#1900's dress
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• Woman's Dress in three parts.
Date: 1900-1906
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fripperiesandfobs · 7 months
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Evening dress ca. 1905
From Kerry Taylor Auctions
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nychthemeron-rants · 3 months
Ok, so IDK how canon the ages we have for when the Hazbin crew died is, but it has been giving me massive fucking brainrot.
But not only that, but also the match up of their ages and the eras in which they died.
There was a point in time where Alastor, Angel Dust, and Husk were all alive at the same time.
Assuming "mid-30's" means 35, it means that since Angel died in 1947, he was born in 1912.
Husk dying at 75 in the 70's means he was born in the 1900's or maybe even the late 1890's.
Alastor being in his 40's when he died in 1933 means he was born in the 1890's (roughly)
So from 1912 (ish), to 1933 all 3 were alive at the same time.
At the time of Alastor's death: Alastor was in his 40's, Husk was in his mid 30's to maybe early 40's, and Angel (or rather Anthony as we know his human name) was about 21.
Also all 3 experienced the great depression. Husk and Angel experienced WW2. Theres a chance they both fought in the fucking war!
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artistmarchalius · 16 days
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As promised, a more historically accurate (in terms of black and white printing) version of this.
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resplendentoutfit · 1 month
Callot Soeurs (Callot sisters) was a leading Paris fashion design house from 1895 through the 1920s. The fashion house was operated by the sisters Regina, Marie, Marthe and Joséphine Callot.
They were taught by their mother, a lacemaker. The eldest sister, Marie was a trained dressmaker. The sisters started out embellishing lingerie and blouses with antique ribbon and lace. The enterprise quickly took a turn for success as the sisters began creating their own dress designs.
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Right: the Callot Seeurs label
Left: The sales room of the haute couture house Callot Soeurs, c. 1910.
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Evening dress from 1900-14, designed by Callot Soeurs • Silk, cotton, metal
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Callot Soeurs dress • 1910s
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Day dress with collarless tunic • c. 1924
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I am looking so masculine right now.
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ratwithahatonamat · 10 months
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So I went to a museum there will be 2 photo dumps one of me and the other of art
Anyways here’s me! In the first photo the man in the painting had my name so hence the pose second photo was my brother saying I looked like the boy in the painting (I did not at all)
The rest was my father taking photos for my grandma who found them all lovely
I had plenty of fun and enjoyed my time throughly though I don’t understand art and believe I can’t fully appreciate it I find simple joy In architecture and decor
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Beige Silk Ensemble, 1900-1905, American.
Designed by S. Gluck.
Met Museum.
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• Evening dress (bodice and skirt).
Designer/Maker: House of Worth (Paris, France)
Date: ca. 1900
Medium: Silk, cotton, textile, metal, glass, paper.
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fripperiesandfobs · 2 years
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Wedding dress, 1907
From the Musée Mode & Dentelle
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costumeloverz71 · 6 months
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Dress, early 1900's
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hum-tittle · 4 months
Okay, what if the reason Alastor is so drawn to Rosie is because she reminds him of his mom. 🥺
She dresses in a more early 1900's style.
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Which is the time frame Alastor would have been a child/teen.
So when he thinks of his mom, it's probably from his childhood.
She might have even had a favorite hat or dress for special occasions like Rosie's.
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frostedmagnolias · 21 days
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Pink Silk Afternoon Dress
Two-piece printed silk foulard day dress in s-curve silhouette trimmed with lace, black velvet ribbon and metallic braid.
made by dressmaker Mary Nicholson
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curioscurio · 4 months
Reading a lot of Sherlock Holmes, and trying to draw victorian men accurately will lead you to learning that people wrote on their shirt cuffs often in ink because they were detachable and usually made of extremely starched linen or PAPER. working class men would find them stiff, overly formal, or not worth spending the money on it, but if you were mid to upper class then it was expected that you wear just as much complicated, sillohuete focused shapewear as women. Victorian men also wore corsets, especially military men, to achieve that puffy chest and flat stomach look around the 1820's.
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The male corset fad had died down a little around the turn of the century (1880-early 1900's) as women fought for more comfortable and less oppressive shapewear, and effeminate men ridiculed for wearing the once fashionable and even medically recommended undergarmet. However, the male corset in the 1880's was still fairly popular enough to be advertised by dressmakers!
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(Forgive me not citing my sources at the moment, but these advertisements I believe are dated around 1880 when mens corsets fell out of popular style but were still available and fashionable in certain circles.)
Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that Dr. Watson, being both a medical and military man... probably wouldn't have worn a corset at the time of his deployment around 1880, unfortunately. ( I know, we're all dissappinted.)
Not that he couldn't wear one if he wanted to! But based on ACD cannon, I really feel that he would not be the kind of guy to wear one. Call it speculation, but if I had been deployed and then shot in the shoulder and leg, wearing a corset would be all but torture on my body. Let alone trying to wrestle an injured soldier out of one while trying to stitch him up. Corsets for military men were more of a fashion statement than a medical device; and even then, it was only helpful for orthopedic reasons (back problems mostly).
It was also around that time that the Women's Dress Reform movement began. Despite the Sherlock Holmes novels being ripe with period-typical misogyny, I like to imagine that Watson would side with the women and medical professionals on this one, in that they were often restrictive, unnecessary, and medically harmful in the long run.
Sherlock Holmes, however, absolutely has a large variety of both male and female corsets for various disguises and probably wears them often. This isn't explicitly stated in canon or anything, I just feel it in my heart.
Sorry if this is all over the place or not completely accurate! I went down a rabbit hole but am totally open to any corrections! Also I think the idea of Watson lacing up Holmes and grumbling about corsets is a funny visual lol
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beta-therapy · 1 month
You are not Entitled to Sex
Society has made massive strides in allowing women to be sexually free, the most important of which being the development of effective technology for contraception and female reproductive health, as well as the large-scale social destigmatization of public displays of female sexuality. Although this societal transformation is only just getting started, we are now at a point where women in Western countries can dress how they want in public without getting judged (for the most part; misogyny still exists but more and more people are taking a stand against it). We are at a point where women can have sex without having to worry about getting pregnant. As such, the downsides of sexual promiscuity have been eliminated, and women are no longer required to constrain themselves to a monogamous relationship in order to have sex. They are free to have sex with whoever they want without being forced to settle for a man who will actually dedicate himself to a long-term relationship.
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And we are all familiar with the main result of this sexual liberation: a small minority of hyper successful men get to experience the vast majority of sexual encounters, and if this is not you, then you either remain a completely sexless virgin, or you have to fight for crumbs of attention from older, less attractive, or “ran-through” women who don’t respect you and will cheat on you in a heartbeat. After all, women fantasize about sexual encounters with hyper successful men, and in modern times they are free to act out this fantasy without having to worry about whether the man will stick around or not. We as a society have outgrown the “ideal” from ancient times of a 1-1 male to female pairing where sex is practically guaranteed to anyone willing to commit to a relationship. Now, your mere willingness to commit to a woman does not make you worthy of sex. Society is now embracing the fact that not all men are meant for sex.
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For many men, this is a tough pill to swallow: that just being a good guy with a decent personality does not mean that you are entitled to sex. It can feel quite frustrating when you see women in public dressed in a way that flaunts their sexuality, but you also know that this display is not for you. Furthermore, any attempt you make at flirting or trying to make a sexual advance on these women is met with extreme social blowback. Who do you think you are? Trying to “pick up women?” They’re not just sexual objects for your disgusting pleasure, perv. Learn to respect people’s boundaries. Women should be able to exist in public life without getting harassed by lonely horny men who think their provocative outfits are an invitation to disturb them. The toughest pill to swallow is the fact that yes, staring is harassment, and if you get caught making a woman uncomfortable with your inappropriate glances, you deserve to get kicked out of whatever place you’re in, and you likely will.
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“But she’s asking for it, right? With what she’s wearing, she’s advertising her sexuality on purpose! How am I supposed to completely avoid looking at her or getting an erection/orgasm?”
By learning to be an ally to women instead of a misogynist. Learn to have empathy. Does she want some creep approaching her and asking if she’s single? Or would she rather you keep your head down and mind your business? Yes, in modern times there are lots of beautiful women showing a lot of skin in public. You must learn to control yourself around them. If that’s too much for you to manage, you don’t belong in public at all.
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“But then how am I supposed to meet a woman? When I approach them in public, it’s like they can smell the virginity on me, and they always reject me. And I can’t secure any dates online either. What am I supposed to do? Just respect their decision to reject me and stop creeping them out with my unwanted advances?”
Exactly. We aren’t living in the 1900’s anymore. Just being a nice, respectful guy doesn’t give you the right to sex. The men who get all the sex have been doing so since high school. They have very large social circles, which function almost like a funnel that brings them more women to fuck, thereby increasing the scope of their social circle even further. They have social media accounts that illustrate their social dominance. After all, it’s 2024 and one of the main ways people meet their hookup partners nowadays is through Instagram DM’s or dating apps. There certainly is a positive feedback loop causing the male social elites to have sex with more and more women, whereas for a male virgin, one reason women avoid him is specifically due to his lack of experience, thus perpetuating his sexlessness.
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