zillabean · 2 months
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A very unique commission for Prezzzz, who wanted Diode the kiwi, from an obscure older game, 'The Day The World Broke'. I'd never heard of this title before, and robotics has always been a challenge for me, so this was a neat endeavor to undertake!
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searchsystem · 8 months
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MuirMcNeil & Natasha Lucas / Diode / Typeface / 2020
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art-of-bee · 2 months
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a few chips n bits done for a client's widget over on twitch. these are my faves of the 16 individual sprites i made, each one is a miniscule 16x16!
almost look good enough to eat..
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🌃 ko-fi + commissions 🌃 twitch 🌃 more pixels 🌃 do not repost.
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abellinthecupboard · 9 months
Flight Pattern
I was five when I found the head of the wren by the road. I was older when I found its wing. By then, it was impossible to piece even the idea of a bird back together.
— Andrea Cohen, featured in Diode Poetry Volume 16 #1 (source)
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mumblelard · 1 year
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wait for it wait for it i wanna go where you go
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wearilywary · 26 days
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Doodle of my fave blob from a DND group
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yuriskies · 9 months
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Diode (short for Die-Over-Dose) from the recently started manga adaptation of the Twinstar Cyclone Runaway novel series. This yuri sci-fi series follows a pair of women as they try to escape the patriarchal cultural norms of a society built on fishing the skies of a gas giant. Original story by Issui Ogawa, character design by Kei Mochizuki, and manga by Ahiru Tanaka).
I colorized the title page of the manga's third chapter, which released in Japan today.
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cyber-phobia · 2 years
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I wonder if tfs ever had existential crisis about their alt mode
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utane · 2 years
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I’m updating Ataraxia’s design a bit. Same shape but more structured shoulders
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1spark1-blog · 6 months
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Oh. my. Gosh. These things are SO SMALL. I got my new laser modules from overseas, and I've been tuning them up for use once I build a 3 tiered enclosure to hold 2 3d printers and 2 laser engravers(This thing is gonna reach the ceiling, have built in power, light, fire detection, cameras... and cost me like $800 once it's all said and done probably XD). These tiny little masterpieces were engraved using the Neje B30365 optical module. It has the smallest laser spot size I've ever seen on a diode laser. a mere .02mm square!!!! This thing is so small that my laser software issued me a literal "Sanity check" window, telling me that very few lasers in the WORLD can engrave at this level of detail. I didn't expect to have as much fun as I am with this module(The least powerful of the 3 new optical modules I got) but it has been the most fun so far with my new machines!! What you see on screen took a total of around 2 hours. Detail comes at a cost, and that cost is maaajor time. I could whip these out in half the time at twice the size on my other lasers, but the detail would not compare. apologies for the ramble, these new toys are sick and I must express!!!  I did not have any of my own grayscle ready images on hand, so these were the ones that were chosen. I had Dall-E create the black hole scene. The Lackadaisy pic belongs to the talented artists over on the Lackadaisy channel of course! I couldn't resist putting that little guy on my hat.. Just look at that face!(If you guys want it taken down no problem, just let me know!)
Posted using PostyBirb
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sciencesolutions · 1 year
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bunniapa · 2 years
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Artfight attack: Diode
Character belongs to Lisspeedvs (Ornstein) on twitter!
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pezarcoiris · 1 year
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abellinthecupboard · 9 months
We Left at Dusk
That was the first time I got a haircut, laid still against the porch as my mother slammed a knife down the middle the way she prepared meat. When crossing an ocean, she explained, leave anything too heavy. That included hair, family photos, the rugs my grandmother wove parts of her eyebrows into. In another memory, I was seven. I scooped fistfuls of afternoon, sparklers licking the cold crunch of November air. My sister and I posed before the faded film posters, modeled ourselves into good girls anyone would want to take home. Growing up, we both wanted to be actresses. Now, mother tells us to hide in the back of the van and help her count our inheritance in jewelry. Instead, I look outside at the black roads windmilling past, dissecting each pair of eyes that meet us and rehearse their scowl- smeared faces. Before we sold the TV, I remember an interview where a lady in a black dress said that actresses must be able to hide anything, even themselves. My mother weeps at how the next city over, we’ll be another headline splashed across the back page of the news. I asked her why being famous wasn’t a good thing. The car hobbled over a pothole, my stomach sloshing into my throat. I dreamed I wasn’t seasick. In my hands: an Emmy. My face lighter than her gold-coppered wings. At center stage, the camera beams so bright it lets me be anything, even loved. Everyone on TV is clapping, this admiration rare as a wound. The only girls on TV that looked like me were wrapped in a dark shade of dusk, their faces shawled with neglect. The orange filters from Mexican movies staining our cheekbones, only more dark, more dangerous. If I could paint my lips with honey, play the role of the main girl collecting prayers in the train station, maybe I would never find us here: my mother crying at the airport terminal as businessmen flock past, a knot of my hacked-off hair in the recycling bin ten-thousand miles behind us.
— Heather Qin, featured in Diode Poetry Volume 16 #1 (source)
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kvltklvb · 1 year
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adafruit · 1 year
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lm66200 ideal diode makes hot swapping supplies 💡🔋🔌📱📌👍🤔⚠️
most projects these days have multiple power supplies: say a battery or DC wall plug or USB for multiple powering options. juggling these to have seamless hot-swap while avoiding backpowering is always a bit of a challenge: you want to keep things small, cheap, low power and of course reduce as much voltage drop as possible. the LM66200 (https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/texas-instruments/LM66200DRLR/15856663) is a cute solution to dual supplies: it has back-voltage protection, and two 'ideal' diodes with RdsOn of 40 milliohms, 2.5A continuous draw and a separate enable input and status output. only downside? the max voltage is 5.5V - what we'd love is a version that goes up to 12V!
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