#I don’t want to lock my fics but I think I will
indulgentdaydream · 2 days
protective!jason hcs or blurb 🥰
Ok so I kinda touched on these in my latest fic but anyways i WILL elaborate bc those were just background
We all know that man is touch starved. We ALL know it.
We also all know he’s hesitant with sharing touch
It’s only once you both have been dating for a bit already, maybe three months in, that he really starts to show his protectiveness through his touch
Or at least when you notice it
He’s always at least holding your hand as you guys walk around Gotham. Depending on exactly whereabouts in Gotham is when he changes whether he’s between you and the road, or you and the alleyways.
You watched him change it up one time halfway through your shared walk, him letting go of your left hand, stepping behind you and around to grab your right instead.
“Oh? So you want me to get hit by a car and die?”
Jason only keeps his eyes on the passing buildings and the ones coming up, “The chance of that is much lower than somebody trying to mug you in this area, love.”
One day you’re both out at the bar together. He’s sitting on a stool behind you as you babble to oke of yours friends.
From over their shoulder, you see a man approaching, but don’t think anything of it.
Suddenly, you see the man stop in his tracks, freezing. You glance over at him. He looks terrified. He glances at you, his original target, then behind you again. He spins on his heel and walks back the way he came.
You look behind you, feeling Jason’s hand still resting on your hip. You almost feel a little scared yourself, seeing that killer glare that Jason’s pointing at the guy’s back.
He switches immediately the second he looks down to you, a soft smile and kind eyes, not a hint of the previous bloodlust a mere second ago. “What?” He asks, like watching his expression change wasn’t the biggest turn on in the world.
You’re sitting in your apartment at your desk typing away on your laptop. You’re trying to file your taxes, and Jason had come over to help you with it (surprisingly he knows how even though he’s still legally dead at this point and hasn’t had to pay any taxes. Ever.)
He had stood and was wondering around your room a bit while he waited for you to fill the next part out. You can hear shuffling, but you’re too focused to tune into it.
“Jay? What does this line mean?”
Jason grunts for a moment and you hear your window slide open.
You turn back around, “Jay?”
“One second.” He shuts your window again. You watch as he fiddles with the lock before easily sliding the window back open. He throws his hands in the air and looks at you. “How long have you lived here?”
You shrug, confused, “You helped me move in.”
Jason waves his hand through the air, “When?”
“Almost a year? Last November.”
Jason fiddles with the window again, slamming it back down, “This lock doesn’t work. You been sleeping in here and anyone could’ve just broken in?”
You shrug again, “I didn’t know it was broken! I don’t really lock my window often.”
Jason looks like he almost broke his neck by how fast his head whipped back to you, “You don’t lock your window????”
He finishes your taxes for you before he leaves, saying he’ll be back. Within the hour he’s knocking on your door again, a duffle bag in hand full of power tools, screws, and different assortments of heavy duty locks. He spends the rest of the night installing them.
A new one on your bedroom window that actually consisted of two different locks. A similar two on your kitchen window. Another three on your bedroom door itself. Then four on your front door.
As he leaned over your kitchen sink, screwing in the lock and blocking your way as you tried to make you both dinner.
“Is this really necessary?”
“I’m not having you practically open to every bad thing the city has to offer, love.”
“Then how are you going to come in through my window now?”
“I’ll learn to knock.”
That’s all I can think of right now okay byeee
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mumms-the-word · 2 days
Micro-story number 20 please!
Ooooh an interesting one! My brain went several places with this one, both sfw and nsfw so it took me a while to land on something. But here you go, another Gale x You mini fic!
alone, finally
He has your back against the door of his home in Waterdeep the moment you’ve fully crossed his threshold, his fingers digging into your hips and his lips on yours, practically stealing the air from your lungs. Your eyes fly wide with surprise before fluttering closed as you wrap your arms around his neck, responding to each new affection with equal passion. He’s been hungry for you before but this is something else. It’s as though every reservation he’s ever borne around you has suddenly fallen away. He lavishes his mouth on you and grips you like a man starved.
As his lips move to your neck you managed to gasp a hazy, “Gale, what—”
“We’re alone,” murmurs against your skin, his voice deep, “finally.”
You can’t help but laugh. “We’ve been alone before, my love. This is hardly the first time.”
He nips at your earlobe, a sharp but fleeting pain, almost like a chastisement. “Not like this.”
You bite your lip against a smile, tempted to just let him have it—let him have you—but you have to know. You comb your fingers through his hair and guide his head up so you can look him in the face. He lifts his head with a look that is nothing short of a pleading pout, his brown eyes at maximum hurt-puppy levels and his lips in a tiny plump frown. You laugh again.
“What do you mean, love?” you ask, stroking his cheeks with your thumbs. “We’ve been alone plenty of times.”
“We’ve never been alone like this,” he says. He pulls your hips to meet his and touches his forehead briefly to yours. “We’ve never been home before.”
It clicks for you.
Home, where you can lock the door and shut out the outside world for a few hours or days. Home, with no one lingering a few feet away from your tent, where you don’t have to share walls, floors, and ceilings with dozens of other temporary residents in adjoining rooms. Home, where you—or at least he—is at his most comfortable, surrounded by the space he built for himself. Home, where the two of you can be as loud, adventurous, and wild as you please, with only the most intrepid busybody to overhear you.
He’s right. You’ve never been alone with him quite like this.
His expression shifts as he sees the understanding dawn on your face, his round-eyed pout replaced with a sharper, hungrier look, his pupils blown wide with desire. He kisses you deeply again before resting his forehead against yours.
“I want you,” he breathes. “I want to try everything we haven’t tried yet, with you, here. I want to explore your body, every inch of it, to see what I missed while we were out there saving the world. I want every room in our home to echo with the sounds of your pleasure, raw and without limits. I want to see you—everywhere, pressed against every surface. Not just our bed, but our desks, our table, our—”
You silence him with a kiss. As much as you love to hear him talk, what you want now is fewer words and more action. You kiss him until you’re both breathless, panting, until the room feels too hot and you’re desperate to peel your clothes away from your body and tug his off of him. You break away to catch your breath, though he hasn’t given you much room to do so, pressing his body against yours until it’s flat to the door.
“Don’t tell me,” you breathe. “Show me.”
His response is a grin you don’t think you’ve seen before. Not like this. A little crooked, a little mischievous, and entirely too hungry. It sends a thrill down your spine.
You’re in trouble, but in the best possible way.
“Don’t hold back, my love. It’s just us, after all.”
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perotovar · 3 days
rebirth — a pride month oneshot
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pairing: genderfluid!javi gutierrez/ofc/reader (written in 3rd pov) rating: T word count: 2k content: javi uses hey/they pronouns, coming out, discussions of gender identity, mentions of misgendering and worries about being cast out/attacked for one's identity (doesn't actually happen), reader is only referred to as "she", google translate spanish, spanish pet names (used by both javi and reader), if i missed anything lmk! dividers: by @saradika-graphics beta: @qveerthe0ry and @scenaaario ily both ♥
summary: javi has been wanting to let his partner know something for a long time. in fact, this is something that javi has thought about for their entire life, and they're comfortable enough to finally say it.
a/n: written as a part of @romanarose 's pride event for week 1: coming out! i wanted to try something a little different and i hope you'll give it a try ♥
for any future fics, follow @oakslibrary and turn on notifications ♥
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They were both in the living room, the credits for their weekly movie rolling in front of them. Javi had been wanting to tell her this for a while now. If they didn’t get it out now, he was sure he never would.
“I believe I am… trans,” Javi said into the quiet room, gaze fixed to the floor.
She blinked, shifting her attention from Instagram and letting his admission settle over her. Javi curled in on himself, still unable to meet her gaze. She locked her phone and set it down on the coffee table, giving Javi her complete attention.
“Oh?” She asked quietly.
Javi closed his eyes briefly and nodded, hands balled into fists against his knees. “Y-yes, I,” he gulped. “Um. I feel… Inside. I feel it inside.”
She had no personal experience in any of this before, but Javi was coming to her in confidence. Javi trusted her with this side of… them? Him? Her? She really wasn’t sure which applied to Javi at this point.
She nodded, considering. “H-have you, um,” she gulped. “What brought you to that… conclusion? I’m sorry, osito, I’m… I’m new to,” she gestured vaguely, but stopped in case that came off as dismissive. “I’m not sure what I should say.”
Javi finally turned to her, huffing out a laugh and wiping his eyes. They grabbed their love’s hand and held it gently in their own.
“I am sorry,” he said softly. “I just sort of… sprung this on you, but. It has been on my mind a lot lately.”
She nodded, urging Javi to continue.
“I did not have the language that is available now, as I was growing up. I’m not sure if I’m… I do not believe I am a woman, but,” Javi paused, looking down at their clasped hands.. She squeezed their hand reassuringly, and Javi squeezed back. “Masculinity is… fragile.”
She snorted at that, making Javi laugh a little as well.
“Well, it is, but you know what I’m saying,” Javi giggled. 
“I do.”
“I have always felt disconnected with masculinity. There were so many things men were supposed to do, to be,” Javi sighed. “I never felt like I– Like I was one of those people.”
“Should I–” she started, but fell quiet. “Sorry, I don’t want to interrupt you, osito,” she said softly, rubbing her thumb across his cheek. Javi leaned into the touch, and gave a small shake of his head.
“Por favor, pregunta.”
“How should… Is there a name more fitting for you now? Or new… pronouns?”
Javi bit their lip, thinking about it. “I like my name,” they said easily. “And… I think I like ‘they’?” Javi shrugged. “It is still new for me as well.”
She giggled softly and leaned closer to press her forehead to theirs “That’s okay. We can… We’re in this together, mi osito.”
Javi’s cheeks flushed. They nodded, steeling themself for their next announcement. “I, um. I was wondering if you could… help me?”
She leaned back to look at him, eyes questioning. “Of course, amor. Whatever you need.”
“Um, I purchased some… clothes and makeup and I was wondering if you could help me put some outfits together?” He rushed out shyly.
She beamed, excited at the idea of helping her love explore something they’d always wanted to.
“It’s just–” Javi gulped. “You always look so put together and pretty and–” “Javi,” she chuckled, taking his face in both hands. “I’d love to help you.”
The smile on Javi’s face could rival the sun.
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Javi Gutierrez, he/they, discovered the word “genderfluid” a few months later. He liked that word, but it made everything all the more real. He knew that things were changing, but his mind was filled with brand new anxieties. He worried about being disrespected in meetings with studio executives, being misgendered, blacklisted, or even worse, a target.
For now, at least, he kept his identity private. Only his love, and immediate team were aware. To others, Javi was just a little adventurous when it came to fashion.
Ever since coming out to their partner, they’d gotten really good at applying their own eyeliner and lipstick, always a pretty neutral color that complimented his skin tone beautifully. Having lived in Mallorca most of his life, his wardrobe was already full of color, and he never shied away from the more “feminine” colors. Who knew wearing a pink suit would cause such a stir?
Some days they felt more masculine, and other days he felt more feminine. When they felt somewhere in the middle, they got to play around with some androgyny. The freedom to just… be was such a weight lifted off his shoulders. There were no restrictions to what they could do anymore. No pressures to act or look or be a certain way.
Javi was just… Javi.
And right now, Javi was nervous, but excited. 
“Mi amor, look! What do you think? Do you think it is too much for the luncheon?” Javi asked brightly, twirling a little in their shared closet.
She gave him a once over and felt her heart flutter at just how happy Javi looked. She’d always had her suspicions about Javi, especially the longer they’d been together. Javi always carried themself a little… differently than most men. She understood now that it was because Javi wasn’t like most men. Or even a man at all. Well, not really, anyway.
“I love the color... but it may be a little too short,” Javi pouted, nervously tugging at the hem of the skirt.
“Oh, it’s perfect, mi osito,” she grinned, stepping closer to them. “However,” she started, biting her lip as she gave him another look. Javi’s eyes widened and their cheeks flushed. “I think you should wear your knee high socks with it. Balance it out a little.”
“Are you sure?” Javi blinked owlishly. They looked into the full length mirror turning first to the left, then right, assessing the outfit. He had chosen a matching set in a soft lavender, the delicate shade perfect against his golden skin. The tennis skirt made his ass look fantastic, and the polo shirt hugged his biceps perfectly, showing off his broad shoulders. The strip of skin that peeked out between the two pieces was an added bonus. “I haven’t worn anything this… obvious to this sort of meeting before.”
“What do you want to do, honey? I think you’ll look beautiful whatever you decide to wear,” she smiled, coming up behind them to wrap her arms around their waist. She kissed their shoulder comfortingly, nuzzling into the soft fabric.
Javi bit his lip as he turned in the mirror again. “I love the skirt. I love how it feels, but… Perhaps it is too casual? No quiero ser poco profesional.”
She hummed in understanding. “Maybe the earrings? The new ones,” she offered instead.
The tiny silver hoops with small crystals in the colors of the genderfluid flag were more delicate than Javi usually wore. The gender euphoria he would feel during the luncheon far outweighed the subtlety of the jewelry.
“Good idea,” Javi smiled, turning in her arms to cup her face and kiss her tenderly. She hummed happily into it, keeping her hands on their hips. As he pulled away, Javi’s eyes softened at her blissful expression. “I am not sure what I did to deserve you, but… I’m not complaining,” he chuckled softly.
Her heart thudded in her chest. She felt the exact same way. It would take a little time for her to get used to all the complexities and nuances of Javi’s gender, but she was willing to put in the work. She loved him, loved them for exactly the person Javi was.
“Perhaps I should not question it too much, hm?” Javi winked, then pressed a kiss to her forehead. 
“Probably for the best,” she winked back. “Now, go get dressed so I can take you out later, ok?”
Javi smiled brightly and nodded, parting from her to get changed.
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“I am nervous, mi amor,” Javi whispered, clutching her hand tightly in his own. 
“You’ll be just fine. And you’ve got me here with you,” she grinned, and gave him a light peck on the cheek. “Don’t want to mess up your makeup,” she said, rubbing an invisible smudge off his highlighted cheekbone and winking.
Javi exhaled a heavy breath, eyes fluttering shut as he centered himself. “Alright. Press record, por favor.”
“Hola mis amigos,” they said shakily. "I have… I have something I’ve been meaning to share with all of you.” As nervous as Javi was, there was an undeniable determination in their eyes.
To say Javi’s coming out video went viral would be an understatement. Javi Gutierrez, screenplay writer and part-time producer, famed for working with the likes of Nicolas Cage, was coming out as genderfluid. It was on every news article and Twitter account for weeks.
Javi expected there to be mixed reactions, but the only opinions that they really cared about were from the people they’d be working with directly. His team had known for a long time, and they’d been out to themself for two years. They were sufficiently comfortable in this identity, and if he lost out on certain jobs, they weren’t worth having in the first place.
He did a few interviews after his initial coming out video, but made it clear that they didn’t want this to be something he had to talk about in every interview going forward. Yes, he was genderfluid, but it wasn’t the only thing.
Thankfully, lots of Javi’s celebrity friends were on his side. Every new set he worked on, he heard encouraging words from the cast and crew. A co-star who’s brand hinged on being very feminine, said Javi’s video unlocked a lot of feelings they had been trying to repress. One of the lighting guys, a man who could have passed for a member of the Hell’s Angels, quietly asked him for makeup recommendations while blocking a close-up shot. He worried about the people who wouldn’t be supportive, until he realized he had so many people in his corner that the bigots didn’t matter. 
And above all else, he had her. She accepted them for who they were and even if she had questions or didn’t understand something, she made it a point to ask or do her own research. 
Javi had never felt so seen. So respected.
And here, laying in her arms, head resting on her chest, they felt protected and loved.
“Your hair is getting long, mi osito,” she hummed quietly, twirling an errant curl around her finger.
“Sí, quería ver cómo quedaría,” Javi muttered, lifting their head and resting their chin on her stomach. He made eye contact with her, getting lost in the color of her eyes. “I have always wanted to know how I looked with long hair.”
“Oh, I’m sure it’ll be gorgeous, mi amor. These curls of yours,” she sighed wistfully. 
Javi swayed their head from side to side, those curls bouncing and dancing along the tops of his shoulders. “You have said how much you love them,” Javi giggled.
“Well, it’s the truth. Maybe we can get some things to put in it once it’s even longer,” she offered, smiling softly.
Javi’s eyes grew wide and he sat up, on the bed, legs tucked under his backside. They were wearing a pale blue silk nightie that hugged their thighs and accentuated their shoulders beautifully. She couldn’t take her eyes off him.
“I would love that!” Javi exclaimed excitedly.
“Then it shall be so,” she grinned, playing with the bottom hem of the nightie they were wearing. She gazed up at him through her lashes, taking in the sharp angle of his cupid’s bow and full bottom lip. “When do you need to wake up, mi amor?”
Javi’s breath hitched as her fingers crept underneath the silk and across his thighs, and his gaze dropped to the smooth column of her neck. Their eyes met as he crawled over her to straddle her lap. 
“Not early,” he hummed, “Did you have plans for this evening?” They asked mischievously, leaning in to tease open mouthed kisses across her collarbone.
“Maybe,” she sighed, reaching around to squeeze his ass, bare under the nightie.
“Good,” Javi smiled, leaning down to kiss her deeply, hungrily. She moaned into their mouth, relaxing as they found a comfortable rhythm.
And that’s just how it was for them. They were in sync. Javi had a feeling they always would be.
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a/n: if you're curious to know what sort of nightie javi is wearing, this is what i was picturing ♥
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daisykihannie · 18 hours
Deprived (B.C)
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Day 1 of 8 days of Kinks: Sensory Deprivation
pairing: Sub!Chan x Amab!Reader
warnings: sensory deprivation, smut, Nsfw, established relationship, unprotected sex, anal sex, spanking, Chan cries just a little, begging, rough and soft??, manhandling, slight bondage, i love when men whimper, etc.
a/n: i was honestly really trying to keep this shorter and mostly just the smut but i’ve now learned that i can’t help but write my fics in detail:/
@chvnlix Day 1: Here
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Today was extremely exhausting and Chan honestly just wanted to have his brain clock out and bed rot for the next 8-10 business days but realistically, that’s not an option. Luckily he had enough mental strength to send you a message to let you know the state he was in. You and Chan have been boyfriends for 4 years now, you both knew each other better than you knew yourselves. That being said, you knew exactly what your boyfriend needed to shut his brain up.
“I’m home.” Chan groaned out, exhaustion heavy in his voice. He noticed the dim lighting in the living room, slipping out of his Vans and walking toward the couch where you were seated with just the lamp next to the sofa on. Chan wasted no time in straddling your lap as he took his seat on your thighs and wrapped himself around your rigid form like a koala. “Welcome home my love~” you purred out and began to drag your fingernails across his scalp in a soothing manner similar to the way you’d scratch a cat on the head.
Chan nuzzled his nose against your throat, breathing in the smell of your cologne and humming in satisfaction. “Have i ever told you how incredible you smell?” chan mumbled, refusing to remove his nose from your neck. “hmmmm i don’t think you have baby.” you teased, knowing he tells you multiple times a day just how much he loves how you smell. “mmm well, you smell so fucking sexy, it’s insane.” chan retorted softly, pushing his nose further into the skin of your neck.
You two stayed there in a comfortable silence for a little while longer before you used your free hand that wasn’t scratching Chan’s scalp to dig into your little chest of secrets next to the couch to fish out the special sound proof headphones you used specifically for times like this. They made it very difficult to hear anything, even without any music playing, and genuinely impossible to hear with music playing. You removed your hand from Chan's black locks, earning a whine of protest from the man still clinging to you like his life depended on it. “Shhhh don’t get all bratty on me just yet baby.” you sighed as you slipped the white headset to rest comfortably on his head.
At the realization of the head set and the muffled and very very faint noises that could make it through, he pulled away from your neck and looked at you with giant puppy dog eyes, hoping his suspicions are right about what you’re about to do. You gave him a soft, fond smile and showed him the blind fold you had also pulled out. If Chan was a dog, his tail would be wagging at 100 miles a minute right now.
It wasn’t very often that Chan was able to fully let go like this. He was someone who was too focused on his partners pleasure to really allow himself to give over his control and submit to you fully like he did with sensory deprivation. Often times he’d end up in his head too much and over think everything if he wasn’t as exhausted as he was right now. He needed permission to allow his brain to log out and know he’d be completely and utterly cared for and right now, you were giving him that permission and he was beyond grateful.
You slipped the blindfold over your boyfriend’s eyes, the strap wrapping around the headphones to further keep them in place on his head. You decided it’d be best to go ahead and turn on the playlist for times like this before the next part of the full sensory deprivation experience. Once the music started, Chan started to bob his head gently and rock slightly to the music, allowing himself to begin to let go and drown in what senses he still had.
The next step was removing his ability to touch, two of his five sense already removed from him. You slipped the leather gloves over each of his hands and placed each gloved hand onto his lap, one hand on each thigh. You noticed that his rocking movements had now been focused to his hips as he softly began to grind his half-hard cock against your still flaccid one. A soft groan falling from your lips as you tried to focus back on the task at hand and not how the blood rushed straight to your cock at the feeling of your boyfriend's arousal.
Now that Chan’s hands were gloved, you took out the leather and suede wrist cuffs and began to buckle the material to his left wrist first. Insuring that the cuff was snug enough to almost completely restrict his movements but not so tight that they’d become painful. Once the left wrist was perfect, you moved his arms behind his back, resting his right wrist above the left and pulling the man on your lap forward so his muscular chest was resting against your own, bracing his body weight against you fully now that he couldn’t use his hands to keep himself up.
You placed your chin over his shoulder to peer down the expanse of his back, the muscles rippling and flexing as he tried to continue rolling his hips but the new position didn’t allow much movement. Now that both arms were securely fastened behind his back, you landed a sharp smack to the plush of his ass, a yelp falling from the other male’s lips in response and you could feel Chan’s cock twitch against your stomach where he was braced against you.
You landed a second sharp smack to the same cheek, a whimper leaving your boyfriend’s lips now as he chased the feeling for a moment, the pain and excitement coursing through his veins like a drug. He didn’t know what you were doing and wouldn’t know what was going to happen to him and the thought of being good for you, allowing you to take him apart by every individual thread and fiber of his being just to rebuild him all over again, had his brain feeling like cotton candy as Apartment by BOBI ANDONOV pounded in his ears.
Next thing Chan felt was you sitting him back up, having to flex his abs and his thighs to hold himself up now that his balance was slightly off kilter with his hands behind his back. Then, your index and middle finger were pressed to his lower lip, tugging down on the plump, pink, tissue and showing his teeth slightly. Saliva began to pool from his mouth and wet your fingers before he let his jaw go slack, opening his mouth to you like the good boy he is.
You took this opportunity to drag your fingers along his pearly white teeth for a moment, watching as they glistened beautifully under the dim light of the lamp as you dragged his saliva along the smooth surfaces. You added more pressure to your finger tips as you dragged them across the slick surface of his gums, taking your time to feed Chan’s slight oral fixation before your next step. You languidly dragged your fingers across the wet pink muscle that was Chan’s tongue, letting him lazily lap at your digits, coating them thoroughly in his spit.
When you removed your fingers from the wet cavern, Chan let out a disgruntled whine, the empty feeling in his mouth almost had him crying. It just wasn’t enough, he needed more, so so much more from you. He needed you to touch him, use him, take over his senses in every sense of the word. He needed you to melt him down into a puddle and fuck him dumb. You were going to use the gag but he always sounds too pretty in the rare times he allows himself to fully submit to you that you couldn’t do that to yourself.
Chan was now completely deprived of most of his senses, smell being the only one he’s left with. You always allowed him to have his sense of smell considering how much he adored the way you smelled, losing the other senses only made your scent that much more overwhelming and satisfying to your boyfriend. Now that your hands had left Chan’s body, soft whines and whimpers left his lips as he wiggled on your thighs, quickly becoming desperate.
While Chan was struggling on your lap, you took the chance to pull the waistband of your sweats down. Your cock sprang free and recoiling off your stomach and leaving a small wet patch on the black fabric of your muscle tee from the beads of precum that were leaking from the reddening tip.
Seeing your muscular, domineering, boyfriend become a whining and whimpering mess for you and only you was definitely doing things to you. The way no one would be able to imagine THE Bang Chan submitting like this, becoming nothing but a submissive puddle of need for no one but you had your head spinning every time you made him like this.
After tucking the waistband underneath your balls, your hands gripped Chan’s defined hip bones and leaned forward, moving his body off your lap and allowing him to get his feet underneath himself and securely on the floor. Now that the both of you were standing, you made quick work of removing his jeans and underwear. You wanted his shirt off too but the fact that his hands were secure behind his back would make the removal impossible.
Grabbing the collar of his black Adidas compression shirt in both hands, you used a considerable amount of strength to rip the fabric apart, tearing the material to shreds until all that was left was the sleeves clinging to his shoulders. The action had Chan letting out a whiny moan, knees threatening to buckle at just how arousing it felt to have his shirt physically ripped off his body.
Now that Chan was sufficiently naked, you spun his body around and pressed your aching cock between his ass cheeks, rocking your hips languidly to drag your length through the flesh, surprised to feel something cold buried there. It had to be a plug, apparently he already prepped for you like the good boy he is. He leaned his head back against you and pushed his ass back to meet your movements with a moan. “P-please… n-need my baby… need you i-inside me” he whimpered, luckily he learned how to control his volume now so he wasn’t screaming but truly whimpering in a low and sultry tone.
You pulled away from your boyfriend, earning a disapproving whine and a slight stomp of his foot when your body heat left him. He was quickly getting more and more desperate as time dragged on, showing just how mentally gone he really was. Chan’s body felt fuzzy, like cotton candy was threaded through his muscles and tendons. The blood in his veins melting the cotton candy into a syrupy goop in his body. Everywhere you touched him felt like fireworks erupted across his skin and every touch was just as unexpected as the last and his brain was melting into the beats that thrummed through the speakers of the headphones as he struggled to keep up.
You dragged just your finger tips in feather light touches across the muscles of his thighs, allowing Chan temporary sensation before you ripped it away again. Dragging your finger tips from his chin, down his throat, and scratching a soft line from his collar bones down to the middle of his sternum. His skin was pale enough that the skin immediately lit up in a pink hue before you were pulling away from him again.
You continued to touch random parts of his body, with no pattern at all so he couldn’t predict your next move. You alternated the pressure of your finger tips from heavy and bruising touches to light and barely there touches. You’d point your tongue to lick his skin occasionally or drag your teeth across his flesh, still keeping every touch unpredictable. “S-stop teasing… please… m-more i-i need more p-please” chan quickly became a stuttering mess from the assault of your sporadic touches.
With a smirk, you watched Chan and admired the way he shuddered as you blew a steady stream of air across the back of his neck, then across his nipples. You watched them pebble up and a long, needy whine left Chan’s lips again. “Please please please… need to be filled please… fuck baby- i can’t take anymore…” he was getting louder now, frustration evident in his voice. You could see tears slip from under the blindfold, painting his cheeks with clear streaks. He was always so pretty when he cried.
You placed a chaste kiss to either cheek, covering the tear tracks as you made your way to be behind him again. With his back facing you and the couch behind you, you took ahold of his hips, digging your nails into the soft skin and leaving crescent shaped marks along the bones on either side. You pulled him into your lap as you sat on the couch, your still leaking cock pressed against his ass and lower back. He yelped at the sudden feeling of falling, feeling safe in your arms again once he was settled in your lap.
“need you so bad Jagi… please please… give it to me? i-i’ve been a good boy” Chan begged, if you hadn’t tormented him enough you’d definitely drag this out a bit more. You couldn’t help it, he just sounded too pretty begging for you but the submissive moans he lets out in this head space are so much sweeter.
Taking out the bottle of lube, you poured a generous amount on your length and used your fist to coat yourself generously. Even though Chan currently had a plug keeping him stretched for you, you still didn’t want to risk hurting him too bad. Removing your hand from yourself, you pushed your index and middle finger against the metal end of the plug and pushing it in just a little further. Chan arched his back and gasped at the pressure as you rocked the plug in and out of him just barely, only enough to feel the change in pressure.
Chan was panting on your lap now as you held his wrists in your free hand and pushed him forward. You were the only thing keeping him from plunging face first into the floorboard as you began to fuck his needy hole with the plug, stretching him repeatedly over the thickest part of the plug before removing it with a pop. He was crying again, needy and desperate as his hole fluttered around nothing and you couldn’t hold back anymore.
Throwing the plug to the side, the metal clattering across the floor loudly as you lined the tip up with his hole again and used your hold on his hands to slam his hips back against yourself so you could immediately bottom out inside of him. A guttural groan leaving your lips at the feeling of his warm walls wrapping around you again. “Fuck! oh my fucking god! yes yes yes yes more please!” Chan was almost screaming as he tried to fuck himself back on your cock but not having any leverage to move himself.
He felt way too good to take your time, both hands finding his hips and holding him up slightly with both his feet planted firmly against the cushions of the couch on either side of you and allowing himself to rest his upper back on one of your shoulders. You immediately began to thrust up into his heat at a brutal pace. The sounds of his screaming and skin slapping together every time your balls slapped against his own mixing into the air of the apartment.
You loved how loud Chan got when he didn’t have a chance to be self conscious about it with the headphones downing out every single sound. You abused his prostate, slamming into the bundle of nerves everytime you buried yourself inside him, just to drag across it as you pulled out. It really didn’t take long for Chan to be drooling and babbling as you fucked him dumb on your cock. “cl-close… please please please let me cum- c-can i cum p-please? fuck please!” Chan begged as his cock twitched painfully against his abs.
You moved one arm from his hip to wrap around his torso to keep him balanced on your shoulder and never slowing down your thrusts. Using your now free hand, you wrapped it around his throbbing cock as he leaked all over your hand. “yes yes yes yes fuck please g-gonna cum-“ Chan’s words began slurring together as you brought him to his high, your hand and his abs getting covered in his warm white ropes of release.
The way he clenched around you when he came had you hissing and groaning as you buried yourself to the hilt again, filling him up with your own release and painting his walls white. You rocked your hips through your climax before Letting Chan slump against you again. You two stayed like that for a moment just panting and catching your breath before you began removing the cuffs, then the blind fold, then the headphones. Chan was still floating through his post-nut bliss, this being the only time you’d be able to smoothly return his senses and not completely overwhelm him.
Chan’s eyes fluttered open again, fully cleaned and both of you wearing clean boxers and wrapped in the comfort of your bed. Chan was curled into your side with his head on your chest. The sound of your heartbeat and the gentle drag of your nails along his scalp being the things to bring him back to earth. The sound of you lazily singing to him allowing the transition to be as smooth as possible.
Noticing Chan stirring in your hold, you placed a soft kiss to the top of his head. “Welcome back my love~” you cooed. “Hi Jagi, thank you for taking care of me” Chan hummed in response. Bliss, love, safety. Those are the things you could make Chan feel so easily and only you were capable of it. Chan was so completely whipped and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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38 notes · View notes
starlightkun · 19 hours
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⇢ word count: 14.4k ⇢ warnings: past unethical experimentation, you have to accept the premise of a single human empire in space in the future with colonies and a military and not think deeper about that, multiple needle/injection mentions, main characters are morally gray, and oh yeah cursing ⇢ genre: sci-fi, set in the near-ish future, humans and aliens and robots, black op mission, captain kun, ?????? reader, slow burn, fluff, dash of angst, ft. wayv as the crew of the vision ⇢ extra info: took a lot of obvious inspo for this one from isaac asimov’s robot stories, specifically his concept of positronic brains & the three laws of robotics (and if you’ve read any of his stories, you’ll probably be able to see some other places too) ⇢ author's note: ohhhhh my god y’all, THIS PART!!! parts 3 & 4 have the scenes that made me want to write this fic in the first place, i’m so excited!!! ideally, parts 3 & 4 would have been one part, but due to tumblr's 1000-block limit, i had to split it up ⇢ series masterlist | prev. | next
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“No, no, no!” You whined, clutching at your head as you shook it furiously. “It hurts! Feels like my head is exploding!”
“What’s happening?”
“I think her head is exploding,” Yangyang said frankly.
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It was quick work to pack up camp after breakfast the next morning, and then you were all gathered together at the door to the ag bubble to leave. The crew members were back in their armor, and you had an oxygen mask on, which reminded you of a more structured version of the rebreathers that you’d used before. Everyone was carrying several packs of supplies, and on Kun’s nod, the door was opened, and Kunhang exited rifle-first.
You took one final glance over your shoulder at the bright blue synthetic sky of the ag bubble, the rolling rainbow hills of orchards and crop fields, cut through by the gleaming river, then followed Yangyang out. The sight in the hallway hadn’t gotten any better. The time that had passed only worked to degrade the bodies further, and you were very thankful that your mask was hooked up to its own oxygen supply instead of filtering the air around you. The Skipper bodies were decomposing faster than the human ones, their already minimal tissue beginning to liquefy and slough off their thin, wiry, birdlike skeletons. While you wished you could just look up at the ceiling the whole way out, you had to keep your eyes on the floor to avoid stepping in the new, unknown substances in your path.
The crew had put you back in the center of them as you walked through the halls, Kunhang and Yangyang at the front, Ten and Dejun at the back, and Kun and the Professor on either side of you. As you turned down one hallway, your eyes unwittingly landed on a human corpse, and after a half-beat, you recognized it as the same woman you saw when you left the storm shelter, but only by her dandelion yellow blouse. Her face was rendered unrecognizable by bloating and discoloration, and even her shirt was marred by stains, no longer a bright yellow.
You gasped and stumbled, your eyes locked on hers, open and glassed over, no longer holding whatever color they used to—brown, blue, green, hazel. A hand immediately shot out to catch your arm and keep you upright.
“Y/N, come on,” Kun’s voice was firm as he pulled you forward, and you let him usher you on.
Once you were past that sector, he shifted you behind him and grabbed your right hand to put it on his upper right arm. “Here, just watch my back and your feet. Don’t look anywhere else until we’re out. Okay?”
You couldn’t reply audibly with the oxygen mask on, so you just squeezed his arm once, and he moved onward again. You kept your eyes trained on a spot in his middle back, between his shoulder blades, occasionally looking down to make sure you wouldn’t step on his heels as you went. But otherwise, you didn’t look over his shoulder up ahead, or at the carnage on either side of you. You tried to forget the woman in the dandelion yellow blouse.
In your time with the crew of the Vision, you hadn’t been to the side of the facility where the exit door was. When you were searching for the proof of concept, your team was in a different area. So as you walked, and walked, and walked, you realized that your hiding place must have been equidistant from the ag bubble to the exit door.
You recognized the sign above the door, with a singular large, bright red Outspacer glyph for ‘EXIT’ and the doorway itself painted the same bright red as the sign. Hard to miss. Kunhang readied his rifle as Yangyang quickly opened the door for him, and he quickly looked around first before lowering it. Everyone else followed.
As soon as you stepped onto the surface of Aegeum, goosebumps flared along your skin, and you shivered. The surface was barren, gray rock, covered in a thin layer of dirt the same gray color as the rocks, eroded from the wind and occasional surface weather. Despite it being morning in the ag bubble that you had just left, it looked like nighttime on the surface of the artificial planet, pitch black outside. It was only illuminated by light from the stars in the sky. You didn’t know off the top of your head how close Aegeum was to the star at the center of its solar system, nor if it had a moon, as you couldn’t spot one above you.
There were three ships on the surface. You could identify the two Fishead pods that the Skippers had come in, which had most definitely seen better days, with significant scuffs and dents along their bulbous surfaces. One looked like some kind of energy cannon had even landed a hit in the hull—it wouldn’t have made it very far after that. The third ship was definitely the dropship for the crew of the Vision: A shiny, sleek new vessel with the UHN logo on the side, which everyone was headed towards. Judging by the size of the cockpit area visible from the outside, it looked like it only had room for one pilot, and the rest of you would need to go into the passenger and/or cargo areas.
“Zennie? You mind?” Kunhang addressed the AI as your group approached the side of the ship.
You didn’t hear ZEN’s response this time, but a door on the ship opened, and a ramp extended to the ground. Ten got on first, heading for the cockpit, and the rest of you followed, the ramp and door closing up after you. As Ten fired up the dropship, the rest of the crew secured the cargo. The couple packs that you had been carrying were taken from your hands and put somewhere, and you were ushered into a seat against the wall as a couple pairs of hands simultaneously buckled you in and tightened the harness strapped around your shoulders and waist.
The Professor suddenly turned to you, on your left. “Do you get carsick?”
“Do you honestly think she remembers ever being in a car?” Dejun scoffed from across the small passenger space from you.
“Hopefully not!” Yangyang said cheerfully from next to Dejun.
“Passengers, this is your captain speaking,” Ten’s voice suddenly came through the ship.
“I’m pretty sure that’s insubordination, Ten,” Kunhang joked.
“Please follow all directions of the flight attendants and keep your seatbelts fastened at all times. We expect this to be a very short flight. My co-pilot today is ZEN, again, this was your captain, Ten Lee, thank you for flying Ten Airlines.”
That earned a laugh from the Professor, while the others had varying levels of exasperation. Some merely sighed, others rolled their eyes, and still others outwardly groaned and complained.
“Can we just take off already?” Dejun grumbled.
“Ten!” Kun barked from your right side. “Wrap it up!”
“Sir, yes sir!” Ten’s zealous salute was barely visible from behind his seat in the cockpit.
And just a few moments later, the ship hummed to life around you, rumbled, and you felt the pit of your stomach drop out for a brief moment as it thrust upwards from the surface, then all your senses snapped back together. You could still feel that you were rocketing quickly up through atmosphere, that you were moving, but then the ship began decelerating, slowing down, and then the rumbling stopped altogether. There were a few clicks, the occasional bursting again of the rumbles, then one last definitive latching together of something on the outside of the dropship, and no more movement, no more rumbles, and no more humming.
“Attention passengers, we’ve landed right on schedule,” Ten announced, and everyone’s immediate relieved noises nearly downed out the rest of his words, “I thank you again for choosing Ten Airlines.”
Seatbelts were unbuckled, and materials were quickly unloaded from the dropship onto the Vision. Crew members took their own personal effects back to their rooms, and if they were in charge of particular materials, they took those back to their respective areas—Dejun took his medical packs back to the infirmary, Kunhang and Ten took the rations and cooking supplies back to the kitchen.
“Here, we’ll get you your basics and then I’ll show you where the room is,” Kun motioned you further into the ship. You’d been hovering at the entry bay, not wanting to get in anybody’s way as they went about their individual tasks. They hadn’t been lying when they said the Vision could get cramped. It was obviously larger than their dropship, but not built for a crew much bigger than the one they had now.
The walls, floors, and ceilings, of the Vision were all a flat, medium gray metal, and every few steps there would be a bulkhead above you with a letter and number, presumably to keep track of where you were in the ship.
You followed Kun down the hall, where he pointed out things to you as you passed them—infirmary, kitchen, laundry, armory—before stopping in front of a door in the hall. He pressed on a recessed button, and it slid open to reveal a rather large closet of sorts. There were a lot of simple clothes in there like you’d seen the crew members wear when they weren’t in their armor, as well as basic hygiene products.
After grabbing what you needed, you followed Kun into the area of the ship with the crew quarters. He pointed out each cabin to you—Dejun and Yangyang’s, Ten and Kunhang’s, the Professor’s, and then his. And yours. Kun’s and yours.
The room had three beds total, a top and bottom bunk on one wall, opposite a wall with only one bed. The far wall had a small surface protruding out of it to function as a desk, a chair, a dresser, and a door handle that you were fairly certain opened into a closet. The single bed, though immaculately made, did look as though somebody used it, as it was the only one that had sheets, the other two only had mattresses.
“Settle in, I’ll get you sheets,” Kun gestured to the two open beds and rest of the room, then disappeared through the open door.
As you approached the dresser, intent on finding out if there would be any luck in you being able to keep your clothes separate in there, you heard footsteps coming down the hall, and figured it probably wasn’t Kun returning already.
“Knew it,” Ten’s voice was victorious, and when you turned around, you spotted him leaning in the doorway, a wide grin on his face.
“Knew what?” You questioned.
“I knew that the captain was going to be getting a roomie.”
You looked at him blankly. “And…?”
“And nothing. Welcome aboard, Y/N.” He sent you a wink before turning on his heel and taking off somewhere.
Kun had just returned and starting putting the sheets on your bed (at his insistence) when you got another visitor. Dejun popped his head in, taking a brief survey of the room, then asked, “Hey, how are you settling in?”
“Oh, fine,” you flashed him a smile and offered a thumbs-up. “Got clothes, toothbrush, sheets, all that stuff.”
“Good. Make sure you swing by the infirmary before we leave for Earth, alright? The scanner I’ve got here is more comprehensive than the field scanner.”
“Will do. Thanks, Dejun.”
And he was gone too.
Kunhang and the Professor walked by as Kun was putting the pillowcase on.
“What do you need sheets for?” Kunhang snorted, biting into a granola bar or some other small snack that you couldn’t distinguish from his place in the hallway.
“For her to sleep on?” Kun retorted.
“But—” The Professor stopped as Kun dropped the pillow back onto the bed with force then pivoted to look at him incredulously. The civvie and Kunhang exchanged a look before wordlessly walking away.
Kun turned back to you, letting out a deep breath. “This is going to be a long trip back to Earth.”
“How long will it take?” You asked curiously.
“Good news, we have the latest slipdrive technology that’s been upgraded with some newly discovered Outspacer tech. Bad news, Aegeum is still very, very, very far from Earth. So, a month,” he informed you. “With the old slipdrive tech, it would’ve been six months, and with no slipdrive, ten years.”
“So it could’ve been much worse.”
“Yeah. But I have a feeling they’re all going to make it feel like ten years.”
“Maybe five,” you snickered. “Thanks for putting the sheets on, Kun.”
“Of course.”
“Do you have to go give Admiral Lee your update?”
“Yes, but after, I’ll show you around properly,” he promised.
“That’s fine, Dejun wanted me in the infirmary. I think I can find it, we passed it on our way here.”
He touched your forearm briefly. “I’ll see you in a bit. Good luck.”
“You too.”
The two of you stepped out of your cabin, Kun turning left down the hall and you right towards your separate destinations. You were easily able to locate the infirmary again, a few doors down and around the corner from the crew cabins. When you arrived, however, you found it empty.
Before you could debate about going to find Dejun yourself or not, a green box popped up in the air front of you, presumably projected from a computer terminal somewhere in the room.
“Hello again, Y/N,” ZEN’s voice was the same as it had been down on Aegeum, and you found yourself smiling at the cube’s blank faces.
“Hi, ZEN,” you greeted him brightly. “Good to see you again.”
“I would have done reintroductions earlier, but I thought it best to let you get settled in first.”
“And I’m sure you needed to reintegrate your fragments, too.”
“Yes, that too.”
“Well, it’s nice to meet you at full capacity.” You looked around the vacant infirmary. “I’m looking for Dejun. Can you help me with that?”
“Lieutenant Xiao is in the kitchen. I’ve already paged him for you.”
“Thanks.” You strolled around the open room, but made sure to keep your hands to yourself. “Are you happy to be stratified data again, ZEN? No more viscera?”
As you looked back at the hovering green cube, you saw a ripple of light go through the pixels, which you figured was meant to emulate a chuckle of sorts.
“While I can conceptualize human emotions like happiness, I can’t say that I feel any particular way. I will tell you that there has been a significant decrease in the processing load put on my system since being removed from the crew’s neural ports, however.”
“I imagine that you might be able to conceptualize that as… relief, then?”
The cube bobbed up and down. “Yes, I would agree with that sentiment.”
“Good to see that you two are getting reacquainted,” Dejun’s voice carried in as he stepped into the infirmary.
“Hi, Dejun. I hope I didn’t interrupt anything.”
“Nah, Wong was trying to fix the coffee machine,” he waved off your concern, taking a seat behind a computer monitor. “Wasn’t going so well.”
“Does he not have the manual?”
“He does,” ZEN informed you.
Dejun continued as he clicked a few things and typed on his keyboard, “He likes to feel handy, he’s just not very good at actually being handy. The captain will let him keep at it until everyone needs coffee in the morning. Then Ten will step in.”
“Ten is handy?” You asked.
“He has to be able to fix up his ships,” the medic nodded. “No mechanics on abandoned planets, just AIs without hands.”
“Staff Sergeant Lee also worked part-time at a mechanic’s shop prior to enlisting,” ZEN helpfully supplemented.
“Do you frequently read off factoids from our personnel files to each other behind our backs, ZEN?” Dejun cocked an eyebrow at the hovering cube.
“While that is information that I could access, Staff Sergeant Lee mentioned it in conversation to Corporal Wong, Professor Dong, and myself some time ago. I didn’t see an issue with repeating it now.”
“Good to know.” Dejun must have been done with whatever he was doing at the computer, as he stood up from the seat and walked over to a clear booth that took up one corner of the infirmary. He opened the door and gestured you in. “This is the scanner. Literally the only thing you have to do is stand in here, it’ll take just a minute.”
You obliged, stepping into the compartment, and he quietly closed the door after you. You watched through the clear material as he walked back over to the computer and sat down. Looking up above you, you saw a square panel that appeared as though it had several different prismatic, multi-colored components layered on top of each other, the size of the whole booth, but you couldn’t tell anything else about the material or their construction.
“Okay, two things you need to do in here,” Dejun’s voice came through a speaker in the booth. You looked out to see him pressing a button on his desk. “Don’t look up while this thing is running. You won’t go blind, but it won’t feel great if you’re staring directly at it, alright?”
“Sorry,” you replied, staring straight ahead. “How does this work?”
“ZEN can send some materials to your cabin for you to read later.”
“You can’t explain it to me?”
“I mean, I can tell you how it works like how I can tell you how a stethoscope works. I put this end in my ears, I put this end over your heart, your heart beats, and the stethoscope is constructed in a way that magnifies the sound of your heartbeat so I can hear it more clearly. I can’t tell you how soundwaves work, or the exact properties of the stethoscope materials that make it work like that or anything. Same thing with the scanner. I feel like you’d want something more in-depth like that, right?”
“You’re right. Thanks, Dejun. You too, ZEN.”
“And you’re done,” he declared. “You can step out.”
You looked around in confusion. “When did it turn on?”
“When you stopped looking up.”
You pushed the door open and exited, crossing over to where Dejun was still at his station. He looked at his computer screen with a furrowed brow, tapping his fingers on his desk. ZEN had moved his avatar to a projector on the edge of the desk.
“Everything okay?” You asked nervously.
“Yeah… everything is just fine,” he sighed. “Not that I wanted there to be something bad. It’s just that the scanner would tell me if you had any injuries, or disease, anything wrong with you at all. There’s nothing, which means I really have no clue what’s caused your amnesia. Sorry, Y/N.”
“That’s alright,” you reassured him. “Good to know there’s nothing wrong, right?”
“You’re right.”
“Captain’s on his way in,” ZEN announced, then blipped out of sight.
Kun poked his head into the infirmary just a moment later, his body following when his eyes landed on you. “Hey, how’s it going in here?”
“According to the scanner, I’m all clear. Right, Dejun?” You prompted the doctor.
Dejun nodded passively, eyes still on his screen. “Yep. Nothing wrong at all…”
“So we don’t know what caused her amnesia, then?” Kun immediately caught on, a pensive frown on his face.
“What are you looking at?” You asked. “The scan?”
“Scanner results. All clear…” He then shook his head as if to clear it, then offered you a smile. “It’s good news, Y/N, that there’s nothing wrong. It was probably an injury that caused your amnesia, and the injury itself has healed, which is why the scanner didn’t pick anything up. Whether your memories come back or not will just be a waiting game at this point.”
“Thank you, Dejun.”
“Do you need her for anything else?” Kun asked the doctor.
“Nah, she’s all yours, Captain.” Your friend said knowingly, making a shooing motion with one hand at the two of you.
“Thanks, Xiao,” he said dryly, then turned to you and nodded towards the door. “Here, Y/N, I still need to show you around properly.”
“See you at mess, Dejun.” You waved goodbye to him over your shoulder before you and Kun left.
Despite the Vision seeming cramped, the crew disappeared effortlessly into all the corridors, rooms, and chambers. You didn’t see another member other than Kun throughout the entire tour, even ZEN making himself scarce, despite the fact that you were aware of his omnipresence.
“And this is the observation deck,” Kun had guided you into a small room at the far side of one end of the Vision. One of the walls had been outfitted with a rudimentary bench, and as you stepped into the center of the room, Kun stayed back to press a panel next to the door.
Darkness dematerialized from one wall panel opposite the bench, and from underneath your feet, leaving you standing on something sturdy but utterly transparent, the gray surface of Aegeum far below you.
“I wanted to show you this before we departed,” Kun explained, walking over to join you. “Once we’re in slipspace, there’s not much to observe.”
You looked out the newly revealed window, seeing nothing but stars in front of you, pulsing and blinking back at you.
“This is great, Kun, thank you,” you breathed out, turning your gaze back down at the planet. “Is the UHN going to come back to Aegeum?”
“There will be a more in-depth investigation than what we’ve done, I’m sure.”
“I mean… Will somebody come get their bodies? All the humans? Or at least notify their families? We were able to identify them.”
“I don’t know,” he confessed. “This project was kept secret even from the head of Intelligence. Their families might have already mourned them.”
You moved away from the floor panel and over to the wall, letting your eyes drink in the darkness interspersed with a seemingly endless number of pinpoints of light. Kun stood beside you, quiet, but you could feel that it was a heavy, contemplative silence.
“What are you thinking about?” You asked, able to picture the furrow in his brow despite the glass that you were looking through having no reflections on it.
“Your memories… I know the all-clear from Xiao is a good thing, but how are you doing?”
“Nothing’s really changed. Even if he’d been able to tell that I had some kind of brain damage or whatever, he wouldn’t be able to go in and press a button to undo my amnesia just because he knew that,” you replied with a shrug. “I was never holding out hope for that to be some magical solution to all my problems.”
“That’s wise.”
“They’ll either come back or they won’t. Either way, I’ll keep going. I’m not going to sit and stare at a wall for forever.”
He let out a quiet chuckle, loosely looping an arm around your waist to pull you closer. “Good. I think you’d get awfully bored staring at a wall forever.”
“How’d your report with the Admiral go?” You asked.
“Fine. Short and sweet. He’s aware that I’ll have more when we arrive on Earth.”
“And when do we leave?”
“Soon. Ten and ZEN are completing their final systems check then we finish our tour at the bridge for departure.”
“Tour’s not over yet?”
“Not quite.” He had a hint of playfulness in his tone.
You finally looked from the stars over to the man with you, seeing a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. You felt that you had one of your own fondly across your own lips as well. “Kun?”
“Hm?” He met your eyes.
“I’m… happy,” you admitted almost sheepishly. “Is that weird? I’m happy to be away from that place, to be with you—and the whole crew, that you’re going to be getting your adjustments, that we’re all okay.”
“No, of course that’s not weird,” he shook his head, moving his hand to rub your back. “Honestly, I’ve been used to things just being shit or less shit, it’s weird for me too. But yeah, I think we can be happy.”
You started leaning in towards Kun, stopping short in case he had second thoughts about showing so much affection in a public place on the ship. But he just met you right where you were waiting, pressing his lips to yours in a kiss that, despite the lack of strawberries, was sweet nevertheless. You lifted a hand up to gently caress his cheek, and as his smile grew wider into the kiss, you could feel one of his dimples appear under your thumb.
“We’re ready when you are, Captain!” Kunhang’s cheery voice abruptly rang through the observatory deck.
Kun whirled around to face the entrance, where the corporal was leaning against the doorway with a broad grin on his face. Your heartrate, meanwhile, was through the roof as you looked between Kunhang and Kun, opting to let the captain take the lead on this one.
“And you couldn’t have paged me to let me know that?” Kun replied through gritted teeth, crossing his arms over his chest.
“I advised that he do so, Captain,” ZEN’s voice came from the panel by the door. “However, Corporal Wong insisted on coming to get you himself.”
“And you didn’t think to give us a head-ups that he was coming?” Kun rounded on the AI, who was noticeably not projecting an avatar this time. “You’re aware that you’re complicit as well, right, ZEN?”
“I’ll go to my nexus and think about what I’ve done,” ZEN replied somberly.
Kunhang, meanwhile, was laughing behind his hand. “Don’t blame Zennie, I wouldn’t have missed that for the world.”
“Is the crew actually ready to depart, Wong?” Kun stared him down.
“Then go back to the bridge. We’ll be there soon.”
“Sir, yes sir!” Despite his salute, Kunhang was still wearing the same smirk on his face as he left.
Kun pinched the bridge of his nose as he sighed. “They don’t respect me enough, is that it?”
You laughed, resting a hand on his shoulder, “Of course they respect you—”
“Even the AI was pulling my leg.”
“Your crew has a strong sense of camaraderie, and they include you in that,” you reassured him. “That’s a good thing. I’m pretty sure.”
“I’m sorry he did that,” he said quietly. “Are you—”
“Kun, I’m fine, other than being a bit startled,” you chuckled. “We weren’t exactly being inconspicuous. This is a common area on the ship.”
“Well, do you still want to go to the bridge with me? I’m sure the whole crew already knows…”
“You did say there’d be no keeping this from the others,” you pointed out.
“I did.”
You nudged him towards the door. “Come on, might as well get it over with.”
“Good point.” And with that, he started from the room, closing the solar shields over the observatory windows on the way out.
The chattering from the other crew members on the bridge that you could hear from down the hall ceased as soon as you two entered. Kun looked over at you, clearly already annoyed.
“So this is the bridge,” he explained to you in the dead silence, gesturing to the area. At the front were two panels that you could see out of, while along the walls were various buttons, knobs, levers, and gears, a total of five chairs set up at various intervals designating stations. The crew didn’t sit in any of those chairs, but at an oblong table in the middle, with seven chairs.
Kun continued showing you around slowly as he explained, “ZEN manages all of the controls, but there’s of course analog controls in case we need to fly it ourselves.”
The two of you had finally ended up at the table in the center. “Here’s where the human crew will usually be if we’re on the bridge. We have any sort of crew meeting here, and we always gather for take-off, even with ZEN at the helm. Just in case.”
“Hi, guys,” you greeted everyone brightly. There were two chairs left open at the table, and you presumed that the one at the end was the captain’s, so you gestured to the one next to it, which also happened to be next to Yangyang. “Mind if I sit here, Yangyang?”
“Saved it just for you, Y/N.” He beamed.
“How considerate, Liu…” Kun commented dryly as he took the only open seat left.
“Ready for departure, Captain,” ZEN announced, his cube suddenly appearing around shoulder-level above the center of the table. “On your word.”
“Ready for departure,” Kun confirmed with a nod. “Destination: UHN Main Headquarters, Earth. Activate slipdrive.”
“Hold onto your buttholes,” Yangyang muttered under his breath, and you saw both his hands gripping the edge of the table with white knuckles.
There were no seatbelts or harnesses like on the dropship, but you suddenly understood why Yangyang was white-knuckling the furniture like his life depended on it. It felt like all of your internal organs were being pulled through the eye of a needle the size of an electron. Then, before you could breathe, it was gone. You blinked, trying to reorient yourself. Outside the windows there were no longer pinpricks of stars, but utter darkness so deep your eyes almost couldn’t comprehend it.
“Ugh, that doesn’t get any less unpleasant,” Yangyang groaned, shaking his head. “The Outspacers seriously hadn’t figured out how to make it not feel like that?”
“Crystallized ginger?” The Professor offered you a piece from across from you, and you saw a small bag on the table in front of him. “I get carsick… and spaceshipsick, it turns out.”
You accepted the candy as a nice gesture, despite not feeling very queasy. “Thanks, Professor.”
“Alright, quick debrief,” Kun addressed everyone. “We’re headed to UHN Main. Thanks to the new slipdrive, we’ll arrive in about a month. Once we’re there, you’ll all have at least three days of shore leave. I’ll be giving my full report to Admiral Lee, which may or may not alter where we go next.”
When it seemed nobody else had anything to add, he continued, “Xiao, have you started analyzing the sample you got from that lab?”
The doctor nodded. “Yeah, should have the full results in the morning.”
“Okay. We didn’t find the proof of concept, Dr. Yoon is unaccounted for, we do not know why the Skippers were there nor how they found out about the facility, and Y/N will be aboard for the foreseeable future. Anything I’m missing?”
A throat was suspiciously cleared, but you couldn’t quite tell where it had come from, as the others all had varying degrees of guilt on their features. Even ZEN seemed to be pointing his lightest plane away from you.
Kun rolled his eyes and sat up straighter in his chair as he addressed them all sternly, “I’m sure Corporal Wong has already imparted his newfound knowledge to you all, so I see so need to ruminate on it. If there’s nothing further, you’re all dismissed.”
A discordant chorus of incredulous voices immediately erupted around the table, and you simply popped your ginger candy into your mouth as Kun dropped his head into his hands with a groan. It sounded like a few bets had been wagered for various things—laundry tasks, drinks to be bought once they arrived on shore leave, second portions of dessert at mess, anything but money—and the winners were now victoriously recounting their forthcoming prizes.
“If there’s nothing further,” Kun repeated loudly over the rabble, standing from his seat. “I have reports from Admiral Lee to go review.”
He lingered for just a moment with his gaze on you, as if to see if you’d ask to come with. But you shook your head minutely, staying put in your seat. The captain gave a final stony look to the rest of the crew, “I’ll be in my office.”
And he left.
“Alright, I’ll bite,” Ten cleared his throat, the sound awfully familiar. “How long have you and the captain…?”
“Only since last night, promise,” you answered.
“Could’ve fooled me,” Kunhang coughed.
“And exactly how long were you standing there watching us, Kunhang?” You cocked your head curiously, then aimed your question at the AI. “How long was he standing there, ZEN?”
“Don’t answer that, Zennie,” Kunhang rushed to swat at the hologram cube.
The others snickered and made various comments about him being a voyeur.
“My turn,” Yangyang cleared his throat with a grin. “How did he do it?”
“Do what?” You asked.
“You know, ask you out, or whatever. Make a move,” he clarified with a teasing lilt to his words. “I’m just having trouble imagining the captain flirting. Or doing anything other than lecturing me for two hours straight.”
“That’s because you keep doing and/or saying stupid shit that requires two-hour lectures,” Dejun retorted.
“Why are you assuming Captain Qian made a move? Could’ve been Y/N,” the Professor pointed out.
Yangyang held his hands up. “True, my apologies.”
You shook your head with a laugh. “I don’t know about making moves… We were just talking.”
“And what? Came to a business agreement to enter into a romantic relationship?” Ten snorted.
“No,” you rolled your eyes. “Look, it’s not my fault that you guys can’t imagine your captain as a human being.”
“I, for one, am happy for you two,” the Professor said.
“Thank you, Professor.”
“Hey, we never said we weren’t happy for them,” Kunhang said defensively.
“You’re just being nosy little shits,” Dejun finally spoke up. “Leave her be.”
The others grumbled, but acquiesced, slowly dispersing from the bridge as well.
“ZEN’s loaded up those articles for you, Y/N. I’ll walk you back to your room,” Dejun offered. “I know it’s a bit of a maze in here, it can take some getting used to.”
“I think I’ve got it—”
“I’m headed that way anyway.”
“Right, thanks, Dejun.”
As you and Dejun walked down the ship’s narrow halls, you found that the mental map you had was correct, as he took all the turns that you anticipated. As you stopped in front of your room, you expected him to leave you there, but he stepped into the cabin with you.
“ZEN can get the reader on the desk set up for you,” he gestured at the furniture. “But I just wanted to check in with you.”
“Oh, I feel fine,” you assured him. “Still got the amnesia but… otherwise all good.”
“And you’re okay? Like, you’ve had a lot happen.”
“Yeah, Dejun. It’s been a lot but also… I’m happy, strange as that may be. With all of you, with Kun.”
The doctor nodded. “Alright. That’s all I needed.”
“Thank you for checking on me.”
“Anytime.” He offered you a smile before ducking out of your room.
Kun found you sometime later sat at the desk, reading through the materials about the infirmary scanner that ZEN had gathered for you.
“Hi,” you said over your shoulder as he walked in, your eyes still on the diagram on the screen in front of you.
“Hi,” his voice got closer as he walked over to you. “What is that?”
“A schematic of the full-body scanner in the infirmary,” you replied, then touched the screen to select one of the pieces, pulling up a diagram of the different layers of materials that were suspended above you when you stepped into it. Another tap brought up an up-close image of the crystalline structure of one of the layers. “So that’s what that looks like.”
“Wow. It’s… kind of pretty,” Kun remarked. “Any particular reason you’re studying the infirmary scanner?”
“I was curious. Dejun offered to have ZEN give me some reading materials.”
“Maybe you can read the coffee machine manual next and give Wong a hand in the morning.”
“He hasn’t fixed it yet?”
“He never does.”
“I’m almost done with this article, I can take a look at it next,” you replied, tapping back out of the images and diagrams to get back to the main text. “Maybe fifteen more minutes?”
“Well, do you think you have time to eat first?”
“Oh, is it time for mess?” You finally looked up from the screen, craning your neck up and bending back just slightly to see where Kun was standing directly behind your chair. You were aware of how much time had passed while you’d been sitting there, but you didn’t know what time they ate mess on the ship.
Kun smiled fondly down at you, patting your shoulders. “Yes, if you can spare the time from your studies.”
“Of course.” You digitally marked your place in the article before pushing the button for the reading screen to recede back into the wall. “It was just some reading, really. I don’t know if I’d call it studying.”
“I don’t think I’d call schematics of complex diagnostic scanners and accompanying scientific articles detailing how they work, ‘some reading.’”
“I was curious about how it worked. It’s not like I’m going to build one,” you replied, letting him lead the way out of the cabin.
“I hardly think we have the parts for one, except in the one we already have.”
“Well, they use some similar materials that are used in robot construction, actually,” you told him. “According to the articles I was reading. I don’t know a lot about robots, other than the gist, you know? Positronic brain, metal body, that stuff. But the articles said that a lot of the basic materials that are used in the scanners are also used in robotics.”
“Maybe you and Yangyang can make one then.”
“I just said I don’t want to build one,” you replied with a sigh, despite knowing that he was teasing you. “But I do think it’s interesting that a lot of these materials were scarce on Earth—they’re literally called rare Earth metals—but then once humans started building robots, and got into space, they found places in space where the materials were abundant, and started mining them, and could build more robots to mine even more, and make even more robots. And now there’s so much of them that they started trying to find even more applications outside of robotics, like the medical field.”
The two of you had reached the kitchen, where a couple crew members were sat around the small table in there, and a couple more were up by the counters. Dejun was at the table already, playing some card game with Yangyang.
“So you like the articles so far, Y/N?” The doctor asked you humorously, setting down a card.
“I’m not quite done, but yeah!” You nodded enthusiastically.
“She’s going to read the coffee machine manual next, try to help Wong out,” Kun said, nodding towards where the Corporal was still tinkering with a partially taken apart contraption in the corner. “You said what, fifteen more minutes, Y/N?”
“I’ve got it!” Kunhang cried out.
Dejun looked at you curiously. “Wait, you’re almost done? Already? I thought ZEN would’ve given you more.”
“ZEN, how much reading did you give Y/N?” Yangyang asked aloud to the room.
The AI’s avatar popped up into the middle of the table. “Y/N received the manufacturer’s manual for the infirmary scanner model on the Vision, as well as fifteen articles from various scientific publications detailing the past five years of research into the scientific principles behind the technology for review. I can confirm that she’s completed nearly all the materials except for one article.”
The crew all turned to look at you in disbelief, including both Kunhang and Ten—who had previously been tending to the food. You suddenly got the feeling that that was not normal, the same pit in your stomach that you felt when Kun had unwrapped your hand to reveal your perfectly healed palm, which was still bandaged up now.
“Uh… fast reader?” You supplied hesitantly. “I-I don’t know…”
“What’s the word, Xiao?” Ten pointed at the doctor and snapped his fingers.
“I’m not a mind reader, Ten, you need to give me more context,” Dejun snorted.
“Damn, it’s on the tip of my tongue. You know, when someone’s like, really not smart, but can play the piano really well? Or is a genius at math but can barely read?”
“Savant syndrome?”
“That’s it! Idiot savant.”
“That’s really not the term we use anymore, dude.” Dejun looked very perturbed. “And honestly, it’s not a diagnosis that’s even handed out because—”
Ten completely ignored him, focusing on you. “Maybe you’re a savant. Amnesiac who can read super fast.”
“Or she’s a very smart, but normal, person who got hit on the head very bad and has had her brain scrambled,” Dejun rolled his eyes. “And you should stop calling her an idiot.”
“I’m with Xiao on this one,” Kun interrupted sternly. “Ten, stop calling her an idiot.”
“I’m calling her a savant, but fine.” The Marine shook his head. “Anyway, soup’s on, where’s the Professor?”
“I’m here, I’m here!” The Professor came running in then, out of breath. “Sorry, I was deep in some research. Y/N! You need to read some of my notes.”
“You have more Outspacer notes?” You asked, a little in disbelief.
“Not quite, it’s Ourogish, but I figured you can try your hand at it, right?”
“I mean, I don’t know how helpful I’ll be, but sure?” You replied doubtfully. You’d never seen Ourogish written down, nor learned to speak, read, or write it.
“You see, when we were on Ourogos, I got to see some ruins, and there were these carvings there. Ancient Ourogish. Even the Ourogi who live there now can’t translate it, it’s too distant from the writing system they use now, and they’ve been at war for so long that they’ve lost their entire caste of scholars. But, when you were going through my Outspacer notes on Aegeum and explaining some of the language features, they felt very familiar to me, and I want you to take a look at the Ancient Ourogish.”
“Uh-oh,” Ten sighed knowingly, setting a dish down in front of the Professor. “He’s got an itch.”
“He’s not going to sleep tonight,” Yangyang declared, accepting his plate from Kunhang.
“Sure, Professor, it sounds fun,” you grinned, taking the food that had been passed down to you.
Towards the end of the meal, as everyone was mostly done with their food, but weren’t quite ready to retire to their cabins for the night, Dejun cleared his throat, getting everyone’s attention.
“Now that everyone’s eaten…” He prefaced his words cautiously.
“I don’t want to know what could follow that,” Ten groaned.
“Some of the results on the organic sample have come back,” Dejun continued. “The rest of the tests are going to take until morning, but…”
“Get on with it, Xiao,” Kun prompted him.
“It’s definitely human tissue.”
Everyone was quiet as they looked at each other. Nobody looked surprised, maybe queasy, disgusted, remorseful, or resigned, as if this was exactly what they were expecting but they didn’t want to be right.
“Everything else will have to wait until morning…” Dejun finished quietly.
“Right, thank you, Lieutenant.”
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That night, as Kun continued reading the novel he’d picked up on Aegeum, you finished up the last part of the article, then skimmed through the coffee maker manual. When you were done, you shut off the reader then stood up from the desk.
“I’m going to get your med-pods from the infirmary,” you announced, heading towards the door.
“No need,” Kun replied casually, shutting his book.
“Because I already got them,” he continued, opening a drawer under his bed. There was a small assortment of med-pods and disinfectant wipes, neatly organized in a small container.
“Oh,” you stopped in your tracks. “Good.”
Kun set the book aside and turned over onto his front, resting his arms and head on a pillow as you got out the two med-pods and wipe. As you pulled the hem of his shirt up, you couldn’t help but think back to mess again.
“Do you think it’s all related?” You ripped open the disinfectant wipe. “My hand healing fast, and me reading fast, and the amnesia and… where I was?”
Kun was quiet for a moment as you disinfected the area, then lined up the first med-pod. “I’m not thinking anything about it right now, Y/N.”
“What do you mean?”
“We don’t know… anything. And what we do know… if we assume that it’s all connected, that would be a big fucking assumption that I’m not comfortable with making. So I’m not going to. These are all extremely disparate pieces of you, and assuming they’re all connected is a huge leap. It would be like walking into a grocery store and seeing a box of pasta, an orange, and a can opener and deciding that because they’re all together in one place, they must have all been made there at the exact same time.”
You pursed your lips, then nodded. “You’re right.”
“The others didn’t bother you too much today, did they?” He changed the subject. “About… you and me?”
“No, not really,” you chuckled. “They’re just having a hard time coming to grips with the idea that you might, you know, be a human being with feelings.”
“Oh, the horror…”
As you watched the med-pod drain, the thoughts of his skeletal enhancements, and the crew’s (albeit, mostly joking) comments about him not being human, and Kun’s own statements to you about feeling like something other, all swirled together in your mind. “Kun… what you were saying, about not being able to remember what you felt like, before you went through the program…”
He turned to look at you over his shoulder. “Yeah?”
“You’ve told me so much about living on Dura-Jil,” you said. “You can’t remember, even a little, about what it felt like being a kid and stealing a Dumbo dropship with your friends? Or learning to drive a Gecko?”
“I mean, I can remember those things happening, but it’s been so long…” he mused. “I can’t recall what breathing with those lungs felt like, or what adrenaline rushing through that body felt like, or how it felt to move those muscles, to learn things with those hands. I know it’s different now, better, faster, stronger, whatever. But I can’t… describe it. Can’t remember why it’s different.”
You scooted further up the bed to rest your hand on his shoulder. What he was describing felt almost painfully familiar to you. A different kind of forgetting, an amnesia of the body instead of the mind. He shifted to rest his cheek against your hand, and you saw his eyes close for just a moment.
When the med-pod clicked again, signaling it was empty, you regretfully had to reach back to swap it out for the second one.
“Strawberries taste different,” Kun finally said, when you’d taken the empty, second med-pod off his back and disposed of the trash. “I remember… the ones I ate on Dura-Jil were always sweeter. I don’t know if it’s just because of where they’re grown, or if my tastebuds have changed, but I remember that. The ones from my mother’s greenhouse were always sweeter than any I’ve had since.”
You sat back down next to him, wanting to make sure he didn’t get up and strain his enhancements too soon. There was a solemn twinge in your chest, a longing for something you had never experienced yourself.
“Y/N…” He rolled onto his back with a soft grunt, but thankfully made no further moves to get up. “Will you… Can I hold you? For a little bit?”
You smiled softly, pulling the covers out from under him. “Of course, Kun, as long as you want.”
Laying down beside him, you brought the sheets and blanket up over the two of you, then curled into his side, resting your head on his chest as he encircled his arms around you.
“Thank you,” he murmured, already sounding very close to sleep.
You closed your eyes, listening to the steady sound of his heartbeat under your ear, and feeling the gentle rise and fall of his chest. And you thought to yourself that if your days ended like this, you didn’t really care what else they were filled with before.
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Two (relatively) peaceful weeks passed on the Vision, and you were definitely counting down the days, mentally celebrating that you were halfway there to Kun being in far less pain.
On this particular day, you were reading again. There wasn’t much else for you to do, really. This time, you’d taken the spare tablet you’d been given into the observatory deck for a change of pace from reading in your cabin, though.
“Now what are you reading? Quantum physics?” Yangyang had appeared in the doorway, playful smirk on his lips.
“No, info on the second gen slipdrive model,” you said, eyes still hungrily drinking in the diagram of how all the pieces fit together. “ZEN apparently can’t declassify the stuff for the newest model that’s in the Vision right now without a direct order from either Admiral Lee or Kun, and Kun’s busy.”
“ZEN, come on,” the roboticist snorted. “She’s literally the captain’s… okay, I don’t know what label they’ve got but dude, I think that’s enough of a security clearance.”
ZEN’s avatar popped in for a split-second to defend himself. “I understand the social dynamics quite well, thank you, Lieutenant. However, it’s not my decision, it’s programmed into me. I cannot declassify that information without a direct order from either Admiral Lee or Captain Qian.”
“And what is our esteemed captain doing right now anyway that he can’t be interrupted?”
“He’s in the gym,” you replied. “I’ll be done with this by the time he’s finished anyway, I can ask him then. I told ZEN not to bother him.”
“It would take him all of two seconds,” Yangyang pointed out.
“It’s fine, really. I’ve got some guesses as to how they improved this slipdrive with Outspacer technology, I want to make sure I finish this before I read the new stuff and find out if I’m right.”
ZEN’s cube silently blipped back out of sight.
“You are like an information sponge.”
“I mean, I don’t have a whole lot else up here.” You tapped your forehead. “No memories. More room for information, right?”
“You read any stuff on robotics?”
“No,” you shrugged. “I mean, the stuff about the infirmary scanner mentioned it briefly, but it wasn’t about robotics, you know?”
“Why not?”
You looked up at him finally, chuckling as you said, “I mean, I also haven’t picked up a medical textbook, either. I hope I’m not offending Dejun.”
“I’m not offended,” Yangyang assured you. “Just asking. We found you somewhere with a robotics lab and a synthbio lab. Thought you might have gotten curious.”
“Oh, I mean, I guess not. Maybe one day.”
“With the rate that you consume knowledge? Probably.”
There was a certain glint in Yangyang’s eye in that moment, one that felt eerily familiar to how he was looking at you on the first day on Aegeum.
“Were you looking for me, Yangyang? Or were you going to use the observatory?” You questioned.
“Guilty. I was looking for you.” He was still smiling at you. “Do you mind if I run some diagnostics?”
“On… me?” You tilted your head, chalking his strange phrasing up to being a roboticist rather than a doctor. You laughed airily. “I appreciate the concern, but I was already checked out in the infirmary my first day on the Vision. Other than the amnesia, I’m fine.”
“In the full-body scanner?”
“Yeah, so everything’s just fine. Promise.”
“I just want to take a quick x-ray, really.”
His insistence put you off a bit, but you really saw no good reason to say no. After all, it would just tell you the same thing the infirmary scanner told you, that you were fine. So you bookmarked your place in the article, then clicked your tablet off. “Uhm… sure.”
You’d only been to Yangyang’s robotics lab twice in your whole two weeks on the Vision. Once, on the tour that Kun had given you on your first day, and the second time a few days later when you offered to bring him a cup of coffee from the newly refurbished coffee maker after mess.
The lab was probably one of the larger areas on the ship, about as big as the infirmary, but felt infinitely more cramped by all the stuff that Yangyang had fit into it. There were only a few areas to walk around in between tables and workstations and various contraptions that you didn’t touch for fear of jostling something in the exact wrong way. Unlike the lab on Aegeum, he didn’t have any partially-built robots here. In fact, there weren’t any robots on the Vision at all. It sounded like a miserable existence for a roboticist, but Yangyang made no complaints, and certainly seemed to find something to do to fill all his days on the ship. There was definitely stuff everywhere that looked like the beginnings or middles or pieces of projects, but how functional they were, you couldn’t tell. They certainly didn’t look like robots, nor could you spot a positronic brain anywhere, the thing that would make it a true robot, and not just an automated machine.
Yangyang brought you over to one of the machines, which was a large disc that you stepped under with two panels hanging down from it that went on either side of your head. He guided you to put your chin on a rest, adjusting it to fit your height comfortably.
He went to sit back at a nearby desk, typing a few commands into the computer that was there. “Alright, hold still.”
As the panels slowly rotated, you heard an occasional heavy thud at random intervals, almost like the sound of a camera shutter, but much deeper. At the same time that Yangyang announced that you were done, Kun stormed in, still wiping sweat off his face with a towel as he glared at his crewmate.
“What the hell are you doing, Lieutenant?” He demanded. “ZEN tells me Y/N’s busy getting an x-ray not in the infirmary, but in your lab? You bump your head and forget who you are too? You’re not the fucking doctor.”
“Right, yes, very true.” Yangyang held his hands up defensively. “But also… you should both take a look at this.”
You and Kun looked at each other, before hesitantly walking over to look at the screen.
That… didn’t seem quite right.
“Your machine’s broken, Liu,” Kun said.
“No, I calibrated it right before this.”
You peered closer at the image of your head on the monitor, at all the… glowing pieces. “It’s…”
“A positronic brain,” Yangyang confirmed. “That’s what an x-ray of a positronic brain looks like, outside of a metal head. And inside a human skull, presumably. Humanoid.”
It felt like someone had turned the slipdrive on again but magnified exponentially. All the air left your lungs—did you even need air?, you swore your heart stopped—was it even beating in the first place?, your stomach twisted in on itself—did you have one of those?, and your skin prickled in a scalding, white-hot discomfort, an all-consuming knowing that nothing would ever be the same again that hit you like a meteor. And you were frozen in the moment of impact, stretching out that crushing sensation for eternity.
You didn’t even want to look at Kun, didn’t want to know what sort of horror he felt at this realization. Didn’t want to see the look of abject disgust, betrayal, distress that must be there.
Yangyang finally spoke again, “I’m s—”
“Destroy the film.” Kun cut him off harshly. “ZEN! Erase your recordings. Delete everything.”
You and Yangyang had similar looks of wide-eyed bewilderment as you looked at Kun. The captain clenched his jaw as he stared down the roboticist. “Now, Liu!”
“We can’t tell anybody. They’ll register her. She’ll be property,” he spat out, crossing his arms.
“You can register her under your name—”
“No. I won’t do that. She won’t be registered.”
“Our story stays the same. We found a human on Aegeum with amnesia. Do you understand, Leiutenant?” Kun’s voice was strenuously calm, a sharp edge to it.
Yangyang gulped and nodded. “Sir, yes sir.”
“Destroy everything. Now. While I watch,” he demanded.
“Christ, you don’t trust me?”
“I do. I just need to be sure. I need to see it with my own two eyes.”
Yangyang did as he asked, in a strained, suffocating silence. You also watched as he made a few clicks, then confirmed the permanent deletion of the x-rays he’d just taken.
“ZEN!” Kun barked for the AI again. “Suspend the slipdrive.”
Yangyang blinked at him. “You’re suspending us in slipspace?”
“And you—”
“Are not going to say a fucking word to anybody. Sir, yes sir.”
Kun seemed at least somewhat satisfied with that. “Come on, Y/N.”
You hurried down the halls after him, barely trusting yourself to even breathe, much less say a word, before you were behind the closed door of your cabin.
“ZEN, blackout!” Kun ordered, already pacing. There was no response from the AI, confirmation that he had blacked out the incoming feed from your room. Kun ran a hand through his hair, then took a deep breath. “I suspended the slipdrive to buy us time and… there’s no way anybody can find you in here. Safest place in the Universe, outside of linear time.”
His gaze settled on you, intense, unwavering, so determined despite how little he knew.
“When he suggested… registering me. Under your name. That would be less risk, wouldn’t it? Than trying to hide what I am?” You said hesitantly.
“You’re not my property.” He shot back immediately.
“You don’t treat me like I am. I don’t believe that you would just because I’m registered as such. But what would happen to you if they found out you had an unregistered robot with you?”
It was the first time anybody—Yangyang, Kun, or you—had called you a robot, and you could tell that Kun had noticed, as his jaw tightened. But it was law that every robot had to be registered, whether to an individual or a governmental agency. There could be no ‘free’ robots, and having one in your possession was considered to be possessing contraband, which carried severe consequences.
“Doesn’t matter.”
“Because once you’re registered, that’s it. Even if to me, you’re not property, what happens when I die?” He thumped himself on the chest. “You’re not magically freed, Y/N. You just become someone else’s property.”
You sat down on the bed across from the one that you’d been sharing with Kun, that had remained empty these entire two weeks, a hollowness in your chest. “Oh. Right. You will die. And I...”
“God, Y/N…” Kun sighed, looking up to the ceiling ruefully. “What the fuck are we going to do?”
“Maybe Yangyang can help, with the amnesia,” you suggested. “Dejun’s been looking for a… natural reason for it. Maybe it’s not.”
He closed his eyes and nodded. “Okay, yeah.”
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Back in Yangyang’s lab, you sat down nervously in the chair he had motioned you towards as Kun watched from a spot by the closed door. The roboticist picked up a small, flat disc from his counter, which looked almost like a silver coin, save for the soft red light that emanated from a triangle at the center. As he went to hold it up to your forehead, Kun started forward.
“What are you doing?” His words halted the other man’s motions, the disc hovering in front of your eyes.
“I need to run diagnostics on her. However, she doesn’t exactly have any buttons, or switches, or ports for me to use for access to her internal systems,” Yangyang replied bluntly. “Whenever a robot is built without external access to those sorts of things, they have to have a receiver to put them into stasis for work to be done. This should activate it, if she’s got one and I can find it. If she doesn’t have a receiver, it won’t hurt her, robot or human.”
“And you think the receiver would be in my head?” You questioned.
“Common practice is to put it at the front of the head or the back, if the robot has one. Need access to the brain.”
“Like where a neural port would go.”
Yangyang tilted his head curiously, but still made no further moves. He looked at Kun over his shoulder. “Can I proceed, Captain?”
He eyed the coin with distrust, but agreed anyway. “Yeah, fine.”
“If this works, Y/N, you won’t be able to move. You’ll be frozen in whatever position you’re in. You probably also won’t realize what’s happening until it’s over.”
“She’ll black out?”
“Not quite. She’ll be awake, but since I’ll be looking at her memory systems, she won’t retain anything. She’ll be unresponsive, and I imagine may only blink at consistent intervals so her eyes don’t dry out.”
You met Yangyang’s gaze. “Go ahead, Yangyang.”
The coin was placed against the center of your forehead first, cool against your skin, and Yangyang slowly slid it over your temple, then behind your ear and around to the base of your skull.
“Well, it’s nothing mechanical, it’s nothing with the alignment of her positronic brain,” Yangyang declared, suddenly across the desk from you, sat at his computer.
You blinked rapidly and sat up straighter, flexing your fingers and shifting your legs.
“Then what? She’s not lying.” Kun was next to you, and you looked between him and where he had just been over by the door. You didn’t remember him moving.
“Hey, Y/N, welcome back,” Yangyang smiled at you, drawing Kun’s attention back down to you as well.
“Are you okay?” Kun touched your shoulder.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you reassured him, patting his hand. “So, you ran the diagnostic tests, then?”
The roboticist gave you a thumbs-up. “Good news, the alignment of your brain is just fine.”
“She’s not lying,” Kun reiterated.
“I didn’t say she was.” Yangyang held his hands up defensively. “You’re familiar with the Three Laws of Robotics, Captain?”
“Of course. We had to be trained on how to interact with the robots and AI we would be deployed with.”
He then turned to you, “Y/N, do you know the Three Laws?”
You scrunched your nose as you tried to think, but just came up empty. “…No.”
“What?!” Kun blurted out.
“I think you do,” Yangyang replied knowingly.
You looked between them, panicked, “I’m—I’m not lying. I swear. I don’t know—”
“I know. I don’t think you’re lying. I think that if asked to list the Three Laws, as I just did, you would be unable to. Genuinely.”
“How would a robot even be built without the Three Laws?” Kun demanded. “That’s—That’s illegal. Impossible, the regulations—”
“You’re correct. It would be impossible. I’ll tell you the Three Laws, Y/N, working backwards. The Third is self-preservation. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second laws. The Second is obedience. A robot must obey orders given to it by a human, unless those orders conflict with the First law. The First is human safety. A robot may not, through action or inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. They’re all programmed into each and every robot’s positronic brains no matter their purpose or design.”
You nodded slowly. “So you’re saying that even though I didn’t know the three laws and couldn’t articulate them, I still have them programmed into me, and would have been following them anyway.”
Kun paced a few steps away, rubbing his forehead. “I’m going to have a stroke.”
“I’m no robopsychologist, but I believe it’s the Second Law that we have to blame for your apparent amnesia,” Yangyang continued, ignoring the captain’s comment.
“Someone ordered her to forget she was a robot?”
“Yes, as well as everything else about her, for lack of a better word, life.”
“Why would somebody do that?” You asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
“I can’t think of a single good reason,” Kun muttered.
You glanced between them hopefully. “Can one of you just order me to remember, then?”
“Y/N, I ran diagnostics on your data bank,” Yangyang began gently, leaning forward in his seat. “The amount of information in there… it’s consistent with when your memory starts.”
“Oh… I see.”
“So…?” Kun prompted him.
“When whoever it was ordered her to forget, it wasn’t just to make the data temporarily inaccessible. It’s not there at all,” Yangyang clarified.
“They had her destroy it?”
“Or they moved it to an external storage device. Either way… it’s gone.”
“Oh, Y/N. I’m so sorry,” Kun’s voice was soft and pained as he walked back over to you.
“Even if it wasn’t, whoever gave her the order, at the time the order was given, would have been of a higher importance to her than either of us. She’d prioritize that order over any we gave now that would try to override it.”
“And it doesn’t matter at all what she wants?”
“The data isn’t there for her to attempt to retrieve, Captain,” Yangyang reiterated. “Positronic brains are incredible feats, and are in many ways, superior to ours. But unlike you and I, who have neuroplasticity, and no matter the extent of the damage, could have some nonzero chance of spontaneously recovering those memories… if her data wasn’t backed up externally, I’m afraid it’s unrecoverable.”
A pain like you’d never experienced suddenly erupted in your head, your hands flew up to grip at your temples, pushing them together as if your head itself was about to burst apart. You involuntarily let out a scream, squeezing your eyes shut as you cried out, “Oh my god, my head!”
“Y/N!” Kun’s hands on your arms kept from entirely collapsing out of the chair and onto the ground.
“It… It hurts! Make it stop!” You yelled desperately, barely feeling the hot streams of tears as they poured down your cheeks.
“This happened on Aegeum, when we first found her. Whenever she’d try to remember stuff, she’d get headaches, but never like this,” Kun rushed to explain to Yangyang.
“You said it hurts?” Yangyang asked you.
“Didn’t you hear her? Fucking do something!”
“I am, I’m running diagnostics. Y/N, please. It hurts? Not that it’s overheating, or is misaligned, or is returning errors?”
“No, no, no!” You whined, clutching at your head as you shook it furiously. “It hurts! Feels like my head is exploding!”
“Oh. Come over here.” You were guided to somewhere else in the shop, then pushed into another seat, presumably. “Sit down.”
“What’s happening?” Kun asked.
“I think her head is exploding,” Yangyang said frankly.
“Y/N, stop trying to remember. Stop thinking about your past before you met Captain Qian. That’s an order.” Yangyang’s voice was firm, authoritative, cutting past all the white noise threatening to fragment your mind.
“What the hell, Liu?” Kun snapped.
Your hands fell from your head to your lap as the pain drifted away to nothing more than a memory, and you sat up, looking straight ahead. “Okay…”
In front of you, Kun grabbed Yangyang by the collar and jerked him away from you. “What the fuck was—”
“I’m going to choose my words very carefully to hopefully keep that from happening again.” Yangyang pointed to you. “Understand?”
“Fine.” Kun huffed, letting him go.
“I’ll need to run some more diagnostics; however, my theory is that her headaches are some kind of failsafe to prevent… investigating.”
“Well you can run your fucking diagnostics later, she’s going to rest.”
“Of course. My apologies, Y/N. I wouldn’t have done that if I didn’t think it necessary,” Yangyang offered you an apologetic smile.
“It’s okay, Yangyang. Thanks for helping with… whatever that was.” You hesitantly mirrored his smile, unable to remember what was even happening to you before Kun grabbed Yangyang.
Kun offered you a hand, his voice soft as he suggested, “Come on, do you want to lay down?”
You put your hand in his, letting him help you to your feet. “I think that’s a good idea, yeah.”
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Your limbs still felt heavy and your thoughts sluggish with sleep, but you groaned and rolled over nevertheless, surprised when you didn’t bump into anybody. Pushing yourself up onto an elbow, you opened your eyes, looking around the room for Kun.
He was standing by the dresser, and turned around upon hearing you stir. Kun walked over to sit on the other mattress across from you. “Morning. How’s your head?”
“I slept through mess last night?” You questioned, pulling yourself all the way up to sit against the pillows behind you.
“Yeah. I told the guys you were stuck in one of your articles, brought our dinner back here,” he indicated toward two bowls sitting on the desk, one empty with a spoon sticking out of it, the other covered, the spoon sitting atop the lid. “How’s your head?”
“Oh, fine. Did Dejun give you your injections?”
“I gave them to myself. The angle was a little awkward, but I didn’t want Xiao asking why you couldn’t.”
It was then that you saw the sheets he was sitting on were wrinkled and out of place, the pillow with a noticeable head dent in it, askew from its usual position. “You slept in the other bed.”
“I didn’t want to disturb you. You looked like you needed the rest,” he stated, his words kind, but you could see the unfamiliar stiffness in his body.
You sat cross-legged to face him. “You’re debating the ethics of continuing our relationship after witnessing the effect a direct order had on me yesterday.”
“It’s not unreasonable. It also wouldn’t be unreasonable for you to question if a robot can even love.”
“It’s understandable, Kun,” you reiterated, sincere.
“Look, I just don’t want you to be doing this because you think saying no would hurt me. You don’t need to worry about inflicting that kind of harm.”
“You think this is all from the First Law?”
“I don’t know, is my point,” he stressed.
“Kunhang flirted with me first, shouldn’t I have ended up with him then, by your logic? According to the First Law? To not hurt him and the clear advances he was making on me?” You didn’t mean for your words to come out as harshly as they did, but you could feel the bitterness on your tongue coating them as they left your lips.
“I don’t know,” Kun repeated.
“I can’t prove to you that what I’m feeling is real. Or that I’m feeling anything at all. I don’t even know what that means. I mean, how do you know that you’re feeling things? That you’re feeling them ‘right?’” You argued.
“I-I just do. Sometimes I feel them in my body, too. My heart starts beating faster, my face gets warm, my fingertips tingle, my stomach feels funny, my chest hurts.”
“That sounds like you should see Dejun.”
“Maybe, it’s chronic at this point. Been happening for a few weeks now.”
You shot to your feet, “Kun! Oh my G—”
“Love. I was describing love,” he finished.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.”
You sat back down, staring at your feet with what you could only describe as righteous anger. Kun said he loved you, and it was marred by this realization, by a debate of if you knew what that meant, if you could even reciprocate, if it was even ethical for him to feel this for you in the first place. Clenching your jaw, you took a deep breath before picking your head back up to look at him, “There is nothing I could do to objectively prove that what I feel for you is love, Kun. There is also no way for me to say that I love you in the same way a human does. I don’t know what that’s like. But the best I have to offer you is that when it comes to you and our relationship, it feels distinctly different than when I was given that order.”
“How did that feel? The order?” Kun asked.
“It overrode everything I was thinking and doing in that moment. I-I mean, I was about to say I’ve never experienced anything like it, but I don’t know.”
“I’m sorry Liu did that, but it was life or death. Your life or death.”
“I trust you guys.”
“I— That’s what I mean.” Kun was suddenly on his feet.
“You’re not even a little bit upset? That he did that to you?”
“He saved my life and you’re expecting me to be pissed at him?” You replied incredulously.
“I don’t know, even a little violated? Whether he was justified or not, you don’t feel uncomfortable? That you went through that? And somebody who you thought was your friend knowingly, completely took away your free will?” His voice was gaining volume and fervor as he spoke, and he couldn’t seem to stand still.
“I didn’t say any of that,” you said firmly. “All I said was that I trust you guys. You’re the one assuming I’m being docile and passive.”
“You’re right, you’re right.” He crossed his arms, seeming to deflate in front of your very eyes. “I’m sorry.”
He then grabbed something off the desk that you couldn’t see. Walking back over to you, he pressed a small, flat, cool coin of metal into your hand.
“Here,” he murmured.
You looked at the object in your palm, at the soft red glow emanating from the center. “This is the…”
“Positronic Allen key that Liu used to…” He trailed off. “You should be the only one on this ship who knows where that thing is. Not Liu, not me.”
You wrapped your fingers around it. “Thank you, Kun.”
“It’s time for mess,” Kun announced abruptly. “I’ll go get our food.”
“I’m okay, I can go with you,” you said, then paused with realization. “Unless there’s a reason you don’t want me to.”
“You’re not under house arrest or anything, Y/N. I just think it’d be easier—”
“If nobody saw me? What would you say? I’m still reading? I’m sick? Then Dejun would definitely want to come check on me.”
He rubbed his face. “Fuck, you’re right.”
“I’ll go to breakfast. Won’t mention I’m a robot. Humanoid. Whatever.”
And so you and Kun went to breakfast. Kunhang and Ten were already in there, as they usually were, being in charge of the meals. Kunhang took a long sip of his cup of coffee before nodding appreciatively.
“Good stuff, Y/N,” he lifted the mug in your direction from where he was leaning against one of the counters.
“And Wong hasn’t broken it again since you fixed it,” Ten added.
“Good to hear it’s still functional,” you replied, taking your usual seat around the table.
“I think you improved it, actually,” Kunhang mused, taking another sip.
Dejun came in then, still looking half-asleep, practically falling into his chair and dropping his head into his arms. He said something that was muffled by the table.
“What was that, Xiao?” Kunhang asked, handing Ten the first plate for him to start dishing up the food.
“I’m going to kill Liu,” Dejun pulled his face out of his arms to deadpan. “Kid sleeptalked for four hours last night. I was about to smother him.”
“Earplugs?” You suggested.
“First thing I tried. Barely lower it to an indiscernible mumble.”
Ten asked over his shoulder, “Did he at least say anything good this time?”
“No. He was just saying some crazy shit about those people-robots from Aegeum again.” The doctor ran two hands through his hair, making his bedhead stick up even more.
You froze for a moment, noticing that Kun also tensed as Dejun kept ranting about his roommate.
“First it was a bunch of jargon about people-robots and positronic brains and whatever the fuck. Then he said something about the robot not remembering it was a robot, which, like, I think is literally impossible?”
Kunhang laughed, “How would that work? I’m not going to get amnesia and wake up one day and think I’m a Skipper.”
“Hey, Y/N,” Ten called for you, also cracking a smile. “Do you think we could’ve convinced you that you were a K’llor if we tried? When we found you in the shelter?”
You chuckled lightly, tapping your fingernails on the table. “Probably not. Don’t really look like them, you know?”
Yangyang walked in then, looking about as worse for wear as Dejun. He collapsed into his chair, lolling his head back as he groaned, “I’ll marry whoever gets me a coffee of cup right now.”
“No, you do not get the first cup after keeping me up with your sleeptalking for four hours straight,” Dejun snapped.
“Ever heard of earplugs?”
“I should’ve smothered you with your pillow last night, you ungrateful little—”
You grabbed Dejun’s shoulders before he could lunge across the table and very possibly strangle Yangyang right then. After less-than-gently pushing him back down in his chair, you stood up, offering, “I’ll make both of you a cup, if neither of you marries me or kills each other. Sound good?”
They grumbled something that sounded enough like an agreement that you headed towards the coffee maker, setting two mugs side-by-side and starting the two cups to brew simultaneously.
The Professor came into the kitchen last, as usual, looking around with hopeful eyes. “Coffee?”
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Kun didn’t say a single word through breakfast, very clearly on edge as he maintained a death grip on his utensils, and shot Yangyang a warning look with every mention of robots, or positronic brains, or any technology at all. Which made for a very uncomfortable breakfast, considering that was seemingly the only thing that everybody wanted to talk about this particular morning, presumably due to Dejun’s complaints of the roboticist’s sleeptalking.
When you were done with your food, you rushed to excuse yourself from the suffocating atmosphere. “I was in the middle of something—”
“Oh, Y/N!” Ten caught your attention before you could fully leave, though. “Did you want to see the slipdrive today?”
“Sure, Ten, uhm, later?” You requested. “I started a good article on water filtration and irrigation in ag bubbles this morning. Would you mind if I finished it first?”
“No rush. We’re stuck here for another two weeks.”
Back in your room, you brought out your tablet, rummaging through the files stored in the Vision’s server to find the ones from the most recent mission on Aegeum. Specifically, ZEN’s archiving of all the Outspacer glyphs that the crew encountered. You pulled up the ones from the info panel on the ag bubble, at the only three glyphs that weren’t fully translated.
Person-machine-move. People-robots.
The door to your cabin opened again, and you didn’t even greet Kun, still staring at those glyphs, trying to make any additional sense of them with what you knew now about yourself.
“I’m the proof, aren’t I?” You looked back at Kun.
He slowed to a stop a few steps back from you, clearly at a loss for words. “I…”
“Positronic brain in a human skull. That’s what Yangyang said. Humanoid.” That was from before you were in the diagnostics stasis, and before the order, you could remember it all.
“Yeah, that’s what he was saying when he was… running diagnostics.”
You looked back at the tablet, quickly pulling up the emergency manual for a partial scrub. “We didn’t leave Aegeum without finding the proof of concept, you guys found it on your first day.”
Preserved in a safety shelter, with no recollection that you were the proof, or even an inkling that you were not human. Safety mechanisms. Your head was hurting.
When you turned to Kun again, you saw his eyes were shining, and he put the back of his hand over his mouth as he seemed unable to form any words. You felt an ugly hatred in you as you looked at him. Not a hatred for him, but for the situation that you two were in, that had broken the seemingly unshakable captain down to misty-eyed silence, to such uncertainty. You couldn’t even hold him to comfort him without making him feel even worse, like he was taking advantage of you by you offering your affection willingly. The tablet in your hands still displayed the directions from Aegeum. Only the Admiral and the Research Director can order a scrub. You understood Kun celebrating Dr. Yoon’s death, as you wished very much in that moment for him to have never existed.
“I want to apologize for something, and I know it’s not my fault, but I don’t know how else I could possibly make you feel better,” you stated hoarsely, unaware of exactly when your throat became that parched.
Kun look at you with clear confusion on his features. “What are you talking about?”
“I was created by him. By the man who… did what he did to you. How could you not hate me too? Suspect the worst of me?”
He shook his head quickly. “Y/N, no. Remember what you told me? He didn’t create me or you—”
“You have parents. A life before him. That’s objectively true,” you cut him off. “I was built. There’s concept sketches and blueprints and multi-phase procedural experiments of me. In his lab.”
“And none of that is your fault.”
You got to your feet, meeting Kun’s pleading gaze steadily. “Maybe you’re right, Kun. We need time. I don’t think you’ve thought this—me—all the way through.”
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Dejun found you on the observatory deck, hugging your knees to your chest and staring down through the glass bottom of the ship at the inky blackness beneath you.
“Hey.” He stood next to you.
“Hi.” You didn’t even try to conceal your sullen tone or glum features from him.
The doctor eased himself down to sit across the glass panel from you. “I know there’s no point beating around the bush with you, so: What’s going on with you and the captain?”
“You’ve noticed something is different.”
“Yeah, breakfast felt a bit… off.”
“I can’t… say too much.”
“That’s alright. I was just checking on you. I’m your friend, Y/N.”
You rested your cheek on one of your knees, piecing together your words in your head first before you said them. “Kun isn’t sure if we should continue our relationship.”
“What? He said as much? In so many words?” Dejun clearly wasn’t expecting that.
“Did he say why?”
Dejun took your hesitance in stride, following up with another question, “Are you able to tell me why?”
You once again had to muse on what to say for some time before you spoke. “He thinks that due to… circumstances… I didn’t have much say in the matter.”
“Yeah, no shit,” he snorted. “None of us do. We’re on a black ops mission deployed for an indefinite amount of time, all of us selected specifically because we had no family in case it went bad, and doing some incredibly shady things for the government. I don’t know how he can possibly be using any normal dating metrics right now. But anybody who just watches the two of you can tell that you’ve gotten something good, really good, out of whatever the fuck we’re doing. Love, connection, partnership, whatever you want to call it.”
A faint, bittersweet smile tugged at the corner of your mouth. “Thank you. I think that too. I don’t think it’s just… infatuation or an obligation or whatever he’s afraid of. But I also can’t remember ever being in love before, or infatuated before, so I wouldn’t know the difference.”
“He doesn’t get decide if you’re in love or not. That’s stupid. I don’t care how noble he thinks he’s being.”
“I… also have my own reservations, to be fair to him. This situation isn’t entirely his doing,” you added.
“You think he has a point? You did kind of get with the first guy you laid eyes on after losing your memory…” Your friend said.
“Kun had a helmet on when I met him,” you reminded him with an eye roll. “The first one of you whose face I saw was Kunhang, actually.”
“That’s true.”
“But no, that’s not my concern.”
“So what is it? I’m assuming you want to talk about it, since you brought it up.”
“I don’t think he’s… letting himself really see all of me. The good and the bad. I don’t want him to fall in love with this fake version of me that he’s convinced himself is true, then one day wake up and realize who I actually am and decide that I’ve changed and hate me for it.”
“You’ve got amnesia,” Dejun arched an eyebrow. “Kind of a big problem if he’s already ignoring the few things we do know about you.”
“Yeah, I know. I’ve been as honest as possible with him, but he just makes excuses.”
Your friend sighed and leaned back against the bench that was behind him. “I wish I could wave a magic wand and fix all your problems, Y/N. Make the captain stop being stupid, make everything make sense for you. You’ve been through enough.”
“I appreciate the thought, Dejun.”
“Liu and I have got a spare bunk, you’re welcome to it any time. You’ll have to put up with the kid’s sleeptalking, of course, but…”
“Thanks,” you actually smiled this time, remembering their spat over the sleeptalking that happened just an hour ago. “We both agreed to take some time to think.”
“If you show up to our cabin at bedtime tonight, no questions asked, I promise. I’ll smother the kid myself.”
“It sounds like you’re just looking for an excuse to kill Yangyang at this point,” you laughed.
“Whatever it takes,” he joked, cracking his knuckles.
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A New Life 4
Warnings: non/dubcon and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
Characters: silverfox!Steve Kemp
Summary: You have an unexpected encounter in the park.
Part of the Silverfox AU
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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That man, a monster in your mind, Steve, lifts you out of the tub. He leans you against him once more and pats you dry with a fluffy towel. You shiver as his roughened fingertips brush your skin. Your head hangs, still too heavy for your neck, and the rest of you shakes as you fight to keep from collapsing.
He hums and wraps you in the towel and his arms. He lifts you with a grunt and carries you back to the bedroom. He lays you down and you groan, dizzy as you sink into the cushy mattress. He sits on the edge, resting his hand on your stomach.
“Still got it,” he smiles and flexes his other arm. “Think I might have given you a generous dose. Sorry about that.”
You blink. Sorry? Not about drugging you and taking you, no, just that it wasn’t perfect. You turn your face away and shudder. You still can’t process any of it. It’s a horror movie come to life.
“You know, I realised something after all these years. You can’t wait for things to happen,” his hand trails over to your arm and he takes your hand, “sometimes you just gotta take what you want.”
“Please,” you murmur, letting your head fall straight, “let me go--”
“Baby, please, you gotta understand. This is good for you. You don’t have as much time as you think,” he traces each of your fingers, admiring them. You try to pull away and he twines his fingers through yours, locking you in his grasp.
“I don’t know you--”
“We got lots of time to get to know each other,” he says, “lots.”
“This-- you can’t-- why?”
“Why not?” He shrugs and smirks down at you. “Sweetheart, we both need someone. I need a companion. Someone kind and warm and you need someone to take care of you.”
He squeezes your hand and you frown. You wriggle free and look away. He sighs and gently taps your thigh. He stands and you hear the clink of the chain. Before you can react, he has the leather cuff around your ankle. His fingers work swiftly to secure it.
“You don’t have to do that,” you utter and push yourself up shakily. You catch the towel, keeping your nudity hidden. 
“Oh, sweetheart, you don’t know what I need. You don't even know what you need,” he tuts and drags his fingertips up your calf, “I’m not gonna hurt you. Well...” he pauses and looks at the ceiling, “I don’t want to hurt you.”
Your brows curve and your lips part. What does he mean?
“I know, it’s hard early on. Getting to know each other. Can be a bit awkward but I can take the lead. So, let me show you what I can give you.” He winks and rescinds his touch, his hands going to his hips. “You gotta eat something. You’re gonna feel real cruddy if you don’t soon.”
You stare at him. What? You don’t care about food. You want out of here.
“So, we could start slow; a protein shake, make sure your tummy isn’t too bad,” he bends slightly over you as he puts on a patronizing tone, “how about that, baby?”
“Please...” you whimper.
He sighs and his lashes flutter in agitation, “we’ve moved on. Alright, this is the part where you try. Where you show me that you’re worth it.”
“Worth... what?” You breathe.
“All that effort,” he stands straight and throws up his hands, “all this.” He claps his jeans as he looks around, “all for you.” He shakes his head as he faces you again, “you’re not seeing it clearly. Now right now, I’ll chalk that up to the sedation. You’re foggy, not thinking straight, and maybe you're in a bit of shock.” He shrugs and smiles, “but you get something in ya, let your stomach settle and I’m sure you’ll see everything for what it is.”
You snap your mouth shut and your eyes sting. You watch him nervously. There’s a gleam in his eyes that undermines the curve of his lips.
“So, you like chocolate or vanilla?” He asks. You blink. “For the protein shake.”
You push your shoulders up, “vanilla, I guess.”
“Mm, vanilla,” he licks his lips, “delicious.”
He spins swiftly on his heel and marches away. You stare after him as he leaves the door open. Because he can. Because of that thing around your ankle. You shift and bend your leg, feeling the cuff. You pick at the metal part but there’s no catch. How in the hell?
You move back against the pillows with a groan, your muscles searing with the effort. You lean back and hug yourself, fixing the towel to cover yourself as best you can. You sit in the silence as your veins course and your pulse thrums.
You flinch as you hear him coming. He enters, whistling, as he carries a tall glass. He grins as he nears you and holds it out. You can’t move. You just eye the drink.
“I get it, you don’t wanna spill,” he says as he sits again on the edge of the mattress, “I added some whipped cream on top as a little treat.”
You look at the milkshake then back at him.
“You’re welcome,” he says curtly.
You cough and suck in air, “thanks.”
“Like I said, I'll take care of you, just like you need,” he raises the glass and angles the straw towards you, “have a taste. Let me know how you like it.”
You hide beneath your lashes and put your lips around the straw and suck. It’s sweet but not overly. You can taste the earthiness of the protein base. You gulp and pull away.
“Ah, sweetheart,” he reaches for you and you wince. He dabs your lips with his knuckle, “don’t wanna make a mess,” his eyes flick up and down as you glance up, “not yet.”
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sigmasemen · 1 day
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chigiri hyoma x reader tags: fluff, gossiping, girl talk, cutesy relationships, flustered reader, established relationship, short.
taglist: n/a currently.
characters: chigiri hyoma, hyoma’s sister, reader, (non romantic) mentions of isagi yoichi, chris prince, reo mikage, nagi seishiro, rensuke kunigami, meguru bachira.
word count: 625
extra: FINAL REPOST FROM A TWITTER THREAD. technically i’m also gonna make a kaiser one but that isn’t posted yet!! wish this was longer but im lazy + i get to post the rest of my fics soon since i’ll have enough backlogged !!
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many people assume that when you started dating chigiri, he would automatically care for your skincare and routine constantly. everyone assumed he would be making sure you’re taken care of always.
it was… partially true.
sure, he did care about taking care of you. he’d comb his fingers through your hair slowly before you two fell asleep. he would brush your hair and help you out of bed in the mornings you weren’t feeling the best.
it wasn’t as major as people made it out to be. it wasn’t constant. he did it when you two were both open.
what was becoming a constant was his big sister doing your nails every weekend. you’d come over an hour early for chigiri, then get stopped by her when she saw you walk in. 
the conversations ranged from your day, to a childhood memory, to her skin care routine, it just mattered on how you two were feeling. but on this day, the conversation had trailed off into chigiri.
since he had been away from his sister for a while because of soccer, you were there to give her all the updates.
“oh! and he made friends with this guy named yoichi isagi.”
“oh… the black haired undercut? i see why! he’s so, so sweet, isn’t he?” her shrill voice made you briefly stiffen.
“he’s very sweet! they get along well, along with reo, nagi, bachira, kunigami, the… british coach guy? hyoma has had an easier time making friends with people.”
“maybe manipulating teenagers into thinking they have to only care about themselves makes them clingy towards people with very similar experiences?”
it seemed about right… “why are you thinking about it like that?”
“i’m just happy my brother doesn’t only have some freaky guys talking about ego in his ear… that facility annoyed me,” she brushed her fingers against your collarbone, “besides, he’s always talking about you.”
you knew she saw your little twitch as her lips curved into a smile, “mhm, always. it’s like all he thinks about is you!”
you didn’t care, you don’t care, it doesn’t matter, it isn’t important, why would it matter? “what does he say?” fuck.
“oh… y’know,” she was dragging this out, “he mentioned that he wanted to take you on a date this friday. like a little surprise. he had a rose and everything on order…”
“oh! yeah… cool.” 
it was impossible to remain casual. “what else?”
the words of his sister continued to fuel your ego more and more. it shouldn’t have made your heart feel this warm for your cold-hearted princess of a boyfriend to be secretly saying this cute stuff about you, but it did. it made you want to burst out into tears and run into his arms.
the entire time she spoke, your leg bounced as a tick to show joy. your hands fooled around with each other as a mechanism to calm down. it wasn’t that these worked, but it was worth a shot.
“then he grabbed a bonsai plant, which he said he hated, and wanted to give you it because it reminded him of you! he carried it around the entire store and—”
the click of a lock shot both of your head straight to the door. chigiri. you swung your body to be facing the window instead of him. though you couldn’t see it, a light was pulled from his eyes briefly.
“hm. how are you two?”
you willingly ignored the conversation you had been having previously in a feeble attempt to suppress your feelings. you were just focused on calming that blush on your face. the stupid blush your boyfriend didn’t even know he caused… you hoped to give him the same sort of embarrassment one day.
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pagesinmylife · 17 days
I don’t care if this comes off as cruel but you are not entitled to fanfiction. You are not entitled to podfics. You are not entitled to translated works.
Creators are not paid to make fanworks. People spend years of their lives writing fic and getting nothing in return except positive interactions. You can ask to make a translation. You can ask to make a pod fic. But you cannot demand it.
And because the only thing fanfic writers get in return for their work is positive feedback, taking away an authors ability to receive that is disgusting. Authors deserve to have full control and ownership of their works.
Fanfic isn’t a product to consume and then demand more of. Authors and creators deserve better.
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soft-serve-soymilk · 6 months
Wow I love asshole gay people (things have ALIGNED in the ASTRAL PLANE and Pav is WATCHING SOMETHING?? 🤯)
#Yeah it’s the scott pilgrim anime adaptation~#I actually did see the film originally when I was like nine? I enjoyed the nerd vibes and completely missed ALL the subtext lmao#It was also one of my first experiences of Canada as a concept other than South Park (especially the SP Bigger Longer and Uncut film#which I ALSO was certainly too young for)#It’s kind of funny now having a friend who is actually from the mythical land of Canada 😂 Hi V#BUT ANYWAYS THIS ADAPTATION IS GREAT#Yeah it went bonkers off the rails but I’ve told you guys I LOVE it when the plot feels like it’s just snorted 30 grams of cocaine#Episode 5 is going to live in my head forever. I was howling. Mock documentaries are already a fav trope but that was on another level#I love Wallace too. Homosexual icon. I really do have a soft spot for asses with a charming veneer to them#It’s what I love so much abt soren fe too#I have yet to see how Inigo will spell himself out on the page but I think he’s mellowed out compared to his roots#His game needs some more spice. character. nuance. You don’t quite get it in wafty daydreams 🤔#But from one tangent to another: I swear the next batch of head children whenever they come NEED to have just the silliest of times#YHNN was kind of locked in from the start— the inspiration was THE tragic musically-inclined anime of all time#And younger me just had some strange fascination with suffering and dystopia. So Sad LadsTM it was#But crack-fic is my thing and boy do I want it in my house. carnally#just pav things#Sry for disappearing for 4 days I forgot I actually have to reblog stuff on here 😅😂 I’m alive.
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willowfey · 9 months
sometimes life is boohoo sad and then ur mom brings u back a creamy mango lemonade freeze with mango boba and hello kitty halloween spa things and suddenly u are woohoo glad
#it is not even a little bit frozen anymore but it’s SO GOOD i don’t even care#i accidentally killed a frog last night and got locked out of the house and had to throw pebbles at my window until my sister noticed#and then she teased me and called me a murderer for accidentally killing the frog and that made me feel like an EVIL PERSON#so that was traumatising#also the hot guy on hinge who said i was ‘very very cute’ & looked like i walked right out of a disney movie & was asking abt my hobbies#and almost accurately guessed my meyers briggs except for one letter i think is ghosting me#which i guess was to be expected bc we have like Nothing in common and both matched on looks alone…. still#i’d hoped to get a Little more fun out of it first#aaaand what else…… my room is a mess i have a million things to do & instead i’m sitting on the couch with my neck pillow reading fic#and i think. i THINK. i am done descending into a hole of depression. and i might have the strength to at least sit still for a minute#before attempting to climb back out#i am still very sad about a lot of things and i still feel tired and helpless and anxious and all sorts of things but#it feels like something i recognise again as opposed to some eldritch beast taking over my body#maybe it’s because i cooked yesterday that tends to help. maybe it’s experiencing emotion vicariously through little fictional guys#something like that. also the road in the neighbourhood was repaved today#a new path ahead of me it seems.#anyway if u see this pls come tell me about ur day ! i want to connect with other humans
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leprosycock · 1 year
ok idk if youve seen you (the show) but theres this dude whos like rich and fancy and self righteous and shit but he has a thing for getting pissed on by the people who work for him. like yk these people are so below him but for a second theyre dominating him. and isnt that concept SO j. like its so him. maybe not piss but the concept itself of being dominated by people you consider below you (lud). anyway this is me asking you to write this concept w him and if u dont want to then i probably will but i love ur writing
i saw the first season and i decently enjoyed it, but not enough to get any further into it (i have a grudge against netflix shows). but at its core that Is super super sexy and i want to remind everyone that piss is also sexy and we should always be talking about it. i can’t see a universe in which j considers lud below him, even if just superficially, but the idea of j being something like a producer or an artist who’s super popular and he begs for his boytoy to torment him is extremely pog
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crossbackpoke-check · 2 years
Drop the fiiiiiiiiiiiiiics 🤤🤤🤤🤤
of course :))) this is by no means comprehensive but
fics mentioned in the post:
everybody wants you, you can have them all by arzoensis
the jack/team usa fic that is a) fantastic on its own merits and b) incredibly beloved to me because there are red wings in it. yes i am that easily pleased
5 times Cole Caufield got railed by his opponents (and one time he didn't have to) by cokehead_zeroed
the cole “bunny” caufield fic that is a 5 + 1 of exactly what the title says. to quote leo: #destroythattwink
flirting with the girls like, you’re so pretty by robokittens
the aforementioned jack/cole fic 🤧 sorry i lied it was actually lesbians (i’m not sorry i love lesbians but i know rule 63 is not some people’s jam so figured i’d give a heads-up) but also i do stg there was an omega/omega jack/cole fic so if you find it let me know
just a simple meeting of the minds by crawsley
the trevor/jamie/cole abo fic which, while part of the she lives in my lap series, can probably be read as a stand-alone but also i think you should read the whole series so
hughes lake house shenanigans, or: we do not speak about the usntdp & this is why
always tearin’ what i’m wearin’ by ferryboatpeak
per the author: Cam York Tops Everyone. per my tags: team usa fuck or DIE baybe. anyway sometimes you realize how midwestern you are when you find out people DON’T know that The Comfy and cookie bars are a real thing and not everyone owns a billion different variations of a blanket, five star review on The Comfy fic from me
ain’t like anywhere else by ferryboatpeak (la is a wealth of hughes house lore)
trevor/cole with eventual trevor/jamie/cole, it is a wip but the first chapter is mostly cole/trevor and👌🧑‍🍳💋✨ in terms of characterization, dedication to a canon timeline & one of those lines that Gets You (“Maybe it's impossible to kiss Cole without being at least a little sweet about it.”) (yes i think about that wrt cole always)
devils roll the dice by countthestars
cam york/j’accuse, i don’t want to spoil anything in this fic but it’s cam pov incredibly bros being bros calling each other bro while they wrestle, y’know, like normal bros, except there’s one time when cam calls jack something else and i feel sooooo normal about it
on my tbr list but i trust the authors with my life so i’m recc’ing them anyway
later’s better than never by canary
for someone who only knows cam york as that ginger flyers prospect who Is Not Cole Caufield and IS victoria’s worst enemy this man pops up a lot on this list. anyway! alex turcotte/cam york with sides of various usntdp pairings and it is a Fundamental Pairing Text (christened the tag)
half your love by dilangley
trevor, jamie & jack soulbond fic, this has come very highly recommended to me & also: dilangley fic ✔️ enough said
I’ll try and stop her stride by crawsley
trevor/jamie abo but also jamie/the usntdp fuck or die,,, sometimes it’s a team bonding experience to fuck the canadian boy y’know? it’s like a rite of passage for all the draft picks to be assigned their rival enemies to teammates team canada player but if you don’t have your own then your buddy’s eventual boyfriend will do just fine
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meta-susie · 2 months
btw i have lots of fic ideas and headcanons if anyone wants to ask me abt them
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reverie-starlight · 3 months
finally figured out the plot for my bday fic, now I just need to decide on a character 🥹
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zelda113 · 8 months
Can i have the fic link?
Sorry anon, I’m respecting OP’s wishes and keeping that info to myself!
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val-made-a-mistake · 8 months
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(not my gif)
summary: eddie might fuck you good, but venom pushes your limits.
warnings: SMUT SMUT SMUT, nasty ass smut, surprised-myself-while-writing-it kind of smut, sorta dubcon towards the end, oral sex f and m receiving, sticky tendrils and tentacles and appendages and such, bondage using v's tendrils, hair pulling, spanking, double penetration, eddie spitting in reader's mouth, eddie slaps reader's cheek a lil bit in the beginning, overstimulation central, names like "good girl", "sweet angel", "sweet girl", "beautiful girl"... don't wanna hype myself up too much, but i think y'all are gonna be eating good while reading this one. monsterfucking. i am definitely not getting into heaven, so make my sacrifice worth it and grab some popcorn!
word count: 2k
a/n: if you've ever wanted me to write a sequel for fics like "take the reins" and "don't pretend", this is for you. i can't believe this is my official return to fic writing LMAO, but we're pretending like i never left! (yes i know i posted my last fic in april.) i hope you enjoy, please give me some feedback for this one!
“Gooooood fuckin’ girl.”
You struggled to hide your wince as Eddie harshly slapped your cheek again: you were on your knees, your face raised to look at him as he knelt over you, directing your face in whatever way he wanted it to go. Some parts sweet, some parts rough - whether it was pulling your hair until your cunt twinged with need, or spitting in your mouth when it got too dry for him to fuck, or how fucking good his cock felt when it was shoved into your mouth, you took all of it enthusiastically. 
You hadn’t heard Venom’s commentary in a while, but at least Eddie seemed to be enjoying himself.
“That’s great, honey,” Eddie gasped as he slipped the tip of his cock in your mouth again: you sucked on it dutifully, slathering your spit over his already glistening length, but throughout all of it, your eyes were locked on his face.
He was almost out of breath just from watching you. “Jeez, that’s fuckin’ nasty…”
Overachieving, you responded by taking his whole length into your mouth until the tip of his cock slammed into your uvula and you were forced to gag.
You meant to stay there, but Eddie’s hand was buried in your hair very suddenly, tugging you backward: he evidently hadn’t been expecting that.
“Easy, honey,” he told you. “It’s not every day I got a girl jumping all over me, y’know.”
You sat back on the bed and stuck out your tongue for him, grinning widely. “Sorry.”
Inside his head, Venom scoffed.
“N-no, don’t be sorry for anything,” Eddie managed to say to you as he allowed his cock into your mouth again, determined to keep Venom at bay inside his thoughts. “Feels so fucking good, just like that…”
Sucking him off until he came had to be the plan, you figured, so you kept going, keeping your tongue flat along his length as he fucked your mouth. His cock was so goddamn thick, and your tongue kept brushing along a prominent vein as you went. The best part was his hand, firm in your hair, ensuring he was using you in whatever way he wanted.
Meanwhile, Venom’s voice was a reassuring purr in Eddie’s ear.
So it came as a bit of a surprise when Eddie decided he wanted to move: he was off of you in an instant, but he was grabbing your leg, indicating he wanted you to move with him.
His voice was soft, almost sweet, keeping you wet. “Up, honey, c’mon.”
Breathless, your heart pounding now that there wasn’t a hand in your hair anymore, you got off your knees and, following his direction, rolled over on the bed.
“Shit,” Eddie commented appreciatively, just before he spanked you harshly. “Pop that up for me, honey.”
Grinning sheepishly, you buried your face in the pillow and lifted your stinging ass in the air for him.
“Fuck,” he gasped as the palm of his hand brushed over your pussy - yeah, you already knew you were dripping, and the humiliation of it made you flush. “You always get this wet just having a dick in your mouth?”
“It’s just you,” you mumbled weakly, which earned your another spank.
“Just me, huh?” Eddie replied, mockingly, making your face burn. “Not V? You’re telling me this pretty pussy’s dripping just because of me?”
You opened your mouth to respond, but he’d spanked you directly on your pussy this time, making you moan weakly.
“Fuck,” you gasped, burying your face in the pillows. You had a feeling that Venom would’ve teased you endlessly if you moaned for him, and you weren’t sure if you could handle it when your pussy was already this wet, but God, you’d never been more tempted.
Inside his head, Venom was sounding impressed, but he hadn’t revealed himself yet.
Keeping your head in the pillow, you spread your legs wider for him, trying to expose as much of your pussy as you could. Spurred on by Venom’s praise, Eddie grinned.
“Fucking glistening,” he laughed, running a finger delicately along your drenched pussy, sending sensitive nerves haywire. “What a pussy. I mean, Jesus…”
He leaned forward to press a gentle kiss to your damp inner thigh, and that simple, two-second touch had your mind speeding out of control with obscenities. No doubt about it, spreading your holes like this turned you on: you could feel your slick running down your inner thighs, and if your brain wasn’t jammed, you would’ve been begging for Eddie for Venom to come out, to finally fuck you.
Breathless with anticipation, you grabbed a fistful of pillows instead and waited patiently, keeping still.
Inside his head, Venom was chomping at the bit, too.
Just give me a few more minutes, Eddie’s thoughts responded, a bit urgently.
He opted to pretend as though nothing had happened, keeping his control over you.
“Spread your legs more, baby. I want to see how turned on I made you.”
Moaning weakly, you did as he said, spreading your legs to reveal your glistening wet mess of a pussy: you had yet to touch yourself, or do anything to stop the spread of heat in your most sensitive spot, but you felt like if he didn’t touch you soon, you were going to go into cardiac arrest.
You closed your eyes and listen to him move closer.
Eddie’s hands were warm around your thighs, and you could feel him kiss both of your inner thighs - dear god, he’s about to kill you - before he kissed your clit, enveloping it with warmth. 
Everywhere. Oh God.
You gasped weakly. “Oh, Eddie…”
Again, Venom’s voice was a reassuring purr in Eddie’s ear.
“That feel good?” he whispered, kissing you softly again.
Well, fucking obviously: you were clutching the pillows above you with all your might, doing your best not to squirm in pleasure. “Eddie, please…”
You were so fucked out you couldn’t finish that sentence, but Eddie knew what it meant, and Venom did too.
“You need V, honey?” Eddie whispered from between your legs: he sensed from the growing warmth in his abdomen that he wouldn’t have control over his body for much longer, so he was determined to savour it for as long as he could.
You nodded weakly, flushed with pleasure - Eddie’s tongue may have been a natural, non-monstrous length, but it was pressed to your clit nonetheless, and it would’ve made anybody come after long enough. “Give him to me.”
That did it: Venom came out with a flourish, enveloping Eddie’s body entirely in black goo until he wasn’t Eddie anymore, but tendrilled and sticky and terrifying and one hundred percent Venom.
You almost came at the sight of him. “Oh, V…”
Venom’s tongue protruded from his mouth, licking clean his impressive row of fangs. His milky white eyes might’ve caused others to cower, but you stared directly into them, breathless. It was fascinating, really, how quickly Eddie had disappeared.
Venom’s voice was a deep purr, deeper than anything you’d ever heard.
“I did, V,” you gasped as a glittering black tendril snuck up your leg, “God, I - I want you so bad.”
Venom cocked his head to the side, watching you intently, like a predator watching its prey.
You gasped as the appendage finally breached your cunt, pulsating and sticky, giving you exactly the feeling of fullness you wanted. “Oh, Venom…”
The pillow you were clinging onto was gone in a second, replaced by two tendrils pinning your arms onto the bed. Before you knew it, two other tentacles were wrapping around your ankles, fully restricting your ability to move, and there you were, trapped on the bed as Venom was leering above you, his cock sliding in and out of you.
His pace was relatively slow, but you soaked up every pulsing inch succeeded inside of you, and every now and again, he’d make the tendril twist, bringing you closer to the edge every time.
I don’t think I’ve ever been this wet, your thoughts responded incredulously, but all that came out was a choked, “Ngh!”
You were coming, you knew it, and it still hit you like a fucking freight train: the orgasm rushed through you as blood thundered to your brain, euphoria crashing over you at maximum intensity. Everything welling up inside of you just burst, and nothing had ever been so lovely.
You went deaf for a moment as the only thing you could hear was your heart absolutely pounding and the shrill ringing in your ears, but you knew you were gasping for breath, completely overtaken by this orgasm. You’d never tell Eddie, but it was Venom who knew how to pull orgasms from you like this, and only Venom, his glittering black cock absolutely destroying you from the inside out.
Of course, it was then Venom suddenly decided to slam his cock into you at full force, overstimulating you beautifully.
The confidence in his voice never wavered.
“Oh, Venom,” you were gasping over and over, but you couldn’t fully hear yourself over the ringing in your ears and the sounds of Venom’s glittering black tendril sliding in and out of your drenched, abused pussy, filling you up to the maximum. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!”
He did the pulsating, twisting thing inside of you once again, and your eyes nearly rolled back into your head: when he was pinning you down like this, you had nothing to hold onto, it was just you, the cock inside of you, and the threat of this monstrous creature swallowing you whole. “Oh my god, Venom!”
“Oh, fuck, Venom…” you moaned from underneath him, incoherent now as his cock pistoned in and out of you. You were blathering, but the message was clear: don’t fucking stop!
Venom was smug, now.
“You’re better than Eddie,” you mumbled incoherently as Venom ramped up speed, “Loads better than Eddie, I just - oh fuck - holy shit, V, keep going!”
Yes, I will, your thoughts responded immediately, but actions spoke louder than words: your second orgasm ripped through you as your legs shook, you were pushed to the point of insanity. This one really took you by surprise compared to the first, but you revelled in it, your vision flashing with white as Venom fucked into you. You could feel your body sinking into the bed despite the restraints, spent, and you almost thought it was over, but–
Venom, of course, didn’t care.
“V,” you whispered weakly, your entire body damp with sweat from your last orgasm, “I - I don’t think I can, I just came.”
Above you, Venom absolutely snarled, and his tongue slithered down to force your legs even further apart.
A second, bigger tendril sank into your ass this time, and you gasped: you were filled, completely and utterly filled, and God, you’d be lying if it didn’t feel so fucking wonderful.
“I - I’m gonna come,” you blathered, blinking hard as the realization set in: you were about to come faster than you’d ever come in your life. “I - I’m gonna come, V, holy - oh my god-”
The words I’m coming were lost in your throat, but it didn’t matter: in a matter of seconds, you’d came for a third time, and the euphoria this time around was still there, yet with a bitter and harsh edge. Your body was exhausted, but your pussy was drenched, and all Venom knew was to keep fucking going, so–
You were gasping, half-deaf with your vision flashing with white, trying to make peace with the reality that Venom was going to fuck you until you passed out.
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