#60th anniversary
vroomvroomwee · 6 months
Something that often scared aspec people is being left out in the cold when all our friends eventually find partners and start families and it leaves us feeling so unimportant and like we always come second place.
But this...
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It shows how capable of perseverance platonic love is. It only needs to be strong enough. People can love their best friends just as much as their families. And it can be beautiful. To see this as an aspec person gives me so much hope for the future, I hope rtd knows how much this finale means to so many ace and aro people
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cactiaintracist · 6 months
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lackadaisycal-art · 7 months
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Six days until the 60th anniversary specials and I cry every time Bernard Cribbins is on screen <3
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dumbfilmschoolkid · 8 months
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​hope this doesn’t reawaken anything in me!
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um-let-me-think · 2 years
he's a ten but the bbc keeps calling him the fourteenth doctor
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causalityparadoxes · 6 months
Can we please all appreciate that with the confirmation that Donna was being affected by the Doctor's personality even when repressed,
We know for certain that DONNA has been knocking around causing problems in Tentoo's subconscious for the past 15 years.
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thelvadams · 6 months
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Yes, it all started out as a mild curiosity in a junkyard. And now it's turned out to be quite a... quite a great spirit of adventure, don't you think?
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skinnyscottishbloke · 6 months
the way Ncuti has specifically talked about David being HIS doctor and also a huge reason he wanted to be an actor in the first place and NOW he gets a whole story and episode and show with him 😭😭😭😭
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i-am-tenough · 6 months
David Tennant is fifty something and treating his body like he’s thirty something again in The Star Beast. Here’s your meal, king.
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doctorkinktraveller · 6 months
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vampir-el · 6 months
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vroomvroomwee · 6 months
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I cannot stress how much of an impact this will have for the aspec community. It shows a character who has quite literally seen almost every inch of the universe, met all kinds of people, has been in all kinds of relationships. And what makes him the happiest is settling down with his best friend. He doesn't need romantic love or a relationship. How incredible is that? To have a show, in this sex obsessed day and age, do that?
When the entire world is telling aspec people our "lifestyle" is wrong or depressing or sad. When everyone is trying to "fix" us or is pitying us. When aroace erasure is so deeply rooted in society that you can scarcely find a fictional pairing where the fandom isn't crying their eyes out because they didn't get together or didn't kiss, as if their relationship is somehow lesser or inferior because of it.
I could go on and on about how earth-shattering it is to have one of the most popular and beloved characters in media choose platonic love. To show how platonic love and friendships are so powerful they even defied physics, probably even deeper and more powerful than romantic ones.
"This is the happiest I've ever been" Me too pal. Me too
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shcmook · 6 months
Is about the RTD era. It’s set in dimly lit London streets. The Doctor avoids going to UNIT directly. Queer identity is at the center of it. The Metacrisis DoctorDonna comes back. He meets a woman named Rose. The plot is moved by strange unexplained coincidences. The Shadow Proclamation is invoked. There’s a big obvious spaceship crash that wasn’t an accident like in Aliens of London. There’s alien law enforcement hunting a real villain like smith and Jones. The Doctor is separated from Donna by a clear barrier like he is from Wilf in end of time. But instead of losing her, he gets her back. She remembers him. Journey’s End is undone.
Is about the Chibnall era. We’re separated from the TARDIS like in Ghost Monument, facing creatures beyond our universe like in It takes you away, Can you Hear me? And Flux. We’re on a spaceship nearly outside of the universe, failing to get as far as Tecteun wanted to go. We’re reminded the Doctor isn’t from this universe. Of the destruction of the Flux that the Doctor failed to stop. And the Doctor refuses to let Donna in, to tell her how badly this is affecting him, just like 13 didn’t let Yaz in. He even almost chooses the wrong Donna near the end. In a different way, 13 also didn’t choose Yaz.
We’re scratching the surface of the Doctor’s trauma but the Flux isn’t the real problem. She’d been keeping her companions out since before that. Why? What happened to the doctor in between Donna and the flux?
Is about the Moffat era. There’s great emphasis on how old the Doctor is, that is the same old Doctor we met in the 60s. We’re reminded how the Doctor lost Amy, Clara and Bill, and the Doctor’s focus is on protecting Donna and Mel over the actual planetary stakes. Time is rewritten. There’s a too-good-to-be-true happy ending. There’s a lot going on.
The Doctor hasn’t stopped moving since losing Bill. Really, he hasn’t stopped since long before then. But the Bi-generation gives him a way to stop without depriving the universe of the Doctor. Amy, Bill, and Clara didn’t just die. They got second chances at life, with their own chosen companions (Rory, Heather and Me) . And at the end of his short journey, 14 gets that same fate. He dies, but finally gets a happy, restful life. Meanwhile 15, already feeling the benefits of his past self’s rest, journeys on.
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cactiaintracist · 6 months
is it a David Tennant doctor specific thing that whenever the jeopardy gets too high the doctor effectively proposes to his enemy
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artbugjuice · 8 months
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Doctor Who at 60!
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saphhicwitchbitch · 6 months
warning, dr who "the giggle" spoilers:
Imagine being Ncuti Gatwa, his first episode on doctor who he was literally in it for max 15 mins, had a whole montage playing catch with david tennant,became the most emotionally built person, could see through fourteen's bullshit, had many witty comebacks and got to hug david Tennant all while not wearing any trousers. 15 mins on screen and he is already a doctor who icon
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