#He's so excited about his date with Gaara
missmetus · 1 month
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venerawrites · 2 months
For Gaara, shino, sai, neji
A cutesy girly s/o but really great at fist fighting and overall has great strength and durable in any mission.
Like she can literally lift a whole man who harassed her and shit (maybe snap his spine into two 😔✌️)
author's note: can I just say how excited I am to finally get a request involving Neji? Like, my boy is super underappreciated :/ anyway, writing this one was so fun and I do hope you enjoy it! Thank you so much for requesting! <3
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Gaara liked you the first time he saw you.
You were so innocent and sweet looking, he was greatly surprised once you mentioned you were a shinobi.
Now, of course, he has met dozens of strong women who were excellent ninjas (such as Tsunade or Sakura), so it's not like he did not believe females could be good fighters.
But with your well-put outfit (that looked beautiful but highly impractical for fighting), soft skin, that looked free of any battle scars, and delicate hands, that seemed too gentle to be the hands of a warrior, he found it hard to believe you.
So during the Fourth Shinobi War, he gave a piece of his mind to the Hokage for letting you on the battlefield. You were supposed to be safe in the village, something he specifically asked his friends from the Leaf to ensure.
Naturally, he tried to keep an eye on you and protect you as much as he could during the battle...
But when he witnessed with his own two eyes the way you picked up one of the enemy's soldiers, lifted them over your head, and slammed them into the ground, thus resulting in their body being cracked in two, his jaw dropped.
And if possible, he found himself even more attracted to you!
So after the war it didn't take long for you two to develop a relationship, with him finding an excuse to travel to Konoha every two weeks before he asked you to move to Suna.
Now... Maybe a bit shocking, but both his siblings were definitely NOT fans when they first met you.
Temari thought you were too girly and shallow, and openly voiced her opinion that it is "ninja-wannabes" like you that give a bad name to female shinobi. Like how could you be a warrior if you are so into your looks?
Kankuro also shared her opinion, but his disapproval was based on his concern of how sincere you were about his brother. Like did you like him for HIM or did you just like his title?
Both quickly changed their opinion, once you managed to defeat Temari during a sparring match. Not only did you earn their respect that day, but it was also the beginning of two beautiful friendships.
Gaara, on the other hand, secretly loved the fact that instead of letting people's opinions get to you, you used their doubt to your advantage.
He is definitely the dominant half in your relationship - I imagine that no matter how strong you are, you enjoy being taken care of. Also, he is still a stronger ninja than you, so I don't really think he would be threatened by your strength in any way.
Gaara loves to treat you like a princess - he pampers you, buys you gifts, and lets you have anything you want.
I can't help but DO imagine him with someone who is very girly and feminine, maybe a little bit spoiled as well lol..
He would have great respect for you as a shinobi, but I feel he would still be worried about sending you on missions, so when he can he would try and send Kankuro with you.
To be honest, I don't really think he cares that much...
Like, in order to start dating in the first place, you need to know each other at least for a few years. By then he was well aware of your strength, so it was not really a surprise for him.
I think the shock element with Shino is actually falling in love with someone who is very girly and cute.
I feel he would naturally always be more attracted to tomboy-looking girls, who were quiet, reserved, and shared similar interests to him.
You were the complete opposite of that - not only your style was very feminine, but you were also loud, bubbly and were not particularly fond of anything related to insects or nature.
The fact that you were polar opposites, however, is what made you so compatible.
I imagine you would start hanging out after you were assigned a mission to retrieve some scrolls from the Hidden Stone Village.
Like I said, he would not be surprised by how strong you are, but seeing you in action during a fight would be a completely new experience for him.
He would be very impressed with your skills and would compliment them, making you blush crimson red.
I always imagined Shino as quite blunt guy, so I think he would be totally okay with sharing with you the fact that before being assigned to a mission together, he thought of you as a rather ignorant girl.
Do not get offended tho, boy just always speaks out loud his thoughts...
It would be a surprise for everyone to see you coming back from your mission hand in hand.
I feel out of all of the boys on the list, Shino would be the one who would rub his influence on you the most - after getting with him, you are more interested in joining him in his little expeditions of discovering new species rather than doing your usual Friday shopping routine.
He doesn't really like discussing work or anything relating to his missions with others, but after a drink or two on a night out, he WOULD boast about you and your abilities.
"She is both very beautiful and also an extremely skilful ninja... Of course, I feel lucky to have her, Kiba!"
His favourite thing is watching you deal with men that try to flirt with you... usually, it takes only 5 minutes, before they are laying flat on the ground. He wouldn't admit it, but he finds it rather funny.
LITERALLY the first thing he said to you after Naruto introduced you to each other was: "I find you very physically attractive and I would like to get to know you more."
You, usually pretty confident and self-assured individual, immediately started blushing, nervously twirling the ends of your hair.
What happened to "Hello?", "How are you?", "My name is.."??
He would compliment you a lot, about how cute you are, how he likes your style, and how you have to be the most beautiful girl in Konoha.
I totally see him as someone with 0 social awareness, so very probable to make you uncomfortable at the beginning.
When you got paired with Team 7 for a mission, he saw your true strength for the first time.
He always thought you were some type of sensory ninja or a medic... but definitely not a fighter. You were too sweet and innocent-looking to be a fighter.
Yet, here you were, punching rogue ninjas left and right, making them fly in the air from the impact.
Now, Naruto and Sakura pay you no mind - you have been training with them for years, and they know very well what are you capable of.
Sai, however, is utterly shocked and terrified.
Who were you and what happened to the sweet Y/N?
He would probably distance himself a bit, feeling scared that if he says or asks something inappropriate, you wouldn't hesitate to knock him out just like Sakura had done before.
You would have to be the one to seek him out, showing him that you are not a violent person and there is no reason for him to be scared of you.
After that, he would get back to his old ways of always complimenting you and showering you with gifts.
This guy is OBSESSED with you. Literally.
He would always make sketches of you, shyly giving them to you once they are finished.
He is also the only one who I see actively taking part in your hobbies, such as shopping, spa days or/and reading romantic books. Sai wants to get to know you as much as possible and he is not ashamed to be caught doing "girly" things with you.
Enemies to lovers type of story here...
While you were growing up, Neji thought that you were both very weak and annoying - probably the worst combination of traits for a person to have.
Constantly fixing your appearance and thinking more of having a cute outfit, rather than being safe, he would constantly give you side eyes and mutter degrading comments about you under his breath.
You, on the other hand, would think he was stuck up and rude, thus resulting in quite severe bickering between you two. At some point, it will get so bad, that they would have to keep your teams apart and with as little contact as possible.
For the next few years, you would have very minimal interactions with Neji (most of the time consisting of you passing each other on the street or somehow resulting in the same company during dinner).
One day you were both hanging out at Ichiraku Ramen, when a man decided to come next to you and start complimenting you. You politely accepted his first few compliments, but the more he kept going, the more uncomfortable you got.
Now Neji may dislike you, but he was raised as a gentleman and he was not about to let a lady be harassed.
He had just started walking toward you when the man tried to grab your arm and in response, you punched him so hard, that he literally flew through the wall.
Neji froze in his place, completely dumbfounded at what he had just witnessed.
You, on the other hand, just dusted your hands, fixed your hair, and joined your friends again.
He would not admit it, even way after you were already a couple, but this was the day when his opinion of you changed completely.
He started to join some of your training practices with Lee, always saying that he did not expect you to be there (he totally knew, that's the reason he was there in the first place).
He would soon start to train with you, impressed by how well you held yourself against him.
He would probably still win. Despite you being so strong, he was still the better strategist between you two.
Would totally enjoy pinning you down, forcing you to surrender though.
I imagine both of you would keep up the façade of pretending to hate each other till the tension gets too much and you just end up kissing after one of your fights.
He would totally still make fun of you for being so girly and cute looking, but now instead of mocking, it was more of a flirty teasing.
He would be very proud of you and would always watch in amazement at the way you were dealing with your enemies, but secretly, he would always be worried for you and would try to intervene in your fights and protect you.
Just like Gaara, I imagine that he would be the more dominant one in the relationship and would take his roles as your protector and provider very seriously.
His family totally loves you tbh, which would definitely boost his ego even more.
cc artwork: Joshua Raphael
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edai-crplpnk · 8 months
Some Team 7 + Team 10 chara sheets!
I did more chara sheets for my modern AU. (I did Team 8 + Sand Sibs here!) They don't appear much in the fics I already wrote, I don't know if they will in the future (maybe some plan for Naruto & Jiraiya fic one day?) but I have headcanons for them!
1 - The Girlfriends
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Additional facts!
She's been best friend with Naruto since childhood and was quite scared to come out to him as a teen, not so much because she thought he'd reject her entirely but more because she was scared it would change their dynamics if they weren't boy friends anymore. Naruto was very excited about the whole thing, and supported her plenty in her transition.
She's training to be a surgeon and met Ino in med school.
In Seeing Stars, she is roommate with Lee and Tenten, but she'll move in with Ino later, and Gaara will take her place (well, more like he'll take Lee's bed room and there is one free now but-)
This is my "everyone is gay, everyone is disabled" AU and she is the token abled chara for now, but that might change if I get inspired. Not fully set on that.
She's known she was a lesbian (although maybe not in this word) since very young. Also, at the time, Shikamaru and Chouji were perceived as such too, so that made them a trio.
She graduates to be a physical therapist around the year of Seeing Stars. She trained a lot on Sakura (lovingly) and Lee (more brutally).
Her endometriosis is somewhat managed by progesterone but she still has some flare-ups from time to time.
2 - The Boyfriends
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They are Brazilian through their mother and Japanese through Chouza.
They struggled a bit figuring out their gender and tried presenting more masculine earlier in their transition, cutting their hair short and all that, but really didn't like it and, after some distress and talking it through with Ino and Shikamaru, let themself own that they were, really, a femboy. He is cool with masculine words (like being Shikamaru's boyfriend).
They considered stopping T after a while but liked how it felt for the most part, and it also helped manage PCOS symptoms.
He is rather sensory-seeking and loves being able to play around with textures, colours and sparkles.
He manages chronic pain with compressive clothes, knee braces and crutches.
Identified as a boy for about forever, and was very uncomfortable with being perceived as a lesbian with Chouji as a teen (which Chouji didn't really mind on his end), in a good part because of dysphoria, but also because he's never been into girls? (Dating Chouji has been a lot of confusion until they both figured themselves out, but it did feel right, somehow. Now he knows why.)
It might not have happened yet by the time of Seeing Stars because this shit takes time, but he is eventually getting phalloplasty and a cool tattoo sleeve on his left arm afterwards to hide the graft site.
Between his fatigue and Chouij's pain, they are a very cuddly pair and spending a lot of time in each other's presence at home. It's not always easy to go out and do things whatever they may be, but they make sure that the time they spend home together feels significant and not just routine.
3 - The Not Boyfriends
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After some chaotic and pretty traumatic time in the foster care system as a baby and young child, he was taken in by Jiraiya, a relative of Kushina. He still lives with him as an adult, though they have a more roommate-y relationship than father/son.
He has struggled a lot with school the whole time, and it got worse after being separated from Sasuke (see below) and Sakura (because he failed and had to repeat some years along the way). He didn't graduate from high school in the end.
He does restaurant delivery by bike for a living, which provides him with both a lot of time spent working the hyperactivity out, and social contact with all the cooks in the neighbourhood (who all love him and have adopted him like a stray cat.)
He is very good friend with Kiba. They met in group therapy but Kiba is not great at that so they mostly meet to smoke together.
He is bi but probably too obsessed with Sasuke and the faith he have they'll be together again to really put himself out there for anyone.
He and Naruto were close (and eventually sort of dating) as children and teens, but they got into a fireworks accident together where they both lost an arm (and Sasuke some hearing). Fugaku moved him to private schooling after the events, and they haven't reconnected since then.
He has sort of convinced himself he is straight, not even out of complicated feelings for his sexuality, but really just to be able to think he isn't and has never been into Naruto, because he resents him a lot for the accident and doesn't want to come to term with forgiveness or even just admitting he is still important to him.
He's tried using a prosthetic arm for years after his injury, but never quite found one he managed to work with. He also has important phantom pain that plays into that.
For now, he's joined the police like Fugaku. Let's all hope he'll get himself together eventually.
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mortyvongola2-0 · 2 years
Day 2: Mutual Masturbation
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Loving Lesson
Pairing: Gaara of the Sand x Reader
Genre: Oneshot, smut, kinktober prompt
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: afab!reader, mutual masturbation, vaginal fingering, fapping, pretty fluffy ngl
A/N: This is the softest smut I've ever written. Very fluffy, very domestic, very loving. For once there's not even any dirty talk which is crazy for me. If you're looking for more intense Gaara stuff don't worry, there will be later. Hope you enjoy!
Read it on AO3
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Physical affections were something foreign to you, but you were learning and adapting quickly. Your boyfriend was rather similar in his comfortability with touching. You both had overcome much, initially hand holding had been the extent of both of your tolerances for a few months before moving forward to embraces and continuing the progress to get to what you were so anxiously excited about. Both of you had been together long enough, longer than most other couples before they passed the stage you had yet to take on but that didn’t matter, what mattered is that you both felt ready.
He had broached the subject first, a light dusting of pink on his cheeks and an avoidant stare to the side the only tells as to his own mental anxiety about the question. You had agreed, maybe a bit too quickly. The both of you had decided on a night where you both had a relatively lax schedule and you waited anxiously for the day to arrive. When it came, you had to ask your best friend to help you prepare.
She had helped you choose clothes, specifically underwear, that you had no idea even counted as underwear. You had never felt so pretty before, it was a good feeling but an unfamiliar one. When you arrived at his door you felt like your heart might burst from your chest. It’s just a regular date, you reminded yourself. A regular date with a little extra after dinner.
Before you could even knock on the door it opened and your favorite redhead stood before you, his body language giving more away than his face. He was a bit tense, his shoulders set back and straight, his hands clenching and unclenching, and there was an unrest to the sand around him. His nerves made you feel a bit better about your own. You smiled at him, wide and loving before he let you in and your date began.
The food was delicious, the conversation lighthearted and mostly steered away from work. When it came time for the after-dinner portion you were so comfortable you had almost forgotten about your plans. He held your hand gently, stroking the roughened skin from years of ninja work and training, as you both sat on the couch. Was he procrastinating or was he just taking your comforts into consideration? Either way you didn’t mind, you knew that he wanted you and that you wanted him too. Hesitation always came with change. Even if he suddenly changed his mind, you would be alright, maybe a bit disappointed, but respecting his boundaries was more important.
He hesitated a moment, his gentle strokes pausing as he looked you in the eyes. That lovely seafoam green made you melt a little bit. His gaze was meaningful and endearing. “Are you ready? We can do this later if you need more time.”
You thought for a moment, despite already knowing your answer, you wanted to be as sure as you could be; masturbating, but together, that was a big step after all. The farthest you both had gotten was some light under the clothes exploration, nothing too heavy. But you wanted more, much more. You wanted the full relationship experience and you only wanted to share it with him. He was the love of your life after all.
“No, I’m ready. Are you ready?”
His light strokes resumed as he gave the same amount of contemplation you did before he nodded seriously. “Yes, I want to—” he cut himself off and looked to the coffee table for a moment. The young Kazekage turned back to watch you intensely, his eyes looked like molten colored glass. “I want to learn how to make you feel good.”
You didn’t think it was possible for your cheeks to feel any warmer.
“Me too,” you muttered, feeling the twisting nerves in your gut from excitement and nerves. A lump began to form in your throat and to distract yourself from the thrum of your overly-excited heart you leaned forward to press you lips to his. You noticed that his were a bit chapped, not that yours weren’t, but you decided that when this was all over you were going to tell him to drink more water. Should you gift him a bottle for your anniversary? Maybe a big one, with cute cactus stickers—focus on Gaara, dummy.
Right, focus, you chastised yourself. He kept his hold on one of your hands as he gently reached behind your head with the other one. Carefully, with little pressure, he brought you closer to deepen the kiss. Your tongue moved first, licking against him and coaxing his own into action. His tongue met yours and they stroked one another with a soft eagerness. You pulled your hand from his and wrapped your arms around his neck and he placed his now free hand on your hip. His tongue moved back first, allowing yours access to his mouth which you took full advantage of.
On average, you found that he tasted like sand. Not terrible, but also not the best flavor, but to your pleasure he tasted more like dinner with a hint of sand. A pleasurable change that made you hum into his mouth. Once your tongue was finished stroking the roof of his mouth his tongue entered yours. He dragged his tongue against the inside of your cheek and you begin to run your fingers through his crimson hair.
When you both pulled away you felt alight with excitement, you both watched each other as you breathed before you nodded and detangled yourself for a moment, beginning to fiddle with the hem of your shirt. “Here or the bedroom?”
He took a moment before replying, “Bedroom.”
With eagerness, you both stood at the same time and began to walk, albeit a bit quickly, toward his room. After you both entered, he shut and locked the door, and you took off your fancy shirt and folded it before setting it off to the side. You fiddled with the frilled bow at the front of your bra for a minute before working up the courage to look at him. He seemed enamored, his hands unsure of what to do but his eyes soft and heated as they took in your rarely bare form. Gaara, whether to level the field or to get to the pleasure quicker, he took his shirt off as well.
You’d seen his bare chest only a handful of times, but the more you saw of it the better. His pale skin and lithe muscled form always excited you. For a moment you contemplated removing your pants too before deciding that was indeed the best option. When you had finished folding and setting down your clothes you waited anxiously for his next move. Likewise, he removed his pants and placed them neatly on top of his dresser. “Should we sit on the bed?”
He nodded, and you both got on opposite sides and faced each other. The redhead kissed you this time, and you ran your hands along his exposed chest until he began to shudder. His hands wandered and gently pressed against your covered breasts before stroking along your sides. You shivered when his strong fingers settled on your naked inner thighs. When you both pulled away, a small string of saliva connected your mouths for a moment before it broke and you asked, “Should we get started?”
Gaara’s serious nod made you giggle a bit, feeling high off of your nerves, and he gave you a small smile. You took a deep breath as you sat back from him and he from you, making sure that both got a good view of each other. He kept his boxers on, you didn’t push him to remove them, but his hands shook as he removed his erection from the black material. Your breath hitched in your throat. He was on the longer side with a thickness that looked just right. You felt your sex throb.
Your staring seemed to get to him, as he looked away with cheeks and chest almost as red as his hair. His adam’s apple bobbed, “Can I see you to?”
Broken out of solo staring contest, you nod nervously before hooking your thumbs in the waistband of your panties and sliding them down your hips. You almost squeaked when you realized how wet your underwear had gotten, and when you spread your legs for him you bit your bottom lip as you showed him just how excited you were. His breathing audibly stuttered, and your fingers twitched as they rested on your trembling thighs.
You wanted to squirm as his eyes were glued to you, and you understood how he felt while you stared at him. Were you pleasing? You thought you looked relatively normal but maybe there was something weird you hadn’t seen. “I-I’m going to s-start, okay?”
“Right,” he swallowed thickly. “Right, me too.”
Slowly, you brought your fingers to the wet skin of your lower lips and ran them over your excited flesh. You didn’t masturbate often, but you had once or twice to the thought of your boyfriend. But when he was there in front of you, doing something similar while watching you, it made it hard to think about anything. Your eyes were drawn to the slow up and down stroke of his fist as he began his own show, you became transfixed.
As you watched his rhythm, your own naturally followed. When he thumbed his tip, you circled your thumb on your clit, when he stroked all the way down before slowly stroking up again, you gently inserted a finger into yourself and moaned. Your thumb stayed on your clit and you pumped your finger to the same speed of his hand. It seemed like he hadn’t been fully erect when the two of you started, as his member had only gotten bigger and more agitated as you continued.
Eventually you decided one of your fingers wasn’t enough, especially while looking at such a lovely example of what could be stuffed inside of you instead, and you added a second. The stretch was something you weren’t entirely used to, but Gaara seemed to thoroughly enjoy the sight. His cock had throbbed, so much so that even you could see it, and the tip had dribbled more of the clear fluid than it had been releasing before. He groaned and you moaned in response.
You moved your free hand up and removed your bra, beginning to feel impatient. Your thumb sped its circling as you heard the sounds of his wet skin and your own slick meld together, accompanied by your soft noises and his pants and grunts, in a sensual symphony. “Gaara,” you let out as you thumbed your left breast until your nipple pebbled under your touch. The tightening in your abdomen grew stronger and it became harder to not close your eyes and revel in the feeling, but you didn’t want to miss a second of him.
The tips of his ears, his cheeks, neck and top of his chest was flushed a delicious shade of pink. His brow bone and forehead were furrowed in concentration and his eyes remained glued to your slick soaked fingers and thrumming clit. He had yet to notice your naked breasts. Your boyfriend let out a moan of your name and you mewled and began to scissor yourself. You didn’t think you would last much longer. His lust blown eyes trailed up your body and took in your naked breasts eagerly. The redhead watched them rise and fall with every shaky breath you took, and jiggle with every thrust of your fingers.
“Not much l-longer,” you whimpered. Your skin tingled and you began to feel the pleasure more and more intensely.
“Me too,” his gravelly voice took on an extra level of baritone. So deep that if he had spoken it in your ear you would have cum just from the sound alone. “T-Together?”
“Together.” You nodded, still breathy and on edge.
Your eyes met and stayed glued together. If only you were the one stroking him, if he was inside would it feel even better than this? He reached his free hand out and you leaned toward it, placing your cheek in his warm hand and tentatively licking his open palm. The redhead flinched, his eyes squeezed shut and he gasped your name.
You felt it before you realized, and you let out your own gasp when the hot fluid hit your leg. “G-Gaara,” you moaned out, over drawn and breathy as your orgasm flowed through you. Your eyes squeeze shut and your toes curled as your hands stopped their motion and you tried to catch your breath. His thumb rubbed your cheek continuously, his other hand still as he remained hunched over.
“I didn’t learn anything,” he huffed, slight amusement to his tone. A breathy laugh left your lips and you brought your head down to rest against his forehead, in a teasing lilt you said, “Really? I learned that you need to drink more water and,” you licked your lips before lowering your eyelids in an attempt at being sultry, “I memorized every little move you made, love.”
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tagged list: @therantingfangirl @justmyownreality @hashira-mal
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laceyjane44 · 9 months
GaaSaku 2023 FanFest Day15
Prompt: One Night Stand
(Day 14, continued)
Staring ahead to the wall beside her, Sakura dared not move a muscle.
The bed was warm, her pillows fluffed, and the room had been tidy and smelled clean. She had slept like a rock, hadn’t set an alarm to wake herself up, and when her eyes finally opened to the bands of morning sunlight coming in through the blinds, reality came crashing down on her.
The wall was not painted the color of her bedroom, the sheets were not the same thread count – but better, and the comforter laid over her was not hers alone; she had company.
She hadn’t needed to turn around to know who shared this bed with her, after all, she had spent the whole evening with him, and the night as well. She took a quiet breath and slowly exhaled, thinking over how she was going to handle this situation.
The night before had been a pleasant surprise, she’d never been so boldly approached while also being treated with such care. Gaara was a confident man but hadn’t been an arrogant one, he was a natural flirt it seemed, but he would do away with it the moment he felt it wasn’t received; his company and been an easy and pleasant one.
Are you really gonna walk out on our first date like that?
Sakura could feel herself blush.
She should have read the signs before going out to eat with him, but…maybe if she had she would’ve refused. He was undeniably attractive, though he hadn’t immediately been her type, and as the night had worn on his attention became easier to accept. Leaving the restaurant, he had escorted her the short walk to the local cocktail bar and held the door for her like a gentleman. The bar was a little fancier than the restaurant, and they were given a small booth and a waiter to bring their drinks.
His demeanor had certainly changed after his comment about their date. Once she had accepted it and agreed to continue their night, he began placing his hand on the small of her back or tapping her feet with his own under the table. He’d already shown he wasn’t shy about sharing a straw with her and had offered to share their cocktails as well so that she could try some different ones. Fruity, refreshing, spiced and sweet; they had been delicious, and she sipped slowly, finding that she wanted their date to last just a little longer.
When the drinks were finished, though, she asked if his car was back at the movies. No, Gaara had said, it’s at my sister’s. After successfully monopolizing her time, he had admitted that he’d come to the movies with his siblings, and they had consequently left without him. Sakura had laughed, though she felt a little excited at the fact that he had sought her out in that opportune moment. Offering him a ride back to his place, he accepted and showed her the way.
At his house, her heart was suddenly racing, her blood was pumping through her veins, and she was still contemplating with her next move. Well, this is me, he had said as he pulled on the door handle. Sakura had shut her car off and suddenly asked, Can I come in and use your bathroom? Of course, he hadn’t refused, and of course he’d offered her a glass of water once they were inside, he even took her jacket.
Gaara lived alone, she soon noticed, and she was surprised to see that he owned a house, though she could tell he didn’t have an eye for decorating. Everything was clean, however, it appeared that he liked keeping things tidy and it had the added benefit of making her feel more comfortable. She used his bathroom, took an extra minute to stare at herself in the bathroom mirror; cheeks a little flushed, face looking halfway determined and halfway ready to run.
But running wasn’t an option, not tonight, and she pointed at her reflection, looking deep into her own eyes before returning to Gaara, and muttered, don’t be a wuss.
Her adrenaline had kicked in and her mind was racing so much that she couldn’t really recall exactly how they had made it into his bedroom, but she vividly remembered being pressed into the bed by the weight of his body and how satisfying it felt to be held in intimacy again. Theirs had been a slow and passionate night. Once her clothes started dropping to the floor, she couldn’t remember a second when his hands weren’t on her, when his breath wasn’t ghosting across her skin. There had been a moment or two that she felt awkward and embarrassed, but Gaara didn’t dwell on them, and it made it easier for her not to as well.
Maybe all the excitement and mix of emotions from throughout the day had caught up with her, or maybe she was just that tired, but after the end of their entanglement he had gathered her in his arms and, at some point, she’d fallen asleep there. Fingertips sliding along her skin, stroking her hair, the steady rhythm of his heart as she laid her head on his chest; they had lulled her to sleep in that soft, warm, and inviting bed that had unexpectedly found her.
The light of day could be a harsh one, though, and now her heart was racing for all different reasons.
Without trying to make too much of a disturbance, she reached out to the bedside stand where her phone was sitting and turned on the screen. It was 8:32am, she had a good-morning text from her mom and her friend sent her a chain of meme’s sometime during the early hours of the morning, and the rest of her notifications made her heart drop.
Look Im sorry.
Awkward, considering that Gaara was dick deep in her by that point.
You just gonna ignore me?
She shouldn’t, it really wasn’t like her, but after a minute of contemplation she unlocked her phone and opened her text thread with him. Her fingers shook a little as she typed, perhaps nervous, likely just mad, and she pressed send.
Something came up.
She slowly exhaled and shut off her phone, she didn’t want to know if he answered or not.
But now…what to do about her current predicament? Sakura quietly leaned up in the bed, glancing at the floor and taking inventory of where her clothes had ended up. She saw her jeans by the door, her sweatshirt had been lost somewhere close by, and her bra was somewhere at the foot of the bed, she was sure. If she were quick enough, she might be able to snag everything and make a hasty exit.
Carefully, she lifted up the comforter and slid her legs out the side of the bed. The box-spring creaked a little as she lifted her weight off the mattress and she welcomed the carpeted floor under her bare feet. She picked up her sweatshirt and pulled it over her head, her tank top had still been tangled with it and she rolled it up along with her bra from the floor. She bent down to pick up her jeans, the sound of the comforter shifting gave her pause, and when she rose again with her pants clutched in her hands, Gaara was sitting up in bed; hair a mess, skin painted in the bands of light from window, and watching her with those intense azure eyes.
He smirked at her, amused. “Good morning,” he said, his voice smooth and even, hadn’t he just woken up?
“Morning,” Sakura said, a shy smile on her face. She was glad she’d found her sweatshirt; it was long enough to cover her…well, bits. “Sleep well?” she asked, thinking the question awkward seeing as it wasn’t her house.
He chuckled at her, leaning back against the wall behind his bed. “I do live here.”
She smiled, it was an embarrassed one, and she looked at the floor. “Right,” she said, feeling a little silly but surprisingly not as nervous as she thought she would be. So, she continued, “Thanks for last night, it was fun.”
Gaara grinned, his eyes looking over the bare skin of her legs with his lip pulled between his teeth. “You’re very welcome.”
She looked down and to the side again, her heart fluttering. He’d made that face at her last night, too. “Anyway,” she said as she unrolled her jeans and pulled them up over her legs. Gaara watched as she did and pouted a little once she’d dressed herself. “I should probably get going.” His expression changed again, and he looked crestfallen this time. “Where’s my jacket?”
“It’s in the coat closet by the front door,” he answered as he got out of bed. He was naked, just as she had been, and Sakura quickly looked away though she internally questioned why; she’d quite literally gotten acquainted with him in the early hours of that very morning. Gaara pulled on a pair of sweatpants and picked up her underwear from the other nightstand. He approached her and handed out her undergarment. “Though, I didn’t take you for the hit-it-and-quit-it type.”
“Oh, um,” Sakura flushed red in the face and she floundered for her next words. “Well, I…I wasn’t expecting to–”
“You think I went to the movies expecting to?” he teased. Sakura grabbed her underwear and quickly folded them discreetly into her tank top. Her hair was still a mess, Gaara liked that, she was flustered and kneading her bundle of clothes in her hands, he thought it was cute. “If you’d rather expect it next time, then you can give me your number and I’ll ask you out again.”
It was her turn to bite her lip, and Gaara’s turn to get excited over it. “You…want to do this again?” she asked, looking at him now and studying his face. She’d thought this just a fling, maybe just a one-night stand, she hadn’t wanted to assume and look desperate, but…had he thought differently?
Gaara shrugged, that same casual demeanor from the day before, though this time he reached a hand out to her hip and drew his arms around her waist. “The movie, the dinner, the drinks.” He leaned in and pressed his temple to hers, taking a deep breath and continuing with a relaxed and raspy sigh, “Or whatever else you want, just say the word.”
Sakura allowed herself to stand there in his arms, feeling desired and…well, here she was; with attention and care, with consideration and a clear message of wanting. She hadn’t thought about what the morning would bring, it had been so far away the night before, but it brought her someone that adapted to fit her into his evening and she hadn’t needed to compete for, someone who had – inadvertently – caused her to realize that she had been underappreciated.
She leaned into him a little, resting her head against his shoulder and contemplating the feel of it. “Okay.”
Gaara had helped her gather her things; her coat from the closet, her shoes from the hall, her keys from where they’d been left on the counter, and offered her something to eat before she left, though she had refused. She said she had plans for later that day and he wouldn’t question it, though he did make sure to send her a text the moment she gave him her number. When he met her at the door, she stood there a little awkwardly in the face of their goodbye. Gaara, however, was bold enough to ask for another kiss.
She ducked her head to hide her impulsive smile, and when she felt she wouldn’t betray a cool demeanor, she met him halfway. Arms around his neck, slouched against him and enjoying the way his arms wrapped around her waist and how his hand squeezed her hip. Sakura left after that, a smile on her lips and a weightlessness in her chest that she hadn’t felt for a long time. There was no telling what would come of this; it had been exceedingly unanticipated, but she was excited to find out.
Inside his home, Gaara let out steady and controlled breath.
It had been difficult to keep his cool all evening, especially when she had asked to come inside after dropping him off. He hadn’t expected that, and his heart had nearly flipped in his throat when she shut her car off and walked in with him. He offered to take her jacket; again, surprised that she took it off and gave it to him, and he distinctly remembered thinking, you staying a while?
Where’s the bathroom?
Down the hall.
He even got her some water, and when she returned it had been about five minutes before she had responded to a casual graze of the hand by pulling him into a kiss and he’d been simply lost in her after that. When she allowed herself to be held against him after their impassioned exchange, he made sure that she was comfortable, that with every stroke of his fingers against her skin she became more relaxed and he felt a peculiar satisfaction in knowing she’d fallen asleep there in his arms. Even though his insomnia often kept him awake, eventually he fell asleep, too, and upon waking every so often he would find her there and reach out to her.
He was sure that in some way there was another guy, and he didn’t know who he was, but he didn’t care; he was certain he could do better, and that he likely already had.
Gaara went back to his bedroom and grabbed his phone. His brother had texted him asking about the girl he left with, his sister had called him an asshole, and he dialed up her number. It rang a few times and when she answered with a loving, what do you want? he greeted back, “Hey, I need you to bring me my car.”
“Fuck off,” she said, as if she’d been waiting all morning to do so, and he had a good-natured smile on his face when he looked at the screen of her dropped call.
“I suppose I deserve that.”
Thanks for reading!
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/LaceyJane
FanFiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2120361/WiccadBaltane0501
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vote-gaara · 1 year
about that thing where your oc leaves gaara since he was being too cold... i'd be interested in seeing a fic
Authors Note: This is part of The Sands of Time fic, which in its entirety literally follows the same storyline as canon events, but gaps are filled in with...umm...this. Context: Kaiya and Gaara are friends here but have been romantically involved once before. They do go ahead and fight again in this one. Sadly, their relationship yo-yos constantly right around when Gaara becomes Kazekage up until they're about 21 (yikes lol). This one is their last major blowup fight that is set after Gaara learns he's going to be married to that woman from Gaara Hiden. Gaara opts to go along with the marriage meeting despite Kaiya's criticisms about it, and he's pretty mean to her about it, prioritizing his status over their friendship. When the marriage situation solves itself, Gaara expects they can simply put it behind them, but Kaiya is a lot less willing to forgive this time...For reasons Gaara will shorty find out, and it will be a life long lesson and reminder that sometimes the people we think we know best actually live completely different lives underneath.
During Gaara Hiden 
Gaara let out a quiet sigh and leaned back in his office chair, his eyes rising from the stale white paper of the proposal letter he had been reviewing idly for the last fifteen minutes. Kaiya was sitting next to him, fully slumped in her chair, while twirling around an origami flower between her scarred fingers. Her mouth moved slightly as Gaara watched her think, and he allowed just the slightest of noises to come from the back of his throat as he sighed again. 
Kaiya glanced at him, ceasing her twirling though she did not sit up. “I think I know the solution to your problem.”
“I’m getting married.” Gaara blurted out. He, himself, didn’t understand why those words had left his mouth, and his heart lurched forward as if to snatch them back out of the air. 
“Whoa!” Kaiya erupted as she launched herself forward, turning to face him. “Whoa! I was not expecting you to say that!”
Her fingers were drumming on the thick wooden desk which Gaara could barely stand; it was as if the rhythm would disrupt the pulsing of his own frantic heartbeat, forcing him into cardiac arrest. He hated how uncomfortable he was all of a sudden, cursing the pesky cold sweat on the back of his neck which had been burdening him lately. It seemed to him to be such a pointless reaction to the recent events. Why should he feel so stressed? Wasn’t marriage a normal path to take in life? 
Gaara stilled his mind and through sheer will, his thudding heart too. He looked up at Kaiya’s excited face and said, “Well, I suppose you were going to know eventually.”
“This is crazy!” Kaiya yelled, her palms now slapped against the desk with every word. “You never told me you were dating anyone, or seeing anyone, or in love.” She leaned over and batted her eyelashes at him, surely teasing him. “I am so excited! So happy for you!”
“Thank you,” Gaara said quietly as he watched Kaiya beam at him all the more.
“Who is she?” Kaiya asked, she was leaning forward now with a serious expression and a complete inability to sit still.
“Who is she?” Kaiya repeated, “The woman you’re going to marry. Who is she and do I know her?”
“No…” Gaara said. He looked back down at his proposal letter as he worked in his mind how to disengage from the conversation. He had acted carelessly by bringing it out in the first place, and now it was time to retreat and compose himself for when he was much more equipped to handle it - whatever that meant. 
“Okay, then who is it?” Kaiya insisted. “Please? I won’t tell anyone, I understand the secrecy and all that, but you have to understand that if I don’t know who it is by the end of the day I’m literally going to explode.” 
“You will not explode,” Gaara sighed, feigning being fed up but secretly thankful at the opportunity to derail the conversation. “Such a thing would be impossible.”
Yet Kaiya wasn’t having it and she slapped her hand down hard on the desk again. “I will explode into a million pieces, literally parts of me all over the walls and the ceiling. It would be a mess to clean up, really it would. Please just tell me.”
Gaara let out a deep sigh and examined Kaiya’s pleading face. He knew her to be far too stubborn and persistent to let up, so he had no other choice.
“I don’t know much about her…” He admitted. 
“Okay, well now you’re really going the extra distance to not tell me.” Kaiya said, slumping back in her chair.
“No,” Gaara said, “I don’t know much about her. It’s an arranged marriage. The counselors decided that it’s time for me to marry.” 
Hatred, rage, disgust and distrust; Gaara had seen those eyes before. They had glared at him, on strangers' faces in the streets, they had been present on his own father’s face as he used to address his younger self, and they had even reflected back at him as he stared, empty and purposeless at his own reflection in the mirror. Numerous times through his twenty hard years on earth he had seen eyes like that, and yet never had he ever seen them take hold of Kaiya like they did in that very moment. He watched as the light in her face darkened, her features dropping to a deep, piercing stare. 
“Don’t.” Kaiya’s voice was low and firm, like a snarl. 
“I don’t have a choice,” Gaara explained, though his voice was cold. The look on Kaiya’s face had struck a nerve deep inside of him, and he felt at war with her all of a sudden. 
“You always have a choice, yo-.”
“This is above my own personal desires.” Gaara interrupted forcefully, causing Kaiya’s jaw to slam shut as her eyes bore into him all the more. “You wouldn’t understand something like this.”
Kaiya ignored him and shook her head in a way that looked stiff and rigid. “It’s morally indefensible. So don’t.” 
Gaara examined Kaiya, her body was so stiff in contrast to her usual bouncy self, her voice so low, her stare so immensely hard like that of a tiger’s. It felt almost impossible for Gaara to see her this way, and although part of him wanted to reach towards her and to confide in her as a friend, there was too much responsibility that lay at his feet. Gaara wasn’t the type of person who had the luxury of doing whatever he pleased, he never was that person. Rather, he had his other friends, his village, and the safety of the whole world to take care of, and he simply didn’t have time for Kaiya’s stubborn philosophies or personal whimsies. 
“Perhaps I have invested too much time into her in the first place,” Gaara thought, though it did not come from a place of enlightenment but instead from a miserable place inside him that felt rotten and foreign. 
“It’s not a matter of simply refusing,” Gaara said curtly, turning back to his paper again as the acidic feeling of anger and sadness rose in the back of his throat. 
“I think it is,” Kaiya challenged. “You have two options, you either go through with this or you don’t. I am saying to you: Don’t.”
“And I am saying to you that this is beyond you.” Gaara retorted. He could see Kaiya wince as if he had struck her, and just like sand slipping through his fingers, he watched her fall away from him.
“You think that?” Kaiya said coldly as she stood, “You know nothing about me. You don’t know a goddamn thing about me, or about what is or isn’t beyond me. I’m asking you as my friend, don’t do this.”
Gaara stared up at her levelly, “I can’t continue to do this…To put you above being Kazekage…” He glanced down in sadness, but only for a moment before looking back up at her. He could see now that the expression in her eyes was shifting, but he couldn’t give in.
“This is something that I need to do.” He said, his tone slightly softer than before as he hoped it would reach her and pull her back into the closeness they had with each other. 
Yet it didn’t.
“If that’s so, then we are not friends,” Kaiya answered, “And we can never be friends again.”
The words caught Gaara by surprise, and they almost felt ridiculous to him. Kaiya was known for being dramatic, but this was a step too far, and he felt angry with her for it. He stood to address her, but she had already turned to leave his office. 
“Kaiya,” He called after her, irritated.
Kaiya didn’t stop and she didn’t turn to acknowledge him. Instead he watched as the door to his office quietly closed and his good friend walked out of his life. 
Post Gaara Hiden
It had been months since he had visited her, but somehow the days had made it seem so much longer, so much so that Gaara was surprised to see that Kaiya’s small house, far away from the village, appeared just as it had when he last laid eyes upon it.
Gaara looked downwards from where he stood on a sand dune, and marveled at the strangeness of the setting before him. He always felt in awe of it, perhaps because it was so unnatural; with plants and trees rooted in rich, dark soil and stormy rain clouds overhead. It was a small little paradise that was completely unnatural inside the desert, and all of Kaiya’s own making.
Scanning the biome below, Gaara noticed Kaiya resting in a ratty old lawn chair, her back towards him. The smallest of smiles formed on his face as relief flooded through him; he had been hoping she was home, and now it was time for the two of them to make amends. 
“Kaiya,” Gaara called as he got closer, walking up beside her to see she was wearing sunglasses despite the overcast weather. “You look well,” Gaara offered, but she did not reply nor did she look up at him. It was as if he was a phantom, calling to her from a plain of existence that she could not hear and could not see. Her stiffness didn’t bother Gaara, however, since the news he had would surely dissolve the conflict between them and they could be friends once more. 
He looked around, seeing a stump that had been used for cutting wood, with scars that were deep and unhealing. He sat on it, hoping to remain casual so that afterward the two of them could chat easily for a while after. He had missed his friend and was interested in what she had been up to the past few weeks. 
“I have news I thought you might like,” Gaara explained. “I didn’t get married. The woman I was meant to marry, Hakuto, had been kidnapped from the marriage meeting. It was a scheme made up by her partner and by some of my personal detractors from the village…” Gaara trailed off as he examined Kaiya who still had not responded in any way to his presence. “It resulted in quite the situation, but in the end Hakuto and her partner were safely moved to Konoha under secret identities so that they could live out their lives together.”
Gaara waited for a moment, anticipating Kaiya to erupt with glee; to greet him, hug him and to put the entire thing behind them for good. He waited for what felt like minutes, watching as Kaiya’s chest fell up and down rhythmically, but she still did not move.
“Is she asleep?” He thought. 
“Kaiya…” Gaara leaned forward to stand, to reach for her and to shake her shoulder gently, but she surprised him by turning to face him abruptly. 
“Is that all?”
Gaara was speechless for a moment and blinked at her. “Well…Yes.”
“Okay.” Kaiya said, turning away again. “You can go, then.” 
“Why?” Gaara felt the irritation rise in him. This was supposed to fix things, she was supposed to be relieved and happy about the news, and Gaara couldn’t fathom why she was still so mad at him.
“In the end, I did exactly as you wanted,” He argued. 
“Oh well, sounds like you did the bare minimum for being a half-way decent person.” Kaiya said in such a snarky way that Gaara felt all the more angry with her. 
“What do you mean by that?” He challenged.
“Do I really have to hold a big song and dance ceremony for you? Do you want a medal? Well congrats, you placed first prize in empathy for not forcing some poor, random girl to marry you. Really, you did a phenomenal job.” Kaiya snapped, her voice full of sarcasm and venom. She leaned forward in her chair, her muscles tense and Gaara knew she was glaring at him from under her sunglasses. 
“I don’t understand why you are upset,” Gaara’s voice remained level despite his anger. Perhaps if he tried a different approach, to understand her position, he would be able to quell the rage that she was feeling towards him. 
“I’m upset because I expected more from you.” Kaiya spat at him, “I never thought in a million years that you would go forward with something like this. What, you just feel you aren’t good at romantic relationships so you just go along with the easiest option available? You let some gaggling, double-dealing fossils drag over some girl they found, just so that you can be happy? So that she can cook and clean for you, wait for you to come home so you can fuck her, and so she can bare your kids, take care of them only to watch them get shipped off on various missions or to their deaths? What would be in it for her, hm? I don’t see how that’s anything other than a prison sentence for her and you just accepted it so readily. It disgusts me.”
Gaara’s body tensed at his defense. Kaiya’s words made sense, but they made sense only in a perfect world, but Gaara didn’t know the world as perfect. He knew it as flawed and with many different circumstances that were unsavory, but were bearable through hard work and endurance. In the beginning marrying a stranger may seem to be doomed to walk along the same tracks Kaiya had explained, but Gaara didn’t want that for the woman he would eventually marry. He didn’t want to tie someone down and have them sacrifice their life, their body or their children to him; isn’t that why he went through all the trouble of letting Hakuto go? He wasn’t a villain for agreeing to the marriage, he was simply handling the circumstances that were in front of him.
“Why doesn’t she understand that?” Gaara thought in frustration.
He wanted Kaiya to see his point of view, but more so he wanted her to let it go forever so that they both didn’t have to deal with it anymore. Scouring his brain, he wondered if maybe there was something else he was missing, but he didn’t know what to ask in order to fully understand. Instead he tried by saying, “Women are happily married all the time.”
“That’s by choice.” Kaiya said, her voice exasperated and sad. “They choose that for themselves.”
“Ah, so then is this about us?” Gaara asked simply without thinking, and he was worried for a moment that Kaiya would explode on him, and yet all she did was wave a dismissive hand at him.
“This isn’t about what has happened between you and me. Believe it or not, but I actually form my opinions based on a variety of influences, not just what happens when you’re involved.” 
Kaiya leaned further into her chair, resting her head and rocking it back and forth as if methodically trying to soothe a headache. Though she still seemed angry, she seemed calm enough now that Gaara felt suddenly optimistic about repairing what was broken between them.
“I know that,” He conceded and Kaiya scoffed.
“It’s difficult for a person like me to do as I please, just as it was a difficult position for the woman the elder’s picked for me to marry.” Gaara explained, he purposely avoided using Hakuto’s name in case it would offend Kaiya, and he continued. “I don’t have the privilege to marry whoever I wish because I’m superior -”
“Superior. Superior?” Kaiya laughed a cruel laugh and she leaped forward in her chair, ignited once more with anger. “Oh well if you’re so superior to me and everyone else, then tell me, should I bow when you address me, your highness?” 
“Kaiya I didn’t mean it like tha-”
“Should I avert my gaze? Offer you some peasant bread or something?” Kaiya spat as she whipped her sunglasses off, her eyes blazing with fire that not even the tears that were pooling in them could quench. “What do you want from me?” She howled in rage and anguish. 
“I want to know why you’re so angry with me.” Gaara’s own voice was rising, his heart pounding against his ribcage so hard that he could barely hear himself over the thumping of his pulse in his ears. Panicked, he could see once again Kaiya slipping away from him and he desperately wanted her back, but he was clumsy in these circumstances at the best of times and he was frustrated that she wasn’t listening to him or understanding what he was saying. It was as if they were speaking two different languages where everything was offensive to the other.  
“Aside from what I just have been telling you?” Kaiya let out another small, incredulous laugh. “You really want to know - once more - why I am so angry with you?”
“Yes…” Gaara offered solemnly, though by now he was beginning to realize knowing wouldn’t rectify the situation; there was simply just nothing else to say.
“Yeah, okay, from the top then,” Kaiya’s voice was mean and smoldering, “I think you spent so long working towards being in the position you are in now that you forgot what it’s like to be grubbin’ in the dirt just like the rest of us. You think everything is impossible for you just because you are in a higher class and you have this image and status to uphold, but you’re really no different than me or any of the other nameless faces you see passing you by on the street - we’re all desperately clinging to our status, we’re all fighting for what we love every single day - You, me and the rest of society are no different. Yet I’m sitting here wondering if you can tell me exactly the precise moment when you felt your own blood, sweat and tears become more valuable than mine or anyone else’s?”
Kaiya’s voice quivered, but she did not waiver as she continued, “You think your existence is so important to the world all of a sudden that you just throw your hands up and say ‘well now that I’m Kazekage, I can’t upset the apple cart or I won’t be able to accomplish what I sought to accomplish��� but that’s not the Gaara I know. The Gaara I know fought so hard for recognition because he wanted to be important to the people who actually mattered. The Gaara I knew wouldn’t agree to things like some dumb marriage proposal because surely, the Gaara I knew would understand that forcing two people into a marriage would be like forcing someone to be a Jinchuriki. But somewhere along the way the Gaara I knew changed, and now suddenly he got this sense that he’s more valuable than the vey people he wanted to protect.”
The words sunk down to the bottom of Gaara’s soul, like an anchor detached from a lost vessel at sea. There was nothing to say, no response to any of it, and so Gaara lowered his head and closed his eyes. He could feel his bottom lip quivering as he tried to compose himself, but found that he could not. “What…can I do to fix this?” He asked quietly, miserably. He met her gaze and he saw that she also had tears running down her face. 
“You can get up and you can walk back the way you came, and you can keep walking back to your village, back to your estate and back to your office and you can sit there and stay there, and not come by, or visit me, or send for me ever again for as long as you and I both live.”
“No…” Gaara’s voice was pleading and he leapt to his feet as soon as Kaiya rose from her seat, and he grabbed her by the hand and turned her around. “No.”
Kaiya took his hand in hers and squeezed before gently placing it back to his side. The gales of rage that had once whipped around her words and pierced Gaara like shrapnel were gone now, and instead the two of them stood wounded in the aftermath. Neither of them had won.
“It’s for the best,” Kaiya whispered as she tried to smile through her tears - perhaps in hopes she would believe her own words. “You know…”
“Yes?” Gaara encouraged, desperate for her words though they had hurt him so much. Kaiya met his gaze and her blue eyes searched inside his for a moment.   
“There’s so much you don’t know about me.” She said finally, turning away from him though Gaara reached for her again. This time, however, she pulled away but not before turning back to look at him one last time. “It’s for the best.” She whispered. 
Gaara followed her a few paces as she retreated into her home, leaving him alone once again. He stood in shock and pain for a long time as he watched the house, wondering what he could do. It wasn’t until the clouds parted and the warm rays of sun shone through the grey clouds above did Gaara look up to the sky, to the sun, and to the very heavens above.
"Lord Kazekage, we have some urgent news for you."
Gaara looked up at his subordinate and he was suddenly struck at how dull colours had looked lately. He had barely noticed the bright red urgent coloured scroll in the hand of the man in front of him - in fact Gaara had barely even heard him as his mind was so distant from where he sat in his office.
"It's...not good news." The shinobi said as he shifted nervously, hesitating just briefly before surrendering the scroll.
"I see..." Gaara said flatly, taking a moment to look at the closed scroll before he took it in his hand. "That will be all for now," Gaara said to his subordinate.
The shinobi coughed. "Pardon me, sir...But the elders would like to know what your answer is now."
The clouds in Gaara's mind parted slightly and he looked up once more at his subordinate, the colours of the man's attire coming into focus. Sober from his grief for a moment, Gaara took up the scroll and unwrapped it.
There was a drawn wanted poster of a very familiar face which read: --------------------------------
WANTED ALIVE - BOUNTY 8,000,000 RYO Known aliases: Kaiya Suspected of murder, treason, arson, theft, fraud, and identity theft. Last seen in Sunagature. Known notable acquaintances are Fifth Kazekage, Gaara.
If seen, please report to known authorities. DO NOT APPROACH. Any information leading to rightful arrest will be awarded.
Gaara put the scroll down and stood up abruptly. He walked swiftly across his office and to the door before his subordinate called after him. "Sir, what should I say to the council?"
"That I wasn't in my office." Gaara replied before slipping out of the door.
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actuallysaiyan · 2 years
congrats on your 2k 💕🥳 hope i’m not too late i got busy
Name: Lisa
Pronoun: she/her
Personality: shy, soft spoken, big hearted, caring
Star sign: leo
Favorite thing to do: reading, listening to heavy metal
fandom: naruto
who i love most: baki
who i hate: danzo
man or woman: man
smut: y e s
anyone i don’t want to be matched with: danzo, uh pretty much anyone who’s not suna nin lol
ideal date: eating sushi at a nice, private area
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My Life In...
After some extensive research, we've concluded that you are best matched with...BAKI! Congrats!
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In this universe, you and Baki work together and you've helped the Sand Siblings grow up to be who they are today. Nowadays, you and Baki have a travel blog together and lots of love. Here's your love story...
Matched with: Baki Skills/career: Baki’s assistant. You help teach the Sand Siblings. You are very proficient with all kinds of jutsus, but you mostly focus on air jutsu. Song: Forever by KISS Best Friends: Rasa, Gaara, Kankuro, TemariLove at first sight: Totally.
How you met: Rasa had asked you to become Baki’s assistant. You were to help him with teaching the Sand Siblings how to fight and become stronger shinobi. But you became a mother figure to them in a way. They clung to you like you were the best thing in the world, and Baki found you so sweet and so caring. From the get go, he couldn’t stop himself from being so attracted to you. You really showed him softness he hadn’t seen in so long. You two worked hard together, and it wasn’t long before you realized how good of a team you made.
How you fell in love:  It didn’t take long at all. Baki was a little shy about it, despite his gruff exterior. He would often find himself longing for you. In the cold nights in his bedroom, he would imagine you here warming up his bed. Eventually, he decided to just try and get closer to you. He would find ways to accidentally brush up against you. Then it was soft whispers whenever you needed him to repeat himself. You were starting to fall for him hard. You could see his true nature under that tough exterior. And one night, before you left for home, he kissed you softly on the cheek. Your heart skipped a beat and you knew he was the one for you.
Your first date: Baki had it all nice and planned. He was taking you out on this romantic weekend alone with you. The two of you had planned to take this little trip outside of the Sand Village. Rasa had approved and you were really excited to leave the village. It was in this beautiful inn near the water. You don’t even really remember what village it was, but it was so breathtaking. The whole weekend, Baki took you to all kinds of places. Little gift shops, sightseeing, eating your favorite foods. It was honestly one of the best weekends of your entire life and you always look back on it fondly.
Your first time being intimate: He took it slow with you. It was during that little getaway weekend, but he was still so romantic about it. He ran you a bath, filling the water with sweet rose petals. Baki took his time washing you and massaging you. Then he brought you to the bed, where the two of you shared a bottle of wine. You were so full of love and warmth. Baki took his time with you, but it became so frantic so quick as well. You enjoyed every single moment of it. He loved to kiss you all over.
“Such a beautiful girl,” Baki mutters against your skin. He’s pressed against you as close as he can. His cock brushes up against your sweet spot again, making you moan softly.
You cling to him, your body shaking as you sit right there on the edge. Baki has been edging you for so long, you can’t even remember what time it is. You can barely keep up with everything he’s been doing to you. Your body is lined with a small amount of sweat, and the smell of you is driving him crazy.
He ruts his hips quickly, and you begin whining his name. You’ve never had a lover before. Baki was your first, and he enjoys it so much. You’re all his now. This whole weekend was going better than he had anticipated. Another soft whine, and he’s capturing your lips with his. A few more thrusts, and you feel the coil in your stomach snap. White hot pleasure possesses your body and you can barely catch your breath.
“Good girl, cumming so hard for daddy.”
Those words push you even further, and your juices run down your ass and thighs as you soak Baki in your essence. He fucks you through every little wave of pleasure, and your nails dig into the sinewy muscle of his arms. This is truly heaven.
Where are you now: You and Baki still help Gaara with his Kazekage affairs and you still try to visit Kankuro and Temari as much as possible. You and Baki have decided to start traveling the world and you actually do a travel blog. Baki wants to marry you, but he hasn’t been able to pluck up the courage to ask you. What you both don’t know just yet is that you are pregnant with Baki’s baby!
General headcanons:
When it gets cold in the desert nights, Baki loves to bundle the two of you up in blankets and cuddle up. It’s so cozy with you in the linens and watching a show together.
You love to make him lunch and homemade lemonade and you bring this to him often whenever he’s in the office with Gaara. And of course, you make Gaara lunch as well.
Baki likes to take long baths after long days. His favorite thing is to have you in the bath with you and you’re both soothing your sore muscles.
He loves traveling the world with you. He always tries to find a sweet little souvenir to buy so that you’ll have something to use as a decoration when the two of you get home.
He will still spar with you and he will probably want you both to continue your training. Baki enjoys that you’re both shinobi and that you both can fight very well.
Baki will take you somewhere to stargaze whenever he gets the chance. To see your eyes shine in the moonlight, it’s something he’ll never forget. He likes to see you like this often.
Sexy headcanons:
Baki enjoys that he’s quite a bit taller than you. He likes that he can pin you to the wall and have his way with you. Sometimes he’s frustrated and he needs you now.
Baki also enjoys being sweet with you. He’ll be good for aftercare, cuddling you and pillow talk. He enjoys bathing you and massaging you a lot. He just loves doting on you, but even more so after sex.
He’ll have you squirting like a fountain. Baki knows how to make you feel good, he’s mapped out all the spots you enjoy being stimulated in the most.
He’s very vocal and loud during sex. He loves to mutter all these sexy little things in your ear. Anything to rile you up even more. He just wants you to know how good you feel.
From time to time, Baki enjoys you taking charge. Tie him up, strap a vibrator to his cock, edge him until he’s just begging to cum, slap him around a little. Baki can take it and he enjoys it.
If you were to wear any kind of special lingerie or cute little kimonos that leave not much to the imagination, he will lose his mind. Baki adores seeing you all dolled up for him.
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egregiousderp · 2 years
4 12 16 27! 😘
4) Are there any writers that inspire you?
Kel, I know you probably want a shout-out of accessible big fandom names or to maybe hear your own here, but I also think you’ve fundamentally forgotten I majored in English. XDDDDDDD
There’s Pratchett and Palahniuk by the crate in my car for easy access, and LeGuin by my bed. And I think Garth Nix builds things that you can picture in cinematic detail and reconstructs from the brick up, and honestly I’d be hard pressed to find a modern writer that I think does a better job of that.
I own literal boxes full of short stories and novels I wanted to teach from to give people ideas about what’s possible with imagery, characterization, pacing, and detailing out parts of it…still hurt.
I used to have a stack of things to reread every summer, and those things are packed up in a box so I don’t have to try to process the grief. (I’m probably…going to try to go through parts of those boxes across my vacation in two weeks. I’ve been trying to go through some of those boxes for ten years.!
My background’s mostly classic sci fi and pulps. Both of which usually have safely dead or inaccessible authors. And the styles of those are greatly at odds with what you can produce in a fan setting. (You can pull An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge every time for forty thousand words if you like, and people will eat it up if it’s to their taste.)
Editors exist not just to catch your grammar mistakes but to market your work and make your work marketable. Market style changes. The definition of what makes a novel has changed even in just a handful of centuries.
I don’t write half as well as the things I admire. And the people I do admire in fandom usually know I admire them already.
You don’t have to curtail love letters for brevity, and the best fan works exist as love letters. Maybe not to the creator of the work, but to the others around us who make our ideas and happiness possible.
But I think the ones that probably don’t know they inspire me greatly are “my kids” starting out, just beginning to grapple with the enormous excitement of their ideas.
When that’s allowed to express itself freely, I think it’s the best thing in the world.
A lot of my work isn’t designed with accessibility for children (and for good reasons) but… seeing them writing freely (two of them in a language I can barely recognize words of, and one at something they’re alarmed by wanting to write) is really the biggest reason I wanted to make or engage with anything.
So I appreciate anything that lets me get glimpses of that without having to engage with the enormity of my grief at the loss of a constant source of that.
Fandom’s usually a good place for that.
12) Tell us about any WIPs you’re excited about?
Again, I know what you’re reaching for. XD
If I can get the Thanksgiving fic going, then great. If I can get Hole Time up in time to play a spectacular fandom joke, then great.
But really, I just would be very happy with myself if I could get chapter five (“I’m a vegetarian”) up for my Soulmates AU.
Thanksgiving/“TWO POTAT” is just me having to write another awkward dinner party after having struggled to finish a first awkward dinner party. Everyone seems excited about how in love the characters are when I send them roughs.
Descriptions of upcoming chapter for souls:
“So this retired living weapon is in a kitchen with his boyfriend’s anxious son, who’s maybe just begun to realize his dad’s dating said living weapon/the ex-president of a foreign country he has a trading card of. Said weird living weapon is trying to bond with him by offering him whitebait to eat. It’s not working.
Politics of a clan are hinted at through body piercing.
Naruto and Gaara have a crotchety old man bromance.
Gaara clapbacks a twenty-year-old and receives a pot.
Rock Lee keeps repotting every weed Gaara digs up in his garden, and Gaara is exasperatedly in love with him for it but also What About The Water Waste Lee.
Suna’s former Kazekage is coaxed into taking a nice bath.”
16) Guilty Pleasure tropes?
Yeah. So. I’m not burdened with an excess of guilt about what I like. I worry about offending people or triggering people and that’s about it. I mostly just struggle with how to tag safely.
I feel like maybe fewer people know I like Shibari, but as above, I just really like the idea of any kind of hand-tailored custom craft that may or may not take an element of trust. So I like it about the same amount as I’d probably like. I dunno, people sharing a hotpot together, or making bread, or pottery, or…you know. Whatever.
(“Any sort of attentive in-depth learning about something precious to a given person.”
“You have a bespoke kink.”
“I guess. Something like that. But general.”)
27) The nicest comment you ever received?
“Nicest” is hard. A lot of people write very nice comments.
@requirings recently went through my fics one by one and left comments. I get so few comments I think it took me a month to even realize what they’d done and it just made me so Warm inside because it was such a sweet and genuine gesture, and it’s one I can barely repay because of my crippling fear of. Being seen. Having my stuff be up there permanently and being kept like some kind of receipt for a future witch-hunt.
(Not because I’ve done anything like. Inherently or specifically wrong. But because I know very well that you don’t have to do anything “wrong” it can just be enough to be different and it’ll be someone else’s “wrong” if they can manufacture power out of it.)
I made friends with @marquiseoniongirl at all when she was an anonymous commenter on my personal livejournal, commenting sweetly on my crackfic. To call that “nice” is an understatement because I probably owe being able to be alive at all to her and maybe a handful of other friends I made for the first time in my life.
I can write anything remotely spicy at all because of the breakthrough that was @skinks showing up in my inbox talking about how HOT they found what I’d written, after months and months of grappling to try to make a different fic sound consensual—not because the material wasn’t consenting, but because my default state when dealing with…something other people find quite normal is disgust at worst and indifference-to-methodical-scientific-interest at best.
That my default state when writing spice at all has been a massive struggle, and even when I try to be up front about that, I’m not sure many people know it know it. Because I spent literal years learning how to mask it and retexture it so it comes off “right”.
Sometimes you get a comment that isn’t even intended to be particularly “nice” or worldshaking but it makes you want to cry, because it means something worked.
Once I wrote a spiritassassin fic that someone found Hot.
And they told me as much.
And I owe all my future works that had that kind of content probably to them.
Because that was a breakthrough. A massive breakthrough.
I owe full creations of works to offhand comments made by people. I owe happiness, and strength to get through some of my days to people’s offhand comments.
But I also don’t get to decide which comments, or if they’re people I get to have lasting lingering talk everyday friendships with or not.
Sometimes I don’t get to repay the enormity of what’s given.
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you spit out facts!!, in my case, when I see that they say that about him as a sensei they use the card of "the one who copied more than 1000 jutsus" then they say that he should have taught them at least one, but it's as you say, for me he gets a lot of hate because he's a main character, that is, someone we can analyze by seeing everything, whether what he achieved or his mistakes. If Kakashi were a secondary character, maybe he wouldn't have so much hate, because imo Minato is one of the worst senseis (and he's someone I love) and no one ever says anything about him...
Honestly, if Kakashi was a secondary character it would help, because you don't even see complaints about Konohamaru as a Sensei even though i'd say 'teaching your kids to use scientific tools and destroying a building in chapter one due to not thinking your actions though' probably outweigh most of Kakashi's mistakes. But Konohamaru isn't a main character even as Sensei. He's quickly religated to background character so people arn't as harsh with him (or maybe they're more reasonable and recognize he can't change how the story progress' because that shit is out of his control no matter how hard he tries)
on the matter of 'he knew over 1000 jutsu's' we never actually find out in Canon what Sakura's chakra nature is, and only find out Naruto's when he's going to learn how to make his own jutsu. that's a writers issue because Naruto honestly should have learned his chakra nature with jiraiya and sakura with Tsunade. there's no reason the sannin shouldn't have explored that option with them, but they didn't.
Kishi as the writer decided to only explore it with Sasuke.
Would i have prefered if all three of them did it together? absolutly! but that's not how Kishi did it so the stroy couldn't progress the same. heck, Kakashi might have even saved doing it with Sasuke for a later date if he didn't need Sasuke to have some sort of move to help him in his upcoming fight against Gaara.
Also, those aren't Kakashi's jutsu's to teach. Those are borrowed/stolen jutsu's. the only Jutsu's Kakashi has passed down are 1) obviouse jutsu that highly the student's skillset (Qi release to Sakura) 2) his jutsu which he created which could ONLY be passed to a sharingan user (Chidori. even if Naruto had lightning release he wouldn't have been able to use chidori and neither would sakura so it would be pointless to teach them). Kakashi never passes on just any jutsu so unless we go with something like my belief that Sakura would be an Earth style chakra nature and thus Kakashi could teach her the earth style jutsu's he has been using since he was a kid, he's unlikely to pass it on
there's also the fact that jutsu's don't fit with Sakura's style as Kishi made her (which is unfortunate because I think she would have been awesome with earth-style jutsu's) and Naruto has a standard case of 'protagonist move brain'. Just like each protagonist has one main move, Naruto has his main move. Rasangan. I wish Kakashi had been the one to teach it to him tbh, but we got Jiraiya and Naruto was never going to learn a bunch of other jutsu because he's the main character. he gets one big exciting move he's known for (Goku= Kamahamaha, Sailor moon= depends which item she's using but also a healing/saving move. Vegeta= Final flash). Anime characters (and characters in general) always have a move they're known for, and that move is only added to with moves similar to it (all of Naruto's moves are rasangan like) so he was simply never going to learn other moves
that's not Kakashi the sensei's fault. that's a choice the writer made
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Hello Queen! :D Can I please request headcanons for Naruto, Neji, and Gaara having a female S/O who's a chef and specializes in making food like this?
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-First off that boy loves to eat nothing but ramen from Ichiraku Ramen, if not that he usually eats cup ramen.
-He is in need of some home-cooked meals, something healthy for his diet.
-He isn’t against his S/O cooking for him, in fact, he loves it when his S/O cooks for him.
-He found himself craving something different and seeing his S/O cook for him feels him with emotions he can’t describe.
-The first he watched his S/O cook for him he was invested in what they were doing and asking questions. His arms wrapped around their waist and read resting on shoulders.
-He is the worst cook, he tried to help but the onions were chopped wrong and he cut his fingers.
-His S/O kept him on the
rice cooker.
-When his S/O is done with the meal expect nothing but praises, he never had something so good in his life. It is his second favorite meal in the world. (Sorry nothing can beat Ramen)
-He is always later asking for Hamburger Steak whenever his S/O asks what he wants for a meal.
-Nothing but loving looks in his eyes as feels like you has a small little family. His S/O as his wife cooking for him and someone he can greet when he gets home.
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-Gaara is not a picky eater, he will eat almost anything but he is strangely attracted to S/O’s Hamburger Steak and would visit every day.
-He orders the same thing, sits on the table facing his S/O and not saying anything
-It is awkward at first boy has zero social skills and still trying to understand his feelings for his S/O. He just knows staring at his S/O makes his heart feel funny and he feels happy.
-His S/O has to be the one to open the conversation with him. He has scared a few customers away on accident with his staring.
-His S/O will start off small as he is the Hokage and doesn’t wish to upset him but as the conversation goes on it becomes more apparent he is just socially awkward and has no idea how to say he looks his s/o’s cooking. (Or really like him).
-He will be better next time, having a small conversation with his S/O waiting for them to be done cooking so he can talk to them for the day.
-He loves having a conversation with his S/O his meal growing cold while he waits to eat with his S/O.
-He ordered the Hamburger steak at first because he liked it but he was attracted to his S/O talking to her made his heart hammer in his chest.
-He was attracted to the way she spoke but still looked so excited about what she was cooking.
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-Neji is a picky eater.
-He learned to cook on his own because he was picky but also his own family situation.
-Imagine his surprises when he learns his S/O knows how to cook.
-He did have a few suggestions on how to cook watching over his S/O shoulder before she had him sit on the couch and wait for her to bring out the food.
-He is hesitant at first again picky eater, but he is also a trained ninja and knows how to eat everything on his plate to survive.
-He loves it. He finishes everything on his plate and asks for a second.
-He will discuss with his S/O her cooking skills. He loves to hear more about what skills they used.
-He will later help her with cooking it is a fun little date night they do. His obvious favorite meal is the hamburger steak.
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Can I request headcanons on how temari would inform shikamaru and her brothers about her being pregnant + their reactions
Headcannons of Temari telling Shikamaru and her brothers she’s pregnant
As I have mentioned in previous headcannons of Temari being pregnant, I don’t think she ever would plan a pregnancy to happen. So, if she did happen to become pregnant, she would probably let Shikamaru know quickly due to her cursing after taking a home pregnancy test in her bathroom. Shikamaru would be wondering why she was taking so long in the bathroom and he would grow alarm the minute he starts hearing her say “no way” or “awh F….”
Temari is not graceful about announcing the news to Shikamaru. If she found out she was pregnant at the hospital, she would tell Shikamaru first thing when she saw him. She doesn’t beat around the bush, and it wouldn’t even matter what was going on in their lives at that point. She wants the news out in the open, and the quicker the news is out in the open, the more she’ll realize what she’ll need to do about it. She’s not the one to become overjoyed when she gets pregnant.
Shikamaru will be shocked by the unexpected news but he’s quick to recover from it and read Temari’s demeanor. He immediately reassures her of his commitment to her and he is logical in what steps they need to take to be ready for a baby such as living arrangements (if they are not already living together or if they only have a one bedroom apartment). He would reach out to hug her and kiss her head after the news. He is internally happy but in a weird way sad because the thought of himself becoming a dad makes him think of his own dad.
Much later in the pregnancy, maybe within 4 to 6 weeks, Temari would tell her brothers the news. She doesn’t try to hide that she’s pregnant or make it a big deal, but she also wants to be sure she’s pregnant and that the baby isn’t going anywhere. She tells both of her brothers together in Suna. She and Shikamaru make a trip all the way to Suna, because she’ll insist it needs to be done in person. Plus, she wants to visit home before she doesn’t feel like traveling anymore and before she has the baby.
Kankuro is the first one to speak after the news and tell Temari and Shikamaru congratulations. He’s also really excited to be an uncle and asks quickly when her due date will be. On the other hand, Gaara is sitting quietly on the couch processing the information so long that Temari asks him if he’s okay. He softly smiles and nods. His happiness for his sister is beyond words, but he gets up and puts his hands on both Shikamaru and Temari and tells them he thinks they’ll make wonderful parents.
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makeste · 3 years
an index of Horikoshi Kouhei interviews
these are organized by date, oldest to newest, and I’m including a brief bullet-point summary of each to make it easier to look up specific interviews by content.
also, please note that although I haven’t spoiler tagged this post, the interviews from roughly 2019 onwards include some spoilers, so please watch out for those if you’re anime-only or otherwise not caught up with the manga. that said, the other interviews I think are all good.
putting this below a cut to keep things tidy.
interview with Horikoshi Kouhei and Kishimoto Masashi, May 2015
(note: this is not the actual interview word-for-word, but includes the highlights)
Horikoshi talks about being a fan of Naruto when he was growing up
Horikoshi says he was inspired by the way Kishimoto shows emotion through drawing hands, and that he loves drawing hands thanks to Naruto
Horikoshi mentions that Gaara is his favorite character and that he really liked the Chuunin Exam arc
Kishimoto praises BnHA and says he knew it would be a hit when he read the second chapter
they talk a bit about the worldbuilding and the process of creating a story where 80% of the population has superpowers
they discuss Naruto and Sasuke’s rivalry and Horikoshi mentions that he found it “frustrating” and that he really liked the Valley of the End and thought it would be the end of the series. he says it was very emotional
they talk a little about the stress of writing manga and about the toll it takes on mental health
pre-anime interview, April 2016
talks about his reaction when he found out BnHA was getting an anime
talks about how the series originally came about
says that BnHA is the story of Izuku and All Might and that their story is the “vertical axis” which runs through the main story
says there is also a “horizontal axis”, which is the side characters and quirks and all of the other elements that he considers to be the “fun part” of the story which mellows out the darker aspects of the vertical axis
mentions that he really likes drawing and writing Bakugou
mentions Deku vs Kacchan 1 as one of the early highlights in the series for him
talks about Ochako being someone who has a more cheerful relationship with Deku, which balances out some of the heavier aspects of Deku and Katsuki’s relationship (again, horizontal vs vertical axis)
mentions that if he could pick any quirk he’d pick a “no need for sleep” quirk
talks about reading Dragon Ball as a child
mentions that he really likes American comic book heroes, especially Spider-Man
mentions Goku and Spider-Man as the two that come to mind when he thinks about heroes and what it means to be a hero (specifically, that Goku is the “win” aspect and that he brings reassurance to everyone, while Spider-Man is the “save” aspect who helps other people)
talks about hearing Deku and Bakugou’s voices in the anime for the first time, as well as Ochako, Iida, and All Might’s voices
another pre-anime interview with konomanga.jp, April 2016
(note: this interview is in Japanese, but Google translate does a servicable job with it)
talks more about Spider-Man, including his favorite costumes and comic artists
gives some American comic book recs
mentions that he likes Godzilla and Gamera and always goes to see those movies
talks about his Star Wars influences
talks about his favorite manga as a child -- Dragon Ball, One Piece, and Naruto
talks about becoming a manga artist, and about some of his influences
says that he likes drawing monsters, creatures, and villains, and says that he really liked drawing the panel where Tomura made his first appearance at USJ
talks a little about composition and frame movement in his work, and about the challenges of drawing a weekly manga
mentions that he knows what the story ending will be, but hasn’t yet figured out how to connect the dots to that point
interview with Horikoshi Kouhei and Umakoshi Yoshihiko in BnHA: Ultra Archive, May 2016
(note: Umakoshi is the anime character designer for BnHA. also, this interview was part of the Ultra Archive character book, so you’ll have to scroll a bit through its other contents in order to get to the interview.)
they talk about the process of creating the BnHA anime and sketching out all of the character designs. Horikoshi says the anime character model sheets look just like how he draws them
they talk about Horikoshi’s obsession with drawing hands lol. Horikoshi mentions that the way Mike Mignola (the creator of Hellboy) draws hands was a big influence
they talk a lot about art and drawing in general
Horikoshi talks about Ochako’s character design a bit
they talk about the differences between drawing manga and doing animation
Umakoshi talks about his first impressions of BnHA
Horikoshi mentions that he still has a lot of ideas for characters and quirks that he hasn’t been able to implement yet
they talk about the different character designs and which ones they find easy, difficult, and fun to draw
they talk for a fair amount of time about Iida’s character design
Umakoshi talks a bit about other anime he’s worked on
they talk about the character of All Might, and Horikoshi ominously says that All Might’s future will be “a fairly sad affair”
interview with Natalie Comics, June 2018
talks about the 4th anniversary of BnHA, and the release of BnHA: Two Heroes
talks about the Basement internship arc and mentions that it was challenging for him to write
talks about the question “what is a hero?” and how he defines heroes
mentions Mina, Sero, and Shouji as characters he would like to/plans to feature in the future, and mentions that he already has a story planned featuring Shouji
talks about the popularity of the series
talks a little about Koike-san, his first editor
talks about Two Heroes and its development and story
talks about club activities at U.A., and which clubs Deku and Katsuki would be in
talks about his mom and about some of his childhood experiences which inspired scenes in the manga
talks about why he became a mangaka
talks about what percentage of the series is completed, mentions the original planned length was about 30 volumes but that it has obviously surpassed that
mentions that he has an idea of how the last arc will be planned out
interview with Horikoshi and Eiichiro Oda, August 2018
Horikoshi talks about being a fan of One Piece and mentions he even sent artwork to Oda which was included in one of Oda’s galleries
they talk more about OP and about favorite arcs and how it’s influenced Horikoshi’s work
Oda compliments Horikoshi’s art and they talk about cover artwork and coloring (Horikoshi mentions he uses Photoshop)
Horikoshi talks a bit about BnHA Two Heroes
Horikoshi again mentions that he originally thought BnHA would be about 30 volumes (Oda says he should shoot for 50 but Horikoshi laughs and says he’s not sure he can do ten years)
they talk about how fucking long OP is and how manga stories tend to expand once the story starts taking off
Interview with Anime News Network at SDCC, August 2018
talks about his love of American comics, especially Spider-Man, and says that American comics are a lot more mainstream in Japan nowadays thanks to all the superhero movies
talks about how he got started as a manga creator
talks about being inspired by Dragon Ball, and that All Might in particular was inspired by Goku
talks a bit about the process of creating characters
talks about Bakugou’s popularity and that it took him by surprise at first
mentions that he doesn’t have the stamina for BnHA to be a long series like One Piece
interview with Cinema Today Japan, December 2019
(update: here is the link to @hanashimas​‘ translation which is more accurate)
talks about Deku and Bakugou’s characters and their attributes
mentions that at the start of the story Bakugou thinks Deku is above him, so he tries to act intimidating and superior to overtake him
(ETA: apparently this is a mistranslation; he actually says that he intended for Bakugou to be a character who was “above” Deku so to speak, who Deku would eventually surpass. he then goes on to talk about his realization that Bakugou could actually have a much more interesting character arc, which of course we have since seen play out.)
mentions that he planned to have Bakugou and Deku improve on two separate vectors as they entered U.A.
mentions Deku vs Kacchan 1 as a turning point where he had some realizations about Bakugou’s character that humanized him for him
mentions that he always knew Bakugou wouldn’t turn evil and “would never lose to the darkness”
says the scene where Katsuki takes Kirishima’s hand at Kamino was bittersweet because it showed Bakugou’s growth, but also showed the ongoing gulf between him and Deku because Deku knew that Katsuki wouldn’t take his hand
mentions that Bakugou still needs to apologize to Deku
says that Kirishima, Kaminari, and Mina are among the easiest characters for him to draw because they take the initiative and get the other characters excited and help pull the story forward
mentions that he always hears Nobu’s voice in his head now when writing Bakugou
talks about the characters being high school kids still, and that when he expanded on their families he was conscious of that -- “I wanted to show that these protagonists are still children after all”
interview in Volume R (booklet that was released along with Heroes Rising), December 2019
talks again about his manga influences and what inspired him to become a mangaka
talks about the experience of getting his first manga published
talks about what inspired him to write BnHA
has an interesting quote where he talks about the vaguely desperate feeling of “trying one last time”, which was weighing on his mind when he created BnHA, and which also played into Deku’s motivations in the first chapter
mentions All Might as being a character that he’s attached to
talks about his reactions to the anime, the overseas popularity, and the first movie
talks about his heavy involvement in the production of Heroes Rising
talks about designing and creating the bad guys for Heroes Rising
talks about the creation and character design of Hawks and mentions that the original character design was going to have a bird head lol
mentions that Hawks will have a relatively big influence on the story in the future
talks about how the ending of Heroes Rising was his original planned ending for the series
talks about Bakugou’s character development which leads up to that moment
talks about the conclusion of the series, and that all of the characters will come together in the end
interview with all of the past editors of the BnHA manga, March 2021
(note: this is another interview that’s not translated word for word, but summarized. also this interview was with just the editors, not Horikoshi himself.)
they talk about the early reception to the manga, and Horikoshi’s reactions
they talk about the individual moments early on when they realized that the series would be “amazing”
Yoritomi mentions that Horikoshi came up with the designs for most of the Billboard Top 10 pro heroes at the last minute lol
including Hawks (all Horikoshi had decided on prior was that he was going to be “cool” and would be a spy)
everyone praises Horikoshi’s character designs in general
they talk about the start of the anime and that whole process
they mention that Horikoshi cried watching both of the movies
they talk about the overseas popularity of the series
each editor lists their favorite episode of the anime
they talk about Horikoshi sacrificing his original manga ending to be used in Heroes Rising
they talk about that one ending theme song in season 4 that showed the pro heroes’ childhoods, and that Horikoshi had the anime team change Hawks’s to match the backstory he had planned
they talk about the upcoming season 5 and send final messages to the fans
interview in the MHA Drawing Smash Exhibition Pamphlet, April 2021
Horikoshi talks about the art in the exhibition and about the process of creating the artwork
he mentions that the piece with Deku rescuing a falling Ochako took the longest to draw
he says the drawing of All Might was the most fun to draw for him
that’s pretty much it, this one is very short lol
interview in Jump GIGA Spring 2021, April 2021
talks about which characters will play an important role in the final act. specifically mentions Hawks, Ochako, Shouji, Shinsou, Monoma, and Sero
“many characters’ actions will converge into a single one, so maybe the best way to say it would be ‘keep an eye on all of them!’“
says that for Hawks’s flashbacks and the Todoroki family’s past, he was influenced by Sion Sono’s works
mentions that the drawing of Deku and Ochako from the MHA Drawing Smash exhibit isn’t directly related to the main story, but that while drawing it he kept in mind how their relationship would develop if he explored it deeper
says he had the final act (or at least the chapter 306 reveal part of it) vaguely planned for a long time, but started to think about the specifics in volume 21 during the Endeavor vs High-End fight
says he’s already decided on the ending, and that “the path to it has been longer than I initially expected, but the main elements that I’ve decided before starting the series are still the same”
Q&A trivia from Vol. W World Heroes’ Mission, August 2021
(and alternate translation by aitaikimochi)
talks about All Might not having many friends among the pro heroes (but says he’s become “slightly attached” to Aizawa since he started teaching at U.A.)
describes what Bakugou, Tsuyu, and Mineta’s rooms look like
talks about Jirou and Momo’s relationship and the kind of things they like to talk about when they hang out together
says that Shouji’s face will eventually be revealed, and that he is “not sure” about Hagakure’s :’)
talks about the types of YouTube videos Shouto watches (pretty insightful answer which is equal parts sweet and sad)
says that Midnight’s classes were the most popular among the students
says U.A.’s robots once rebelled against their creators (lol wtf)
says his three favorite movies are Akira, The Ring, and Spider-Man: Far From Home. he says Akira in particular is his bible
and that’s it for now, but I will update this post with future interviews as they are posted, and if anyone has links to an interview I’ve missed please let me know.
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enixamyram · 3 years
Since I am now up to date with the anime, I figured I might as well update my:
Ranking Naruto's Next Gen Kids
(Previous Ranking)
1. Shinki - For all the same reasons as before. I have a soft spot for his story, his relationship to Gaara and feel he could be such an interesting character if the series just gave him the screen time he deserved.
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2. Himawari - For all the same reasons as before. She's sweet, she's fun but she's also got skill to one day being a total Kunoichi Goddess. (You know, if that's what she wants to do as a career, of course!)
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3. Kawaki - In a short space of time he definitely pushed his way high up my list. Like Shinki, part of this is because of my love for adoption stories, but also because he just in general is such an interesting character. He has a tragic backstory that reminds me a lot of Gaara and I'm not gonna lie, I was just so happy to see Naruto giving him a hug. The boy needs it. The only thing that kept him from over taking Himawari is actually the flashforward we saw in the first episode. I'm just not that great a fan of it and it does sour my enjoyment just a tiny bit. That said, I'm still very excited to see more of him and truly hope he gets a happy ending otherwise I'm gonna be pissed.
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4. Wasabi - Same as before. She doesn't get as much focus as other characters, but all the episodes with her in are always enjoyable to me and I'd love the chance to see her grow and build as a character.
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5. Yodo - Same as before. My obvious bias for the Sand influences me a lot and so do my own headcanons that I make - you know, those essays we're all writing that read way too much into the two seconds of screen time she got.
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6. Araya - Same as before and same as above. Now I just need this whole team to at least get one episode where we can properly see them show off and prove they are strong in their own right and not just hanging off Shinki's coattail.
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7. Inojin - The episode where Inojin used his Sensory Perception really pushed him up a spot for me. I liked seeing how great a mum Ino was to him, and it was refreshing to have the kid characters be their own person rather than constantly copying their parents. I look forward to the kind of man Inojin could grow into.
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8. Sarada - I still very much enjoy her! ... But she did drop a bit in my list. I just didn't like how she's become kind of stuck up with Kawaki, constantly nagging and moaning at him. I wouldn't mind if she did this at first and then relaxed a bit, but even after she literally saw him have an episode of PTSD, she still complained about his attitude. Like the dude's been through hell. Maybe let him mope and heal a little first before you expect him to act like everyone else.
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9. Tsubaki - So, a big big big reason I like this character is because of how different she is. It's just so interesting to bring in a samurai character to join in on a ninja team. The personality isn't entirely original (the whole too-strict-for-her-own-good) but at the same time it works in regards to her story so I don't mind it so much and I'm looking forward to seeing her continue to grow and accept new things around her.
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10. Metal - For all the reasons I put last time. Even if his design is lazy, I like his personality and I think it would be interesting to further develop him in a way that separates him from his dad.
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11. Sumire - She has dropped a bit and that's just because she hasn't really done anything lately. Having her join the Ninja Tec Team was a cool change, but unless they actually do something with that, it isn't that attention grabbing and now I could take her or leave her either way.
12. Shikadai - Same as before. Due to his lack of having his own character or story, I don't really feel anything for him. He's just kind of these and it's disappointing in a way and I'm still just gonna be hoping they do something different and interesting with him later on.
13. Boruto - Same as before. I just don't personally care for him and while he's not a bad character, I do not find him all that interesting to watch. The only moments of him I truly enjoy are when he's being an adorable big brother to Himawari and just honestly want to see more of that more than anything.
13. Chocho - Same as before. Not a bad character but her personality is a little off putting and I'm not bothered about her. I feel like one way that could make her more interesting would be if they actually showed more of her relationship with her mum since we really don't know anything about them really.
14. Namida - Same as before. A good episode here and there but a lot of that is due to Wasabi more than it is her. I feel like she - and a lot of characters - biggest problem is a lack of screen time and build. Maybe if we saw more of her, I might change my mind but so far she still doesn't really impress.
15. Iwabee - Same as before. Not a bad character, just not interesting to me. The reason he's dropped down a spot is more just because Namida is just slightly more interesting to me than he is the more we see of them both.
16. Denki - Same as before, however I will say I don't necessarily feel an urge to skip his scenes. Now he's more on the line of Iwabee in the sense that I have no feelings what so ever and just barely react to him being on screen.
17. Mitsuki - Same as before. I don't like him. He's more annoying to me than anything and I feel like he's the most unoriginal character related to an already existing character. I don't even know how I'd improve him because I honestly would just rather getting rid of him somehow if I didn't know it would make him a forced martyr for the other characters.
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nightingaleflow · 2 years
I really like gaalee and your stuff about Gaara/Chojuro is really good... I was wondering if you'd ever write something Rock Lee/Chojuro 👀
Ask and ye shall receive, little nonnie! Thank you for your patience. <3
I decided to go with an initial meeting/getting to know you type scenario for them. Let me know if you'd like me to write more with them!
Word Count: 1.5k Warnings: None A/N: Rock Lee and Chojuro is a pairing I hadn't considered before, but I'm definitely on board with them now. They have a dynamic with a lot of potential and I'm excited to explore these two more going forward. Tag List: @anchy-bananchy @justmyownreality @iantoyawrites @mrsbakashi (if you want to be tagged in future fics, please let me know)
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It's A Date
The sun slowly peaked over the horizon, casting rays of light along the streets of Kirigakure and burning away the mist that gave the village its name. Very few souls had risen so early, with most choosing to stay in bed until the sun was higher.
One exception by the name of Rock Lee was racing along the outskirts of the village in a blur. Clad in a green jumpsuit and orange leg warmers, his feet created a loud patter as he ran along the streets. His black bowl haircut was plastered to his head, sweat pouring from his skin in spite of the cool morning air.
He finally skidded to a stop outside of the dorms where he was staying, leaning forward and setting his hands on his knees as he caught his breath. “Perfect! 200 laps completed!” he said.
A figure emerging from the dojo next door caught his eye before he could enter his room. He turned to see Chojuro, the Mizukage’s bodyguard and right hand, his massive sword strapped to his back. They had briefly met the day before, when Lee had gone to the Mizukage’s office to deliver a scroll. Chojuro had been standing to the Mizukage’s right, quietly surveying the scene, only responding when asked a direct question. He hadn’t seemed nervous though. On the contrary, everything about Chojuro exuded seriousness and confidence. His straight posture in spite of the weight on his back. His eyes, analyzing Lee from behind thick glasses. And the muscles, especially in his arms and shoulders, built from extensive training that his blue turtleneck didn’t hide.
Lee had been incredibly intrigued by the other man, but didn’t think it was appropriate to ask anything beyond what his mission entailed.
This morning, Chojuro’s blue hair was messy and his face was flushed, as if he too had been exerting himself. He didn’t appear to be the least bit sweaty though, his sweater and pants perfectly conforming to the contours of his body.
Lee tried very hard to keep his eyes on Chojuro’s face as raised his hand in greeting. “Good morning, Lord Chojuro!” he called, trying to keep his tone respectful.
Chojuro smiled and made his way over. “Ah, Lee. Good morning,” he said. “How are you today?”
“Wonderful!” Lee said with a thumbs up. “Nothing like 200 laps to start the day off right!”
Chojuro let out a low whistle. “200? That’s quite a lot.”
“That may be, but I must always push myself or I will never get stronger,” Lee replied. He studied Chojuro curiously. “What brings you here at this hour, Lord Chojuro?”
“Please, there’s no need to call me ‘Lord’,” Chojuro said. “And I was training myself, actually.” He gestured toward the dojo behind him. “I try to start every day off with some kenjutsu.”
Lee gasped and clasped his hands together. “That is incredible!” he said. “This is truly the spirit of youth!”
“If you say so,” Chojuro said with a chuckle. “What are you up to now?”
Lee gestured toward the dorm. “Shower, and then figure out what to do for breakfast.”
“Makes sense,” Chojuro said. “There’s a nice cafe on the next block. Would you like to join me once you’ve showered?”
Lee blinked, then a huge grin spread across his face. “I would be honored!” Lee replied. “Give me five minutes. I will be right back!”
“I’ll be here.”
Lee raced up the stairs. He showered in record time, then dressed in a fresh jumpsuit. When he returned to the street, he found Chojuro sitting on a nearby wall, fondly watching a horde of Academy students file into the dojo.
“Ready!” Lee said.
Chojuro nodded and stood. He took a final glance at the students before turning toward the busier part of the village. “Right this way.”
The cafe Chojuro escorted him too was a quiet little bistro tucked in between two larger shops. The scent of caramel and cinnamon welcomed them as they stepped inside. Behind the counter, a young woman in teal smiled brightly. “Welcome, Lord Chojuro - and to your guest as well!” she said. “What can I get you gentlemen today?”
“A peach and watermelon tea, and a cinnamon roll for me,” Chojuro said. “Lee, what would you like?”
Lee studied the menu for a long moment, then said, “The spinach and chicken wrap with a decaf chai.” He pulled out his wallet to pay, but Chojuro shook his head. “On me,” he said, handing some bills over to the barista.
“Here’s your change,” she said. “Step over to the right, and I’ll have your orders up shortly.”
“Thank you,” Chojuro said, sliding down to the space indicated.
Lee frowned as he followed. “You did not have to pay for me.”
“It was no trouble,” Chojuro assured him. “Besides, I’m the one that suggested this place, so it’s only fair that I pay.”
Lee didn’t have an argument for that.
Their food was ready a minute later, and Chojuro led Lee to a booth near the back. “Thank you for joining me,” Chojuro said, setting his sword down against the wall. “I usually don’t get to have company, so this is nice.”
“Of course, thank you for inviting me,” Lee replied. “Do you come to this cafe often?”
Chojuro nodded. “My mornings have a pretty set routine,” he replied. “I get up, train at the dojo until it’s nearly time for the students to arrive, then come here to eat before I go to work.”
Lee nodded, remembering the hoard of students that had arrived earlier. “Are any of the students yours?”
“Oh, no,” Chojuro said. “I’ve never had the honor of being a sensei. I pretty much went straight from the Academy to preparing to inherit Hiramekarei, and then I was made Lady Mizukage’s bodyguard shortly before the start of the War.”
Lee looked at the imposing sword sitting a few feet away. “That is one of the legendary Seven Swords of the Mist, is it not?”
“Yes, it is.”
Lee’s eyes widened. “That is incredible!” he said. “I sensed that you were skilled, but I had no idea!”
Chojuro waved his hand. “I’m flattered, but it’s not that big of a deal. My village has produced many fine swordsmen and women over the years, and I happen to be one of them.”
Lee’s smile faltered. “Oh, I am sorry if I offended you.”
“No need to apologize,” Chojuro said. “I’m proud to be a Swordsman and represent my village. I just don’t see it as being more special than anyone else.”
“I understand,” Lee said. “Still, to see you battle or train with a sword must really be something.”
“How long are you here?” Chojuro asked.
“We are expected to leave the day after tomorrow,” Lee replied.
“Would you like to join me at the dojo in the morning then?”
Lee’s mouth fell open. Once he remembered how to talk, he said, “I would be honored! But I have never trained in kenjutsu. I am afraid I would not be a good opponent.”
“I could always show you the basics,” Chojuro offered. “It never hurts to learn something new.”
“You know, you are right,” Lee said. “If it is really no trouble, then I will be there!”
“Excellent! I look forward to it,” Chojuro said.
Their conversation shifted from there. Lee talked about his taijutsu training, and Chojuro offered him suggestions of things to do while he was in Kiri. Lee couldn’t remember the last time he’d gotten to just enjoy someone’s company, with all of his friends busy with their own missions and families. When they finally finished their food, Lee actually felt disappointed that their meal couldn’t go on longer.
Chojuro seemed to feel the same way, the small smile on his face growing strained as they left the cafe. “Thank you again for joining me,” he said. “I had a nice time.”
“Of course. I had a nice time as well,” Lee said, rubbing the back of his head. “It is a shame it must end.”
Chojuro was silent for a moment, and Lee immediately worried that he’d said the wrong thing. “I’m sor-” he started.
“Would you like to do this again?”
Lee’s voice stuttered to a stop. He couldn’t have possibly heard right.
Chojuro looked away, his cheeks stained pink. “I mean, please, don’t feel obligated, but…”
“I…yes, yes I would, only if you want to of course,” Lee managed to get out, his face matching Chojuro’s.
Chojuro’s face lit up. “Dinner tonight?” he suggested. “I usually get done with work around six, if that works?”
Lee nodded enthusiastically. “That sounds perfect! I will be ready right at 6!”
“Excellent, it’s a date!”
Both men froze. Lee’s eyes bulged out of his head as Chojuro’s face paled. “A date?!” Lee managed to squeak out.
Chojuro opened his mouth, but only stammered nonsense emerged instead of actual words. He swallowed and took a breath. “I…that was rather forward of me, wasn’t it?” he said, the pink flush returning to his face. “I apologize if that made you uncomfortable.”
“No, it is all right,” Lee said. “Just…did you want it to be a date?”
Chojuro nodded slowly. “I wouldn’t mind. What about you?”
“…I also would not mind.”
“Well,” Chojuro said, looking pleased. “Then it’s a date. I do have to go now, but I’ll see you at six?”
“At six,” Lee agreed.
Chojuro waved, then disappeared down the road toward the Mizukage’s office. Lee watched him go, nervous and excited for when the clock hit six.
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actuallysaiyan · 3 years
Naruto Valentine’s Day headcanons
Word count: 990 Pairings: Shinobi x Reader Warnings: smut references, swearing, fluff Summary: Here’s what it would be like to spend Valentine’s Day with these shinobi ;) A/N: HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY!
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Literally is dumb. Doesn’t quite understand what the big deal is.
He loves you very much, but he also loves you very much every day. He doesn’t understand why today is such a big deal if he loves you just the same every day.
Sakura has to explain it to him, and still, he’s not sure why it’s a big deal.
Finally, he brings you out to dinner. Of course, it’s ramen. He picks you some flowers from the forest.
He’ll kiss you and pull you in close, telling you how he didn’t understand that valentine’s day meant something special to people. You forgive him.
Naruto will bring you home after your date and rock your world in bed.
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She’s going to plan something special. She’ll actually ask Ino for some flowers, despite their rivalry. Ino thinks it’s super cute that Sakura is making a big deal for valentine’s day.
She’ll probably bring you to a nice restaurant and give you some cute gifts. 
You’ll give her some gifts too and you know she’s going to be very happy that you appreciate her.
After dinner, you both go for a romantic stroll together. The stars look beautiful and Sakura decides to take you somewhere secluded.
She may even pop the question! You’re so lucky to have her in your life, and she feels the same way. She wants to spend the rest of it with you.
Sakura is going to bring you home and show you how much she truly loves you.
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He thinks valentine’s day is so fucking dumb. He’ll probably brood about it and not even plan anything.
If you mention it, he’ll sigh and take you out for a midnight stroll. He brings you to somewhere secluded.
While you’re there, he decides to fuck you there. Sasuke has needs after all and he needs to have them met.
Surprise! He actually got you a gift. He’s a softie underneath it all. He just hates showing it.
Maybe you both decide to get dinner together. He lets you choose the place.
You give him the gift you picked for him. He enjoys the fact that you pay attention to his interests.
When you get home, he gives you round two ;)
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It may not seem like it, but the man actually has something planned for you. 
He wants to surprise you after work. He knows you both don’t get a lot of time together, so he’s really excited when he realizes you both don’t have anything planned for valentine’s day.
He gets you roses, chocolates, perfume, maybe a new Icha Icha book to read together, some massage oils and a new vibrator. Kakashi loves to spoil you when he can.
He takes you out to eat at a cute place. It’s not overly packed, but it’s clearly decked out for valentine’s day. 
Kakashi pulls out your chair and acts like a total gentleman. He enjoys seeing you feeling like a royal person or something of the sort. He thinks you absolutely deserve everything.
After dinner, he takes you out for a stroll. You both enjoy the quiet night atmosphere.
When you get home, Kakashi fucks your brains out and makes you cum over and over and over…
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Oooohhh boy, be prepared for lots of exaggerations and loudness.
Lee is ready to show you the  best valentine’s day you’ve ever had.
He’s got everything planned. Gai helped him. It isn’t too much of a surprise considering how they acted. They are way too loud and excited, but you enjoy it.
He brings you to a beautiful restaurant that is super fancy. You ask if he can afford it, and he tells you that he can afford anything for you.
Has poetry written for you and recites it in the restaurant. 
He might even pop the question that night! You love Lee so much, you pretty much can’t say no to him.
Gai is watching from the bushes outside, or maybe even from the next booth over. It’s a little silly.
Lee brings you home and treats you like royalty. He runs you a bath, gives you a massage and performs oral on you for hours…
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He finally has some time off, so he decides to plan something special for the both of you.
He goes out and buys you some really sweet gifts. He wants you to be super happy, but also he wants you to know that he’s always thinking of you.
Itachi gets you a locket with both of your pictures in it. He decides that maybe tonight might be the best night to propose.
The restaurant he brings you to is very secluded. Not many other couples are there that night. It’s very fancy and hidden from other people.
Itachi brings you to the room at the inn he’s rented for the night. There’s an onsen, so you both decide to take advantage of it.
Nothing sexual happens there, but when Itachi asks you to marry him, you say yes and he brings you back to the room.
Itachi spends the night making you cum and pleasing you.
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He’s busy as the Kazekage, but he does make a little time for you.
He buys you a few gifts that he knows you will love very much.
When Gaara is done for the day, he brings you out to dinner at your favorite restaurant.
There, he pays for everything and you both have a nice time together.
After dinner, Gaara suggests you go back home together and have some fun.
You exchange massages, and Gaara gives you his gifts. They are all very sentimental and sweet.
You decide to show Gaara how much he means to you by spending lots of time massaging out his knots, and also by giving him a crazy good blowjob.
Gaara might ask you if you want to start a family. He loves you so much and wants you to be a family.
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soliavenne · 3 years
Gaara celebrating his S/O's birthday
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- Genre: Fluffy Gaara Hours
- Word count:
- Format: Bulleted headcanons
Hope you enjoy!
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• As much as he wants to, flowery words of adoration is just not something that drops easily from the tip of his tongue. No amount of practice in front of the mirror could ever prepare him when the time finally calls for it.
• There's a lot of thought behind such predicament. One being that it might make you uncomfortable, two being that it might come across as him faking it because it was a little out of the norm.
• Gaara was rather accepting of this already. There are certain types of people whose verbal suave just couldn't compete. If anything, the lacking in this aspect didn't have to spell the end of the world for him; he just needs to find another way of expressing his love and gratitude for you on your special day. A way that doesn't compromise its appeal as being genuine.
• Thinking upon thinking had Gaara concluding that a personal gift, a flower, a handwritten letter, and a short- humble attempt at being verbally expressive as he hands out his gift to you was the balanced goal to suffice his concerns.
• At the very first birthdays into your budding relationship, he'd be running his options through with his siblings. This was a new concept to him afterall, and he didn't want to fail you. You could only imagine the heated argument between Temari and Kankuro, sandwiching a very confused Gaara in the middle of it all.
• Temari: "Dude, are you kidding me? That's not even romantic at all. We're talking about Gaara's ROMANTIC partner, not a goth adult male barely scraping by as he asks for gift on Christmas."
• Kankuro: "No, are YOU kidding me? You know damn well Y/N would be jumping out of joy if you two follow my advice."
• Temari: "Stop self-projecting and ask for that gift for yourself on your birthday!"
• Gaara: "Guys... please..."
• Years into it though, Gaara would've at least be confident in making the decision himself.
• A personalized gift that caters to your interest, often practical; your favorite flower, and another of it that has a symbolic message behind it that he would love for you to figure out on your own; a handwritten letter almost too formal, yet in his very own way, romantic at its best; and the bashful smile as he tries say happy birthday to you while he hands out the rest of his gift.
• Gaara would always ask you where and how would you like to celebrate a week beforehand. He would have an idea what you might want, but Gaara would always want to ask for your permission first. It's not that he wasn't confident in his decisions, it's just that he has to be sure that your day is something you truly want and genuinely enjoy.
• Feeling adventurous to try the newest restaurant in town? Got it. One of his subordinates are already on the call to secure an appointment. He would check the menu if he has the time so he could brief both you and himself about what kind of entreé you two might find yourselves with.
• Being the Kazekage is expectedly something that is very demanding of his attention, so his assistant would have to help him out in figuring out things- like if there is a secure, VIP area or anything that a restaurant could do if they could decorate the chosen area with themes of birthday celebration.
• He would honestly prefer to celebrate it in a humble, common space of the restaurant; but the evening would be less peaceful for the two of you. It also doesn't help that his standing in the village poses a risk on your safety as well. Publicity and transparency on personal matters isn't always the brightest idea for a high-ranking official like him, as providing the people the feeling of being informed regarding his private whereabouts sometimes allows them to form a sense of entitlement towards further inquiries. The last thing he wanted to deal with was for his partner's birthday to become something so publicly available for unnecessary scrutiny and controversy. Gaara would really just want his beloved to have the great day they deserve.
• However, if you choose to celebrate your day at the comfort of your home, he would be just as ecstatic. Honestly, he'd be a tad bit more excited. There's just something about being with you in the safe, comforting vulnerability of your home that could never be toppled by even the most luxurious of places that a high profile official like him already knows too well. He's a modest man by nature.
• If you could only see him trying to contain the barely visible outwards projection of his ironically, almost panicking internal excitement at the thought of celebrating at home with you- you'd find yourself giggling.
• However, if the night is just way too busy to get out of; he would ask you if you would want to celebrate with him in his office. Gaara is honestly too embarrassed to ask such- as he should be coming home to you, not the other way around. He'd apologize first before asking you about it. Gaara would clean up first and at least make his office much more presentable.
• It's honestly not so bad. The place and the manner of celebrating might be a big influence, but each other's companionship really did matter the most afterall. The decision to compromise also tattletales the depth that has been reached in the relationship. The acceptance and the support, the effort to meet on a middle ground.
• Rest assured that no matter how and where the two of you choose to celebrate, Gaara would always strive to make you sure you feel extra adored and cared for on your special day.
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Happy birthday once again, anon! And happy birthday to all of those who happen to share the same birth date as well. Hope you all have a beautiful day, you deserve it! 😊
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