daonedaonlyskh · 2 days
Welcome to Camp Half-Blood
it’s my first time making a mood board for tumblr! I hope you like it <3
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classichorrorblog · 8 months
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Dracula (1931)
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modawg · 1 month
percy would legit be one of the hardest ppl to get over if you had any type of feelings for that man
like swear you’d like be waiting for him to do smth bad or look ugly waiting for that ick and IT WOULD NEVER COMEEEE
like if you look at nico bro is SCRAPING THE BARREL for ANYTHING to dislike abt percy
percy smiles a little too bright nico has to turn away and mentally remind himself that percy was one of the last ppl to see his sister alive
rachel legit can’t like him so she probably just watches from afar and she’s chill anyway
if calypso found out percy planted that little flower she gave him and subsequently learned he liked planting and kept that flower alive in her memory??? ITD BE WRAPSSSSSSS
like percy is legit just such a good person that anytime someone has a crush on him 🙏🏼 thoughts and prayers bc that crush is haunting you for the rest of your life
ik moving to new rome is gonna kick start that too bc i feel like chb everyone’s gotten used to him yk everyone’s like “sigh there’s percy and his beautiful face and nice laugh and good morals and self sacrificing ways sigh annabeth sure is lucky love those two together tbh”
but now they’re being introduced to all these new ppl who have to learn that percy is simply percy and bro is wifed up
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ginnyluna · 13 days
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Jason in his NRU jacket, living his best life as a uni student cause i can do what i want and you can't stop me
Finished version of these happy sketches
(PS: i'm still obsessed)
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definitelynotisabel · 2 months
rachel slander needs to stop. if i knew percy i would’ve shot my shot too
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batcavescolony · 4 months
Poseidon: I can do one of two things. I can be the God of the Sea or I can control Perseus Jackson. I cannot possibly do both.
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turquoisenintendo64 · 1 month
Love Comes to Everyone !
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in which: a daughter of aphrodite is camp half-blood’s matchmaker, but can’t seem to find someone for herself.
percy jackson x daughter of aphrodite!reader
part 2
inspired by “Love Comes to Everyone” by George Harrison :)
warnings: use of y/n, there is no such thing as forbidden children, percy has a little half-sister, pipabeth implied
a/n: part 1 of the song inspired blurbs!! i’ll make more for my babies ehehehe, will probably make this a two shot. also this is terrible but anyway kinda cute
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“the date went fantastic!” daliah, a girl from the demeter cabin, told you, while you were eating some strawberries she brought you.
“i’m glad,” you smiled.
before the end of the week, you have set up two couples: daliah and fred, a boy from the hephaestus cabin, and emma and sasha, two unclaimed girls.
you really hoped emma and sasha weren’t sisters, that would be quite unfortunate.
“i’m sure all of your relationships went really well.”
and here we go again.
since you are a daughter of the goddess of love, people tend to assume you are a heartbreaker, maneater, and many other words not as friendly.
but the truth is you aren’t. in fact, you’ve never had a real boyfriend.
only boys who had invited you to their cabins to hangout, but you never ended up liking them enough to date them.
“oh, yeah! super well,” you lied.
you hated to admit it, but there was nothing you wanted more than to be loved. to have someone to be completely enamoured by you, admire you, listen to you, be someone’s priority. but you could never seem to find it.
some of your sisters tell you to just charm-speak your way into some boy’s heart, but that’s not real love, and you want real love.
you had love in your life, though. you loved your friends, and they loved you just as much.
“it takes time,” you heard a masculine voice next to you.
you snapped back to reality and found percy sitting next to you. when did daliah leave?
“love,” he said.
to be honest, you were a little bit surprised by him talking to you all of a sudden.
you and percy aren’t exactly friends; he is best friends with annabeth, and you are too, sonit was inevitable for you two to meet and have a conversation once or twice.
“yeah, i know.” you nodded. “it sucks though, being able to set up a lot of people but not being able to do that for myself.”
“we all have someone, you just have to find it,” he got up, and after a sigh, he said “and who knows? maybe he is closer than you think.” and walked away.
trust me, if he was close, i’d know, you thought, but… maybe you wouldn’t know.
you knocked the door of the athena cabin, being greeted by a smiling annabeth.
then her smile faded.
“you are late, miss y/l/n.”
you asked her for help with something, yet you were late.
“i know, i know, i’m sorry. i got distracted.” you said, walking inside.
“by what?” she asked, sitting crisscrossed in her bed.
“daliah,” you said, sitting in her bed. “oh and percy.”
she smiled.
“interesting…” she narrowed her eyes, with her smile still intact.
“interesting? why would it be interesting?”
“nothing. he just never talks to you.” she opened her ancient greek book you asked for, still smiling.
she was an incredibly bad liar, but you decided to ignore that and move on to your study session.
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“so you got sick in the matter of… three hours?” you asked annabeth.
“yes, and it’s” cough cough “really bad.”
you crossed your arms.
will had called you after your study session with annabeth, telling you she went to the infirmary claiming to have the flu.
“if you have it, i probably have it too, then.”
“no. you are totally fine.” she said. you raised an eyebrow.
“right… i will go help my sisters with the decorations in case the new camper is a daughter of aphrodite.”
“wait!” she called. “i promised percy to help him show the new camper around camp.” she explained.
“well if you have the flu, you can’t do that.”
“i know. could you do it for me?” she asked you, with a grin.
you stayed silent for a few seconds. as you weren’t answering, she faked a cough to make her indisposition more believable.
“sure, i’ll help percy.” her grin widened even more.
“thank you so much,” she kissed you in the cheek.
“if i get sick because of you, i will haunt you in your sleep.”
“yeah, yeah, now leave.” she pushed you out of the bed.
you walked out of the infirmary, not before telling will to call you at any minor inconvenience. you didn’t believe annabeth had the flu, but just in case it was true, you wanted to be with her if she got worse.
you saw percy with a little girl holding his hand.
she looked scared, and he was knelt next to her, whispering in her ear.
the little girl smiled and giggled.
“hey,” you greeted.
“hey. mary, this is y/n,” percy introduced you to the little girl, who shyly waved to you. she looked seven or so.
“hello mary, how are you?” you asked, kneeling in front of her, just like percy.
“i miss my mommy,” she confessed, tear stains on her cheeks.
“don’t worry, we’ll take care of you,” percy said, stroking her back.
percy got on his feet again, still holding mary’s hand.
he sounded like a tour guide, explaining everything as you walked around camp, adding anecdotes to entertain mary.
“that is the ares cabin,” he pointed to cabin 5, “but don’t get too close; they might bite you.” mary chuckled as percy tickled her.
he was good with kids.
gods, he was good with kids.
this guy was perfect and you didn’t even notice.
“this is y/n’s cabin, the aphrodite cabin,” he explained. he glanced at you before speaking again. “goddess of love and beauty. it’s not hard to believe she is y/n’s mom, right?”
you blushed. he was good with kids and lowkey bad at flirting. all you could ever ask for in a man.
“your mom is the goddess of beauty?” mary asked you, eyes shining with curiosity and innocence.
you nodded, “you can come to my cabin whenever you want, and i can dress you like a princess.” you told her, smiling.
“yes! i want to be a princess!”
you and percy laughed. he looked at you, but you didn’t notice.
now, he explained the hardest part. the whole ‘you could wait your whole life to be claimed’ thing. mary’s lower lip shivered, and it made you want to cry in the spot.
“so you don’t know who my dad is?” she asked. you and percy shared a concerned look.
“no. but i’m sure he will claim you soon, and when he does, we will introduce you to your brothers and sisters, okay?” you told her, reassuringly caressing her cheek.
“okay,” she said, smiling again, “you are my new best friends.”
you walked her to the hermes cabin, and stayed with her until she was comfortable with the other campers that resided there.
it was quite late, almost dinner time, exactly.
percy walked you to your cabin, and you stayed in the doorway a few minutes talking about mary.
“maybe she’s a daughter of apollo,” he suggested. “she’s really energetic.”
“well, duh, we all are. ADHD.”
“right,” he chuckled. “demeter, maybe? she seemed really interested in the strawberry fields.”
“well, she screamed when she saw a ladybug so i don’t think so.”
you heard someone calling for percy, and you cursed mentally.
“i have to… uh… leave.” he said, almost hesitantly.
he walked down the stairs of the cabin’s porch, facing you.
“i’ll see you at the campfire,” he said, with an awkward smile.
you smiled and waved. for some reason, you couldn’t let out any words.
you walked in your cabin, and threw yourself in your bed.
you didn’t notice annabeth and your sister piper in piper’s bed next to yours.
“how was your night, lovergirl?” annabeth asked you.
“didn’t you have the flu?” you asked, face buried in your pillows.
“i’m better.”
“i hope will gave you the plague,” she rolled her eyes.
you sat down in your bed, looking at them.
“percy is a good friend.”
“we know.”
“he’s kind.”
“we know.”
“he’s funny.”
“we know.”
“he’s kinda smart.”
“kinda. we know.”
“super bad at flirting.”
“we know.”
“good with kids.”
“we know.”
“and handsome. dare i say hot.”
“we prefer women, but we know,” annabeth said. piper giggled.
“do you guys think he could-“
“he does like you, y/n.” piper said.
“don’t know,” you turned around, laying down.
you heard annabeth and piper’s giggles, then, you heard a whisper.
“i think our lovergirl has found her loverboy.”
“shut up!” you whispered back.
and they laughed harder.
but maybe, just maybe, they were right.
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imaginechb · 1 year
Things the fandom often forgets about Jason Grace:
His mother abandoned him at 2 and he survived training with the wolf goddess Lupa at 3
He isn't some dumbass bro himbo like a lot of people think, he's actually really smart and knows a lot of things
He wears glasses and loses them a lot
He's one of the kindest demigods in both camps
He defeated the titan Krios with his bare f*cking hands
AND he killed the trojan sea monster
He isn't the "roman percy", and he's not some knockoff protagonist
He isn't trying to replace or compete with Percy
Percy and Jason actually hardly know each other and there really isn't much of a bromance there like people think (but if you wanna keep being delulu I respect it)
He toppled the black throne of Kronos and earned his position as praetor
He was literally praetor
Which led to him hardening a bit and put a lot of pressure on him to be a perfect leader
He once jumped into the grand canyon to save a girl he really didn't know that well, with no regard to the fact that he would literally die
He isn't boring, it's just that when we meet him in TLH we literally don't know him (and he doesn't either lmfao), we don't have the history and bond we do with Percy
He has a big smile and deep laugh
Jason didn't replace Percy at CHB, people were actually apprehensive of him whereas CJ pretty much DID replace Jason with Percy (treating him as a powerful leader and electing him praetor)
He was literally a child soldier and probably has a lot of issues because of this
He used to squint a lot before he got his glasses
People probably thought he was glaring or judging them, but in actuality he just couldn't f*cking SEE
He's actually a big softie and gives such golden retriever vibes
Canonically handsome
People think he's too perfect but that's because he had to be. He had so much pressure on him to be perfect all the time
He has a calm and steady voice, and even when he's yelling/speaking intensely, it's still steady and strong
TLDR; Jason is literally my fav and Jason hate will not be tolerated here thank you 🫶
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We as a fandom moved on from the fact that camp halfblood has GUNS WITH CELESTIAL BRONZE BULLETS way too fast
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lixzey · 3 months
sincerely, yours.
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luke castellan x fem athena!reader
summary: in which Luke receives love letters from a secret admirer.
1.4k words
warnings, i guess?: pre tlt!!! reader has a huge ass crush on luke, reader is weird around luke (like any normal person around their crush), love letters, secret admirer, reader is kinda stalker-ish (maybe all athena kids are lol), reader is friends with silena and clarisse, camp golden boy luke!!! reader has GRAY EYES like every other child of Athena, as this is a key note in the story but i'll leave the hair color out for you guys 🫶🏻
“Handsome, you're a mansion with a view.”
“Hey, Luke?” Chris Rodriguez calls out to his older brother, brows knitted in confusion, as he walks towards the head of cabin eleven, who was helping their brothers—Travis and Connor—fix their armor for Capture the Flag in just a few more minutes. 
“Yeah?” Luke hums, his eyes not leaving the younger Stoll’s as he finishes the strap of Connor’s armor. “What is it?”
“Someone left this on your bed,” Chris answered, pulling out a tea-colored envelope from his pocket and giving it to the older boy. “It has your name on it.”
Luke pats Connor on the shoulder. “Trav, go and get shields and swords from the armory with Connor.” The eldest Stoll nodded, while the youngest opened his mouth to talk, but Luke got ahead of him. “No, Connor, you can’t have a flaming arrow. Now get over there!” He chuckles, playfully shoving the brothers away with a grin.
As soon as the two leave—Connor huffing about the flaming arrow—Luke turns to face Chris. “Who’s it from?” He asks, eyeing the envelope in Chris’ hand.
Chris shrugged. “I don’t know; it wasn't signed. It just had your name.”
“Huh,” Luke grabs the envelope from Chris’ hold, his eyes searching for any information. Instead, a pink heart wax stamp greeted him.
“You got another admirer?” Chris smirks, playfully nudging Luke. “Oh, to be you, huh? Girls here and there.”
Luke glares at Chris. “Shut up,”
“But that’s a first. A love letter. You think it’s from one of the Aphrodite kids?” Chris grinned, wiggling his eyebrows. “Explains the pink heart.”
“You talk too much, don’t you?” Luke groaned, shaking his head. “Go follow the Stolls; make sure they don’t burn the armory down. I’ll follow.”
Chris rolls his eyes, chuckling slightly. “Alright, alright, I’ll leave you with your love letter.”
“Go,” Luke huffs, shoving his brother out the door.
“Geez, lover boy, stop pushing me!” Chris laughed as Luke pushed him again. “Okay, okay, I’ll go!” He chuckles, raising his hands up in surrender. “See you at the creek!”
Luke rolls his eyes, shaking his head as Chris runs off. He then turns his attention to the envelope in his hand, with his name written in perfect cursive in bright pink. If Luke wasn’t quick to jump to conclusions, he’d assume that an Aphrodite kid probably sent the letter. The pink ink was a dead give-away. But there was a small voice in the back of Luke’s mind saying otherwise.
The Hermes counselor sighs before making his way to his bed. Maybe there he could find anything else related to the mysterious admirer. Luke plopped down onto his bed, torn between ripping the envelope open or gently opening it in fear of tearing anything else that was inside.
With a shake of his head, Luke slowly opened the tea-stain envelope, the smell of old books and jasmine invading his nostrils as he gently pulled the paper out.
Dear Luke, 
I love you. 
Oh gods, where do I even begin to explain that?
Okay, so I have liked—no, loved—you since I was thirteen and you were fourteen. I know a lot of girls like you, even boys. I’m not even half of those who do. I’m just, well, me. A girl who you’d never give a second glance at. 
This is utterly stupid, honestly. Taking the risk to write this letter to you when you and I literally live in camp all year round. But, I guess, who cares? I mean, I’m already here writing this, so why back out now?
I remember the first time I saw you. Handsome, you’re a fucking mansion with a view. You were out in the arena, training with Marco Leon. It was the day after you and Annabeth arrived at camp. You were so good, deserving the title of ‘the best swordsman’ camp has seen in three hundred years. Your dark curls looked like a halo as you sparred with him, a mischievous look in your eyes as they shined like ambers underneath the golden rays of sunlight. From that day on, I knew I was in trouble. Everything about you captivates me—a secret no one knows. 
Every time you’re around, my heart beats too fucking fast, like a pegasus galloping in the wind. You make the butterflies in my stomach flutter like crazy, you make my palms get sweaty, and my words fail me, leaving me a stuttering mess when you’re near and you aren’t even talking to me. See what you do to me? I’ve never thought I would fall head over heels for someone so completely and so effortlessly.
You make the angels in heaven dance and sing hymns. Each time I look at you, wedding bells ring inside my head. You make me want more and more of you. I just can't think straight when you're in my head; even writing your name makes my cheeks turn red. You make me smile in so many ways, to the point that it isn’t even funny anymore. You are my favorite everything. I’ve been telling my friends that since I was fifteen. 
I get jealous when I see someone who gets close to you and flirts with you. I just can’t explain how annoyed—angry—I get when they try to get your attention when I have no right to be. There’s just something about you. I can’t pinpoint it, but it’s the same damn thing that made my heart surrender.
Do you think if I wished on every dandelion in the world, you’d be mine? It would be a dream come true, of course. But in reality? You would never notice me. Like I said before, I’m just a girl you’d never take a second glance at. I’d forever be in the shadow of everyone else, hidden far away in the darkness.
You take my breath away, Luke Castellan. I don’t know how, but, fuck, I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Luke stared at the letter for a few seconds, still trying to understand the words he had just read. He knew that girls liked him, but he never had someone send him a love letter, let alone a detailed one.
“Who are you?” Luke muttered, his eyes going back and forth through the letter, wondering who the girl was who’d written the letter. Something about her words made him want to find her, but the letter wasn’t signed. No name, no cabin, no anything. How was he going to find out who wrote the letter? 
“Luke, capture’s in five minutes!” Annabeth’s voice snapped Luke out of his thoughts. He quickly folded the letter, placing it back in the envelope, before shoving it under his mattress. He isn’t taking any chances, especially with the Stoll brothers, whom reminded Luke of him and Chris just a few years back.
Luke immediately ran out of cabin eleven, meeting Annabeth down at the steps.
“You still aren’t geared up,” Annabeth observed, brow raised. “I can’t afford another loss, Luke,” she huffed, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Got held up inside, you know, the Stolls.” Luke shrugged, hoping she wouldn't see through his lie. Technically, it wasn’t a lie. He did get held up with his younger brothers, well, except for that tiny exemption under his mattress.
Annabeth sighed. “Just go and get ready. The conch will sound in a few, and I still have to find Y/n and Malcolm.”
“Yes, ma’am!” Luke chuckled, saluting to his not-so-little sister. “We will win; don’t worry.”
Annabeth rolled her eyes. “You said that last year.”
“Gotta be positive, Annie Bunny,” Luke grinned, nudging the younger girl slightly.
“Stop calling me that,” Annabeth huffed, turning her heel to walk away.
“What? You loved bunnies!” Luke teased as she walked away.
“I was seven!” Annabeth groaned, walking faster, making Luke laugh.
“See you at the creek in four minutes!” Luke called after the daughter of Athena before turning to walk to the armory when someone collided face first into his chest.
“Woah, careful there,” Luke chuckled, catching that someone in his arms. A girl with the same gray eyes as Annabeth, a little more on the silver side, though still as intense.
“Uh, hi?”
“You okay, pretty girl?” Luke asks, smiling at her, his strong arms still wrapped around her waist for support.
“Uh, think so? Yes? I guess?” she rambled, her eyes not meeting his. 
Luke chuckles, helping the girl get back on her feet. “Careful next time, alright?”
“Uh, okay, bye!”
Luke laughed as the girl quickly scrambled away, her long hair bouncing behind her. “See you on the battlefield later, Y/n!”
tags: @lilmaymayy @mischiefmoons
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goblinwithartsupplies · 4 months
Camp half blood Winter solstice field trip
So in the books it’s mentioned that the year round campers give presentations to the gods on their annual field trip to Olympus.
What exactly does it mean by presentations? Displays of skill? Talent show? Telling the gods what they did to earn glory that year? Show and tell?
My first thought was basically family power point night.
I can imagine that some of the older campers, especially older unclaimed ones, who are just kind of tired of the whole thing giving slightly silly but still respectful power points on various mythical places and monsters.
Some probably do their best to get their godly parents attention. Annabeth probably works all year on her presentation on ancient architecture being used in the modern day. Clarisse probably gives a detailed presentation about some obscure war or battle that was important to history and what mistakes were made.
Luke probably used his presentations as passive aggressive pitches to get the gods/Chiron to make his job easier.
“Why there should be a separate cabin for unclaimed kids and children of minor gods” by Luke Castellan. It’s various examples of Luke and the Hermes cabin itself being unequipped to handle the various powers of children of minor gods. One slide is a 20 minute long video of Hecate kids being reckless with their magic and Hypnos kids falling asleep while standing and falling face first on the floor.
“Why there should be two head counselors for the Hermes cabin” by Luke Castellan. Every other slide is is just Luke’s shitty sleep schedule.
“Why the Hermes cabin should be expanded to have multiple rooms so everyone isn’t sleeping in one big room” by Luke Castellan. Half the slides are pictures of various demigods sleeping on the floor and the other half are videos of the campers waking each other up or playing pranks on sleeping campers. One slide is a video of two demigods of minor gods making out on a bunk in the middle of the night.
“Why camp half blood should get a therapist and/or any medical professional that isn’t just one of the Apollo or Asclepius kids” by Luke Castellan. It’s mainly pictures of exhausted Apollo/Asclepius kids in the infirmary and various reasons Luke has been woken up by kids in the middle of the night. Including but not limited to; homesickness, suicidal thoughts, anxiety attacks, night terrors, straight up screaming in their sleep, prophetic dreams of other kids dying and so so much more.
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Clarisse La Rue x Fem!Reader
A/N:Happy Valentines,ignore the late post.I just wanted to do this little idea bc it's been stuck in my head all day 😭
Clarisse asking you to be her valentine in some rather...awkward circumstances.But hey,at least she asked,right?
You had just stepped out of the shower, hair damp and tousled, wrapped in nothing but a towel, when the door to your cabin burst open without warning. Clarisse La Rue, the tough-as-nails daughter of Ares, stood in the doorway, her eyes widening at the sight of you.
"Uh, Clarisse," you stammered, clutching the towel tightly around you,desperately wishing for the ground to swallow you whole.
But instead of mocking laughter or a scolding remark, Clarisse simply blinked, her expression unreadable for a moment before a smirk tugged at the corners of her lips.
"Well, well, well," she drawled, her voice low and husky. "Didn't expect to see this when I barged in here."
She blinked, then smirked, her gaze lingering a little too long on your glistening skin. "Didn't know you were such a sight, princess," she teased, emphasizing the last word with a playful tone.
You fought to maintain your composure, trying to ignore the way your heart raced at her unexpected compliment.You swallowed hard, feeling like a deer caught in headlights. "I...uh...sorry, I didn't hear you knock."
Clarisse waved off your apology with a dismissive flick of her hand. "Don't worry about it. Besides, it's not like I mind the view." She shot you a teasing wink, and despite your mortification,you couldn't help but feel a flutter of something warm in your chest.
Before you could gather your wits and come up with a coherent response, Clarisse's expression turned serious, her gaze locking with yours.
She straightened, crossing her arms over her chest. "I need to talk to you. It's about tomorrow."
Confusion flickered across your face. "Tomorrow?"
"Yeah, Valentine's Day," she said, rolling her eyes. "I know Castellan's been eyeing you, and I'm not letting him beat me to it."
Clarisse took a step closer, her expression unreadable. "I'm asking you to be my valentine. Tomorrow."
You blinked,your brain struggling to process the whirlwind of emotions coursing through you.Clarisse "I'll beat your ass into next month" La Rue,asking you to be her Valentine? It was unexpected, to say the least.
"Clarisse, I...I don't know what to say," you admitted,your voice barely above a whisper.
She took a step closer, closing the gap between you until you could feel the warmth of her breath against your skin.
Your heart skipped a beat at her boldness, and for a moment, you were rendered speechless.Eventually you find it in yourself to talk,your voice slightly shaky as you spoke "..I..I-sure...I'd love to-" you stammered nervously
But before you could finish your sentence, she closed the distance between you, leaning in suddenly to press her lips against yours in a kiss.
When she pulled away, she wore a triumphant smirk. "See you tomorrow, princess," she said, turning on her boot and striding out of the cabin, leaving you standing there, breathless and bewildered.
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classichorrorblog · 8 months
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fortivil · 7 months
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panpercyjackson · 6 months
The fact that "Percy Jackon and the olympians" is trending just show who we truly are at heart
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darkwitchingflower · 4 days
What if percy didn't catch annabeth in time?
The only thing stopping him from going after her were those around him
Without percy there to manipulate the rivers, the fall kills Annabeth shattering her body
Nico can feel her soul slowly disappearing
Percy vows to the styx to rip Gaia apart piece by piece
He's successful in that vow
He can't bare to look Nico in the eyes for saving him and not Annabeth
Frank and Jason beat themselves up for her death because they couldn't fly down to her
Hazel goes silent for about 3 months
She can't bare to hear Annabeths name without bursting into tears
Piper can feel Percy losing hope in love
She knows he they never got to tell one another
The first time Percy saw Chiron cry was when he heard the news about Annabeth, he makes sure she has the best shroud, she was like a daughter to him
Thalia goes on a hunt into the Underworld demanding Annabeth to be brought back
Hades looks at her and feels the pain she's going though, he looks at his niece dressed in punk clothes and mascara and eyeliner flooding her face
Grovers heartbroken, even though he was able to save Thalia he knew it was top good to be true, he would.always be the satyr who lost a demigod on the way back, he just didn't expect it to be the 7 year old girl who depended on him
The Athena cabin are now told how their oldest sister went head first into where Arachne lived, and brought her into Tarterus along with her self and her brave sacrifice
When Athena found out she let out a silent tear, she truly did love her daughter however even though she was the goddess of wisdom, she still had no idea of how to show it
She then summoned back the invisibility cap and Annabeths leather necklace
She now keeps the hat on her throne at olympus and a reminder of her favourite daughters bravery
The necklace was mailed to Annabeths father who now wears it every single day
Her mortal family are obviously devastated, even more at the fact that they never had a chance to say goodbye or burry her body as it was lost in tarterus
The camp seems to be darker without Annabeth around
Annabeth then goes on to Elysium, where she's greeted by Charlie, Silena, Luke (who she gives the cold shoulder to), Ethan, Bianca and everyone else
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