she unscrewed the cap of the wine bottle, the bitterness of the liquid serving as a temporary escape from the bitter break-up.
Just as she raised the bottle to her lips, Bucky's hand gently but firmly intercepted her, preventing the impulsive action. His touch was both a physical barrier and a silent plea for her to reconsider.
"Y/N, drinking won't solve anything," Bucky said with a calm yet concerned tone, his eyes reflecting a mix of understanding and worry.
"I thought today finally happened," Y/N confessed, her voice laced with sadness and frustration.
Bucky, his fingers gently tracing comforting circles on her back, looked down at her with a furrowed brow. "What were you hoping for today?"
Y/N, under the influence of alcohol and the raw emotions of the night, became disarmingly honest. "I was prepared to have sex with my ex," she admitted her words carrying a mixture of vulnerability and openness.
Her fingers fumbled with the collar of her dress, and she pulled it down, revealing the intricate lingerie she had chosen for the occasion. "Look, I spent hours buying this lingerie," she confessed, the sheer fabric accentuating the curves of her body.
Bucky, caught off guard by the unexpected revelation and the alluring display before him, let out a cough, a subtle attempt to regain his composure.
In response, he wrapped Y/N's body with his leather suit, a protective gesture that sought to shield her from the raw intensity of the moment.
"Alright, let's get you home," Bucky suggested, his voice a soothing anchor amid Y/N's intoxicated vulnerability.
However, Y/N shook her head, her expression fraught with worry. "I can't, Bucky. My housemate is throwing a party in our apartment, and I promised her I wouldn't come back tonight."
Bucky glanced at Vincent, still immersed in his DJ duties, the vibrant beats echoing through the club. It was evident that neither Y/N's brother nor her housemate would soon leave the festivities.
A decisive look crossed Bucky's face as he turned back to Y/N. "My place, then," he offered with a reassuring smile.
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At Bucky’s Apartment. 
Bucky carefully assisted Y/N as she settled onto the plush cushions of his couch. Her form curled up in a mixture of exhaustion, and the remnants of intoxication prompted a gentle concern in him. He assured her with a comforting pat on her shoulder, "Take it easy, Y/N. I'll be right back."
Bucky held the glass of water in his hand, intending to offer Y/N a refreshing drink to help ease the effects of the alcohol. However, as he reentered the living room, what he saw caused him to freeze in his tracks.
Y/N, making herself more comfortable, had taken off her dress, leaving her in nothing but her lingerie. The soft glow of the city lights filtering through the windows accentuated the vulnerability and intimacy of the moment.
Bucky's breath caught in his throat for a split second as he registered the unexpected sight. The air in the room seemed to thicken with a newfound tension, the unspoken implications of the situation hanging in the air.
A flush of embarrassment crept up Bucky's neck as he averted his gaze, trying to give Y/N the privacy she might not have realized she needed. He quickly set the glass of water down on the nearby table, his mind racing with emotions.
"Y/N, um... I brought you some water," Bucky stammered, his voice betraying a hint of nervousness. He tried to keep his tone casual despite the subtle shift in the atmosphere.
As Y/N slowly opened her eyes, the fatigue from crying in Bucky's car still evident in her gaze, she grumbled, "I was hoping something would happen today. This outfit is crazy expensive."
Bucky, caught off guard by her sudden change in tone, watched as she revealed her lingerie, a bold move that both surprised and intrigued him. Her words hung in the air, creating a charged atmosphere as she climbed onto his lap.
"It'll be a waste if no one sees it. Bucky, it's beautiful, right?" she asked, her eyes searching for validation.
The room seemed to tighten, a palpable tension enveloping them. Bucky, a man of self-control, felt a sudden surge of conflicting emotions. Her proximity and the audacious display stirred something within him, challenging the carefully maintained boundaries.
He hesitated for a moment, grappling with the intensity of the situation. The delicate lace of her lingerie, the vulnerability in her eyes, and the unresolved emotions from the night created a perfect storm. Bucky's hands hovered, caught between restraint and desire.
With a deep breath, he gently held her waist, a silent acknowledgment of the connection that had unfolded between them. His touch conveyed reassurance and caution, his eyes meeting hers with a mixture of understanding and a hint of turmoil.
"Bucky..." Y/N's voice wavered, uncertainty lingering in the air. 
Bucky's Adam's apple rolled down, and in a hoarse, husky voice, he declared, "I may have self-control, but sweetheart, even I won't be able to resist this irresistible temptation. You're a damn masterpiece in that outfit."
Y/N's face flushed, a mixture of alcohol-induced warmth and unspoken desire. Cupping Bucky's face, she looked into his eyes with a boldness that matched the moment's intensity.
"You're more handsome than him. You should've been my boyfriend. If you weren't my brother's friend, I'd ask you out," she confessed, her words carrying the weight of vulnerability and a raw, unfiltered longing.
After she said that, Bucky’s penis was hard against her bottom part. 
Forget about his friendship. Tonight, he’ll fuck her best friend's sister and deal with the consequences later. 
Y/N’s body was soft and rubbing against Bucky. His hard cock pressed against her hole through his pants. He eased himself by moving a little.
Y/N moaned, “Ahh, keep moving.”
With her encouragement, it ignited him more. He wrapped his arms around her waist, and with a swift move, he carried her to his bedroom; since he has a muscular body underneath his clothes, it’s easy for him. 
Bucky gently put Y/N on the bed; his gaze never left her. He looks at her intimately. 
Bucky gently placed Y/N on the bed, feeling the charged atmosphere's weight. His gaze lingered on her, capturing every nuance of the vulnerability and desire that played across her flushed face. The room seemed to shrink, leaving only the intimacy shared between them. 
Bucky sucked on Y/N’s lips as if he were sucking sweet nectar flower a flower. He pushed his tongue into her mouth. The actions filled Y/N's entire body with a tingling sensation. 
Whenever he kissed her lips, she felt like she was going insane. Y/N twisted her body, trying to escape, but Bucky pressed down on her.
He pulled away from her lips and began to noble and suck on her earlobe. He growled; his deep voice sounded so seductive that it made her shoulders tremble as she whimpered.
His fingers stroke her breast, and his other hand rubs her little hole. Y/N felt the area between her legs grow wet as Bucky kept teasing her. But she couldn’t say a word because her mind went blank.
She wondered how he became so good at this. When does he find time for a workout, considering he's a workaholic?
Bucky seems to understand her frustration without speaking since he feels it, too. He wants to penetrate her soon. He lowered his pants and his drawers and threw them to the floor. He pulled out his swollen cock; it was bobbing slightly, taping his beautiful abs.
Y/N widened her eyes, she expected his cock would be significant, but seeing it wither her own eyes, it was fascinating. It was already covered in a watery fluid.
Bucky brought her hand to his cock. The sticky fluid touched her palm. Each time she moved her hand up and down, a moan hissed out through Bucky’s clenched teeth. 
Bucky pulled out his t-shirt; because of it, she could see the well-defined muscles of his chest and abdomen. 
Then he stopped her hand from moving and said, “You did well, but I think my dick is about to burst.” 
Just as he finished speaking, something thick plunged into her body. She felt his cock slide along her inner walls. She wrapped her arms around his back. 
Both of their gaze met; there was only the sound of their gasping breaths and the rising body temperature. 
His cock inside her little hole became even harder, and she couldn’t resist the shallow thrusts. Her legs wrapped around his waist, her chest pressed tightly against his chest, her nipples to rub against his. 
Her little buttocks lifted high with Bucky's thrusts, twisting like a little seductress.
Bucky let out a low gasp, feeling the tightness of her inner walls wrapped around his shaft, giving him much pleasure.
"Can... can you go faster..." Y/N, having adapted to the feel of the man inside her, gradually became unsatisfied with the shallow thrusts. She whispered into his ear, "Like just now, fuck me hard."
As she spoke, Bucky's eyelids twitched. He looked at her innocent yet suggestive appearance with half-lowered eyes, feeling as though his soul was about to be sucked out by this little devil.
"So naughty." Bucky said, biting her lip.
Y/N bit her lips, looking at him with a seductive gaze.
Bucky found her small movements adorable. He laughed softly, sitting up and grabbing her buttocks. Without a word, he pulled out his member and thrust it inside her.
"Mmm..." Y/N shuddered backward as she was being fucked, and was pulled back by Bucky, who was pinching her butt.
The meat stick mercilessly went in and out of her body, bringing out a stream of lewd fluid every time it entered with a "plop".
Y/N's toes curled in pleasure, biting her fingers and moaning, leaving a row of teeth marks on her hand in no time.
"Feels so good...uhh...hitting the right spot..."
Her sensitive spot was being teased by the head of his member, causing Y/N to tremble with excitement. She leaned back on Bucky's shoulder, her neck arched, and her lips slightly parted as she gasped for air.
Bucky pulled down her collar and left a trail of kisses on her neck.
Two people intertwined without distinguishing between you and me, making love, embracing.
From the bed to the windowsill, moonlight falls on the naked bodies of the two, giving them a faint silver glow.
As he reached the climax, he turned her over and fucked her again in a doggy-styled position.
Y/N yelled lewdly and happily twisted her buttocks to meet Bucky’s thick and long cock.
“Does it feel good?” Bucky said obscenely as he supported her buttocks and fuck her non-stop.
Y/N nodded with tears in her eyes, "Feels good."
Her tight hole was being pounded relentlessly, waves of pleasure coursing through her body.
"No...I can't...I'm about to cum..." Y/N arched her body in ecstasy, her chin lifted.
Her whole body trembled as her little hole spasmed uncontrollably.
Bucky let out a low groan, his hands grabbing her waist. As he relaxed his muscles, hot semen shot inside her body.
She held her abdomen and felt as if it was filled with Bucky's semen.
Bucky chuckled and embraced her, kissing her from her forehead to her lips.
"Did you enjoy it?" he asked.
Y/N's tired fingers didn't want to move, and she nodded softly, "Mmm... I love it…”
Bucky's body flinched at the admission, the word 'love' hanging like a tantalizing promise. It stirred something within him, a desire that went beyond the boundaries of friendship. 
The realization hit him like lightning – he wasn't content with the current dynamic.
He didn't want Y/N to be just his best friend's sister; he craved something more. He longed to redefine the connection between them, to have her as a friend and his woman. 
The weight of this revelation settled over him, transforming the charged atmosphere into a palpable anticipation of what might come next.
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Chapters: Chap 1, Chapt 2 , Chap 3 , Chapt 4 , -
Author Note: The next chapter will be spicy too.
Author Note 2 : ✨✨✨
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 5 months
Some hcs that reader (with a gholdengo and drifblim) who takes care of pecharunt after the events of mochi mayhem.. pecharunt tries to get the reader to eat one of its mochi bc it doesn't think reader is their friend unless reader eats the mochi but reader always tells it "im your friend buddy i promise u" but will bonk its head if it tries to get other people to eat the mochi
((I am a strong pecharunt appologist))
After Gholdengo and Drifblim helped you defeat Pecharunt back in Kitakami....the next step was to become its friend and show it all the love that it's been denied for so long.
According to one of the elders, there was more to the story about the Loyal Three and Ogerpon and why they sought after her masks all those years ago, but most of it was omitted from books.
Apparently Pecharunt was only obeying the wishes of its owners that it fed mochi to, and in trying to fulfill their request, the mission winded up turning into something quite tragic for everyone involved.
Hearing that tale made you feel a bit more sympathetic when it came time to properly introduce the mythical to your two aces.
Immediately it thinks it's gonna get another beat down and flings mochi at them in self-defense....but your Gholdengo just blocks them with their skateboard while one bounces harmlessly off of Drifblim's body.
"Stop that, Pech...there's no battle going on here. We're not gonna hurt you. You're safe."
Pecharunt spins around to face you, seeing that you're currently preparing a sandwich on the picnic table.
Before you could finish putting the bread on top (unless you feel like leaving it off), it gently sets down one or two mochi atop the other ingredients, looking at you expectantly.
Only to throw a fit when you instead calmly remove them.
"I'm sorry. I just have to make this sandwich a specific way...but a mochi sandwich does sound tasty.."
"...cha..cha..." It retreats into its shell, looking gravely upset.
You know it didn't mean any harm by it...but one of your partners thought otherwise.
You see Drifblim trying to discourage Gholdengo from throwing coins at the poor poison type, but knowing your ghost/steel type..they're petty and think Pecharunt is bad news all around.
They're pretty much saying "well let's see how they like having stuff thrown at them!"
Fortunately, you manage to calm everyone down, gently shooing your 'mons into playing elsewhere before looking for Pecharunt...who was hiding underneath the table, shaking.
You simply sit on the ground and talk to it that way, explaining that you learned about its past and understood why it acts the way it does.
"You don't have to give me mochi in order to get me to like you. We're already friends."
"Listen, you've spent your whole life trying to please others. You feel like you owe them something, and you're afraid that if you stop giving, they won't love you anymore. But you don't have to worry about that here. My friendship doesn't come with a price, Pecharunt." You smile and hold out your arms. "Except maybe...a hug? And a promise to stop possessing my human friends?"
"In turn, I'll protect you and make sure you never feel lonely again. Does that sound like a deal?"
Given its hesitance to even look you in the eye, you're unsure if Pecharunt was ready to be this open with you so soon, or if it was afraid you were just lying...
Yet it was quickly moved to tears as it floats into your arms, allowing you to embrace it closely.
You're glad you two could finally come to an understanding.
This mythical 'mon wasn't evil at heart..just misguided in its drive for love and affection.
Now it didn't have to worry about losing yours anymore.
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gojoidyll · 11 days
Think Fast !! Chapter 1
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Various x Fem!Reader
Summary | Due to certain circumstances, you and your family end up moving. Also due to these same circumstances, you find yourself being homeschooled, much to your dismay. But after getting your daily dosage of learning done and trying to get over the fact that you are stuck being homeschooled, you quickly find yourself wandering around the town of Makochi without a care in the world in your free time. And the people you meet? Yeah, you didn't regret moving one bit.
Warnings | None
Think Fast Masterlist
Think Fast Taglist |
@greyrain23 @wntrsblvd @pagesoflanguish
"Hey, hey, look! I finally got Aventurine to level 80 and I even got his lightcone too!"
You showed your older brother your phone screen as you happily talked about the fictional character. Your bright eyes shining and your lips pulled into a large grin.
Life was good ever since you moved and became homeschooled.
Your brother glanced down at your phone when you brought it up and patted your head, "you and your games. Anyway, I have to go."
You watched as he donned his school jacket. To be honest, you weren't exactly sure if he even was going to a "school" because what you heard from your brother was that he will be basically getting into fights with thugs rather than actually learning anything.
You were glad you sought out the comfort of being homeschooled.
"What's your school called again?"
You hummed lightly as you turned off your phone and slid it into your pocket.
"Can I walk with you?"
He crinkled his nose.
He was a year older than you. He was a second year in high school already while you were supposed to be a first year. But due to some circumstances back where you guys used to live, well, you ended up getting homeschooled instead and your brother was made to move onto his second year of high school at a new place.
He didn't mind it though. He never like the old school anyway.
But, even though you were his sister and he was happy that you were getting an education at home... he was still your older brother. And, to him, it was way uncool to be walking with your little sister to school (even if you both were only a year apart).
"No way!"
Even as he rushed out the door, you were quick to throw on your brightly colored crocs, and followed after him.
"H- hey! Wait up!"
"Don't follow me!! Shouldn't you be doing your homeschool homework?!"
"I finished that last night," you yelled right back, trying to catch up to him.
"You brat! I bet you did your work the night before so you could play games all day!"
"You know me so well, brother- oof!"
You winced and fell backwards. Your face had coming inti contact with a hard chest.
When your brother didn't hear you following behind him anymore, he stopped to turn to look for you, and seeing you on the ground sent alarm bells in his head right away.
"Uhh- I'm sorry-"
You winced when you felt the front of your shirt get pulled into a tight grip as the man you had run into pulled you up forcefully, "damn brat! Do you know who you just ran into?"
"Uhmm, no," you smiled awkwardly, "am I supposed to?"
"Why you little..."
He brought his fist up causing you to squirm, "hey- hey, I apologized! It was an accident, I swear-!"
You barely got your sentence out when someone came flying in. Their foot coming into contact with the man's face. The thug was quick to go down as he went backwards a little. And you? Your shirt was a little crumpled but you weren't hurt.
"Are you ok?!"
You felt your brother gran a hold of you. His arms wrapping around you in a protective manner as he looked over at the guy who kicked the man's face in.
The guy looked to be your age. Though, what stood out the most to you was his multi-colored hair and eyes.
He was ... like an anime character! He had a cool entrance, cool hair and eyes, and even a kick ass attitude!
"An anime protagonist," you muttered quietly.
Your brother, you had heard your quiet whisper could only deadpan. He knew what you were like and he could only hope you don't bother the poor soul who saved you.
When the multi-colored hair boy fixed his jacket when the man didn't seem to be getting up anytime soon, you were quick to wriggle out of your brother's hold.
"Are you like a isekai protagonist or something?! Or maybe a secret demon lord who is on the path of good?! Or maybe a superhero trying to hide his identity to-"
Your brother yanked you backwards, "sorry about her Sakura. She's weird."
You guffawed, "you two know each other?!?!?!"
Your brother pinched your cheek to quiet you down, "we met yesterday. The thugs were messing with a woman so we just so happened to fight them together."
Your bright eyes turned back to "Sakura," "so you're a tough guy who saves the damsel in distress?!"
The boy, "Sakura," could only cringe at you. You were loud, hyperactive, and obviously had your own delusions of anime and manga.
Your brother could only hope that you don't scare away his new friends too soon. (Granted, your brother wouldn't exactly call Sakura a friend mainly because Sakura always seemed so agitated and angry with the world, but he knew Sakura was a good person deep down.)
"Let's be friends, Sakura!"
"No way!"
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corruptedcaps · 1 month
Bitchy Besties: part 3
As Kate watched Tanya speed off around the corner and out of sight, she strutted confidently towards the school like she had seen Tanya do a hundred times. It wasn’t until she caught her reflection in the bathroom mirror that she realized what she was doing and finally dropped her bitchy facade. She had spent so much of the day as Kayleigh it was hard to shake her off entirely.
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Retrieving the bag from her hiding spot she took one last look at Kayleigh in the mirror before stripping herself of all the elements that made her. The earrings, the necklace, the makeup, the clothes and finally the hair. The only thing she couldn’t take off were the new nails she had gotten but she made a mental note to at least file them down later.
All things that had previously felt odd and uncomfortable on her now gave her a pang of longing. She couldn't deny how much fun she had had with Tanya that day, having a friend who she was completely in sync with. But then she reminded herself that it wasn't Kate that Tanya was enamoured with, who she had found a kindred spirit in. No that was Kayleigh.
She should be happy to be back to being her normal self. And yet, getting home she threw herself onto her bed and began to feel conflicted and she couldn't understand why. She thought she hated girls like Tanya and before today the thoughts of being her friend was the last thing she wanted but something inside her was now pushing against that feeling, making her question herself.
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Sitting up on the bed she looked at herself in her vanity mirror. She was at a crossroads. She could walk into school tomorrow as she had done for years being the same old Kate that others knew and ignored or she could strut in as Kayleigh, have a best friend and be popular and sought after. Looking down at her nails she had gotten with Tanya, the allure of the latter was obvious but she knew that she would be turning her back on the good part of herself and selling her soul to be a bitch. Could she do it?
The next morning Tanya sat into her seat in the back of her first class with her clique sitting around her. She should have felt like the queen she always felt like but for once she was feeling a little sad. She knew it had to do with Kayleigh. She had never clicked so easily and quickly with someone before and now surrounded by her betas she longed for the connection she had made with Kayleigh. Someone who upped her game. Another Alpha.
She looked around the class, considering for a moment the idea that any one of them could potentially be her bitchy bestie but her face quickly turned sour. The one silver lining was that the loser Kate who she loathed was apparently out sick as her seat was empty, although her creepy ex Cory was still here so maybe it wasn't all positive.
Tanya was daydreaming about transferring to Alpha Prep when their teacher called for attention.
"Now before we get started I have two quick announcements. First is that we have a new student starting today, so please give a warm welcome to Kayleigh." The teacher said starting an applause that was continued loudly by a now perked up Tanya.
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Kayleigh strode into the class a vision in a tight black pants and even tighter black top outfit that she had bought yesterday with Tanya. Her steely gaze was only broken when she spotted Tanya and excitedly headed over to her.
"Rachel move over to that spare seat this instant! Kayleigh sits next to me from now on." Tanya said snapping at one of her insubordinates as Kayleigh arrived. Tanya stood up and embraced Kayleigh who returned the hug tightly.
"Oh babe I'm so glad you chose here, we are going to have the best senior year of all time." Tanya beamed as Kayleigh took her seat next to her.
"I just couldn't imagine having any fun anywhere else without a queen like you by my side." Kayleigh said.
"And now for the second announcement, I am sad to say that Kate, our highest GPA achiever, and her family have moved and so won't be joining us for her final year." The teacher said sadly before heading to his desk.
"This day just keeps getting better." Tanya said whispering to Kayleigh.
"Why? Who's Kate?" Kayleigh whispered back.
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"Oh she was this loser nobody. As far as I'm concerned, this school got a massive upgrade with her gone and you in her place." Tanya said.
"I couldn't agree more." Kayleigh replied with a knowing smile.
As class was let out nearly an hour later, Tanya and Kayleigh were inseparable, walking together out of the classroom arm in arm while the rest of clique struggled to keep up. Kayleigh quickly asserted her dominance over the other girls and they fell in line loyally to their new co-Queen.
By noon the school was abuzz with gossip about the new girl Kayleigh. News quickly spread about her sexual history, her bitchy attitude and her beauty. The bullied lower class of the school had to know fear two mega babes.
“Tanya babes look at what this loser thinks passes for fashion these days, isn’t it tragic.” Kayleigh sneered at one unfortunate girl.
“Couldn’t agree more Kayleigh, her clothes, if you can come them that, are hurting my eyes.” Tanya replied coldly, shielding her eyes.
“You hear that dork, you’re physically hurting my Bestie, get lost before I physically hurt you.” Kayleigh said bearing down on the girl. Kayleigh felt her pussy tingle as she watched the girl flee. As soon as she was gone Kayleigh and Tanya giggled cruelly.
Before the end of the day the two of them could finish each other's sentences. Collectively they were soon known as 'Kayla', a two headed creature who was as formidable as they were beautiful.
However as connected to the hip as they were, Kayleigh excused herself near the end of the day for a moment and snuck into an empty classroom where inside she found Cory waiting.
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"Alright loser you better have good news for me or I'll squeeze you puny dick into a cage. Although something tells me you'd only get off on that." Kayleigh snarled at Cory who had a strange mix of fear and arousal etched on his face.
"Y-yes of course. I hacked into the school system and added all of your, I mean, all of Kate's grades to yours. I also added you as a new transfer student and transferred Kate out of the school but you already know that." He said nervously awaiting her response.
"Good. Glad to see you're not entirely useless." She said distainfully as she turned to leave.
"A-aren't y-you going to t-thank me?" He said barely above a whisper but it was enough to stop her in her tracks.
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"Excuse me?" She said wheeling around.
"W-well if it wasn't f-for me, you would h-have never p-put on the hair and b-become Kayleigh." He said, each word making him regret the last. In a flash she had her hand on his throat and was squeezing.
"Let's get on thing straight you pathetic worm, there is no magic hair, no transfer of power from Tanya to me or any bullshit like that. I just realised that I didn't want to be some loser nobody anymore, I didn't want to be an outcast freak like you. Kayleigh didn't take over Kate's body, Kate had stolen my body for 18 years. I just took it back, understand?" She said with genuine venom in her voice. Cory looked into her cold blue eyes and couldn't see Kate inside. He nodded feebly.
Dropping him to the floor, she walked slowly to the door still incensed, however she still needed him for one thing.
"Don't forget to hack into my father's workplace and give him that fat raise and promotion, I have a status to uphold." She said not even dignifying Cory with a look anymore but knew he was nodding intently. She couldn't waste anymore time, not when she had a school to run with her Bitchy Bestie.
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plussizefantasia · 8 months
The Surprise
Flufftober Day 20: Hiking
Thorin Oakenshield x reader
Word Count: 2.1k
AN: Day 20! Wow, if I'm totally honest I didn't think that I'd make it this far. Feedback and Reblogs mean a lot. I'll see y'all tomorrow.
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divider credit: @royallaesthetics
“You’ve not been yourself for quite a while my love. Tell me what troubles you.” Thorin had been more irritable than normal lately. He had taken to sparring more than normal and had been extremely short with some of the more resistant members of his council.
“It is nothing Ghivashel, do not worry your precious head about me.”
“I’ll always worry about you Thorin, that is what being your wife means.” You pulled him into your arms and looked into his eyes. “You are my heart, and when you hurt, I hurt. So let me lift your burdens.”
“Do you miss it?” Was his questioning response. 
“Miss what, Thorin?”
“Being free. The adventures that we had before we reclaimed the mountain. Slaying beasts and journeying with our closest friends.” He was wistful when he spoke of these things. His voice was soft and his eyes were glazed over. 
“Of course I miss it my love, but who is to say that it has to be over?”
His eyes met yours. “I have far too much to do. I cannot just leave the mountain to go on an adventure, not while things are still so fragile.”
“Well, yes. You cannot go on another year-long journey to reclaim our homeland. But you can take the weekend. The council is at an impasse as it is and Bard and Thranduil are not due to return for negotiations for another month.” You kissed his head. “Thorin you have done enough that I know the mountain will not fall apart if you were to leave for a short while.”
“But what kind of King would I be if I abandoned my people?”
“My love, you are not abandoning them, you are taking care of yourself. You are letting yourself blow off some steam so that when you come back you will be an even better King than you are now.”
“It is just not possible Ghivasel. I must put these thoughts far from my mind.”
“If that is what you think is best.” You sighed. Your husband was not one to be easily swayed, even by you. 
Your thoughts began to race though, thinking of all the ways that you could improve your lover’s mood and what would need to be taken care of before that could happen.
The next few days passed similarly to the ones before your conversation with Thorin. He was up before you were and returned to your shared chambers after you had already gotten ready for sleep. His mood only got worse and you decided that something needed to give. Which is why the next morning after you had awoken, once again to your husband’s side of the bed already cold, you had sought out Balin for a discussion during breakfast.
You had found him in the royal library, where he usually resided in the early morning. Nursing a cup of tea and flipping through pages of an old tome. 
“Balin, I need to discuss something with you old friend.”
“Anything, for my Queen.”
“I was your friend long before I was your Queen” You pointed out.
“Perhaps but, I knew you’d be Queen before even Thorin did.”
“That is precisely who I’m here to speak to you about.” Balin put his book down on the table next to him, turning his aging body towards yours fully, and gestured for you to take a seat. “Thorin is troubled. He misses the journey and the freedom that came with it. I do not doubt that he loves being King, but he needs to be just Thorin sometimes too.”
“I have noticed that Thorin has been more easily angered as of late. What do you have in mind?” 
“I’m so glad you asked.” You detailed your plan to Balin and bounced ideas of the old dwarf until the sun had reached its peak in the sky. Both of you had accidentally neglected your duties of the morning and spent the rest of the day playing catch-up. Any dwarf that saw the two of you in passing though, could only describe the two of you as possibly giddy.
Two weeks passed before the plan could finally be put into motion. Two weeks of sneaking around behind Thorin’s back, wrapping up loose ends, and ensuring that the mountain would in fact, not implode during your weekend away. It was hard work, and by the end of it, you were very much aware of why Thorin had been so tense lately. It just made you want to surprise him with your gift even more.
The morning of the surprise you intentionally woke up extremely early. Early enough that you were up and ready before Throin was. You pulled together your outfit and his and ensured that both of your packs were properly stocked.
When he finally woke, the confusion on his face quickly morphed into alertness and concern. He practically launched himself out of the bed before his eyes landed on your body and he instantly relaxed.
“What in Mahal’s name are you doing up?” His morning voice was rough and insanely attractive, you had to remind yourself that you were on a schedule before you acted upon the thoughts that came rushing to you at his words.
“I have a surprise for you, and I needed to be awake before you to stop you from leaving before it was ready.”
“Ghivashel,” his tone was apologetic, “today is much too busy for any kind of surprise.”
“Except, my love, it is not. I have already taken care of your duties for the day, and have canceled the meeting you had with the miners guild this weekend in favor of a crafter’s summit later this month where all of the workers in the mountain will be able to discuss their dilemmas together.” 
“You, what?” He was baffled, truly baffled. How had you possibly done all this without him noticing?”
“The summit was Balin’s idea, he insisted that it would work and I hope he was right. Nevertheless, your schedule and mine are clear for the next three days and I have planned a surprise for you. Your clothes are laid out for you and I have already packed for the both of us. Breakfast is in the kitchen, meet me in the stables when you are ready. I still have a few things to prepare before it is time.” You instructed him. 
“Time for what?” He grabbed your wrist as you began to walk out past the wooden doors of your chamber. 
“Time for your surprise, my darling.” You kissed him soundly and continued your exit. Leaving a confused but hesitantly excited Thorin behind. 
While Thorin was getting ready, you headed to the kitchen yourself. To grab the basket full of the feast you had called upon the kitchen to prepare. A long with some dried bread and cheese to put in your sack. Then you made your way to the other hall of royal chambers to ensure that the princes were awake and getting ready. Those two could sleep through an orc attack if they were given the chance, and today you would not be giving them the chance. 
“If you mess this up. I will shave your mustache in your sleep Fili I mean it.” You had threatened the eldest. You found that it only ever took a threat to the eldest to make sure that the youngest also followed through. Kili was sure that whatever was done to Fili would be done to him twofold. And he wasn’t really wrong.
Once you had made sure that you had everything you would need you made your way to the stables. Hoping that you’d beat Thorin there, or that he actually would show up and not just insist that he needs to work anyway.
You didn’t see him when you arrived but it was still early so you didn’t feel the need to send out a search party. It was only a few moments later when you heard him turning the corner. In the time you had been there alone, you had managed to set up both your horse and Thorin’s. Packs laid across their back and saddled properly placed and laced up. 
“Ghivashel, what is this surprise you’ve planned for me? And why did we need to meet here to start.”
“I think I can tell you now, as long as you promise to not leave when you find out.”
“I promise my love, just tell me I beg you.”
“Remember my love, how a few weeks ago you had confided in me that you missed the journey. That you missed being free. Well, I spoke to Balin and we put together a plan that would let you be free, if only for a little while. We are going on a mini journey.”
“Love, This is… Thank you.” You’d never really seen Thorin be speechless before, he had always been a man of few words, but you don’t think you’ve ever seen him without any.
“I just want you to be happy, Thorin. You’ve been so stressed lately that I wanted to help you feel better.”
He pulled you into his arms and fiercely placed his lips upon yours. You melted into his kiss. His lips moved on yours in a passion, relaying all the thoughts that seemed to be trapped inside of his mind. He kissed you like he would never be able to kiss you again. When you finally broke apart you took a big breath and tried to control the dopey smile that was threatening to cross your face. 
“We have to get going. I have a plan and if you keep kissing me like that I’ll never be able to follow through.” You pulled away from him reluctantly and made your way towards your horse.
“After you.” 
The two of you rode for about an hour before the riding trail cleared and the pathway became too treacherous for the horses. 
“This is where we leave them. The rest of the way is one foot.”
Thorin and you dismounted and you let the horses off lead so that they could make their way back to the mountain without you. The two of you continued on foot with Thorin occasionally leading you through some rough terrain. You spent the entire day together, looking at wildlife and speaking about things that had nothing to do with the mountain or kingly duties.
You reminisced about the first journey, about Bofur’s ability to make a joke out of everything. Of Bilbo’s incessant fretting and how amusing it was to watch. You swapped stories and recounted battles the whole way. Only when you recognized where you were and that the final part of the surprise was almost there did you grab Thorin’s arm and stop him from going any further.
“Okay, we’re almost there. But I need to put this on you before we go any further. You pulled a long thin strip of black cloth from your pack.
“A blindfold? Ghivashel…”
“I know, I know but it won’t be long I promise.”
He sighed deeply and heavily but acquiesced. You tied the blindfold around his eyes and grabbed his hand. Leading him through the last of the few hurdles until you made it to the clearing where the last bit of the plan was waiting. 
“Surprise!” A yell called out around you and Thorin reached up to pull his blindfold off. The sight that awaited him was the entire rest of the company. All spread out across the clearing. Bombur was stirring a pot that was piked above the fire. Fili held Kili in a headlock and Kili struggled to escape. Dori, Nori, and Ori were all sat around some logs and were smiling at him.
Thorin turned to you and in his eyes, you could read adoration and thankfulness. He briefly left a kiss on your cheek before he let a smile cover the entirety of his face and started towards his friends. 
You stood behind watching your husband be the happiest he’s been in a very long time. His eyes were light and his shoulders were straight. For a few short moments, he was allowed to be Thorin Oakensheild, not King under the mountain. 
“This was a fine idea, My Queen.” You looked down to the left of you. Balin stood similarly to you, arms behind his back with a gentle smile across his face. 
“It was a great plan, Balin. I thank you for your help.”
“Anything for you, and for Thorin. He’s lucky to have you.”
“I’m lucky to have him.”
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theostrophywife · 1 year
can we please get some rhys fluff?
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i don't wanna look at anything else now that I saw you i don't wanna think of anything else now that I thought of you i've been sleeping so long in a 20-year dark night and now I see daylight
author's note: i'm such a simp for rhys it's not even funny. just think about cuddling a soft, sleepy rhys after a night out and tell me you don't want to scream into the void. song inspiration: daylight by taylor swift.
The moon’s glow kissed your mate’s sleeping form with its silver light and enveloped Rhysand in glorious night.
You paused in the doorway, heels in your hand as you admired the High Lord with a small smile. It was nearly dawn when you finally stumbled out of Rita’s from your monthly girl’s night out. You thanked the Mother for giving you the ability to winnow because you sure as hell wouldn’t have been able to survive the ten minute walk home. Especially not in the tiny little dress and ridiculously high heels that Mor had talked you into wearing. 
Regardless, it had been a fun outing. But as the bruised violet skies made way for spears of sunlight, you were more than glad to be home. 
You padded softly across the wooden floor and slipped into bed as quietly as you could, trying your best not to wake your sleeping mate. Rhys was all but dead to the world, his chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm. Propping your head up on one arm, you took the opportunity to admire him in all his glory. 
When he was awake, Rhysand was all seductive smiles and sultry gazes and while you certainly appreciated the sensuality that seemed to pour out of him with effortless grace, you’d come to love this softer side of him even more. There was something about these unguarded moments when he was sprawled across the bed, his large body nearly taking up half the mattress as he laid on his stomach, those dark lashes fluttering against his cheekbones, his soft lips slightly parted, raven hair sticking up in different directions as he cuddled against the pillow, his body half-turned to where you usually lay as if he'd sought you out even in his sleep, that made your heart absolutely ache. 
It had taken a long time for Rhys to allow himself to be vulnerable like this. When you were first mated, he was often plagued by nightmares, so much so that he rarely slept and spent the night staring at the ceiling. You’d woken up countless times to find him observing you, his fingers tracing mindless patterns on your skin, to remind himself that he was here, he survived, and he had fought for this life with you. You remembered taking him into your arms and holding him, whispering that this was real. That it was safe to sleep because you’d still be there in the morning. 
Night after night, you chased away those dark memories together. The nightmares came fewer and farther in between and now Rhysand could sleep through the night without even waking. Tears welled in your eyes as you reached out to caress his cheek. You were so proud of him. 
This brilliant, selfless, resilient male that you were lucky enough to call your mate. Your heart squeezed in your chest and the emotions poured out of you in waves. You loved him so much that it was impossible to contain. That devotion rippled through your bond and made that connection sparkle in your soul. 
Rhysand’s lashes fluttered, skimming the tops of his cheeks as he sleepily blinked up at you. Those violet eyes greeted you like the starkissed night and a slow grin crept across his handsome face. Wordlessly, he tugged you towards him. 
You chuckled as Rhys cuddled against you, burying his face in the crook of your neck and inhaling deeply. 
“Did you have fun?” he murmured sleepily. His body was warm as he pressed you against him, his arm snaking possessively around your waist.
“I did,” you confirmed, twining your fingers through his silky locks. “But I think I owe Rita a new chandelier.” Rhys raised a brow in response, waiting for an explanation. “It’s a long story.”
Your mate only chuckled. “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself, but I might be willing to risk Mor’s wrath and steal you from your friends the next time they try to take my mate away from me.” 
“I was only gone for a few hours.”
Rhys pouted, his lips brushing against your neck. “It was a few hours too many,” he said as he tangled your legs together. “I missed you, darling.”
“My needy, clingy mate,” you teased, poking his nose. Rhys responded by digging his fingers into your side, causing you to giggle uncontrollably. You swatted his hand away and stuck out your tongue. “I missed you too, Rhys.”
Just as daylight streamed in through the windows, Rhysand smiled. A full, bright smile that put the rising sun to shame. 
“I’m here,” you whispered. You hadn’t said the words in a long time. Not since the nightmares stopped. But with the dawn of a new day, you felt like it was important to remind Rhys how far he’d come. 
How far you've both come.
You weren't just mates. Rhys was your friend, your lover, your anchor to reality when the world fell into chaos. He was the other half of your soul. Your love for each other was a story written in the stars.
Violet eyes filled with emotion as you held him against you. “You’re here,” he repeated. 
“This is real.” 
Rhys caressed your cheek, anchoring himself to the present. “This is real.”
“And we made it, against all odds." You fought and clawed and bled your way to this moment. Just so you could find each other. You would've done it all over again for your mate. "We made it.”
“We made it, darling.”
Your mate kissed your forehead, the gesture soft and intimate. He opened up the bond and let his emotions spill out over the connection. Rhysand felt cared for and loved. That warm light grew in your heart, twining your very existence with his. All of that love and devotion washed over you like a flood as Rhys let you in. In your arms, your mate knew that he was safe and sound. You held back the tears as you pressed a gentle kiss against his lips.
“I love you, Rhys.”
“I love you, darling.”
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moumouton4 · 11 months
Hiiiiii, Can i request an AU Akatsuki!Kakashi x female reader, with some smut, kind of like an undeniable attraction in secret.
“I don’t care if your legs are shaking, I’m not done “
“Loving you is a nightmare”
Thank youuuuuu!
I'm Going To Take Everything And More || Akatsuki!Kakashi Hatake x fem!reader
A/n : Hello dearest ! 💕 Finally I've made it ! It's new for me to write AUs but I think I'm managing ✨ I really hope you'll like it 😍
Warning : Nsfw, mention of penetration, kinda dom / sub dynamic, dirty talk, overstimulation, Kakashi is pussy drunk, 18+ READERS ONLY and wrap it before you tap it
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Word count : 818
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You were often on the road, so you weren't often at the hideout or kept informed of new members of Akatsuki
You were extremely surprised when you came back and saw him after so long
Kakashi Hatake, once again a former Konohagakure resident. He was a genin instructor, though. You wondered what could have happened to make him decide to leave the village
Perhaps he'd had enough of the political choices made by Konohagakure's leaders, which had perhaps once again led to a crisis ?
In any case, he had become very different from how he used to look
When you were in the same room as him, you could feel his gaze following your every move
In fact, even when you were training, you could feel his lingering gaze on you, and once you knew for sure, you couldn't help enjoying it
You'd purposely dress a little shorter or tighter so that when you moved or, I should say, bent down for no reason, he'd have a really good view of your gorgeous curves
No one really noticed how much he devoured you with his eyes like the sweetest candy... he just wondered if you'd taste as sweet as you looked
When you showed sarcasm or wit he just wanted to take you right here and right there
But despite his growing desire for you, he held back. Without your consent, he would never dare to do anything
However, today you'd put on some beautiful clothes that embraced your alluring curves You sensually fluttered your eyelashes at him and didn't hesitate to bend over more than necessary when picking up objects that - he had noticed - you had intentionally dropped
And at the sight of the bulge in his pants, all your maneuvering had begun to have an effect on him
He was glad his mask hid the way he bit his lip to hold back his grunts as he eyed the curve of your ass
It took all the mental strength in the world not to jump on you and take you against any wall
However, when you made the first move on him by sneaking into his room one night, he was sure he wasn't going to stop so soon
When he realized what you were up to, he literally jumped on you. His hands sought out the curve of your breasts to knead them gently with his hands. Little noises escaped from under his mask
He'd kept his hands to himself for too long, now he wasn't going to let you go so easily
Suddenly you pulled down his mask and kissed him languorously. Your tongues intertwining hungrily
He sucked on your tongue, making you moan into his mouth before biting your lip
Meanwhile, his hands worked over your body with precision. They trembled slightly with the anticipation of soon feeling the warmth of your body against his without any barrier
He was finally going to show you how much he wanted you
And so he did. By dint of well-controlled thrusts and rolls of his hips, he made you moan his name as he hit your sweet spot
"Mmh... if I new how f-fucking tight you were ragh... I would have fucked you on the spot when you started wiggling that ass for me" he affirmed his words delivering a firm spant to your ass making you squeak
Each time you came, tightening your grip on his cock, he repeated as he kept pounding into you "Again... come for more one more time"
He believed it each time he said it... at first. But then he realized he was mainly trying to encourage you to give him the pleasure of feeling that sensation of you coming undone around his pulsing length
It's as if now he was trying to compensate for all the times he didn't get you and jerked off in his room "I don't care if your legs are shaking... I'm not done yet" his hands gripped your body even harder to hold you in place while he didn't stop his frantic pace
"It's as if I can't get enough... mfph I need more ! Much more !" his words were almost hidden by the slapping sounds of your two bodies wet with sweat and releases colliding
"Loving you is a nightmare" he growled into your ear
"But having you there is the sweetest of dreams" he declared before taking your mouth in another fiery kiss
The night was young, so brace yourself for more. And don't count on your legs to help you walk tomorrow... or the day after, for that matter
Kakashi wasn't going to stop until his body was spent and he was limp on his bed. Even though he may ask to stay inside of you
Now that he knew the sweetness of having you all to himself, he'd never be able to live without you
A/n : I hope you guys liked it ! 🥚🥓 Again my requests are open 🧇🍳
Taglist : @foxxymunson, @cl0vr, @ilovemanypeople, @glossy1pearl, @jane57sstuff
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apompkwrites · 1 year
schoenheit upbringing || vil schoenheit
masterlist characters: vil (platonic) genre: angst contains: death during childbirth, online rumors, self-deprecating thoughts summary: how (name) schoenheit was raised in a media-centric world and how they were first exposed to stardom. notes: another short chapter for schoenheit I'm sorry i love them i promise!!! just wanted to give a bit more insight into their character ;-; also i went with the idea that vil's mom is dead? so uh yeah parts: [og post] | [previous] | [next]
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the day that the youngest schoenheit was born was the day that the schoenheit family grew to four, only to immediately shrink to three once more.
there wasn't much for you to remember that day, but it was permanently engraved in your father and brother's minds.
your father remembered holding you in his arms, cooing quietly as you whined and cried upon being brought into the world. and he remembered the doctors and nurses panicking, screaming at each other about the patient losing blood and slipping through their fingers into death.
your brother remembered being told to wait out in the hall, anxiously waiting to see the little sibling he promised to take care of and become a hero for them to look up to. and he remembered hearing muffled yells from the other side of the door and the sound of his father crying out in anguish and pain.
all you remembered was growing up without a mother.
it wasn't long until you were brought to a movie set, ready to make your first appearance on the big screen. you had been sought after when news broke out about the newest addition to the schoenheit family. hopes were high for this new child, most likely due to companies wanting to stake their claim on being the catalyst for your acting career.
because of course the next child in the schoenheit family was destined to be an actor.
you had just turned two when you were brought to set.
the casting director apparently had a vision, seeing as how your brother was also there alongside your father. the story was meant to follow the main character's life, from birth to death. and you had just been selected to play the role of the antagonist during the toddler section of the movie.
you didn't know any better. you didn't even know how to run properly without stumbling. and yet here you were, exposed to the bright set lights and harsh schedules and demanding expectations of stardom.
you could vaguely remember watching your brother act his part, letting the words flow out of his mouth as if he had truly been made for this role. you couldn't help but be in awe.
unbeknownst to vil, that was the moment you saw him as your hero. of course, you wouldn't be able to identify that thought, but it was there in the subconscious.
and soon, the time came for your part to be filmed.
the director was bold to assume that by reading out the script a single time that you would fully understand it. you were two and you were expected to be a prodigy like your brother.
it would be an understatement to say that the first take was horrible. once the cameras began to roll, you stumbled onto the floor and wailed as loud as you could. you didn't know why but that fall hurt. it hurt and all you could focus on was the pain and the lights and the cameras and the whispers and--
it was a miracle that the final take was achieved. it was beyond a miracle that all of the scenes were finished in a timely manner. but you couldn't care less. you just wanted to go home. you just wanted to cuddle up to your blanket and sleep the day away.
you were glad that your father agreed to it, scooping you up into his arms and carrying them off the set. vil was quick to follow, taking quick glances up at you as you buried your face in your father's shoulder.
when the film was released, it was met with stellar reviews. all of them praised your father and brother for their performances, raving about how well they played their parts. and you wholeheartedly agreed. with what little judgment you had, you had decided your brother and father were superheroes, ones that had the power to act a part so wonderfully and beautifully as if they had become an entirely different person.
you didn't even care that some reviews criticized your acting. it didn't matter, you couldn't comprehend any of it anyway.
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but it did matter the more you grew and the more you began to understand critic reviews.
you remembered that fateful day you remembered the first movie you were in. you remembered searching up the reviews and feeling tears well up in your eyes when you began to read the reviews. you were two, for gods' sake. you didn't know any better. and yet, there they were, grown adults criticizing a two-year-old for being lackluster in performance and being a "disgrace to the schoenheit name" as one critic wrote.
what fun, realizing at age seven that even at two you were already a disappointment--a leech that sucked at the schoenheit name's legacy like water.
although the more you grew--and the more you learned about your birth-- you realized that maybe, just maybe, you had been a leech to the schoenheits since the day you were born. after all, you were the reason your mother, vil's mother and eric venue's wife, was dead.
you were lucky that your father was such a doting man, coddling you the day you were born despite all the damage you had done. and he continued to coddle you day after day after day. even after you were a failure on the first movie set you performed on, he still wrapped your blanket around you and held you close.
you loved your father with all your heart. and, just like your brother, you wanted to be like him.
but above all else, you wanted to be like vil.
vil was, for lack of a better term, the greatest actor you had ever seen. he was not only a beloved actor but a highly sought after boy in any field he chose to put effort in. he was loved. he was cherished. he was wanted.
he made the schoenheit name proud.
he wasn't a leech who only served to ruin the legacy from the inside.
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the minute those tabloids were released, planting the seed of doubt of your legitimacy into the world, was the minute you realized just how bad you were for the schoenheit name. you knew you weren't an illegitimate child. you knew because you had murdered your mother.
in fact, if those tabloids were right, it would be a better reality.
if you were illegitimate, maybe you wouldn't have to live up to the impossible expectations of being a schoenheit. if you were illegitimate, maybe you wouldn't need to be an actor. if you were illegitimate...
maybe you wouldn't have killed vil's mother.
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taglist: @brokenncrown @help-meplz @destinationdesignation @rainys-personal-garden @kalims @sxftiebee @luxaryllis @auld-a @the-dumber-scaramouche @ayra2452008 @tinywho-man @spadecentral @justeclem44 @bajifairyy @mulandi @sadimon @stormyovent0aster @sn00zl4x @f1fty-f1fty @bloomed-night-flower @madusas-girlfriend @b0nkers-papaya @arandomeroacher @randonamedcl @mizucika @iammeyouareme @gasoline-eater @rainingdandelion
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chrollohearttags · 2 years
When I Pull Up • Connie Springer
wc: 4.0k
author’s note: plug!connie (and the aot men in general) has been rent free in my frontal lobe for a while and I had to do it, even though a bitch don’t smoke. it’s just sum bout this hc.
cw: drug use/weed, car sex, constance getting a lil possessive over his fav buyer like ugh, choking, fingering and pussy play, breeding, squirting
"Ugh, I wish he'd hurry his ass up."
a very irritable and impatient (y/n) muttered from the comfort of your soft bed as you glared up at the ceiling of your room.
your iPhone lying flat against your ample chest as your folded arms cradled it.
it was currently eleven p.m and time was passing just as quickly as your will to wait was.
frequently lifting the device from your torso to check for any signs of a notification...
hoping the sought after text you had been waiting on would pop up.
you were listening to music, red LED lights strewn across the ceiling and the rest completely dark.
honestly, you had been bored out of your mind when out of the blue, your plug hit you up asking to chill. He said he'd smoke you out and you didn't pass up the offer.
truth was, he was fine as fuck, an absolute sweetheart to you and always have a little extra so you loved being around him.
finally, your phone illuminated and the name you wanted to see most appeared on your screen.
Connie  🍃🥺
I'm outside
instantly, you perked up and shot out of bed. Making sure you were decent, you'd go over to take a glance in the mirror.
long, jet black bundles hung down your back, a strapless neon green dress wrapping your frame and gloss covering your plump lips, you were set to go.
it was late and your roommates were either out in the streets or sleeping peacefully. Regardless, you'd creep through the dark living room and out the front door.
parked on the curb was an all black Charger; chrome rims and tinted windows on the exterior.
walking the short distance from the steps to the passenger side, you'd fling it open and be greeted by faint traces of smoke and cologne, along with that handsome face you had been waiting to see.
"Aye, gorgeous.
"Hey, Connie!"
from the moment you sat down, you felt pangs in your stomach and your body burning up.
dressed in a black muscle shirt, grey sweats, tattoos all down his arms, stud diamonds in his ears, gold watch on his wrist and gold slugs on his bottom row of teeth, Connie greeted you with a hug and nearly made your heart explode.
he looks so fucking good! And that voice, oh my God! Why is doing this to me? This man is trying to turn me into a slut so bad.
it was all you could think to yourself; so spaced out that you didn't even hear him talking to you.
his smooth voice snapped you out of your trance and you'd whip your head around towards him.
"Oh! Sorry.."
"You good, mama. Was just asking how you been. I missed you..ain't seen you in 'bout a week."
every time he spoke, you felt yourself melting into the bright red leather seats. He was so damn sexy, it didn't make sense!
brushing your hand across your arm, you'd glance down at the floorboards as you nervously answered.
"Yeah, just been busy. Staying out the way, you know how it is."
all the while, his eyes were glaring you up and down before he reaching down to grab something from the glove compartment.
"I feel you though. Well I'm glad you came to chill with me tonight. 'Preciate it."
"Of course, I'm glad you invited me."
in his hand, he held some papers, and a lighter, taking them out to start your session. Music was thumping quietly from the speakers and the hum of the engine were the only things you heard.
you didn't even want to move around him because he made you so flustered.
taking out the buds, he'd break them down as he spread the crumbs across the papers. The green flakes filled the brown sheet until it couldn't fit another ounce.
you'd watch his perfectly manicured fingertips move delicately across it; he was a natural.
even when doing the simplest task, he managed to turn you on. He'd run his tongue across the crease and you had to squeeze your thighs together!
flicking it around so casually..made you wish it were you..
suddenly, you were broken out of your trance by him calling your name.
"Here, you go first, beautiful." taking the blunt and letting you place it between your lips, he'd grasp the lighter to ignite it.
you'd take a drag, letting the smoke fill your lungs before exhaling and releasing a cloud. He was mesmerized, watching you closely.
eventually, the two of you went back and forth, passing and taking hits until nearly half it had disintegrated.
by that time, smoke cloud had filled the car and your lungs.
your heads lie dormant on the cushioned rests as your seats reclined back and you'd just glare up at the ceiling in your euphoric haze.
he always had the best shit and it didn't take long for you to get high.
during the smoke session, you'd tell him about everything that had been happening in your life: from school to your new job, even how you had started your new fitness journey.
that's what he always admired about you..how goal oriented and smart you were.
it was so attractive and if he wasn't out here, doing all of this shit, he would've been tried to cuff you..even so, it didn't stop him from wanting you in the slightest.
especially now; looking so cute slouched down in the seat, eyes glazed over but still just as beautiful.
"Y'know I'm always proud of you, (y/n)..always making shit happen, never depending on nobody for anything. I like that."
his head was turned, glaring you up and down with his bottom lip tucked between his teeth.
he couldn't even hide it anymore. You had his attention in more ways than one and he was hoping you'd felt the same.
he couldn't stop staring because you looked so damn beautiful sitting next to him.
but he wouldn't have to worry in the slightest because you wanted him so badly, even if it was just one night. He couldn't be your man but you'd take him right here if that's what he wanted.
"Yeah? For real?"
scooting over in his seat, Connie leaned over the console and brushed his fingers across your temple and down your shoulder blade.
"Hell yeah..smart and you fine as fuck? I know these dudes stay pressing you, huh?"
honestly, you didn't pay them any mind! None of them really caught your attention quite like Connie and you weren't concerned with what they thought.
shrugging your shoulders, you'd just laugh it off and stare up at him.
"I mean..sometimes but I ain't thinking about them. Got more important shit to worry about."
all the while, you'd hadn't take your eyes of each other.
right now, you wanted to feel his lips..his hands rubbing up the curvature of your body..and that's exactly what would happen when he leaned further and got only inches from your face.
"Mmm..well lemme help you relax for a lil' bit, take your mind off all that shit.."
his voice had dropped to a low growl as he began to brush against your soft lips. You weren't even trying to stop him, instead you'd bring your hand to the back of his neck and pull him closer.
"Really? How?"
"I ain't much for talking, but I can show you.."
nothing else needed to be said because before he could get the rest of his words out, you'd begin kissing gently.
getting acquainted with the taste of each other's tongues. Swirling them around, smacking your lips together in slow, sensual pecks.
your hand resting on the cusp of his jawline while slowly curled the side of your throat.
your voices meeting in low hums and moans as you'd continue to make out. This was all you had been hoping for and with the feeling of the weed pumping through your veins, who knows where things would go.
"..I need you so bad."
and he'd show you just how irresistible you were when he'd bring his own to your neck and begin suckling on the tender part of it.
your fingertips caressing the back of his shaved head as his tongue piercing rolled off of your jugular vein, making your legs tremble.
(Y/N) could feel a throb between your legs and you'd try to squeeze them close but he wasn't having it.
"Nah, go ahead and open them legs for me, baby..it's alright.."
whispering with a low tone to his voice that made you even wetter.
you were already whimpering in his ear but when he brought that free hand up to your thighs and parted them, you'd release a sharp gasp.
chest rising and falling between heavy breaths as you held him close. All he could do was laugh because he hadn't even gotten started yet!
even though you had just been smoking, you were practically salivating at the way he handled you so carefully. He was like a completely different person right now..
finally, he'd reach that spot you had been longing for him to touch and he'd be greeted by wet warmth on his fingertips.
that made him grunt and suck his teeth.
"All this from a lil' kissing, just for me?.."
nodding your head as you chewed your lip, waiting for him to do as he pleased. That definitely put a smile on his face so he didn't keep you waiting any longer.
with the bezel of his watch shining underneath the dim lights, he'd bring his hand to your mouth and stick those two fingers inside.
as you'd gently run them across your tongue, big round eyes glaring so innocently..he'd prompt you to lift your legs in the seat so he could get a better view.
that beautifully shaven mound, dark and glistening with slick, spread open to a bright pink like a delicate flower.
right then and there, you could see a tent forming in the center of his pants and see him mumbling under his breath.
"Tell me something..how long you been waiting for us to do this?"
removing the digits so that you could answer him.
"Since we met..shit." garnering him a very honest response and he wasn't surprised.
he too felt the same way. So there was no need for either of you to hold back. Bringing his dampened fingers down to your warmth yet again, he'd began stroking your clit before slipping them inside.
"I'm glad to hear that..because I been wanting to fuck you for a minute now."
your mouth suddenly fell agape and your head fell back against the door as he explored your insides with those digits.
the sounds of your squishing flesh driving him absolutely crazy with lust but he held it together for now.
he hadn't shifted his gaze once and yet, you were crying out, squeezing your eyes shut as you rocked against his fingers.
your knees pressed into your chest and your back against the door handle.
"..so you gon' let me have it? Can I make this pussy mine?.."
there was no doubt or question about it!
"Y-yes! Take it.." with that notion, he'd shove them deeper until it reached the sensitive pad of flesh that made you tick.
squirming in the seat, he'd wrap that ink covered hand around your throat and choke you as he fingered that leaking hole.
it had begun to stain his fingers with a sheath of milky white but he wouldn't stop until you made a mess of the entire front seat.
moaning and whimpering, you'd beg him for more, knowing you were close to a climax.
"Connieeee! I'm gonna come..please."
but he couldn't allow it just yet. You'd peak down at his pants and notice that his bulge was barely able to be contained.
if you were going to release, you'd have to do it with him inside of you. Withdrawing his fingers yet again,  he'd rub your thighs momentarily to soothe your trembling legs.
"Get in the backseat, baby..on your back, right now."
he had to feel that for himself now!
so you'd do as he instructed and crawl to the open seats. Luckily, it was fairly spacious enough for the two of you to move around and he was about to take advantage.
climbing in behind you, Connie pinned your legs against the passenger door and tugged your dress down to your stomach.
he couldn't help but to be fixated on your breasts as they popped out of the thin material..
the cool air of his AC hitting your nipples and stiffening them up.
bending his six foot frame down to hover over (y/n), he'd bring his tongue across the buds and suckle on both of them.
"..You gotta hurry up and fuck me. I can't take it."
it wasn't exactly the most savory thing to say but it was the truth. You had to feel him right now or you were going to explode.
that throbbing heat was begging for something to puncture it.
laughing before leaving one last kiss on your right breast, he'd lean up and shuffle his sweats down his waist.
you could tell just by the print that he had a lot to work with and he planned to show you just what he could do.
when he pulled it out and laid it across the lower half of your stomach, you'd let out a gasp without realizing. Could you really even take all of that?!
"Don't worry, mama..I'm not gon' hurt you. Just relax and keep your legs pinned back for me."
he sounded and looked so focus. Maybe you weren't the only one struggling to handle this but the second you felt his tip grazing your clit, you'd start whimpering and pouting.
it was too sensitive from the teasing to stay idle.
"Can I put it in now, baby? You gonna take it for me?"
"Yes! Whatever you want.."
"That's my girl.."
he had to admit, it was cute seeing you plead and cry out like that but he wasn't one for making a lady wait so slowly, he'd push himself into your aching heat.
right then and there, he nearly lost composure but he held himself together to buck his hips forward.
his body was a little contorted but he was going to make it work and make love to you no matter what.
"Nah and you was holding this shit from me all this time? Goddamn.."
never in his life had he felt pussy like this! That grip you had on his fingers was nothing compared to the way you were clamping his dick right now.
he'd gradually gain his pace and eventually, the two of you were moving in rhythm.
for now, he'd feed you slow strokes so he didn't bust too quickly but you were nutting all over him..making a creamy mess everywhere.
"You could've been gotten this pussy, all you had to do was ask for it.."
smiles were wide on both of your faces as your frames swayed back and forth, connecting as one and as if you belonged to each other.
"You're too good to me, baby. Well..now that I got it, I'm 'bout to fuck the shit out of you. Hope that's alright."
he was so cocky yet done it in the most charming way..one that made you throb against his shaft yet again. By now, he had sped up and gotten a little more fitted to your walls.
each thrust coaxing out more of that warm, silky fluid that he loved so much..
"You're stretching me out..oh my God, yes." crying out in pure pleasure when you felt him go deeper.
"Here, take my hands, sweetheart. Let me know if it's too much for you, okay?"
he was probably the biggest and undeniably the best dick you had ever had!
but you had him feeling equally as amazing and by now, he had reached pretty deep strokes. Your tits were bouncing, legs shaking and mouth agape.
"Ahh!—you look so pretty, (y/n)..letting me drill your shit like this. I'm so proud of you..taking my dick so good."
with your fingers intertwined, he'd lean down and slide his tongue into your mouth, letting them twirl as well. Subtle moans humming through your pressed lips.
"And you're so fucking tight..but look at how quick you opened up for me..oh shit."
being doted on like this was causing butterflies to swell in your stomach and your cheeks to burn. Especially when his voice was ascending to a high pitch.
he wasn't ashamed to admit that you had him weak though.
soon, those laced hands creeped up to his shoulder blades to claw into his back.
he was pounding your sensitive pussy, going deeper and you didn't know how much longer you'd be able to withstand it.
that pressure was swelling and growing harder to contain by the second.
"Oh fuck! Oh fuck...I'm gonna come, daddy! I can't hold it anymore, please!"
faint tears were streaming down your puffy cheeks from the restraint of being edged like that and you'd make one hell of a mess.
you tended to wet things up and quite a lot when you climaxed!
but all that did was make him more excited and rather than stop you, he'd press his thumb pad to your clit and stroke it while glaring into your eyes.
"So do it..the fuck you waiting on, mama? Get your nut, go ahead."
encouraging you to release. He could still feel you squeezing him pretty tight though. So he'd lean down and kiss your forehead with a smile to soothe you.
"If it's these seats you're worried about, don't. Squirt on this dick and you ain't ever got to worry about paying for my shit ever again, baby. Hell, I'll buy you whatever you want."
he'd keep feeding you long strokes and tracing circles on your clit until he felt wetness all over his shaft and watched you splatter his leather interior.
droplets of sticky rain all over those red cushion and it was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen.
"Fuuuck! Connieee!"
"Let it out, I know! Look at all that cum!"
crying out and calling his name as you granted his wish.
needless to say, he was in awe of your little display.
"Yeah! That's it, baby..that's my good fucking girl, yesss!"
coaxing out all that he could until you were shaking and reeling from that pent up orgasm. Leaning down to kiss you, he'd first scoop some of your juices onto his tongue before spitting them into your mouth.
it would appear that you had turned him into a deviant..completely unhinged and crazy for you!
but now it was his chance to return the favor and fill you full of his cum.
"You're not getting rid of me now, you know that, right? You my girl now.."
whether he was serious or not, you knew you couldn't be done with him that quickly and he felt the same so he'd plop down onto the seat and pat his thigh.
"Is that right?" questioning as you readjusted to climb atop his lap and onto that still hard erect.
it was touching his bellybutton when he sat up like this and it had to be eight inches at least. You could get used to having dick like that in your life!
slowly, you'd get adjusted and impaled yourself on it.
"Hell yeah, so tell the rest of them motherfuckers to fall back unless they' tryna die 'bout this shit."
and you knew then that he was serious. You were definitely about to have a time on your hands but right now, you were only focused on riding him.
little did you know, you were about to put your claim on him too!
"Well you ain't got that to worry about, daddy..it's all yours."
you'd gently stroke his cheek as you got into position and pecked him once more.
you'd slowly ease yourself up and down while looking back and arching for his viewing pleasure. The grip you had on him made Connie toss his head back and just admire your work.
his voice was cracking and his fingertips were clawing into your bare hips.
it sounded so sexy hearing him moan and cry out for you.
"Aw damn, baby. You riding the fuck out of this dick..I love it. All this ass bouncing on my shit.."
meanwhile, you were winding your waist and bouncing up and down on his cock as if it were nothing.
you were just focusing on making him come this time around, wanting to feel that warmth inside of your womb.
"You like that? It feel good for you?" you'd ask as you glared at him with lustful eyes.
a rhetorical question for sure because his toes were curling inside of those Jordans and those moans were growing louder.
no one would ever guess you had a drug dealer crying like this! But he was egregiously desperate for you to keep it up.
"Yes! You're fucking me so good, (y/n). I'm all yours now.."
he was losing it by the second and when you decided to balance on your tip toes, hands pressed to the ceiling, he damn near flatlined right there!
"So come in me..come in this fucking pussy, daddy."
begging for him to release, you'd speed up and take him to the hilt as you coated him in more of those warm secretions.
he was trying to hold out but there was no need to because seconds later, you felt his hands clutching your frame and you were being impaled.
"Hold still! I got it.."
the pure helplessness in his voice was such a turn on but you were about yo get exactly what you were hoping for.
frozen, you'd stay in that position as he began thrusting upward and filling your tummy with his large member.
you'd sound off, trading moans and please, cursing as the intensity became too much to bare.
as he pounded your swollen cunt, you'd rub your clit yet again until you heard his voice fade off into a faint moan.
"Oh God—I'm coming..Imma nut—"
before the words could even finish making it out, he'd make his finish inside of you and pour every ounce into you.
and it wasn't just a little droplet..he dumped every ounce of that pent up cream into your womb, just as you asked.
and when he climaxed, his whimpers were absolutely adorable. You had never seen him so vulnerable before in your life.
finally, he'd collapse against the seat and as his chest rose and fell, he'd pull you back against him.
held tightly in his arms, he'd proceed to make out with you one last time and it was undoubtedly, the best night you had ever had.
"You my girl..my baby now so don't you ever forget that. You hear me?" Nodding as he spoke with such conviction even if he were out of breath.
you couldn't get over how cute he was like this.
the way he stared at you, it was more like love rather than lust.
"All yours. For sure." tracing tiny circles in his chest to quell his harsh breathing.
needless to say, your plug was about to be supplying a little more than weed from now!
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neteyamsoare · 10 months
My Sweet Tawtute.
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༉‧₊˚. Featuring. Tsireya x Fem! Human! Reader.
༉‧₊˚. Anonymous Request. hihi !!! I was wondering if you could write a fluffy fic of tsireya x human!fem!reader? it’d be cute to see her with someone smaller than her considering how short she is herself :).
༉‧₊˚. Summary. Ever since she saw you, she knew that you were the one.
༉‧₊˚. General Tags. Fluff.
༉‧₊˚. Content Warnings. Aged up! Tsireya, Ao'nung and his friends are jerks.
༉‧₊˚. Word Count. 622.
༉‧₊˚. Index. Vrrteps — [demons], Exopack — [lightweight atmosphere filtration system developed from civilian rebreather technology that allows humans to survive on Pandora with a minimum amount of equipment.], and Tawtute — [sky person/people].
༉‧₊˚. Notes. Anon, I hope I did your request justice!! I hope you don't mind that I did it in hcs format. This is my first na'vi x human fic so I'm excited, I have a couple more reqs that have the dynamic, one for Tsu'tey and a few for Neteyam so I hope to get them out soon. Let me know what y'all think of this by either commenting or sending an anonymous ask!!
༉‧₊˚. Extra. Comments, likes, and reblogs are highly appreciated but not pressured. 🤍
༉‧₊˚. Starred Links. Navigation + Masterlist + Prompts + Taglist
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𝜗𝜚 — When Tsireya first saw you when the Sullys' sought uturu in her home, she was intrigued by you, it was the first she saw a tawtute in person. Only she heard of them was that they were vrrteps and how they were bad people but as she looked at you admiring her home with a round thing on your face that she learned later that it’s an exopack that helps you breathe, she couldn’t help the feelings start brewing inside of her, to her you weren’t bad. 
𝜗𝜚 — It took some time for Jake to convince her parents to let you stay but the moment she heard them finally give in, she smiled knowing the fact that she’d be the one to teach you the way of the water.
𝜗𝜚 — One thing she absolutely loves is how short you are, you only went up to her chest but she loves that she can tower over you since she was short herself, and basically anyone towered over her so she was glad of the change. 
𝜗𝜚 — She loved how eager you were to learn the way of the water, sure it was harder for you but you never gave up, you kept trying. 
“Breathe from down here,” Tsireya says softly as she places one hand on your lower abdomen and the other on your chest after gaining permission to do so. “Breathe in,” you do as she says, breathing deeply. “And breathe out,” you exhale as you turn to look at her “[Name], your heartbeat is fast,” she looks into your eyes as your cheeks heat up. “Sorry.” “Try to focus.” you slightly nod and she smiles at how cute you were. 
𝜗𝜚 — One thing she learned about you is how fragile you were so she swore to protect you, always carried an extra exopack if the one you were wearing ever crack on the walks you and her took, a thing y’all pick up on doing to get to know each other. She’d protect you from her brother and his friends' bullying, making sure to let their father know of how Ao’nung was acting and always making sure he and his friends apologized to you. 
“You know you didn’t have to do that?” you voiced as you looked up at her earning a frown from her. “Do what, protect you?” you silently nod. “[Name], I won’t let people step all over you just because you’re different than them, I love my brother but he should know better.” You leaned more into her touch whispering a small ‘thank you’ and she smiles. “Now come on we have a date?... with an ilu.” you let out a chuckle as she leads you to the ocean. 
𝜗𝜚 — Of course, Ronal was not happy with you dating her daughter, all the Metkayinan women and she chose a tawtute for a girlfriend, she would never understand it but as she watches the two of you more, she sees what Tsireya sees in you and slowly accepts you in her family. 
𝜗𝜚 — Tonowari was more accepting of you cause he knew you had a strong heart and you didn’t look like you could hurt his daughter, hell you couldn’t hurt a bug. A smile would form on his face whenever he saw you two talking to each other with huge smiles on your faces, as long as Tsireya was happy, he was happy with your relationship. 
𝜗𝜚 — Tsireya knew you were the right one for her and why not seal the deal, sure you can’t mate like na’vis’ can but the two of you bonded in a different way, something so passionate that the two of you would treasure for the rest of your lives together.
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🔖 @zanabelle99, @moonchildxoxx, @jakescumdump, @btsiguess-kpop, @sweetdayme4427, @ronalsskimwing, @shit-i-say-shit-i-think, @23victoria, @tsireqas, @kittenw, @violilaqrs, @valentinqee, @kiriswifejayden, @neteyamyawne, @glimmering-darling-dolly, @ducks118, @lilmackiee, @kasai-https, and @neo-novaa.
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© neteyamsoare 2023. | All Rights Reserved. Do not repost on other platforms, copy, steal, or translate any of my works!
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bite-sized-devil · 1 year
Piggy Back Rides
You've had a particularly long hard day at RAD. Exhausted and dreading the walk home, you ask your favourite demon brother for a little favour.
Was going to do these in groups, but they just kept getting longer and longer. Apologies my fellow simps, please enjoy them one at a time starting with the eldest and finishing with the youngest.
Warnings: None! It's some fluffy fluff. GN! Reader.
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Truly, you didn't want to bother him. That's what you told yourself as you crept up behind the the chair he was currently sitting in.
He looked so engrossed in the book he was reading, what you were planning surely should be a crime. Oh well, you were in a mood and it's always fun to tease Satan.
On tippy-toes you continue on your path of annoyance. Ever so slowly you reach your hands out ready to pounce on him.
"MC, I know you're there." He says without so much as a peep in your direction.
"Boooo Satan, you're no fun." Pouting as you say it.
Your hands still stay the course, connecting with his broad shoulders then sliding down across his chest as you lean in to look over his shoulder.
"I apologise, next time I'll pretend I don't notice when you enter a room." He teases you as he turns a page. He's acting to unfazed by your close proximity but you know you felt his breath hitch when you started sliding your hands across his chest.
Rolling your eyes you remove your hands from around his chest and move to stand in front of him with your hands on your hips.
"First of all, as if you could. Secondly I have a better idea of how you can repay me for ruining my practical joke." You say as you bend down so your face is level with his.
"Hah, ok sure. What do you have in mind?" He quirks his eyebrow as he finally looks up at you. Closing his book, and giving you his full attention.
"A PIGGYBACK RIDE!" You yell excitedly, eyes closing as you smile at him.
He's glad you closed your eyes when you hit him with that smile, it's giving him an extra minute to compose himself. Fuck, you're cute. He hates the idea of owing anyone but he'd be happy to owe fate one for sending you to him.
When you open your eyes you see a bored expression, but the slight pink tint to his cheeks gives him away. You know he secretly loves it when you annoy him, that's why you sought him out.
"Let's go Satan, I can even read to you while I'm on your back so you don't have to miss out on the exciting part of your book." Reaching out you grab his free hand and start tugging on it
"Hey! No spoilers MC. But fine I can give you a piggy back if that is what you wish." He gets up at the same time you give a particularly strong yank on his arm.
You squeak as you start to fall backwards, but a strong arm reaches around and catches you, pulling you back against his hard frame.
"Have you always been this clumsy? Or is it for my benefit?" He chuckles and lets you go once you are steady on your feet.
"Hmm maybe a bit of both actually, I kind of like having your arm around me." You flash him a sly smile, but he misses it as he turns his back to you a little to quickly.
"Just get on will you." He says sounding exasperated, he shakes his head and crouches down for you. You think maybe your teasing has gone to far until you see how red is ears have become. Nope, he's just trying to hide his reddening face from you.
Placing your hands on his shoulders you jump up and wrap your thighs around his waist. One of his hands come down to grip your leg, holding you in place, while the other holds his book out to you waiting for you to grab it.
"Page 152, please." Is all he says when you take the book from him and he grabs your other leg with his now free hand. Hoisting you up further on his back before he begins to walk towards the door to the library.
You begin to read, smiling softly as you feel his appreciative hum vibrate through your chest almost like a purr.
Satan takes his time carrying you home, you are unaware but he's circled the same block 3 times already. He doesn't want this time with you to end just yet, loving the feeling of having you pressed against him.
Your voice as you read to him is so sweet, he's going to have to reread this chapter when he's alone because he can't seem to concentrate.
How your free hand keeps rubbing circles on his chest only to stop and grip his shirt when you get to a particularly exciting part of the book.
The way your breath keeps tickling the side of his neck. Making him glad he's wearing his jacket or you'd be able to see the goosebumps that keep raising on his arms.
Feeling you giggle against his back when you find something amusing in the words you're reading. He thought hearing your cute giggle was hard enough, but feeling you loose yourself a little is driving him mad.
You come to the end of the chapter at the same time Satan announces you've arrived.
"Oh, that worked out well!" You say as you hop down from his back. He "mn's" in response. He secretly hopes you don't think it too suspicious how 'well' it really turned out. He was a little concerned you hadn't wondered why it took so long to get here. But not so concerned that he wanted to voice it.
You open the door and start to walk inside, getting halfway up the stairs before you turn back to him.
"Satan... Can we finish the book in your room... Together?" Flashing him another one of your dazzling smiles when the last word leaves your lips. How could he ever refuse you?
"Of course MC."
You slip your hand in his as he meets you on the stairs. His fingers tighten against yours, feeling the blush bloom on his cheeks. He doesn't turn away this time. He lets you see it as you both walk to his room.
Thank you so much for reading, I hope you liked it ☺️Likes, comments, and reblogs are so appreciated! 🌻 Please don't repost, that shit won't fly here. I'll annoy the absolute shit out of you. If you would like to join the tag list please fill in my dumb little form
Tagging: @delphi-dreamin @blackwings-with-angeleyes @ladyofthemorningstar @alexxavicry @not-a-cat-lawyer @aprilwallflower @your-next-daydream @soapbooger
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factual-fantasy · 30 days
Greetings as always Factual! You've been on a role answering asks lately-and I'm so glad to see you mention in a few that you've been doing better- and that you will soon have some doctors visits to hopefully get everything figured out, so this whole ordeal can finally be over! Till then, Keep on keeping on as always, and if you don't mind, I have a few small Asks as usual.
Firstly, regarding the Mario AU, you'll recall in the past confirming that King K Rool would retain his place as an enemy that threatens the Kongs of DK island from the outside in some shape or form- but i wonder, would your AU also contain an interpretation of the threat that came from within the island- the nefarious Tiki Tak Tribe?
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In the recent DK games, the tribe has slowly been revealed as an ancient race who was imprisoned in the islands volcano by unknown means- and upon escaping they sought to reclaim their kingdom, before being bested by the Kongs once more for the time being- though they continue to make cameos and appearances here and their- including a ride in the upcoming DK Nintendo world expansion! So would you perhaps incorporate them into your story as well? Or scrap them for the sake of simplicity? If you did include them, I wonder if DK and K Rool would unite to take them on as one- and perhaps you could find ways to connect them to the other kingdoms? For example, it'd be one heck of a reveal that it was KAMEK who sealed them in that volcano, so long ago...
On another note, thanks for answering my last question about Bash Buggy! Hope everything turns out well for him and his new life once the war's dust finally settles... And also regarding Transformers, I wanted to ask if you have yet seen the trailer for the new upcoming movie, transformers One, and what your first thoughts and impressions are of it?
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I've seen A lot of people already hating on it because of the trailers light hearted, comedic tones, or the more expressive character designs- but personally, I really like it so far! In my opinion, it's a welcome change of pace from the humorless, senselessly violent Bayverse movies, and their over-designed, chaotic character models- I think it really has potential- especially since they've confirmed it will have some more serious moments, and several Transformers prime characters will even be returning- including Arachnid, and the Vehicons! But what say you? Any hopes for it? Things you want to see?
Thank you! I'm hoping this is all over soon. Because this whole ordeal has completely wiped me out physically and mentally. It sure would be nice to finally feel better and go back to functioning like a normal human- 💀💀
As for the Tiki Tak tribe.. no idea what I'm gonna do with them.. I'd have to think about it. Kamek can't be responsible for everything <XD
As for Transformers.. I always liked the more serious tone that some shows/movies take. So I can imagine I wouldn't like this new movie because of that.. but tbh the only characters I care about is Optimus and Ratchet XDD as long as they're characterized well I think I can live with the movie 👍👍
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hyvnam · 1 year
Where we left off.
POV Y/n is a Scientist who attended school beside Miguel in their youth and now works for the Spider Society. She was there from the beginning, even briefly dated the leader of the secret association then broke it off due to a third party. Now she works in the infirmary, trying to avoid Miguel, yet can't help but get caught up in his web.
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Earth 928B, Guimauve Café,
Nueva York.
“I'm glad that you're back, Y/n.”
You fondled with your fingers, holding a half drunken cup of coffee.
It had been some time since you were back in Nueva York,, explaining that you needed some time to cool off. Gabriel called up and asked to meet up and you happily obliged.
He asked how was your trip outside of town, catching up like old times. After an hour he had to go, you sipped the last bit of your drink and asked,,,
“How are you and Kasey?”
You asked as he stood up, Gabriel gave a cheeky grin,,
“Much better than you and Mig.”
How cruel...,,
Miguel and you were like-minded in intelligence, that's how you befriended each other as kids. When you both got into Alchemax, it wasn't a surprise for your families to hear the news that the two of you entered a romantic relationship. However,, they never could've imagined the relationship would end with Miguel cheating on you.
He looked so unaffected when apologizing, saying he was shamelessly in love with another woman,, who was his brother's girlfriend, Dana, at that time.
You were bitter and left. The news of Dana's death due to venom reached you not long after it happened, you couldn't say you were sad since the sour feeling was still there.
When he heard you came back, Miguel sought after you. He needed help with developing a device that could help him travel through dimensions. You did help him with fixing Lyla and because of old times, you agreed.
From time to time you both met up,, the spark coming back to the point you ended up in his bed. Miguel offered a spot when the idea of creating the Spider-Society was in his head,, you absolutely rejected the idea of working for him.
After completing the beta version of the Dimensional Travel Watch, or gizmo— said Lyla, you stayed at Babylon Towers to observe any bad effects it would have on the wearer so you could make some adjustments.
You sat on a stool in the lab, where you usually hang around. The door opens, footsteps approaching you from behind.
The shadow of someone big loomed over your small figure. Suddenly you were rotated around and faced with Miguel,, his expression soft. He rests his hands on the counter, leaning his body over to you.
“What?” you asked, turning away as your face started to heat up like a tomato.
“Oh, mi vida,,, look at me.” he cupped your cheek, you couldn't help but snuggle in. Gosh this man had a leash around your neck, whatever he told you to do you'd do it.
“I know we left off in a bad way,, you know that I love you right?” he's such a red flag,,, your gaze fell to the ground. His expression then filled with guilt.
You looked back up and smiled,, "We never even ended things,”
Miguel's face lit up,,
He dragged you in again. Grabbing a hold of your chin,, gently kisses your eyelids,,
“Open your mouth.” he commanded.
Then your lips, it was sloppy, mostly just with the tongue. His other hand slid its way beneath your shirt.
You came out of the lab,, sweat dripped from your face. Your shirt was wet, ‘‘they really need to put an ac in there,, you thought.
Miguel followed after you, he pushed back his messy hair and it was back to it's original slick back. You noticed a lip stick stain and reached out to erase it from his face,
He held your wrist before you could pull away, then kissed the palm of your hand,,,
“I miss you, amor,,”
You thought this time it would work out. He finally changed,, oh god if you knew how you thought that time you'd kill yourself. Your hopes were up too high,, he just couldn't stop going behind your back.
He sneaked under your nose,, everyone knew, Jess did and Peter B too. The humiliation and pain you felt a long time ago when you caught him and Dana, it came back.
A wormhole opens,, Miguel walked out of it. His face filled with dread, oh how you wished you could slap him then and there. But you couldn't,, he fell into your arms and cried, his sobs filled his office.
Miguel knew about the consequences when he started the secret association,, he knew the rules that he had to abide, you reminded him countless of times.
However,,, he just couldn't resist having a life on another Earth with his dead fiancee and a daughter, named Gabriella. Peter B was there when that version that Miguel called heaven started to glitch and disappear.
From then on,, your relationship with him soured even more. You'd share a night with him then he'd find himself waking up alone, breakfast ready with coffee that he really liked.
The weight on his back became heavier and heavier as work piled up,, but this time you couldn't help.
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Long Term Love with Azumane Asahi
Pairing: Azumane Asahi/Trans Male reader Warnings: Mentions of Dysphoria, references to sex Summary: Despite growing up together, despite dating since before middle school started, despite everything really, sometimes how much Azumane loves you still catches you off guard.
You've spent your whole life with Asahi, or at least all of it that your remember, he's been your next door neighbor since elementary school and your boyfriend since the summer of your fifth year. Every major milestone has been spent together. Everything that there is to feel with another person has been felt, and still, despite it all, Asahi still sweeps you off your feet. Often without meaning to. He's always been bigger than you, and when you first met him it was terrifying. You thought he was older than you, and like most older kids, was going to terrorize you, but he didn't. And once you found the bravery to stop hiding behind your mother and talk with him things changed. You learned he was in your grade, although not your class, and you went to the same school. He sought you out after that. He'd never met someone with so many things different from him and he found you interesting. You balanced each other out, his calm and quiet eased your rough and tumble tendencies. Listening as you shouted your way through arguments you could have won if he hadn't pulled you away, letting you get the anger out before finishing your walk home.
You like to think you were the one that fell first, Asahi will argue this point until he's blue in the face, but privately, you're certain. It was when you were finally sure of yourself, when you knew you were a boy not a girl. When after months of fearing what he would say you bit the bullet and brought it up. He was confused and after a lengthy explanation on your end he only smiled. "It... I'm glad you told me, but it doesn't change things between us. I'll be by your side as long as you'll have me Y/N, that's what friends are for." He put an arm over your shoulder keeping you close, "And now we can get you on the boys team for real." You couldn't help the laugh that escaped you at that, because of course that would be his main concern, "I am perfectly content watching from the bleachers thanks."
Asahi is the one that confessed first, and even then it was more of him stating a thought than revealing anything. It just came out and it felt like the world froze for a moment. You could still remember what you were doing at the time. You were both in Asahi's room going over the pros and cons of different high schools and you had made a comment about how you could pull off the Karasuno boy's uniform and probably pass in it and how nice it would be to finally just be seen as you were without having to explain things. "You know you'd look good in anything right? You don't have to say you like the uniform just because I wanna go to school there. I would still love you just as much even if we went to different schools." He didn't look up from his brochure until after you'd been staring at him for quite a while. It was only after he caught your eye that he seemed to realize what he said. "You love me?" You echo, and he nods too embarrassed to speak and you grinned, "Oh thank god, because I've had a massive crush on you since middle school." He goes red and just laughs. Things don't change too much after that since you and Asahi where already pretty free with your affections.
It's your third year and Asahi has finally rejoined the team and you were back to sitting in the bleachers as you watched practice instead of avoiding the building all together. It was nice, even if the first years were a bit much. After they'd interrogated Asahi they had moved onto you. What position do you play? I don't. Then why are you here? To support my boyfriend, and the rest of the team. Why haven't we seen you around before? Because Asa just came back. It went on and on until the warm up whistle, and without a second thought Asahi kissed the top of your head and jogged off to meet the rest of the team. And you just stood there a little uselessly for a moment, overwhelmed with affection. Then its finals season and you can't remember the last time you slept. You had to study, you had to make sure Asahi studied because you were pretty sure Takeda wasn't kidding about barring anyone with failing marks from the away games and that would break Asahi all over again and you just got him back. And then there is a cup of green tea where your studying materials had just been. It snaps you back to yourself and you look up to see Asahi standing beside your desk with a smile. "Let's have some tea, stretch a little, and then come back to this." You agree, even though you know what is going to happen after you stretch is definitely not going to be studying, and sleep will follow soon after, and tomorrow you'll try again with similar results. Finals will go fine as they always do.
Then, they're standing on the top of the world and you couldn't be prouder. The bubble bursts of course when a reckless reporter refers to you as Asahi's girlfriend. It hasn't happened in years, but the offhand remark already has your skin feeling too tight. Everyone that needs to know does, and Asa had corrected the reporter with surprising sternness, but the damage had been done. But before you can retreat too far, there is Asahi. Bent to your level with a serious expression. "Don't mind her." He says, and you almost snap about how it's not that easy, "It's hard I know. But i am with you and I will remind you how ever many times it takes that you are the boy i have loved my whole life."
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morrieandlicky · 1 year
I realized something rather unsettling about E.M. Forster’s Maurice: it would’ve never happened at all—in fact it was so close to never having been written. 
Why? Because the novel is a direct result of Forster's visit to Edward Carpenter and George Merril in 1913—specifically, a direct result of a Merril’s touch on Forster’s backside, but broadly of Carpenter’s philosophy and the life he had with his lover, the lower-class Merrill. But here’s the thing: Edward Carpenter and George Merril were almost charged, arrested, and/or imprisoned because of their sexuality and relationship. 
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Having published his controversial The Intermediate Sex which sought to justify homosexual love, Edward Carpenter came under fire and faced a large public reaction. Someone named D O’Brien, a member of a right-wing group instigated his own large-scale campaign against Carpenter. He printed out pamphlets and wrote letters accusing Carpenter, even sent them to the Home Office and the police who then started investigating Carpenter. The authorities evaluated Carpenter’s published books on homosexuality to determine merits of persecuting him.
However, the Director of Public Persecution at the time, Charles, decided not to open any legal proceeding. Because with the shadow of Oscar Wilde’s infamous trial still palpably felt in the society, he did not want to stir any public discussion about sex or homosexuality through Carpenter or his books. As such, no proceeding against Carpenter happened, and his books were not banned. This ended in 1909. 
But the investigation did not stop there. The Derbyshire police was concerned with—and anxious about—getting a case against Carpenter and Merrill as two homosexuals. I think that since Carpenter was upper-class and had a solid reputation, the police went after Merrill instead, especially because O’Brien’s letters mentioned names of several people who knew about Merrill’s "indecencies". But these people were of no avail. Hence, no incriminating evidence was found against Carpenter “beyond strong suspicion”, and before 1911, the whole thing was thus, finally, dropped. 
And Forster’s visit to the two men living together in Millthorpe happened in 1913. 
(Below: a 1911 census showing Edward Carpenter, the head of house, living together with George Merrill, the housekeeper)
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Imagine: had Carpenter and Merril been caught—and imprisonment was most certain for Merril due to his lower station—they wouldn’t have been together at where they were in 1913. Forster probably wouldn’t have visited Carpenter at their cottage at all, and thus, Maurice and its happy ending would’ve never been formed. The lives of the real life Maurice Hall and Alec Scudder could’ve been destroyed before their fictional counterparts had been conceived—and Forster would’ve never seen the happy gay couple he knew to write a gay romance novel with a happy ending. 
(Forster could’ve written and even published another version of Maurice—albeit one with tragic ending and deaths of gay characters.)
I used to think Carpenter and Merrill evaded the laws and got through it all because they were smart and brave and discreet, but now I know they were also incredibly lucky, in the sense that it’s almost like Carpenter and Merrill were destined by some higher power to be together and live in an Edwardian gay fairy tale of happily ever after; they were meant to survive as outlaws and to welcome Forster into their home and inspire him to write a gay novel with a happy ending. “Fate has mated it perfectly,” might I quote from Forster himself. 
(Below: a 1921 census showing Carpenter and Merrill living together still)
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Probably in an alternate universe, Carpenter and Merrill were indeed arrested. Merrill went to prison and suffered the same as Wilde did; Carpenter however was let off due to his status (just like Forster had imagined for Maurice and Alec in real life his terminal notes). I don't want to wonder or ponder too much on that because for now, I'm just glad that I live in this timeline where a homosexual happy ending indeed happened in real life as well as in fiction, in the most impossible times.
Source: https://blog.nationalarchives.gov.uk/edward-carpenter-free-love-advocate-and-lgbtq-rights-pioneer/
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