#09 ghoap got me fucked up
s0fter-sin · 2 months
09 ghost sleeps curled up as tight as possible; knees tucked to his chest, arms wrapped protectively around them, wedged into the corner against the wall. anything he can to try and feel secure
that doesn't change when he finally starts staying after sex with mactavish; even with mactavish there he just can't let himself relax. can’t convince himself that he’s safe
mactavish notices; of course he does, he notices everything about riley
that's why he also notices when it starts to change
months pass and riley stops tucking his arms under his legs, instead just loosely holding them to his chest. then his legs start to relax, slowly spreading out until mactavish can fit his arm between them and his chest for riley to latch onto
it takes years, unwinding muscle by muscle before he finally sleeps splayed out across the bed. he doesn't shove himself into the corner anymore
instead, he trusts mactavish; trusts him to have his back, trusts his bulk to hide him from anyone that would burst through the door
he sleeps better with mactavish's arm slung over his waist, his stomach pressing into his back and legs tangled through his own, than he ever did curled into the corner
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furiosophie · 7 months
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it's something sinister to love without regard for dear tomorrow
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sleepystawbie · 9 months
You’re Alive
Pairing: Simon “Ghost” Riley/John “Soap” MacTavish
Rating: Explicit
Tags: 09 Ghoap, Ghost lives, trans Simon “Ghost” Riley*, life affirming sex, semi-public sex, smutty drabble, plotless, just for kicks, written fast and put away wet
Something I wrote while possessed by a horny demon over on discord to my beloved @echo-arctrooper, cleaned up and posted here for shits and giggles. Hope you like it 💛♥️💛
*words to describe Ghost’s junk: hole, tender spot, inside/s
They got the warning just in time ‘Don’t trust Shepherd’ - he and Roach were out of there like a shot. Picked their way back to the remnants of TF141, found his captain the love of his afterlife alive but swearing up a storm.
Dragged the bigger man by the bitch strap off into a corner and slammed their faces together hard enough to crack a tooth.
“You’re alive.” Soap whines between kisses.
“Fuck me!” Ghost demands, clawing at his scorched equipment.
Soap hauls Ghost up by the hips, feels a beautiful weight settle around his own, and resolves to maul his boy until the last of the fear is gone.
“You’re alive.” Soap pulls Ghost’s trousers down, struggles because there’s no way he’s letting the man go to do it.
“You’re alive.” Soap wrestles his cock out his jeans, pumps himself once, rips at Ghost’s underwear.
“You’re alive.” Soap shoves himself deep inside Ghost’s body, feels his warmth clench hard around him, works his hips so he’s fucking hard and deep.
“Alive.” Ghost gasps, whines high in Soap’s ear, “I’m alive. You’re alive.”
Neither of them are interested in taking their time, it’s a rush to cum, Soap works a hand between their bodies and rubs at Ghost’s tender spot until he cries out and clenches hard enough to bully Soap’s cum right out his balls and into Ghost’s hole.
“We’re alive.” John pants, kisses Simon’s neck, breathes the comforting smell of gunpowder and sweat on his lovers hot skin.
They would need to get back out there, to come up with some kind of plan, go rain down vengeance and righteous fury until it was over. For now, John groaned into a sweat and breath slickened neck, worked to keep his flagging cock tucked up inside to feel the last jolts of Simon’s orgasm, and finally breathed deeply once again.
Do not repost, feed to ai, claim ownership of, or expect a follow up to.
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