#I call this how many ships can mish put into one 100 word drabble
superbattrash · 7 months
Trick or treat!! 🦇
A treat for the treat of my life <3 <3 <3 (that sounded way better in my head)
"And why, pray tell, am I wearing this, again?" Bruce asks, pulling at the tight collar.
"Because you can't always be a dinosaur," Dick tells him as a matter of factly. He's running around the room, helping everybody get ready, but then again, it's easy for Dick to move around freely when all he's wearing is a small cheerleader outfit. Bruce doesn't want to know why he's wearing the skirt and Kory is the one in the pants. He doesn't need to know; he doesn't even want to think of asking.
"I'm not-"
"Sorry, you can't always be a T-Rex or triceratops or whatever," Dick waves him off.
"That's not-" Bruce tries to argue but then Dick places a pair of bunny ears on top of his head. "Why this outfit?" He tries again.
"Because it suits you," Tim comments from where he's squeezing into a maid's uniform. Another skirt. Bruce has a bad feeling about this.
"Drake is right," Damian chimes in and Bruce nearly swallows his own tongue. Damian agreeing with Tim? Perhaps he should cancel the party and go lie down. Maybe drag his youngest to the cave to run some tests first.
"Is it not customary for the rabbits to accompany a billionaire?" Damian asks when Bruce doesn't reply. "This being a switch of genders and all?"
"It is," Jason says with a terrifying grin on his face. Bruce purposefully doesn't look at him. He doesn't need to see which type of skirt Jason is wearing; he's pretty sure he'll faint any minute now. "Which is why dear old dad needs to be the perfect bunny for his handsome billionaire."
"Do I even want to know who my handsome billionaire is?" Bruce asks hesitantly.
"Selena, duh," Tim says just as Damian goes: "Mother, of course."
"Oh," Dick then says. "I invited Clark."
"This is a switch party!" Jason argues. "Clark can't be the handsome billionaire!"
"He can too!" Dick shoots back. "He's a handsome billionaire widow. See? That's him in the black dress."
Bruce nearly breaks his own neck turning around to see exactly what type of black dress Clark is wearing. And then he feels all color drain out of his face - and not for the reason he was expecting. Clark is indeed wearing a skintight black dress (and good God, how the hell did the boys convince him to wear those heels?!) but that's not what has Bruce start sweating.
Right next to Clark stands a tall figure, glaring daggers and looking absolutely gorgeous in a bright red miniskirt.
"Why is Khoa here?" Bruce chokes.
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