lillsisamarshmallow · 10 months
7 Hybrids Moved In With Me Masterlist
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Pairing: Hybrid!Poly!BTS x Fem!Reader
Word count: 83.1k
Read time: 6hrs 15mins
Warnings: Slight Swearing, Homelessness, Mentions of Violence, Blood, Fluff, Reader is described as being ‘smaller’ and ‘shorter’ than the boys.
Genre: Hybrids AU, Fluff, Angst, SWF, Caretaker!Reader
Status: Ongoing
When the dog hybrid who visits her bakery starts taking extra food Y/N follows it through the alleys to find out why, but what happens when she stumbles upon an empty alley only to find 6 more hybrids and some very familiar pastries?
Chapters:  17/30
Teaser (0)
Bake, Eat, Run (1)
Trespassing (2)
Bunny Boy (3)
Nurse Y/n (4)
Roommates? (5)
Living Arrangements (6)
Water Fountain in the Kitchen! (7)
Rainy days, mysterious notes, and wet apologies (8)
It’s over…? (9)
Working Boys (10)
The Plan (11)
Fair Day (12)
The Betrayal (13)
House Guests (14)
Jealous! Jealous! Jealous! (15)
Hickeys, House, and Heated gazes (16).
Moving day! (17)
Getting back to normal (18)
Finally at peace (19) coming soon...
Unwelcome guests and the problems they bring (20) coming soon...
Overdue Reunion (21) coming soon...
Resurfaced Memories (22) coming soon…
Keeping it Together (23) coming soon...
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*This story is also posted on my Wattpad*
 ⚠!This is a work of fiction so please to don't apply anything seen and shown in the book to real life people or situations!⚠
I love receiving feedback and seeing people make up their own theories, headcannons, and ideas about my work so please feel free to do that and ask me any questions you like about the work! This is also my first long term/full length project and the first writing project in a few years. 😊
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1K notes · View notes
lillsisamarshmallow · 1 month
Hickeys, Houses, and Heated gazes (16)
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Summary: Y/n confronts Jungkook and this new 'discovery', whilst dealing with confronting opinions an awkward 'family' dinner ensures. Y/n learns a little more about her hybrids and they begin the search for their new house, but Jungkook doesnt seem to be the only jealous Hybrids that she has to deal with.
Word count: 6.5k
Warnings: Marking, Let me know if I missed any!
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I scrambled my way out of the bathroom as after I yelled out his name, my feet almost slipped on the tiles as I rushed out, but I was just able to catch myself by gripping onto the door frame. My feet swung out whilst the top half of my body stayed glued to the wall as I hung on for dear life before trying to regain my balance and pull myself up. As I looked at the man in question, he was still fast asleep on the bed with his arms now wrapped around a pillow that had taken my place.
“Jungkook! Jungkook! Wake up you idiot!” I stomped my way over to the bed and started trying to shake him awake, but he kept sleeping calmly, simply rolling onto his back, and lifting his arm up to cover his face. Frustrated at him, I wacked him in his stomach a few times, not enough to hurt, but hopefully enough for him to wake up. Finally, he groaned and reached one hand up to his eye and rubbed it before opening them and perching himself up on his elbows as he looked at me tiredly.
“Hmm? What’s wrong Y/n?”
“Did you seriously give me a hickey, Jungkook?” I fumed as I pulled back the hoodie so it was clearly insight, his faced warped into confusion until he caught a glimpse of my neck and his face dropped slightly as he realised what was wrong, he sat up higher and I leaned in closer so he could get a better look at the damage he caused.
I caught the slight change in his expression from the corner of my eyes, so I pulled back to look at him fully. He still looked tired, but I could see that his once concerned slightly upturned mouth had now warped into a proud smirk as he kept his eyes locked onto my neck like he was admiring his work. He smirked.
“Kook!'' I softly yelled and wacked his shoulder with my hand. I took a step backwards and stood up straight, turning to the side, placing my hands on my lower back before pulling them up to grasp my head on the sides. “Are you kidding me?”
I turned to look back at him as I asked him again, he was sitting up on the side of the bed now as he faced me. He just smiled innocently at me, closing his eyes as he reached back to scratch that back of his head, his hair was a mess, pieces stuck out in all directions and it was just as fluffy as his dark brown rabbit ears that sat up straight on his head, ones slightly bent forwards. I sighed out in annoyance as I walked back to the bathroom and leaned over the sink to get a better look at the darker patch of skin on my neck.
I poked and prodded at it for a while, it was definitely a hickey with Jungkook’s teeth marks denting into my skin. I can't believe he did that. My face heated up from embarrassment as I leaned down to rest my elbows onto the basin and my head into my hands, I let out a loud sigh at the situation. How am I supposed to cover that up?
As I looked back up into the mirror, I could see the culprit in question standing behind me and staring right back at me, his boyish grin showing his bunny teeth made it hard to be mad at him. I turned around to face him as he took a step towards me so we were standing in front of each other. I sighed out loud as I leaned my head onto his chest, I moved my arms from my sides and rested them in front of me, wrapping them loosely around my stomach and crossing them over each other. Jungkook’s breathing caused me to move along with his chest, the silence was loud as I debated on what to do. I couldn't explain the emotions swirling inside of me, i felt uneasy and embarrassed about it, but i couldn't just ignore the butterflies in my stomach or how oddly captivating it was to look at, how i could feel my heartbeat in my throat and my chest felt impossibly tight, like a boa constrictor had found its next meal. Most of all, I couldn't ignore the twang of guilt that pulled at my heart. I let out a jagged breath that I held in for far too long as I stared down at our feet whilst not saying a word.
I tightened my arms over my chest and around to my sides as I looked up at him, he towered over me, but I didn't feel nervous.
“I can't believe you.” I muttered to him in disbelief as he just seemed to chuckle at me, he wasn't taking this seriously. Was I taking it too seriously? I mean, it's just a hickey, it’ll go away, but… I grunted as I kept thinking about it. 
“I’m sorry, Y/n.” He said with a shy smirk still on his face. He was not sorry. I rolled my eyes and faced away from him. I felt him lean in closer to my neck, his fingers grazing ever so lightly over the spot, he seemed unexplainably happy as he admired his handy work until I swatted his hand away.
“How am I supposed to hide this, Jungkook?” I whined whilst pointing at the spot.
“Hide it? Why would you hide it?” He asked genuinely.
A knock on the door tore us both away from the conversation as I turned and balanced on one foot as I poked my head out of the bathroom to see the door. Jisoo’s voice came through the door as she started talking.
“Y/n? Jungkook? Are you guys awake? I just wanted to let you know that we’ll be having dinner soon. If you're still asleep, I'll set some aside for you both.”
I yelled out to let her know that we would be down soon, she said okay, then I heard her footsteps disappear down the hallway. 
Abandoning mine and Jungkook's conversation, I moved away from him and began to grab out something more decent to wear rather than just this hoodie from my bag. I grabbed all my clothes and made my way over to the bed, but just as I was about to pull the hoodie over my head, I remembered the other person in the room.
“Out.” I said to him as I began ushering him towards the door so I could get changed in peace, he acted confused and wanted to argue with me as I tried pushing him to the door.
“What? Why? I was here last time.” He suggested, like it was no problem at all. My face went red as I remembered him showing up out of nowhere after I got changed before my nap.
“Yeah-well, this is ‘this time’ and I say, no.” I declared as I finally got him on the other side of the door. I closed the door as he stood on the other side with a cheeky grin, I huffed out before telling him that I would meet him downstairs in a bit.
I quickly changed and decided to tidy up my hair so it would sit over the mark, to cover it since it was way too dark to cover up with simple makeup and wearing a scarf inside would only cause more curiosity from the other people in the house. I spent way too long trying to make sure my hair was in the right place before I finally headed down into the kitchen. Everyone turned to me as I made my way over to the only spare seat left, I smiled as I sat down in my seat, Jungkook was to my left and Jimin sat to my right. 
Me and Jisoo fell into conversation as we ate the food, the boys and Jennie and Lisa stayed quiet for the most part, occasionally chipping in to whatever we were chatting about something they found interesting, or that they knew about. Something was definitely off, all the hybrids, even Jennie and Lisa, seemed to be on edge about something, the boys looked almost nervous, and the girls appeared to be irritated at something. 
I’ll have to ask the boys if they're okay later. I thought to myself.
The whole night Jungkook had kept messing with my hair, trying to pull it to the opposite side, which would have made his mark visible, I did my best to act calm and like nothing was wrong as I quickly moved one hand to cover my neck and the other to put my hair back in place, unfortunately, Jimin, who was sitting right next to me, had noticed the back and forth between me and Jungkook. 
I could feel eyes on me, but whenever I tried to find who they belonged to everyone seemed to be doing their own things. I quickly whacked Jungkook on the hand as he tried it again, moving my hair to the other shoulder. I fully turned to face him as I looked up into his brown eyes.
“Seriously, Jungkook. Stop it!” I hissed quietly, only for his ears to hear, as I was becoming increasingly more annoyed at this game of his. As I was locked in a stare down with the bunny, who just looked back at me cheekily, I was shocked when I felt someone's fingers lightly brush over the other side of my neck. I jumped and pulled back before turning to face the other way, Jimin still had his hand held out from where he was touching my neck, his face said it all, he had seen it.
He wore a shocked expression with a slight hint of hurt and jealousy, his mouth was open, and I quickly signal to him ‘zip it’. I moved my hair back to the right side and tried to get back to having a normal dinner. As I turned to focus my attention back on the table, everyone's eyes seemed to be looking at the 3 of us.
My face heated up from embarrassment and I tried to play it cool. I coughed a bit to break the silence before starting up a random conversation with everyone to hopefully drag the attention away from me and the two men next to me.
“So…How was everyone’s day?”
Everyone was looking down at their plates of food, the only sound in the air after my question was the sound of knives scratching against the china plates and some people chewing. The silence was awkward, and the tension was thick for what was supposed to be a regular household dinner.
“Well, someone got run over at work today.” I heard Jisoo speak up from her seat, I stared at her for a second, trying to see if she was joking, she was not. She didn't say anything else, and the room quickly plunged back into the awkward feeling.
Desperate to escape this atmosphere I made another attempt to have a normal conversation. “Jisoo, this tastes great! Is it a family recipe?”
Jisoo smiled back at me before attempting to answer. “Thanks! Yeah, my parents taught me how to cook-”
“So, how did you guys meet Y/n?”
We all turned to the voice that had interrupted Jisoo before she could finish, Lisa sat in her seat next to Jennie with a polite and curious smile on her face, but her eyes seemed to hold an ulterior motive. 
I swallowed the food I was halfway through chewing, and it felt like it made the loudest noise, before awkwardly looking around slightly at the others. That question was very out of nowhere and it wasn't mine to answer. I looked over to Namjoon, who sat next to Jin. He seemed taken aback by the question and did not appear to be interested in answering it as he looked down at his food and kept pushing it around on the plate.
“It’s a long story.” Jimin spoke up, sarcasm in his voice, he seemed overly annoyed and i was sure it wasn't just from the question.
“We have time, don't we?” Lisa asked innocently while looking between Jennie and Jisoo, while nodding her head letting Jimin know that she was more than willing to sit and listen to their story.
“It’s not all that interesting.” Jimin shot back, attempting to shoot her down sharply. “Why so interested?”
The room held an odd tension, I looked between the two, by eyes following whoever was talking. Lisa seemed to be digging for something, but I'm not sure what, and Jimin seemed to know as well, he was very quick to shut her down and her attempts to ask again. I was slow as I cut through my food again, but I couldn't bring myself to eat as I felt nervous.
“Well, what can I say? I’m just a curious person.” Lisa leaned forward and placed her elbow onto the table next to her cup and rested her face onto her palm, she tapped her fingers on her cheek as she stared with an overly curious gaze directed towards Jimin.
“Don't you know curiosity killed the cat?”
My knife slipped out from between my fingers and clattered onto my plate making a loud noise, I winced slightly at the sound before I, and everyone else, turned to look at the fox hybrid who had spoken, my mouth was opened in shock as I looked at the end of the table where he sat. He gave her a sharp glare which sent shivers down my spine, his face showed no signs of joking and the way he had spoken was warningly and laced with venom. I hope he never looks at me like that…
 My jaw was slack as I watched the exchange between the two. Hobi played it calmly, but gave her one of the most dominating stares I had ever seen. Lisa’s eyes widened as she picked herself up from her relaxed position to sit up straighter, her ears twitched and her tail flicked up around her as her face hardened, no longer filled with her playful curiosity and mischief. I quickly glanced over to Jisoo, who was sitting across from me, and we shared a quick look of surprise and confusion.
Dinner continued to be just as awkward as we sat in mostly silence for the rest of the meal, utensils scraping against plates, chewing and occasionally someone asking to pass something that they couldn't reach. Thankfully it was over soon, even though it felt like hours, the dinner only lasted around half an hour, we all helped put our dishes away and clean up afterwards, no one speaking, Lisa had stomped her way back up to her room leaving Jennie with her dishes.
Jimin had ushered me and Jungkook back into our room where he quickly turned the lights on before pulling me closer to him by my arm. He moved his hand off my arm and lifted it up to grip my hair and hold it up away from my neck, almost like a makeshift ponytail. He hastily lifted his other hand up to my neck where I could feel his finger linger over the area.
His fingers just barely touch my skin as they brush over the sensitive spot, I could feel his hot breath fanning down onto my neck and chest causing a chill to run through my body. Suddenly, a surge of pain ripped through me from my neck. Jimin had pushed his fingers hard onto the purple spot on my neck causing me to hiss in pain as I roughly pulled myself away from him. 
My hand snapped up to cover the spot to stop him from doing it again. I gave Jimin a ‘what the heck?’ look, but he had already turned to face the younger man who was standing just a bit behind me. Jungkook seemed to have a mix of emotions on his face, proud, but also scared, Jimin walked a few steps over to him until they were standing right in front of each other with Jungkook towering over the older one.
“What the heck, Kook?” Jimin seethed as they looked at each other, now completely ignoring my presence. Jimin had this aura around him, like he was trying to intimidate the younger male, it actually made me feel a bit nervous.
“I had to!” The bunny hybrid whined, and he sulked and dropped his shoulders down. He didn't seem remorseful at all, he seemed 100% serious and almost proud of himself.
“You had to?”
Jimin deadpanned as he looked at Jungkook.
“Hyung.” Jungkook dramatically threw his head back as he whined and laughed at the same time before taking small steps towards the older man.
Jimin tsked and muttered something through his gritted teeth as he looked away from Jungkook, the latter pulled himself up to stand properly in front of the short man.
“It’s fine, Jimin.” I said, hoping to calm them down and not have this escalate further. “Even though it hurts, I’ll be fine, it's just a hickey.”
I glared daggers at Jungkook as I emphasised on the word ‘hurt’ before looking back at Jimin. He spun around as he looked at me questioningly.
“A what?”
Before I had time to restate what I had said the door burst open as the other hybrids made their way inside the room with us, Hobi and Jin walked over to stand by me and Namjoon and Yoongi stood next to Jimin, I saw Taehyung make his was to the back standing next to Jungkook.
“What is going on?” Yoongi asked the younger blond male who stood in front of him, he seemed concerned, but still remained calm.
“He marked her.” Jimin grunted as he stood to the side and pointed at Jungkook who gave a cheeky grin showing off his bunny teeth. I saw the older hybrids face warp into one of shock at what they had heard. Before I could process what Jimin had said I was suddenly bombarded by the other hybrids.
I was beginning to feel like an art piece in a museum as I let them move my head to the side so they could see the unfortunate spot on my neck. I looked off to the side of the room with a bored expression as I let them ‘inspect’ the ‘oh so magical hickey’ that had somehow caught all of their attention. I sighed out loud hoping to convey the fact that I wanted this to be over with, I don't know why it’s such a big deal to them.
 I yelped out in pain. I felt someone push their thumb a bit too hard into the dark, sensitive flesh on my neck, I pulled away and took a few steps towards the wall before I turned to face them.
“Okay, that’s enough.” I spoke as I crossed my arms over my chest and looked at the boys who all seemed to get the hint and moved back a few steps. I watched as Taehyung walked over to Jungkook and lifted his hand up for a high five, to which the younger man gladly returned. The older of the two smirked as they looked at each other and the younger gave him a cheeky grin and they seemed to have a very quiet conversation, one that I couldn't hear.
I rolled my eyes at the 2 youngest before I turned to look at the others who seemed to be talking about something before Yoongi broke from the group and walked over to Jungkook. He stood next to the bunny hybrid before raising his hand and whacking him on the back of the head. “Idiot.”
I tried to hold in my laughter at what happened, but soon after Jin walked over to them as well. He lightly hit Yoongi on the shoulder before saying something to him that I didn't catch. They fell into a discussion over the matter as they all came and stood in the middle of the room. I tried to talk with them and pitch in my thoughts, but they seemed to completely forget that I was even there.
“It’ll go away soon, it's just a hickey.” I spoke trying to diffuse the tension, finally they had heard me. They all turned to look at me with confused glances before they continued on with their conversations. Everyone seemed annoyed at Jungkook, and I watched as whenever he would suggest something he was immediately shut down, making him pout. 
“Well, did you ask her?” Yoongi said to Jungkook, he looked away at the question and Yoongi sighed as he rubbed his face into his hands. “Kook-”
“If i didn't do it they would have, and you know it. Besides, she didn't mind. Right?” Jungkook looked over to me as he asked the question, I was confused and tried to answer, but I was cut off as Namjoon started speaking to him about me.
“She doesn't understand it! How could she be okay with it? She doesn't seem okay with it.” He called out. “You…You should have at least told us and asked her.”
“I think I know what a hickey is, Namjoon.” I expressed, slightly offended, that they didn't think I knew what a simple hickey was. I was beginning to feel a bit annoyed at how they kept cutting me off and talking about me like I wasn't there.
“Stop calling it a hickey! It is not just a hickey Y/n. He marked you!” Jimin yelled as he moved his hands around in front of him before lifting them up to sit on his forehead, his fingers shading over his face as he turned around and paced for a bit before stopping.
Marked me?
“He marked me?” I wondered out loud, I didn't really know much about marking, I knew it was something that hybrids did, but that was about it. “What does that mean?” I asked quickly, growing tired of not understanding things.
“It’s uhh, it’s like…” Hobi began to explain, but he kept fumbling over his words like he wasn't sure how to phrase it.
“He marked you as his.” Yoongi said bluntly. I scoffed because I had already gathered that much from what Jimin had said, but then Yoongi said more. “It’s telling other hybrids to back off because you're theirs, you already have a hybrid.”
I didn't say anything as I thought about what Yoongi had said. He marked me as his? Why? He wants other hybrids to ‘back off’, what does that even mean? My thoughts continued to run rampant in my mind as I was processing this new information, I moved my hand up to rest under my chin as I rubbed my lips with my index finger.
I moved my hand from my chin to my neck as I subconsciously covered up the mark while still in thought, I caught movement in the corner of my eye causing me to break from my thoughts and look over. Jungkook looked a bit agitated, and he flinched when I moved my hand to cover up his mark.
“Don’t.” I turned to face Namjoon as he grabbed hold of my hand and pulled it down away from my neck. “He doesn't want you covering it up, it's almost like you're rejecting him if you do. Marks are important to hybrids.” Namjoon spoke softly and clearly, he knew that I didn't understand, and he was giving me time to process it by talking slower.
I looked down at my hands, I watched as Namjoon let his grip on my hand lift away as he took his hand back, I dropped my hands down to my sides before pulling them behind my back, I looked up at everyone and smiled.
“Okay, I won't cover it up.” I declared as I grinned at Jungkook who seemed to be bursting with excitement. I told him that if he did it again, or something similar, he needed to at least tell me what he was doing, I didn't want to end up getting dragged into something that I didn't understand again. The boys gave Jungkook a form of silent treatment for the most part, they were petty and wanted him to feel guilty. I joined in too for the most part because I thought it was funny to watch him try get attention.
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I was sitting down on the bed and Jin was sitting on the floor between my legs as I played with his hair, putting it up in a lopsided ponytail and attempting to braid it. I stopped when I started thinking about the dinner we had earlier.
“I’m sorry. I didn't realise that bringing you guys here would be such a problem.” I said aloud. Everyone turned to look at me, including Jin who had pulled away from my hands just as I was about to finish typing the hair tie. I pouted at him as he ruined the hair style.
“What? What do you mean?” Hobi asked me from his spot on the desk chair that he was sprawled out on as he used one leg to spin it side to side, I smiled slightly at his silly pose.
“Well, you guys don't seem to get along very well with Jennie and Lisa, which is fine of course!” I started while pushing Jin's head to face the other way so I could continue on with my masterpiece. “You don't have to like them obviously. If I had known I would've tried harder to find somewhere else. Is it just some hybrid thing that I'm too human to understand?”
I chuckled as there seemed to be more and more things about hybrids that I just didn't understand.
“No, it’s nothing like that, it's just-” Jimin started to explain when a random thought popped into my head and I couldn't help myself.
“Wait, are you guys… jealous? Of Lisa and Jennie? Is that what it is?” I asked almost jokingly, but the silence in the room told me that I'd just solved the riddle.
“What? No, Y/n! It’s not that-”
“Oh my goodness, it totally is! Everytime they get close to me, one of you comes and scares them away.” I exclaimed as I thought of all the times that they had done just that, I let go of Jin’s hair as I raised my hands up to cover my mouth while I smiled ear to ear and giggled at how red their faces were from me figuring it out.
“Uhm… we’re sorry.”
“It’s fine. I don't mind, really.” I said as I couldn't contain my wide smile as I felt butterflies fluttering in my stomach. Part of me wanted to push them back down to wherever they came from, but the other part of me relished in the feeling. I picked up another hair band before tying it and giving Jin 2 cute pigtails on either side of his head. “Besides, it's kinda cute that you guys get jealous over me.” 
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The house was quiet, Jisoo had gone out with Lisa and Jennie, so it was just the boys and me. I was sitting in the lounge room, a thick warm blanket wrapped around my shoulders as I sat on the floor, my back against the couch and my knees crossed as I leaned forwards over the coffee table. My laptop was open, and the many tabs were on clear display as I kept swapping between them all, the table and floor was covered with various pieces of paper with the details of different places that checked the boxes that absolutely need to be checked, I reached for my thermos filled with hot chocolate and took a sip from it.
A noise from the kitchen dragged me away from the house hunting as I turned and tried to make myself taller to see who it was, I couldn't see their face, but I did catch a glimpse of around black ears, I quickly swallow the hot liquid and put down the thermos as I yelled out trying not to choke.
“Wait!” I scrambled to stand up as I tried not to disrupt the papers on the table. I turned to face the panther hybrids as I spoke. “Perfect timing! Could you get everyone else to come down here?”
He gave me a small salute before turning the corner and walking away. I fell back down onto the floor and wrapped the blanket around myself again as I heard his footsteps echo through the house as he jumped up the stairs. Soon enough everyone had made it down to the lounge room where they did their best to find somewhere to sit without disrupting any of the somewhat organised papers.
“Okay, so…” I started as I grabbed a handful of papers that had what seemed to be the best choice of houses on them with all their information. I passed them to Namjoon who sat to my left and told him to pass them around. “I've been looking for houses, a new place for us to live, because as grateful as I am for Jisoo allowing us to stay here, if I get walked in while I'm changing one more time, I'm going to get ptsd.” I heard a few of the boys chuckle at what I had said, but I was only half joking. 
“Since this is the first time that we’ve really spoken about this, I wasn't sure what you all wanted in a house, I did make a list of things that I think we need, but feel free to add to it or take something off of it.” I said again as I passed out a notepad and pen that had all the things I was looking for in a house.
I saw Jimin reach for my thermos in front of me, but I quickly reached for it too, snatching it out of his hands. He looked at me sadly and with confusion and I looked back at him. “It's hot chocolate. You can't have it.” He seemed surprised before he smiled back at me and whispered a thanks as he looked down at the piece of paper that had been handed to him.
“5 bedrooms?” Yoongi asked from beside Namjoon as he looked at me.
“Yes, I thought 5 bedrooms would be ideal. You guys get one big room to share to sleep in, and I thought you could have 3 other rooms to kind of do your own things, you know?” I explained to them as I pointed it out in my notes that I struggled to find amongst the other papers. “And then a room for me.”
“Sounds good to me, you've really thought this out, Y/n.” Hoseok beamed in gratitude as he passed the small notepad to the person on his left. I thanked him before talking about how it had been on my mind for a while and how 5 bedrooms made the most sense for what we needed. 
I reached for the notepad as it made its way back to me, my eyes skimmed over my note and the small words on the sides until I read the new suggestions that the boys had written down. “Large backyard? That’s good, I should've thought of that.” I mumbled, thankfully most of the houses, except for one or two, had decent backyards already. “Trampoline? What? We don't need a trampoline.”
I heard someone sigh out loud at my last comment causing me to giggle.
“Won’t a house this big be expensive?” Jin mumbled from behind me.
“Yeah, but I got it covered, don't worry.”
“We want to help, Y/n.” Namjoon said. “We don't want you to have to keep paying for everything.”
I hummed at what he said, understanding the feeling of not always wanting people to do things for you, I understood that feeling all too well. I thought about what he said, and he was right, I had been paying for everything, I didn't mind but I didn't think about how that might have affected them.  “Well, how about I pay for the house initially, but after that we can split the cost for everything between the 8 of us?”
Everyone seemed to agree with that. As we continued looking at the different houses that I had chosen, throwing some out and choosing our favourite, I made some calls and sent some emails so I could set up viewings. We had a few lined up for the rest of the week now, as we all decided who would be going with me to each viewing. After some time, everyone went back to what they were doing before, I was still in the lounge room along with Jimin.
I sighed as I flopped down onto the couch and instantly, I felt my muscles relax. I leaned my head on some cushions as my fingers played with the bottom of my shirt making it ride up and expose part of my stomach. A gush of cold air came through the room causing me to pull my shirt down further, I went to reach for my blanket from before, but Jimin stood in front of me, a smile on his face as his head tilted to the side, his golden ears folded over, one with a kink making it fold inside out.
I laughed at the cuteness of the man in front of me as he stepped closer. “What's up?” I asked him as I reached a hand out towards him, which he held onto.
He hummed, stepping closer to the couch before kneeling down on it, between my legs and flopping down onto my stomach. I coughed as the air left my lungs and I let out a breathless laugh as he wiggled himself to get more comfortable. 
“Nothing.” He mumbled, he turned his head up to face me with a silly smirk on his face, which left my stomach feeling uneasy. I tried to play it off by letting a small chuckle leave my chest as I looked into his brown eyes, I could feel my face heating up as I gazed back at him.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” I asked him as I covered my face with my hands to hide from his alluring gaze. I heard him laugh out loud, I braved peeking through my fingers to hopefully catch a glimpse, as my fingers separated and the light reached my vision, I saw him staring right back at me, I couldn’t help the small yelp that left my chest at seeing him staring right back at me.
He chuckled and I felt him shuffle around again before I felt his hands wrap themselves around mine, he pulled them down and away from my face causing me to look right at him. His loving smile on full display as his eyes curved into crescent moons, my breath hitching in my throat at the view. 
I kept staring at him as he opened his eyes to look back at me, my stomach felt funny as I watched him shake his head whilst smiling, his blond hair flopping around on top of his head as he leaned down to fully rest on top of me. I felt his arms wrap around my side and his fingers wiggled their way underneath my back as he pushed himself closer to me, I could feel his chest moving against my stomach from his breathing, he faced towards the back of the couch, and I could just barely see his face as he closed his eyes and nudged the side of his face further into my chest.
The uneasy feeling in my stomach didn't go away, it got bigger and harder to contain as it felt like it was bursting and filling with butterflies, I could help the deep blush that appear on my face or the wide smile that spread on it, the smile was so wide it started to hurt, but I couldn't bring myself to stop. I gazed down at the Dog hybrid as he rested, I move my hand up and snaked my fingers into his soft hair and lightly played with it as I looked up to the ceiling, my chest hurt from the strong feelings of happiness as I continued to play with Jimin’s hair while he rested in silence.
I stayed on the couch with Jimin laying between my legs for what felt like hours. His head rested on my chest as I softly played with his hair and his ears. The days were getting colder recently so I was happy to be around hybrids all the time. Jimin’s body heat covered me, and in turn, warmed me up. Slowly he moved his head so he was looking at me. I stopped with my movements as I stared into his eyes.
He shuffled himself around, so he was laying on his stomach and he moved himself further up and closer to my face without breaking eye contact. My breath hitched in my throat as he looked into my eyes, I studied his face as he was so close to me.
“You’re staring again.”
“It’s okay. I don't mind.” He cut me off before I could defend myself, I smiled back at him before attempting to cover my face up again with my hand, but he intertwined his finger with mine, stopping me from covering my face. I whined and tried to pull my hand away from him, but he wasn't going to let go.
“You're so cute, Y/n.” He teased, moving his arms so he could sit up. His hair hung over his head along with his ears and he smiled down at me. I tried to break away from him as I saw his free hand move towards my sides, but his hold on me was strong. He kept spitting out compliments while poking and prodding my ribs with his other hand.
“Jimin!” I whined out the end of his name. I was embarrassed by his teasing, but I couldn't help the smile that spread on my face and the laugh that left my mouth as he kept tickling me. Finally, the torture stopped and I took a second to catch my breath. I looked up at the culprit, his teeth on full display as he had a wide smile on his face.
I stared up into his eyes as he stared down at me, I watched as his eyes moved down slightly before flicking back up to my eyes. My eyes caught onto his lips, plump, full, and dusted with a light pink, I looked back up to his eyes, but I could stop myself from glancing down at his lips every few seconds and I could see he kept looking down at mine as we shared deep breaths while looking at each other, we didn't say anything, just watching each other and taking in the others actions.
“Hey, do you guys know where the remote is?”
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A/n: The long awaited, off schedule chapter is finally here! This chapter came out great and i loved writing it, sorry for the wait again, i wasn't sure how to finish it off, but i think it ended pretty well. 🤭🥰Also! I made a mood board for Y/n because i thought it would be fun, it'll be on my profile, probably the post before this one. I feel like Jisoo house is driving Y/n mad with all the jealous hybrids lmao. I hope you all have a lovely day or night and thankyou all for the reading! 💜
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lillsisamarshmallow · 2 months
Jealous! Jealous! Jealous! (15)
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Summary: Y/n wakes up surrounded by her hybrid companions who have become even more clingy since they started staying with Jisoo. Y/n searches for houses as she is unsure how to talk to the boys about it. With the two new hybrids in the house, just how clingy and touchy can the boys get?
Word count: 3.2k
Warnings: None? Let me know if I missed any!
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The sun was shining through the window and lighting up the room. I moved my hands up to rub at my eyes before breaking them open to look at my surroundings. The room was quiet, the only noise being the light breaths from myself and the others. I looked up at the weight that was pressing on my chest, already knowing what it was. The black cat was sleeping peacefully as he faced me directly, his paws tucked under him, causing him to resemble a loaf of bread. I cracked a smile at the thought. As I tried to move my head to see more of the room I felt something in my way. 
Reaching up to the left side of my neck, my finger sunk into some soft fur, knowing immediately what it was, I sighed slightly, remembering how the menace of a bunny hybrid had kept crawling onto my face, over my mouth and nose causing me to wake up from lack of air, I'm pretty sure at some point Yoongi had had wacked him in the head over it because everytime I woke up it woke the sleepy cat up too.
Sinking my fingers further into his fur I picked up the chocolate brown bunny and hauled him up until I was holding him above my chest. His little nose twitched but he remained asleep as I moved him back down and onto the other side of my body. I was doing my best to not wake anyone up as it was early in the morning, earlier than I would usually wake up but my body urged me to get out of bed.
I tried to wrap one arm around Yoongi and use the other one to push myself up, but as soon as I started to get up the cat hybrid also woke up, he stood up and stretched whilst still on my chest before looking at me quizzically. I gave him a half-lidded, tired smile as he seemed to understand what I was doing, he got off me and moved over to where I had put Jungkook down, and curled up beside him.
I fully sat up now that I didn't have to worry about the other 2 hybrids. I slowly swung my legs over the side of the bed, Jimin was sitting at the foot of the bed and I quickly gave him a pat on the head before I stood up fully. I only have a small amount of space on the floor as the rest was being used by the large wolf hybrid, the panther hybrid, and the fox hybrid.
Reaching up to my hair I reached for the smallest hybrid of the bunch, Jin, who had somehow managed to make a nest-like thing out of my hair. I scooped up his small form before bringing him in front of me. I leaned over the bed to put him down between Yoongi and Jungkook. I watched as he moved around before snuggling into the fur of the two younger hybrids.
I smiled at the sight as my heart melted at how cute they were together, I had to tip-toe my way out of the room being careful not to step on any of the hybrids on the floor, I finally made it over to the door and I opened it slowly before slipping outside.
I sighed through my tiredness as I trudged into the kitchen hoping to make some tea, I spotted Jisoo standing by the bench and staring out into her back yard. The sun was rising and you could see the light emerging from behind the trees and lighting up the yard, the grass was sparkling from the morning dew and I could see flocks of birds flying through the sky.
“Morning” I mumbled in my croaky voice, I pulled open her fridge in search of milk and honey and when I found it I pulled them both out, placing them onto the bench behind me. Jisoo turned to face me as she gave me a polite smile, she didn't look like she had been awake long either.
“Morning.” She started. “I just boiled the kettle so it should still be hot.”
I hummed as I began to make myself a cup of tea. We stood in the kitchen watching the sunrise for what felt like an hour. It was quiet, probably because all the hybrids were asleep, and the bright sun shone into the house, wrapping everything in a warm glow.
“So.” Jisoo started and I turned to face her. “You remember Jeonghan right?” She asked me out of nowhere.
“Yeah, of course I do.” I replied to her, confused as to why she would bring him up out of nowhere. Jeonghan was an old friend of ours, more Jisoo’s friend than mine but we still got along, he was a few years younger than us and honestly I hadn't spoken to him since high school.
“Well, his father owns a real estate company, I don't know if they have the type of place you're looking for. He mostly deals with large properties outside the city, like mine.” She beamed at me and giggled. “I could tell him that you're looking for a place if you want, I'm sure he’d help out.”
“Seriously? Jisoo, that would be great, thank you.” I said to her as I gave her a quick hug as we laughed together before I cleared my throat. “So… h-how is Jeonghan?”
“Well since you turned him down he’s been on a bit of a power trip.” She laughed as she seemed to be thinking. “He’s not bad or anything, he just has a lot of goals that he wants to accomplish, you know?”
I nodded as I understood what she meant, I remember back when we were younger how he would always follow us around, tagging along wherever we went. He had a crush on me, and at first I didn't mind, I thought it was cute, until he proposed. I shot him down and we haven't spoken since, it was awkward at first but after we got older it was just because we had our own things going on.
The calming silence of the morning didn't last long as soon enough I could hear the thundering of footsteps and tumbling down the stairs along with yelling.
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I was sitting on the couch, balled up in a fluffy blanket with a mug of hot chocolate and my laptop as I scrolled through the website the Jisoo had told me to, Jeonghan’s dad’s company, two cats curled up on my lap, Lisa and Jennie, they had been extra clingy recently but I guess it’s because I haven't seen them in a while. Come to think of it, the boys had been very clingy recently too, weird…
I clicked on a house that looked interesting, it was far out from town, a little further than I wanted, but not so far that it couldn't be an option. The house was large and the land included the forest surrounding it, so far it was checking all the boxes, taking a closer look I saw that it said 5 bedrooms. I bit my lip as I thought about the amount of bedrooms we needed, there was 8 of us, but pack mates often shared sleeping areas I had learnt from a quick google search, but I also wanted the boys to have their own areas where they could do whatever they wanted by themselves, I groaned out loud as I threw my head against the back of the couch, waking up the 2 hybrids in my lap.
I hadn't said much about a new house to the boys. Did I have to re-invite them to live with me? Or do I just assume that they will? My thoughts were interrupted as Lisa had stood up on my chest and was now nudging her head into my neck, I huffed and snickered at her behaviour as I sat up straighter.
The house was surprisingly quiet at the moment, Jisoo had gone out to do something and the boys were around. Suddenly a black cat jumped down beside me causing the other two to jump away. I was surprised at the sudden appearance of the jet black cat, but welcomed his presence. He sat down on my lap as he glared down at the other felines, Jennie and Lisa growled at him but he hissed back and they jumped from the couch and left.
Their interaction confused me but I shrugged it off since nothing bad had happened. I began petting Yoongi as he turned to face me, he closed his eyes and flattened his ears as I pushed my hands over his head and down his back. He stretched out his back before circling on my lap and finally curling up, his back pressed against my stomach and his head tucked under his paw, facing towards himself.
I cooed at how cute he was before trying to get back to looking at houses, I clicked the small ‘save’ icon so that I could come back to it before I started looking at other houses, I kept scrolling through and a few more caught my eye so I took a look at them, saving some and going past ones the would absolutely not work. I finally closed the lid of my laptop and took a slow breath in and out as I lifted myself to adjust how I was sitting before leaning back into the coach and throwing a hand back with my head, keeping the other one patting Yoongi.
We sat in the silence for a while as I sipped on the cooling hot chocolate before Hoseok came into the lounge to join us along with Jimin, Jimin sat down next to me and I pulled the blanket to make room for him to share too, Hobi sat to the other side of me but he didn't want any of the blanket.
“Hey, guys.” I spoke tiredly. Because I had woken up earlier than normal, I was starting to get tired. Hobi reached out so he could also pet Yoongi and I moved my hand for him. “Everything alright?”
They both hummed in hello then again letting me know that they were fine. I sighed as I relaxed into the couch more, wiggling my legs slightly, making me slump down some more. I felt a weight on my shoulder and I glanced to the side to see Jimin was resting his head on my shoulder as he played with Yoongi. I smiled softly at him, but as soon as he had put his head down, he sat back up abruptly and looked at me confused, before I could return the look he leaned in again towards my neck for just a few seconds before pulling away again.
He looked stunned at whatever was going on and peered around to Hoseok who looked up at him questioningly. It seemed as though they were having a whole conversation with their eyes, a conversation I could not understand, but before I could ask, Hobi learned towards my neck as well.
He pulled away after a few seconds, I was starting to become embarrassed at how they both seemed to know what was happening yet I knew nothing, and they kept getting closer to my neck. They both seemed to just keep looking at each other, almost like they were unsure what to do in the situation, I could feel my face heating up at how they both turned towards me.
It was when they both leaned in at the same time that I finally said something.
“What is going on?” I asked them hastily, incredibly confused and not understanding any of what had happened. Neither of them seemed to know how to explain what was happening so they just looked at me weirdly. I huffed, hoping it was just a one time thing as I moved Yoongi from my lap and over to Hoseok. “I…I think I’m going to go take a nap.”
I crawled out of the blanket and off the couch before telling the boys that I would be in the room if they needed me. I dropped my now empty mug into the sink before trudging upstairs trying not to think of the weird interaction I just had. I could feel the sleep pulling at me so I hurried up my pace to the room.
I pushed open the door to see that it was in fact empty, which meant I could have a nice quiet nap. I peeled off my top and discarded it on the floor, making a mental reminder to pick it up after I woke up, that I most definitely would forget. I picked up a random hoodie from the floor and slipped it over my head. It was over sized and clearly not mine but I didn't mind. I shimmied out of my pants before finally crawling into bed and pulling the covers over me and up to my ears to keep me warm and comfy.
“Y/n?” I heard a voice speak out, followed by footsteps that seemed to get closer to me. I recognised Jungkook's voice as I felt his presence standing near the bed. I opened up one eye to look at him. Judging by how I didn't hear the door open or any knocking I figured he must have already been in the room and I had just missed him, he was probably in the bathroom or the closet.
I hummed back at him tiredly, wondering what he needed. He didn't say anything but he pulled back the blankets half way down before stopping. I nodded my head as I moved back in the bed towards the wall to make room for him. He pulled the rest of the blankets back as he slipped himself in beside me.
I moved myself back towards him on auto pilot, maybe it was a hybrid thing but I had learnt that they liked to embrace people when they slept, Hobi did it, Yoongi did it too. I wrapped my arms over his shoulders and he wrapped his under mine, snaking them around my waist and holding me tight before he nuzzled his head into my neck. I could feel his heart beating in his chest and his hot breath fanning over my neck.
His breath hitched for a second before returning to normal, he nuzzled his face further into the crook of my neck, so much so that I could feel his nose and his lips pressed against the base of my neck. I didn't pay much attention to what he was doing. I was trying to sleep but all these thoughts kept flooding into my mind. I tried to calm myself by reaching up and stretching my fingers into Jungkook's long hair as I started to play with it and twist a strand around my finger.
I could feel something moving on my neck, almost like Jungkook was mumbling something against the skin, where his face touched my neck it felt hot but it wasn't from his breathing. The sensation was oddly calming so I continued to play with his hair as I could feel my mind calming down once again and sleep was ready to take over. I moved my fingers upwards towards the base of his bunny ears, my finger came into contact with the soft fur but I quickly pulled them away as I felt Jungkook bite down onmy neck.
I hissed out in pain as I tried to push myself away from him, but he wouldn't let go and he kept his head buried in my neck, his lips still pressed to the spot that he had bit. He pulled me closer to him by my waist, making our bodies flush against each other. My neck tingled on the spot where his teeth had pressed into my soft skin, my breath was caught in my throat as I didnt know how to process what had happened.
“J-Jungkook!” I stuttered out as I kept trying to wiggling my way out of his grasp, but he wasn't having it as he squeezed me harder, refusing to move. I grunted out loudly as I let my body go limp, knowing that there was no way I'd be able to escape the surprisingly strong bunny.
“Bite me again, and you're out of the bed, and I'll start screaming.” I said threateningly as I had completely given up on trying to escape, I did my best to wriggle back under the blanket and get comfortable again. I could feel his lips pull into a smirk as they dragged across my skin, he seemed to slightly loosen his grip so I could get comfortable before holding me tight again.
It didn't take long for sleep to consume me, I could still feel the tingle and the dull throb of pain in my neck as I drifted in and out, but it didn't bother me. Jungkook’s warm honey and earthy scent smelt stronger than ever from our close proximity, it was invading my system, it smelt so strong that I could almost taste it on my tongue.
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I woke up around 2 hours after we fell asleep, the room was much darker now, meaning it was later in the evening, maybe almost time for dinner. I looked around with my tired eyes trying to focus around me. I sighed and rubbed my eyes as I decided to get up, I lifted Jungkook's arm off of me as I sat up and then put it back down on the bed.
I had to climb over him since I was boxed in between both him and the wall. I swung one leg over before pressing my hands into his chest and pushing down to lift me the rest of the way over. He stirred in his sleep as I smirked at him, it was payback for biting into my neck earlier.
I reached my hand up to rub the spot, it didn't hurt so much anymore but when I touched it a dull pain surged through the area. I grumbled about how annoyed I was and dropped my arm down letting it swing back and forth before wrapping it around my stomach and pushing my hand up under my shirt to rest on the warm skin as I opened the bathroom door and made my way inside.
I flicked on the light and had to blink a few times to get used to it. I turned to face the mirror as I dragged my hands down my face before lifting them up to my hair and attempting to tidy it up. As I was playing a round with the ends of my hair I spotted a darker patch of skin on my neck. Curious, I leaned in closer to the mirror to be sure of what I was seeing, I reach to pull the hoodie down slightly as I touched the dark spot with the weird marks around it, my breath stalled in my throat as I pushed myself to stand up straight again as I looked at myself in the mirror, the alarm clear in my eyes as I was taken aback by what I saw seeing.
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A/n: Late night chapter! This chapter feels like everything and nothing at the same time to me. Jungkook is an uncontrollable menace to Y/n and I live for it! I hope you all have a lovely day or night and thankyou all for reading! 💜
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lillsisamarshmallow · 2 months
House Guests (14)
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Summary: Y/n struggles to find a place to stay until a close friend offers to let her stay with her, and her two other hybrids. Y/n talks to her friend about how she’s been feeling and is left with more questions than answers. Having a place to stay is great, just one thing, there's only 1 bed...
Word count: 4.8k
Warnings: Eviction, Let me know if I missed any!
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“I don’t know what we’re going to do.” I explained to Seoyeon as I walked around to serve the customers. “I mean, there’s absolutely no way I will find someplace in just 2 days.”
Seoyeon stayed silent as I asked the older couple in front of me for their order, nodding as they spoke, I scribbled it down and gave them a polite smile before walking away to get another order.
“I mean, you're planning to move out anyway, right? I wish I could help but I don’t have enough room for all of you.” Seoyeon said, trailing behind me. “If it were just you then we could have bunked, but I don’t fancy 8 other people in my bed.”
I turned to face her just in time to see her grimace at the thought. I cracked a smile and laughed at her antics as I scribbled down another order before opening up the kitchen doors and pinning up the orders for the others to see.
“Yes, but I thought we would have a week or so to find some place. Not 3 days!” I exclaimed frustratedly, before quickly apologising. “Thanks, I’m sure I’ll figure something out, hopefully.”
As I walked back out from the kitchen the next person to walk in the front door was Jisoo, she looked around for a bit before spotting us next to the counter, her face brightened up as she made her way over to us. I smiled at seeing a good friend of mine.
Me and Seoyeon, both gave her a quick hug before we started catching up while standing out of the way of the others.
“What? You’re getting evicted?” She asked, the shock clear on her face as her eyes widened and she looked at me questioningly. I grumbled and sighed before confirming the news and muttering about how we only had 2 days to find somewhere to stay.
“That’s terrible Y/n.” She sympathised and placed a hand on my left shoulder, pausing as the room seemed to fall quiet for a second. “You all could come stay with me until you find somewhere, if you’d like?” 
My eyes widened as I looked her in the eyes with surprise on my face. My saviour.
“Really? Are you sure that's okay? There are 8 of us…” I said still holding on to hope but understanding that she may not have realised just what she had suggested.
“Yeah, it might be a bit squishy though, but I'm sure you’ll all be fine.” She said with a large smile on her face, her eyes creasing because of it.
“Aww thank you so much!” I reached forwards and pulled her into a hug, she had just saved me the stress of not being able to find some place in such a short time and I was so grateful that she would do something like this. “Oh, will the girls mind us staying over? I don't want to bother them.”
“I’m sure they won't mind.” She said, still giggling as I pulled away.
“So, it’s settled then? Y/n and the boys can stay with you until Y/n is able to find somewhere more permanent.” I turned to face Seoyeon before nodding in her direction. I finished talking to the girls and went back to behind the counter to make Jisoo’s drink. I was practically bouncing with excitement as I went through the rest of the day, waiting until I could get everyone together to tell the boys of the news.
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The next morning after telling the boys last night about our temporary accommodation and packing most of our stuff into a bag or 2 each, we had packed the bags into the car and all squished in, the ride to work felt long as I could hear the boys grumbling and arguing in the back about space and how much the other was taking up. Thankfully after arriving at work the day seemed to fly by quickly and it didn't take long before we were all squished back up in the car again and on our way to Jisoo’s.
“Next time remind me to transform so we don't have to be so close.” I heard someone grumbling, this caused me and Namjoon, who was sitting in the passenger seat, to laugh, we were the only ones who didn't have to share space due to the bags that also filled the car. At some point someone had started a game of guess who, but they would describe somebody and everyone else had to guess it, safe to say that me and Jimin were both terrible at this game, though I blamed Jungkook for his terrible impression of Ariana Grande by pulling his bunny ears up to look like a ponytail, I don't think anyone got that one right. We had to stop the game as it had just turned into the others discussing and teasing me and Jimin’s height, comparing us to baby chicks was the drawing line.
As we drove along on the way to Jisoo’s house I looked out towards the countryside, beautiful rolling hills and crop fields surrounded by forests. Jisoo didn't live too far out of town, but far enough, she said it was because she enjoyed the ‘quiet life’. 
I wanted to hopefully find some place like this, out of town and quiet, just me and my boys.
I turned down her driveway and the house came into view, it wasn't an overly large house, but it had a large yard surrounding it. It was an older house that she had done up before moving in. I pulled up to the side, making sure to leave space for the driveway before getting out of the car, stretching lightly before heading to open up the back, the bags and hybrids almost tumbled me over in their haste to leave the confined space making me huff before giggling, everyone came and grabbed their own bag and Jin closed the door.
We all walked in a line towards the door, stepping on the cute stepping stones that were surrounded by smaller white stones, Jisoo had many flowers surrounding her front yard, surprisingly her house wasn't overly big compared to the area she lived in, she didn't have very close neighbours and her driveway was quite long and away from the main road that led us here. I could sense Jimin tense behind me as we got closer to the house, but I just figured he was nervous.
Stepping off the cute stones and onto the wooden porch I walked up to the big white front door and raised my hand up. I knocked on the door 3 times before putting my hand down. I turned to see the boys behind me and I gave them an encouraging smile as I knew they were a bit nervous, I saw Yoongi and Jimin standing next to each other and sharing looks, Yoongi’s ears were perked up and his tail was swaying back and forth rapidly and flicking out, they both seemed to be on edge about something, but before I could ask I heard someone fumbling around on the other side of the door followed by footsteps, two pairs of them.
I turned back to face to door just as it began opening but before I could even say hello to Jisoo two blurs passed in front of her before attaching themselves to me, I giggled at their antics as I looked down to see two pairs of cat ears, a dark grey pair with shorter fur and a white pair with long fluffy fur.
“Hey girls.” I said as I felt their tails wrap around my legs like they usually would when they hugged someone. I would have hugged them back, but my hands were full with my bag of my stuff.
“Come on you two, at least let them inside first.” Jisoo laughed as she opened the door further and stepped out, I looked up and smiled at her as she had to practically pry the two hybrids off of me before bribing them so they would go inside. “They haven't shut up about you since I told them you’d be coming to stay for a few days.” She said as she reached to grab a bag from me before turning and making her way into the house.
I followed behind her with the boys hot on my trail, we walked past two hallways before making it into her living area, across from that was a large window almost the length of the wall which looked out into her back yard, her house was beautiful. She continued to take us on a small tour of the house as we made our way up the stairs to the second level.
“Thanks for letting us stay for a while, I'll keep looking for somewhere more permanent while we’re here.” I said to her as we made it to the top level of her home and took a right, walking past another large window.
Jisoo hummed at what I had said as we kept walking, the boys seemed to be sticking oddly close to me and glancing around a lot. What's going on? Finally, Jisoo opened a door into a room, it was a decently sized room with a large single bed to the left wall. It had basic things in it, a small desk opposite the bed complete with a comfy looking office chair, at the end of the bed was a large chair and small coffee table. I smiled at how Jisoo had even gone to the effort of setting up the room, assuming this one was mine since there was only one bed I walked over and placed my bag onto the bed.
“Okay, well I’ll go get some extra blankets and pillows for the rest of you.” She smiled as she headed towards the door. “There's a wardrobe where you guys can put your bags over there.” She pointed to the small sliding door that I hadn't noticed before.
“Wait, what about the other rooms?” I asked her confused as to why she’d have to bring extra pillows and blankets into this room as there was more than enough for just me on the bed already.
“Huh? There are no other rooms. I’m going to get more pillows and blankets for you all to make it more comfortable here. Do you not need any? I thought-”
“What?” I barely managed to stumble out practically speechless. She expects us all to sleep in here. There is no way we will all fit on that bed. I thought before saying it.
“Well, they’re hybrids, right?” She said as if she didn't see a problem.
“Clearly.” I looked at her like she was crazy as I spoke and thrusted my hands out towards the group of hybrids with varying animal parts, long tails, and large ears on top of their heads.
“So, they can transform.” She said it as though it was clear as day which made me think about how it was a pretty simple solution and I felt a bit silly for not thinking of it, but I had only ever seen Hobi and Yoongi in their animal forms. I wonder what the others look like? Suddenly I was excited to see what they would all look like in their animal forms and was fully on board with the idea. “Problem solved.”
“Hmm? Oh, yes!” I snapped out of my thoughts, I looked over to the boys to see how they felt about that idea and they all seemed to be okay with it, so Jisoo went to get the other blankets she was talking about and we all began to move around the room. I opened up the wardrobe and moved to walk inside, placing my bag onto the bench on the left side.
Soon enough we had moved everything around and Jisoo had returned with the blankets which she set down on the chair near the door before we all headed down to the living room. Most of the boys were walking around looking around the house, almost like they were scouting. I made my way to sit on the couch with Jisoo, but not long after sitting down we were ambushed by her two cat hybrids who had come out from hiding. We both laughed at their playfulness as they sat with us basically sprawling all over us and the couch.
“And how've you been, Jennie?” I asked the hybrid with the white cat ears who had her head resting in my lap and looking up at me with a big smile on her face. She went on about how she had been doing and how much she had missed seeing me, back when me and Jisoo used to live closer to each other I would visit them often after work and would stay some nights but after Jisoo moved out here and I moved into my apartment we didn't see each other as often.
“When’d you get hybrids?” Lisa purred as she sat half on Jisoo and half on Jennie, her dark grey ears peaked in interest, I told them that it was a few weeks ago when they moved in with me and how I had met them at the cafe but I didn't say how or why they had moved in with me. Both girls seemed to go quiet as something caught their gaze, I tilted my head backwards to see what it was, only to be met with an upwards view of Jungkook who seemed to look serious before balancing done at me and smiling, his long bunny ears flopping down along with his hair, I smiled back at him before he decided to look up again before making his way around the couch and squeezing his way between me and the side of the couch.
I giggled as I moved over slightly to give him more room but we were still close to each other, this caused Jennie to sit up straighter, she moved so that she was sitting on her knees next to me, she slouched slightly and laid her head on my shoulder, I looked back up at Jisoo as we began talking again, bringing up how we were thinking of opening a new cafe location. We kept talking for what felt like ages as the hybrids just sat with us, Jennie and Jungkook were hanging off of me which wasn't particularly normal, but I decided to let it go.
I could feel something on my thigh and guessed it was just Jennie's tail, she and Lisa had a habit of doing that. I kept talking with Jisoo as it was getting into the late evening and the conversation had now turned to the guy she was talking to recently.
“He took you there! Seriously?” I gasped as I moved my hand to cover my mouth. I felt something move on my lap, I probably spooked Jennie from my loud noise.
“Yep.” She said a matter of factly. “We have plans to head up to the mountains after christmas too.” She confessed with a large smile on her face and got giddy at the thought. I laughed at her actions as she went red in the face, the movement on my lap not stopping, I could feel Jennie’s tail lifting up and flicking around.
“Aww, that's so cute.” I cooed at her, as she gushed about her love life, I was listening to her intently, absorbed with how great this guy she was seeing sounded. Jennie would not stop moving the whole time. What’s going on with her? I glanced away from Jisoo and down to my thighs where she couldn't seem to stop moving her tail.
As my eyes landed on my thigh there was nothing out of the ordinary. I looked at Jennie with a questioning look, to which she just smiled like nothing was going on, I turned to Jungkook, and he acted just as clueless. What's with these two?
I brought my eyes back over to Jisoo as she too seemed puzzled as she looked from Jennie to Jungkook and then to my lap, she seemed to realise something that I had clearly missed, but before I could ask, she called Jennie over to sit with her, patting the spot besides her. Jennie seemed to hesitate before cautiously making her way over to the other girl.
“I know.” Jisoo continued the conversation like it had never stopped. “Are you seeing anyone Y/n?”
I felt Jungkook go still behind me as she asked the question, I sighed before answering her. “Nope, I'm not seeing anyone right now. You make me feel so single.” I whined only being half serious. “Honestly, a few months back I was hoping to find someone, but I haven't really thought about it recently. I guess life just got a bit hectic, maybe someday.” I laughed at the end before trailing off, Jisoo seemed to understand where I was coming from. I remember back in school she was always so terrible with guys, it was nice to see that she had found someone that she really liked.
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It was later in the evening now, I had just walked out of the room after showering and decided to go exploring the house and maybe spend some time with Jisoo without the hybrids listening in on our conversations. I made my way down another hallway, there was minimal decoration in the hallways, the occasional cabinet with a decorative item on top. I kept traversing the house until I made it to another room, peering in, I could immediately tell it was Jisoo’s, the way it was decorated, and the colours used just screamed Jisoo. I tapped slightly on the door frame before poking my head in and slipping in and closing the door behind me. 
Jisoo turned to face me from her position on the bed and smiled as she looked at me, she swung her legs around so that she was now facing the middle of her bed and she indicated for me to sit down with her, I made my way over and crawled onto the bed before crossing my legs over each other to face her.
“What’s up?” She asked nicely.
“Hmm, nothing much really. The boys are taking turns showering so I thought I'd come here for a bit.” I confessed that I truly had no real reason to be here. Jisoo smiled again before flopping back onto her bed, I giggled before doing the same, her bed was soft and full of different blankets, we laid next to each other on her bed, when I turned to look at her she did the same. “Thank you for letting us stay here, really.”
“Of course, Y/n. Anything for you, we’re friends, right?” She laughed as she looked at me. I hummed agreeing with her but what she said reminded me of Jiyoon, someone who I thought was my friend. I tried to shake the thought from my mind and Jisoo seemed to pick up on it as she immediately changed the subject.
“So…You're into them, aren't you?” She said abruptly, making me choke on my own saliva at what she was suggesting.
“What? No, of course not…”
“Mhmm.” She hummed.
“No, I’m serious!” I laughed out before grabbing a pillow and hitting her with it, which caused her to laugh out loud. “I mean, they're all really nice and-” Despite how her question had made me feel, the overall atmosphere of the room was nice, comfortable, relaxing, I felt at ease, Jisoo’s aura was like no other in the way that she was always relaxed and calm and it reflected on to everyone around her, but she could also control the room and shut everybody up if she wanted to.
I threw the pillow at her this time as she interrupted me, my mouth hung open at what she had said before I yelled her name in frustration.
“No, they're all really nice and kind, they're great, but I just…” I paused. “I don't want them to feel like they have to, you know? Because I helped them? And I don't want to get between whatever they have and ruin anything.” I bit my lip as I spoke about how I was feeling. It was true, I didn't know much about hybrids, but I knew that pack bonds were like no other, something shared between people, and I didn’t want to disrupt that. “Besides, I'm not a hybrid so it would probably be weird for them anyways.”
Jisoo didn't say anything as she just stared into my eyes before a smirk formed on her face causing me to become confused. “So, you do find them attractive?” She said,
“What? Well… I don't know…” I stuttered, not exactly knowing how to answer her question truthfully. “I guess?”
“So, that's a yes.” She stated like it was a fact rather than a question. I stayed quiet at her statement because I'd be lying if I said she was wrong, I did find them attractive, and they kept catching me checking them out, but was that weird? They have their own pack and-
Jisoo broke me from my thoughts, and she snapped her fingers in front of me before giving me a knowing smirk, she knew I was thinking about them. My face heated up as I realised she was right, I most definitely did find them attractive and she knew it, I tried to hide it with one of her many blankets that she had on her bed, I groaned out in embarrassment as I heard Jisoo start laughing.
“It’s not funny.” The mumble travelled through the blankets as I kept my face covered, I felt Jisoo place her hand on my shoulder, I sighed before slowly bringing my face out from the blanket and looking at her defeatedly, I was met with a bright smile as her eyes creased.
“It’s fine, Y/n.” She assured me as she propped herself onto her elbows. “Who knows, maybe they like you too.” She grinned at me.
I couldn't take it anymore, I swung myself up from the bed, almost falling off in the process, after gaining my balance I made for the door, whipping it open, desperate to get out of the room and Jisoo’s presence, as I walked out the door trying to cover my face from embarrassment I walked straight into someone.
“Sorry.” I mumbled to the brunette cat hybrid before I speed walked away and down the hall, I could hear Jisoo giggles taunting me. As I made my way back towards the room, I started thinking about what Jisoo said.
Do I like them? No, it's just because I spend so much time with them. Right? Do they…like me? My thoughts were interrupted as I opened the door into the room only to see 7 pairs of eyes look at me, the same eyes I was used to feeling bore into my skin, but not in the same bodies I was used to seeing. All my thoughts left my mind as I looked at all the animals in the room.
I couldn't contain the smile that pulled on my lips at the sight. Almost immediately a golden retriever dog made its way over to me, Jimin. I closed the door behind me and sunk down onto my knees in front of him. His long golden fur felt so soft as I reached out to pet him, he stood closer to me, placing his front paws on my thighs, I started petting him and scratching his ears as he looked at me with bright eyes, and a doggish smile.
I felt something hit my head and a weight on my hair, I reached up and cupped my hands around something small, bringing my hands in front of me and opening them I saw a small little sugar glider.
“Oh my goodness.”
I gasped at how cute the small animal was, his big brown eyes stared into mine as I gushed over him, cooing at his cuteness as he reached his little paws up to my face and held my nose for a second before my attention was stolen away as I saw a brown bunny hop his way over to me on my left. I felt Jin move out of my hands and make his way up to my shoulder as I reached out for the small bunny rabbit and scooped him into my arms, he put his little paws against my chest as he looked up at me.
“You guys are so cute.” I chuckled as I used one finger to pet Jungkook on his face, between his ears and over his little bunny cheeks.
My arms felt like jelly and my jaw slack as I was overwhelmed with just how cute the boys were in their animal forms, Jungkook was making a humming noise as I held him close to my chest with one hand, ruffling the fur near his neck, while my other hand was scratching Jimin gently on his head as he rested his head on my thighs. I looked up from the 2 boys in my lap to see a dark blob on the bed with 2 glowing eyes, I turn over to the desk to see that others, Hoseok’s vibrant orange fur stood out as he sat on the top of the desk as he looked down at me, looking below him, I spotted 2, much larger, animals.
Taehyung's silky jet-black fur made him almost unnoticeable in the dark shadow under the desk, I could see his tail flickering about and I could feel his eyes boring into me making a shiver run down my spine and my hair stand up. I had to drag my eyes away from his before they caught onto the last hybrid. Namjoon's wolf form was large, larger than any wolf I'd seen, his fur was long and a dark shade of grey with lighter greys mixed in on the ends. If I didn't know better, I’d say I could also see some scars where the fur wasn't as thick, his wolf eyes stared into mine, he stood where he was, almost like he was worried and waiting for me to make the first move.
I let go of the two smaller hybrids that were in my lap before sitting up slightly and crawling my way towards the larger hybrids. As I came face to face with the large wolf I sat back on my knees in front of him, so close I could feel his breaths fanning over me. I slowly reached up my right hand up to him, I watched as it sunk into his thick fur, he was so soft, I felt his body relax slightly as he gave me a weird wolfy grin before I pulled myself up towards him and wrapped my arms around his neck bringing him closer to me as I began to pet him and raised one hand up to scratch his ear.
He seemed to melt at that as he fully leaned into my touch causing me to giggle at him, he kept rubbing and nudging his wet nose into my neck and face, playing around. Taehyung made his way over to us from his position under the desk, forcefully pushing Namjoon’s head out of my hands and replacing it with his own, I moved my hands down to the side of his feline face, I gave him a cheeky smile to which he just snorted at me.
Taehyung's fur was smooth and soft, I rang my hands over his coat and down his back as I moved my legs to sit cross legged. I was filled with excitement and wonder, my previous thoughts forgotten, I'm sure the boys could tell as they all seemed just as happy as I was. Taehyung didn't get much attention because Namjoon was shoving him away with his wet nose and taking his place once again. I laughed out loud at how playful they were, hybrid or animal, they all acted the same.
Soon enough the others had also moved over and were fighting for attention. The night continued as we played around, the moonlight shining through the window and the warm glow from the lights accompanied by the carefree energy. It wasn't until later in the night when we finally got to bed, everyone laying out across the room, using the extra blankets and pillows to make things more comfortable, it was weird not having Hobi in the bed, I had gotten used to sleeping beside him, but with a cat on my chest, a dog at my feet and a rabbit that keeps almost suffocating me, I was glad that we didn't all share the single bed in the room. 
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A/n: Another week another chapter! 1 day late, but that's fine. I really loved the idea of Y/n sharing a bed with the hybrids in animal form, it was just so cute in my head, I have a cat but he has no interest in sleeping in the bed 🥲 I realised while planning this chapter that the only hybrids you seen have are the boys, so I thought to give Jisoo some hybrids too! Also! If you ever have any questions about the series, even things like back stories for character or maybe some ideas that I've scrapped, feel free to send me an ask about it because I'd love to answer any questions. 😃 I hope you all have a lovely day or night and thankyou all for reading! 💜
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lillsisamarshmallow · 15 days
Moving day! (17)
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Summary: Y/n spends the next week searching for a new house, and when she thinks luck has run out, something odd happens. Driving hybrids, polite agents, giant IKEA, being crushed by a falling mattress covered in plastic… who knew moving houses was so difficult.
Word count: 5.7k
Warnings: None! Let me know if I missed any!
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I sighed as I slowed the car down before the red light, taking a moment to rest my head in my hands, hoping to ease the stress that had been bubbling up inside me. It had been almost 2 weeks since we temporarily moved into Jisoo’s house, and we still weren't having any luck finding a new place. I was on my way back to the cafe from a viewing that I went to alone. That house definitely wouldn't work. I thought to myself, the photos were deceiving to what it actually was like, and the agent was really rude the whole time, rather than showing me around the house she kept taking photos in front of it, posing.
Rolling my eyes at how annoying the agent was, I grunted at the idea of another house being crossed out from the list. Let's just hope the next one is better. I tried to think positively about the next house as I started driving again. I was heading to the cafe to pick up Namjoon and Yoongi since it was their turn to come to one of the viewings and honestly this next house looked perfect, but I couldn't help the small voice in the back of my head that was whispering negative thoughts and making me doubt our chances with this house.
I pulled up in front of the cafe and made my way inside, I saw a few of our regulars and I gave them a welcoming smile as I made my way into the kitchen walking past Hobi and Jimin who were manning the register. I opened the door to see Jin and Yoongi cooking whilst Namjoon was taking drinks out from the cooler. I giggled as the sight of bright green caught my eye from the tape of the floor, the lines Namjoon and Taehyung weren't allowed to cross.
“Is it time?” Yoongi asked as he was the first to notice me. I nodded my head as I walked over and sat down on a stool while I waited for them to get ready to go. I watched as Yoongi untied his apron and lifted it over his head, making sure not to get it caught on his ears. He folded the apron neatly before telling Jin when to take the food out of the oven, to which the older man nodded. “How was the house you just saw?”
“Not great if I'm being honest.” I sighed before jumping off the small stool, I walked over to the plate of freshly baked almond croissants, I haven't eaten yet today, and I was starving. “It would have never worked, and I didn't like the agent lady.”
I heard Yoongi hum at my response from behind me. I quickly reached out and grabbed one of the delicious-looking croissants and stuffed one end into my mouth. I turned around and asked them if they were ready to go, but what was supposed to be a question came out as an incomprehensible mumble due to the pastry that was blocking my words. I watched as Yoongi gave me a gummy smile as he laughed and nodded his head, Namjoon walked over to us too with a smile on his face.
We walked through the cafe and out the front, saying goodbye to the others on our way past them. As we made our way outside Yoongi gestured for me to throw him the keys, which I gladly did. I was happy to take a break from driving. We all got strapped in the car and I gave Yoongi the directions and we set off to the next viewing.
I happily munched on my late lunch as I watched yoongi drive. I liked watching him drive, I couldn't explain why, but I couldn't drag my eyes away. I noticed that I had been caught by how he started smiling and glanced away from me and out his window. I blushed as I readjusted myself to sit up straight and look out my window. Large trees lined the road, the canopy almost fully covering over us, just allowing small patches of light to seep through the branches and their leaves.
The area looked serene and quiet, occasionally we’d pass a small turn, but our map said to keep going.
“The next left.” I said to yoongi as I looked at the GPS map on my phone that I had punched the address of the house into. Reaching the right turn we made our way down the very long, skinny driveway until the trees pulled back and opened into a field, and in the centre was a rather large wooden house, it had small garden beds in the front of the porch, but they had no plants in them, indicating that the place had been vacant for a while.
“Woah.” I whispered as the full house came into view, my mouth opened in shock, it looked amazing, better than the photos, it had 3 levels, the top being more of a covered seating area, it had a full wrap around porch outside and multiple stairs to get up to it.
The gravel crushed under the car wheels as Yoongi pulled off to the side to park the car. The 3 of us made our way over to the front of the house where there was an agent waiting with the keys and another handful of people who were also interested in the house.
The lady welcomed us all before unlocking the doors, allowing us to roam around on our own. The bottom level had the living room, laundry, kitchen, all the basic things and the second level had all the bedrooms. The kitchen was gorgeous, and I couldn't help but think of how much Jin would love it. There were two large common areas downstairs too.
My mouth was open for most of our self-guided tour, everything was so amazing and checked all of our boxes. I bounced around on the balls of my feet as I couldn't contain my excitement, Namjoon and Yoongi followed behind me. I could hear them chuckling at me and mumbling to each other, trying to remember everything so they could tell the others when we got back.
Making our way upstairs to the bedrooms the first one we walked into was the largest according to the map on the website.
“This would be your room.” I said to both of them we had a quick look around, it could definitely fit a large enough bed for them all. The next 3 rooms were all the same size, the ones that I had suggested would be used so the boys could have their own areas for hobbies and such. The last room was at the end of the hallway, and it was away from the others for a bit. We walked in and had a look around, it was the only room with its own bathroom. It wasn't as big as the first room, but it was bigger than the other 3. “And this would be my room.”
We kept looking around and everything seemed perfect. The backyard was large and even included a section of the woods surrounding the house. It had more garden beds on the side, presumably for veggies and similar things. I let the boys go and have their own look around while I leaned on the railing of the porch.
“This house is beautiful, right?” I looked to my side to see the agent lady lean down beside me, I smiled at her and relaxed in the informal atmosphere that she brought with her. She had long brown hair that was tied in a loose but professional bun at the back of her head, she looked over to me, her eyes were brown, and she wore pink lipstick. She was really pretty and oddly familiar. “My name’s Irene by the way.”
I stuck my hand out to shake hers as she introduced herself to me. “Hi, I’m Y/n.” I saw her eyes widen slightly at my introduction.
I nodded, I smiled as I looked back out into the yard. “It’s a very beautiful house, everything we were looking for actually.”
“Oh? Have you been looking for long?” She asked curiously.
“Just over a week, but we haven't had any luck yet.” I explained to her as I sat up to face her politely. “We’re staying with a friend for now, but we really need to find somewhere.”
She hummed at what I said before speaking. “Is it just the 3 of you?”
“Uhh- no. There’s 5 more of us. Hence why we need a big house.” I chuckled. We kept talking for a bit as we sat down on one of the seats, a few other people came up to her to ask some questions and a few people let her know that they weren't interested and headed out, but she didn't seem to mind.
Eventually the boys came back to me, and we were the last group to leave the house. I watched as Irene locked up and made her way down the stairs to stand near us. “Did you like the house?” She asked politely.
“Yep, it checked all of our boxes, I can't wait to tell the others about it.” I exclaimed as we began walking back to the cars.
“That's great! Well, I'll be sure to keep a look out for your application.” She grinned before winking my way, I still couldn't shake why she looked so familiar, she's probably just in a lot of ads or something.  I nodded my head and laughed as we went our separate ways. The whole ride back to the cafe was just us discussing the house, what we liked, what we didn’t, whether or not the others would've liked it and if I should make an offer for it. 
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I was laying on the couch, my head propped up on Hoseok’s lap as Taehyung laid on my stomach with his body between my legs. We were all watching a movie in the living room. I don't remember what it was called, but I was constantly confused by how many things went unexplained. I moved my hands up to rest over my chest, the fabric being loose meant that I didn't have to worry about being tangled up in it. It was Seokjin’s jumper, or at least I think it was, I don't remember. The boys kept giving me their jumpers and jackets. I wasn't sure why, but I wasn't going to complain since they kept me warmer than my own jumpers and it reminded me of them.
The jumper was big on me which meant that I could snuggle my face into it, the scent of vanilla and cherry had ingrained itself into my nose as I breathed around the oversized jumper. I could barely keep my eyes open as I kept skipping bits of the movie accidentally. The main character was annoying and so was his love interest, but the others seemed to enjoy it. 
I felt my phone vibrate in the pocket on the jumper under Taehyung's head. He lifted his head up slightly so I could reach into my pocket and grab the device. I mumbled a quiet ‘thanks’ before raising the phone up to my face. The light shone into my eyes making me squint, but after a few seconds they adjusted and I was able to see, as I read my top notification my eyes widened at what it was.
I gasped loudly as I sat up straight, I stared down at my phone rereading the notification, I heard a grunt as I realised that I had disturbed the big cat hybrid, he shuffled down more, his feet kicking into Yoongi as he moved his head to rest on my thigh instead. “Sorry.” I mumbled quietly as I reached one hand to pet his ears and play with his hair. I smiled at him before moving my gaze back to my phone.
I opened up my email app so I could properly read the whole thing, my face lit up as I kept reading until the end. “Guys, I got the house.” I exclaimed as I quickly reread the email from the company again making sure I hadn't misread it.
“What? No way. It's only been a day.” Hobi said from behind me, to which I passed him the phone so he could also read the email. “You got the house?”
“We got the house!” I cheered as everyone joined in excitedly. “Irene must have said something.”
“Wouldn't that be weird, you only met her that day, right?” Namjoon asked from across the room. I thought about what he said. He was right, I had only met Irene that day and we didn't know each other that well, why would she do this? I wondered in my head, it wasn't like we knew each other or anything, just our conversation while we were at that house.
“Maybe she thought I was pretty?” I half joked with the boys, I was genuinely clueless as to why she might have put in a good word, maybe she didn't, maybe we were just lucky. The boys laughed at my statement as we all sat in the living room practically bouncing with excitement. Everyone was so happy that we were able to find a place and it made my heart swell as I watched them all talk about it, knowing that I had done well. 
We discussed when to start packing up and when we would get everything moved in, we drew up another small basic map of the house and the boys started deciding who would share which rooms, some decisions were left up to a game of scissors, paper, rock, there was a lot of yelling.
Eventually, after deciding who was sharing which room, we all decided to think of a collective theme for the main area of the house and what types of furniture we would need. The house came with a few pieces of furniture, but we would have to buy a lot of our own and since Jisoo didn't have any room, I had to get rid of my old furniture. Which meant a trip to a furniture store to get everything.
I looked up at the big neon sign that was now slightly distorted from how close I was underneath it. The small trees and bushes outside were a vibrant shade of yellow and orange, which unfortunately did not match the building too well, but that didn't matter. The cold wind was strong today, and I tried to dig my hands further into my pockets to stop the cold from freezing them solid.
We all quickly made our way inside the giant store to get out of the cold weather, it wasn't even winter yet. I grumbled at how much I hated the cold weather, before remembering how beautiful it can be at the same time. The ground is covered in a white layer of soft snow, icicles hanging from trees, and intricate little snowflakes landing on your nose. I loved winter.
I was grateful when we got inside to realise that the store did crank their air conditioning all the way up like some places did. I sighed and took my hand out of the pocket of my puffy jacket that was laid on top of a jumper that was not mine, I rubbed my hands together quickly before taking a few steps further into the store. It was quiet and empty, not a lot of customers, not a lot of employees, the background music was low, and I could hear the rustle of leaves against some of the windows.
I saw an employee make his way over to us and ask his typical questions, but I let him know that I had it covered and then he went back to his seat behind the weirdly tall counter.
“Okay, game plan.” I said, turning around to face the troops and clapping my hands together. “What’s the game plan?”
“We should split up.”
“But what if we all choose different things? I’ve got the list.”
“Well, how about we stick together until we get most of the stuff, then we can split up and get the rest of it?” Jimin suggested. It was a reasonable idea, and for that reason, we chose to ignore it.
Everyone had ended up splitting and spreading out around the store, Namjoon had the list, and both me and Yoongi knew most of it off the top of our heads since we were the ones who made said list. I had gravitated over towards the bedroom section where I began to choose a bed from myself before someone walked around the corner.
“Oh? Hey, Y/n.” Taehyung said nonchalantly as he walked around the corner with Jungkook hot on his tail, I smiled at the 2 as I walked a few feet over to them. “Are you looking for a bed too?”
I nodded back at him as I spoke about one that had caught my eye earlier, but I wasn't dead set on anything. We continued to wander around for a bit, they both seemed to know what they were looking for, so I just tagged along behind them. Eventually we came to a wall and sat down in the corner of the room. It was the largest bed I'd ever seen, it would've fit at least 7 people, maybe even 9.
I watched as Taehyung and Jungkook raced for the bed before jumping onto it and laying down. I laughed at them as I ran to join them, the bed was soft and plush, and I basically sunk into it. I gasped at how great of a bed it was before I sat up onto my knees, making sure not to put my shoes on the display bed. 
“This bed is humongous!” And it’s so soft too.” I exclaimed before flopping to the centre on my stomach, I could have fallen asleep right then and there. “I didn't even know they made beds this big.”
“They used to have a few of these back at the shelter.” Taehyung just so casually said before he rolled off the bed. Shelter? I thought to myself.
“The shelter?” I asked whilst trying to haul myself up off the almost too soft bed.
“Uhh-yeah. The one that me and Jungkook were at.” Taehyung spoke, almost like he was trying to correct a mistake. I didn't want to push as I noticed the 2 men become quieter, so I put the thought and my questions aside and walked over to the sign with the information for the bed. I scribbled the exact name down before leading the boys back to the normal beds so I could choose one.
“It’s perfect!” I exclaimed as I got off the 27th bed I'd tried. It had a white bed head that had small shelves in it, and intricate designs, the base had underneath storage and the mattress was amazing. “Welp, that’s the beds checked off the list, where to next?”
Eventually we found ourselves in the living room area of the shop, where we quickly ran into Yoongi, Jimin, and Hoseok, eliminating the couches they had already looked at, and we started walking down the isles searching. The boys made a point to try every single couch we passed and put on posh accents whilst they spoke about each couch. Yoongi and I stood to the side as we watched them play, discussing the different couches we saw and laughing at the others.
Soon enough we found the perfect couch, there were enough seats for everyone plus some, it was crazy comfortable and was a dark grey in colour. After adding it on to the list we figured, no, we hoped that Namjoon and Jin would have the other major items covered.
Safe to say that our shopping trip went smoothly, for the most part. Hobi got lost in the bookshelves, Namjoon broke a display lamp, Taehyung and Jungkook almost got us kicked out, and when we left, we accidentally picked up a random stranger thinking it was Yoongi, who was sleeping in the beds. We didn't realise until we were leaving the parking lot.
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Today was going to be long… and stressful. I thought to myself as I looked back at the full car from the rearview mirror, but I couldn't help the smile on my face. The keys jingled in my hand as I looked down at them, a few plain silver keys. I made a mental note to get a few more sets cut for the boys and to buy us all different keychains, I grinned as I thought of some ideas.
I hesitated before twisting the key in the door, but finally it was unlocked, and I pushed the door open and walked into our new home. It had an old wood smell to it, it was comforting, but I couldn't wait until it smelled like home. We didn't have much time to gawk at the house as pretty soon the furniture trucks showed up and the workers started unloading things and we all had to move them to the right areas.
“Oh! That one goes over there!” I yelled out whilst pointing over to the kitchen, the worker nodded and started moving the box that way whilst I held back onto the large mattress in front of me and began pushing it again. The mattress was heavy, but I was able to make it to the foot of the stairs. I sighed out annoyed before a light shone down for the heavens, my saviour.
“Here Y/n.” Hobi said as he reached for the other end of the rectangle, I thanked him and smiled up the stairs towards him. With our teamwork we were able to get the mattress onto the stairs, he pulled, and I pushed as we worked our way up. We were about halfway up before disaster struck.
“Y/n?” I heard Namjoon call out from somewhere below me. I turned towards him and hummed out, hoping he would find me from my sound. “Oh, there you are.”
Namjoon smiled at me, his dimples showing which completely pulled my guard down. He gestured towards something that he was holding, like he wanted me to take a look. I walked down the stairs, completely forgetting about Hobi and the big mattress that was still halfway up the stairs. 
I looked down at what he was holding as we both questioned the weird item that he had found, it was some statue. A chicken statue. The chicken looked like it was originally white, but it had years of dirt caked onto it, it had a brown, copper base with different carvings on it. It was a weird little thing, but it was also kind of cute. Absorbed by the small statue, I didn't hear Hoseok’s cries for help.
“Y/n? Y/n? Hello?”
I heard the banging as I turned back towards the stairs. I didn't have time to react as the mattress came tumbling down the stairs and towards me. It knocked me out, taking me down with it, just barely missing Namjoon who had stood next to me. Now he stood, confused, as he looked down at the mattress that laid flat on the floor, with me underneath it.
I grunted out as the light came back into my vision and I could breathe without inhaling the weird smell of plastic. I let my lungs fill with the fresh cool air as I tried to sit up, feeling two hands pushing my back and helping me. I could see the panic on their faces as they both looked down at me from their crouched positions next to me.
I laughed out as I shuffled slightly so I could sit more comfortably, I crossed my legs and held a hand to my chest as I caught my breath. I assured them both that I was okay, but when I went to pick the bed up again, they beat me to it. They both moved the bed upstairs and into my new room with me guiding them.
“We can just put it here for now.” I pointed over at the wall adjacent to my bathroom. “I haven't exactly decided how I’m going to set it up yet.”
I spent a few more seconds glazing around the room as I thought of different ways to decorate and move my furniture to fit the space, but I quickly dismissed the thoughts as we all headed back downstairs to help the others with the last of our boxes.
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I flopped back onto our new couch, which was slightly harder than I'd like, but it was brand new. I sighed out loud as I lifted an arm over my head, resting my forearm across my forehead as I looked up. I felt the couch shift and dip slightly several more times, accompanied by several signs that fell in time.
“Who knew we'd need so many chairs.” I heard Taehyung whining from somewhere on the couch. I sat up and laughed slightly as I shook my head. I had a bit of a headache from all the pushing and pulling, my arms and legs felt like jelly, and my stomach felt as though it had been carved out with a spoon, but it was worth it.
I looked around me, the living room and kitchen were the only places that had been completely unpacked and decorated, most of the other rooms were still a bit bare and had brown cardboard boxes littered in them. The coffee table that sat in the middle had a small vase on it with some fresh flowers I made sure to pick up this morning, and it had a stack of coasters next to it and a small trinket dish.
This was the larger of the two open areas and so we decided to buy a tv for this room, I looked over to my left. The large black screen stood out against the wood texture of the walls. There were 2 large plants positioned either side of it, another trinket dish sat in front of it, underneath it was filled with a few movies and games along with organised cables and docks.
I smiled as I looked at the room that we had come together to create, I looked at the boys as they all took up different places on the couch, I couldn't help the smiling that spread of my face, or the burning that started as a spark in my heart before spreading to the rest of my chest. It hurt, but I could tell it was a good thing and so I embraced it as I sat and watched the boys. My boys
“Do you think we could plant flowers out the back?” Namjoon asked while looking over to me, I nodded my head before responding.
“Yeah! Flowers and maybe some vegetables too. We could set up an outside area too, with tables and chairs.” I exclaimed excitedly. We all continued to discuss random things about the house and what we could do with it, the boys even played a game of scissors, paper, rock to see who would share rooms.
The doorbell ringing was a pleasant distraction from our conversation, we all knew exactly what it was. We all got up and while me and Jimin headed to the door the others headed into the kitchen. I opened the door and smiled kindly at the delivery boy. I thanked him as I took the bags of food from him and handed a few over to Jimin to carry.
When we both got back to the lounge room the others had already bought us our own cutlery and bowls to eat from. The bags seemed to instantly get torn apart as I put them on the table. Within seconds I could hear the sounds of plastic lids being popped off containers and chattering as I took my seat between Jimin and Jin. The surface of the coffee table was now full of different takeaway containers that had various foods in them, my mouth watered at how good some of it looked.
“Let's dig in.”
I picked up some japchae and moved it over to my bowl, but before it fell down another pair of chopsticks stole it from me. I looked up to spot Jungkook grinning cheekily at me as he plopped my japchae into his bowl, I pouted at him and turned the other way, pulling the takeaway container closer to me to hopefully stop any future attacks on my food.
Finally, I was safely able to transport the food into my own bowl, I put the container back down before shuffling back into the couch and crossing my legs as I dug into the food. It was great, not too strong, a perfect balance of vegetables and noodles, I hummed out in joy, and I kept enjoying my food.
My attention was drawn away and a pair of chopsticks floated in front of me, dark, sticky noodles wrapped around them. I followed them over to Jin who looked at me kindly. He gestured for me to open my mouth, so I quickly swallowed the food in my mouth before opening it. Jin pushed the noodles into my mouth and I closed it so he could take the chopsticks out, I chewed for a bit before my face lit up as I faced him and nodded my head fastly, not being able to speak, I gave him a thumbs up and watched as he giggled lightly while looking at my full cheeks.
I finished my noodles and hesitantly looked over to Jin's bowl, I looked back up at him and he gave me an approving smile and I quickly dug my utensils into his bowl and took out some more of the noodles with the dark sauce on them. I chewed on them happily and I sat up straight and looked around. I was swaying side to side lightly in my position, a side affected by good food.
Jimin leaned over to me and pinched some of the food from my bowl, I looked over to him and he chewed on it, his cheeks puffed out full of the food and his lips pursed tightly as he chewed. He seemed to be thinking about the food before he swallowed and gave me a bright smile, his eyes creasing until I could no longer see them.
I took that as him enjoying the food and I smiled back at him before I looked in his bowl, he had some kimchi in his. I looked across from us on the other couch, Hobi and Yoongi sat close to each other, Hobi had his legs on the couch, perched up near his chest. They seemed deep in conversation and passed the food between each other, sharing. I smiled at the both of them as I looked over to the two youngest pack members and Namjoon, who were all watching the tv intensely, completely focused on what every movie they had out of.
Jungkook sat in the middle, him and Namjoon eating from the same bowl that seemed to have more noodles in it, Taehyung had his own bowl with various foods in it, but no kimchi. I unfortunately wasn't able to order a less spicy one for him and myself, but that was fine because we had a lot of other options.
Jin put another mouthful of noodles in front of me which I gladly accepted as I smiled happily, still slightly swaying side to side, but the boys didn't seem to mind it. The night continued on as we all sat together in the lounge while we ate our first dinner in our new house. At some point I had given up on getting my own food as Jin seemed pretty content with giving me food from his bowl, and honestly, I didn't mind.
The sky became deep dark with small specks of sparkling stars, silent except for the rustle of leaves and the happy chirping of the crickets, the sky was clear, and the air felt fresh. I said goodnight to the boys as I retired into my own room, I looked around the empty box. I hadn't finished unpacking, my mattress was laid on the floor with a few blankets and pillows and a small lamp beside it.
The covers felt foreign to my skin as I pushed my bare legs under them, the bottom of my shorts riding up ever so slightly. I punched the pillows until it was soft enough and I laid my head to rest on top of it. I nuzzled further into it and wriggled my body trying to get used to it. I reached out and shut off the small lamp, enclosing the room in a blanket of darkness with only the low glow of the moonshine peering through the curtainless windows.
I sighed out as I tried to put my mind to rest, I tried counting sheep, mathematical equations, making up silly stories, but I couldn't bring myself to sleep despite the tiredness that embedded itself into my bones. I opened my eyes again and grounded as I turned the small lamp on again, a warm glow now accompanying the moonlight. I sat up before flopping back down again, moving my position slightly so I was now laying on my back. I started up at the empty ceiling.
I looked side to side as I wondered why I couldn't sleep. A weird feeling had entered my chest since I came in here and it felt heavy. Emptiness. The room felt empty, a large room with nothing to fill it, loneliness. It wasn't a feeling that I was fond of, it was the type of feeling that would haunt me at night and allow my greatest fears to invade my mind and destroy me.
And for that reason, I had to get up.
I sat up abruptly and with a bounce in my step I hopped over to my door and switched the light switch before turning around to face my room. I had all my boxes labelled and separated into different groups in different areas of my room. I thought this feeling was coming from my unusually empty room, so I started to unpack my things. I popped in my earphones before I got started, pressing play on my playlist.
First, I put together my bed frame. I must have moved it 13 times before deciding on a location. I covered it in my sheets and blankets and topped it off with my pillows in a fancy way. I unboxed all of my clothes and started organising them into my closet. Next was the bathroom, shampoo, conditioner, towels, soap, everything I needed. Then came my desk, my drawers, a few posters, a carpet, I hung up some cute fairy lights too, accompanied by some fake vines and flowers, and a few real plants around the room too. Until eventually I had spent the early morning unpacking. The sun shining into my room made it look beautiful, but I was too tired to realise.
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A/n: New chapter! A little late (I’m posting this as I eat my sushi 🍣) but I hope it’s worth it. The furniture store is suppposed to be an IKEA, but like, I’ve never been to one so idk what they are like. Anyways, I hope everyone is doing well, thank you all so much for 800 followers! (Wtaf??? 😭 ilysm !! 🫶💜). It’s kinda weird how quickly Y/n and the boys got their house, right?
Wonder why that is… 🤔
Oh well! 🤭 Hope everyone has a great day or night, and a lovely weekend! Thank you all so much for reading! 💜💜💜
166 notes · View notes
lillsisamarshmallow · 2 months
Fair day (12)
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Summary: After Jimin finds the notes, Y/n explains to them why she hid them. With everyone feeling down, Y/n decides they should all use a break, and so they head out to the local fair to have some fun. Y/n tried not to think about the menacing letters being slid under her door, but what if someone knew who was sending the notes all along?
Word count: 6.5k
Warnings: None? Let me know if I missed any!
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The room held a slightly awkward silence as we all were gathered in the lounge room, the boys were standing around and some of them were seated on the couch whilst I was standing in the middle of the room, all eyes were on me, waiting for an explanation to the notes, the tension was thick and I could feel the anxiety seeping through me, crawling up my neck and wrapping itself around my throat, my mouth dried and my throat closed up as I tried to swallow.
"Y/n, what’s going on?" Namjoon said while looking at me, concern laced in his deep voice. I glanced away slightly, trying to avoid eye contact as I wasn't sure how to explain myself. 
"Well…." I began, trying to slightly laugh it off before ultimately giving up and just blurting out the situation. They’d already seen the notes and there was no way I could sugar coat such a thing. "Someone, I'm not sure who, has been sliding these weird notes into the apartment.” I started, shortly pausing before continuing. “I wasn't going to tell you at first because I thought it was just some silly joke or something, I didn't think it was serious or anything.
I moved my hands up to my face and rubbed it before I kept explaining. "A few weeks ago, they started getting worse and I just wasn't sure how to tell you guys about it. I guess I hoped that if I ignored it long enough it would go away.” I bit my lip as I realised how foolish of a thought that was and how I probably should have told them in the first place what had been happening. “I didn't mean to hide things from you all, I just didn't want you to get hurt by what they said and I didnt want you all to worry.” 
The room stayed silent as I finished explaining to them the situation and why I didn't tell them. I looked down into my hands, my eyes tracing the slightly darker lines that ran through them, because I knew if I looked up my eyes would just start darting around the room, not being sure where to land their focus. The silence isn't awkward but there was a sense of tension lingering in the air, as we waited to see who would break the silence.
"It’s alright." I dragged my eyes up from my hands and looked in the direction Jin's voice had come from, he stood up as he took a few steps closer to me. "You did it because you didn't want us to get hurt or become worried. It’s okay Y/n.” I wrapped my arms around him as I took a step forward and I felt his hands press into my back as he gave me an affirming squeeze, assuring me that everything was okay. I let out a shaky breath as I allowed my nerves to calm down slightly, they didn't hate me, but this person would keep sending those notes and I was beginning to get worried that it might escalate, Seoyeon’s words had really affected me, what if they do find a way into the apartment? What if this becomes more than just idle threats? My mind was pulled back into the current reality as I saw someone take a step closer to me before Yoongi's voice filled my ears. 
“Have you tried talking to the building owners?” He asks carefully. “Surely this isn't something they can just let happen, right?”
I pulled away from Jin's chest and wiped the top of my nose on the back of my hand. “They won’t do anything unless I can give them some proof of who it might be.” Seoyeon had convinced me to call the building a few days ago, they had basically told us that if there isn't any concrete evidence that I can give them against someone then there was nothing they could do. I remembered right after he said that, Seoyeon had snatched the phone from me and berated the man on the other side for how stupid of a policy it was.
“I’m sorry, I know that I should have told you guys the first time that it had happened, maybe then we could have stopped them or something…” I uttered, a sudden wave of guilt crashing over me. If I had told them could we have stopped it? Was it my fault that the notes started escalating? I had to push down the negative thoughts otherwise I knew that they would cloud my mind and consume my being. I swallowed the sudden lump that formed in my throat as my mouth seemed to run dry again and I was stuck on what to say.
“Y/n, it's not your fault.” Yoongi declared, as though he knew exactly how I was feeling inside. ”You did what you thought was best, and we all would've done the same.” He glanced around at the others as I followed his eyes, everyone was giving me a reassuring smile while I did my best to return it. 
“But from now on, how about no more secrets, we'll deal with it together?” Hoseok said from his position on the couch.
“Yeah, I'd like that.” I spoke softly, agreeing with what Hoseok had said. Yoongi gave me a pat on the shoulder before he moved to go sit back down on the couch between the fox and dog hybrid, Jin waited until I moved before he went back to where he was standing before.
I walked over to a spare spot of the couch and flopped myself down onto it with more force than I intended, causing the air to be knocked out of my lungs. I coughed a few times, gaining back my breath. I leaned my head onto the back of the couch and looked up at the ceiling. This is so frustrating! I thought to myself as I grumbled in annoyance before I just had to let some of the thoughts that were whirling in my head out.
"It’s not like you guys have done anything bad to anyone, we’re barely even out of the apartment, and when we are we're just at work.” I could hear the boys all making various hums and agreeing with what I said, yet none of them seemed surprised and something was telling me this wasn't the first time something like this had happened, which made my heart break to think that someone threatening them with no motive was normal. For as long as the boys had been staying with me, I really didn't know that much about them. Not their past, not how they had ended up living on the streets, not why they did not trust humans, or how they even found each other. I don't know if it was because they didn't want to share or because I just never asked. The silence continued to sit in the room and the mood was down and we all sat on the couch.
"You know what?" I suddenly said as I swung myself back before hopping off the couch and turning to the boys. "Rather than staying here all day moping around, let's go do something fun! We can go out as a group, all we’ve done is work for the past week, let's take a day and go do something we'll enjoy and get our minds off of this... thing." I said enthusiastically while making confusing hand gestures at the notes that sat ominously on the coffee table next to me.
The boys all looked at me confused at first before their eyes lit up at the mention of going to do something fun, it was true, pretty much since I had brought the boys home, they had all been cooped up in the apartment or helping me out at the café.
“I overheard someone talking about a festival in town, maybe we could go there?” Taehyung asked.
“Yeah, the Carolfarm Festival is on for the next few days so we could go there!” I said, remembering that the local festival that comes a few times a year was in fact in town right now, but as I glanced out the window, I remembered that it was already night. “I mean, it’s a bit late right now, but we could definitely go tomorrow. Would you all want to go?”
A chorus of cheers erupted as everyone's mood had perked up at the idea of having a day out, after making the final decision of going and what time we would leave everyone began to slowly wander off to their own areas so we could have a good night's rest before tomorrow.
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I looked up at the large entrance sign in front of me, ‘Carolfarm Festival’. I came here a lot as a kid, but I hadn’t been here recently. All the boys stayed behind me as I made my way to the ticket booth and purchased the 8 adult passes we needed. I signalled for the boys to follow me as I made my way past the gates and into the fairground.
The wind was blowing cold, making a shiver run down my spine. Maybe I should’ve worn something warmer? I brushed the thought as I looked around me. The trees were painted a beautiful pattern of yellows, oranges, reds, and browns, and the ground below them was littered with the colourful falling leaves, the air had a scent of popcorn, cinnamon, and various other fair food smells flowing through it, the chatter and cheering of people winning games and hanging out with their friends and family filled my ears.
The gravel crumbled under my shoes as I walked forwards into a more open area, the centre in front of us was a raised garden with flowers around the edges and a grassy area in the centre, decorated around it was many pumpkins of all shapes and sizes and even colours, some were even carved out to make faces and other various patterns, I turned on my heels to face the boys behind me.
“So, what’s the game plan?” I asked them. “What do we want to do first? Or do we want to split up?”
“I want to get something to eat first.”
“I want to ride the roller coaster!”
A chorus of agreements for both ideas rang through the area as everyone said which they’d prefer, and some of us stayed quiet, being okay with either option.
“Oh, okay, we should split into 2 groups then, so…” I began tapping my chin, trying to make sure I got everything right and split us into even groups. “I’ll go with Jungkook to the roller coaster, Jin, you can take Namjoon, Taehyung, and Jimin with you to get something to eat, and Hoseok and Yoongi can come with me and Jungkook?”
Everyone seemed to nod in agreement at the idea before everyone shuffled around a bit to stand on the correct side. “Don't get lost, don’t cause any trouble, and we’ll meet up at the south end of the fairgrounds later. Jin, I trust you can look after them.” I smiled.
Jin gave me a salute before both groups turned and went their separate ways, we made our way over to the roller coaster, I wasn’t the biggest fan, but this didn’t seem too bad so it was okay, I noticed Hoseok looked slightly nervous, but I just chalked it up to being around so many people so I made an effort to stand closer to him to hopefully calm him down.
It didn’t take long for us to make our way around, seeing some things that looked fun and deciding we would have to come back to it later, Jungkook seemed to want to play every game they had, but thankfully I had come prepared with many tokens and tickets, the line to the coaster was long so I struck up a conversation while we waited.
“Have you guys been here before?” I asked the boys as we shuffled slightly further down the line.
“Not this one, but I’ve been to similar ones.” Jungkook responded, I turned to Yoongi and Hoseok who both said that they hadn’t been before.
“Well, we’ll have to get some iconic fair food then! I really want a dagwood dog and some churros.” I said excitedly thinking of all the different foods they had here, it had been a while since I was only able to have such food here.
Yoongi raised his eyebrows before repeating to me. “Dagwood dog?”
“Yeah, it’s like a hot dog with batter on it, and some tomato sauce. They’re really good, you can try some of mine since you haven't had one before.” I beamed while shuffling down the line again, Yoongi smiled back at me before turning to the others again. The small talk lasted up until we made it to the start of the line, we were waiting for the last passengers to come back so we could get into our cart.
“Who’s going to sit where?” Jungkook asked.
“I don’t mind sitting in the back, you seem to like the roller coaster, Kook, so you can sit in the front.” I said to him, he gave me one of his bunny smiles as we decided where we would sit. Since we were next in line we had the joy of the first seats, so Jungkook and Yoongi were going to share the first row and me and Hoseok were going to sit right behind them.
As they opened the gate for us to board, I made my way to the second row before sitting down and sliding over on the joint seat, Hoseok slid himself in beside me and Jungkook and Yoongi sat right in front of us. The seats were small, so we were squished together, our hips pressing against each other. The worker came and put the safety railing down and started up the coaster, we started moving slowly before entering a tunnel and going uphill.
“Do you like roller coasters Y/n” A voice said from beside me, I couldn't see his face due to the darkness, so I wasn’t sure if he was looking at me, but it was definitely Hobi speaking.
“I don’t mind them usually.” I responded as the cart kept climbing up higher and higher, surely reaching the top soon. “Do you like them?”
“No, not really, I actually hate them.”
“Wait, what-” My words were cut off and formed into a scream as the cart started dropping down, we emerged into the light, and I could feel the wind harshly pushing my hair back and making me squint. The cold air sent shivers down my spine as it pushed into my skin. I turned to Hobi after his confession of not liking the roller coaster and to see his very warped face as he screamed his lungs out.
I tried to smile at the funny sight, but the cart suddenly made a hard turn jolting me forwards before heading upwards really fast. The rough movement of the carriage shook me about and I reached to hold onto something so I felt more secure. While going up the cart was slower and I had time to catch my breath, if it weren’t for the roller coaster, this would be a great view. I turned to my side to see the entire festival below us. Maybe I can spot the others? Just as I tried to find them amongst all the ant-like figures below, the cart came to a very slow speed, I turned around slightly confused, before the cart started dropping us again at insane speeds, making me scream again.
The cart continued to take us up and down, jolting us back and forth, side to side, I swear it went upside down at one point, while me and Hobi were screaming out hearts out, Jungkook was laughing so much that you’d think he was clinically insane, meanwhile Yoongi, had kept switching between screaming like me and Hobi, to laughing along with Jungkook. I had never felt so much relief when the cart finally came to a stop, as soon as the safety bar was lifted, I scrambled my way out the seat after Hobi on onto the stage, I held one hand to my chest and tightly gripped my bag in the other as I tried to calm my racing heart and Hobi seemed to do the same as he stood beside me, after I few seconds I stood up straight before patting myself down and attempting to fix my hair. “Phew, I’m still alive.” I half joked.
Laughter seemed to rip through the air as I turned away from Hobi and over to the cart, I saw Jungkook and Yoongi make their way to us, Jungkook was laughing, and Yoongi was giggling. “You guys looked so funny.” Jungkook said while pointing at us before he started clapping his hands together in amusement.
“Yeah, Yeah, never again will I just get on a roller coaster without checking it out first.” Hobi grumbled and we all made our way down the stairs to the boarding post form, we made our way outside the coaster area before stopping to recollect ourselves, mostly me and Hobi.
“Oh my, just give me a second.” I said while leaning on the fence slightly. “Got to give my stomach time to return to its normal position.”
I heard them all giggle at what I said before I felt someone’s hand on my shoulder, I looked up to see Yoongi standing next to me.
“Still dizzy?”
“Eh, a bit. I’ll be fine though.” I responded to him. “Where to next?”
“Are we ready to meet up with the others?”
"Yeah, we can head over that way."
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We arrived at the south end of the festival to see the others standing around a corner next to a hedge wall.
“How’d the food go?”
“We got some hot chips to share and figured we could all go back as a group later on.” Jin explained to me. “How’d the roller coaster go?”
“It went fine-”
“Y/n and Hobi were screaming so loud!” Jungkook interrupted me as he squeezed his way into the conversation. “You should have seen their faces too!”
I heard everyone start laughing at what Jungkook said, and I knew I couldn’t deny it because they probably heard us too. “I guess Hobi’s face was pretty funny.” I snorted at remembering the face he made when we went down the roller coaster.
“You too Y/n!” Hobi said back to me, jagging me in the ribs with his elbow, we all started laughing at it, before we started making our way towards the carnival games that were littered around the grounds between each major attraction.
The first booth we came across happened to be a basketball one where you had to throw the ball into the hoop which was situated up high and quite far away from the standing mark on the ground. Jungkook and Jimin entered this first one with the tickets I got them, Jungkook got really close, but the ball always seemed to be slightly too far on one side of the hoop.
The boys whined at their loss and Jungkook blamed it on Jimin’s height which made me laugh.
"This game is rigged! It's impossible!" Jungkook whined as he lost his second round and dragged himself back over. "I wanted to win." He sulked and leaned his head on Taehyung's shoulder who then raised his hand to pet the bunny hybrid's hair in a soothing way.
I giggled at his antics and looked back over at the stand where I saw Yoongi passing the guy a token and exchanging it for a ball. He moved over to the little circle that was drawn in the dirt. He turned slightly as he positioned the ball in his hands before aiming. He shot the ball towards the hoop, and it went in. I cheered for him, the first of us to win a game as the guy walked over to him and asked him which prize he wanted.
I turned to see Jungkook looking in disbelief at the cat hybrid. I giggled at the utter shock on his face before it was replaced with a pout. I turned back to Yoongi as he came over holding his prize, a large stuffed bear, he held on his side as he made his way back to the group.
"Hmmpf!" Jungkook huffed as he dramatically turned away from Yoongi who was now standing next to me. I rolled my eyes at him and his antics.
"You can have it, Kook." Yoongi said giggling while holding the bear out to Kookie's back. He huffed again, rejecting the prize. "Okay then, here you go Y/n." Yoongi suddenly turned to me and held out to me. I took it in my hands and turned it so I could see its face. It was a simple brown bear with typical black eyes and a cute black button nose, its fur was so soft, and it was so cute, wrapped around its body was a small patch work jacket which tied it all together.
"Aww, thanks Yoongi. It’s so cute!" I blushed as I moved the bear to wrap my arms around it so I could carry it better. Yoongi smiled at me before we both looked over at Jungkook as he spun around.
"W-what? No, you can't give it to her." He proclaimed before reaching out to grab the bear. "I want it."
"No, it's mine. Yoongi gave it to me because I'm his favourite." I said jokingly and sticking my tongue out at the boy as I took a step back to keep the bear from his grabby hands and stood next to Yoongi now. Jungkook pouted as he looked over at me and gave me his best puppy eyes.
I almost gave in to his cute face, but I had to stay strong, even when faced with puppy eyes from the hybrid. I stood my ground and held onto the bear tighter while lifting it up closer to my face and nuzzling into it.
“Y/n!” He whined, and shuffled closer to me, but before he could reach for it Yoongi and I moved at the same time, resulting in him standing right in front of me, protecting me from a sulking bunny boy.
“C’mon Kook, you can win another game and get your own prize.” Yoongi tried to mediate, but as he was calming down Jungkook I stuck my head out to side so he could see me and stuck my tongue out playfully teasing him. I heard the others giggling at our antics as we eventually made our way to the next booth.
One of the stands we came across happened to do apple bobbing and we all entered as a group to see who would win between. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get an apple on my turn, Jimin and Hobi hadn't gotten apples either, it was way harder than it looked. Now Taehyung was in the middle of bobbing as we all stood around waiting to see if he’d emerge with one of the red or green apples from the barrels. It didn't take long before his head flung out of the barrel, a green apple clutched between his teeth, he flipped his wet hair back and out of his face, water droplets falling over him and behind him, my breath caught in my throat, and I almost dropped the face towels that the organiser lady had given to me.
The others cheered him on before Jungkook started his turn and Taehyung made his way over to me, I snapped out of my trace as he approached me, apple still being held tightly between his teeth, he tried to give me a smile, but it looked really silly with the giant green apple still in his mouth. I giggle at his goofiness as I look at him, his wet hair was flicked up out of his eyes but a few stray pieces fell down and the wet hair stuck to his forehead, water droplets sat on his skin, I followed them down his neck to his chest which rose and fell deeply due to his heavier breathing than normal  from holding his breath. I heard a huff of amusement so I looked back up and the panther hybrid, his dark brown eyes looking down at me as we stood in silence for a second, the apple now in his hand as he held my gaze, he smirked and gestured down to the towels I was holding.
Sucking in a breath through my teeth and mentally cursing at myself, I quickly grabbed a towel and held it up to him trying to not think about how I was just caught gawking at him. I could feel my face warming but I did my best to ignore it. He just kept looking at me and didn't reach for the towel, I was confused until I caught on to what he was doing. I sighed and looked away before meeting his eyes again and smiling, I lifted the face towel up to his face and began to dab away to water as he made an over exaggerated face as though I was applying makeup to him, I giggled as I kept dabbing the water off from his face and neck before using the whole towel to rub it over his head to get most of his hair dry so it wouldn't drip for the rest of the night. I tousled his slightly damned hair before moving my hand to sit on top of the other face towels. 
By the time I was done, Jungkook had finished his turn and had also gotten himself an apple, he held his hand out gesturing me to throw a towel at him, which I did, after he dried off his face and hair, we continued to make our way around the fair and compete in more games and stalls before stopping to get some food. 
“Thank you!” I said to the lady that had served me the food from the high standing van, I passed Jimin his churro and hotdog, as we turned around and made our way to the centre of the food area. We didn't tell the others where to meet up and had just hoped fate was on our side and we’d find each other somehow, thankfully I was right as soon enough we saw Yoongi, Hobi and Kook looking around for the others too.
Eventually, after we had all gotten our food, we found a big enough picnic blanket that was set out in a field with some others. It was also conveniently further away from other blankets, so we didn't have to worry about people being rude.
We all took a seat down on the red and white chequered picnic blanket, I sat with my legs folded next to me on my right, just barely on the end of the picnic blanket, Yoongi sat to my left and across from me was Jimin who sat cross legged, in the middle of us all was a basket of friend flowers which was already here and some of the foods we had bought to share. Everyone had some type of fair food, somehow Jungkook must have convinced Yoongi to get him the biggest stick of cotton candy that they sold, it was larger than his head and I could barely see him behind it, Hobi had gotten a hamburger and sprite, which he seemed to be enjoying, I looked over to Yoongi who was next to me, he had just a box of chips, which seemed to be more of a group plate.
“Here!” I said as I leaned over to Yoongi while holding out my dagwood dog to him for him to try as I had promised I would, I smiled at him as he hesitantly reached for it in my hand. I pushed it closer to him, letting him know that it was okay that he was having the first bite, the first bite was always the best anyways. His hand brushed mine as he grabbed it out of my hand, he brought it to his mouth and took a bite from the top. The tomato sauce coated over his lips, looking like a vibrant but oddly thick lip gloss before he stuck his tongue out and licked over them, taking the red sauce into his mouth. He seemed to think on it for a bit before giving me an approving nod. I smiled, happy to know that he enjoyed such an iconic food.
We sat in the blanket, eating and talking as the sunset behind the corn field, making the sky explode to vibrant hues of orange, yellow, and pink, it was beautiful, I kept passing the food back between Yoongi and I and we all chatted together, it was nice to have such a relaxed day, no work, no stress, no notes.
At some point Jungkook started telling a reenactment of something that had happened earlier, moving his hands around to make it more ‘exciting’, unfortunately for him, he threw his arms out to the side at the wrong time as he accidentally hit Jin in the face with his hand and smashed his half eaten cotton candy into Jimin’s hair, he seemed to instantly understand how much trouble he was in as he wasted no time in jumping up and taking a few steps back from the blanket.
“I’m sorry, Hyung!” He apologised whilst laughing at Jin who had turned to face him, mouth still full of his food, and started getting up.
Jungkook held his hand out, attempting to calm the older man, but Jin was having none of it as he began to chase Kookie around whilst yelling at him. We started laughing at their silly antics as we watched the eldest chase the youngest around in front of the corn field. I turned back to Jimin only to see him facing down whilst pulling his hair forwards in an attempt to see it.
“Argh!” He huffed out as he kept playing with his hair, seeing he was frustrated I crawled my way across the blanket to him to help him out.
“What’s wrong”
“Kook got his stupid cotton candy in my hair.” He sulked, before quickly reaching back to grab his ear and he started feeling that too, checking for any more of the sugary menace. I reached out and took his ear out of his hand as I moved to sit on his thigh, so I could see better. He seemed to realise what I was doing so he leaned his head towards me so I could see better. Yep, there is definitely more cotton candy stuck to his ear.
“C’mon, let's go see if we can clean this up somewhere” I said whilst standing up and glancing around, hoping to spot a water fountain or something before dusting off my hands, Jimin followed suit and took a few steps back, I let the others know where we were going and that they should start packing up, but they were already looking at us, more like staring. I told them to start putting away the rubbish and all, as well as making sure that Jin didn't murder the poor bunny hybrid.
I walked with Jimin while holding his hand over to a small water fountain with drinking water pouring out, Jimin crouched down slightly so the water could reach his head and we both simultaneously started to get his hair and ear wet and started getting out the cotton candy. Thankfully it came out pretty easy and after a few minutes we had gotten it out, probably would have been faster without Jimin's “help” because he kept washing the wrong parts since he couldn't see it. Before he stood up, I took the bottom of my top and tried to dry his hair a bit so it didn't drip everywhere.
As he stood up, I glanced up at him and ran my hands through his hair, styling it slightly. I retracted my hands and gave him a thumbs up and we started making our way back to the others. The noise was loud, from the live band they had playing in the corner and all the people talking, as the night went by the crowd had amassed and became much bigger than before and I knew that if we stayed too late it would only get worse. The cool fall breeze flowed through the air and over the crowds lining up to get their food, it was almost impossible to see where we were going as I tried to push my way through all the hungry people.
As we walked through the packed crowd I felt Jimin slip his hand under the back of my shirt and grab hold of the fabric and pulling like he was trying to get me closer to him, I stopped in my tracks to check on him and make sure he hadn't been swept away from me, with a crowd this large it would be near impossible to find him again. As he stood closer to me, I grinned at him and slipped my hand into his before squeezed it tightly and trying to make our way through the crowd again
Emerging from the crowd we were finally back where we had left the guys, Taehyung and Jungkook were running around near the corn field in front of the others who seemed to be a bit nervous. I dragged Jimin over behind me and jogged towards the others. During their conversation they all seemed to look at us before glancing down then looking back up at Jimin, I asked if they were ready to go and they nervously told me what had happened in the 5 minutes I was away with Jimin.
“You lost Hoseok?”
My jaw dropped at what they had said, how do they just lose an entire person? Where would he have gone?
“He’s not lost! He’s just… not with us.” Namjoon explained. "And we don't know where he is.”
“That's literally the definition of lost!” Jimin said back to him before he started spinning himself around, trying to find the older male.
“Alright, let's split up and find him, we’ll go in teams of 2. Don't go far!” I said coming up with a plan to find the lost pack mate, everyone split into teams of 2 and went in different directions. 
After some time, we were able to find him, apparently when they had gone to put the rubbish into the bins they had walked away without him, Hobi didn't seem too upset, but he definitely made the other boys feel guilty. We started to make our way back to the entrance as it was getting late and despite how many people were here, I knew more would start arriving soon.
We played some more games on the way out and we all played and won a lot of prizes that I had somehow been designated to hold, but I didn't mind. It was nice to see everyone just having fun with each other and not having to worry about anything else. I don't think I've ever seen them this carefree since meeting them. They laughed loudly and had petty arguments over who was better at the games and trying to beat each other.
The sun had gone, and we were almost at the entrance, but Jungkook and Jin had insisted on another carnival game, their competitiveness was unmatched, with the sun down the air had gotten colder. I shivered and rubbed my arms with my free hand. A jacket was held in my face, and I looked to see who had passed it to me. Namjoon held out his other hand as well so he could hold the prizes while I put the jacket on.
I smiled up at him as I handed over the prizes and took the jacket into my hands before slipping it over my arms and pulling it into place. It was way too big for me, and it smelt like pine and lavender and was oddly comforting. I nuzzled my face further into the material before taking in a deep breath.
I heard Namjoon giggle at me, so I reached out to take the prizes back into my arms, he handed them over and we went back to watching the others finish their game.
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The ride back to the apartment was full of loud laughter and everyone talking over each other as we recounted our day, from all the activities to when we were denied another round at a game because we kept losing.
It was nice to get out of the cold night air as we got inside the building, it was getting into colder months so they didn't have the air conditioning down as low, and soon they would probably start heating up the public areas of the building. As we made our way through the lobby with all our prizes in hand, I spotted Yeonjun who had made his way over to us.
“Looks like you all headed to the Carolfarm Festival? How was it? I haven't been since I was in high school.” He asked us as he took a prize out of my hand that I was barely able to hold on to.
I smiled as a way of thanking him for taking the prizes I couldn't hold as we kept walking slowly towards the elevators. “Yeah, me too. It was great actually! Just as I remembered it. I used to go a lot with some friends in high school, but I haven’t been since I left, work and things get in the way, you know?"
Yeonjun hummed in acknowledgement. “Yeah, it is like that. It’s nice that even though you don't always have time to hang out you still send letters to your friends.”
“What?” I asked him, confused at the second half of what he had said. I don't send letters to anyone.
“You know how you and Jiyoon send each other letters, like pen pals.” He turned to me and smiled, but I was still confused. “I see her slip her letters under your door towards the end of my shift most days. I guess I'm not usually working when you deliver yours though.” He continued, as we made it to the elevator, he was clueless as to what he had just done.
I stopped dead in my tracks, hoping I had just misheard him and what he had told me.
Clearly noticing that I had stopped walking with him, he turned around to face me but as he looked at me his face dropped into confusion as he looked at me puzzled. I could feel the eyes of the others on me as well as we all stood in front of the elevators in silence before I broke it.
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A/n: Finally! Another chapter has arrived! I had a lot of fun writing this chapter, I was going to give them a completely relaxed chapter without any drama, but I couldn't do it 😁 Initially there was also going to be more games (Mirror maze, Hedge maze, Various other festival things.) and a scene where Hobi hunted Y/n down in the corn field 🤭 but I didn't want the chapter to be too long. I hope you all enjoy it and sorry for the wait! I hope you all have a lovely day or night and thankyou all for the support! 💜
224 notes · View notes
lillsisamarshmallow · 2 months
The betrayal (13)
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Summary: Y/n finds out who has been slipping those threatening notes under her door and tries to teach them a lesson, but why do they boys stand in her way? With the new revelations Y/n thinks of a way for them to move forward. As if times couldn't be worse for Y/n, she receives a letter from the building.
Word count: 4.5k
Warnings: Swearing, Slight violence, friendship fallout, Insults, Argument, Let me know if I missed any!
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“Oh, Jiyoon’s letters that she sends to you? It’s really nice of her-” He began to explain again thinking that the notes were for us to stay in touch even though we are busy with our lives, I cut him off before he continued.
“Y-You’ve seen her slipping letters under my door?” I asked him in disbelief, hoping that he had just mistaken her for someone else or what she was doing. My shoulders had gone slack, and my arms dangled by my side, just barely keeping a grip on the various prizes I had in my hands from the night we had.
“Yeah? I was confused at first and I didn’t realise who it was, but when I got closer, I saw it was just her.” He laughed light heartedly, not realising that my own had started feeling stiff and heavy, the muscles around it starting to ache and my stomach starting to churn as he kept talking. “When I asked her about it, she told me all about it, how you both send each other letters since you have busy schedules.”
My throat felt like it had closed up, my chest in pain as it felt like my heart was screaming. There’s no way. He has to be wrong. She wouldn't do this. I felt like a heavy box was being pressed down on me and I stared at the floor, thinking it over, time seemed to slow as the realisation that the answer was in front of me the whole time. The notes never came on Fridays, Jiyoon has late lectures on Fridays. When Seoyeon was telling me about how Jiyoon didn't have any magazines in her apartment, or how she stared at the boys when they came over. No one delivered a note last night because she was in my apartment.
“Wait here.” I stuttered out as I handed all the prizes to Yeonjun, he struggled to grab hold of them all as I had basically shoved them into his chest. Thankfully the elevator had great timing, so I slipped in and pressed my floor. I looked up at the others as I saw Jimin go to step forward and open his mouth.
“All of you stay here.” I demanded them as the elevator doors closed in front of me. The metal box started moving up to my floor as I felt the anger boiling inside of me mixing with the feeling of betrayal. I knew she'd be home at this time, and I was going to get those notes to show her, there was no way it wasn't her, and I was going to get her to admit to what she was doing to us, to me.
I ripped open my door and rushed in, swiping the notes right off the table then rushing straight back out the door, slamming it behind me and stuffing the notes into the jacket's pocket. Before I knew it my fist banging on her door echoed through the hallways loudly, but I didn't care. I heard her yelling and grunting from behind the door as I had clearly caught her off guard and she was scrambling to open it.
“What the heck?-Y/n?” Her eyes met mine as the door pulled open, I quickly shoved her backwards by her shoulders into her apartment, making the door bounce off her walls and close behind me the anger was radiating off me and she seemed confused as to what was going on.
“Y/n, I-” She began to speak but I cut her off. 
“Did you, do it?” I sneered at her, walking towards her causing her to back up into her living room and against her window looking over the town.
“I said, did you do it!”
“What are you saying?” She yelled at me confused, panic and uncertainty clear on her face and in her eyes as she looked up at me.
“Did you make these damn notes Jiyoon?” I yelled at her as I snatched the notes out from the jacket's pocket and fanned them in front of her face for her to see. I saw her eyes snap over the notes, I saw the colour drain from her face as she realises that i had found out who it was, she gulped as her eyes kept flickering between me and the notes that were tightly grasped in my hands, creasing and bending the paper, some of the letter slightly sticking out from the death grip i had on them. She was certain, certain that she made them, that she had sent them, I could see the change in her eyes even if her expression stayed the same.
“You did, didn’t you?” I said to her in disbelief, slightly faltering as I didn’t realise that her actually admitting to it would mean so much. I couldn't believe my friend, someone I had known for years and let into my home to meet them had done this, something so cruel and horrible.
“N-now, listen, Y/n.” She awkwardly smiles whilst glancing around and trying to move away from me, but I pretty much have her pinned to her window, her couch was on the right and a small shelf sat to the left, covered in her art supplies. Sitting on top was a magazine, opened on a page with a beautiful woman on it, up the top I could see letters missing from the title, the page completely cut up and mangled. 
My eyes snapped over to her coffee table where I could see more letters laid out along with a glue stick and a piece of paper, the words were upside down for me and I wasn't able to decipher them. She was making another note right now. I froze for a second as I looked down at the table spread, there was absolutely no way it wasn't her, as much as I had wished that Yeonjun had seen wrong or that she was covering for someone, she wasn't, this was entirely her fault, her idea, she did it, all of it.
“You bitch!” I yelled at her as she slipped past me for the moment I was distracted. I turned to face her as she put her hands up in front of her as if trying to keep me away. “Why’d you do it? Why would you do this to me?”
“I was trying to protect you! Help you get away from them.” She had a worried expression on her face as she frantically looked around her trying to find something to defend herself with as I stalked towards her.
She kept backing herself into corners, so as I stalked up closer to her, she backed up, hitting the wall. I saw alarm flash through her eyes as she realised what she had done. I took another step towards her but before I could speak again, I saw a flash before my face erupted in pain, I reached my hand up to cover the cheek where she had just slapped me.
I was shocked and speechless as I looked at her, one eye slightly covered from my hand that was holding my cheek, she just slapped me. Rage flowed through me as I sneered at her before deciding to return the favour. Before she could register that I had moved my hand away from my cheek I had swung it forwards, aiming for her freckled face. My palm made a loud slap as it collided with the left side of her face, it stung from the impact, but I didn't let it bother me. She screamed out from the pain as the force had forced her to face the other way, she looked up at me as she cupped her hand over her raw cheek.
I smirked at how baffled she looked as her auburn hair, which was pulled into a loose bun, had become messy, strands falling over her face and flicking up, almost completely falling out of the once neat hair style. Her bunny teeth showed from her scowl along with her light freckles that littered over her skin. She stood up straighter, but still held her hand to her face as she wobbled slightly. I stood back to hopefully avoid getting hit again, but I had a feeling that after she got a taste of her own medicine that she wouldn't try me again.
“You just don’t understand Y/n, they’re wild animals. Freaks! You can't just let them into your home” She spoke, trying to defend her actions which only made me madder. “They are mutts! Things like that don't belong in places like this.” 
That was the final straw, I screamed with all my might as I lunged forwards towards her moving my arm back so I could hit her in the face again. Right before I was able to hit her with all my anger, someone's arms wrapped around my waist, holding me back, I looked up to see Namjoon holding on to me and dragging me further away from the other girl who I saw was also being held back by Yeonjun. As Namjoon forced me over to the other side of the room Jungkook came over as well to help hold me back and stop me from clawing her eyes out.
“Ahhh! Let me get her! She did this, she sent those notes.” I argued whilst trying to get out of the grip the taller men had on me. “You are a terrible person Jiyoon! Let me go!”
“Stop it. It’s not worth it Y/n.” Namjoon whispered close to me like he was almost pleading with me to stop trying to escape him and get to Jiyoon. I looked over at the door way where I could see the others were there as well, they all looked concerned as they looked over at me, but I couldn't just let this go, I had to get to her and show her how much she would regret saying those things to them and sending those awful notes to us, not just targeting the boys but also me, her friend, or at least I thought I was her friend. “Y/n…”
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in and out, trying to clear the rage that I felt coursing through my entire body, forcing myself to try and think more clearly. Why were they holding me back? Weren't they just as angry? It was Namjoon’s pack that she was attacking, this had happened before so why wasn't I allowed to fight her? 
I stopped my movements and thrashing about, trying to escape as it dawned on me, it had happened before. This had happened before, and he knew how it would end if I started hitting her while they were here, 7 hybrids against 1 person who would say that they had hit her. If I hit her again, no matter how much I tried, they would be blamed, she would pin the blame on them, and there would be nothing I could do.
I stared down at the floor as both the hybrids were still holding me tightly, my vision blurred and became distorted. I hadn't realised before, but I was crying. Jiyoon was one of my best friends, and to learn that she had done something so horrible was a lot to take in. I huffed out as I tried to move again.
“I-I’m okay, you can let go.” I said softly, Jungkook let go of me, but Namjoon seemed to hesitate for a second. “I promise.”
I stood up straight from my slightly crouched position, I raised my head to look at Jiyoon across the room, surprisingly she seemed to have a slight look of remorse on her face, but it was too late. I slowly walked over to her until I was standing right in front of her staring her down, asserting my dominance and showing her just how angry I was.
“You are… unbelievable. I thought we were friends, I trusted you…” I snarled whilst trying to keep my composure and not hit her right in her guilty face, my head hurt and my body felt hot as I stood in front of her, I could feel the hot air pushing onto my lips from my nose as I breathed in and out jagged breaths. 
“We are friends Y/n!” She said while looking at me as if she hadn't done anything wrong and everything would go back to normal. Yeonjun was holding both her hands behind her to keep her from attacking me, but I knew she wouldn't do it again. I stared down at her face, red and wet from the force of my hand and her own tears, I couldn't feel bad for her. This was her fault. I could see the left side of her face darken, it would surely bruise which caused a small smirk to tug at the side of my mouth before I cut her off. “I-”
“No. We’re not friends, not anymore. Never again.” I barked at her, my stomach churning and rolling over as I could barely stomach looking at her. “You make me feel sick. My trust. Our friendship. You betrayed it all. You betrayed me.” I bit my lip to keep me from either crying or lunging at her again. “I will never forgive you for this.”
I turned around to face everyone, they were all looking at me. I tried to give them a reassuring smile as I reached up and pushed the bottom of my palm into the skin under my eyes, trying to wipe away the tears. I had to hold in a hiss at the pain it sent through me from where she had slapped me. As I walked out of the apartment I could hear Jiyoon yelling out for me but I ignored her, the walk back to my apartment was slow and quiet, no one knew what to say as we made our way inside, everyone seemed to wait around awkwardly like they were waiting to see what I would say, I dropped my stuff onto the kitchen bench and walked silently into my room.
I slipped off my clothes and Namjoon’s jacket and then turned on the shower before slipping myself inside and under the stream of hot water, the water ran through my hair and down my body, onto the floor then flowed into the drain. I ran my hands through my hair as I stood basking in the boiling water. The room had begun to build with steam from the heat making it slightly harder to breathe, but I couldn't bring myself to care. My nose was stuffy, my eyes puffy, and I had a headache, not to mention the lasting sting on my cheek that was just now beginning to calm itself.
With my hands halfway through my hair I started sliding down the wall of the shower and curling into a ball as I brought my knees up to my chest and just sat there. I wasn't yelling or crying, just feeling the water hit my head and roll down my body before pooling around me. I looked up and stretched my back against the shower wall, pushing my head into the tiles and avoiding the stream of water, it smashed into my chest before splashing everywhere. I looked through the water streams and to the wall behind it, just staring at it, focusing on my breathing, and trying to clear my thoughts of what had just happened. It was something that always made me calm down, just focusing on my breathing, in and out, in and out. I sat like that for what must have been at least 20 minutes before I decided I should get out.
I was too tired to get out proper clothes, so I just slipped the jacket back on, it was big enough to sleep in so I wasn't worried. I opened the door into my room to see that the bed was still empty and Yoongi and Hobi had not come to bed yet. I felt bad that I made it feel uncomfortable to be around me right now, but I wasn't sure how to fix it.
I slid myself into bed and closed my eyes trying to find some sleep, but it never came. I laid there awake for what felt like hours until I heard what sounded like scratching at the door, after a while the sound of the door being clicked open rang through the otherwise silent room. I closed my eyes and tried to even out my breathing, so that I looked asleep since I didn't want them to worry about me.
Slowly I felt a dip in the bed behind me, but a significantly smaller dip than normal but I chose to ignore that, I could feel the blankets being moved around and someone carefully moving about the bed. It was oddly comforting knowing that I wasn't completely alone in the room, as the moving stopped, the room settled back into a still silence.
I don't know how long it had been since I got into bed, but I couldn't do it anymore. I brought myself to sit up and swing my legs over the side of the bed, staring down at my feet for a few seconds, building up the courage. I took a deep breath before standing up and wobbling my way over to the balcony door and slipping outside. As I looked out into the night sky with the beautiful stars, I thought Taehyung would like this view and to be able to capture it in one of his paintings, I glanced over to the chair where he would sit when painting, his paints and canvas were still out from the last time he was painting out here. 
Looking down I could see all the city lights from the buildings and the streetlamps. Not many cars were on the road at this time of night but I could still see some late night travellers traversing through the city. The wind blew by creating a nice autumn breeze in the night sky, it was a beautiful night, clear sky littered with shining stars. 
I turned back to the door as I heard more scratching like someone was trying to get out, my eyes filtered down to see a long orange and white snout poke its way through the door. Huh? I stood up to open the door further and as I did out came an orange fox with white tips on his ears, tail, and nose, he looked up at me curiously as he stood in front of me. 
I crouch down to come almost face to face with the animal, his brown eyes stared into mine as I moved to pet him on the head, his fur was long and soft and beautiful, he opened his mouth and made a squeak like noise which caused a smile to spread on my face, the sound of another animal ripped my attention away from the playful fox in front of me, looking back at the door a moving shadow made its way over to us and nudge my hand with his head before pressing into my hand as he kept walking.
This caused a giggle to erupt from my throat as I decided to stand back up again and moved over to sit down in the chair again, Hobi jumped up onto the chair with me and curled himself up into my side and Yoongi jumped up onto my lap, tucking his little paws under himself. It was nice that they were not avoiding me, but also didn't want to make me feel as though I had to talk about it. I placed one hand on Hoseok and the other I used to pet Yoongi along his back, we sat like that just watching the night sky for a long time, it was like they knew that I wasn't sure what to say or how to speak to them in the moment and that I just needed time with my thoughts. It was relaxing, no noise other than their little breaths and the occasional winds passing through, the calm atmosphere felt soothing, and it lulled me to sleep after somewhile. 
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The morning after, I had woken up back in my bed assuming that Hobi and Yoongi had moved me sometime after I fell asleep. The house was still a little bit quiet but for the most part things were fairly normal, it wasn't an awkward environment, which I was thankful for. We all arrived at work and went about our day as we normally would, and it wasn't until lunchtime that Seoyeon had asked me about what had happened.
“What?” She sneered after I had explained to her what had happened the day before. “I’m going to kill her! Who does she think she is? When I see her, I'll whoop her a-” She began to yell out before I cut her off.
“It’s not worth it Seoyeon.” I sighed at her. “I tried, but it would have only made things worse at the time, and I don't want anything to backfire on them.” I said defeatedly. 
I wanted to make her pay, but it was too risky. What if she lied and caused problems for the boys, I didn't want that, and I couldn't risk it happening. The best thing to do was to just avoid her and forget this even happened, which was why…
”I’m thinking of moving.”
Seoyeon stared at me as if testing if I was kidding, which I was not. She seemed to look around her to see if anyone was listening to our conversation, but we were the only ones here. “Do they know?”
“I haven't said anything to them yet.”
“So, you're just going to kick them out? Back on to the streets again?”
“What? No, I’m going to buy a bigger house, maybe somewhere out of town and more secluded? I haven't worked it all out yet, but I can't stay where I am any longer.” I said to her honestly, shocked that she would think I'd just kick them out if I moved. Suddenly someone came through the door and we both turned to face them, trying to act normal like we weren't just having a secret conversation.
“Uhh.” Jungkook began, looking slightly confused at us. “We’re out of blueberry slices…?”
He said it almost like a question, I told him that I'll start on another batch now and he turned and walked back out the door, I turned and began grabbing the ingredients for the sweet treat.
“So, you want them to move in with you, in like, a bigger house? How far are you thinking of moving away? You're not leaving the city, are you?” She fired different questions at me as I started measuring ingredients and she propped herself up onto the metal bench behind me.
“Well…I was hoping to move somewhere quieter… Not too far of course” I mumbled to her. “Think about it, we've been out growing this place anyways, we could move locations too. The last few months the cafe has been doing so well, we could open a new location and maybe even hire enough people so that we could have fewer shifts.” 
I tried explaining the positives to her as I leaned against the table and faced her, watching her face light up at the idea of less shifts. Seoyeon loved the cafe, but I also knew that she loved her holidays and days off.
“Yeah, you have a point…” She seemed to understand where I was coming from. “I’ll have a look for some places too. The quicker we can get you guys out of there the better.” She smiled.
“Thanks, but buying a house will probably take a while, it has to be big enough, and the boys have to like it of course.”
She nodded in agreement as I went back to making the blueberry slices and she went to stock the fridges with more drinks. The idea of moving stayed in my mind for the rest of the day as I tried to think of places that would have what we need and that the boys would like also.
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I unlocked the door to the apartment as we all made our way inside and started winding down for the night, I made my way into the kitchen and put down my bag before taking out the letter that had been in my mailbox, scanning over it I saw it was addressed to me and I began to rip the back part up after turning it over.
I glanced up and my fingers kept moving as i turned look over at the boys, Kook, Jin, Taehyung, and Hobi were all sitting on the couch in front of the tv, I could just barely see the loading screen for a game loading not the tv which was connected to my Nintendo switch. I stifled a laugh as I knew that whenever they played this game it ended in chaos and yelling, as well as Jin giving them all a lecture on ‘how to cut lettuce’.
I pulled up the opened and unfolded letter and glanced down to begin reading. My eyes scanned over all the typical stuff and extra-long words, trying to understand the premise as to why the building was sending me a letter.
‘We have been informed that you have 7 other residents living in your apartment, this goes against the housing agreement contract you signed. As a result of this breach of tenancy agreement, we politely ask that you remove the unauthorised guests within 3 days.’
My face dropped as I read the letter over again, and again, and again. They're kicking us out? I slammed the letter on to the table with a grunt as I went to turn towards my room, only making it a few steps before turning back around, I started pacing the kitchen. Surely not, right? Am I seriously losing this apartment? 
I snatched up the letter and looked over it again, the words never changing and their meaning settling in.
“Damn it!” I muttered under my breath as I threw the letter into the bin with more force than needed, my pacing continued as I thought about what we were going to do. There’s no way I will be able to find another place in 3 days, especially not one for 8 people, 7 of whom were hybrids. I closed my eyes as I stopped pacing and turned and placed my elbows on the kitchen table and my head into my hands, I sighed as I slowly opened my eyes and looked up.
The boys who were playing a game were still on the couch but now the attention was focused solely on me. I could see in the spare bedroom that the others were standing up, giving me their attention as well, concern laced their faces as they looked at me slumped over the counter. I pulled myself together and stood up again, I wiped my hands over my eyes trying to grasp reality for a second, probably smudging my makeup as I did, I sighed as I looked over at the boys.
“We’re getting evicted.”
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A/n: It truly was Jiyoon. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, originally Y/n never slapped Jiyoon, but it didn't feel satisfying so I changed it. I'm hoping that I can move more into focusing on just Y/n and the boys for a while after this, maybe like a more relaxing setting, idk. I'm happy to put a close to the 'notes saga' because I wasn't sure how to end it and I didn't want to keep it going for the rest of the fic. I hope you all have a lovely day or night and thankyou all for the reading! 💜
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lillsisamarshmallow · 9 months
Living Arrangements (6)
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Summary: Y/n comes home with Jungkook and Jimin and discovers what the others were doing while they were gone. They arranged the conditions of their stay and Y/n finally gets to know all of the names of the people she invited into her apartment.
Word count: 2.7k
Warnings: None? Let me know if I missed any!
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“What the heck?”
As we turned the corner in the hallway, the rest of the apartment being revealed to us, I stopped dead in my tracks seeing what lay before me.
Pillows, blankets, couch cushions, everything had been thrown around the room, things were knocked over, the laundry thrown all over the floor. It looked like my home had been raided, whoever did this was searching for something, or someone, my mouth hung open at the sight, not forming words, my eyes scanned all over the mess of objects going from one side of the house to another, I felt the boys tense behind me.
Do they know what happened?
I turned around to face them, Jimin looked astounded but guilty and Jungkook looked scared. Staring at them they refused to meet my eyes, their eyes darting around the room trying to focus on something else, or maybe, they were looking for someone.
They definitely know something.
“What’s going on?” I asked them both sternly, both looked at me, but before they could say anything, I heard a noise coming from the mess. Turning around I couldn’t see anything different at first, but as I went to turn back to the boys, I saw something move.
A head poked up from the mess before turning around and looking at me, the long dark brown hair accompanied by the soft looking panther ears framed his face perfectly. Catching my attention away from the panther hybrid, I saw another head poke up from further in the mess, two bright orange fox ears.
“Y/n? Jimin? Jungkook?”
It wasn’t Hoseok who spoke, turning to try and find the voice I spotted Seokjin peering out from behind the bathroom door, he seemed to sigh in relief seeing us before he started walking over, putting the bags down I walked towards him meeting him halfway.
“What’s going on?”
Seokjin swallowed the lump in his throat before looking away from me not wanting to meet my unbending stare, I put my hand on my hip trying to act more intimidating, not that it would work on him, my short frame compared to his I’m sure was not intimidating in the slightest.
“We uh, we-” His throat seemed to dry as he struggled to find the words to explain, he coughed a few times before speaking. “We thought someone took you guys or something bad happened, so we uh… tried looking for you, in the apartment…”
My eyes soften at his explanation.
Why did they think something bad happened to us?
“We’re sorry Y/n, we’ll leave” Hoseok said from across the room sadly.
Sighing, I gave Seokjin a genuine smile before speaking. “No, it’s okay, you guys don’t have to leave. We should’ve let you know we were going out before we left. Besides, I needed to clean up and now I have a reason to. “
“Where’d you go?” Namjoon spoke up from behind Seokjin, seeming to have also came from the bathroom behind him. Looking over at him he seemed genuinely curious, for once he didn’t seem to be mad at me which was a breath of fresh air.
“We went to the store to get some supplies, there’s a storm rolling in and they think it’ll last the week. Which means you guys can’t go home tomorrow, so we got some things,” I continued telling them about our outing while I walked over to the kitchen where the other boys are and started putting the food away. “Food, bathroom supplies, more blankets, pillows, and we also got you guys some more clothes, Jungkook and Jimin picked them out so hopefully they’ll fit.”
The room seemed to fall into a silence before Seokjin broke it. “Did you make Y/n buy all of those things? Aish, sometimes I can’t believe you two!”
“No! we didn’t make her! She told us to pick out food and clothes.”
I could feel eyes on my back as I bent down grabbing some strawberries from the paper bag to put in the fridge, turning around I saw many sets of eyes on me, I looked to Seokjin before giving him a reassuring smile and nodding my head before opening the fridge obstructing my view of them, putting the strawberries away.
The conversation seemed to die down as we began putting things away, most of the boys coming over to help, it was a comfortable almost silence with the occasional question as to where something went in the cupboard or fridge.
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We had started cleaning up the apartment not long ago and with all the extra hands it wasn’t taking long, all that was left were some of the blankets in the loungeroom. Walking through them to try and get to the other side, I started shuffling my feet to try and gather them into the middle, my feet and legs became used to the continuous movement, it felt almost automatic the way they moved through the blankets, stuck in my thoughts I didn’t hear the warning fired my way,
I hit something hard in the blankets, a yelp left my mouth, my knees collapsing as I fell down into what I had hoped were just a pile of blankets, but unfortunately was not. Alongside my groans of pain from the fall and landing on the mysteriously hard object covered by the blankets, another voice could be heard groaning too. The blankets underneath me started moving but before I could scramble away a hand stuck out gripping onto my ankle, screaming I tried kicking it away and dragging myself away from whatever was holding me, but it was too strong, the blankets began to rise taking my foot with them, even my leg was lifted up by now.
From under the tower of blankets emerged…two fluffy cat ears, followed by long black hair turning to the side the person eyes met mine, at first, they were cold, annoyed, and almost murderous but upon locking with mine, realising who I was, they softened, but they still held slight annoyance and tiredness.
Was he asleep?
He let go of me, muttering a small apology before standing up fully and grabbing the blankets he was sleeping under and walking over to the couch where I could see him folding them up. Still in shock it took a few seconds to react to the hand that reached out to me, following it up I saw the panther hybrid, grabbing his hand he helped pull me up until I was standing next to him, I muttered a small ‘thanks.’
“I tried to warn you that Yoongi was there.” He chuckled looking at me which made me laugh alongside him picking up the last of the pillows.
So, if Yoongi is the cat hybrid, then this must be Taehyung.
It was nice finally being able to match all the names to the faces of the people staying in my home, making our way over to the kitchen counter, where most of the others were, we started discussing the conditions of their stay, sleeping arrangements, keeping everything tidy and not leaving the apartment without letting someone know. We had decided that the three youngest, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook would share the spare bedroom, and the others would share the couch, I felt bad that they all had to share, but I really didn’t have room for seven more people in my 2-bedroom apartment.
The boys took turns showering and trying on their new clothes, while whoever wasn’t busy was helping make the couch up. Seokjin had joined me in the kitchen to help make dinner for us all, due to the café I was used to sizing up recipes and making bigger portions. I went with something simple for tonight since it had been a long day for everyone, plating up all the food with Seokjin’s help didn’t take as long as I thought.
Placing the plates on to the kitchen island bench, I set them in front of each seat, there were six seats bordering the other side on the island, Seokjin announced that the food was ready, and they all dropped the sheets to come over and eat. Namjoon was showering while Hoseok was changing so there was enough room for the boys to sit while I stayed standing on the other side on the counter leaning over.
All the extra showers and dishes I knew would cause my water bill to skyrocket this month, but I tried not to think about it too much and continued eating from my bowl occasionally engaging in the small talk that was happening around the table, it didn’t take long for Hoseok to join us taking his seat with his bowl in front of him and digging in after saying ‘Thank you’.
Soon after, Namjoon emerged from the spare bedroom, his hair and ears were still wet but not dripping, he walked over to the table, I nodded at him and pushed his bowl closer his way, he gave an incomprehensible response before digging in still standing beside me due to the lack of free chairs. Looking over him, he was wearing some basic pajama pants that Jimin picked out for him, he leaned over the table to eat the food in silence, my eyes trailed up from his pants to his abdomen before it dawned on me.
He wasn’t wearing a shirt.
I could see his bare chest an along with it his wounds, he must have taken the bandages off when he was showering, the wound looked like it had been cleaned slightly so that must have been why he took longer in the shower. I was so focused that I hadn’t realised he had turned to face me.
“Y/n? You said you wanted to change the bandages so I-” He trailed off as I snapped back to reality, a noise of agreement leaving my throat.
“Uhh-um, Y-yeah, I did. I’ll go…I’ll go get those.” I stammered out as I turned awkwardly to go to my bathroom, I could hear a few giggles behind me, but I kept walking. Entering my bedroom my body shivered, I made a quick detour to close the door to my bedroom balcony before walking into my bathroom and getting the at home med kits from under the sink and heading back out to the kitchen. I hadn’t noticed before, but some of them had finished eating and had gone to finish setting up the couch and bed, I put the medical box on the table before finishing up my food, I saw Seokjin putting the dishes into the washer behind me, I tried to tell him that he didn’t need to, but he wasn’t having it, he insisted he helped out, so when me and Namjoon finished eating he came and took the plates to the washer before starting it up.
I sat down on one of the kitchen chairs while I started cleaning up Namjoon’s wounds, I realised that didn’t have any ointments to treat the wounds, so I just wound them up with the compression bandages, letting him know that I would thoroughly clean it tomorrow after I get some ointments.
I’ll have to visit Jiyoon and see if she has some.
Namjoon slipped on a matching shirt before giving me a smile and walking over to the couch with the other boys, they had finished setting gup the couch be now, it was really only enough room for two people, but they made it work. Seokjin and Yoongi shared the side that was against the wall and Namjoon and Hoseok were sharing the side opposite the kitchen, I walked over standing in front of them asking if everything was alright, after I got confirmation that they were all okay, I said goodnight to them all before walking behind the couch an making my way over to the spare room.
Walking in I could see Taehyung lying across the bed, his feet hanging off due to his height, Jungkook was sitting on a big stack of pillows backed up against the headboard, and Jimin was fiddling with the lamp by the bed side table, they were all laughing and joking around with each other, and they had the biggest smiles, their happiness radiating through the room.
Jungkook noticed me first, looking over at me he called my name which caused the other two boys to look my way, Taehyung sat up to properly face me, I gave them a smile stepping closer, Jimin walked around the bed to come stand on the same side as me.
“I just wanted to check that everything is okay, but you guys seem to be doing great.” I giggled, Jungkook flashed his bunny smile which made my chest shudder and my smile got bigger.
“This bed is so soft.” Taehyung exclaimed excitedly, collapsing backwards on to the bed full of fluffy pillows and doonas, we all giggled at his antics as he then proceeded to roll himself up in the blankets disappearing from sight.
“Yeah, we’re all good, Thanks again Y/n for letting us stay here.” Jimin said, I turned to look at him, I had never seen him this happy, I reached forwards wrapping my arms round his neck giving him a tight but quick hug, whispering in his ear, ‘Your welcome’ before letting go. I looked at all the boys once more, except for Taehyung who I couldn’t see because of all the blankets covering him.
“Goodnight, boys.”
“Goodnight, Y/n” Three voices replied to me, one being muffled, I turned and headed out, flicking off the light as a did and closing the door behind me, I quickly did a round, turning off all the lights before saying a final goodnight and heading into my room closing the door.
Behind the closed door I let out a sigh, I was exhausted, slipping off my shirt I made my way to my bathroom turning on the shower, getting in I let the steam fill my senses, my body relaxing under the hot water, I was too tired to do my hair, so I tried my best to keep it dry. I’ll do it in the morning. I thought to myself.
Stepping out of the shower, I wrapped my towel around myself before opening the door into my room, the cold air making me shiver and almost drop the towel, I got changed into some warm comfy pajamas, emerging from my closet I sauntered over to my bed slinking in under the doona, I made sure my phone was on the charger before closing my eyes and getting comfy in the blankets and readjusting my pillows, the sound of rain outside hitting the balcony floor and the window soothed me, the sleep came soon after, enveloping my mind and putting it to rest.
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A/n: Sorry for the shorter chapter this week! Or at least it definitely felt shorter when proof reading. I knew how I wanted to start out the chapter, but I wasn’t sure how to end it, so it ended being of a bit of a word vomit and filler update, but don’t worry I’ll make it up in the next chapter. I hope it was still okay! I’ve been coming up with more of an actual plot now, I have to work out some more details and flesh it out a bit, but I’m fairly sure I know where I want this to go now. Once again sorry for not updating last week, I’m also slightly behind in writing, it’s because Pokémon scarlet has taken over my life, but I’m going to try and smash out some more writing soon. I hope everyone has a lovely day or night & Thankyou all for reading! 💜
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lillsisamarshmallow · 8 months
Water Fountain in the Kitchen (7)
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Summary: The first days in a cramped apartment with 7 other people, what could possibly go wrong? There’s never a wrong time for an umbrella!
Word count: 5.8k (Sorry?)
Warnings: Mentions of injuries, Jump scare for Y/n? Let me know if I missed any!
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The house was quiet and dark, no lights were on and little to know light was shining through the windows due to the large rain clouds littering the sky and pouring rain down on the streets, I walked into the kitchen, rubbing the sleep from my eyes, rounding the corner, I made my way over to the light switch so I could see.
Hesitating, I remembered the sleeping men on my couch and decided not to flick it on, shuffling my way back into the kitchen I switched on the small stove light instead, it flickered before illuminating a small area allowing me to see in front of me. I turned on the kettle before grabbing myself a mug, as I went to grab the milk, I heard my phone start ringing, not wanting to disturb the boys I answered as fast as I could, checking the contact it displayed.
‘Feral 🦝 ’
“Hey Y/n, how’s it going?” Her voice came through the phone, extending the ‘e’ in ‘hey.’
She rang me at 6:45 in the morning, to ask ‘how’s it going’?
“Uhh, I’m doing fine, how are you- “
“We have a problem.” She cut me off, paying more attention to her voice, I noticed that she sounded nervous.
“What is it this time?” I asked her fully expecting it to be some minor problem that we could easily fix, and she had just been overreacting, not the first time it would have happened. I screwed off the lid of the milk before placing it on the counter, the kettle had gone off now so I started pouring the hot water into my mug with the tea bag already inside.
“Yunjin, Kai, Kazuha and Jongho, quit.”
“They quit.” She said again.
“B-but, that’s half our staff! What are we going to do?” I said alarmed, but trying not to be too loud, if they’ve quit then there’s not going to be enough staff to cover all the shifts.
“I don’t know, lovey.” She sighed, using her nickname for me. “They called me and sent their emails yesterday saying they were quitting.”
“Crap.” I huffed out as I finished pouring the milk into my mug, stirring it as she continued. “Well, we have until the rain stops to find more workers…”
Seoyeon made a noise of agreement and decided that we could both look into hiring new workers during this time off, she then went on to start telling me about how she was thinking of adding an outside seating area to the café, the café was getting so busy these days that a lot of the time we would run out of seats for the customers and they would have to stand, we didn’t have the biggest building for the café, we never expected it to get overly busy so we didn’t have much seating inside.
I was still standing at the table listening to Seoyeon talk while I drank my tea, it was still early morning and the apartment was still dark the only illumination being the small kitchen light, I hadn’t really noticed at first, but my gaze had wandered to a specific area, too lost in conversation with Seoyeon I hadn’t noticed the object I was staring at.
I kept trying to focus on the darkness so I could figure out why I couldn’t look away from the abyss, it strained my eyes, I had tuned out Seoyeon’s voice in my ear, peering into the darkness it was getting clearer, ahead of me, higher than my own, were two, glowing eyes, staring right back at me.
I stepped back, a scream ripping itself through my body before being cut off, the eyes had lunged forwards, a large hand merging before me, it came up to wrap around my face covering my mouth, the scream muffled under the large hand and sent vibrations through my face.
“Shhh!” The voice belonging to the eyes spoke up, in my fright I had dropped my phone to the floor which had make a loud noise.
Wait… that voice?
“H-Hoseok?” I huffed out, my breaths were uneven, eyes wide, I felt like I had lost years off my life. I looked up only to come face to face with the fox hybrid, a giddy smile on his face like he had caught me while out on a hunt, something flashed in his eyes before they returned to normal.
“Heh, sorry, Y/n. I didn’t mean to scare you.” He said with a slight laugh. “I heard you in the kitchen, and I couldn’t sleep any longer.”
“H-how, I -.” I started fumbling over my words.” What do you mean you didn’t mean to scare me’? I thought someone broke in!” I breathed out trying to catch my breath. “What did you think was going to happen?”
“I-” Before Hoseok could finish speaking, a scratchy, static voice interrupted us, I looked down to see my phone remembering that I was on call with Seoyeon.
“Y/n? Y/n! Is everything okay? What happened?” She yelled through the phone, I grabbed it looking back at Hoseok as I began speaking.
“I-” I stuttered. “I’m okay, Seoyeon. I just, uh, dropped something is.” I gulped hoping she would believe the little white lie.
“What? No, I definitely heard someone else speaking.” She spoke out. “Is someone there with you?”
“Uhh, yeah-yeah, I have a friend staying with me, he can’t go home until the storm has passed.”
“Oh- Oohhh, I see.” Seoyeon said through the phone. “Welp, I’ll leave you two to it then. Talk to you later lovey, see you.” The beep of the phone call ending sent the room back into a silence.
“Seoyeon.” I mutter out annoyed at her, before it was covered by laughter, Hoseok was giggling, his smile is infectious, and I began giggling too. I made Hoseok a cup of tea and I refilled my own, we spent most of the morning talking in the kitchen or just sitting in a comfortable silence, slowly watching the sky get brighter, but still staying covered.
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It was later in the day now, and everyone had woken up, I decided to make some breakfast for as all and Seokjin insisted on helping, at some point, despites Seokjin’s pleads for him to stay away from the kitchen, Namjoon ended up joining us, I wasn’t sure why he didn’t want Namjoon in the kitchen, but I wasn’t complaining about another set of hands.
Seokjin assigned him the easiest job, washing the berries, Seokjin was cooking the pancakes and I was whipping cream and getting out the different toppings for the pancakes, jams, spreads, syrup, sauces, anything I had that they might like. Everything was going well, but it didn’t take long for me to see why they didn’t want Namjoon in the kitchen.
Just as I finished up with the cream and Seokjin was on his last set of pancakes before they would all be ready, I heard a snapping sound and some metal clinking, followed by a gasp and the tap running, Seokjin spun around but didn’t let go of the pan, following his lead I also turned to see where the sound came from.
Peering around Seokjin’s broad shoulders I saw Namjoon standing very still, looking down at the running water, he turned his body to face us, his eyes met mine before he looked down at his other hand. My eyes followed his, widening at what he was holding, in his right hand, still dripping with water, in a tight grip, was the sink tap handle.
The two men seemed to freeze, we were all looking at the handle in Namjoon’s hands, the sudden silence must have alerted the others as some movement occurred followed by multiple gasps, but no one was saying anything. Noticing the water was still on I sprang into action leaving the whipped cream on the bench, making my way over to Namjoon I took in the sight before me, the tap to turn off the water was broken.
“Here!” Namjoon said from beside me, he reached forward with his other hand and grabbed onto the end of the tap, I think he was trying to stop the water, but he failed, as his hand got in the middle of the waterspout, and it sprayed everywhere, all over the sink, all over me and Namjoon, my shirt was drench, but he kept holding on.
I let out a scream as the chilly water soaked through my shirt and it clung to my skin, I could hear some yelling but the consistent water bursting into my face made it hard to understand or talk back. Figuring the best decision was to turn off the water under the sink, I quickly dropped to my knees trying to wipe the water droplets from my eyes so I could see, but as I wiped them away more came to fill in the space left behind, reaching forwards I grabbed hold of the handle, yanking the door open.
Ducking my head under the bench and into the small area allowed the droplets to not continuously be replaced, I wrapped my fingers around the pipe, searching until I found the little valve, turning it as hard as I could, eventually I heard the water running through the pipes stop, and so did the yelling.
I backed up pulling myself out from the cupboard, I sat still on my knees before hulling myself up, water dripping off me and onto the floor where it merged with the already formed puddle, I flicked my wet hair from my face and wiped the water droplet away, I turned to where Namjoon was. His hand was still holding the tap, but as I gave it a closer look I noticed, it’s bent, when he held on to it to try and ‘stop’ the water, it bent under his strength.
Shaking the thought, I looked up at him, he looked horribly guilty and embarrassed, his eyes met mine for a brief second before he averted his gaze to look down. I turned behind me to see Seokjin.
He was protecting the food.
He had moved the cream and pancakes to the other end of the kitchen bench and was standing in front of them. This caused a smile to spread on my lips, followed by a giggle which erupted into laughter at the situation, it didn’t take too long before I heard some of the other boys laughing too.
I turned back to Namjoon reaching for the two broken pieces of my once working tap. “Y/n, I’m sorry- “
“It’s fine, really.” I gave him a kind and playful smile. “I see why Seokjin didn’t want you in the kitchen now.”
Everyone seemed to giggle at that. “I’ll call a maintenance worker tomorrow to come by and fix it. It’s okay.” I said again taking the broken piece and placing it into the sink before tapping Namjoon on the shoulder then turning back to Seokjin and grabbing the food.
“Everyone still hungry?”
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The cool metal met with my finger as it lit up underneath it, I pressed the down button for the elevator, I was on my way to Jiyoon’s for the ointment that Namjoon and some of the other boys needed. Jiyoon lived three floors down and on the other side of the building, we often spent time together so asking her to borrow something was no big deal, I even brought her some left over muffins from the shop. Jungkook kept complaining, saying that we needed to keep them, and he wouldn’t let me take many, so I settled on chocolate ones since none of the boys will eat them.
The elevator arrived and the door opened, inside I saw a worker, stepping in and pressing the right floor the elevator doors began closing and the soft music filed my ears, glancing over the other person, I recognised them.
“Oh, hey, Chaeryeong.” I said to her, the elevator began moving going down slowly.
“Hey, Y/n, how’re you doing?” She asked me, a polite smile on her face.
“I’m doing well, this rain is crazy right? They think it’ll be another week before it stops.”
She hummed, acknowledging what I said before looking back down at her cart, it fell into comfortable silence before the elevator dinged, looking up I saw I had reach Jiyoon’s floor, the doors opened and I stepped out giving Chaeryeong a small wave which she returned, muttering a quiet farewell.
I made my way down the carpeted hallway looking for the right number of her apartment, counting them as I went 35, 36, 37, 38…
Ah, here it is.
The golden number reflected on the light shining behind me, I had messaged her before to let her know I’d be over today, knocking on the door I heard a quite ‘coming!’ from behind it followed by footsteps.
The door swung open, behind it stood Jiyoon, short frame accompanied by light brown almost reddish hair, styled in her usual way with her thin bangs, her hair ended just below her shoulders, her typical bright smile with her bunny teeth and her large eyes looking right at me. Recognising who I was, she opened the door further before wrapping an arm around me giving me a half hug which I returned. Before we had even said anything to each other she had ushered me inside and closed the door behind me.
Her apartment was similar to mine, but rather than two bedrooms she only had one, turning to face her I spoke first as she made her way to her kitchen with the container I handed to her and I went to go sit at her small coffee table, decorated with her magazines and paper weights, and a small plant. We fell into casual conversation about things that were going on in our own lives, Jiyoon mentioned that she was doing well in her art classes and had even managed to sell a few pieces to her colleagues at work, I was telling her about how we’re thinking of redecorating the café and briefly mentioned how my sink was broken.
“Thank you so much Jiyoon.” I said thanking her as she passed me the ointment I needed for Namjoon and the other boys. It had been well over an hour since I left and the boys would be getting worried by now, time flies when you’re chatting with a good friend.
“Don’t worry about it! I’ll swing by and get it back later.” She assured me. “I’ll see you around! Oh, and let me know how the café redecorating goes if you do it, I’d be happy to give you some paintings to hang up.” She beamed as she waved goodbye to me down the hall.
“Bye!” I yelled down at her waving aggressively before turning and stepping into the elevator that had arrived, no one else was in this one, as the door closed, and music filled my ears, I started humming along before the elevator started moving back up to my floor.
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“Stop moving or I’ll- “
“This is a tiny bathroom! There’s no room in here.”
“Yeah, well I- “
Before I could tell Namjoon off for moving around while I was trying to disinfect his chest, he quickly grabbed my arms and lifted me up, spinning us both around so he was now facing the mirror, but he didn’t stop there, lifting me slightly higher before dropping me on to the counter and letting go. He didn’t say anything and just kept looking forwards like I had told him too before.
“Well, I-I guess this works too.” I mumbled out trying to look down as much as I could to avoid him seeing my red face. The runny brown ointment started running down from one of his cuts, I quickly caught it with one of the rags that I had with me, I kept dabbing the liquid onto his wounds using a cotton bud, every time the ointment came in contact with a new wound Namjoon would flinch in pain, I felt bad, but it needed to be done.
“Sorry, but on the bright side, it doesn’t look like there will be many scars, maybe just a few.” I paused, my fingers hovering over and tracing the areas as I spoke. “Here, here, and maybe here.” I smiled looking up at him, as I was looking at where he might develop some scars I noticed some that were already there, most of them seemed to be fairly old, he grunted at what I said and shuffled slightly before looking away.
He’s mad at me again?
I grabbed the bandages that were beside me as I started to wrap them over his chest, I could feel him glaring down at me, this time the wrapping was more cleanly done and not messy, but this time he was also fully conscious and standing, I wrapped over them all twice, before finishing up and clipping the end to the rest of the bandage, Namjoon seemed to scoff at how much care I put into making sure the bandages were wrapped correctly, which took extra time.
Looks like we’re back to square one.
I looked up at Namjoon, patting his shoulder and letting him know I was done, he muttered something before turning and heading to the door, I watched him open it and walk out as I began packing up the kit and popping the lid back on to the ointment. I was about to hop off the basin before I heard some talking and then someone’s loud voice which was followed by loud footsteps.
The downstairs couple are going to hate me. I thought sighing and looking down.
“My turn!”
As soon as I heard the voice, a body came barrelling through the door, almost running in to the shower, as quick as it had come in the room, it had shut the door, locked it, and leaned against it before slumping halfway to the ground. I could hear some yelling and knocking from the other side of the door which seemed to die down upon realising it had been locked, the figure turns to me, a giddy smile on their face, I couldn’t really see his eyes as his long hair covered the top of his face, hanging down over them, shadowing it, his position and expression made him look like he could have been from a horror movie, if it weren’t for his boyish nature, he hauled himself up before making his way over to the basin where I was still sitting.
“Taehyung?” I started giggling at his antics as he made his way over to me. “Hmm, I should probably touch up your wounds too.” I explained as the thought came to me, thankfully Jimin and Yoongi didn’t need me to apply any ointment or rewrap bandages, they both just needed to rest. Taehyung’s gummy smile took over his features as he stood closer to me, I opened up the ointment again, grabbing a clean cotton bud I stuck it in the bottle and started dabbing at the wound on his lip, he winced a bit, but kept his eyes on me the whole time.
“Are you just going to stare at me the whole time?”
He looked up and to the side, making a thinking face before facing me again, a cheeky grin on his face.
The room erupted into our giggles, the sound filling all the corners of the room making it feel more alive. When I was ready to start cleaning up his eyebrow, I moved his hair out of the way, but it fell right back into place on his forehead. Sighing, I moved it again, but it went straight back to where it was, I tried a few more times before giving up and thinking of a better solution.
I grabbed a headband I had laying around for when I moisturised and quickly slipped it over his head before pulling it back up again, pushing his hair back, he overreacted, throwing his head about as if I had been throwing his head around like it were a ball and I were an energetic puppy trying to kill the rounded object, finally all his hair was out of the way, and I could clean up his eyebrow.
“Do you like us staying here?”
His question made me stop what I was doing, I moved my hands away from his face and brought them to my lap, looking into his eyes. “Of course, I do! My apartment has never felt so alive. I’m happy you guys are here and not out in the rain on the streets. While you’re here this is your home too, so feel free to do what you like, just don’t put any holes in my walls.” I said giggling at the last part and giving him a kind smile which he returned.
Most of his cuts around his eyes weren’t overly deep and had almost healed themselves by now, so it didn’t take too long to patch him up, I jumped down from the basin and tidied up the area putting things away and such, as well as throwing out the old bandages and used cotton buds, when all was done, I headed back outside into the kitchen area.
Most of the boys were already in bed by now as it was getting late, I could see over on the couch Namjoon had a book from my shelf that he was reading, but he didn’t seem too happy about it, Yoongi was already asleep, and Seokjin and Hoseok were chatting about something I couldn’t quite make out, glancing into the spare room where Taehyung had gone to after leaving the bathroom, the three boys were sprawled out on the bed watching something on the tv, their laughter and bright smiles filled my heart with warmth like no other.
I did my usual routine of turning off all the lights, but before I turned off the loungeroom light I switched on the lamp so Namjoon wouldn’t be in complete darkness.  I quickly checked that anything from the kitchen had been put away before grabbing a glass and filling it with water to take to bed, as I made my way over to my room, I turned around facing the boys.
“Goodnight, guys!”
Various “Goodnight, Y/n!” ‘s and “Sleep well!” ‘s filled my ears as I turned and entered into my own room to sleep for the night.
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The slight pitter patter of rain drops hitting against my window had lulled me to sleep last night, they continued up till this morning, the rain was lighter right now than it had been during the middle of the night. I rolled on to my side, facing wall opposite my window, dragging the heavy blanket with me, due to the new position I had to readjust my pillow, I sat up and turned behind me grabbing the pillow, fluffing it and placing it back down, I turned back around before flopping back on to my bed and snuggling into the blankets, not at first noticing the strange figure situated at the end on my bed.
I snuzzled back into my pillow, moulding it into the shape of my face and pulling the blanket up to my ears making sure there were no openings as to stop the cold air from infiltrating my warm blanket cocoon. Just as I had relaxed into my new position my tired brain caught up with my sight, my eyes snapped open.
There’s someone in my room.
Without thinking I immediately sat up facing the end of the bed, pulling my blanket up to my face, gasping loudly as I did so, his eyes widened, his mouth pulled into a line, he looked like a deer in headlights, frozen in one spot, like if he didn’t move I wouldn’t see him, I tried rubbing my eyes to get a better look at the man.
“Taehyung?” I asked squinting my eyes at the figure, it was definitely Taehyung, the panther ears and tail accompanied by his baggy clothing and his brown bed hair that sat on his head. At my words he stood up fully, a gummy smile on his face as he stepped closer to the bed.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.” He said before glancing over to the balcony my eyes following his. “I was just trying to get to your balcony, it has a better view, and the other one is covered in plants.”
I looked back over to Taehyung where I had now noticed that he was holding in one hand a large white canvas and in the other a painting bag, they were mine from about a year ago, Jiyoon was trying to teach me how to paint, I remember when I showed her, she told me ‘That’s a nice vase.’ I frowned and told her ‘It was a cat…’.
“O-oh, I see.” I smiled at him, I snatched the keys off my bedside table tossing them over to him, he smiled at me again before unlocking and opening the door and heading outside before closing it again to keep the cold air and rain out. I watched him for a little bit, setting up his painting supplies, and finding the right place and angle to prop up the canvas, he just started sketching so I had no clue what it could be, I was tempted to keep watching, but I didn’t want to come across as creepy, and there was no point in going back to sleep now as I was already awake, so I slipped out of bed and made my way to my bathroom and started getting ready for the day.
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I spent most of the day trying to get a hold of maintenance, and finally after many hours, probably 17 phone calls and at one point being put on hold for almost two hours, only for when I got through some robotic voice tells me that ‘They will return your call later.’, I was finally able to talk to someone and organise for the sink to be fixed tomorrow. So now I was relaxing in the loungeroom and chatting to some of the boys, Jungkook sat to my right and Hoseok and Yoongi sat with each other to the side of us.
“It’s getting cold, do you guys want a blanket?” I asked them, they seemed to agree with each other, so I went to grab two large blankets for the closet, I gave one to Yoongi before flopping back to my spot, I opened up the blanket and did my best to spread it out over me and Jungkook, but it wasn’t quite big enough.
“Jungkook move closer.” I said still trying to even out the bottom of the blanket, he didn’t move for a bit, but then he slowly moved himself closer to me. “Is that enough blanket?”
Jungkook looked the other way to see the blanket, but I already moved myself backwards and towards him more so that the blanket would also be roomy, Yoongi and Hoseok were entangled with each other and their blanket, now everyone was warm.
“Hey, Jungkook, can I- uh, touch your ears?” Jungkook seemed surprised at my request, his face turned red as he looked down.
Was that insensitive?
“Oh, I’m so sorry! I shouldn’t have asked, j-just forget about it.” I said embarrassed, shaking my hands about, worried that I might have offended him I tried to divert my eye contact away from him, hoping someone would change the subject.
“N-no, it’s okay, here” I turned to Jungkook as he spoke, he smiled showing off his bunny teeth and looked me in the eye before leaning forwards and looking down, so the top of his head was right in front of me, I lifted my hand from my lap, but hesitated about touching them. “It’s okay, really.” Jungkook assured me, so I moved my hand towards his head.
His dark bunny ears were the softest thing I had ever touched, the were silky smooth and fluffy, I moved one hand under them and one on top, the white in the middle was like a cloud, Jungkook seemed to flinch when I touched the white part, so I moved my hands to another area.
“Woah, they’re so soft Jungkook.” I said as I kept running my hand along the back side of one of his ears before swapping over to the other ear, I kept running my hands over them and eventually starting to softly scratch them towards the base, Jungkook shifted slightly when I moved my hands so, I retracted them back in front of me.
Jungkook let out an almost whine before moving himself towards me, I took this as a sign to put my hands back on his ears and continue, I placed my hands back onto his head and resumed my movements from before except one hand I used to comb through his hair while the other kept lightly scratching around his ears, running my hands through Jungkook’s hair I caught more tangles than expected, I hadn’t notice before because he was keeping his hair tied back. Gently, I began to untangle bits of his hair, but after a while Jungkook seemed to start shuffling around a bit, I took notice of his position before moving away slightly and adjusting myself, I told Jungkook to move closer to me and lay down a bit, so he was more comfortable, my hands naturally found a pattern of detangling his hair and adding small braids here and there.
We all fell into small talk as I kept playing with Jungkook’s hair, Jungkook stayed quiet for the most part except for the occasionally whine or grunt which usually made me and Hoseok giggle, Yoongi and Hoseok seemed to keep sparing glances at each other, but I figured it wasn’t any on my business.
Hoseok hummed before talking again. “Did you sleep well? I heard Taehyung was in your room this morning?”
I felt Jungkook shift on my lap as though he was now paying attention to the conversation. “Oh yeah, he was just trying to use my balcony for some painting he was doing, something about a better view and more room than the other balcony.” I said haphazardly pointing a finger over to the other balcony which was mostly filled with plants before going back to the braid I was in the middle of. “I slept well. I haven’t asked, but how’s the couch going?”
“It’s going- “
“There’s not enough space.”
I looked over to Yoongi who had spoken, as did Hoseok and Jungkook, Yoongi looked at Hoseok and they seemed to have a bit of a stare off before Hoseok spoke up. “It’s good, thank you for letting us use it.”
Despite Hoseok’s kind words, I couldn’t help but feel bad after what Yoongi had said, he was right though, four grown men on one couch, granted it was large, but not that large. “Sorry, I didn’t really prepare sleeping places for you guys, if I could I’d give you my room but there still wouldn’t be enough room for everyone.” I said to them, Yoongi and Hoseok seemed to share a look before I asked them. “Is it uncomfortable to sleep on?”
“It’s not bad, better than what we’re used to at least, I can get a bit more sleep now, but I wouldn’t call it quality sleep” Hoseok explained, Yoongi nodding in the background. I smiled knowing that it at least it wasn’t too uncomfortable.
“I swear, if Jin kicks me while he’s sleeping again, I will go sleep on the balcony.”
We all laughed at what Yoongi said, even Jungkook laughed too, we sat around on the couch talking for a bit and eventually Jimin and Seokjin joined our conversation too, Jimin seemed a bit tense when he spotted me and Jungkook on the couch and he came and sat right next to me as he usually did, but he seemed to sit really close to my right despite having more room and kept glaring at Jungkook’s head as I kept playing with his hair.
At some point I started working on my laptop, checking some resumes for people who had applied for a job a few months ago but didn’t get it at the time and going through what was eventually going to be a new menu, it was still missing a few items that needed to be added, I always make the option first to see if it turns out well and if it’s viable for the cafe.
So far, the search for people who were still interested in the job was not going well, most people emailed back saying that they had already found another job or are no longer looking for one, sighing, I decided to close down the laptop and try again when the shops back open.
Needing a break, I slid out from the blankets and excused myself from the group, I stood up and made my way into my room, where Taehyung was still on the balcony. I opened the sliding door behind him, he didn’t notice me at first, but as I stood closer, he seemed to notice my presence, I glanced at his painting, taking it in, it had a bright pink background and the outline of a face.
“Abstract, I like it. You’re good at this.” I complimented him, I didn’t want to say much as to not ‘disrupt his flow’, Jiyoon said I did that a lot to her.
“Thank you, is everything okay?” He asked without looking behind him.
“Yeah, just need a break, some fresh air.” I smiled, not that he could see it. “Can I sit out here with you?” I said to him, looking over at the spare chair at the other end of the balcony.
He nodded his head, and I mumbled a small ‘thanks’ before taking a seat in the other chair, I watched Taehyung do more of his painting before focusing my attention of the view from my balcony, the rain wasn’t too heavy, but the thunder and lightning was getting worse, most news channels said that it would get worse than this in the next day or so. My eyes felt heavy, but I stayed outside with Taehyung occasionally engaging in conversation with him before switching back to doing my own thing.
I must have dozed off while outside with Taehyung and slept until the morning, when I came to, I was in my bed but still in my day clothes, slowly waking up from my slumber, I cracked my eyes open, the blankets must have gotten tangled as on one side they seemed to tower over me, I moved slightly, readjusting my body as I was feeling uncomfortably hot under the blankets, I tried moving over into a cooler spot of sheets but the bed was still too hot, I kept moving and wiggling trying to find a better area of blanket and sheets so my body wouldn’t be smothered in heat, but everywhere under the blankets was hot.
Why is it so damn hot?!
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A/n: Another Chapter is out! This was the first chapter that I planned out before writing, I hit all the points I needed to get and all the small details that need to be added, I tried my best with the fluff, let me know what you think. I told you I would make up for the other chapter! I genuinely didn’t mean for it to be 5k almost 6k words though, this was 2 chapters, but the second one was too short and felt kind of flat, so I joined them, again I’m so sorry for not updating for weeks, I wanted to write so badly, but I just couldn’t. I’m really trying to get further into the plot now, and actually have more things happen, I’m aiming to get 1hr of writing most days and I’m thinking of maybe working on multiple projects? I’ve kind of started the Jimin oneshot I had in my brain, so hopefully I’ll finish that up soon. I’m trying to do more foreshadowing/ hinting of things, like the boy’s tragic backstories and why they were in the alley. If you have anything specific you’d like to see in this series PLEASE, let me know and I’ll see what I can do, reading the feedback on my posts is literally the highlight of my day, and I love seeing what you guys are thinking about it! (I don’t think she’ll read this but thank you to my friend for helping me out when I needed it, love ya!) I hope everyone has a great day or night & Thankyou all for reading! 💜
396 notes · View notes
lillsisamarshmallow · 9 months
Roommates? (5)
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Chapter Summary: Y/n speaks with the Sugar glider hybrid before leaving the alley and going to her own home, the next day while leaving lunch with her friend’s Y/n notices it starts to rain, remembering her homeless injured friends, Y/n races to help them, but what will she do?
Word count: 4.1k
Warnings: Homelessness, Mention of Injuries, Mention of Blood, Implied Potential Illness/sickness. Let me know if I missed any!
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The sound of movement slightly stirred me in my rest, it was hard to be completely asleep in the alley, uncomfortable, traffic, nerves. Low grunts filled my ears as I felt a heavy object shifting across my lap.
"Don't move."
I commanded to the injured man who had woken, opening my eyes slightly I saw it was getting dark, the sun almost gone, shadows merging into darkness, glancing around I could see everyone stayed where they were, slight snores and heavy breathing filled the otherwise quiet area besides the slow flow of traffic from the ends of the alley way.
My hand snapped to grab a hold of his wrist, firmly but soft as to not scare him, he had rotated to where he was slightly facing my stomach, he looked up at me eyes slightly lidded. "Don't get up. You need to rest."
Hearing my words, he seemed to understand a bit more, relaxing back down. But before he could get comfortable, I lifted his head slightly off my lap scooching out from under him, I reached for a makeshift pillow I had spotted, using it to replace my lap under his head. He looked at me, his brown eyes shimmering in the low light before slowly closing them, locking his with my own one last time.
Sighing, I tried standing up only to fall back down on the ground, my legs had gone numb from Namjoon laying on them for so long. I tried again, but still ended up back on the ground, grunting, I looked up noticing a broad hand reaching out to me, without looking at the owner I reached for it pulling myself up with their help, leaning against them until the blood started circulating back in my legs, and I found my balance.
Being able to steady myself, I slightly pulled away looking up at the person, it was the sugar glider hybrid, his kind chocolate eye stared into mine, the moonlight illuminating his face, his slightly washed-out purple hair falling perfectly over his eyes, he looked ethereal in the moonshine.
I gave him a polite smile before looking down to dust some dirt from my legs, dried blood soaked into my clothes and cracked on along my thighs, it looks like I just committed a murder. Sighing, realizing that I'll have to throw out these clothes, I looked up at the man who clearly hadn't taken his eyes off me.
"How are you feeling?" He finally spoke.
"Eh, tired mostly, and my legs hurt" I whined kicking my legs about. "I should really get going though, it's getting late."
The man hummed at my response before turning away towards the entrance. "I'll walk you back. I don't want you to get in any trouble with someone, no good people use these alleys at night. Besides, Jimin would kill me if you didn't get home safe."
Smiling I caught up to the man who was a few feet ahead of me, walking side by side we made our ways through the alleys and back to my shop, making small talk on the way.
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Arriving at the shop I unlocked the door, stepping in, the man seemed to loom behind not knowing what to do, I turned to him, giving him an inviting smile telling him to come inside. He hesitantly stepped inside looking around as he did, scanning the room, I walked over to the freezer we had, rummaging through it trying to find what was looking for.
Gabbing them out I held up a few ice packs varying in sizes placing them on the bench before washing my hand in the sink trying to get off as much of the dried blood as I could. Drying my hands, I pulled on the paper towel until there were a few squares piled up, I put the squares with the ice packs to wrap them with.
"Sorry, I never caught your name." I said sheepishly.
"Would you like some tea and biscuits, Seokjin?"
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It was Sunday, me and Seoyeon had the day off, so we decided to go out for lunch with some friends, the forecast had said it was going to rain but most of the time it’s wrong and the sun was shining, so we ignored it.
We were at a café not too far from our own, Jisoo and Jeongyeon joined us today, we had spent the morning doing some shopping and now we were just catching up and having lunch. Jisoo and Jeongyeon were filling us in on all that happened on their recent business trip to Paris.
"-she spat the soup out. In the restaurant!"
"You hit me with your baguette!"
"Yeah, well that's what happens when you can't follow the maps."
"It's not my fault it's in French! I don't speak French." Jeongyeon defended, they were both bickering back and forth making me and Seoyeon bust out laughing, struggling to keep it in.
"...It was pictures..."
The rest of their arguing got drowned out by hysterical laughter from us all, when we all settled back down and flowed back into the regular conversation, the girls asked how the café was going, which we responded to letting them know it was going well, I brought up Jimin but left out the rest of what happened. I had mentioned Jimin to the girls before, so they knew who he was, they never had much of a problem with him, for which I was thankful.
Finishing lunch, we began to walk down the street to where our cars were, Jeongyeon and Seoyeon had come together, and Jisoo had a friend picking her up. Walking up to my car I unlocked the door, waving and saying a last goodbye to my friends.
"Bye! Drive safe!" I heard Jeongyeon yell as I slid into my seat, giving her a smile before closing my door, starting up the car, and pulling out of the parking spot. The muffled sound of the radio and the steady vibrations from the engine filled the car eliminating the silence.
Humming along to the song playing I started making my way home, driving through the city I noticed most of the small stands on the sides of the roads were packing up and the streets were seemingly empty compared to the usually busy area.
That's weird, it's still early.
Failing to notice that through our lunch heavy rain clouds had started filling the sky, I was brought to realization by the small dots quickly covering my front windscreen making it harder to see the road in front of me.
We haven't had rain for a while.
Flicking on the windscreen wipers to clear the window, I kept driving coming up to some traffic lights before it settled in.
The pack!
Panic sending through my body, I quickly turned the car into another lane before speeding up at the green light trying to get to the alley as quick as possible, second by second the rain was getting heavier, by now I could hear it hitting the roof of the car and the road was wet.
Thankfully, the streets weren't too busy so it was easy to get to the alley, going around corners probably a bit faster that I should, trying to get to them before the rain got too bad. Knowing where the alleys are I tried to make it to one of the closer entrances, but I wasn't sure exactly which streets they came out to.
Slamming on the break and shoving the car in park to where I thought an alternate entrance may have been, I jumped out of my car grabbing my emergency umbrella on the way. I raced into the alley, the puddles of water splashing under my shoes. I held the umbrella over my head as I faced the first turn, a few more turns later I saw an awfully familiar place, rushing forwards I recognized the alley to my right, the one that lead back to my shop and the one ahead of me lead to them.
Breaking past the invisible barrier that declared their territory I looked around, the couch had been flipped upside-down along with the chair, the mattresses were all leaning on the wall leaving small pockets that were somewhat sheltered from the rain.
A head of wet blond hair peaked out from the upturned chair, brown eyes looking at mine, I ran over to him wrapping an arm round him bringing him closer to me and under the umbrella that I held. Knowing who it was, I saw some of the others poking their heads out of the up turned furniture but staying under enough as to not get wet.
"Y/N? What are you doing here? You need to get out of the rain." Jimin spoke pulling back slightly to look at me.
"So do you guys." I said back to him spotting Jungkook peeping out from the same chair Jimin emerged from. Taking a deep breath, preparing myself for what I was going to say next, it had been on my mind for a bit, and this was the tumbling point causing the next words to spill from my mouth.
"Y/n we-"
"Come and stay with me."
The alley went silent at my words, blocking out the rain and slight traffic you could've heard a pin drop, gulping down my anxiety, I kept talking. "You guys can't stay in the rain, you'll get sick, and your wounds won't heal. Please, come stay with me, you're all welcome."
Jimin stared at me, looking deep into my eyes at what I had said, searching for this all to be a lie, fake, a dream. Movement drew my eyes away from his looking over at the mattress where Seokjin had come from, his broad shoulders and tall frame looming over me, then Namjoon came out besides him. I hadn't been able to come back and tend to his wounds and I could see the bandage needed changing, everyone's probably needed changing by now.
"Don't give us false hope." Namjoon scoffed glaring daggers at me, but I could see the sliver of hope in his features.
"I'm not." I said sternly looking around. "All of you are welcome. Please, I don't want you guys getting sick from the rain. My car is just around the corner, even if it's just for tonight and I bring you all back tomorrow."
The rain seemed to be getting heavier soaking myself and Jimin despite our umbrella covering us.
There's no way they can stay here.
Seokjin’s eyes caught mine as he spoke, stepping closer. "Are you sure Y/n?"
"I am, I couldn't live with myself if I left you guys out here and you all got sick." I said looking into his eyes, I silence passed us before he nodded and looked away, I turn to Jimin giving him a confirming look before I heard a voice behind us.
"Pack up guys, we'll stay with Y/n until the rain stops."
Seokjin gave me one last questioning look to which I sent him a look verifying my decision before he turned away to get something. At his words everyone seemed to emerge from their areas and started walking around hastily grabbing things, small trinkets, and belongings.
It didn't take long before we were all standing around waiting for the next course of action, looking over everyone they still seemed hesitant, but they all were holding a few small items that seemed to be of importance. Looking over at Seokjin I nodded my head to which he returned before my gaze switched to Jimin, I gave him a small smile which he returned with an uneasy one, I started walking through the alley telling the pack where my car was and to follow me.
"Um, Y/n?"
I turned to my left but kept walking to face Jungkook who was in line with me, his voice was slightly distorted from both his shivering and the heavy rain, I gave him a questioning look asking his to continue.
"Will there be enough room for us in your car?"
Jungkook question came just in time as we rounded the corner to see my car parked on the side of the road right ahead of us, seeing the car seemed to answer his questions, I had gotten a new car a few months ago, one with a lot of room and seats since I often go on road trips with Seoyeon, Jisoo and Jeongyeon, and they don't pack lite.
Speeding up trying to get to the car faster as to keep us out of the rain, I pressed my keys unlocking the car before running to the back and opening the boot, pulling the door it swung sideways, opening the back, I pushed down one on the seats so the boys could climb over.
I turned to them, and they were all just waiting patiently looking at me, the back seats are smaller than the others so the shortest members would be in the back, that being Jimin, Hoseok and the cat hybrid.
They still didn't move after I looked over to them, so I spoke.
"C'mon, get in. Shortest in the back."
Making hand gestures for them to hurry up they seemed to get the hint as the shortest came forward getting into the back of the car. Jimin was last and he gave me a quick smile before jumping in, I clicked the seat back in place before turning to the others.
"Who's going in the front with me?"
They seemed to look between themselves before Seokjin turn to me.
"I will-"
"I'll go in the front."
I turned to look at Namjoon who cut Seokjin off, the rain was getting worse, and I didn't want to stay out here much longer to not get sick and to get out of the wet. Not wanting to argue, I agreed opening the middle doors before rounding the car and getting into the driver’s seat.
Wiping my face, I could hear the boys shuffling into their seats and slight whispers, the rain was getting really bad now and I couldn't see too far ahead of the car. I looked to my side as I felt the car move and heard the door open, Namjoon hauled himself into the car besides me in the passenger seat, his hair was wet and dripping more water into his lap, my eyes travelled down to his bandages, they were dirty and covered in blood and definitely needed a change. My eyes kept traveling down seeing his bare stomach just below his bandages, wet and covered water droplets from his hair, I quickly looked away realizing I was staring,
I pulled down mirror looking into the back. "Is everyone okay?" I saw a few nods and heard low hums. "Right, well let's go then."
I started up the car realizing I had left the aircon on before changing it to heating, I pulled out of the park and started driving away and towards my apartment. The car had fallen into an uncomfortable silence during the drive, I tried to ease the tension.
"You need your bandages changed."
I stated, not looking at Namjoon but he knew it was directed at him.
"No, I don't, they'll be fine."
"I'll change them when we get there."
I kept my eyes on the road not looking at his, I could feel his eyes glaring into my side after I spoke. Thankfully, he didn't seem like he was going to try and object, he's stubborn but he's not so stupid to not get them changed.
"Where abouts do you live Y/n?" A voice from the back spoke up.
Looking in my rearview mirror saw Jungkook looking back at me, figuring he asked the question I answered.
"I live in an apartment complex not far out from the city."
At hearing my words everyone seemed to tense, and the tension from before was back.
What's wrong? - Oh!
"Don't worry, hybrids are technically allowed."
The tension seemed to ease a bit as we kept driving through the rain to my apartment, occasionally Jungkook would ask question and I could hear them chattering and whispering quietly in the back.
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Thankfully my apartment had covered parking so we wouldn't get rained on again, the drive wasn't too long, about 30mins. Pulling into the parking space I turned off the car jumping out and heading to the back and opening the boot again, Jimin moved so the chair could go down before they all piled out.
Once everyone was out, I lead them through the lobby and to the elevator pressing the 16th floor watching the button light up, we were pretty jammed in, eight people, and they were all tall. On the way in we got a few odd looks from staff which changed into fake polite smiles when they realized I had noticed them.
The elevator chimed and the doors opened, stepping out I made my way right making sure all the boys were following me, I had to keep counting to make sure we were all here as I didn't want to lose anyone in the large building. We went down a few doors before we made it to mine, taking out my keys I unlocked the door looking behind me at all the boys before pushing in the door and walking through the thresh hold.
Jimin was the first to follow me in hesitantly followed by the others, turning the corner from the hallway the room opened to the main areas, I placed my bag on to the kitchen bench, thankfully it wasn't too wet, before making my way to the laundry pile grabbing some towels for me and the boys.
Jimin and Jungkook were looking around in awe while the others seemed nervous. "Here." I handed out towels to everyone and put the spares on the bench letting them know they could have them if needed, I gave a quick tour pointing out the basics before collapsing on the couch and closing my eyes, exhausted.
Peeking through my eyes I saw them all looking at me curiously, realizing they wanted permission to sit down I sat up patting the couch besides me.
"Come sit down please."
At my words they all started moving over towards me on the couch, I scooted over a bit to make of the best of the space we had, everyone found a place on the couch or chairs around it, Jimin sat one side of me and Jungkook on the other. Eventually the room had fallen into a comfortable silence, some of the guys drifting off from exhaustion and the comfort of the couch, I would have fallen asleep too if it weren't for my phone.
Jimin was leaning on my shoulder and Jungkook's head was resting on my lap, I was scrolling through social media before I received a weather notification, clicking on it I started reading. The weather app said that the rain would most likely continue for the rest of the week, as a storm was approaching, and the weather would start getting worse in the next day or so.
Well crap...
Slowing moving Jungkook off my lap and repositioning Jimin, I stood up making my way over to my room, if a storm were approaching, I'd have to do some shopping now before it got much worse, I didn't have time for a shower. Taking off my wet clothes I slipped on a hoodie and some shorts, quickly doing my hair in a way that it wouldn’t get in my way.
Walking over to the kitchen counter, I grabbed out my keys stuffing them into my hoodie before turning around. Jimin was standing behind me. "Where are you going?" He asked rubbing his eye, I gave him a small smile spotting Jungkook slowly waking up behind him.
"Ah well, I need to go shopping because there's a storm rolling in." I explained catching Jungkook's attention who was now making his way over to us. "You guys can come if you'd like. I need to buy food, so it would be nice if I could buy somethings, you guys like, we could also get you guys some new clothes while were there." I smiled back at them both.
They seemed a bit unsure at first but ultimately agreed, I gave them both one of my hoodies to get them out of their wet clothes before we headed out.
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We had finished doing the groceries the boys letting me know what types of foods they all liked so I could make them meals they’d like, we also picked up some extra bathroom supplies before we headed to the clothing store. Walking in I instructed the boys to find some clothes for themselves and everyone else while I headed to the linen area, having eight people at home, I knew I didn't have enough blankets or even clean towels.
I picked up a few large towels before looking for some blankets, I picked out a few doonas and covers before grabbing some fluffy blankets, I only had two beds at home so we would have to set up the couch for the other boys. By now I had 2 shopping trolleys which was proving quite hard to steer so I was very happy when Jungkook had made his way over to me, muttering a small 'Thank you' I continued getting bedding supplies before meeting back up with Jimin who had gotten enough clothes that I cloud barely see his face behind the large pile. He dropped them into Jungkook's trolley which had all the items from this store, they both gave me a look at seeing how much the trolley was filled but I quickly shot that down with my own look, we had this conversation when getting groceries, they could get whatever they want, when they leave, they can either keep it or I’ll find something to do with it.
"Got everything?" I asked them, looking at the trolley. "Enough clothes for you all?"
"Yep, enough for everyone."
Nodding in approval we went up to the counter and started pulling the clothes up on to it as the lady behind the counter started scanning it all, it didn't take too long before we were heading out the store, asking the boys if there was anything else they needed, we decided all the shopping was done and start heading home.
Arriving at the building we got all the bags out of the car, Jungkook and Jimin took most of them leaving me with just one in each hand.
Walking through the lobby again, the boys behind me, over at the reception I saw Yeonjun who gave me a nice smile and a wave which I returned before turning into the elevator with the boys, Yeonjun was one of the workers here whom I'd gotten to know along with some others.
The elevator dinged as we reach my level the doors opening to see an elderly lady along with another worker, we exited the elevator heading towards my apartment. Grabbing the keys out putting them in the lock turning the door and pushing it open, what was waiting on the other side worried me.
"What the heck?"
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A/n: They moved in! I know these first five chapter might be moving a bit fast, but it’ll slow down now. Sorry for the late update, I add extra work today. I love leaving dialogue cliff hangers it adds so much to me, and I can start the next chapter at a sure-fire point too. Also, if it’s feeling a bit Jimin, Jungkook and Namjoon based at the moment, don’t worry! It’s just to get the story started and I plan to give each member their own moments and time with Y/n. If you enjoyed this chapter and are enjoying this series, please like, reblog, maybe leave a reply or even follow if you feel like it, it is much appreciated, I hope you all have a lovely day & Thankyou all for reading! 💜
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lillsisamarshmallow · 9 months
Nurse Y/n (4)
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Chapter Summary:  When the Jungkook and Hoseok show up at the café without Jimin, Y/n does her best to help them, but she can only do so much. When she meets the pack leader who hates her will she be able to help him? Will he let her help? Who did this?
Word count: 3.4k
Warnings: Implied Violence, Violent Aftermath, Implied Hate crime?, Injuries, Blood, Lots of Blood, Bleeding, Nurse Reader, Crying, Medical emergency. Let me know if I missed any!
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"We need your help."
My face dropped at the serious tone in the younger boy's voice, uneasiness settling throughout my body waiting for a further explanation.
"Jimin's hurt and we don't know what to do. Please we need your help."
Before my mind could even process what was happening my feet raced me across the kitchen slamming open one of the cupboards and snatching out the first aid kit we kept on hand. Ducking my head through the doors to the front I told Seoyeon there was an emergency and I'll be back later to which she sternly nodded her head understanding, since it was still early, she'd have to call someone in to help her out.
Running back to Jungkook and Hoseok, I gave them a look before telling them I'm ready, as we ran through the alleys, I recognized most of the turns but not all, my legs were burning from the constant running yet the boys in front of me didn't seem to struggle so much.
Eventually we made it to the cross section of alleys, they ran down but I stopped behind them staring into the alley not stepping forward remembering what happened last time. I stared down at the ground, knowing that beyond the line was their territory. Looking up through the alley I could see Namjoon lying down injured.
He's hurt...
He must have felt me staring at him as he looked back at me staring, it felt as though he was searching my soul looking of any bad intentions, finding none he gave me a slight nod before dropping his lead back into its laying position.
I raced into the alley only to be taken aback by what I saw, it looked like a bomb had gone off in such a small space, scanning the area I could see that Jungkook and Hoseok as well as one of the men I had spoken to last time were attending to their friends whom were all lying on the ground, spotting Jimin I raced over to him dropping to my knees besides him.
"Y-Y/n..?" He grumbled, despite having his eyes closed he knew exactly who I was, not questioning how he knew, I rushed out questions asking him what happened but didn't get much of an answer deciding it was more important to patch him up first.
"Where Jimin? Where are you hurt Jimin?"
Jimin's trembling hands reached the end of his shirt slowing pulling it up, realizing what he was doing I grabbed hold finishing the job for him before dropping the shirt holding my hands in front of my mouth gasping at what I saw.
Littered across Jimin's torso were large forming bruise's along with small tears all around them, shaking hands reaching for the first aid kit I scrambled through it looking for some alcohol wipes and a bandage, getting them out I turn back to Jimin gulping.
Slowly I wipe over his bruise's disinfecting it before moving on to the cuts, Jimin flinches from the sting of the alcohol, apologizing I continued placing Bandages on the cuts after disinfecting. I started wrapping a compression bandage around his torso telling him how sorry I was every time I had to lift him up to get the wrap all the way around, thankfully Jimin wasn't too hard to lift but he did his best to help me out. Fixing up the clasp securing the compression bandage, I pulled Jimin's shirt back down before looking over his face and rest of his body to check for more injuries.
"Okay, all done" I spoke out slightly relived there wasn't any more injuries on him.
"P-please help them..."
Staring at Jimin I turned around seeing everyone else who was injured, pursing my lips I stood up from my crouched position looking at the hurt men, Namjoon, the Panther hybrid, and the Cat hybrid. Deciding the cat was the least dangerous and seem to hate me less I went over to him first where Hoseok was already trying to help.
The cat hybrid faced me before turning right back to face Hoseok trying to ignore my presence, but I persist.
Crouching down beside him I went to reach for his hand, but he moved it away, Hoseok seemed to notice and looked up at him, pleading with him to let me help. "Please let me help you."
We made eye contact as I spoke, knowing he couldn't fight and I won't give up he gave in moving his hand over to mine, I smiled at him trying to reassure him as I held his hand bringing it up to my face to closer inspect it.
He's dealt a few hits.
His knuckles were bleeding from the punches he clearly threw, grabbing the alcohol wipes I passed one to Hoseok so he could copy me as I saw him watching me intently, carefully I wiped down his knuckles, as the alcohol made contact with his raw knuckles his hand wrapped around mine gripping it so impossibly tight that my face twisted in pain, he seemed to notice and let go moving his hand away but I was quick to grab hold it. He mumbled out what I can only assume was an apology before letting me continue.
I finished wiping down his hands then got bandage wraps and tightly secured them around the cat hybrids hand. Hoseok passed me his other hand where I did the same, looking at the cat hybrid I could tell he'd been hit a few times but not enough to be seriously injured, besides, I don't think he'd let me touch his face.
I'll have to bring back some ice packs.
Giving a little tap on his hands to let him know I was done I returned to my full height slightly stretching before locking eyes with the next person who needs help, the panther hybrid.
What even happened here? Why are they all hurt?
Thank goodness they made me take basic first aid in school.
I waltzed over to the panther hybrid glancing down at him and Jungkook as well as the sugar glider hybrid, scanning his body it seemed as through most of his injuries were on his face, unfortunately due to where he was sitting propped up against the wall in between the chair and some boxes would make it hard to get to his face.
I stood in front of him crouching down coming face to face with him, he looked slightly surprised by my fast movements, his velvety brown eyes staring right back at me holding both pain and curiosity. Seeing his injuries, he had a busted lip which was bleeding and he had clearly been hit in his nose, as well as a cut along his eyebrow, he was covered in blood, his deep brown hair wet with the liquid. Biting my lip, I got to work starting with basic wipes to get most of the blood off followed by an alcohol wipe disinfecting the larger areas, but I had to get a cotton bud to help with the rest.
Slowly I swiped the cotton bud over his lips, he winced in pain but I kept going, moving up to his eye brow he kept staring into my eyes not looking away the whole time, it made me nervous but I couldn't stop, the pain must have been way worse because as soon as the coated cotton bud touched his eyebrow wound his arms snapped up grabbing hold of my thighs squeezing them and wincing in pain. Shocked I froze at the sudden contact, I had been so side tracked trying to help that I hadn't realized that I was crouching, hovering over his lap, blush spread up my neck blooming on my face at the realization of just how close we were. Opening his eyes, he looked me over seeming to notice my state before smirking at me, this only made my hot skin even worse, trying to get his attention off of me and release me from my embarrassment I put the cotton bud back on the cut below his eye.
This seemed to work as he grimaced in pain coughing a bit making me feel bad, but I continued cleaning up his face and adding small butterfly bandages where needed, when I finished, I tried to stand back up, but he kept me in place with his strong grip, my face started heating back up as I tried to hide it and look away. The smirk was almost audible on his face as he let out a light laugh before letting go of me.
Immediately I got up grabbing the first aid kit and stepping away a bit. Looking around everyone seemed to be doing okay now, they were either all patched up or looking after someone who had been injured. Thinking I was done I sigh slightly relaxing before I realized.
Spinning around so fast the box almost dropped out of my hands I hastily made my way over to Namjoon before stopping just a few feet away from him, anxious I wasn't sure if I should step closer, he had his back facing me so I couldn't see his face. It wasn't until I started scanning his body for obvious injuries that I began to notice the dark, wet circle around him and the dark red growing up his worn grey shirt that I realized.
That's blood. He's bleeding... bad.
Standing closer to him a heard the familiar growl but this time it was different, it was laced with pain.
"T-That's a lot of blood...Namjoon-"
"Go away. I don't need your help."
Hesitating I considered just leaving him here, but I can't do that, I need to help him. Shoving the fear, I have of this man who is now clearly riddled with pain and writhing on the ground I pressed.
"Yes, you do." I sternly said stepping around him to face him meeting his eyes, anger and pain swirled in them as he looked at me, I crossed my arms and rivalled him own anger with my own at his sheer stubbornness. "I am going to help you."
I crouched down to get a better look at his wound but to no avail I still couldn't see it, huffing I put my hands on his chest using all the power I had and to attempted to push him over, thankfully due to his state Namjoon didn't fight back much, just groaning from the movement.
When he was finally facing up, I got a small idea as to where his injuries were, his shirt was mostly soaked in blood, but the source seemed to be right at the centre of his upper chest. Reaching to grab his shirt to pull it up he grabbed hand of my wrist stopping me, shooting me a glare, I shot one right back at him.
"I can't help if I can't get to the wound."
"I told you, I don't want help form you. I'm Fine."
His ice-cold tone striking my heart like a spear going straight through my chest and out my back, slightly taken a back I just stared at him before noticing, not only did his eyes hold anger for me and pain from his chest but they also held fear, pushed back as far as it could go, but still there.
He's scared of me...
Immediately my expression softened upon the realization that he was just scared of me, he was worried I'd hurt him or his pack, changing my approach to this I wrapped my other hand securely around his hand that was gripped on my wrist, encapsulated it as much as I could seeing as he had much bigger hands than me.
Staring into his eyes I spoke softly. "Please Namjoon, let me help you. I want you to be okay, for them." I nodded towards the others but kept eye contact with him. He stared into the eyes before begrudgingly letting go of my wrist and lifting his shirt up himself, giving him a small smile, I looked over to where his shirt once was my face dropping.
Across his upper chest were countless slashes, they didn't look deep enough to affect any of his organs but the sheer amount of them made him bleed like crazy, whoever did this clearly wanted to seriously harm him and whoever it was had got him good. My mind was running miles an hour not knowing where to start.
There's so much blood...
This is serious I can't patch this up.
"We need to get you to a hospital." I spoke is disbelief, his wounds were too severe for me to be able to help sufficiently, he needs proper medical attention, and I was worried about the amount of blood he was losing, it was pooling around him, and my legs were covered in the crimson red liquid that was pumping out of his body at an alarming rate.
"No, no hospitals. They won't help me." He grunted seeming to be losing consciousness.
"W-What? We have to! I can't fix this I-"
"No!" He yelled at me. "If you can't help me then I don't need help" He moved his hands trying to pull his shirt back down but my hands shot out stopping his, staring at his chest, knowing that if I don't help him, he won't get any help, for whatever reason he doesn't want to go to the hospital so I need to do my best what I have and my basic training.
Trying to clean up his chest was a mess, every time I wiped blood away more would ooze out from the cuts, I could tell it was hurting every time I did because he would tense and hiss out incomprehensible words. My hands by now were soaked with blood having it seep into my nailbeds where it appeared darker, it was all over my clothes and my face from wiping the sweat away, or at least I hope it was sweat.
Deciding against wiping the blood away anymore as it kept coming back, I started wrapping it figuring I can clean and disinfect it another time, Namjoon was not like Jimin, and I could not so easily lift him. "I need you to sit up so I can wrap it up." Namjoon was very out of it right now due to the blood lose but he needed to do this so he would stop losing blood, I'm starting to get seriously worried.
Weakly, Namjoon sat up, but I had to help him, I started wrapping around the bandage, it was going smoothly until Namjoon leant his weight on me throwing me off balance, smacking a hand to the ground to keep me sitting up straight, and the other went around Namjoon to stop him from falling. "Namjoon?" He didn't respond, panic spread through me as I tried to find a pulse, thankfully he had one, but it was weak.
Slightly adjusting our position, I kept wrapping the bandage around him trying to get it done fast and tight as my arms were aching from holding us up. Getting to the last round I secured it over his shoulder putting the wrap down and shifting slightly to lay Namjoon down. Not wanting his head to rest on the dirty ground still flooded with blood I placed his head on my lap and leaned against the wall behind me.
Before I could truly relax, I looked around making sure everyone was okay and patched up, Jimin was still out of it, but he was patched up, the panther hybrid seemed be drifting in and out of consciousness and the others were all sitting quietly scattered about the alley. A final sigh excited my mouth as I looked up to the sky closing my eyes trying to process everything.
Why are they all so hurt?
Who did this to them?
Was this normal?
"I'm sorry."
Breaking my thoughts, I opened my eyes and looked at the alley way only to see Jungkook staring at me, I hadn't noticed it before, but his eyes were red, liked he'd been crying. Confused by his words I softly spoke to him, too exhausted to be much louder.
"What do you mean?"
"I shouldn't have brought you here, I didn't mean to, but we weren't sure who else to go to."
"I'm happy you came and got me Jungkook. I would've been more worried if you didn't show up and I wasn't able to help." I said trying to ease the tension, it seemed like everyone was going to be okay which was good. "What happened?" I asked him finally making eye contact with the bunny boy.
As Jungkook went on to explain what had happened with a few of the other conscious members filling in gaps and details, I felt the bile rising in my throat at what they were saying. How this had happened before, and it was normal for them although it had never gotten this bad. Tears started to pool in my eyes, I hadn't realized how bad they were living, and it all came crashing down on me just how bad it was.
People would beat them up this badly, just because they were hybrids.
Growing up I had never met a hybrid, but I knew they existed, I thought they were cool, so I never had anything against them. I know Seoyeon had nothing against them either, she treated them just as she would treat anybody else. They don't deserve this, being treated like that, people who beat up hybrids or have establishment with 'No hybrids allowed' are just sick.
I know that it's mostly older people who have problems with hybrids these days, but they pass their beliefs onto their kids and the younger generations, and some people are just jerks for no reason. I was thankful that my parents never had anything against hybrids and just simply didn’t know much about them.
Knowing I wouldn't be leaving anytime soon, I settled down a bit more shifting under Namjoon’s weight trying to get a bit more comfortable. It was rest time for the boys, most of them had now lied down and closed their eyes trying to recover from the traumatic events from today.
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Jungkook kept talking and answering a few of my questions occasionally going quiet at some, which I took as stepping too far and moved on to a new question, by now pretty much everyone had passed out, it had been a few hours and I stuck around to keep an eye on them especially Namjoon, constantly checking his pulse making sure it didn't get any worse.
The stress of the situation was beginning to dawn on me, and my eyes kept closing, Jungkook had also drifted off muttering a quiet 'Thank you'. I slowly reached for my pocket which had my phone, getting it out and unlocking it I sent a brief message to Seoyeon letting her know I was okay and won't be back for a while before turning it off and stuffing it back in my pocket.
The exhaustion coming over my body my eyes started to close as my body went limp succumbing to the comfort of darkness.
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A/n: New chapter! I knew where I wanted this chapter to start and end but I had such a struggle writing it. I have never taken any sort of medical course, but my mum used to do first aid for our local football club, I kept asking her questions about injuries, bleeding out and whether you’d need proper medical help, she thought I was planning something 😭. I’ve never written about Injuries or stuff like this, so sorry if it sounds a bit weird, I’ll keep learning! Also, the support has been so amazing! I love reading all the kind words and thoughts about the book, I took a break from writing this week but I’m ahead in chapter writing so it’s not a big deal, I’ve written up to chapter 7 and I’m working of what’s going to be either Chapter 7.5 or 8, I’m thinking of just doing weekly updates since that’s how long it usually takes me to write a full chapter as I don’t have a lot of time and tend to have a short attention span. But anyways, I hope you all have a lovely day & Thankyou all for reading! 💜
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lillsisamarshmallow · 10 months
Bake, Eat, Run (1)
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Chapter Summary: Y/n tries to follow her Dog hybrid friend back home to make sure he's okay, when she ends up in a dead-end alley what will she do? Why does she feel like someone's watching her? Is she safe?
 Word count: 2k
 Warnings: Mentions of Bruises, Mentions of Unsafe areas
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   My keys clattered against the glass as I turned them to unlock the door, pushing it open the tiny bell chimed the sound filling up the small bakery café. The morning light shining through the various windows illuminating the place. Closing the door and walking over to the counter, I placed my bag and keys before heading over to the light switch flipping them all and turning on the radio, the café lit up as the low noise of the radio flooded through the room.
 Over on the other side of the café I quickly reorganized the books on the shelf that customers from yesterday had been reading, I choose a cd from the pile before inserting it into the player, the music tying everything together and bringing the place alive. A small smile splayed on my face, my feet moving me to the kitchen I grabbed some wipes and begin to wipe down the counter before moving on to the benches swaying with the music and humming the tune.
 The bell chiming brought me out of my trance, turning to look at the door I saw Seoyeon entering the store, her dark hair framing her face, a halter top paired with some baggy jeans and light-yellow cardigan. She placed her bag on the table I'd already wiped down before turning to me, a smile clear on her face, her infectious aura affecting me, a grin began tugging at my lips as she walked over.
 "Morning" She vocalized in a sing-song voice "How was yesterday? Sorry I couldn't be here, mum insisted that I went with her".
 "You left me with the shop all by myself." I grunted remembering the events of yesterday, Seoyeon had rung me around this time yesterday saying she wouldn't be able to make it because her mum had needed her help with planning a garden party for her business associates.
 "You weren't alone."
 "Yes, I was."
 "No, you had Nali and Haewon here," She sassed "I know they're young, but they work hard. They're good kids".
 "I know but they're only here after school Seoyeon." Sighing I smiled up at her from my leaning position of wiping tables. "It's fine, but maybe next time try to give a heads up so I can organize someone to come in."
 "Okay boss!"
 "Yah! Stop that" I rolled my eyes and wacked her with the rag before her screech of disgust ripped through the air causing a laugh to ripple out of my throat.
 "Okay! Okay! ...meanie" Pretending not to hear that last part I moved on to ask her about the planning, shuffling over to start another table.
 "It was boring, honestly what do you expect? A bunch of old people sipping their wine and discussing who has the most successful grandchildren. The food was nice though".
 Humming in agreement I finished wiping the benches and started touching up some of the table condiment sets.
 "Yeah, well I'll go put my stuff down and start helping open up shop. " I heard Seoyeon say.
 Standing up we both went back over to the kitchen to finish opening shop.
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                     The café had been busy this morning, but it was slowing down now before the lunch rush. It was nearing 11am which was my lunch break, I was making the last coffee before my shift ends.
 "One Vanilla Latte for Chaeyoung?" I spoke out eyes scanning the waiting customers before a young lady with blond and black hair appeared in front of me.
 "Here you go, Have a nice day."
 "Thank you and you too".
 Turing around I took off my apron and rinsed my hands before heading into the kitchen. Walking the oven in the corner I slipped on some oven mitts before opening it. A rush of hot air hit my face and I grabbed the tray of pastries I had made earlier placing it on the counter.
 Removing the oven mitts, I looked over the pastries to ensure they were cooked, grabbing a small plate I moved a few over before putting the rest in the cooling rack.
 5 should be enough besides there's a few different options anyways.
 Holding the plate, I got some drinks from the fridge.
 "Seoyeon I'm going on my lunch break!" I yelled to her. "Okay! Say hi for me" She responded from the front sounding quite busy serving customers.
 "Will do!" I opened the back door keeping it ajar with my foot while trying to squeeze through with my hands full. Stepping outside I put the plate and bottles on the small table we had before sitting down myself.
 It didn't take long before I saw a head of blond hair accompanied by golden dog ears walking down the alley cautiously trying not to be spotted by the wrong person.
 "Hey Jimin!"
 Worried brown eyes met my own upon realizing who I was his eyes soften and a smile splayed on his face. He got a bit closer before speaking, I stood up to greet my friend.
 "Hi Y/N.." Jimin spoke quietly, by now I was used to his small quiet nature, trying not to be noticed by people. Thankfully customers didn't come out here and not many people walked down this alley.
 Jimin had been coming to have lunch with me for the past few weeks, I had caught him going through our trash one day looking for food, I had startled him as at first, I had yelled thinking he was a criminal. After that day I would leave some food out on our back table for him with small little notes introducing myself and labelling the foods. Whenever I left chocolate muffins out, they were always left behind. Eventually I walked into him while going for my lunch break, he didn't talk much but he sat down with me, and over time we developed a friendship.
 We sat down at the small outdoors table with the food "Seoyeon says 'Hi'. I've got muffins, some croissants and an apple danish, have whichever you like. " I began "Oh and some banana milk and water. I hope this is okay".
 Jimin look astonished at the array of pastries on the plate. "Y/N, I can't-" "Yes you can, and you will." I cut him of "Please, I don't have anyone else to spend my lunch break with Seoyeon is working" Although both Jimin and Seoyeon knew of each other they hadn't properly met per Jimin's request when we first started having lunch together, but I'd relay greetings and hellos for each of them.
 Jimin smiled but I could see the guilt behind his eyes. "...Okay" a grinned spread on my lips as he reached for a croissant, before he picked it up, he looked to me nervous. I gave him the biggest approving smile I could letting him know it was okay, I grabbed the danish myself before taking a bite.
 This batch came out well I thought to myself before swallowing and looking over to Jimin.
 "How have you been?" I asked him.
 "I've... been okay".
 Not noticing the small hesitation in his voice, I continued "That's good to hear" Munching on my food. "How about you? He questioned. "I've been good, been trying to come up with some new dishes for the new menu."
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                        Jimin and I continued to talk for the remainder of my lunch break, I noticed that today, much like the past few weeks Jimin hadn't eaten much. I always let Jimin talk any of the left-over pastries from our lunches but recently he's been leaving more left over to take for later. At first, I thought he just wasn't that hungry or wanted to save some for dessert or something later, but it seems like it's more than that. I wrapped up the pastries in one of my food bandanas making sure to include the banana milk he refused to drink but still wanted before handing it over to him.
 "Thank you for joining me for lunch again Jimin" I beamed.
 "Thank you for letting me have lunch with you and-" he gestured to the bag of foods not continuing his sentence.
 I nodded at him, and he smiled back at me.
 "I'll see you around yeah?"
 "Of course."
 We parted ways as Jimin continued down the alley before taking a turn, I went back to the shop walking inside closing the door, I walked through the kitchen placing the plate in the sink stuck in thought.
 Why is he saving so much food? Is everything okay? Maybe he just doesn't like my baking? Where does he even go after lunch, he goes down the alleys but where do they lead? I hope he's not in trouble or anything. There is a lot of criminals in those alleys, I hope he's safe...
 "What's wrong? You seemed lost in thought" Snapping me from my train of worries and thoughts Seoyeon's voice saves me. Turning to look at her she looks concerned.
 "It's just-" Not sure if I should continue, I look to the door biting my lip. "I'm worried about Jimin, he's saving most of the lunches and not eating, and he's always walking through those alley ways by himself. I swear I saw some bruises on him the other day." I mumbled just loud enough to hear.
 "Oh no.." The worry was clear in her voice despite not having met Jimin, Seoyeon worried about him also. "That's terrible..."
 "I know" Sighing and looking back at her.
 "Go" Her soft voice flooded my ears "Go after him and see if he's okay, see where he's going".
 "But the shop-" "It's not very busy right now I can manage, beside Nali and Haewon will be here soon. " Seoyeon grinned before nodding at me.
 Giving her a thankful look and smile I headed for the back door to go follow Jimin, surely, he couldn't have gotten too far.
 I jogged down the alleyway from the café before making it to a turn, remembering which way Jimin went I took the correct turn before speeding up again.
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 My legs were burning from the excessive running and walking.
 Geez I need to work out more.
 Stopping to get a breath I looked ahead of me an intersection of different alleyways, slowly walking up it, I looked down the left seeing it led to a single right turn, I could hear cars, so it probably led to a road. Straight ahead seemed to also lead to a road after a turn. I rotated to my left to see a dead end, but it had some random boxes and bins around. It even had a few pare pieces of furniture around that had obviously been abandoned by its owner. Something felt off, it gave me a weird feeling and this alley it was way too quiet, I pressed forwards despite the unsettling feeling in my stomach.
 As I got further in the alley, I could see things had been thrown about, raggedy, ripped, dirty clothes littered the abandoned couch and surrounding floor. One end of the couch had a jumper stuffed with other clothes and tied at the end almost like a pillow.
 It was almost as if someone was living here... Something caught the corner of my eye as I turned to look what I saw shocked me.
 Poking out from underneath a mattress that was standing upright leaning in the wall was thick, long, black tail. "What the..." I stepped closer to it, but it flicked away and hid itself behind the mattress. jumping back a glanced around the rest of the dead-end alley. turning away from the mattress and back to the couch I noticed some of the clothes that were littering the lounge had shifted. Panic flooded through my brain as I slowly started to back away from both the mattress and couch.
 "I need to leave..." I mumbled backing up to where I had thought the entrance was only to back into a hard structure obscuring my clear path out.
 A wall.
 Trying to calm myself down I relax my shoulders, my breathing perfectly in sync with the wall behind me, the matching movement helped calm me down, lowering my heartbeat, but only until I realized.
 Wait... walls don't breathe...
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             A/n: It's here! It took me awhile as I wanted to get the first few chapters written before publishing any, I hope you all enjoy this series as much I have enjoyed writing it so far. Why is this wall breathing?! (Part of the crew, part of the ship 👀 ) Have a nice day & Thankyou all for reading! 💜
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lillsisamarshmallow · 10 months
Trespassing (2)
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Chapter Summary: Y/n is confronted by someone who thinks she shouldn't be here, will someone step in and help her? Is her Dog hybrid friend here? What will happen when she finds him and much more in the alleys?
Word count: 3k
Warnings: Violence, Homelessness, Dirty clothes? Slight Interrogation, Passing out, Unconscious Reader, Implied Starving. Let me know if I missed any!
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Whipping myself around so I was facing this so-called wall, that had once comforted me in this scary alley, now making my heartbeat spike and the panic come back only this time much worse. A broad chest covered by a ripped and stained top filled my view, I could feel the hard breath and hot air hitting my forehead, slowly I brought myself to cautiously look up.
My eyes immediately meeting those that belonged to the person whose sheer aura was making me cower in fear and make my knees buckle in.
Deep endless brown eyes stared into my own, anger, disgust, annoyance filled his eyes whilst mine held the fear and weakness that I felt. A low growl escaped from his lips, I tried to step back and get away from him, but he grabbed hold of me pulling me closer to him before turning around and shoving me away. Now my back faced the entrance to this place. I screeched at the sudden movement before catching my balance and looking up at the man who just so effortlessly tossed me away.
He had dark hair and a pair a wolf ears adorned his head, glancing down I noticed his large tail swaying back and forth behind his legs rapidly.
He took a step towards me, scared I threw my hand out to keep him away, a smirk appeared on his lips seemingly amused by my attempt. Another growl ripped through the air, I looked over to where it came from to see a man with dark brown hair and soulless eyes emerging from the tilted mattress.
As he stood to his full height he towered over me much like the other man, behind him I saw the same tail from before, thick, black, fluffy tail. He slowly stalked his way over to me, panicked I held up my other hand a futile attempt to stop him from attacking me, if he really wanted to, I would be dead by now.
"I-I... I'm just l-looking for my friend" I stuttered out hoping they'd back down if they knew why I was here. I heard a dark chuckle and looked over to the man near the mattress, but it wasn't him who spoke.
"Your friend is not here. Now leave." The man in front of me stepped forwards towards me, instinctively I backed up.
"P-please, I'm sorry for trespassing b-but his name is Jimin and-" Before I could finish my sentence the man in front of me had lunged forward violently shoving me away.
A screamed ripped through my throat at the sudden action and the pain that came with it, I rolled a few times before coming to a stop hitting the rough ground. Groaning in pain I tried my best to stand up wobbling as I did, I quickly stepped back trying to create distance from the man and get out of his area.
I kept backing up until I was in the middle the crossroad of alleys, the other man had by now made his way to stand with the other man. Now seeing them closer the first man was taller by a bit, but both equally towered over me.
I took note of how neither of them seemed to pass a certain point and figured that past that point, behind them, was their territory.
I put my hands out in front of me knowing it would never work against them. "Look I don't w-want any trouble. I just, I-I-"
What do I even want? Why am I here? Jimin obviously isn't here, and these guys clearly don't want me here either.
"...Never mind" I spoke defeated I turned and started to walk back the way I came, only getting few meters before suddenly my body came crashing to the ground with a thud.
All the exhaustion of running here and then getting pushed down, my body had an adrenaline overload and it needed to rest, but I couldn't stay here. I dragged myself over to one on the walls propping myself against for support, my scrapped knees drawing close to my chest, my body was exhausted and so was my mind. I closed my eyes to focus on my breathing trying to calm myself down.
I just need a quick rest... then I'll leave here.
Looking up at the mention of my name I turned to where the person's voice came from. Through my lidded eyes I spot a frantic figure looking around, spinning in circles searching for something or, someone before his eyes lock on my figure slumped against the ground.
Rushing over, the blond figure dropped to his knees in front of me eyes scanning my figure. His golden ears dipping lying flat on his head as his eyes filled with worry and concern from seeing my state.
"Y/N, what are you doing here? Oh god, this wouldn't have happened if-" Jimin couldn't seem to finish his sentence as his hands hovered over me not sure what to do, frozen, wanting to help but unsure of the first step to do so.
"No, this is my fault Jimin. I'm sorry, I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I'll be fine I just need to-" The world had become blurry around me Jimin's face being nothing but a fuzzy spot as if wearing dirty glasses. Soon everything around me turned fuzzy as well before slowly getting darker and being completely consumed by the darkness. I could hear Jimin calling my name but there was nothing I could do, the gravity and comfort of the darkness being too powerful for anything to drag me out.
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"Get her out!"
"She can't stay here."
"She's hurt! We can't leave her".
"Yes, we can! She's human, nothing but trouble she is."
"She's, my friend. She needs help."
"Friend? Jimin you can't-"
The voices of the people around me slowly brought me back the reality. Not knowing where I was, I tried not to move too much as to not draw attention to myself. Slowly cracking my eyes open, it wasn't hard to adjust to the lighting as it was dark wherever I was.
Cautiously looking around I saw 6 men all standing around arguing with each other, I wasn't present enough to understand what they were arguing about, so I drowned them out. Glancing over to the left of the group I saw another man, he looked younger than the others, over his head hung long black locks that went almost down to his shoulders at the back, it looked unkempt, like it hadn't been washed or brushed for a few weeks, but someone had attempted to tidy it up at least. Nestled in with his hair were two long fluffy rabbit ears, dark grey on the outsides with a lighter grey littering the insides.
A bunny hybrid.
Studying the man, I couldn't help but notice that he was eating what looks like a cranberry muffin.
I made that muffin this morning, I put on the plate for me and Jimin and he didn't eat it, he took it...home...
I didn't even notice I had been staring at the boy until his dark brown orbs locked with mine, both our eyes widening at realization. He opened his mouth to say something to the other men but before he managed, I abruptly sat up straight taking in my surrounding. I was still in the alley way, on the abandon couch covered with clothes from before that had creeped me out, I looked over towards the group of men only to see that they had already spotted me from my previous alarming movements.
Seven pairs of eyes all staring at me, no one saying anything not knowing where to start, as my eyes travel all over them I realized something I hadn't picked up on before.
They're all hybrids.
The two men from before, a wolf and a panther hybrid, my eyes move to the next person, a fox hybrid, traveling to the next, a sugar glider hybrid, a cat hybrid, the bunny hybrid who had now moved over to stand with others, and a dog hybrid.
His eyes stayed lock with mine, concern and uncertainty swirled in them, before I had time to study the other men one of them spoke up.
"What do you want?" he growled, disgust for my mere existence clear in his voice.
I looked over to who had spoken only to see the same man from before who had pushed me to the ground. My eyes widened in fear as I tried to back up on the couch to create as much distance as possible between me and the violent wolf hybrid.
"I-" Before I could stutter out my words someone had cut me off.
"She came looking for me." Jimin defended me moving to stand in front of me. "She didn't mean any harm. I promise."
I nodded my head violently agreeing with Jimin trying to show them that was why I was here. The man scoffed before sending me a death glare. Jimin turn around and moved block my view of the others with his face. He put his hands on my shoulder, I flinched slightly as my left shoulder was bruising from my previous contact with the ground.
"I'm sorry this happened to you, it's all my fault and-"
"Jimin no, this is my fault, I came looking for you and was trespassing. I'm just glad that you're okay. I see why you don't eat as much and why you bring the left over back here" I spoke softly with a small smile.
Jimin looked down ashamed, seeming unhappy that I knew about this.
"I'm sorry, I won't bother you-" Cutting Jimin off I wrapped my arms around his neck bringing him closer to me embracing him in a hug. He didn't return the hug at first, his arms hanging by his sides. Seeing as I wasn't letting go Jimin hesitantly moved his arms to wrap them around me. Sighing into the hug I slightly calmed down, my breaths matching Jimin's, before I remembered the six other hybrids around me.
"They won't hurt me, will they?" I fearfully whispered into his ear.
Recalling what I told Seoyeon about seeing Jimin having bruises a few days ago, my mind started racing.
Did they hurt Jimin too? Did they give him those bruises?
"D-did they hurt you too?" I stammered holding Jimin tighter and pulling him closer as to get him away from them.
"What? N-no, no. They would never hurt me" Jimin said shocked by my question.
"Are you sure?"
"Positive, and I won't let them hurt you either" Jimin gave me a reassuring squeeze before slowly letting go. Still facing me Jimin looked down at me from his standing position. I leaned to the side to see around him and check on those other hybrids, to no one's surprise they all stared - or more like glared back at me, startled I leaned back to my original position nervous, looking to Jimin for help.
Seeing my struggling self, Jimin took the initiative and turned to face the others and sat down on the couch. Curious eyes found mine trying to avoid eye contact with them my eyes darted around looking at the area around me. Across from me sat an old chair but it didn't match with the couch, left of the chair laid a thin single mattress with some worn down blanket on it. I looked to the other side of the chair to see the mattress from before leaning up against the wall, shielding half of the entrance was a stack a cardboard box making what looked like some sort of wall. As my eyes continued to truly study the area I had been in, cardboard boxes set up as tables, mattresses, all the dirty clothes and ripped blankets splayed on the ground and various objects, I came to the horrid realization.
They all live here...
"Guys, this is Y/N." Jimin’s voice brought me out of my thoughts looking to him as he spoke. "She owns a café a few blocks from here. She's where I've been getting the food.".
"Jimin! Have you been taking her food? I thought I taught you better than that." The sugar glider Hybrid spoke in disbelief has he strode over to Jimin who was right next to me.
"No! He didn't steal anything, I-I've been giving him food." I spoke raising my voice a little. "He's been joining me for lunch." I spoke to the hybrid who was now standing in front of Jimin and I.
He looked at me questioning before looking back at Jimin for reassurance to my accusation. Jimin looked up at him nodding confirming what I had already said.
"Good, I didn't raise no criminals" The man hummed before turning to me. I visibly tensed up before he spoke “Why were you looking for Jimin?”
"Well after he left, I was worried because he wasn't eating much and saving the food for leftovers." I spoke quietly, intimidated by the broad man in front of me. "B-but I see why now."
He stared into my eyes as I spoke and kept staring after I had finished. I could see the kindness in his eyes hidden by his protectiveness. Nervously a small smile tugged at my lips trying to ease the tension between us. It worked as he returned his smile backing away from me.
"You make really nice muffins." A voice broke the silence everyone turning to look at the who had spoken. It was the bunny hybrid, he moved slightly closer the others trying to hide behind them at my gaze.
My smile only grew at his kind words. "Thank you, I'm glad you like them.".
His big grin appeared showing off his bunny teeth and cheeky smile.
Jimin and his friends kept talking as I listened to what they were saying I moved slightly in my spot trying to subtly stretch my arms. My hands landed on the couch something beneath my palm made me grip on to the mysterious object. Looking down I saw it was a piece of clothing, looking closer it had holes and it and was very discoloured by use and dirt. Disgusted from touching the item, not know exactly what it was or where it had been, abruptly drop it back to the couch flicking it away from me grossed out releasing I had been sitting on dirty clothes. I looked up a repulsed expression clear on my face, I locked eyes with the panther hybrid, he looked embarrassed quickly looking away from me averting eye contact.
"How can we trust her?"
I turned to see the cat hybrid staring right at me before his gaze shifted to next person who spoke.
"We can't."
"Namjoon, she is Jimin's-" "I'm sorry." I declared. "I didn't mean to invade your territory or be here uninvited. Genuinely I was just worried about Jimin, and your right." I continued trying to stand up stumbling a bit, Jimin reached out to help me. I took his hand helping me to stand stably. "You can't trust me. You don't know me. Thank you for helping but I should go." I mumbled the last part bowing before shuffling out past the boys before a hand harshly grabbed my wrist.
In my spot I froze not wanting to move from my spot out of fear. Not looking back, I kept my eyes trained on the ground. Before I could react, whoever was holding me had grabbed my waist and spun me around to face them. Surprised at the two people behind me I stared up at the man holding me still, he had deep chocolate eyes and brown hair and two fluffy orange fox ears on his head.
"Thank you" He started. "You have no idea how much that food you've been giving Jimin, has helped us."
A warn thankful smile on his face, at hearing his words my heart flooded with warmth at how my baking was able to help them. I glanced to the bunny boy who stood slightly behind him before looking back at him, by now he had let go of my waist and was holding my hands in his.
"It means a lot really, even though you didn't know you were helping us all as well and thought it was just Jimin, we really needed it." Unshed tears slightly pooled in his eyes before he blinked them away beaming at me.
"Yes, thank you, all the food was so good too." The other guy gushed. "I'm Jungkook and this is Hoseok" The bunny hybrid gestured to the fox hybrid in front of him when naming his friend. "Don't worry about Namjoon, he just wants to protect us, you just have to earn his trust.".
"Yeah, Taehyung and Yoongi are really just little kittens once you get to know them too." Hoseok chuckled.
"Thanks, it's nice to know you guys liked my baking." I blushed from all the praise about my pastries I had made. "And I'm sorry again for just walking in unannounced."
"You were looking out for your friend, our Jiminie, thank you for caring about him it shows more than you could possibly imagine. Most humans want nothing to do with us or will-"
"Thank you" Jungkook cut off Hoseok before they both shared a look. I smiled at them before stepping back ready to take my leave, judging by how the sun was no longer directly above us I figured it had been few hours since I left, and Seoyeon was probably worrying about me.
"I'll see you guys around." I nodded before making my exit down the way I had come hours ago. As I went to turn the corner, I saw them both standing there, I wave them off before I saw Namjoon walk out and usher them back into the side alley before we made eye contact. He shot me a glare and stared me down before turning and walking back himself. I took that as my signing to truly leave as I continued down the alleys on my way back to the shop.
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A/n: Ahhh! Next chapter is here! The first few chapters of this series might be a bit shorter, I aim to get each chapter between 2-3k words. Also Thank you all so much on the support on the first part and the teaser, I did not expect that amount of interaction, it makes me so happy knowing people have enjoyed what I’ve been working on, so I hope you all enjoy! Have a nice day & Thankyou all for reading! 💜
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lillsisamarshmallow · 10 months
Bunny Boy (3)
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Chapter Summary: The day after the incident Y/n is back to working, Jimin continues to visit and even brings a friend with him. Y/n sends a surprise for the boys and invites them inside the café, what happens when they show up without Jimin?
Word count: 3.3k
Warnings: Implied Violence, Bruises, Hand marks. Let me know if I missed any!
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As the sky slowly started to light up from the rising sun, I too woke up, doona tossed and half falling of the bed and pillows scattered all over the mattress and floor.
I really need to throw some of them out. I thought to myself slowly sitting up in my comfortable bed reaching for my phone to turn off the obnoxious alarm that I dreaded every morning. Groaning I scrambled out from the twisted blankets and headed for my bathroom grabbing my towel on the way.
I was a morning person really, just after I had my shower.
The warm water jolted out of the shower head before reaching my hair, feeling the relaxing water running through my hair and on to my scalp before escaping down the rest of my body was always my favourite part of showers. Washing the shampoo out of my hair I was remined of what had happened yesterday in the alley with Jimin and his...friends? Family? I wasn't sure on who they were, but Jimin trusted them, and I trust Jimin.
They way they were all living in that small alley put me off, that was why Jimin always went through the alleys, because that's where he lived. Appling conditioner to my hair I continued to think about the events for yesterday. After I left, by the time I made it back to the café it would have been late afternoon.
How long was I out for in the alley with Jimin?
I dragged myself through the back door, fatigue plaguing me just wanting to go home and sleep and shower the dirt off me. Walking to the counter, I lean over, looking into the sink, the plates from earlier gone, washed, dried, and put away. I turn the tap on ready to wash my hands before a stern voice sounded.
"Where have you been?!"
I spun around scared out of mind only the see Seoyeon, her arms crossed over her chest, a stern look on her face holding anger, annoyance, and most of all concern. Staring back at her I didn't know what to say or do and it seemed she didn't know either.
Her eyes slightly soften realizing the state I was in, hastily she made her way over to me engulfing me in a hug before pulling back and looking over me. She stopped when she noticed my scrapped knees and hands before looking up at me, sooner than I could stop her she pulled the neck of my top down to the right spotting the forming bruise from where I had hit the ground after Namjoon had shoved me. A gasp left her mouth at the sight before she pulled it down further showing the red hand marks from Namjoon, he did not grab me hard enough to bruise but those marks would be there for a bit, maybe a few hours or even a day or two.
She raised her hand covering her mouth lightly tracing the marks before speaking. "Who did this?" The coldness in her voice scared me, I had seen Seoyeon annoyed or mad at rude customer but never had I seen her like this.
"It was just a misunderstanding." I broke my silence.
"A misunderstanding! " She scoffed. "Y/N misunderstandings are when people don't understand. Whoever did this obviously understood what they were doing."
"Really it was! It was my fault. He was just trying to-"
"He?! Y/N we must call someone, this is-"
"No! Seriously, Seoyeon I am fine, and the marks will go away in a day or two, you do not have to call anyone. Don't worry, I just fell over and landed on my shoulder." I spoke sternly hoping she would drop it before giving her a reassuring smile.
"But-, I-, Ugh fine, I'll drop it. Just so you know, whoever did this to do, I do not like them" She grumbled. "Now tell me where you were, you completely disappeared and left me to manage the shop, Nali and Haewon were great help though."
I smiled at her as I began to tell her most of what had happened leaving out exactly where the alley way itself was and a few other details.
Stepping out the bathroom I started to tidy up my bed before making my way to the kitchen grabbing something to eat before heading to work. I only had 2 a bedroom apartment in the complex despites my mother's complaints and wanting to buy me a 'Nice big house, out of the city'. I told her that I did not need such a big house for just me and wanted to buy my first place myself. So, we settled on this apartment, it was the perfect size for me and wasn't too far away from where we opened the café.
Seoyeon's parents and my parents worked in the same business and got along well, both our families would spend holidays together which naturally resulted in me and Seoyeon developing the friendship we have today.
Luckily traffic isn't too bad this early in the morning, the café had to be open early in the mornings for the breakfast rush which meant I would have to wake up extra early to make it and open shop. Arriving at the café I noticed all the lights were on, walking in I could hear the radio and the music meaning Seoyeon had arrived before me and had started setting up.
The bell chiming must have gotten Seoyeon attention as I saw her head poke out from the kitchen door a smile on her face and some flour in her hair. Stifling a laugh, I walked over to her placing my bag down on the counter joining her in the kitchen.
"What- Seoyeon how did you even manage to do this?" I giggled looking at all the flour on the bench and on the floor, not to mention the flour in her hair on her face.
"Shut up" She grumbled back at me hiding her smile.
We continued to work in the kitchen together catching up on anything that had happened to us recently, I was baking some pastries and muffins while Seoyeon was cleaning up her mess from earlier, soon enough the breakfast rush started, and we were swamped with customers.
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I was in the kitchen baking some cheesecake while assembling some savory croissants to put in the display case since they tend to run out quickly, we had been busy today, so I had kind of lost track of time. Finishing the croissants, I went over to the sink to wash my hands, as I was drying them, I looked out the window only to see Jimin waiting patiently near the table.
I looked up at the time only to see my lunch break was almost an hour ago, he must have been waiting for me. It seemed Jimin had giving up on waiting as I saw him frown before turning around and start walking away, quickly finishing drying my hands I run out the door yelling.
Jimin turned around at the sound of my voice a grin forming on his face, I walked closer to him and he to me.
"Sorry Jimin, we've been so busy today and I completely lost track of time." Stumbling over my words and rushing them out I explained to Jimin why I was not out here. "Here come inside I'll only be a minute or two."
Before I could think or Jimin could respond I dragged him inside the kitchen with me, letting go of his hand once we were inside, I hastily walked over to the oven opening it and checking the cheesecake, seeing as it was ready, I reached in and pulled it out, setting it on to one of our cooling racks.
Dusting the fake dust off my hands, I start moving the croissants on to a tray to escort them out into the display turning around I remembered Jimin was here, just standing in the middle of the room awkwardly, I pulled over a spare chair for him letting him know I'll just be a minute.
I walked out the front behind the counter where Seoyeon was serving the customers, I placed the tray on top of the display while I opened it and pulled out the board for croissants this caught Seoyeon's attention as I saw her look over to me.
"Y/N you're a life saver, I've had like 12 customers asking for some savory croissants." Seoyeon expressed her gratitude as I started placing the croissants into the display. When I finished I smiled back up at her before heading back into the kitchen where Jimin was sitting on the chair I had got him, he moved it over the bench where I had previously been making the croissants.
I walked over to Jimin apologizing again before heading over to the cooling rack and getting some muffins I had baked earlier and some croissants I had set aside. I tuned back to Jimin "Is there anything specific you'd like?" He looked confused at first before standing up and walking over to me.
"Whatever you choose is okay, I don't mind" He spoke softly, I could tell he was saying that as to not come across as wanting more food.
"Please Jimin, we've got muffins, croissants, biscuits, wraps, whatever you like I promise it's okay." I said gesturing to all the food we have. "I can get you something from out the front too."
Jimin looked over to the front, so I walked over to the door opening it, he didn't seem to want to walk through the door and was staying out of sight from the customers. I bent down at the back of the display showing him all the different labels of foods.
Jimin point at the seasoned pork sandwich which I happily grabbed out of the display case, standing back up again heading into the kitchen before Seoyeon called out for me.
"Y/N could you please grab the next customer?" I mouthed for Jimin to give me a second placing the food on the bench while taking the customer's order. Just as I finished handing him his order, I heard a crash and a squeal from the kitchen.
Oh no, Jimin!
Excusing myself from the customer I ran to back only to find both Jimin and Seoyeon on the floor clearly having run into each other, there were a few bottles rolling about on the floor, Seoyeon was probably restocking the fridge.
I bent down and helped Seoyeon up before making my way over to Jimin and helping him up as well asking if they were both okay on the way. Jimin immediately started apologizing to Seoyeon and tried picking up all the bottles, he put all the bottles on the counter before looking back at Seoyeon then me.
"Seoyeon, this is Jimin. Jimin, this is Seoyeon" I introduced them both. "Sorry Seoyeon, I was just getting us some lunch."
"It's nice to meet you Jimin."
"U-uh, You too."
"Sorry about running into you Jimin, I wasn't looking." Seoyeon smiled. "Anyways, I have to fill up this fridge and then get back to serving the customers, it was nice meeting you."
Seoyeon picked up the bottles smiling at Jimin before heading over to the fridge, I quickly raced out apologizing to the customer and giving him his change before grabbing the food and going back into the kitchen. I grabbed Jimin hand as we went out the back to the table and sitting down, I passed Jimin his sandwich.
As we ate, I apologized to Jimin for what happened in the store before we caught up and just chatted for the rest of lunch.
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After we finished lunch, I told Jimin to wait while I went back inside, walking over to the far bench I got a small basket that I had prepacked with sandwiches, muffins, croissants, and a handful of biscuits, making sure there were 7 savory and 7 sweet foods plus some extra biscuits.
Prancing back outside I happily handed Jimin the basket, at first, he tried to open but I told him not to open it and wait until he got back, sceptically Jimin looked at me but kept the basket anyway. I knew if Jimin found out what was in that basket before he left, he would not have taken it. I smiled waving goodbye to Jimin wishing him a good rest of his day, before heading back inside the shop just as Nali and Haewon showed up for their shifts.
I wasn't sure how Jimin and his pack would react to the food, but I hoped they would except it.
As Jimin arrived back at the alley the other boys were all sitting round on the ground or couch. "I'm back guys." Jimin announced. All the boys looked up at him hoping he brought back some food like usual but seeing the small basket rather than the regular food bandana was odd.
"Did Y/n give you food today?" Jungkook questioned hopefully looking at the basket and Jimin, Jin elbowed him in the side for asking.
Jimin walked over towards the middle on the group placing down the basket and sitting down. "I'm not sure, she told me not to look inside until I got back." This peaked the leader's interest as he came over to Jimin and the basket standing up next to Jimin, some of the others also moved closer to see the basket.
Jimin slowly peeled back the covering on the basket, gasping at what was inside, he slowly put in hand in the basket and pulled up a beef sandwich. "It’s full of food." He whispered in disbelief.
"She wouldn't."
"She did."
All the other members also looked in the bag gasping before pulling out more sandwiches, wraps, croissants, and muffins.
"Oh my, this-this is amazing."
Tears began to pool in some of the hybrid's eyes, never experiencing such kindness especially from a human, this food would keep them going, not having had a meal in who knows how long.
"Why would she do this...?"
The pack handed out and sorted through the food, exchanging with each other for what they preferred before digging in, feeling well fed and full for the first time in a long time.
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Jimin's visits continued every day, some days when I was running late, he'd come wait inside sharing greetings with Seoyeon while I finished working before heading out for lunch. I would always send Jimin home with enough food for himself and his six other friends whom I'd recently learnt were in his pack, not that I'd seen any of them since that day, occasionally along with the food I'd put a small sticky note in the basket and some drinks. The café had been super busy recently so most days Jimin would stay inside with me while I finished up and he was more than welcome to, despite the number of times me and Seoyeon had told him that he can just come in he always knocked on the door and waited for us to open it.
Today didn't seem much different than the rest, once again the café was busy, not so bad we needed to call someone in to help but enough to keep us busy with little down time. We currently had a special menu item on which was proving to be extremely popular, so much so that I contemplated added it to the new menu permanently.
But due to the popularity that meant I spent most of my day making more of it in the kitchen. Eventually a knock sound at the door, knowing who it was I quickly put down what I was doing and made my way over to the door. Opening the door, I started welcoming Jimin without really paying attention until I realized it wasn't just Jimin.
"Hey Jimin, sorry we're swamped today. New item on the menu and-" Finally looking at Jimin I realized that behind him stood Jungkook the bunny hybrid from his pack.
"Oh, Hi Jungkook." I said slightly confused.
"I hope it's okay I brought him Y/n, He wanted to see you again." Jimin confessed looking behind him when talking about Jungkook who just coyly grinned showing off his bunny like teeth.
"Yeah, of course that's okay." I let him know before stepping aside welcoming them in. "Come on in guys, I'm just making something."
They followed in behind me as I walked over to the stove stirring the mix to stop it from burning. I could hear behind me chairs moving so Jimin and Jungkook must have taken a seat on the spare chairs we have in the kitchen. Turning to the table I went back to what I was doing before they'd both arrived, grabbing the knife I began to cut the strawberry pie in to the appropriate sizes then moving it to separate them.
I went over the fridge grabbing out the whipped cream bag and fresh strawberries putting them down next to the pie and grabbing the chocolate piping bag from the stove. Drizzling the white chocolate over the pies making sure to miss two at the end, I then piped some cream onto each one, topping it off with a fresh strawberry.
Moving them all onto a tray I left three behind before heading out the front smiling at the boys on the way, pushing through the door into the front I put the pies into the display before heading back to the kitchen. I plated the pies that I left over, grabbing some forks, a banana milk and some juice and then I joined the boys, giving them the food and drink.
Sighing as I sat down finally off my feet, I looked to see Jungkook questionably only look at Jimin as if asking permission before Jimin nodded and Jungkook started eating and Jimin followed shortly. We sat in silence for a bit before Jungkook spoke up.
"This is really good! Thank you." He gushed over the pie.
"You're welcome, I'm so happy you like it. It's proving to be pretty popular, I might need to add it to the permanent menu." I beamed back at him.
"Do you think you could pack more of those really good carrot and apple muffins please? They are my favourite." Jungkook said with a large smile on his face before it twisted into pain and annoyance as Jimin had jabbed him in the ribs before looking at me apologetically. I returned Jungkook previous smile saying, "Of course I can."
"Actually, we are closing soon, if you guys want to wait around you can choose whatever you'd like, I feel bad that I never asked you guys and just kind of chose an assortment and stuck with it." I said sheepishly towards the end.
I saw Jungkook's eyes light up at what I had said, an unspoken agreement between us passed as we finished our drinks and pies waiting for shop to close.
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Having Jungkook join me and Jimin for lunch had become a regular thing, he didn't come every day, but he came often. So, it was no surprise when I opened the door to see the bunny hybrid whom I'd grow accustomed to but what was surprising was the worrisome look on his face and the lack of a certain dog hybrid who hadn't missed a lunch in weeks.
"Hey Jungkook, I-" My eyes passed over his head to see the white tops of a pair of fluffy orange ears. "Hoseok? Wait where's Jimin?"
Seeing how distressed they looked I began to worry what was wrong, but I didn't have much time to think before Jungkook spoke.
"We need your help."
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A/n: Hello everyone, hope you all having a great day and if not, I hope this made you feel better! I don’t have much of a lore/plan for this book I’m just writing as it comes to me, also I'm trying out some new line break art which i made myself. Have a nice day & Thankyou all for reading! 💜
402 notes · View notes
lillsisamarshmallow · 7 months
It's over...? (9)
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Summary: Out came the sun and dried up all the rain, with the rain stopping and Y/n going back to work, she struggles to tell the boys about how she’s feeling. With the café slow on staff and high ion customers the girls struggle to get all the work done, what happens when Y/n works herself too hard? Will the boys be there for her? Or have they already left…
Word count: 7.3k (Wow)
Warnings: Over exhaustion, Passing out,  Let me know if I missed any!
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I groaned at the yelling from somewhere in the house, hoping I was just dreaming I rolled over to face Hoseok, he seemed to stir slightly, but stayed asleep, I started drifting back to sleep as well, my eyes closing as I was losing the battle, until I heard a loud scream.
I quickly sat up as did Hoseok, we both threw off the blankets and rushed towards the door, him being in front due to his faster reflexes, he threw opened the door and walked out until he was standing near the kitchen, and I quickly followed behind him. Standing across from us was Seoyeon, she had her hair down and her sunglasses pushed up, she was wearing some black pants and a white top which was covered by her long beige coat, she was looking over towards the couch.
Looking at the couch I saw Namjoon and Seokjin who had clearly just woken up staring back at her startled, the spare room door was also open, and Taehyung was peering out, I could see Jungkook’s feet hanging off the bed, letting me know that he was still asleep, I glanced at Hoseok who was standing in front of me before looking back at Seoyeon as she started speaking.
“Uhm, Y/n?” She nervously yelled out, looking around a bit more before she spotted me, she came running towards me before grabbing me and pulling me away from Hoseok, she held on to me protectively as she tried to back up a bit more, her eyes wide with concern, but Hoseok wasted no time in grabbing me from her arms and pulling me back over to him and slightly pushing me behind his body.
Seoyeon reached out from my arm and grabbed a hold of it and tried pulling me away from Hoseok, in the corner of my eye I could see Jungkook and Jimin slowly poke their heads out from the room as well. I felt like a piece of meat being fought over by two wild animals, as the two kept pulling me back and forth I took advantage of their lack of focus on me and more on each other to pull myself away from both of them.
They both looked at me before Seoyeon took a step forward making Hoseok flinch before she started speaking. “Y/n, who are these guys? Are you okay?” She whispered, trying to stop them from hearing, but their hybrids ears would have picked up what she said anyway. Hoseok reaches for Seoyeon’s arm that’s she using to hold me and pulls it away making her turn to face him, he steps closer to me putting a bit of space between myself and Seoyeon.
“Who are we? Who are you?” He sneered, slightly growling at her. She stepped back seeming a bit nervous and offended, Hoseok was staring at her as she moved slightly away from him, he looked like he could tear her throat out at any second, it was different from his usually bubbly and friendly self and it kind of worried me, so I decided to step in.
“Hoseok, this is Seoyeon, my friend who works at the café with me.” I said, trying to diffuse the tension. “Seoyeon, this is Hoseok, he is my friend who’s been staying with me, remember? Along with the rest of the pack.” I said gesturing to everyone else who was watching, Seoyeon looked around at them all, she must have spotted Jimin and Jungkook as she gave them a smile and a small wave.
She looked over to the couch as confusion spread on her face at the unfamiliar faces, she seemed to grow awkward again, realizing three other people were watching. I started to introduce the boys.
“Seoyeon, this is Taehyung, Namjoon, and Seokjin.” I pointed accordingly to each person as I said their name, Seoyeon gave them all a polite smile which they seemed to awkwardly return. “And you already know Jimin and Jungkook, Yoongi’s in the room right now, sleeping.” I smiled at her as I point behind me into my room, you could see the pile of blankets that was hiding his body at the end of the bed.
Seoyeon’s eyes widened. “Wait, he’s sleeping in your bed?” She asked me, slightly astounded.
“Yeah, I’m sharing my bed with Yoongi and Hoseok since there isn’t enough room on the couch.” I said sheepishly.
Seoyeon smirked at me before raising her eyebrows up and down in a knowing manner, I playfully smacked her on the arm, telling her it wasn’t like that, she laughed a bit before reminding me of how she was ‘Just joking.’
Something must have clicked in Seoyeon's head at that moment as her demeanour completely changed, her eyebrows furrowed, and she had a scowl on her face. “Are you the one who hit her?” She asked, jabbing a finger towards Hoseok chest, making him stumble back slightly, my eyes widen at her accusation.
“W-what? N-no, Seoyeon it wasn’t him, can we not talk about it, please?” I pleaded with her to drop the subject. “Why are you here anyway?” I asked trying to change the subject.
She glared and Hoseok before she turned to me and sighed, letting me know that this wouldn’t be the end of her quest to find the culprit of those hand marks.
“Haven’t you noticed?” She asked as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, she took my silence as a no and made her way over to one of the windows that had a curtain covering it. “It stopped raining!”
She pulled back the curtain and a flush of natural light flooded into the apartment, I squinted my eyes, not used to the bright light that came in lighting everything up in a glow that I haven’t seen for a while making a smile spread on my face, I walked over to Seoyeon and looked out the window with her, the sun was shining down and there wasn’t a cloud in sight, I could see all the people in their cars driving and walking on the street down below us, tiny little blobs of colour.
I could hear the other curtains and windows being opened too by the others, but as the sun lit up the room an expected tension came with it.
If the sun was out, that means the boys will be going home…
My demeanour changed as the realization came over me, I didn’t want them to leave, it would be so lonely without them, and I couldn’t let them go back to that dump of an alley. What am I going to do? I thought to myself, but before I could come up with a solution Seoyeon grabbed me and started dragging me in to my room, telling me that I need to get ready for work, we had a lot of clean up to do and there would most likely be a lot of hungry customers.
The room was dark and cold with just small streaks of light coming through the curtains, yoongi was twisted up in the blankets at the end of the bed in his usual spot, Seoyeon paid no mind to him and started chatting quite loudly and opened up the windows letting the light in. Due to Seoyeon's chirpy mood and loud voice Yoongi had uncurled himself from the bed and made his way outside with the other boys, not saying a thing, Seoyeon kept rushing me while telling me about all that's been going on and bombarding me with questions about the boys.
"So, are you like, interested in them or something?" She asked with all her other questions making me stop and poke my head around the corner from where I was standing in my closet.
"What? No, of course not. They're just friends who I'm helping out..." I trailed off trying to deflect the question, and I poked my head back into the closet to hide the embarrassment on my face, I could hear Seoyeon walking around my room and 'inspecting' things.
"Mhm, yeah, sure, just 'friends of yours', nothing more." She said sarcastically, I rolled my eyes and began searching for a top in my drawers, I was starting to run out of clean clothes. I plucked one out after wrestling with the drawer to let it out of its grip and began to slide it over my head.
"Do you have any tissues? I just smudge my makeup." Seoyeon said.
"Yeah, there should be some in my top drawer." I yelled back attempting to point one hand in the right direction, although I'm sure I just looked like a wind man with my arm stuck in the shirt, as I adjusted the shirt and pulled it down it registered what I had just said, "Wait, Seoyeon."
"Y/n, what are these?"
Too late, Seoyeon was shuffling through the notes, I could see her eyes widen at someone them, most likely the more recent ones which had started becoming more threatening and aimed towards me, her mouth hung open and she raised her hand to cover it.
"W-whose been sending these?" She asked, still in shock.
I made my way over to her to try and grab them back, but due to her height advantage she was easily able to hold them out of my reach. "I don't know, it's fine, just put them back, or give them here." I whined as I tried to reach for her hand.
"No, Y/n. This is serious, these things...these notes. Someone is threatening you, you need to tell them to stop. This is not okay!" She almost yelled back at me in her stern voice, shaking the notes around in the air, I sighed and gave up trying to reach the notes, I plopped myself down in front of her on the bed.
"I don't know who is sending them. They just started appearing a few days ago, everyday there's another one, except for Fridays. But it doesn't matter-" "Do they know? Do all your seven boyfriends know?" She asked me.
"No, they don't- wait, no! They're not my boyfriends!"
"Yeah-yeah, whatever, but y/n, you can’t keep letting this happen, it’s harassment. Let’s figure out who did it, put a stop to it. I can bring my brothers baseball bat." She joked towards the end trying to lighten the mood, but I could see the excitement in her eyes about being able to use the bat on someone, again. "We could even get Jiyoon to come too, she lives here so maybe she can help and bring some of her weird art stuff, I’m sure some of it would be useful. We'll do it on one of the days that they usually leave you a note, that way when they knock on the door I'll come running out with my bat." She laughed before sliding the notes back into the drawer and sitting down next to me, the room fell silent, I could hear the boy outside talking amongst themselves then Seoyeon hit me in the arm before giving me the look, telling me she was getting impatient, and we need to go.
With Seoyeon rushing me it didn’t take long to get ready, I was walking through the kitchen and grabbed my water bottle out the fridge before turning to the boys, some of whom were sitting on the couch. “I’m off to work guys, wait around until I get back, okay? See you later!” I yelled the last part as I stepped out the door, me and Seoyeon made our way to the elevator, Chaeryeong was inside with her cart along with Jangho from downstairs, as we stepped in Jangho gave me a bit of a glare before stepping away from me.
What his problem?
I told Chaeryeong which level to press and the elevator started moving, I waved goodbye to her as me and Seoyeon left the building through the front entrance as we decided to take her car so she can just drop me off after work. We headed into town and quickly arrived at the café, we unlocked everything and as Seoyeon was setting up the stuff, I was in the kitchen going through anything expired and starting on a batch of pastries. The morning was incredibly busy as we were franticly running around, and it only stayed that way.
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I slowly turned the key to unlock the door, I was so exhausted from work, I pushed the door open and slid inside, closing it behind me, I dragged my feet through the foyer and past the kitchen before dropping myself onto the couch, Namjoon and Taehyung sat across from me. The house was quiet, it felt strangely empty despite the eight human beings inside of it, only 3 of which I could spot including the oddly large body shaped mound laying on my bed.
“Tough day at work?” Namjoon asked me, my lidded eyes met his as I started mumbling in my tired state.
“You have no idea. More customers than I could even count, we must have sold at least 300 cupcakes.”
“Should we go now you’re home?” Taehyung spoke, sadness lacing his deep voice., his eyes met mine and for a split second, they seemed worried.
I hadn’t thought of that, I tried to buy myself some time to come up with a reason for them to stay by telling them to wait until I got home, I got so caught up with the café that I completely forgot.
“O-oh, uhm, well-It’s wet! Yes, the rain has stopped, but everything is still wet, so you could still get sick. You can stay for another day or two, just until things start to dry up, heh.” I fumbled out making an excuse on the spot. The boys seemed relieved, but also a bit sad, it was hard to tell since my eyes kept closing. I grabbed a folded blanket from the end of the couch and laid down, trying to rest my sore body.
I didn’t mean to sleep, I just wanted to rest and relax for a bit, but due to just how exhausted I was, it didn’t take long for my body to betray me and take a nap. If I was awake I would have noticed how all the blankets and pillows from the couch had been folded up nicely, and I would have seen how spotless the kitchen was, if I had gone into my room I would have seen how the bed was fully made and the floor and been tidied up.
I would have seen the bags, lined up, packed, and sitting towards to door, ready to go out.
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I woke up sometime in the evening, I could smell the food along with hearing Jin and Jungkook talking, I rubbed my eyes before slowly sitting up and stretching my arms, I swung my legs over and stood up, I made my way over the table and sat down next to Jungkook.
“Did you sleep well, Y/n?” He asked me, smiling.
“It was okay, I feel bad that Jin and Namjoon have been sleeping on that for the past week, I can feel the back pain already.” I croaked out due to my dry throat and half joking towards the end. Jin laughed before placing a plate in front of me and Jungkook.
“Trust me, I’ve had worse places to sleep.” He smiled before turning back and plated up more food, I wasn’t sure if I should have laughed or been worried about what Jin had said, Namjoon told me some things about when they were all together in the alleyway, but I didn’t know anything about before that.
I didn’t have much more time to think as the other boys all came out to eat too, and just like everything else he had cooked, this came out amazing. “Jin, you have to teach me how to make this.” I exclaimed.
Jin laughed and spoke. “Another time, I promise.”
We all sat around and continued to eat the food occasionally asking me how work was which I exchanged with asking them how their day went, I took me a while to notice at first but, Jin was the only one standing, which meant someone was sitting down because there was a spare seat.
Where’s Yoongi?
“Is Yoongi not hungry?” I asked them, figuring they would know where he’d be.
“Probably, I haven’t seen him since lunch time. He’s probably sleeping somewhere.” Hoseok said looking at me.
I nodded my head before finishing my food, when everyone finished, they seemed to go back to what they were doing before while Seokjin started cleaning, I asked him if he wanted any help, but he told me to just rest.
I looked around at the other boys doing their things, but still no Yoongi. I decide to have a look around since my anxiety was getting the best of me now, I checked my bed first of all, but he wasn’t there, then I checked the spare room, the bathroom, the balcony’s, I triple checked the couch, but I still couldn’t find him.
Where is he?
I walked into my room to double check again, definitely not in the bed, I went into my closet, not likely that he’d be in here, but I had to check. The lights were off, but there was just enough light for me to see, I was moving clothes across on the racks when a slight movement caught my eye, I pulled the clothes apart making a large space between my jumpers, as I looked down between them, I saw a black blob.
Suddenly two glowing dots appeared on the blob and a long tail stuck out from one side, I jumped back in shock at the weird thing in my closet, I put my hand to my chest trying to catch my breath, I crouched down on the floor and slowly moved the two jumpers apart again.
It wasn’t some weird blob with eyes and a tail, it was a cat, a small black cat, fluffy, but not too much, it was staring right back at me, I reached my hand out to pet it and it nuzzled into my hand.
“How did you even get here?” I asked, chuckling, as I kept petting it, what caught my attention was its paw as it raised one up to me, it had these small scars on its right paw, looking down I saw that it also had some on the other paw. I looked back at the cat, now curious as to what happened.
Its ears, they were smaller, but so similar, they looked just like Yoongi' s.
“Yoongi?” I asked it, it nuzzled its head harder into my hand before moving closer to me. “Wait, you’re a cat? You can turn into a cat?” I asked him, before realising that, although he can understand me, I can’t understand him, so he can’t really tell me.
I moved closer to him, I was covered by the hanging clothes now as we both sat in the closet, Yoongi curled up in my lap as I kept petting him, it was nice and quiet in the closet, alone time, well apart from Yoongi, but that was okay. I kept petting him as he fell asleep on my lap, and I too followed his lead as I fell asleep in the bottom of my closet.
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The whining was getting louder and the constant shifting in the bed was stirring me in my sleep, I slowly cracked my eyes open to see my dark room, I don’t know how I got here, but someone must have found me, it was the middle of the night now. I blinked a few times trying to adjust my eyesight, I lazily flopped my hand on the nightstand before moving it around like a fish out of water trying to find the switch for the lamp, I hit the switch and a dim, warm light slightly illuminated the room. I slowly brought myself to roll over under the blankets to face the man who kept mumbling, whining, and almost yelling in his sleep, as well as the constant kicking and tossing.
His face was scrunched up and his eyes were closed, he was sweating, and his hair was sticking to his forehead. “Stop… stop, stop!” He kept mumbling. “No more… I can’t do it.”
He’s having a nightmare.
I reached towards him putting one hand on his shoulder and the other on his forehead checking his temperature, I slowly starting to shake him trying to wake him up. “Hoseok? Hoseok, you need to wake up. It’s just a dream, c’mon, you need to wake up.” I slurred in my tired state.
He slowly started to calm down and I stopped shaking him and just run my hand up and down his shoulder, his face started to relax as he finally opened his eyes, the moonlight from the window was reflecting into his dark brown eyes as he stared at me and looked around checking his surroundings, he seemed confused which was understandable, so I moved closer to him.
“It’s okay, it was just a dream. It wasn’t real.” I said as I moved his head close to me so he could lay his head on my chest. “I’m right here, and I’m not leaving.” I whispered to him as I kept moving my hand up and down his back, he moved his arm to tightly wrap around my waist and pulling me closer to him, I could feel his heartbeat against my side, the constant thump, thump, thump, was almost soothing, and it was gradually getting slower and his breathing was returning to normal as I could feel it fanning across my neck.
I sighed What could he have been dreaming about? I thought to myself, some movement in the bed caught my attention and I looked down towards the end, a black mass slowly made its way towards us before squeezing in between me and Hoseok, Yoongi purred as I moved one of my hands to pet him too. I waited until I knew Hoseok was asleep and everything was back to normal before I allowed myself to drift off again, Hoseok soft breathing and Yoongi’s purring lulled me back to sleep.
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It had been two days since the rain had stopped and the café hasn’t slowed down one bit, it was still busy as ever and with the lack of staff it was really taking a toll on me and Seoyeon, early mornings and late nights trying to find time to get everything done, there was never enough time. It was late at night now, well past dinner time, the boys are going to be worried, and I had no way of contacting them to let them know that I was okay and just running late, speaking of whom, they were going to find out soon, there was no way I could just keep telling them that it was still wet outside, I have to hurry up and ask them to stay, I had been stalling about them leaving for too long, I don’t want them to leave, but I don’t want to be selfish.
What if I just-
“Hey! Y/n, are you even paying attention?” Seoyeon snapped her fingers in my face, pulling me away from my thoughts.
“Sorry, I just had something on my mind…” I said, trailing off.
“Yeah, well, this is really important, Y/n. What are we going to do? We can’t keep this up, I’ve already asked Nali and Haewon about their hours and they both said they couldn’t put anymore in, in fact, Nali said that they might have to cut back because it's exam season for them.”
I groaned as I sank my head into my palms rubbing them on my face, probably smudging my already ruined makeup. “I don’t know, I could try and hand out some posters. No, when would I even have time for something like that. Maybe some more online ads?”
“Either way, we need to figure something out. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Seoyeon said sadly, patting my back and giving me a sad smile as she walked out the front door to go home. I started packing up my stuff and turning everything off so I could start heading home also.
Following my usual routine, I pried open the door and fell inside, closing it behind me before making my way further into the house, as I came around the corner, I could see all the boys that were sitting at the table suddenly stand at my presence.
“Y/n, where have you been? Do you know how late it is? We were worried something bad-”
Before Jin could finish his sentence my legs collapsed under me causing me to fall straight to the ground, my body colliding with the floor made a loud boom followed by some clanking as my bag also hit the ground, I didn’t try to get up, my body once again betrayed me as I felt like I couldn’t move, it was like everything was in slow motion. I could hear yelling from the boys, but my ears were ringing and my vision slightly blurry, I could hear someone saying my name as I was lifted from the floor by someone, and my body hung loose from the uncomfortable position in their arms.
I felt my back collide with a soft surface, the couch, but then my head was lifted back up again and paced higher up so I was slightly sitting up, I could see blurs moving around the area in front of me before one got really close, it was a face, but I couldn’t tell who.
“Here, Y/n, drink this.” The face said before another blurry object obstructed my vision of the face, I forced my mouth open slightly before feeling the cool sensation of water, I did my best to drink as much as I could before they moved again.
I groaned a bit and weakly tried to move myself and closed my eyes for a second before opening them and repeating like I was slowly blinking, slowly the blurry object became more formed and eventually I was able to make them out. My ears were still ringing slightly so when someone called my name, I didn’t realize.
“Y/n, are you okay? Aish, silly girl, you’re over working yourself.” Someone said, I think it was Jin. “Have you eaten?” With the strength I had left I slowly move my head letting him know that I hadn’t eaten.
I heard someone hum before I saw the Jin blob make his way into the kitchen and begin making something. Being so exhausted like this made me very emotional and I was so overcome by the stress that now both my body and mind had succumbed to the pressure.
“You need to look after yourself.” Hoseok said from the other end of the couch, looking in his eyes he seemed tired, he’s been having trouble sleeping the past few nights because of some nightmares, but behind that he seemed scared, worried, I felt bad for making him worry.
“I’m sorry, guys.” I said, sighing defeatedly.
“Y/n? What are you sorry for?” Jimin said as he crouched down in front of me and held onto one of my hands, rubbing circling on the back, the movement slightly calms my nerves and remined me to breath, I moved my other hand to cover my face to avoid embarrassment.
“I lied, I lied to all of you.” Jimin seemed to grow confused at my words but let me finish, his hand movements not stopping and instead slightly slowing down. “I told you that you couldn’t got home because it was still wet from all the rain, and it was wet, for a while, but then it dried. I kept telling you it was wet because I didn’t want you to leave.” I explained myself, feeling a bit guilty, I had their best interests in mind, but I didn’t ask them. Jimin’s mouth opened slightly, like he didn’t know what to say and his thumb that was circling the back of my hand came to a stop, I moved my arm and turned to look at him, his big brown eyes met mine and we just stared at each other for a bit before I decided to just sit up, my head started spinning from the movement and I brought my hand other up to hold against it.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you guys stay here if you didn’t want to, it’s just- I really didn’t want you all to leave, I love having you guys here, this apartment has never felt so alive, I’ve never felt so alive, but still, I shouldn’t have lied to you all.” I said, looking around the group, Jin had turned away from his cooking to listen too. “I thought you guys were better off here than in that alleyway, I know that there isn’t quite enough room, and we have to share sleeping areas, but surely that’s worth it though, right? You guys have proper places to sleep, clean clothes, food, a-a bathroom! And I don’t have to worry anymore because your safe and-” I got cut off mid ramble, making me follow the arm that belong to the hand that was covering my mouth, reaching the end I looked up and Jimin was staring at me.
“You worried about us back when we were staying in the alley?” He asked me, quirking his head to the side, his eyes were filling with curiosity and need, a need to know the answer.
“Yes, of course I did! I was always worried about what might happen to you guys, and after that… ‘incident’ I became really scared that it might happen again, and what if I wasn’t there to help? or what if they did something worse than that?” I said, pausing around the mention of the ‘incident’. Did they really think I didn’t care back then? “I just wanted you guys to be safe, and when you all agreed to come stay with me I was so happy that I would have to worry anymore… If you guys want to go, it’s okay, I can drive you now.” I began patting my pockets to search for my car keys, I shouldn’t be driving like this, but if that wanted to leave I couldn’t keep them, realsing that I didn’t have my keys on me I looked over to were my bag was and went to go stand up.
As I swung my feet over the couch and pushed my body up it didn’t take long for me to feel the repercussions of my actions, the room started spinning, objects blurring together, and I was loosing my balance, again, it felt like the world around me had slowed down as I fell back to the couch, but the impact felt like real time. I groaned at the impact and how my head felt like someone was shaking me like some glowsticks before slightly leaning to the side and my body slumping, trying to lay down. I could feel someone’s hands on my shoulder trying to softly lay me down, at last, I was lying down, my head was still hurting, but things were slowly starting to shape again and I could just make out Jimin’s ear on top of his head.
“Yeah, you’re not going anywhere like that.” I heard someone say.
They were right, and I was in no position to argue, my body was aching and my head pounding. “B-But what about-”
“We’ll talk about that tomorrow, get some rest.” Someone closer to me spoke before I felt a blanket being placed over me. “Goodnight, Y/n.”
I heard some shuffling and mumbling before the lights dimmed, just a small glow coming from the kitchen area, I tried shifting to get more comfortable, this couch was worse than I remembered. I pulled the blanket up further and pulled my arms in close, due to my aching limps and drained body, it didn’t take long for me to fall asleep and for the world to turn black.
The soft movements lulled me to sleep, although, I swear the couch didn���t breath last time. I was too tired and exhausted to care, so I pushed the thought aside.
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I slowly cracked my eyes open, my head was pounding, and my face was tacky from last night, the sun was shining through the curtains is slightly lighting up the room, all my muscle ached, but I had to wake up. I slowly brought myself to sit up slightly perch on my elbow, I yawned and stretched my other arm that felt like it was going to fall off, I glanced around the room, but I didn’t spot anyone else.
Where are they?
I tried to wiggle myself backwards on the couch before rubbing my eyes and taking another look, still not there. I dropped myself back down and sighed, thinking the worst and just wanting to go back to sleep. I moved my feet around and tried to readjust the blankets to keep me warm even though I was already cozy, in my attempts to move the blanket up I had pulled it off my feet.
I starting kicking around, growing frustrated because all I wanted to do was go to sleep and avoid the reality of today.
“Would you stop kicking? You’re almost as bad as Hoseok.” A very close, tired voice grumbled, fear ran up my spine, but before I could pull myself away a sly arm found its way around my waist and gripped on before pulling me backwards. My throat was too tired to scream so all I could do was gasp at the sudden movements, I tried to pry away at the wrist on my stomach, but it was no use.
“Relax, you’re fine...here.” The voice that was right next to my ear mumbled. The arm started pulling me until I was fully facing the other way, facing this person.
He seemed to open his eyes and give me a quick once over before he closed them again, black hair flung around his face and pillow, a small scar under his eye, his cat ears sitting up on his head, the soft rumble of his chest was soothing against my own, his hand still draped over my side and holding me close to him.
“Yoongi? W-why are we on the couch together?” I mumbled, trying not to be too loud during to our close proximity.
“You fell asleep on me last night, and we didn’t want to move you.” He replied without even opening his eyes. My face blushed red at that as I looked down slightly to hide my face, not that he would have seen it.
How do I not remeber that? Think y/n, think.
Last night… I came home and I was so tired that I just collapsed, I remember Jin asking me if I ate anything, and then…oh, I remember now. I told them, I told them about what I did. Do they hate me?
“O-oh, I’m sorry-“
“Don’t, don’t apologise. You were exhausted and if it was a problem, I would have pushed you off the couch.” He interrupted, I glanced back up to look at him, I saw his face move slightly and his eyes lids twitched, but they were closed, a small smile on his lips.
I looked up behind him, the small parts of the apartment that I could see from this new position, with the sun rays glowing against the wall, I small shudder of panic went through my body as I realised that I had woken up late and need to be at the cafe. I tried to pry his arm off me and push myself away so I could get up, but he kept a strong hold on me that only seemed to tighten the more I moved.
“Yoongi, c’mon I have to get up, I’m gonna be late.” I whispered hastily yet he refused to let go, so I had to use my only option.“Help me! Someone help me!”
Almost immediately heard a door being slammed open and footsteps.
“Y/n? What’s going on?” Someone yelled.
“Yoongi won’t let me go!” I whined, hoping for some sympathy, but I didn’t get any. After a short silence I heard some giggles erupting even though they tried to hold them back. “Please, I’m gonna be late for work.” I pouted, this whole time I could see the slight smirk Yoongi had on his face.
I felt Yoongi start shifting and his arm got looser, thinking that he was letting me go I tried to sit up, but he quickly pushed me back onto the couch and he himself got up first, I tried to stand up again, but he pushed me back down to sitting, I rolled myself over so I could finally face everyone else, the older boys were near the bathroom door and the younger boys were near the spare room.
“I have to get up for work.” I said half laughing, thinking that would make him show mercy, I went to hull myself up again and this time I actually made it, before the room started spinning and I fell back down again, I groaned at the pounding pain that had suddenly appeared in my head. I looked up at the boys, one eye squinted due to the pain, Yoongi looked at me smugly as if saying ‘told you so’ before he crossed paths with Seokjin and made his way into the bathroom. I grumbled out a goodmorning even though my morning was going good at the moment, but quicker than I could process Jimin lunged forwards and half onto me, gripping around my shoulders in a hug.
I groaned at the contact, but raised my arms to wrap around him and return the hug.
"I'm so happy you're okay, I was so worried." Jimin said in a hushed voice as he kept holding on to me and squeezing me slightly tighter.
"It's okay, Jimin, I'm okay-" Suddenly two arms squeezed their way between me and Jimin before prying us apart and pushing Jimin away a bit which let me take in a deep breath now I wasn't being hugged so tightly by the concerned Hybrid.
"Okay-Okay, give her some space, don't squeeze her, she's still sore." Taehyung said as he was now standing up next to Jimin.
Jimin looked at me, he didn't have to say anything because I could see it in his eyes, I smiled and nodded, letting him know I was okay, he smiled before turning himself away and heading for the bathroom after he picked up some clothes that he must have dropped in his surprise.
I looked over everyone else, something was different, it wasn't the surprise in their eyes, or the concern in their posture, their clothes, it was their clothes. I studied the boys a bit closer, they were wearing casual clothes, but not 'relaxing at home' clothes like the last few days, more put together, they looked like they were going somewhere.
I turned to look at Taehyung, who had taken a seat next to me, he was dressed up too, and his hair, it was still wet from styling, I could see where it was starting to curl a bit from drying towards the ends.
"W-where are you guys going?" I asked as my eyes moved slower than my head and I had to drag them away from Taehyung. I tried to politely smile at them and seem more put together, I didn't want them to leave, but I didn't want to force them to stay just because of me.
"We're coming to work with you!" Hoseok exclaimed, I could see behind him that Jin had gone to say something, but Hoseok beat him to it.
"You guys really don't have to, I’m sure I’ll be fine, just take some painkillers and I’ll be okay.”I tried to reassure them before attempting to stand again and make my way to the kitchen, but my ankle buckled slightly making me lose my balance and I landed back on the couch, I tried to force myself back up again, but Taehyung stuck his arm out preventing me from doing so, I turned to him and he just shook his head, I threw myself back and let out a long sigh.
"See, you need help. There's seven of us so I'm sure we can do your job for a day, didn't you say you were low of staff anyways? Now there's seven new staff members." Namjoon said from the kitchen, they all looked at me, and I could tell that they weren't backing down from this no matter what I did.
“We do need the help…but only if you’re sure.” I said to them. “A-are you guys going…back…after?” I said unsurely and slightly nervous.
“Well, we thought about it…and” All the boys seemed to share a look at each other, before they all turned back to me. “If you want us to stay, we would be more than happy to, and we can help out at the cafe, but only if you want us to of course.”
My heart stopped, and I stilled, they wanted to stay? They said yes? Realising that they actually said yes I was so happy, my chest hurt and I was about to stand up before I remembered that that probably wasn’t the best idea. “Well okay then!” I said with the biggest smile on my face. “It’s settled, you guys are staying with me! Okay-okay, oh! We have to get ready to go, the café opens soon.”
The rest of the morning was a bit of a blur as we all rushed to get ready and to the cafe, although, the boys wouldn’t leave me alone, granted, they were probably right for doing that as I could barely keep my balance and I would have most likely crashed the car if they had allowed me to drive in this state, so Hoseok drove and I sat in the back with Taehyung who I guess was appoint to ‘look after’ me, it’s not like I’m sick or anything.
Maybe I didn’t realise it at first, the exhaustion and the adrenaline were too much, but on the way to the cafe it hit me.
I just got 7 hybrids to run my café.
Hopefully they don’t burn the building down.
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A/n: Chapter 9 if finally here! (I ran out of time to proof read this to my typical standards because I wanted to get it out for you guys.) Sorry if this chapter feels a bit flat, I rewrote the whole thing multiple times trying to fix it, I wanted to include a cute laundry scene with Kookie (Inspired by ‘Seven’), as well as the scene where Y/n and Seoyeon try and catch the person, but that’ll have to wait until next chapter since I didn’t want the chapter to be too long. Also, the boys working at the café? I’ve been waiting for this moment, I have some ideas of the shenanigans that will go on, but if you have an idea or something you like to see, let me know, I love reading the ideas you all have and they inspire the future chapters, so I might just add it into the story! I’m currently moving house so I’m not sure when the next chapter will be out, but I’m trying to find more inspiration for this series so I can make it better, OH, WE HAVE 40,001 WORDS NOW, but thank you all for the support! I hope you all have a lovely day or night and thankyou all for the support! 💜
353 notes · View notes
lillsisamarshmallow · 6 months
The plan (11)
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Summary: The stakeout ensues as Y/n and her friends try and catch the perp, but they underestimate the power of marshmallows and boy talk, Y/n and her boys have a run in with a rude customer and Y/n, has some explaining to do.
Word count: 3.4k
Warnings: Verbal Abuse, Name calling, Threatening, Fluff, Angst, Let me know if I missed any!!
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It had been a few days since the boys started helping out at the café and thankfully everything had been going well, I was currently waiting for Seoyeon to arrive since she had wanted to come over to ‘set a trap’ for whoever has been leaving these notes, I told her it was stupid and it didn’t matter, but she didn’t really care.
The knock at the door tore me away from my thoughts and I made my way over from the couch, the boys knew that she was coming over and they were just doing their own things, mostly playing games on the tv so I doubt they would notice us, they can get really competitive, Namjoon and Seokjin had to tear apart Jungkook and Taehyung the other night because Taehyung had won the Mario cart round between the two.
I pulled open the door to see Seoyeon and standing next to her was Jiyoon, who I was not expecting.
“Oh. Hey guys, I didn’t know you were coming by too Jiyoon.” I said while inviting them inside.
“I found her sitting in the lobby at one of the tables and figured she could be a helpful asset, she can be very loud, so while I’m chasing them with this bat,” Seoyeon said as she whipped a large baseball bat out from behind her which made me and Jiyoon step back from her to avoid being hit by the crazy lady. “She can yell and scream at them so other people come out and they can chase them too.” Seoyeon exclaimed excitedly and with a small glint in her eyes.
“A-Ah, well, why don’t we just put that down and, uh-”
“Where on earth did you pull that from?” Jiyoon’s exclaimed with a look of concern.
“It’s a secret.”
Seoyeon moved her index finger up to her lips before slowly lowering it down and turning back to me with a large smile on her face, I could see Jiyoon looking around her back obviously trying to see where it had come from.
“Right, well, I really don’t think it’s such a big deal.” I said while walking them into the kitchen, Seoyeon slung the bag off her back, and it smacked onto the table, and it made a loud thud.
What did she put in that?
“Y/n, someone is threating you, what happens if they come into the apartment or what if it gets worse and they’re a stalker or something.” She kept rambling on.
“You watch too many of those damn crime documentaries, I told you to stop that.” I said while rolling my eyes at her. She turned to fully face me, and she stuck her arms out and put her hands on my shoulders, holding me firmly while looking into my eyes with a serious stare.
“I just don’t want anything bad to happen to you.” She spoke, I stared into her eyes before breaking and letting out a sigh.
“Fine, I guess it wouldn’t be great if they did manage to get into the apartment.” I glanced over to the spare room were you could her the boys yelling, something about zombies and a death pit. “I don’t want anything bad to happen to them.”
The girls both glanced over to the room before looking back at me, but Jiyoon kept her eyes on the door.
“Yeah, them too I guess. But mainly you.”
I gasped before whacking her on the arm.
“What? I’m not exactly ‘fond’ of them.” She murmured while rolling her eyes and bringing one hand up to rub her arm. “One of them hit you, and that Hoseok wasn’t too friendly to me, who does he think he is? asking me who I am? Jimin and Jungkook are okay though.” She scoffed when talking about the older boys.
“He was just protecting me, he didn’t know who you were, you even tried to do the same thing, and can we please drop the whole getting hit thing, I wasn’t seriously hurt, and we’ve resolved it anyways.”
“Oh, you may have resolved, but I’ve still got some words to have with whoever it was that thought it was okay to-”
“Seoyeon, just drop it, it’s okay, really. What’s your plan anyways, stand out front the door and chase down anyone who walks by with your giant… bat? What game do you even play with that?” I asked her, suddenly interested in what game could possibly need a bat that large.
“Hide n seek.”
“The bat’s for hide n seek, and no, that’s not my plan, The plan, is that we are going to wait on the inside of the door and when they slide the note under it we then open the door, and we surprise attack them.” She explained like it was that simple.
Hide n seek?
“Wah-a, um, sure-yeah, that sounds like a plan.” I stumbled over my words.
“Let’s set this trap.”
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We were all sitting around in our pyjamas on some spare blankets in front of the door, waiting to hopefully catch the culprit, I had pulled out some crackers and cheese, and Seoyeon came prepared with some marshmallows and chocolate biscuits, the warm glow from the lamps in the kitchen and lounge room illuminated the area, I could still hear the boys from the other room, but they seemed to have quieted down.
“How could you choose him over Guwon?”
“I’m sorry, have you seen him?” I quickly fired back at Seoyeon’s outrageous comment. “The whole show he is looking after Ari and taking care of her, making sure she isn’t getting into trouble and helping her. Guwon on the other hand spends most of the show bothering Sarang!”
“Yeah, but he means well!”
“Sure, he means well, but he doesn’t do well.”
“You guys do realise that you’re arguing over fictional men, right?”
“Shhhh!” We both hushed Jiyoon at her interruption to our very important debate. Somehow we had come to the topic of best CEO men from the shows we watched, Seoyeon thought Guwon from her hotel show was better than Junkyung from my celebrity show, which was wrong.
“Have you even seen ‘celebrity’?” I sassed her, already knowing the answer.
“No- “
Before she could finish I cut her off.
“Exactly! Watch it, then come and tell me who you think the better ‘troubled, rich boy, CEO’ is.” I huffed at her playfully while doing quotation marks before facing away and sticking up my nose. I heard her sigh before the small hallway fell into a silence, which was promptly broken by our fatal attempts at keeping our laughter in.
We had been having so much fun that we had pretty much forgotten about the plan, the blanket was covered with various pillows and things, topped with platters of different food and drinks, Seoyeon’s bat was now replaced with a half empty jumbo pack of Tim tams and a half drunken bottle of creaming Soda.
It had been so long since we had spent time together, the three of us, maybe we should plan a trip or something.
It didn’t take long for us to lose the energy and become tired, we did our best to stay awake, but after a long night, our attempts were futile, I didn’t wake up until I felt someone moving my body before shuffling arms under me and lifting me up, I sleepily moved my hand my rub my eyes so I could try and get a better view of what was happening around me.
I felt my body resting against someone’s chest before I looked up and saw Hoseok, he was whispering to someone else, they moved around a bit before they stopped talking, we didn’t move for a while until I heard someone groaning, I turned to my side to see Jiyoon sitting down, half-awake on the floor, she hurled herself up before hastily trying wake the other sleeping girl, I turned back around and closed my eyes for just a second.
The quick light that entered the room before the sound of shuffling entered my ears made me stir slightly, I looked up again at Hoseok who was still holding me, but this time he looked down, I couldn’t see much of his face, but I heard him say something that I couldn’t understand before we started moving.
My body came in contact with the bed, and I immediately started to wriggle myself under the blankets before turning and latching on to the closest thing for warmth.
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“Jiyoon’s apartment was so boring.” Seoyeon whined, extending the ‘o’ “There was nothing to do, she didn’t even have any magazines to read!”
I had acknowledged at her whining as I continued stirring the batter. I turned to look at her before speaking. “You were only there for an hour or so this morning, I doubt you were up for long after you got there.”
Seoyeon gave me a quick glare before continuing on her rant about how ‘self-centred’ this guy was for making her ‘lose her beauty sleep’, I started folding in the blueberries to the muffin batter before glancing and double checking the baking tray was ready, Jin was at the other side of the kitchen making a batch of cookies, I could smell the scent of the first batch looming in the air, the quiet hum of the oven as a back tone to the melody that Jungkook was humming to on the other side of the door, Seoyeon kept talking as I tried to drown her out, the sounds around me changed slightly before I picked up the bowl to start pouring the batter into the moulds.
I counted as I made my way across the pan before abruptly stopping.
“Jungkook. Stop it.”
I felt the room still slightly as I spun on my heels to face the culprit, Jungkook stood next to the fridge, one hand holding open the door and the other one holding another banana milk, his fifth one today. His faced warped from surprised to guilty to a cheeky bunny smile, I did my best to not give in, but alas, his cute face was too much for me, I smiled back at him as I watched him slowly place the banana milk back into the fridge.
“If you help out in the kitchen, then maybe you’ll forget about the banana milk.” I said while turning back to what I was doing, I heard him let out a faux gasp, probably dramatically smacking his hand to his chest.
“I could never forget about my 2nd one true love.” He spoke.
I snorted at his weird choice of words before suggesting that he help Jin out with the biscuits, I could feel eyes digging into the back of my head as I heard Kookie make his way over to Jin.
We all went back to work and Seoyeon began helping me with the next muffin mixture, strawberries this time.
“Yah! Stop eating all the mixture!” I suddenly heard someone yell, I turned around to see Jin pushing his hand into Kook’s face as he tried to reach for the batter, which Jin was holding away from him, making Jungkook face get squished, it made a really funny scene to see, and I giggled at the sight.
“But it tastes so good.” He whined.
“Yeah, well, it’ll get better when it’s cooked” Jin said matter of fact.
As Jin moved his hand and went to place the bowl back down, Jungkook launched towards the bowl, Jin tried to move it, but he was too slow, Jungkook retracted his hand and ran behind Jin and to the other side of the room.
“Too slow, it’s the old bones, they’re making you slow now, grandpa!” Jungkook joked and laughed while bouncing on the balls of his feet in a teasing manner, Jin seemed offended before he shot back at Jungkook.
“Grandpa? I’ll show you grandpa when I chase you down with my spoon!” He threatened, Jungkook’s face dropped as he turned and scrambled his way out the door, Jin turned around before muttering under his breath, but I was just able to hear it. “I hope he gets salmonella.”
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Yelling filled my ears and drew me away from the task at hand, I turn around to see that Jin was also looking for whoever it was, more shouting came, and it was clear where it was coming from, I put down what I was doing and wiped my hands before making my way over to the door, as I got there it open and Jimin was standing there.
“What’s going on?” I asked him, he gave me a look that I couldn’t quite understand before speaking.
“Um, there’s this lady, we were just trying to serve her, but she’s being really loud and..” He trailed off after getting the point across. I gave him a smiled letting him know that I’ll handle it before I passed beside him and out the door. I could see that Namjoon was tending to the coffee machine and Hoseok was walking around the tables, Taehyung and Jungkook were both standing at the counter in front of the older lady, clearly trying to diffuse the situation and just serve her, they both seemed to be nervous and abut anxious, but kept a bit of a smile on their face.
“Can I help you?” I ask the lady kindy and make my way over to her, I gave the boys a look letting them know that it was okay.
“Well, I hope so, finally a decent employee here.” She scoffed, her attitude put me slightly on edge. “I was trying to order coffee, but these mongrels are here.” She gestured with her finger to the boys and a disgusted manner.
I could sense the boys beside me stiffen slightly at her words.
“I’m sorry, what?”
“I was trying to order something when these dirty things tried to serve me, they shouldn’t be here, filthy-”
“Hey! Ma’am? Can you read?” I asked her, appalled by her attitude towards the boys.
“What? Yes, of course I can, now I want-”
“Great, can you tell me what those boards behind me say?” I blinked with false kindness, I had to hold back the want to hit her in the face.
“What are you on about? Just get me my damn-” She began to speak, getting impatient before I cut her off again.
“Just tell me what’s in those boards.” N
She rolled her eyes before responding. “It’s your menu, all your items. ow can you get me my-”
“Yes, exactly. So does it say anywhere on there that I asked for your option on my staff?” I said bitterly, letting her understand my intentions. She seemed slightly taken aback by my quick change in demeanour, she stayed silent and just kind of stared back at me before glancing at the board again, seeing as she wasn’t going to say anything, I began talking again.
“No, it doesn’t. No one asked for your opinion, and no one wants it. So shut up and enjoy your basic ass flat white and respect my staff or get. Out. Of. My. Cafe.” I almost shouted at her threateningly, I could feel the hot air from my nose colliding with my chest as I breathed faster, I was glaring at her now as she just stood there very shocked by my outburst, she stumbled back slightly before scoffing and turning, making her way out the door, she must have been in such a hurry that she didn’t look around her as she crossed the road, within the blink of an eye she was gone, well, she was on the road, she walked in front of a cyclist and they collided into each other.
Serves her right, that old hag.
I shrugged and let out a huff at her at her misfortune before turning around to face the boys, Kookie and Taehyung were both standing behind me, they both seemed to be surprised at my outburst, I gave them a smile.
“Don’t believe what she says. Ignore her, she’s old and lonely and clearly insecure.” I said to them both while looking at them with a smile on my face. “If it happens again, you can kick them out, or kick their ass.” I mumbled that last part, but I’m sure they heard me as I saw a slight pull-on Kook’s mouth, they both smiled at me before I made my way back in to the kitchen.
“What was that?”
I looked up to see Seoyeon, Jin and Jimin all looking at me, I sighed before walking fullyinto the room and answering them. “Just some old hag came to cause trouble, she’s gone now.”
I smiled at Jimin, and he walked past me and gave me a quick hug before joining the others outside.
“She was being rude to the boys, so I told her to get out.”
“What?” Seoyeon said surprised. “How dare she do that in our cafe. I’ll go sort her out, that lazy old bitty, I’ll-” Seoyeon began ranting before attempting to pull her apron off which had gotten stuck, and the ties were wrapped around her hair, I stilled my laughter at her situation.
“I thought you said you didn’t really care?”
“Yeah, well that was before.” She finally got the apron off after struggling, and threw it on the floor. “Now where is she, I’ll show her.”
“She got run over.”
The room fell silent as both stared at me with shocked expressions before I realised the implication of what I said.
“By a cyclist, she’ll be fine.”
“Too bad.”
Seoyeon huffed and snatched the discarded item from the floor.
“We should do something about that, so it doesn’t happen again.”
“I’ll make a poster out front, that way they know not to come in here if they are such inconsiderate imbeciles.” I laughed before noting it down in my mental list.
“I like that idea, otherwise I can just bring my bat to work.” Seoyeon said, only half joking.
“When did you become to caring.” I asked her sarcastically as we all went back to what we were doing, the room fell silent after I spoke. What did they do? I walked over to the oven and grabbed out the tray that had been baking the biscuits, I put it down on the bench only to realise, a substantially large section was empty.
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I exited out from Jiyoon apartment after borrowing some paints and a canvas for the poster, she must have been busy at school since she seemed pretty stressed.
I made my way down my hallway after exiting the elevator, I got to my room and unlocked the door, bringing the supplies inside with me, I walked through the hallway which we had since cleaned up and went into the kitchen where I placed the stuff on the counter, Yoongi was in the kitchen making a drink and I passed by him on my way to the room.
I opened the door and walked in before looking up, I wasn’t expecting was Jimin, standing by my bed side table, the first drawer was opened up all the way, he turned to face me as he must have heard me enter the room, his face held confusion, concern and worry, I gave him a confused and questioning look back with a smile on my face as I went to step closer before my eyes caught what he was holding, the blood drained from my face as I had spotted some papers in his hand.
“Y/n, what are these?”
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A/n: Another Chapter has arrived! I tried to keep it short and I think I did well, I hope you all like it, I really want to introduce more of the boys backgrounds and how they all ended up in that alleyway, but I’m not sure how to included it without it seeming like it’s coming out of nowhere, I’m hoping I can get some more chapters written so I’m ahead in them too, I also really want to get more started on this other project that I’m working on (I just need one more plot idea! If you got an idea pls lmk), as well as this Jimin oneshot that I’ve been writing. Thanks for 316 Followers, I can’t believe it! Before the next chapter is out, tell me who you think is sending the notes, you can reply, reblog or send me an ask about it too! Thankyou all for reading and I hope you enjoyed! 
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