#But yay I'm starting to fit into clothes I had when I was younger!!
A skirt that used to be a little snug fits me perfectly today!
....actually that might no be great-
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rynbutt · 2 months
pierced. | spencer reid.
Moving into a new apartment in a new city is stressful, what's even more stressful is when there's a fucking murder in the apartment across from yours... at least the fbi agent is cute.
you can find the other parts on my masterlist.
cw: fem!reader, 18+ piercing, fluffyish, reader has pierced tiddies, flirting, wondering if i should do a part 2 fr
a/n: coming from a pierced nipple girly who wants a cute boy to knock on her door. also enjoy <3 and follow >:) also yay for the first thing i've posted :3
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You let out an exasperated sigh as you collapsed another cardboard box.
Moving into a new apartment was fun in theory, but the practice of filtering through everything you own and finding a neat little spot for it? not so much. You took a long sip from your now cold cup of coffee before glancing across the room at the looming pile of cardboard boxes that just stood there and mocked you.
You picked up the next box of what was probably clothes and took a box cutter to the almost twenty layers of tape across the seam (it wouldn't stay closed, in retrospect you should have made up another box but you were really determined to make it fit at the time).
You ripped the rest of the tape off and put your hands on your hips, glancing at your cat Tofu on the couch.
"Care to help?" you asked... the cat. Tofu proceeded to curl into herself and begin grooming tubby belly. "I guess not."
There was an abrupt knock on your apartment door, Tofu scattering to the wind at the sudden sound. You furrowed your brows, confused as to why anyone would be knocking on your door.
You had moved here a matter of days ago, knew no one and were far too broke for doordash. You ignored it for a moment, thinking whoever resided on the other side of the door had the wrong apartment. When the knock came again, you thought you'd better answer this time.
You opened the door ajar, just in case it was someone who wanted to steal any of the maybe four things you'd managed to unpack. A tall darker skinned man looked down at you, "Yes?"
"Hi ma'am, I'm Agent Morgan and this is Dr. Reid, we're with the FBI," he introduced himself, holding up his credentials for you to peek at. You opened the door the rest of the way, glancing at the second tall man standing in your door way. He had messy hair just below his ears and was wearing a collared shirt with two black pens tucked into the pocket over his chest, he was cute. He pulled his lips into a tight line and held his hand up in a wave.
Spencer's eyes glanced down your body briefly. He has certainly seen some strange outfits when people answer their doors but none that made his skin run hot like this.
You wore a baby blue tank top and grey adidas shorts, he could see a small sliver of skin between your two garments but that's not what caught his eye. You had your nipples pierced.
Now, Spencer really didn't mean to stare but they were right there. The air of your apartment was clearly chilly given how your nipples pressed against the fabric. He could see the little studs on either side of your hardened nipples and he felt like a Victorian boy seeing an ankle for the first time.
"Oh no, you found me," you joked, laughing at yourself lightly. They didn't laugh. Your smile dropped, "I'm joking. Uh, come in, please." You stood aside, letting the two men into your basically bare apartment.
"Just move in?" Morgan asked, looking around your small living room.
"Uh, yeah, yeah. I'm starting a new job in a week," You replied, trying to make small talk. "What exactly are you here for?"
"There was a murder in the apartment across from yours," Dr. Reid said abruptly, stealing the air from your lungs.
Your eyes were blown wide, "What?"
"Young woman like you, stabbed to death-"
"Reid," Morgan warned, shaking his head softly at the younger man.
"Shit, that sucks," you replied, glancing between the two men. "I assume you're talking to me because I live close by, huh?"
"It's just procedure," Morgan replied. "Can you tell me where you were around 11pm last night?"
"Uh, yeah. I was here, I had a lot to unpack, you know?" You replied honestly, wondering how you didn't hear that someone was being murdered across the hall.
"And you didn't hear anything?" Morgan asked, eyebrows furrowed as he stood to face you.
"No, no I honestly didn't. I had my headphones on while I was unpacking, I went to bed around midnight." Were you incriminating yourself? Maybe you should make some friends so you don't get caught up in this kind of stuff.
"The UnSub we're looking for is white male, mid 20s to 30s, seems out of place. Have you seen anyone like that around?" Dr. Reid asked.
"No, I mean, I just moved here, I don't know anyone. I haven't left my apartment since I got here," you replied, looking Dr. Reid in the eye. You caught him glancing down at your boobs for a moment before he caught himself, clearing his throat.
It was only then that you realised what you were wearing. Fuck. Two FBI agents, one of whom was your type to a T came to question you about a murder and your nipples were gazing upon the world like a deer in headlights.
You quickly crossed your arms across your chest before scampering across the room to grab your hoodie off your couch. You pulled it over your head before staring at the two men awkwardly, your skin feeling hot.
"I'm sorry about... my attire, I didn't even-"
Morgan smiled, chucking softly, "Please, this is your home, sweetheart." Morgan glanced at Spencer, who suddenly found the ceiling utterly fascinating. "You mind if I have a look around? We suspect he used the fire escape."
"Of course, yeah. You can see it from the bedroom," you replied, being left alone with the cute doctor. "You seem young to be a doctor," you said softly, trying to make small talk.
"Scarring, tearing and nerve damage is possible when you get your," he coughed, "nipples pierced... infections and bleeding are also common," he quickly said, lips pulled into a tight line.
"Mm, cute and smart... well, I've had them for five years so... I think I'm safe, Dr. Reid," you replied with a chuckle.
"Spencer," he muttered.
"Spencer, it's my name. Spencer Reid," he said, hands clutched tightly around the strap of his leather satchel.
"Spencer," you smiled, "I'm Y/N."
"Well, we better get out of your hair," Morgan returned from your room, glancing between you and Spencer for a moment. "Let's go, Reid."
You opened the door for them, Morgan thanked you as he left and started down the hall to the elevator. Spencer paused for a moment, glancing at you for briefly before walking out the door.
"Hey," you called softly. Spencer spun around to look at you and you definitely couldn't let him escape without your number. "Do you have a girlfriend?"
"Uh, girlfriend? I, uhm-"
"He doesn't!" Morgan called from down the hall, making you smile.
"You don't know that!" Spencer retorted, making a face at Morgan who was grinning.
"So... you do?" You asked.
"...No, I don't." He muttered.
"Okay, well," you laughed, plucking the pen from the pocket of Spencer's shirt. "Call me sometime," you scribbled your name and number with a little heart onto a scrap piece of paper that once wrapped your toaster.
"Yes... Okay, I will," he replied nervously, holding your number in his hands gently. He glanced at it, a smile beaming across his handsome face.
"You, uh, might wanna go before your partner loses it," you giggled after a beat. Spencer muttered a quick 'oh' before walking quickly toward the elevators.
"Bye," Spencer said softly, waving at you with a little smile.
"Bye, Dr. Reid!"
Spencer stepped into the elevator with Morgan, the silence palpable in the tiny mental container.
"'Bye, Dr. Reid~'," Morgan raised his voice an octave, planning to tease Spencer relentlessly and text the group chat as soon as they got to the car.
"Shut up!"
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reblog and follow me :3 also come chat, i love to yap.
dividers by @cafekitsune
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softie-rain · 2 years
Meet me at the Hanging Tree
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previous chapter: Chapter 5
next chapter: Chapter 7
Pairings: Peter Maximoff x fem!reader
Series Summary: Panem, governed by President Magnus, is getting ready for the 75th Hunger Games. It's in this Memory Edition that the reader will learn how far one can go for the loved one, even if that could bring her to certain death.
Series Warnings: Murdering, described death and violence, suicide, death for natural causes such as starving, hypotermia, dehydratation and wounding infection.
Chapter Six: Let the Hunger Games begin
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summary: And finally, all the tributes are dragged in the Arena to begin their journey towards their possible death.
warnings: described death, blood, described violence, starving jokes (the reader jokes about the starving situation in district 12, but it's just mentioned), swearing
a/n: yay first day in the arena :) I'm honestly so happy with how this series is turning out, love it. Also i know the forest It's a bit obvious but, my choice was purely convenient since I'm more familiar with the vocabulary.
And if you're wondering how long this fic is going to be, good. I am too. (i have the whole story planned it's just going to take a while to develope it. This will be a very long one I'm afraid)
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Saying y/n slept bad was an understatement. She never had the best sleep back in the District either, but she couldn't recall another night when she woke up that many times. 
When she finally heard the avox knocking at her door (she didn't quite understand the use in doing it since she entered the room without waiting for an answer) she assumed it was five in the morning, at least. Without signing a word, the girl left a pile of clothes -actually they were just a t-shirt, a jacket and a pair of pants- on the bed, bowed briefly as a sign of excusing herself and then left the tribute once again alone.
She got up and started getting dressed. Her mind started to wonder how the arena would look. Will it be desert? Jungle? For what she knew, it could have been even the ocean. 
Given her clothes, it must have been a dry place. They fitted her shape perfectly, and they were, to her surprise, comfortable. Once she was done, the girl looked at herself in the mirror. "Not yesterday's dress, but this will do just fine, won't it?" Her eyes went from her reflection to the door, where the mentor was. "I guess so." He moved his chair so that he was right next to her. 
"You once told me you hunt. For how bad it sounds, this won't be so different." She closed her eyes and shook her head, refusing to believe those words. 
"I hunt small animals like rabbits or squirrels. Not humans! There's a giant difference, and besides I barely find the strength of killing those poor creatures, let alone kids my own age, if not younger." 
"Once you're in there, you're going to find out that maybe killing those kids will turn out easier than killing a rabbit."
"Highly doubt so."
"Are you sure of that?" 
"I'm not a killer, Charles."
"Not yet."
Why was he speaking like that all of a sudden? Where were all the comforting words, and the advice he had given her and Darwin over that week? "Look, I know it's hard. But there's nothing you can do about it. Darwin already came down to these terms. You should too." He finally stated, and then left her alone in her room once again. Not for long, since the second he was out she was forced out of her comfort zone too, directed to the roof. 
She glanced one last time to the bed and bedroom, taking everything in as that was her last moment of freedom before the certain death. But was it ever freedom after all?
A helicopter was waiting for her, as she got on where other female tributes were already prepared. She uncomfortably looked around and sat at her place. A woman with long brown hair and a white gown locked her in the seat, and inserted something in her left arm with a needle. 
The district 12 tribute winced slightly as what she assumed was the localizator was inserted in her arm. After the woman moved, she found in front of her Kitty. Once again, the girl from district 6 smiled at y/n, and once again she smiled back. But this time it was more like a comforting smile. Something that said "you can do this." And for some reason, y/n believed that.
When they heard the helicopter land, panic started making his way through her body, destroying any bit of strength she had built. No more lies, no more smiles. She was going to die. 
As she waited for Emma to arrive (or so they told her she would) her mind went to Peter. How was Erik junior handling the situation? He was probably handling it well, right?
Peter was not handling the situation well. 
From the sleep full of nightmares to the terrible fly next to Scott himself who kept glaring at him, things were going down indeed. 
In front of him was Warren, and he damned fate for putting him in between the two people he said no to the day before. At least Warren seemed to have taken his response in a mature way. 
Scott haven't. 
He was sure that, the second the gong started the Games, young Summers would have been on his neck, cutting it nice and easily. Just the thought of all that blood spilling out of him surely made the other tribute grin widely. As an instinct, Peter brought his hand to his neck, almost trying to protect it. 
After they landed, he made his way to the small room with the tube that was going to take him to the Arena, escorted by two peacekeepers. He caught with his eyes a tribute that looked like y/n entering the room one room away from him. He sighed in relief. At least they were close and that would have made running away easier. 
They hadn't made an exact plan for the bloodbath, but they agreed they wouldn't have tried anything extreme, only took a bag if it was close to them. If not, they would run away immediately. 
He silently prayed that she would survive the bloodbath, god knew what he would have done if she died before him… For tactic reasons, obviously. Nothing more. 
Y/n tried to see through Emma's look of concern and comfort, but she couldn't. All she saw was pity and, to be honest, she wasn't expecting anything different from that. “I know I haven’t known you for that long but… I really do hope you'll win." 
She tried to say, but it was clear that she had no idea what to tell the girl to comfort her. "Oh, I almost forgot!" She exclaimed, almost forgetting what was about to happen to the tribute in front of her. "Charles told me to tell you that he believes in you, and he's sure you'll do the right thing up there." 
Y/n chuckled sadly. "He, uh, he didn't look so sure this morning." Emma gave her a sympathetic look. "I know, he never does at this point. He learned that it's better if he doesn't get attached to his tributes…" She nodded, understanding the feeling. He was right, no matter how much he believed in her or Darwin, their chances of winning were as high as the sky. 
30 seconds 
Someone announced in the speaker. The young girl took a deep breath in and entered the tube. Emma gave her one last look of hope, and then she started moving up, until she couldn't see anything. 
Then, light. 
Her eyes were met with a bright light, and for a moment she had a deja-vu moment of the reaping morning. As her eyes adjusted to the sun, she looked around. Generally speaking, the biome was a forest. As far as she could see there were trees, trees and more trees. Her spot, like anyone else's, was on the soft green grass. But the Cornucopia was on a small island (if it could be called that) in the middle of a lake that covered basically the whole round space, and stopped a few feets away from the tributes. All the weapons and bags were in or next to the Cornucopia, so that meant swimming to get them. 
Well, my plan of getting something just got fucked up. There's no way I'm getting near the water. She thought. She had ten seconds to look around and, two spots away from her, she found Peter already staring at her. 
They gave each other a nod and finally, the countdown finally came to an end. As soon as the cannon-shot was heard, she saw all the tributes throw themselves in the water, Darwin included. 
Instead, she immediately ran in the opposite direction. Fortunately none of the tributes followed her, too busy in swimming to the Cornucopia. In the rush of the moment, she wasn't scared. She didn't feel any fear or anxiety, her mind only focused on finding a safe spot where to hide. She quickly climbed a tree that was close to the forest entrance, and once she was high enough she observed the scene down her. 
In other conditions, she would have yelled in horror.
Everyone was fighting and killing even over the smallest pack they could find. She spotted Lorna, already in possession of a weapon, throwing it to a kid who wouldn't have been older than 13 years old. The knife went straight to his heart, making him fall to his knees and then lay down, dead. 
She noticed Scott and Ororo fighting together against what she was pretty sure was the girl from 4, and Rogue beating someone else to death next to them. 
The blood stained the sand everywhere, and she couldn't help but look away when Darwin himself won over a guy by hitting him repeatedly with a rock. 
The younger one's scream filled her ears, and she covered them trying to shut them out. The girl noticed that finally most of them were leaving, some in groups. Scott, Ororo, Rogue and, reluctantly, Kurt, left to the east. Kitty ran in the same direction y/n had taken previously, running deep in the forest. 
Damn it, where are you Peter? She looked around, but of the young Capitol Citizen, no trace. 
Almost half an hour later, everyone had left and she seemed to be the only one around, so she slowly climbed down the tree and started walking the same direction Kitty had gone, hoping that she wouldn't meet anyone. I have to find water. Water, and some food. But mostly water. 
As she mentally organized her thoughts, her mind once again went to Peter. "Where are you Peter?" She repeated, out loud this time. It almost came out as a whisper, but she hoped that, somehow, he would hear her anyway.
Suddenly, she heard a crack coming from behind her. Not even bothering to turn around she started running once again without looking where she was going. Something she probably should have done since a few minutes later, she tripped on something and next thing she knew, everything went black.
What woke her up was the intense smell of herbs. Opening her eyes, she carefully looked around. She was in a cave, so small she barely fitted in. The entrance was covered by many leaves, even if they weren't helping much. "You woke up. Good." She immediately turned around hearing a voice, prepared to defend herself, somehow. "Hey don't worry, it's just me. You should be more careful where you walk, you know?" Darwin appeared from the inside of the cave (again, not that it was that big). 
The girl sighed in relief. "Thanks. For the rescue." He smiled, sitting next to his friend. "I tried to look for that Peter guy too -y/n noticed he rolled his eyes at the mention of his name- but he's nowhere to be found. Besides, carrying you around was tough enough. You're heavy you know?" 
Darwin had this humor that, no matter how serious the situation was, he could always put a smile on her face. A characteristic she used to hate, but learned to appreciate and almost need. "Weird. I don't eat much, I wouldn't want to ruin my skinny body." She joked, making Darwin chuckle back. 
"You must be thirsty. Here, I found a bag that had a small flask inside, and I filled it with lake water." He offered her said flask, and she went to take it. 
The memory of him killing that boy flashed in her mind, and suddenly she wasn't feeling that thirsty anymore. "Let's save it for later." She proposed, to which he nodded. She looked outside, and it was getting dark already. 
"What did I hit when I fell?"
"A rock, I think. You had a cut on your head, nothing serious, I cleaned it quickly."
"And I passed for…?"
"A few hours."
She stayed quiet. "We can't stay here long. It's not covered enough, they could easily find us." She started getting up. 
"We're gonna have to sleep in turn. No fire, and as soon as the sun rises, we'll start walking. What?" She went on until she noticed Darwin's impressed look. "You work well under pressure, it seems like you've already been in a Game before."  
She was about to tell him about her hunting trips, but then she remembered that they were being recorded. "Yeah, I just use anxiety as a way of thinking clearly. Weird, I know." 
"Make sense, actually."
She nodded, briefly smiling. 
She went to speak again when the Horn of Plenty started playing loudly, and the Capitol emblem appeared in the sky. Right. The deaths. The cannons probably fired while she was passed out. 
In total, 9 deaths. During the bloodbath? Only nine people died? Woah, they kept it down this time. She made a quick mental list of all the fallen tributes: 
both the kids from 4 -the boy was Lorna's victim-, the male from 5, the girl from 7, the boy from 8, the girl from 9, both 10's tributes -she recognized that he was the guy that lost against Darwin, and she was Rogue's first kill- and finally, boy from 11.
She'd lie is she said that she would have prefered more deaths. She hated thinking like this but, first there was an higher chance of her dying. Second, an higher chance of her having to kill someone. 
She pushed that thought away, and layed down again. "You should rest. I'll do the first turn." Darwin told her, and she just nodded without having the mental strength of saying nothing back.
She fell asleep faster than she expected, her last thought going to Peter, as always.
Where are you, Peter?
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tags: @raincoffeeandfandoms @sweeter-innocence-fics
comment or reblog if you wanna be added or removed :)
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bakugohoex · 3 years
could u maybe like do a royal au where we're on a ball and akaashi is the prince of his kingdom while we're the princess of our kingdom? your writing is really great, I'm sure you'll do great <3
“can i have this dance?”
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paring: keiji akaashi x female reader 
cw: au, fluff, kissing
word count: 3000+
a/n: hey my lovely, thank you so much and i really enjoyed this request, i hope you liked this, also i’m going to start posting for my 1k event from today yay
summary:  in which akaashi is a prince of his kingdom hosts a ball for possible suitors and you, the princess of your own kingdom get an invite to attend and possibly marry the heir to the throne
↞ back to haikyu!! masterlist
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Akaashi knew what he was doing when he invited the whole of his kingdom to the ball, he knew what he was doing when he stamped the seal for the invites to those of other kingdoms. He knew exactly what he was doing when he wore the tailcoat across the two-piece suit that adorned his body. Akaashi was a man of little expression, choosing his words careful but being analytical in situations that needed it.
It’s why his father had been so happy that he was his first born, relieved almost that the kingdom was going into good hands. The only thing his father had wished for was a suitor for his son to have, someone with foreign links and stability. There was a long list of girls his father had dismissed but had still invited to the ball, with a more minute list for the girls his father would settle for. 
And then there was you, with your father still king and brother heir to the throne, the only thing left for you was to marry. Of course, your mother had told you it was a duty, herself having been a princess and in your exact position. But what was marrying some future king when there was something more to life. Even after your mother’s death, your promise to marry, you still craved the excitement of something more.
“Kuroo.” You whined, collapsing onto your bed, the silk sheets felt warm against your bare skin as Kuroo hastily walked in. 
As soon as he spoke, he stopped, “Yes, Ma’am…” His eyes moved away from your bare skin, the way you only wore your underclothes, he felt flustered at the sight, “Princess Y/n, put on some clothes before someone else walks in.”
“You’re no fun, Kuroo.” You came right back up, seeing the black-haired boy, still refusing to meet your gaze. “You sure you don’t want a peak; I know it’s been a while for you.” Casual sex was a common occurrence with advisors of the king, even with Kuroo the future advisor and best friend to your brother, he still remained involved in brothels. 
You remember the first time you walked past one, almost a year ago, intrigued at the sight of women selling their bodies, you understood. Understood the need for money, to get by on little to nothing, you didn't dare step inside, instead listening in through the window. 
Until you saw her, a mere child crouching on the ground. A nimble piece of bread between their fingers, you had gone to help the kitchens, your own lady in waiting having stood to get some stuff. “Here, do you want some?” You gestured for the loaf of bread you had had in your basket. 
The small child looked at you, dirty fingers and covered in what looked like mud. You hadn't realised just how bad the kingdom had become and you knew that once your brother took over, you’d make him help the poor. Make sure that no poor starving child had to look so nimble and dull. “That was nice of you.” A black-haired boy spoke, his messy locks and piercing bluey green eyes stared back at you. 
“Oh, I couldn’t let them die.” He clearly had no idea who you were as you had given him no formalities and by the looks of it neither did you.
“It was still kind of you, many other people would have let them starve.” He had been watching you help the child, watched as you offered the bread and softly touched their face even with the soot that rimmed their face. You looked like an upper class, someone who shouldn't even be in this area but even then, you helped. “I’m Keiji Akaashi.”
He spoke without the formalities and titles, wanting a real conversation with someone who didn't know him. “Y/n Y/l/n,” both unaware of each other's position, Akaashi had asked to drop you off to where you needed to go. 
He carried the basket with the other foods, smiling and talking to you just as he used to with his friends when he was younger. “This is where I leave you.” You softly spoke, he had been admiring you throughout the whole walk, he was outside the palaces, assuming you to be some noble daughter visiting. 
“I guess this is, till we meet again Y/n.” He softly kissed the back of your hand, a heavy fluster encasing your face at the feeling of his soft lips across your hand before leaving with a smile. 
You never saw him after that, a year flowing by since that event had occurred. Who could say, what happened to him? Maybe he went off to war, to a battle and died, maybe he wasn't even from your kingdom? You didn’t know but even then, that half an hour walk together had made you think of the mysterious Keiji Akaashi. 
“Get out of your thoughts Y/n.” Kuroo muttered after you had put your clothes on, the long dress across your figure as you stared at the gown again. “This is your opportunity to fulfil your mother’s wish.”
You nodded, looking down at your fingers, the invitation had come a while back, the seal from the kingdom next to your own. You were never involved in foreign policy or allying with them, but from what your brother had told you, it seemed like the kingdom was friendly enough and now with the prince’s father on the brink of death. The need for a marriage alliance to strengthen and consolidate the power of the new prince. Having not even been able to even read the invite properly, it was taken by your own father who refused to even accept a lie for you to not go.
Here you were waiting for your lady in waiting to come and help you change to take you to meet a future suitor. “What if I don’t like him?” You muttered standing up and going to the balcony, you could see the whole kingdom from it. Just the sight of it made your heart swell up, home, and if you did succeed tonight. This place would be a far distant memory.
“Princess, you haven’t even met the Prince yet, have faith.” Kuroo touched your shoulder reassuringly before the sound of shoes clicked against the marble. Kuroo took that as his cue to leave, giving a bow as he left you to get taken away by the ladies.
Akaashi stood firm against the mirror, watching at how the suit fit him perfectly, the long tailcoat swishing every time he turned to face the mirror. “Sire, why are you worrying so much?” Bokuto put his hands on Akaashi’s shoulders trying to relieve him of some stress.
“What if she’s not here Bokuto?” He had only asked to invite commoners and nobles daughters to this event as a way to find you. You may have been a distant memory but how could he ever forget the girl who helped the poor prostitute's child. Those kind eyes and soft touch you had even in your hands were soft when he had kissed them goodbye. He regretted not asking more about you, only the basics occurring, but here he was ready to marry. But all he ever thought about was you. 
“She will be, have faith.” Bokuto spoke trying to comfort the future king, but even then, the normal emotionless boy had changed since the meeting with you. Ever since he came back to meet his fathers and advisors, he seemed happy, content even with what was occurring. He knew the king had a daughter, but she was nowhere to be seen and instead had met her father and brother instead. 
They all seemed nice enough and a meeting had only occurred for a treaty to be agreed against a neighbouring kingdom. He hadn't cared that much at the type, thoughts still filled with you but now here he was, stressing about how he looked on the off chance that you were at the ball.
The sound of horns blowing throughout the kingdom, your father had made Kuroo take you to the ball as a means to appease you. Knowing how you hated having agreed to your mothers last wish in the heat of the moment, as the carriage ride there was fast paced. You heard the murmurs of others arriving, you knew how close the king was to your father now, having even grown up together and you hoped that it would continue on through your brother. Kuroo took your hand helping you out of the carriage with the blue ball gown around your body, the thin straps holding your chest up and a diamond tiara situated itself in your loose hair. 
“You like fine, don’t worry princess.” Kuroo whispered passing the invitation as you both got bows. 
“Thanks.” It was hesitant and even Kuroo knew your mind was somewhere else, unable to grasp the concept of marrying a man. 
You both stepped into the large castle, the sound of others smiling and happily speaking ready to dance with the Prince. Still unaware of who he was, glares from girls came across to you, you knew Kuroo was attractive but to garner as much attention as he did was always a shock to you. 
You both walked into the main hall, a long set of two stairs on either side met in the middle to cascade down. Looking around, the list of princesses and commoners from all over the lands had come, how did your father ever expect you to compete, was beyond you. But at the sight of Kuroo pushing you forward, you both walked down the steps finally seeing the man of the hour.
Akaashi and Bokuto had stayed at the end of the stairs, watching as every woman and her consort came down the steps. Akaashi was waiting, watching to see if you’d turn up, he hoped you would, almost begging the gods to allow for him to be blessed to see you again. 
At the sound of the next girl coming down, time stopped from him, your blue ball gown that flowed outwards looked remarkable on you. The diamonds encrusted on the ends made you look ever so beautiful. The same face that he had seen a dirty child touch to bring comfort was right in front of him as he fell in love just at the sight of you. 
“Sire.” Bokuto tried to gain Akaashi’s attention to introduce him to the girl in front of you but all he could see was you. “Sire.”
“S...sorry.” Akaashi mumbled quickly dismissing the girl who looked annoyed at being pushed aside. Akaashi started once more before you finally met his eyes. 
You stopped just as you reached the bottom steps, Akaashi’s ocean eyes meeting your own, he had a smile on his face. “We meet again Y/n.”
“Yo...you’re the Prince.” You whispered hesitantly, putting your hand out for him to bow and kiss. 
“This is Princess Y/n, from the next Kingdom over, both of your fathers have had business together.” Akaashi finally knew who you were, the missing princess he hadn't met a year ago, you were right in front of him, you were real. He didn't care for any of the other girls, eyes fixated on you, the girl he had spent countless nights dreaming and wishing to meet again. 
“Sire, we can’t keep the other girls waiting.” Bokuto spoke already knowing who you were from Akaashi’s actions. 
“One moment.” Akaashi shunned his friend before turning to you, “I...I can’t believe it’s actually you.”
His hands had met your own, taking both of them as he gave the brightest smile possible. A smile his father hadn't seen since he had been told he was dying, his father looked on from the balcony. Always knowing with your father that you two would somehow be together, he watched lazily, how his son smiled as if he had just won a thousand stars. It was the same look he had had when he had met Akaashi’s mother all those years ago, the same type of love.
“You better greet the rest of your guests, Si…”
He interrupted, “Akaashi.”
“You better greet the rest of your guests, Akaashi.” You stressed his name as you and Kuroo left to mingle with others.
“He's the one, the king is going to be so happy.” Kuroo laughed, grabbing two glasses for the two of you. 
You were still in shock at the coincidence of it all, realising that he had come with his father to meet your own for allyship. It had been weird to say the least and maybe you and Akaashi could bring the unity your families wanted and be in love. 
The sound of a horn sounding startled Kuroo as you gave a soft chuckle at the idiot boy, before hearing the man who sounded the horn speak. “The Prince will now have his first dance with the suitors.”
Akaashi had been staring at you throughout the formalities with other suitors, watching at how you spoke to Kuroo and especially how even with the side glances to you from those who had seen the scene between you and the Prince. You still remained calm and collected, still have the same face of kindness and joy that you had had when they first met. 
At the voice announcing his first dance, he swiftly turned away from the other girls, making a beeline directly to you. You had a smile on your face, as he came right up to your hands out for you to talk. 
“Can I have this dance?” His breath fanned your neck as you nodded smiling at the boy. The sound of music cascaded through the hall, the musicians doing a pretty good job to set the scene. Both your hands stayed firmly together as his other went behind your back and your other to the side, the music felt intimate almost as you both danced past the guests. 
The way he’d let you go in a twirl and bring you right back up to him, made him fall more and more in love with you. He loved the look you gave as he brought you right across his chest, the way your breath fanned his own. Oh how he just wanted to kiss you all over, make love to you and show you what it truly meant to be his. 
With the end of the song nearing and a final turn, you found yourself bent downwards, Akaashi looking at your figure bent over before bringing your right back up to his face. The way you both were only a mere inch away from one another, he wanted to close the gap but the realisation that there were others around you. Had made you move your head further away in a cower. 
“Akaashi.” You spoke breathlessly, his arms still around your waist at the sound of the next song ready to start. You both stayed firm in each other's arms as others began joining in the celebration before the feeling of being watched was felt. 
“Father.” Akaashi muttered bowing as you quickly turned around to curtsey yourself. “This, this is the girl I told you about.”
His father may have been on the verge of death, but he carried himself well, “Your majesty.” You looked down not meeting his gaze.
“No need for formalities, my dear, your father used to bring you here all the time when you were a toddler, even my Akaashi could never keep up with you.” His father spoke reminiscing. 
“We knew each other?” You questioned the man.
His father nodded before continuing, “your father would bring you when you were a child, he stopped after your schooling started, we both assumed you both forgot each other, but here you two are.” 
He saw how your hands were still encased, nodding at the young love, “son, why don’t you show the princess the display.”
Akaashi nodded, almost dragging you outside in a rush. He knew the display that his father was talking about and wanted to give you the best view. “Woah, Akaashi slow down.”
He loved hearing the sound of your chuckle even though he ignored it completely, continuing to drag you along before you felt the cold air hit your skin. “Here.” He undid his tailcoat, putting it around you to keep you warm as he took much slower steps. There was a long line of steps but from the top you could see the display of the kingdom. “Come on.” He started running up the steps in a laugh.
“No fair, you had a head start.” You gleamed out chasing after him until you both reached the top, Akaashi grabbing your waist to make you sit on the step. Your body stayed close to him until he put his hands around your eyes.
“No peeking.” You brought your hands to his own across your face laughing at the childish nature of this all. “Okay, you can open them.”
As soon as he let go of your face you saw the fireworks display start, the way celebrations were in order and the music was still playing inside. It was magical, beautiful even, a home you could possibly have. Even with you staring at the fireworks, Akaashi’s gaze never left yours as he watched how fascinated you were with the fireworks.
He brought your arms up, his hands encased in your own making you turn to face him, “be with me Y/n, be my Queen and live the happiness and life you deserve, with me.”
It was a confession, a confession for a partnership not just built on security but built on love, “I’d love too.” 
You whispered as he brought his face closer to your own, you closed the gap as further fireworks fled through the sky. It was a sight for sore eyes but all you could feel was Akaashi’s lips on your own, the way his tongue gilded throughout your mouth and the comfort he brought with his hands in your own. You might have fulfilled your mothers wish but you had done it from love rather than a commitment and you knew wherever she was, she was watching you have the happiness you deserve.
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Yay! Another Tyrian x Watts fanfiction for Nuts and Volts week! Seriously I cant get enough of these guys! Anyway, hope everyone over at @nutsandvoltsweek enjoys it!
Waltzing into love
Warnings: literally just some mild cursing.
They hated it. Every single second of being stuck in the stuffy, crowded room full of pompous, rich assholes. Arthur glared at anyone unfortunate enough to make eye contact with him and he stayed as far away from the dance floor as possible. He hated parties as much as he hated people. He would much rather be back in the grimm lands, tinkering away at his inventions without a single interruption. But he was not the only one who hated being there. As grand and beautiful as Atlesian parties were, they had a very strict policy to them. No Faunus, No improper dress, and absolutely No exceptions. Tyrian, as sporadic and chaotic as the man was, unfortunately was the best fit to go with Arthur to this party. Salem decided that Hazel would be too intimidating, Emerald and Mercury were too young,  and Cinder would have stuck out like a sore thumb. So Tyrian was voluntold to attend as Arthur's date. He sulked even more than Arthur did. He might have even hated it more than the mustached man. Due to the strict policy, Tyrian had to wear what he considered "constrictive" clothing. And worst of all he couldn't even use his tail! Arthur had insisted he hide it, since it was against the rules. Tyrian fought him on it, to no avail as he knew Arthur was right. So the two brooded in their fancy clothing in a corner of the ballroom. They avoided everyone and if it wasn't for Arthur's accursed reputation he would have never even attended this godforsaken party. Maybe he could figure out some way to fake his death or even actually die just to avoid these parties.
"This is pointless!" Tyrian growled.
"It's not entirely pointless, but it's Incredibly dull." Arthur retorted, focusing all his attention on his scroll.
"Why did I have to come here?! I hate this! I feel like I'm restricting all my natural instincts!" Tyrian continued to complain as he pulled on the dark purple tie around his neck.
"Stop pulling at that you'll undo it! And you know why she chose you to come with me. And stop tugging on the tie!" Arthur said angrily as he turned towards Tyrian, who had managed to actually undo his tie. "How did you even? Ugh just let me fix it!" Arthur swatted away Tyrians hands and grabbed ahold of the tie. Fastening it once again.
"Ahem, am I interrupting anything?" The unwanted and annoying voice of Jaques Schnee broke through Arthurs grumbling. His brow twitched in annoyance and he sighed before facing the unbearable aristocrat.
"Why Jaques, what a pleasure to see you again." Arthur lied through his teeth.
"A pleasure as well. Who, may I ask, are you?" He directed the question towards Tyrian who stiffened as a response.
"Uh, Tyrian Callows, associate of Watts here." He shook the older man's hand in forced politeness.
"Well it's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Callows. I had no idea Arthur was into such… interesting company." His tone of voice and the way he glanced at Arthur smugly,  clearly portrayed that he suspected something else. "why I'd even say you might be planning something… more forbidding." Tyrian pailed, could he really figure them out that easily? He looked at Arthur and they shared a panicked look.
"Jaques if you're suggesting-" Arthur started to accuse him but Jaques cut him off.
"Oh come now Arthur, you know i wouldn't care if you were gay, it's quite common nowadays, and I've been suspecting it for a while anyway-" Watts and Tyrians faces went bright red. "I was simply baffled that you managed to find someone to deal with your arrogance." He finished.
"I-my arrogance- excuse me?!" Arthur said offhandedly. Jaques only laughed at him.
"Relax, you know that the General himself is gay right? Really it doesn't matter here, why not show some affection! Have a dance or two! There's nothing to hide." And before Arthur, pr even Tyrian for that matter, could stutter out a response Jaques turned on his heels and walked away smirking.
"Does he think-? I mean really?" Tyrian asked before bursting into uncontrollable laughter. His entire body shook with each inhale of breath. As he laughed and laughed Arthur's face grew more and more red, out of both embarrassment and anger.
"You shut up!" He snapped at Tyrian. Whose laughter seemed never ending. Making Arthurs anger grow.
"Re- hehehe- relax Arthur. Haha, as far as we know, this could be an advantage." Tyrian offered through dying giggles.
"What do you mean?" Arthurs anger sizzled but he stopped feeling the innate need to punch the Faunus. Tyrian wiped a tear from his eye.
"Well think about it. You could gain some massive publicity points if you came out as gay, and if we did it here it would be massively successful. All we have to do is dance a little bit and maybe hold hands. People will come to the conclusion on their own and it'll be all over the news tomorrow. "Infamous inventor Arthur Watts supporting his community through love!" Can you imagine that?" Arthur paused.
Unhinged, deranged, murderous, insane… and intelligent. Those are the words Arthur would use to describe Tyrian right now. As unpredictable as the man is, he could read people and play off them better than even Salem herself.
"That… could work." Arthur poundered. The plan was foolproof, and even if it went wrong then it would cause protests in the communities drawing grimm in. "Yes. It would work quite well." Arthur hummed to himself and Tyrian smirked.
"Well then let's get to it and put on a show!" He cheered in a manic giggle as he pulled Arthur away from their protective corner and into the center of the dancefloor. Arthur huffed behind him, not expecting the pull. Although he should really expect everything from Tyrian.
"I told you to relax already Arthur! All we need to do is dance a bit and act all coupley." Tyrian smirked again and Arthur got some sort of primal feeling in his gut to run. As if something far more sinister than even they had planned was happening. But he ignored it, it was not the first, or last, time he would have that feeling while with the scorpion.
"It's Impossible to relax with you" he retorted harshly, shifting himself and Tyrian into a waltzing position. Slowly the music ran through the room and the many people around them began to move to the three step beat.
"Your words wound me Arthur," Tyrian mocked. "I'm the most relaxing person I know! Well besides Hazel." He held back a giggle.
"Your a caffeinated maniac trapped inside a padded room. I absolutely do not find you relaxing!" Arthur all but growled.
"A bit touchy aren't you? Was it something that Mr. Schnee said that caught your nerves?" He smirked wildly at Arthur who tried his best to keep his composure. As he tried to calm his breathing Tyrians insane smile reached his eyes. "Oh my, your heart rate picked up! I must be onto something!" Arthur started to panic.
"You did not- wait you can sense my heart rate? No, nevermind that!" He attempted to gather his thoughts as he and Tyrian glided across the ballroom floor, sliding in time with everyone around them. If you weren't right next to the pair it would be like they were just enjoying themselves and not having a frantic argument.
"Poor Arthur Watts, not admitting that old Mr. Schnee was right! What an exciting evening this has become!" Tyrians giggles seemed to pour out of his mouth.
"Would you just shut up! I've already said that to you tonight, you psychopath! Now stop talking and lets finish this stupid dance!" Arthur was pissed off now, he couldn't stand looking at Tyrians pretty eyes or his handsome face any longer. So he decided to do something about it. As the song approached it's climax he brought Tyrian into a sudden spin, catching the scorpion off guard. As he pulled Tyrian back into him, he made up his mind. Placing one foot behind Tyrians and throwing his center of balance off, he dipped the younger man. He heard people around them gasp, some of them seemed shocked, but through all the noise he heard two distinct things. One: Jaques Schnee saying " I called it!", and two, Tyrian Callows' sharp inhale of breath. He pulled them back up. Releasing Tyrians lips as he did, and then he turned and walked out of the room.
Tyrian stumbled, that was not expected at all. He knew Arthur was gay but he never dared to dream that Arthur liked him. He got over the shock, more delayed than he'd like, but nevertheless he rushed after Arthur and found the man pacing an empty hallway.
"Why did I do that? What was the logic of that? It was pointless, im pointless. For fucks sake we're both adults why couldn't I just talk to him!?" Arthur mutters to himself as he paced, not even noticing that Tyrian was right next to him. "Damnit, that was so stupid! Why is he so handsomely intimidating? What can't I just be normal-"
"Because you're Arthur Watts, inventor and doctor, smarter than anyone else i know and absolutely hopelessly in love with me" Tyrian interrupted, his voice caught Arthur off guard and he would never admit how much that genuinely scared him.
"Ty- Tyrian look, what I-" he was cut off as said man lunged at him suddenly, crowding his precious space.
"Just shut up and kiss me again" the scorpion demanded as he rolled his eyes and pulled Arthur into him. Their lips crashed together again, yet the feeling was different. Before Arthur could barely feel the kiss at all, but now he felt like sparks were flying down his spine and static was invading his mind. Arthur let himself fall mentally, his brilliant mind failing him when he needed it most, so he just let it happen. Let his body do the talking for once.
Tyrian on the other hand was practically shaking with joy, he had a crush on the doctor for a while now but he truly never believed Arthur would like him back, let alone make the first move! He could not be happier even if his own goddess showed up just then! He felt as if nothing could ruin this sweet moment of love. And he was right, not a soul came out of the party to find them and they were left alone in the hallway. As Tyrian let go of Arthur he smiled. Not a crazed, classic Tyrian smile, but a calm, genuine one. Arthur felt his heart skip more than one beat, and he was sure Tyrian felt it too. Soon enough Tyrians soft laughter bubbled out of his mouth.
"What's so funny?" Arthur asked, his usual scoff lightened just a touch.
"Well the fact that we literally waltzed into love." Arthur's eyes rolled.
"That was cheesy." He huffed as he set his head on Tyrians shoulder.
"No, parmesan is cheesy." Arthur sighed. The moment was ruined by the man who created it. And he could not help the small smile that was hidden by his mustache. Maybe tonight was worth the party.
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scandalsavagefanfic · 5 years
Yay 200!!! Though my first instinct was awww only 200 want to ALWAYS see what this amazing person has going on! I'm so glad to be one of them. How are even your small prompts so hot! I love your work! Can I get a possessive or jealous Bruce/Jason? Or possessive AND jealous? I love the idea that Bruce hates Jason being away for any period of time because he hates other people looking at him and can't imagine someone not wanting him.
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You guys are so sweet!
I don’t know, maybe it has been slow going for the followers thing but it feels fast you know? Especially since no one I know personally is on tumblr and only like three people in my life even know that I do this.
Anywho, sorry this took so long. For like five days I’d sit with the file open and write a couple sentences and then lose focus and motivation.
But it’s the longest one yet so… yay?
200 Followers Celebratory Prompt-A-Thon
(Prompts are closed. Thank you to everyone sent one in! I’ll be filling them the rest of the week for however long it takes to write the last few! And a big thank you to everyone who follows me!)
Words: 2635
Rating: Explicit (sounding, electroplay[?], restraints, sensory deprivation)
Super long. Read on AO3 if you’d rather.
This is not really Jason’s scene. The loud throbbing musicthat plays the same basic beat the wholenight, the lights, the dancing, the overpriced drinks. Roy was excited whentheir target chose this place but Jason had tried to wiggle out of going insideat all.
Unfortunately, he’s more the guy’s type than Roy and a lothangs on sabotaging this weapons shipment. So, Jason’s sitting in a badly lit,semi-private corner, flirting (badly) with this piece of scum, pretending to beunbothered by the big, sweaty hand creeping higher up his thigh. He downs his sixth$20 drink, a little surprised the guy hasn’t tried to drug him yet, and wondersvaguely how far he’s going to have to go. They have what they need but Jasondoesn’t think the guy’s the type to take no for an answer when he obviouslythinks he has it in the bag. And he doesn’t think a rejection and a brawl willmake the guy likely to keep up his end on the business side of things.
He’s just considering slipping a sedative into the asshole’sdrink himself when the man’s words suddenly slur and his eyelids start to getheavy until he finally slumps over.
Jason blinks at him for moment, trying to get the blurrededges of his vision to sharpen up a bit. He’s pretty tipsy now…
…did he slip the sedative into the drink? He remembersthinking about it but not actually doing it…
Jason gives the guy a poke, just to make sure.
Out like a light.
Well, then.
Now that the rest of his evening is free, and now that thearms dealer isn’t pawing at him, he thinks it might be a good idea to go takeadvantage of these lowered inhibitions with someone he wants to be with.
He doesn’t notice the sleazewith the dark sunglasses and 70’s porn-stache, chewing on match, watching himclosely as he gracefully stumbles from the club and into a cab.
Jason jumps comically when Bruce flips the light on. Likehe’s a teenager trying to sneak back into the house without his parentsnoticing. Or rather a lover trying to sneak into bed when their partner isasleep.
It’s a little dramatic. But he’s not happy.
“You smell like a toilet,” he snaps.
“‘mkay, first of all,” Jason slurs, just a little, notenough to be concerning, “I smell like a club.”
His jacket slides off his shoulders and his t-shirt slipsover his head, tousling his hair, in a single smooth motion. For a split-secondBruce thinks he may be playing up how much alcohol he had. Then he tumbles overtrying to kick off his boots.
“Second of all,” he continues a moment later, head poppingup over the foot of the bed, “’m too far away for you to smell me.”
Bruce scowls at him as he crawls up the bed, obviouslyhaving taken the opportunity to remove his slacks and briefs. It’s difficultnot to give in to those pouty lips and that lecherous smirk.
Soon, he tells himself, but on his terms.
Jason pulls the covers off of him with a grin and creeps uphis body, kissing his way up clothed thighs and naked chest, until he’snibbling at Bruce’s ear and sitting on his hips.
“And third, old man, you smell like a club too.”
He has Jason flipped onto his back, wrists caught in his unyieldinggrasp and pinned up by his ears, before the boy can even think about reacting.Bruce allows himself a small smile. Jason’s slower reflexes is going to be afun benefit.
“You let that filthy criminal put his hands all over you,”Bruce accuses with a dangerous edge.
Jason wriggles beneath him making what Bruce thinks is anhonest effort to get out of his grip. “’s the job, B. Don’ overrea—”
His glassy eyes narrow. “You drugged m’ contact?”
“You weren’t leaving yourself any options for an out thatdidn’t include a trashy sexual encounter in a grimy public bathroom,” hegrowls, pulling Jason’s arms up toward the cuffs, tucked carefully under thepillow.
“Would’ve been the alley,” Jason teases, smiling slyly,watching Bruce’s face as the he locks the younger man’s wrists in therestraints. Specially made at Jason’s request. The only thing that can openthem is Bruce’s fingerprint. No lock to pick. Too wide and too tailored to Jason’sexact measurements to be able to dislocate his thumb.
Bruce thumbs his nipple for the happy sigh that followsbefore pinching it between his fingers and twisting sharply.
“You know you’re mine,” Bruce hisses, “You know you’re notallowed to have anyone else, to let anyone else have you.”
He keeps torturing the one nipple, tugging and tweaking, buthe takes the other between his lips and sucks gently, flicking his tongue overthe already hardened bud, pulling back to blow cool air onto the spit-slickskin and watch it pebble, before returning.
Jason gasps and whines and bucks his hips up, searching forthe friction that Bruce denies him by pulling his lower body away.
“B, please—“ he breaths, already so needy, “Jus’ th’ job… you-youknow that…”
“And you know that doesn’t matter.”
Bruce had returned via batplane. He’d had plenty of time toprepare for Jason’s arrival before the cab had pulled into the drive.
He reaches under the pillow again and retrieves hispreviously selected tools, pausing on the way back to fix the sleep mask overJason’s eyes.
Jason whines again and thrashes around. “No games tonight, B,please? Jus’ wan’ you to fuck me,” he thrusts his hips again, lowers his voiceinto that husky, lustful baritone that Bruce has trouble resisting, “Hard.Rough… please.”
Bruce runs his thumb over the boy’s lip, slipping it justout of reach when Jason tries to take it into his mouth. Then leans forward andnibbles softly on his earlobe.
“So impatient,” Bruce mutters directly into Jason’s ear,letting his lips whisper across the shell and smiling when Jason shuddersbeneath him, “We’ll get there, don’t worry. I’m just going to take my time.”
“C’mon, Bruce, don’t—mmff!”
Jason’s lips look good stretched around the shiny metalring. Not as good as they do wrapped around Bruce’s cock but a close second. Hetaps a blunt nail on the helpless boy’s teeth, just for fun, then reaches backto his small pile.
“Now, if there’s something you honestly can’t handle, you’lltap your foot against me or knock the cuffs into the wall three times. Nod ifyou agree,” Bruce grins when Jason’s head bobs up and down emphatically. Heknows how much Jason loves these games, despite his prior objection.
“Tonight we’re doing something different. No pain, you handlepain so well you’ve turned it into an art,” Bruce rumbles low, nipping Jason’scollarbone lightly, “Tonight’s about pleasure. Your pleasure. As much as youcan take. And then more.”
He reaches up and fits the noise-cancelling headphones overJason’s ears, earning what he expects to be the first of many surprised littlegasps. Then he clips a nipple clamp to the one he’d been twisting, not tootight, just enough to pinch. That gets him a little moan.
Bruce softly traces the lines of Jason’s muscles, slowlytraveling down until he can ghost his fingers over Jason’s still mostly softbut quickly filling cock.
Lucky, Brucethinks, if he’d gotten too carried away he either wouldn’t be able to do thisnext part or he’d have to wait for Jason to calm down.
The longer he takes getting things together the harderJason’s body trembles at the lack of contact, in anticipation. His breath comesout faster, panting, often rounding out into full whimpers from the back of histhroat. Bruce watches him, captivated by the way the muscles move underbeautifully scarred skin, as he grasps the silicone handle firmly and slicksthe rod.
Jason inhales sharply and throws his head to the side whenBruce touches the bulbous end of the rose-bud sound to the slit at the head ofhis cock, but otherwise goes still so that he doesn’t get hurt.
Bruce slowly and deliberately pushes the little metal bulletinto him. He can’t tear his eyes away from the tiny muscle twitches as Jasontries to remain unmoving; as his control is tested the longer Bruce lingers.  It takes minutes for the rod to sink all theway to the hilt, Bruce purposefully holding it back, and even then, he’d havewaited longer. But Jason gets too hard too fast for Bruce to take the risk.
When the fat tip is nestled deep in Jason’s shaft, Brucesecures the attached glans ring just under the head. It’ll make the younger maneven more sensitive.
He smiles at the questioning noise Jason makes when hesticks a small adhesive pad to his perineum. Then, carefully so he doesn’t tipJason off, Bruce connects the wire coming out the pad to the slot at the end ofthe sound’s silicone handle.
Immediately Jason jolts and cries out in surprise andpleasure. With the power supply connected, the bulb deep inside Jason’s dick,as well as the area of sensitive skin beneath the pad, send out a strong electricalcurrant.
Bruce watches for several minutes as the pressure builds. Mesmerizedas the warm, throbbing, sensation tingles up Jason’s body which almostinstantly flushes vivid pink. He thrusts into the air, knees falling openwider, toes curling into the sheets, heels digging into the mattress, knucklesturning white from gripping the bar of the headboard his restraints are attachedto.
The noises coming out of his open, drooling, mouth aresinful and gorgeous and Bruce is positive that he could come just from watchingJason thrash, listening to him whimper and moan.
“Exquisite,” he praises, ghosting his fingertips over Jason’sflexing abdominal muscles, knowing he can’t hear him, “You don’t have any ideahow beautiful you are, do you?”
He lightly flicks the hot, red, head of Jason’s cock whichgets him a loud wanton groan and more needy presses of his hips.
Moving lower, Bruce finally slips two, still slick fingersinto Jason’s fluttering hole and immediately starts gently massage his prostate,rubbing soft little circles into the gland, stimulating it from the insidewhile the electricity coursing out from adhesive pad powering the sound stimulatesit from the outside.
There’s no uncertainty in Bruce’s mind that, if he couldhave come, Jason would have done so in moments. As it is, with his cock stuffedfull and pinched off he just wriggles with increasing desperation, moaning andgasping and sobbing so loud Bruce is positive Alfred and Damian will be able tohear him.
Bruce is content to watch. It’s not long before Jason isglistening with a sheen of sweat in the low lamplight, every muscle tensing andtwitching under beautiful scared skin, involuntary shudders wracking his bodyin inconsistent intervals.
Leaning forward, Bruce begins to press tender, suckingkisses to each of Jason’s scars, working his way up to the nipple clamp. Hedoesn’t let up, keeps the pace of his fingers buried in Jason’s tight, velvetpassage steady, the pressure firm but gentle, and adds a third digit.
As Jason inhales sharply and clenches down, Bruce bites downon the clamp and pulls it free from Jason’s chest, quickly returning to suck onthe angry nub. Then pulling back, he lets his breath chill the wet spot makingJason shiver and giving him goosebumps.
Then he moves up higher, starts kissing away the tearsstreaming down the younger man’s face at the onslaught of pleasure.
Jason leans into him, nuzzling his face then his hair whenBruce starts mouthing at his neck and shoulders, leaving behind little purpleblooms.
“-lease!” Jason pleadsas best he can without access to his lips.
He’s hysterical, sobbing and tossing his head side to side,grinding his hips into the bed only to move them up again, searching forfriction, saying the partial word over and over and over again.
Bruce just stares at him for a few more moments. This issuch a rare sight. His boy coming apart, a fully wrecked, debauched mess,overwhelmed with pleasure. Giving into something other than the pain. Losingcontrol to something better.
Finally, Bruce removes his fingers, is treated to a noisesomewhere between relief and regret, and touches the head of his own leakingerection to the eager hole. Then he reaches up and removes the noise cancelingheadphones with his free hand, followed by the sleep mask.
Jason’s lids are squeezed closed, thick lashes wet andclumped together. He doesn’t seem to notice the blinding fabric is gone untilBruce swipes his thumb over one of the lids.
They flutter open to reveal a clouded gaze over blazinggreen irises, only the barest hint of their original blue visible.
Jason’s expression clears a little as they lock eyes. Keepinghis clean hand cupped around the side of the boy’s face, Bruce slides into himwith a sigh and starts a lazy, deeppace.
Jason rolls his hips in time with Bruce’s unhurried thrusts.For once, he doesn’t doesn’t try to make Bruce go harder or faster or hold himdown, he just… he just takes.
It doesn’t take much time for Bruce to catch up. With hisdirty hand he slowly detaches the ring around Jason’s cock and pulls the soundout as his boy whimpers. With his other hand he unhooks the gag before pressinghis thumb to the fingerprint scanner and freeing Jason from the cuffs.
His boy is on him with all the speed you’d expect fromsomeone who spends his life dodging bullets. Jason’s big arms wrap aroundBruce’s shoulders, his ankles cross in the small of his back as Jason flingshimself up into Bruce’s space more fully.
“Bruce—“ hebreathes in prayer before their lips meet. The kiss is softer, deeper, thanBruce was expecting. It’s languid, full of adoration. Loving.
“My perfect boy,” Bruce rumbles, “Mine. No one else’s.”
“O-only yours,” Jason murmurs, barely able to form the words.
“Only mine,” Bruce hums, tightening his hold and punctuatingthe praise with a final thrust before emptying himself deep inside.
Jason follows right behind him, the feel of Bruce fillinghim up sending him over the edge. He comes hard.They both blink in tired surprise when warm, sticky liquid lands on Bruce’scheek.
Then Jason, still looking like a lust drunk dream, smiles,runs his fingers through Bruce’s hair, leans forward and licks his own come offBruce’s face.
Bruce watches him the whole way, enraptured. And beforeJason can swallow, Bruce captures his chin and brings their lips back together,sharing the taste.
Jason sags into him, boneless and exhausted. Bruce holds himfor a long while, petting his hair, rubbing at the knots in his back, hummingwords of admiration into his ear, until he falls asleep.
Bruce rests him back against the pillows, tucking him into thecovers, before making his way to the bathroom. He chugs a couple glasses ofwater and brings back another large glass for Jason in case he wakes up.
He crawls back into the bed, careful not to jostle themattress too much and turns off the light.
The moment he lies down Jason shifts closer, curling upagainst his side, head resting on Bruce’s arm, and sighing contentedly in hissleep.
Bruce plays with Jason’s hair as he tries to fall asleep,images of the younger man in the throws of ecstasy flashing behind his lids.
“All mine,” he says into the darkness, “Never giving youup.”
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